Intelligent Migration to IP Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

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Intelligent Migration to IP

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

‡ I N T E L L I G E N T M I G R A T I O N T O I P

Unifying CommunicationsWorkers are often challenged by a lack of integrationbetween devices and applications, meaning aninterruption in communications and in some cases anabsence of communication. Such gaps in communicationsare costly; they are time-consuming and can lead toerrors and delays. This is compounded by the fact thatmany workers are mobile, moving from a stationarydesk-based environment to a location independentwork style that requires pervasive and consistentaccess to information.

The aim of unifying communications is to provide aconsistent user experience whereby workers can accessinformation and communicate without interruption. Thevalue to an organization in unifying communications is toimprove workflow and efficiency, ultimately leading tobetter service delivery and an improved bottom line.

Mitel® takes unified communications beyond theconventional context by integrating legacy telephony andIP telephony with a multiplicity of communications tools.This is where convergence truly gets interesting. Theconvergence of voice and data enables new applicationsto be created: from presence and availability toolsdesigned to define when you are on the phone, in ameeting or away from your desk; to conferencing andcollaboration tools, allowing users to engage in informal,on-the-fly conferencing and knowledge sharing; to toolsthat enhance mobility and business continuity.

Organizations can take advantage of these newapplications without sacrificing their existinginfrastructure. The Mitel telephony platform is themultifunctional special purpose tool of communications,allowing an organization to implement innovative workenhancement applications while retaining their existingequipment that include:

• Location independent working – taking advantageof broadband, users can now connect back to theorganization from a remote location or home office

and access all the features of the corporatephone system seamlessly

• Speech-enabled directory to automate calls intothe organization

• IP contact center – staff can support the contactcenter virtually

• Soft phones that enable people to make callson the PC

• Hot desking – allows desktop phones to be shared,allowing staff to have access to their own phonepreferences

• Conferencing and collaboration tools for presenceand availability, knowledge management and issueresolution, either with Mitel Your Assistant™ orMicrosoft® Office Live Communications Server 2005

Mitel appreciates that legacy equipment and databasesare a reality for most organizations. For true unifiedcommunications to exist, technology must be designedto implement the power of the new while accounting forthe realities of the old.

Mitel is recognized as a leader in helping organizationsmigrate to the world of IP telephony. The reason is simple.Mitel offers a converged voice communications platformthat enables organizations to move to IP telephony whenand how it makes sense.

Moving voice from a separate telephone network toa data network using Voice over IP (VoIP) is the heartof convergence. VoIP is the data transport mechanismused to deliver telephony over a data network usingInternet Protocol instead of using the Public SwitchedTelephone Network. IP telephony uses VoIP to supportvoice communications platforms and applications.

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Design for the power of thenew while accounting for therealities of the old.

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

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Often VoIP and IP telephony are used interchangeably;however, VoIP denotes the transmission, whereas IPtelephony refers to the system and applications.

IP telephony from Mitel offers the same richness offeatures and functionality as a traditional telephonesystem commonly referred to as a PBX (Private BranchExchange), meaning organizations will not sacrifice anyof the system features they have come to rely on. IPtelephony has cost advantages over conventional PBXsolutions. Ease of management, the reduction in costsassociated with addition and relocation of personnelthrough moves, adds and changes (MACs), and thereduction in line costs mean that IP telephony hasthe ability to reduce overhead by 17 percent.1 Fororganizations with 500 or more staff, savings canbe as high as 32 percent.2

Migration and InteroperabilityIt is common for organizations to phase in theintroduction of IP telephony so that they can continueto use existing PBX equipment while introducing newIP-based phone systems. Most organizations often havea heavy investment in their current telephony system andare considering IP telephony as an adjunct to theirexisting system. Organizations may be looking at IPtelephony to add supporting communications to a newdepartment, or to replace a telephone system that hasreached its end of life.

However, this transition can lead to issues aroundinter-working between traditional and IP phone systems,including the loss of valuable telephony features thatmany organizations have come to rely upon. Featuressuch as call line identity (CLI), cross network paging andthe ability for switchboard operators to see whethersomeone is on the phone at a remote site are all aspectsof a phone system that people depend upon.

