t The Interior Journal Entered in the PoOf Stanford cu Iweendcla matter TU > JSDAT A- TI00 ufD JUDY S PER YEAR CASt r When not so paId 1100 will be charged B D CARTER Now Livery r Dopot Street Phono 96 1ItANFOADKENTUCKY 10 REWARD I For the arrest and conviction of any person treipniilng night or doing Injury toatockIntraveling the pub Ho highways or Injury to stock from the lands of other people This rownrd rotors to pat present And future I also offer a spec ¬ reward of 00 for particulars tee me I nlio offer two special of fJOnnd ptxcachJOOarpenter McKINNEY MARBLE GRANITE WORKS Jacobs Harris Prors Penlrrs In and manufacturers of Granite and Marble Monuments FlrstOlass Work Bt Reasonable Price Once and Works McKlnnoy Ky Hhop closed on Saturday a A S PRICESu- rgeon Dentist STANFORD KENTUCKY Office over McRoberts Drug Store in the Owaley Building j I Sign Writing Draper and House Painting Taper Ranger G MEDAIRY Interior Frisco Decorator Graining Ete McKINNEY KY INSURANCETire AMldent None but the BT11ONGK8T and JBBBT Companies He presented Lowest Pos able Rates Guaranteed Lou Paying Reo erd Unegnalled Talk with HAHONY Stanford Kentucky Residence Phone No St For the next few days we will give some Exceptional Bargains in MATTINGS G B Pruitt Moreland TOBACCO BARNS I Many Iniurance companies have cancelled their Policies In the Tobacco District and others have writing at n time when the farmer need them the most A Friend tn need Is n FrIend Indeed The Home In > Burnnce Company of N Y the largest and moat popular Fire Insurance Company has always and II now writing tobacco barns nnd all classes of arm property They have not cancelled a single In coun ties where the tobacco trouble has been theI worst For Insurance on nil classes of property Address or Ibone Jesse D Wearen The Insurance Man Phone 36 STANFORD KY JLBeazieyC6 I Undertakers and EmbalmtI era Also Dealers in Fur niture MattingsRugg They J willexchange Furniture for All Kinds of Stock Give Them a Call Prices Right STANFORD KENTUCKY D JC McClary Undertaker Embalmer and Dealer InHarnoss Saddlery STANFORD KY Offce Phone 167 Home Phone 35 r1S J PrGffiiam Lit Of Lin Gal n GOURtU FairT- o I be held at Stanford Three Days Beginning Wednesday July 22 1908 1200 in Premiums I First Day t July 22 MULES MULE CLASS u ko 1 Bet mare mule colt under 1 year 810 00 87 to 1st 83 to 2nd ONo 87 to 1st 83 to 2nd No3 Best mare mule 1 year old and under 2 10 00 87 to 1st 83 to 2nd No4 Jest horse mule l year old and under 2 10 00 87 to let 83 to 2nd No5 Best mare mule 2yearsold and under 8 10 00 87 to let 83 to 2nd No 6 Best horse mule2 years oldand under S 1000 87 to 1st 83 to 2nd No 7 Best mare and mule colt colt at side 15 00 810 to let 85 to 2n- dHORSES NEW YORK SADDLE CLASSI No8 Best walktrot and canter mare or geld 15 00 ing any age 810 to 1st 85 to 2nd j No U Best horse colt under 1yearold 10 00 I 87 to 1st 83 to 2nd No 10 Best filly colt under 1yearold 10 00 87 to 1st S3 to 2nd No 11 Best mare or gelding 1 year old allilun der2 10 00 87 to let 83 to 2nd No 12 Best mare or gelding 2 ycars old ana under 8s 15 00 810 to 1st 85 to 2nd No 13 Best mare or gelding 3 years old and under 4 15 00 10 to let 5 to 2nd No 14 Best phaeton mare or gelding any age 15 hands and under 10 00 7 to 1st 3 to 2nd HARNESS CLASS No 15 Best pair of mares or geldings anyage 25 00 20 to 1st 5 to 2nd No 16 Best stallion 3yearsold and under 4 15 00 10 to 1st 5 to 2nd No 17 Best mare or gelding 3 years olcl and under 4 15 00 10 to 1st 5 to 2nd ROADSTER CLASS No 18 Best pair any age regardless of Sex color or ownership 30 00 20 to let 10 to 2nd No 19 Best gelding 4 years old and over 40 00 20 to 1st 15 to 2nd 5 to 3rd COMBINED CLASS No 20 Best mare or gelding any age 30 00 20 to let 10 to 2nd ROADSTER CLASS No 21 Best stallion anyage 