JAMES J. HILL PAPERS PLEASE RETPdN ORiGiNAL ORCc~ · do nDt for a moment wish to be understDod to' state that all the English manufactDries cDnduct their business in this way, fDr

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Page 1: JAMES J. HILL PAPERS PLEASE RETPdN ORiGiNAL ORCc~ · do nDt for a moment wish to be understDod to' state that all the English manufactDries cDnduct their business in this way, fDr






Page 2: JAMES J. HILL PAPERS PLEASE RETPdN ORiGiNAL ORCc~ · do nDt for a moment wish to be understDod to' state that all the English manufactDries cDnduct their business in this way, fDr



NORTH WESTERN DIVISION. lJV ~IV Dakota, Minnesota and Mo ta~, .... 1"

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H o1f.J .. A .. f.te hens J

DeRr Sir:--

~Ar . !.r Ina !la,::> rei'elTo;:d your 1 .t r .1' o:f' ~larch :~:~rd$ to

me . I am a I ltt.le surprisud at the stand taken by you In the

i'ace of :rOl'r knowledge of the Customs' rules an a!!s gOVt1rnlng

s rulle In tht:: fIrst place tlr . Hill did wronr; ' 11 accepting-t.he

gun dlen he must '18 ve known t h a t a cl:trtain al:.10tmt of duty 'ro' ld

l1avd to bd pa id. '1'he bex c or. talr4 l n~ the gun is in the hanas

of the Customs Of~icialb end cur not be rele~s€d un~il ~r . qill

gIves SOr..l'one a power of attorney to sign papers .

b/ Customs on Ie 1 als t.ha t tht:Jy have the l1a t t~r .n shape to pa.·H.

the box as SQ,)n as, pOlfer of E:.ttorney 1S gIven, O,nd 'fe cannot ~et

the gun out of their hands untll thlS 15 done. I ala ~orry

Yours trull,


Page 3: JAMES J. HILL PAPERS PLEASE RETPdN ORiGiNAL ORCc~ · do nDt for a moment wish to be understDod to' state that all the English manufactDries cDnduct their business in this way, fDr

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Page 4: JAMES J. HILL PAPERS PLEASE RETPdN ORiGiNAL ORCc~ · do nDt for a moment wish to be understDod to' state that all the English manufactDries cDnduct their business in this way, fDr




) .


A Solon Masterpiece.

T HE wonderful vase iI­I ustrated on this page has already . been referred to in this de­partment, bu an opportu-nity to pre-sent a picture of this work

of a,rt has just offered itself. The vase designed and man ufactured for Messrs. Phillips, of Oxford St., London, may perhaps be looked upon as the masterpiece of M. Solon, the eminent artist, whose name has for . many years been connected with Minton's.

This vase stands thirty-six inches high. and, as the molds have been destroyed, is practically unique; beside which, owing to the diffi­culties encountered in producing such a work, the artist will never again attempt anything of similar proportions. For two years the mold had to be kept in a moist state to enable M. Solon to . work upon it, and the whole time occu­pied in bringing it to completion was two and a half years, so it is not surprising that the vase is valued at £1,500. It is made en­tirely of colored clays, paint being altogether excluded from this kind of work

A branch of the pottery business that is attracting to a greater or less degree the attention of all potters on both sides of the Atlan­tic is " printing," or the decoration of earthen ware by transfers to the ware~ of engravings or etchings from the copper or steel plates by means of specially prepared paper known as "printer's paper." Many of the English manufacturers of white ware have made and are making extensive alterations in their plants so as to adapt their works to this class of cheap decor~tion.

Prof! Francis R. Fava, I n of Baron Fava, late Italian Minister to the United States, declares that a quarry of Jrnarble has been discovered in Virginia rivitling the fam oL s


Numidian marble which is dug out or d e­podts in Africa at great cost of time and labor. Prof. Fava is an expert geologist, and his statement has arou5eJ a great deal of interest in WashingtDn and other parts Df

this country.

