k - -- I'.JTCta Is L& ir i 11 11:1 1 lwMiiSfe - m m -- 3& ?my.W9M i i :i ?ctf fcV Vr!! I EW &. (fcSl F1 CB ILK J BH E"e.TVO - AZmz 1W7 L H VirjpM .. r- SUj-1- ,..,.. -, T"nia ri k W. M4 i mm i:j' lj hi p .i i J iwj kikv r-- -2 v atcz j't . vaa wr id w m x wi ir fc.fl rox t " True o us charge Ac comes, the Herald of a noisy world; News from all nations, lumVring at his back." V .BRADFORD, Editor. LEXINGTON MONDAY, AUG. L 1836. No. 42. Vol. 51 TRINTED WEEKMV AND MOsDUS AND THURSDAYS, BY THO. T. 3RAD70P.D, FOR JDANiL. BKABFOI2I5. Publisher of the Laws of the U. States. I PUBLtSIHNC OFFICE, MAIN ST. A FEW POORS BE LOW brennan's INN. Printing Office at t(ie old stind. Mill street. TEims op this l'Al'EK : SEMI-WEEKL- 'For one year in advance, $4vor a nole at the time of subscribing, for $5 payable at the end of the1 year. - WEEKLX- - For one year in advance $2 50 3f not p;ud at theetid of fl months ? 00 " within the year 3 50 No paper will be discontinued until al arrear- ages are paid, nnlessat the optibn of the Editor. sent by mail to the Editor, must be postpaid, or they Will nolbe taken ouloflhe of- fice, , .advuktijikg'. 1 square, orless, 3 tunes weekly, or 4 times y, $1,50; three months weekly, $4; $6; six mouths weekly, $7,50, twelvemonths weekly, 15, y, $20. Lmigerones in proporton, When inseited by the year, sub jert to a deduction of 15 per cent INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE. HUNT, .inTT'.tn.ir. THE FIIJE, LIFE & MARINE Insurance Company, will insure Buildings, Iwerchan due, &c, against loss or damage by the town or county, and also, make Insii ranee on Produce o GooJs transported by land or water. This Company was Incorporated by the Legislature of Kentucky in Alrtrcli last. Capital Thiee Hundred Thousand Dollars! The following are the Officers and Board of Di- rectors chosen by the Stockholders. THOMAS' SMITH, President. JOHN W. JOHN NORTON, Furniture. VZU 'VZZii' V Directors. nr- - n JOEL HIGGINS, J , " A. O. NEWTON, Sec'ry. Mathew Kennedy, Louisville, "1 William M'Clanaiian, Richmond, Agents. Hiram TNI. Bledsoe, Paris. "J " ' Thomas P. Hart, Lexington Surveyor". ADDlications for Policies of Insurance orforin formation to.A. O. Newton, in Lexington; M- - Ktnnedy, t Louisville; William" IMcUlanahan. Richmond ; Hiram M . Bledsoe", Paris;, will be promptly attended to. Lex May 31, 1836-2G- -50t The Subscriber, discontinued his Coffeehouse STJAVING his friends and the public gen- erally) thaj he will be ready at all times to furnish them with good Porter, Ale, and Cider, by the bottle, dozen, keg, barrel orjn any nay to suit those who may call on him. Having a con- siderable part of his liquor sloi-k-, Wines and Cor- dials on hand, he will sell them in any quantities to suit purchasers, as he at present intendsadding to his stock for the purpose of keeping a wholesale house for the above articles. His stocK he need not recommend, as the house is uell known, and generally considered good. Houses in any of the neighboring towns suppli- ed at the shortest notice, as the subscriber has conveyances for ftie express purpose of sending out any articles in his line of business, to any place, by receiving an order to that purpose. Families in town supplied with Porter, or Lon rfon Brown Stout, and hive it sent to their houses; lso a'superior article of Cider. JOHN CANDY-- . N. B. ire, For Cash only. June 1G, 1836 30-l- m Fayette Land for Sale. sell my farm whereon 1 now reside, SWILL about 4 10 acres, lying East of Lex- ington three miles, between the Cleavelond Win- chester Turnpike Roads, binding on the latter. I suppose that any prson who wishes to pur- chase, will come and view tho premises, when they will find the improvements not excelled by any in the country. , June 20, 183C 32-fj- w Ulioice w ine&7TjTq-aOTrAT- Subscriber has the pleasure of informing THE friends, customers, and the public gen erally, thai he has now" on hund all assortment of 'CHOICE .WINKS Sc UlHtli I.1IUI.UKS ol .every description. I hese were purriiancti m the Eastern cities, from whence , the subscriber has just returned, and selected ivjlh. the greatest care Hisn'sorimenl consists, in part, of Champaignc, 11 ..1. ;; ' . vvjNEs, IMcHlUM", mill,. Teneritle 1 , r in ' 'Alid the verv hee nualitv of COGmC AND CHAMPAIGNE BRANDY. The subscriber also has on hand some excellent 'PORTER fiy the dozrn, ami a quaetlty m all rJC wliich, with other artWes iu his line, he will riisnooi on reasonaoie terms, at his slau'Lo'ii MilK f'Sfiet, next above Crutch- - field. & Tilloi'd's. - - JOIIN McKENZIE. I,einglon, June 17. 32-- lf Look at This ! .fTjnriE Sfibsffiber, in. conjunction with T. N. S f?A in fs., Esn- - having purchased of Messrs. Itoanin'riiEUM' -- r AIERCIIAN-D1Z- E, and wlshlitg lanfetnle asniuchnr his tune as p.siblo in jWsiore.' i ill be cbmpellen, aster thlsVfaie'i so lav is relates ts lie Courtly, to Uecljne thePiacticeof lnsPiolession., Forlherconvemence pf Ins Wends in the Cily, remove his office to he expects in a short imfetjj ,tl,e Story lately occupied hy lies & Wright, where he genially be round. j o rniNN Lexington, June . 32-3- lw ill Is fw- - "y" 'Is ?mm0j 8 IKsm Great and Important "News FROM VIRGINIA. HTjHIS day notice has been received of the M Virginia Schemes to be drawn during the month of August, presenting a series of PRIZES never befote offered, including 3 Capitals of $30,000 1 do 24,000 As uell as 4 do 20,000 in Grand Consolidated Lotteries, al! to be drawn in August. JJarl) notice is given that distant ad- venturers may be enabled to forward their orders in time, to .S. J. SYLVESTER. 130 Broadway, N. Y. 40 prizes of One Thousand Dollars! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, . , Class No. 10. For the benefit of the Petersburg Benevolent Me. chanic's Association, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Satur day, Aug. 0, 1836. S C II E; M E . 25,000 DOLLARS. $8,000! $4,000! $3,000! $2,000; '40 prizes' of 1,000 doll&! 50 prizes, of - 200 dolls! 69 of 150tlo!ls! 55 of 100 dollars! (fccic. Tickets 10 Shaies in proportion. Certificate of a Package of 22 whole tickets will fost onlAVg'L'iO. Halyes and quaiters m propor tion. Delay nut to scud jour ortitns to rouune's Home. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, Ciass 5. . For thebeucfitnf the Mchanicnl Benevnleiit So- ciety, of Norfolk. To beHr'awm at Alexandria, on Saturday August 13, 1830. CAPITALS. SO,0 Dollars!! 30,000 ilolls! 10,U0Q doll.-- ! 6,000, u'olls! 3,140 d. Us! 3 OOOilul! 2.5,00 dolls. ! 2,000 dolls ! 50 of 1 ,000 dolls ! 20 of 500 dolls! 20 of 300 doll?. Ti-ke- ts 10 Dollars. A.certificatrfof a package ol 25 whole tickets will be sent sir 0 dollars. Packages of lulves quarters and eighths in proportion. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOT- TERY, Class No. 33, for 1836. To.be drawn at Wilmington, Wednesday, Aug. 17, 183G. SCHEME. 20,000 Dolls! 5,000 dolls 3,000 dolls f,000 dolls 1,640 dolls 20 prizes ot 1,000 dolls! 20 prizes of 300 20 of 150 dolls &c. &c. Tickets only 5 Dollars. n A certificate of a. package of 25 whole tickets will be sent' for 65 dollars. Packages of Shares in proportion. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, Class No. 4. For the benefit of the town of Wellsburg. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va, Saturday Aug. 20, 1836. SCHEME! 15,000 dolls! 6,000 dolls! 5,000 dolls! 4,000 dolls 10 of 1000 dolls 15 of 600 Tickets only 10 Dollars, Certificate of a package of 25 whole tickets in this MAGNIFICENT SCHEME may be had for 130 Dollars. Packages of Halves and Quartersjn proportion. RlaifimiaotUa Sclaeasie, .VIRGINIA STA7E LOTTERY, , Class No- - 5. Endowing ihe Leeshurg Academy, and for other purposes. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va Saturday, Aug. it, lb.iu. C. A PETALS. 30,000 DOLLARS. 8,000 dolls! 4,000 dolls 3,000 dolls 2ff00 dolls 1,0674 dolls 100 of 1,000 lf(oir-i-1- 0 of 500 dolls! 20 of 300 dulls ' 8t of 200 dollars, &C.&C. X Tickets Ten Dollars. A certificate of a Package of whole tickets njdl Se sent for 130 dollars. Halves, Quarters, and Eugpihsln proportion. Orders for single tickets or packages must be addressed to S. J. SYLVESTER, 40 , " 130 Broaliway, N. Y. ", HO VICES. to the North APPI.lCATiON-H'iUbemad- e at Lexington, to re new a certificate of one share in Said Bank in the name of the subscnbei which has been lust or mis- laid. JOSEPH FK KLIN. June inu,lS36 -- 34 A LIST OF LETTERS EMAINING in the Post Office at Lexing- ton, Ky., which, is not taken out in three months, will be sent to the General Post Office as oead letters. A Allen M ATleTi Buford.E Anderson mr Anderson J P Anderson Joseph W Alexai der Wm B Arnut Caleb Barnet mrs Rebeck Barker Darker Bradford Jane wo'nan Backus rev J C Daley hits K Blackburn Dr C L Bade) Win Ballaid Allen Batker A T Baikley Saml Bacon Enoch Bieshares Elizabeth Baker mr Bradley Jackson Benieul Sheiman F Deara J P Biarai Joseph Al Blair James P Beutley Russell Breckennde mr Bell Sirah Ann miss Bell Maria mrs 3 Bronston S A mis Boysel Marshal Bieuiane T Cain Jeremi Chapman J L Dr Ciaven Elizabeth mrs Caldwell Ann Caldwell Jno N Caldwell Juo Campbell Eli7h Campbell Eliza miss Campbell Jane J miss Campbell Jno G CopenEdwrl2 Carrington John B Clay M C Clarke Mnrgarett Clarke Catharine ( larke John 3 Ciaig Jos Craig C F Daiues Evelnn Day Mary Dr Da) John 1 Davenpoi- - Mary mrs Dedman Kubt Debara George LiJawsoti mr Dogfrnige Pornpv lion Join Donghejty James Pcmdeu mrs rJt Win Efstim Aim Eastnn David EinPnne A 2 Jatun Chnrles KngliIi 11 V En est ft James Eperon U Etlmonon A Edge Mary Edwards L)r sol rtlaj Eorette Heimelta Fill ion A K Faircnbt Mary mis i'ord IJenjantinp Flanegan VVm Krisby Thomas Foster S J Foster Jemimah miss Fa u ling J Forbes Robert Fitzpatnck P - Granberry Tom Garner Charles Gaines Americus Grady Wm 2 Grady M A Graves Jno 2 (Siaves Mary Gullet Wm Hamilton Jno capt Herring James Heath Smnuel Haley Harrison P Headington Nicholas Haun Wm G Harcouit R Howard John rev Haj nes Jno R Hargis Wm Hayden JT B iHs?fcF"E8K- Hargrave J Hemphill C J Hensley B M Hearsman J Ho iris Edwd Harris At T Hall Ciecy miss Ha'l Hanna miss Harrison TJ Harrison James Hutchins Eliza mrs Hutchlns J Irwin A D Inge T S A m"f s Ingerson rhllo Jackson Murray Jacobs J A Jones John II Johnson M mrs James Mason J W Jones Wm ICenny Wm Kirid, Walter Kidcli Walker Kennedy Jno A Kenneday Philip 4 V Lew. s John . Lewis Saml A Lewis Saml Lewis J R 3 Lewis John Logan Robt Login Alexr Logan Wm Abrams mrs Atchison David Arthur Robert Archer Richard T Angel George Atkins Brackau B Bryan John T Bulwer J)hn Neal (blackBeckner Martha J Britton Jane BnisCWni C Biiers Catharine mrs Brink Daniel Bumgardner Jacob Bullock EJ Booth Peter Buich S Williss Brooks'Jeremiah V2 Briscoe Margarette mis Bourg Henry Byrus Elizabeth miss Bebee Lucy (woman of color) Bristow G B jr Birch Mary T miss Dickers llenry ByerS David Boyle Saml Brown Mary Jane mrs Diov.ii Jamer M Brooks Jno & Company c CrAne Francis CockenllJ C Chiles IIenr T Colwell Mary mrs CoufJill George Ciaig Ann Eliza Cunlwainers Society, Se- cretary of 2 Copes Wm Conn Jpseph CoruihRuth miss Cool Matoarelta Coomb- - Wm II Coons Anna mijs Coons Jno L)v Cook Jane mrs 2 Cookt John Cook Ann ns i) ponuelly Danl J)uiiinois iMiliheil )uvall VlexHiuler JJiikfuiiiieer Julm Dnnran Peter )u'(ilf Ann ilts Junl3p James ' L Druiy DicLer'ou K A D)er Cjrus 2 E FPret'le N S Ellis James (man ofed- - lor) Fill! mr I'Sfiis Jesse E'toll 1JI a miss Esiell JP tEui'isoii M AE miss I nfielri Jns i Eaily C S ,Early R ' J? Fry Amanda miss Fty A T D Fisher James A Fisher Henry Fisher Amy mrs Franklin Thomas Franklin Henry 13 Fenwick Mary B miss Fenwick David Ferguson R A 2 G Getz George Gentry Mary Goodloe Caroline V miss Grimes' W Goodnight Eucinda Gc-l- Win Giegg Wm 3 H Hunt Wm 2 Hunt James Hunt Wilson Hunt W S Higbee Jas P 2 Hudson Jos N. Hagan E 9 II inkle Bor J Humphreys EL miss Humphreys Sarah mis2 Hunter Thomas J Hunter Jane mrs " Danl lluicherson E miss Holler rnr Howaid MZ C miss Holladay S Dr Hughes JZ Hull mis J Hodge A Holdman Saml Hightowtr G Hulett Allen Hostetter JT Morton E M miss I Ison- - Strawther Indiana - .T Jones Martha miss Johnson Samuel Jones Wm G Jones J J 'June's Thomas Johnson II Kerrick Mary mlssjp- Kellog John A 3 Kendall II C .sKeer John .Kesler Henry Jjodandlei' Charles Lemon Marth"a. Limpert Caspa -- Leter Noah Lydn John Leachman Ro'at Looney Alfred Lornllara Peter iighlburn A 3 Lidsay James 2 iLilel inr and Fisher Mason Wm Mason John Mailiu Ann B mrs Martin John Martin K A Moore James Mooie J B I Moore Nathaniel 'Moore Mar) E miss Moore bliza miss Moore Ellec .Milieu John l miner ii Miller Isaac Miller Ann B Morton E H miss Morton Gabl I 'Mitchell II O Mitchell George 'Mitchell Griffin (Murphy Charles Wm Murphy Levy Merrell W a 'McMains Jno 'McAlister A W I.McConnell Wm C W miss McGuffee James McConnell Win McKee John McMekin Wm McFaddion Jeiemiah Nichols John F Night James S Nave Henry Nian Patrick O'Neal Lewis 9 O'Neal Elizabeth Owens Lawson Owens Saml C Oliver David Oliver R A Olfutt M A V mi! OrTuttJos F Parish T M Pane Edwd Payne M A miss Patterson Mose Paueisou J W i Patterson Ami "'i. i"e Diiisill.1 E G 1'erl.liis 10 Pi) ton ii i r 2 I'.yMmi Jcob Pj.ker E miss Peaton Jacob Phelp-- , U m mrs am 'Z Kay Levi" mrs Jns uaiiu) John John Kaootirn H S itaid Reiter Jaiue- - B C F James in J liickei James ECiu ker Nancy mrs J (fliii Mmth Shirutz Slewait David Stewart David T iev CE mrs A M mis Sanders mis Sanders John Sallee James Sallee David Slude Andrew EP Sears David Benj John Self James H Secor James Jacob Steele mrs .Levi Sharp R P A Wm Stafford B John S F S A Sellman mr ScotlG C 3 .E miss Wm Smith J W Smith Jonn Pros "" Smith Sarah mrs 1 J F & B J F Jno Dr M P mrs Ellen J M J W; i'i n t . 