ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam

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Page 1: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam


Page 2: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam

Overview Set at the heart of the Near East, Jordan and Israel are literally bursting with archaeological and historical gems epitomising the vast sweep of history in this part of the world: the world’s first villages; mighty Bronze Age cities; incomparable Classical period towns; sites reaching back to the origins of Judaism and Christianity; Crusader castles; and splendid Islamic monuments. This region has the lot, as well as stunning landscapes and a diverse range of modern cultures. This 20-day tour will take you, in a leisurely manner, to the best of what this region offers. From bucket-list locations such as Jerusalem and Petra, to smaller, lesser-known locations, this tour is a must for anyone interested in the history and archaeology of the Near East. Your tour will be led by Ben Churcher, who has lived and worked in this region for 35 years, giving him a unique understanding of the past and modern context of the often-bewildering complexity of Near Eastern history. During this time Ben has been involved with the University of Sydney’s archaeological excavations at Pella in Jordan: a site that Australians have excavated for 40 years and that has been occupied for 10,000 years. The trip to Pella during this tour will be a highlight, where Ben will be able to explain the workings of a modern archaeological dig in the Middle East. As we walk in the footsteps of Thutmosis III, Alexander, Pompey, Constantine, Saladin and T.E. Lawrence, this is a tour to the very birthplace of Western civilisation. From ancient archaeological tells to bustling markets, we will explore this fascinating region safely and enjoyably. While archaeology will be the focus, so too will be the food, culture and landscapes of this storied part of the world.

Your tour leader Ben Churcher is an archaeologist who works both in the Near East, as well as with Aboriginal archaeology in Australia. Ben holds the position of Field Director at the University of Sydney’s archaeological excavations at Pella in Jordan.

Ben holds a BA (Hons) from the University of Queensland and a Dip. Ed from the University of

Sydney. In 1983, Ben received a travelling grant from the Alumni Association at the University of Queensland to participate at the excavations at Pella in Jordan and he has been involved in archaeology ever since. In between digs, Ben worked as a secondary teacher for five years at both public and private high schools and in 1993 he brought together his love of teaching and archaeology by founding Astarte Resources, a company producing and distributing educational resources specialising in history. While running Astarte Resources, Ben has been involved with adult education lecturing on a range of historical subjects and graduate teaching duties at the University of Canberra in their cultural heritage degree.


Tour dates: March 14 – April 2, 2020

Tour leader: Ben Churcher

Tour Price: $12,485 per person, twin share

Single Supplement: $3,310 for sole use of double room

Booking deposit: $500 per person

Recommended airline: Emirates or Qatar

Maximum places: 20

Itinerary: Amman (2 nights), Jerusalem (4 nights), Haifa (2 nights), Tiberius (2 nights), Amman (3 nights), Petra (3 nights), Wadi Rum (1 night), Kerak (1 night), Amman (1 night)

Date published: April 8, 2019

Enquiries and bookings

For further information and to secure a place on this tour please contact Jemma York at Academy Travel on 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) or email [email protected]

Page 3: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam

Tour Highlights

PETRA Traverse the two-kilometre-long narrow gorge of the Siq and admire the Nabatean Sculptures, before emerging to see your first glimpse of the temple-like façade of the Treasury. Petra, capital of the Nabatean Kingdom, grew wealthy on the back of Arab trade routes, until it was annexed by the Romans. We explore this history on a full day, discovering the amazing range of sights in this archaeological wonderland.

JERUSALEM Walk in the footsteps of Jesus, Crusaders, Saladin and the Australian Light Horse in Jerusalem’s Old City, an ever-controversial crossroads of cultures and faiths. Explore the city’s unique history on walking tours through its alleyways, and visit Temple Mount where Solomon and Herod’s temples were built, as well as Islam’s holy Al-Aksa Mosque, where Mohammed was transported from Mecca.

PELLA Access all areas on a personally guided tour through Pella, a magnificent 10-hectare site set in beautiful surroundings beside a perennial spring in the foothills of the north Jordan valley. Your tour leader Ben is the current field director of the project, where the University of Sydney has unearthed many important discoveries during their excavations over the past 38 years.

