Last Revised 04.17.2019 1 State of the Cluster Grady April 17, 2019 Grady High School

Jackson Cluster State of the Cluster

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Last Revised 04.17.2019 1

State of the ClusterGradyApril 17, 2019

Grady High School


Welcome & Introductions

Cluster Overview

Updates on Cluster Schools

Cluster Data Dig

Question & Answer

Last Revised 04.17.2019 2

Welcome & Introductions

Last Revised 04.17.2019 3

Cluster Mission:

To ensure every student will graduate

ready for college and career.

Cluster Vision:

To become a high-performing cluster

where educators inspire, families engage,

and students love to learn.

Hope Hill ES


Welcome & Introductions

Cluster Overview

Updates on Cluster Schools

Cluster Data Dig

Question & Answer

Last Revised 04.17.2019 4

Grady Cluster Schools

Last Revised 04.17.2019 5

Grady HSPrincipal B. Bockman

1389 Students

Inman MSPrincipal K. Maxwell

1065 Students

Springdale Park ESPrincipal T. Harness

739 Students

Mary Lin ESPrincipal S. Briscoe

662 Students

FTE 2019-1: PK-12 Enrollment

Hope-Hill ESPrincipal M. Wheeler

446 Students

Morningside ESPrincipal A. Sofianos

938 Students

Centennial Academy (K-8)Interim Head of Schools T. Lamar

812 Students

Kindezi Old Fourth Ward (K-8)Interim Principal R. Bhalakia

1417 Students

Grady Cluster Plan

Last Revised 04.17.2019 6

Cluster Priorities Strategic Impact Vision





1. Foster learning that prepares students for college, career and citizenship.

2. Develop school effectiveness that uses tools to measure, analyze and communicate student progress.

• Rigorous • Personalized • Collaborative • Inquiry-based • Adaptable • Promote Growth • Contextual

3. Offer ongoing professional development that provides instructional strategies and teaching approaches.

• Equitable • Collaborative • Student-focused • Facilitated • Flexible

4. Provide an effective learning environment, encompassing physical assets, human resources, and support.

• Security • Capacity • Technology • Support • Budget • Resources

5. Create a supportive school culture rooted in engagement and strengths

• Open • Advocating • Visionary • Distributed

A high-performingcluster where

educatorsinspire, families

engage, andstudents love

to learn.

Signature Programming


MaysNorth Atlanta



South AtlantaWashington



APS has three distinct signature programs across the nine clusters and single-gender schools.

Last Revised 04.17.2019 7

Signature Programming – Program Commonalities

Although the signature programs are different, they do have some common elements.• 21st century skills

• Accelerated coursework

• Business & community engagement

• Career awareness & exposure

• College-level courses

• CTAE pathways

• Fine arts emphasis

• Inquiry-based learning

• Interdisciplinary teaching

• Media, information & communication technology

• Real-world content

• Rigorous coursework

• Social emotional learning

• Strong science & math offerings

• Student reflection

• Student-centered

• Teacher training

• Technology innovation/integration

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Signature Programming – Program Uniqueness

• Focus on Core Subjects (3Rs)

• 21st Century Learning Themes

• Information Media & Technology Skills

• Learning and Innovative Skills (5Cs)

• Focus on Advanced Learning

• Options for Dual Enrollment

• Life & Career Skills• Work-based Learning

• School-wide PreK-10th• IB Authorization Process• IB Program Evaluation

Process• IB Learner Profile• International

Mindedness • Concept-based Units• Approaches To Learning• Multilingualism• Global Contexts• Action/Service

• STEM Certification Process

• GADOE STEM Framework

• Science and Math Focus• Project-based Learning• Teacher Endorsements• Student Internships• Technology Integration• Stem-related



Last Revised 04.17.2019 9

College & Career-Readiness Signature Program: School Implementation Status

Last Revised 04.17.2019 10

Beginning (1 School)

Intermediate(2 Schools)

Advanced(7 Schools)

