Introduction · Before you can make the wise decision to improve your diet and make healthier choices, it is important to understand how it all works. It is important to understand

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Page 1: Introduction · Before you can make the wise decision to improve your diet and make healthier choices, it is important to understand how it all works. It is important to understand
Page 2: Introduction · Before you can make the wise decision to improve your diet and make healthier choices, it is important to understand how it all works. It is important to understand

Introduction .......................................................................................1

What Is The Ketogenic Diet? ...............................................................2

What Is Ketosis? .............................................................................2

Keto Carb Intake .............................................................................5

Protein Intake .................................................................................7

Fat Intake .......................................................................................8

What Does It Mean To Eat Clean?..................................................... 10

The Health Benefits Of Whole Food .............................................. 11

Eating Clean and Eating Low Carb ..................................................... 14

Fats .............................................................................................. 15

Protein ......................................................................................... 16

Carbs ............................................................................................ 16

Nuts and Seeds ............................................................................. 18

Avoiding Preservatives And Additives ........................................... 19

Page 3: Introduction · Before you can make the wise decision to improve your diet and make healthier choices, it is important to understand how it all works. It is important to understand

Beverages ..................................................................................... 19

Low Carb Clean Eating Tips ............................................................... 21

Eat To Satisfaction ........................................................................ 21

Salt ............................................................................................... 21

Hydration ..................................................................................... 22

Exercise ........................................................................................ 22

Plan Your Meals ............................................................................ 22

Set Goals ...................................................................................... 23

Typical Low Carb Day ....................................................................... 23

Summary ......................................................................................... 25

Page 4: Introduction · Before you can make the wise decision to improve your diet and make healthier choices, it is important to understand how it all works. It is important to understand

Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and is not intended as

medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical

professional for any health conditions or symptoms associated with them. Every

possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material. We make

no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability of its contents or any


Page 5: Introduction · Before you can make the wise decision to improve your diet and make healthier choices, it is important to understand how it all works. It is important to understand

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Perhaps you have heard the terms “whole food,” “clean eating,” and “low carb

diet,” but you really don’t know what they mean.

Before you can make the wise decision to improve your diet and make healthier

choices, it is important to understand how it all works.

It is important to understand that the

Ketogenic diet is not a fad or a traditional

diet, but a lifestyle, so you are not making a

temporary change, you are making a life


With that in mind, below we will discuss

what the ketogenic diet is, and how you can

make a success of it by eating clean whole food so you can make your new lifestyle

a true success.

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A ketogenic diet is a low carb, high fat, moderate protein diet. It limits your intake

of carbs to about 20 grams a day but no more than 50.

The reason for this is that for it to be successful you need to enter into the ketosis

stage, where the body begins to burn stored fat for energy instead of dietary carbs.

Ketosis will not be triggered unless you are eating less than 50 grams of carbs per


Therefore, while you may be on a low carb diet, unless you are following a strict

carb limit you are not likely to enjoy its main benefits.

Ketosis is a metabolic process that

actually uses your fat stores for energy

instead of dietary carbohydrates.

Generally, your body feeds on

carbohydrates for energy, the problem

with this is that when you do not burn off all the carbohydrates you eat, the rest

turns to fat stores.

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This is a complex metabolic process that involves glucose, insulin, and glycogen.

1. Carbohydrates (starches and sugars) are broken down into glucose in the bloodstream, giving the body its default energy source.

2. At this point, the hormone insulin steps in to remove glucose from the bloodstream.

3. Insulin converts glucose into glycogen. Some glycogen is stored inside the liver as a fuel reserve for the brain, and the rest is stored in the muscles as fuel reserves for everything you do.

4. When that muscle glycogen is not used through a lack of energy expenditure or exercise, it stays in the muscles.

5. The human body can only store so much glycogen, about 1800 calories worth. When that reserve becomes full both the muscles and the liver send a signal to stop insulin production and excess glucose from dietary carbs begins to build up in the bloodstream, calling for more and more insulin to be released to remove it.