To ensure features work across disparate telephonesystems, manufacturers of telephony equipment haveworked together to establish signaling protocols.Signaling protocols play a crucial role in providinginteroperability between telephone systems bysupporting features and functionality between

telephone systems. The importance of signalingprotocols cannot be underestimated.

QSIG and DPNSS (Digital Private Network SignalingSystem) are signaling protocols designed to providecommunication between different PBXs. Signalingprotocols are intended to allow disparate PBXs to passselected feature capabilities between them. The adoptionof a signaling protocol ensures that users get a coreset of features that all manufacturers support.

QSIG provides a lower level of feature transparencythan DPNSS. Interoperability through DPNSS continues toprovide the greatest level of integration for most PBXs.DPNSS is the signaling protocol used by Siemens® RealitisDX / iSDX, Nortel Meridian, Ericsson MD110, and PhilipsSOPHO IPK, popular telephone systems within manyorganizations.

If an organization needs to integrate existing PBXs,DPNSS is difficult to do without. Mitel has one of thehighest levels of DPNSS integrations on the market,providing comprehensive interoperability with traditionalTDM (circuit-switched) systems like the Siemens RealitisDX / iSDX.

The 3300 ICP is a state of the art VoIP platform thatis designed to work with the PBX systems of othermanufacturers, meaning organizations can retain theircurrent PBX and add new IP telephony applications byway of the 3300 ICP.

For example, an organization may wish to deployIP telephony for wireless telephony, but the existingtelephone system cannot support it. The 3300 ICP canbe deployed as a media gateway to support wirelesstelephony by providing call control to the wirelessphones while the existing PBX retains control of theexisting telephones. As a fully operational IP-PBX, theorganization can simply add IP phones at any timethrough the 3300 ICP. Indeed, they can start addingother applications as well.

The ingenuity of this approach is that even though theorganization has deployed the 3300 ICP as a gateway,it can also be used to add on new handsets andapplications. Mitel offers one core platform, which canoperate as a gateway or a full-fledged PBX. Therefore, itcan support an application and at the same time be used

1 Cable and Wireless Case Study on Convergence: IP Convergence: reducing Capital and Operational Cost.2 According to Analysys, Companies with 500 or more employees can save up to 32 percent in capital expenditures and operating costs by

investing in an IP-based PBX system.

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

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to migrate users over to IP, either one handset at a time,or by department or application as an organization’sbudget allows.

The 3300 IP CommunicationsPlatform

• Mitel has one core IP platform and the productroadmap evolves based on that one platform

• Organizations do not have to rip and replace ifexpansion is required

• Applications are added on as required• Uses Wind River® VxWorks®, a respected real-time

operating system used by worldwide industryleaders such as NASA

• Scalability, from 4 to 65,000 • Modular, easy to implement • Network agnostic – the 3300 ICP works over any


The 3300 ICP architecture uses the IP network to connectIP telephony devices and provides an integrated TDM busto switch calls between traditional telephone devices. The3300 ICP has the ability to switch all types of traffic – IP,ISDN or analog. The 3300 ICP provides native call setup,tear down, and signaling between IP connected

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Mitel has one of the highestlevels of DPNSS integrations onthe market, providing for a highlevel of interoperability withtraditional TDM switches likethe Siemens Realitis DX / iSDX,Nortel Meridian, EricssonMD110, and Philips SOPHO IPK.

Figure 1: Telephone System Integration/Migration

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

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telephones. For traditional telephony, such as analogextension and PSTN trunk connectivity, call handling isalso handled natively by the 3300 ICP via a conventionalTDM circuit-switched subsystem.

This ability to use two different switching techniquessimultaneously means that:

• All traffic is switched with minimum conversionbetween packet and traditional telephony to provideoptimum voice quality in all call scenarios

• Embedded gateway functionality is only requiredbetween the IP and non-IP networks, therebyoptimizing the use of system resources

• Migration from traditional PBX to IP telephony isseamless and efficient

Network InteroperabilityUnified communications cannot be achieved without firsttaking into consideration network interoperability. The3300 ICP can be configured and integrated into anycorporate LAN / WAN infrastructure – regardless of themanufacturer. The Mitel 3300 ICP works over Cisco®, HP®,Enterasys®, Extreme®, Foundry®, Nortel® or 3Com®,indeed any infrastructure, thereby eliminating any issuewith vendor lock-in and ensuring organizations can selectbest-of-breed technology to satisfy their communicationsrequirements.