HISTORY BROUGHT TO LIFE Uncover the cradle of civilisations from Neanderthal remains found in caves at Mt Carmel; to Neolithic tells that uncover examples of the world’s first urban developments, such as the archaeological site at Jericho’ the Bronze Age palace at Hazor; bastions of Philistine culture of Ashdod and Ashkelon; biblical Megiddo; and the Roman cities of Caesarea, Jerash and Bethlehem, Jesus’ birthplace.

WADI RUM Survey the spectacular Martian-like Wadi Rum, lands of wandering Bedouin, Arab trade routes and Lawrence of Arabia. Reminiscent, in part, of Outback Australia, the landscape is one of towering, weathered red-sandstone cliffs, surrounded by plains of sand and grasses. Enjoy Bedouin hospitality and gaze at the stars, staying in luxury tented accommodation.

Page 4: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam

Detailed itinerary Included meals are shown with the symbols B, L and D.

Saturday 14 March Arrive Amman, Jordan

The tour commences at the hotel in Amman at 6pm. Meet your tour leader in the lobby for introductions and drinks and dinner in the hotel. Overnight Amman (D)

Sunday 15 March touring Amman

While Amman has grown incredibly in the past 50 years, the city maintains a bustling charm, and many reminders of its historic past. In our tour of the city today we focus on the downtown area and three of the city’s best historical attractions. We visit the National Museum, which exhibits the best archaeological treasures that have been unearthed in Jordan. The citadel atop one of Amman’s seven hills has been inhabited at least from the Bronze Age. However, everything that is visible on the surface now is of the Roman, Byzantine or Umayyad periods, except where part of the Iron Age town wall still exists. The imposing Roman theatre built into the sides of the cliff could seat some 6,000 people. Overnight Amman (B, L, D)

Monday 16 March to Jerusalem

No brief description will do justice to Jerusalem. It needs to be seen and walked in order to reveal its complex overlay of 5,000 years of history. From the early city of King David, to the jumble of Roman, Byzantine and medieval remains, Jerusalem is a historical treasure house. Still as evocative today as it has ever been, Jerusalem is the spiritual home to both Christianity and Judaism, and the most important site for the Muslim world after Mecca and Medina. Today we travel across the Allenby Bridge to Jerusalem. When we arrive, we take an orientation tour of the city, beginning at the Mount of Olives and continuing to the Damascus Gate. Overnight Jerusalem (B, L, D)

Tuesday 17 March touring Jerusalem

This morning we take a walking tour of the streets and alleys of Old Jerusalem, a city that has seen everything from the entry of Jesus to marauding Crusaders in the eleventh century and members of the Australian Light Horse during World War 1. We

Above: a unique Dead Sea Scroll inscribed in copper, the last to be discovered and housed in the Jordan Museum in Amman Below: The Roman Temple of Hercules sits atop a hill overlooking the city in the Citadel of Amman

Tour start & finish time

The tour begins on Saturday 14 March at 6.00pm, at the Amman Intercontinental Hotel, Amman, Jordan.

The tour ends on Thursday 2 April after breakfast, at the Amman Intercontinental Hotel, Amman, Jordan.

Page 5: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam

Above: the Umayyad-era Dome of the Rock, Islam’s Holy shrine shines brightly atop Temple Mount; Hebrew texts housed in the Israel Museum Below: ruins of Herod the Great’s tiered palace at Masada affords magnificent views of the Dead Sea and surrounding desert

visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam. To crown a historically rich day, we also visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the site of Jesus’s burial and a great basilica originally constructed by Constantine the Great. Overnight Jerusalem (B, L, D)

Wednesday 18 March Israel Museum

Today we visit the Israel Museum, with the very best of Israel’s archaeological treasures preserved in a well-curated, chronological display that spans the incredible history of the country from the Stone Age to the Classical periods. The afternoon is free for further exploration. Overnight Jerusalem (B)

Thursday 19 march Masada, Jericho and Qumran

This morning we travel to Masada, the site of Herod the Great’s tiered palace on the Dead Sea. In 73 CE, under siege from the Roman Legate, Flavius Silva, the Jewish community committed collective suicide, thereby marking Masada as an important symbol of the modern Israeli state. We continue to Qumran, an Essene community at the time of Jesus and where the Dead Sea scrolls were originally located. Jericho is one of the world’s earliest examples of large-scale urban development and our visit will be our first introduction to an ancient archaeological tell (or mound). Overnight Jerusalem (B, L, D)


