The Interior Journal K Co WALTON JOHN J MOSER Ja R candidate for jailer of Lincoln countY subject to tbe notion of the Uctuocrn party I M BRUCE lountlllabJee pony JAMES C HAYS countlllablee D C ALLEN Is s candidate for Assessor of Lincoln coun ty subject to the nctlon of the Democrat party Democratic Ticket ForJUnlted States Senator T CI W BECKUAM Tim Louisville Times which pre- tend tobo democratic and has hereto- fore i supported democratic nominees when it suited that paper predicts that Senator James B IrCreary will re main In the Senate until J915 Inother words the Times thinks it thinks Gov Beckham the democratic nominee for r Ii U S Senator will be set aside by 4 democratic I Legislators and Senator McCrearywhom he defeated by 1100 in the fairestState primary ever held in Kentucky will be given the and the office Editor Haldemans wishI t is do doubt father to the thought but a a political prophet he is the worst ever He predicted Owen Tylers election by thousands and that gentleman was de feated nearly 5000 lie thought he wasI going to succeed J Senator Joe if burn but lo and behold 10 or 12 vote was the extent of his strength If Mr Haldeman has any more thinks comma l let him tell them at once and stan aside for a guesser who can hit It ol terser THE INTERIOR JOURNAL makes no apology to its readers for its great de- sire i to see Gov Beckham elected U S Senator nor for devoting considerable space to his race for the office First place the governor is the nominee of the democratic party and this paper Is nothing if not democratic It believe in democratic principles and in support- ing democratic nominees Secondly it is for Gov Beckham because of the dislike the republicans have for him for when you hear that party lauding a democrat you can bet your coin there something rotten in Denmark Thirdly it is for him because thq bolters and those who can not dictate to him arc against him and Jastly because ho Jas made a good governor and has filled with creditjevery other office to whic he has been elected Hurrah for Goi Beckham AN erroneous impression is create by the letter of the incoming Governor Willson in regard to troops at the in auguratlon There is no deficit in the military fund The State and Nation governments appropriate a specific amount each year for the maintenance of tho military arm The last of the amount forthe current year was ex- pended in sending the soldier boys to the JamestownExposition and in prc viding ways and means for this out ing it was ascertained that no mor could be expended this year Thor will be in the fund the same amount next year as there was this year and soon forward until changed by the law THERE is no money stringency in New York At any rate if there is it has not extended to Madison Square Gar den where the Old Glory horse sales the greatest of the year are in prog ress Horse lovers and horse dealers from all over the United States are there and they all have moneyreal moneyin bales Not only have they money but they have it with them and are handing it over in exchange for high steppers the same as they did a year ago when not a whisper had been heard of any depression in the money market Looks like things are bright ening up MR WATTERSON paid his respects to the press boys who have dared condemn his course in trying to defeat Nominee Beckham for the U S Senate in a hngthy editorial Saturday He refer red to them as illiterates and the language employed is anything but ele gant Mr Watterson showed very plainly that he has a temper and al though nearly three score and ten he has not yet learned to control it The article was not a credit to the great ed itorTim Jamestown Exposition shut up shop Saturday night and thus ended the most dismal failure of the present cen tury The paid attendance was 1500 000 but the free ticket brigade swelled s the number to 2800000 It will take some time to tell how much the enter ¬ prise lost but that the amount sunk will go up into the millions there is no doubt Representative Ollie James of Ken ¬ tucky says that he intends to introduce a bill restoring the motto In God We Trust to the coins of the country i + r fl plj < pn irtu = = iJ I IN a letter addressed to Conrad J I Mattern vice president of the Ohio Re- publican League Senator Joseph Ben- son Foraker formally announces his candidacy for the presidency of theUn- I ted States and makes clear his ante tion of contesting with Secretary TaCt for the control of the Ohio delegation Mr Foraker declares that events have i proven the justness of his opinion on the railroad rate question and says the tariff should not be revised at present IlIARD times have not effected No- York I goers On Thanksgiving 106000 people of that city attended play houses paying for the pleasure 150000 Over 30000 people were turned way because of no