40 00 25 to 1st 10 to 2nd 5 to 3rd Second Day July 23 v t JACKS AND MULES JACK CLASS No 22 Best jack under one year old 10 00 7 to lit 3 to 2nd- No 23 Best jack 1 yearold and under 2 10 00 7 to let 3 to 2nd FARMERS DEPARTMENT The S S Co bought 360 1500 pound cattle in Bourbon at Gc They are a fine lot FOR SALEFresh Jersey cow with calf big milker W S Tewmey Danville Ky Buy your pure Sisal twine at 8c from G Weatherford Co dealers in general merchandise Hustonvillc 4t There is a stray hog on my place Came about a month ago Weighs now about 126 pounds Owner can get him by proving property and paying for this notice T B Hammonds II F No2 Stanford There la much complaint from Barroi county about the bugs cutting down and destroying tobacco Many farmers have already reset their tobacco crop the second time and some will have to re place it the third time DANVILLE COURTA small crowd at tended Danvillo court yesterday and business of all kinds was quiet There were only about 30 cattle on the mar ket and they brought HJ to 4Jc There was little or no activity in either the horse or mule markets The police adopted strong measures to prevent betting by any system whatever at the Gravesend race course uniformedI deputy sheriffs and detectives in plain- clothes kept every one on the move not even permitting two men to stand together on the lawn in front of the grandstand + e No 24 Best jack 2ycarsold and under 3 10 00 7 to 1st 3 to 2nd No 25 Best jack any age ago considered 15 Of 10 to 1st 5 to 2nd No 2fi Best jennet under twoycnnl old 10 01 7 to let 3 to 2nd No 27 Best jennet say age 10 Ol 7 to 1st 3 to 2nd MULE CLASS No 28 Best mare mule 8 years old anti over 10 00 7 to 1st 3 to 2nd No 20 Best horse mulo 3 ycahs old and over 10 00 7 to let 3 to 2nd No 30 Best mule anyage20 00 15 to 1st 5 to 2nd No 31 Best pair mules anyago regardless of sex or color 20 00 15 to 1st 5 to 2nd THOROUGHBRED HORSES No 32 Best thoroughbred stallion mare or gelding any age ago considered 10 00 7 to 1st 3 to 2ut- lHORSES HARNESS CLASS No 33 Best gelding 4 yearsold and over 20 00 15 to let 5 to 2nd No 34 Bout colt either sex under 1 enrQld 10 00 7 to lit 3 to 2nd No 35 nest mare or gelding 1 yenr old and un ¬ der 2 10 00 7 to let 3 to 2nd No 36 Best mare or gelding 2 enldold and under 3w IS 00 10 to let 5 to 2nd No 37 Best stallion 1 y car old and under 2 10 00 7 to let 3 to 2nd SHETLAND PONIES No 38 Best mare and colt maro 48 inches and under J 10 00 7 to 1st 3 to 2nd No 39 Best stallion mare or gelding not un > tIer 46 inches anti not over 52 inches Show Optional 10 K 7 to let 3 to 2nd No 40 Best posy 4G inches anti under driven hy boy or girl 10 00 7 to 1st 3 to2nd SPECIAL CLASS No 41 Best fancy turnout single horse dcqfc rations not considered stallions barred 15 00 10 to let 5 to 2nd COLT STAKE No 42 Best colt either 8CXr 50 00 35 to 1st 10 to 2nd 5 to 3nlI 10 per cent entrance fee to enter by July 12th Seven to enter and five to show SADDLE CLASS No 48 Beat stallion ayears old anti under 4 15 00 10 to let 5 to 2nd HIGH No 20001I No marc or any t fNo under 4 20 00 15 to let 5 to 2nd The widow of Congressman Campbell Slemp is dead in Virginia Night riders went to the home of Charles Garvey in Pendleton county and forced him to sign his 1907 crop of tobaccoSmith T Powell of lIustonville has placed his fine Dignity Dare threeyear old filly Toxy Dare in the hands of Mack Hughes of Danville who will snow her this season By the way Mr Powell refused 700 for this fine ani mal If one feels dull and spiritless to tho Spring or early Summer they call It Spring Fever Hut there Is no fever usually It Is the after olTeot of our Winter habits The nerves are mostly at fault Tired wornout nerves leave us languid lifeless and without spirit or ambition A low doses of Dr Snoops