1 more day for LON-CAPA #4 First exam: Feb 6 in Life Sciences A133 1:00 – 2:20 PM 40 questions, should not take full time review in 2 nd half of this lecture you may bring 1 8.5”X11” sheet of paper with you (one-sided) hand-written; no xerox no form # needed for scoring sheet; no section no cellphones; evidence of a cellphone out will result in seizure of exam BPS Life Sciences

isp209 lecture feb4 - Michigan State Universityhuston/isp209_s14/isp209_lecture_feb4.pdf · lecture you may bring ... Note that your electric bill tells you not how many watts you

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l  1 more day for LON-CAPA #4 l  First exam: Feb 6 in Life

Sciences A133 ◆  1:00 – 2:20 PM ◆  40 questions, should not

take full time ◆  review in 2nd half of this

lecture ◆  you may bring 1 8.5”X11”

sheet of paper with you (one-sided)

◆  hand-written; no xerox ◆  no form # needed for

scoring sheet; no section ◆  no cellphones; evidence of

a cellphone out will result in seizure of exam


Life Sciences


Kinetic Energy

l If you push on an object, you can set it in motion

l If an object is moving, then it is capable of doing work

l It has energy of motion or kinetic energy

l  The kinetic energy of an object depends both on the mass of an object and its speed ◆  just like momentum

l  But in this case, the kinetic energy depends on the square of the speed ◆  KE=1/2mv2

l  and kinetic energy is a scalar quantity

l  The kinetic energy of a body is equal to the work required to bring it to that speed from rest ◆  net force X distance = kinetic

energy ◆  Fd=1/2mv2


Einstein’s Big Idea

l Emilie du Chatelet l Emilie had the insight that the kinetic energy of an object was proportional to the square of its speed

l In an elastic collision, momentum is conserved, but kinetic energy is conserved as well


Gravitational potential energy l  Work is required to elevate

objects against Earth’s gravity l  The potential energy due to

elevated positions is called gravitational potential energy

l  The amount of gravitational potential energy possessed by an elevated object is equal to the work done in moving it to its position

l  Suppose I have a 1kg ball 3 m above the ground

l  The work I have to do to lift the ball 3 m above the ground is ◆  W=Fd=(mg)h=mgh

l  This is the gravitational potential energy of the ball ◆  W=(1kg)(9.8N/kg)(3m)=29.4 J

Why mg as a force? Because gravity is pulling down on the ball with a force mg, and if I want to move it upwards at a constant velocity (no acceleration), then I must exert a force of mg in the opposite direction. Note that the potential energy is always defined with respect to some reference level, for example the ground or the floor of a building

1 kg



l Potential energy can be turned into kinetic energy and vice versa

l That’s the whole fun of roller coasters


Work-Energy Theorem l  When a car speeds up,

its gain in kinetic energy comes from the work done on it

l  Or when a car slows down, work is done to reduce its kinetic energy

l  Work=ΔKE ◆  work equals the

change in kinetic energy

◆  applies to potential energy also

l  Since KE increases as the square of the speed, the work required to slow a car from a speed v to 0 goes as v2

l  A hybrid car can convert some of that kinetic energy back into chemical energy stored in the battery


Clicker question l  Work is done on a car

whenever it slows down l  Suppose two cars of the

same mass are travelling on the road ◆  car A is going four

times as fast as car B ◆  both are braked to a

complete stop l  How much more work is

done on car A than on car B?

l A) the same work is done

l B ) twice as much work

l C) four times as much work

l D) sixteen times as much work

l E) sixty-four times as much work


Clicker question l  Work is done on a car

whenever it slows down l  Suppose two cars of the

same mass are travelling on the road ◆  car A is going four

times as fast as car B ◆  both are braked to a

complete stop l  How much more work is

done on car A than on car B?

l A) the same work is done

l B ) twice as much work

l C) four times as much work

l D) sixteen times as much work

l E) sixty-four times as much work


Conservation of energy l  Whenever energy is

transformed or transferred, none is lost and none is gained

l  In the absence of work input or output, the total energy of a system remains constant

l  Consider the circus diver to the right

l  As he jumps off the platform, he loses PE but gains an equal amount of KE

l  Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it may be transformed from one form into another, but the total amount of energy never changes


maximum potential E mininum kinetic E

minimum potential E maximum kinetic E


Conservation of energy l  So the circus performer has a

PE of 10,000 J (and a mass of 50kg)

l  How high up is he?

l  What units? ◆  J is a unit of energy ◆  So 1 J= 1 kg.m2/s2

◆  so h=20.4 m

l  How fast is he going when he hits the bucket?