room and 5000 took standing room only W OWEN McINTYRE formerly of Danville is making tho Taylor Count Enquirer a splendid paper and the peo- ple of that section are showing their appreciation of the Enquirer by ivlng it a splendid support Owen is a news- paper man from head to foot- POLITICAL IGen N B Hays will remain at and practice law after his I I term of office expires- Representative DeArmond of Mis I souri has withdrawn from the race for I minority leader in the House leaving John Sharp Williams a clear field I Hon John Sharp Williams was I nominated for Speaker at the caucu of Democratic members of the lions of Representatives in Washington Strange that nobody has attrib uted the panic to free coinage of silver One would have thought that was the only thing which causes a panicAsh land Va Herald The ladies of Frankfort are making elaborate preparations for the recep tion to Governorelect and Mrs Willson when they come to the capital to make their home for four years M H Thatcher will be State Exam iner and Inspector to succeed Henry B Hines McKenzie Todd will be privat secretary to Gov Willson and Col Al bert Scott will be a member of the Board of Control A C Dunn of Stanford forme doorkeeper of the House of Represen tatives a place which he filled wit eminent satisfaction is again a candi- date for the place lie is a good dem- ocrat and should be again rewarded AdvocateRepresentativeJerre A Sullivan of Madison county who was here for a short while yesterday says that he has heard of no opposition to Gov Beck ham and does not believe there wjll be any in the democratic ranksFrank fort Journal Senator Culberson of Texas who will be chosen Democratic floor leade in tho Senate is picked by many Demo- crats as the man to head tho Canpaig Committee and it is believed that Mr Bryan will act favorably on the sug- gestion should ho be nominated- In the caucus of tho House Repub licans in Washington Saturday nigh Speaker Cannon was renominated All the old officers of the House also wer renominated The caucus refused to seat Peter A Porter of tho 34th New York district who was elected as an independentWe filed Beckham or nobody To attempfanything else means chaos We must not fall to elect and should i the nominee of the primary be defeated i it would completely disorganize the democratic party and destroy all hops of redeeming Kentucky in the presiden tial campaign of 1908 Owensboro Mel sengerCaleb Powers granting his acquittal is the most formidable candidate for the nomination over Hon D C Ed wards says a London dispatch but lames A Warriner of Clinton Judge Wallace Jones of Adair Judge W Scott Smith and former State Chair- man James Newman of Monroe and County Attorney Walter Flippin ol Wayne are probable candidates Charles C McChord recently defeat id for Railroad Commissioner has been employed by Gov Beckham at a sal- ary of 5000 to conduct the rate cases against all railroads operating in Ken- tucky which were instituted by the Railroad Commission during Mr Mc Chords membership of that body Mr WcChord tendered his resignation as a member of the commission and Gov 3eckhahi will appoint a member to servo during the 10 days of the term emaining Passed Examination Success- fully ¬ James Donahue New Britain < nn writes I tried several kidney remo dies and was treated by our best I physicians for diabetes but did not mprovo until I took Fole > s Kidney Cure After the second bottle I show- ed improvement and five bottles ured mo completely I have since passed a rigid examination for life Insurance Foleys Kidney Cure cures backache and all forms of kid- ney and bladder trouble G L Pen Iny I The minimum price seems to have been reached in the Kentucky oil fields land no further drop is expected Powell aged 17 shot and kill- ed his sweetheart Lillian Humpreys aged 16 near Hopkinsville i < > 1t jJ wllNt alkla i Millions of bottles of Foleys Honey and Tar havo been sold with ¬ out any person over having experi ¬ enced any other than beneficial re ¬ suits from its use for coughs colds and lung troubles This Is because the genuine Foleys Honey and Tar In tim yellow package contains no opiates or other harmful drugs Guard your health by refusing any but the genuine G L Penny In his report to Congress the Secre ¬ tary of the Navy recommends that nearly 70000000 be appropriated for new war vessels four of which are to be battleships of the best typo While temporarily insape Finis C Baker a prominent farmer of Cumber ¬ land county hung him- selfINSURANCE rite Lightning WInd Htorm Life and laoldunt None but the BTHONOK8T and 1EHT Companies Represented Lowest POI itble Ilatei Guaranteed Lon Paying lteo > ltd Unequalled Talk with ttAHONY Stanford Kentucky Residence Phone No tt PUBLIC SALE I will otter for sale nt my rethlenee two miles from Hiutonvllle on Htniuord