Staffordshire vs. American Pot: tery.

BY Co.NSUL BURGESS, o.F TUNSTALL. Con tinued .f,'om page 52, Jan. 27.

T HERE is also great difference in the metho.ds of wnductin,g

business Dn the two sides Df the Atlantic. These differences enter into the element Df cost in many cases . A concern disposing of its. prod uct on a spot-cash basis can, of course, cDnduct its business with a much smaller investment Df capital than can Dne which is required to give extended credi.t. This is the case with many Eng­lish concerns. Their invoices are cashed on presen tation to the shipper Dr banker acting as agent for the purchaser immediately Dn the shipment ot the gDods, the only requirement being a guaranty Df actual shipment. The railway bill Df lading in these cases is sufficient. The American manufacturer, on the other hand , must wait frDm 30. days to' 4 mDnths for his returns. I do nDt for a moment wish to be understDod to' state that all the English manufactDries cDnduct their business in this way, fDr some Df the larger CDncerns do give large and extended credit to some Ameri­can houses. Havi"'g capital to in­vest in this 'way, they are glad to avail themselves of the higher rate of interest paid in the U ntted States. Nevertheless, very many Df the manufacturers transact their' business onl / Dn a cash basis.

Opportunities present themselves here to men Df small capital which are not to be found in the United States. Many Df the manufacto­ries here are nDt owned by those who. operate them, but are rented

at low rates. They rent, according to. circum­stances, at from $1,80.0. to $2, 50.0. per ann um fDr' good six-oven pottery. Add to this the rates and taxes which the tenant must pay at the rate of 4s. on £1, or three-fourths of the rental: value Df the property, Dr 20. per cent. Dn, say

Page 5: JAMES J. HILL PAPERS PLEASE RETPdN ORiGiNAL ORCc~ · do nDt for a moment wish to be understDod to' state that all the English manufactDries cDnduct their business in this way, fDr

W. F. MYRON, Agent.

't _ .



, LLuevr ~6 2 ST. PAU L, MI N N .................................................. .................... ....... 189

Page 6: JAMES J. HILL PAPERS PLEASE RETPdN ORiGiNAL ORCc~ · do nDt for a moment wish to be understDod to' state that all the English manufactDries cDnduct their business in this way, fDr

W. F. MYRON, Agoot.



ST. PAUL, MI N N . __ ____ .. _____ __ ____ _____ __________ ______ .. ___ ________________ _______ __ ______ 189

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Page 7: JAMES J. HILL PAPERS PLEASE RETPdN ORiGiNAL ORCc~ · do nDt for a moment wish to be understDod to' state that all the English manufactDries cDnduct their business in this way, fDr


J udge Green, of t he United State s Go rt for t h Distri ct of New Jersey, handed dom a d ci s ion , on Nl u. rl 18th i n the case of the Brush

Electr ' c Company and t he consol idate / El ectri c St orage ' Company ag,_i nst

the Accumulator Company, favorabl 0 t l e COl plai nants . I t will be b a ' n d a erp tual - ." njunct ion last

Dec mber agai n~ t t he Ele ct ri cal -Accumulator Compan, of N Vi Yo r k , whi ch

was succee ded n ar lo t wo year s ago by t he Acc ulator Company , i ncor po­

r ated i n Ne'l Jersey . The c Oi"nplai nants we re , t heref o 'e, cmnpell ed t o go

before h Unit d Stat es Ci r m it Court i n New Jersey i no d 1" to obtain an inj unc ion aga ' nst t ho Accumilator -Company . Thi s i njunc on was ssu d

las Sat r da' .

("W stern El ect ri ci an" - Mar ch 26/92 )

Page 8: JAMES J. HILL PAPERS PLEASE RETPdN ORiGiNAL ORCc~ · do nDt for a moment wish to be understDod to' state that all the English manufactDries cDnduct their business in this way, fDr