Retail DnA Is tomorrow’s customer loyalty found in today’s data?

Is tomorrow’s customer loyalty found in today’s data?...To stay relevant, you must understand your customers so intimately that you can predict their behavior. Analyzing your customers

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Page 1: Is tomorrow’s customer loyalty found in today’s data?...To stay relevant, you must understand your customers so intimately that you can predict their behavior. Analyzing your customers

Retail DnA

Is tomorrow’s customer loyalty found in today’s data?

Page 2: Is tomorrow’s customer loyalty found in today’s data?...To stay relevant, you must understand your customers so intimately that you can predict their behavior. Analyzing your customers

Creating value from customer insight

Only 7% of retailers can innovate to meet the changing

needs and wants of their customers

Just 9% can keep up with the fast-paced changes in tech

on offer

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Most retailers have data available but cannot transform it into value.

Only 11% of retailers are confident they can drive actionable insights from data

Drive valuefrom data/bridge

the gap

Source: EY Retailer research, 2016 (ey.com/balance).

Old methods of creating customer value are no longer viable. Today, changes in technology and challenges impeding timely innovation are disrupting the retail industry and increasing pressure to remain competitive.

To stay relevant, you must understand your customers so intimately that you can predict their behavior. Analyzing your customers will help you unpack these insights and equip you to make data-driven decisions.

Retail DnA is built on the MS Azure platform and combines human expertise with machine learning effectiveness.

Retail DnA can accurately predict future customer actions, thus enabling marketing teams to develop and provide the right personalized offers.

Allowing marketing to profide the right …

Humans have the knowledge and creative brain power.

Marketers develop the right offers for achieving the leading outcomes.

Machines have scale, speed and the ability to continually learn.Machines handle the data crunching “grunt work” to generate insights.

Combining the best from humans and machines

Engaging customers and encouraging purchasing activity

Engaging customers

and encouraging purchasing


ProvidesA single view of customer based on behavior

Predictions from behavioral data

Best offer or intervention, most likely to encourage action

Offer Time Channel

With results acrossNext best offer

Price improvement

Offer improvement

Supply chain efficiency

Source: EY Retailer research, 2016 (ey.com/balance).

Page 3: Is tomorrow’s customer loyalty found in today’s data?...To stay relevant, you must understand your customers so intimately that you can predict their behavior. Analyzing your customers

* Source: EY Retailer research, 2016 (ey.com/balance).

Turning insight into execution

Using real customer behavioral data to form natural clusters, Retail DnA goes beyond traditional demographics to create an unbiased way of understanding customers on what they do, not who they are. By combining a machine’s ability to scale, speed and learn human functionality, Retail DnA can help close the customer insights gap.

With a single view of their customers, retailers can understand their buyers on an intimate level and build Retail DnA into their plans to engage, and re- engage, with customers.

With the ability to accurately predict future customer actions, the Retail DnA recommendation engine gives retailers the competitive advantage to model and design tailored campaigns that can help provide accurate personalized offer recommendations.

To get close to their customers and stay relevant, retailers need to understand their customers‘ motivations. Their shoppers’ needs and behaviors will change over time, and the retailers need to be ahead of those changes to ensure they don’t become a forgotten brand.

Retail DnA continuously works to improve prediction so that retailers can maintain relevance and deliver value to their customers.

Retail DnA combines information from various data sources to understand the digital footprint, transactional data, physical interaction and verbal dialogue of a customer. This allows Retail DnA to generate insights and develop natural clusters based on actual customer activity, not their profile.

A single enterprise-wide view of customer’s purchasing patterns and shopping behavior allows retailers to plan for the right offer, communicate it at the right time and send it through the right channel.


28% of retailers say they know how to stay relevant*

1Integrate all information on customer behavior

2Increase engagement with tailored communication

3Improve loyalty by understanding brand affinity

Page 4: Is tomorrow’s customer loyalty found in today’s data?...To stay relevant, you must understand your customers so intimately that you can predict their behavior. Analyzing your customers

Retail DnA overview

Retail DnA is transforming the retail industry. Closing the customer insights gap starts with analyzing your customer data, buying behavior and purchase patterns.




Master data(customer, product etc.)

Pos transactions






Microsoft azure (cloud)

Retail DnA

Campaigndecision hub

Customer or product

affinity matrix

Featureengineering andmachine learning


Datagovernance (QA)


load Central datastore

Customer profilingKnow Your Customers:

DemographicSegmentationSpend attributesRecent Behavior

Client marketing strategyand campaign innovationMarketing overlays:

Product Margin

Supply chain

Product Seasonality

1. Input all dataWeb traffic, product sales, POS are all inputted to create a single customer view

2. Generate insightsE.g., female shoppers who buy t-shirts are 80% more likely to purchase accessories

5. Personalized offerssent to consumersvia automated marketing solution

6. Learn and optimizeA feedback loop measures intervention success and continuously improves modelling

3. Modelling and designCustomer, brand, product category,product affinity model

4. Buildpersonalizedoffers

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