pike to the highest bidder the following doscrlb til property on- TIirilHDAY DEOliltW Two fresh milk cow 4 extra mare nude will wclgu I I m pounds 1 ten in oyenrsold the otiicr lour I Iood one n lot of bogs nil kinds ur fnrmlUR tools coiulsllnu of mowers nikc plows cultivators ruder herrownndin hart n I toots llrded ou n farm wiijjoiiliiiriioisAc Two extra Rood horIIht by any child lnle pony In foul will weigh iu1 Kunds2Kootl boggles nod other thing too tedlouo to mention AUo lone old siale UramlMiimro Ilunu TKIIMH All things bringing over fin good note with approved security with 6 percent lntir II trolls toy or Mile Male will i eijlu promptly ut 10 A M U J DOIION Hustcmrllle K > THE MIDWINTER TERU WhUh In the rush term opens Jan- Ioyouwanttohea II working unit la llvest mo > t nmbltlous enlhnt3ol nm professional body of teachers ever 111 I brttlI together for study la Knttmt Krntuckv- If to ee your County Huperlnt ndul now about nn appointment to fret tuition If you hnv not nlrendy done Ioonn1 e rot to the 1iriUlMit of the K RI N H fur i catalog tilituu him what tludl s you dr sire Address K X KoAUK iiichmoiiil Ky I Stomach Muscles in Old Age People should be more and more car as age advances to see that thelt bowels move regularly In this way the can keep themselves In good health anc prolong life The bowels are not as ac- tive in middlelife and old age as the are in youth and with the then is a tendency to constipation of achronl and obstinate nature To ward off the possibility of serion diseases use Dr Caldwells Syrup Pep compounilnil pie because It Is prompt but gentle In action and does Its work without erlplnir or weabenln as Is the case with salts rureatlro waters ao cathartic tablets These should not he used b children or weak people bo cause they amtooyloicnt 1naetlon nod KenerallJ gripe Furthermore the result are temporar as reaction sets In and the bowels are bound UI more than ever A remedy like Dr CaMwellB Syrup Pepsin 1 very gentle In action and yet thoroughly eSw tire and as It contains tonic properties It strengthens the system Instead of weakening It The results are permanent because gradual ADd man can ID B abort time do away with the Ullt of all lasatlvea It will cure the most chronl constipation dyspepsia liver trouble bilious ness flatulencTLlOur stomach weak stomach eating and such other stomach liver and bowel troubles To prove how effective it Is In serious case the experience of Mr Armstrong of Decatur IlL can be cited Ho suffered from a gunsboi wound during the Civil War which caused a par- tIal paralysis of the bowels ant he has had cvei since to use a laxative Ho nays he never found anything so effective or which worked so Dent TnIt cents or II a bottle at any druggist FREE TESTwebs IWIshlnz to try Drdtd Syruo Ptttla betas bay ¬ tug can have s free lapis Bottle sent to citlr looms by sddnislnff the company TWs offer Is to Drove BiatBie remedy will do ss WI claim and Is only open to those who dove never takes It Send for It If you bare any symptoms of stomach liver or bowel dlieate Gentlest yet most tITecttvt laxatirs for children women and old lokI A cure THE FUBUO ERY OICTNooluroathre5 Good and Sure ss OR CALOWELLS SYRUP PEPSIN TMs product tears purity quanta No 17 Wunlajten a C PEPSIN SYRUP CO 119 Baldwell Bldg Montloello III HENRY ATTERSONS PAPER Weekly Courier Journal AND The Interior Journal BOTH ONE YEAR FOR ONLY I5O Few people in the United States have not beard of the Courier Journal Democratic in all things fair in nil things clean in all things It is essentially family paper By a special arrangement we are enabled to of fer tbe WEEKLY COUBIKROUUNAL year and thus paper for tbe price named above Bend your subscription for tbe com ¬ bination to usnot tc the Courler Journal A tI Iidtgr a Ho charge for examination orscientlllen ly testing eyes tip + tndnle mill hod Iro scrlptlongliuses ground to order sot In nny stylo triune or skeleton mounting work and mnterlnl gun rantetd uitlsfiictur chnrges inodernte IVriiinnentlf located III Central Telephone Ky L P lOWIlf ariulunled Optometryst u 50 Years An Agency5 oldest in Central Ken ¬ Irho Get my Rates be- fore ¬ Insuring Nothing but tiretclnsa Companies Repre sented Jesse D WearenT- he Insurance Man Phone 36 STANFORD KY STORE ROOM IN STANFORD FOR SALE I If not told privately I will toll nt publl uctlonnt 1BW r M- DKOKMUKUfUWr Bounty court day the D W tenfevee storeroom In Orarn llou e lllook Hint ford It Isoecupled liy the ivontonice nnd I tlw most centrully located torerKiu III town being directly opl nalte the court house nod on Main street Tile ature root tins u > hit room nnd a splendid Imsemenl The lot on which the room stands runc bh yiiml tho Ml Asnph creek and there nbundalot ground for n large mruholl Will nlio tell nt snide time = Ineno of knob land MIWMATT1K