International Indian School-Riyadh Half-Yearly Revision Worksheet -2021 - 22 Subject: - English Class: -2 Lesson- 1 I. Make sentences. 1. Walk - ________________________________________________ 2. Small - _________________________________________________ 3. Dance - ________________________________________________ II. Answer the following questions. Q1. What did Augustus set off to find? Ans: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Q2: Why could Augustus not see his smile? Ans: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Q3. When did Augustus dance and race? Ans: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ III. Underline the nouns and write C / P above. 1. My school is in Indira Nagar. 2. Soma, the elephant, was hungry. 3. The peacock is the national bird of India. 4. We go to Delhi by Rajdhani Express. 5. Jaya is a doctor. 6. The fair starts on Sunday. 7. The birds are chirping. 8. Maria is going to the market.

International Indian School-Riyadh Half-Yearly Revision

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International Indian School-Riyadh Half-Yearly Revision Worksheet -2021 - 22 Subject: - English Class: -2

Lesson- 1 I. Make sentences. 1. Walk - ________________________________________________ 2. Small - _________________________________________________ 3. Dance - ________________________________________________ II. Answer the following questions.

Q1. What did Augustus set off to find? Ans: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Q2: Why could Augustus not see his smile? Ans: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Q3. When did Augustus dance and race? Ans: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ III. Underline the nouns and write C / P above. 1. My school is in Indira Nagar.

2. Soma, the elephant, was hungry.

3. The peacock is the national bird of India.

4. We go to Delhi by Rajdhani Express.

5. Jaya is a doctor.

6. The fair starts on Sunday.

7. The birds are chirping.

8. Maria is going to the market.

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IV. Write the following nouns in their correct column. Kochi, library, city, Helen , doctor,

Red Sea, park, Tuesday, baby, March Common noun Proper noun

1.______________ 1. ______________

2.______________ 2. ______________

3.______________ 3. ______________

4. ______________ 4. ______________

5. ______________ 5. ______________

V. Change these singular nouns into plural nouns.

1. key - 2.country -

3.bird - 4. butterfly-

5.kite - 6.onion - 7.mango - 8.potato - 9.crayon - 10.cycle -

11.box - 12.beach- 13.fairy - 14.story - 15.beetle- 16.brother- 17.book- 18.family -

19. shoe - 20.sweet - 21.flower- 22. tree 23.bench - 24. factory 25.bush- 26.lady

27.army- 28.watch 29. city- 30.glass 31.fox- 32. strawberry

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V. Complete these sentences with the plural of the given words. 1. Raj and Keya open a box of __________________. (mango)

2. There are many __________________ in the garden.(butterfly)

3. Sunita likes reading ____________. (book)

4. They are flying ___________ .(kite)

5. Mahak has two elder ______________ .(brother)

6. Some people don’t like to live in _____________.(city)

7. Inaya gave her ____________ to Asha .(crayon)

8. Cut these ___________ and __________ please. (onion, tomato)

9. Are these your __________? (shoe)

10. We must avoid eating ____________. (sweet)

11. Don’t forget to take the ___________. (key)

12. These __________________ are fresh. (strawberry)

13. There are seven _______________ in a row. (bench)

14. The __________ are flying above the tree. (bird)

VI. A. Write the correct action words for the following pictures.

drinks draws runs washes watches

________ ________ ________ ________ ________

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VII. Give answer in one word.

1. You rest your head on it at night _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. You eat this with bread _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. The sound of a bee makes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. The baby cat is called a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. You find these on the beach _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6. Cows like to eat this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. A hen lays this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8. You feel this way when you smile _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct words given in the box.

1. The baby ___________ only milk.

2. Anu ________________ beautiful scenery.

3. Samir ___________ fast.

4. Dania ________________ her clothes.

5. Rida _________________ one day cricket matches only.

Note: Any sentence can be given with the help of any pic or any word.

I. A. Complete these sentences with the correct common and proper nouns from the box. (Different sentences / words can be given)

notebook Shanti newspaper Chocomilk England

1. Where is your __________________?

2. ____________ is wearing a red cap.

washes , keeps, watches, drinks, draws, runs

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3. Grand father is reading _______________.

