INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010

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  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010


    KD]EQFEQDHE ]C@K GKX]C D 1 >3>

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  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010



    1>38 Xtucrt Aurhlejj

    KD]EQFEQEDHE0 ]c`kgkstcd 1>3>

    (prevkiusjy, Kdterferkdo0 Cd IC^ kd ]c`kgkstcd -1>3>)

    Xtucrt Aurhlejj

    3. ]c`kgkstcd Corkhujture, Jcdm Qefirb, Mevejipbedt. 1. Mevejipbedt Ckm,DOIs, Vijudteerkdo. 8. Vijudteerkdo VXI.

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010



    ]le idjy meskre tle Hujture hiujm dit sctksfy frib wktlkd ktsejf wcs . tle uroedit ti feej usejess. ]le Hujtures sije ustkfkhctkid fir tle rejctkvejy udwirrkem,lemidkstkh jkfe kts pipujctkid ed`iyem wcs oiim wirgs7 tle sehujcr evcdoejksb

    if tle Hidtcht Xehtkid, dit skbpjy fkdmkdo, hctcjioukdo, kdvestkoctkdo cdm

    cdcjyskdo itler, jess cmvcdhem hkvkjksctkids aut wlere tle hkrhubstcdhescppecrem ti Hidtcht ti `ustkfy si mikdo chtucjjy kdterferkdo (ivertjy cdmhivertjy) kd tle lkstirkhcj prihesses if tlise itler hujtures.

    Kckd B Acdgs, Hidskmer ljeacs

    ^reskmedt Vjcmkbkr ^utkd skodem kdti jcw c akjj tlct requkresdidoiverdbedtcj irocdksctkids (DOIs) wlkhl rehekve fudmkdo frib caricm ti

    reokster wktl tle @ustkhe Bkdkstry cs firekod coedts

    Qcmki Free Euripe, Qcmki Jkaerty, 1>31

    tley were mwejt cbido, kdvestkoctem, spkem id, reverem cdm jivem

    @cbes Coee, Jet Us Diw ^rckse Fcbius Bed

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010








    8 ME^CQ]UQE-K

    = ]C@KGKX]CD







    ; GKX


    3> KB G] AIUDM!


    33 [IVID-K

    31 _IQG-K

    38 X_IQME-]E^^C3= FCQLIQ

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010




    36 ID ]LE QICM


    3? AEKDO ]LEQE

    ^CQ] K\0 GLC]JID-KK

    3< ^[CD@-K

    3; _IQG-KK

    1> [IVID-KK

    ^CQ] \0 OKF]X


    ^CQ] \K0 GLC]JID-KKK

    11 JIXKDO K]


    1= ^[CD@-KK

    ^CQ] \KK0 !"#$%&'"(9

    15 AU] LI_ KX K] ]I AE MIDE9


    16 ME^CQ]UQE-KK

    1? QE]UQD



    8> ME^CQ]UQE-KKK

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010



    ^CQ] \KV0 E^KJIOUE

    83 CDM DI_9










  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010



    Chridybs cdm Caarevkctkids

    CC Cork-Cmvkser

    CH]EM Coedhy fir ]ehldkhcj Hiiperctkid cdm Mevejipbedt

    CMA Cskcd Mevejipbedt AcdgCKH Cork-Kdfirbctkid Hedtre

    CKO Corkhujturcj Kdterest Oriup

    CKD Cork-Kdfirbctkid Detwirg

    AHK Aetter Hittid Kdktkctkve

    HKC Hedtrcj Kdtejjkoedhe Coedhy

    MFKM Mepcrtbedt fir Kdterdctkidcj Mevejipbedt

    EAQM Euripecd Acdg fir Qehidstruhtkid cdm Mevejipbedt

    EH Euripecd HibbksskidEHIB Ehib Corikdmustrkcj Hirpirctkid Jtm

    FCI Fiim cdm Corkhujturcj Irocdksctkid if tle Udktem Dctkids

    KFH Kdterdctkidcj Fkdcdhe Hirpirctkid

    KF^QK Kdterdctkidcj Fiim ^ijkhy Qesecrhl Kdstktute

    KJQF Kdterdctkidcj Jcair Qkolts Firub

    KDOI Kdterdctkidcj did-oiverdbedt irocdksctkid

    Gcs_co Gcs_co cork, tle kdterdctkidcj hidsujtkdo crb if CoVkstc

    ^ty. Jtm

    GK Gremkt Kdvest

    GKX Gidsujtctkvdi Kdfirbctskiddcyc Xyet

    G] Surolidteppc, Gurocd ]eppc ir Gurocd ]yuae, tle

    hcpktcj if Glctjid privkdhe

    BiU Bebircdmub if Udmerstcdmkdo

    DA] Dctkidcj Acdg if ]c`kgkstcd

    DOI Did-oiverdbedt irocdksctkid

    IMKLQ Iffkhe if Mebihrctkh Kdstktutkids cdm Lubcd Qkolts

    IXHE Irocdksctkid fir Xehurkty & Hiiperctkid kd Euripe

    ^C^ ^riorcbbe Crec ^jcd

    ^FK ^crtder Fkdcdhkcj Kdterbemkcry (]CFF)

    QFE, QJ Qcmki Free Euripe, Qcmki Jkaerty

    XEHI Xtcte Xehretcrkct fir Ehidibkh Cffckrs, Xwktzerjcdm

    XEDCX Xuppirt ti tle Estcajkslbedt if c Dctkidcj Corkhujturcj

    Cmvksiry Xervkhe

    ]CFF ]c`kgkstcd Corkhujturcj Fkdcdhe Frcbewirg

    ]i] ]rckdkdo if ]rckdersUXCKM Udktem Xtctes Coedhy fir Kdterdctkidcj Mevejipbedt

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010


    @cbslem ]echler, Xwirme ]eppc, G]

    @cvjid Lcbmcbiv Mkrehtir, CH]EM Cffkjkcte, G]

    @idctlid _irjm Acdg represedtctkve

    Gcrkb CH]EM mrkver, G]

    Gcyubiv Xcttcrivkhl Mkrehtir, GKX Cffkjkcte, Glu`cdm

    Guhlgkd Lecm if Jiokstkhs, CH]EM, G]

    J Hidsujtcdt, Gcs_co

    Juhc Arcsk Camuj @cjkj, hittid expert, GKX, G]

    B Bcdcoer, Coedhy Xtctkid, Muslcdae, ]c`kgkstcd

    Bcmkdc Xtumedt, Xwirme ]eppc, G]Bcmkdc Cglbetivc firber Coedhy priorcbbe bcdcoer, Coedhy

    Xtctkid, Muslcdae

    Bcglfkrct Aiiggeeper, GKX, G]

    Bczurc Xlikrcs repjchebedt cs GKXtrcdsjctir/cmbkdkstrctir

    Bessk Croedtkde fiitacjjer

    Budkrc Cmbkdkstrctir, Xwirme ]eppc, G]BX Coedhy mrkver, Muslcdae

    Burcmcjk Cjkbcrmid ]c`kg bkdkster fir corkhujture, prevkiusjy lecm ifDA]

    Burim Hcretcger, CH]EM listej, G]

    Burim Aujoigiv GKX CC, Fcrlir

    Deobet Cbkrim Vet, GKX Cffkjkcte, G]

    Deobct Bkrziev HEI, GKX Lecm Iffkhe, Muslcdae

    Deobct`id CH]EM ebpjiyee, G]

    Imkdkef Bclbcmdczcr GKX CC, ^ycd`

    ^ Muthl coridibkst cttchlem ti ]c`kg Bkdkstry ifCorkhujture, Muslcdae

    ^] Cberkhcd hidsujtcdt, Durk Glctjid, G]

    ^cuj Bcrhlcdt Mkrehtir, Xwirme ]eppc, G]

    Qcakc CH]EM hiig, G]

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010



    X Coedhy Csset, G]

    Xckm Bcglbum CH]EM ebpjiyee, G]

    Xckfkmkdiv Bclbemuji GKX CC, ^ycd`

    Xlikrc GKX trcdsjctir, G]

    Xjkb Veoetcrkcd Coedhy Csset, Muslcdae

    ]cbkb ]echler, Xwirme ]eppc, G]

    ]ctycdc Hjecder, CH]EM listej, G]

    ]ihlkmkd CH]EM Cmbkdkstrctir, G]

    ]ihlkmkd Jumfujiev GKX CC, ^ycd`

    ]ib Hippcs Edojksl turgey fcrber, UGVcksiv Fctrcmkd GKX CC, ^ycd`

    P Coedhy priorcbbe bcdcoer, Coedhy Xtctkid,Muslcdae

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010




  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010



    3. FII]DI]EX & CDDE\EX

    ]lks ks tle stiry if c slirt, udexheptkidcj bksskid hcrrkem iut ay c Arktksl

    coedt kd Hedtrcj Cskc murkdo 1>3>. ]le edmecviurs if tlks pcrtkhujcr

    kdmkvkmucj, X, were dit very fruktfuj aut, tlcdgfujjy, dektler were tley very

    lcrbfuj. Xi fcr cs K hcd tejj di-ide wcs lurt ir jeft wirse iff ay lks chtkvktkes,

    tliuol sibe bcy lcve aeed mkscppikdtem lcvkdo expehtem bire if lkb

    dide bire si tlcd X lkbsejf cdm lks lcdmjers kd tle Coedhy, tle irocdksctkid

    tlct lcm rehruktem lkb ti tlks csskodbedt. Fir c dubaer if recsids, dide if

    wlkhl hcd ae stctem ipedjy, tlks aimy bust rebckd cdidybius cs bust cjsi

    B, Xs aiss. Xle wcs tle lecm if tle Coedhys iffkhe kd ]c`kgkstcd, tle

    hiudtry ti wlkhl X wcs sedt.

    Id kts siutlerd skme, ]c`kgkstcd slcres c jido pirius airmer wktl Cfolcdkstcd

    cdm kt bkolt ae suppisem tlct Xs bksskid wcs sibeliw rejctem ti Iperctkid

    Edmurkdo Freemib3. Cdm bcyae, kd sibe teduius cdm bysterkius wcy, kt

    wcs, aut tlct ks dit by hidherd lere cdm cdy suhl hiddehtkid ks dit expjirem

    kd tlks aiig.

    Xs kdtervedtkid wcs dit ide lecvy wktl bkjktcry lcrmwcre, dir wcs kt if tle

    hjicg cdm mcooer ir sjeutlkdo cdm auookdo vcrkety. Le wcs c spehkcjkst kd tle

    crts if sift kdterferedhe cdm jiw jevej bemmjkdo, c firb if kdtervedtkid birehjisejy cssihkctem wktl `ecds, westerd pip buskh, sbkjes, orcdt-kd-ckm cdm

    DOIs. Le lcm jkhedhe ti very jkttje. Kdmeem, tle Coedhy ed`ikdem lkb ti wirg

    wktl tle jkoltest if tiuhles, tcgkdo lks jecm ct cjj tkbes frib tlise cbidost

    wlib le mwejt cdm iaservem.

    ]lks aiig ks qukte skbpjy tle tcje if lks experkedhes murkdo lks stcy kd

    ]c`kgkstcd - c persidcj bebikr if c few bidtls spedt ay cd ejmerjy, retkrem

    Edojksl oedt, wirgkdo kd tle siutlerd privkdhe if wlct lcm idhe aeed ide if

    tle hedtrcj cskcd repuajkhs if tle UXXQ.

    Aut, aefire we aeokd, c wirm if expjcdctkid ks mue hidherdkdo tle fiitdites

    yiu, tle Qecmer, wkjj edhiudter kd tle text tlct fijjiws cdm tle Cddexes wlkhl,

    cs tlekr dcbe suooests, yiu wkjj fkdm ct tle edm.

    [iu sliujm dit kdfer frib by use if tlese mevkhes tlct tlks ks c becsurem,

    chcmebkh text kd wlkhl tle cutlir lcdmjes lks bcterkcj kd c metchlem,

    31>3> lcs aeed ay fcr tle wirse yecr fir hicjktkid fctcjktkes kd Cfolcdkstcd.

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    kbpersidcj bcdder, expresskdo lkbsejf mkspcsskidctejy cdm aijsterkdo ir

    qucjkfykdo lks vkews ay referedhe ti tlise if itlers wli lcve wrktted id tle

    scbe sua`eht. Acskdo bysejf edtkrejy id Xs bebirkes, dites cdm mkckrkes K

    lcve cttebptem ti hcpture tle qucjkty cdm biim if lks experkedhes. ]lks ks

    very buhl c stiry wktl c pritcoidkst cdm c persidcj pikdt if vkew. Kt ks cs

    buhl tle stiry if ]c`kgstcds kbpcht id X cs kt ks caiut wlct le mkm kd tlct


    K lcve bcme use if fiitdites aehcuse tlks lcs edcajem be ti hijjeht tioetler

    kd ide pjche cjj tle kdfirbctkid tlct X lcm cssebajem cdm bcme use if

    aefire, murkdo cdm cfter lks vkskt ti ]c`kgkstcd. Kdktkcjjy, ct jecst, tley were

    kdhjumem, prkdhkpcjjy, fir lks iwd persidcj hidvedkedhe, ti edcaje lkb ti use

    tlks mihubedt cs c gkdm if slie aix kd wlkhl ti stire cwcy c pcrtkhujcr set ifbebirkes cdm tliuolts tlct le hiujm re-vkskt frib tkbe ti tkbe kd tle future.

    Lcvkdo usem fiitdites kd tlks wcy, kt tled struhg be tlct tle kdfirbctkid cdm

    siurhes wlkhl tley hidtckd lcm every rkolt ti fecture kd tlks bebikr - cs buhl

    rkolt, scy, cs c pkhture if tle trchtir tlct X scw up id c pjkdtl id tle iutsgkrts

    if Gurocd ]eppc ir lks meshrkptkid if c beetkdo if fcrbers tlct le cttedmem kd

    [ivid. ]ley lejpem firb, cdm lks recmkdo if tleb wcs c pcrt if, lks

    experkedhe if ]c`kgkstcd. Bireiver, kf yiu cre bivem ti fijjiw up id tlesereferedhes tley hcd cjsi lejp ti bcge pjckd Xs persidcj pre`umkhes cdm pikdt

    if vkew cdm tlus sliujm edcaje yiu ti bcge hirrehtkids fir tlese cs yiu see


    Cdm, tlere ks yet c tlkrm recsid fir kdhjumkdo fiitdites. Kt ks aehcuse kf,

    perhlcdhe, cs c hidsequedhe if recmkdo tlks tcje, yiur kdterest kd ]c`kgkstcd ks

    pkquem, tley iffer c dubaer if pisskaje cvedues fir yiur iwd recmkdo cdm

    kdvestkoctkids. ]c`kgkstcd ks dit wejj servem kd tle jktercture cdm K gdiw tlct

    wled X fkrst set iut le fiudm kt mkffkhujt ti pkehe tioetler cdy pkhture ct cjj if

    tlks hiudtry cdm wiujm lcve aeed mejkoltem kf sibeide lcm okved lkb c jkst if

    referedhes ti fijjiw up1.

    1Fijjiwkdo tle hibpjetkid if tlks bebikr K aehcbe cwcre if Hlrkstkcd Ajeuers akajkiorcply

    if Edojksl jcdoucoe siurhes id ]c`kgkstcd (Ajeuer, Hlrkstkcd (1>31H)) cdm bire rehedtjy stkjj,Bcrtlc Arkjj Ijhitts exhejjedt aiig, ]c`kgkstcds Mkffkhujt Mevejipbedt ^ctl(Ijhitt, B.A.(1>31))

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010



    ]le Cddexes ct tle edm if tlks aiig cre c mkfferedt bctter. _lkje stkjj wrktted

    frib c Xs pikdt if vkew, ir ct jecst okved c persidcj ojiss, tley cre cjsi by

    cttebpt ti arkefjy meshrkae tle hidtext kdti wlkhl X fiudm bysejf kdsertem.

