LL > > THE INTERIOR f JOURNALI IVOL XXXIII STANFORD KY TUESDAY JUNE 27 1905NO u 34 I Reub Went To Reunion fTho reunion of Confederate vbtoroni was the occasion of that I metropolis donning her gayest gala garb and keeping open house on nn im proved plan Instead of the proverbial open guts iind ouler lutch string plun v fences had heen removed doors taken off windows taken out nnd the univer ¬ sal Welcome supplimcnted with If you dont find what you want ask for it and the grizzled old boys were boys again In their unnunl greetings nnd reminiscences Formalities and con ¬ ventionalities were waived mid Inspec- tion ¬ of badges to identify wearers was M unceremonious and matter of course nstho greetings of acquaintances In X three days mingling with the crowd and crush on the thoroughfares I never saw or hoard even of n brusque action or response on the part of any Ixnito vII linn nor did I see a lady hanging to u street cnr strap whilst n boar was catcdand I stood on a crowing three quarters of un hour waiting for a car that could glvu our smell crowd stand p Ing room Now com R canonic sUUment which most who are uMcqtwIntod with street side of the ear ctwtnnw ow Ixwtoviltes river wtllllttUAp apocryphal After mon had rosfened seats to the Indltw u young rnnn iiHfetaxl that your Uncle I I Hcub take his seat bcltJo his lady com panlon On thor return trip another young gentleman gavo me his sent In what Slate above this latitude would such occur A few years ago n Lin ¬ coIn county boy sprang up to offer his sent to H lady in Buffalo N Y lilt companion overheard Pit tot 10 hes from the South A iiosslblc odor of newmown hay V a charming little sister of my equally charming hostess Madam 0 C Root korchlef or n stray hail sprayed my Spanish needle or two clinging to frays of my SundaygotomcoUns confirms my rusticity and prompted mo to cuts ¬ sification with tho old boy who in his- tory r hold preeminence for chivalry intrepidity and every other trait ndmlr olio In civilized warfare I was for three days tho worst fraud In Louts vlllo In my Inability to pass for n mere envious lookeron without wearing e I placard and every time 1 met a glance of sympathy felt ns I imagine tho fel low fccls who Is caught with the goods Still I felt better than his on peroon l some who were there would have felt hAIl they heard the esteem or some or their comrades of 0163 ago I knew Louisville Forty years better than I now know Stanford and If there is Main StrosU I got lost on a street corner labeled I didnt see it and oven numbers on buildings wcro much wanting on streets or so indhtlnct ns to be indistinguishable Atdlllcrcnt headquarters I couldn t find trace of veterans I knew and hoped to meet nor did I find any who knew Itthem During the entire time I didnt and from 9 meet 20 old acquaintances till 1 oclock failed to find my brother 1 had arranged to meet by appointment A needle in a haystack was as availa ¬ ble for emergency ns I found locating und finding nn individual except those In business In the city Of the latter i but n half dozen of tho old timere are I to be found in the directory Nearly nil are dead nnd many unknown to those I nsked incident was the first A pathetic meeting since their discharge in G3 of two grizzled nnd maimed veterans mere boys when they parted Recog ¬ und mutual instantaneous nition was and their fraternal embrace moved to tears witnesses many eye A philosopher and philanthropist ask- ed ¬ Why there have been war H fraternal war which widowed nnd orphaned thousands anti maimed so many strong 008 ahd men for the re- mainder of their lives 7 Yes why T A clerical visagcd listener observed Tho earliest inspired history is of wars extermination and the of conquest and II God of Israel was onooC war Yes but the Son Injected the philosopher who came on the scene 4000 years In ¬ ter is the Prince of Pence Ah re ¬ joined the clerical looking gent Ho proclaimed that he came not to bring peace but a sword and the confusion silence and of texts produced conjectures about tho Inscrutable and Incomprehensible Friday was the event Tho parade on und strains of Dixie of the anniversary i and Tire Girl I Left Behind Mo were sufficient answers to why men respond to the recruiters wiles Many an old veteran wore tho suit in which he returned to homo nnd recon ¬ struction An old darkey of rather rj small physique In apparently the suit he wore in 65 was In fine equipped with r canteen camp cooking utensils and a live chicken hen dangling from his shoulder An old darkey from Mississ ¬ ippi sought his old master at this reun ¬ ion for tho first hand shako since their r parting at the close oCthe war nnd probably the last ho sold but ho was unwilling to die without n final greet ¬ 1- Y 9 ing Tho master recognized him at first asI arms ¬ bellum Negro Is always a gentleman In