Sanders Lane, Potterspury INTRODUCTION Gladman Developments Ltd have successfully invested in communities throughout the UK over the past 20 years developing high quality and sustainable residential, commercial and industrial schemes. We are proposing a residential development of up to 65 new homes on land to the north of Sanders Lane, Potterspury. The proposals include an extensive area of open space including planting, children’s play area and links to the existing right of way network in an enhanced environment. Every Council is required by the Government to boost significantly the supply of housing and to make planning decisions in light of a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Settlements like Potterspury provide opportunities to help meet South Northamptonshire District Council’s housing need. The site is sustainably located with good access to schools, existing community amenities and the public transport network. We wish to hear your views with regard to the approach, quality, mix and design of this proposed development. We will consider your views and ideas as we develop our scheme layout. This is your opportunity to comment on and influence the planning of this site (contact details can be found on board 9). You will have a further opportunity to provide comment to South Northamptonshire Council during the planning application process. Introduction Housing need Why is the site suitable for development? Have your say 01

INTRODUCTION - your views...with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School

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Page 1: INTRODUCTION - your views...with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School

Sanders Lane, Potterspury


Gladman Developments Ltd have successfully invested in communities throughout the UK over the past 20 years developing high quality and sustainable residential, commercial and industrial schemes. We are proposing a residential development of up to 65 new homes on land to the north of Sanders Lane, Potterspury. The proposals include an extensive area of open space including planting, children’s play area and links to the existing right of way network in an enhanced environment.

Every Council is required by the Government to boost significantly the supply of housing and to make planning decisions in light of a presumption in favour of sustainable development.

Settlements like Potterspury provide opportunities to help meet South Northamptonshire District Council’s housing need. The site is sustainably located with good access to schools, existing community amenities and the public transport network.

We wish to hear your views with regard to the approach, quality, mix and design of this proposed development. We will consider your views and ideas as we develop our scheme layout. This is your opportunity to comment on and influence the planning of this site (contact details can be found on board 9). You will have a further opportunity to provide comment to South Northamptonshire Council during the planning application process.


Housing need

Why is the site suitable for development?

Have your say


Page 2: INTRODUCTION - your views...with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School

Sanders Lane, Potterspury


Housing• There is an urgent need for housing; to meet the differing needs of an increasing population.

• It will assist in building a mixed and balanced community that will help sustain the vitality of the community in Potterspury.

• Underutilised land is promoted ensuring sufficient land is available to support housing growth needs.

• 40% of the new homes will be affordable homes (or provision of a sum of money to provide the homes elsewhere) allowing young people and families to remain in the village.

• New residential development will help ease the housing affordability gap within the District.

• Affordable housing is provided at no cost to the Council.

• New homes here will enable people to access the housing market locally rather than being forced to move away due to lack of available housing.

• A mix of 2, 3, 4/5 bedroom properties can be accommodated, this therefore allows for the provision of smaller homes for older residents of the community to downsize but remain in the village and larger homes for growing families the same.

• Provision of over nearly 50% of the site will be provided as public open space and will include; an equipped children’s play area.

• Houses built to better environmental standards, through compliance with current day building regulations.

• Delivered within 5 years.

Economy• Over £600,000 contribution to the local area through the New Homes Bonus Scheme over 6 years.

• Enhance the viability of key services through increased demand.

• Attract business owners and entrepreneurs, increase the working age population and local labour pool.

• Broaden the diversity of the community adding new skills and social capacity.

• New housing that attracts families including people of working age will help to mitigate the impact of the rapidly ageing population and support key services.

• New housing that attracts younger people/people of working age, highly skilled, and entrepreneurial people will add to the economic output of the area.

• New housing suitable for working age people will help deliver job growth and increase the supply of available labour for local business.

• New housing suitable for families will increase the value of household expenditure available to local businesses and service providers.

• Provision of a larger population bringing more people to join in with activities, clubs and to add to community life.

