INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park

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Page 1: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park




By Steve Page

Page 2: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park



Most of the ideas and theories discussed in the chapters ahead are my own from my own experiences and observations during my life. A few have been adopted from things I have read but all are what I believe, I hope I can make you a believer as well and encourage more people to question our existence and impact we have had on the environment of this planet. Let me get a few things straight, right from the start. I believe there is Life on other Planets, I do not believe there is a God presiding over us at least not in the biblical sense, but I do believe in a Creator be it accidental or on purpose. I have my theories as to where the Biblical stories originated and I do not believe in Ghosts, that is, as in dead people haunting a particular place, but I will discuss my ideas on that matter later in the book. Over the years as man has spread himself all over this planet he has taken with him his little luxuries, the things he loves most. Sometimes it is his favourite pet, other times it may be his favourite flower or fruit. Whatever the thing, be it animal, vegetable or mineral man has dragged these items of personal indulgence away from the place where Nature intended them to be, and dropped them into a strange and in some cases hostile environment. However, animals adapt and plants mutate and cross-pollinate and so become an integral part of the new environment in which they have been forced. It is also evident that in most

Page 3: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


cases the introduced species thrive and eventually dominate the area where they have been introduced. So is the case with the Rabbit in Australia taken away from it’s original environment in Europe where it’s numbers are controlled by the weather and disease’s, and brought to the shores of Australia as pets and or the favourite Sunday roast of the then settlers. The Climate was warm and free of the disease’s that kept numbers down and therefore they managed to reach plague proportions. Decimating the Native Fauna and Flora. Or the dreaded Salvation Jane, “Patterson’s Curse” (Echium Plantagineum), Introduced into Australia to remind the settlers of the lavender hills and fields of their homes in Europe and Britain. It has spread across the southern part of the Australian continent like a wild fire, as with the European Carp, introduced into the Australian River system where it has almost destroyed it. The Portuguese Millipede, the Cane Toad and Fox etc. Stories similar to these occur all over the globe, this book is written about the most destructive, wide spread introduced species on the whole of this planet, Homo Sapiens. This Phylum has taken this planet from the lush healthy incipient world it was 50,000 years ago to the sick-decaying lump of rock hardly capable of sustaining life, as we know it today. Looking at the way nature provides for itself and how every thing that has some impact also has a counter balance. Only something that was not meant to be part of the natural evolution of this planet could have made such an indelible imprint.

Page 4: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


Chapter 1

“In the Beginning”

The beginning I am about to talk about is not the fiery start of this planet or the so-called “Big Bang”. This story begins around 50,000 years ago, when evolution has given us warm-blooded mammals. A time when all the landmasses were covered with lush vegetation, and abundant wildlife, great Rain Forests and Jungles, land masses not as they appear today. Volcanic activity and an undetermined number of Asteroid strikes and extreme Weather patterns have reshaped the surface of the planet we call Earth since that time. A time when, the Neanderthal Man, one of many Hominids, had evolved from the Australopithecine’s, and shared the landmasses with the rest of the Earthly Creatures for about 150,000 years or was it 150,000,000 years or maybe even 350,000,000. This was a time of innocence a time when all creatures large and small lived in harmony with the environment, a time before machines and pollution, before weapons and violence. In this time, killing was for food and survival, not wealth and supremacy, Man had evolved as an integral part of Nature and nearly 2,000,000 years had passed since he first walked upon the planet as Homo Erectus this time round. Then there is the theory that visitors from another world came, first maybe it was an accident, maybe a crash or just a stop over to replenish supplies whatever the reason a legacy has remained. Neanderthal Man in his innocence was cut down with weapons that propelled projectiles at speeds the eye

Page 5: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


could not see and in the process of defending his kind was decimated. The rich mineral deposits and abundant water supplies made this fertile planet a popular place, it would be feasible that many visits were to follow. Colonization and or outposts, maybe the new frontier I can only speculate what may have happened however something did happen. It’s not just bad luck that we haven’t yet found the “Missing Link” we can’t find it because it doesn’t exist, there was no slow evolution of Neanderthal Man to Cro-Magnon Man and then later to Homo Sapiens. It happened in a couple of generations. All these Hominids Co-existed in the same time medium, until the Neanderthals disappeared around 30,000 years ago. So during those early visits did the invaders interbreed with the then inhabitants, which produced what we know today as Cro-Magnon Man. Or maybe just educated or at least raised the technology of these inhabitants, as a result Cro-Magnon Man was much more intelligent than the Neanderthal Man, and with the help of someone, developed into a formidable society who seem to have exterminated the original inhabitants of the planet including themselves. Since that time Homo sapiens have been the sole, lonely rulers of our World till this day. Don’t you think it strange that such a contrast exists between White and Black skin Humans. It is believed that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon man had dark skin. It is also believed that the early Homo sapiens also had dark skin. So when did the miracle occur and we suddenly became nocturnal. White or fair skin animals usually appear in paces where there is little sun, or live in a nocturnal environment, not the jungles of Africa or the plains of Asia, where modern man’s oldest remains have been found. Is it possible the Black Man is a

Page 6: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


direct descendent to the original inhabitants of this planet. Whereas the white man is a direct descendent of visitors that came and went during the following 40,000 years. So maybe the black man is the traditional owner of not only many parts of the planet, but the planet itself. Could he be the result of the evolution of Cro-Magnon Man with very little or no visitor genetic influence. Apparently not, on June 26th 2000 a group of scientists unlocked the Genetic Code of man and according to their findings all humans regardless of the shape of their eyes, or the colour of their skin are all the same genetically. Or so they tell us, or is this only to suit the current paradigm, therefore this poses new questions to which I have no answers. There are some theories that not all of the Neanderthals were killed off and that some still live today, down through the millennia, tales of strange, hairy half-man, half-ape have surfaced in almost every culture. Apemen, almost but not quite human, are reported on a regular basis in the deep forests of North America and the mountain ranges of Tibet and China and even the rain forests of Australia. In 1924 a group of miners working in the Mount St Helen’s range about seventy-five miles north of Portland, Oregon in Washington State. On a clear day, saw a big Ape-like creature hiding behind a tree. One of the miners aimed his rifle and fired a shot at it, he believed he hit it in the head, however the creature ran off into the forest. A miner named Fred Beck who was the one to tell this story thirty four years later claims to have met another one of the Ape-men at a canyon rim and shot it three time in the back. It fell into the canyon but when Fred went for a closer look, the body could not be found.

