Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website

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  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website




    1.Weld Inspection

    2.Corrosion Inspection

    3.Tube Inspection4.Aerospace Inspection

    5.Composite Inspection


    1.Phased array




    1.Pipe Wi(ard2.Omniscan &)2

    3.Omniscan &) "CA4.&$ 5*++



    The PipeWI,A#! scanner is a compact- robust- ield/pro0en unit oerin stable andrepeatable scans.

    The scanner head is desined or IP ratin and houses a dri0in motor- an encoder- to

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    phased array probes and edes- to TO! probes and edes- and one temperature


    An hea0y/duty umbilical cable shields all necessary cables- it also includes the ater lineor couplin.

    Computer and Sot!are#uedi(ed laptop ith &icrosot Windos and PipeWI,A#! data acuisition and

    analysis sotare installed. $otare pacae includes6 Tomo7ie and Ad0anced

    Calculator sotare- &icrosot Oice- and all necessary sotare accessories.

    In"trumentat#on $o%

    The instrumentation bo8 is a compact- ruedi(ed- desined or IP4 ratin- hea0y/duty

    housin or the Tomo$can OC9$ 'T and the PW,/&C!9. It is euipped ith a heate8chaner mounted on the ront co0er and internal shoc absorbers or euipment

    protection. An e8ternal poer outlet is a0ailable on the connection panel to connect


    Ac&u#"#t#on Un#t

    The acuisition unit- a Tomo$can OC9$ 'T 4612*- oers up to 4 ocusin channelsand 12* P%# or multiple combinations o phased/array and con0entional probes.

    Motor Contro''er and Dr#(e Un#t

    The PW,/&C!9 dri0es one !C ser0o motor usin an "thernet lin.


  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    This second eneration Omni$can &)2 increases testin eiciencies- ensurin superior

    manual and ad0anced A9T application perormance ith aster setups- test cycles- and

    reportin- in addition to uni0ersal compatibility ith all phased array and ultrasoundmodules6 past- present and uture. !esined or :!T leaders- this hih/end- scalable

    platorm deli0ers true ne8t/eneration :!T perormance.

    The Omni$can &)2 oers a hih acuisition rate and ne poerul sotare eaturesor eicient manual and automated inspection perormance/ all in a portable- modular


    +a"ter I" $etter,Poerstart your day the riht ay ith the Omni$can &)2. The Omni$can &)2

    simpliies and speeds up the setup process ith its ne Weld O0erlay sotare eature- soyou can start testin immediately. eaturin the industry/standard phased array user

    interace ith aster/than/e0er perormance- a bier and brihter 1+.4 in. screen- ne

    and uniue intuiti0e touch/screen capabilities- and aster data transer- enablin you to et

    to your ne8t inspection uicer.

    More Ru--ed E(erT.e Omn#Scan M)* #" no! de"#-ned or IP//0 and 1u#'t to !#t."tand t.e drop"0

    "p#''"0 and a1u"e t2p#ca''2 occur #n t.e mo"t demand#n- #n"pect#on


    More an In"trument 4A So'ut#on Pro(#derThe Omni$can &)2 is an important part o your inspection solution- and can be

    combined ith other critical components to orm a complete inspection system. Olympus

    oers a complete product rane that includes phased array probes- scanners- analysissotare- and accessories- all o hich are interated and pacaed into rapidly

    deployable- application/speciic solutions or uic returns on your in0estment. In

    addition- Olympus oers a hih/uality calibration and repair ser0ice orldide- hichis baced by a team o phased array application e8perts to ensure that you et the support

    you need.

    "rror6 #eerence source not ound

    Touc.4Screen InteraceThe re0olutionary touch/screen interace oers simple and uic na0iation- enhanced

    te8t input unctions- and easier- aster cursor control and ate setup.

    "rror6 #eerence source not ound

    +u''4Screen ModeThe uniue ull/screen mode oers operators increased 0iein comort- in addition to

    better readability at a distance. This eature can be used in both acuisition and analysismode.