PE = mgh

h =PEmg


(50kg)(9.8m /s2)h = 20.4

KE =12mv 2 = ΔPE = 10000J

v 2 =(2)(10000J)50kg

= 400J /kg

v = 20m /s


Conservation of energy l  How fast is he going

when he’s halfway down?

l  Half of the potential energy has been converted to kinetic energy


KE =12mv 2 = ΔPE = 5000J

v 2 =(2)(5000J)50kg

= 200J /kg

v = 14.1m /s

KE + PE = constant everywhere


Joule’s experiment

l Where does the kinetic energy go when the guy hits the water?

l This was a question that physicists had trouble with up to the 19th century

l They thought the energy disappeared

l But it’s transformed into heat


Joule’s experiment l  Joule proved this when he

performed a very clever experiment

l  A falling weight causes paddles to turn inside a cylinder filled with water

l  The weight loses potential energy

l  Which is transformed into an increase in temperature of the water by the mechanical motion of the paddles

l  The heat energy gained by the water equaled the potential energy lost

l  And Joule gets a unit of energy named after him


Joule’s experiment l  Joule showed that 4200 J of work

would always produce a 1 degree Centigrade temperature rise in 1 kg of water

l  This amount of energy is known as 1 Calorie (dietician) ◆  not to be confused with 1

calorie (physicist) which is the amount of energy needed to raise 1 g of water by 1 degree C

l  A 70 Calorie slice of bread has 70 Calories of stored chemical energy that can potentially provide 70 Calories of work and/or thermal energy

l  1000 calories = 1 Calorie

Efficiency =output energyinput energy

but your body is not so efficient at converting input energy to output energy ~10%


Power l  The definition of work says

nothing about how long it takes to do the work

l  A measure of how fast the work is done is the power

l  Power is equal to the amount of work done per unit time

l  Power is also the rate at which energy is changed from one form to another

l An engine with twice the power does not necessarily move a car twice as fast or twice as far, but it can do twice the work in the same amount of time ◆  it can produce a more

powerful acceleration €

Power =work done

time interval


Power l  We defined power as

l  So it must have units of energy over units of time (J/s)

l  We name the units of power (J/s) after James Watt, the developer of the steam engine ◆  in English units, horsepower

l  Often will talk about kilowatts or megawatts

l  Note that your electric bill tells you not how many watts you used, but how many kilowatt-hours ◆  power X time = unit of


Power =work done

time interval

another illustrious Scotsman

1 kw-hr=1000 J/s * 3600 s = 3.6X106 J


A little calculation l  BMR (basal metabolic

rate) for an 18 year old (male) with a mass of 60 kg is ~1600 C(alories)/day

l  This corresponds to 1600 C X 4200 J/C = 6.72E6 J

l  This is the energy consumed by your body just by sitting around (like in lecture)

l  There are 24X60X60=86,400 seconds in each day

l Power = Energy/time l Power = 6.72E6 J/

8.64 E4 s = 78 W l So just by sitting

there, you’re giving off as much heat as a 75 W light bulb

100 of you give off 7500 W


Basics l  Understand scientific notation

◆  0.003=3X10-3=3E-03 ◆  understand km, cm, mm, µm, nm

l  Know the SI units for the quantities we have been working with ◆  position - m(meters) ◆  time - s (seconds) ◆  speed – m/s ◆  acceleration – m/s2 (or N/kg)

◆  force – N(Newtons) ◆  mass – kg (kilograms)

l  Understand the differences between science and pseudoscience


Scalars, vectors and tensors

l A scalar is a quantity that is just a number l A vector quantity has both a magnitude

and a direction ◆  know how to add vectors

l A tensor is a generalization of the above two quantities in multiple dimension ◆  rank 0 is a scalar ◆  rank 1 is a vector ◆  rank 2, or higher is a more complex quantity

that has two directions and two magnitudes (curvature of space-time)


Motion l  Know definition for

◆  displacement (position) ▲  distance=magnitude of

displacement ◆  velocity

▲  speed=magnitude of the velocity

◆  acceleration l  Be able to use a graph to

determine position, velocity and acceleration at any point

l  Be able to use kinematic equations of motion ◆  for motion in x direction ◆  for vertical motion (with

effects of gravity) ◆  projectile motion

Is there acceleration at A? At D? Are they the same?

Where is the acceleration negative?