• Perkerson ES • Finch ES• Sylvan MS

• Hope Hill ES• Inman MS• Mary Lin ES• Morningside ES• Springdale Park ES• Carver EC High• Grady HS

CCR Program Phasing 2018-2019

Last Revised 04.17.2019 11

Beginning (1 School)

Intermediate(2 Schools)

Advanced(7 Schools)

• Investigate the instructional delivery and organizational structure of P21 and where applicable implement components of the model

• Budget for CCR supports and resources

• Develop a College Career Readiness(CCR) culture in schools (e.g. college zones/centers)

• Site-based CCR training begins with administrators and support personnel

• Explore options to offer accelerated learning (e.g. training, scheduling)

• Provide students with college and career exposure

• Schools continue to implement components of the P21 Instructional Framework

• Continued budgeting for CCR supports and resources (Program Specialist and 21st Century Learning space, etc.)

• Development and Implementation of Individual P21 Road Maps

• Professional Learning for Instructional staff on P21 strategies

• Interdisciplinary collaboration of teachers

• Provide students with additional college and career awareness, exploration and cultural experiences/activities

• Full implementation of all components of the P21 Instructional Framework

• On-going professional Learning in concentrated areas

• Well established College and Career Readiness culture in the schools

• Continued interdisciplinary collaboration of teachers

• Participation in College and Career Readiness activities

• Provide students specific college and career awareness, exploration and cultural experiences/activities

• May submit application to P21 to be considered a “P21 Exemplar school”

School FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22

Hope Hill

Mary Lin

Springdale Park




Grady Cluster: College & Career Signature Program Phasing

Last Revised 04.17.2019 12

College & Career Ready

Intermediate Phase II

Advanced Phase III

BeginningPhase I

College & Career Ready

Intermediate Phase II

Advanced Phase III

BeginningPhase I

College & Career Ready

Intermediate Phase II

Advanced Phase III

BeginningPhase I

College & Career Ready

Intermediate Phase II

Advanced Phase III

BeginningPhase I

College & Career Ready

Intermediate Phase II

Advanced Phase III

BeginningPhase I

College & Career Ready

Intermediate Phase II

Advanced Phase III

BeginningPhase I


Welcome & Introductions

Cluster Overview

Updates on Cluster Schools

Cluster Data Dig

Question & Answer

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Last Revised 04.17.2019 14

Henry W. Grady High School : Quick Facts

Last Revised 04.17.2019 15

Henry W. Grady High School: FY ‘20 Budget Update

Last Revised 04.17.2019 16

o Proposed budget for general operation of school is $11,858,271o Full-time Social Workero Full-time Band Directoro Additional support for SST Intervention Specialisto Additional support for Signature Program Specialisto Continue replacing aging Promethean Boards

Henry W. Grady High School : Technology Update

Last Revised 04.17.2019 17

The Grady High School Foundation continues to support Grady by raising funds for student laptops. At least 250 laptops and 5 carts to house them have been purchased to assist Grady in reaching a 1 to 1 student to laptop ratio in the near future. 910 laptops are in the school as of April 15th.

Grady High SchoolSPLOST 2017 Fact Sheet


Project Scope Outline

Select renovations and improvements may include butnot be limited to the following items:

• Classroom addition – approx. $22M

• Needs identified in the Facility Condition Assessment – approx. $11M

– Updated HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems– Improvements to roofing– Select interior finishes improvements to

classroom, support & administrative spaces– New interior lighting and signage– Updated low voltage, data, voice, video, life

safety and security systems– Improvements to exterior building envelope– Improved monument signage– Improved exterior lighting– Improved sidewalk and landscape– Improvements to storm water system

Construction Budget = $28,100,000 Project Budget = $33,000,000

Includes design, construction, testing, hazmat, FFE & relocation

Tentative Project ScheduleDesign Start Design Complete

May 2018Dec 2019

Construction Start Jan 2020Construction Complete Jul 2021

Last Revised 04.17.2019

Henry W. Grady High School: School Highlights, Areas of Focus & Celebrations• Graduation Rate (4-Year Cohort) increased nearly three points to 91.3% (SWD 76.7%).