1 OUIIIl-IJ- II t XA True Tally rev Tod G Todd E M mrs Tod M mrs Jos Van" Matilda miss Vaible Jacob f Way T M Webstei fl mrf Wa'tts Garret Watts F' " " - Watts David Waliice R Watt James Wells M' A mrs W.aldon Wm West. Preston Welch E mi.s Jos Robt Lysle G Lamb James Lusby'John M HN Montgomery M mrs Benj J C Jus May A Alexr Jos Mary mrs John James C T Minor S mrs 4 Miles Wm Mary mrs Jas Matheit M mrs, James Marrs Mary mrs Minor Minaglian P or J Mc Sarah mrs Juhn 2 James IMcConnell M Mc Waters James David Saml N Nebins Wm Norris V o - X)tTutt A D 2 Wutl Saml R Outten M Utts WnrH gen CG OglebytP E , Patter Ann mrs Pelt) Bowler Patjick Puiho.'T u in a Nath in kins iu!sft4Piiue miss 2 Jan B Price Ann L nii.ss . Pure W Puce Maria IJ mrs Pullen mr Purkiu Nelly miss Dm It Mary PG.i: Co Rutey J P Kejiiulib Elizabeth Rhkiorth K'plnglp Rogers Rogers Rogers .iohins"fu Rwhiusoii L)man Shepiard Shepard PerkinT Sheppard Nancy Stedman Stevenson Stephens Snelgrove Priscilla Spates Sternmarl Stafford Charles Spears Slaughter Sznitowski Adolph Simpson Simpson George Simpson Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Thompson George Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Sfpfiey Nicholas Underwood Webs,ter,E ,Watson Archibald Wallace Cadwallader Walthall Madison 'Wainscot Joseph Maguire Murray Maddox Mathews Moreland Mosely Muldrow Morgan Milligan Megea Metcalf Margaret Meglone Marshall Moulanand Company Masterson Thomas McMullan McClellan McClelland McKinon McCay Lansing Newberry George Tnon'ias Overton Olmsiead Ransdale Pembleton Clujles P.iynes (feuige I'mnTH KelsyJC Rentross Crtrolihe1 Rowland Roue) Jni) M Ruse A'Ai k Rebuilds L II Ri liaid.xon Juo S Ri bar Isoir 'A in Ribiiler John Riley James tu,hf7siMi Chailes t.iiatleb JiynraBJ 3 - ohu Smith John P Dr S'Uiih Ely Smiih Thomas Iv Smith Tom Smith Locinda R mrs Smith J II M O Sims Wm Sims Jack Shivers O L3 Soper Rebecca Southworth J W Shuff Dr Stivers Win Scovel Conet Strothers Saml Scott George Stout Pamelia B mrs Skiuker T miss Singleton J W' " Simonds Ephraim Syms Wm Summers David Stone Minger Shoota John Stinget Henry Snygro mr Stone Abigail miss 2 Stone Marshall 2 Stone John II Stone B W Stanley T R R Snne George Steers Lucy mrs Steele E miss Sinna Win Terrel Richard Tenil mn II Turner John Tuiner N IV Twyman mrs Tnyman R B J Tylor-J- Trotter Geo J 6 Tatter Wm P Turubull James ' Tuiner John Temple A miss Thunham J col Thomas Isaac Thornton John u&v Vaughn J-- W Vanderbelt D Vaughn Jno vv Wilson Dr SjSk Wilson J,0',pfil3t 'Wilson E HfB' ' Wilson E Sc Jn'o W'lsonJnhi; Wilson Maiy H Wilson A M 'WflsoiTMary mrs Wilson C J ' Williams Mar miss Wiljiams C II Wilson Henson Williams Charles II food Tarence Food Ann Jfood Susanna B Wbods Edward Waltz Federick Warfield B II Ward James Western Geoige Watson E Y 4 Wyatt George Yeldell Jasper IV llt F B Wckersham Linsey Wilmot Robt Woodruff M mrs Woolfolk S D Y Yoik John loung yames (i JOS. FICKLIN, Postmaster. Lexington, July 1, 35-3- w ft7-Pers- calling for anof the above letters will please say they are advertised. TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY, - - ' J MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 11IIE Lectures in this Institution will com-- L mence , as usual, on the first Monday m November , and terminate on the first Monday of .uarcfl. i ii :uuiscw"i-u- i t? . Anatomy and Surgery, by Dudley j Institutes of Medicine, Clinical Practice, and Medical Jurispiudence, by Caldwell. Theory and Practice of Medicine, by Doctor Cookr. White Doctor Doctor Obstelricks and the diseases of women and chil dren hy Doctor Richardson. Materia Medicaaud Medical Botany, by Doc tor Short. Chemistry and Pharmacy, by Doctor Yan- - dkll. During the entire term the Professor of Ana toiny and Surgery lectures nine limes each week, ami the other, riolessors daily, sabbath excepted The see to the entire course, with matiiculation and use of an extensive library, is 51 10- - 1'lle graduation see is 20. It is thought proper ,to stale, inasmuch as re ports have been current as the high price or board in Lexington and the difficulty of obtaining it, that many students, during the lasi session, sound comfortable board, including lodging, fual, lights, servants' attendance, and in some instances wash ing, for S3,00 per week , and it is confidently be lieved , notwithstanding the increased price of every article of living , which us felt here in com- mon with all other parts of the country, that stu dents will he as comfortably accommodated, and upon as leasonable terms, as at any other lespec sable Medical hchoolin the Union. By order of the Faculty. C. W . SHORT, M. D. Dean. LevK). July 11 to, 1836.-3- 7-1 1st Nov. Thivpiiblishers of the- - following papers are re cpieshd in inscit the abovo to the amount of 5, Uud send the p pfis emit lining it tu the Dean, on the lereipt of a tut h the nony will he remitted, tviz: Journal & Advertiser Li uisville; Eegle,May- - ,sville, Ky ; (iazelte, (incinu Hi ; atate Journal Columbus, Ohio; Whig and ISarner, Nashville I'en : I'rpublican, Si. Loiiif, Mo; Southern Ad- - lvcatel Iluutsville, Ala. Stale Intelligencer, Tus- - sCrrnoa: Ms ippj Journal Natchez; Kegister Vick-Du.g- .Misa; Bulletin, New Orleans, Re glter, .vliihile, A'a.; i'enarnla tiazelte. Kecor- - Ider, Milledev lie, di'ij; Hepiibiican, Savannah; tourer Ac llenuiy, S. t; Kegister, Itau-igh- , N. C; OUsener, K,ietteville N. C; AVlng Kicjiiiionil . Virginia ; Kepublican, W in thesier, Viigmin; Intelligencer and G.'obe, Wash- ington citi . SALK (flAlIAT a upon the 1 ale!i.crpek mile from tli- - limiw flf Winn 183G. roarl, about i occu piiKl hy A B. The plte about .ill cies, has an Buck House with six rooms, outhouses: a spring of delight' fuj whipj, and a Bigguu; Fad iry with twelve Lonnik, to ivhich is an excellent Grist MM. The title indispuia ile. credits will be given to the purchaser. to COLEMAN 4 WARD, Louisville, or to CHARLTON HUNT, Lexington. July 15, 183b 38-- tf S60 ANA from the subscriber in Lex- ington, on Wednesday the 6th Inst, a Ne gro woman named POLLY, About 25 years of age, dark complexion; high cheek bones, dull heavy expiession of eyes, rather spare, large feet and thick generally per- mits her stockings tobedowu about her and in conversation, or when using words with the let-t- a, she sounds it very broad ; she was purchased from Mr. Ross of Madison County about three months since. A reAiard of $20 will be paid is taken in the county of Fayette, of $30, is out of said and is out of the state, the above reward of $60, by delivering her in Lexington or IrS" her i" an lail so that she may be recovered. JAMES C. CROSS. Lex. July 11, 1R3G. 3G-- 4t. The Richmond Chronicle will insert the above three limes. rsx FOit beaunriil country contains attached Liberal Apply WAY ancles, county, please BAY OULD most respectfully inform htefriends and a.nuaiutances, and the public in gen eral, that he has a COFFE HOUSE, un-d- the above uaDc, on Jlill street, next door to J. L. JlcCrackeu's Giocerj, and nearly opposite Mc. Girou's Confectionary. His stoCK of superi- or VINES and and close attention to business, induces him to believe that he will re ceive a of public patronage. His Stock is composed of the following assoilmentr Champaigne, (best brands,) " Old Mnjeria, H Gi.lden Sherry, , Pule do I ; " "' "( Muscat, Clsirgt, (Medoc sc St Julian) Best .UiJlity Oil Port. 'J S.iutarene (white,) ' k '"Malaga, ' Barcelonin, Lisbon, Old Cognac B Holland Gjn, - St. Croix Rum, Old Peach Brandy-- , yiT J residence exiTieiou. recently ,1ulou. excellent necessary ancles, ouse. HKIVKY opened LIQUORS, poition $tn H o Aii assortment of BEST FRENCH CORDIALS. He has also fitted up his upper large and com- modious Room, at a great expense, for the purpose ofaicommodating Society JlJoetmgs and Wme Pomes Lex. July 1.J, 'JU ll A and AS- - of to family use. . are. Jlachines. JUST RECEIVED. LARGE, FRESH, GENERAL SORTMENT MEDICINES, particularly adapted Among EPSOM SALTS. 150 " GLAUBER 75 " GUM ALOES, 75 " PULV. RHUBARB, 40 " SUPERIOR CALOMEL, 15 "GUM OPIUM, 1 2 doz. SIVA CELEB RA T--- ED PANACEA, foithecureof Scrofula, 5bbls. Expressed CASTOR OIL, superior, warranted 5 " ALCOHOL, &c ., and other articles too tedious to enumerate. Sold wholesale and retail at the 4: ical Store of which LBS. do W'S Cold many Drug them- - BAML. C TROTTER, Cheapside, near the Noth'n. Us.. Lexington, Ky. July 20,183(i. 39-- lf GRAIN AND LABOR-SAVIN- G MA CHINE. nSHHE Subscriber respectfully informs the Far-J-L niers, with all others that may want the sol lowing described .Machine. That SAjIIUEL LANE'S ENDLESS CHAIN AJND UA1U-WA- Y HORSE POWER AND THRESH- ING .MACHINE, is now in use in some parts of Kentucky (as well as in general use in Ohio and all or the Eastern slates;; ana me macnines are now buildin, in thecity of Lexington by Sam. JUcMeekins (near A. Caldwell's Jlill). He is agent for me and will supply all demands for said The Horse stands in a box and an endless chain passes under his feet, which gives motion to pulleys, &c. &rr. The same is easily adapted to machinery; the power of one hoise is able to move by his weight and strength, which both are here used ; I do not say I maise powei out of noth- ing, but 1 say this mode has not yet been beaten. I have for sale, Gentry's Cast Steel Grist Jtfill, in use with the above power. Major F. Demasters (a gentleman) is the own- er of the patent right of the named machines in the county of Hairison, John Henderson owns Scott and Woodlord, Henderson & Gregg, Camp- bell and Boon ; M. R. Balen, Pendleton ; and I the balance oL41 counties, including the east end ofthis state. ALVIN KYES, Grant.K. Lexi ngton, J uly 2 1 . 3w SADDLEBAGS LOST. OST yesterday morning, July 20th, between Lexington and Henderson's 1 averu, mo Cole's road a pair of hair worn b.luuL.Cj-BAG- S, containing a blue coat, with the owner'i name written on the sleve lining, and some other clothing. Any person who may have sound the same, shall be liberally rewarded by leaving them n Lexington, with JOHN CANDY. Lexington, July 21. 39-- tf Fayette Countv, Set. UP b- - William Dunlap, 5 miles TAKEN arthe Boonsborough.road, a SORREL HORSE, suppose to be 4 yean old, about 14 hands 3 inches high, bald face and one hind soot white, trots and paces, not shod, ap- prised to $45, by James Ewing and Thomas JlicClanahan, before me this 9th rla, ofjffay, I83G. DAN. BRADFORD,jp copy, att. J. C. Rodes, elk. 39-- 3t . By Waller Rodes, de iSfOTICE. ILL offer for sale, my tract of LAND SW about 60U acres, lying one and a quar- ter miles east of Lawrenceburgh, in Anderson county, on thewatersof Bailey'srun. Ihere ara .i ...j .iiin hmiH. each house having its necessary buildings. There are two apple orchards of choice fruit, about 40U acres unaer ieuce,c.. farm having a plentiful supply oi goou nec....-in- g springs, all joining. There is also a good barn and stillhouse attached to the Any person ishing to purchase, will do well to can m, ,.. July -lm$l JOHN BOND. NEW DRUG STORE. "pTUST OPENING, in the new . ,. ,.t rn,n of the Publ'lC - uiiu!r,.. - 3 -- ,. Square, back of he Courlhouse, anentiraiy " " AND FRESH assortment oi MEDICINES, . CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRU MENTS, Perfumery, Paints, 6fc. AMON'O WHICH ARE Kreosote, Emetine, Strchnine, Sulplt. Morphine.i-'hlorid- of Lime, Hydrosub-lime- d Calomel, &c. Families and Physicians of Hie city and neigh- bourhood v. ill be supplied with genuine medicines, 'and Country .Merchants who letaii lrugs tun u furnished on reasonable terms. I assistance, having been secured, PRESCRIPTIONS will be put up with the greatest care and with the purest .Medicines. ROBERT PETER. iexiugton.July 15, 183S 38-6- m M O N TG 0M ERY LAND For Sale. arrived at an age which disables HAVING undergoing the labor necessary to the ptoper management of a large farm, I have concluded to offer the FARM.on which I now live for sale, lying on Suinmersetcreek. about two and a half miles from Mountsterling.on me um road, enntainiiig about 5(50 "es ns first 'a.1" LAND, all enclosed except a sew acres, and in a high stale of cultivation, and well set in Grass, and never-sailin- g slock water on almost every parr, droughths. There is on the even in the greatest premises a large and convenient Brick Duelling 'owe. Brick Negro Houses, bmofce Ho,,.-.- hesides all other necessaiy outhouses, well arranged in the most convenient and best manner; and in fact it is considered the best ar- - ,raned and most convenient siiuauun in me county, and so situated, that it is susceptible of 'beiiig-dfvide- d into t o very convenient farms. :n u.. ....1. lr..n..i. hit m nn lh. -- I fie lerms Will ue mam; ""' "J "'- - "" - premises, at any time pre)ious to the fifth day of September next; and is nof previously sold by that day, will be sold at public sale, to the highest bidder, it being court day, and the day on which the Red River Iron Works will be soUl, JAMES AlASON. Mountsterling, June 13, 1836. 30 t20Auj. JOB PRINTING EXECUTED AT THIS PFICB