V KllUlY- Htiiufurd Kj FINE FARM FOR SALE IN GAR RARD COUNTY A tine blue grass rnnu for sale situated on new pike near Point lnvell and six mll61- lunlh of Idiucnster con mining rIO norw well toeateil In good Ilelghtoortiood beln part of the John Walker tmct n hound tome new twostory seven ruonl redden thereon recently completetl with nil out bulldlncdind goal new load WI watered six never ruliR gpringsmld oree running through Txims S dusts In hnnd bal llcu one onll two years Irons day of tale louring six IK r cent Interest until paid lcr > ons for ueh place pleas write K M and ieniellelrnlker living on Mum It Point Ienvell or W t 11 nkeI- stnnfont Ry isnbeile P K N and w O talker 1olnt U avell Ky DEAD GAME If you will brlnj your 5un nndHevolw r to me cud lt Inc put them la nntlaK condition I Iave had a ymn ijwrlenc In that business 1 put new hnlHlles nu Razor BladeD Forrols on Walking Canos and Re- Pair Umbrellas Make n of fitting nil kinds of 1ro1 tonal kind of locks nil kinds repairing Oil bicycles nnd keep In stork nil kinds ot blcj tle live men trial and you will lit satlslled cuLl MAY 18WN Third Mt iHimtlle Ky TR1BBLE PENCE Undertakers and- Embalmers STANFORD KY Also Furniture of All Kinds Car pets Druggets Rugs Mattings Pic turo Frame Shades Lnce Curtain and Wall Paper Mr E T Benzley baa charge of the Undertaking Department TRIBBLE 8 PENCE Day Phone 28 Night 166 or 133 Central Kentucky kealEstateExchangeaRc No 1noes on the WayiiesliurR pike tear lllnlilniulOrooiii 110111 torn IIml oth- er proper Iy Is nenrchllrehRnllchOOIhouu Is well worth th prlet IIU No 2laacreSu miles Houth of Crab Or Imnl on tho hOt n Iwo stor- Lome good bourn urclutrd and la weli wRIer d i about 1WI acres of this land Is button and and produces line crops A bargain lit ITXJO yt cash balalico In one and two yenrs No 0119 acres on Buck Greek near Way icsburR 1room house barn and other out lulldlmm plenty of water Cash price t2 cooNo tNacre near Level Green Rock COllie county Ky This faun hat H now t tory fruiuo houso would cost to build now taro goal Inn crib Ae located neni church and school This Is n nice home ant clln be taught for 110 per acre < cash ru hinder In It months No611C acres the above farms 100 ncrat In cultivation DwellliiB of 4 rooms gOOlI bam and other outbuildings or- chllrd Ono of the lied springs tn the eoun ty 1rlco f VW hall ca 1 and 2 oar No 0 211 acres adjoining farms Nos 4 anti 6 IfO acres In cultivation balance In tint br Good white oat hickory anti somo flue cltlnr Has 2story log huse nnd COIM orcli rdj well watered plait price J 1009 No 7 250 acres near Mnretsburir KIW cretin cultivation x1 ilwelllng house mm and necessary outbuildings lino water nd school church and It U station Irlee = bran 4cashbalunce1nonoand two yours 001121 acres near Conway Ky nearly nil of this furls Is bottom flno for corn IInd mendow very good dwelling lmu onow hllrn nnd other buildings on county road 0 IIlIcl from lleren College Uash price fi- tYo5Meocred M on Drakes Creek 8 miles rout Grab Orchard This ferns adjoins the ikonndlsnpnrt of the Oeo Evans farm lhls Is line land and In good condition nil ecessnry buildings fbls II a bargain 1- 1too pur acre No 1078 acres near Htnnford Ky In nlu shape with toll necessary hulldlngseto cnn Ira bought worth tho money For full particulars In regard to all the nboo or write L R lIubes or unseal wTiftei HtanfordKy i 14 HEAVY FOOTWEAR 1 SOLD BY > < v r H J lJcROBERT STANFORD KENTUCKY A F The ponon who DlSERVES TUB BEST is tho ono who htbore null the laborerwho ia cjcponxl to the WlvT and CdLD must have tile hOlt fbut I wear possible Wo Ixilievo beyond question that n quarter of n centurys experience gives us tho right to ray WE KNOW 1SHOB wo know a good ono and WE BUY THE VERY BEST Honect like you nil know him We have thorn in Roots at 8100 High Top Shoos nt 8100 ° urY- and MOO regular Top Shoos 8260 You ask whyare they better Elm ¬ ply bccauw they aro made of leather tnmictl tho OLD FASHIONED COLD LIQUOR way and thoy are tho ONLY Shoes sold hero todayof f M cold liquor tann0l11cthoruLJnJUJ BUST is another Shoe mado by + r amo people the bost boys ovary dny Shoe I know today n little lighter and a little neater looking than tho like We carry them in boys 6bO 10 to fij Price 82 8225 and S21I0 according to alto Bays High Tr Shoo n good one at 8210t I Chapped hands and faces are among the most disagreeable facts of WinterUse Violet Glycerine or Bo rated Oatmeal Soaps daily and YOU will escape them 10 Cents the Cake 25 Cents the Box PENNYSDRUG STORE Stanford Kentucky When you think of Roofing think of ALDRIDGE r When you think of ALDRIDGE i t ar think of Roofing The best ROOF PAINT furnishedrr I and put onI 6 S H ALDRIDGE Stanford Kentucky Banzai Tooth Powder Is Hard to Beat 1 Try ItI Only 25 Cents r f STANFORD DRUG CO 1 t 1 I

Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fk972/data/1117.pdf · The ladies of Frankfort are making elaborate preparations for the recep

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fk972/data/1117.pdf · The ladies of Frankfort are making elaborate preparations for the recep

The Interior JournalK Co WALTON

JOHN J MOSERJa R candidate for jailer of Lincoln countYsubject to tbe notion of the Uctuocrnparty




countlllableeD C ALLEN

Is s candidate for Assessor of Lincoln county subject to the nctlon of the Democratparty

Democratic Ticket

ForJUnlted States SenatorT CI W BECKUAM

Tim Louisville Times which pre-

tend tobo democratic and has hereto-

forei supported democratic nomineeswhen it suited that paper predicts thatSenator James B IrCreary will remain In the Senate until J915 Inotherwords the Times thinks it thinks Gov

Beckham the democratic nominee forrIi U S Senator will be set aside by

4 democratic I Legislators and SenatorMcCrearywhom he defeated by 1100in the fairestState primary ever heldin Kentucky will be given theand the office Editor Haldemans wishI

tis do doubt father to the thought but aa political prophet he is the worst everHe predicted Owen Tylers election bythousands and that gentleman was defeated nearly 5000 lie thought he wasIgoing to succeed J Senator Joe

if burn but lo and behold 10 or 12 votewas the extent of his strength If Mr

Haldeman has any more thinks commal let him tell them at once and stan

aside for a guesser who can hit It olterser

THE INTERIOR JOURNAL makes noapology to its readers for its great de-

sirei to see Gov Beckham elected U SSenator nor for devoting considerablespace to his race for the office Firstplace the governor is the nominee ofthe democratic party and this paper Is

nothing if not democratic It believein democratic principles and in support-

ing democratic nominees Secondly itis for Gov Beckham because of thedislike the republicans have for himfor when you hear that party lauding ademocrat you can bet your coin theresomething rotten in Denmark Thirdly

it is for him because thq bolters andthose who can not dictate to him arcagainst him and Jastly because ho Jasmade a good governor and has filled

with creditjevery other office to whiche has been elected Hurrah for GoiBeckham

AN erroneous impression is createby the letter of the incoming GovernorWillson in regard to troops at the in

auguratlon There is no deficit in themilitary fund The State and Nationgovernments appropriate a specificamount each year for the maintenanceof tho military arm The last of theamount forthe current year was ex-

pended in sending the soldier boys tothe JamestownExposition and in prcviding ways and means for this outing it was ascertained that no morcould be expended this year Thorwill be in the fund the same amountnext year as there was this year andsoon forward until changed by thelaw

THERE is no money stringency in NewYork At any rate if there is it hasnot extended to Madison Square Garden where the Old Glory horse salesthe greatest of the year are in progress Horse lovers and horse dealersfrom all over the United States arethere and they all have moneyrealmoneyin bales Not only have theymoney but they have it with them andare handing it over in exchange forhigh steppers the same as they did ayear ago when not a whisper had beenheard of any depression in the moneymarket Looks like things are brightening up

MR WATTERSON paid his respects tothe press boys who have dared condemnhis course in trying to defeat NomineeBeckham for the U S Senate in ahngthy editorial Saturday He referred to them as illiterates and thelanguage employed is anything but elegant Mr Watterson showed veryplainly that he has a temper and although nearly three score and ten hehas not yet learned to control it Thearticle was not a credit to the great ed

itorTimJamestown Exposition shut up

shop Saturday night and thus ended themost dismal failure of the present century The paid attendance was 1500000 but the free ticket brigade swelled

s the number to 2800000 It will takesome time to tell how much the enter¬

prise lost but that the amount sunk willgo up into the millions there is nodoubt

Representative Ollie James of Ken ¬

tucky says that he intends to introducea bill restoring the motto In God We

Trust to the coins of the country

i + r flplj<

pn irtu = = iJ

I IN a letter addressed to Conrad JI Mattern vice president of the Ohio Re-publican League Senator Joseph Ben-

son Foraker formally announces hiscandidacy for the presidency of theUn-

I ted States and makes clear his antetion of contesting with Secretary TaCt

for the control of the Ohio delegationMr Foraker declares that events have

i proven the justness of his opinion on

the railroad rate question and says thetariff should not be revised at present

IlIARD times have not effected No-

YorkIgoers On Thanksgiving

106000 people of that city attendedplay houses paying for the pleasure

150000 Over 30000 people wereturned way because of no room and5000 took standing room only

W OWEN McINTYRE formerly ofDanville is making tho Taylor CountEnquirer a splendid paper and the peo-

ple of that section are showing theirappreciation of the Enquirer by ivlng

it a splendid support Owen is a news-

paper man from head to foot-


IGen N B Hays will remain atand practice law after his


I term of office expires-Representative DeArmond of Mis


souri has withdrawn from the race forI minority leader in the House leaving

John Sharp Williams a clear fieldI Hon John Sharp Williams was

I nominated for Speaker at the caucuof Democratic members of the lionsof Representatives in Washington