    ]ley mrcw lecvkjy upid tle stctkstkhcj kdfirbctkid cdm cdcjyses puajkslem ay

    tle ]c`kg Oiverdbedt cdm itler irocdksctkids tioetler wktl tle hibbedtcrkes

    if kdmkvkmucj experts cdm chcmebkhs. K lcve fihusem lere id tle pijkhy

    frcbewirg cdm prihemures if tle Coedhy, wlise hrecture X wcs, cdm tle

    rehedt lkstiry cdm hurredt stcte if ]c`kg corkhujture, tle sehtir if tle ehidiby

    wktl wlkhl lks wirg wcs hidherdem.

    Aut, pjecse dite, tlks cddexem bcterkcj ks dit cd cftertliuolt tlct lcs `ust

    aeed cmmem id. Kt ks bcterkcj tlct wcs skevem iut if ecrjker mrcfts if tle aiig

    kd cd cttebpt ti okve tle stiry tlct rebckdem ct jecst c bimkhub if dcrrctkvemrkve, tlct ks, Mecr Qecmer, ti kdhrecse tle priacakjkty tlct yiu wkjj hidtkdue ti

    turd tle pcoe cdm recm id.

    _lkje yiu hcd very ecskjy recm tle stiry cdm kodire tle Cddexes, tle reverse

    ks cjsi true, cdm, kf K were csgem ti bcge c hlikhe aetweed tle twi, Kb dit

    sure wlkhl ide Km mkshcrm. Fir excbpje, tle tcje if ]c`kg Fcrb Meat ks cd

    kdtrkoukdo ide repjete wktl kts iwd hcst if sjeutls, vkjjckds cdm vkhtkbs. Kt ks

    hertckdjy c tcje if buhl orecter sihkcj skodkfkhcdhe tlcd tlct if c skdojeEdojslbcd caricm. Xi, K tiyem, very arkefjy, wktl tle kmec if puttkdo tle

    cddexem bcterkcj ct tle aeokddkdo if tlks mihubedt cdm kd tlks wcy fkrst set

    tle shede aefire hibbedhkdo tle chtkid, tlct ks, Xs stiry. Aut K re`ehtem tlks

    cpprichl cs c skjjy cttebpt ti kdfjuedhe liw tlks aiig ks recm. [iur recmkdo

    lcakts cre, if hiurse, yiur iwd auskdess cdm dit bkde. Bireiver, K wcs

    stridojy cmvksem tlct wled tejjkdo c tcje kts c oiim kmec ti oet strckolt kdti tle

    chtkid rctler tlcd spedm tkbe pckdtkdo jcroe, kdtrimuhtiry pkhtures if tle


    _lctever tle irmer if presedtctkid ir rejctkve berkts if, id tle ide lcdm, tle

    mkreht kbpresskids bcme ay ]c`kgkstcd id c pcsskdo strcdoer jkge X cdm, id tle

    itler lcdm, c hibbedtcry id tle stcte if ]c`kg corkhujture acsem id stcte

    stctkstkhcj siurhes cdm tle spehkcjkst puajkhctkids if prifesskidcj cdcjysts cdm

    hibbedtctirs, kt ks devertlejess cd udmedkcaje fcht tlct K feej buhl bire ct

    libe wktl tle firber cdm, cs c hidsequedhe, feej aetter caje ti wrkte caiut

    tleb tlcd K mi caiut tle jctter. Bireiver, ae wcrdem, K cb di corkhujturcj

    expert cdm, tlerefire, kd di pisktkid ti hibbedm ti yiu by persidcj

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    iaservctkids id sua`ehts suhl cs jcdm refirb, corkhujturcj fkdcdhe cdm tle

    hujtkvctkid if hittid. Bcdy wiujm tlkdg tlks ks recsid ediuol fir tuhgkdo tlese

    tliuolts cwcy ct tle achg if tle aiig. By gdiwjemoe if ]c`kg corkhujture ks

    jcroejy sehidmlcdm, hibkdo cjbist edtkrejy frib itler wrkters. Kt ks ti tlese

    cutlirs tlct yiu sliujm turd kf yiu wksl ti ockd c aetter cdm bire

    mkskdterestem orcsp if tlks sua`eht.

    _ktl tehldkhcjktkes lipefujjy iut if tle wcy, cjj tlct rebckds ks tle stiry. Kt ks

    set iut kd slirt, epksimkh hlcpters cdm hcd, tlerefire, ae meviurem ct yiur

    jeksure jkge tle priverakcj ejeplcdt ide sbcjj akte ct c tkbe. K lipe yiu fkdm

    kt ct jecst bkjmjy mkvertkdo hlew wejj!

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    3 bkdutes coi cdm CamujBc`km set tle pche,

    mrkdgkdo tle stuff cs kf kt were wcter cdm le wcs acmjy pcrhlem lcvkdo `ust

    stubajem iut if tle Oiak Mesert. Aut, cdm tle tliuolt hrisses by bkdm, kf kt kssi wecg, kf kt ks kd fcht dit buhl bire tlcd jkolt ariwd, udpjecscdt tcstkdo

    wcter, kt bkolt ae udscfe. ]le arewkdo prihess bkolt dit lcve gkjjem iff cjj

    tle bkhriaes tlct, repirtemjy, teeb kd tle udtrectem wcter lerecaiuts.

    K geep mrkdgkdo cdm we aitl budhl id tle sbcjj, lcrm huaes if fjcviurem,

    mcrg arecm tlct CamujBc`km lcs irmerem gyrkjjedgk9 K firoet tle dcbe.

    Kt ks c trkhgy questkid. Id mcys wled K wcjg cjide ti wirg, K kdvcrkcajy aehibecasiraem kd bujjkdo iver tlks scbe questkid. K lcve yet ti fkdm tle cdswer.

    ^erlcps, tlere ks di skbpje cdswer, tliuol K mcymrecb kmjy tlct K bkolt trkp

    iver kt ide mcy Il, tlere yiu cre! If jcte, K lcve aehibe cttrchtem ti tle

    kmec tlct by mehkskid ti tcge tle csskodbedt kd ]c`kgkstcd wcs skbpjy tle

    udkdtedmem resujt if c dubaer if qukte kdskodkfkhcdt, udrejctem cdm, si K

    tliuolt ct tle tkbe, kdhidsequedtkcj chtkids. ]ioetler, tlks bkshejjcdy if

    trkvkc lcve hidspkrem ti put be miwd tlks evedkdo kd fridt if CamujBc`km, lere

    kd tlks acr kd Gurocd-]eppc.

    Ct wirg, CamujBc`km cdm K lcve stcrtem ti ipedjy mkshuss, cdm slcre iur

    cdxketkes caiut, iur ebpjiyers jchg if pjcddkdo cdm mkrehtkid. Aut diw,

    udmer tle spitjkolt if CamujBc`kms questkid, kt mcwds id be tlct kf K cb kd

    effeht dit buhl bire tlcd c pkehe if lubcd fjitscb, jchgkdo c strido sedse

    if by iwd kdterdcj purpise, wli cb K ti jcbedt tle jchg if purpise sliwd ay

    cdyide ejse.

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010



    CamujBc`km irmers cditler riudm if aeer. K cb cdxkius tlct le bkolt ae

    settjkdo kd fir c jido sesskid. Di bctter liw wecg tle aeer bkolt ae K cb

    pretty sure tlct K slcjj dit ae caje ti bcdcoe bcdy bire aefire aehibkdo

    kdhileredt cdm sufferkdo orectjy tibirriw. ]lere ks cjsi tle udwejhibe

    prispeht if aekdo up cdm miwd cjj dkolt trckpskdo iut ti tle tikjet ct tle edm if

    tle ycrm.

    ]lcts by jit Bc`km. Kjj lcve ti oi siid fir by mkdder


    Kt wkjj ae servem up slirtjy cdm K midt jkge kt hijm. Cdywcy, wlct caiut yiu,

    midt yiu lcve c becj ti oi ti9

    If hiurse! Aut di ide wkjj stcrt udtkj K crrkve

    _lct, tley cjj skt tlere cdm wckt fir yiu9If hiurse aut yiu lcve dit tijm be wly yiu cre lere

    Bc`km, Kb dit sure K gdiw bysejf yiu bust tejj be kf yiu fkdm iut

    Xtucrt, yiu bust lcve c recsid

    K gdiw tlct bcdy ]c`kgs lijm tle vkew tlct peipje jkge be, espehkcjjy tlise

    styjem cs vijudteers, bkolt wejj ae bksskidcrkes, coedts if cd cjked hujture

    iut ti hidvert tle jihcj peipje ti hlrkstkcdkty. C Hlrkstkcd iutfkt wcs expejjem

    jcst yecr wled tle cutlirktkes mkshiverem kt wcs mkstrkautkdo akajes.

    Kts hibpjkhctem Bc`km. ]lere cre jits if recsids aut Kb dit lere fir cdy

    rejkokius ides. Qecjjy, Kb lere bckdjy fir bysejf

    K lcve ti ae hcrefuj caiut arkdokdo rejkokid kdti tle hidversctkid. Ide

    evedkdo, criudm tle mkdder tcaje ct tle listej, tle hidversctkid lcm mrkftem

    idti rejkokid cdm K wcs csgem caiut by aejkefs cdm lcm sckm K mkm dit aejkeve

    kd tle exkstedhe if c oim. ]lks seebem ti mkshidhert cdm cjbist cjcrb by

    hibpcdkids. Dit aejkeve kd oim! _lct sirt if persid ks tlks9

    K mi dit wcdt ti iffedm CamujBc`km ir lks oim, dir mi K wcdt lkb ti tlkdg if be

    cs wekrm ir cjked. Kd fcht K very buhl wcdt ti cvikm mkshusskdo rejkokid wktl

    lkb. ]lcdgfujjy, CamujBc`km kodires tlks ippirtudkty ti mkoress kdti tleijioy.

    Le ks dit ti ae mkstrchtem frib tle secrhl fir by recsids.

    _lct recsids9 _lct caiut yiur fcbkjy9

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    Bc`km, Kve dit hibe lere ti tejj cdyide wlct ti mi. Kve hibe lere fir

    cmvedture. K oi wcjgkdo kd tle biudtckds kd Euripe cdm lcve recm caiut tle

    biudtckds lere kd ]c`kgkstcd. Cjsi, tle stirkes K lcve lecrm caiut tlks hiudtry

    bcme kt siudm very aecutkfuj cdm bysterkius cjjurkdo!

    Cjjurkdo wlct ks cjjurkdo9

    Aecrs byemvyemk cre cttrchtem ti lidey byim tley fkdm kt cjjurkdo.

    Cjsi, sibe scy, tlct bed fkdm aecutkfuj wibed cjjurkdo. Fkslerbed use c

    jure c fectler ir slkdy ia`eht - ct tle edm if tle jkde ti cttrcht fksl.

    Igcy. Oi id

    Km aeed mikdo tle scbe `ia fir 36 yecrs cdm wcdtem ti mi sibetlkdo

    mkfferedt, K wcdtem ti ae ausy, edocoem, revktcjkzem. K mkmdt lcve ti ecrd

    bidey - K lcm retkrem cdm lcm tle tkbe cdm pisskakjkty ti trcvej. Xi wly dit

    `iurdey ti cditler very mkfferedt pcrt if tle wirjm, cdm lcve cd cmvedturetlere9

    Aut yiur fcbkjy9

    _ejj, tley bcy hibe iut cdm vkskt be. Kb idjy oikdo ti ae cwcy 8-= bidtls

    ct c tkbe, by sid ks diw bcgkdo lks wcy jcroejy iutskme tle libe, by wkfe K

    bkss - we lcve jkvem tioetler decrjy 15 yecrs - aut sle lcs cd casirakdo `ia,

    we cre kd reoujcr hidtcht ay ebckj cdm plide, yiu gdiw

    K oujp miwd tle rest if by =tl

    , pkdt-skzem ojcss if aeer cdm scy tlct K recjjyiuolt ti ae oettkdo achg ti tle listej.

    Kb dit cverse ti hidtkdukdo wktl CamujBc`kms kdterrioctkid if by bitkves fir

    hibkdo ti ]c`kgkstcd aut K bust oet cwcy frib tlks acr cdm cjj tlks aeer.

    Kb sure CamujBc`km mies dit fkdm by stiry hidvkdhkdo. Kt rkdos lijjiw ti be.

    Kts idjy jcter tlct K recjkze wly. K lcm respidmem ti lks kdktkcj questkid cs kf kt

    were cd edqukry caiut by persidcj bitkvctkid, sibetlkdo K gdiw ti ae

    hidfusem cdm hidfjkhtem. Aut repjcykdo iur hidversctkid kd by lecm K lecr

    CamujBc`km csgkdo be, Xtucrt, tejj be, wly cre yiu r jjylere9 [es, wlctksoikdo id9 _lct r yiu up ti9 ]le sirt if questkids c pijkhebcd bkoltcsg c strcdoe kdmkvkmucj, wlib le edhiudters kd cd udusucj jihctkid ct tle

    mecm if dkolt. ]le sirt if questkids tle ]c`kg cutlirktkes, fir excbpje, bkolt

    very recsidcajy csg c jide Edojkslbcd fiudm skttkdo, mrkdgkdo kd c didmeshrkpt

    acr kd c sbcjj privkdhkcj ]c`kg tiwd fcr iff tle tiurkst trckj.

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    Bcyae Kb wrido, bcyae CamujBc`km mies skbpjy wcdt ti gdiw wlere by

    lecrt jkes, aut, K diw widmer, wlct wiujm K bcge if lkb kf iur pisktkids were

    reversem9 _lct kf ]c`kgkstcd wcs kd by eyes c fcaujiusjy rkhl cdm piwerfuj

    hiudtry cdm Edojcdm orkdmkdojy piir cdm by iverrkmkdo preihhupctkid wcs

    edsurkdo tlct arecm wcs put id tle tcaje if by fcbkjy9 _lct kf fir be firekod

    trcvej wcs c mrecb, bcstery if tle ]c`kg jcdoucoe cdm, cjido wktl kt, c

    tehldkhcj vihcaujcry if strcdoe castrchtkids suhl cs oiverdcdhe,

    sustckdcakjkty cdm hcpchkty aukjmkdo wcs tle gey ti c wejj pckm `ia, pisskajy

    kd cd irocdksctkid estcajkslem ay ]c`kgs kd by iwd hiudtry, cdm tlese

    strcdoers, wktl tlekr mkfferedt mress cdm hustibs, seebem ti us ti ae si very

    sure liw tlkdos sliujm ae hlcdoem fir tle aetter9 Liw tled wiujm we

    reocrm tleb, tlese cjkeds, eved kf tley wedt caiut tlekr wirg udatruskvejy,

    pijktejy, sedsktkvejy cdm kdhjuskvejy cdm cjwcys sbkjkdo si recmkjy9

    Cs K wcjg achg kd tle mcrg ti tle CH]EM listej, by bkdm pjecscdtjy fiooy

    wktl cjhilij, tle Cberkhcds summedjy kdtrume kdti by tliuolts tlise

    Cberkhcds wli ct tle tkbe were stctkidem kd Arktckd cdm were iverpckm,

    iversexem cdm iver lere. Ide if by sksters very decrjy wedt iff wktl ide if


    Cdm tled, cpprichlkdo by mestkdctkid, wcrkjy deoitkctkdo pitlijes cdm

    sjeepkdo mios kd tle udjkt street, kt mcwds id be tlct tle listej lcs aehibe c

    wejhibe refuoe K bkolt eved lcve sckm ti CamujBc`km tlct K lcm ti oi


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    (Bcp hiurtesy if Udkverskty if ]excs Jkarcrkes)

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    8. ME^CQ]UQE-K

    Kt ks ajchg iutskme. K hcd see ditlkdo tlriuol tle wkdmiws scve tle refjehtkid

    if tle trcdskt jiudoe kd wlkhl K cb skttkdo.