Restorative will absolutely and quickly change all of those depressing symptom The fibs toratlvo of course wont bring you back to hill health in u day or two but it wilt do enough In 48 hours to satisfy you that tho remedy is roach ing that tired spot Druggists everywhere are advising its use as a splendid and prompt general tonlo It gives more vim and more spirit to the spoonful than any other known nerve or constitutional tonic It sharpens a falling appetite aids digestion frees sluggish livers and kidneys and brings new life strength t and ambition Test it a few days and be convinced Pennys Drug Store IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES Lucy Williams has been appointed postmaster at Sloans Valley Pulaski countyReportsfm London indicate that Elza Langford who was shot at Mt Vernon by a man named Clark is do- Ing no good Mrs Bottle Sparks wife of ExSen ¬ ator E R Sparks died at Nicholas villa after a years illness Besides her husband she is survived by two child ¬ renTho 13lth anniversary of the found ¬ ing of llarrodsburg the oldest city in Kentucky will be celebrated at Shaw nee Springs today An oldfashioned basket dinner will be spread James Croucher a welltodo citizen of Rockcaatlc attempted suicide by cutting his throat Sickness in his family is supposed to have caused him to attempt to destroy himself To stop pa- lMwanywtoro In 20 minutes simply tako just one of Dr Shoope Pink Pain Tablets Pain moats congestion blood pressure that Is all Dr Shoops Headache or Pink Pain Taltlotewill quickly coax blood pressure away from pain contors After that pain Is gone Headache Neuralgia painful periods with women etc get instant help 20 Tablets 23c Sold by Pennys Drug- Store John Wilmot white and Will Brooks colored were killed by lightning in Bourbon county HARNESS CLASS No 47 Best stallion 4 years old andover 20 00 15 to let 5 to 2nd SWEEPSTAKE SADDLE CLASS No 48 Best saddle stallion mare or guiding v J any age < 50 00 25 to ht 15 to 2nd 10 to 3n1 Third Day July 24 4 HORSES HARNESS CLASS No 49 Rest stallion 2ycaraoId and tinder 3 16 00 5 10 to 1st 5 to 2nd > SADDLE CLASSq No 50 Best stallion 1 year old and under 2 iO 00 7 to 1st 3 to 2nd SPECIAL CLASS i No 51 Best maro and colt colt lit lido either sox regardlcMof breeding IB 00 10 to let C to 2nd SADDLE CLASS < No 52 Bent italllou 2 years old and under tuo tlK 00 10 to 1st 5 to 2nd No 53 Best mare 4 years oMAnt ovaraG 00 20 to lit 6 to 2ntlC ROADSTER CLASS No 54 Best mare or gelding anyago SB 00 JSllBrI4A No 55 Best stallion mare or gelling any ago 40 inches and under show optional 10 00 7 to let 8 to 2ndt No 50 Bert pony riddon by hay or girl rider not to bo over 12 years of ago 10 00 7 to ht 8 to 8rd No 67 Best pony driven not under 40 Inches and not over 82 Inches > Vl0 rQQ 7 to let 3 to 2n- dHORSES No 5S Best stable 4 horses handled hone man 20 00 16 to let 8 to 2nd No 50 Beit walktrot mare or gelding fff o0 10 to let 5 to 2nd HARNESS CLASS No 60 Best rockawny mare or gelding any age 10 00 10 to let 6 to 2nd WALKING CLASS No 61 Best walking maro or gelding any ago 16 00 10 to let 5 to 2nd HARNESS CLASS < y No 02 Ilk mare 4 years old and over 20 00l 15 to 1st 5 to 2nd SADDLE CLASS No 63 Best gelding 4 years old anti over 20 00 15 to lit 5 to 2nd HARNESS CLASS No G4 Best funoy turnout tingle horw dean 4 rations stallion barred 20 00 15 to let 5 to 2nd No 05 Best pair any age regardless of sox or color or ownership tfdYl6 20 to 1st 10 to 2nd COMBINED CLASS 1 t No 00 neAt stallion any age 20 00 15 to 1st 5 to 2nd I 5WEEPSTA1CI2 ROADSTER CLASS No 67 Best stallion maro or gelding any age TtS 50 to let 15 to 2nd 10 to 3rd 00h liLL1 f1hdA t JIrIT1- f1E4AIAAIOnDJDOJJ k OUZI700 blJX II 1 CEORCEH HARRIS Roofing For Sale S H ALDRIDGE Stanford KentuckytI Tinning and Plumbing

Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hzh2d/data/1342.pdf · t The Interior Journal Entered in the PoOf Stanford cu Iweendclamatter TU>

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hzh2d/data/1342.pdf · t The Interior Journal Entered in the PoOf Stanford cu Iweendclamatter TU>

t The Interior Journal

Entered in the PoOf Stanford cu





S PER YEAR CAStr When not so paId 1100 will be charged

B D CARTERNow Livery

r Dopot StreetPhono 96


For the arrest and conviction of any persontreipniilng night ordoing Injury toatockIntraveling the pubHo highways or Injury to stock from thelands of other people This rownrd rotors topat present And future I also offer a spec ¬

reward of 00 for particulars tee meI nlio offer two special of fJOnnd



Jacobs Harris ProrsPenlrrs In and manufacturers of Graniteand Marble Monuments FlrstOlass WorkBt Reasonable Price Once and WorksMcKlnnoy Ky Hhop closed on Saturday


A S PRICESu-rgeon Dentist


Office over McRoberts Drug Store in

the Owaley BuildingjI Sign Writing Draper and

House Painting Taper Ranger


Interior Frisco Decorator

Graining Ete McKINNEY KY

INSURANCETireAMldent None but the BT11ONGK8T andJBBBT Companies He presented Lowest Posable Rates Guaranteed Lou Paying Reoerd Unegnalled Talk with

HAHONY Stanford KentuckyResidence Phone No St

For the next few

days we will give someExceptional Bargains


G B Pruitt Moreland


Many Iniurance companies have cancelledtheir Policies In the Tobacco District andothers have writing at n time whenthe farmer need them the most A Friendtn need Is n FrIend Indeed The Home In >

Burnnce Company of N Y the largest andmoat popular Fire Insurance Company hasalways and II now writing tobacco barnsnnd all classes of arm property They havenot cancelled a single In counties where the tobacco trouble has been theIworst For Insurance on nil classes ofproperty Address or Ibone

Jesse D WearenThe Insurance Man




Undertakers and EmbalmtIera Also Dealers in Furniture MattingsRugg They Jwillexchange Furniture forAll Kinds of Stock Give