Functionality Mitel recognizes the importance of retaining the samefeatures and functionality of a traditional voice system.The 3300 provides fully featured call control services,functionality and applications like a traditional PBX:

• Multiple levels of call forwarding • Message waiting• Advisory messages• Conference calling• Account codes• Call blocking• Least-cost routing• Night service plus 100s more

Embedded Applications• Voice Mail• Auto Attendant• Automatic Call Distribution • 802.11b Wireless Gateway• CTI Tools for Application Integration

Flexibility of DeploymentMitel does not dictate how the 3300 ICP should bedeployed, but instead offers flexibility in design. Thechoice of implementation is driven by an organization’srequirements. Such flexibility means that Mitel is able tooffer the choice of a distributed, centralized or hostedapproach to deployment as well as offering choicesregarding the deployment of servers around the network.

Consistency of Approach andExperienceIn many organizations there are numerous examples of“Communications Orphans”, where there lacks acommon communications infrastructure for all users.Capability often varies considerably by location, whichmeans that users moving from site-to-site have noconsistency of experience. Managing this type ofcommunications infrastructure is time-consuming,expensive and involves staffing on-site resources ornecessitates travel, which may introduce delays to issueresolution.

Mitel can offer an effective means to centralizecommunications and provide users with a consistentvoice communications experience, regardless of locationon the network. The 3300 ICP can be configured andintegrated into any corporate LAN / WAN infrastructureto provide IP telephony to thousands of users in a singlebuilding or an organization’s campus setting. The 3300ICP can also be networked with other 3300 ICPs, withthe ability to serve locations across the country andaround the world. In addition, the 3300 ICP supportsa hosted solution using a choice of gateways (analog,digital, BRI) providing a cost-effective solution forsmall branch offices.

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

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The 3300 ICP is truly multi-purpose, as it not onlyfunctions as an IP-PBX and a media gateway, but also asa survivable gateway. In the event of a problem with thenetwork, the site will not only be able to breakout to thePSTN, but it will also deliver IP telephony functionality.

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Figure 2: Intelligent Migration to IP

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

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Location Independent Working withBroadband CommunicationsOrganizations are often challenged with providingcommunications infrastructures to smaller remote sites,as the cost of leased lines can be prohibitive. Thisproblem can be overcome by the use of broadband andremote IP technology from Mitel. This broadbandtelephone system enables organizations to provideremote workers and micro-sites with extension numberaccess to the central voice system and allow users toaccess all of the same features as the main host site,like voice mail, centralized directory and conferencing.

It is easily implemented using a router and a standardMitel IP phone at the end user’s location. This is plugand play technology, which means that it is easy toimplement and maintain and therefore results in minimalmanagement overhead. The Mitel Teleworker Solution isby far the most cost-effective and easy to deploy systemon the market.

The Teleworker Solution does not require a VPN anduses adaptive jitter buffering to improve voice qualityover the Internet (G.729 compression to reducebandwidth requirements). Moreover, the remote IP phonecan stream voice conversations directly from one remoteIP phone to another without the voice path going back tothe Teleworker Solution gateway. This is ideal for remoteoffices working over a small Internet link. For addedsecurity, the Teleworker Solution uses Secure Real TimeTransport Protocol (SRTP) for encryption with 128-bit AESencryption of voice connections and uses SSL to encryptthe call control.

To ensure the remote IP set is always available, the MitelLine Interface Module is available to provide remote userswith the ability to make and receive calls on an analogline in either of the following modes:

• Line Interface Module Mode: Users can accessthe analog line at any time by pressing theprogrammed key.

• Fail-over Mode: Users can use the analog linewhen the IP connection has failed.

With the LIM fitted, emergency (999,112, etc.) calls areautomatically delivered over the analog line to the localemergency response unit. It is important to note that theLIM module is not restricted to the Teleworker Solutionhandset, but is equally applicable to regular Miteldesktop handsets that require PSTN access in caseof network failure.