• 619 students took 1,355 AP exams last school year. Students awarded over $26,000 from NMSI for earning qualifying scores.

• 10th year as Speech and Debate State Champion

• 4 Posse Scholars attending George Washington University, College of Wooster, Boston University, and Brandeis University

• 5 National Merit Finalists and 1 National Merit Scholar

• Won awards at DECA International Conference, HOSA, and FBLA

• 7 Georgia Honors Program Finalist in engineering, social studies, mathematics, theatre, and communicative arts

• 4 students accepted to Military Academy (West Point, Air Force Academy, and Navy Academy)

• Student nominated for Best Supporting Actor in a Musical through the Schuler Awards

• 3 students received 2019 Blinkie Award for “Advocate of the Year” for bike safety; Grady Pedestrian Safety Coalition recognized by Streets Atlanta

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Henry W. Grady High School : Next Steps

Last Revised 04.17.2019 20

Two on-site college dual enrollment programs SY 2019-2020

•Georgia State University (Perimeter Campus) College X Program•Atlanta Technical College Early College Essentials Program (earning 19 college credits)

Focusing on mental health with a full-time mental health clinician with a partnership with Chris180.

Partnering with the Georgia Film Academy to offer Dramatic Film Writing Course.

Henry W. Grady High School : Partnerships & Support

Last Revised 04.17.2019 21

•Caron (Project Connect)•Constellations Center for Equity in Computing (Computer Science)•Grady High School Foundation•Grady High School PTO•Georgia Tech (Robotics)


Last Revised 04.17.2019 22

INMAN: Quick Facts

o Enrollment• FTE 1,065 Today 1054

▪ 374-6th▪ 328-7th▪ 352-8th

o Ethnicity Breakdown: • Asian 3%• Multiracial 6%• Hispanic 8%• Black 30%• White 54%

o Free & Reduced Lunch: 19%

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INMAN: FY’20 Budget Update

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o Proposed budget for general operation of school is $9,115,434.o School Business Manager (SBM)o Full-Time SST/RTI/504 School Specialisto Full-Time Latin positiono 2 Full-Time Administrative Assistantso Science/Technology Skills Connections positiono Connection exploratory classes will be 9-weeks

INMAN: Technology Update o 1:1 Initiative

• APS Digital Bridge • Chromebooks for 8th Grade

o 50% of teachers are Google Certified. Admin & Office Staff also certified.

o Entire staff Google Applied Digital Skills certified

o Virtual Field Trips via Google Expedition Kit

o 12 Staff Members attended Georgia Education Technology Conference

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INMAN: School Highlights, Areas of Focus & Celebrations

o PBIS • Saturday School • Incentives; positive language

o 70% of Core Teachers are Gifted Certifiedo Student ranked 3rd in state Technology

and Innovation Conferenceo 7 Students advanced to the MathCON

finals in Chicago, IL.o Music students participated in workshops

in Orlando.o Debate Team, 2nd Place. o Repeat APS Girls Soccer Champions

Last Revised 04.17.2019 26

Howard Middle SchoolSPLOST 2017 Fact Sheet


Project Scope Outline

Additions & modifications to create a new 1,375 student middle school may include but not be limited to the following items:

• Classroom and support space additions• Renovated classroom, support & admin spaces• Updated exterior finish• New Auditorium, Media Center, Cafeteria & Kitchen• New windows, doors and hardware• New interior finishes, lighting and signage• New entry features, canopies, etc.• New hardscape and landscape• New monument signage and exterior lighting• New fencing and gates• New HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems• New low voltage, data, voice, video systems• New life safety and security systems• Improved security and access to Main Office• Improved identity of main, bus & carpool entry• Improved bus, carpool, pedestrian ADA accessibility• Improved visitor and staff parking• Improved security through environmental design