We depart for Bethlehem and visit the Church of the Nativity, situated directly over the cave in which Jesus was believed to have been born. Crossing to the Mediterranean Sea, we visit two major cities of the Philistine people: Ashdod and Ashkelon. We visit the Museum of Philistine Culture at Ashdod, as well as Ashdod-Yam (or Ashdod on the Sea): the ancient port of Ashdod and subject to renewed archaeological excavations. We visit Ashkelon, another important Philistine city with remains from the Bronze Age, as well as the Byzantine, Crusader and Ottoman periods. Overnight Haifa (B, L, D)


In Haifa, we step back through time from the height of the Roman Empire to the Palaeolithic period peopled by Neanderthals and archaic Homo Sapiens. Founded by Herod the Great, Caesarea features a large artificial port, a sewer system, a grid town plan, and all the accoutrements expected of a Classical town: temples, an amphitheatre and aqueducts. We also visit Megiddo, the site of Armageddon: the battle to end all battles. Megiddo is pivotally important to our understanding of the period of Solomon, and more broadly, the establishment of Israelite control in the area. We end our day at Mt Carmel, where hominid remains have been excavated in a number of

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caves; including the most southerly example of a Neanderthal yet discovered. Overnight Haifa (B, L)

Sunday 22 march TO TIBERIUS

Today’s we travel a short distance to Acco. Principally known as a Crusader town, it became the major port for the Kingdom of Jerusalem after its capture in 1104. Much later, the failure of Napoleon in 1799 to capture Acco forced his retreat to Egypt and changed the course of history. This afternoon we visit Hazor and Tell Dan, dating to the Bronze and Iron Ages. Of particular interest are the well-preserved fortifications at both sites. Overnight Tiberius (B, L)


As well as exploring the region around Lake Tiberius (Sea of Galilee), today we visit three ancient sites associated with Jesus. Located on a ridge overlooking Lake Tiberius, Hippos has all the features of a Greek city. including temples, a central agora, colonnaded streets and other public structures. Frequently mentioned in the Gospels, Capernaum was the closest to a permanent base that Jesus had during the Galilean ministry and it is referred to simply as “his own city”. The site is pleasantly situated and preserves remains from the Byzantine period when it became a major pilgrimage centre. This afternoon we visit Nazareth and the impressive Church of the Annunciation. Overnight Tiberius (B, L)


We return to Jordan, stopping at Beth Shan, which is the ‘sister city’ of Pella. Although Pella is probably the older of the two sites, Beth Shan’s strategic location controlling the eastern mouth of the Esdraelon Valley saw it prosper during the Classical period as one of the cities of the Decapolis. After crossing the Jordan River, we will climb high above Lake Tiberius and visit Umm Qais (ancient Gadara), a Classical period city with panoramic views around where a theatre and tombs, along with stretches of shops and residences, have been excavated. One of the unique features of Umm Qais is that it is largely constructed out of black basalt stone, giving it a different feel to those encountered on the trip. Overnight Amman (B, L, D)

Wednesday 25 March pElla

Today’s tour to Pella in northern Jordan will be a full, but very interesting day. The ancient site of Pella has been inhabited for over 10,000 years and subject to excavations by the University of Sydney since 1979. While never a major centre, Pella is a survivor and all major periods from the Neolithic to the present are represented here. However, unlike other sites of equal antiquity, Pella does not have a modern town or city built on top of the ruins. This has presented archaeologists with a world-

Above: The Roman Amphitheatre at Caesarea, an ancient port on the Mediterranean coast, hosts regular concerts during summer Below: Pella’s in northern Jordan has been excavated by the University of Sydney since 1979

Page 7: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam

ranking site set in a very beautiful region of Jordan. As your tour leader knows the site intimately, you will gain an unparalleled understanding into the many phases of occupation at the site. Overnight Amman (B, L)

Thursday 26 March Ajlun and Jerash

Most people know two sites in Jordan: Petra and Jerash. Jerash is often referred to as ‘the Pompeii of the East’ and it is one of the best-preserved Roman cities in the Near East, along with Palmyra. Two theatres, a hippodrome, a triumphal arch, an oval plaza, the impressive Temple to Zeus and long stretches of colonnaded streets make Jerash one of the world’s major sites for understanding Roman city planning and urban living. On our return to Amman we stop at Ajlun Castle, one of the few surviving Arab castles dating to the Crusader period. Built by a cousin of Saladin, its chief purpose was to stop the spread of the Kingdom of Jerusalem into Trans-Jordan. Today the castle preserves a great example of Crusader-period military architecture. Overnight Amman (B, L)