Page 7: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


That night the miners found themselves under attack from dusk till dawn the next day. The creatures bashed on the doors and walls and even on the roof, rocks were thrown at the building and the miners had to brace the door, they fired shots through the walls and roof but the creatures were very angry and determined to get to the terrified men inside. Only the break of dawn stopped the assault, that day the miners abandoned the site. Beck’s story tells of an eight feet, (2.4 Metre) tall humanoid creature not unlike a gorilla very muscular with some degree of intelligence as it used rocks and sticks as weapons. Beck’s account of this event along with the other miners and other sightings on the West Coast made “Bigfoot” a national celebrity in the late 1950’s. Although stories of the creatures, had been around for centuries. British Colombian Indians called it the “Sasquatch” which means “wild man of the woods” and in northern California the Huppa Indians call them “Oh-mah-ah” and in the Cascades they are known as “Seeahtiks”. The Australian version of the half-man, half-ape is the “Yowie”. In 1978, a National Parks and Wildlife ranger claimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park. It was about 2.5 metres tall, very muscular and piercing yellow eyes. After a ten minute staring battle the creature released a foul odour and disappeared into the bush. There were a number of similar sightings in that park during that year. Aboriginal Dreamtime stories tell of battles between the “Yowies” and the first human settlers of Australia. Paul Cropper, a researcher who has studied “Yowie” sightings and stories, in an interview in the Fortean Times, no.76 suggested that the creatures may have been the original inhabitants of the continent.

Page 8: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


Lamington National Park Queensland Australia Damon Wilson reports on a number of Bigfoot and Sasquatch sightings in his book ALIENS, Robinson Publishing Ltd., 1997 he also states “It is also worth bearing in mind that the gorilla, Africa’s largest known ape, was little more than a myth to European science up until the mid-nineteenth century. Gorillas remained “undiscovered” because they lived in uninhabited forests, not because they were determined to hide from people.” The “Yeti” or as it is commonly known the Abominable Snowman is the Asian version, and has many recorded sightings and has even been photographed. The stories cover a tremendous area from the Caucasus to the Himalayas, from Pamirs, through Mongolia, to the eastern tip of Russia. In central Asia they call them “Mehteh”, or “Yetis”, in the east they are called “Alma’s”.

Page 9: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


Damon Wilson summarizes in his book “Dr Myra Shackley, lecturer in archaeology at Leicester University, believes she knows the answer. She is convinced that the Yeti is a Neanderthal man. And this is also the conclusion reached by Odette Tchernine on the basis of the Soviet evidence. Neanderthal man was the predecessor of modern man.“ He seems to have appeared first on earth about 100,000 years ago and was replaced by Cro-Magnon man 50,000 years later, however there has never been found the link between the two. It seems that for a period of around 30,000 to 35,000 years the visitors had very little if not any influence on the evolution of mankind. The descendents of Cro-Magnon Man spread themselves all over the planet and developed many different cultures. Because of their link with the original inhabitants and no outside influence from the visitors they grew in tune with the environment and nature provided a niche for them to coexist. All these cultures had one thing in common they refer to visits of Fair or Pale sometimes Grey Gods from the heavens. These references were in the form of rock paintings and carvings, statues and monuments all over the world. Were these the same visitors as before, or were these new visitors to this planet. Did the original visitors have dark skin, or was it the Neanderthal Man’s genes that dictated the skin colour of the race of Cro-Magnon humanoids that inhabited this world. These are questions I have asked myself and I can only speculate, however it seems that the later visitors brought with them, knowledge and skills that they imparted onto the locals, not like the decimation brought about by the first visitors. Plus the passage of time between these periods, makes it highly unlikely to be the same group of space travellers.

Page 10: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


Consider this, if man as we know him can progress from inventing the wheel to Space travel in a little over 2,000 years, imagine the advances in 30,000 or 40,000 years. It is hard to comprehend where we will be in 40,000 years from now, maybe we will be the visitors on a New World and history may repeat itself. The Best selling book Chariots of the Gods by Erich von Daniken, Published in 1965 made the statement, “Nevertheless, one thing is certain . . . . the past teemed with unknown Gods who visited the primeval earth in manned spaceships. Incredible technical achievements existed in the past. There is a mass of know-how which we have only partially rediscovered today.”

From a film taken on October 20, 1967 by Roger Patterson and partner Bob Gimlin a Sasquatch traversing a sand bar in Bluff Creek.

Page 11: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


Then there is the other theory that has been documented in many ancient texts that the human race or someone similar has been and gone many times in the history of planet earth. Probably wiped out by a global event such as an asteroid strike which killed off the Dinosaurs or similar. As discussed in Chapter 3 there has been much evidence that leads to a much older start to mankind than meets the current paradigm.

A hammer included in a block of sandstone, discovered at Kin goodie, in 1844 by the physicist David Brewster. The sandstone, dated by dr. A. W. Med of the British Geological Research Centre, goes back to a period between 360 and 460 millions years. See Chapter 3

Page 12: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


Chapter 2

“The Architects”

Thousands of years passed and man had spread himself to the corners of the planet from his starting place in central Africa, or was it Asia. He had many visits on his journey from the Gods and left an abundance of evidence in his paintings, carvings and writings. I think it is fairly obvious that man was once a lot smarter than he is today, or he had the help from someone or something that was. When you consider the monolithic architectural fetes that were achieved in times past forgotten. Constructions that would be almost if not impossible today with today’s technology, so how were they achieved when even the basic concept of the wheel was not yet conceived. In Egypt, Carvings and Sculptures supposedly performed in a time when the Sculptures and Carvings themselves were made of the hardest material known to man. Yet intricate precision cuts and shapes were performed with primitive tools made from the same or a softer material, something just doesn’t add up. We are asked to believe that 1,000 Tonne blocks of granite were floated down the Nile on Palm Tree and Papyrus rafts and then dragged hundreds of meters across the desert sands of the Sahara using Hemp ropes and manpower. And then levered to great heights using mud bricks and palm trees. This phenomena was not restricted to Ancient Egypt, Standing Stones or Megaliths as they are known (Derived from two Greek words meaning ‘great stones’ ) can be found in a dozen