    Id jcdmkdo, K ojkbpsem meep sdiw pkjem up cjidoskme tle rudwcy cdm furtler

    iff K hiujm bcge iut tle ajchg skjliuettes if trees. Kt wcs jcte cfterdiid cdm

    tlere wcs stkjj c jkttje jkolt kd tle sgy.

    Kts diw 3 lrs jihcj tkbe cdm cjj criudm be K hcd lecr Qusskcd aekdo

    spiged. Kb kd Qkoc, fresl iut if Octwkhg Edojcdm, set fir Muslcdae,


    K lcve hlcdoem 1> kdti griids cdm aiuolt bysejf c aeer cdm c scdmwkhl.

    Kb recmkdo by dewspcper ]le Kdmepedmedt. Cs usucj, Kve jiigem ct tle

    iaktucrkes cdm id tlks mcy, 36 Fearucry 1>3>, K see tlct Mkhg Frcdhks, tle

    `ihgey cdm divejkst, ks fecturem.

    If hiurse, lks iaktucry bedtkids Mevid Jihl cdm tle Orcdm Dctkidcj if

    3;568. Xcturmcy 1= Bcrhl 3;56 Bcrys wemmkdo mcy. Ct tle tkbe if tle

    rche we were octlerem ct libe kd ]eddysid Cvedue fir tle wemmkdoreheptkid. Mcm cdm ]idy Lcjjiwcy were kd tle achg riib jkstedkdo ti tle

    rche hibbedtcry cdm aehibkdo kdhrecskdojy rcuhius cs tle lirse tley lcm

    achgem jido aefire tle rche wcs rud Mevid Jihl - cppecrem ti lcve tle

    rche wid. Xummedjy, kt wedt very quket, fijjiwem ay tle burburs if aebusem

    kdmkodctkid. Lcvkdo `ubpem every fedhe, Mevid Jihl lcm kdexpjkhcajy fcjjed

    miwd `ust ycrms frib tle fkdkslkdo pist. Aut we lcm dit hibe tioetler fir c

    trkp ti tle rches. ]le arkme cdm oriib were becdt ti ae tle hedtre if iur

    cttedtkid dit c lirse! Devertlejess, tle evedts ct Ckdtree tlct mcy iatrumem

    kdti iur priheemkdos cdm mcbpedem tle biim.

    K widmer, wlere were yiu wled Mevid Jihl fejj miwd9

    8Cdyide wli wktdessem lks strcdoe bksfirtude kd tle 3;56 Orcdm Dctkidcj, rkmkdo Mevid

    Jihl fir tle Sueed Bitler, wiujm gdiw tlct cdy pjit, cdy hlcrchter, hcd ae turdem upskme-miwd id tle fkdcj pcoe.

    Lcvkdo deoitkctem tle ako fedhes wktl arcvurc, Mevid Jihl wcs hjecr cdm `ust => ycrms fribtle pist wled le summedjy sprcwjem ti lks gdees. Kt lcm tcged c spjkt-sehidm fir Frcdhks tiae pkthlem frib exujtctkid ti kdmkodkty. BhOrctl, Hlrks (1>3>)

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    K turd ti by aiig, wlkhl ks c divej ay tle Qusskcd Aujocgiv Ajchg Xdiw. Kt

    mies dit lijm be si K shrkaaje sibe dites kd by mkcry Kb re-recmkdo tleb

    diw cjbist exchtjy ide yecr jcter.

    _led K jeft libe kd tle birdkdo kt wcs rckdkdo stecmkjy cdm Cddc lcm mrkved

    be ti Ecjkdo Aricmwcy Xtctkid. K mkm dit feej edtluskcstkh cdm struoojem wktl

    by juoocoe feejkdo mcudtem cdm fecrfuj. Miuats caiut tle trkp lcm surfchem c

    weeg ir twi aefire by mepcrture. 1 yecrs ecrjker, wled K wcs kd _est Cfrkhc,

    tle prispeht if oikdo ti c biudtckdius, hijm, ex-sivket hiudtry wiujm lcve

    seebem very cttrchtkve. Cdm diw9 Kb cjrecmy bksskdo Cddc, Dkhi cdm

    Jeyairde Cvedue! Ajchg Xdiw kdmeem.

    ]le fjkolt frib Octwkhg ti Qkoc wcs fujj, aut id aicrmkdo tle pjcde firMuslcdae K fkdm K lcve c wlije riw if sects ti bysejf. ]lere cre idjy c

    lcdmfuj if us shctterem caiut tle hcakd cdm K lcve di hlcdhe ti oet ti gdiw

    cdy if by fejjiw pcssedoers. ]lere ks ust c fckdt burbur if hidversctkid,

    kts hlkjjy cdm K ludger miwd cdm try ti sjeep dit very suhhessfujjy.

    _e fjy chriss tle ebptkdess if Hedtrcj Cskc cdm K hcd see ditlkdo iut if by

    wkdmiw. Aut, evedtucjjy, tle sect aejt skod hibes id cdm we cre csgem ti

    bcge iur sects uprkolt aefire tiuhlkdo miwd ct Muslcdae Ckrpirt. Kts caiut>=.>>lrs jihcj tkbe, mcrg, -6H cdm, cockd, tlere ks c jit if sdiw pkjem up

    cjidoskme tle rudwcy.

    ]c`kgkstcd dirtl if Cfolcdkstcd, west if Hlkdc, siutl if Gyroyzstcd cdm ecst

    if Uzaegkstcd Kve crrkvem. _e oet miwd frib tle pjcde, aicrm c sluttje aus

    cdm, cs we cre mrkved ti hustibs, K hcd see Muslcdae, kd hyrkjjkh hlcrchters,

    up kd deid jkolts id tle mcrg terbkdcj aukjmkdo $)*+,-..

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    =. ]C@KGKX]CD

    ]le Coedhy fkrst hidtchtem be caiut tle csskodbedt kd ]c`kgkstcd caiut ;

    bidtls aefire by evedtucj mepcrture. Kd Fearucry 1>>; K lcm cppjkem

    udsuhhessfujjy fir c pistkdo ti Bidoijkc cfter wlkhl tlere wcs c jujj kd iur

    hibbudkhctkids. ]led, kd @ujy, id returdkdo frib c wcjgkdo lijkmcy kd tle

    Xtuack Biudtckds, K fiudm c arkef e-bckj wcktkdo fir be ct libe tlct iutjkdem

    tle pisskakjkty if c pistkdo ti ]c`kgkstcd. K lcm di kmec tle Coedhy wcs chtkve

    tlere. K lcm cjwcys tliuolt if kt cs spehkcjkskdo kd tripkhcj hiudtrkes wktl

    Bidoijkc cs tle imm bcd iut. ]c`kgkstcd- K pidmerem tle dcbe cdm tliuol K

    gdew casijutejy ditlkdo caiut tle hiudtry K wcs kbbemkctejy cttrchtem ay tle

    prispeht if oikdo tlere. ]c`kgkstcd c dcbe yiu hiujm rijj criudm kd yiur

    biutl scviurkdo tle kbcoes kt hid`urem up lkol biudtckds, Xhlelerczcmecdm Xcbcrgcdm, cdm lcrm id tlekr leejs Qusskc, HlkdccdmCfolcdkstcd. K

    wcs very exhktem cdm tliuolt tlct tlere hiujm dit pisskajy ae c bire perfeht

    jihctkid fir cd csskodbedt wktl tle Coedhy.

    K kbbemkctejy turdem ti by Ctjcs aut fiudm kt if jkttje lejp. ]c`kgkstcd wcs id

    tle pcoe mevitem ti Hedtrcj Cskc cdm kt wcs cjbist titcjjy iashurem ay kts iwd

    dcbe tlct wcs prkdtem iver tle tip if tle sbcjj crec cjjittem ti kt. K hiujm

    acrejy bcge iut tle slcpe if tle hiudtry tliuol tlks, K wcs ti jecrd, wcs ctjecst pcrtjy mue ti tle hidtirtkids if kts dirtlerd airmer.

    K turdem ti tle kdterdet cdm tlks ks wlct K ojecdem0

    ]c`kgkstcd ir sliujm kt ae ]cmzkgkstcd ir, eved, ]i`kgkstid ks c sbcjj,

    jcdmjihgem hiudtry. Chhirmkdo ti tle HKCs _irjm Fchtaiig, ]c`kgkstcd lcs cd

    crec if 3=8,3>> sq gbs, wlkhl bcges kt sjkoltjy sbcjjer tlcd _kshidskd cdm

    caiut 6>% tle skze if tle UG. K tlkdg tlks fkoure bust ae tle crec if cd

    irtlioidcj pri`ehtkid aehcuse ]c`kgkstcd ks very biudtckdius cdm kf kt were ti

    ae kridem fjct kt wiujm ae c very buhl akooer hiudtry cdm, Kb hertckd, kt wiujm

    tled di jidoer rcdg cs idjy tle ;5tlakooest hiudtry id tle HKC jkst.

    Kd hiudtry, K wcs ti mkshiver tlct kt ks uddehesscry ti krid ]c`kgkstcd fjct kd

    irmer ti bcge kt kdti c ako, ir ct jecst edoedmer tle sedse if aekdo c buhl

    jcroer, hiudtry. ]rcvejjkdo aetweed mkfferedt pcrts if tle hiudtry ks mkffkhujt

    cdm tkbe hidsubkdo oederctkdo cd effeht if rebitedess aetweed rejctkvejy

    hjise jihctkids. Cs tle hriw fjkes, ^ed`kgedt (^cd`cgedt, /+,!+>.,3,

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    ^cd`kgedt, /.,18=>.,3), cd cdhkedt ]c`kg hkty kd tle Pcrcfslcd Vcjjey, ks

    jess tlcd 35> gkjibetres frib Muslcdae, aut kd wkdter wled tle ricm iver tle

    Fcd Biudtckds ks hjisem tle `iurdey hcd tcge 38 liurs. Ide ks firhem ti oi

    riudm tle biudtckds ay fkrst hrisskdo kdti Uzaegkstcd, tled mrkvkdo siutl

    aefire re-edterkdo ]c`kgkstcd cdm lecmkdo fir tle hcpktcj.

    Kd wkdter, tle mksruptkid if trcdspirt mue ti sdiw cdm cvcjcdhles ks dit

    udhibbid. Bire tlcd lcjf tle hiudtry ks iver 8,>>> betres lkol cdm tle

    ricms cre piirjy bckdtckdem. Kd ]c`kgkstcd, hcr mrkvers bust qukhgjy bcster tle

    crt if sjcjibkdokf tley wcdt ti cvikm mcbcokdo tlekr hcrs, swervkdo frib skme

    ti skme cvikmkdo tle duberius cdm suastcdtkcj pitlijes tlct cre ti ae

    edhiudterem everywlere iutskme if tle hcpktcj cdm cwcy frib tle bckd trudg


    ]le lkolest pikdt kd ]c`kgkstcd ks tle pecg Ksbikjk Xibidk (firberjy, ^kg

    Gibbudkzbc cdm, ecrjker stkjj, ^kg Xtcjkdc). ]lks biudtckd rkses ti wejj iver

    ?,>>> betres cdm wcs tle lkolest pikdt kd tle Xivket Udkid. Kt jkes kd tle

    ^cbkrs cs mies Cvkheddc ^ecg. Udtkj 3;88, tle jctter, wlkhl wcs tled gdiwd

    cs ^kg Jedkdc, wcs tliuolt ti ae tle lkolest pikdt aut, cs kt turdem iut, Jedkd

    lcm ti heme fkrst pjche ti Xtcjkd, ct jecst, fir c wlkje. ^erlcps, Cjexcdmer

    Pkdivkev lcm ]c`kgkstcd kd bkdm wled le write caiut Kacdsg kd lks aiig ]le[cwdkdo Lekolts=.

    ]c`kgs cre sbcjj kd dubaers tii. Cockd, referrkdo ti tle HKCs _irjm Fchtaiig,

    tlere cre idjy ?.6 bkjjkid if tleb. ]lere ks c ]c`kg ige K lecrm kdvijvkdo tle

    ^reskmedts if ]c`kgkstcd cdm Hlkdc0

    ]c`kg ^reskmedt ti Hlkdese ^reskmedt0 K cb tijm tlct tle Hlkdese

    pipujctkid ks tle jcroest kd tle wirjm.

    Hlkdese reskmedt0 [es, tlere cre iver 3.= akjjkid if us. ]ejj be, liw

    bcdy ]c`kgs cre tlere9

    ]c`kg ^reskmedt0 _e cre idjy ?.6 bkjjkid.

    Hlkdese ^reskmedt (tcged cachg)0 Oisl! [iu bust gdiw everyide.

    Jkge tle crec if tle hiudtry, tle pipujctkid fkoure deems qucjkfkhctkid. Iver c

    qucrter if Cfolcdkstcds pipujctkid if 8> bkjjkid cre etldkh]c`kgs. Fir

    prchtkhcj purpises tlks becds tley specg ]c`kg, c jcdoucoe rejctem ti

    =Pkdivkev, C (3;?;).

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010



    ^erskcd. Kd cmmktkid, caiut 5% if Uzaegkstcds peipje cre cjsi etldkh ]c`kgs.

    Xi tlere cre fewer peipje jkvkdo kd ]c`kgkstcd tlcd tlere cre etldkh ]c`kgs jkvkdo

    kd tle hiudtrkes cm`ikdkdo kt5. Kt sliujm ae cmmem tlct if tle ?.6 bkjjkid ]c`kg

    dctkidcjscaiut 3 bkjjkid if tlese, wli cre bistjy yiudo bed, cre ti ae fiudm

    fcr cwcy wirgkdo kd Qusskcd cdm Gczcglstcd6. ]lekr rebkttcdhes cre c jkfejkde

    fir tlise if tlekr rejctkves wli cre jeft kd tle hiudtry. ]lese rebkttcdhes

    cbiudtem ti iver 1 akjjkid mijjcrs kd 1>3>, k.e. caiut =>% if ]c`kgkstcds


    Jcaiur, K jecrdt, ks ]c`kgkstcds bist kbpirtcdt expirt.

    ]lks oeiorcplkhcj mkstrkautkid if tle ]c`kg peipje, frib Cfolcdkstcd, tlriuol

    Uzaegkstcd cdm Gczcglstcd ti Qusskc serves cs cd kbpirtcdt mkstrkautkidhlcddej fir tle lerikd cdm ipkub tlct ks primuhem kd Cfolcdkstcd% ti tle hiudtrys mehjcrem dctkidcj kdhibe;.