Centralized Management withEnterprise ManagerConverging voice onto the network provides forenhanced flexibility and mobility within the organization.As voice becomes an application, it can be centrallymanaged anywhere on the network using MitelEnterprise Manager, a browser-based technology fromMitel. Network managers benefit from a single systemview of all users, sites, equipment features and services.Moreover, from an administrative point of view, addingand deleting employees in the directory and settingup new access rights for users becomes a far simplerproposition under this system. In an organization,often characterized by large numbers of personneland numerous buildings, the ability to dynamicallymanage employee information is critical. This is a keymanagement issue which imposes unnecessary costsand delays and is easily addressed by deployingEnterprise Manager from Mitel.

Network managers can sit anywhere on the Wide AreaNetwork (WAN) or dial in from a remote location toassess network performance and make changes wherenecessary. Centralized management of the voice systemremoves the complexity of management that exists in atraditional PBX environment. Web-based tools providefor flexibility in application and network management.This leads to a reduction in the need for dedicatedresources for operations, administration andmaintenance personnel.

Seamless Single Point Provisioning Users,Applications, Platforms

• Plug-and-Play Phone Installation• Single Entry User and Applications Provisioning • Configuration Wizards• Software Installer

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

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Simplified Network Configuration

The PossibilitiesHot DeskingHot desking is optimal for staff working at multiplelocations or staff sharing an office, as it allows multipleusers to share the same IP phone. When users log intothe IP phone, their attributes (previously defined in thesystem) are applied to that phone. Their own phonesettings, including directory number, are associated withthe device. Once they are ready to move on, they simplylog off the phone. If the user fails to logout, the systemhas a safety guard in place to log the user out after apre-determined period of idle time. Phones can berestricted when no one is logged in, or limited tointernal dialing only.

Attributes like phone number, call restrictions, callforwarding, message waiting indication and featureson key appearances are all part of a user’s profile.

Mobile ExtensionNearly half (48 percent) of all UK employees admit tousing a mobile phone while sitting at their desk, a habitwhich represents a significant cost to their employers.Despite the fact that calls made from a mobile typicallycost double those made on a landline, employers areslow to clamp down on staff using mobile phones fromwithin the office. If they could persuade employees toavoid just one five minute mobile call a day it could saveUK industry around £2.5 billion per year.3

Mitel Mobile Extension allows users to take or initiatea call on a mobile phone or a wireless phone while intransit and switch to a desktop phone upon arriving attheir office. A user can switch back to a non-fixed deviceif attendance is required at a meeting or at anotherlocation. Combined with hot desking, it allows users tolog onto an IP phone anywhere on the network and thephone adopts their profile including keys and functions.

• Works with ANY mobile phone• One number rings all devices simultaneously• Twinning desktop phones and wireless phones,

mobile or DECT or SpectraLink• Can be configured to share one voice mailbox

among all devices • Seamlessly transfers call to desktop• Eliminates the need for call forwarding or “find me,

follow me”

Speech-enabled DirectoryA significant problem faced by many institutions ismanaging the flow of incoming calls. A large part ofthe problem is attributable to the number of internalcalls being made to the switchboard. Large organizationshave large employee bases with a significant level ofturnover, making it impossible to keep a directory upto date.

Even with modern directory applications in place, largesites can suffer from massive operator overload andhence significant waste of resources from internal traffic.To overcome this issue, organizations are turning tospeech-enabled directories to remove the burden ofinternal call transfers from the switchboard.

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3 Source; London, UK, 30 August 2006 – research from Mitel.

We used to spend nearly$20,000 each quarter onservice calls for smallchanges to the phonesystem. With the newMitel solution, we nowremotely manage thephone system ourselves,and have even been ableto scale back our ITsupport due to the remotemanagement features.

”– Mark Haggerty, Regional Manager, IT OperationsCarlson Wagonlit Travel

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

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Speech recognition systems have come a long way overthe past few years. The introduction of a new generationof speech-enabled applications allow users to accesspeople, departments or services simply by stating towhich name or department they wish to be connected.In addition, the uptake of voice-enabled technology overthe last few years in private commerce has removedmost “user fear” from such applications.

The speech-enabled directory from Mitel will save callersthe trouble of remembering and dialing numbers andextensions, asking only that they say the name of theperson or department they wish to speak to.

A speech-enabled directory not only improves employeeproductivity through improved caller management,but also can significantly reduce overhead, as feweroperators are required to manage the transfer of callsbetween staff.