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European countries and the Americas today, the remnants of prehistory are plainly visible. An estimated 50,000 of these mysterious stone monuments survive. Who knows how many more have been lost or destroyed over the last 7,000 to 10,000 years or are hidden beneath the ocean depths. There is also the concealed evidence of ancient civilizations in China and the largest Pyramid in the world that no one is allowed to visit, what are they trying to hide. So evolves the mystery of how people or cultures living at a very low level of technological development. i.e. Hunter Gatherers ( about that of the most primitive regions of the world today ) could plan design and construct these monuments. And of course why, there is no common link between many of these cultures, or is there? at least one that we now know about is they all built pyramid like structures and monuments of such a scale, even today’s engineers are baffled at there means of construction. Or is the common link a past civilization that had its roots in the Americas and then spread all over Europe and beyond? Could it be that visitors from the stars helped this civilization to its technological level? Or are they all remnants of a highly intelligent ancient culture. Is it not strange all of these ancient monuments have links with Astrological Signs and different interpretations of the serpent? While in Egypt and during a recent visit to South America and Mexico I found an abundance of evidence that points to a very old civilisation that has left remnants of fantastic constructions and incredible engineering feats. I sometimes wonder how a layman such as myself can see the obvious that most if not all of the ancient ruins attributed to past civilisations such as The Toltecs, Mayan, Inca, Aztecs, Egyptians and the list goes on, are all constructed on top of or

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along side of even much older more technologically advanced ruins abandoned thousands of years earlier. Either all these cultures had terrible memory loss and forgot the construction methods, or the help they were receiving suddenly disappeared, or else they simply did not build them at all and merely stumbled across the remnants of a much older forgotten highly advanced civilisation “ Atlantis “. See Chapter 3 It is my theory that a great deal of the Architectural Wonders of the ancient world were claimed by the civilizations and cultures that found them, after their builders had vanished and abandoned them for thousands of years. Over time we have attributed their construction to those groups. I think those ancient constructions paid a large part in the architectural development of many cultures and I am sure they tried to imitate what they had found. This is where the confusion about the original builders is manifested, because similar appearing monuments and buildings were constructed using similar materials. Only the later were of a smaller scale and because construction methods were inferior the constructions are, in as bad, or an even worst state than their much older counterparts. So comes the theory that these Monuments and buildings were erected around the same time or before the ancient wonders. A visit in 2003 to Peru and the city of Cusco helped me to formulate my theories. Saqsaywaman in Cusco is an oar inspiring sight with majestic stone blocks 200 to 400 tonne in size cut with up to 12 sides and fitted perfectly together to form a saw tooth wall, the remains being 6 metres high, and not even a knife blade will fit between the joins.

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Saqsaywaman in Cusco Peru

This and many other similar stone walls were found and claimed by the Quechua Indians (Inca),

Inca is actually the Quechua word for King, when the Spanish arrived in Peru the King of the Quechua Indians introduced himself as Inca and the name has stuck ever since. The Inca then built their city on top of these walls using them as a foundation and attempting to copy the style using much smaller blocks of softer material. All over Peru I found these large stone walls used in this manner . A typical street in Cusco Peru

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This following image is a typical example of the ancient stone blocks of one material and the latter copies with a different material at a much later date the style of block has been duplicated but the size and type have not.

Section of wall at Saqsaywamon Cuzco Peru Machu Picchu the amazing lost city of the Inca is one of the most incredible places I have seen, but it too is built around ancient carved stone structures, again you can see where the original builders stopped and the Inca took over.

Carved Stone Machu Picchu

Page 17: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


In Lebanon, abandoned in the stone quarry from which it was extracted thousands of years ago. Weighting about 1050 tons and 72 feet long, the "Monolith" is the largest piece of hewn rock on the face of the earth.

Huge squared stone block located near the city of Baalbek Robert Wernick made an unusual statement about the megalith Stonehenge, in The World’s Last Mysteries. Published by Readers Digest 1977. He suggests“ The engineering problems of setting the stones upright without toppling over, not to speak of placing lintel stones on the top of uprights, are considerable, but it is clear that with sufficient time and manpower these problems could be solved. The megalith builders had plenty of time – 3,000 years.” So we are to believe that a group of people The Celts, who never had a written language, spent 3,000 years erecting a monument that has no meaning or relevance to anything or anyone in that culture. We are talking three millenniums of harmony and working together without plans or written instructions using precise astrological calculations to achieve what? What were the rewards and why is there no records. Not to mention the Astrological alignments that would have changed during that period due to procession of the stars.

Page 18: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


Did the Druids, the white robed Celtic Priests find an ancient remnant of a past race and claim it as their own? I think so, they may have added some small stones and even dug a trench or two but the original bluestones used in building Stonehenge were apparently carried from the Prescelly Mountains in South Wales. More than half of the 380 Kilometre journey would have meant crossing open sea and navigation, hardly possible without some kind of map, Star chart or at least a written language and remember the Celts were never known to build or even conceive the idea of a boat or for that matter the wheel. The antiquary William Stukeley’s 1740 book tittle “Stonehenge, a Temple Restored to the British Druids” says it all. The Celts found it and restored it but they didn’t build it. So who did? Stonehenge has suffered a great deal of damage since it was first completed 4,000 years ago, or was it 14,000 years ago. Yet the monument’s layout is still clearly visible. The great uprights and lintels of sarsen stones, which once formed a complete circle, can be seen, as well as the encircling ditch and bank. Stone carvings and monuments cannot be carbon dated only organic materials can be dated in this way and so the age given to most monuments and structures that do not have dates inscribed on them is derived from tools and artefacts found nearby. Who is to say that visitors to the site did not introduce tools and or artefacts, into the area, ten thousand years after its construction? If you found a McDonald’s Burger wrapper in the Great Pyramid in Egypt would that mean it was once a hamburger joint? Or Wheat and Barley in the Pyramid in Palenque Mexico meaning this was a Grain Store.

Page 19: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park



In 1987 I was lucky to be able to travel to Egypt and see first hand the fantastic Temples and amazing Hieroglyphs, without the fear of terrorist attack, I cruised up the Nile and ventured into the tombs of the Pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings and strolled down the avenue of the sphinx leading to Karnak Temple in Luxor. I amazed at the artistry and workmanship not only in the construction of these buildings but also the detail in the Hieroglyphs. I looked at statues carved with Laser like precision from the hardest material known to man, at that time. And wondered how do you cut stone with stone with such accuracy.

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However there were a few things that greatly bothered me during this trip, the first was the fact that all the oldest statues supposedly spanning a thousand years or so, including these flint ones, had the same face, I was told that the Pharaoh Ramses had all these monuments altered to reflect his image, but being there and seeing these exquisite masterpieces in perfect proportion made me wonder about that explanation.

One of the most famous stones left behind: the Unfinished Obelisk, more than twice the size of any known obelisk ever raised. Quarrymen apparently abandoned the obelisk when fractures appeared in its sides. Much of the red granite used for ancient temples and colossi came from quarries in the Aswan area (500 miles south of Cairo). The Unfinished Obelisk still lies where a crack was discovered as it was being hewn from the rock. It would have measured 120- feet and weighed over 1150 tons when complete.