Construction Budget = $42,000,000 Project Budget = $52,000,000

Includes design, construction, testing, hazmat, FFE & relocation

Tentative Project ScheduleDesign StartDesign Complete

Jan 2017Jun 2018

Construction Start Jul 2018Construction Complete Jul 2020

Last Revised 04.17.2019

INMAN: Next Steps

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o Continue to w/ our 5 C’s as we focus on being a College & Career Cluster/School

o Predicted PBIS schoolo Connections 6th grade: Students will receive skills for

adolescents & digital citizenship.o Common Formative Assessments: Scheduled, non-graded

6 question assessments biweekly. o Howard Middle School Transition Team

INMAN: Partnerships & Support

Last Revised 04.17.2019 29


Last Revised 04.17.2019 30

Morningside Elementary: Quick Facts

o Enrollment: FTE 936, Today 941, Projected Next Year 952

o Ethnicity Breakdown: • Asian 7%• Black or African-American 10%• Hispanic/Latino 9%• Two or More Races 7%• White 67%

o Free and Reduced Lunch: FY2018 9.55%

o Mascot: The Dolphins!

Last Revised 04.17.2019 31

Morningside Elementary: FY’20 Budget Update

o The proposed budget for the general operations of the school are reflected at $ 8,276,917

o Part-time Art, Music and PE Teachers dedicated to the Kindergarten Center

o Additional ½ time Counseloro Hourly Paraprofessionals for Garden Enrichment, Media Center,

Kindergarten Center, & Main Campus supporto Lunch/Recess Restructure – MORE Recess!o Stipends for Teacher Leaders: Saturday Tutorial Leader, Resources

Manager, Academic & Athletic Club Leaders, Grade Chairso 3rd grade will receive Spanish Exposure, along with 4th & 5th Grades

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Morningside Elementary: Technology Update

Last Revised 04.17.2019 33

IPads Chromebooks Wyse Clients Interactive Boards

45 - K center 770 1-4 per classroom 1 per class

18 - Art Up to 10 in K – 2 based on class size

Phasing out this technology

55 total

2- Dolphin Action News

Carts in 3rd – 5th

GradesConnectivity issues Brands: Recordex or


Donors Choose teacher grants

1 additional cart May 2019 (30)

Software issues Additional Promethean Wall & Promethean Table

Morningside ElementarySPLOST 2017 Fact Sheet

Last Revised 04.17.2019 34

Project Scope Outline

Select renovations and improvements may include but not be limited to the following items:

• Select improvements to classroom, support & administrative spaces

• Improvements to Auditorium & Performing Arts• Improvements to Media Center• Improvements to Cafeteria & Kitchen• Improved security and access to Main Office• Improved security through environmental design• Improved monument signage and exterior lighting• Improved and fencing and gates• New interior finishes, lighting and signage• Updated HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems• Updated low voltage, data, voice, video, life safety

and security systems• Improved hardscape and landscape

Construction Budget = $17,000,000 Project Budget = $20,000,000

Includes design, construction, testing, hazmat, FFE & relocation

Tentative Project ScheduleDesign StartDesign Complete

Sep 2019Dec 2020

Construction Start Jan 2021 Construction Complete Jul 2022

Morningside Elementary: School Highlights, Areas of Focus & Celebrations

Last Revised 04.17.2019 35

Kamren & Zane – 1st

Place Science Fair District & State Winners

Governors Office of Student Achievement - Platinum Award for Highest Achieving, Beat the Odds Designation, APS Student Attendance Awards, Top 10 in State CCRPI

Triathlon team – 75 student participants (K-5) led by Coach & PE Teacher Nussear

Featured on Yale’s Center for Dyslexia and Creativity Website

K-9 Reading assistance program

70% of our certified staff are Orton Gillingham trained

News Studio WDAN Student Run

“Dolphin Action News”

