7 = t 3j7 q- f J fJi r p f 10 THE SUN SUNDAY OCTOBER a 1886TWELVE PAGES i f Ix Jlf- ru A TEACUER OF BUDDHISM I s IJIUHJV1 UOnVN CIIATTBDJEB COUIHO I t XO XUK VNIIK- UUr lrXB A r airmen Alae Announead to Lee lure la Amerlcnn Oludenla ef Jlnddklsm- Ikle Winter ITNat lltidJklstu Tenckea f I Tho onnotmcoincnt inado In THE Buv Inst Bunday that Now York Is to havo a place of i trorshlpor public mootlniffor the rapldlyitrow Ii Inc Uuddhlst societies has created much In- terest ¬ In consequence of IL tho Now York r Aryan Thoosophlcal Society at 1U meeting last 3 f week was attended byttranuori neeklng the Bfimea of the officer and wanting Information tolatlvo to tho matter The meetings of this ocloty are open only to members and the transfers woro unable to soouro tho desired particulars TUB HUN stated that Eastern j i teachers had boon Intorosted In the efforts i f ol thoto who ask for Instruction In < this country and In several instances Western pupils hal como In direct con- tact ¬ I with tho priests of this religion In r Europe and India Vrom private advices Itls I I learned that a Hindoo cradunto ot Ibo Univer- sity ¬ i I at Bombay and a hluh cute Brahmin I ZIohlnl Mohun Chatterjce Is to como to the L United States from London shortly IIo hilt boon teaohlntt London and on Continent t anti Is now to oomo hero whoro ho11I under- take f the active work of the Guru on his ar- rival ¬ lie has tho approval of the Brotherhood- in i Thibet and hits workod with the sanction ol I this body In Europe for tho vast two years I Whon bo roaches hero tho Rtudy of Aryan r t f Mtoraturo will bo undertaken In earnest by tho I r dlsolplos- Tho i want of a succinct explanation of J 1 tho spread of this most ancloat of all J l thu rolluluns ant of an exposition of tho beliefs of Bu ldhlsts IB felt and J r THE SUN gladly supplies tho public with this t 1 I Information dlflleuit of obtalnmont In this I country Jvery uonulno lluddhlst Is sworn to obuy certain mandates and to hrliiL no ro- Droaoh upon tho doctrines of Lord Buddha by J any mistaken oolnlons or conclusions for many years the study ot Sanskrit has been un- der ¬ j > way by l uullah scholars and Max Muller In t Enulnnd ana a number of eminent lro feriaors In Germany havo boon open- Ing J up tho treasures of a llturuturo un ¬ i J known toforo In tho West Tho pooplo of- t J tho United States have not been so much In tho current of this literature aihao Euro r J neans but It Is a remarkublo ait that Amen ¬ ans moro utilverrmlly and quickly appreciate t the philosophy of Buddhism Unto any western r nation Homo years OliO tho cultivated class of I i Hindus could not ba Inducod to believe that Ij > tho moneyloving energetic practical Ameri- can ¬ o had a peoohnnt for tbo mysticism of the i East or cared for tho religion thaUitmo down r f to them in essence from the forefathers ot the i race tho Aryans But such has boon proven s to be tho citso and there aro thousands of peo- ple ¬ t today whore ten years ago there woro but Ifi B few dozens anxious to know tho subject l Letters received by Indian nundits silica the p publication of Tho Light of Asia hao I p I I amazed thorn and thin demand for tho Ptixnd and works on Buddhism haa led to the L translation of many volumes Indian schol- ars ¬ 1 have boon sent from Bombay and Calcutta- to England to do this work and the cata ¬ 1 I logues of London publishers show ao Immense E t activity In tile direction C Tho whole school of trench Positivists have t I t become practically Buddhist and tho Our ¬ man ncloutieU says thu eminent Prof Ernst flf Haockol are fully of tho opinion that the t lluddhlstlo thoory of the eternity ot matter W t j and I force and other particulars wore identical with the I latent Induction nf nnlnnnn I t VonvfowmoreIyolentih1cj f mOnI1 i Amerlcn are InturoBtfld osotorlo study but when any t lilt Individual among thorn has taLon ui the In vestlKtitlou of uaotorlo Buddhism they have found to represent a truo individualism ut terly at war with tho thoory of miracle and un t I like any other spiritual teaching that It Is lit Identical with the position of modern aclunau as explained by tho late Prof J W Draper and i others The followers of Buddhism claim that J It Is as taught sIx centuries bolero tho Chris ¬ I tian ora a perfect code of morale and a philos- ophy t broad enough to have anticipated the I- nI duutlofis modern research and speculation liuddntsm teaches right belief right thought F right speech right djictrlno rltht means of I livelihood rljjht endeavor right memory i rleht meditation Ho who keeps these augat f I in mind and follows them says a teacher will be free from sorrow and may roach salvation It r from the miseries of existence Buddhism 1 I teaoliB reincarnation or roblrtha and the f I doctrine ot Karma Ylthout a thorough un ¬ I t derstanding ot thoso two points It U useless to try to master the philosophy It Is not In the provInce of an article like this to outline ft rollniotis belief but 0 it may bo of Interest to state that the oxplana tjouot the reincarnation theory Is this That tho unsatisfied desire for things that belong to thu state of personal existence in the material world Is the cause of repeated rebirths This t unquenchtid thirst for physical existence is a t force and has a creative power In Itself so I strong that It draws the being baok Into earth I lifo This doctrine 18 In reconciliation with I clonco Inasmuch lie It Is the doctrine of rause and effect Solanco teaches that a man Is tho J result of a law ol development from the Ira i I perfoct and lower to a higher and perfect eon ¬ I dition In other woids it I Is tho doctrine of 1 evolution l Tho stumbllnir block to Western students who have been reared in the belief that this life la the only one that exists for action nod that succeeding It Is heaven or hell is the doe ¬ I trine of repented lives cacti one being the re I t ault ot previous ones Ituddlilsts repudiate tho I dootrlne ot a personal God They consider t euch n belief as utterly absurd Tim philoso- phy ¬ teaches tho highest goodness without a God a continued exlstetee without what goes by the name of 8oul a Imppinoss without an objectlvo heaven a redemption by oneself I sis the Redeemer nnd without rites prayers 1 nonances priests or Intorcossory saints In r a word ISudJhlsm is a pure moral philosophy which assumes the universal operation of tho law of motion and change by I vhlch all things the worlds and all forma an ¬ imate and Inanimate upon them are governed i Mao In the words of tho Eastern doctrine must Work out his own salvation without fear or i favor and reincarnate as often R8 his Karmn necessitates It Whon the desire to repeat him loll has ended he reaches Nirvana the highest stato whore reblrtbs are unknown The rollg ton ot Buddhism says Its followers Is one of f fiohlo tolerance of universal brotherhood righteousness and justice It Inculcates obedi- ence ¬ to parents kindness to children and friends mercy toward the bruto creation In ¬ i t dulgence to inferiors reverence toward Urnli f loins and members of the order suppression of anger passion cruelty or extravagance and tolerance and charity In countries where Buddhism prevails thoro are temples for tho followers nl liuddha and It r bus been thought best by the older Buddhists in this country to have a meeting place where the more learned may teach the younger mom ¬ bers and give aid to all who ask It Thoro arm no converts to Buddhism because It Is not a religion In tho sense tlmt Westerners apply this term It Is a moral philosophy and one that must bo grasped by the Intel soot and accepted by the Intuition It is remote from the emotional and has no such props for HB students as aro offered by orthodox religions The Ameri- can ¬ Buddhist lools a natural reticence In dls- ousdlng his reasons for embracing tho doc trlnesof Buddha and It l is with great rosena any of thorn the Information Itrcounlz flinta growing demand on tho part of tho pub l a bettor undorstandliic of tho matter one or two have spoken The interest awnk I > ened will bo moro mot during the winter by the hindu teacher who hna announced his mien i i Von ot making a stay In tlio United Htates I and iwlll bo lust In Now York It 7 Is likely also that A I Hlnnett tho author of Esoterlo Iluddhlem and other works of a kindred nature will bo In Now York to lecture this season t rom present appearances It looks- as i t if f the fashionable diversion this winter will f bo lectures on mysticism and the most popu jar books will ho II rovhal of Bulwer Lyttone It Zanonl The Comlrlll liMe and works of J that character In EnclUh literary clrcloi i JJuddhUm has boon a fiuhlonablo study for T several years and all time signs point to Its early i adoption hors u a fashionable study I j t t uumr Fair weather aiauul northwesterly omee 1rodlcslun winds slightly I JUTTINfllJ inuir xoirvt- ssnishlp f The LetrJain arrived lait nleht- alnslo I on the Mall In Central Iatx at14 oclock this r flernoou Edward Judg P1notla mom his Dora r n gon absolute divorce to The harbor police found a boat containing twelve bags of coffee at the real ot lit street early yesterday- I Hanker Foster whose real name appears to ba Guy W r Brlllon was held for lime Ursua Jury jestirday Ly JD I lice Uorman Collector Uagone has recommended the removal of j Oenrce Purenbuiy a clerk at tha Custom Mouse depart I jnent at fluuu a year ou account of alleged Intemperate Labile i The Association of the Alumni IfII Columbia College t whti hold their annual meeting on at 8 I M t lu I the library building Fortrumlh stresS sad UadUou venue John Oslbralth a manufacturer of feathers and antI 0 I acid floWers at ftu lileeiker street was strloken by i apoplexy In his oince jeslerday semi tent to St mceuts- Jlospltal I 0 > I Pa law Chaawlck the counterfeiter who was up- i tnrad In Albanrv as arraigned before Cnmuil lousr I JI41a ye terda7 lie WIyel elsumlustioo almS WI ball for trial I Thaactlnfl Secretary of the TrI nrr Mr Fairchild t > 0 dlroclod upon rerninmendallon of time Collector I Still tIC bouided warehouse of A II Uouraud lit cud i 11M Uresnwlch st be reopened The steamship Anehorla of the Anchor WM due e bars on Wednesday but baa nut The svenlt said Slllmt lbs bolllldfroUl this e berore lut hat somethln had broken cod abe had stopper to ox L- u i root uco < lbs well known tntiriatMr leive forChlcsroonTuesdajeTenlnirnext Mrs O iTiuIlmaB- aa sated for hla moulccaa u a featnra tar DM ol kar- ecMiileaa II > Mr Lincoln will be absent froSt Kew York 5ss i urss of toot ucalks h I SQUARE QAMBtBR BAHaOUS KONET A C Btest Over the 1VIII at kla I Blstar B eIa Wallet In X ew IlrnnatrtcU Whoa Chance Bixnsom tho socalletl square gambler who owned club houses In Long Drnuoli and Now York dlod In De- cember ¬ last leaving about 200000 to his wife anti throe listen he supposed ho had fixed things so that his heirs would bo contented But already two of his nieces who areslitore have gone to the courts over a matter of 150000 of the dod gamblers money The largest iharo of his property was loft to his wIre She got his handsome residence In West Twentyfifth street and tho mono from tho sale of lie Long Branch gambling house Hansoms three sisters shared alike In the remainder to that- to each was to havo boon distributed about 50000 Two vacant lots In Ocean avenue In Long Branch and other real ostato there re- main ¬ to bo sold and Iho money divided among the heirs To provide n qtilet retreat for himself sad a home for one of Ills sisters Mrs Mary It Jones who was a widow with two daughters Ransom bought a large farm two miles from Now Brunswick N J In his will half of tho farm was given to the widows daughter anti her husband Mr and Mrs William Frost Tho other halt was bonueathcd to the gamblnra throo sisters Mr Fro t wns the farmur He Is a retired New York fireman who draws a pension After Ransoms death tho Household was not n harmonious ono Curious minded pooplo In New Brunswick avon that Mrs Joness dnughtera could not agree to koop out of their conversa- tion ¬ them auostlon of who should have the lions sharo of tno property when Mrs Jones should die At any rate Mrs Jones toll sick last spring and went away from tier home It lal U cnld to avoid tho bickering Her daugh- ter ¬ Mrs Funny Wheeler ministered her ansi her services woro acceptable to Mm Jones Mrs Wheeler has boon compelled to earn her own living For n period site was n member of a 1lnaloro ouern company which sang at thin Aquarium- now llnrrlgaus Now Iurk Thootro Afterward tho company went through the Btnte Whnn Mrs Jones dleid nged 05 years on July 311 lust her will which was dated March UU IHOii was found to Kho all of her property Including her Interest In tho hansom farm to Mrn Fanny hauler while to irs lrou oho uavn only tlOOO When the will was taken to bo filed In the SurroKHtos Court In Middlesex county N J It waa loomed by Mrs Wlioelori counsel Ooo 01udlowr formerly Governor t New Jersey that Mrs Frosts ooiiiiFel Mr J II Van Cloef ot New llrunswlckbitd lllud a caveat Tho testimony of oxOov Iudlowwho drew UD tho will and of Dr Dnldwln wax taken In proof of tho will n low days ago before Judges Cnwenhovon Boott and Nawton In the Or phuna Court In New llrunnnlck It wns rumored In i Now UrtinHiilcU bv people who did not know tho facts that the will I was contested by Mrs Frost not only on ac- count ¬ of undue Influence and the inca- pacity ¬ ot Mrs Jones to testify whleh are tho usual raisons ulvon for cnn tcstlni a will but also on tlio urnund that fraud wa used hy Mr Wheeler The story run tlmt Mrs Who lur vUitnd Mr Lull lows office with n written pnper which she rnlro ocntedtoMrLudlownsexprdFalrjBlhii wishes Mrs Jones us to the disposition m her property- It was also said that Mra Wheeler wna npcoiu- rnnled by a companion and friend Mr ° Rtnrr who tins a dauchler Hattie Htnrr who pnnu In tho Mikado last xununer Mr Judlow sold last evening that not a word ol tIllS story was truo It was Mrs Jonn horeilf nt Mr Ludlow had already tust lied In tho Orphans Court who riiino to his office and n kod him to draw up her will tho was Instructid to eo home wilto what she wanted to say nnd brlui tho paper to the lawyers office the did BO and Mr Ludlow drew up the will Mrs Jones signed tho document Mary Richard hansom Jon e Mrs Jonosa name Mrs Frost says was Mary lllchard Jones The Frosts throw tills Into tilu legal contest as n suspicious circumstance hut they have not said what they suipect Ir BaldwIn who wltuesaij tho will was Mrs Jonosa physician lie testified that Mrs Jonas was capable ot making a will on March SO 1886 Aa to the masons Mrs Jones hal forgiving ono daughter all of her money loll Ipavlnir tlto other out In tho cold Kentleirmn who know Mrs Jones sail last evening that Mrs Wheeler who by the will gets the property had nothing while Mrs Frost was provided for through tier husband The contestants to produce wit flosses before tho Orphans Court In Now Brunswick at tbo next hearing TUB 1UILIIAIIUOXIC SOUIXTT- Theiodore Tome Asinln Dlreelnr Tket Sea- ona Iloarrnniine send New Artists Tho announcements for tho coming senson of tho Philharmonic Society ore now made publlo and promise an Interesting series of or ohootral concerts The society has retained the services of Mr Theodore Thomas as dlrcc tor Tho programmes which are now Issued for the nrst time for the entire season show jUlh mont and onro as well an no little enterprise on the part of Mr Thomas nnd the Ihilharmonlo directors Several now und Important works will bo hoard hero for the first time by the Philharmonic orchestra The concerts which for the first time will take placo In tbo Metropolitan Opera House will be given on Saturday evenings Nov 13 Dec 4 Jan 11 Feb 19 March 19 and April 1 9 tho concerts as usual being preceded by public rehearsals on the Friday afternoons preceding the Saturday concert dates Tho orchestra will consist 110 player The soloists are Mia Emrna Jucb Miss Lllllo Iehinann Mr Ludwig stud Mr Italael JosefTy The following aro among the novelties an- nounced ¬ for tho season At the first concert Miss Emma Jnch and Mr Ludwlg will be heard In scenes from ItublnstolnB Nero wbioh will be given for the first time and the orches- tra ¬ will play Anton Bruckners new symphony No 71 In K major for which oxtra Instruments have been built at the order of Mr Thomas In Europe this summer At the second con- cert ¬ In which Miss Lehmann will he heard In the finale from Wagners Clutterdainmerune a now symphony by Techalkowsky after By- rona Manfred will be played At the third concert tho novelty will bo Brahmas symphony In E minor No 41 At the fourth concert there will be a now symphony by BalntSaenu played from MB ROIl this programme will also con- tain ¬ Brahma second concerto for piano with Mr Jose ihy At the fifth concert although Itubonitalns- aramntlc symphony Is announced an entirely now symphony by him will bo played for tho first time If tho score is rsjrotvod In tlmo At the sixth and last concert there will be a now symphony by an Italian composer Alberto Frnnchette which has proved a remarkable success In Italy anti Raffs adaptation for orchestra of Bacha clmoonno which Rolf has dedicated to the New York Philharmonic society tlnknson mend WIre Overcome by Out A man and woman who woro registered as Charles Johnson end wits were found unconscious In tImely room at Ihe Dowery lIntel 305 Uowery yesterday morning from Ito effects of gas which had escaped from an open burner No attempt had been made to stop up the glitch In the dror ansi It Is I thought that thrnuirli ignorance they blew as They ware takes lu BeilsTuo I Hospital arini nIght had neon eied sufllcleutir to renter It probable that they ould get well The moan I Is about35 years old awl very clout the woman I Is about tile same sje They were too west last night lo make any statement Tho record on the hotel register was evidently fiction In the mans pocxet WM found a membership card of Typographical Union No 6 bearing name D II lie Chesuey II To Saver or the Ilteakler Ckotrder Cub The Andrew Blcnkloy Chowder Club went to New Dorp on Auf 3rt AsIan skylarked with S friend on the faniptank of the steamer at the land toy and full I Into lha waler He sank twins set was goIng apwa the I third lithe i when Henry Iliilzen- thaler jumped In and rescued lsst eteinnr llmjD the club commemorated the Arnold I Hall Sloth street between Tenth arid Klevenlh avenue glen James K Orlelrne ou behalf of this club presented a iifesaTlug medal to Mr Holenthaler Prof John IJN liunt tOld a speech and five a medal to Ur Icternian lo remind him of his dell ot gratitude to hla benefactor lore Ielrnme Assisllunt la Custody Charles Mills of Babylon a 29yearold col- ored ¬ man who says he was a waiter In a Fire Island hotel last summer surrendered himself to Con- stable John Wood In B l ylloll reslerjay after noon A searching party bad been look ing for him on suspicion that ha th negro who waylaid thirleei ear old Clara LelJom of Brelau on Wednesday afternoon aash was return