6. Insulin levels surge, and eventually this may lead to insulin resistance. 7. At this point, the liver then sends any excess glucose in the blood to be stored

as body fat. 8. As high dietary carb intake continues, glucose floods the bloodstream, insulin

levels increase, and so do the body’s fat stores.

Many experts believe that the over consumption of carbohydrates has greatly

contributed to the obesity epidemic in the United States with 1/3 of adults being


In the Keto equation however, once carbs are greatly limited and their sources

controlled, the body has no other option than to turn to its own fat stores for energy

and the metabolic process of ketosis begins.

There are other concrete scientific reasons as to why eating low carb promotes

weight loss. When you eliminate sugar and starches your blood sugar stabilizes and

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insulin levels, the fat-storing hormone, drop, so you burn fat and feel naturally

satisfied with less food.

The ketogenic diet was created in 1924 by Mayo Clinic doctor, Russell Wilder. It is

used to treat certain medical conditions, and is also supportive in keeping blood

sugars stable in those with diabetes.

Harvard Health explains how the keto diet trumps low fat diets in numerous

studies when it comes to the amount of weight lost as well as its ability to lower

triglyceride levels in the bloodstream to improve cholesterol profiles and reduce

risk factors for heart disease.

More than 20 randomized controlled trials published since 2002 in respected,

peer-reviewed journals have shown low carb diets to be effective for weight loss,

stabilizing blood sugars, general health and are also noted to be completely safe.

One of the longest studies, but not the only one found that low carb beats low fat

diets in improving good HDL cholesterol levels.

One of the most popular commercial ketogenic diets is Atkins™ was created by Dr.

Robert Atkins over 40 years ago and it has helped thousands of overweight and

obese people lose the weight and keep it off.

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The ratio of macronutrient intake in a standard ketogenic diet is typically, 75% fat,

20% protein, and 5% carbs

The use of carbs for fuel is what the ketogenic diet aims to avoid by:

Limiting carbs to less than 20 grams per day and

limiting their sources mostly to non-starchy vegetables

This is especially strict and important when you first start in order to trigger ketosis

so the body can begin to burn fat for fuel.

While vegetables are simple carbs, they

are not insulin triggers like other simple

sugars, such as table sugar, fruit, and

baked goods nor do they have the same

insulin trigger effect in the body as

complex carbs do, such as corn,

potatoes, rice, pasta, and bread.

Non-starchy vegetables are very low in carbs, making them a nutrient dense food

that carries a very low glycemic load that supports ketosis and weight loss.

Eating foods with a low glycemic load means that your body will stop storing fat

and begin to burn it instead, because both simple and complex carbs convert to

glucose in the body, and any glucose not used for energy will be stored as fat.

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However, once those sources of glucose (starch and sugar carbs) are eliminated,

the body enters the metabolic process of ketosis and begins to burn its fat stores

for energy so you can lose weight.

The Ketogenic Diet Eliminates

Table sugar and all foods made with it






Starchy vegetables

All starches

Any foods with a high glycemic load

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Protein is both 46% ketogenic and 58% anti-ketogenic because some protein will

convert to glucose in the bloodstream,

therefore in keto protein intake should be

enough to support muscle mass and

prevent its loss, but not so much that will

disrupt ketosis.

Sedentary lifestyle: from 0.69 - 0.8

grams per pound of lean body mass

Mild activity: from 0.8 to 1 gram per pound of lean body mass

Heavy strength training/bodybuilding and exercise: from 1 to 1.2 grams per

pound of lean body mass

Specifically, lean body mass is total body weight minus total body fat. Lean body

masses ranges between sixty to ninety percent of total body weight and men’s will

be higher than women’s will.

You can use any of the online calculators to figure your lean body mass index.