Morningside Elementary: Next Steps

Last Revised 04.17.2019 36

Build a plan for a 21st Century classroom experience that

prepares students for college and career

Exploring Additional STEAM Integration, Project Based Learning, Design Thinking

New Annual Events: International Night,

Black History Program

Adding Hispanic Heritage Program

Continue Elementary

School Resource Officer, School

Business Manager

Morningside: Partnerships & Support

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Last Revised 04.17.2019 38

Hope Hill Elementary: Quick Facts

Enrollment: 446 (PK- 5)Ethnicity Breakdown:91% Black4% White4% Hispanic1% 2 or moreF&R Lunch: 78%Mascot: Eagles

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Hope Hill Elementary : FY’20 Budget Update

Budget: $4,643,002

● Added an additional EIP teacher for a total of 4 EIP teachers● Adding full time para pros in 1st grade● Adding dance and theater classes● Adding two behavior coaches● Adding two full time office clerks● Will continue second year of OG training with REAP● Maintaining 3 Core teachers at each grade level

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Hope-Hill Elementary: Technology Update

● We currently have 1:1 technology K-1 have iPads and 2-5 have Chromebooks.

●Promethean boards are in every class, but need refreshing.

●Quality headphones are our greatest need.

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Hope Hill Elementary: School Highlights, Areas of Focus & Celebrations

Last Revised 04.17.2019 42

Highlights and Celebrations

● Highest growth in the District on 2018 Milestones● Recognized as Beating the Odds School for third consecutive year● Beginning Arts Integration Program next year with the addition of dance and theater classes● First school in the District to have every classroom outfitted with 21st century learning furniture● First school in Georgia to implement the LU interactive playground● Eagle News Network – student run morning news show● 75 active academic mentors ● Inaugural school music in 2018 – Jungle Book, 2nd school musical May 16th – Little Mermaid● 100% of teachers received year-long OG training through REAP (Reading Is Essential For All

People) ● Parapros in all K-2 classrooms to reduce class size

Focus Areas

● Continue to focus on Early Literacy, especially the transition years between 2nd and 3rd gradeImplement a consistent school-wide writing plan

Hope-Hill Elementary: Next Steps

Last Revised 04.17.2019 43

● Develop a comprehensive school-wide writing plan

● Continue to work with the APS Fine Arts Department to implement Arts Integration in collaboration with the Alliance Theatre

● Continue year two of Orton Gillingham (OG) training

● Maximize master schedule to allow for vertical planning and increased time to analyze data

Hope Hill Elementary: Partnerships & Support

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Springdale Park Elementary: Quick Facts

Last Revised 04.17.2019 46

American Indian & Pacific Islander - 2%

Asian - 5%

Black – 12%

Hispanic – 10%

Multi-Racial – 9%

White - 62%

Free & Reduced Lunch -12%

School Mascot – Dragon (SPARKY the Dragon)

Springdale Park Elementary:FY’20 Budget Update

Budget: $6,299,884

● Adding an additional 3rd, 4th and 5th grade teacher while bringing overall class size down to 21-23 students in K-3 & 23 – 25 students in 4th and 5th grades

● Addition of a STEM Program Specialist to better support our teachers in the areas of Math, Science and Technology

● Full Time – Special ED Lead Teacher● Half Time – SST/RTI Coordinator● School Transition Coordinator – Assist families new to SPARK

and assess students prior to enrollment for baseline data ● Additional Instructional Paras added for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th

Last Revised 04.17.2019 47

Springdale Park Elementary: Technology Update

• 450 Chromebooks(15 carts) – 2 carts/grade level

• 90 iPads(3 carts) – Kindergarten

• 160 Desktops (5 Desktops in each HR)

• 30 Desktops (Computer Lab)

• 120 iPads (Issued to 1st Grade in the 2019-2020 school year)

• Total of 850 devices in the building for student use.

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Springdale Park Elementary: Highlights

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• Balanced Literacy Framework and the Workshop Model for current research based best practices for Individualized Reading Assessments

• Environmental Science – All Students are exposed to one of our tenants of “BE Green” ○ Focus on recycling○ Environmental Consciousness ○ Gardening and Sustainability (Farm to Table)○ Hands on Learning

• Science Fair – 5 students received awards from the district and 3 students placed either 1st or 2nd in the state.

