SMEC 2010 – Cape Town, South Africa 1 INTRODUCTION The design of reinforced concrete sections requires the specification of a number of parameters such as the section breadth and depth; the area of steel; and the strengths of the concrete and steel. Where a sec- tion is subject to both an axial force and bending moments about one or both axes, interaction dia- grams are commonly used to determine the area of steel required to resist the moments and forces to which the section is subjected. Structural design codes (e.g. (EN1992-1-1 1999)) often provide inter- action diagrams for use with typical concrete sec- tions at ambient temperature that allow the user to circumvent the cumbersome calculations necessary to determine suitable section parameters directly. However, there are many situations, such as fire loading, where structural engineers may need inter- action diagrams for sections which are not covered by the standard cases. In these circumstances it is necessary to produce interaction diagrams from first principles, or to rely on very crude approaches such as the “isotherm” method (EN1992-1-2, 2004). This paper presents a method based on the tangent stiff- ness matrix of a section by which interaction dia- grams can be produced accurately and rapidly for ar- bitrary heated sections. 2 CURRENT APPROACH 2.1 Interaction Diagrams for Design Interaction diagrams used for design are based on the assumption that there is a maximum allowable concrete compressive strain which prevents concrete crushing. It is also frequently assumed that plane sections remain plane, that the tensile strength of concrete is negligible (El-Fitiany 2009; Rocca 2009; Yen 1991) and that the concrete stress distribution can be represented by a rectangular stress-block (Mosley 2007; Nawy 2009). From these assump- tions, the derivation of an interaction diagram is rela- tively simple. By holding extreme fibre strains at the maximum permissible value while curvature is var- ied, moment and axial force (M-N) pairs that lie on the interaction diagram for the section can be ob- tained by appropriate integrations of the resulting stresses over the section. This method enables the creation of interaction curves in uniaxial bending, and also interaction sur- faces when biaxial bending is considered. The method is efficient because each M-N pair calculated is known to lie on the design interaction curve due to the assumption of a maximum permissible concrete strain. Diagrams produced this way can either be used directly or be normalised appropriately to allow the engineer to specify the section properties. How- ever, because the assumptions made regarding maximum strain and the size of the associated stress block are design assumptions (which may include safety factors), the interaction diagrams obtained are not indications of failure strength, but rather show an appropriate, conservative design capacity. 2.2 Interaction Diagrams for Assessment Obtaining an interaction diagram when a maxi- mum compressive strain is not specified is a more Interaction Diagrams for Heated Concrete Sections using the Tangent Stiffness Matrix A. H. Law & M. Gillie The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK ABSTRACT: Bending moment axial force interaction diagrams are a commonly used tool in any design of- fice. When designing for fire conditions, the large axial forces which develop place an additional importance on the consideration of the interplay between axial forces and moments. This paper presents a new method for calculating the biaxial bending moment/axial force capacity for a general section through the use of the sec- tional tangent stiffness. A beam-column section subject to fire is assessed, and comparisons made with simpli- fied design tools. It is concluded that derivation of the interaction surface from the tangent stiffness matrix is possible, and that current simplified methods for fire design cannot be assumed conservative.

Interaction Diagrams for Heated Concrete Sections Using the Tangent Stiffness Matrix - SEMC '10

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Page 1: Interaction Diagrams for Heated Concrete Sections Using the Tangent Stiffness Matrix - SEMC '10

SMEC 2010 – Cape Town, South Africa

1 INTRODUCTION The design of reinforced concrete sections requires the specification of a number of parameters such as the section breadth and depth; the area of steel; and the strengths of the concrete and steel. Where a sec-tion is subject to both an axial force and bending moments about one or both axes, interaction dia-grams are commonly used to determine the area of steel required to resist the moments and forces to which the section is subjected. Structural design codes (e.g. (EN1992-1-1 1999)) often provide inter-action diagrams for use with typical concrete sec-tions at ambient temperature that allow the user to circumvent the cumbersome calculations necessary to determine suitable section parameters directly. However, there are many situations, such as fire loading, where structural engineers may need inter-action diagrams for sections which are not covered by the standard cases. In these circumstances it is necessary to produce interaction diagrams from first principles, or to rely on very crude approaches such as the “isotherm” method (EN1992-1-2, 2004). This paper presents a method based on the tangent stiff-ness matrix of a section by which interaction dia-grams can be produced accurately and rapidly for ar-bitrary heated sections.


2.1 Interaction Diagrams for Design

Interaction diagrams used for design are based on the assumption that there is a maximum allowable

concrete compressive strain which prevents concrete crushing. It is also frequently assumed that plane sections remain plane, that the tensile strength of concrete is negligible (El-Fitiany 2009; Rocca 2009; Yen 1991) and that the concrete stress distribution can be represented by a rectangular stress-block (Mosley 2007; Nawy 2009). From these assump-tions, the derivation of an interaction diagram is rela-tively simple. By holding extreme fibre strains at the maximum permissible value while curvature is var-ied, moment and axial force (M-N) pairs that lie on the interaction diagram for the section can be ob-tained by appropriate integrations of the resulting stresses over the section.