    Dit idjy cre ]c`kgs shctterem iver severcj mkfferedt siverekod stctes. Xibe if

    tlese scbe siverekod stctes cre oeiorcplkhcjjy shctterem iver echl itler. Kd

    tle Ferolcdc vcjjey wlere Uzaegkstcd, Gyroyzstcd cdm ]c`kgkstcd beet, tle

    tlree hiudtrkes spkjj iver kdti echl itler firbkdo c dubaer if edhjcves -

    terrktirkes tlct aejido ti ide repuajkh aut cre jihctem kd cditler. Kd tlks reokid

    5Kt sliujm ae ditem tlct cd estkbctem 35% if tle ]c`kg dctkidcj pipujctkid cre etldkh Uzaegs.

    6]le shcje if tlks ehidibkh bkorctkid ks equcjjy kbpresskve wled vkewem tlriuol tle

    Qusskcd edm if tle tejeshipe. Kt ks estkbctem lct busjkbs frib tle Hcuhcskcd cdm HedtrcjCskcd Qepuajkhs chhiudt fir caiut c qucrter if tle pipujctkid if Orecter Bishiw cdmchhirmkdo ti Bcrtkd Hruz Xbktl tley cre cjj referrem ti cs ]c`kgs (Xbktl, B.H. (1>3>), p.3=).?Xee cjsi, Buolck, Camuj-Olcffcr (1>>?)

    perhedt if tle lerikd

    primuhem kd Cfolcdkstcd cre sbuoojem tlriuol Hedtrcj Cskc ed riute ti hidsubers kd Qusskc,Euripe, cdm Hlkdc. ]le bc`irkty if tlese mruos pcss tlriuol ]c`kgkstcd. Up ti 3>> tids if

    Cfolcd lerikd cre sbuoojem tlriuol ]c`kgkstcd every yecr. Acsem id tlks fkoure, ]c`kg jcw

    edfirhebedt cdducjjy sekzes caiut 1 perhedt if lerikd trcdsktkdo ]c`kgkstcd, UX Mepcrtbedtif Xtcte (1>31);Xee, ^cijk, J. et cj (1>>?) cdm Ehidibkst (1>31)

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    1. Kd tle hcse if ]c`kgkstcd cdm

    Uzaegkstcd tle rejctkidslkp aetweed tle twi hiudtrkes lcs dit aeed lejpem ay

    tle hjckbs if tle firber id Xcbcrgcdm cdm Aiglcrc id tle oriudms tlct tle

    pipujctkids if tlese 1 cdhkedt hktkes cre premibkdcdtjy ]c`kg.

    Kt hcd tcge c jido tkbe ti hriss tle Uzaeg-]c`kg airmer udjess, perlcps, yiu

    cre c aco if lerikd ir hihckde.

    ]c`kgkstcd ks dit idjy c sbcjj, biudtckdius, jcdmjihgem hiudtry wktl c sbcjj

    pipujctkid, kt ks cjsi c very piir hiudtry. Kd terbs if per hcpktc OM^ kt ksrcdgem 3% if tle jcaiur firhe wirgs kd corkhujture aut tle pitedtkcj fir corkhujture ks

    lkoljy hidstrckdem. Idjy 6.51% if tle jcdm ks crcaje33cdm kt ks if jiw fertkjkty.

    ]le surfche jcyer if tle jcdm kd tle siutl ks jiess wkdm airde skjt. Ay cjj

    chhiudts, sikjs hibpisem if jiess sliujm ae lkoljy fertkje aut tley cre cjsi

    lkoljy susheptkaje ti eriskid cdm kd ]c`kgkstcd, udjkge Hlkdc, fcrbkdo

    tehldkques meskodem ti jkbkt eriskid were dit mevejipem ir wkmejy usem.

    Cjsi, tlere lcs aeed extedskve me-firestctkid. ]le trees cre oide cdm kd tlesiutl fcrb liuselijms rejy lecvkjy id cdkbcj mudo fir lectkdo cdm hiigkdo.

    Cs c resujt mudo ks dit cvckjcaje fir sikj edrkhlbedt. Kd cmmktkid ti hidtrkautkdo

    ti meterkirctkdo corkhujturcj ykejms, tle erimem, meorcmem, treejess cdm slcrpjy

    kdhjkdem sikjs if ]c`kgkstcd cre lkoljy susheptkaje ti bum sjkmes. Every yecr,

    tle rckds cre chhibpcdkem ay tlese mecmjy evedts tlct hcd mestriy wlije


    Jcter, cfter c bidtl if trcvejjkdo criudm Glctjid Iajcstkd tle siutl if tle

    hiudtry, kt wcs by kbpresskid tlct tle jcdm tlere wcs bcme edtkrejy if bum. Kt

    bkolt rkse up ti c lekolt if 1,>>> betres kd jido rkmoes, lubps cdm fijms kd

    tle ecrtl cdm tle ricms bkolt pcss tlriuol slcrp huttkdos aut very rcrejy mkm K

    see c rihg. ]lere were di stidewcjjs ir stide aukjmkdos. Kd tle vkjjcoes kd

    tle siutl tle wcjjs surriudmkdo liuselijm pjits were bcme if bum, usucjjy

    3>Xee, fir excbpje, Glcbkmiv (1>33). Kd tle hcse if ide edhjcve, Xigl, cd Uzaeg edhjcve

    kd Gyroyzstcd, tle kdlcaktcdts cre cjbist cjj etldkh ]c`kgs, tle edhjcve lcvkdo aeed hrectem kd

    3;1= aefire ]c`kgkstcd wcs firbem cs c sepcrcte repuajkh kd tle UXXQ, Xkdmejcr, M. (1>38)33]c`kgkstcd lcs bire jcdm crec udmer ojchkers< perhedt if tle hiudtry crectlcd kt lcs

    crcaje jcdm, Cgrcbiv, G.]. & Xlreemcr, O. (1>31), p.36

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    hcppem wktl turf, cs were tle fcrb aukjmkdos tlebsejves. C bum tlct, wled kt

    rckds lecvkjy, fjiws31.

    Glctjid ks tle fjcttest cdm jiwest pcrt if ]c`kgkstcd wlere corkhujture ks

    iverwlejbkdojy tle mibkdcdt ehidibkh chtkvkty. _led ]c`kgkstcd wcs pcrt if

    tle UXXQ, corkhujture kd Glctjid aehcbe memkhctem ti tle primuhtkid if

    hittid, irocdksem wktlkd luoe stcte cdm hijjehtkve fcrbs.

    Hittid wlkte oijm ks cd kbpirtcdt siurhe if firekod exhlcdoe ecrdkdos fir

    tle stcte cdm luoe bidipijy redts fir c few, suhl cs tle iwders if tle hittid

    okds, cdm c hcuse if kbpiverkslbedt fir bist if tle fcrbers cdm fkejm

    wirgers38. Hittid ks ]c`kgkstcd's bist kbpirtcdt hcsl hrip. Expirts if hittid

    chhiudtem fir 1>-8> perhedt if titcj expirts kd 1>>>;, c spehkcj cumkt if tle Dctkidcj Acdg if ]c`kgkstcd

    revecjem tlct severcj ludmrem bkjjkid mijjcrs ckbem ct tle hittid sehtir lcm

    mkscppecrem. ]le hlkef bcokhkcd if tlks pcrtkhujcr vcdkslkdo trkhg wcs

    Burcmcjk Cjkbcrmid wli lcm aeed lecm if tle Acdg wled tle fect wcs

    31Caiut 5>,>>> jcdmsjkmes were rehirmem kd 1>>8, if wlkhl 3,1>> tlrectedem lubcd

    settjebedts, _irjm Acdg (1>>?A), p. 838Kdterdctkidcj Hrksks Oriup (1>>5)

    3=Xee Cddex KK

  • 7/22/2019 INTERFERENCE: Tajikistan 2010



    chhibpjkslem. Ay tle tkbe tle resujts if tle cumkt were puajkslem le lcm

    bivem id ti aehibe c meputy prkbe bkdkster cdm respidskaje fir corkhujture.

    Kt ks c oijmed ruje if bcokhkcds dit ti revecj liw yiur trkhg wirgs cdm, true ti

    lks hcjjkdo, Cjkbcrmid cdm lks stcff mkm tlekr aest ti lkme ir skbpjy mestriy tle

    pcperwirg suppirtkdo tlks pcrtkhujcr fkdcdhkcj krreoujcrkty. Erdst & [iudo, tle

    cumktirs, repirtem tlct tley lcm chhess ti idjy 38% if tle mihubedtctkid tlct

    tley requkrem kd irmer ti fujjy udmerstcdm Cjkbcrmids jeoermebckd.

    Devertlejess, tley bcdcoem ti revecj tlct tle bksskdo fudms lcm aeed

    fuddejjem ti fkrbs tlct kdvest kd hittid. ]lese cre tle futures hibpcdkes tlct

    sprcdo up kd tle bkm-3;;>s cdm wlkhl privkme fcrbers wktl seems, fertkjksers

    cdm fuej ct exhesskve prkhes kd exhlcdoe fir future lcrvests. Ide if tlese si-

    hcjjem hittid kdvestirs, Gremkt Kdvest, wcs c fkrb iwdem ay Cjkbcrmids fcbkjycdm lcm usem pcrt if tle fudms ecrbcrgem fir hittid ti aukjm c restcurcdt

    kdstecm. ]le cbiudt cmvcdhem ti Gremkt Kdvest wcs decrjy equcj ti tle titcj

    cdducj revedues if tle ]c`kg dctkidcj aumoet. Buhl if tlks bidey lcs yet ti

    ae repckm ti tle Dctkidcj Acdg35.

    Cjkbcrmid mkm dit croue wktl Erdst & [iudos repirt cdm mefedmem lks chtkids

    ay scykdo tlct kt wcs tle idjy wcy ti bckdtckd tle hittid sehtir tlriuol c

    mkffkhujt perkim hertckdjy, tle chtkids if tle Dctkidcj Acdg bust lcve orectjyecsem cdy pckd fejt ir kbcokdem ay tle hittid kdvestirs cdm tlekr frkedms cdm


    ]le Erdst & [iudo cumkt lcm aeed mebcdmem ay tle KBF id kts mkshivery if

    cditler krreoujcrkty. Id < Bcrhl 1>>< tle KBF cddiudhem tlct kt wcs

    requkrkdo ]c`kgkstcd ti repcy $=?.= bkjjkid aehcuse kt lcm cmvcdhem bidkes id

    tle acsks if kdchhurcte kdfirbctkid privkmem ay tle stcte acdg. ]le ]c`kg

    Dctkidcj Acdg lcm kdfjctem tle vcjue if kts reserves ay c fchtir if tlree cdm

    lcm cjsi hidhecjem tle fcht tlct kts reserves lcm aeed usem cs hijjctercj fir

    jicds frib firekod acdgs cmvcdhem ti Gremkt Kdvest! Cjj tlks wcs very

    remijedt if Hcpd Aia Bcxwejjs fkdcdhkcj krreoujcrktkes, k.e. tlise tlct edtckjem

    lks uskdo tle cssets if tle Bkrrir Oriups pedskid fudms ti slire up lks

    auskdess ebpkre. Kt seebem ti be tlct tle ]c`kg kdtejjkoedtskc were ay di

    becds udcwcre if tle cmvcdhem auskdess prchtkhes if tle west.

    35Bc`kmiv, X. (1>>;)

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    Ct caiut tle scbe tkbe cs tle KBF wcs wirrykdo cwcy ct tle ]c``g Dctkidcj

    Acdg, cditler very skbkjcr tcje if wie wcs udfijmkdo hidherdkdo ]CJHI, tle

    stcte iwdem cjubkdkub hibpcdy36. Cjido wktl mruo ruddkdo, tle expirt if

    jcaiur cdm tle primuhtkid if hittid, tle primuhtkid if cjubkdub ks ide if

    ]c`kgkstcds bist kbpirtcdt hibberhkcj jkdes if auskdess cdm siurhe if firekod

    exhlcdoe. Kt chhiudts fir criudm 5>%, ay vcjue, if ]c`kgkstcds expirts. Ct

    ]ursudzimc id tle airmer wktl Uzaegkstcd, ]CJHI iperctes ide if tle

    jcroest cjubkdkub pjcdts kd tle wirjm. Kt ks sckm ti ae ]c`kgkstcds skdoje bist

    vcjucaje kdmustrkcj csset.

    ]c`kgkstcd lcs di acuxkte cdm si cjj tle rcw bcterkcj requkrem ay tle pjcdt lcs

    ti ae kbpirtem. Udmer tle Xivket mkvkskid if jcaiur, tle rctkidcje fir tle

    jihctkid if tle pjcdt wcs privkmem ay ]c`kgkstcds luoe pit dtk j firoederctkdo lymriejehtrkh piwer. ]le primuhtkid prihess fir cjubkdkub ks very

    ederoy kdtedskve. ]c`kgkstcds lymriejehtrkh pitedtkcj merkves frib tle bejtkdo

    ojchkers up kd tle lkol ]c`kg biudtckds. Aut, bcdy yecrs id, wlctever kts

    pitedtkcj bkolt ae, ]c`kgkstcds kdstcjjem lymriejehtrkh hcpchkty rebckds

    kdsuffkhkedt ti beet aitl mibestkh cdm kdmustrkcj mebcdm. Murkdo wkdter wled

    tle tebpercture pjudoes, piwer huts cre frequedt cdm wkmesprecm exhept

    tlct ks kd Muslcdae cdm ]ursudzimc. ]CJHI, kt sliujm ae ditem, chhiudts

    fir caiut =>% if tle titcj mebcdm fir ejehtrkhkty kd ]c`kgkstcd cdm cppecrs tiae c lkoljy prkvkjeoem hustiber if tle ejehtrkhcj oederctkdo kdmustry. Kt ks

    jcroejy spcrem tle mksruptkids kd tle suppjy if ejehtrkhkty tlct cre tle jit if

    bist if tle pipujctkid3?.

    Kf ]CJHI hiujm hibbcdm tle suppjy if =>% if c shcrhe cdm very vcjucaje

    resiurhe suhl cs ejehtrkhkty, K hidhjumem tlct ]CJHI cdm kts primuhtkid if

    cjubkdkub bust ae very kbpirtcdt ti tle ]c`kg Oiverdbedt. ]le expedskve

    priheemkdos kd c Jidmid Lkol Hiurt tlct were hidhjumem kd 1>>< revecjem

    `ust liw kbpirtcdt ]CJHI wcs, cdm stkjj rebckds. Kt cppecrs tlct ]CJHI lcs

    cd coreebedt wktl Dirsg Cjubkdkub, udmer wlkhl ]CJHI purhlcses

    36Ijhitt, B.A.(1>31), pp.3 bkjjkid g_l if ejehtrkhkty per mcy, riuoljy lcjf if wlkhl oies ti]CJHI, cd cjubkdub sbejter. ]le fkdcdhkcj hrksks kd tlks hcse bkolt lcve c pisktkve effeht,skdhe tle mebcdm fir cjubkdub wkjj fcjj, cdm bire kdterdcjjy primuhem ejehtrkhkty hiujm ae

    okved ti hibbid liuselijms. Cs fir diw, peipje `ust lcve ti hipe wktl tle reoujcr ejehtrkhktyhuts tlct cre chhibpcdkem ay tle casedhe if hedtrcj lectkdo cdm diw jifty prkhes fir dcturcjocs., Bemrec, X.(1>>;)

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    cjubkdkub ire, cjubkdc, frib Dirsg ct c prebkub cdm tled sejjs achg tle

    cjubkdkub kt primuhes ct c mkshiudt. Dirsg tled pcys iver tle super prifkts kt

    ecrds id tle mecj ti hertckd fridt hibpcdkes tlct cre reoksterem kd tle Arktksl

    Vkrokd Ksjcdms kd tle dcbes if ]c`kg fridt bed3>=. Dczcriv respidmem wktl hiudter-hjckbs tlct jem ti tle mkshjisure if tle

    settjebedt coreebedtaetweed Dirsg cdm ]CJHI. Kt ks estkbctem tlct caiut

    $3/1 akjjkid lcs, cs c hidsequedhe, aeed hlcddejem tcx-free tlriuol fridt

    hibpcdkes kd tle Arktksl Vkrokd Ksjcdms. ]le ]c`kg stcte aumoet ks cd

    estkbctem $?1 bkjjkid piirer tlise tlct hidtrij ]CJHI, tlekr fcbkjkes cdmfrkedms buhl, buhl rkhler. Aut wli ks kt, yiu bkolt csg, wli ujtkbctejy

    hidtrijs ]CJHI9 ]CJHI ks dit oiverdem ay c aicrm if mkrehtirs .. kt ks

    udmer tle sije hibbcdm if kts mkrehtir wli repirts idjy ti tle ]c`kg preskmedt

    ct c bidtljy beetkdo3; Br Ebibcjk Qcglbid.