• Ruffin Reading Bowl – 3rd in the District(Consistently performing in the top 3 or 4 of the district)

• Ezra Jack Keats Book Making Competition(Authentic Authors for real audiences)

Springdale Park Elementary: Area of Focus -Literacy

Last Revised 04.17.2019 50

• Met the goal to Increase the % of students scoring Proficient and Above in 7 out of 8 of the winter STAR assessments areas in grades Kindergarten - 5.

• State of the Art Leveled Book Room using curating collections from the Teachers College at Columbia University

• Each month almost 4500 books circulate through the media center to students

• Media Center Renovation to make it a 21st Century Learning Commons for Elementary

Springdale Park Elementary: Celebrations

❖ Attendance Rate is up compared last year’s attendance rate. 96.5% of our students with 6 or less absences

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❖ Suspension Rate is at 0%

Springdale Park Elementary: Next Steps

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● Continue to implement personalized learning experiences across all content areas in all grade levels

Springdale Park: Partnerships & Support

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Last Revised 04.17.2019 54

Mary Lin Elementary: Quick Facts o Enrollment

• FTE: 666 students• Today: 665 students• Projected 2019-2020: 669 students

o Ethnicity Breakdown• Asian: 2%• Hispanic/Latino: 7%• Black or African American: 12%• White: 71%• Two or more races: 8%

o Free and Reduced Lunch: 5%

o School Mascot: The Rockets!

Last Revised 04.17.2019 55

Mary Lin Elementary: FY’20 Budget Update o The proposed budget for the general operations of the school are

reflected at $5,850,144o Hiring a Literacy Coach to support K-5 Reading and English Language

Arts instructiono Technology Lab will be staffed with a certified teachero Band/Orchestra offered for all 4th and 5th grade studentso Survey of Musical Ensembles offered for 3rd grade studentso Spanish Exposure for all Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students

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Mary Lin Elementary: Technology Update

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o Classroom Technology• Document Cameras in every

classroom• Interactive Whiteboards in every

classroom• 4-5 Desktop computers in every


o Portable Technology• 7 Traditional Laptop/Chromebook

Carts• 5 Touchscreen Chromebook Carts• 1 iPad Cart

Mary Lin ElementarySchool Highlights, Areas of Focus & Celebrations

Last Revised 04.17.2019 58

o School Highlights:• CCRPI - 93.1• 4-Star Climate Rating • “Beat the Odds” Designation• Mary Lin Education Foundation’s Annual

Rocket Fuel Fund - Raised $175,000

o Areas of Focus:• Increasing the number of students

experiencing high growth in English Language Arts as reported by the GA Milestones Assessment

• Developing a Culture of Writing Third Grade honors Kehinde Wiley on 2019 Art Night

Mary Lin ElementarySchool Highlights, Areas of Focus & Celebrations

Last Revised 04.17.2019 59

o Celebrations:• APS Tech Fair Awards

▪ Nico Maximuk & Dylan Corbett, 1st place, 3D Modeling

▪ Benjamin Ille & Dalton Troxell-Capello, 2nd place, 3D Modleing

• Fifth Grade placed 3rd and Fourth Gradeplaced 4th in Global Issues Team Problem Solving (Georgia Future Problem Solvers)

• Adam Rajewski, 5th Grade, Advanced to Georgia State GeoBee

• Gabrielle Witmer, 5th Grade, Mary Lin’s Carson Scholar

• Principal Sharyn Briscoe selected for the Columbia University Teachers College Cahn Fellowship for Distinguished Principals

• Dr. Zenobia Johnson, Media Specialist of the Year

Mary Lin Elementary: Next Steps

Last Revised 04.17.2019 60

● Hire a Literacy Coach

● Increase the number of teachers who are gifted endorsed

● Two Capital Improvement Projects:- Turf playground- Install sunshade

Mary Lin Elementary: Partnerships & SupportPLATINUMo The Alberto Atlanta Leasing & Investmento Buckhead Pediatric Dentistryo Georgia Landscape Supplyo Horizons Kidso Hughes Printingo Intown Animal Hospitalo Panacea Plastic Surgery & Spa