This method enables the creation of interaction curves in uniaxial bending, and also interaction sur-faces when biaxial bending is considered. The method is efficient because each M-N pair calculated is known to lie on the design interaction curve due to the assumption of a maximum permissible concrete strain. Diagrams produced this way can either be used directly or be normalised appropriately to allow the engineer to specify the section properties. How-ever, because the assumptions made regarding maximum strain and the size of the associated stress block are design assumptions (which may include safety factors), the interaction diagrams obtained are not indications of failure strength, but rather show an appropriate, conservative design capacity.

2.2 Interaction Diagrams for Assessment

Obtaining an interaction diagram when a maxi-mum compressive strain is not specified is a more

Interaction Diagrams for Heated Concrete Sections using the Tangent Stiffness Matrix

A. H. Law & M. Gillie The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

ABSTRACT: Bending moment axial force interaction diagrams are a commonly used tool in any design of-fice. When designing for fire conditions, the large axial forces which develop place an additional importance on the consideration of the interplay between axial forces and moments. This paper presents a new method for calculating the biaxial bending moment/axial force capacity for a general section through the use of the sec-tional tangent stiffness. A beam-column section subject to fire is assessed, and comparisons made with simpli-fied design tools. It is concluded that derivation of the interaction surface from the tangent stiffness matrix is possible, and that current simplified methods for fire design cannot be assumed conservative.

Page 2: Interaction Diagrams for Heated Concrete Sections Using the Tangent Stiffness Matrix - SEMC '10

difficult problem. The simplest methods of creating these diagrams rely on a “brute force” approach in which a section is analysed for many combinations of κx, κy and εa; appropriate integrations of the sec-tion stresses are then used to plot a point in Mx-My-N space for each combination. Assembly of all these points gives a “cloud” of points which are all inside or on the interaction curve (Bazant 1991; Gillie 2004; Rodriguez 1999). By connecting the outer-most points in this cloud, the interaction curve can be drawn. Figure 2c demonstrates the generation of a number points which would contribute to the cloud of data. A significant problem with this method is that there is no clear way of determining which points lie on the interaction curve and which points lie just inside it, so determining the interaction curve from a cloud of points is awkward. These problems are magnified if biaxial bending is considered and an interaction surface required. The method is also computationally expensive as many integrations of the stresses over the section are required.

Several authors have used analytical integration to allow the more rapid calculation of stresses over a cross section (Rodriguez 1999; Rotter 1985). How-ever, these methods loose their rapidity in the case of concrete at high temperature; in this case, several different integrations must be made for areas of dif-ferent temperature or, the integration itself must be temperature dependent.


3.1 Background

Although typically used in structural stability calcu-lations as part of Shandley’s tangent modulus equa-tion (Bazant 1991), tangent stiffness matrices can also be used to locate failure surfaces. A section’s tangent stiffness matrix relates small changes in gen-eralized strains (typically an axial strain and two curvatures are needed for the analysis of biaxial bending of concrete sections) to small changes in the corresponding stress-resultants (an axial force and two bending moments). When a section’s response is non-linear, the tangent stiffness matrix is distinct from the elastic stiffness matrix. For the set of stress-resultants mentioned, the relationship between in-cremental stress-resultants, tangent stiffness matrix, and incremental generalized strains of a section can be written in the standard form:




















εKF δδ = (2)

The set of stress-resultants that lie on the failure sur-face of a section are those that arise when an incre-mental change in the generalized strain vector results in δF=0. That is, stress-resultants on the failure sur-face are those that occur when K is singular, or:

( ) 0det =K (3)

3.2 Implementation

Implementation of the tangent stiffness method for constructing interaction diagrams will be discussed with reference to a simple section at ambient tem-perature that is shown in Figure 1. Assumptions made in this implementation are: plane sections re-main plane; the concrete compressive stress-strain behaviour is as given in Eurocode 2 (EN1992-1-2 1992); the tensile strength of concrete is zero; the stress-strain relationship of steel is elasto-plastic; and there is no bond slip between steel and concrete. Each of these assumptions has been made in various combinations by other authors (Bonet 2004; Rodri-guez 1999; Yen 1991). They result in a marginally conservative estimate of strength (with the exception of bond slip).

Figure 1. Section diagram and the location of the singularity points with in terms of strain and curvature

The section was divided into a 20x20 grid of ele-

ments; each moment and axial force was calculated by making the appropriate stress calculation and in-tegrating it with respect to the element area, and summing the forces and moments for all the ele-ments.