Strange that nobody has attributed the panic to free coinage of silverOne would have thought that was theonly thing which causes a panicAshland Va Herald

The ladies of Frankfort are makingelaborate preparations for the reception to Governorelect and Mrs Willsonwhen they come to the capital to maketheir home for four years

M H Thatcher will be State Examiner and Inspector to succeed Henry B

Hines McKenzie Todd will be privatsecretary to Gov Willson and Col Albert Scott will be a member of theBoard of Control

A C Dunn of Stanford formedoorkeeper of the House of Representatives a place which he filled witeminent satisfaction is again a candi-

date for the place lie is a good dem-

ocrat and should be again rewarded

AdvocateRepresentativeJerreA Sullivan of

Madison county who was here for ashort while yesterday says that he hasheard of no opposition to Gov Beckham and does not believe there wjll beany in the democratic ranksFrankfort Journal

Senator Culberson of Texas whowill be chosen Democratic floor leadein tho Senate is picked by many Demo-

crats as the man to head tho CanpaigCommittee and it is believed that Mr

Bryan will act favorably on the sug-

gestion should ho be nominated-In the caucus of tho House Repub

licans in Washington Saturday nighSpeaker Cannon was renominated Allthe old officers of the House also werrenominated The caucus refused toseat Peter A Porter of tho 34th NewYork district who was elected as an

independentWefiled Beckham or nobody

To attempfanything else means chaosWe must not fall to elect and should

i the nominee of the primary be defeatedi it would completely disorganize the

democratic party and destroy all hopsof redeeming Kentucky in the presidential campaign of 1908 Owensboro Mel

sengerCalebPowers granting his acquittal

is the most formidable candidate forthe nomination over Hon D C Edwards says a London dispatch but

lames A Warriner of Clinton JudgeWallace Jones of Adair Judge W

Scott Smith and former State Chair-

man James Newman of Monroe andCounty Attorney Walter Flippin ol

Wayne are probable candidatesCharles C McChord recently defeat

id for Railroad Commissioner has been

employed by Gov Beckham at a sal-

ary of 5000 to conduct the rate casesagainst all railroads operating in Ken-

tucky which were instituted by theRailroad Commission during Mr Mc

Chords membership of that body MrWcChord tendered his resignation as amember of the commission and Gov3eckhahi will appoint a member toservo during the 10 days of the termemaining

Passed Examination Success-fully


James Donahue New Britain < nnwrites I tried several kidney remodies and was treated by our best

Iphysicians for diabetes but did notmprovo until I took Fole> s Kidney

Cure After the second bottle I show-ed improvement and five bottlesured mo completely I have since

passed a rigid examination for lifeInsurance Foleys Kidney Cure

cures backache and all forms of kid-

ney and bladder trouble G L PenInyI The minimum price seems to havebeen reached in the Kentucky oil fields

land no further drop is expectedPowell aged 17 shot and kill-

ed his sweetheart Lillian Humpreysaged 16 near Hopkinsville

i < >

1t jJ wllNt alkla i

Millions of bottles of FoleysHoney and Tar havo been sold with ¬

out any person over having experi ¬

enced any other than beneficial re¬

suits from its use for coughs coldsand lung troubles This Is becausethe genuine Foleys Honey and TarIn tim yellow package contains noopiates or other harmful drugsGuard your health by refusing anybut the genuine G L Penny

In his report to Congress the Secre ¬

tary of the Navy recommends thatnearly 70000000 be appropriated fornew war vessels four of which are tobe battleships of the best typo

While temporarily insape Finis CBaker a prominent farmer of Cumber ¬

land county hung him-

selfINSURANCErite Lightning WInd Htorm Life and

laoldunt None but the BTHONOK8T and1EHT Companies Represented Lowest POIitble Ilatei Guaranteed Lon Paying lteo >

ltd Unequalled Talk with

ttAHONY Stanford KentuckyResidence Phone No tt

PUBLIC SALEI will otter for sale nt my rethlenee two

miles from Hiutonvllle on Htniuord piketo the highest bidder the following doscrlbtil property on-

TIirilHDAY DEOliltWTwo fresh milk cow 4 extra mare nudewill wclgu I Im pounds 1 ten in oyenrsoldthe otiicr lour I Iood one n lot of bogsnil kinds ur fnrmlUR tools coiulsllnu ofmowers nikc plows cultivators ruderherrownndin hart n I toots llrded ou nfarm wiijjoiiliiiriioisAc Two extra RoodhorIIhtby any child lnle pony In foul will weighiu1 Kunds2Kootl boggles nod other thingtoo tedlouo to mention AUo lone old sialeUramlMiimro Ilunu

TKIIMH All things bringing over fingood note with approved security with 6percent lntir II trolls toy or Mile