Another thing was when I entered the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), I noticed a lack of carving and hieroglyphs, not one is to be found anywhere inside the Pyramid or the

The Unfinished Obelisk

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Sphinx or the Sphinx Temple, apart from a stone stela (sign) between the paws. The stela reads, in hieroglyphs, that Thutmosis IV uncovered the Sphinx and thought it had magical powers from the beginning of time. It also is inscribed that the priests of Heliopolis who advised Thutmosis to undertake the work of clearing away the sand from the Sphinx believed that it was fashioned by Khafre (Chephren). Was it only the head of an ancient rain eroded lion, which was refashioned by Khafre into the out of proportion Sphinx we see today? I believe the Sphinx was originally carved out of the limestone bedrock into the proportional shape of Leo the Astrological lion facing east more than 15,000 years or maybe 20,000 years before Thutmosis carried out his work, and Chephren (Khafre) or someone even before him refashioned the badly eroded lions head into the face we see today.

The badly rain eroded Sphinx

Page 22: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


In Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock’s best selling book “KEEPER OF GENESIS” They talk about the riddle of the Sphinx. “In 1989 an independent American researcher John Anthony West approached Professor Robert Schoch of Boston University. A highly respected geologist” To examine the Sphinx and report on the method of erosion that caused the limestone monument to be so badly weathered. “Schoch was at first sceptical of West’s idea of a much older Sphinx but changed his mind after making an initial visit to the site in 1990” he confirmed the weathering was caused by water, it was also obvious to him that this weathering had not been caused by floods but precipitation (rain). In other words rainwater was the cause of the erosion not floodwater from the Nile, an investigation of ancient weather patterns shows that it had not rained enough in this region to cause that type of erosion for 10,000 to 15,000 years. Therefore allowing for time enough for rain to erode the monument, the Sphinx must be at least 5,000 years older than the Egyptians accredited with its construction or maybe even 10,000 or 20,000 years. So summing up, I believe a 20,000 year old Sphinx was uncovered in the desert by the Egyptians, and restored, I also think that the original lions head was so badly eroded because it alone was protruding from its sandy grave, was reshaped into the face we see today. It was so badly weathered, by thousands of years of rain, back when the Giza Plateau was still jungle. A time when only primitive Neolithic hunter-gatherers populated the Nile Valley, whose toolkits were limited to sharpened Flintstones and pieces of stick.

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So if the Egyptians didn’t build the sphinx, then who did? And if they didn’t build the Sphinx, did they build the Pyramids or did they find them too?

Sphinx and Sphinx Temple

We can go on and on about almost all the Megaliths around the world. The standing stones of Western Europe. The Grand Menhir Brise of Locmarisquer, weighing more than 350 tonnes, The temples of Mnajdra, Tarxien and Haqar Qim in Malta, The Menhirs at Palaggiu in Southern Corsica, The twenty tonne statues Ahu Akivi on Easter Island. Lets not forget the Mayan cities in Southern America, the temples in Cambodia the massive pyramids in china only recently revealed to the rest of the world and of course Egypt and surrounding countries. More on the Americas and Egypt in later chapters.

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Trilithon terrace at Baalbek (Lebanon) The foundation of this terrace at Baalbek (Lebanon) is approximately 5 million square feet in size. Three colossal stones, known as "the Trilithon", are the larger of the many visible megaliths in the terrace walls. They measure over 60 feet long, with widths of 12 and 14 feet (notice the two men in the centre). Many Roman Ruins still stand on the platform, but the site is far older than the Roman Empire. Even the Sumerians referred to Baalbek as ancient. Today, we have no idea on who built it, nor do we know how, when or why it was built. And unfortunately, our scientific community continues to ignore Baalbek. All the structures mentioned where constructed in pre-history by unknown civilizations, with unknown methods and tools for unknown reasons.

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Chapter 3

“The Atlantis Connection”

For as long as there have been historians, two versions of early human history have competed for acceptance. One, which is now the official version, says that civilisation has evolved along a smooth incline from barbarism to modernity. The second, flows from an idea found in nearly every culture’s early mythology, that there has been a series of high civilisations reaching back into the forgotten past, and some form of terrestrial cataclysm in turn destroyed each. This idea is found in the doctrine of Yugas – or world ages – in the Mahabharata of India, wherein it is said that for the first Yuga, the Krita, was the best, and that human society has been in a decline ever since. The Maya and the Hopi told of a series of elapsed World Ages, which ended in flood, fire, and earthquake. But of all the tales of lost or fallen worlds, perhaps none has exerted a greater influence on the popular imagination than Plato’s account of the island of Atlantis An island paradise in the Atlantic, fertile and prosperous home of the descendants of the sea god Poseidon who arrived from the stars in his flying chariot. Plato’s account of Atlantis came from an Athenian statesman Solon, who had talked with Egyptian priests, According to the Egyptians, Atlantis was an island in the Atlantic Ocean that had existed 9,000 years earlier, lying to the west of the Pillars of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar).

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It was a rich land the size of Asia Minor and Libya combined, with rulers who were powerful princes. These rulers became so wicked and unrighteous that the gods were displeased and eventually a natural cataclysm occurred. Atlantis was overwhelmed by the sea and vanished in a single day and night. Atlantis has been found in every corner of the imagination, from Antarctica to the Bahamas, Brazil to the Azores and the island of Santorini and more recently in the highland wilderness of the Bolivian Andes Mountains. Remnants of a highly advanced civilisation appear all around the globe. The Egyptians themselves apparently believed that their civilisation had a much greater antiquity than present experts acknowledge, one that reached thirty millennia or more into the past. While the Great Pyramid is perhaps the most spectacular item of evidence suggesting the existence of a lost high civilisation, there are many others. As mentioned in chapter 2 the Sphinx and Sphinx Temple, the incredible fortress wall at Saqsaywaman in Cusco Peru, containing stones weighing up to 400 tonnes, or the 70 Metre high Black Pagoda in India, capped with a single slab estimated to weigh over 1000 tonnes, or the platform of the Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek in Lebanon, containing three blocks weighing 750 tonnes each. In each case the earliest stone monuments often seem to be the largest and most perfectly executed.

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As if this alone was not proof enough to discredit the steady-progress version of history, consider a few of the really bizarre anomalies that historians disregard altogether. An iron cup found embedded in an Oklahoma coal mine, a metal tube recovered from a 65-million year old chalk bed, a gold chain encased in a lump of Illinois coal, a grooved metal sphere taken from a Precambrian mineral deposit, and a nail embedded in sandstone in Scotland.

A hammer included in a block of sandstone, discovered at Kin goodie, in 1844 by the physicist David Brewster. The sandstone, dated by dr. A. W. Med of the British Geological Research Centre, goes back to a period between 360 and 460 millions years.