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In the Ketogenic diet, you eliminate carbs,

but increase intake of healthy fats. While in

the past 20 years fats have been

demonized, the truth is that healthy fats are

good for you and in keto they are key in

burning body fat.

Many studies have shown low carb eating

to be more effective in weight loss,

including in the amount of actual weight

lost and in reducing risk factors for heart disease than low fat diets.

This includes saturated fats from meat and butter that promote energy when

eating low carb and lead to smart weight loss.

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Daily Fat Intake Guidelines For A Ketogenic Diet

These are some suggested guidelines, but keep in mind that portions will vary

based on body size.

2 to 3 eggs

4 to 6 ounces of meat, chicken, seafood, or fish at each meal

1 tablespoon of grass fed butter

2 tablespoons of heavy cream

2 tablespoons of olive oil

2 ounces of cheese

½ an avocado or 10 olives

1 to 2 ounces of nuts or seeds

Canola, peanut and grapeseed oils for pan cooking and stir-frys

Full fat mayonnaise, canola oil mayo is a good choice

Coconut oil that has ketosis boosting MCTs (medium chain triglycerides). 1

tablespoon daily in replacement of another fat

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A lot has been said about eating clean, but what does it actually mean?

The Mayo Clinic explains that the basic premise is that you choose and eat foods

that are as close to their natural form as possible, also known as whole foods.

That means no packaged, boxed, or

made in a factory foods.

Whole foods are nutrient dense, versus

processed foods that are energy dense.

The difference is that nutrient dense

foods provide vital nutrients that the

body needs, like vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants without added sugar

and fat, while energy dense foods are high in empty calories that provide little or

no nutrition.

Eating clean means eating whole food, which is a food that is made from one

ingredient and is unprocessed.

• Real butter versus margarine

• Black coffee versus Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino

• Whole vegetables versus veggie chips

• Slices of roast beef, chicken or turkey right from the roast or bird versus

spam, hot dogs and processed lunch meats

• Grilled fish fillet versus fish sticks

• Whole fruit instead of fruit snacks

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• An apple versus apple juice

• Whole chicken breast instead of chicken nuggets

While whole food can be cooked and combined with other whole food ingredients,

the individual foods themselves maintain their whole integrity because they are

not altered from their original state.

Whole foods are unprocessed, unrefined, and as pure as they possibly can be.

The Mayo Clinic points to the fact that greater nutrition, dietary fiber, vitamins,

minerals is derived from whole food. Additionally, WebMD emphasizes the

significant impact that clean eating has on cardiovascular diseases, many forms of

cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

The Harvard School of Public Health

delves into the benefits of vegetables. In

addition to gastrointestinal health,

fighting cancer, cardiovascular and

diabetes, vegetables keep your vision

healthy. They can prevent the two most common eye diseases that are related to

aging: cataracts, and macular degeneration.

Additionally, tomatoes can help fight against prostate cancer, while lettuce and

leafy greens can ward off throat, mouth, stomach, and esophageal cancers.

JAMA Internal Medicine published a study that highlighted that while fast food

restaurants cut their levels of sodium, the levels were still worryingly high.

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Eating clean provides you with endless energy to put a spring in your step and

greatly improve your performance in everyday life. This maybe one of its best

benefits, allowing you to see the results of your efforts every single day!

Some may believe that whole food is more expensive than processed; in many

cases, this is simply untrue.

Whole Food Is A Staple Of Clean Eating

Eliminating processed food allows you to get the most nutrients from food and

eliminates preservatives, added sugar, salt and often extra unneeded calories.

Clean foods are typically low in salt and sugar naturally, but processed food is

typically loaded with these ingredients so they are no longer clean. That’s why

reading labels is vital to eating clean.

Manmade ingredients like

preservatives, sweeteners, and artificial

colorings do not have a home when it

comes to clean eating.

Ideally, eating clean also means

purchasing meat, dairy, and eggs from a farmer’s market to ensure that the

animals haven’t been given antibiotics or growth hormones. It can also mean

buying organic fruits and vegetables, which are grown without pesticides.