tog from school I Clara was lust rorM she posltUely JeotiOed Stills II her assailant lie dental that ha was the sean An extra guard has beet placed Mound the Babylon lockup to praaut his I being lycchedr Allssloastrleii Uoaad rr Arvicn Seven missionaries sent out by the Foreign Mission Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church sailed for Afrlea yesterday via Liverpool tie Anranla They areW It Arrtngdale of Baltimore and his wit and II II Hartley of South Hampton n H Martha- K kao Hastings la Susie K Harvey ot ties Moines la Msry 5 Lindsay of Chicago cud L rannlelum minis of Reading lieu They propose to join Llstiup Taylor Avrntllx Detlstosi la Jaokus Case A decision In the 7a hne case which has been before the Court of Appeals for several months la expscud on Moadar OutsIde of Jashnea cronies little Interest Is felt about It In the Fifth district Ills political pull has passeS away sod If he sits a new trial on thi bribery Indictment ha I is open ta criminal pro eeatflugs for receIving stolen foods 1aaletr puel4li t Ktjatsjsis The vPU Wflpkuldlng peeler of the I Protestant Episcopal Ofiurch In Brie eWeS Jersey Oily kM UD4irt4 lilt rslgnau n ATTACKING THE COAL MEN 001 PATTIMON 3AVS XUItl ItATKCOX- 11IWID AOAINHT THIS ZUflL1t He Ask Ie AUDrOr ts > T ke Ac Clash Aisslsist the CompHalea Evils okleh- ke Nag they are 0rlnsila Vps Ike Teopla- He Also Demeancea Its Trunk Line Iuol- IlAitnisDcno Pn Oct 2aov FattUon has addressed a letter to AttomeyOonera- Cassldy on the action of the anthracite pool and requesting him to inovonzalnot it In court The Governor Buys Certain corporations chartered by the Com monwoallh of Pennsylvania acting In concert have ordered two advances In prices of an thraclto coal These corporations comprise what Is known as tho Anthracite Coal Comb- ination ¬ whleh was created at a meeting In Now York city on Doc 31 1881 whon there were present representatives ol the Delaware Lack awannn and Vesn Itallroad Company Le high Ynlloy Kail road Company Philadelphia and heading Hallroad Company Now York Lake Erlo anti Western Ilnllroad Company Dolawaro and Hudson Canal Company 1ann ylvnula Coal Company Lolilsli Coal I and Navi- gation Company anti the Pennsylvania hell road Company At that meeting an agreement was entered Into by which six of these corporations were In offuct pledged In writing to restrict and rtnulato the production of cual and to main- tain ¬ ansi advance Its price An apportionment of tho tntnl production wee thou allotted to oacb company for the year 1H15 and on Jnu 1 1880 a now nllotmuut vuut into nptirutliui basal I on an unnuul production of 335000UO tons After raforrluir to the advances ot 30 cents per ton In this price ot cual since July 2 tho- Umornor continues Hnoontly throuch tho ofllcoa of n syndicate of tttl titl lets I here IIIIB bee ii n utiHiiKthiiiiltiit I of i lie iiiilhnicUu coal uuiuoliiutlon und tho claim Is now tnnde by sumn nl IIB lit lit hers that thwy ran murk up coal prices tn any lluuni- huy plmisu tlmreliy Hulijuullnu Ihu tuljtc to their iiissrcyiujuniottsi utiwgtrniiiitatbmy law ovary llro IJi nnd linpodlni upon ronl con simmers tile lliinnolnl liinln which time arisen > Htloimof some ot tlifoo compunlfl liaio on endorcd Although tho State Constitution doclarnn that no certiorated conipaay clolnu the busl ness of common carrier nluill dIrectly or Indi- rectly ¬ tirodcciitc or Diitiarn In minim or niinu ftituringnrticieit for transportation over itt work pot all or nearly all of tIm common cnr rlor roiiroKuntiMl In tho nnthrnclte coal com tilriHllou are engaged UlroctV or Indirectly In the nilnliiK I of mill lhe imthnnlto t I riClons of the Stntu nro practically under I t tho control I nf I tills combina- tion ¬ tot lung purlntls it hax kept thu t iliu 3- runnint nn tliroununrtur limo limits ptittlnt nearly IdOUUU uorUnrs on bat amounts to threiquiirtiT pity Ily hlndorliiL I I compitltion It IUIH restricted the iluvulnpmunt ut our rain nml untitth It line nuvuiic d urilipniosed the prko of coal HH host BUltnl I i it I lurlUtI It 1 has to ti a tel nod this plcn of coal cii III iou to I Him I arid to city tnulu lit fluurux nuiflntr mom thnn- II Icr ton over nUll nbmo tho iirljus nt ntuHi It sold tho alIgns III licit ID IDiisiiiiKrd ih ilL tiirthtir from tho mines hut III territory that did not corny within tlm ttinm ci- fnuruomont It hn advanced the clmrccs for tran portutlon In hire of tlio lact that tho net earninei of tho cirrylin cum pauleHheloiiuIni to tho combination amounted to about 19 pur cent pi r annum of timeout of tho roads anil their mjiiiiitnunt anti of tie fur thor fact that charges arc hfuh r tItan they Wore twoiitisix yours oifo tlioiiuh tile cost ot- trnusportini u ton of fn lKlit dots tint today amount to moro than onethird of Us rust nt that line Ily roatrlctlni Itiidiictlon raid I hv advancing urlcos It hilt ciluuluj vast Iron In- tornata ducrousiii tlio dUiiand fur nntlnuclto coal In time rudtiitlon of lion ores forcing Iron furnacuB out of I hlutt soil thud Iii nearly nil I the i Industrios of cabtorn ItiiriHylvnnlii ut tlio mercy of Iho inanitvorH of UIHBO compaiuod My attention hll8 also I IICBII dlrotfliul ti the method of lip trunk itis pool whi hwnii nt gaimizect Ott Nov n IbSS UnIon HH 11111 CNUI Itt lie railroad tralllo orlulnatini In IluiaduliihlH i and tuti ndfd for wOHtirn iiiarkHts I Is poolid ur- uiHoitloneil among tho IVinnsylvaina the Hal tlmore nnd Ohio and l the Iniladeliihln itni- lJkaillng allroad Uoniian its the latter being nn alllliutud mail rprolientiflg the Now York Central and tlm Erie roads nail delivering the trafllc to tlifin at vCBtHrn points Thn westbound through buamosH nrlKliiatlni lu Nuw York city Is alioupportloned IUMCIII u number corporations of which tile follow InKtNHtraoraktad by the Cuiuinonwoalth o- Punnsylvanlu The Lehluh Valley Kullroiu the PunnsylvnnlaltillroudCoiniiany ComtlnYi JJoliuTiiro Lackawannu and Western Itulltond Company This trunk line pool was organized wllh tho declared purpoaoof Hxlnc mind maintaining a- sohedtilo of frolBht chnryoj which mmlit bo- aureod upon by its I mombars It dusmnates the volume of buxlness over uach line between thiso seaboard cities and tile West destroys competition by bringing overy manifest under the supervision of n trunk line Comml lonor practically unites I all tho I looms miilir one control To give urtlllclal stimulus to nellie It arbitrarily ralues or lowers Its charuus for trnnsportatinn adjtiKtlnu its fruluht rates upon a ba < lH which will piirclinse place among its member It extorts from the profits of shipments all tnnt the traHli will boar and somotlmt moro than it will bear doltic this without reasonablii regard to lie cost of service or the rights of shippers It causes violent fluctuations in prices makinc all trade dependent upon its riiovninunts anti hnldlni a perpetual mnuco ovor thu material Interests of tile country Against nuch combinations tho Individual is helpless Tile Gumnionw alth of Pennsyl- vania ¬ In creating corporations that are mem- bers ¬ of tho anthracite coal combination and ot the trunk line pool voilod them with tho right of eminent domain and other frnnchUua of a public nature They owe certain duties to tholr creator and ono of the o Is to avoid no Infrlnctimeni upon the riehla of Individuals or tile general wollb lnif of tie Slatn TheIr interference with hits natural current and condition of trade lies been In violation of what IB believed to be sound public policy and against tho best Interests of thu KtHto It ptoj glObes the public and oppresses Individua- lsIt I n perversion of thu purpOHU for wlilcli they were created These facts which have boon reported to me and measurably I authnnticntod 1 I duuni of sufllclont Importance to rotor you to for your connldcrntlon anti for such ucilnn as the circiimstMUcos may warrant It Is understood that AttortioyOenernl Cas- sldy will nt once proceed tigtlntit lie coal pool but In what manner Ito has not yet dvcldud Thin Is considered ono of this most Important steps taken by thu Stole ndnilnlitratloti anti Wets not decided upon until after ety careful consideration ViucrBiiiimE Oct2The fibers and labor era hulouuiuu Lbs Amliiainntid uiiciutinn heldo large mnotlnc at ID mouth hint nlLht and today for tbu purpose of illHuuisiiiu tuG Question ol low uncoa It was shown that time then are not earning snore than lid per month and on this amount they cnunot provldi prop- erly ¬ for tholr families turing tliss winter Amid son Whfm the questIon of a strike eimn up Lrusldftnt Uulliud urynd that nothiucbo don regarding a etrlko until after thu 27th when another mectlnir will be held reci entry 3ieiInig la llaiuiuo lets llmica- PounnsEErsiE Oct 2Socrotary Manning will leave Albany for New York on Wedutsilav next arid wilt remain In the latter city at the Fifth Avenue Hotel until the following luesday when he will gi to Washington and resume his duiles at tIle Treasury lie lartmenl I U was Mr ilannlligii Intention remain In N ew York two dmms unlv but Mrs Hannlnv dissuaded bill from going to tie imllcmal capital until their house In that city hid tiers thoroughly overhauled so ncr aa- be plumbing Is concerned ties has bin the necretar J a- orllce In the Treasury Department Dr limn heIdi that blood poisoning train sewer gas caused Mr Mon nlnis Illnss- WjsiiiKOTon Oct 2Col Limont says Secretary lannlng Is expected tile littler part of next week but it- Is I possible he may not como until the Bret of the week following llemiTUir Ckle r Jiisllee Chase Jlodr COLUMBUS Ohio Oct 2The arranaemantii- or lime removal of lh remains of the lots Chief Justice Chase from Washington to Cincinnati and the memorial scrubs tneldsat thereto mrs assuming deflnlta shape The remains will arrive In Columbus on the nth Inst on which day formal exercises will be held lu tie ro land of the Capitol where the remains wilt probably lie In state fur a time Justice Stanley ShOoT lloadlry cut probably lay KorsVfr W- IlIer ile address There wilt be no funeral decorations or display In accordance with the wishes ot tins Kath snags Chess Sprague The body will arrive I by special rain and fourcofored men attendants of the Kuurema Court when Justice Chase woe on time bench will act as- a body guard the pall bearers hay tot all been select cC but they will I I Include exMe retarj Uclullocn tea Herman Casslus II clay and William II Evans Increase 1st Comet Irscs- PiluLlcrrltrA Oct 2The Philadelphia and Reading Coat arid Iron Company today Issued a circa Ian of October prices for cool delivered on board Yes eels at Port Richmond for shipment beyond the Dela- ware fares and at Kllzabelhport N J An Increase of a cents Oil brotsn lucsuis on eig ant chestnut suit 20- Sells on stove I Is iiiadu at fort Iticnmond and the urn dvanca except 15 cents Increase on stove Is made at Uzabethporl II sew rates at rent Richmond for had white ash coal are tt for lump steamboat and so Wsa for broken fSKO for egg J3IS for chestnut and 12 for pea ClnrUKSiila Ilcraocrtlo Anmlesillons- CmoiiiNiTi Oat 2The Democratic County lonvsntlon toitay nominated the following tlcketiu- dgesi of Court of Common ricatA B Muslin Rob eel A Johnston y Mullet K I llradstreel wJ peck Ihernrllarrr nishopt AalltorJoba u Iii set Ooronerk it Kllari CemmlulanaiwWin r A- rlollsSurveyorJA t Hlsbrookt Bord ct Control I Jobn- 1araen P InDrniary Dlreturllenry Illldsitirandt Yak HisstUia Dan at KewstM TROT Oct 2The Troy 2tscr4it ws to I ay ijd by U UllaaArthur SOB toJsha7isUhkL 145- Sr tile Kew Tori rdinknABI AtterUrti lfsatbigs will awmie ecDUol Ills paper CD M a4ty C 44 e AUVtKUBXX KBITS Several light la German will diversify the weeiatthsiballaT- MD Curtis brlnga out the new Caught In a Corner at the Lee Avenue Opera House Wllliaiiisburgb J MaNelU Mistier the English artist will tietars here la November and a show ct his pictures will b- egin This I Is a boyiy I Uarta venture IToetors Novehy Theatre Brooklyn I Is an lamita of the louse now so disturbing time business of the drama Many of the successful plays ate preeeuted there This llhsl In weskof lbaTsnns anl Adonis bur leuiue at Krister C Rials A week from tomorrow night JaekKhepnard wilt ha grotesquely tratesiled with James D KndcMn us Jonathan liliu Mansgfr Hanley sail Edward llarrlgtn hUe post- poned the Initial performance of tile new local play The OUeagaiis to neil Thursday night at the letS Meanwhile T Investigation will I be played Pdmnud Jensen this London manager promises to tiring lo Amenea late next year hilrabelh Ooreata the ItuMlan actress Ucrson says he has beet alter tier fur three years He will also tike her to Havana Mexico and South America H Time Main Lint will run at the Lyceum a fortnight longer and It deserves for its Ingenuity I the plnulttsll- haa drawn out May forteseue tile KnclHn ctrss- will ° RV ten American season at the LJCUIU Dot IS- 1ofOromw1I with vanity Pair will resume his series o Illustratsd lectures at the Irani opera lliuse Pest sOlIds Ills nrst snbjict smut beThe cotllsh Likes suit the Homes of Uurue slid foul During the slimmer he has elleit In rnrui r and addtd to tile collection teteral huu arm views of n orks of art und scenes celebrated In I his- tory I llure l la anew un at Dockstsders Minstrels the re tention lid I tug tile tlirlfimie Mllle Clack Hheppard with Its showers I of real I onetnuls eresh songs by the extillent vocalliK ot till ItO uatlY ore freijm nuy In- troduced Lew lluckstsder lifts reeovereil from his liumoriillllnir nervousness of the first week and now reveals himself I as a good entertainer of an original I sort There Is no offence to refined taste In this show Tin Irish MlnitrelyredMarsdenst ellio comely familiar In Vt j sijnlatis repertory for tile I past two or three eisuni 5 lt Oct Us tlrst Ness York performances at Fonle this week closing Fcnnlnnsenffegeinent at that theatre Ioil ttill fnllnw next wsok playing use Little Detectire sOil miking a short stay Her engagement ulearly oulllnes Hunger Iooe toilet He is Kuliig tu make htsulacii n high class combination louse Frank Harvey Ihe Kiullih mclodramatlst nt prnlino- ineiinir Is to bo well represented nt tile 1eoples This week Alit Unit win they lilt A King of Iron which she hud limmht for t tip country cot liCe been ulng t meet sills she put Kant Luine attar fur arei Next work Ii ire o Muiiiui Against Hunan wilt hemil fired I In LHIn Kllelur hill hr tomiiuny Tim flu Line dIrect from tliu Ltceuni is logo to tho reutioa at an early lnle Tout fnsti Is back from his usual sunnier tour but Insteidof motile cllreillv lo his on n thentro In Four ttii nth linear he will Clue tits neck mit tile trend liens iii u I Ha I and hu su1tlsug vandetllla comnanv V will I be nnrmiiMy greeted no itiinht > em week thsl Ilery Icier Krank Krntnettnl I apnear In MarCo and o il- Mucum After I Ibat John I Itnusoua slid John Hart laiuletlllc i unineillinis ttiii seek i ligitliniite I humor lu a- new farce mullet amlp Tva The end approaches of the spectacular Theodora NIL lie tonreidil I y Ilaion cimiany ttlll soon enter tbere i suit they JJ iii sing the opera with many thangee onlrulated 10 Improve II The mnl to thesec olld act will bn tie llungarlsn Kevolnttunary March used In Iltrllut HiuiuiKllun Je faust and besides a rcureof getiuino trick gt u Us will be utilized III the pmirliiK ami choruses About Oct M Thatcher rrnnrosu C wests uttKtreli will test their strength at Mblua That well remembered fro of Itaverly days Our Plrnte l til I < titus lumens lilii itt Tiny Iuslnrs It hs insert through flatly pen tnn and aiimrently It I Is vt- uinllll I II ivis Ian tiltd In Knglsiul by HU America I Irnuin whll ot lied lum londiu almad of Ailinl all fand lime us I hot This season llnguy Jtlrayerari- iiinagmir It C T Tlugi suit Marlon Terry have the lending ro es an I bntli Ii Ire Known here Tliignt In pin ticiiUr lies done goo I comedy worx at several clt- Vrs ti cml rca I anglrys engagement nt Ihe Fifth > ventiel is fr a montli lie opening ili > A Wifes Turn Is II t i eplieninn and I tluiiii lit bcotts coineddrama nmd- funillUr I lo tIlt American unite during ii lr Lniiklr I- flrl t lslt liege OrlKlnnlly it was called Peril lot a- Pt I Iir iucrli in cop rUit of tiinl tltlo cinsoci a change Hiiro Is a strung tint In It Ion rhnrlis 11 ghlnn vthn I II Ire nf n 11111 in ii old friends IIIIc nvv pice- rneml friimm I lie erencli It one of tIme promise etentinf Sire Laiutryn season This Is the Oust week ul the opera Season nt Wullacks Next ttieLMcCaulls people will ringing Josephine to irntlnclal lUluier ttlnle the ilrunxic eeisii till be umler ttuy at Walliik with lliry I I lUiuiid- omestic dramn llartcn llanilltui till oteine i t lIe I rouuctlnu here titling I frem I nglalid to do I IliU t 111 t lay ttis pretenta I nl I the London Ilincum Tumult a few ttoikmiiio whit Am Itureile In tile lending role II arest like kellerV new plit rnngled Lite Heals tt him n loculljnl ut a IfII I tow nail It I uiot now In Hi a ruinei bj our metns Scotch Imvs nn treulu oil or I In llariKthoKeter loll In I mailed Lives the New York slntntes ore dealt with The iiiiioniici ment if IC all nellie Ilngorsn engatremen for time nett uniinaii at Waineks lecalls bertrrle career of time iut f tt Neirioiiit Mie las pllld1I ntfi time Ircnltti and onl b a few miinlliH Slim ttus In thu illim- miiAeuina I In n n partur inctituly iiiutionul and i e- cunUrllv Iriuli I lltiuI I k ii irk is by in meMH n tt K- hi r und timer ii d field fur hir nt Uallncke- In I securing her Wulliick I res net the Ingllkh iike up of llsriiinpanjfor Hie Iml I holed In Lnnland a iliomm I jours befnm tlie Ami rlcun aliCe Urst saw tier lucre are old plutguers tthu renumber her ttlun elmo ttni Kit hintituu lUnilolph i Her eldestlaughter Is known 01 the uhf mlUuucr Morettl and I Is lime ttlfn of Ihll Hedlej The farewell hint Jannllnchek Is now Inking nt Ihi American ttngc Is I solemn asserted to b a induce farce cli ant unit ought to ngreiildral fhli stage ttill nils I ion greatly hhe hits worked hunt anti CniclcmlnusIt oust it U lome consolation to rilUd- tlutt tier t est eiieiiurnsciienl lOs come from American theatregoers To morruw nlglit at tile Wiuidor ito vt ill opium IhI lost onztkcnent silo will id tr In Sow York oily nnit during r tlieneek sue will chnnge her bill a itS friqneiiey Murv I Munrl td will be tliv flrpt plat Nfeuk I ioU5i Mother ill SonM IonIc Aniulneile I MimicS Henry MM nnd Jlacballi will follow aloiu lien votsiumu nf llnry simrl I Is mi the soni trim Schiller Htorv used by Mo lleska ClotS Mottle will be the ensuing t far at the Undsnr last season shi- hadoueiif tile lice wools In thu history ot the theatre To morrow nlcht Sirs ii I T Hottcrs an actress ofoser firty years exiierlecc a tragedienne tvho Is thorouiilily American and whose work I 11am been conllnid I to tlie Ainerinii singe ttill mnku her nrst regular nearnnce lu Sew York In cii cram sensons hh is going tn bo lucre amijnlli and she ttitl oltir mOiSt of lib l luslaher ux telleR itiit time tried I repertory Fnr lien opening I wtc