hladomoaror4 tho average latter day coon a ruffian I could multiply Inter ¬ esting incidents Informal Inquiries of stronger doveloned many familiar scenes nnd some hot fighting they had sharedIt declared by nil that Louisville was not fractional In any provision for tho veterans pleasure and lively oppo sitlon will not assure declension of her next invitation Of the hundreds recognizable as vet ¬ crone every one seemed fit to corn ¬ mand and not nn Individual In evidence during the reunion suggested camp follower or scalawag Before the war Jack Chinn was one of a few pupils assisted through the primary studies Soon after our train was under headway the colonel entered the smoking apartment which I shared with half a n veterans and afterI- ntroductions mis entertaining us when a magnate of the train entered and in- formed ¬ to he must have our apartment for some colored passengers Give up our seats 7 Not much why Imvnt you accommodations for Negroes 7 Get a enj Thwc gentlemen have paid their fare ant they will not leave thelr eats to which they are entitled interposed Jack Well peo rejoined the de ¬ termined official In n few minutes he returned with the assurance that n cou ¬ pIe of policemen would bo called in at Fourth Street to eject us Col Chinn arose pulled off his coat resumbd his scat with a smiling bring em in and calmly resumed the thread of rem ¬ iniscence After Fourth Street had been passed without n call from the cops It leaked out that It hud been suggested that they bring a derrick to facilitate the ejectment and presumably the appli ¬ ance was not available ns wo retained our seats till change of trains demand ed rollnqulshmcnt What Jack said went The officious attaches temper ¬ ature reuchcd normal as sodn as inform ¬ ed what he was up against It was a joyous inspiring occasion and the old men look forward to the next anniversary with all the enthus ¬ loam of a school boys count of days till the next holiday May they all live to the extreme patriarchal limit in vig ¬ orous manhood for they are the elect It had always seemed that the growth of Jacks bean stalk was rather fabu ¬ lous till I Jot homo and discovered a wilderness of weeds on apparently the cleanest garden I ever had and the riv ¬ ers of perspiration which must flow be ¬ fore I catch up will have been expended at n rate much above par when I think of the enjoyments of my trip ntso little cost Yours truly KUUIIUN SPECIALROUND Tmr EXCLUSIONS ON I TUB C OAsbury Park N J National Educational Association Tickets on sale June 29th sC 30th July let 2nd limited to July 10th Rate 2160 Tickets may be extended to August 81st- Ilaltimore Md Christian Endeavor Convention Tickets on sale Jul2nd 3rd 4th with limit of July 15th Unto 16 Tickets may bo extended to August 31st Old Point Comfort Va Summer Excursion Tickets on sale July 14th limit 15 days Rate 12 Atlantic City N J Summer Excur ¬ sion Tickets on sale Aug dad limited to Aug 14th Rate 14 Old Point Comfort Va Summer Ex ¬ cursion Aug 12th limited 15 days Unto 12 For full information regarding above special ratos call on or address G W Barney Division PassongciAgcnt Lox ¬ ington Ky Found a Cure for Dyspepsia Mrs S Lindsay of Fort William Ontario Canada who laws HUtTcVcd qulo a innnlwr of years from dyspep ¬ sia and great pains In tho stomach was ud vised by her druggist to take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Sho did so and says 1 find that they unto Bono mo u great dcaljof need I have never had any sulTcring since I begun usingthcm If troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion why not take these Tablets get won anti stay well For subs by Lyno Bros Crab Orchard Ky There is n white man in Kansas whose name is Black and a Black man whose name is White There is also n Mr Wrong and a Mr Right Mr HightSo is white Wright is wrong anti Wrong- Is right Casey News Tho laxative effect of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Is so agree ¬ able und so natural that you tlo not realize It Is tho olTcct of a medlolno For sale by Lyno BIOS Crab Orch ¬ ard Ky- SheWhat follows the automobile I He Tho autopsy t r NEWS NOTES James Starks n wealthy former of Hardin county died suddenly after a hearty meal John Pratt believed to bo tho In- ventor ¬ of tho typewriter died In Chat ¬ tanooga Saturday Frank R McCumyon a Chicago waiter believing he had shot and bad ¬ ly wounded a friend committed sui ¬ cide Despondent over long illness tiN Alois Shields of Findloy 0shot and killed her 12 year oldson and com ¬ mitted suicide Harry R Grandison aged 19 swal- lowed ¬ carbolic acid in the presence Of his sweetheart at Memphis and died n few minutes afterward A man is suing the L N railroad in tho Campbell circuit court for 10 000 because the agent at Sparta beat the stuffing out of him II An unknown man threw n pint of