4. I love the taste of_________________.

5. London is the capital of _______________.

Lesson – 3

I. Make sentences 1. Colourful - _______________________________________________

2. Shop - __________________________________________________

3. Children - _______________________________________________

II. Answer the following questions: Q1. Why did Saif and Hasmina go to the roof? Ans: ______________________________________________________ Q2. What kind of a person was Sharmaji? Ans: ______________________________________________________ Q3. "I’ll cut down your kite. “Who said these words to whom? Ans: ______________________________________________________ Q4. “Pull!” Who said this to whom? Ans:______________________________________________________

III. Fill in the blanks with ‘a / an’ OR Circle the correct word. 1. _____ bin 6. _____ ice-box 11. _____ apple

2. _____ bag 7. _____ octopus 12. _____ eagle

3. _____ dress 8. _____ insect 13. _____ truck

4. [a / an] pen 9. [a / an] flower 14. [a / an] egg

5 . [a / an] ink-pot 10. [a / an] plate 15. [a / an] owl

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IV. Tick ( ) the correct words to complete these sentences.

1. This is an / a carrot.

2. I can see a butterfly on an / a flower.

3. Is this an / a hippo? No it is an / a elephant.

4. Can you bring an / a envelope from the table?

5. Crow is an / a black bird.

6. I gave an / a banana to an / a begger.

V. Complete the sentences using ‘a / an’.

1. Sushma has ____ sandwich for tea.

2. I have ____ orange and ___ banana.

3. She saw ____ black cat near the bin.

4. Rohit is playing with ____ ball.

5. This is ____ elephant and that is ____ deer.

6. This is ____ ancient fort.

VI. Choose the correct answers and complete these sentences. 1. (This / These) is my house.

2. Is (that / those) your phone?

3. (That / Those) are Nita’s ribbons.

4. (This / These) are my favourite books.

5. (That / Those)_________ apples are big.

VII. Underline the correct words to complete these sentences.

1. This / These is my uncle. That / Those is my aunt.

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2. That / Those are my cousins who are playing there.

3. These / That are your socks. Those / This are mine.

4. This / These are my toys. That / Those are Mita’s books.

5. That / Those is my bat. That / Those is my friend, Bell.

6. That / These trees have many flowers.

VIII. Write the opposites of the following words. Learn vice versa

after X pull X

big X quite X

come X short X

good X sweet X

hot X thick X

heavy X up X

old X wrong X

poor X young X

IX. Fill in the blanks with the opposites of the words given in the brackets.

1. Tom buys a _______ car. (old)

2. The baby’s bag is ___________. (heavy)

3. Mom has ____________ hair. (thin)

4. It is very __________ in May. (cold)

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5. This pencil is ___________ . (long)

6. Black grapes are ____________. (sour)

7. It was an / a old man’s house.

8. “Pick up a / an card from the pack,” said the magician.

X. Complete these sentences with the opposites of the underlined


1. The short boy reached up to the height of the _________ girl.

2. The market is noisy but the street is ____________.

3. Vani’s answer was right., Mini’s answer was ___________.

4. I push Sam because he ________ my hair.

5. We must brush our teeth before breakfast and ________ dinner.

6. Ela’s house is __________ and her sister house is big.

Practice different sentences, any word can be asked from the given words.

XI. Arrange these words in a, b, c (alphabetical) order.

1. car, bus, van, jeep

_____ _____ _____ _____

2. pen, ruler, eraser, book

_____ ______ ______ _____

3. tub, bucket, water soap

_____ ______ _____ _____

4. Sunday Friday Monday Tuesday

________ ________ _________ ________

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Lesson-4 I. Make sentences.

friend: ____________________________________________________

morning: __________________________________________________

play: _____________________________________________________

II. Answer the following questions. Q1. What was Mowgli doing when he met Baloo? Ans: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Q2. What did Baloo say about Mowgli’s song? Ans: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Q3. Who played music for Mowgli and Baloo? Ans: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Q4. “What a wonderful music band you make.” Who said these words and to whom? Ans: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