Is ir i 11 11:1 lwMiiSfenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt798s4jmr29/data/3354.pdfArnut Caleb Barnet mrs Rebeck Barker Darker Bradford Jane wo'nan Backus rev J C Daley hits K Blackburn Dr C L Bade)

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I'.JTCtaIs L& ir i 11 11:1 1 lwMiiSfe - m m --3& ?my.W9M i i :i ?ctffcV Vr!! I EW &. (fcSl F1 CB ILK J BH E"e.TVO - AZmz 1W7 L H VirjpM ..r - SUj-1-,..,.. -, T"nia ri k W. M4

i mm i:j' lj hi p .i i J iwj kikv r---2 v atcz j't . vaa wr id w m x wi ir fc.fl rox t

" True o us charge Ac comes, the Herald of a noisy world; News from all nations, lumVring at his back." V




JDANiL. BKABFOI2I5.Publisher of the Laws of the U. States. I


Printing Office at t(ie old stind. Mill street.TEims op this l'Al'EK :


'For one year in advance, $4vor a nole at the timeof subscribing, for $5 payable at the end of the1year. -


For one year in advance $2 503fnot p;ud at theetid of fl months ? 00

" within the year 3 50No paper will be discontinued until al arrear-

ages are paid, nnlessat the optibn of the Editor.sent by mail to the Editor, must be

postpaid, or they Will nolbe taken ouloflhe of-fice,

, .advuktijikg'.1 square, orless, 3 tunes weekly, or 4 times y,

$1,50; three months weekly, $4;$6; six mouths weekly, $7,50,

twelvemonths weekly, 15, y,

$20.Lmigerones in proporton, When inseited by

the year, sub jert to a deduction of 15 per cent




THE FIIJE,LIFE & MARINEInsurance Company,will insure Buildings,

Iwerchandue, &c, against lossor damage bythe town or county,and also, make Insii

ranee on Produce o GooJs transported by land orwater. This Company was Incorporated by theLegislature of Kentucky in Alrtrcli last. CapitalThiee Hundred Thousand Dollars!

The following are the Officers and Board of Di-

rectors chosen by the Stockholders.



VZU 'VZZii' V Directors.

nr- - nJOEL HIGGINS, J ,

" A. O. NEWTON, Sec'ry.Mathew Kennedy, Louisville, "1

William M'Clanaiian, Richmond, Agents.Hiram TNI. Bledsoe, Paris. "J " '

Thomas P. Hart, Lexington Surveyor".

ADDlications for Policies of Insurance orforinformation to.A. O. Newton, in Lexington; M- -

Ktnnedy, t Louisville; William" IMcUlanahan.Richmond ; Hiram M . Bledsoe", Paris;, will bepromptly attended to.

Lex May 31, 1836-2G- -50t

The Subscriber,discontinued his Coffeehouse

STJAVING his friends and the public gen-

erally) thaj he will be ready at all times to furnishthem with good

Porter, Ale, and Cider,by the bottle, dozen, keg, barrel orjn any nay tosuit those who may call on him. Having a con-

siderable part of his liquor sloi-k-, Wines and Cor-

dials on hand, he will sell them in any quantitiesto suit purchasers, as he at present intendsaddingto his stock for the purpose of keeping a wholesalehouse for the above articles. His stocK he need

not recommend, as the house is uell known, and

generally considered good.Houses in any of the neighboring towns suppli-

ed at the shortest notice, as the subscriber hasconveyances for ftie express purpose of sending

out any articles in his line of business, to any

place, by receiving an order to that purpose.Families in town supplied with Porter, or Lon

rfon Brown Stout, and hive it sent to their houses;lso a'superior article of Cider.


N. B.


For Cash only.June 1G, 1836 30-l- m

Fayette Land for Sale.sell my farm whereon 1 now reside,

SWILL about 4 10 acres, lying East of Lex-

ington three miles, between the Cleavelond Win-

chester Turnpike Roads, binding on the latter.I suppose that any prson who wishes to pur-

chase, will come and view tho premises, when they

will find the improvements not excelled by any in

the country. ,

June 20, 183C 32-fj- w

Ulioice w ine&7TjTq-aOTrAT-

Subscriber has the pleasure of informingTHE friends, customers, and the public generally, thai he has now" on hund all assortment of'CHOICE .WINKS Sc UlHtli I.1IUI.UKS ol.every description. I hese were purriiancti m theEastern cities, from whence , the subscriber has

just returned, and selected ivjlh. the greatest careHisn'sorimenl consists, in part, of

Champaignc,11 ..1.

;; ' . vvjNEs,IMcHlUM", mill,.Teneritle 1 ,

r in

' 'Alid the verv hee nualitv of


The subscriber also has on hand some excellent

'PORTER fiy the dozrn, ami a quaetlty mall rJC wliich, with other artWes

iu his line, he will riisnooi on reasonaoie terms,at his slau'Lo'ii MilK f'Sfiet, next above Crutch- -

field. & Tilloi'd's.- - JOIIN McKENZIE.

I,einglon, June 17. 32-- lf

Look at This !

.fTjnriE Sfibsffiber, in. conjunction with T. N.

S f?A in fs., Esn- - having purchased of Messrs.

Itoanin'riiEUM' -- r AIERCIIAN-D1Z- E,

and wlshlitg lanfetnle asniuchnr his tune

as p.siblo in jWsiore.' i ill be cbmpellen, aster

thlsVfaie'i so lav is relates ts lie Courtly, to Uecljne

thePiacticeof lnsPiolession.,

Forlherconvemence pf Ins Wends in the Cily,remove his office tohe expects in a short imfetjj

,tl,e Story lately occupied hy lies & Wright,where he genially be round.

j o rniNNLexington, June . 32-3- lw

illIsfw- - "y" 'Is


8 IKsm

Great and Important "NewsFROM VIRGINIA.

HTjHIS day notice has been received of theM Virginia Schemes to be drawn during the

month of August, presenting a series of PRIZESnever befote offered, including

3 Capitals of $30,0001 do 24,000

As uell as4 do 20,000

in Grand Consolidated Lotteries, al! to be drawnin August. JJarl) notice is given that distant ad-

venturers may be enabled to forward their ordersin time, to

.S. J. SYLVESTER.130 Broadway, N. Y.

40 prizes of One Thousand Dollars!


For the benefit of the Petersburg Benevolent Me.chanic's Association,

To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, Aug. 0, 1836.

S C II E; M E .

25,000 DOLLARS.$8,000! $4,000! $3,000! $2,000;'40 prizes' of 1,000 doll&! 50 prizes, of- 200 dolls! 69 of 150tlo!ls! 55 of

100 dollars! (fccic.Tickets 10 Shaies in proportion.

Certificate of a Package of 22 whole tickets willfost onlAVg'L'iO. Halyes and quaiters m proportion. Delay nut to scud jour ortitns to rouune'sHome.


For thebeucfitnf the Mchanicnl Benevnleiit So-

ciety, of Norfolk.

To beHr'awm at Alexandria, on SaturdayAugust 13, 1830.

CAPITALS.SO,0 Dollars!!