carbolic acid in tho face of W R Scott a lumber dealer of Plttsburg Kas disfiguring him for life Mrs Sarah Rather wife of R S Rather committed suicide near Scotta vllle by hanging hcreself In nhanhouso It is thought that she was insane Russia has asked the French Min ¬ star at Tokio to protest to Japan against tho seizure of tho hospital ship Orel during tho buttle of tho Sea of Japan The peace negotiations between Ja ¬ pan and Russia have conic to n dead halt on account of the illness of Count LamsdorfT the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs Fire in the retail shopping district of Nashville destroyed the Palace deport ¬ ment store and several other buildings The aggregate loss is estimated at from 1600000 to 050000 Two persons tore kllllcd andeight others seriously hurt by lightning and considerable damage done to property by a storm which swept over Greater New York and vicinity William L Coleman chief clerk at the French Lick Springs Hotel who disappeared on Juno 8 after breaking with his fiancee telegraphed to a brother in Louisville that he is in San Francisco bound for Portland Ore Under peculiar circumstances nine yearold Maria Derrick met sudden death at Appleton Wis She wits skipping rope and as she reached the lOOdth mark she said I have finished Al- most ¬ before she had censed speaking tho child dropped dead Mrs Will Reynolds of Davicss coun- ty ¬ who nursed n pet dog afflicted with lifdrophobia about a year ago has been stricken with the disease The dog did not bite her and it is BUppoSlJI that she was Inoculated by t e through some slight abrasion of theI skin Gilofton Teague a stock buyer was killed at Providence during a quarrel with Robert nnd Joe Crenshaw broth rsdn law over jKjsseHion of a child which Tengties divorced wife was at- tempting ¬ to take away The woman and Crcnshuws claim Tongue killed himself while others say he was killed by Robert Crcnshaw A Thousand Dollars Worth Of Good- I have been nflltcted with kidney und bladder trouble for years pass Ing gravol or stones with excruciating pain says A H Thames u well known coal operator of HulTalo 0 I got no relief from medicine until I Logan taking Foleys Kidney Cure hon tire result was surprising A fow dosos started the brickdust like sub stance and now I have no pain across my kidneys anti 1 feel like u now man It has done mo Sl00 worth of good Folqys Kidney Cure will euro every form of kldnov or bladder disease G L Pennys He was only four but ho had a genius for condensation He had been taught to invoke tho divine blessing on each member of the family by name One evening unobserved he listened to papa und Uncle Tom discuss the summer vacation problem in tho library until It was long past his bedtime When ho knelt by his little cot he thought to make up for lost time As ho raised his eyes to heaven he said God bless papa and mamma and the whole dd bunchr And mamma had fire in her eye when she entered the library n few minutes later Life Mothers Devotion- To her children Is ono of the most beautiful things in life When they urn sick tho wise mother who has taken tho pains to study tholr best In- terests ¬ promptly given them Dr Cain wells laxative Syrup Pepsin It quickly relieves pain and fever and can never do anything but good Try It PcnnysDrug Store Stanford C WAdams Hustonville IV Monarch formerly one of t leading business men of pwensboro was declared insane fl t z- Y tr HUSTONVILLEI the Chris ¬ tian church closed Sunday night with two additions The able and ernest ef ¬ forts of Bro Tinder deserved a much larger harvest Richard Newland having secured a permit to ride a freight train from Klngsvllle to Moroland Saturday Is suf ¬ fering from n severe sprain of ankle knee and hip in alighting while the train was moving too rapidly past More land Hell let them carry him hy next timeThe Casey county court appointed J Milford Kubanks overseer of the new half mile of county road from the pike near Olympian Springs to the river nnd it goes without saying that he will put the road in first class condition There will be a store opened near the residence of Win M Tinsley Casey Allen and wife are with the family of C II VanArsdale for n few days Miss Catherine Hull was in two wrecks on tho L N last week re- turning ¬ from Knoxville While she was not injured she was badly fright ¬ ened J B Adams and wife left Fri ¬ day for California und New Mexico to bo gone several weeks in quest of health and pleasure G W Ryan nnd wife nnd J C Fay and wife of Cincin- nati ¬ are rusticating ht Hotel Wcath crford and escaping tho torrid heat of the city Mr Ryan is chief of detec tives of Hamilton county Capt Pat Noonan a passenger conductoron the Q C is spending n week with his numerous friends in the West End Mrs J A Hammond and handsome daughter Miss FJonnle of Hubble nre visiting C