Projectile Motion

l Let’s start simple l I throw the ball

horizontally with a speed of 20 m/s

l How long before it hits the ground?

l How far has it travelled?

x = x0 + v0xt

y = y0 + v0yt −

12gt 2


Projectile Motion

l Assume that I release it 2 m from the ground

l yo=2m, voy=0 m/s

x = x0 + v0xt

y = y0 + v0yt −

12gt 2

y = yo −12gt 2

0 = 2m −12(9.83m /s2)t 2

t 2 =4m

9.83m /s2= 0.407s2

t = 0.64sx = xo + 20m /s(0.64s) = xo +12.8m


Projectile Motion

l Suppose I throw it at 20 m/s at an angle of 45o

l Let’s again start with the vertical motion

l Now the horizontal motion

x = x0 + v0xt

y = y0 + v0yt −

12gt 2

0 = 2m + (20m /s)sin45o t − 12(9.83m /s2)t 2

0 = 2m + (20m /s)(0.707)t − (4.915m /s2)t 2

4.915t 2 −14.14t − 2 = 0t = 3.01s

x = x0 + (20m /s)cos45o tx = x0 + (20m /s)(0.707)(3.01s) = x0 + 42.6m


Force, mass and laws of motion l  A force is a push or pull l  The mass of an object measures the amount of resistance to a

change in motion or its inertia l  Know the difference between Galileo’s understanding of motion

and that of Aristotle l  Know Newton’s 3 laws

◆  If the sum of forces is zero, the object will not accelerate ◆  F=ma ◆  For each force, there is an equal and opposite force

l  Know implications of Newton’s 3 laws, for example, the Moon pulls as hard on the Earth as the Earth pulls on the Moon

l  Know how to carry out simple problems involving Newton’s 3 laws l  Impulse = Force X Time l  Force is the rate of change of momentum. Given a graph of

momentum vs time, you should be able to calculate the force


Force and acceleration l  We had this problem in the

homework l  A car of mass 2180 kg slows

down as the brakes are applied

l  What force is acting to slow the car down?

l  Note that the plot of speed vs time has a uniform slope

l  If there’s an acceleration then there must be a force causing that acceleration, and the force F=ma

F = ma = (2180kg)(0.67m /s) = 1453N

a =ΔvΔt

=20m /s− 0m /s

30s= 0.67m /s2


Kepler’s 3 laws and Newton’s law of universal gravitation

l  Tycho Brahe detailed measurements that allowed Johannes Kepler to develop his 3 laws of planetary motion

l  Know Kepler’s 3 laws and how Newton’s law of gravity explains them ◆  elliptical orbits - mathematical result of Newton’s law ◆  planets move faster when they are closer to the Sun

-force of gravity is greater ◆  square of the period is proportional to the cube of the

semi-major axis (radius) - farther away a planet is, the weaker gravity is


Newton’s law of gravity

l Know Newton’s law of gravity and how to use it to calculate the force of gravity between two masses

l Know why an astronaut in orbit appears weightless

l Why do all objects fall at the same rate? Because the inertial mass (the mass in F=ma) is the same as the gravitational mass (the mass in the law of gravity)


Weight l  Let’s consider another

force, your weight, i.e. the force the Earth exerts on you

l  Suppose you mass is 60 kg

l  m1=mEarth=6X1024 kg l  m2=myou=60 kg l  d=Rearth=6.37X106 m

F = G m1m2


F = 6.67X10−11Nm2 /kg2 (6X1024 kg)(60kg)


F = 591N

If you were twice as far away from the center of the Earth, your mass would be the same, but your weight would be 591N/4=148 N


Conservation laws

l Understand conservation of energy and conservation of momentum

l Be able to understand conversion between kinetic energy (KE=1/2mv2) and potential energy (mgh for gravity)

l Work = Force X Distance (units of Joules) l Work = ΔKE (or =ΔPE) l Power = Work/Time


Conservation of momentum l  Let’s go back to the rifle firing

a bullet l  Only an impulse external to

the system can change the total momentum of a system

l  So the total momentum of the rifle + bullet system is conserved

l  So the momentum of the bullet equals the recoil momentum of the rifle ◆  Mv = mV

l  Since M >> m, V >> v l  But Prifle=Pbullet


Conservation of energy l  So the circus performer has a

PE of 10,000 J (and a mass of 50kg)

l  How high up is he?

l  What units? ◆  J is a unit of energy ◆  So 1 J= 1 kgm/s2

◆  so h=20.4 m

l  How fast is he going when he hits the bucket?


PE = mgh

h =PEmg


(50kg)(9.8m /s2)h = 20.4

KE =12mv 2 = ΔPE = 10000J

v 2 =(2)(10000J)50kg

= 400J /kg

v = 20m /s