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WebMD Prescribes The Following Main Principles Of Eating Clean:

• Eat real whole food

• Eat six small meals daily

• Eat breakfast within an hour of getting up, and every day

• Include lean protein at every meal

• Drink 100 ounces of water daily (equates to around 3 liters)

• Have around 3 servings of healthy fats daily

• Use fresh fruits and vegetables as your source of fiber, nutrients, vitamins and enzymes

Clean eating supports good health, weight loss, blood sugar control, reducing risks

for heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

AND, guess what?

So does low carb eating!

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So how do you put it all together and manage a ketogenic diet that is in line with

eating clean?

Actually, the two are quite harmonious, and possibly easier to achieve than with

any other eating plans when you

consider how many processed

foods contain unhealthy carbs

and carry a high glycemic load

that interferes with the fat

burning process ketosis.

Neither concepts seek to restrict your enjoyment of food, or prevent you from

eating delicious whole real food.

With the exception of eliminating fruit, grains and starches, both clean eating and

low carb plans are synonymous.

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Enjoy natural whole food fats when eating low carb:

Get organic when possible to further eliminate unnatural additives.

• Grass fed butter

• Range free eggs

• Avocados

• Olives

• Natural plant oils, like extra

virgin olive and coconut oil

• Range free or pasture raised


• Full fat cheeses - whole block

and not shredded is best as shredded cheeses typically have preservatives.

White cheeses have no coloring, yellow cheeses do. Organic or grass fed is


• Heavy cream

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The best protein sources are whole food choices eaten in their natural state without

any coatings and include:


Grilled chicken and turkey




Organ Meats

Game Meats

Free range, grass fed, pasture raised, organic or those raised without hormones and not grain fed are all optimal protein choices when eating clean.

Wild caught fish and seafood

Carb intake is limited to non-starchy vegetables, all of which are whole foods:

Get organic to eliminate pesticide intake.

Alfalfa Sprouts - .4 grams per cup

Daikon – 1 gram per ½ cup

Endive - >1 gram per ounce

Escarole - >1 gram per ounce

Arugula - .2 grams per ½ cup

Bok Choy - .8 grams per 1 cup/raw

Celery - .8 grams per 1 stalk

Chicory Greens - .6 grams per ½


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Green Onions - .1 per 1 tablespoon

Cucumber - 1 gram per ½ cup sliced

Fennel - 3.6 grams per 1 cup

Iceberg Lettuce - .1 grams per 1/2 cup

Parsley - >1 gram per ounce

Bell Peppers - 2.3 grams per ½ cup

Radicchio - .7 grams per ½ cup

Radishes - .9 grams per 10 pieces

Romaine Lettuce - .2 grams per ½ cup

Artichoke (1/4 Steamed) – 4 grams

Artichoke Hearts In Water - 2 grams per 1 heart

Asparagus - 2.4 grams per 6 spears

Bamboo Shoots - 1.1 grams per 1 cup

Broccoli - 1 gram per 1/2 cup

Brussels sprouts - 2.4 grams per ¼ cup

Cabbage - 2 grams per ½ cup

Cauliflower - 2 grams per 1 cup

Chard - 1.8 grams per ½ cup

Collard Greens - 4.2 grams per 1/2 cup

Eggplant - 1.8 grams per ½ cup

Hearts of Palm - .7 grams per 1 heart

Kale - 2.4 grams per ½ cup

Mushrooms – 1 gram per ½ cup

Kohlrabi - 4.6 grams per ½ cup

Leeks - 1.7 grams per ¼ cup

Okra - 2.4 grams per ½ cup

Black Olives (10 small, 5 large, or 3 jumbo olives) - 1 gram

Onions - 2.8 grams per ¼ cup

Pumpkin - 2.4 grams per ¼ cup

Sauerkraut - 1.2 grams per ½ cup

Spinach - .2 grams per ½ cup

Summer Squash - 2 grams per ½ cup

Tomato (1 medium) - 4 grams

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Cherry Tomatoes - 4 grams per cup

Turnips - 2.2 grams per ½ cup

Fresh herbs and spices

Some clean eaters suggest that all of your vegetables should be fresh, however

frozen and canned may still be fine, just be sure to check the label to ensure there

is no added salt, preservatives or sugar.