The deeper you dig the more reason you find to think that the standard view of history leaves out some vitally important chapter in the human past.

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One of the three caves at the foot of Mount Baigong, located in the depths of the Qaidam Basin, Qinghai Province, China.

Two of them have collapsed and are inaccessible. The middle one is the biggest eight meters above the ground. This cave is about six meters in depth, a little like a cave dug out by human beings. What is astonishing is inside there is a half-pipe about 40 centimetres in diameter tilting from the top to the inner end of the cave. Another pipe of the same diameter goes into the earth with only its top visible above the ground. At the opening of the cave there are a dozen pipes with diameters between 10 and 40 centimetres,

About 80 meters away from the caves is the shimmering Toson Lake, on the beach 40 meters away, many iron pipes can be found scattered on the sand and rocks. They run in a east-west direction with a diameter between 2 and 4.5 centimetres. They are of various shapes and the thinnest is like a toothpick, but hollow inside after years of sand movement. More strange is that there are also some pipes in the lake, some reaching above the water surface and some buried below, with similar shapes and thickness. There is a large content of silicon dioxide and calcium oxide is a result of long interaction between iron and sandstone, which means the pipes must be very old.

They are known by local people as "the ET relics".

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In 1990 I moved to a small farm in the hills near Adelaide South Australia, and after getting to know the locals, one day while drilling post holes for a fence with a neighbour he told me a story I will now relate to you. A few years earlier he was carrying out a similar job not far from my farm, he was actually drilling holes for footings for a large shed when at about 2 to 3 feet deep in solid rock (a type of shale or slate) he noticed a number of what looked like electrical cables wrapped around the auger. He immediately ceased drilling in fear of causing damage to the local telephone service or something similar. When he retracted the auger from the hole he discovered six metal tubes, he says looked like stainless steel about ½ inch diameter protruding from one side of the hole in the middle of a large rock deposit, each of these tubes contained a group of coloured insulated wires. He immediately called the phone company to report the find but they informed him they had nothing like that in the area and in fact anywhere. Thinking it must have been the electrical company instead, he called them however they to denied any knowledge of the origin of these cables. Now quite puzzled he called a government department, which one he was not sure because of the run around he received but eventually they agreed to send someone out to investigate. When they arrived at the scene they said they needed to take the discovery away to be tested and analysed, that was the last he ever saw of the find or for that matter the people that confiscated it.

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Make of this what you will but I am sure there are many stories like this of unexplained technology and articles found in places that they just cannot be or should not be. So could the giant Megaliths of the ancients be a legacy of Plato’s Atlantis? Unfortunately, while all the evidence is suggestive, it is far from being conclusive, with regard to Atlantis, connecting the Great Pyramid with Stonehenge or Machu Picchu requires a tremendous leap of conjecture. But of conjecture, among Atlantis theorists. There has been no lack.

A few examples of ancient discoveries not well known to the public reprinted from www.mypradigm.org

Over the last few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal spheres. Origin unknown, these spheres measure approximately an inch or so in diameter, and some are etched with three parallel grooves running around the equator. Two types of spheres have been found: one is composed of a solid bluish metal with flecks of white; the other is hollowed out and filled with a spongy white

substance. The kicker is that the rock in which they where found is Precambrian - and dated to 2.8 billion years old! Who made them and for what purpose is unknown.

In 1938, an archaeological expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tei into the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains of China made an astonishing discovery in some caves that had apparently been occupied by some ancient culture. Buried in the dust of ages on the cave floor were hundreds of stone disks. Measuring about nine inches in diameter, each had a circle cut into the

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centre and was etched with a spiral groove, making it look for all the world like some ancient phonograph record some 10,000 to 12,000 years old. The spiral groove, it turns out, is actually composed of tiny hieroglyphics that tell the incredible story of spaceships from some distant world that crash-landed in the mountains. The ships were piloted by people who called themselves the Dropa, and the remains of whose descendents, possibly, were found in the cave.

A perplexing artefact was recovered by

sponge-divers from a shipwreck in 1900 off

the coast of Antikythera, a small island that

lies northwest of Crete. The divers brought up

from the wreck a great many marble and and

bronze statues that had apparently been the

ship's cargo. Among the findings was a hunk of

corroded bronze that contained some kind of

mechanism composed of many gears and

wheels. Writing on the case indicated that it

was made in 80 B.C., and many experts at

first thought it was an astrolabe, an astronomer's tool. An x-ray of the

mechanism, however, revealed it to be far more complex, containing a

sophisticated system of differential gears. Gearing of this complexity was

not known to exist until 1575! It is still unknown who constructed this

amazing instrument 2,000 years ago or how the technology was lost.

Fossils, as we learned in grade school,

appear in rocks that were formed

many thousands of years ago. Yet

there are a number of fossils that just

don't make geological or historical

sense. A fossil of a human handprint,

for example, was found in limestone

estimated to be 110 million years old.

What appears to be a fossilized human

finger found in the Canadian Arctic also dates back 100 to 110 million

years ago. And what appears to be the fossil of a human footprint,

possibly wearing a sandal, was found near Delta, Utah in a shale deposit

estimated to be 300 million to 600 million years old.

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While mineral hunting in the mountains of

California near Olancha during the winter of

1961, Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey and

Mike Mikesell found a rock, among many

others, that they thought was a geode - a

good addition for their gem shop. Upon

cutting it open, however, Mikesell found an

object inside that seemed to be made of

white porcelain. In the centre was a shaft of

shiny metal. Experts estimated that, if this

was a geode, it should have taken about

500,000 years for this fossil-encrusted nodule to form, yet the object

inside was obviously of sophisticated human manufacture. Further

investigation revealed that the porcelain was surround by a hexagonal

casing, and an x-ray revealed a tiny spring at one end, like a spark plug.

There's a bit of controversy around this artefact, as you can imagine.

Some contend that the artefact was not inside a geode at all, but

encased in hardened clay. The artefact itself has been identified by

experts as a 1920s-era Champion spark plug. Unfortunately, the Coso

Artefact has gone missing and cannot be thoroughly examined. Is there

a natural explanation for it? Or was it found, as the discoverer claimed,

inside a geode? If so, how could a 1920s sparkplug get inside a 500,000-

year-old rock?

Workmen hacking and burning their

way through the dense jungle of Costa

Rica to clear an area for banana

plantations in the 1930s stumbled

upon some incredible objects: dozens

of stone balls, many of which were

perfectly spherical. They varied in size

from as small as a tennis ball to an

astonishing 8 feet in diameter and

weighing 16 tons! Although the great

stone balls are clearly man-made, it is

unknown who made them, for what

purpose and, most puzzling, how they

achieved such spherical precision.