30,000 ilolls! 10,U0Q doll.--! 6,000,u'olls! 3,140 d. Us! 3 OOOilul! 2.5,00

dolls. ! 2,000 dolls ! 50 of 1 ,000 dolls !

20 of 500 dolls! 20 of 300 doll?.Ti-ke- ts 10 Dollars.

A.certificatrfof a package ol 25 whole ticketswill be sent sir 0 dollars. Packages of lulvesquarters and eighths in proportion.

GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOT-TERY, Class No. 33, for 1836.

To.be drawn at Wilmington, Wednesday, Aug.17, 183G.

SCHEME.20,000 Dolls! 5,000 dolls 3,000 dolls

f,000 dolls 1,640 dolls 20 prizes ot

1,000 dolls! 20 prizes of 300 20 of150 dolls &c. &c.

Tickets only 5 Dollars. n

A certificate of a. package of 25 whole ticketswill be sent' for 65 dollars. Packages of Sharesin proportion.


For the benefit of the town of Wellsburg.

To be drawn at Alexandria, Va, SaturdayAug. 20, 1836.SCHEME!

15,000 dolls! 6,000 dolls! 5,000 dolls!4,000 dolls 10 of 1000 dolls 15 of 600

Tickets only 10 Dollars,Certificate of a package of 25 whole tickets

in this MAGNIFICENT SCHEME may behad for 130 Dollars. Packages of Halves andQuartersjn proportion.

RlaifimiaotUa Sclaeasie,.VIRGINIA STA7E LOTTERY,

, Class No- - 5.Endowing ihe Leeshurg Academy, and for other

purposes.To be drawn at Alexandria, Va Saturday, Aug.

it, lb.iu.C. A PETALS.

30,000 DOLLARS.8,000 dolls! 4,000 dolls 3,000 dolls2ff00 dolls 1,0674 dolls 100 of 1,000lf(oir-i-1- 0 of 500 dolls! 20 of 300 dulls

' 8t of 200 dollars, &C.&C. X

Tickets Ten Dollars.A certificate of a Package of whole tickets njdl

Se sent for 130 dollars. Halves, Quarters, andEugpihsln proportion. Orders for single ticketsor packages must be addressed to

S. J. SYLVESTER,40 , " 130 Broaliway, N. Y.

", HO VICES.to the North


at Lexington, to renew a certificate of one share in Said Bank in thename of the subscnbei which has been lust or mis-

laid. JOSEPH FK KLIN.June inu,lS36 -- 34

A LIST OF LETTERSEMAINING in the Post Office at Lexing-ton, Ky., which, is not taken out in three

months, will be sent to the General Post Office asoead letters.

AAllen MATleTi Buford.EAnderson mrAnderson J PAnderson Joseph WAlexai der Wm B

Arnut Caleb

Barnet mrs RebeckBarker DarkerBradford Jane

wo'nanBackus rev J CDaley hits KBlackburn Dr C LBade) WinBallaid AllenBatker A TBaikley SamlBacon EnochBieshares ElizabethBaker mrBradley JacksonBenieul Sheiman FDeara J PBiarai Joseph Al

Blair James PBeutley RussellBreckennde mrBell Sirah Ann missBell Maria mrs 3Bronston S A misBoysel MarshalBieuiane T

Cain JeremiChapman J L DrCiaven Elizabeth mrsCaldwell AnnCaldwell Jno NCaldwell JuoCampbell Eli7hCampbell Eliza missCampbell Jane J missCampbell Jno GCopenEdwrl2Carrington John BClay M CClarke MnrgarettClarke Catharine( larke John 3Ciaig JosCraig C F

Daiues EvelnnDay Mary DrDa) John 1

Davenpoi- - Mary mrsDedman KubtDebara George

LiJawsoti mrDogfrnige Pornpv lion JoinDonghejty JamesPcmdeu mrs

rJt WinEfstim AimEastnn DavidEinPnne A 2Jatun ChnrlesKngliIi 11 VEn est ft JamesEperon UEtlmonon AEdge MaryEdwards L)r sol rtlajEorette Heimelta

Fill ion A KFaircnbt Mary misi'ord IJenjantinpFlanegan VVm

Krisby ThomasFoster S JFoster Jemimah missFa u ling JForbes RobertFitzpatnck P

-Granberry TomGarner CharlesGaines AmericusGrady Wm 2Grady M AGraves Jno 2(Siaves MaryGullet Wm

Hamilton Jno captHerring JamesHeath SmnuelHaley Harrison PHeadington NicholasHaun Wm GHarcouit RHoward John revHaj nes Jno RHargis WmHayden J T B

iHs?fcF"E8K-Hargrave JHemphill C JHensley B MHearsman JHo iris EdwdHarris At THall Ciecy missHa'l Hanna missHarrison T JHarrison JamesHutchins Eliza mrsHutchlns J

Irwin A DInge T S A m"f sIngerson rhllo

Jackson MurrayJacobs J AJones John IIJohnson M mrsJames MasonJ WJones Wm

ICenny WmKirid, WalterKidcli WalkerKennedy Jno AKenneday

Philip 4V

Lew. s John .Lewis Saml ALewis SamlLewis J R 3Lewis JohnLogan RobtLogin AlexrLogan Wm

Abrams mrsAtchison DavidArthur RobertArcher Richard TAngel GeorgeAtkins Brackau

BBryan John TBulwer J)hn Neal

(blackBeckner Martha JBritton JaneBnisCWni CBiiers Catharine mrsBrink DanielBumgardner JacobBullock E JBooth PeterBuich S WillissBrooks'Jeremiah V 2Briscoe Margarette misBourg HenryByrus Elizabeth missBebee Lucy (woman of

color)Bristow G B jrBirch Mary T missDickers llenryByerS DavidBoyle SamlBrown Mary Jane mrsDiov.ii Jamer MBrooks Jno & Company

cCrAne FrancisCockenllJ CChiles IIenr TColwell Mary mrsCoufJill GeorgeCiaig Ann ElizaCunlwainers Society, Se-

cretary of 2Copes WmConn JpsephCoruihRuth missCool MatoareltaCoomb- - Wm IICoons Anna mijsCoons Jno L)v

Cook Jane mrs 2Cookt JohnCook Ann n s

i)ponuelly DanlJ)uiiinois iMiliheil

)uvall VlexHiulerJJiikfuiiiieer JulmDnnran Peter)u'(ilf Ann iltsJunl3p James '

L DruiyDicLer'ou K AD)er Cjrus 2

EFPret'le N SEllis James (man ofed- -

lor)Fill! mrI'Sfiis JesseE'toll 1JI a missEsiell JP

tEui'isoii M A E missI nfielri Jns iEaily C S

,Early R


Fry Amanda missFty A T DFisher James AFisher HenryFisher Amy mrsFranklin ThomasFranklin Henry 13

Fenwick Mary B missFenwick DavidFerguson R A 2

GGetz GeorgeGentry MaryGoodloe Caroline V missGrimes' WGoodnight EucindaGc-l- WinGiegg Wm 3

HHunt Wm 2Hunt JamesHunt WilsonHunt W SHigbee Jas P 2Hudson Jos N.Hagan E 9II inkle Bor JHumphreys E L missHumphreys Sarah mis2Hunter Thomas JHunter Jane mrs" Danllluicherson E missHoller rnrHowaid MZ C missHolladay S DrHughes J ZHull mis JHodge AHoldman SamlHightowtr GHulett AllenHostetter J TMorton E M missIIson- - StrawtherIndiana -


Jones Martha missJohnson SamuelJones Wm GJones J J

'June's ThomasJohnson II

Kerrick Mary mlssjp-Kellog John A

3 Kendall II C.sKeer John.Kesler Henry

Jjodandlei' CharlesLemon Marth"a.Limpert Caspa --

Leter NoahLydn JohnLeachman Ro'atLooney AlfredLornllara Peter

iighlburn A 3Lidsay James 2


and FisherMason WmMason JohnMailiu Ann B mrsMartin JohnMartin K AMoore JamesMooie J B