she ttill lice tiary SI earl iifMith Lucrello llorgln Ihe I Jcaoll Wife lull Macbeth In her Btiinrl Joseph I F Wheelick a fnvnrite o York actor tae IhI lead He linn > o his friend nay teen doing best ttoik uf hums life tljli seacous sad tu rillsbilrgh his Ittirjlh I Is sail la hnve sgreenlily nn ruled even his fellott 1latirn Critics who limo closely tvatlhed- Wbeeiocfc wIll ant i le irprleed nt this and rerhnps will recoil huw airily soul cletirly he plue l itercutto tilth Adelaide Moore at tint Star just after he tiad comet a years continuous acting ot After a very luclirtnose- role In Ma lltnhsoni The monotony ef combination tt net has evidently tint deslni ed ills ambition as It has that of many another good I ator- Oerlha Welby produced l lc Martins at the Third Atetiuo on TliureJty nUlit lion tvrsion I Is by Mr Lttio- Hsnderson ttlfe nf the Jvrsy Cut insnauerand C fur ly of tIle old Maud id III this chit Mice I 0 silmy p IVUMNI Hothltr itml Julian Mignus of tie old Union t Square tock was her h lbrotner might Jltrcel Tho house Was tilt large und Itooulil not well help icing un- svmnaihe Ic ron Mimi Helby Is mncnmmlpatsuut 1 tier was Kbsolulely mi iii I term it In the performance aside from that creuted by time foot that II tt as time metropolitan hearing IlKnnery und Tortes innolitalked tnelci S collie hut received Mrn etlerouu II I is probable worked tier aiUptstlon out ot I lie novel on sale lien tt hens tho frill used by thi ndlsnn Hiiuara oinnpany I Is friim tile original ilritma It I is paving a decided com- pliment to tlie strength ot Mrs Hendersons I tork when- It Is recorded that despite I the execrable acting lha auditors kept their seats to time cine if the drama I emit the curtain felt at a late hour I IhI Is material for an absorbing lay In Lo MutDre ant tt hen It shall tig- een I utthnMallsonhiunreU will l I hey something like Justice mInus to It Time Lillian tonway Comic Opera rompnnv which I Is- at ItiuTlilrd Avenue oprlngs fruni tim Uaiinn In li lIe culls a here Iii Smmlml may hums tushu singing fur lime punt four or live months After lion reupjiearm at lit Temple Ihentre tu the semni rule I inlet In TIme Lit f tie rvcoon following I her ilomestlo trouble it became el Idem timid she was yet In g ol uler At all events the quicker City pioplo liked her tirv mueh and their apiirotal led her inanngnr Milllun I Jour is ho used to be HIT Peoples in I hue illtj I tu ai ratio fir n long lour i Aisnilu will hu Urllrl I roam eng iga- ment rime ilrnlnl llneliest ttl11I to unir until Tlmrs day when Katlnlt will rice time week ollu of tile support are klmtlt I riiiidiit l red lire Ld B Irani I lie blssrt aol his wit t J lennlt rrlneel I were lu the i4 1 OrlheiiS nnd huiytllce bnrieniniHt time Hiluiii Jell DAwll aiM his 1 wife Klor nee sri vnuditlil Jrnlu- ato Hud I hate tlujed nil otil llieglube JJ llnffxel Is I Dm bnritoue llaies r LaKg i Ule tour and Millie Alberlon the H ciind suiirano II be next tilut ut iheTblrd- Aveiun will beIacles Ne t inwtiich llttln Ardll a > oui g and muuuuluil i haul Bear tl Lao ben pier I lInt thu lutt- l i too Mili- sMalinger Henry R At t ey reeelted congratulations from inxiiy itnarterrf nfl soin nil TIIK fLN inndo kiioitn- tils I innrriHgtf tn Floetice lernrd 1i Ii e nifitir ttusiimet aniluu ipi cted save hy Mr Abticvs rarities John II- wihorffel SIt MrA Agnes Itontli I ichneffel Prom tile toot Hint slim benan her stnux work In Knulann Miss Dernrd H frequently recordad ns an Kngllsh girl and he helpl tht ileln loit t Ii nn Hieent lllittli Ai glicnn to the letter limit she it as liorn In America Hhe mecca In IH77 tn ill miimumlti lngiiiid and Out not apt eOn m I hit attn connir until mutt u IKsl mulch limO madd her lehut at the Fifth Avenue placing ChIli Iiotigliiii r lu MilleT to the lrril EorlUll t lllnrat ughliin Ill London her test work was Colic nt time itt I ilkit liny market and Trlncesss Iheatres III Tha Good fur Ftolhltifr i M sIms uialea great hit as Van it the ubinplc In Ibid sue trai elicit I over the llrltisli nrotlnces nla > mg- Iittirr lala In Caste llcln lu School hanilit hate iti Ours Ic When John stetson put a winedy- nmpaiiy on the rood early In ItHi she mind Dixey were iiiembirs of It and sims played whIm lime frnnr m tiPs liugulshed foreigners Altugetber the Is a rather lsver and certainly at eriatlle actress Oensvleva Ward will revive her best coil ravnnte pier Forget U < Not for her last wtex at the Mar tier SfeuAanta Is a brlllltnt end adroit Impsrsonatlim Stud las long been the character to which site Is boat at nlred Mr Vsrnnn thus new Eugllsh lust Wilt have a heroic role In Mr Horace rrrtby thus part In which at San Francisco he made his Ainirlcan debut Pretty Miss Tyndale clii they 4i1e html will have it chance ta- ihow eelrpoisesston sod icraeetnl stage presence both it which she tacks lu Ills Juecns Favorite VenT Wlntsr a sin of Vtllllam Winter and Kr Hodge a son ot tha English portrait painter Sydney llndges will have rood pert After her seitso- nit the star Miss Ward Is going tn play a short time In other clues arid then go to Knglsnd If her prssent plies are carried out she will never again act In imerlca but will retire from the stag for good often her next falls tour of En >lana ill seitledown at her rllla at Bhanklln on Its Isle ot Wight Next week one of tile principal dramatic events of the season will come to psss at Ins hOar fur Wilson Darreti coil till historical Crania ClaudUn will ba lulroducsd to America Jarrett tears three weeks and flsudlan will I bs time illl the flrsKotiuliaL Hamlet Cltto sad Chat erton are plays lenin which he will select his third week changes hdiiln Uoolli sIll follow at lbs Star Clara Morris Is the current weeks star at Ihe Union Inntre end liar repertory Includes lien familiar camllli llu Uulun Cora I LArilola 47 rsd JUrcf Jftrrlc- Ihe New Uagdalen Usury Miller the hue anil ot MatlMa Herons daughter Illjou Is a leading actor m Miss tlorrls support aud has ittracted songs attention dunn her present tour she also his lllss Heron Rowland IJuckslona formerly of Wallacks lenrge F lOrd II B Phil- ips Uolll Keyel Hera Lwcelles inC others equslly- t sll known Iliss Morris commenced her seamen a few weeks MO tIer health Is soil to bs better than It was hot year though she still needs rut between tIme acts auiui sometimes the walls ara long This ordeal how seer hasllttla weUhl with hsr admirers wIle are en huslssilo led many She his not appeared at an up town theatre since she pistol Penile at Uslys hut has becim seen ai both the Windsor ant Third Avenue oa the cut Stile aud at escn house she made a lilt so emphatic s to leave no doubt ot her magnetic power with tha- letgoers nt that section Scat week Fanny Davsnporl wilt occupy th Union Squire opening her season with this engagement Handsome Jack Barnes tier Eng Itoh highprised Isa4liur actor exit tier from nis mother ountry last Sunday and lest weal bS reSumed with ttis company ta Much Ado About Nothing which will be a uovslty In Miss Cateqpcris acting list mis year lltr Btatrtft will ha a dressmakers ravelatltm rtitwanJkraa Xodleaka Will play tw noaiha at the MalfSawMS1 tbsa ugant atbsr wl c STOLE 819000 AND FLED x aaciartKO JELLEII vr tun- DtUB UNION OjrtXOH HAKK UVMt Ills Name la Otto Umiennnri mend he was a Slsdel Young linn Ha rJenl his WIre io her rulkers In Haw Hnvcjn wad Vlcstrad Out Tho clerical force of tho Union Dime Bar logs Institution nt Thirtysecond stroot and BUth avenue la short ono receiving toiler and the cub account U short 19152 Tho missing teller Is Otto Baumunn lie came to this coun ¬ try from Germany seventeen years ago lie was employed a few months alter lute arrival by the Union Dlmo people to whoRl ho was recommended by several wollknown firms In Broad street Baumann wa In dustrious and shrewd and worked his way up Ilia managers of the bank thought they had a prize In him and trusted him Implicitly A few years ago ho was married end since then ho had seemed to work harder than over II- ho had any bail habits ho Lout them covered up and everybody who know him thought him to bo an honest thrifty men who lived well ami saved money on his snlnry of 2300 a year Ho lived with his wife anti their two children In aflat at lJ4th street anti Fourth avenue until tho first of last July when ho stored his furniture and his wife and children wimton it vIsit to Ills wifes lather Valentino Dongs In Now Maven On Bitlurdny Sept 4 Baumann left the bank with th underiitniiillntr that he was tohavon vacation of two wants Ho said ho was going to spend ltls vacation with Ills wIfe In Now Ilnvon On the Monday following ha appeared nt tIme bunk fur the purpose he said of correct- Ing n mistake In tile books Ho pored over the hooks for n tow minutes and thnn disappeared Ho linn not been seen since Hovoral ilnya after ho haul gone nn Item In his books aroused sus- picion ¬ mild they weio closely examined with tie result that tlio dullclt of tlU152 wab dis ¬ covered IiiancctorByrcQa Immediately pom muni- cnted wIth and for thu lust two weeks he tins boon searching for Haurnnnn without success llnumntins wife called Itt time bulk In great rtliirm In the moan time the saul SIlO hnd not soon tier hunbutid for iiooriil weeks Vice President titles B nutchnrsnld last night that Buuruann had boon Appropriating tho Hindi of tliiitank for tIle last soy n months Ho hued stolon sums from Jlnoo UP nt a tlmo Time hooks wore kept Btruluht and the lrregulnrltlon wore not discovered Mr Dutehor salt that Bitutnnnn eo far as ho Know hail no vices whatever None of lie of flciirs of the bank believe tint ho opeetihited or risked money on any game of clinnco Ban mann Is about 45 years of ago lie Is 5 feet 0 Inches In height la well built nail ham a sandy heartland moustache The bunk Is not om- barrassud by BaiimnnnH sUnllncH Tills sworn statement him been piopnrod for the public Charles F SprafTio t clnir dimly sworn wt I result In tile city or J ese York sat nin secretnr of time Union Dlmo MitlniM Institution I Unto I tlili day ciimpletid- an examination ii r lie nreonnta to ascertain tile amount of n ilefulratlon h> otto Itnuinaun lute receiving idler I llnd FIUII amount to bum ttUlJ- I further stute that time Volume of tIme mid resource of aid institution tndjt li 7VJHO 3H7 tin ftmnuntduo- itil ll rii nil Ktw iJ7 nnd in uriIm utter iillnulng fortlu M ne lorn I lf 7H7l riutr h sritiiuK New HAMX Ot 2Mrs Uanm tnn l Is vIsit lag her slater Mr Kchroedur In Now Hivun 11cr viSit to Now Mitten ties nothing to do with tIll trotibla with htrbUBbaml Slat has nlwnvs come up for n Inni visit to her fetidly inure In the bummer Tlila lImo alu tirouuht lint BOV- UIIteonyoaroll MOU with hour Bh stnycd with her fntlinr Valentine UOOBP a iinsinltli first I dont know whoro my hUHbimil U alto said lnit night nor anythIng about him since ho wont nwuy Mrs BnunmnnB fumlly are very rH peetnblo Conan people They hare ourncit ull thin they own and nro much liked by their neighbors llim llr CAiUcnm Cleric Iliiylng Stessmshtpe An ofllclal of the onnsyivnniaiiBitroaa Corn pnuy tuliljeilerdny tint lie did not believe a tiuhllrhtil report tlmt the company tins bouKht u lot of iteatnbhipl for time Iced Star tine unit that the Inman steamship HllA ulll tin IIIArfVAl lit tile lied Star link Time Golan hue amlelmhidoliy on tIme austiumity of tim bomb ealco that thm- iieuumsi immmue ltiiroul 0111 PCli hits tmoogtit tIme tlaaka null ho Aricous cuud tIme tatmolual ilumu imlfdlita ktioWt- miutltiimK of lime oh or liii AlulerlutO These were time three veosels tuiuiuuil in the retort 1 iii Islalioums betwecu lIme rollrmuehl coil the Reil 8tart- hime ire liitiiflahe Mliii ilIlmdi seter lirig lit a Cl thu bled Star eutolute hues e lueceimie tim I unman elicIts atuo I ime lii lull hue alit Ills railroad imeve cxcimaimged cormaldsralmt- obmslume iulimler e I rmiiim couuuiuint II ii mInt beiie eeC hat at dcior meiatiius are colitruuupialrut It Iu pOislimlo- t ht Cielnint A Il nhacmiiui a III iii a ulterior of iolh tile mti Star CouulniIy ant the neiinouul cimlmpmully lies huh DlnjOleinicriinlirofid for tIm lied Star lImo iii Is cx- poetiC back on the tleam > hl lilrurla toilnr and 10 U- LHrrthtdeut frranlt Thomson of time renniylvaulal- ilroad a- A rumour Wau afloat yeaiermluiy that the ltahtliuimre mini OtIs ltmhirouid ColuiiliY would coon login to opermle a- slrullmSlI ii tins it ii iiwn iietWiefl thih cIty arid lntlu- lmml Sir Chuanies I Craig gemmeral Eusiatn hlftaaeiugr aSCII amuhul timat lie bad ummit even imearmi 01 such au crr- utmgeuumoit The Itcccnlly Discovered Cantor Ai DVNV Oct 2Prof Boss of the Dudley Ob- rrMitnrj announces that the ellIott recently discovered Lj Flnlij ofthgCapeof Mood hope Observatory Is In all probability u reappearance of time famous doubt of Da Vice which has not been dec11 since iSIS Time cornel has iv pirlo ftf about Ova and a half years and Its Iieimtity with this comets of 155i 1U7H and other years imism boom fairly well ataliIUtlJ lime calculations Ijy Trot 11055 indIcate thai the comet at iiu prclcnt appearance will not becomu Mslbla to this nakrdejc let that U will tie reailll reen ill tolercop ror Heveral months It Is npiro cfilii7 both this eurth slit tile sun It pOSSeS perii htlion about the mlddlo of hoTombor end Is now about ltxiuouuuu miles distant from tile earth OcroDtmoa Nnrrender BAN ANTONIO Texas Oct 2Gen David S Stanley Department Commander huld a long Interview wills Geronlnuo soul Natelmez jeiKrdny and It Is under- stood around department heivlniiarters that flerontmo corroborated the report of len Milts regarding the con dltions uudsr which time Indians surrendered to Oap- tIaw ionthat tile eons to be rvgarilvl as prisoners ol war and their lice spared While mien startlev is some it hat reticent on the subject ol the ultimate illipoiltlou- iif the Iidlann he is of tic oplnluu llia1 tiny will Dually be sent lo rlorlda for safe keeping Irvliin Hull lowluuilnsr tu Teiilu r Irving Hull hold primary elections In the ftvf rat Assembly illMrlels last nlilit lime Uuunty and Iu lUlary Convention will be held lq Irving huh on tbs ociillilif Ocl B the Cougrtiis Vousntions oil limo lith at 8 I lM limo Ahwmbly Conventions on Ii tiling of time isth soil the Alderinatilu Convention on thus even Innol tlioUOIlL 1 lie ControlsCouxutlons a ill be hell as lollops t hKthdlitrlct 403nrotn lih itroti Revrnth It and Il Nest Hroadwar Kluhlh iM Ka t nroadwan Mntn Si ltd tlreett Tenth S37 hurl atenim KletemhluT- i t rtilrljrourlh direct fwottili Ioil llilrd ui nuy- Thlttvtiiil iJ 7 llilrd avtnun hoiinrhrfj ls ttnmrimcs In tbs Fitnrlevnlk Time SonnetjorK fiction of the Fotirtoonth As leinbl utrlct Couity lUinuLrncr Irma lljtlon hed prlntnrj elsktlons lun nlcht and etrctird fortyfuiir tnrinhen of tile limrht foinmltne a lute ii ini ln to tnorriin tilng ti > iirnniii It I wilt rit 01 tlirtt I soilS fw ot tlio distrIct fuliuiv rrt ml Mcljuado iliad vl- idtiituis tu elect their fusi unites but thry nero fin tratvd Ainon I tie iuuuui irktieil ituro SerIatim James IMI extiiembliinrti Jniob i Kmuemami and I J tarl the I lion Inm Murphy Limo Minnrherir and Fd ward Mctlllrk I lite ileUgiite expect to tt rerogtilZfd b > time Cullnty Cojilnltliv lsuIllcui Nsiie The W II Grace Aasoelntlon of the Twentieth Assembly district lian rrUeclail rharUe Ollrlen Trell dent The Association hoe nomluattd Janice J Orihaughnesiy fir time Asiembly The Anil Monopoly County Contention will I o lucId on Oct 14 The Third Asiemkly PlMrlct AntlMonopoly League glee Coniptruller Loew llrt choice for Mninr and Henry bergs etoin1 Thi Nineteenth ant Tu out- flrul > di trict eiuneif are of him same feeling The Ihlr teenth district Is unanimous for loew A mats meetlna of ttie I bird Asuvinbly DUtrlct Henry George Campaign Club miii be held at Central Labor Unlou nail toniorroH atenlng- An open air mettlnr for henry ilcore wso held led Bit hi at Avenue O and Thirteenth street Oeorca Bliirk said that tIle elrcliiMt of Hour < ieorg Hkft i itiie41f the worklnicnicu would stand by lulls cal not permit themselves to be bought out at time polls Churchill Would Hllfl Uetmle LONDON Oct 2Lord Randolph Chnrchlll speaking at Usrtfordttoulgbt said that the House of Commons was th slays ot the caprlc of the Radical and Parnelllte ant It was Imperative lo provMe simple and eUeoilv means of oo > liu debates If Ireland followed the advice ot agitators such action would teal to further reprel but Irish com nieroe had begun to Imurot a and with the present good harvest the people ot Ireland inllht anticipate brighter times With regard to affairs In Bulgaria be sail It was Impossible to foreshadow the outcome hut he still hoped thud a peaceful settlement would ba efltclrd England ha said ought to support Austria In herdlin catty llultarlste Iteulr 10 Ilusslu SoFIA Oct aTba reply of Bulgaria to Hu- slas demands Has tea delivered In It lluigarla ac- cepts the Czars terms provided Ilia Independence cf Bulgaria Is formally cusranteed lieu Ksulbsrs has demanded that the Bulgarian Oov- ernment kiteau explicit reply to Hussia within twenty fUr hours 1scapcd fiaiu Ike Ucfurtu Boknuf MILWAUKEE Oct 2SoTentoen boys escaped from the Reform School ftt Waukesha last night sail are still at large They effected their ecepi iy mrans of a skeleton key made out of a comb by auele > ea year oM boy Anaitker CuveIn mt ilaquemlne- FiatiuEtiiNE La Oct 2 Another larite cave In of Ills rivers bank occurred hre thIs evening attba header Court street routing the eentrsi of tbs town Ii now looks u though tlis whole town from was doomed Ixtcsi Islatad DcmexrsitU 1rlmarlse Richmond county pomoeratlo primary else tlesi Odd last 55lt yeastiest U the ikoM if delegates nvs < a Bsrmnt tot Coasresv aa LOT A ctuurtuiL SSCAVR- Tk CkerllT AlVstld ls ArrI a Mass who Had Tried to Kill kla Hr lkarU1arR- UTLAND Vt Oct 2Joi1n Harty and bis- brotherinlaw James O Ilannon at West Itutland have not boon friends for two years A fortnight neo their quarrel was lutenblllcd by a dispute between their wives about somo wood In which husbands took hand Man ¬ non struck Harty for which ho was lIned In tho Police Court Ilannon vowed veneoanco Yesterday afternoon Harty was sitting on n wheelbarrow chatting with a man sawing wood In the yard whoa Ilannon suddenly appeared and with folded arms slowly walked UD to Hnrty saying not a word lie walked put his victim who had scarcely time to look up when Hnnnon drew n hammer and strIking beck ward hit Harty a torrlblo blow on tlio temple Ilarty with a wild cry foil headlong and Ilau non showered blow after blow on him A mint named Fox throw himself In front of time Htttnllant suit as ho hold hack Hannons arm the latter hurled tho hammer at his pros- trate ¬ relative The Sheriff was summoned He and his posse found Ilannou standing In hIs yard Ilnnnonsald I guess I will have to clear out and then bo started for the woods with tho officers In pursuit On being bard ptuhoJ be stood ills ground drew n knife nnd said In a quiet way tibet he would kill the firm nina that approached him Hannon tbo