Friday 27 March Madaba, mt nebo and umm el rasas

As we make our way to Petra, we stop in Madaba, one of the centres for Jordan’s sizeable Christian community from the Byzantine period, when it became a centre for the region’s mosaic industry. One of the most famous mosaics is the Madaba Map in the Church of St George, which shows the Holy Land with over 150 place names from Tyre and Sidon in the north to the Nile Delta in the south. We also visit the church at Mt Nebo that wonderfully displays some of the region’s mosaics. The pinnacle of mosaic work is found at the Church of St Stephen at Umm El Rasas, dating to the Umayyad period and having come down to us almost intact. Overnight Petra (B, L, D)

Saturday 28 March Petra

Although the description of Petra as ‘the rose-red city, half as old as time’ is a little clichéd today, the evocativeness of the description is matched by the unique splendour one finds. Petra is one of the world’s great archaeological sites dating back to the Palaeolithic period, but it is the Nabataean period for which the city is best known. During this time, the prosperous Nabataeans turned to nearby Egyptian Alexandria for their architectural inspiration, and, using the malleable sandstone, carved mighty tomb edifices into the cliff faces, creating an evocative visual smorgasbord that is unmatched at any site in the ancient world. Overnight Petra (B, L, D)

Sunday 29 March Little Petra

This morning we make an excursion to an outlying group of monuments named ‘Little Petra’ or Siq el Barid (painted gorge), due to the traces of internal paint that exist in one of the tombs.

Above: The breathtaking oval-shaped forum at Jerash surrounded by 56 Ionic columns; an exquisite mosaic found in the Church of the Stephen at Umm El Rasas Below: Nothing can prepare you for your first glimpse of the Treasury as you emerge from the Siq at Petra

Page 8: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam

After our visit, we walk to Beidha, a prehistoric village site that spans the crucial Natufian and Neolithic periods when human society in this part of the world started to turn to agriculture and settle into permanent villages. The afternoon is free to relax, or to re-visit Petra. Overnight Petra (B)

Monday 30 March wadi rum

Brought to the world’s attention in the movie Lawrence of Arabia, and more recently, The Martian, Wadi Rum is a spectacular location. Reminiscent, in part, of Outback Australia, the landscape is one of towering, weathered red-sandstone cliffs, surrounded by plains of sand and grasses. Wadi Rum is part of an inland trade route from Saudi Arabia and inscriptions carved into the rocks remind us that people have been using this thoroughfare throughout history. This is the world of the Bedouin and today we will be guided through Wadi Rum by the locals before camping (comfortably!) for the night among the soaring peaks. Overnight Wadi Rum (B, L, D)

Tuesday 31 March shobak castle

Shobak Castle on the Kings’ Highway was an important Crusader stronghold known as Monte Reale. With its walls and gateway, chapel and banqueting hall, Shobak is a small but complete example of the Crusader period castle. Driving north we then visit Dana, which is both a well-preserved mud-brick village and one of Jordan’s major nature reserves. The reserve protects a unique example of the ecosystem of the highlands of Jordan in a spectacular location. Overnight Kerak (B, L, D)

Wednesday 1 April kerak Castle and the Kings Highway

Kerak is imposingly situated and commands a magnificent view in all directions, especially towards the Dead Sea. Occupied since the Iron Age, its greatest importance was during the Crusader period when it was known as Crac des Moabites. After Kerak was in Muslim hands, its importance as a castle dwindled and today it remains overlooking Jordan’s largest Christian community. We travel down below sea level to the Dead Sea to the Church of St Lot where your tour leader excavated in the early 1990s. This site consists of a small church and associated monastic complex built around a small cave. Archaeological evidence at the site shows continued use into the Islamic period, indicating the good relations between the Christian and Muslim community. Digging beneath the Byzantine levels at the back of the cave, archaeologists found a pottery jug and two drinking cups dating to the Early Bronze Age—the period of Lot—and evidence that the site is a shrine of great antiquity. Travelling north once more we will pass along the shores of the Dead Sea before returning to Amman. Overnight Amman (B, L, D)

Thursday 2 April Departure

The tour concludes after breakfast in Amman. (B)

