Means of communication - The Internet. Nowadays the Internet has become an important means of communication. First, I think it is important to emphasize that this mode of communication is used by more than half of young people, but not only. If you possess a digital video camera, a microphone, a computer and an Internet connection you can do your homework with yours colleagues or you can talk anywhere in the world. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that provide communication services information. You can transfer files, you can use e-mail. We can say that the Internet is an information with the services and resources, libraries, databases, but it is also a huge community of people from all walks of life. The Internet has an important role in educational and professional development activities. In addition to the many benefits of the Internet, there are a number of harmful factors such as: Internet addiction- children still do not know to play outdoors, can cause communication problems - people tend to isolate themselves from family and friends, can lead to convenience - child or adult will not be stimulated to create, but will find it much easier to take information from the Internet rather than consult manuals or spending time in the library. In zilele noastre Internetul a devenit un mijloc important de comunicare. În primul rând, cred că este important să subliniem faptul că acest mod de comunicare este folosit de mai mult de jumătate din tineri, dar nu numai. Daca ai o camera video digitala, un microfon, un calculator și o conexiune la Internet iti pot face temele cu colegii tai sau poti vorbi oriunde în lume. Internetul este un sistem mondial de retele de calculatoare interconectate, care asigura serviciile de comunicare a informatiilor. Poti transfera fisiere, poti folosi posta electronica.

Internet Ul

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Means of communication - The Internet.

Nowadays the Internet has become an important means of communication.First, I think it is important to emphasize that this mode of communication is used by more than half of young people, but not only. If you possess a digital video camera, a microphone, a computer and an Internet connection you can do your homework with yours colleagues or you can talk anywhere in the world. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that provide communication services information. You can transfer files, you can use e-mail.We can say that the Internet is an information with the services and resources, libraries, databases, but it is also a huge community of people from all walks of life. The Internet has an important role in educational and professional development activities. In addition to the many benefits of the Internet, there are a number of harmful factors such as: Internet addiction- children still do not know to play outdoors, can cause communication problems - people tend to isolate themselves from family and friends, can lead to convenience -child or adult will not be stimulated to create, but will find it much easier to take information from the Internet rather than consult manuals or spending time in the library.

In zilele noastre Internetul a devenit un mijloc important de comunicare.În primul rând, cred că este important să subliniem faptul că acest mod de comunicare este folosit de mai mult de jumătate din tineri, dar nu numai. Daca ai o camera video digitala, un microfon, un calculator și o conexiune la Internet iti pot face temele cu colegii tai sau poti vorbi oriunde în lume.

Internetul este un sistem mondial de retele de calculatoare interconectate, care asigura serviciile de comunicare a informatiilor. Poti transfera fisiere, poti folosi posta electronica.

Putem spune ca Internetul este un mediu informational cu multe servicii si resurse, biblioteci, baze de date, dar in acelasi timp reprezinta si o imensa comunitate de persoane din toate domeniile vietii. Internetul are un rol deosebit in activitatea educationala si de perfectionare profesionala. Pe langa multele beneficii aduse de internet, exista si o serie de factori nocivi si anume: dependenta de internet- copii nu mai stiu sa se mai joace in aer liber; poate provoca probleme de comunicare - oamenii au tendinta de a se izola de familie si prieteni; poate duce la comoditate -

copilul sau adultul nu va mai fi stimulat sa creeze, ci va considera ca este mult mai usor sa preia informatiile de pe internet decat sa consulte manualele sau sa petreaca timpul la biblioteca.