GOLDo Contact Pointo Fox Bros BBQo Fred's Meat and Bread/Yalla!o Hire Dynamicso Intown Tumblingo Old Fourth Ward Distilleryo Pelle Developmento Sweet Auburn BBQo Ztunes

Last Revised 04.17.2019 61

SILVERo Intown Ace Hardwareo Lake Claire Neighborso Little 5 Points Pediatricso Midway Pubo Morningside Pediatric Dentistryo Spunky Arts/Note & Key

BRONZEo Inman Park Dentistryo Jazmin Spao Kid Chesso Movement Arts Atlantao Point Office Architecture & Designo Salon Fiveo San Francisco Coffeeo Smarty Pants Intown Tutoringo Social Arts Atlantao Winn Real Estate/Keller Williams

Intown Atlanta - Arvie Magnuson

TITANIUMAndre De Winter

Compass Real Estate

Steve RaimondeKeller Knapp Real Estate


Welcome & Introductions

Cluster Overview

Updates on Cluster Schools

Cluster Data Dig

Question & Answer

Last Revised 04.17.2019 62

Cluster Data Dig

o Enrollment TrendsEnrollment by Race/Ethnicity

o Milestones Performance Drill DownEOG & EOC 2018 Percentage Proficient & Above

o CCRPI Performance Drill DownCCRPI PercentilesCCRPI Category Percentiles

o GraduationGrad Rate - APS 2018 Cohort by SchoolGrad Rates Over Time

Last Revised 04.17.2019 63

Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity: APS and Cluster


APS Student Enrollment Over Time: APS APS Student Enrollment Over Time: Grady Cluster

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Note: Cluster graph does not include charter schools; October FTE figures

EOG Milestones Results:2018 Percentage Proficient and Above

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EOG Milestones Results:2018 Percentage Proficient and Above

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EOG Milestones Results:2018 Percentage Proficient and Above

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High EOC Milestones Results:2018 Percentage Proficient and Above

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Performance Drill Down: CCRPI

• GaDOE gives each school a score based on a 100-point index

• Includes many indicators but Milestones matters the most

• Because of updates to calculations, the standard CCRPI score is not comparable across years but the state percentile rank of scores is.

• http://ccrpi.gadoe.org/2018/

• https://apsinsights.org/2018/10/29/2018-ccrpi-results/

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Performance Drill Down: Elementary School CCRPI Percentiles

*When using the percentile view, “3 Year Avg” is the percentile rank of the school’s three year average

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Performance Drill Down: Elementary School CCRPI Category Percentiles

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Performance Drill Down: Middle School CCRPI Percentiles

*When using the percentile view, “3 Year Avg” is the percentile rank of the school’s three year average

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Performance Drill Down: Middle School CCRPI Category Percentiles

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Performance Drill Down: High School CCRPI Percentiles

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*When using the percentile view, “3 Year Avg” is the percentile rank of the school’s three year average

Performance Drill Down:High School CCRPI Category Percentiles

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Performance Drill Down: Graduation Rate

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Percentage of students who graduate high school in four years

• Based on a cohort of students who start high school at the same


A 2018 graduation rate of 75% means that 75% of students

who started high school in 2014-15 graduated in four years.

Students who transfer are removed from the cohort


Performance Drill Down: Graduation Rate

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Performance Drill Down: Graduation Rate

Last Revised 04.17.2019 78


District Data Website Build on the APS Data Blog Help parents better understand school performance and school

options Accessible and useful to a range of users Mobile-friendly

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Mary Lin ES


Last Revised 04.16.2019 81

Grady High School

Last Revised 04.16.2019 82

Last Revised 04.16.2019 83

Board Approved Action (December 4, 2017)

Last Revised 05.07.2018 84

DRAFT: Grady CAT January 2019 85

Draft Timeline: Last Revised February 2019 86

Next Steps Timeline 2020-2022 (Updated)