reputation of being ono of the most muscular mon In the country Ills pursuers wont baik for aislstanca and lire ¬ arms In tho moan line Ilannon disappeared among tile mountains and cannot be found although ttoveriil parties of men aro In pursuit Unrty will probably die The Aliimcilua Quick Iassnce BAN FRANCISCO Oct 2The steamer Ala media which arrived to itsy trout Sydney mia Auckland ant Honolulu made the fnstest trip on record lietneen Sydney and han raucisio her time Lelng ad > U hours nnd M minutes which teats the best previous record teat hy time Maroa by six hours Tile Alameda was detained at Auckland for six hours on Suit H to allow inerchunls to answer their mall which lint Just arrived by steam- er 57 due fnini London This mall was sent est toil uy It i 111I lim e SLH York for I Uerpnol on Satur iie j next mill mxpccud ho urns u at Ohm latter ilIac on lOt ill hub will 1110k thy limn of tim ii trip from Auck land in Kiuland Ma this tnllcd htnln file ilajii teas Ihuii from lnuland to Auckland br ilinct aleallle II will also reduce tie time of the trip around Ilia world to slit nlnodaB Our nHleclr1o Secretary PITISilthtimtl Oct AttorneyGeneral Oar Ian I lio liui been ruitlcntliig nt his home in Arkansas fur time tact two months paatd through this city thin mornlnK en runt to Manimgton to nail mIme Insoilicla- ldutus Mr Unraud sat s ha u In the belt of hcullti FIXIWCIAL AfTlt CUUMRKVlir New York Clack > xokiinge nli > Oc S Settle mum Avn trie nn en < bt lv Ct di H- Illll C H 4n c laoailiHl lHnil dcf llQII ail L N 4o cllJ > ervlllV 4l 0 lulill fetJa 774 3 La cull 4 7o 1 XC cou 4n 11A- IJBilLkUiu Auto unit laiDi ltd iliUlsl trio AIIIarllia 4aJJi 5 MlwIH 5 ti List112 11 Ainer MUCK S I Hit itltiuI ml tint 1UIUQIIOO HMob id let mlmib M 7 lIOn t It AN Mich eim7e iml 7 Mi ioi 1i i24 I ItuIl I iorlo 17 leOn I 2t c ilol- a limo a0 sIn e3 N 0 A I let 78i7ti lull ihli7 t P Y teumtral debilli- H Cli C 0 eur3Oi4ill r N Y Em let i2ib 7 ii 131 Ill Ny k Nor to c e tr k i u UJl hilt t A Nor 3Ciuflils2h1 J45lli4 1 it Cell iac ic 1111 33 N Y Oh 4 St I ill tOm I N Ill 151 cnllt lit ii Cell mlca lnh 8 Ii I ClmUpOui iff 104 b N V A Vmet 103- I 01 iitI Cs uC ohio A MIss tim iCim14tLN 0 5s lifl 2 lrlimtst tilb 01 hut U A H I to in hi Luhe lO1- 13 Or 0 0 tel Out It ti H 2 Vol1 II 11 ihUt Iii laciOc mit Mu istllul 4 01dm 4 II U cmi e no a i 0 cx bsluu- 1 iWA o a SIlo H ii lstlOt lii ith A 1 lIt 114- llXi7 Ouri 2ils cx J 7 kit I A S C mit t33i- liomu C iOl4I5mii a SI I lermit 10- 35Rrte i I St 1 1108- aE TeRn 55 COO if PC Sb is yt ii irtit tutH4hil463l i St let W a U- ho 0 lIe A A A lit W lxiiI2utO2 I 4 C 1111 let 10- 2Coreen 1may50 Oil 211Cltt 24 molt 5 8 II I 15 lIt Jo A 0 1 1501mM- U mhtTexlacierm- at llociVailetSI3 ii lad 8 HI lit EdtJIt 411 Tux ae It 0 T a- i iril a St lit 15 iS ies iau I c- a iii sent 1 It 2 Ken rcouitoui 4STeX Pc I g53S3- I KmuntTglmil 07 1 7Kail imlLO1 44 I4Watut 1 CILuISi- hi Lou4Ngni tii7 I Vuit msc 118- S Iou8 71 mcd Shore I L N A ml Cli nnht 40 mOIill total uuheeof railway tend fear yehue 521 13iOO- ArsuilnOLl use ommee osoaenR- mtllihiihits 77151 N T4 N E02h357j 4th All A Ino 0il J 1029 > Ytus 4- or JJllllltOU A It pfKll a orec 22422 2iKllan racUM 4isiiH- I2H45 5225lmalla 5ltI44Ui S Can Squtnci7hll531mi4 Suit Oo 1I4OIUU- lum 5R10t UL r Jtl2V4lt- r Ohio 4 uisa aniazs oocent lao4H > a4a 1450 Or 105 N lOho5iO- d14OOOt3Y8ibUAo4S ojunt 4 VHa2ntI 23 C b A Q 137- MI Km Ohio 8autn ttt cues a o u 8V ran1 S KlDiaTJi Olio i in i ash l 551 Full 0 Co HIV HI- moLonii BnlLDf ViWi 211120 iiealIi lfft TOI A 11 V A lOll Rich AIL JKIKlcll a WfUll JO- v lose DoLAhICiO0MhiO Rock 1st iJTauiii- S30 S31IKII iiiA W- KODell l3iil7lh Ht L a 8 r- urel A K i30lldil b3 4aK- iloonUAa ilu Erie cum 83Ct44 f lit 15141 hOt brat 7ilsU twit I Ills 3iK leuu US 100 bt 1aul 8 Dm hem K linn imf7O474 corn SbU- 1UO eta H Teen 2d- Df bt faul 4 1UL- nrer J- UKUnd looi 1114 Wlidii lutlObt r1 < 8JU Ken r Laihi4i33 ManIiH31i7b 201mu41 Lea SIiUtmiii I3i Tex ma lao tat uj T It lO alBU- TUITsis 73lLeuu aNmijfJ4li 4rafll7Ml7 j 21i Slams lOll 13 4194 f Uu Pac UlatVlM- ISVaMldland 2543 Manhu tty 37 CUB lflallo4 mul Web 4 Pnoue4inV inn Seem 4 Oh li1 810 Web 4 PnIOOJOi- Oli5MlcflUeuSli4491J Mlsceiumhuhcmiuoo sue Mil u B f 120 b M Ki- Hiuuiiick W oref UJj i39J- 4O2JS nt 24K- 2iKCamn Mil A at f- eaia CoaiiMc5llih4 U9S 94U HISi 5101 lolL 2HSaRi- 201INewCanOI 2iCOMaIitrll2lattI lax- Jluooltnii UVislobeku Ib- JOMorAKs Uual4 i4blb Iron Oem17300 limo Miiinnoiis 8 01- L 410 Cons Oa 78S147 J- nno coIn SO- iOON Or Trans asiffliifU- 7bUFao e unat b5- 3JUharfAWur Mall 5 7050 lacmnu4u1 4ilii anchor incstiiaid 84IU 3al5owLuy74 oa73 Nor lac DI iiiHU 130 Met liii74M7iili- i 60 > iwrnli7411 til3 Total 1 tie Slii27- 11i220NYCenthlDe3Ill 1 iirsina rmcs hi islft 211 411C- Ctt CIs C 1124 I lD it a at icoru StS U4- iUS 41L r ll2 i12 SI ti St r mufl21 123- 5 as r 170 ltt I Me it 1 Tel ul 5 U S 45 lIibi4 N Cell elt mmis NVChiuut iilm4 11- 2Cclusilei 7i 71 N V I N Is dr 02- Coiormmuo nol 25l CC tmou ntm 5011 Ii Ciii ii7i 37 r i ii bIr t 1 Ill C I I C I nut 00 I 51 ilwot I I U4 I IT Ort isilme 4d hs urthinn cot 01 I4A I42- ltliit I hit I 12 143 I West 2t J- Ilui I t iv 1311 a Ii7 iiuiuli coils 5J- Pt I A II udiumu I lit 110 llmh ahia lit 1 12 I It- 14l eli II I St tlil 72 71 i iteSmill 5 T ti 133 p Telmuliut old il P1 tir It A Na iii4l 10- 1lne cit Mmmii 7- Elle 71ti5 inca A lion141 gm- ilnte2I lilt COSting 3l 3- IlLceimlral1341 mlii St Iuuuui A ilen1t7 tIC toiu S Numsbt3fl uI Tmtnl 5 iacilio 17F4 17 Late Shire 0I iIl41 tjuiiur iac sIt 4 lii- Sian ltvcont42 143 WSS I tutc 104s iih- Ilpeounm tir I I I 1 I mat 1 lto f tilicim lent Cit1 ill Sot liii 11 71 74i fJATtItDAY Oct 2 So tar us figures show today was the ijulo- tostol thB week on the Stock Kchaime but as rocards tho character of the niiI kot it la side to say thou the Interest aroused was greater tItan on any day for a long ilino TIle situation roar tosummod up as follows Time solIng is general anti strong that In the long run the market will Drove to be nn Improving one but that just at present a number of Influences ex- ist ¬ that are likely to chock rather than oncour ago speculation Chief among thorn are the temporary unsettled condition of trunk line attains and tho possibility ufa revival of labor troubles at Chicago and a strike on the pent ot some ol tho anthraclto coal miners WMlo all of these are capable of being speedily disposed of and probably wilt be before any material damage results the effect upon the street of discussing them li naturally depressing In addition to these there was today a poor showing by the asio elated banks and a threatened attack upon the anthracite coal companies by the authorities pf tho State of Pennsylvania It Is difficult to see upon what grounds proceedings nculnst the coal companies for conducting their busi- ness ¬ as they do can ba Instttutud They arc simply doing what every lenslble man endeav- ors ¬ to do limit the supply of their product to tile demand and obtain a fair price for It The present agreement among the coal companies does not seem to be In any sense an un ¬ lawful combination or trade conspiracy and It would be an exceedingly dlfllcult matter to prove In accordance with tho rules of evi ¬ dence that all the Interests concerned In tile coal Industry are not conserved by the present policy of Ihe companies Hut to return to tbo market which after a firm opening stud period at strength hogan to yield about noon as the Influences referred to became operative Tho declIning tendency was however held In check but the tone of the market certainly not Improved by the course of New York and Now KnglAnd On unusually heavy trading the price advanced rapidly to 6211 and the final sale at 02 < was ctf V cent bettor than the last one recorded yesttrdar An the street does not know to a certainty the reason for this movement U Is naturally nuoh JLorejUd over It IndMd a good deal of nervousness suds which Is nAeetsul ta he market by Irregularity and teyer1nIsi Tbn treat WM treated to a rood many very positive denials tn connection with the pending deal In the stock some of which are clearly technical while others cannot bo considered so leniently Perhaps ono of tho most interesting features of this Now York and New England is- hiislnoBSls the way In which everybody who H ought to knowdonles that any of rumored no ft- fotlatlous to the ndvanuuio of the company ore going op It recalls tho history of tile Western Union melon and of the lost dobonturo bond issue of the New York Central Homebody now ns In those two cases l is lying tremendously but who It In limo only will show It Is N- inarkablo In the light of thono dnnlali tint au- thorized ¬ representatIves ot the Boston and At liiinythoNl mid Nuvlluvon tho Now England ii time llonton nml 1rovldono und Now York Irovldonco and Boston companion should ngruo to meet In this city on Friday next to formally sot upon terms for tho morglnic of tha live concerns Into ono oiloHsnl oorporatlon This moitlnclias boon preceded by n great doal of negotiating as lies boon ntnted In this co- lumn ¬ several times during tile past wonk TuG most pertinent uuostlon that some of tile do flats Riicgost to one who Is Cognizant of tile negotiations anti yot U not on tho Inside is line this consolidation buen prolectid without tho stock of the Now York end Now Jni and Company In hnnd The stock market evldentlir Indicates n struggle for stock anti thu Indications are many emil seemingly conducive that hill olovatod railroad oaiilttillst who worn formerly Inter- ested ¬ In Now Utiglatid lire lending a very active hand In tills atrinrulo Dlrootly anti Iniflroctly the street has had nn abundance nf advice from that quarter nil tile week to sell the stock Meant ma It tins soared n not advance of lilt v rent Vitat appears to bo another schema la being whlflDorrtd about but from what wo can loiirn It Is u mnasuro that Is contomplatod after the consolidation Is eftocted If carried out It would shorten tho transatlantic voyago lie splto tIle unsettled fouling prices as n rule did MotHUlTornuioii fit Inul yielded tho most V- v coot on Chicago coiling Heeding Joraay Central and others of 10s Importnnoo frao tlonally On tho othnr hand Now York Central Luke hhoro atiiMNeiliirn Union wore strong througbout clod with n majority of tha list closed lilirhor The speculation In Western Union still points to dooopmr of some sort favoiiOilo to that htock which It Is ba- lloiod will provo to bo tile termination of the cable nato war In tile near future The not result of tile weeks Inrao trnnsao Ions Is that most of the deuce list I Is lower with tho irreiitc dnclliHo 2I V cent In lEmidlng 2 In Jersey Central and Ui In Erie whlliift few special stocks like Now Unulaiid Canada Hotithorn nnd Jllohluau Central nro higher Of tile Important events of the weok to which rofnroncit has not nlready boon inado- rtotp the exceedingly satUfuctory eltowln made by the Now York Contral for the Quarter nnd year ending Bent SO and the gratifying trade reports made publlo today The stock market clouod Irrogulutr but In the nialnop parontly llrui Closing prIces compare with loose of yester- day ¬ as follown i oc at Ocl t Ocf 2 ran sou them BOi 070114 V A N B- Cenlraelllc 57 oii- M1 4Hi4 4Vei Jcenlral li mu4 C C t A lad Hi Omaha coma 6- 17MOimlair OlJ Cons Uns 7MV I 113 114 let L A rteKISII > 7 137 Out A West 2II4- ln 21 i Oct 2 I Hudson i lot lr It 4 N tIlt lii bugle A K u 3H- Ine I 31I ireirnii AT 0 Hlf- HI i BHJ laelllr Mall 67- 7J < 67 EMt login If 7J 7 lEicn 1 Vl U- P8i t- i5i Cccl r Id iif IM- Kan 2l theuitumg a A Tex ts nnlherii lot 4 l J Lou A Nisn Sb W M I ieihl en II YH- IMJ i- lLko shot 0114 St rilt Mm I 117 I h7- 1lanhmallulhIItl lC2Tio A Jltctnc- ul Mich Cent thOm i- 1ins Tnut Keci ta lP Irtt- fllj Mismiurl ian I I I Union rac tlliC Nortnwestcom117 tlllhiRhm A Iac com H- inivwnii mj- oc Heir Per nf nl1- N A IM nf blt fli TCentral 11- 1Governmont liiWest Uii Tel 73J 74 bonds tn fair demand aol strong The Ps closed 3 tho Is > and tile 3t- t I 4 cent hlirbnr bid Itilhvtiy Ijoiid nctho and llrmcr Tho more Important clmnues wore ndvanraH In Atlantic aOl Pnnlllo Inaoiiien ii Erie 2dH 2 Fort Worth and Deuxer City Isti s l Now Orleans Pacific lots 1i Toxus rnotlla- torminaK trust roeolnta 1 nnd land cniiit in- comes KV cent Detroit Miickitiaonnd Mar juclto laud grants declined 1 > V Coot Money on call easier owing to the Outobrr- lIsburcomentB nt 5u>7 I cent with C 14 cent tile ruling rate Utorllnc excbnngo dull and rather heavy with posted nnklngratoRunclmngodat f lS2V- itl 3 for long bills and t48h5i144hli > for de- mand ¬ The amount of bullion gone Into tho Hank of England balance today in fi5 000 Pnrl advices quote 3 cents at 132SO and oxohaiiuav on London 253Us Latest luotutlons of bank stocks BLuI AIled lilt 4101 America tO iTt hlenhettan i 157 I Iii AulCxchange illS 142 Msrkt 158 ftli- hroailwumv 2be 295 hCdhulOilmCe till illS HUtciu it Brov iso hIre unit Trail 53- Ceimlral itt i23 iieramuite lJJ- Chmae 14i Morel lls 112- Ullltthalfl 215 225 Ncr ishi 11- 12Ulmegimicti280 hotropoiltau 73 71 CIty 255 Niisen 131- 1CihhLcli 120 New rots rid a- Cotiumnerce 172 lilt N Y Omit Nt 113 i2C- mihmhiuenthl ItS 1111 N Y County Jlsi- Corlu Ixch 183 Nlihi 125 iN Kant lOver 121 North Auriericua i23 IllS EleventluWanml 1 tO Nurihu River 123- irismital 115- Fouurtli Pmiclhuc 151 151- Fuiton lie i2 Park 104 lIlt tiiftiu Avenue Tms henmuioe IHi 11- mblaIitin 2u5 Phemmix 107 Iii larflid ISiS Uepubllc i3t illS lerugusim Ala ill31 Secant 221- 1enih1alli 25 SovenIhi wae imu- iirrenwlch tIkS ihhoe ituilLtetli iOS Ileumover 157 hit Niciotan IllS 1mpaiuiTad 301 lilt l0teh5f NYi- rvulhe 137 i40 iTruIeniuuetms it bill Lcailmcr Mauus105 Unitet illale 2012 Tho banks have lost In roorvo daring tio week vary heavily Tim money lIne gone late circulation and will stay out for some time yet xrt yi < M u cfinnjti Loan t337 151701 34H101700 toe M7lll v- lleioslH > 3471U57IIII Zili754lNe I live 31ii4- uilimeUioiloiu813470 MIUI4IXJ lime 2ri7i Legal toudsrs 1021liKV IH7O 1101 lIeu O4i- Bpecla > 7U144llmXJ 740KJIOI1 Deo 55UUji > Total reserve i iitlM ono VmctZJlltxi Ksnerv tofu B0 7J U3 SlO9ml75- itiurplue i ll07UH7S jrlHltcj5 hoc S31 Time nurrlusH year ago ttae f4l4tKiltiT Tile Treasury exhibits the usual ofToct of tho first of October disbursements The balances are Off 1 Oct 2 0011 tliK JKur7- Lsiial tlSliUhllllll leaders NisJ28lluiii UUbllMti > Total IU4tIJHi7 J10J4I11II- Sllter balance JWU33H74 as against fH > il4 384 yes terdnr The statistics of national bank circulation Blvo the lullowini results c1l 23 Ic 2 rjrenlntlon ontstandlnir 303 7l3ilO- tOS sllralpstllllC Lawful money lioil aiuinit Circulation retired 1015- I7737IX 0301V Bent deimMted to wear clrculnttondurins thew uek- Itontls l3t1lte ttltliilraivn 40l3Ii 41US1- JBIIIO Three per nellie hell as se- curity K10U UJII TIp statement ol the Loulnvllloiinil Nash vlllo Itullroiul for August shows gross onrnltud of lJUtriCC nn lnoroa of 121707 nn corn pared with lust year cull not iiirnliiKa of tiuj 8011 nn increase of HUlSiti Tim tint nftir- pujlnc for pmijtructlon Wits I1W781 uniu crease of The Atchison Toroka and Santa FmS 1 Hall road Company rip rts gross nuiiilnuH for tIllS bovxti niontlm iidlng Auu 31 of t58j ISSs- no 1303818 tin Jinrouso of I2J23U- TSmv YurkS- ATUIIDIT 31iarkIa Oct 2 FLOUR AND Mmi Th market was dull mud prico ann droipln mIld ui- smiUd In rruumtiy nlth tin trail uiirket Cotiiii Futuren ttcr dull slut Inns seen with ul liiitruni Uiante ilotlnir ill niu ton October i2c forNoteniber aj7i for December u no for 554e for Kebruarr hl She ler ii arch C tilt for April 010 fur May u 77c fmur June 1 dee for July ami ii cia lor tiunsl i stiles 431551 i bales spats dull nn l We hit middling oDiaada Mci Uulfs ui iuo Itaceluu at tua ports tins dab ai lout bales elumommu lilt fuuiilrci sire allieS ulahuressel by hue eelyi suiIiimn il itmCm pal 4 725150 ummlm mmtHi 4ni for ichuler liQCul fur Noyenuber H753mda- or tlemmlor sumaim list j luimilor U4fIhlmre for Atrit lil5i5U0im lit ilay itimil tiCit fms Juuit Slot iivat V S iii lit iii iflil flmr mllhilmg bSit export Immisimmoss lliiili ii01s huiSlicd No 3 red wlter ii cleliutor anit ichlecrod No 5lo 593u tim elevOlir Uhiltrnii ill 773n60 ehiial hil Ni 2 sprIng i0i8ie Ciiile Ide No I slurlmmut mOIlde poor whit 74n imiuluan cumrlI fill Ores deeliniet tmurii r linmller a alIir iii lbs iteumiand t salo 112551 1155 Nm 2 totted mit 4bui43 4iu ror Oilober 4Tt471 oe iomiuiuer 4Chm4eu for ueienioer 4ic ior January sill nnc fur M iv I Hint corn lower and more aenvai iuOixi bush takaa ftir export sales Included No 1 mlied 4d3is47e 115 elevator slId atluat alit No a whIle 410 Its elevator Oils wire nenressent eels UJSlsjO oushu V 5swid olmhiouls No 2 at airuu for Oitio tier for Niveumuber S3ltl1e for Decei her sod 5ilc for itaym and 01 time spot mixed at 2Ju13Jc amu wiuht st SItilSihile as in quality Rus quiet at iitrjAno out time tcack anmi afloat ls4t Wheat scarce at 5arsi Aftmr Choigeuieot dull No 2 for Oclmiber Ch Novsnber Srci flscemiir s7flem January Hi401 May Hi7 tiara Cull Ho a Ilitsed for octuter 4lioO Smoeeulmuer 44 ° e turr 4111m Jatmiiery 40Cr hlmtyat14e Oats dulti No S for ctobsr SIc1 hoember Ole Hecmber- JJ lillu Slay llIcl- aoylstuiooIard rolllrcs miuctinet Sharply Under free ofleruiga sIe it P52 tce At iiIit3A llCo br Octolcr 5111151 2tc for nuiuimmiie lillllJc toy Decsintr a lsCut INC for Jaliumry 01 tSrtli Ii for Felrtuary elm1 uuiTroV MarVh After Cllange the Clone wV it Ii IK for October lie for November title ember andlilDi for January Shot lard wY LI- u er if i li iu hmi a large himohmiese I ruutimed soles 4j hi cs nt ni for prime city thui41O uoe for pnillut to elmoice Wsstsrn awl ii lb for rflneg for tIe alit fr Cull i Aituericm imrk dull lImit KiiHJi- reenlunsilltualargefteni tiw inns yli4ll Li Cut meats duhi sill for arrival 1reese I legS loiusr at 8s5Iie Tamhuw iae a slealy mhi St 4 1100 Butter firm at 21rgJlc for c00agery lit tioIsrtuh ileimmguumih at 1i13t2c for State fsctry Fresh ctte2ir22c- isucoeiniihlee no the spot dull aimd fair cargoes itie qimolel at II c is ilt intuit graIn Without buustnm tOo oltiiuie Ietuilc by looser 47 Ci bats cioshiug hi whit Sellers at eSlc for October SIlo for Joeelnhr smlii 9300 for tim more ilislant eytintme Raw suiili cloister bull flrm Sues 441 litmus fair rflminm tmmoeiul vale 4l3l IllUc mdlii flhds 141 Crib at 4c I 151 ard cemutrltugal quoted 5le Itefimueij lucius I I etter deullanul Cr00111 0 5i02ii 71Gm tronhulutpI S It tm4 0 I leo t soft WhIt A St55e 0 at yilowi 4cISc Molasses dull MaTAt5llel of ° ektl1 at OT40 for October soil 2JiiOa fur Noremmiter Ucxaa raugnrs Uraln shipments were quite antIcs at 44 to Liverpool atud huh 4lt to Bristol OHat 3 t ffaSrlftte quarter to Oopenhsgeiu and 3 PsiROiiDiiVriKlasMrtincstes were faIrly active cr14 hIgbr 01111mw at U2Me seihimug at 5JMte14e aimS shosiugatdllh3OSgt asiss 10335531 bbPs flAvCh STOPasIpirit tulipelitlos was qOlet ii4 ajI5 cUter al 21a n