I Moore Nathaniel'Moore Mar) E missMoore bliza missMoore Ellec.Milieu John

l miner iiMiller IsaacMiller Ann BMorton E H missMorton Gabl I

'Mitchell II OMitchell George

'Mitchell Griffin(Murphy Charles WmMurphy LevyMerrell W a

'McMains Jno'McAlister A WI.McConnell Wm C

W miss McGuffee JamesMcConnell WinMcKee JohnMcMekin WmMcFaddion Jeiemiah

Nichols John FNight James SNave HenryNian Patrick

O'Neal Lewis 9O'Neal ElizabethOwens LawsonOwens Saml COliver DavidOliver R AOlfutt M A V mi!OrTuttJos F

Parish T MPane EdwdPayne M A missPatterson MosePaueisou J W iPatterson Ami "'i.i"e Diiisill.1 E G1'erl.liis 10

Pi) ton ii i r 2I'.yMmi JcobPj.ker E missPeaton JacobPhelp-- , U m

mrsam 'Z

Kay Levi"mrs Jns

uaiiu) JohnJohn

Kaootirn H SitaidReiter Jaiue- - B

C FJames

in Jliickei JamesECiu ker Nancy mrs

J (fliii


ShirutzSlewait DavidStewart David T iev

C E mrs

A M misSanders misSanders JohnSallee JamesSallee DavidSlude Andrew

E PSears David


Self James HSecor James

JacobSteele mrs

.LeviSharp R P


Stafford B

JohnS F

S ASellman mrScotlG C 3

.E miss

WmSmith J WSmith Jonn Pros ""

Smith Sarah mrs1

J F & B

J FJnoDr

M P mrsEllenJ MJ W;

i'i n t .1 OUIIIl-IJ- II t XA

TrueTally revTod GTodd E M mrsTod M mrs

JosVan" Matilda missVaible Jacob

fWay T MWebstei fl

mrfWa'tts GarretWatts F' " " -

Watts David

Waliice RWatt JamesWells M' A mrsW.aldon WmWest. PrestonWelch E mi.s


Lysle GLamb JamesLusby'John


Montgomery M mrsBenjJ CJus

May AAlexr

JosMary mrs


C TMinor S mrs 4

Miles WmMary mrsJas

Matheit M mrs,James

Marrs Mary mrsMinorMinaglian P or J

McSarah mrsJuhn 2

JamesIMcConnell M

Mc Waters JamesDavid



WmNorris V

o -

X)tTutt A D 2Wutl Saml ROutten M

UttsWnrH gen

C GOglebytP E ,

Patter Ann mrsPelt)

BowlerPatjickPuiho.'T u in a

Nath inkins iu!sft4Piiue miss 2


Price Ann L nii.ss. Pure W

Puce Maria IJ mrsPullen mrPurkiu Nelly miss


MaryPG.i: Co

Rutey J PKejiiulib Elizabeth Rhkiorth





ShepiardShepard PerkinTSheppard







CharlesSpearsSlaughterSznitowski Adolph

SimpsonSimpson GeorgeSimpson

TaylorTaylorTaylorTaylorThompson GeorgeThompsonThompsonThompsonThompson




,Watson Archibald

Wallace CadwalladerWalthall Madison






Metcalf Margaret

MegloneMarshallMoulanand Company












I'mnTH KelsyJC

Rentross Crtrolihe1Rowland

Roue) Jni) MRuse A'Ai k

Rebuilds L IIRi liaid.xon Juo SRi bar Isoir 'A inRibiiler JohnRiley Jamestu,hf7siMi Chailes


JiynraBJ3 -


Smith John P DrS'Uiih ElySmiih Thomas IvSmith TomSmith Locinda R mrsSmith J II M OSims WmSims JackShivers O L 3Soper RebeccaSouthworth J WShuff DrStivers WinScovel ConetStrothers SamlScott GeorgeStout Pamelia B mrsSkiuker T missSingleton J W' "

Simonds EphraimSyms WmSummers DavidStone MingerShoota JohnStinget HenrySnygro mrStone Abigail miss 2Stone Marshall 2Stone John IIStone B WStanley T R RSnne GeorgeSteers Lucy mrsSteele E missSinna Win

Terrel RichardTenil mn IITurner JohnTuiner N IVTwyman mrsTnyman R B JTylor-J-

Trotter Geo J 6Tatter Wm PTurubull James

' Tuiner JohnTemple A missThunham J colThomas IsaacThornton John

u&vVaughn J--W

Vanderbelt DVaughn Jno

vvWilson Dr SjSkWilson J,0',pfil3t

'Wilson E HfB' 'Wilson E Sc Jn'oW'lsonJnhi;Wilson Maiy HWilson A M

'WflsoiTMary mrsWilson C J

' Williams Mar missWiljiams C IIWilson HensonWilliams Charles IIfood TarenceFood Ann

Jfood Susanna B

Wbods Edward

Waltz FederickWarfield B IIWard JamesWestern GeoigeWatson E Y 4Wyatt George

Yeldell Jasper

IV lltF B

Wckersham LinseyWilmot RobtWoodruff M mrsWoolfolk S D

YYoik John

loung yames (iJOS. FICKLIN, Postmaster.

Lexington, July 1, 35-3- w

ft7-Pers- calling for anof the above letterswill please say they are advertised.



11IIE Lectures in this Institution will com-- L

mence , as usual, on the first Monday mNovember , and terminate on the first Monday of.uarcfl. i ii :uuiscw"i-u- i t? .

Anatomy and Surgery, by Dudley jInstitutes of Medicine, Clinical Practice, and

Medical Jurispiudence, by Caldwell.Theory and Practice of Medicine, by Doctor





Obstelricks and the diseases of women and children hy Doctor Richardson.

Materia Medicaaud Medical Botany, by Doctor Short.

Chemistry and Pharmacy, by Doctor Yan- -

dkll.During the entire term the Professor of Ana

toiny and Surgery lectures nine limes each week,ami the other, riolessors daily, sabbath exceptedThe see to the entire course, with matiiculationand use of an extensive library, is 51 10- - 1'llegraduation see is 20.

It is thought proper ,to stale, inasmuch as reports have been current as the high price or boardin Lexington and the difficulty of obtaining it, thatmany students, during the lasi session, soundcomfortable board, including lodging, fual, lights,servants' attendance, and in some instances washing, for S3,00 per week , and it is confidently believed , notwithstanding the increased price ofevery article of living , which us felt here in com-mon with all other parts of the country, that students will he as comfortably accommodated, andupon as leasonable terms, as at any other lespecsable Medical hchoolin the Union.

By order of the Faculty.C. W . SHORT, M. D. Dean.

LevK). July 11 to, 1836.-3- 7-1 1st Nov.

Thivpiiblishers of the- - following papers are recpieshd in inscit the abovo to the amount of 5,

Uud send the p pfis emit lining it tu the Dean, onthe lereipt of a tut h the nony will he remitted,

tviz: Journal & Advertiser Li uisville; Eegle,May- -,sville, Ky ; (iazelte, (incinu Hi ; atate JournalColumbus, Ohio; Whig and ISarner, NashvilleI'en : I'rpublican, Si. Loiiif, Mo; Southern Ad- -

lvcatel Iluutsville, Ala. Stale Intelligencer, Tus- -

sCrrnoa: Ms ippj Journal Natchez; KegisterVick-Du.g- .Misa; Bulletin, New Orleans, Reglter, .vliihile, A'a.; i'enarnla tiazelte. Kecor- -

Ider, Milledev lie, di'ij; Hepiibiican, Savannah;tourer Ac llenuiy, S. t; Kegister,Itau-igh- , N. C; OUsener, K,ietteville N. C;AVlng Kicjiiiionil . Virginia ; Kepublican, W inthesier, Viigmin; Intelligencer and G.'obe, Wash-

ington citi .