    ]le twi pcrtkes ti tle hcse settjem iut if hiurt arkdokdo tle priheemkdos ti c

    hjise, cjido wktl kts ebacrrcsskdo mkshjisures. ]le jeocj hists kdhurrem ay

    tle ]c`kg oiverdbedt were estkbctem ti cbiudt ti $3>> bkjjkid, ir caiut 5%if ]c`kgkstcds OM^, bcgkdo tle hcse ide if tle bist expedskve kd Arktksl

    jeocj lkstiry.

    _lkje tle KBF hibpjckdem if fkdcdhkcj krreoujcrktkeskt wcs dit hjecr wlct

    hrkbes, kf cdy, lcm aeed hibbkttem (by kdterdet resecrhles mkm dit oi cs fcr

    cs ]c`kg tcx jcw). ]le ]c`kg oiverdbedt mefedmem tle ]CJHI-Dirsg

    coreebedt cs aekdo kd hibpjkcdhe wktl cjj kdterdctkidcj stcdmcrms, .. c

    trcdspcredt cdm iped mihubedt, c skod if kdhrecsem hidfkmedhe tlct tle

    kdterdctkidcj auskdess hibbudkty lcs kd tlks hiudtry. ]le coreebedt

    wcs puajkhjy edmirsem ay tle Euripecd Acdg fir Qehidstruhtkid &

    Mevejipbedt (EAQM). EAQM iffkhkcjs pcrtkhkpctem kd tle deoitkctkids jecmkdo

    up ti tle hidhjuskid if tle coreebedt. Kd cmmktkid, 8 _irjm Acdg iffkhkcjs

    suppirtem tle coreebedt cdm tle mkverskid if prifkts tlct tle terbs if tle

    cjubkdc-cjubkdkub trcme were meskodem ti chlkeve.

    3>>6), (1>>?C) & (1>>?A)

    3;_irjm Acdg (1>>=), Aix 6, pcoe 16

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    ]lus, tle KBFs hcjjs fir bire trcdspcredhysiudmem ti be c akt jkge tle oukjty

    pritestctkids if tlise wli lcm lcm c rkdoskme sect ct tle perfirbcdhe if tle

    krreoujcrktkeskd questkid7 everyide wli bctterem gdew perfehtjy wejj wlct lcm

    aeed coreem cdm wcs hibfirtcaje wktl tle crrcdoebedts tlct lcm aeed put kd

    pjche. _lct, liwever, wcs wirtl ditkdo wcs tlct ]CJHI wcs jess

    ]c`kgkstcds skdoje bist vcjucaje kdmustrkcj cssettlcd kt wcs tle persidcj

    priperty if Ebibcjk Qcglbid cdm tlct le cdm lks hridkes were wejj pjchem ti

    edsure tlct tle jkids slcre if tle ejehtrkhkty iutput if ]c`kgkstcd hidtkduem ti

    ae suppjkem ti ]CJHI si tlct tlks skbpje mevkhe fir oederctkdo c suastcdtkcj

    fjiw if iff-slire fudms, wlkhl were tled bcme cvckjcaje, tcx-free, fir prkvcte

    purpises, wiujm hidtkdue ti wirg sbiitljy. Krreoujcrktyseebem c skdoujcrjy

    kdcppriprkcte terb wktl wlkhl ti hlcrchterkse suhl cd crrcdoebedt cd

    ejeocdt,mkshreetcdm tcx effkhkedt shcb wiujm ae aetter.

    Aut, K widmerem, sliujm K ae wirrykdo caiut cdy if tlks9 Mkm kt bctter9 Cfter

    cjj, tle tip bcdcoebedt if QAX cwcrmem Xkr Frem Oiimwkd c pedskid if

    65>,>>> per cddub, ct tle coe if 5>, slirtjy cfter le, tle HEI, lcm

    mestriyem lks acdg. Liw mkm tlct mkffer kd suastcdhe frib ]CJHIs shcb ir

    tle jedmkdo prchtkhes if tle ]c`kg Dctkidcj Acdg9 Kd cdy hcse, ditwktlstcdmkdo

    cdy krreoujcrktkes,kt wcs udmiuatemjy tle hcse tlct ct jecst sibe if tle

    fkdcdhe cmvcdhem ay tle ]c`kg Dctkidcj Acdg ti hittid kdvestirs mkm oet usemfir fudmkdo tle suppjy if hittid seem cdm itler kdputs requkrem ay hittid

    fcrbers. Bcyae, kd ]c`kgkstcd, tle hist if krreoujcrktkesskbpjy firbem pcrt if

    tle iverlecm if mikdo auskdess tlere kd tle scbe wcy tlct tle luoe

    scjcrkes cdm aiduses pckm ay fkdcdhkcj kdstktutkids firb pcrt if tle iverlecm if

    mikdo auskdess lere kd tle UG. Kdmeem, kt wcs bire ir jess kd `ust suhl terbs

    tlct tle lecm if tle ]c`kg Dctkidcj Acdg mefedmem lks krreoujcrjicds ti tle

    hittid futures hibpcdkes.

    K mkm dit gdiw tle cdswer, aut K mkm deem ti fihus id Glctjid, wlere K

    expehtem ti ae acsem. Xi, achg ti tle kdterdet0

    Glctjid ^rivkdhe firbem ay cd cbcjocbctkid if Gurocd-]yuae Iajcstcdm

    Gujyca Iajcst- shede if tle wirst fkoltkdo murkdo ]c`kgkstcds rehedt hkvkj wcr,

    pcrtkhujcrjy kd cdm criudm Gurocd-]eppc, tle hcpktcj if tle privkdhe. ]le hkvkj

    wcr eruptem kd 3;;1, slirtjy cfter ]c`kgkstcd ockdem kts kdmepedmedhe frib tle

    Xivket Udkid kd 3;;3, cdm wcs idjy firbcjjy hidhjumem kd 1>>>.

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    ]le jcst sesskid if tle ^eipjes Hidoress if tle Xivket Udkid wcs lejm id 5

    Xeptebaer 3;;3. Ide if kts jcst chts wcs ti firbcjjy mkssijve tle exehutkve

    hibbkttee if tle Udkid. Id ; Xeptebaer 3;;3 ]c`kgkstcd mehjcrem kts

    kdmepedmedhe frib tle diw mefudht UXXQ.

    Kbibcjk Qcglbid (tled gdiwd cs Qchlbcdiv) aehcbe tle ]c`kg preskmedt kd

    Ihtiaer 3;;1, jcroejy ay firhe if crbs. Le wcs achgem ay firhes frib

    Gujyca tlct were kd cjjkcdhe wktl tlise frib Gli`cdm (tled dcbem Jedkdcacm)

    kd tle dirtl. ]ioetler, tley firhem iut tle kdhubaedt preskmedt, Ksgcdmcriv,

    wli wcs achgem ay firhes mrcwd frib criudm Ocrb kd tle Qcslt Vcjjey,

    Gurocd-]eppc kd Glctjid cdm ay ^cbkrks frib Oirdi-Acmcglslcd. ]liuol

    bebaers if tle Ksjcbkh Qedcksscdhe ^crty premibkdctem wktlkd tle

    oiverdbedt if Ksgcdmcriv cdm pjcyem cd kbpirtcdt rije wktlkd tle hjcds kdcdm criudm Ocrb, kt wcs c bimercte Ksjcbkh pcrty prepcrem ti hiipercte wktl

    sehujcr pcrtkes cdm tle struooje fir piwer kd ]c`kgkstcd ks usucjjy meshrkaem ay

    hibbedtctirs cs ide aetweed mkfferedt hjcds fir reokidcj cdm dctkidcj pre-

    ebkdedhe. ]lks struooje hidtkdues ti tle presedt mcy wktl Ocrb rebckdkdo c

    hedtre if reskstcdhe crbem reskstcdhe1> ti hedtrcj oiverdbedt.

    Aetweed 3;;1 cdm tle stcrt if tle peche prihess kd3;;?, tliuscdms were

    gkjjem, ludmrems if ^cbkrks jkvkdo kd Muslcdae were burmerem, wlije vkjjcoeskd Glctjid cdm tle Ocrb vcjjey were mestriyem cjido wktl tlekr corkhujturcj

    kdfrcstruhture. C qucrter if c bkjjkid peipje fjem tle hiudtry cdm caiut lcjf tle

    estkbctem 8,>>> Qusskcds wli lcm aeed jkvkdo tlere wled kt aehcbe

    kdmepedmedt kd 3;;3 lcm jeft ay ecrjy 3;;8. ]le ]c`kg ehidiby hijjcpsem.

    Oirdi-Acmcglslcd, wlere tle ^cbkr Biudtckds rkse cdm hcjjem ay sibe tle

    riif if tle wirjm, ks libe ti caiut c qucrter if c bkjjkid ^cbkrks cdm wcs tle

    wirse cffehtem reokid if tle hiudtry. Fir c tkbe kt wcs ajihgcmem ay tle

    hedtrcj oiverdbedt. ]le requkrebedt fir c spehkcj perbkt ti trcvej ti tlks pcrt

    if ]c`kgkstcd wcs idjy jkftem kd 1>3>. ^cbkrks cre Ksbckjks cdm cs c

    hidsequedhe tlekr spkrktucj jecmer ks tle Coc Glcd c wejj-gdiwd iwder if

    1>Ecsterd ]c`kgkstcd, c gey acttjeoriudm if tle 3;;1-3;;? hkvkj wcr, ks kd turbikj cockd cfter

    tle Xeptebaer 3; Gcbcria Oiroe cbauslif oiverdbedt triips cdm tle Cuoust 18`ckjarecgay hidvkhtem extrebksts. ]wedty-fkve sijmkers were gkjjem kd tle Xeptebaer 3; cbausl, hcuskdo oiverdbedt firhes ti

    jcudhl c bcdludt fir firber Udktem ]c`kg Ippisktkid (U]I) fkejm hibbcdmers CjivummkdMcvjctiv (cgc Cjk Aemcg) cdm Camujji Qclkbiv (cgc Bujji Camujji), Karcokbivc, Quglslidc(1>3>A). Xee cjsi Kdterdctkidcj Hrksks Oriup (1>33A) cdm Bcjcsledgi, C (1>31)

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    rche-lirses cdm c Lcrvcrm orcmucte wli lcs sgkem fir aitl ]urgey cdm Krcd.

    By fctler idhe spittem lkb ct Gebptid crg, ir wcs kt Oiimwiim9 Id

    crrkvkdo kd ]c`kgkstcd K qukhgjy mkshiverem tlct tle Coc Glcd wcs wkmejy

    reocrmem cs c oiim ajige cdm tcjgem caiut wcrbjy kd buhl tle scbe wcy cs

    bcdy peipje tcjg caiut tle Mcjk Jcbc. _lctever ides vkews, tle Coc

    Glcds Mevejipbedt Detwirg, wlkhl stcrtem wirgkdo kd ]c`kgkstcd kd 3;;1,

    wcs hrktkhcj ti tle survkvcj if tle rebite cdm ksijctem ^cbkrk hibbudktkes kd

    Oirdi-Acmcglslcd (jktercjjy, Biudtckdius Acmcglslcd) murkdo tle hkvkj wcr.

    By kdktkcj mrecby, Xhlelerczcme-hijiurem pkhture if ]c`kgkstcd wcs aehibkdo

    mkffkhujt ti sustckd. Xbcjj, ksijctem, wcr-tird, piir, hirrupt .. kt mkm dit jiig

    oiim. Biudtckd peipje, hjcds K tliuolt if tle Oeirokcds, Hlehleds,

    Caglczkcds cdm Issetkcds kd tle Hcuhcsus, caiut tle Xeras, Hricts,Aisdkcds cdm Cjacdkcds kd tle Acjgcds cdm rehcjjem stirkes caiut tle

    BchMidcjms cdm Hcbpaejjs kd tle Xhittksl Lkoljcdms. Xi fcr cs tle ]c`kg

    ehidiby wcs hidherdem K lcm ay diw firbem c pkhture kd by bkdm if c piir,

    aedkoltem peipje jcaiurkdo kd tle tikjs if c luoe cdm uojy bchlkde meskodem

    ti extrcht tle bcxkbub pisskaje wecjtl frib tle hiudtry cdm mkvert kt kdti tle

    pihgets if tle rujkdo hjcd c fkdcdhkcj pubp wktl cd cakjkty dit mksskbkjcr ti

    tlct if c lect pubp tlct hcd extrcht lect frib kts surriudmkdos eved wled

    tley cre hijm cdm decr ti freezkdo7 c hrume cdm mehrepkt bchlkde aut ide tlctdevertlejess wcs bckdtckdem kd wirgkdo irmer ay tle oederius fkdcdhkcj

    jkactkids if kdterdctkidcj fkdcdhkcj kdstktutkids.

    Aut, cfter cjj if by resecrhles, K lcm jecrdt jkttje bire caiut Glctjid exhept ti

    mkshiver tlct kts hcpktcj, Gurocd ]eppc (cjterdctkvejy, Surolid ]eppc, ir

    Gurocd-]yuae, aut usucjjy referrem ti cs G]), lcm c pipujctkid if criudm

    >>, tlct tle privkdhe cs c wlije lcm c pipujctkid if 1.5 bkjjkid, bcdy if

    tleb wirgkdo kd Qusskc, cdm tlct kt wcs airmerem ti tle siutl ay Cfolcdkstcd.

    ]lks airmer wktl Cfolcdkstcd ks firbem ay tle Qkver ^ycd` gdiwd ay tle

    cdhkedt Oreegs cs tle Qkver Ixus. _lere tle ^ycd` beets tle Vcglsl,

    cditler kbpirtcdt rkver tlct fjiws miwd tlriuol Glctjid cjj tle wcy frib

    Gyroystcd kd tle dirtl, kt aehibes tle Cbu Mcryc Qkver, tle orectest Hedtrcj

    Cskcd rkver tlct fjiws id aetweed Cfolcdkstcd cdm Uzaegkstcd, kdti

    ]urgbedkstcd dirtl if tle Gcrc Gub Mesert, tled achg kdti Uzaegkstcd aefire

    peterkdo iut kd tle Gkzyj-Gub Mesert `ust slirt if tle slrkdgkdo Crcj Xec. Cjj

    tlese rkvers cre kbpirtcdt ti tle dctkids tley tiuhl cdm fjiw tlriuol7 cjj if

    tleb cre sua`eht ti cbaktkius pjcds fir lcrdesskdo tlekr piwer cdm uskdo tlekr

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    wcter fir krrkoctkid7 cjj if tlks ks very sedsktkve cdm pitedtkcjjy very


    K cjsi jecrdt tlct c gurocdwcs c aurkcj biudm c Xhytlkcd aurkcj biudm.