    We'd O(er'a2 W#5ardThe Weld O0erlay Wi(ard acilitates the creation o industry/standard eld o0erlays oranalysis assistance and 0olumetric la placement.

    &odule Compatibility Omni$can &)2 Omni$can &)O&:I/&/PA164&

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    O&:I/&/PA164 O&:I/&/PA1612*

    O&:I/&/PA32612* O&:I/&/PA32612*P# O&:I/&/PA32632 ;2++ 7<



    Sot!are Compat#1#'#t2

    &)9/3.)1 &)9/2.) setup and data iles Tomo7ie 2.=#12 ;or hiher

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    MS 6788E

    Tu1e In"pect#on !#t. Edd2 Current Te"t#n- 9ECT:"rror6 #eerence source not ound


    eedater heaters>eat e8chaners

    Air conditioners

    "rror6 #eerence source not ound

    "ddy current testin is a noncontact method used to inspect nonerromanetic tubin.

    This techniue is suitable or detectin and si(in metal discontinuities such ascorrosion- erosion- ear- pittin- bale cuts- all loss- and cracs in nonerrous


    "rror6 #eerence source not ound

    To coils are e8cited ith an electrical current- producin a manetic ield around

    them. The manetic ields penetrate the tube material and enerate opposin

    alternatin currents in the material. These currents are called eddy currents.Any deects that chane the eddy current lo also chane the impedance o the coils

    in the probe.

    These chanes in the impedance o the coils are measured and used to detect deects inthe tube.

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    "rror6 #eerence source not ound

    Mu't#Scan MS 6788E ;e2 +eature"

    < "#mu'taneou" re&uenc#e" per #nput3

    This eature allos inspection speeds up to 2 m%s ith 4 reuencies on absolute and

    dierential channels- ithout sinal distortion.

    E'ectron#c pro1e 1a'anc#n-3:o separate e8ternal reerence probe is reuired or absolute channel operation.

    < ECT #nput" and up to /< mu't#p'e%ed c.anne'"3 The &ulti$can? &$ 5*++" can support a lare number o "CT channels to perorm

    array probe inspections. Compared to sinle/channel inspection- the array probe

    technoloy allos aster and easier surace co0erae.

    MS 6788U

    Tu1e In"pect#on !#t. Interna' Rotat#n- In"pect#on S2"tem 9IRIS: or +errou" and

    Nonerrou" Mater#a'"

    "rror6 #eerence source not ound


    eedater heatersAir coolers

    >eat e8chaners

    "rror6 #eerence source not ound

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    The ultrasonic I#I$ option is used to inspect a ide rane o materials includin

    errous- nonerrous- and nonmetallic tubin. This techniue detects and si(es all lossresultin rom corrosion- erosion- ear- pittin- cracin- and bale cuts. Olympus

    diital I#I$ inspection technoloy is used e8tensi0ely as a pro0e/up techniue or

    remote ield testin- manetic lu8 leaae- and eddy current inspections.

    "rror6 #eerence source not ound

    Mu't#Scan MS 6788U 9IRIS: ;e2 +eature"

    Setup !#5ard$impliies euipment calibration or dierent tube diameters and materials. The

    i(ard also enerates the reportin code or the inspection.

    Rea'4t#me -a#n and -ate contro'"

    9T settins can be modiied durin the C/scan acuisition to uicly optimi(e sinaldetection.

    Rea'4t#me and cont#nuou" co'or C4"can"#educes missed las ith C/scan displays. "nhance the uality and appearance o

    your reports by includin color maps and cross/section 0ies o deects.

    +u'' tu1e4'en-t. record#n-

    9sed to analy(e data oline and assess results ith the customer.

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    MS 6788R

    Tu1e In"pect#on !#t. Remote +#e'd Te"t#n- 9R+T:"rror6 #eerence source not ound


    eedater heaters

    Carbon steel heat e8chaners"rror6 #eerence source not ound

    #emote ield testin ;#T< is bein used to successully inspect erromanetic tubinsuch as carbon steel or erritic stainless steel. This technoloy oers ood sensiti0ity

    hen detectin and measurin 0olumetric deects resultin rom erosion- corrosion-

    ear- and bale cuts.