Male will i eijlu promptly ut 10 A M

U J DOIION Hustcmrllle K >

THE MIDWINTER TERUWhUh In the rush term opens Jan-

Ioyouwanttohea IIworking unit lallvest mo > t nmbltlous enlhnt3ol nmprofessional body of teachers ever 111 I brttlItogether for study la Knttmt Krntuckv-

If to ee your County Huperlnt ndulnow about nn appointment to fret tuitionIf you hnv not nlrendy done Ioonn1 e rotto the 1iriUlMit of the K RI N H fur i

catalog tilituu him what tludl s you drsire Address

K X KoAUK iiichmoiiil Ky

I Stomach Musclesin Old Age

People should be more and more caras age advances to see that thelt

bowels move regularly In this way thecan keep themselves In good health ancprolong life The bowels are not as ac-tive in middlelife and old age as theare in youth and with the thenis a tendency to constipation of achronland obstinate nature

To ward off the possibility of seriondiseases use Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepcompounilnilpie because It Is prompt but gentle In actionand does Its work without erlplnir or weabenlnas Is the case with salts rureatlro waters aocathartic tablets These should not he used bchildren or weak people bocause they amtooyloicnt 1naetlon nod KenerallJgripe Furthermore the result are temporaras reaction sets In and the bowels are bound UImore than ever

A remedy like Dr CaMwellB Syrup Pepsin 1

very gentle In action and yet thoroughly eSwtire and as It contains tonic properties Itstrengthens the system Instead of weakening ItThe results are permanent because gradual ADdman can ID B abort time do away with the Ulltof all lasatlvea It will cure the most chronlconstipation dyspepsia liver trouble biliousness flatulencTLlOur stomach weak stomach

eating and such otherstomach liver and bowel troubles

To prove how effective it Is In serious casethe experience of Mr Armstrong of DecaturIlL can be cited Ho suffered from a gunsboiwound during the Civil War which caused a par-tIal paralysis of the bowels ant he has had cveisince to use a laxative Ho nays he never foundanything so effective or which worked so DentTnItcents or II a bottle at any druggist

FREE TESTwebs IWIshlnz to try DrdtdSyruo Ptttla betas bay ¬

tug can have s free lapis Bottle sent to citlr looms bysddnislnff the company TWs offer Is to Drove BiatBieremedy will do ss WI claim and Is only open to thosewho dove never takes It Send for It If you bare anysymptoms of stomach liver or bowel dlieate Gentlestyet most tITecttvt laxatirs for children women and oldlokI A cure THEFUBUO ERY OICTNooluroathre5 Good and Suress OR CALOWELLS SYRUP PEPSIN TMs producttears purity quanta No 17 Wunlajten a C

PEPSIN SYRUP CO119 Baldwell Bldg Montloello III



Weekly Courier Journal


The Interior JournalBOTH ONE YEAR FOR

ONLY I5OFew people in the United States have not

beard of the Courier Journal Democraticin all things fair in nil things clean in allthings It is essentially family paper By

a special arrangement we are enabled to offer tbe WEEKLY COUBIKROUUNALyear and thus paper for tbe price namedabove Bend your subscription for tbe com ¬

bination to usnot tc the Courler Journal


tI Iidtgr a

Ho charge for examination orscientlllenly testing eyes tip + tndnle mill hod Iroscrlptlongliuses ground to order sot In nnystylo triune or skeleton mounting workand mnterlnl gun rantetd uitlsfiicturchnrges inodernte IVriiinnentlf located III

Central TelephoneKy L P lOWIlf

ariulunled Optometrystu

50 Years An Agency5oldest in Central Ken ¬Irho Get my Rates be-


Insuring Nothing buttiretclnsa Companies Represented

Jesse D WearenT-he Insurance Man




If not told privately I will toll nt publluctlonnt 1BW r M-

DKOKMUKUfUWrBounty court day the D W tenfeveestoreroom In Orarn llou e lllook Hintford It Isoecupled liy the ivontonice nnd I

tlw most centrully located torerKiu III

town being directly opl nalte the courthouse nod on Main street Tile ature roottins u > hit room nnd a splendid ImsemenlThe lot on which the room stands runc bhyiiml tho Ml Asnph creek and therenbundalot ground for n large mruhollWill nlio tell nt snide time =Ineno of knobland MIWMATT1K V KllUlY-

Htiiufurd Kj



A tine blue grass rnnu for sale situated onnew pike near Point lnvell and six mll61-lunlh of Idiucnster con mining rIO norwwell toeateil In good Ilelghtoortiood belnpart of the John Walker tmct n houndtome new twostory seven ruonl reddenthereon recently completetl with nil outbulldlncdind goal new load WIwatered six never ruliR gpringsmld oreerunning through