K McClure and family at their new homo in our city Richard Belden wife and daughter Mrs Bark ¬ er of Malissa Texas and Mr Winston Bowman and wife of Liberty nre vis king Judge Wm Myers anti family Capt W A McAfee and wife of Bal ¬ timore are with friends and relatives here Cashier O G Harrison and bride have returned from their brief bridal tour and arc comfortably situated at Hotel Gooch McKInney HIGHLAND Damp time for harvesting Mrs Nan Lay has moved to Gilpin Thomas Butt bought a milk cow from W 0 Young for 20 Mrs Ruhahy Young is ill again Mrs Pedro Green Is also ill Thomas Butt has moved his sawmill to the Cook farm on Dix river B D Hintt will not run his thresher this season but will run his saw mill near this place 0 G Speaks has bought a traction engine which he will use in hauling lumber to Ioyds south of his mill neat Woodstock Mrs Wpi Cash of Harriman Tenn after spending some time with her son John has gone to visit her daughter Mrs Unas at Louisville D L Young wife and son of Pittsburg spent Sat ¬ urday anti Sunday with relatives here Georgia Cahbell of Stanford spent n a few days with Miss Rosa Taylor Mrs Brack Godbey of Rich 11111 was with her sister Mrs Young last week A C James nnd Albert Smithy have gone to Mercer county to harvest wheat Mrs L II Warfleld of Humprey has joined her husband here Miss Ethel Dc lacy of Lexington is with her grand ¬ mother Mrs A A Bnstin John Spires visited his daughter Mrs Bryant at Somerset Jim Cook nnd Jake Moier of Somerset spent Sunday hereC R Carrier of Woodstock and Mrs Bello Baker of Eubanks visited Dave Ad ¬ arms last we ck Trouble Increasing When your trouble with food diges ¬ lion scorns to be increasing and with various pains llko stomachache headache backache ctobos you when your bowels nail pivot sCfn leon tinuully out of order what you need Is Dr Cnldnclla laxative Syrup Pep- sin ¬ It is safe pleasant and far su ¬ perior to all pills or uathnrtlo waters Sold by G L Penny Stanford C W Adams Hustonville at iXM and 81 I Money back if It falls The gentleman in Texas who is 103 years old und has never tasted whist ky should be told candidly that ho has but a little time to live and that if ho wants anything to drink he should drink it at once Louisville Times Stimulation Without Irritation In case of stomach und liver trouble tho proper treatment is to stimulate these organs without irritating them Orlno LaxutlvoFruIt Syrup aids di ¬ gestion and stimulates the liver and bowels without Irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathartics It dues not nauseate or gripe and is mild und pleasant to tuko G L Penny The Chamber of Commerce of Port ¬ land Ore has appealed to President Roosevelt to enjoin upon the immigra ¬ Itlon authorities a more liberal policy In Interpretation of the laws for the exclusion of Chinese 4 Its YOURE INVITED I To pay my Store n lengthy call that you ratayr inspect the runny new upto date desirable good things I have so carefully bought for this seasons sell- ing ¬ Como in look examine compare amid price You can hay if you like My goods nro all for sale but you are welcome if you only look and price Mens suits in Jack thibcts for drea wear fancy Cassimercs and Worsteds in light medium nnd dark patterns for business wenr55 to 815 Young mens suits in allstyles3 to 8750 boys knee pants suits in nil sty lesrSl to Sl50 The famous Best Shirt on earth for 50c negentf1 Best Shirt for 81 All America Shoes 8350 and 84 Also a complete line of Shoes Thus Dry Goods anil Ladies nnd Gents Furnishing Goods Good goods nt small prices or SAM ROBINSON J Next Door to Lincoln County Nat Bank STANFORD KY Twine Machine Oil Champion Binders Mowers and Hay Rakes I W H HIGGiNS STANFORD KY The Gibralter of Rockcastle County Financial Institut- ionsCITIZENS BANK OF BRODHEAD KY Offers to the People n SystemAccounts r Individual Firms and Corporations Solicited Give ns your business and wo guarantee a pleasant and profitable relation Pay 3 moreyjvhenleft period of six months of J W HUTCHESON Cashier j < Hot Weather Now is the time that every ¬ thing needs water I can put pumpfrom with more ease than any pump made Tin roofing will last longer than any roof and costs very little more See me about any kind of metal work s H ALDRIDCE Phone 116 Depot St Stanford KyJ u All parties indebted to mo are expected to settle promptly JULY THE 1ST This notice gives you nitride time to arrange for settlement on or before that unto Itemized account ratty he seen nt the store Will N Craig M D Pharmacist Phono No 13t Stanford Kentucky W E Perkins Store I Is Headquarters for Fountain Shirts nt 81 to 8150 nothing better for the money Famous Shirts jOe Havb no equal at tho price Onstein tC Ricos neckwear uptbdnto stuff Clenett it Peabodys Col ¬ lars and Cuffs They lead iii quality and style W E Perkins Crab Orchard Ky

Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt795x25c05m/data/0098.pdf · you dont find what you want ask for it and the grizzled old boys were boys

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt795x25c05m/data/0098.pdf · you dont find what you want ask for it and the grizzled old boys were boys




34 IReub Went To Reunion

fTho reunion of Confederate vbtoroniwas the occasion of that


metropolis donning her gayest galagarb and keeping open house on nn improved plan Instead of the proverbialopen guts iind ouler lutch string plun

v fences had heen removed doors taken

off windows taken out nnd the univer ¬

sal Welcome supplimcnted with Ifyou dont find what you want ask for

it and the grizzled old boys were boysagain In their unnunl greetings nndreminiscences Formalities and con ¬

ventionalities were waived mid Inspec-



of badges to identify wearers was

M unceremonious and matter of coursenstho greetings of acquaintances In

X three days mingling with the crowd

and crush on the thoroughfares I never

saw or hoard even of n brusque actionor response on the part of any Ixnito

vII linn nor did I see a lady hanging to

u street cnr strap whilst n boar was

catcdand I stood on a crowing threequarters of un hour waiting for a carthat could glvu our smell crowd stand

p Ing roomNow com R canonic sUUment which

most who are uMcqtwIntod with streetside of theear ctwtnnw ow Ixwtoviltes

river wtllllttUAp apocryphal After mon

had rosfened seats to the Indltw u

young rnnn iiHfetaxl that your UncleII Hcub take his seat bcltJo his lady com

panlon On thor return trip anotheryoung gentleman gavo me his sent In

what Slate above this latitude would

such occur A few years ago n Lin ¬

coIn county boy sprang up to offer his

sent to H lady in Buffalo N Y liltcompanion overheard Pit tot 10 hesfrom the South

A iiosslblc odor of newmown hayV a charming little sister of my equally

charming hostess Madam 0 C Rootkorchlef or n strayhail sprayed my

Spanish needle or two clinging to frays

of my SundaygotomcoUns confirms

my rusticity and prompted mo to cuts ¬

sification with tho old boy who in his-

toryr hold preeminence for chivalry

intrepidity and every other trait ndmlr

olio In civilized warfare I was for

three days tho worst fraud In Louts

vlllo In my Inability to pass for n mere

envious lookeron without wearing eI placard and every time 1 met a glance

of sympathy felt ns I imagine tho fel

low fccls who Is caught with the goodsStill I felt better thanhison peroonl some who were there would have felt

hAIl they heard the esteem or some or

their comrades of 0163ago I knew LouisvilleForty years

better than I now know Stanford andIf there isMain StrosUI got lost on

a street corner labeled I didnt see it

and oven numbers on buildings wcro

much wanting on streets or so

indhtlnct ns to be indistinguishable

Atdlllcrcnt headquarters I couldn t find

trace of veterans I knew and hoped to

meet nor did I find any who knew

Itthem During the entire time I didntand from 9meet 20 old acquaintances

till 1 oclock failed to find my brother1 had arranged to meet by appointment

A needle in a haystack was as availa ¬

ble for emergency ns I found locating

und finding nn individual except those

In business In the city Of the latter

i but n half dozen of tho old timere areI to be found in the directory Nearly

nil are dead nnd many unknown to those

I nskedincident was the firstA pathetic

meeting since their discharge in G3 of

two grizzled nnd maimed veterans

mere boys when they parted Recog ¬

und mutualinstantaneousnition wasand their fraternal embrace moved

to tearswitnessesmany eyeA philosopher and philanthropist ask-



Why there have been war

H fraternal war which widowed nnd

orphaned thousands anti maimed so

many strong 008 ahd men for the re-

mainder of their lives 7 Yes why T

A clerical visagcd listener observed

Tho earliest inspired history is of wars

extermination and theof conquest and

IIGod of Israel was onooC war Yes

but the SonInjected the philosopherwho came on the scene 4000 years In ¬

ter is the Prince of Pence Ah re ¬

joined the clerical looking gent Ho

proclaimed that he came not to bring

peace but a sword and the confusionsilence and

of texts producedconjectures about tho Inscrutable and

IncomprehensibleFriday was the event

Tho parade onund strains of Dixie

of the anniversaryi and Tire Girl I Left Behind Mo were

sufficient answers to why men respond

to the recruiters wiles

Many an old veteran wore tho suit in

which he returned to homo nnd recon ¬

struction An old darkey of rather

rj small physique In apparently the suit

he wore in 65 was In fine equipped with

r canteen camp cooking utensils and a

live chicken hen dangling from his

shoulder An old darkey from Mississ ¬

ippi sought his old master at this reun ¬

ion for tho first hand shako since their

r parting at the close oCthe war nnd

probably the last ho sold but ho wasunwilling to die without n final greet ¬




ing Tho master recognized him at firstasIarms ¬

bellum Negro Is always a gentleman Inhladomoaror4 tho average latter daycoon a ruffian I could multiply Inter¬

esting incidents Informal Inquiries ofstronger doveloned many familiarscenes nnd some hot fighting they had

sharedItdeclared by nil that Louisville

was not fractional In any provision fortho veterans pleasure and lively oppositlon will not assure declension of hernext invitation