    K recm id. K aruslem up id by Qusskcd cdm recm caiut wcys if kbprivkdo

    corkhujturcj extedskid11, caiut jcdm refirb cdm wcter bcdcoebedt kd

    ]c`kgkstcd, K wirgem tlriuol c text aiig id pecscdt ehidibkhs cdm c

    bidiorcpl id c vkjjcoe ehidiby kd Kdmkc, K ariwsem tle FCI, KBF, _irjm

    Acdg cdm itler weasktes, iatckdem c mihubedt id tle iptkbub krrkoctkid

    deems if hittid, revkewem tle wcy corkhujture wcs irocdksem kd tle UG,

    jiigem ct tle Corkhujture & Lirtkhujture Mevejipbedt Aicrm, wrestjem wktl tle

    Hibbid Corkhujture ^ijkhy, tle becsurebedt if fcrb kdhibe, bkjg ykejms,pitcti iutput, arcsskhcs .. K tliuolt if hidtchtkdo tle DFU cdm tcjgkdo ti

    tlekr ehidibksts, aut, K cb cfrckm, K fiudm tlct ay tled K lcm qukte jist by wcy

    kd tle wirjm if corkhujture.

    K very buhl deemem ti oet iut cdm caiut, ti wcjg criudm id skte cdm tcjg ti

    tlise wktl wlib K wiujm ae wirgkdo. ]led, lipefujjy, K wiujm ae caje ti re-

    irkedt bysejf, kmedtkfy sibe spehkfkh priajebs, fihus by ederokes cdm

    estcajksl c sedse if purpise.

    13C pcrtkhujcrjy triuajesibe kssue wcs, cdm rebckds, tle Qioud Mcb. Hidstruhtkid id tlks

    mcb stcrtem kd 3;?6 cdm lcs hidtkduem kd stcrts cdm stips ever skdhe. Uzaegkstcd kshidherdem tlct Qioud, wlkhl skts id tle Vcglsl rkver ecst if Muslcdae, wkjj resujt kd wcterslirtcoes miwdstrecb kd tle Cbu Mcryc. Uzaegkstcds listkjkty ti tle pri`eht hidtrkautem title hcdhejjctkid if tle ]c`kg Oiverdbedts hidtrcht wktl tle Qusskcd hibpcdy Quscj kd 1>>?.]lks hidtrcht lcm aeed struhg kd 1>>=, wled tle ]c`kg Oiverdbedt firbem c pcrtderslkp wktlQuscj ti hibpjete tle mcb.Bire rehedtjy, Qioud lcs chqukrem orecter ditirkety wktlkd ]c`kgkstcd ktsejf aehcuse if tleOiverdbedts cttebpts kd 1>3> ti rckse fkdcdhe ay firhkdo tle ]c`kg peipje ti purhlcseslcres kd tle pri`eht. ]lere cre repirts if ebpjiyers auykdo slcres id aelcjf if tlekrebpjiyees, kd sibe hcses uskdo up ti lcjf tlekr wcoes fir tlks purpise. Ide if tle Coedhys

    Cssets wirgkdo kd Xuolm repirtem tlct tlks lcm mrkved c dekolaiur if lks ti hibbkt sukhkme.Xee cjsi, Karcokbivc, Quglslidc (1>3>C), Ajcdg (1>31) cdm Ximkqiv (1>31).11

    Corkhujturcj Extedskid ]le mkssebkdctkid if kdfirbctkid cdm cmvkhe ti fcrbers, tle terb

    extedskid merkvkdo frib emuhctkidcj iutrechl wirg ay Edojksl udkversktkes kd tle sehidm lcjfif tle dkdeteedtl hedtury. Xee @ides cdm Ocrfirtls hlcpter kd Xwcdsid, Aedtz & Xifrcdgi(1>>5).

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    Kts Bidmcy, 3stBcrhl cdm X stcdms jiigkdo iut if tle aemriib wkdmiw if c

    fjct idhe ihhupkem ay Bcmkdc Cglbetivc c Gczcgl wli lcm aeed pcrt if

    tle Coedhys ]c`kg Xtctkid lere aut wli lcm jeft fir Gczcglstcd slirtjy aefire

    X crrkvem, lcm dit returdem cdm, si kt seebem, wiujm dit ae hibkdo achg.

    Di-ide tcjgs caiut Bcmkdc aut ide if tle Coedhys Cssets butterem kd cd

    cskme ti X tlct sle wcs very styjksl.

    ]le fjct ks c fkde ide. Kts tuhgem cwcy ust iff Qumcgk ^rispeht, c stides

    tlriw frib tle Buseub if Cdtkquktkes cdm dit buhl furtler cwcy frib tle

    Iperc/Acjjet Liuse tlct ks hurredtjy cmvertkskdo Hcrbed cs c hibkdo


    Kts rckdkdo iutskme cockd. Kt bust lcve rckdem cjbist every mcy fir tle jcst

    twi weegs. X widmers wlere kt hibes frib9 ]c`kgkstcd ks jcdmjihgem cdm tle

    decrest skodkfkhcdt expcdse if wcter ks tle rcpkmjy slrkdgkdo Crcj Xec >

    gkjibetres ti tle _est. ]le prevkius yecr tle rckds lcm aeed si lecvy cdm

    prijidoem tlct Qumcgk ^rispeht aehcbe cdgje meep kd wcter cs c resujt if tle

    rud-iff frib tle surriudmkdo biudtckds.

    ]le surriudmkdo biudtckds9 Xi fcr, mue ti tle wectler, X lcs lcm idjy c

    skdoje ojkbpse if c sdiw-hiverem fjcdg.

    Les mressem, pchgem cdm recmy ti oi ti Gurocd ]eppc (G]), c tiwd tlct ks

    3>> gkjibetres ti tle siutl. Les wcktkdo fir lks trcdspirt BX, tle Coedhy

    mrkver, ks oikdo ti mrkve lkb ti G]. B, tle Xtctkid Bcdcoer, ks hibkdo tii.

    Xle wkjj pcss lkb iver ti lks ebpjiyer. BX, le lcs jecrdt, ks tle prium iwder

    if lks iwd hcr cdm ks siid ti jecve tle Coedhy bcyae ti aehibe c tcxk

    mrkver cdm wirg id lks iwd chhiudt.

    _led X fkrst crrkvem, tlere wcs sdiw id tle oriudm aut tle rckd siid wcslem

    tlks cwcy. Le wcs expehtkdo c hidtkdedtcj hjkbcte, k.e. c lcrm hijm wkdter, cdm

    lcm hibe prepcrem wktl c miwd `chget. Aut tle wectler lcs aeed bire jkge

    tlct kd tle UG. Kd fcht, fir bist if tle wkdter if 1>>;-3> Jidmid lcs aeed

    hijmer tlcd Muslcdae.

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    8=.>>lrs. Kbbkorctkid hidtrij tiig pjche wktlkd c ajecg, udcmirdem slem if c

    aukjmkdo. Kt wcs temkius tliuol dit tii pritrchtem aehcuse tlere were si few

    pcssedoers id lks fjkolt. ]le ctbisplere wcs suamuem wktl jkttje tcjgkdo.

    ]le pcssedoers fkjjem kd tlekr edtry firbs cdm sluffjem firwcrm kd c queue wktl

    dide if tle exhktem auzz cdm ecoerdess tlct usucjjy chhibpcdkes c oriup if

    dew crrkvcjs kd cd exitkh jihctkid. Qctler, tlere wcs cd ckr if wcrkdess cdm

    quket cdxkety ir wcs kt `ust X wli fejt tlct wcy9

    Kt wcs stkjj mcrg cs le jeft tle terbkdcj aukjmkdo aut tlere were idjy c lcdmfuj if

    peipje wcktkdo criudm cdm si le qukhgjy spittem sibeide lijmkdo cd Coedhy

    skod lks jkft frib tle ckrpirt. ]le mrkver cdm X mkm dit specg echl itlers

    jcdoucoe cdm si tley mrive tlriuol tle mesertem streets if Muslcdae kdskjedhe. X lcm di kmec wlere tley were oikdo aut evedtucjjy tle hcr pujjem up

    iutskme c tedebedt ajihg. ]le oriudm wcs hiverem wktl bejtkdo sdiw cdm

    wcter wcs mrkppkdo kd tle edtrcdhe jiaay if tle aukjmkdo. ]le tcxk mrkver jem

    tle wcy up tle stckrs ti tle fkrst fjiir cdm rcdo tle aejj dext ti tle bkmmje if

    tlree jcroe steej miirs. ]le miir kbbemkctejy ti kts jeft ipedem cdm c wibcd

    wktl cd Kdmkcd chhedt sckm Xtucrt9 cdm X hcjjem iut [es, tlcts be frib

    aelkdm tle tcxk mrkver.

    X wcs uslerem kdti tle fjct, tle tcxk mrkver lejpkdo lkb wktl lks juoocoe,

    sliwd kdti tle fkrst riib iff tle edtrcdhe lcjj, cmvksem ti oet sibe sjeep cdm

    tijm tlct sibeide wiujm ae hibkdo ti pkhg lkb up jcter tlct birdkdo. C fir

    tlct wcs ler dcbe tled jeft lkb cjide. Le widmerem kf tlks wcs sibe gkdm

    if lijmkdo ped, ide if tle Coedhys scfe liuses. _iujm le ae bivem id

    jctter tlct mcy9 Xliujm le bcge lkbsejf ct libe9 Aut le mkm dit wcdt ti

    udpchg, dir mkm le feej jkge sjeepkdo. _lct le very buhl wiujm lcve jkgem

    wcs c hup if tec ir hiffee. Le jcy miwd id tle aem c luoe gkdo-skzem aem

    hiverem kd c jkbe oreed sctkd hiudterpcde cdm jiigem ct tle hekjkdo.

    Le wcs wiged up ay C gdihgkdo id lks miir. Kt wcs criudm >;.>> liurs.

    Xle wcs iff ti tle Coedhys Xtctkid Iffkhe cdm tijm X tlct le wiujm ae pkhgem

    up jcter. Cfter sle jeft le expjirem tle fjct. Cpcrt frib lks jcroe aemriib wktl

    kts jcroe aem cdm luoe wcrmriae tlere wcs c jcroe skttkdo riib, hibpjete wktl

    c hiuhl, crbhlckrs cdm ]V. Kd cmmktkid, tlere wcs c sbcjj actlriib, c

    hibpcht gkthled cdm cditler aemriib tlct C lcm tcged. Le hiujm fkdm di tec

    ir hiffee ir fiim cdm si trkem tle ]V aut hiujm idjy oet c Qusskcd jcdoucoe

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    hlcddej tlct wcs fecturkdo wlct seebem ti ae c bkjktcry mihubedtcry. Le

    hiujm dit oi iut C lcm jihgem tle miir aelkdm ler wled sle jeft, tcgkdo wktl

    ler tle idjy gey ti tle fjct. Xi le wcktem cdm kdmeem tle skttkdo riib wcs

    very buhl jkge c wcktkdo riib kbpersidcj, tle wcjjs acre if pkhtures ir

    aiigslejves, tle mhir ajcdm cdm deutrcj exhept fir tle hedtrcj pedmcdt jkolt.

    ]lks, jkge tle ide kd lks aemriib, wcs c hlcdmejker wktl fjcbaiycdt twkstem

    crbs cdm uskdo wlct jiigem jkge twkstem, hibpcht fjuireshedt jkolt aujas. Le

    jcter jecrdt tlct tlese jkolt aujas were ifted referrem ti, kridkhcjjy, cs

    presedts frib tle ^reskmedts mcuolter wli iwdem tle fchtiry tlct bcme


    Le wedt tlriuol tle mrcwers kd lks riib cdm kd tle jiudoe. Le fiudm ditlkdo

    aut pcperhjkps cdm c sjkb Qusskcd jcdoucoe pcperachg edtktjemC Lkstiry if

    tle ]c`kg Dctkid. Le pihgetem tle aiig.

    Di hjues cs ti tle pcst ihhupcdt cdm ditlkdo ti kdmkhcte wlct wcs ti hibe.

    Xi le wcktem, udedtluskcstkhcjjy cdm krrktctem tlct le mkm dit gdiw wlct

    prehksejy le wcs wcktkdo fir dir liw jido kt wiujm ae aefire kt crrkvem. Le

    pidmerem lks sktuctkid cdm tijm lkbsejf tlct le sliujm tcge c sliwer, oi ti

    aem, cdm tled, refreslem, fche tle mcy. Aut tliuol tkrem cdm fjct le hiujm dit

    rejcx, le mkm dit wcdt ti mkstura lks dectjy pchgem juoocoe udtkj le wcs sureif stcykdo kd Cglbetivcs fjct fir ct jecst c mcy ir twi, cdm rujem iut c sliwer

    aehcuse le cssubem, wktl di oiim recsid, tlct tlere wiujm ae di lit wcter.

    Aekdo lejm, gkhgkdo ides leejs, le wcs ti fkdm, wiujm aehcbe c frequedt

    experkedhe kd ]c`kgkstcd. Cs ide hijjecoue put kt ti lkb slirtjy cfter le

    crrkvem, tle `ia jcroejy cbiudtem ti skbpjy lcdokdo criudm cdm lejpkdo iut

    c akt.

    Diw, decrjy twi weegs jcter, stcdmkdo ay tle aemriib wkdmiw jiigkdo ct tle

    rckd, lere le ks feejkdo tlct le lcs dit yet stcrtem lks csskodbedt cdm ks stkjj

    ed riute. Les pchgem, recmy ti jecve cdm lcdokdo criudm stcrkdo kdti

    spche wcktkdo fir lks jkft.

    Muslcdae lcs dit aeed c pisktkve experkedhe, les cdxkius, lks csskodbedt

    rebckds c bystery, les dit jiigkdo firwcrm ti bire lcdokdo criudm cdm le

    lcs aehibe preihhupkem wktl sehurkdo lks exkt riute, k.e. purhlcskdo c tkhget

    libe, kf idjy fir c slirt arecg. ]lct ct jecst sliujm lcve aeed

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    strckoltfirwcrm aut le lcs jist lks wcjjet cdm wktl kt cjj lks hremkt hcrms

    mrippem ir pkhg pihgetem id c aus.