Hotels Amman, Amman Intercontinental Hotel (6 nights)

intercontinental-jordan.hotels-amman.com/en/ Jerusalem, Olive Tree Hotel (4 nights)

olivetreehotel.co.il/ Haifa, Dan Panorama (2 nights)

www3.danhotels.com/ Tiberius, Leonardo Plaza (2 nights)

www.fattal-hotels.com/ Petra, Petra Movenpick (3 nights)

www.movenpick.com/en/ Wadi Rum, Aicha Camp (1 night)

mlc.jo/en/ Kerak, Falcon (1 night)

Above: the weathered sandstone cliffs in Wadi Rum, home to Bedouins and Lawrence of Arabia, evoke a desolate Martian landscape

Page 9: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam

Tour Price The tour price is $12,485 per person, twin share (land content only). The supplement for a single room is $3,310 per person. A non-refundable deposit of $500 per person is required to secure a place on the tour.

Tour Inclusions

Included in the tour price

19 nights’ accommodation in carefully selected hotels Breakfasts daily, plus meals as noted in the itinerary Land travel by air-conditioned coach Extensive background notes Background talks at sites Services of a tour leader and national guide throughout All entrance fees to sites mentioned on itinerary Qualified local guides where appropriate Porterage of one piece of luggage at all hotels Tips for all services included in the itinerary

Not included

International air fares, taxes and surcharges (see below) Travel insurance Meals not mentioned in itinerary Expenses of a personal nature

Air travel OPTIONS The tour price quoted is for land content only. For this tour we recommend Qatar or Emirates Airlines which offers daily flights into and out of Amman from most Australian cities. Please contact us for further information on competitive Economy, Business and First-Class airfares. Transfers between airport and hotel are included for all passengers booking their flights through Academy Travel. These may be group or individual transfers.

Enquiries & bookings For further information and to secure a place on this tour please contact Jemma York at Academy Travel on 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) or email [email protected]

Weather on Tour Late March and early April is a pleasant time to visit Jordan and Israel. Evening temperatures are cool, around 8 to 10 degrees. Daytime highs average around 20 degrees. Rainfall is low, about 20 millimetres for the month.

Fitness Requirements of THIS tour


It is important both for you and for your fellow travellers that you are fit enough to be able to enjoy all the activities on this tour. To give you an indication of the level of physical fitness required to participate on our tours, we have given them a star grading. Academy Travel’s tours tend to feature extended walking tours and site visits, which require greater fitness than coach touring. We ask you to carefully consider your ability to meet the physical demands of the tour.

Participation criteria for this tour

This Grade Two tour is designed for people who lead active lives and can comfortably participate in up to five hours of physical activity per day on most days, including longer walking tours, challenging archaeological sites, climbing stairs, embarking and disembarking trains and/or boats, and a more demanding tour schedule with one night stops or several internal flights. You should be able to: keep up with the group at all times walk for 4-5 kilometres at a moderate pace with only

short breaks stand for a reasonable length of time in galleries and

museums tolerate uncomfortable climatic conditions such as cold,

humidity and heat walk up and down slopes negotiate steps and slopes on archaeological sites,

which are often uneven and unstable get on and off a large coach with steep stairs, train or

boat unassisted, possibly with luggage move your luggage a short distance if required

A note for older travellers

If you are more than 80 years old, or have restricted mobility, it is highly likely that you will find this itinerary challenging. You will have to miss several activities and will not get the full value of the tour. Your booking will not be accepted until after you have contacted Academy Travel to discuss your situation and the exact physical requirements of this tour. While we will do our best to reasonably accommodate the physical needs of all group members, we reserve the right to refuse bookings if we feel that the requirements of the tour are too demanding for you and/or if local conditions mean we cannot reasonably accommodate your condition.

Page 10: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam

About Academy TravelEach year Academy Travel organises around 60 journeys to Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia and the Americas, each focusing on a distinctive historical, artistic or cultural theme. The aim of every Academy Travel journey is to combine the pleasures of independent travel with the benefits and shared enjoyment of a group. Academy Travel is an Australian-owned travel company, founded in 2004. The company’s staff includes both academic experts and travel professionals with over two decades’ industry experience. We also have our own office in Rome which organises our tours in Western Europe. This means we have direct control over the selection of hotels, restaurants, coaches and local guides, guaranteeing superior quality.