Them a Call Prices Right


JC McClary

Undertaker Embalmer andDealer InHarnoss Saddlery


Offce Phone 167 Home Phone 35

r1S J

PrGffiiam Lit Of LinGaln GOURtU FairT-



be held at Stanford

Three Days Beginning Wednesday July 22 19081200 in Premiums


First Day t July 22MULES

MULE CLASS uko 1 Bet mare mule colt under 1 year 810 00

8 7 to 1st 83 to 2ndONo87 to 1st 83 to 2nd

No3 Best mare mule 1 year old and under 2 10 00

87 to 1st 83 to 2ndNo4 Jest horse mule l year old and under 2 10 00

87 to let 83 to 2nd

No5 Best mare mule 2yearsold and under 8 10 00

87 to let 83 to 2nd

No 6 Best horse mule2 years oldand under S 100087 to 1st 83 to 2nd

No 7 Best mare and mule colt colt at side 15 00

810 to let 85 to 2n-


NEW YORK SADDLE CLASSINo8 Best walktrot and canter mare or geld

15 00ing any age810 to 1st 85 to 2nd j

No U Best horse colt under 1yearold 10 00I

87 to 1st 83 to 2ndNo 10 Best filly colt under 1yearold 10 00

87 to 1st S3 to 2nd

No 11 Best mare or gelding 1 year old allilunder2 10 00

87 to let 83 to 2ndNo 12 Best mare or gelding 2 ycars old ana

under8s 15 00

810 to 1st 85 to 2ndNo 13 Best mare or gelding 3 years old and

under 4 15 0010 to let 5 to 2nd

No 14 Best phaeton mare or gelding any age

15 hands and under 10 00

7 to 1st 3 to 2ndHARNESS CLASS

No 15 Best pair of mares or geldings anyage 25 00

20 to 1st 5 to 2ndNo 16 Best stallion 3yearsold and under 4 15 00

10 to 1st 5 to 2ndNo 17 Best mare or gelding 3 years olcl and

under 4 15 0010 to 1st 5 to 2nd

ROADSTER CLASSNo 18 Best pair any age regardless of Sex

color or ownership 30 0020 to let 10 to 2nd

No 19 Best gelding 4 years old and over 40 00

20 to 1st 15 to 2nd 5 to 3rd

COMBINED CLASSNo 20 Best mare or gelding any age 30 00

20 to let 10 to 2ndROADSTER CLASS

No 21 Best stallion anyage 40 00

25 to 1st 10 to 2nd 5 to 3rd

Second Day July 23 vt


No 22 Best jack under one year old 10 007 to lit 3 to 2nd-

No 23 Best jack 1 yearold and under 2 10 00

7 to let 3 to 2nd


The S S Co bought 360 1500pound cattle in Bourbon at Gc Theyare a fine lot

FOR SALEFresh Jersey cow withcalf big milker W S Tewmey

Danville KyBuy your pure Sisal twine at 8c fromG Weatherford Co dealers in

general merchandise Hustonvillc 4tThere is a stray hog on my place

Came about a month ago Weighs nowabout 126 pounds Owner can get himby proving property and paying forthis notice T B Hammonds II F

No2 StanfordThere la much complaint from Barroi

county about the bugs cutting down anddestroying tobacco Many farmers havealready reset their tobacco crop thesecond time and some will have to replace it the third time

DANVILLE COURTA small crowd attended Danvillo court yesterday andbusiness of all kinds was quiet Therewere only about 30 cattle on the market and they brought HJ to 4Jc Therewas little or no activity in either thehorse or mule markets

The police adopted strong measuresto prevent betting by any systemwhatever at the Gravesend race course

uniformedIdeputy sheriffs and detectives in plain-

clothes kept every one on the movenot even permitting two men to standtogether on the lawn in front of thegrandstand

+ e

No 24 Best jack 2ycarsold and under 3 10 00

7 to 1st 3 to 2ndNo 25 Best jack any age ago considered 15 Of

10 to 1st 5 to 2ndNo 2fi Best jennet under twoycnnl old 10 01

7 to let 3 to 2ndNo 27 Best jennet say age 10 Ol

7 to 1st 3 to 2ndMULE CLASS

No 28 Best mare mule 8 years old anti over 10 00

7 to 1st 3 to 2ndNo 20 Best horse mulo 3 ycahs old and over 10 00

7 to let 3 to 2ndNo 30 Best mule anyage20 00

15 to 1st 5 to 2ndNo 31 Best pair mules anyago regardless of

sex or color 20 00

15 to 1st 5 to 2ndTHOROUGHBRED HORSES

No 32 Best thoroughbred stallion mare orgelding any age ago considered 10 00

7 to 1st 3 to 2ut-


No 33 Best gelding 4 yearsold and over 20 00

15 to let 5 to 2nd

No 34 Bout colt either sex under 1 enrQld 10 00

7 to lit 3 to 2ndNo 35 nest mare or gelding 1 yenr old and un ¬

der 2 10 00

7 to let 3 to 2nd

No 36 Best mare or gelding 2 enldold andunder3w IS 00

10 to let 5 to 2nd

No 37 Best stallion 1 ycar old and under 2 10 00

7 to let 3 to 2nd

SHETLAND PONIESNo 38 Best mare and colt maro 48 inches

and under J 10 00

7 to 1st 3 to 2ndNo 39 Best stallion mare or gelding not un >

tIer 46 inches anti not over 52 inches

Show Optional 10 K

7 to let 3 to 2nd

No 40 Best posy 4G inches anti under drivenhy boy or girl 10 00

7 to 1st 3 to2ndSPECIAL CLASS

No 41 Best fancy turnout single horse dcqfcrations not considered stallions barred 15 00

10 to let 5 to 2ndCOLT STAKE

No 42 Best colt either 8CXr 50 00

35 to 1st 10 to 2nd 5 to 3nlI10 per cent entrance fee to enter by July 12th

Seven to enter and five to show

SADDLE CLASSNo 48 Beat stallion ayears old anti under 4 15 00

10 to let 5 to 2nd


No 20001INo marc or anytfNounder 4 20 00

15 to let 5 to 2nd

The widow of Congressman CampbellSlemp is dead in Virginia

Night riders went to the home ofCharles Garvey in Pendleton countyand forced him to sign his 1907 crop of

tobaccoSmithT Powell of lIustonville has

placed his fine Dignity Dare threeyearold filly Toxy Dare in the hands ofMack Hughes of Danville who will

snow her this season By the way MrPowell refused 700 for this fine animal

If one feels dull and spiritless to thoSpring or early Summer they call It

Spring Fever Hut there Is nofever usually It Is the after olTeotof our Winter habits The nerves aremostly at fault Tired wornoutnerves leave us languid lifeless andwithout spirit or ambition A low