Of the hundreds recognizable as vet¬

crone every one seemed fit to corn ¬

mand and not nn Individual In evidenceduring the reunion suggested campfollower or scalawag

Before the war Jack Chinn was oneof a few pupils assisted through theprimary studies Soon after our trainwas under headway the colonel enteredthe smoking apartment which I sharedwith half a n veterans and afterI-ntroductions mis entertaining us whena magnate of the train entered and in-


to he must have our apartmentfor some colored passengers Give upour seats 7 Not much why Imvnt youaccommodations for Negroes 7 Get aenj Thwc gentlemen have paid theirfare ant they will not leave thelr eatsto which they are entitled interposedJack Well peo rejoined the de ¬

termined official In n few minutes hereturned with the assurance that n cou ¬

pIe of policemen would bo called in atFourth Street to eject us Col Chinnarose pulled off his coat resumbd hisscat with a smiling bring em inand calmly resumed the thread of rem ¬

iniscenceAfter Fourth Street had been passed

without n call from the cops It leakedout that It hud been suggested thatthey bring a derrick to facilitate theejectment and presumably the appli ¬

ance was not available ns wo retainedour seats till change of trains demanded rollnqulshmcnt What Jack saidwent The officious attaches temper¬

ature reuchcd normal as sodn as inform ¬

ed what he was up againstIt was a joyous inspiring occasion

and the old men look forward to thenext anniversary with all the enthus ¬

loam of a school boys count of daystill the next holiday May they all liveto the extreme patriarchal limit in vig ¬

orous manhood for they are the electIt had always seemed that the growth

of Jacks bean stalk was rather fabu ¬

lous till I Jot homo and discovered awilderness of weeds on apparently thecleanest garden I ever had and the riv ¬

ers of perspiration which must flow be¬

fore I catch up will have been expendedat n rate much above par when I thinkof the enjoyments of my trip ntso littlecost Yours truly



TUB C OAsbury Park N JNational Educational AssociationTickets on sale June 29th sC 30th Julylet 2nd limited to July 10th Rate2160 Tickets may be extended to

August 81st-Ilaltimore Md Christian Endeavor

Convention Tickets on sale Jul2nd3rd 4th with limit of July 15thUnto 16 Tickets may bo extendedto August 31st

Old Point Comfort Va SummerExcursion Tickets on sale July 14thlimit 15 days Rate 12

Atlantic City N J Summer Excur¬

sion Tickets on sale Aug dad limitedto Aug 14th Rate 14

Old Point Comfort Va Summer Ex ¬

cursion Aug 12th limited 15 daysUnto 12

For full information regarding abovespecial ratos call on or address G WBarney Division PassongciAgcnt Lox ¬

ington Ky

Found a Cure for DyspepsiaMrs S Lindsay of Fort William

Ontario Canada who laws HUtTcVcd

qulo a innnlwr of years from dyspep ¬

sia and great pains In tho stomachwas ud vised by her druggist to takeChamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets Sho did so and says 1 find

that they unto Bono mo u great dcaljofneed I have never had any sulTcringsince I begun usingthcm If troubledwith dyspepsia or indigestion why nottake these Tablets get won anti staywell For subs by Lyno Bros CrabOrchard Ky

There is n white man in Kansaswhose name is Black and a Black manwhose name is White There is also nMr Wrong and a Mr Right MrHightSois white Wright is wrong anti Wrong-Is right Casey News

Tho laxative effect of ChamberlainsStomach and Liver Tablets Is so agree ¬

able und so natural that you tlo notrealize It Is tho olTcct of a medlolnoFor sale by Lyno BIOS Crab Orch ¬

ard Ky-

SheWhat follows the automobileI

He Tho autopsy

t r


James Starks n wealthy former ofHardin county died suddenly after ahearty meal

John Pratt believed to bo tho In-


of tho typewriter died In Chat ¬

tanooga SaturdayFrank R McCumyon a Chicago

waiter believing he had shot and bad ¬

ly wounded a friend committed sui ¬

cideDespondent over long illness tiN

Alois Shields of Findloy 0shot andkilled her 12 year oldson and com ¬

mitted suicideHarry R Grandison aged 19 swal-


carbolic acid in the presence Of

his sweetheart at Memphis and died nfew minutes afterward

A man is suing the L N railroadin tho Campbell circuit court for 10

000 because the agent at Sparta beatthe stuffing out of him II

An unknown man threw n pint ofcarbolic acid in tho face of W RScott a lumber dealer of PlttsburgKas disfiguring him for life

Mrs Sarah Rather wife of R SRather committed suicide near Scottavllle by hanging hcreself In nhanhousoIt is thought that she was insane