    Olympus remote ield probes and the &ulti$can? &$ 5*++ are used to successullyinspect heat e8chaners- eedater heaters- and boiler tubes- around the orld.

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    Tu1e In"pect#on !#t. Near +#e'd Te"t#n- 9N+T:Air coolers

    Carbon steel heat e8chaners"rror6 #eerence source not ound

    The near ield testin ;:T< technoloy is a rapid and ine8pensi0e solution intended

    speciically or in/an carbon/steel tubin inspection. This ne technoloy relies on a

    simple dri0er/picup eddy current probe desin pro0idin 0ery simple sinal analysis.:T is speciically suited or the detection o internal corrosion- erosion- or pittin on

    the inside o carbon steel tubin. The :T probes measure lit/o or ill actor and

    con0ert it to amplitude/based sinals ;no phase analysis

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    Mu't#Scan MS 6788R ;e2 +eature" 9R+T:

    R+T !#t. up to our d#erent re&uenc#e" and rea'4t#me m#%e"3This eatureallos more le8ibility or mi8in and deect 0alidation. The detection and si(in o

    las at the support plate becomes easier ith multireuency inspections and dual/

    dri0er operations.

    R+T !#t. re&uenc#e" ran-#n- rom *8 H5 to *68 =H53The hih reuency a0ailable ith the &ulti$can &$ 5*++#? e8tends the #T

    inspection to thin materials ith lo permeability- such as the stainless steel 4++

    series and other erromanetic alloys.


    Edd2 Current Arra2 In"pect#onEdd2 Current Arra2'o-2

    "ddy current array ;"CA< technoloy pro0ides the ability to electronically dri0e and readse0eral eddy current sensors positioned side by side in the same probe assembly. !ata

    acuisition is made possible throuh the use o multiple8in- hich a0oids mutual

    inductance beteen indi0idual coils.The Omni$can "CA test coniuration supports 32 sensor coils ;up to 4 ith ane8ternal multiple8er< orin in bride or transmit/recei0e mode. The operatin

    reuency ranes rom 2+ >( to &>( ith the option o usin multiple reuencies in

    the same acuisition.

    $ene#t" o Edd2 Current Arra2"

    Compared to sinle/channel eddy current technoloy- eddy current array technoloy

    pro0ides the olloin beneits6

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    !ramatically reduces inspection time.

    Co0ers a lare area in a sinle pass.

    #educes the comple8ity o mechanical and robotic scannin systems.Pro0ides real/time cartoraphy o the inspected reion- acilitatin data interpretation.

    Is ell suited to comple8 part eometry.

    Impro0es reliability and probability o detection ;PO!

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    The typical coniuration or the application uses6 the CO@#A scanner- to A15 lo/

    proile phased array probes ith $A15 edes- the E probe adaptor- and the Omni$can&)2 PA 164.

    "rror6 #eerence source not ound

    The solution uses lo/proile phased array probes ith optimi(ed ele0ation ocusin-

    hich impro0es the detection o small deects in thin/all pipes.

    The CO@#A scanner can also be coniured or pipe/to/component eld inspections.

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    We'dROVER Scanner

    The Weld#O7"# is a simple- industrial/strenth- one/a8is encoded motori(ed scanner

    that pro0ides ully automated data acuisition. It maes eicient phased array eld

    inspections on erromanetic pipin or 0essel usin up to probes. 9T- TO!- PA.

    +u''2 Automated UT We'd In"pect#onThe Weld#O7"#? is a perect addition to the Olympus amily o scanners orcustomers that reuire a more stable inspection than is pro0ided by manual scanners- and

    in a more economical pacae than the hih/production (one/discrimination systems

    typically used in oshore pipeline construction.