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According to current paradigms humans were not even around 65 million

years ago, never mind people who could work metal. So then how does

science explain semi-ovoid metallic tubes dug out of 65-million-year-old

Cretaceous chalk in France? In 1885, a block of coal was broken open to

find a metal cube obviously worked by intelligent hands. In 1912,

employees at an electric plant broke apart a large chunk of coal out of

which fell an iron pot! A nail was found embedded in a sandstone block

from the Mesozoic Era. And there are many, many more such anomalies.

What are we to make of these finds? There are several possibilities:

Intelligent humans date back much, much further than we realize.

Other intelligent beings and civilizations existed on earth far beyond our

recorded history.

Our dating methods are completely inaccurate, and that stone, coal and

fossils form much more rapidly than we now estimate.

In any case, these examples - and there are many more - should prompt

any curious and open-minded scientist to re-examine and rethink the

true history of life on earth.

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Chapter 4

“The Cover-ups”

As stated earlier every where I travel I see evidence of much older civilizations than the ones accredited with the knowledge and skills to produce the archaeological finds in various countries. What I have also found is the blatant disregard for the truth and obvious evidence that points to a much older past. A paradigm is the generally accepted view or perspective held by a group or subject discipline. Consider why materialists/evolutionists might want to suppress information that does not fit in their paradigm. We know that once a scientific paradigm sets in, the system works to “play up” information that tends to support the current line and to suppress or ignore that information that threatens the viability of the paradigm. True Suppressions: Archaeological Coverups—A Plot to Control History? by Will Hart, investigates this very thing, the following is an excerpt from his article:

“There are other reasons a group or groups might want to suppress archaeological information in addition to the maintenance of evolutionary/materialistic viewpoints. For instance; the Chinese civilization and culture is thought to have developed in almost complete isolation from the rest of the world which meant all its great civilization and technology was developed independently.

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They can naturally and justifiably take some pride in that, particularly if its true. How would they feel about a large number of Caucasian mummies found there which date back to a time co-incident with or even prior to the establishment of their early civilizations?”

The case of the Takla Makan Desert mummies in western China is an example of this phenomenon. In the 1970s and 1980s, an unaccounted-for Caucasian culture was suddenly unearthed in China. The arid environment preserved the remains of a blond-haired, blue-eyed people who lived in pre-dynastic China.

They wore colourful robes, boots, stockings and hats. The Chinese were not happy about this revelation and they have downplayed the enigmatic find, even though Asians were found buried alongside the Caucasian mummies.

Will Hart explains, “They might have a tendency not to want to focus scientific scrutiny on that type of archaeological find. And how about those peoples in various places who are considered to be aboriginal? There’s a certain Je Ne Sais Quoi and not to mention, pride, recognition, land grants and government and or tourist money that may go along with such a designation.

What if archaeological evidence surfaces which would tend to threaten or overturn their pet paradigm? Evidence may even show that the prior group not only preceded them but may have even been more advanced.”

In New Zealand, the government actually stepped in and enacted a law forbidding the public from entering a controversial archaeological zone. This story appeared in the book, Ancient Celtic New Zealand, by Mark Doutre.

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Scientists trying to protect their theories while furthering their careers are not the only ones who want artefacts and data suppressed. The Waipoua Forest became a controversial site in New Zealand because an archaeological dig apparently showed evidence of a non-Polynesian culture that preceded the Maori.

“This is also the case in the Americas with the “American Indian” perhaps being preceded by the mound builders; tall, perhaps giant, red haired men and women who appear to have been more advanced than the “Native Americans”.

In Mexico, it appears that the Hispanics there were preceded by the “Olmec’s”, who again were more advanced than the civilizations, which followed them. These anomalies are not changing the existing paradigm because they are inconvenient from the standpoint of the primitive- to- advanced straight line (uniformism) theory of history, because they can throw off the timeline for supposed human evolution and because the peoples who control the artefacts and access to them may not be to keen to follow where the anomalous artefacts might be taking them.

Same thing on the continent of Africa. In Egypt. There, the earlier pyramids were built with much higher precision and technology than were the later ones. The older monuments are largely intact while the more recent ones, built with much smaller blocks to far less impressive tolerances are crumbling.

It’s amazing, when you think of it how much the “official story” has made us accept preposterous theories and explanations for how the Egyptian civilization could have

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built those pyramids and structures using primitive construction techniques.

The Great pyramid was nearly 40 stories tall and contains nearly 2,000,000 multi ton blocks cut and placed with enormously small tolerances. Tests on the great Sphinx indicate that it is older than the Egyptian civilization. Naturally, the Egyptians and the Egyptologists are holding on to the current paradigm with both hands and both feet. The truth is out there.”

The case of author Michael Cremo is well documented, and it also demonstrates how the scientific establishment openly uses pressure tactics on the media and government. His book Forbidden Archaeology examines many previously ignored examples of artefacts that prove modern man’s antiquity far exceeds the age given in accepted chronologies.

Then there is the high-profile case of Dr Virginia Steen-McIntyre, a geologist working for the US Geological Survey (USGS), who was dispatched to an archaeological site in Mexico to date a group of artefacts in the 1970s. McIntyre used state-of-the-art equipment and backed up her results by using four different methods, but her results were off the chart. The lead archaeologist expected a date of 25,000 years or less, and the geologist’s finding was 250,000 years or more.

The figure of 25,000 years or less was critical to the Bering Strait “crossing” theory, and it was the motivation behind the head archaeologist’s tossing Steen-McIntyre’s results in the round file and asking for a new series of dating tests. This sort of reaction does not occur when dates match the

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expected chronological model that supports accepted theories.

Steen-McIntyre was given a chance to retract her conclusions, but she refused. She found it hard thereafter to get her papers published and she lost a teaching job at an American university.

This incident can be found at A Little Vindication for Mcintyre: http://s8int.com/hueyatlaco.html

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Chapter 5

“Dragons and Wizards”

During the centuries leading up to the Age of Reason one of the favourite explanations for strange lights in the sky was that they were dragons. This interpretation was given to a phenomenon encountered at the English town of Christchurch, Dorset, by a group of French priests. In the account of their travels, by Herman of Laon, he describes a dragon, which had come out of Christchurch Bay “breathing fire from his nostrils”. Similarly, the Anglo Saxon Chronicle records for the year 793 “exceptional flashes of lightning, and fiery dragons” seen flying in the air over Northumbria North-east England. The Draco Volans (Flying dragon) interpretation of strange lights in the sky was also written about by Albertus Magnus in the thirteenth century, “Some people say they have seen dragons flying in the air and breathing sheets of fire. This I think impossible, unless they mean vapours of the sort described in the book Of Meteors, which are called dragons Ignorant people take it to be an animal flying and breathing fire.” Thomas Hill also stated in 1590 that sky borne; luminous so-called dragons were actually “a fume kindled” that gave the accidental appearance of the mythical creature. Ancient Europe and Asia are riddled with legendary tales of beasts, dragons and immortals with great powers and magic.

