Introductory Statistics for Laboratorians dealing with High Throughput Data sets Centers for Disease Control

Introductory Statistics for Laboratorians dealing with High Throughput Data sets

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Introductory Statistics for Laboratorians dealing with High Throughput Data sets. Centers for Disease Control. Statistics and Order. Random vs. Accidental Snowflakes Quincunx’ http://www.stattucino.com/berrie/dsl/Galton.html http://www.jcu.edu/math/ISEP/Quincunx/Quincunx.html - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Introductory Statistics  for  Laboratorians  dealing with High Throughput Data sets

Introductory Statistics for Laboratorians dealing with High

Throughput Data sets

Centers for Disease Control

Page 2: Introductory Statistics  for  Laboratorians  dealing with High Throughput Data sets

Statistics and Order

• Random vs. Accidental• Snowflakes

• Quincunx’ – http://www.stattucino.com/berrie/dsl/Galton.html– http://www.jcu.edu/math/ISEP/Quincunx/Quincunx.html

• Statistical Determinism

Page 3: Introductory Statistics  for  Laboratorians  dealing with High Throughput Data sets

Hypothesis Testing

• Statistical methods are used to test scientific hypotheses.

• You already understand this logic, you do this every day.

• Statistical methods simply provide a way to put numbers to your logic.

• That is, compute the chances that you are wrong or right.

Page 4: Introductory Statistics  for  Laboratorians  dealing with High Throughput Data sets

Harry and Sue

• This is the story of Harry Heartthrob and his Girlfriend Sue Sweetheart. Harry would like to know that everything is fine between him and Sue.

• Begin by stating two hypotheses: – H0: Things are fine in Harry’s love life.

– Ha: Harry has romantic problems.

• We assume that H0: is true – that things are fine. • This leads us to expect to see certain things when

we observe nature/reality.

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• H0: is the “Null Hypotheis.” It states that nothing is going on.

• Ha: is the “Alternative Hypothesis.” It states that something is going on.

• The null and alternative hypotheses must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive.

• That is: they can’t both be true and they can’t both be false.

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Harry and Sue

• Believing that H0: is true (as we assume) leads to certain expectations about what will be observed in reality.

• Specifically Harry will expect there to be “no signs of men” in Sue’s apartment.

• If Harry observes things in her apartment that differ from his expectations he will begin to doubt the truth of H0:

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H0: Assume All is OK

Expect no Signs of Men in Her Apartment

Harry’s Love Life

Ha: Harry has Romantic Problems

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• Can you ever prove that H0: is true? NO!!! • What is the strongest evidence that H0: is true?– No indication of men in the apartment!

• Could this happen if H0: is false? YES!! • The strongest evidence for H0: is still weak• We “assume” H0: is true if the evidence it is

false is weak.

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• Can Harry prove that H0: is false? YES!!!• There can be things that are so improbable if H0:

is true that when you observe those things, (XXX) for example, you know H0: is false.

• There can be strong evidence that H0: is false.

• When we see that strong evidence we reject H0:

• Then we say “we conclude Ha: is true” or “we have proved Ha: “

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H0: Assume All is OK

Expect no Signs of Men in Her Apartment

Statistically Speaking

Ha: Harry has Romantic Problems





Reject H0: if the probability of the observed event is small enough if H0: is assumed to be true

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H0: Assume All is OK

Expect no Signs of Men in Her Apartment

Statistical Error

Ha: Harry has Romantic Problems





Type I Error: Reject H0: when it is true

Type II Error: Continue to believe H0: when it is false

Two Types of Error

Type I: too jealous

Type II: too trusting

Page 12: Introductory Statistics  for  Laboratorians  dealing with High Throughput Data sets

Statistical Error

Truth about Sue Sweetheart

H0 TrueShe is actually not cheating

H0 False She is cheating her A off.

Harry’s Decision Basedon Observed Data

Reject H0 : Concludes she is Cheating

Type IError (Alpha)Too jealous


Fail ToReject H0 : Concludes everything is OK


Type IIError (Beta)Too trusting

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Quality ControlHave the samples been watered down?

• There is a severe shortage of flu vaccine in the USA this season. However, Canada has a large surplus and they are willing to sell it to us.

• We are a little paranoid and wonder if the reason they have extra is because they watered it down.

• We make a surprise visit to their warehouse and request a sample of the vaccine for evaluation purposes before we commit to purchase the lot.

• They allow us to select 70 vials at random from the whole lot for testing.

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Quality Control Example

• All flu vaccine is made to standard specifications. It is all supposed to be 16 m/dl with a standard deviation of 0.4. (That’s what it’s supposed to be if it is not watered down).

• We measure the 70 vials from Canada and get a mean of 15.8 m/dl.

• Is the Canadian surplus watered down?

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Step 1: State H0 and Ha

• H0: This sample of 70 vials (with a mean of 15.8) comes from a population with a mean of 16 and a standard deviation of 0.4.– (Everything is fine.)

• Ha: This sample of 70 vials could not have been drawn from a population with a mean of 16 and a standard deviation of 0.4. – (There is a problem.)

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Step 2: Select a Region of Rejection

• If the probability of the null hypothesis being true is less than 5 chances in 100 (.05) we will reject it.

• Alpha = .05

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Step 3: Make Observations

• Conduct the experiment – make surprise trip to the Canadian warehouse, select vials at random, test each vial.

• Compute the mean for the 70 vials. – mean = 15.8.

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Step 4: Test the Null Hypothesis

• What does the Central Limit Theorem tells us about the distribution of means of samples of size N = 70 from a population with a mean of 16 and standard deviation of 0.4.

• Central Limit Theorem says: – Mean of the means of all possible samples should

be 16– Standard Error (Standard Deviation) of the means

is 0.4/sqrt(70) = .048

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Step 4: Test the Null Hypothesis

• Use http://davidmlane.com/hyperstat/z_table.html to compute the probability that a mean would be 15.8 or greater if the Sampling Distribution of the Mean has a mean of 16 and a standard deviation of .048.

• 15.8 is 4.17 standard errors (standard deviations) below the mean of the population (16).

• Z = -4.17

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Step 4: Test the Null Hypothesis

• The probability of the mean of a sample of size 70 being 15.8 or less is .000015 (15 chances in 1,000,000).

• This is in the region of rejection

• Reject H0 -- There is a problem. This stuff has been watered down.

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Region of Rejection for a Sample of size N = 70 from a Population with mean 16 and standard deviation of 0.4

• The region of rejection is anything below 15.921.

• 15.921 cuts of .05 of the distribution.

• There are only 5 chances in 100 of a mean being less than 15.921

• Our mean was 15.8

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Types of ErrorTruth about Population from which sample came

H0 True H0 False

Decision Basedon Sample

Reject H0 Type IError (Alpha)


Fail ToReject H0


Type IIError (Beta)

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Error in Diagnostic TestingTruth about person

H0 True Really Don’t Have Disease

H0 False Really Do Have Disease

What Diagnostic Test Tells Us

Positive (Says they have disease)

Type I Error (Alpha)False Positive

True Positive

Negative (Says they don’t have disease)

True NegativeType II Error (Beta)False Negative