Txims S dusts In hnnd bal llcu one onlltwo years Irons day of tale louring six IKrcent Interest until paid

lcr> ons for ueh place pleaswrite K M and ieniellelrnlker living onMum It Point Ienvell or W t 11 nkeI-stnnfont R y isnbeile P K N and w Otalker 1olnt U avell Ky

DEAD GAMEIf you will brlnj your 5un nndHevolw r

to me cud lt Inc put them la nntlaKcondition I Iave had a ymn ijwrlencIn that business 1 put new hnlHlles nu

Razor BladeD Forrols onWalking Canos and Re-

Pair UmbrellasMake n of fitting nil kinds of 1ro1tonal kind of locks nil kinds repairing Oilbicycles nnd keep In stork nil kinds ot blcjtle live men trial and you will litsatlslled cuLl MAY

18WN Third Mt iHimtlle Ky


Undertakers and-Embalmers


Also Furniture of All Kinds Carpets Druggets Rugs Mattings Picturo Frame Shades Lnce Curtainand Wall Paper

Mr E T Benzley baa charge of

the Undertaking Department


Day Phone 28 Night 166 or 133

Central Kentucky


No 1noes on the WayiiesliurR piketear lllnlilniulOrooiii 110111 torn IIml oth-er properIy Is nenrchllrehRnllchOOIhouu Is wellworth th prlet IIU

No 2laacreSu miles Houth of Crab OrImnl on tho hOt n Iwo stor-Lome good bourn urclutrd and la weli wRIerd i about 1WI acres of this land Is button

and and produces line crops A bargain litITXJO yt cash balalico In one and two yenrsNo 0119 acres on Buck Greek near Way

icsburR 1room house barn and other outlulldlmm plenty of water Cash price t2

cooNo tNacre near Level Green RockCOllie county Ky This faun hat H now ttory fruiuo houso would cost to build now

taro goal Inn crib Ae located nenichurch and school This Is n nice home antclln be taught for 110 per acre < cash ruhinder In It months

No611C acres the above farms100 ncrat In cultivation DwellliiB of 4 roomsgOOlI bam and other outbuildings or-chllrd Ono of the lied springs tn the eounty 1rlco f VW hall ca 1 and 2

oarNo 0 211 acres adjoining farms Nos 4 anti

6 IfO acres In cultivation balance In tintbr Good white oat hickory anti somo fluecltlnr Has 2story log huse nnd COIM orcli

rdj well watered plait price J1009

No 7 250 acres near Mnretsburir KIWcretin cultivation x1 ilwelllng house

mm and necessary outbuildings lino waternd school church and It U station Irlee

= bran 4cashbalunce1nonoand two yours001121 acres near Conway Ky nearly

nil of this furls Is bottom flno for cornIInd mendow very good dwelling lmu onowhllrn nnd other buildings on county road 0

IIlIcl from lleren College Uash price fi-


on Drakes Creek 8 milesrout Grab Orchard This ferns adjoins theikonndlsnpnrt of the Oeo Evans farm

lhls Is line land and In good condition nilecessnry buildings fbls II a bargain 1-

1too pur acreNo 1078 acres near Htnnford Ky In

nlu shape with toll necessary hulldlngsetocnn Ira bought worth tho money

For full particulars In regard to all thenboo or write L R lIubes or

unseal wTiftei HtanfordKy



> <vrH J lJcROBERT



The ponon who DlSERVES TUB BEST is tho ono who htbore null the

laborerwho ia cjcponxl to the WlvT and CdLD must have tile hOlt fbutI

wear possible Wo Ixilievo beyond question that n quarter of n centurys

experience gives us tho right to ray WE KNOW 1SHOB wo know a

good ono and WE BUY THE VERY BEST Honect like you nil

know him We have thorn in Roots at 8100 High Top Shoos nt 8100°


and MOO regular Top Shoos 8260 You ask whyare they better Elm ¬

ply bccauw they aro made of leather tnmictl tho OLD FASHIONED

COLD LIQUOR way and thoy are tho ONLY Shoes sold hero todayoff M

cold liquor tann0l11cthoruLJnJUJ BUST is another Shoe mado by+ r

amo people the bost boys ovary dny Shoe I know today n little lighter

and a little neater looking than tho like We carry them in boys 6bO10 to fij Price 82 8225 and S21I0 according to alto Bays High TrShoo n good one at8210t I

Chapped hands and faces areamong the most disagreeable facts of

WinterUseViolet Glycerine or Bo

rated Oatmeal Soaps daily and YOUwill escape them

10 Cents the Cake25 Cents the Box


When you think of Roofingthink of ALDRIDGE

rWhen you think of ALDRIDGE i tarthink of Roofing

The best ROOF PAINT furnishedrr I

and putonI 6

S H ALDRIDGE Stanford Kentucky

Banzai Tooth PowderIs Hard to Beat 1 Try ItIOnly 25 Cents r



t 1