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The Western version of the dragon is a spiky-tailed scaly fire breathing flying evil monster. Whereas in far Eastern philosophy, dragons were largely benevolent creatures, however they also symbolized rain, mist and wind. In northern and central China dragons were rain gods, moistening the rice paddies and forming clouds with their breaths. From ancient times floods, dragons fighting in the air or on the rivers all supposedly caused tempest and thunderstorms. Chinese dragons came in different colours black depicted destruction and the thunder dragon, yellow for luck and azure to announce the birth of a great man. Legend states the night Confucius was born, two azure dragons went to his mother’s house. Dragons could also change their shape, glow in the dark, become invisible at will, shrivel to the size of a caterpillar or expand to a size that blotted out the skies. In the west man-eating dragons often guarded treasure at the bottom of the sea or underground. They flew at night spitting fire or poison as a warning of war or other disasters. Alarming, as they seem to be there were some friendly dragons. The roman writer Pliny mentions a man called Thoas of Arcadia who was saved from robbers by his pet dragon. The people of Durham England still sing of the “worm” – old English for dragon. In the middle ages the country was terrorised by a worm that grew to enormous size in Lambton Castle’s well. Every night it would sleep wound three times around Lambton Hill now called Worm Hill.

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Tales of gigantic monster lurking deep below the waves have been passed down through the generations of fishermen and sailors in almost every country in the world. Loch Ness, in Scotland is the reputed home of a monster that has been chronicled, with varying degrees of creditability, over the past fourteen hundred years.

The Australian aborigine dreamtime tells of the Bunyip, a monster that lurks in rivers and waterholes.

Dragon Legends are common to so many cultures that the question arises, “what were they?”

Consider this, you live in a time when your tools and weapons are made of stone or maybe bronze. You hear the roar of a jet engine, what do you think?

You look up to the sky and see a large flying object, it has the basic shape of a bird but it has a long neck and spits fire, what do you think?

The vapour or condensation trail left behind turns into a long white cloud across the sky, what do you think?

Then you find the skeletal remains of a prehistoric monster a dinosaur, what do you think?

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Imagine, what you would think! You would think that the flying object is some kind of giant flying animal, because to you there is no such thing as a flying machine, so the only explanation is a flying animal. You tell everyone and the stories begin. Fire breathing monster, with a breath that forms clouds, etc. Then one day some one finds a dinosaur skeleton, there is no way to determine how long it has been there and there is no reason to even wonder about that point for the puzzle is complete. A large flying reptile like creature that roars and breathes fire and forms clouds and mist in the sky. The dragon is born.

Then there were the Wizards, Prophets, Fairies, Goblins and Immortals. One well known one from ancient history is the half man, half immortal, Merlin the wizard, trained and sent to the mortal world by the immortals to bring the people back to the old religions. Away from Christianity, back to Paganism and the worship of the immortals. The legend says that Merlin was conceived of a mortal woman and an immortal, (Incubus)

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‘Incubus’, In medieval European folklore, a male demon that was believed to seek sexual intercourse with sleeping women. According to one legend, the Incubus, and its female counterpart, the Succubus, were fallen angels, Union with an Incubus was thought to produce demons, witches, and deformed children. The legendary Merlin was said to have been the offspring of such a union. The word Incubus is Latin for “nightmare.” Sounds a lot like modern day abduction scenarios doesn’t it? Merlin was said to have helped Uther Pendragon deceive the queen of his enemy into thinking he was her King and conceived a boy child, Arthur. The legend is a complex weaving of ancient Celtic mythology with later traditions around a core of possible historical authenticity. Arthur was taken from his parents by Merlin to be reintroduced to the people as an adult, and their new king by his father Uther some 20 years later. Arthur and his queen, Guinevere, maintained a magnificent court at Caerleon-upon-Usk (perhaps the legendary Camelot) on the southern border of Wales, where the Britons longest maintained their hold. His wars and victories extended to the continent of Europe; with Merlin at his side he successfully defied the forces of the Roman Empire until he was called home because of the acts of his nephew Mordred who had rebelled and seized his kingdom. In the final battle of Camlan, in southwestern England, the king and the traitor both fell, pierced by each other’s spears. Arthur was mysteriously carried away to the mythical island of Avalon to be healed of his “grievous wound”.

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We have been obsessed with the magic and the intrigue of these stories and can only speculate on their origin. There are also tales of magical spells and mysterious immortal beings that ruled the earth. There are stories of a magical sword named Excalibur that was stronger than any other sword and could cut through stone. All of these tales could relate to a highly technologically advanced group of beings, visitors to an ancient world where a simple match could produce the magic of fire from rubbing it on a smooth surface. Or a flash light can capture the full moon inside a small tube, a recorded message could make voices echo from a hollow tree trunk or beneath a pile of fallen leaves, or of course a carbon steel alloy sword cutting its way through the bronze age. I could go on but I think you have got the point, all of these tales can be related to visitors from another world using their technology to trick the locals into believing that they were gods. Were the immortals in these legends actually aliens from another world? Was Merlin an alien-human hybrid, or was the adult Arthur an alien or hybrid himself. Remember that Uther introduced Arthur to the people as their new king, no one had seen him as a child growing up. Was this Urther’s pay back to Merlin for services rendered, Was Arthur and Merlin’s magic only a demonstration of advanced technology, was the mystical island of Avalon where Arthur’s wounded body was taken actually an alien craft disguised in a marsh.

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Or were these all just stories, I can only guess, one day the truth will be known and we will no longer need to speculate, It is written on the tomb of King Arthur in Latin these words:

“Here lays Arthur the once and future king” As for Fairies and Goblins I quote Damon Wilson from ‘Aliens are we surrounded by aliens’ Fairies – the Original “Little Green Men”? “If alien creatures have actually contacted the human race, sceptics argue, why are reports of ‘Little Green Men from Mars’ confined almost entirely to the last hundred years? The folk myths of the pre-industrial age were full of fairies, pixies and elementals – now we are told of aliens, UFOs and apemen. Is it not likely that our twentieth-century, science-fiction goblins are also the product of to much imagination or perhaps mental instability or alcohol? Such an argument presupposes that all fairy stories are absurd and incredible, but can a scientific observer afford to be so wholesale? Most cultures throughout history have legends and stories of ‘the shining-ones’ or their local elfin equivalent. Should we casually discount thousands of years of reported sightings, especially when reputable witnesses still claim to see fairies here in the modern age?”