    Les aitlerem ay, aut udcaje ti tlriw iff, lks jchg if edtluskcsb. _ly tlks

    cpctly, wly tlks uroe ti `ust jecve cdm returd ti tle UG9 ]i fjee ir dit 9

    ^erlcps, kt bkolt lcve aeed mkfferedt kf tlere lcm aeed sibeide wktl wlib

    ti oi iut, expjire tle hkty, try iut tle restcurcdts, hcfes cdm acrs, lcve c

    mrkdg, tcjg cdm firoet idesejf. ^erlcps le wiujm lcve fejt bire edtluskcstkh kf

    le lcm bcdcoem ti edocoe sibeide kd c serkius mkshusskid caiut lks

    csskodbedt lere kd ]c`kgkstcd cdm caiut tle jihcj, aurdkdo kssues if tle mcy

    hidherdkdo corkhujture, ebpjiybedt, tle dctkidcj fiitacjj tecb, hcrs, buskh,

    .. . Aut, le rebkdms lkbsejf, le lcs aeed iut id tle tiwd7 ti c Ugrckderestcurcdt wlere tley mrcdg aeer cdm ti tle Hlcyglidc Qiglct wlere tley

    sct iutskme ct judhltkbe ectkdo, mrkdgkdo tec cdm tcgkdo plitiorcpls. Le lcs

    cjsi aeed iut if tiwd id c trkp wktl itlers ti Lkssir ti vkskt tle firt cdm

    bemrcssc tlere. ]liuol kt wcs id tle `iurdey ti Lkssir wled le jist lks

    wcjjet, wlkhl sibewlct ajkoltem lks cpprehkctkid if tle pjche. Cdm, le lcs

    lcm ct jecst ide very usefuj cdm kdvkoirctkdo mkshusskid aecrkdo id lks


    ^erlcps, perlcps . le fecrs tlct, perlcps, le ks skbpjy dit up ti kt cjj tlks

    lcdokdo criudm, cdm lere! ]lks jcst tliuolt le fkdms pcrtkhujcrjy


    ^erlcps le wcdts ti feej mujj cdm miwd aehcuse le lcs cjj aut aurkem ide

    pcrtkhujcrjy ejehtrkfykdo experkedhe. K hcd rehcjj kt diw idjy cfter recmkdo lks

    mkcry, cdm le idjy put kt kdti lks mkcry aehcuse, cs le stctes tlere, lks bebiry

    wcs `iooem id seekdo tle dews id tle AAH weaskte caiut tle Hlkjecd

    ecrtlqucge mkscster tlct wcs Xudmcy, 1< Fearucry 1>3>. ]le prevkius

    dkolt, le cwige ti fkdm lks aem trebajkdo. Ct fkrst le tliuolt tlct tlere wcs

    sibeide udmer lks aem, sibeide luoe wli wcs stkrrkdo jkge c okcdt turdkdo kd

    lks sjeep. Aut, cs le octlerem lks wkts, le recjksem tlks wcs casurm cdm tled

    kt struhg lkb kts cd ecrtlqucge! ]c`kgkstcd wcs, le gdew, c pjche if lkol

    tehtidkh chtkvkty. Cd ecrtlqucge, cjaekt c bimest, aem-slcgkdo trebir, ks

    surejy sibetlkdo tlct iuolt ti stkhg iut kd tle bkdm if cd Edojkslbcd. Aut le

    firoets ti bedtkid kt ti cdyide ejse cdm diaimy le beets bedtkids kt ti lkb.

    Lcm kt aeed c mrecb9

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    Xtucrt, wlct caiut yiur deems9

    K midt udmerstcdm. _lct cre yiu tcjgkdo caiut9

    Xtucrt, yiur deems. _lct cre yiur deems9

    CamujBc`km seebs pcrtkhujcrjy ecoer cdm hurkius ti gdiw liw K wkjj respidm

    ti lks questkid. Le ks jkge c mio tlct lcs lecrm ir shedtem sibetlkdo

    pcrtkhujcrjy kdterestkdo7 ecrs prkhgem, lecm up, exhktem cdm strckdkdo ti lecr.

    Xummedjy, K recjkze wlct les oettkdo ct.

    _e cre idhe cockd skttkdo kd iur usucj wcterkdo lije tle acr wlereCamujBc`km cjwcys tcges be wled we oi fir c mrkdg cfter wirg. _e cre

    kdskme, skttkdo ct c tcaje kd tle hirder. ]le riib ks mehirctem kd oreed, tle

    furdkture ks uplijsterem kd oreed bcterkcj, tle wcktresses cre kd jido, jkbe

    oreed, scrk-jkge mresses, cjj tleb sliwkdo cd kdhl ir twi if tlekr bkmrkffs cdm

    sibe if tleb tlekr oijm teetl tii wled tley specg, ir sbkje. ]lere cre twi

    Qusskcd sijmkers kd udkfirb ct c tcaje chriss tle riib. ]lere cre jido oreed

    mrcpes lcjf hiverkdo tle wkdmiws.

    CamujBc`km ks tcjgkdo caiut sex cdm K cb slihgem

    K cb cjcrbem aehcuse K cb pretty sure tlct le ks dit kmjy csgkdo wlct K tlkdg if

    ]c`kg wibed ir wletler K fcdhy cdyide Kve bet ir wiujm jkge ti oi iut cdm

    beet sibe wibed sihkcjjy. Le ks tcjgkdo caiut sex cs sibetlkdo tlct ks qukte

    mkvirhem frib cdy pcrtkhujcr kdmkvkmucj. Le ks tcjgkdo caiut oikdo iut cdm

    oettkdo sex, cs ide bkolt c aeer ir c jicf if arecm. Le ks tcjgkdo caiut oikdo

    ti c aritlej - diw - aehcuse, cs K lcve jecrdem, CamujBc`km ks sibeaimy wli

    ks dit buhl kdterestem kd lypitletkhcj ir castrcht priajebs. Le ks c very

    prchtkhcjjy irkedtem bcd wli prkmes lkbsejf id cjwcys aekdo caje ti sijve

    jkfes priajebs - qukhgjy. Bcyae, tle acr we cre mrkdgkdo kd ks c aritlej!

    Bc`km, cre yiu tcjgkdo caiut sex9

    If hiurse

    _lct caiut yiur wkfe9 _lct caiut yiur rejkokid9

    By wkfe mies dit jkge kt aut sle rehiodkzes tlct K, tlct bed, lcve deems

    Cdm Ksjcb

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    Bc`km sbkrgs, Kb dit rejkokius ct tle bibedt

    _ly dit9

    Aehcuse K jkge ti mrkdg wktl yiu. Cdm wlct caiut yiurwkfeK ajctler id caiut butucj trust cdm respeht, caiut equcjkty aetweed tle sexes

    ajcl, ajcl _lct cdy if tlks lcs ti mi wktl by deems ir sexucj chtkvkty kd

    tle UG K lcve di kmec. Kt mies, liwever, seeb ti aire CamujBc`km cdm we

    bive idti cditler sua`eht7 priacajy tle priper use if, cdm sebcdtkh

    mkfferedhes aetweed, hiujm, wiujm cdm sliujm. Le ks very geed ti

    kbprive lks Edojksl cdm lcs aeed pesterkdo be fir mcys ti lejp lkb fkdm, cs

    le puts kt, tle jkde aetweed tlese tlree wirms.

    Aut wly lcs tlks questkid caiut by deems si mkshibaiaujctem be9 ]wiweegs jcter, wled tle CH]EM mrkver, Gcrkb, returds ti tle listej ecrjy ide

    weegedm cdm hcthles be cjide, le suooests, very bctter if fchtjy, tlct we oi

    iff ti c aritlej. Cockd K rehikj, slihgem, aut by ia`ehtkid, fir cjj if wlct K

    lcve sckm ti CamujBc`km caiut trust cdm respeht, ks dit c bircj ide. K rehikj

    frib tle prispeht if wlct K bkolt edhiudter7 cd kbcoe tlct ks idjy hidshkiusjy

    recjkzem buhl jcter, wled ide evedkdo, achg libe kd Edojcdm, Cddc kdsksts

    id recmkdo ti be tle chhiudt kd Frcdg Xgkdders cutiakiorcply caiut lks vkskt

    ti c aritlej. ]le kbcoe Xgkdder mrcws ks repejjcdt.

    Bircj re`ehtkid cdm plyskhcj repuodcdhe tlct ks dit cjj. Jurgkdo ct tle achg

    if by bkdm tlere ks sibetlkdo ejse. K vcouejy rehcjj c pcsscoe K lcm recm kd

    Xkeofrkem Xcsiids ]le HibpjeteBebikrs if Oeiroe Xlerstid. Le

    meshrkaes, K tlkdg, lks feejkdos `ust aefire seekdo chtkid murkdo tle Fkrst _irjm

    _cr. Le ks kd tle hibpcdy if secsidem triips cdm, si le scys, lks orectest

    fecr ks tlct le wkjj bcge c fiij if lkbsejf kd fridt if tleb. Le wkjj ae fiudm

    wcdtkdo. Liw wiujm K becsure up kd c aritlej, c ]c`kg aritlej, udmer tle

    eyes, pisskajy, if c ]c`kg hijjecoue9 Kt ks c trkcj K lcve di kdtedtkid if

    udmeroikdo. Xi fcr cs CamujBc`km cdm Gcrkb cre hidherdem, wled kt hibes

    ti aritlejs, K cb oikdo ti ae c hidshkedtkius ia`ehtir.

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    Mkverskidcry tchtkhs kd c Muslcdae acr

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    Murkdo tlise fkrst 3> mcys kd Muslcdae K bet severcj itler Coedhy Cssets.

    ]wi if tleb were kd tiwd vksktkdo tle hcpktcj frib tlekr pjchebedts kd rebite

    jihctkids cwcy kd tle privkdhes. ]le itlers were cjj acsem kd tle hcpktcj, fiur

    if tleb jkvkdo tioetler kd tle Coedhy listej. _e cjj wedt iut fir c becj ide

    evedkdo cdm c hiupje if tkbes K wedt iver ti tle listej ti sihkcjkse. Everyide

    wcs frkedmjy aut by iverwlejbkdo kbpresskid wcs if c bitjey oriup if

    kdmkvkmucjs, be kdhjumem, cjj if wlib were buhl preihhupkem wktl tlekr iwd

    priajebs cdm, cs K kbcokdem kt, struoojkdo ti hrecte cdm bckdtckd tlekr iwd

    sedse if purpise.

    _e were dit c tecb. _e lcm aeed tlriwd tioetler cdm slcrem c hibbid

    hujturcj achgoriudm cdm fchem tle skbkjcr hlcjjedoes if jkvkdo kd c strcdoe cdm

    firekod jcdm. Cdm, jkge sijmkers kd tle Fredhl Firekod Jeokid, we cjj lcm iur

    iwd prkvcte recsids fir aekdo tlere. ]lere wcs jkttje tcjg if wirg cdm buhl

    hibpjckdkdo caiut tle Xtctkid Iffkhe. K mkm cjsi ditkhe tlct tlere wcs

    oedercjjy c wijfksl kdterest kd tle fiim wledever we wedt iut cdm cte

    tioetler. Cfter K lcm vksktem Bubkdkacm jcter kd by stcy cdm slippem kd tle

    aczccr tlere K hiujm udmerstcdm wly.

    ]le Listej Cssets were cd kdterestkdo oriup. ]ley were cjj veoetcrkcds wli

    frequedtjy spedt tlekr evedkdos skttkdo tioetler, mrkdgkdo vimgc cdm pjcykdo c

    hcrm ocbe hcjjem slkt lecm. ]lks ks c sirt if ojirkfkem ocbe if sdcp tle ckb

    if wlkhl ks ti oet rkm if cjj yiur hcrms. ]le jcst ide iut aehibes, if hiurse,

    tle slkt lecm. Ide if tlese veoetcrkcds wcs c sejf-styjem liaakt. Xle wcs

    very sbcjj cdm sjkolt cdm Km lcve meshrkaem ler cs ejfkd. Ler `ia wcs ti

    mejkver c hiurse if jehtures, ide per weeg, ti c oriup if ]c`kg sihkcj wirgers.

    ]lere lcm aeed sibe gkdm if priajeb wktl ler wirg perbkt wled sle crrkvem

    cdm si sle lcm spedt ler fkrst 6 bidtls kd tle hiudtry prepcrkdo tle jehtures.

    Xle wcs c audmje if ederoy, pjcyem tle fjute cdm lcm `ikdem tle irhlestrc if

    tle ]c`kg Iperc/Acjjet ]lectre. K tliuolt if ler cs c sirt if febcje verskid if

    Kcd Cdmersid if @etlri ]ujj, cdm tliuol K dever scw ler lippkdo criudm jkge

    lkb id ide jeo, sle lcm tle scbe restjess exuaercdhe cdm wcs iut cdm

    caiut bist weegedms expjirkdo tle crec criudm Muslcdae.

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    ]lere wcs cjsi cd ejmerjy, aecrmem, pkpe sbigkdo Oerbcd, wktl c very tlkhg

    chhedt. Le wcs tcjj cdm ocudt cdm jkge tle liaakt lcm wirgem cs cd Coedhy

    Csset fir bcdy yecrs kd itler hiudtrkes aefire hibkdo ti ]c`kgkstcd. Le wcs

    pjchem kd c oiverdbedt udkt fir hlkjmred wktl mkscakjktkes cdm wcs lcvkdo c

    very mkffkhujt tkbe wktl lks aiss wli seebem ti oi iut if ler wcy ti aejkttje

    lkb. K csgem caiut lks pjchebedt cdm le cdswerem, wktl c fkdcjkty tlct mkm dit

    kdvkte cdm furtler mkshusskid, Xtucrt, tle `ia ks slkt! Le wcs rctler stuhg

    lcvkdo jet iut lks fjct kd Oerbcdy cdm le mkm dit wcdt ti bcge triuaje fir B

    ay stcdmkdo up ti lks aiss wli, le sckm, wcs wejj hiddehtem pijktkhcjjy.

    ]led tlere wcs tle tibaiyksl Hcdcmkcd Veoetcrkcd. Xle lcm twi cmujt sids,

    wire ler lckr very slirt, lcm c very mkreht styje if cmmress cdm wcs

    extrcirmkdcrkjy lejpfuj. Cd expert id CKMX, sle wcs idjy id c slirt tiur ifmuty cdm wcs lcvkdo triuaje bcgkdo prioress aehcuse tle aiss if ler

    irocdksctkid wcs cwcy id preodcdhy jecve cdm diaimy ejse tlere seebem

    prepcrem ir caje ti tcge cdy mehkskids. Xle wcs bcrgkdo tkbe. K wcs orctefuj

    ti ler fir tcgkdo C cdm be riudm tiwd id by fkrst mcy kd Muslcdae si tlct we

    oit ti gdiw tle bckd riutes servem ay tle puajkh trijjey auses cdm hichles

    cdm tle jihctkid if tle twi aczccrs kd tle hedtre if tle hkty.

    Fkdcjjy, tlere wcs tle Veoetcrkcd ti wlib we were cjj kdmeatem fir slkt lecm.Xle wcs very sjkb cdm, kf cdytlkdo, ler aiss wcs okvkdo ler c lcrmer tkbe tlcd

    tlct aekdo experkedhem ay tle Oerbcd Veoetcrkcd. Ler tchtkh seebem ti ae

    ti casira tle cause cdm try ti see tlkdos frib ler aisss pikdt if vkew. K tlkdg

    sibeide hcjjem tlks frcbe-hlcdokdo9 By vkew wcs tlct aujjkes sliujm ae

    pudhlem lcrm id tle dise cdm K hiujm dit udmerstcdm wly sle stcyem id cdm

    wly tle Xtctkid wcs dit kdtervedkdo id ler aelcjf. Kt seebem tlct cjj if tlks

    wcs iutskme tle purvkew if tle Xtctkids Crec ^jcds18cdm wcs dit sibetlkdo

    tlct kt wirrkem caiut, udjess if hiurse tle Csset kd questkid mehkmem ti wcjg

    iut. Evedtucjjy, sle mkm mepcrt mue ti fkdcdhkcj priajebs achg libe. K tlkdg

    sle gept ler scdkty ay ocrmedkdo. ]le Coedhy Listej lcm c sbcjj ycrm kd

    wlkhl tlere orew c perskbbid tree cdm severcj acdcdc pjcdts. Xle weemem

    cdm wcterem cdm gept cd eye iut fir tle tirtikse tlct jkvem tlere. ]lks wcs

    hidfkdem ti ide hirder if tle ocrmed aehcuse kt cte everytlkdo wktlkd rechl.

    18Xee, Cddex K

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    = mcys.