To produce the interaction curve for the section subject to uniaxial bending (κy=0), discrete values of axial strain were considered. A simple search algo-rithm was then initiated to trial different values of curvature for each value of axial strain. Once the re-gion of singularity was located, a more refined search could be conducted to locate the precise loca-tion of the singularity. The procedure for the search algorithm is illustrated in Figure 1. A change in the sign of the determinant between curvature values in-dicated that a region of singularity had been reached.

Page 3: Interaction Diagrams for Heated Concrete Sections Using the Tangent Stiffness Matrix - SEMC '10

SMEC 2010 – Cape Town, South Africa

Figure 2. Uniaxial interaction diagram and finite element veri-fication data

Using this method, a uniaxial interaction diagram

can quickly be derived for a section of any cross sec-tion. The method can be verified against “brute force” results from established finite element soft-ware. Figure 2 shows the final uniaxial diagram in conjunction with the results from an Abaqus analysis of an equivalent beam element.

3.3 Presentation

The presentation of interaction curves for uniaxial bending is well established and straightforward. Pre-sentation of interaction surfaces for biaxial bending in a form readily accessible to the design engineer is less easy. The method described above can easily be used to create biaxial interaction surfaces as well as uniaxial interaction curves. However, the presenta-tion of a surface plot is not terribly useful in this re-spect. Visualisation choices are often dependent on the purpose for which the plot to be used. For gener-ality, the plots in this study are presented as Mx, N interaction diagrams with multiple curves represent-ing different values of My. Thus, a large amount of information can be summarised on one diagram (Fig. 3). A single plot is sufficient for a member with a minimum of one axis of symmetry. However, where a section is entirely asymmetric, two diagrams may be required to encompass all of the information. In design, the tensile capacity of concrete sections is not normally considered. As such, just the compres-sive capacities are presented in this paper.

Also of some interest is the representation of the failure surface in terms of εa, κx and κy shown in Fig-ure 4. This failure surface bares a striking resem-blance to a conventional yield surface such as Drucker-Prager or Mohr-Coulomb, particularly in the tensile axial strain region. It should be noted that if rebar rupture were included in the material model, then the surface would be capped at the higher ten-sile strains.

Figure 3. Interaction surface presented in two dimensions.

Despite its similarity to conventional yield sur-

faces, the variation in the determinant as the values of strain and curvature change is quite irregular. It does not, therefore, lend itself to solution via the backward Euler method.

Figure 4. The M-N interaction surface; the corresponding strain-curvature failure surface.


4.1 Application of Tangent Stiffness Method

The section described and analysed in the previous section was assumed to be exposed from three sides to a 3 hour Standard Fire. A heat-transfer analysis was conducted using the finite-element program, Abaqus. The material properties for calcareous con-crete from Eurocode 2 were used as inputs for the model. The temperature distribution in the column at one hour, two hours and three hours is shown in Figure 5. Subsequently, a mechanical analysis using the tangent stiffness method was undertaken to de-termine the interaction curves at half hour intervals throughout the heating process. The steel stiffness and strength degradation rates given in Eurocode 2 were approximated to those of a perfectly elasto-plastic material and used in this analysis.

A direct comparison between the uniaxial capaci-ties of the ambient and heated sections can be made; Figure 6 shows the progressive change in the extent of the failure surface for the value of My = 0 and demonstrates the use of the tangent-stiffness method for determining interaction curves of heated sections.

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Figure 5. The temperature profiles of the section at 1hr, 2hrs, and 3hrs.

Figure 6. Comparison of interaction envelope at after different durations of exposure.

4.2 Comparison with Isotherm method

The 500C isotherm method was also used to assess the section for the 1hr exposure temperature profile. The corresponding interaction curve is displayed on Figure 6. It can be clearly seen that the isotherm method gives an unconservative answer particularly in sagging, high compression region.

This result is of concern as it demonstrates that the isotherm method cannot be assumed to be con-servative. Heated concrete reaches its maximum compressive strength at a higher strain than cold concrete. Thus, in order for a section to develop a given axial load when subject to sagging bending, the neutral axis must be lower in a heated section than a cold section. Consequently, the internal lever arm and hence the moment capacity is reduced. These effects are fully captured the tangent stiffness method but ignored in the isotherm method, which is unconservative as a result.


There are several conclusions which can be drawn from this study:

• The failure surfaces of ambient and heated reinforced concrete sections can be found rapidly and accurately by locating singulari-ties in the sectional tangent modulus matrix.

• Biaxial failure surfaces for ambient and heated reinforced concrete sections can be clearly represented on a single diagram.

• The 500ºC isotherm method is unconserva-tive in predicting the failure surface of a heated section primarily due to the assump-tion of uniform temperature in the concrete.


The authors would like to acknowledge and thank BRE Trust for funding this project.


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