Announcements Particle Fever, a movie about the LHC, will be showing at Studio C in Okemos at 7 PM on Wed April 16 Exam 3 April 22 in Room 116 Farrall Hall Final exam April 30 12:45-2:45 in BPS 1410 (next door)

isp209 lecture apr10.ppptx - Michigan State Universityelectroscope !! Cosmic rays ! In 1937, physicists looking at cosmic rays found a particle that matched some of the predictions,

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    Announcements l  Particle Fever, a movie about the LHC, will be showing

    at Studio C in Okemos at 7 PM on Wed April 16 l  Exam 3 April 22 in Room 116 Farrall Hall

    l  Final exam April 30 12:45-2:45 in BPS 1410 (next door)

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    de Broglie wavelengths l  In your homework, you

    calculated the de Broglie wavelength for sub-atomic particles and baseballs

    l  We have learned that the shorter the wavelength, the more likely particle behavior is (than wave behavior)

    l  For example, the wavength of a neutron moving at 1/4000th the speed of light is around 5X10-14 m (like a gamma ray)

    l  The wavelength of a 150 g baseball moving at 45 m/s is around 1X10-34 m, such a small wavelength that a baseball rarely will act like a wave

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    Fission bomb l  Most of the naturally occurring

    uranium is the 238U isotope l  Only the 235U isotope can be used

    for fuel/bomb, so the two have to be separated ◆  it took more than 2 years

    during WWII to make enough for 1 bomb

    l  There will be no explosion unless a critical mass of 235U is present ◆  otherwise the neutrons

    escape from the bomb before triggering more reactions

    ◆  about 1 kg l  In one bomb design, a piece of

    uranium is fired towards a hollow sphere of uranium ◆  each is sub-critical, but

    together they make a critical mass

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    Lise Meitner l The last segment of

    “Einstein’s Big Idea” where Lise Meitner discovers nuclear fission and realizes the consequences of E=mc2

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    Plutonium bomb

    l The explosion was initiated by shaped explosives around the plutonium

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    Fat man and little boy

    l The plutonium bomb had to be quasi-spherical because of the shaped explosive charges, so it was called fat man

    l The uranium bomb had to be more linear because of its design, so it was called little boy

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    Hydrogen bomb

    l Can be 1000 times as powerful as atomic bomb

    l Uses a fission bomb to trigger fusion of isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium and tritium)

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    Edward Teller l  The ‘father’ of the US

    hydrogen bomb was Edward Teller ◆  if you wanted to piss

    him off, you could call him the mother of the hydrogen bomb (since he ‘germinated’ an idea from Stanislaw Ulam)

    l  He was the inspiration for the movie character Dr. Strangelove

    l  At the end of the movie, the Earth is destroyed

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    Fission and fusion

    l Are opposites of each other

    l For light elements, fusing two particles results in a release of energy

    l For heavy elements, fissioning a particle results in a release of energy

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    Nucleosynthesis l  Big bang: hydrogen and helium l  Inside stars: helium up to iron l  Supernova: all elements heavier than iron

    10% of your body is hydrogen; the rest was once inside a star

    FRIB will try to recreate the types of nuclear collisions that take place in supernova

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    Environmental radiation

    l Radiation doses are measured in units of rems

    l Lethal doses begin at 500 rems ◆  a person has about a 50% chance of

    surviving a dose of this magnitude applied during a short time

    ◆  the average dose of radiation per person is about 360 millirems per year

    l What do you think is the largest source of radiation exposture?

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    l  Cosmic rays: 26 mrem ◆  more for pilots, flight

    attendants l  Ground: 33 mrem l  Air (radon): 198 mrem l  Our bodies (radioactive

    potassium): 35 mrem l  Medical procedures: 40 mrem l  X-rays: 15 mrem l  Cathode-ray TV tubes: 11

    mrem l  Coal-powered plants:

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    What about microwaves?

    l The energy in each photon of electromagetic radiation is given by E=hf

    l In order to cause tissue/genetic damage, the photons have to be energetic

    l It’s impossible for microwave photons to have enough energy i.e. cell phones cannot cause cancer

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    Types of radiation l  An alpha particle (the

    nucleus of a helium atom) can be stopped by a piece of paper

    l  A thin sheet of aluminum is enough to stop beta particles (electrons)

    l  Photons are very penetrating and it takes lead to stop them

    l  Neutrons are also very penetrating

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    Geiger counter l  Geiger was one of

    Rutherford’s students who discovered the nucleus

    l  He developed this device for testing for presence of radioactivity

    l  Any charged particles that pass through active area of counter will cause it to register a count

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    Food irradiation l  Food can be preserved

    by exposing it to gamma rays from a radioactive source

    l  The radiation kills any bacteria in the food

    l  If you were standing in the way of the gamma radiation, it would kill you as well

    l  Since it does not change the structure of the nucleus, it does not make the food radioactive

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    Clicker question

    l Of alpha, beta and gamma radiation, two are massive high speed particles and one is not

    l The one that isn’t is

    l A) alpha l B) beta l C) gamma l D) all are different

    forms of electromagnetic waves

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    Clicker question

    l Of alpha, beta and gamma radiation, two are massive high speed particles and one is not

    l The one that isn’t is

    l A) alpha l B) beta l C) gamma l D) all are different

    forms of electromagnetic waves

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    Fundamental Forces

    l By mid 1930s, physicists thought they were close to figuring out the fundamental forces acting between particles.

    l Forces are explained by particle exchange

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    l With the photon, a theoretical picture of the ElectroMagnetic Force had been developed, as … “charged particles interacting through the

    exchange of photons.”

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    l Hideki Yukawa suggested a similar model to explain the strong nuclear force that was holding the protons and neutrons together inside the nucleus.

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    Cosmic rays l  The Earth is constantly

    bombarded by cosmic rays (high energy particles) from outer space

    l  We’ve already talked about these in the context of muons and special relativity

    l  The low energy cosmic rays come from the Sun

    l  The higher energy ones come from very catastrophic processes elsewhere in our galaxy (and from other galaxies)

    l  The earliest detector for cosmic rays was a device called an electroscope

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    Cosmic rays l  In 1937, physicists

    looking at cosmic rays found a particle that matched some of the predictions, but did not interact strongly

    l  But during WWII, almost all physics was put on hold

    l  All physicists were basically working either on the atomic bomb or on radar

    l After WWII, physicists realized that the particle discovered could not the one that Yukawa was talking about

    l The 1937 particle is the muon (µ)

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    Who ordered that? l  Physicists were looking

    for the pion (needed to describe the strong force), but found the muon instead

    l  That’s often the way science works

    l  In 1946, a particle that does interact strongly and did have the estimated mass was found ◆  pion (π)

    l  Physicist I.I. Rabi’s comment about the muon was “Who ordered that!?”

    l  Leptons: particles that do not experience the strong force ◆  electrons and muons are

    in this category ◆  the muon is basically a

    heavier version of the electron