    By jcst bebiry if tlks perkim kd Muslcdae wcs if cd cairtkve trkp ti tle

    Birdkdo Xtcrhcf. Itler Cssets lcm rehibbedmem kt lkoljy aut wled C cdm K

    wedt tlere id c Xudmcy birdkdo we fiudm kt hjisem. K lcm kbcokdem tle wcjjs

    if tle hcf hiverem kd frcbem cdm yejjiwkdo hipkes if tle Birdkdo Xtcr

    dewspcper cdm pkhtures if Lcrry ^ijjktt cdm, bcyae, if Mirks Jesskdo cdm E^

    ]libpsid tii. _led K evedtucjjy bcdcoem ti ockd edtry c bidtl jcter K wcs

    very mkscppikdtem. ]le Birdkdo Xtcrwcs c westerd styje hcge cdm jctte

    estcajkslbedt fujj if expcts wktl tlekr jcptips, bcgkdo tle bist if tle free wkfk

    kdterdet chhess tlct wcs cvckjcaje tlere.

    Il yes! Kt very decrjy sjkppem ay udbedtkidem. Id 1< Fearucry tlere wcs c

    oedercj ejehtkid ti tle ]c`kg ^crjkcbedt. K hcddit hibbedt id tlks aehcuse

    fir cjj prchtkhcj purpises tlks evedt wcs titcjjy kdvkskaje ti be. ]lks wcs

    1=EH pri`eht Xuppirt ti tle Estcajkslbedt if c Dctkidcj Corkhujturcj Cmvksiry Xervkhe


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    lcrmjy surprkskdo okved ]le Irocdksctkid fir Xehurkty cdm Hi-iperctkid kd

    Euripe (IXHE) repirtem tlct tlere lcm aeed bkdkbcj bemkc hivercoe if tle

    ejehtkid hcbpckod. IXHE cjsi sckm tlct tlere lcm aeed evkmedhe if acjjit

    stuffkdo cdm prixy vitkdo. ^reskmedt Ebibcjk Qcglbid's pcrty, wlkhl

    mksbkssem tlese chhusctkids, wid ?3% if tle vites hcst15.

    15Xee, IXHE/IMKLQ (1>3>). Xee cjsi Ijhitt, B.A. (1>31), pp.33-36 id wlct sle hcjjs tle

    oriwtl if mydcstkh pijktkhs.

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    sliujm dever lcve exkstem kd tle fkrst pjche. K tijm bysejf dit ti wirry. ]le

    ebckj exhlcdoes K lcm lcm wktl tle ]c`kg Xtctkid aefire K jeft Edojcdm were

    very pisktkve cdm recssurkdo cdm lcm edhiurcoem be ti aejkeve tlct by

    csskodbedt wiujm ae c oiim ide. Kd cdy hcse, K wcs di jidoer kd c pisktkid

    ti hidtrij wlere K wcs ti ae sedt.

    3? Fearucry, 1>3> - kt wcs by fkrst mcy kd-hiudtry, K lcm yet ti expjire by

    surriudmkdos cdm stcdmkdo kd tle jiudoe if Cglbetivcs fKct K hiujm acrejy

    aejkeve tlct kd wlct seebem jkge c twkdgje if cd eye K lcm exhlcdoem Ecjkdo

    fir Muslcdae. Aut K fejt wejj prepcrem. Lere K wcs id skte, cd Coedhy Csset,

    cd experkedhem Coedhy Csset, hertckdjy cd ijm Coedhy Csset. By teetl lcm

    aeed hlehgem, Km aeed `caaem, testem fir LKV, K lcm c yecrs suppjy if cdtk-

    bcjcrkcj tcajets, K lcm c miwd `chget fir tle hijm cdm c fjippy lct fir tle sud.K cjsi lcm by Jegk pijes fir wcjgkdo kd achg hiudtry. K lcm by jcptip tii c

    wlkte Cppje BchAiig id wlkhl K lcm scvem cjj tle achgoriudm cdm tehldkhcj

    mihubedtctkid K lcm bcdcoem ti cssebaje aefire K jeft tle UG cdm c

    pirtcaje Qiaerts _irjm Qcmki! Cdm, bist kbpirtcdtjy, tuhgem cwcy

    sibewlere scfe K lcm c audmje if mijjcrs.

    K wcs cdxkius, aut, K tijm bysejf, tlct wcs di acm tlkdo. ]le cmredcjkd wiujm

    okve be ederoy cdm surejy kt wcs ditlkdo tlct c oiim arkefkdo, sibe jihcjhurredhy, c becj, tle chquksktkid if cdy spehkcj equkpbedt K wiujm deem idhe

    K rechlem by fkdcj caime cdm, sibetkbe siid, c oiim sjeep, wiujm dit put


    K wcs pkhgem up ct criudm 3>.>>lrs ay BX, tle Coedhys mrkver. K trkem lcrm ti

    bebirkse tle riute we tiig7 iut idti Qumcgk ^rispeht, pcst tle Iperc/Acjjet,

    id dirtl pcst tle ^crjkcbedt aukjmkdo cdm cjj tle wcy ti tle edm wlere we

    turdem jeft ay tle Corkhujturcj Udkverskty kdti Gcrcbiv Ujktsc. Cfter cditler

    1>> betres we turdem jeft cockd, iff tle ricm idti c pcthl if wcstejcdm cdm

    pujjem up iutskme tle betcj octes if c hibpiudm kd wlkhl tlere wcs c slirt

    terrche if caiut lcjf-c-mized twi-stirey aukjmkdos. ]le settkdo wcs

    reskmedtkcj. ]le Coedhy wcs very oiim ct tuhgkdo ktsejf cwcy cdm mkm dit oi

    kd fir lkol prifkje, istedtctkius iffkhes.

    _e edterem aukjmkdo dubaer 8.

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    Kt wcs hijm kdskme. Kt fejt hijmer tlcd kt wcs iutskme wlere tle sdiw wcs

    bejtkdo fcst. BX sliwem be kdti tle fkrst riib iff tle edtrcdhe hirrkmir. Kt

    wcs tle Xtctkids bckd iffkhe cdm kd tlere kt wcs eved hijmer. C, wli lcm jet

    be kdti Cglbetivcs fjct wled K crrkvem tlct birdkdo - wlct seebem diw c

    jido tkbe coi - wcs skttkdo `ust kdskme tle miir id c hiuhl tcppkdo cwcy id c

    jcptip. K wcs wcrbjy wejhibem ay F, tle Xtctkids ]c`kg Cmbkdkstrctir, cdm

    kdtrimuhem ti @, cd cppcrcthldkg id c fjykdo vkskt frib Lecm Iffkhe wli wcs

    wirgkdo ct c mesg chriss frib tle miir. ]led K ditkhem, lcjf lkmmed kd cd

    cjhive ct tle fcr edm if tle iffkhe ay c wkdmiw, cditler persid jiigkdo iut ct

    be. Kt wcs B tle Xtctkid Bcdcoer. Xle wcs dit udwejhibkdo aut hiij cdm,

    sibeliw, metchlem ir, bcyae, preihhupkem. Jcroe ariwd eyes, biid fche,

    c auskdess-jkge bcdder kd c very ud-auskdess-jkge settkdo. K wcs tijm K hiujm

    bcge bysejf c hiffee kd tle cm`ikdkdo riib wlere tle arkefkdo wiujm stcrtslirtjy. Xi K jeft c riib tlct wcs c akt jkge c hriss aetweed c jiudoe cdm cd

    iffkhe cdm wedt dext miir kdti c riib tlct wcs c hriss aetweed c gkthled cdm

    c jiudoe. Lere, kt wcs cjsi very hijm cdm K gept by miwd chget id.

    Arkefkdo wcs cd imm experkedhe. Kt tiig pjche jcroejy id tle fjiir. K lcm hibe

    chriss tlks sirt if aelcvkiur aefire kd by edhiudters wktl tle Coedhy. Kt

    seebem ti lcve cd cverskid ti wirgkdo id tcajes. _e stcrtem wktl c qukz.

    Mkm tle Xiomkcds preheme tle Achtrkcds ir wcs kt tle itler wcy riudm9 _lctwcs tle dcbe if tle ]c`kg ^reskmedt9 ]le Qusskcds, wled mkm tley hibe cdm

    oi9 K wcs tkrem cdm by bkdm aeocd ti wcdmer. K hcd rebebaer jkttje diw if

    tle kdmkvkmucj sesskids tlct were sprecm iver by fkrst ted mcys kd tle hiudtry.

    ]le prihess wcs frcobedtcry wktl bcdy ocps if cd liur ir bire aetweed

    beetkdos, jcdoucoe hjcsses cdm vkskts ti itler irocdksctkids oiim trckdkdo

    fir lcdokdo criudm. K mi rebebaer tlct K mkm dit feej edcajem, edtlusem

    ir ebpiwerem ct tle edm if kt cjj. Id tle hidtrcry, K fejt tlct by kdktkcj mrkve

    cdm edtluskcsb lcm aeed mksskpctem cs lcm by, di miuat cmredcjkd fuejjem,

    exhktebedt. Lcdokdo criudm ks dit oiim fir tle siuj.

    Kf tlere wcs c hibbid tlrecm ti tle arkefkdo kt lcm sibetlkdo ti mi wktl iur

    aelcvkiur. ]lere wcs c strido udmerhurredt if hidherd caiut tle bcdder kd

    wlkhl we, cs Coedhy Cssets, sliujm oi caiut iur auskdess. Xihkcj

    kdterchtkid wktl ]c`kgs wcs presedtem cs c sibewlct priajebctkh chtkvkty wktl

    udhertckd cdm, pisskajy, very deoctkve hidsequedhes kf ide oit kt wrido c

    akt jkge mefuskdo c aiba. ^ersidcjjy, K fejt cs kf we (C cdm K were arkefem

    tioetler) were id tle rehekvkdo edm if cd cdxkius, hidtrijjkdo kbpujse

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    ebcdctkdo frib B. ]le mibkdcdt besscoe wcs tlct we sliujm wcthl iur

    bcdders cdm dit upset cdyide. Qehekvem wlkje oruaakdo criudm id tle fjiir

    wktl akts if pcper bcme arkefkdo c sibewlct kdfcdtkjkskdo experkedhe.

    Aekdo rebkdmem ti iaserve jihcj hustibs cdm ti ae hcrefuj caiut jihcj

    sedsktkvktkes ks di acm tlkdo, aut K rehikjem ct Bs skdoje, pikdtem hibbedt id

    tle chtkvktkes if tle firber Arktksl cbacsscmir ti dekolaiurkdo Uzaegkstcd.

    Hrcko Burrcy, fir kt wcs le, lcm spiged iut cockdst tle hkvkj rkolts causes if

    tle Gcrkbiv cmbkdkstrctkid cdm lcm aeed schgem fir lks pckds1?. B skbpjy

    iaservem tlct Br Burrcy lcm bcme jkfe mkffkhujt fir UG dctkidcjs wled

    hrisskdo tle Uzaeg-]c`kg airmer sibetlkdo tlct Coedhy Cssets acsem kd

    ^ed`kgedt ifted deemem ti mi.

    Iur arkefkdo kdhjumem aekdo kdtrimuhem ti tle Xtctkids orcdm pjcd - tle

    ^riorcbbe Crec ^jcd1>6)

    1> peipje tlere. GKX lcm idhe

    firbem pcrt if CH]EMs cork-auskdess mkvkskid aut lcm aeed spud iff kdti cfree stcdmkdo ]c`kg DOI kd 1>>?. ]lks spkddkdo-iff wcs dit yet hibpjete cdm,

    cs K wcs ti mkshiver jcter, kt wcs sibetkbes mkffkhujt ti mksherd wlere CH]EM

    edmem cdm GKX aeocd.

    By beetkdo tiig pjche kd tle iffkhe if Deobct Bkrziev, tle HEI if GKX. Lks

    wcs c fkde iffkhe aetter tlcd tlct if tle HEI if by prevkius ebpjiyer kd tle

    UG. Le eved lcm lks iwd, bimerd edsukte actlriib cs mkm tle GKX fkdcdhe

    mkrehtir wli ihhupkem cd cm`ikdkdo iffkhe. ]lere were twi itlers wktl lkb7 cyiudo bcd, lks meputy, Czkz @cjijiv, cdm sibeide wli we lcve cjrecmy bet

    kd tlks tcje cdm wli K wiujm oet ti gdiw wejj kd hibkdo weegs, CamujBc`km

    Xcdokdiv, tle mkrehtir if tle GKX arcdhl miwd kd Gurocd ]yuae wlere K wcs

    ti ae acsem. Aefire aekdo pribitem ti tle GKX lecm iffkhe, Czkz lcm aeed

    CamujBc`kms premehessir cs tle mkrehtir if tle G] arcdhl iffkhe. Lks Edojksl

    wcs exhejjedt cdm le wcs c very geed fiitacjjer.

    Deobct Bkrziev, c sbcjj bcd kd lks firtkes, hcbe frib Xuolm kd tle Dirtl

    cdm spige kd Qusskcd. Le wcs c lecvy sbiger, frequedtjy pippkdo iutskme

    fir c hkocrette, hcjjem lkbsejf c auskdessbcd cdm hcrrkem c Qusskcd pcsspirt.

    K mkshiverem tlct auskdessbcd mkm dit lcve tle scbe becdkdo kd ]c`kgkstcd

    cs kd tle UG. Kd hidversctkid, kt wcs ifted usem mkspcrcokdojy cdm seebem ti

    ae c terb usem ay ]c`kgs ti medite sibeaimy wli ks chtkve kd tle bcrget

    auykdo cdm sejjkdo7 c mecjer, bcyae eved c wleejer-mecjer. K dever jecrdt

    cdytlkdo caiut Deobcts persidcj jkfe.

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    Czkz wcs cd Edojksl Jcdoucoe orcmucte cdm lcm `ust aehibe c fctler fir tle

    fkrst tkbe. Miwd kd Gurocd ]yuae, CamujBc`km, wli lcm c hcdmkmctes meoree

    kd coridiby, sckm tlct Czkz gdew ditlkdo caiut corkhujture. Aut CamujBc`km

    tedmem ti mksbkss bist if tle sedkir stcff kd tle GKX lecm iffkhe, tioetler wktl

    tlekr hiudterpcrts wirgkdo kd tle scbe aukjmkdo fir CH]EM, cs Edojksl

    jcdoucoe orcmuctes frib tle pemcoiokh udkverskty wli were fix peipje,

    tlct ks, kdmkvkmucjs wli gdew jkttje caiut corkhujture aut lcm bcsterem tle

    tidoue if _esterd KDOIs cdm midirs cdm gdew wlct tudes ti pjcy kd irmer ti

    ae caje ti sehure firekod ckm.

    Kt wcs, K tliuolt, c frkedmjy beetkdo aut cjj we recjjy mkm wcs skze echl itler

    up7 kt wcs wlct craktrctirs bkolt lcve hcjjem c jiig-sdkff exerhkse. K coreem

    wktl Czkz tlct tle twi if us wiujm beet cockd jcter tlct weeg id Frkmcy cdmfrib lks jcptip K miwdjicmem idti by bebiry stkhg twi fkjes le wcs geed K

    sliujm recm.

    ]lriuoliut, CamujBc`km sckm ditlkdo aut jkstedem kdtedtjy.

    Xi K recm tle fkjes Czkz lcm okved be, bcme dites cdm tled, id Frkmcy

    birdkdo, K wcjgem ti GKXs iffkhes frib Bcmkdc Cglbetivcs fjct cdm wedt

    tlriuol tle questkids tlct by recmkdo lcm rcksem. Ct tlks stcoe cjj K wcskdterestem kd wcs oettkdo c oiim udmerstcdmkdo