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lrXBA r airmen Alae Announead to Lee

lure la Amerlcnn Oludenla ef Jlnddklsm-Ikle Winter ITNat lltidJklstu TenckeafI Tho onnotmcoincnt inado In THE Buv Inst

Bunday that Now York Is to havo a place ofi trorshlpor public mootlniffor the rapldlyitrow

Ii Inc Uuddhlst societies has created much In-


In consequence of IL tho Now Yorkr Aryan Thoosophlcal Society at 1U meeting last

3 f week was attended byttranuori neeklng theBfimea of the officer and wanting Informationtolatlvo to tho matter The meetings of thisocloty are open only to members and thetransfers woro unable to soouro tho desiredparticulars TUB HUN stated that Eastern

ji teachers had boon Intorosted In the effortsi f ol thoto who ask for Instruction In

< this country and In several instancesWestern pupils hal como In direct con-


I with tho priests of this religion In

r Europe and India Vrom private advices ItlsI

I learned that a Hindoo cradunto ot Ibo Univer-sity


iI at Bombay and a hluh cute BrahminI ZIohlnl Mohun Chatterjce Is to como to the

L United States from London shortly IIo hiltboon teaohlntt London and on Continentt anti Is now to oomo hero whoro ho11I under-takef the active work of the Guru on his ar-rival


lie has tho approval of the Brotherhood-ini Thibet and hits workod with the sanction ol

I this body In Europe for tho vast two yearsI Whon bo roaches hero tho Rtudy of Aryan

r t f Mtoraturo will bo undertaken In earnest by thoI r dlsolplos-

Thoi want of a succinct explanation ofJ 1 tho spread of this most ancloat of all

J l thu rolluluns ant of an exposition oftho beliefs of Bu ldhlsts IB felt and

J r THE SUN gladly supplies tho public with thist1 I Information dlflleuit of obtalnmont In thisI country Jvery uonulno lluddhlst Is sworn to

obuy certain mandates and to hrliiL no ro-Droaoh upon tho doctrines of Lord Buddha by

J any mistaken oolnlons or conclusions formany years the study ot Sanskrit has been un-der


j > way by l uullah scholars and Max Muller Int Enulnnd ana a number of eminent lro

feriaors In Germany havo boon open-IngJ up tho treasures of a llturuturo un ¬

i J known toforo In tho West Tho pooplo of-

t J tho United States have not been so muchIn tho current of this literature aihao Euro

r J neans but It Is a remarkublo ait that Amen ¬

ans moro utilverrmlly and quickly appreciatet the philosophy of Buddhism Unto any westernr nation Homo years OliO tho cultivated class of

I i Hindus could not ba Inducod to believe thatIj > tho moneyloving energetic practical Ameri-can


o had a peoohnnt for tbo mysticism of thei East or cared for tho religion thaUitmo down

r f to them in essence from the forefathers ot thei race tho Aryans But such has boon proven

s to be tho citso and there aro thousands of peo-ple


t today whore ten years ago there woro butIfi B few dozens anxious to know tho subject

l Letters received by Indian nundits silica thep publication of Tho Light of Asia hao

I pI I amazed thorn and thin demand for tho Ptixnd

and works on Buddhism haa led to theL translation of many volumes Indian schol-


1 have boon sent from Bombay and Calcutta-to England to do this work and the cata ¬

1 I logues of London publishers show ao ImmenseE t activity In tile direction

C Tho whole school of trench Positivists havetIt become practically Buddhist and tho Our ¬

man ncloutieU says thu eminent Prof Ernstflf Haockol are fully of tho opinion that thet lluddhlstlo thoory of the eternity ot matterW t j and Iforce and other particulars wore identical

with theI latent Induction nf nnlnnnnI

t VonvfowmoreIyolentih1cjf mOnI1i Amerlcnare InturoBtfld osotorlo study but when any

t lilt Individual among thorn has taLon ui the InvestlKtitlou of uaotorlo Buddhism they havefound to represent a truo individualism utterly at war with tho thoory of miracle and un

t I like any other spiritual teaching that It Islit Identical with the position of modern aclunauas explained by tho late Prof J W Draper and

i others The followers of Buddhism claim thatJ It Is as taught sIx centuries bolero tho Chris ¬

I tian ora a perfect code of morale and a philos-ophyt broad enough to have anticipated the I-


duutlofis modern research and speculationliuddntsm teaches right belief right thought

F right speech right djictrlno rltht means ofI livelihood rljjht endeavor right memory

i rleht meditation Ho who keeps these augatf I in mind and follows them says a teacher will

be free from sorrow and may roach salvationIt r from the miseries of existence Buddhism

1I teaoliB reincarnation or roblrtha and thef I doctrine ot Karma Ylthout a thorough un ¬

I t derstanding ot thoso two points It U uselessto try to master the philosophy It Isnot In the provInce of an article likethis to outline ft rollniotis belief but0 it may bo of Interest to state that the oxplana

tjouot the reincarnation theory Is this Thattho unsatisfied desire for things that belong tothu state of personal existence in the materialworld Is the cause of repeated rebirths Thist unquenchtid thirst for physical existence is a

t force and has a creative power In Itself soI strong that It draws the being baok Into earthI lifo This doctrine 18 In reconciliation withI clonco Inasmuch lie It Is the doctrine of rause

and effect Solanco teaches that a man Is thoJ result of a law ol development from the Irai I perfoct and lower to a higher and perfect eon ¬I dition In other woids it IIs tho doctrine of1 evolutionl

Tho stumbllnir block to Western studentswho have been reared in the belief that thislife la the only one that exists for action nodthat succeeding It Is heaven or hell is the doe ¬

I trine of repented lives cacti one being the reI t ault ot previous ones Ituddlilsts repudiate thoI dootrlne ot a personal God They consider

t euch n belief as utterly absurd Tim philoso-phy


teaches tho highest goodness without aGod a continued exlstetee without what goesby the name of 8oul a Imppinoss withoutan objectlvo heaven a redemption by oneselfI sis the Redeemer nnd without rites prayers

1 nonances priests or Intorcossory saints Inr a word ISudJhlsm is a pure moralphilosophy which assumes the universaloperation of tho law of motion and change by

I vhlch all things the worlds and all forma an ¬

imate and Inanimate upon them are governedi Mao In the words of tho Eastern doctrine must

Work out his own salvation without fear ori favor and reincarnate as often R8 his Karmn

necessitates It Whon the desire to repeat himloll has ended he reaches Nirvana the higheststato whore reblrtbs are unknown The rollgton ot Buddhism says Its followers Is one of

f fiohlo tolerance of universal brotherhoodrighteousness and justice It Inculcates obedi-ence


to parents kindness to children andfriends mercy toward the bruto creation In ¬

i t dulgence to inferiors reverence toward Urnlif loins and members of the order suppression ofanger passion cruelty or extravagance andtolerance and charityIn countries where Buddhism prevails thoroare temples for tho followers nl liuddha and It

r bus been thought best by the older Buddhistsin this country to have a meeting place wherethe more learned may teach the younger mom ¬

bers and give aid to all who ask It Thoro armno converts to Buddhism because It Is not areligion In tho sense tlmt Westerners applythis term It Is a moral philosophy andone that must bo grasped by the Intelsoot and accepted by the Intuition Itis remote from the emotional andhas no such props for HB students asaro offered by orthodox religions The Ameri-can


Buddhist lools a natural reticence In dls-ousdlng his reasons for embracing tho doctrlnesof Buddha and It lis with great rosenaany of thorn the Information Itrcounlzflinta growing demand on tho part of tho pub

l a bettor undorstandliic of tho matterone or two have spoken The interest awnk

I> ened will bo moro mot during the winter by thehindu teacher who hna announced his mienii Von ot making a stay In tlio United Htates

I and iwlll bo lust In Now York It7 Is likely also that A I Hlnnett tho author of

Esoterlo Iluddhlem and other works of akindred nature will bo In Now York to lecturethis season t rom present appearances It looks-asi t iff the fashionable diversion this winter willf bo lectures on mysticism and the most popu

jar books will ho II rovhal of Bulwer LyttoneIt Zanonl The Comlrlll liMe and works of

J that character In EnclUh literary clrcloii JJuddhUm has boon a fiuhlonablo study forT several years and all time signs point to Its earlyi adoption hors u a fashionable study

I jtt uumr

Fair weatheraiauul

northwesterlyomee 1rodlcslun

winds slightly I

JUTTINfllJ inuir xoirvt-

ssnishlpf The LetrJain arrived lait nleht-alnsloI on the Mall In Central Iatx at14 oclock this

r flernoouEdward

Judg P1notla momhis

Dorar n gon absolute divorce to

The harbor police found a boat containing twelve bagsof coffee at the real ot lit street early yesterday-

I Hanker Foster whose real name appears to ba Guy Wr Brlllon was held for lime Ursua Jury jestirday Ly JDI lice Uorman

Collector Uagone has recommended the removal ofj Oenrce Purenbuiy a clerk at tha Custom Mouse departI jnent at fluuu a year ou account of alleged Intemperate

Labilei The Association of the Alumni IfIIColumbia Colleget whti hold their annual meeting on at 8 I Mt luI the library building Fortrumlh stresS sad UadUou

venueJohn Oslbralth a manufacturer of feathers and antI

0 I acid floWers at ftu lileeiker street was strloken byi apoplexy In his oince jeslerday semi tent to St mceuts-

JlospltalI0 >

I Pa law Chaawlck the counterfeiter who was up-ii tnrad In Albanrv as arraigned before Cnmuil lousr

I JI41a ye terda7 lie WIyel elsumlustioo almS WIball for trialI

Thaactlnfl Secretary of the TrI nrr Mr Fairchildt > 0 dlroclod upon rerninmendallon of time CollectorI Still tIC bouided warehouse of A II Uouraud lit cudi 11M Uresnwlch st be reopened

The steamship Anehorla of the Anchor WM duee bars on Wednesday but baa nut Thesvenlt said Slllmt lbs bolllldfroUl thise berore luthat somethln had broken codabe had stopper to ox L-

ui root uco < lbs well known tntiriatMr leiveforChlcsroonTuesdajeTenlnirnext Mrs O iTiuIlmaB-

aa sated for hla moulccaa u a featnra tar DM ol kar-ecMiileaa


> Mr Lincoln will be absent froSt Kew York5ss i urss of toot ucalks




A C Btest Over the 1VIII at klaI Blstar BeIaWallet In X ew IlrnnatrtcU

Whoa Chance Bixnsom tho socalletlsquare gambler who owned club houses InLong Drnuoli and Now York dlod In De-


last leaving about 200000 to his wifeanti throe listen he supposed ho had fixedthings so that his heirs would bo contentedBut already two of his nieces who areslitorehave gone to the courts over a matter of 150000of the dod gamblers money The largest iharoof his property was loft to his wIre She gothis handsome residence In West Twentyfifthstreet and tho mono from tho sale of lie LongBranch gambling house Hansoms threesisters shared alike In the remainder to that-to each was to havo boon distributed about

50000 Two vacant lots In Ocean avenue InLong Branch and other real ostato there re-


to bo sold and Iho money divided amongthe heirs

To provide n qtilet retreat for himself sad ahome for one of Ills sisters Mrs Mary It Joneswho was a widow with two daughters Ransombought a large farm two miles fromNow Brunswick N J In his will halfof tho farm was given to the widowsdaughter anti her husband Mr and MrsWilliam Frost Tho other halt was bonueathcdto the gamblnra throo sisters Mr Fro t wnsthe farmur He Is a retired New York firemanwho draws a pension After Ransoms deaththo Household was not n harmoniousono Curious minded pooplo In NewBrunswick avon that Mrs Joness dnughteracould not agree to koop out of their conversa-tion


them auostlon of who should have the lionssharo of tno property when Mrs Jones shoulddie At any rate Mrs Jones toll sick lastspring and went away from tier home ItlalU cnld to avoid tho bickering Her daugh-ter


Mrs Funny Wheeler ministered her ansiher services woro acceptable to Mm JonesMrs Wheeler has boon compelled to earnher own living For n period sitewas n member of a 1lnaloro ouerncompany which sang at thin Aquarium-now llnrrlgaus Now Iurk Thootro Afterwardtho company went through the Btnte WhnnMrs Jones dleid nged 05 years on July 311 lusther will which was dated March UU IHOiiwas found to Kho all of her propertyIncluding her Interest In tho hansom farm toMrn Fanny hauler while to irs lrou ohouavn only tlOOO When the will was taken tobo filed In the SurroKHtos Court In Middlesexcounty N J It waa loomed by Mrs Wlioeloricounsel Ooo 01udlowr formerly Governor t

New Jersey that Mrs Frosts ooiiiiFel Mr J IIVan Cloef ot New llrunswlckbitd lllud a caveatTho testimony of oxOov Iudlowwho drew UDtho will and of Dr Dnldwln wax taken In proofof tho will n low days ago before JudgesCnwenhovon Boott and Nawton In the Orphuna Court In New llrunnnlck

It wns rumored In iNow UrtinHiilcU bv peoplewho did not know tho facts that the willI wascontested by Mrs Frost not only on ac-count


of undue Influence and the inca-pacity


ot Mrs Jones to testify whlehare tho usual raisons ulvon for cnntcstlni a will but also on tlio urnund thatfraud wa used hy Mr Wheeler The storyrun tlmt Mrs Who lur vUitnd Mr Lull lowsoffice with n written pnper which she rnlroocntedtoMrLudlownsexprdFalrjBlhii wishesMrs Jones us to the disposition m her property-It was also said that Mra Wheeler wna npcoiu-rnnled by a companion and friend Mr ° Rtnrrwho tins a dauchler Hattie Htnrr who pnnu Intho Mikado last xununer Mr Judlow soldlast evening that not a word ol tIllSstory was truo It was Mrs Jonnhoreilf nt Mr Ludlow had already tustlied In tho Orphans Court who riiino to hisoffice and n kod him to draw up her will thowas Instructid to eo home wilto what shewanted to say nnd brlui tho paper to thelawyers office the did BO and Mr Ludlowdrew up the will Mrs Jones signedtho document Mary Richard hansom Jon eMrs Jonosa name Mrs Frost says was Marylllchard Jones The Frosts throw tills Into tilulegal contest as n suspicious circumstancehut they have not said what they suipect IrBaldwIn who wltuesaij tho will was MrsJonosa physician lie testified that MrsJonas was capable ot making a will on MarchSO 1886

Aa to the masons Mrs Jones hal forgivingono daughter all of her money loll Ipavlnir tltoother out In tho cold Kentleirmn who knowMrs Jones sail last evening that Mrs Wheelerwho by the will gets the property had nothingwhile Mrs Frost was provided for through tierhusband The contestants to produce witflosses before tho Orphans Court In NowBrunswick at tbo next hearing


Theiodore Tome Asinln Dlreelnr Tket Sea-ona Iloarrnniine send New Artists

Tho announcements for tho coming sensonof tho Philharmonic Society ore now madepubllo and promise an Interesting series of orohootral concerts The society has retainedthe services of Mr Theodore Thomas as dlrcctor Tho programmes which are now Issued forthe nrst time for the entire season show jUlhmont and onro as well an no little enterprise onthe part of Mr Thomas nnd the Ihilharmonlodirectors Several now und Important workswill bo hoard hero for the first time by thePhilharmonic orchestra

The concerts which for the first time will takeplaco In tbo Metropolitan Opera House will begiven on Saturday evenings Nov 13 Dec 4Jan 11 Feb 19 March 19 and April 19 thoconcerts as usual being preceded by publicrehearsals on the Friday afternoons precedingthe Saturday concert dates Tho orchestra willconsist 110 player

The soloists are Mia Emrna Jucb Miss LlllloIehinann Mr Ludwig stud Mr Italael JosefTyThe following aro among the novelties an-nounced


for tho season At the first concertMiss Emma Jnch and Mr Ludwlg will be heardIn scenes from ItublnstolnB Nero wbiohwill be given for the first time and the orches-tra


will play Anton Bruckners new symphonyNo 71 In K major for which oxtra Instrumentshave been built at the order of Mr ThomasIn Europe this summer At the second con-cert


In which Miss Lehmann will he heard Inthe finale from Wagners Clutterdainmerunea now symphony by Techalkowsky after By-rona Manfred will be played At the thirdconcert tho novelty will bo Brahmas symphonyIn E minor No 41 At the fourth concert therewill be a now symphony by BalntSaenu playedfrom MB ROIl this programme will also con-tain


Brahma second concerto for piano withMr Jose ihy

At the fifth concert although Itubonitalns-aramntlc symphony Is announced an entirelynow symphony by him will bo played for thofirst time If tho score is rsjrotvod In tlmo

At the sixth and last concert there will be anow symphony by an Italian composer AlbertoFrnnchette which has proved a remarkablesuccess In Italy anti Raffs adaptation fororchestra of Bacha clmoonno which Rolfhas dedicated to the New York Philharmonicsociety

tlnknson mend WIre Overcome by OutA man and woman who woro registered as

Charles Johnson end wits were found unconscious IntImely room at Ihe Dowery lIntel 305 Uowery yesterdaymorning from Ito effects of gas which had escapedfrom an open burner No attempt had been made tostop up the glitch In the dror ansi It IsI thought thatthrnuirli ignorance they blew as They waretakes lu BeilsTuo IHospital arini nIght had neoneied sufllcleutir to renter It probable that they ouldget well The moan IIs about35 years old awl very cloutthe woman IIs about tile same sje They were too westlast night lo make any statement

Tho record on the hotel register was evidently fictionIn the mans pocxet WM found a membership card ofTypographical Union No 6 bearing name D II lieChesuey

II To Saver or the Ilteakler Ckotrder CubThe Andrew Blcnkloy Chowder Club went to

New Dorp on Auf 3rt AsIan skylarked withS friend on the faniptank of the steamer at the landtoy and full IInto lha waler He sank twins set wasgoIng apwa theI third lithei when Henry Iliilzen-thaler jumped In and rescued lsst eteinnrllmjDthe club commemorated the ArnoldI HallSloth street between Tenth arid Klevenlh avenueglen James K Orlelrne ou behalf of this club presenteda iifesaTlug medal to Mr Holenthaler Prof JohnIJN liunt tOld a speech and five a medal to UrIcternian lo remind him of his dell ot gratitude to hlabenefactor

lore Ielrnme Assisllunt la CustodyCharles Mills of Babylon a 29yearold col-


man who says he was a waiter In a Fire Islandhotel last summer surrendered himself to Con-stable John Wood In B l ylloll reslerjay afternoon A searching party bad been looking for him on suspicion that hath negro who waylaid thirleei ear old Clara LelJomof Brelau on Wednesday afternoon aash was returntog from school IClara was lust rorM she posltUelyJeotiOed Stills II her assailant lie dental that ha wasthe sean An extra guard has beet placed Mound theBabylon lockup to praaut hisI being lycchedr

Allssloastrleii Uoaad rr ArvicnSeven missionaries sent out by the Foreign

Mission Society of the Methodist Episcopal Churchsailed for Afrlea yesterday via Liverpool tie AnranlaThey areW It Arrtngdale of Baltimore and his wit and

II II Hartley of South Hampton n H Martha-K kao Hastings la Susie K Harvey ot ties Moinesla Msry 5 Lindsay of Chicago cud L rannlelumminis of Reading lieu They propose to join LlstiupTaylor

Avrntllx Detlstosi la Jaokus CaseA decision In the 7a hne case which has

been before the Court of Appeals for several monthsla expscud on Moadar OutsIde of Jashnea cronieslittle Interest Is felt about It In the Fifth district Illspolitical pull has passeS away sod If he sits a new trialon thi bribery Indictment ha Iis open ta criminal proeeatflugs for receIving stolen foods

1aaletr puel4lit Ktjatsjsis

The vPU Wflpkuldlng peeler of the I

Protestant Episcopal Ofiurch In Brie eWeS Jersey OilykM UD4irt4 lilt rslgnau n



He Ask Ie AUDrOr ts> T ke AcClash Aisslsist the CompHalea Evils okleh-ke Nag they are 0rlnsila Vps Ike Teopla-He Also Demeancea Its Trunk Line Iuol-

IlAitnisDcno Pn Oct 2aov FattUonhas addressed a letter to AttomeyOonera-Cassldy on the action of the anthracite pooland requesting him to inovonzalnot it In courtThe Governor Buys

Certain corporations chartered by the Commonwoallh of Pennsylvania acting In concerthave ordered two advances In prices of anthraclto coal These corporations comprisewhat Is known as tho Anthracite Coal Comb-ination


whleh was created at a meeting In NowYork city on Doc 31 1881 whon there werepresent representatives ol the Delaware Lackawannn and Vesn Itallroad Company Lehigh Ynlloy Kail road Company Philadelphiaand heading Hallroad Company Now YorkLake Erlo anti Western Ilnllroad CompanyDolawaro and Hudson Canal Company 1annylvnula Coal Company Lolilsli CoalI and Navi-

gation Company anti the Pennsylvania hellroad Company

At that meeting an agreement was enteredInto by which six of these corporations wereIn offuct pledged In writing to restrict andrtnulato the production of cual and to main-tain


ansi advance Its price An apportionmentof tho tntnl production wee thou allotted tooacb company for the year 1H15 and on Jnu 1

1880 a now nllotmuut vuut into nptirutliuibasalI on an unnuul production of 335000UOtons

After raforrluir to the advances ot 30 centsper ton In this price ot cual since July 2 tho-Umornor continues