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Chapter 6

“The Bible”

The traditional history of Christianity is hopelessly inadequate to the facts. From research into ancient spirituality it has become obvious that we must fundamentally revise our understanding of Christian origins in the most shocking of ways. The conclusion, supported by a considerable body of evidence in the book, The Jesus Mysteries, By Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy, is that Christianity was not a new revelation. It was a continuation of Paganism by another name. The gospel story of Jesus is not the biography of an historical Messiah. It is a Jewish reworking of ancient Pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting Godman Osiris-Dionysus, which had been popular for centuries throughout the ancient Mediterranean. The stories told about Osiris-Dionysus will no doubt sound familiar. He is the Son of God who is born to a virgin on the 25th of December before three shepherds. He is a prophet who offers his followers the chance to be born again through the rites of baptism. He is a wonderworker who raises the dead and miraculously turns water into wine at a marriage ceremony. He is God incarnate who dies at Easter, sometimes through crucifixion, but who resurrects on the third day. He is a savoir who offers his followers redemption through partaking in a meal of bread and wine, symbolic of his body and blood. The Jesus story is a synthesis of the Jewish myth of the Messiah Joshua (in Greek Jesus) with these Pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting Godman. It is hard for us today to imagine the Jesus story being consciously created, but this is because we have

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misunderstood ancient spirituality. Myths were not seen as untruths as they are now. They were understood as allegories of spiritual initiation, which encoded profound mystical teachings. Reworking old myths to create new ones was a standard practice in the ancient world. The conquests of Alexander the Great had turned the Mediterranean world into one culture with a common language. This created an age of eclecticism, much like our own, in which different spiritual traditions met and synthesized. Jewish mystics of this period, such as Philo Judeas, were obsessed with synthesizing Jewish and Pagan mythology. In light of all this, it is actually no surprise that some group of Jewish mystics should synthesize the great mythic hero of the Jews, Joshua the Messiah, with the great mythic hero of the Pagans, Osiris-Dionysus. At the time, both Pagans and Christians were well aware that the Jesus story was a myth. The early Christians, known as Gnostics, understood the Jesus story as allegory, not history, and even called Jesus by the names of the Pagan Godman. The Gnostics were brutally eradicated by the Roman Church in the 4th and 5th centuries, and since then we have believed the official propaganda that these Christians were dangerous heretics who had gone Pagan. Actually the evidence suggests the opposite is closer to the truth. The Gnostics were the original Christians, just as they themselves claimed. They had synthesized Jewish and Pagan mythology to produce the Jesus story and many other extraordinary Christian myths largely unknown today. The Roman Church was a later deviation, which misunderstood the Jesus story as history. It was, as the Gnostics said at the time, an imitation Church teaching a superficial Christianity designed for the masses. Roman Christianity, and all its subsequent offshoots, is based on the idea that if you believe in the existence of an

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historical Jesus you will go to heaven when you die. For the Gnostics, however, Jesus is an everyman figure in an initiation allegory. They taught that if you yourself go through the process of initiation symbolized by the Jesus myth, you would die to your old self and resurrect in a new way. The Greek word we translate as resurrect also means awaken. For the Gnostics, Christianity was about dying -- the idea of giving up your mortal body and awakening to your immortal essence as the Christ within - the One Consciousness of the Universe. This mystical enlightenment was not something that happened after death, but could happen here and now. The historical figure of Jesus has been so central to Western culture that it is hard to question his existence. As soon as we hear his name we can see him in our mind's eye, in his flowing white robes, with long hair and a beard. Yet this picture of Jesus was not created until the 8th century. Early portrayals of Jesus show him clean-shaven with short hair and wearing a Roman tunic. St Paul says that long hair disgraces a man, so presumably his image of Jesus was not the same as ours. The fact is that everything we think we know about Jesus, like this romantic picture of the bearded savoir, is a creation of the human imagination. Actually there is barely a shred of evidence for the existence of an historical Jesus and this dissolves on closer inspection. Paul, the earliest Christian source, shows no knowledge of an historical man, only a mystical Christ. The gospels have been thoroughly discredited as eyewitness reports. Other bits of traditional evidence, such as references to Jesus by the Jewish historian Josephus, have been shown to be later forgeries. If solid evidence had existed, there would have been no need to have created such fabrications. A little over a century ago most people believed the story of Adam and Eve to be history. To most thinking people today its

Page 49: INTRODUCED SPECIESBy Steve Page - TPG Telecomusers.tpg.com.au/scmpage/INTRODUCED SPECIES.pdfclaimed to have seen a big black hairy man-thing in Queensland’s Lamington National Park


is obviously a myth. We predict that within a generation a similar revolution will have taken place in our understanding of the gospels. People will look back at the beginning of the 21st century and be amazed that a culture with the technology to travel to the moon could see the fabulous story of Jesus as anything other than a myth. However, we do not want to dismiss the Jesus story as nonsense. For us it is truly the greatest story ever told, because it has been thousands of years in the making. It is a perennial tale that has fascinated the human soul since the dawn of time. I think this whole tale of Jesus and the many other pre Christianity god men including Horus in Egypt 3000BC, Attis of Greece 1200BC, Krishna in India 900BC, Dionysus of Greece 500BC, Mithra of Persia 1200BC, and the list goes on were all based on the Solar King who was in fact actually the sun. i.e. the sun of god, Gods sun (son of god) They were born at the time of the solstice, symbolising new life. There are gods predating Jesus by 3000 years that were born at "Christmas", died at "Easter" & rose from the dead after 3 days. Which relates to the winter solstice and the start of warmer and longer days. If you look at the story and compare it to astrology you find the following: The bright star in the East is Sirius and on December 24th it aligns with the three kings (the three stars in Orion’s Belt) and points to the place on the horizon where the sun will rise on December 25th. Therefore the three kings follow the star in the East to the birth place of Gods sun, on the Winter Solstice. It is also at this time that the sun stops moving South for 3 days before rising and moving North, at this time it is directly over the Southern Cross. All sounds familiar doesn’t it. Atus, Tamuz, were all known as the Lord & the Shepherd and also held a last supper type occasion with some mates, even Odin falls in to this

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category except he was a little slow & took 9 days to rise from the dead. Had his side pierced by a spear as well. For the Christians of the times to promote their god, Jesus had to also be able to do the things his predecessors did or else why would the people change teams for a lesser god?.

So in creating the Jesus story all of the amazing feats performed by the existing and ancient god men had to be incorporated, giving us the Jesus story now presented by Christianity.

This chapter is still being written