• The additional population boost could also help to sustain employment and improve the attractiveness of South Northamptonshire as a location to open or expand.

• Jobs created could include managerial, transport related, vehicle sales and repairs, customer services, retail, leisure including restaurants, bars and hotels.

• Approximately 50 direct jobs created through this development¹

• Approximately 55 indirect jobs created through this development²

¹ As referenced in The Home Builder’s Federation Report ‘Building a Recovery’ (December 2010) which refers to Michael Ball’s report ‘Labour Needs of Extra Housing Input’, which states that an average of 1.5 jobs are directly created and maintained by each property built.

² As referenced in The Home Builder’s Federation Report ‘Building a Recovery’ (December 2010) which suggests that each home built results in an extra 4 jobs created in the wider economy.

Highways• Improvements to bus stops in Sanders Lane to provide new shelters, seating and real time information.

• Comprehensive junction analysis and modelling for the AM and PM peaks of the local highway network has been undertaken, with particular regard to the A5/High street junction and Poundfield Road/A5 junction where surveys and safety analysis has been undertaken and reported.

Ecology and landscape• The existing trees and hedgerows will be maintained and enhanced through additional planting thus

preserving them.

• Ecological enhancements through the provision of a landscaped pond area and new tree planting to encourage the local bat population.

• Provision of a sum of money for new dog fouling bins and litter bins along the public footpath routes in the area.

Sustainability• Additional areas of flood storage.

• The location of the Site allows residents to undertake journeys on foot and by cycle, for a variety of purposes, including employment leisure, shopping and school.

• Extra patronage on the local buses to assist in the future viability and thus retention of the service.

• Control drainage run off to prevent flooding elsewhere.

• Enhanced permeability with the local area, through improvement of footpath and cycle links.

• Improved connections and access to the existing Public Rights of Way.

• New connection to the Tennis Courts and playing fields.

• The local schools become more sustainable as there will be more children arising thus needing places in the future. In addition fewer places will be offered to children outside the village therefore, less children will be travelling into the village from elsewhere, thus reducing traffic.

• The development and traffic arising from the site will not adversely affect local air quality.

• Once built the development of the site will not generate undue noise.


Page 3: INTRODUCTION - your views...with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School

Sanders Lane, Potterspury

Site constraintsConstraints affecting the site that require urban design consideration include:


• Topography: changing levels across the site

• Sensitive backs of adjacent dwellings

• Area of flood zone, existing pond and potable water pipe within the site

• Existing trees and hedgerows within the site and on its boundary

• Two listed buildings abutting the site boundary

• Internal and adjacent Public Right of Ways

0 50metres


Page 4: INTRODUCTION - your views...with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School

Sanders Lane, Potterspury


TrafficOur highways consultants are working with the County’s Highways Officers to agree a safe access strategy for the site following detailed traffic surveys. This includes surveys of the High St/A5 junction and A5/Poundfield Road Junction. These surveys confirm there is queuing during the peak times at these junctions.

Off-site highways improvements are being considered, details of improvements will

be included in the Transport Assessment that will be submitted with the application.

FloodingThe site does partly lie within the flood plain. However, our drainage experts have undertaken a Flood Risk Assessment and discussed the site in detail with the Environment Agency. No built development is proposed in the flood plain area. The proposals include compensatory storage areas (shown blue on the Framework Plan) in line with the EA’s recommendations which allow flood water to safely enter these areas to greatly reduce the chance of flooding further downstream, and thus benefit the local area.

Paramount to the promotion of this application is the availability of the local infrastructure to accommodate the development or where improvements by the developer will be required.

SchoolsOur assessment of the capacity of the local primary and secondary schools (confirmed with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School and The Radcliffe School to accommodate the secondary school children arising from the development. To accommodate new primary school children arising from the development a financial contribution is likely to be made to fund the building of extra

classrooms. This is subject to further discussions with the Education Authority.