III. A. Choose the correct verbs from the box. (Refer text book )

1_______ 2________ 3 ________ 4_______ 5_______ 6________

cook, drive, climb, catch, hug, skip

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IV.Match the pictures with the correct action words. Refer pg-19wb

kick cry juggle run play climb

V. Complete these sentences with the correct verbs from the brackets. (Practice different sentences and words).

1. Jatin _____________ to the library every evening. (walk / walks)

2. The children _____________ in the playground. (play / plays)

3. The sun ______________ in the east. (rise / rises)

4. The moon _____________ at night. (shine / shines)

5. Amma ___________ dinner at seven o’clock daily. (eat / eats)

6. Naina ____________ a glass of milk every day. (drink / drinks)

7. He _____________ to his town once a week. (come / comes)

VI. Circle the correct verbs. Refer wb pg 20 for more sentences.

1. My sister (work / works) very hard.

2. Jatin (walk / walks) to school every day.

3. I can (read / reads) and (write / writes) Urdu.

4. He (play / plays) guitar.

5. Mena (run / runs) one km every evening.

8. Vicky (live / lives) in Mumbai

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VII. Underline the verbs in simple present tense. (Practice different sentences and words).

1. Wasim goes to the garden every day.

2. He keeps his house clean.

3. Shifa wakes up early in the morning.

4. Sam fills the bucket with water.

5. My father helps me in doing homework.

6. Tina makes tea for her mother.

7. She loves her country very much.

VIII. Where do these animals live? ( practice pg.48 Tb , pg 20 Wb) 1. I am a rabbit. I live in a ______________________.

2. A bee lives in a ________________________.

3. An ant lives in a ________________________.

4. I am a horse. I live in a ___________________.

5. I am a soider. Ilive in a _____________.

6. A bear lives in a _______________.

IX. Complete these sentences with the names of animals and homes. Practice as 1 word answer, f /b, matching / riddles.

1. A hen lives in a ______________.

2. A bear lives in a _____________.

3. A ___________ lives in a den.

4. A ____________lives in a shell.

5. A cow lives in a __________.

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I. Make sentences 1. rainbow:_____________________________________________

2. flowers: _____________________________________________

3. butterflies: ____________________________________________

II. Answer the following questions Q1. Why did the field look plain and dull in the beginning?

Ans: ____________________________________________________


Q2. What did the cloud do to the hollow in the ground? Ans: ____________________________________________________


Q3. Who took nectar from flowers? What did they do with it?

Ans: ____________________________________________________


III. Complete these sentences with present continuous tense forms of

the verbs given below/brackets. (practice different. sentences & verbs) [buy, drink, watch, fly, kick, read]

1. Madhu ____________________ her father’s letter.

2. Ravi ____________________ the ball.

3. People are ________________ kites from their terrace.

4. Saad is ________________ a video.

5. Zainab ____________________ a glass of juice.

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6. I __________________ vegetables for my aunt. 7. The boy ______________________ the birds. (feed)

8. LookThe Panda _____________________ her baby. (carry)

9. We ___________________ to our uncle’s house today. (go)

10. I _____________________my homework.(do)

11. The mynah bird ______________________ a beautiful song.(sing)

12. The old man ______________________ the road.(cross)

13. The clouds ______________________ in the sky.(sail)

IV. Rewrite these sentences with the present continuous tense

forms of the underlined verbs.(practice diff. sentences & verbs)

1. I walk to school.


2. Anju climbs the stairs.


3. The tap drips.


4. The ship sails on the sea.


5. Father drinks hot tea.


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V. Rewrite these sentences with the “ing “forms of the action words.

1. The boy cuts the carrots.


2. You rides a bicycle.


3. The baby cries loudly.


4. Mother cooks food.


VI. Place exclamation mark () or full stops (.) at the end of these


1. Oh, I think I’m lost __

2. Maya is a helpful girl __

3. What an interesting play __

4. Look at the pretty butterfly __

5. Malik wants to play carom __

6. What a lovely painting __

7. What a beautiful rainbow __

8. What a sweet little baby __

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VII. Match the words to make compound words.