Russia has asked the French Min ¬

star at Tokio to protest to Japanagainst tho seizure of tho hospital shipOrel during tho buttle of tho Sea ofJapan

The peace negotiations between Ja ¬

pan and Russia have conic to n deadhalt on account of the illness of CountLamsdorfT the Russian Minister forForeign Affairs

Fire in the retail shopping district ofNashville destroyed the Palace deport ¬

ment store and several other buildingsThe aggregate loss is estimated at from1600000 to 050000

Two persons tore kllllcd andeightothers seriously hurt by lightning andconsiderable damage done to propertyby a storm which swept over GreaterNew York and vicinity

William L Coleman chief clerk atthe French Lick Springs Hotel whodisappeared on Juno 8 after breakingwith his fiancee telegraphed to abrother in Louisville that he is in SanFrancisco bound for Portland Ore

Under peculiar circumstances nineyearold Maria Derrick met sudden deathat Appleton Wis She wits skippingrope and as she reached the lOOdthmark she said I have finished Al-


before she had censed speakingtho child dropped dead

Mrs Will Reynolds of Davicss coun-


who nursed n pet dog afflicted withlifdrophobia about a year ago hasbeen stricken with the disease Thedog did not bite her and it is BUppoSlJIthat she was Inoculated by t ethrough some slight abrasion of theIskin

Gilofton Teague a stock buyer waskilled at Providence during a quarrelwith Robert nnd Joe Crenshaw brothrsdn law over jKjsseHion of a child

which Tengties divorced wife was at-


to take away The womanand Crcnshuws claim Tongue killedhimself while others say he was killedby Robert Crcnshaw

A Thousand Dollars Worth OfGood-

I have been nflltcted with kidneyund bladder trouble for years passIng gravol or stones with excruciatingpain says A H Thames u wellknown coal operator of HulTalo 0

I got no relief from medicine until ILogan taking Foleys Kidney Curehon tire result was surprising A fow

dosos started the brickdust like substance and now I have no pain acrossmy kidneys anti 1 feel like u now manIt has done mo Sl00 worth of goodFolqys Kidney Cure will euro everyform of kldnov or bladder disease G

L PennysHe was only four but ho had a

genius for condensation He had beentaught to invoke tho divine blessing oneach member of the family by nameOne evening unobserved he listenedto papa und Uncle Tom discuss thesummer vacation problem in tho libraryuntil It was long past his bedtimeWhen ho knelt by his little cot hethought to make up for lost time Asho raised his eyes to heaven he said

God bless papa and mamma and thewhole dd bunchr

And mamma had fire in her eye whenshe entered the library n few minuteslater Life

Mothers Devotion-To her children Is ono of the mostbeautiful things in life When theyurn sick tho wise mother who hastaken tho pains to study tholr best In-


promptly given them Dr Cainwells laxative Syrup Pepsin Itquickly relieves pain and fever andcan never do anything but good TryIt PcnnysDrug Store Stanford C

WAdams Hustonville

IV Monarch formerly one of tleading business men of pwensborowas declared insane

fl t z-

Y tr


tian church closed Sunday night withtwo additions The able and ernest ef¬

forts of Bro Tinder deserved a muchlarger harvest

Richard Newland having secured apermit to ride a freight train fromKlngsvllle to Moroland Saturday Is suf¬

fering from n severe sprain of ankleknee and hip in alighting while thetrain was moving too rapidly past Moreland Hell let them carry him hy next

timeTheCasey county court appointed J

Milford Kubanks overseer of the newhalf mile of county road from the pikenear Olympian Springs to the rivernnd it goes without saying that he willput the road in first class conditionThere will be a store opened near theresidence of Win M Tinsley

Casey Allen and wife are with thefamily of C II VanArsdale for n fewdays Miss Catherine Hull was in twowrecks on tho L N last week re-


from Knoxville While shewas not injured she was badly fright ¬

ened J B Adams and wife left Fri ¬

day for California und New Mexico tobo gone several weeks in quest ofhealth and pleasure G W Ryan nndwife nnd J C Fay and wife of Cincin-


are rusticating ht Hotel Wcathcrford and escaping tho torrid heat ofthe city Mr Ryan is chief of detectives of Hamilton county Capt PatNoonan a passenger conductoron theQ C is spending n week with hisnumerous friends in the West EndMrs J A Hammond and handsomedaughter Miss FJonnle of Hubble nrevisiting C K McClure and family attheir new homo in our city RichardBelden wife and daughter Mrs Bark ¬

er of Malissa Texas and Mr WinstonBowman and wife of Liberty nre visking Judge Wm Myers anti familyCapt W A McAfee and wife of Bal ¬

timore are with friends and relativeshere Cashier O G Harrison and bridehave returned from their brief bridaltour and arc comfortably situated atHotel Gooch McKInney