Hnoontly throuch tho ofllcoa of n syndicateof tttl titl lets Ihere IIIIB bee ii n utiHiiKthiiiiltiitI

of ilie iiiilhnicUu coal uuiuoliiutlon und thoclaim Is now tnnde by sumn nl IIB lit lit hersthat thwy ran murk up coal prices tn any lluuni-huy plmisu tlmreliy Hulijuullnu Ihu tuljtc to

their iiissrcyiujuniottsi utiwgtrniiiitatbmylaw ovary llro IJi nnd linpodlni upon ronl consimmers tile lliinnolnl liinln which time arisen >

Htloimof some ot tlifoo compunlfl liaio onendorcdAlthough tho State Constitution doclarnnthat no certiorated conipaay clolnu the buslness of common carrier nluill dIrectly or Indi-rectly


tirodcciitc or Diitiarn In minim or niinuftituringnrticieit for transportation over ittwork pot all or nearly all of tIm common cnrrlor roiiroKuntiMl In tho nnthrnclte coal comtilriHllou are engaged UlroctV or Indirectly Inthe nilnliiKI of mill

lhe imthnnltot I riClons of the Stntu nropractically underI ttho controlI nfI tills combina-tion


tot lung purlntls it hax kept thu t iliu 3-

runnint nn tliroununrtur limo limits ptittlntnearly IdOUUU uorUnrs on bat amounts tothreiquiirtiT pity Ily hlndorliiLI I compitltionIt IUIH restricted the iluvulnpmunt ut our rainnml untitth It line nuvuiic d urilipniosed theprko of coal HH host BUltnlI i it IlurlUtI It1 hasto ti a tel nod this plcn of coal cii III iou to IHimI

arid to city tnulu lit fluurux nuiflntr mom thnn-II Icr ton over nUll nbmo tho iirljus nt ntuHiIt sold tho alIgns III licit ID IDiisiiiiKrd ih ilLtiirthtir from tho mines hut III territorythat did not corny within tlm ttinm ci-fnuruomont It hn advanced the clmrccsfor tran portutlon In hire of tlio lactthat tho net earninei of tho cirrylin cumpauleHheloiiuIni to tho combination amountedto about 19 pur cent pi r annum of timeout oftho roads anil their mjiiiiitnunt anti of tie furthor fact that charges arc hfuh r tItan theyWore twoiitisix yours oifo tlioiiuh tile cost ot-trnusportini u ton of fn lKlit dots tint todayamount to moro than onethird of Us rust ntthat line Ily roatrlctlni Itiidiictlon raid Ihvadvancing urlcos It hilt ciluuluj vast Iron In-

tornata ducrousiii tlio dUiiand fur nntlnucltocoal In time rudtiitlon of lion ores forcing IronfurnacuB out of Ihlutt soil thud Iii nearly nilIthe iIndustrios of cabtorn ItiiriHylvnnlii ut tliomercy of Iho inanitvorH of UIHBO compaiuod

My attention hll8 also IIICBII dlrotfliul ti themethod of lip trunk itis pool whi hwnii ntgaimizect Ott Nov n IbSS UnIon HH 11111 CNUI Ittlie railroad tralllo orlulnatini In IluiaduliihlHi

and tuti ndfd for wOHtirn iiiarkHts IIs poolid ur-

uiHoitloneil among tho IVinnsylvaina the Haltlmore nnd Ohio andl the Iniladeliihln itni-lJkaillng allroad Uoniian its the latter beingnn alllliutud mail rprolientiflg the NowYork Central and tlm Erie roads naildelivering the trafllc to tlifin at vCBtHrn pointsThn westbound through buamosH nrlKliiatlnilu Nuw York city Is alioupportloned IUMCIII unumber corporations of which tile followInKtNHtraoraktad by the Cuiuinonwoalth o-

Punnsylvanlu The Lehluh Valley Kullroiuthe PunnsylvnnlaltillroudCoiniianyComtlnYiJJoliuTiiro Lackawannu and Western

Itulltond CompanyThis trunk line pool was organized wllh tho

declared purpoaoof Hxlnc mind maintaining a-

sohedtilo of frolBht chnryoj which mmlit bo-aureod upon by itsI mombars It dusmnatesthe volume of buxlness over uach line betweenthiso seaboard cities and tile West destroyscompetition by bringing overy manifest underthe supervision of n trunk line Comml lonorpractically unitesI all tho I looms miilir onecontrol To give urtlllclal stimulus to nellieIt arbitrarily ralues or lowers Its charuusfor trnnsportatinn adjtiKtlnu its fruluhtrates upon a ba < lH which will piirclinseplace among its member It extorts from theprofits of shipments all tnnt the traHli willboar and somotlmt moro than it will beardoltic this without reasonablii regard to liecost of service or the rights of shippers Itcauses violent fluctuations in prices makincall trade dependent upon its riiovninunts antihnldlni a perpetual mnuco ovor thu materialInterests of tile country

Against nuch combinations tho Individualis helpless Tile Gumnionw alth of Pennsyl-vania


In creating corporations that are mem-bers


of tho anthracite coal combination and otthe trunk line pool voilod them with tho rightof eminent domain and other frnnchUua of apublic nature They owe certain duties totholr creator and ono of the o Is to avoid noInfrlnctimeni upon the riehla of Individualsor tile general wollb lnif of tie SlatnTheIr interference with hits natural currentand condition of trade lies been In violation ofwhat IB believed to be sound public policy andagainst tho best Interests of thu KtHto It ptojglObes the public and oppresses Individua-lsItI n perversion of thu purpOHU for wlilcli theywere created These facts which have boonreported to me and measurablyI authnnticntod


I duuni of sufllclont Importance to rotor you tofor your connldcrntlon anti for such ucilnn asthe circiimstMUcos may warrant

It Is understood that AttortioyOenernl Cas-sldy will nt once proceed tigtlntit lie coal poolbut In what manner Ito has not yet dvcldudThin Is considered ono of this most Importantsteps taken by thu Stole ndnilnlitratloti antiWets not decided upon until after ety carefulconsideration

ViucrBiiiimE Oct2The fibers and laborera hulouuiuu Lbs Amliiainntid uiiciutinnheldo large mnotlnc at ID mouth hint nlLhtand today for tbu purpose of illHuuisiiiu tuGQuestion ol low uncoa It was shown that time

then are not earning snore than lid per monthand on this amount they cnunot provldi prop-erly


for tholr families turing tliss winter Amid

son Whfm the questIon of a strike eimn upLrusldftnt Uulliud urynd that nothiucbo donregarding a etrlko until after thu 27th whenanother mectlnir will be held

reci entry 3ieiInig la llaiuiuo lets llmica-PounnsEErsiE Oct 2Socrotary Manning

will leave Albany for New York on Wedutsilav nextarid wilt remain In the latter city at the Fifth AvenueHotel until the following luesday when he will gi toWashington and resume his duiles at tIle Treasury lielartmenl IU was Mr ilannlligii Intention remain InN ew York two dmms unlv but Mrs Hannlnv dissuadedbill from going to tie imllcmal capital until their houseIn that city hid tiers thoroughly overhauled so ncr aa-be plumbing Is concerned ties has bin the necretarJ a-

orllce In the Treasury Department Dr limn heIdithat blood poisoning train sewer gas caused Mr Monnlnis Illnss-

WjsiiiKOTon Oct 2Col Limont says Secretarylannlng Is expected tile littler part of next week but it-IsI possible he may not como until the Bret of the weekfollowing

llemiTUir Ckle r Jiisllee Chase JlodrCOLUMBUS Ohio Oct 2The arranaemantii-

or lime removal of lh remains of the lots Chief JusticeChase from Washington to Cincinnati and the memorialscrubs tneldsat thereto mrs assuming deflnlta shape

The remains will arrive In Columbus on the nth Inston which day formal exercises will be held lu tie roland of the Capitol where the remains wilt probablylie In state fur a time Justice StanleyShOoT lloadlry cut probably lay KorsVfr W-


address There wilt be no funeral decorations ordisplay In accordance with the wishes ot tins Kathsnags Chess Sprague The body will arriveI by specialrain and fourcofored men attendants of the KuuremaCourt when Justice Chase woe on time bench will act as-a body guard the pall bearers hay tot all been selectcC but they willI

I Include exMe retarj Uclullocn teaHerman Casslus II clay and William II Evans

Increase 1st Comet Irscs-PiluLlcrrltrA Oct 2The Philadelphia and

Reading Coat arid Iron Company today Issued a circaIan of October prices for cool delivered on board Yeseels atPort Richmond for shipment beyond the Dela-ware fares and at Kllzabelhport N J An Increase ofa cents Oil brotsn lucsuis on eig ant chestnut suit 20-

Sells on stove IIs iiiadu at fort Iticnmond and the urndvanca except 15 cents Increase on stove Is made atUzabethporl II sew rates at rent Richmond for

had white ash coal are tt for lump steamboat andso Wsa for broken fSKO for egg J3IS for chestnutand 12 for pea

ClnrUKSiila Ilcraocrtlo Anmlesillons-CmoiiiNiTi Oat 2The Democratic County

lonvsntlon toitay nominated the following tlcketiu-dgesi of Court of Common ricatA B Muslin Rob

eel A Johnston y Mullet K I llradstreel w Jpeck Ihernrllarrr nishopt AalltorJoba u Iiiset Ooronerk it Kllari CemmlulanaiwWin r A-rlollsSurveyorJAt Hlsbrookt Bord ct ControlI Jobn-1araenP InDrniary Dlreturllenry Illldsitirandt

Yak HisstUia Dan at KewstMTROT Oct 2The Troy 2tscr4it ws to I

ay ijd by U UllaaArthur SOB toJsha7isUhkL 145-Sr tile Kew Tori rdinknABI AtterUrti lfsatbigswill awmie ecDUol Ills paper CD M a4ty


44 e


Several light la German will diversify theweeiatthsiballaT-

MD Curtis brlnga out the new Caught In a Cornerat the Lee Avenue Opera House Wllliaiiisburgb

J MaNelU Mistier the English artist will tietarshere la November and a show ct his pictures will b-egin ThisI Is a boyiyI Uarta venture

IToetors Novehy Theatre Brooklyn IIs an lamita ofthe louse now so disturbing time business ofthe drama Many of the successful plays ate preeeutedthere

This llhslIn weskof lbaTsnns anl Adonis burleuiue at Krister C Rials A week from tomorrownight JaekKhepnard wilt ha grotesquely tratesiledwith James D KndcMn us Jonathan liliu

Mansgfr Hanley sail Edward llarrlgtn hUe post-poned the Initial performance of tile new local play

The OUeagaiis to neil Thursday night at the letSMeanwhile T Investigation willI be played

Pdmnud Jensen this London manager promises totiring lo Amenea late next year hilrabelh Ooreata theItuMlan actress Ucrson says he has beet alter tier furthree years He will also tike her to Havana Mexicoand South America

H Time Main Lint will run at the Lyceum a fortnightlonger and It deserves for its IngenuityI the plnulttsll-haa drawn out May forteseue tile KnclHn ctrss-will °

RV ten American season at the LJCUIU Dot IS-

1ofOromw1Iwith vanity Pair

will resume his series o Illustratsdlectures at the Irani opera lliuse Pest sOlIds Illsnrst snbjict smut beThe cotllsh Likes suit the Homesof Uurue slid foul During the slimmer he haselleit In rnrui r and addtd to tile collection teteral huuarm views of n orks of art und scenes celebrated InI his-tory


llure lla anew un at Dockstsders Minstrels the retention lid Itug tile tlirlfimie Mllle Clack Hheppardwith Its showersI of realI onetnuls eresh songs by theextillent vocalliK ot till ItO uatlY ore freijm nuy In-troduced Lew lluckstsder lifts reeovereil from hisliumoriillllnir nervousness of the first week and nowreveals himselfI as a good entertainer of an originalI sortThere Is no offence to refined taste In this show

Tin Irish MlnitrelyredMarsdenst ellio comelyfamiliar In Vt j sijnlatis repertory for tileI past two orthree eisuni 5 lt Oct Us tlrst Ness York performancesat Fonle this week closing Fcnnlnnsenffegeinent atthat theatre Ioil ttill fnllnw next wsok playing

use Little Detectire sOil miking a short stay Herengagement ulearly oulllnes Hunger Iooe toiletHe is Kuliig tu make htsulacii n high class combinationlouse

Frank Harvey Ihe Kiullih mclodramatlst nt prnlino-ineiinir Is to bo well represented nt tile 1eoples Thisweek Alit Unit win they lilt A King of Iron whichshe hud limmht for ttip country cot liCe been ulngt meetsills she put Kant Luine attar fur arei Nextwork Ii ireo Muiiiui Against Hunan wilt hemilfired IIn LHIn Kllelur hill hr tomiiuny Tim fluLine dIrect from tliu Ltceuni is logo to tho reutioaat an early lnle

Tout fnsti Is back from his usual sunnier tour butInsteidof motile cllreillv lo his on n thentro In Fourttii nth linear he will Clue tits neck mit tile trend liensiiiu IHaI and hu su1tlsug vandetllla comnanv V willIbe nnrmiiMy greeted no itiinht > em week thsl IleryIcier Krank Krntnettnl I apnear In MarCo and o il-

Mucum After IIbat John IItnusoua slid John Hartlaiuletlllci unineillinis ttiii seek iligitliniiteI humor lu a-

new farce mullet amlp TvaThe end approaches of the spectacular Theodora

NIL lie tonreidilI y Ilaion cimiany ttlll soonenter tberei suit they JJ iii sing the opera with manythangee onlrulated 10 Improve II The mnl to thesecolld act will bn tie llungarlsn Kevolnttunary Marchused In Iltrllut HiuiuiKllun Je faust and besides arcureof getiuino trick gt u Us will be utilized III thepmirliiK ami choruses About Oct M Thatcherrrnnrosu C wests uttKtreli will test their strength atMblua

That well remembered fro of Itaverly days OurPlrnte l tilI < titus lumens lilii itt Tiny Iuslnrs It hsinsert through flatly pen tnn and aiimrently It IIs vt-uinllll III ivis Ian tiltd In Knglsiul by HU AmericaIIrnuin whll ot lied lum londiu almad of Ailinl allfand lime us Ihot This season llnguy Jtlrayerari-iiinagmir It C T Tlugi suit Marlon Terry have thelending ro es an IbntliIi Ire Known here Tliignt In pinticiiUr lies done goo I comedy worx at several clt-

Vrsti cml rca

I anglrys engagement nt Ihe Fifth > ventielis fra montli lie opening ili > A Wifes Turn Is II ti eplieninn andI tluiiii lit bcotts coineddrama nmd-funillUrI lo tIlt American unite during iilr Lniiklr I-

flrl t lslt liege OrlKlnnlly it was called Peril lot a-

Pt IIir iucrli in cop rUit of tiinl tltlo cinsoci a changeHiiro Is a strung tint In It Ion rhnrlis 11 ghlnn vthn IIIIre nf n 11111 in ii old friends IIIIc nvv pice-

rneml friimm I lie erencli It one of tIme promiseetentinf Sire Laiutryn season

This Is the Oust week ul the opera Season nt WullacksNext ttieLMcCaulls people will ringing Josephineto irntlnclal lUluier ttlnle the ilrunxic eeisii tillbe umler ttuy at Walliik with lliryI I lUiuiid-omestic dramn llartcn llanilltui till oteinei t lIeIrouuctlnu here titlingI frem Inglalid to do IIliUt 111 t lay ttis pretenta I nl Ithe London Ilincum Tumulta few ttoikmiiio whit Am Itureile In tile lending role

II arest like kellerV new plit rnngled LiteHeals tt him n loculljnl ut a IfIIItow nail It I uiotnow In Hi a ruinei bj our metns Scotch Imvs nntreulu oil or IIn llariKthoKeter loll InI mailedLives the New York slntntes ore dealt with

The iiiiioniici ment if IC all nellie Ilngorsn engatremenfor time nett uniinaii at Waineks lecalls bertrrlecareer of time iut f tt Neirioiiit Mie las pllld1I ntfitime Ircnltti and onlb a few miinlliH Slim ttus In thu illim-miiAeuina IIn n n partur inctituly iiiutionul and i e-

cunUrllv IriuliI lltiuI I k ii irk is by in meMH n tt K-

hi r und timer ii d field fur hir nt Uallncke-In


securing her Wulliick I res net the Ingllkh iike upof llsriiinpanjfor Hie ImlI holed In Lnnland a iliommI

jours befnm tlie Ami rlcun aliCe Urst saw tier lucreare old plutguers tthu renumber her ttlun elmo ttniKit hintituu lUnilolph iHer eldestlaughter Is known 01the uhf mlUuucr Morettl and IIs lime ttlfn of IhllHedlej

The farewell hint Jannllnchek Is now Inking nt IhiAmerican ttngc IsI solemn asserted to b a inducefarce cli ant unit ought to ngreiildral fhlistage ttill nils Iion greatly hhe hits worked hunt antiCniclcmlnusIt oust it U lome consolation to rilUd-tlutt tier t est eiieiiurnsciienl lOs come from Americantheatregoers To morruw nlglit at tile Wiuidor itovt ill opium IhIlost onztkcnent silo will id tr In Sow Yorkoily nnit during rtlieneek sue will chnnge her bill a itSfriqneiiey MurvI Munrl td will be tliv flrpt plat

Nfeuk I ioU5i Mother ill SonMIonIc AniulneileI

MimicS Henry MM nnd Jlacballi will followaloiu lien votsiumu nf llnry simrl IIs mi the sonitrim Schiller Htorv used by Mo lleska ClotS Mottle willbe the ensuing tfar at the Undsnr last season shi-hadoueiif tile lice wools In thu history ot the theatre

To morrow nlcht Sirs ii IT Hottcrs an actress ofoserfirty years exiierlecc a tragedienne tvho Is thorouiililyAmerican and whose work I11am been conllnidI to tlieAinerinii singe ttill mnku her nrst regular nearnncelu Sew York In cii cram sensons hh is going tn bo lucreamijnlli and she ttitl oltir mOiSt of lib l luslaher uxtelleR itiit time triedI repertory Fnr lien openingI wtcshe ttill lice tiary SI earl iifMith Lucrellollorgln IheI Jcaoll Wife lull Macbeth In herBtiinrl Joseph IF Wheelick a fnvnrite o York actortae IhIlead He linn > o his friend nay teen doingbest ttoik uf hums life tljli seacous sad tu rillsbilrgh hisIttirjlh IIs sail la hnve sgreenlily nn ruled even hisfellott 1latirn Critics who limo closely tvatlhed-Wbeeiocfc wIll ant ile irprleed nt this and rerhnps willrecoil huw airily soul cletirly he plue l itercutto tilthAdelaide Moore at tint Star just after he tiad comet ayears continuous acting ot After a very luclirtnose-role In Ma lltnhsoni The monotony ef combinationtt net has evidently tint deslni ed ills ambition as It hasthat of many another goodI ator-

Oerlha Welby produced llc Martins at the ThirdAtetiuo on TliureJty nUlit lion tvrsion IIs by Mr Lttio-Hsnderson ttlfe nf the Jvrsy Cut insnauerand C furly of tIle old Maud id III this chit MiceI 0 silmy pIVUMNI Hothltr itml Julian Mignus of tie old UniontSquare tock was her h lbrotner might Jltrcel Thohouse Was tilt large und Itooulil not well help icing un-svmnaihe Ic ron Mimi Helby Is mncnmmlpatsuut 1 tier wasKbsolulely mi iii Iterm it In the performance aside fromthat creuted by time foot that II tt as time metropolitanhearing IlKnnery und Tortes innolitalked tnelciS collie hut received Mrn etlerouu II Iis probableworked tier aiUptstlon out ot Ilie novel on sale lientt hens tho frill used by thi ndlsnn Hiiuara oinnpanyIIs friim tile original ilritma It Iis paving a decided com-pliment to tlie strength ot Mrs HendersonsI tork when-It Is recorded that despiteI the execrable acting lhaauditors kept their seats to time cine if the dramaI emitthe curtain felt at a late hour IIhIIs material for anabsorbing lay In Lo MutDre ant tt hen It shall tig-eenI utthnMallsonhiunreU willl Ihey something like

Justice mInus to ItTime Lillian tonway Comic Opera rompnnv which IIs-

at ItiuTlilrd Avenue oprlngs fruni tim Uaiinn In li lIeculls a here Iii Smmlml may hums tushu singing fur limepunt four or live months After lion reupjiearm at litTemple Ihentre tu the semni rule Iinlet In TIme Litftie rvcoon followingI her ilomestlo trouble it becameel Idem timid she was yet In g ol uler At all eventsthe quicker City pioplo liked her tirv mueh and theirapiirotal led her inanngnr Milllun I Jour is ho usedto be HITPeoples in I hue illtjI tu ai ratio fir n longlour i Aisnilu will hu UrllrlI roam eng iga-ment rime ilrnlnl llneliest ttl11I to unir until Tlmrsday when Katlnlt will rice time week ollu oftile support are klmtltI riiiidiitl red lire Ld B IraniI lie blssrt aol his wit t Jlennlt rrlneelI were lu the i41