Contact Center ManagementMost organizations have traditionally relied onconventional call handling to manage incoming calls.However, call traffic can often erupt with sudden burstsof activity which cannot be forecast. Without tools tounderstand how calls are being handled and how manycalls are being abandoned, the organization is in jeopardyof leaving a poor impression as it struggles to answercalls from the public.

The telephone is the main vehicle of communicationsafter engaging with someone in person. Handled properlyit can create a positive impression of service – improperly,a negative one. For this reason, a contact center ispivotal to successfully managing contact with the public.Informed management is essential in the provision ofan effective contact center. As the concept of using callcenter technology to support effective call managementbecomes more widely accepted organizations are now

adopting call management technology to establisha contact center.

Mitel offers contact center management tools designedto allow contact center managers to easily understandcall traffic activity and react to changing call volumes inreal time. The technology is intended to be easy to use,ensuring that managers can get on with the task ofsupervising staff as well as call activity, without havingto be technical experts of the software.

It offers standard call center management tools likehistorical and real-time reporting as well as tools todynamically change agent’s queues. Importantly, reportson call center performance can be created on the fly.With over 400 pre-built templates, creating a report iseasy. Automated scheduling means reports can beemailed to senior management automatically.

Moreover, Mitel offers innovative tools to improvecall flow and management. Tools like recordedannouncements, voice callback, web callback and theuse of Your Assistant provide interaction with staff inother departments ensuring operational efficienciesthat improve call flow and completion. The contactcenter suite supports remote agents who can bemanaged using a web-based browser.

• Historical and Real-Time Reporting• Web Callback• Voice Callback• Interaction with Automated Banking Service• SMS Intelligent Routing• Contact Center Agent Scheduling• Agent Adherence• Dynamic Management of Queues• Remote Agent Support• On the Fly Reporting Tools

Soft Phones: Using a Telephone on a PCMost people can’t actually transfer a call or set up aconference call on a traditional phone. Providing peoplewith features on their desktop to set up a conference callor transfer a call makes it much easier to use the featuresof the telephone system. People have become quiteaccustomed to the feature of clicking to dial a number ontheir mobile phone. This is now available with the MitelYour Assistant™ Softphone.

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University of Surrey uses SpeechServer to connect up of 9,000students and 2,500 staff.

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

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Extending beyond a soft phone, conferencing andcollaboration tools for presence and availability,knowledge management and issue resolution areavailable either through Your Assistant or Microsoft OfficeLive Communications Server 2005. Thanks to its leadingedge technology developed through Your Assistant, Mitelhas led the way in integration with Live CommunicationsServer 2005. With Mitel, organizations can takeadvantage of tools for presence and availability that aredesigned to define when you are on the phone, in ameeting or away from your desk; to conferencing andcollaboration tools, allowing users to engage in informal,on-the-fly conferencing and knowledge sharing.

Unleashing the Desktop: Pervasive Accessto CommunicationsTraditionally, access to information and communicationshas been limited to wired devices, creating unnecessarygaps in information, often inhibiting staff from doingtheir job effectively.

The 3300 ICP supports an embedded 802.11b wirelessgateway to provide for wireless communications devicesacross your network. Mitel has sought out best-of-breedtechnologies in wireless telephony and works inpartnership with SpectraLink to provide seamless wirelessvoice communications. As long as users are within rangeof a wireless access point, they can make and receivecalls. With a combination of a wireless infrastructureand an IP-based phone system, wireless IP telephonybecomes an integral part of the communicationsinfrastructure.

Both fixed LANs and wireless LANs are capable ofcarrying IP telephony traffic effectively. Wireless IPtelephony systems work with standard 802.11a/b/g Wi-FiLANs, reducing additional wiring costs.

SpectraLink handsets have all the features of a desktopphone, and usage can be restricted according to jobcategory. For example, administrators can make outsidecalls but security staff cannot.

The handset not only serves as a telephone but as atwo-way messaging device. Moreover, applications havebeen devised to support monitoring and control of

devices within an organization’s offices. The ability forthe SpectraLink handset to receive notification that adoor to an area is ajar can significantly reduce the riskof theft. Moreover, if it is a motorised door, with amechanism meant to open and close automatically, itcan be remotely controlled by the SpectraLink handsetby someone anywhere in the company who receivesthe notification.

SpectraLink handsets can also provide added support forsecurity. The handsets can be used to initiate broadcastsin an emergency, as well as supporting lone workers.