doses of Dr Snoops Restorative willabsolutely and quickly change all ofthose depressing symptom The fibstoratlvo of course wont bring youback to hill health in u day or twobut it wilt do enough In 48 hours tosatisfy you that tho remedy is roaching that tired spot Druggistseverywhere are advising its use as asplendid and prompt general tonloIt gives more vim and more spirit tothe spoonful than any other knownnerve or constitutional tonic Itsharpens a falling appetite aidsdigestion frees sluggish livers andkidneys and brings new life strength

t and ambition Test it a few days andbe convinced Pennys Drug Store


Lucy Williams has been appointedpostmaster at Sloans Valley Pulaski

countyReportsfm London indicate thatElza Langford who was shot at MtVernon by a man named Clark is do-Ing no good

Mrs Bottle Sparks wife of ExSen ¬

ator E R Sparks died at Nicholasvilla after a years illness Besides herhusband she is survived by two child ¬

renTho 13lth anniversary of the found ¬

ing of llarrodsburg the oldest city inKentucky will be celebrated at Shawnee Springs today An oldfashionedbasket dinner will be spread

James Croucher a welltodo citizenof Rockcaatlc attempted suicide bycutting his throat Sickness in hisfamily is supposed to have caused himto attempt to destroy himself

To stop pa-lMwanywtoro In 20

minutes simply tako just one of DrShoope Pink Pain Tablets Painmoats congestion blood pressurethat Is all Dr Shoops Headacheor Pink Pain Taltlotewill quicklycoax blood pressure away from paincontors After that pain Is goneHeadache Neuralgia painful periodswith women etc get instant help 20

Tablets 23c Sold by Pennys Drug-


John Wilmot white and Will Brookscolored were killed by lightning inBourbon county

HARNESS CLASSNo 47 Best stallion 4 years old andover 20 00

15 to let 5 to 2nd

SWEEPSTAKE SADDLE CLASSNo 48 Best saddle stallion mare or guiding v J

any age < 50 0025 to ht 15 to 2nd 10 to 3n1


No 49 Rest stallion 2ycaraoId and tinder 3 16 00

510 to 1st 5 to 2nd >

SADDLE CLASSqNo 50 Best stallion 1 year old and under 2 iO 007 to 1st 3 to 2nd


No 51 Best maro and colt colt lit lido eithersox regardlcMof breeding IB 00

10 to let C to 2ndSADDLE CLASS <

No 52 Bent italllou 2 years old and under tuo tlK 0010 to 1st 5 to 2nd

No 53 Best mare 4 years oMAnt ovaraG 00

20 to lit 6 to 2ntlCROADSTER CLASSNo 54 Best mare or gelding anyago SB 00JSllBrI4ANo 55 Best stallion mare or gelling any ago

40 inches and under show optional 10 007 to let 8 to2ndtNo 50 Bert pony riddon by hay or girl rider

not to bo over 12 years of ago 10 007 to ht 8 to 8rd

No 67 Best pony driven not under 40 Inchesand not over 82 Inches > Vl0 rQQ

7 to let 3 to 2n-dHORSES

No 5S Best stable 4 horses handled hone man 20 0016 to let 8 to 2nd

No 50 Beit walktrot mare or gelding fff o010 to let 5 to 2nd

HARNESS CLASSNo 60 Best rockawny mare or gelding any age 10 00

10 to let 6 to 2ndWALKING CLASS

No 61 Best walking maro or gelding any ago 16 0010 to let 5 to 2nd


No 02 Ilk mare 4 years old and over 20 00l15 to 1st 5 to 2ndSADDLE CLASS

No 63 Best gelding 4 years old anti over 20 0015 to lit 5 to 2nd

HARNESS CLASSNo G4 Best funoy turnout tingle horw dean


rations stallion barred 20 0015 to let 5 to 2nd

No 05 Best pair any age regardless of sox orcolor or ownership tfdYl6

20 to 1st 10 to 2ndCOMBINED CLASS 1

tNo 00 neAt stallion any age 20 00

15 to 1st 5 to 2nd I

5WEEPSTA1CI2 ROADSTER CLASSNo 67 Best stallion maro or gelding any age TtS

50 to let 15 to 2nd 10 to 3rd 00hliLL1 f1hdA t JIrIT1-





RoofingFor Sale

S H ALDRIDGE Stanford KentuckytITinning and Plumbing