Years of experienceAcademy Travel was founded in 2004 by a team with decades of prior experience in small group travel. On average, our tour leaders have over 11 years’ experience, some with 25 or more years. To ensure quality, we have our own office in Rome, Italy and a network of trusted suppliers around the world.

Great itinerariesAcademy Travel works hard to create itineraries that provide a balanced experience – walking tours, museum and gallery visits, live performances, city and countryside. We’re proud to be constantly innovating, from opening up new destinations, creating tours around festivals and special exhibitions, to providing unrivalled depth in our residential tours.

Like-minded groupsOver the years we’ve been in operation, we’ve developed a loyal band of Academy Travellers, some of whom have travelled with us more than 10 times. They say the small groups (maximum 20, average 17) and distinct themes of our tours attract like-minded travellers and create a relaxed, convivial atmosphere.

Long staysFeedback from our clients consistently tells us that creating itineraries with three and four-night stops, or even longer, is far more appealing that rushing from place to place. Wherever possible, we plan our tours around a limited number of stops, making your travels more relaxed and more meaningful.

Special EventsA private viewing of the Sistine Chapel? Tickets to a sold-out concert by the Berlin Philharmonic? A world-famous art fair? Access to private homes and gardens? Behind-the-scenes visits? Many of our tours feature access to places and events that are usually not offered on most group tours.

Expert tour leadersWe work closely with a team of academically qualified and highly experienced tour leaders. They don’t just ‘rattle off the facts’ – they help us plan our itineraries and, on tour, freely share their deep knowledge and genuine passion. Most of our tour leaders are still teaching at an advanced level and many are still undertaking academic research.

ACADEMY TRAVEL TAILORED SMALL GROUP JOURNEYS Email: [email protected] academytravel.com.au

Page 11: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam

Level 1, 341 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: + 61 2 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) ACADEMY TRAVEL

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Page 12: ISRAEL JORDAN - Academy Travel · visit the Temple Mount as well as the exquisite seventh-century Umayyad Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, the third most holy site of Islam


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PASSPORT AND VISAA valid passport is required for all international travel. If you do not hold an Australian passport you may require a re-entry permit. Some countries require a visa to be issued before you depart Australia. We will advise you of all passport and visa requirements, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you meet passport and visa requirements before you depart.

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WILL THE ITINERARY OR AIRLINE CHANGE? Occasionally circumstances beyond the control of Academy Travel make it necessary to change airline, hotel or to make slight amendments to daily itineraries. We will inform you of any changes as soon as they occur.

FINAL PAYMENTFull and final payment for the tour, airfare travel, insurance and any additional travel you book is due 60 days before departure. Payment may be made by bank deposit, cheque, cash or credit card. Please note there is a surcharge for payments made by credit card.

Academy Travel reserves the right to decline the booking or terminate the holiday of any traveller.

I/we accept the conditions on this booking form

I/we have read the information about the physical requirements of the tour in the detailed itinerary and confirm that I/we are able to meet these requirements.


Deposit paymentE

A non-refundable $500 deposit is required for each person listed on this booking form. Please indicate which method you have chosen to pay your deposit:

Number of passengers:

Amount of deposit: $

Paid directly by cheque (Please make cheques payable to Academy Travel)

Paid by credit card (Please complete details below)

MasterCard Visa American Express

Card Number:

3 or 4 digit security code:

Expiry date:

Name on card:

Amount: $



Please send your completed booking form to: Academy TravelGPO Box 5057Sydney NSW 2001Or email: [email protected] or fax it to (02) 9235 0123Additional booking forms can be downloaded from our website: academytravel.com.au

How did you hear about this tour?f

Please select where you first heard about this tour:

I receive the Academy Travel tour program

I receive the Academy Travel weekly emails

I saw an advertisement online… please specify

I saw an advertisement in… please specify

I attended a lecture at... please specify

Searching the internet… please specify

A friend recommended Academy Travel tours

Other... please specify

AUTHORISATIONBy submitting this booking form you are authorising us to charge the cost of deposits for booking on this tour. No further charges will be made without your prior authorisation.

AUTHORISATIONBy submitting this booking form, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions above and on our website, and the inclusions and non-inclusions listed in the detailed itinerary for the tour.


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ACADEMY TRAVEL TAILORED SMALL GROUP JOURNEYS Email: [email protected] academytravel.com.au