OrlheiiS nnd huiytllce bnrieniniHt time Hiluiii JellDAwll aiM his1 wife Klor nee sri vnuditlil Jrnlu-ato Hud Ihate tlujed nil otil llieglube JJ llnffxel IsIDm bnritoue llaies r LaKg iUle tour and MillieAlberlon the H ciind suiirano IIIbe next tilut ut iheTblrd-Aveiun will beIacles Ne t inwtiich llttln Ardlla > oui g and muuuuluil ihaul Bear tlLao ben pier IlInt thu lutt-l

itoo Mili-

sMalinger Henry R At t ey reeelted congratulationsfrom inxiiy itnarterrf nfl soin nil TIIK fLN inndo kiioitn-tilsI innrriHgtf tn Floetice lernrd 1iIi e nifitir ttusiimetaniluu ipi cted save hy Mr Abticvs rarities John II-

wihorffel SIt MrA Agnes ItontliI ichneffel Prom tiletoot Hint slim benan her stnux work In Knulann MissDernrd H frequently recordad ns an Kngllsh girl andhe helpl tht ileln loit tIi nn Hieent lllittli Ai glicnn to

the letter limit she it as liorn In America Hhe mecca InIH77 tn ill miimumlti lngiiiid and Out not apt eOn m Ihitattn connir until mutt u IKsl mulch limO madd herlehut at the Fifth Avenue placing ChIli Iiotigliiiir lu

MilleT to the lrril EorlUll t lllnrat ughliin IllLondon her test work was Colic nt time ittI ilkit linymarket and Trlncesss Iheatres III Tha Good furFtolhltifr iM sIms uialea great hit as Van it the ubinplcIn Ibid sue trai elicitI over the llrltisli nrotlnces nla > mg-Iittirr lala In Caste llcln lu School hanilithate iti Ours Ic When John stetson put a winedy-

nmpaiiy on the rood early In ItHi she mind Dixey wereiiiembirs of It and sims played whIm lime frnnr m tiPsliugulshed foreigners Altugetber the Is a ratherlsver and certainly a t eriatlle actress

Oensvleva Ward will revive her best coil ravnnte pierForget U < Not for her last wtex at the Mar tier

SfeuAanta Is a brlllltnt end adroit Impsrsonatlim Studlas long been the character to which site Is boat atnlred Mr Vsrnnn thus new Eugllsh lust Wilt have aheroic role In Mr Horace rrrtby thus part In which atSan Francisco he made his Ainirlcan debut PrettyMiss Tyndale clii they 4i1e html will have it chance ta-

ihow eelrpoisesston sod icraeetnl stage presence bothit which she tacks lu Ills Juecns FavoriteVenT Wlntsr a sin of Vtllllam Winter andKr Hodge a son ot tha English portrait painterSydney llndges will have rood pert After her seitso-nit the star Miss Ward Is going tn play a short time Inother clues arid then go to Knglsnd If her prssentplies are carried out she will never again act Inimerlca but will retire from the stag for good oftenher next falls tour of En >lana ill seitledown at herrllla at Bhanklln on Its Isle ot Wight Next week oneof tile principal dramatic events of the season will cometo psss at Ins hOar fur Wilson Darreti coil till historicalCrania ClaudUn will ba lulroducsd to AmericaJarrett tears three weeks and flsudlan will Ibs time

illl the flrsKotiuliaL Hamlet Cltto sad Chaterton are plays lenin which he will select his thirdweek changes hdiiln Uoolli sIll follow at lbs StarClara Morris Is the current weeks star at Ihe Union

Inntre end liar repertory Includes lien familiar camlllillu Uulun Cora I LArilola 47 rsd JUrcf Jftrrlc-Ihe New Uagdalen Usury Miller the hue

anil ot MatlMa Herons daughter Illjou Is aleading actor m Miss tlorrls support aud hasittracted songs attention dunn her present tourshe also his lllss Heron Rowland IJuckslonaformerly of Wallacks lenrge F lOrd II B Phil-ips Uolll Keyel Hera Lwcelles inC others equslly-t sll known Iliss Morris commenced her seamen a few

weeks MO tIer health Is soil to bs better than It washot year though she still needs rut between tIme actsauiui sometimes the walls ara long This ordeal howseer hasllttla weUhl with hsr admirers wIle are enhuslssilo led many She his not appeared at an up

town theatre since she pistol Penile at Uslys hut hasbecim seen ai both the Windsor ant Third Avenue oa thecut Stile aud at escn house she made a lilt so emphatic

s to leave no doubt ot her magnetic power with tha-letgoers nt that section Scat week Fanny Davsnporl

wilt occupy th Union Squire opening her season withthis engagement Handsome Jack Barnes tier EngItoh highprised Isa4liur actor exit tier from nis motherountry last Sunday and lest weal bS reSumed withttis company ta Much Ado About Nothing whichwill be a uovslty In Miss Cateqpcris acting list misyear lltr Btatrtft will ha a dressmakers ravelatltm

rtitwanJkraa Xodleaka Will play tw noaiha at theMalfSawMS1 tbsa ugant atbsr wl c


x aaciartKO JELLEII vr tun-DtUB


Ills Name la Otto Umiennnri mend he was aSlsdel Young linn Ha rJenl his WIre io herrulkers In Haw Hnvcjn wad Vlcstrad Out

Tho clerical force of tho Union Dime Barlogs Institution nt Thirtysecond stroot andBUth avenue la short ono receiving toiler andthe cub account U short 19152 Tho missingteller Is Otto Baumunn lie came to this coun ¬

try from Germany seventeen years ago liewas employed a few months alter lute arrivalby the Union Dlmo people to whoRl howas recommended by several wollknownfirms In Broad street Baumann wa Industrious and shrewd and worked his way upIlia managers of the bank thought they had aprize In him and trusted him Implicitly A

few years ago ho was married end since thenho had seemed to work harder than over II-

ho had any bail habits ho Lout them coveredup and everybody who know him thoughthim to bo an honest thrifty men who livedwell ami saved money on his snlnry of 2300 ayear Ho lived with his wife anti their twochildren In aflat at lJ4th street anti Fourthavenue until tho first of last July when hostored his furniture and his wife and childrenwimton it vIsit to Ills wifes lather ValentinoDongs In Now Maven

On Bitlurdny Sept 4 Baumann left the bankwith th underiitniiillntr that he was tohavonvacation of two wants Ho said ho was goingto spend ltls vacation with Ills wIfe In NowIlnvon On the Monday following ha appearednt tIme bunk fur the purpose he said of correct-Ing n mistake In tile books Ho pored over thehooks for n tow minutes and thnn disappearedHo linn not been seen since Hovoral ilnya afterho haul gone nn Item In his books aroused sus-picion


mild they weio closely examined withtie result that tlio dullclt of tlU152 wab dis ¬

coveredIiiancctorByrcQa Immediately pom muni-

cnted wIth and for thu lust two weeks he tinsboon searching for Haurnnnn without successllnumntins wife called Itt time bulk In greatrtliirm In the moan time the saul SIlO hnd notsoon tier hunbutid for iiooriil weeks VicePresident titles B nutchnrsnld last night thatBuuruann had boon Appropriating tho Hindi oftliiitank for tIle last soy n months Ho huedstolon sums from Jlnoo UP nt a tlmo Timehooks wore kept Btruluht and the lrregulnrltlonwore not discovered

Mr Dutehor salt that Bitutnnnn eo far as hoKnow hail no vices whatever None of lie offlciirs of the bank believe tint ho opeetihited orrisked money on any game of clinnco Banmann Is about 45 years of ago lie Is 5 feet 0Inches In height la well built nail ham a sandyheartland moustache The bunk Is not om-barrassud by BaiimnnnH sUnllncH Tillssworn statement him been piopnrod for thepublic

Charles F SprafTio tclnir dimly sworn wt I resultIn tile city or J ese York sat nin secretnr of time UnionDlmo MitlniM Institution I Unto Itlili day ciimpletid-an examination ii r lie nreonnta to ascertain tile amountof n ilefulratlon h> otto Itnuinaun lute receiving idlerI llnd FIUII amount to bum ttUlJ-

I further stute that time Volume of tIme mid resource ofaid institution tndjt li 7VJHO 3H7 tin ftmnuntduo-itil ll rii nil Ktw iJ7 nnd in uriIm utter iillnulngfortlu M ne lorn Ilf 7H7l riutr h sritiiuK

New HAMX Ot 2Mrs Uanm tnn lIs vIsitlag her slater Mr Kchroedur In Now Hivun11cr viSit to Now Mitten ties nothing to do withtIll trotibla with htrbUBbaml Slat has nlwnvscome up for n Inni visit to her fetidly inure Inthe bummer Tlila lImo alu tirouuht lint BOV-UIIteonyoaroll MOU with hour Bh stnycd withher fntlinr Valentine UOOBP a iinsinltli first

I dont know whoro my hUHbimil U altosaid lnit night nor anythIng about him sinceho wont nwuy Mrs BnunmnnB fumlly arevery rH peetnblo Conan people They hareourncit ull thin they own and nro much likedby their neighbors

llim llr CAiUcnm Cleric Iliiylng Stessmshtpe

An ofllclal of the onnsyivnniaiiBitroaa Cornpnuy tuliljeilerdny tint lie did not believe a tiuhllrhtilreport tlmt the company tins bouKht u lot of iteatnbhiplfor time Iced Star tine unit that the Inman steamshipHllA ulll tin IIIArfVAl lit tile lied Star link Time Golan hueamlelmhidoliy on tIme austiumity of tim bomb ealco that thm-

iieuumsi immmue ltiiroul 0111 PCli hits tmoogtit tIme tlaakanull ho Aricous cuud tIme tatmolual ilumu imlfdlita ktioWt-miutltiimK of lime oh or liii AlulerlutO These were time

three veosels tuiuiuuil in the retort1 iii Islalioums betwecu lIme rollrmuehl coil the Reil 8tart-

hime ire liitiiflahe Mliii ilIlmdi seter lirig lit a Cl thu bledStar eutolute hues e lueceimie tim I unman elicIts atuo I ime liilull hue alit Ills railroad imeve cxcimaimged cormaldsralmt-obmslume iulimler e I rmiiim couuuiuint I I ii mInt beiie eeC hatat dcior meiatiius are colitruuupialrut It Iu pOislimlo-t ht Cielnint A Il nhacmiiui a III iii a ulterior of iolh tilemti Star CouulniIy ant the neiinouul cimlmpmully lies huh

DlnjOleinicriinlirofid for tIm lied Star lImo iii Is cx-poetiC back on the tleam > hl lilrurla toilnr and 10 U-

LHrrthtdeut frranlt Thomson of time renniylvaulal-ilroad a-A rumour Wau afloat yeaiermluiy that the ltahtliuimre mini

OtIs ltmhirouid ColuiiliY would coon login to opermle a-slrullmSlI ii tins it ii iiwn iietWiefl thih cIty arid lntlu-lmml Sir Chuanies I Craig gemmeral Eusiatn hlftaaeiugraSCII amuhul timat lie bad ummit even imearmi 01 such au crr-


The Itcccnlly Discovered CantorAi DVNV Oct 2Prof Boss of the Dudley Ob-

rrMitnrj announces that the ellIott recently discoveredLj Flnlij ofthgCapeof Mood hope Observatory Is Inall probability u reappearance of time famous doubt ofDa Vice which has not been dec11 since iSIS Time cornelhas iv pirlo ftf about Ova and a half years and ItsIieimtity with this comets of 155i 1U7H and other yearsimism boom fairly well ataliIUtlJ

lime calculations Ijy Trot 11055 indIcate thai the cometat iiu prclcnt appearance will not becomu Mslbla to thisnakrdejc let that U will tie reailll reen ill tolercopror Heveral months It Is npiro cfilii7 both this eurthslit tile sun It pOSSeS perii htlion about the mlddlo ofhoTombor end Is now about ltxiuouuuu miles distantfrom tile earth

OcroDtmoa NnrrenderBAN ANTONIO Texas Oct 2Gen David S

Stanley Department Commander huld a long Interviewwills Geronlnuo soul Natelmez jeiKrdny and It Is under-stood around department heivlniiarters that flerontmocorroborated the report of len Milts regarding the condltions uudsr which time Indians surrendered to Oap-tIaw ionthat tile eons to be rvgarilvl as prisoners olwar and their lice spared While mien startlev is someit hat reticent on the subject ol the ultimate illipoiltlou-iif the Iidlann he is of tic oplnluu llia1 tiny will Duallybe sent lo rlorlda for safe keeping

Irvliin Hull lowluuilnsr tu Teiilu rIrving Hull hold primary elections In the

ftvf rat Assembly illMrlels last nlilit lime Uuunty andIu lUlary Convention will be held lq Irving huh on tbsociillilif Ocl B the Cougrtiis Vousntions oil limo lithat 8 IlM limo Ahwmbly Conventions on Ii tiling oftime isth soil the Alderinatilu Convention on thus evenInnol tlioUOIlL 1 lie ControlsCouxutlons a ill be hellas lollops t

hKthdlitrlct 403nrotn lih itroti Revrnth It andIl Nest Hroadwar Kluhlh iM Ka t nroadwan MntnSi ltd tlreett Tenth S37 hurl atenim KletemhluT-

i t rtilrljrourlh direct fwottili Ioil llilrd ui nuy-Thlttvtiiil iJ 7 llilrd avtnun

hoiinrhrfj ls ttnmrimcs In tbs FitnrlevnlkTime SonnetjorK fiction of the Fotirtoonth As

leinbl utrlct Couity lUinuLrncr Irma lljtlon hedprlntnrj elsktlons lun nlcht and etrctird fortyfuiirtnrinhen of tile limrht foinmltne a lute ii ini ln totnorriin tilng ti> iirnniii ItI wilt rit 01 tlirttI soilSfw ot tlio distrIct fuliuiv rrt ml Mcljuado iliad vl-idtiituis tu elect their fusi unites but thry nero fintratvd Ainon I tie iuuuui irktieil ituro SerIatim JamesIMI extiiembliinrti Jniob iKmuemami and I Jtarl the Ilion Inm Murphy Limo Minnrherir and Fdward Mctlllrk Ilite ileUgiite expect to tt rerogtilZfdb > time Cullnty Cojilnltliv

lsuIllcui NsiieThe W II Grace Aasoelntlon of the Twentieth

Assembly district lian rrUeclail rharUe Ollrlen Trelldent The Association hoe nomluattd Janice JOrihaughnesiy fir time Asiembly

The Anil Monopoly County Contention will I o lucId onOct 14 The Third Asiemkly PlMrlct AntlMonopolyLeague glee Coniptruller Loew llrt choice for Mninrand Henry bergs etoin1 Thi Nineteenth ant Tu out-


di trict eiuneif are of him same feeling The Ihlrteenth district Is unanimous for loew

A mats meetlna of ttie I bird Asuvinbly DUtrlct HenryGeorge Campaign Club miii be held at Central LaborUnlou nail toniorroH atenlng-

An open air mettlnr for henry ilcore wso held ledBit hi at Avenue O and Thirteenth street Oeorca Bliirksaid that tIle elrcliiMt of Hour < ieorg Hkft i itiie41fthe worklnicnicu would stand by lulls cal not permitthemselves to be bought out at time polls

Churchill Would Hllfl UetmleLONDON Oct 2Lord Randolph Chnrchlll

speaking at Usrtfordttoulgbt said that the House ofCommons was th slays ot the caprlc of the Radicaland Parnelllte ant It was Imperative lo provMesimple and eUeoilv means of oo > liu debates IfIreland followed the advice ot agitators suchaction would teal to further reprel but Irish comnieroe had begun to Imurot a and with the present goodharvest the people ot Ireland inllht anticipate brightertimes With regard to affairs In Bulgaria be sail It wasImpossible to foreshadow the outcome hut he stillhoped thud a peaceful settlement would ba efltclrdEngland ha said ought to support Austria In herdlincatty

llultarlste Iteulr 10 IlussluSoFIA Oct aTba reply of Bulgaria to Hu-

slas demands Has tea delivered In It lluigarla ac-

cepts the Czars terms provided Ilia Independence cfBulgaria Is formally cusranteed

lieu Ksulbsrs has demanded that the Bulgarian Oov-ernment kiteau explicit reply to Hussia within twentyfUr hours

1scapcd fiaiu Ike Ucfurtu BoknufMILWAUKEE Oct 2SoTentoen boys escaped

from the Reform School ftt Waukesha last night sailare still at large They effected their ecepi iy mransof a skeleton key made out of a comb by auele > eayear oM boy

Anaitker CuveIn mt ilaquemlne-FiatiuEtiiNE La Oct 2 Another larite cave

In of Ills rivers bank occurred hre thIs evening attbaheader Court street routing the eentrsi of tbs townIi now looks u though tlis whole town from wasdoomed

Ixtcsi Islatad DcmexrsitU 1rlmarlseRichmond county pomoeratlo primary else

tlesi Odd last 55lt yeastiest U the ikoM if delegatesnvs < a Bsrmnt tot Coasresv

aa LOT A ctuurtuiL SSCAVR-

Tk CkerllT AlVstld ls ArrI a Mass who HadTried to Kill kla Hr lkarU1arR-

UTLAND Vt Oct 2Joi1n Harty and bis-

brotherinlaw James O Ilannon at WestItutland have not boon friends for two yearsA fortnight neo their quarrel was lutenblllcdby a dispute between their wives about somowood In which husbands took hand Man ¬

non struck Harty for which ho was lIned Intho Police Court Ilannon vowed veneoancoYesterday afternoon Harty was sitting on nwheelbarrow chatting with a man sawing woodIn the yard whoa Ilannon suddenly appearedand with folded arms slowly walked UD toHnrty saying not a word lie walked put hisvictim who had scarcely time to look up whenHnnnon drew n hammer and strIking beckward hit Harty a torrlblo blow on tlio templeIlarty with a wild cry foil headlong and Ilaunon showered blow after blow on him

A mint named Fox throw himself In front oftime Htttnllant suit as ho hold hack Hannonsarm the latter hurled tho hammer at his pros-trate


relative The Sheriff was summonedHe and his posse found Ilannou standing InhIs yard Ilnnnonsald I guess I will haveto clear out and then bo started for thewoods with tho officers In pursuit On beingbard ptuhoJ be stood ills ground drew n knifennd said In a quiet way tibet he would kill thefirm nina that approached him

Hannon tbo reputation of being ono ofthe most muscular mon In the country Illspursuers wont baik for aislstanca and lire ¬

arms In tho moan line Ilannon disappearedamong tile mountains and cannot be foundalthough ttoveriil parties of men aro In pursuitUnrty will probably die

The Aliimcilua Quick IassnceBAN FRANCISCO Oct 2The steamer Ala

media which arrived to itsy trout Sydney mia Aucklandant Honolulu made the fnstest trip on record lietneenSydney and han raucisio her time Lelng ad > U

hours nnd M minutes which teats the best previousrecord teat hy time Maroa by six hours Tile Alamedawas detained at Auckland for six hours onSuit H to allow inerchunls to answertheir mall which lint Just arrived by steam-er 57 due fnini London This mall was sent esttoil uy It i 111I lim e SLH York for I Uerpnol on Saturiie j next mill mxpccud ho urns u at Ohm latter ilIac on

lOt ill hub will 1110k thy limn of tim ii trip from Auckland in Kiuland Ma this tnllcd htnln file ilajii teasIhuii from lnuland to Auckland br ilinct aleallle IIwill also reduce tie time of the trip around Ilia world toslit nlnodaB

Our nHleclr1o SecretaryPITISilthtimtl Oct AttorneyGeneral Oar

IanI lio liui been ruitlcntliig nt his home in Arkansasfur time tact two months paatd through this city thinmornlnK en runt to Manimgton to nail mIme Insoilicla-ldutus Mr Unraud sat s ha u In the belt of hcullti


New York Clack > xokiinge nli > Oc SSettle mum Avn trie nn en < btlv Ct di H-

Illll C H 4n c laoailiHl lHnil dcf llQIIail L N 4o cllJ > ervlllV 4l 0 lulill fetJa 7743 La cull 4 7o 1 XC cou 4n 11A-

IJBilLkUiu Auto unit laiDi ltd iliUlsltrio AIIIarllia 4aJJi 5 MlwIH 5 ti List112

11 Ainer MUCK S I Hit itltiuI mltint 1UIUQIIOO HMob id let mlmib M

7 lIOn t It AN Mich eim7e iml7 Mi ioi 1i i24I ItuIl I iorlo 17 leOn I 2t c ilol-

a limo a 0 sIn e3 N 0 A I let 78i7tilull ihli7 t P Y teumtral debilli-

H Cli C 0 eur3Oi4ill r N Y Em let i2ib7 ii 131 Ill Ny k Nor

to c e tr k i u UJl hilt t A Nor3Ciuflils2h1 J45lli4 1 it

Cell iac ic 1111 33 N Y Oh 4 St Iill tOm I N Ill 151 cnllt litii Cell mlca lnh 8 Ii I