Another way to ensure that you eat clean and save money is by growing your own

vegetables and fruits. Whether you have a large yard to plant as far as the eye can

see, or you have a small area where you can garden in containers.

You have total control over pesticides, and it’s cheaper than having to purchase

them. You can also grow your own herbs, and fruits.

Nuts, nut butters and some seeds, like flax seeds are

allowed in moderation when eating low carb.

Best low carb nut choices:




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Eating clean and low carb means choosing nuts

in their natural state without added sugars,

coatings, or flavorings. Nut butters should be

100% pure without any added sugar or

preservatives. Many whole food markets and

health stores carry these, and some allow you to

make your own in a machine that simply grinds nuts into butters.

Both diets suggest avoiding preservatives and hidden additives. If you look at all of

the meals and products on the list, you will see that the majority of them can be

purchased clean.

Many beverages are not clean but

made in factories, and have added

sugar and preservatives, your best

choices in low carb and clean drinks



Unsweetened tea

Unsweetened coffee (organic if possible) and for creamer use only 100%

real heavy cream

Club soda

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Herbal tea without added barley or fruit sugars

The above foods are foods that you can eat on the ketogenic diet, and still eat


The goal of both clean eating and low carb is the same:

To change your lifestyle and introduce a healthy eating balance

that will result in weight loss and improved overall health and wellbeing

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Don’t worry about portion sizes, eat until you

are satisfied, but don’t gorge. One of the best

things about low carb eating is that it

naturally regulates the appetite. This occurs

as result of stable blood sugars and because it

helps regulate the hunger hormone leptin

that allows the brain to effectively register

satiety, so typically, when you eat low carb, calorie intake is naturally regulated.

Take your time at meals so your brain has time to let your stomach know it’s full as

eating quickly tends to lead to overeating.

A little extra salt can help avoid keto flu that may occur as the body adjusts to

ketosis, and includes headaches, muscle

cramps or weakness that occurs as result of

an electrolyte imbalance and since a low carb

diet is naturally diuretic, and you don’t have

to avoid salt to minimize water retention.

Get that salt from 1 to 2 cups of broth daily

or soy sauce over food. Be sure to ask your doctor about increasing salt, especially

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if you are being treated for a condition that requires limited sodium intake, like


Be sure to drink lots of water, as it is a natural appetite suppressant that supports

the metabolization of fat. Several studies found that reducing intake of water may

cause fat deposits to increase, while drinking more reduces them. Hydration

promotes weight loss, and the more active

you are the more water you will need.

Exercise regularly, even if it means starting

out with a 15-minute walk, and then

building up to more.

Yoga is an excellent form of exercise that promotes relaxation and reduces stress

that curbs the release of the stress hormone cortisol that promotes belly fat. Keep

in mind that the more you exercise the more carbs you can eat and still lose


Plan your meals at least 3 days in advance to avoid falling off your plan, ideally, a 7-

day plan works best. Have handy, healthy snacks ready and keep them in your car,

at the office and at home.

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You should always set goals in your new lifestyle journey so that you have

something to strive for, and ideally keep a food journal to keep track of those

goals, your successes, as well as meals that worked particularly well for you or

ones that didn’t.

Breakfast: 2 eggs any style, half an avocado, grilled mushrooms, and 2 slices of


Lunch: Grilled chicken breast or steak and green salad with tomatoes, cucumbers,

raw spinach, kale or any non-starchy vegetable you like and olive oil and lemon

juice or vinegar dressing.