VIII. Give answer in one word. 1. a place which can be a part of the house where we grow colourful

flowers, fruits and vegetables ______________________

2. an area where many trees grow thickly together _______________

3. a field of grass _____________

4. land which is always soft and wet ____________

1 break a. paper 2

2 news b. fast

3 pop c. table

4 time d. corn

5 black e. bag

6 hand f. board

7 play g. room

8 bath h. ground

9 fire i. port

10 air j. fly

11 house k. shelf

12 book l. boat

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IX. Make two new words with each of the word.

(Refer Textbook for pictures) _______________________

1. Water + _______________________

_______________________ 2. Sun +


3. Rain + ________________________


4. Cup + ________________________ ________________________

_______________________ 5. Eye +

_______________________ _______________________

6. Tooth ________________________















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Punctuation ln-2

Rewrite the sentences with capital letter in the correct places and

1. full stops in the end

1. i live in pune


1. we like to eat rice


2. ali and atif are best friends


3. pinky is a pretty girl


4. i am snowy the cat


5. she is running after sana


6. my name is shahid


7. father will go to delhi tomorrow


8. mark is walking with john


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X. Complete the missing words of the poem 1. Where do all the ___________ go at night,

When all the world’s asleep?

Where do _______ and _________________

And _________________ creep?

2. Turtles _________ inside their shells;

The robin has her __________

Rabbits and the sly old fox

Have __________ where they can rest

3. But where do bugs and ____________________

And caterpillars _____________,

When _____________________ is dark outside

And all the ___________ asleep?

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XII. Guided composition:

1. Write four sentences about a “kite” using the given words.






2. Write four sentences about a “table” using the given words.






big --red and blue --long tail – diamond shaped

wood ---- square--- brown ---- four legs

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3. Write five sentences about “apple” using the given words.







4. Write five sentences about “socks” using the given words.






fruit---red , sweet and juicy---good for health --small seeds -- use to make cake and jam

type of clothing-- made of cotton-- wear with shoes --keep feet warm--wear black socks in school

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XI. Comprehension

1. Read the passage and answer.

Today is Friday. It is a holiday. The sky is blue and the sun is shining

brightly. Ali is going to the beach with his family. His uncle, aunt and

cousins are also with him. Tahir, Tara and Tanu are are his cousins they

are playing with a ball. Sania and Ata are making a sand castle. Anam

and Ruhi and Ali are flying kites. Saleha is collecting shells. My father

and uncle are swimming. My mother is playing badminton with my

aunt. All are having fun.

I. Choose the correct answer 1. The sky is (blue, grey). 2. It is a (working day/holiday). 3. Ali is going to (zoo, beach). 4. Saleha is a (boy / girl).

II. Write true or false. 1. Mother is making sandwiches. 2. The sun is shining brightly. 3. Ali goes with his friends.

III. Fill in the blanks. 1. My father is _______________. 2. ________ is playing with Tara and Tanu. 3. Sania is ____________ a sand castle. 4. Aunt is playing _________________.

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IV. Write any two common nouns and two proper nouns from the passage.

1. ___________

2. ___________

B. Read the passage and answer.

Once there was a thirsty crow. He searched for water here and there. At last he saw a pot near a well. There was very little water in the pot. He saw some stones nearby. He picked up some stones and put it into the pot. The water level came up. He drank water and flew away.

I. Write true or false.

1. There was a hungry crow. ( ) 2. The crow wandered for water. ( )

II. Choose the correct answer. 1. The (pot / crow) was near the well. 2. The pot had little (water, sand) 3. The crow was (foolish, clever).

III. Fill in the blanks. 1. The crow ________________ water and flew away. 2. The water _______________ came up. IV. Write two verbs from the passage. 1. ___________________ 2. _____________________

Note: 1.By heart the complete poem. Learn all the spellings well. Any word(s) can be given as blank(s). 2. Learn all the exercises of notebook, textbook & workbook. (Refer tbk & nbk for pictures). 3. Practice different sentences in grammar. 4. Practice different comprehensions

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