ClmUpOui iff 104 b N V A Vmet 103-I 01 iitI Cs uC ohio A MIss tim

iCim14tLN0 5s lifl 2 lrlimtst tilb01 hut U A H I to in hi Luhe lO1-

13 Or 0 0tel Out It ti H2 Vol1 II 11 ihUt Iii laciOc mit Mu istllul4 01dm 4 II U cmi e no a i 0 cx bsluu-

1 iWA oa SIlo H ii lstlOt lii ith A 1 lIt 114-

llXi7 Ouri 2ils cx J 7 kit I A S C mit t33i-liomu C iOl4I5mii a SI I lermit 10-

35Rrte i I St 1 1108-a E TeRn 55 COO if PC Sb

is yt ii irtit tutH4hil463l i St let W a U-

ho 0 lIe A A A

lit W lxiiI2utO2 I 4 C 1111 let 10-2Coreen 1may50 Oil 211Cltt

24 molt 5 8 II I 15 lIt Jo A 0 1 1501mM-U mhtTexlacierm-

at llociVailetSI3ii lad 8 HI lit EdtJIt 411 Tux ae It 0

T a-

i iril a St lit 15 iS ies iau I c-

a iii sent 1 It2 Ken rcouitoui 4STeX Pc I g53S3-I KmuntTglmil 07 1

7Kail imlLO1 44 I4Watut 1 CILuISi-hi Lou4Ngni tii7 I Vuit msc 118-

S Iou8 71 mcd ShoreI L N A ml Cli nnht 40 mOIilltotal uuheeof railway tend fear yehue 521 13iOO-

ArsuilnOLl use ommee osoaenR-

mtllihiihits 77151 N T4 N E02h357j4th All A Ino 0il J 1029 > Ytus 4-


JJllllltOU A It pfKll a orec 224222iKllan racUM 4isiiH-

I2H455225lmalla 5ltI44UiS

Can Squtnci7hll531mi4 Suit Oo 1I4OIUU-lum5R10t UL r Jtl2V4lt-r Ohio 4 uisa aniazsoocent lao4H > a4a 1450 Or 105 N lOho5iO-

d14OOOt3Y8ibUAo4S ojunt 4 VHa2ntI23 C b A Q 137-MI

Km Ohio 8autn tttcues a o u 8V ran1 S KlDiaTJiOlio i in i ash l 551 Full 0 Co HIV HI-


BnlLDf ViWi 211120 iiealIilfft TOI A 11 V A lOll Rich AIL

JKIKlcll a WfUll JO-

vlose DoLAhICiO0MhiO Rock 1st iJTauiii-S30S31IKII iiiA W-

KODelll3iil7lh Ht L a 8 r-

urelA K i30lldil b3 4aK-iloonUAailu Erie cum 83Ct44 f lit

15141 hOt brat 7ilsU twit IIlls3iK leuu US 100 bt 1aul 8 Dm

hem K linn imf7O474 corn SbU-1UOeta H Teen 2d-

Dfbt faul 4 1UL-nrerJ-


1114 Wlidii lutlObt r1 <8JU Ken r Laihi4i33 ManIiH31i7b

201mu41 Lea SIiUtmiii I3i Tex ma laotat uj T It lO alBU-

TUITsis73lLeuu aNmijfJ4li 4rafll7Ml7 j21i Slams lOll 13 4194 f Uu Pac UlatVlM-

ISVaMldland2543 Manhu tty 37CUB lflallo4 mul Web 4 Pnoue4inV

inn Seem 4 Oh li1 810 Web 4 PnIOOJOi-Oli5MlcflUeuSli4491J Mlsceiumhuhcmiuoo

sue Mil u B f 120 b M Ki-HiuuiiickW oref UJj i39J-

4O2JSnt 24K-

2iKCamnMil A at f-eaia

CoaiiMc5llih4U9S 94U HISi 5101 lolL 2HSaRi-

201INewCanOI2iCOMaIitrll2lattI lax-JluooltniiUVislobeku Ib-


i4blb Iron Oem17300limo Miiinnoiis 8 01-

L410 Cons Oa 78S147 J-

nnocoIn SO-

iOONOr Trans asiffliifU-

7bUFaoe unat b5-


5 7050 lacmnu4u1 4iliianchor incstiiaid84IU

3al5owLuy74 oa73Nor lac DI iiiHU 130 Met liii74M7iili-i 60 >iwrnli7411til3 Total 1 tie Slii27-

11i220NYCenthlDe3Ill 1

iirsina rmcshi islft 211 411C-

Ctt CIs C 1124 I lD it a at icoru StS U4-iUS 41L r ll2 i12 SI ti St r mufl21 123-

5 as r 170 ltt I Me it 1 Tel ul5 U S 45 lIibi4 N Cell elt mmis

NVChiuut iilm4 11-2Cclusilei 7i 71 N V I N Is dr 02-Coiormmuo nol 25l CC tmou

ntm 5011 Ii Ciii ii7i 37 r i ii bIr t 1 IllC I I C I nut 00 I 51 ilwot I I U4 I ITOrt isilme 4d hs urthinn cot 01 I4A I42-ltliit I hit I 12 143 I West 2t J-

Ilui I t iv 1311 a Ii7 iiuiuli coils 5J-Pt I A II udiumu I lit 110 llmh ahia lit 1 12 I It-14l eli II I St tlil 72 71 i iteSmill 5 T ti 133

p Telmuliut old il P1 tir It A Na iii4l 10-1lne cit Mmmii 7-

Elle 71ti5 inca A lion141 gm-ilnte2I lilt COSting 3l 3-

IlLceimlral1341 mlii St Iuuuui A ilen1t7 tICtoiu S Numsbt3fl uI Tmtnl 5 iacilio 17F4 17

Late Shire 0I iIl41 tjuiiur iac sIt 4 lii-

Sian ltvcont42 143 WSS I tutc 104s iih-

Ilpeounm tir I I I 1 I mat 1 lto ftilicim lent Cit1 ill Sot liii 11 71 74i

fJATtItDAY Oct 2So tar us figures show today was the ijulo-

tostol thB week on the Stock Kchaime but asrocards tho character of the niiI kot it la sideto say thou the Interest aroused was greatertItan on any day for a long ilino TIle situationroar tosummod up as follows Time solIng isgeneral anti strong that In the long run themarket will Drove to be nn Improving one butthat just at present a number of Influences ex-


that are likely to chock rather than oncourago speculation Chief among thorn are thetemporary unsettled condition of trunk lineattains and tho possibility ufa revival of labortroubles at Chicago and a strike on thepent ot some ol tho anthraclto coalminers WMlo all of these are capableof being speedily disposed of and probablywilt be before any material damage resultsthe effect upon the street of discussing themli naturally depressing In addition to thesethere was today a poor showing by the asioelated banks and a threatened attack upon theanthracite coal companies by the authoritiespf tho State of Pennsylvania It Is difficult tosee upon what grounds proceedings nculnstthe coal companies for conducting their busi-ness


as they do can ba Instttutud They arcsimply doing what every lenslble man endeav-ors


to do limit the supply of their product totile demand and obtain a fair price for It Thepresent agreement among the coal companiesdoes not seem to be In any sense an un ¬

lawful combination or trade conspiracy andIt would be an exceedingly dlfllcult matterto prove In accordance with tho rules of evi ¬

dence that all the Interests concerned In tilecoal Industry are not conserved by the presentpolicy of Ihe companies Hut to return to tbomarket which after a firm opening stud periodat strength hogan to yield about noon as theInfluences referred to became operative ThodeclIning tendency was however held Incheck but the tone of the market certainly notImproved by the course of New York and NowKnglAnd On unusually heavy trading theprice advanced rapidly to 6211 and the finalsale at 02 < was ctf V cent bettor thanthe last one recorded yesttrdar An thestreet does not know to a certainty thereason for this movement U Is naturallynuoh JLorejUd over It IndMd a gooddeal of nervousness suds which Is nAeetsul tahe market by Irregularity and teyer1nIsi

Tbn treat WM treated to a rood many verypositive denials tn connection with the pendingdeal In the stock some of which are clearlytechnical while others cannot bo considered soleniently Perhaps ono of tho most interestingfeatures of this Now York and New England is-

hiislnoBSls the way In which everybody who Hought to knowdonles that any of rumored no ft-

fotlatlous to the ndvanuuio of the company oregoing op It recalls tho history of tile WesternUnion melon and of the lost dobonturo bondissue of the New York Central Homebody nowns In those two cases lis lying tremendouslybut who It In limo only will show It Is N-inarkablo In the light of thono dnnlali tint au-thorized

¬representatIves ot the Boston and At

liiinythoNl mid Nuvlluvon tho Now England iitime llonton nml 1rovldono und Now YorkIrovldonco and Boston companion shouldngruo to meet In this city on Friday next toformally sot upon terms for tho morglnic of thalive concerns Into ono oiloHsnl oorporatlonThis moitlnclias boon preceded by n great doalof negotiating as lies boon ntnted In this co-lumn


several times during tile past wonk TuGmost pertinent uuostlon that some of tile doflats Riicgost to one who Is Cognizant of tilenegotiations anti yot U not on tho Inside isline this consolidation buen prolectid withouttho stock of the Now York end NowJni and Company In hnnd The stockmarket evldentlir Indicates n strugglefor stock anti thu Indications are manyemil seemingly conducive that hill olovatodrailroad oaiilttillst who worn formerly Inter-ested


In Now Utiglatid lire lending a very activehand In tills atrinrulo Dlrootly anti Iniflroctlythe street has had nn abundance nf advice fromthat quarter nil tile week to sell the stockMeant ma It tins soared n not advance of lilt vrent Vitat appears to bo another schema labeing whlflDorrtd about but from what wo canloiirn It Is u mnasuro that Is contomplatod afterthe consolidation Is eftocted If carried out Itwould shorten tho transatlantic voyago liesplto tIle unsettled fouling prices as n rule didMotHUlTornuioii fit Inul yielded tho most V-

v coot on Chicago coiling Heeding JoraayCentral and others of 10s Importnnoo fraotlonally On tho othnr hand Now York CentralLuke hhoro atiiMNeiliirn Union wore strongthrougbout clod with n majority of tha listclosed lilirhor The speculation In WesternUnion still points to dooopmr of somesort favoiiOilo to that htock which It Is ba-lloiod will provo to bo tile termination ofthe cable nato war In tile near futureThe not result of tile weeks Inrao trnnsaoIons Is that most of the deuce list IIslower with tho irreiitc dnclliHo 2I V cent InlEmidlng 2 In Jersey Central and Ui In Eriewhlliift few special stocks like Now UnulaiidCanada Hotithorn nnd Jllohluau Central nrohigher Of tile Important events of the weokto which rofnroncit has not nlready boon inado-rtotp the exceedingly satUfuctory eltowlnmade by the Now York Contral for the Quarternnd year ending Bent SO and the gratifyingtrade reports made publlo today The stockmarket clouod Irrogulutr but In the nialnopparontly llrui

Closing prIces compare with loose of yester-day

¬as follown

i oc at Ocl t Ocf 2ran sou them BOi 070114 V A N B-

Cenlraelllc57 oii-

M14Hi4 4Vei Jcenlral li mu4

C C t A lad Hi Omaha coma 6-17MOimlair

OlJCons Uns 7MV I113 114let L A rteKISII >7 137 Out A West 2II4-

ln21 i

Oct 2 IHudsoni lot lr It 4 N tIlt liibugle A K u 3H-Ine

I 31I ireirnii AT 0 Hlf-HI

iBHJ laelllr Mall 67-

7J< 67

EMt login If 7J 7 lEicn 1 Vl U-


t-i5iCccl r Id iif IM-

Kan 2l theuitumg aA Tex ts nnlherii lot 4 lJ

Lou A Nisn Sb W M Iieihl en II YH-


lLko shot 0114 St rilt Mm I117 I h7-1lanhmallulhIItl lC2Tio A Jltctnc-

ulMich Cent thOm i-1ins

Tnut Keci ta lP Irtt-flljMismiurl ian I I I Union rac tlliC

Nortnwestcom117 tlllhiRhm A Iac com H-inivwnii



Heir Per nf nl1-N

A IM nf blt fliTCentral 11-

1GovernmontliiWest Uii Tel 73J 74

bonds tn fair demand aolstrong The Ps closed 3 tho Is > and tile 3t-

tI 4 cent hlirbnr bid Itilhvtiy Ijoiid ncthoand llrmcr Tho more Important clmnues worendvanraH In Atlantic aOl Pnnlllo Inaoiiien iiErie 2dH 2 Fort Worth and Deuxer City Isti

s l Now Orleans Pacific lots 1i Toxus rnotlla-torminaK trust roeolnta 1 nnd land cniiit in-

comes K V cent Detroit Miickitiaonnd Marjuclto laud grants declined 1 > V Coot

Money on call easier owing to the Outobrr-lIsburcomentB nt 5u>7 I cent with C 14 centtile ruling rate

Utorllnc excbnngo dull and rather heavywith posted nnklngratoRunclmngodat f lS2V-itl 3 for long bills and t48h5i144hli> for de-mand


The amount of bullion gone Into tho Hankof England balance today in fi5 000 Pnrladvices quote 3 cents at 132SO and oxohaiiuavon London 253Us

Latest luotutlons of bank stocksBLuI AIled lilt 4101

America tO iTt hlenhettan i 157 I IiiAulCxchange illS 142 Msrkt 158 ftli-hroailwumv 2be 295 hCdhulOilmCe till illSHUtciu it Brov iso hIre unit Trail 53-

Ceimlral itt i23 iieramuite lJJ-Chmae 14i Morel lls 112-

Ullltthalfl 215 225 Ncr ishi 11-12Ulmegimicti280 hotropoiltau 73 71CIty 255 Niisen 131-1CihhLcli 120 New rots rid a-

Cotiumnerce 172 lilt N Y Omit Nt 113 i2C-mihmhiuenthl ItS 1111 N Y County Jlsi-Corlu Ixch 183 Nlihi 125 iNKant lOver 121 North Auriericua i23 IllSEleventluWanml 1 tO Nurihu River 123-

irismital 115-Fouurtli Pmiclhuc 151 151-Fuiton lie i2 Park 104 lIlttiiftiu Avenue Tms henmuioe IHi 11-mblaIitin 2u5 Phemmix 107 Iiilarflid ISiS Uepubllc i3t illSlerugusim Ala ill31 Secant 221-1enih1alli 25 SovenIhi wae imu-

iirrenwlch tIkS ihhoe ituilLtetli iOSIleumover 157 hit Niciotan IllS1mpaiuiTad 301 lilt l0teh5f NYi-rvulhe 137 i40 iTruIeniuuetms it billLcailmcr Mauus105 Unitet illale 2012

Tho banks have lost In roorvo daring tioweek vary heavily Tim money lIne gone latecirculation and will stay out for some time yet

xrt yi <M u cfinnjtiLoan t337 151701 34H101700 toe M7lll v-


3471U57IIII Zili754lNe I live 31ii4-uilimeUioiloiu813470 MIUI4IXJ lime 2ri7i

Legal toudsrs 1021liKV IH7O 1101 lIeu O4i-Bpecla

>7U144llmXJ 740KJIOI1 Deo 55UUji >

Total reserve i iitlM ono VmctZJlltxiKsnerv tofu B0 7J U3 SlO9ml75-

itiurplue ill07UH7S jrlHltcj5 hoc S31Time nurrlusH year ago ttae f4l4tKiltiTTile Treasury exhibits the usual ofToct of tho

first of October disbursements The balancesare

Off 1 Oct 20011 tliK JKur7-Lsiial

tlSliUhllllllleaders NisJ28lluiii UUbllMti >

Total IU4tIJHi7 J10J4I11II-Sllter balance JWU33H74 as against fH > il4 384 yes

terdnrThe statistics of national bank circulation

Blvo the lullowini resultsc1l 23 Ic 2rjrenlntlon ontstandlnir 303 7l3ilO-


Lawful money lioil aiuinitCirculation retired 1015-

I7737IX0301VBent deimMted to wear

clrculnttondurins thew uek-Itontls l3t1ltettltliilraivn 40l3Ii 41US1-

JBIIIOThree per nellie hell as se-

curity K10U UJII

TIp statement ol the Loulnvllloiinil Nashvlllo Itullroiul for August shows gross onrnltudof lJUtriCC nn lnoroa of 121707 nn cornpared with lust year cull not iiirnliiKa of tiuj8011 nn increase of HUlSiti Tim tint nftir-pujlnc for pmijtructlon Wits I1W781 uniucrease of

The Atchison Toroka and Santa FmS1 Hallroad Company rip rts gross nuiiilnuH for tIllSbovxti niontlm iidlng Auu 31 of t58j ISSs-no 1303818 tin Jinrouso of I2J23U-

TSmv YurkS-


Oct 2 FLOUR AND Mmi Thmarket was dull mud prico ann droipln mIld ui-smiUd In rruumtiy nlth tin trail uiirket

Cotiiii Futuren ttcr dull slut Inns seen with ulliiitruni Uiante ilotlnir ill niu ton October i2cforNoteniber aj7i for December u no for554e for Kebruarr hl She ler ii arch C tilt for April010 fur May u 77c fmur June 1 dee for July ami ii cialor tiunsl i stiles 431551i bales spats dull nn l We hitmiddling oDiaada Mci Uulfs ui iuo Itaceluu at tuaports tins dab ai lout bales

elumommu lilt fuuiilrci sire allieS ulahuressel by hueeelyi suiIiimn il itmCm pal 4 725150 ummlm mmtHi4ni for ichuler liQCul fur Noyenuber H753mda-or tlemmlor sumaim list j luimilor U4fIhlmre forAtrit lil5i5U0im lit ilay itimil tiCit fms Juuit Slotiivat V S iii lit iii iflil flmr mllhilmg bSit export Immisimmoss

lliiili ii01s huiSlicd No 3 red wlterii cleliutor anit ichlecrod No 5lo 593u tim elevOlirUhiltrnii ill 773n60 ehiial hil Ni 2 sprIng i0i8ieCiiile Ide No I slurlmmut mOIlde poor whit 74nimiuluan cumrlI fill Ores deeliniet tmurii r linmller a alIiriii lbs iteumiand t salo 112551 1155 Nm 2 totted mit 4bui434iu ror Oilober 4Tt471 oe iomiuiuer 4Chm4eufor ueienioer 4ic ior January sill nnc fur M iv


Hint corn lower and more aenvai iuOixi bush takaaftir export sales Included No 1 mlied 4d3is47e115 elevator slId atluat alit No a whIle 410Its elevator Oils wire nenressent eels UJSlsjOoushuV 5swid olmhiouls No 2 at airuu for Oitiotier for Niveumuber S3ltl1e for Deceiher sod 5ilc for itaym and 01 time spot mixed at2Ju13Jc amu wiuht st SItilSihile as in qualityRus quiet at iitrjAno out time tcack anmi afloat ls4tWheat scarce at 5arsi Aftmr Choigeuieot dullNo 2 for Oclmiber Ch Novsnber Srci flscemiirs7flem January Hi401 May Hi7 tiara Cull Ho aIlitsed for octuter 4lioO Smoeeulmuer 44 ° eturr 4111m Jatmiiery 40Cr hlmtyat14e Oats dulti NoS for ctobsr SIc1 hoember Ole Hecmber-


lilluSlay llIcl-aoylstuiooIard rolllrcs miuctinet Sharply Under freeofleruiga sIe it P52 tce At iiIit3A llCo br Octolcr5111151 2tc for nuiuimmiie lillllJc toy Decsintra lsCut INC for Jaliumry 01 tSrtli Ii for Felrtuary elm1uuiTroV MarVh After Cllange the Clone wV itIiIK for October lie for November titleember andlilDi for January Shot lard wY LI-

u er if i li iu hmi a large himohmiese I ruutimed soles 4jhics nt ni for prime city thui41O uoe for pnillut toelmoice Wsstsrn awl ii lb for rflneg for tIealit fr Cull i Aituericm imrk dull lImit KiiHJi-reenlunsilltualargeftenitiw inns yli4ll Li Cut meats duhi sill

for arrival 1reese IlegS loiusr at 8s5Iie Tamhuw iae a slealy mhi St4 1100 Butter firm at 21rgJlc for c00agerylit tioIsrtuh ileimmguumih at 1i13t2c for State fsctryFresh ctte2ir22c-isucoeiniihlee no the spot dull aimd fair cargoesitie qimolel at I I c is ilt intuit graIn Without buustnmtOo oltiiuie Ietuilc by looser 47 Ci bats cioshiug hi

whit Sellers at eSlc for October SIlo for Joeelnhrsmlii 9300 for tim more ilislant eytintme Raw suiilicloister bull flrm Sues 441 litmus fair rflminm tmmoeiulvale 4l3l IllUc mdlii flhds 141 Crib at 4c I 151ard cemutrltugal quoted 5le Itefimueij lucius I I etterdeullanul Cr00111 0 5i02ii 71Gm tronhulutpI S It tm40 I leo t soft WhIt A St55e 0 atyilowi 4cISc Molasses dullMaTAt5llel of °ektl1 at OT40 for October soil2JiiOa fur NoremmiterUcxaa raugnrs Uraln shipments were quite antIcsat 44 to Liverpool atud huh 4lt to Bristol OHat 3 tffaSrlftte quarter to Oopenhsgeiu and 3

PsiROiiDiiVriKlasMrtincstes were faIrly active cr14hIgbr 01111mw at U2Me seihimug at 5JMte14e aimSshosiugatdllh3OSgt asiss 10335531 bbPsflAvCh STOPasIpirit tulipelitlos was qOlet ii4 ajI5cUter al 21a


John F. Berky