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626

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Executive SummaryIssue Solution

Integration with Existing Telephone System Mitel appreciates that legacy equipment is a reality formost organizations and for true unified communicationsto exist, technology must be designed for the power ofthe new while accounting for the realities of the old.

Mitel takes unified communications beyond theconventional context by integrating legacy telephonyand IP telephony with a multiplicity of communicationstools. Organizations can take advantage of thesenew applications without sacrificing their existinginfrastructure. The 3300 ICP is the absolutemultifunctional special purpose tool of communications,allowing an organization to implement innovativework-enhancing solutions while retaining theirexisting equipment.

Integration with Existing Network Infrastructure Network agnostic – the 3300 ICP works over anyinfrastructure. Unified communications cannot beachieved without first taking into consideration networkinteroperability. The 3300 ICP can be configured andintegrated into any LAN / WAN infrastructure – regardlessof the manufacturer. The 3300 ICP works over Cisco®,HP®, Enterasys®, Extreme Networks®, FoundryNetworks®, Nortel® or 3Com, indeed any infrastructure,thereby eliminating any issue with vendor lock-in andensuring organizations can select best-of-breedtechnology to satisfy their communications requirements.

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Issue Solution

Migration and Interoperability It is common for organizations to phase in IP telephonyso that they can continue to use existing PBX equipment.However, this transition can lead to issues around inter-working between traditional and IP phone systems,including the loss of valuable telephony features thatmany organizations have come to rely upon.

To ensure features work across disparate telephonesystems, manufacturers of telephony equipment haveworked together to establish signaling protocols.Signaling protocols play a crucial role in providinginteroperability between telephone systems bysupporting features and functionality between telephonesystems. QSIG and DPNSS (Digital Private NetworkSignaling System) are signaling protocols designed toprovide communication between different PBXs.

The 3300 ICP is a state of the art VoIP platform that isdesigned to work with other manufacturer’s PBX systems,meaning organizations can retain their current PBX andadd new applications by way of the 3300 ICP using QSIGor DPNSS.

The ingenuity of this approach is that even though theorganization has deployed the 3300 ICP as a gateway,it can also be used to add on new handsets andapplications. Mitel offers one core platform, which canoperate as a gateway or a full-fledged PBX. Therefore, itcan support an application and at the same time be usedto migrate users over to IP, either one handset at a time,or by department or application as an organization’sbudget allows.

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Issue Solution

DPNSS Integration QSIG provides a lower level of feature transparencythan DPNSS, while interoperability through DPNSScontinues to provide the greatest level of integration formost PBXs. DPNSS is the signaling protocol used by theSiemens Realitis DX / iSDX, a PBX popular withinorganizations. If an organization needs to integrateexisting PBXs, DPNSS is difficult to do without.

Mitel has one of the highest levels of DPNSS integrationon the market, providing comprehensive interoperabilitywith traditional TDM (circuit switched) systems like theSiemens® Realitis DX / iSDX, Ericsson® MD110 andNortel Meridian.

Cost of Migration Mitel provides organizations with communications toolsthat take advantage of the latest advances in technologywithout compromising existing investments. Migrationcan occur one handset at a time, or one department at atime, when budget allows. Mitel provides organizationswith flexible options for deployment by providing aplatform designed to act as both a TDM and an IP-basedtelephone system or as a gateway that facilitatesinteroperability with an organization’s existing voiceinfrastructure. Mitel offers an open, extensible platformdesigned to work over any network infrastructure,thereby allowing an organization to select best-of-breedtechnologies. Mitel provides a pragmatic and intelligentmigration path for organizations for who rip-and-replaceis not a viable option.

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Issue Solution

Seamless Connectivity The 3300 ICP architecture uses the IP network to connectIP telephony devices and provides an integrated TDM busto switch calls between traditional telephone devices. The3300 ICP has the ability to switch all types of traffic – IP,ISDN or analog. The 3300 ICP provides native call setup,tear down, and signaling between IP connected phones.For traditional telephony, such as analog extension andPSTN trunk connectivity, call handling is also handlednatively by the 3300 ICP via a conventional TDMcircuit-switched subsystem.

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Blue Violet Networks | 714.754.4000 | www.BlueVioletNetworks.com 215 Baker Street East, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626