Damp time for harvestingMrs Nan Lay has moved to Gilpin

Thomas Butt bought a milk cow fromW 0 Young for 20

Mrs Ruhahy Young is ill againMrs Pedro Green Is also ill ThomasButt has moved his sawmill to the Cook

farm on Dix riverB D Hintt will not run his thresher

this season but will run his saw millnear this place 0 G Speaks hasbought a traction engine which he willuse in hauling lumber to Ioyds southof his mill neat Woodstock

Mrs Wpi Cash of Harriman Tennafter spending some time with her sonJohn has gone to visit her daughterMrs Unas at Louisville D L Youngwife and son of Pittsburg spent Sat¬

urday anti Sunday with relatives hereGeorgia Cahbell of Stanford spent n

a few days with Miss Rosa Taylor MrsBrack Godbey of Rich 11111 was withher sister Mrs Young last week A

C James nnd Albert Smithy have goneto Mercer county to harvest wheatMrs L II Warfleld of Humprey hasjoined her husband here Miss Ethel Dc

lacy of Lexington is with her grand ¬

mother Mrs A A Bnstin John Spiresvisited his daughter Mrs Bryant atSomerset Jim Cook nnd Jake Moierof Somerset spent Sunday hereC R

Carrier of Woodstock and Mrs Bello

Baker of Eubanks visited Dave Ad¬

arms last we ck

Trouble IncreasingWhen your trouble with food diges ¬

lion scorns to be increasing and with

various pains llko stomachacheheadache backache ctobos youwhen your bowels nail pivot sCfn leontinuully out of order what you need Is

Dr Cnldnclla laxative Syrup Pep-


It is safe pleasant and far su ¬

perior to all pills or uathnrtlo watersSold by G L Penny Stanford C W

Adams Hustonville at iXM and 81I

Money back if It falls

The gentleman in Texas who is 103

years old und has never tasted whistky should be told candidly that hohas but a little time to live and thatif ho wants anything to drink he shoulddrink it at once Louisville Times

Stimulation Without IrritationIn case of stomach und liver trouble

tho proper treatment is to stimulatethese organs without irritating themOrlno LaxutlvoFruIt Syrup aids di ¬

gestion and stimulates the liver andbowels without Irritating these organslike pills or ordinary cathartics Itdues not nauseate or gripe and is mildund pleasant to tuko G L Penny

The Chamber of Commerce of Port ¬

land Ore has appealed to PresidentRoosevelt to enjoin upon the immigra ¬

Itlon authorities a more liberal policy InInterpretation of the laws for the

exclusion of Chinese

4 Its

YOURE INVITED ITo pay my Store n lengthy call that you ratayr inspect the runny new uptodate desirable good things I have so carefully bought for this seasons sell-



Como in look examine compare amid price You can hay if you

like My goods nro all for sale but you are welcome if you only look and

price Mens suits in Jack thibcts for drea wear fancy Cassimercs and

Worsteds in light medium nnd dark patterns for business wenr55 to 815

Young mens suits in allstyles3 to 8750 boys knee pants suits in nil

sty lesrSl to Sl50 The famous Best Shirt on earth for 50c negentf1Best Shirt for 81 All America Shoes 8350 and 84 Also a complete

line of Shoes Thus Dry Goods anil Ladies nnd Gents Furnishing Goods

Good goods nt small pricesor


Next Door to Lincoln County Nat BankSTANFORD KY

Twine Machine Oil

Champion Binders

Mowers and Hay



The Gibralter of Rockcastle CountyFinancial Institut-


Offers to the People n SystemAccounts r

Individual Firms and Corporations Solicited

Give ns your business and wo guarantee a pleasant and profitable relationPay 3 moreyjvhenleft

period of six months

of J W HUTCHESON Cashier j<

Hot WeatherNow is the time that every¬

thing needs water I can putpumpfromwith more ease than any pumpmade Tin roofing will lastlonger than any roof and costsvery little more See me aboutany kind of metal work

s H ALDRIDCEPhone 116 Depot St Stanford KyJu

All parties indebted to mo are expected to settle promptly

JULY THE 1STThis notice gives you nitride time to arrange for settlement on or before that

unto Itemized account ratty he seen nt the store

Will N Craig M D PharmacistPhono No13tStanford Kentucky

W E Perkins Store IIs Headquarters for Fountain Shirts nt 81 to 8150nothing better for the money Famous Shirts jOe

Havb no equal at tho price Onstein tC Ricosneckwear uptbdnto stuff Clenett it Peabodys Col ¬

lars and Cuffs They lead iii quality and style

W E Perkins Crab OrchardKy