(flAlIATa upon the 1 ale!i.crpek

mile from tli- - limiw flf



roarl, about ioccu

piiKl hy A B. The plte about.ill cies, has an Buck House with sixrooms, outhouses: a spring of delight'fuj whipj, and a Bigguu; Fad iry with twelveLonnik, to ivhich is an excellent GristMM.

The title indispuia ile. credits will begiven to the purchaser. to

COLEMAN 4 WARD, Louisville,or to CHARLTON HUNT, Lexington.

July 15, 183b 38-- tf

S60ANA from the subscriber in Lex-

ington, on Wednesday the 6th Inst, a Negro woman named

POLLY,About 25 years of age, dark complexion; highcheek bones, dull heavy expiession of eyes, ratherspare, large feet and thick generally per-

mits her stockings tobedowu about her andin conversation, or when using words with the let-t-

a, she sounds it very broad ; she was purchasedfrom Mr. Ross of Madison County about threemonths since.

A reAiard of $20 will be paid is taken in thecounty of Fayette, of $30, is out of saidand is out of the state, the above reward of $60,by delivering her in Lexington or IrS" her i"an lail so that she may be recovered.

JAMES C. CROSS.Lex. July 11, 1R3G. 3G-- 4t.

The Richmond Chronicle will insert theabove three limes.


FOitbeaunriil country








BAYOULD most respectfully inform htefriendsand a.nuaiutances, and the public in gen

eral, that he has a COFFE HOUSE, un-d-

the above uaDc, on Jlill street, next door to

J. L. JlcCrackeu's Giocerj, and nearly oppositeMc. Girou's Confectionary. His stoCK of superi-

or VINES and and close attentionto business, induces him to believe that he will re

ceive a of public patronage.His Stock is composed of the following assoilmentr

Champaigne, (best brands,) "

Old Mnjeria,H Gi.lden Sherry,

, Pule do I ; "

"' "(Muscat,Clsirgt, (Medoc sc St Julian)Best .UiJlity Oil Port. 'J

S.iutarene (white,)'

k '"Malaga, 'Barcelonin,Lisbon,Old Cognac BHolland Gjn,

- St. Croix Rum,Old Peach Brandy-- ,



exiTieiou. recently,1ulou.









o Aii assortment of

BEST FRENCH CORDIALS.He has also fitted up his upper large and com-

modious Room, at a great expense, for the purposeofaicommodating Society JlJoetmgs and WmePomes Lex. July 1.J, 'JU ll

A and AS- -of

to family use.. are.



MEDICINES,particularly adapted Among


ED PANACEA, foithecureofScrofula,

5bbls. Expressed CASTOROIL, superior, warranted

5 " ALCOHOL, &c ., andother articles too tedious to enumerate.

Sold wholesale and retail at the 4:ical Store of






Drug them- -

BAML. C TROTTER, Cheapside,near the Noth'n. Us.. Lexington, Ky.

July 20,183(i. 39-- lf


nSHHE Subscriber respectfully informs the Far-J-L

niers, with all others that may want the sol

lowing described .Machine. That SAjIIUELLANE'S ENDLESS CHAIN AJND UA1U-WA- Y

HORSE POWER AND THRESH-ING .MACHINE, is now in use in some partsof Kentucky (as well as in general use in Ohioand all or the Eastern slates;; ana me macninesare now buildin, in thecity of Lexington by Sam.JUcMeekins (near A. Caldwell's Jlill). He isagent for me and will supply all demands for said

The Horse stands in a box and an endlesschain passes under his feet, which gives motion topulleys, &c. &rr. The same is easily adapted to

machinery; the power of one hoise is able tomove by his weight and strength, which both arehere used ; I do not say I maise powei out of noth-

ing, but 1 say this mode has not yet been beaten.I have for sale, Gentry's Cast Steel Grist Jtfill,

in use with the above power.Major F. Demasters (a gentleman) is the own-

er of the patent right of the named machines in

the county of Hairison, John Henderson ownsScott and Woodlord, Henderson & Gregg, Camp-

bell and Boon ; M. R. Balen, Pendleton ; and Ithe balance oL41 counties, including the east

end ofthis state. ALVIN KYES, Grant.K.Lexi ngton, J uly 2 1 . 3w

SADDLEBAGS LOST.OST yesterday morning, July 20th, between

Lexington and Henderson's 1 averu, mo

Cole's road a pair of hair worn b.luuL.Cj-BAG- S,

containing a blue coat, with the owner'iname written on the sleve lining, and some other

clothing. Any person who may have sound the

same, shall be liberally rewarded by leaving them

n Lexington, with JOHN CANDY.Lexington, July 21. 39-- tf

Fayette Countv, Set.UP b- - William Dunlap, 5 miles

TAKEN arthe Boonsborough.road,

a SORREL HORSE, suppose to be 4 yeanold, about 14 hands 3 inches high, bald face and

one hind soot white, trots and paces, not shod, ap-

prised to $45, by James Ewing and ThomasJlicClanahan, before me this 9th rla, ofjffay,I83G. DAN. BRADFORD,jp

copy, att. J. C. Rodes, elk.39-- 3t . By Waller Rodes, de

iSfOTICE.ILL offer for sale, my tract of LAND

SW about 60U acres, lying one and a quar-

ter miles east of Lawrenceburgh, in Anderson

county, on thewatersof Bailey'srun. Ihere ara.i ...j .iiin hmiH. each house having itsnecessary buildings. There are two apple orchards

of choice fruit, about 40U acres unaer ieuce,c..farm having a plentiful supply oi goou nec....-in- g

springs, all joining. There is also a good barn

and stillhouse attached to the Any person

ishing to purchase, will do well to can m,,..July -lm$l JOHN BOND.

NEW DRUG STORE."pTUST OPENING, in the new. ,. ,.t rn,n of the Publ'lC- uiiu!r,.. -3 --,.

Square, back of he Courlhouse, anentiraiy " "AND FRESH assortment oi



Perfumery, Paints, 6fc.AMON'O WHICH ARE

Kreosote, Emetine, Strchnine, Sulplt.Morphine.i-'hlorid- of Lime, Hydrosub-lime- d

Calomel, &c.Families and Physicians of Hie city and neigh-

bourhood v. ill be supplied with genuine medicines,

'and Country .Merchants who letaii lrugs tun u

furnished on reasonable terms.I assistance, having been secured,

PRESCRIPTIONS will be put up with the

greatest care and with the purest .Medicines.ROBERT PETER.

iexiugton.July 15, 183S 38-6- m


arrived at an age which disablesHAVING undergoing the labor necessary to

the ptoper management of a large farm, I haveconcluded to offer the FARM.on which I now

live for sale, lying on Suinmersetcreek. about two

and a half miles from Mountsterling.on me umroad, enntainiiig about 5(50 "es ns first 'a.1"

LAND, all enclosed except a sew acres, and in

a high stale of cultivation, and well set in Grass,and never-sailin- g slock water on almost every parr,

droughths. There is on theeven in the greatestpremises a large and convenient Brick Duelling

'owe. Brick Negro Houses, bmofce

Ho,,.-.- hesides all other necessaiy outhouses,

well arranged in the most convenient and best

manner; and in fact it is considered the best ar- -

,raned and most convenient siiuauun in me

county, and so situated, that it is susceptible of'beiiig-dfvide- d into t o very convenient farms.

:n u.. ....1. lr..n..i. hit m nn lh.-- I fie lerms Will ue mam; ""' "J "'- - "" -premises, at any time pre)ious to the fifth day ofSeptember next; and is nof previously sold by

that day, will be sold at public sale, to the highestbidder, it being court day, and the day on whichthe Red River Iron Works will be soUl,

JAMES AlASON.Mountsterling, June 13, 1836. 30 t20Auj.