GPs and DentistsThere is capacity in the Stony Medical Centre and the Paulerspury GP surgeries to accommodate the new residents. Smiles Dental (Towcester), Shire Court (Towcester),

and Stony Dental Practice (Stony Stratford) Dentists are accepting new NHS patients.

EcologyDetailed ecological surveys have been undertaken. These confirm there are no protected species on the land. The development of the site will enable the range of biodiversity to be greatly increased through provision of suburban gardens which are home to a greater range of wildlife and flora than any farmed field. New tree planting

will be provided as part of the landscape scheme.

HeritageSpecialist heritage consultants have been instructed by Gladman in order to consider the proposed development’s relationship with the listed buildings close to the site. There is significant existing tree coverage at present thus preventing any impact on the listed building, any houses will be set back from these buildings and additional

planting is proposed to enhance their setting.

Please note that all the information provided on these pages will be refined and updated

as part of this consultation exercise.

Local facilities


Page 5: INTRODUCTION - your views...with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School

Sanders Lane, Potterspury

Visual contextA Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment has been undertaken to inform the production of a masterplan for the site. This has sought to understand where the site is visible from and where mitigation measures may minimise its potential to impact on its context. The following images indicate views towards the site from key locations surrounding the site.

View from public footpath within the site

View from southern boundary of site

Sanders Lane Watercourse Existing residents

proposed site

Access to Public Right of Way on edge of the site

Internal hedges

proposed site

Internal hedgerow to site Existing residential

View from Sanders Lane to the south of the site

proposed site


Watercourse Gap in hedgerow looking into the site


Page 6: INTRODUCTION - your views...with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School

Sanders Lane, Potterspury

Historic contextBy 1883 significant development was already located along High Street, Church Street and Church End. This includes St Nicholas’ Church, an Independent Chapel, a post office and a number of public houses, including the Old Talbot which is evident in the village today and some of which are not, including the Reindeer Inn. Some of the village’s buildings significantly pre-date the first Ordnance Survey. St Nicholas’ Church has origins in the 12th century whilst many of the buildings date from early in the 18th century, including the Old Talbot and a number of thatched cottages. The volume of additional development from this point until the post-war period was relatively restrained, with only minor expansion noted on the historic plans. This contrasts markedly with the period from 1950 to 1973, when significant expansion of the village took place, extending it to the edge of Watling Street (A5) to the south and filling the fields to the north that border the site boundary.






Page 7: INTRODUCTION - your views...with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School

Sanders Lane, Potterspury


The Cock Inn

The Talbot

Village shopand post office

John HellinsPrimary School

Potterspury Sports and Social Club

The site abuts the northern edge of Potterspury, with residential properties providing the immediate neighbours. Within the village there is a convenience shop / post office located on High Street, The Cock Inn Public House on High Street, The Talbot Public House on Watling Street (A5), Potterspury Sports and Social Club on Meadow View and John Hellins Primary School on Brownswood Drive. These facilities are all within 480m (a 6 minute walk) from the centre of the site. The site is therefore located within close proximity to a good range of local facilities. Larger scale facilities are located within Towcester and Milton Keynes, the latter located approximately seven miles to the south-east of the site and accessible via A5 Watling Street.

Local facilities


Retail/post office

Site boundary


Public house

Residential properties

Potterspury Sports andSocial Club/open space/tennis courts

The Cock Inn

The Talbot

Village shop and post office

Potterspury Sports and Social Club

John Hellins Primary School


Page 8: INTRODUCTION - your views...with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School

Sanders Lane, Potterspury


Page 9: INTRODUCTION - your views...with the Education Authority) has established the John Hellins Primary School is operating beyond capacity, with available places at Sponne Secondary School

Sanders Lane, Potterspury

Thank you for taking time to view the proposals.

Comments can be sent via:

Website: www.your-views.co.uk/potterspury

Email: [email protected]

(using Potterspury as the subject line)

Alternatively comments can be posted to the address below:

Your Views - Potterspury

Gladman Developments Ltd.

Gladman House

Alexandria Way


CW12 1LB