Snack: 5 olives

Dinner: Caprese salad and lettuce wrapped

turkey burger with mayo, onion, and pickle


Caprese Salad Recipe


1. 1 cup of cherry tomatoes

2. 1 cup mozzarella cheese balls

3. 2 tablespoons of fresh basil

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4. 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

5. 1 teaspoon of vinegar

Mix all ingredients and enjoy!

Snack: Turkey lettuce wraps

Snack ideas include: cucumber, celery, and jicama with ranch dressing, turkey

lettuce wraps, pepperoni chips (microwave on paper towels until crispy), hard-

boiled eggs, lox and tomatoes, roast chicken, celery with almond butter, chicken

wings (not fried or coated with flour), pickles, 1 ounce of cheese with a vegetable,

and many more.

Eating clean, low carb meals does not mean eating repetitive, tasteless, or boring


Your only limit is your imagination, experiment with creating your own recipes or

search the internet for amazing ideas like low carb lasagna, pasta dishes and


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Most fad diets are mental and physical torture. The reason for this is that fad diets

are drastic in nature that can rarely be sustained for the long term by anyone.

The true success of any diet is the user’s ability to sustain weight loss for the long


Our lives have been built around convenience, with packaged, boxed, and bagged

foods offering us less preparation time, but lacking in essential nutrient to the

point that obesity and poor health is at epidemic levels.

Is it any wonder that deaths from heart disease, the #1 killer of American men and

women are largely attributed to lifestyle choices by the Centers For Disease Control.

It may be difficult to make time for cooking, and eating healthy and we make the

excuse that we can’t afford to eat healthy.

Those are just excuses, though,

because buying a pack of cookies is

more expensive than choosing to not

buy those cookies.

It is more expensive to buy soda and

sugary beverages than it is to drink

water from the tap, if you don’t love the taste of water, use lemon, cucumber, or

mint, to give it flavor. Plan ahead and make ice cubes with small chunks of lemon,

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cucumber and mint leaves in them- then just add to your glass of water when you

want something different.

Certainly, fruit snacks are a costlier option than a bag of apples.

The truth of the matter is that most of us find eating healthy to be inconvenient.

However, with the tips mentioned above there is no reason why you cannot join

the healthy low carb clean eating revolution.

A clean ketogenic diet is entirely possible, and might be easier than you think.

At the very least, you can enjoy a variety of meats and poultry with vegetables,

both of these are easy to prepare, even ahead of time to have ready and within

reach when you get home from a hard day of work.

When you take into consideration, the long-term health benefits the cost savings

are even greater, as you aren’t going to have to worry about costly medical bills

every time you fall ill.

There have been plenty of studies to show that having a diet buddy or a support

network, and keeping a food diary can improve your success in dieting and

exercise. Therefore, if your whole family is making this change you are more likely

to succeed.

If that isn’t possible, look online for dieters that are following the same eating plan

as you are. There is a Ketogenic meetup site, and several for low carb dieters and

clean eaters, check and see if there are any in your area or simply join an online


Page 31: Introduction · Before you can make the wise decision to improve your diet and make healthier choices, it is important to understand how it all works. It is important to understand

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These are great tools to meet likeminded people, exchange recipes, and ideas and

to get support.

Remember, when you adjust your lifestyle to incorporate healthy eating, and

exercise, you are improving your overall health and wellbeing.

Your diet can have an impact on your mental health, as well as your physical

health. When your body feels good, you are sleeping well, and are able to exercise

your body feels better and your every day performance improves.

The USDA created a picture of the perfect plate, however Harvard School of Public

Health published a rebuttal pointing out where the government had gone wrong,

but if you look at the corrections and suggestions from HSPH, you see that

ketogenic eating falls into it perfectly.

Combined with clean eating choices you are setting yourself up for the best health

and life possible.

It is never too late to start and make changes that will greatly improve

your health, wellness, and quality of life!