    The Weld#O7"# is a simple- industrial/strenth- one/a8is encoded scanner that pro0idesthe customer ith a ully mechani(ed automated data acuisition. It is desined to mae

    ast and eicient phased array inspections on erromanetic pipin or 0essel irth elds

    and lon seams ith minimum trainin and setup time. The scanner can be coniuredith up to si8 probes or phased array- TO!- and con0entional 9T inspection.

    The Weld#O7"# could not be easier to use. It is operated by a simple to/button remote

    control ith 0ariable speeds. The scanner interaces ith the Omni$can &) orTomo$can OC9$ 'T1 directly ithout the need or comple8 sotare- motion

    controller electronics- or coniuration. 9se o the laser/uide indicator helps the operator

    to manually adDust the scanner direction usin the steerin le0er. This allos acuirin

    precision data ithout the need or uide bands- comple8 tracin systems- or motori(ed

    steerin capability. It is the perect it or the company oerin ully mechani(ed-automated phased array ;A9T< inspection ser0ices. 'ess than one hour o trainin is

    reuired or any customer that has completed the basic Omni$can course.


    Can support up to si8 probes or TO!- phased array- or pulse/echo inspections

    Constant scannin speed control or smooth data acuisition at any speeds

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    Compact motion controller alloin 1+ dierent scan speeds rom 5 mm%s to 5+


    $imple to/button remote control or Do or constant encoded motion either inbacards or orard direction

    !ata acuisition usin Omni$can or Tomo$can OC9$ 'T instrumentation ith less

    than 5 minutes coniuration time The our industrial/strenth manetic heels are dri0en or use on erromanetic


    Interated ater maniold or simple and eicient couplant deli0ery

    "merency/stop button located on the scanner

    'aser uide indicator helps the operator to ollo the eld centerline or any other

    inspection reerence

    #oom to interate a remote pulser%preampliier or impro0ed TO!/P%" inspections

    !i0isible cable conduit umbilical oers cable protection and coniuration le8ibility.

    &inimal time needed or probe reconiuration.

    Waterproo ;IP5ih/perormance corrosion mappin or rouh and une0en suraces

    "asy ate synchroni(ation ith the ront all or O! and I! corrosion monitorin.

    Wede relection is eliminated.

    Couplin is optimi(ed.

    Pro0ides e8cellent near/surace resolution.>ydroO#& utili(es an inenious ater/column concept that eliminates the need or a

    ede- thus pro0idin the beneits o a phased array immersion/tan inspection. This

    concept- hich uses a lo/lo ater supply and consumable asets- oers e8cellentsurace conormance and optimi(ed couplin conditions- e0en on rouh suraces.@y e8ploitin ate synchroni(ation ith the interace echo a0ailable in the Omni$can

    sotare- the >ydroO#& pro0ides optimum near/surace resolution- precision

    measurements- and an enormous impro0ement in la characteri(ation o0er con0entional9T.

    "rror6 #eerence source not ound)E mappin principle on pipes ith the >ydroO#& and C>AI: scanner.

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    Re%o+ORMFuic and easy corrosion mappin or smooth suraces and limited access areas

    $maller- lihter- and perect or limited access areas ;rope accessAI: $canner- and the H'I!"# scanner- to

    name a e."rror6 #eerence source not ound

    "8ample o beam possibilities ith the #e8oO#& and A14 probe.


    Scanner Tec.n#ca' Matr#%One/A8is $canner )/E $canner

    In"pect#on'o-2 Manua' Motor#5ed Manua'

    Con0entional ultrasonics






    C>AI: $canner/)EH'I!"#WI:H $canner






    C>AI: $canner/)E

  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Ndt SoADVANCED NDT SOLUTIONS -Website.Doclutions -Website


    Phased array









    &ini/Wheel Inde8er/Clicer

    7ersa&O9$"C>AI: $canner/)E

    >ydroO#& C>AI:


    H'I!"#WI:H $canner

    Phased array and TO!>$&T/Compact>$&T/le8



    C>AI: $canner/)E

    Scanner App'#cat#on Matr#%Scanner Mode' We'd Corro"#on Aero"pace







    C>AI: $cannerH'I!"#

    WI:H $canner