VOL XIV. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY .JUNE. 7,1884 NO 27 TMEm&ME&A PliBLIBIIED UVKBY SATURDAY ai PUCUBHKRS AK» l'ROPUIKTOl^ OSoa oa Blackwell Street next door to tbi Kalional Umoa Bank. TERMS OF HtJIJSditll'TIUN 1NVAKU DLY IN ADVANCE. OKK YBA'K - *-•<> Six MoHTiia TIIKKB lltmiiifl t 3 601$ 4 51)1$ I! 00 5 on ii s» io or 6 5ll| il 01(1 14 01 8 OOI 11 001 IB 0( 10 On 13 00 '21 <>< 12 n0| IC 8r»| MR BO 15 001 1!» OHI H'J fit' 18 50 25 00 37 5< M iHi| A'l 001 «B 0( FIBOKNTIHK TICKS 13 01 .DI1ED fan EITR*B. I LINE. yr~V\StOi\ iiiHah. Corner of nix-'kwclt xnil Rtinnei Kin. DOVER, N. J. I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor Horses and Carriers to Ltt. M ; AHLON PITNEV, ATTOMEY AT LVW. KKTBII IS KII.VN0EU1- AN!) NUT UiV I'LHI.I", IIUHTE1U MJH.DISO, DOVER. N. J p EO. 0. CUMMIN3,1.1. D., GENERAL HUCTITIONEIt, VKD BPEOIALIST IN THE TREATMENT OF MALARIAL DISEASES. OFFICE AT THE PARK HOTEL, DOVER, N.J. T q. BIBIUVIBTn, B. M. DOVEtt, K. J. irIIU<YSE3 OP ORES AND MINSI1AI,8, BCRVEYS OF MINES. LVW/THURBER, sOPEBDiTENDEHT Of PUBLIC BOHOOl/- oi Momua COONTT. OFFIOE AT 8. ,H. BREESE'3 8TOBE, DOVER, N. J. Bpeol>lo»o> hoara oil 8alur<U»« from 11 A E i.BESNETr, M. D. OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS Uiftin Mir marLi-t. 703 uiH by tin. ACME IUIIHOW. Knslo Wheel Ciiliirntor, Ca*mla MilKy Plinv, Grain and Garden Seed Drills, Wither A. Wi,lid's Moncli, RE/VPERS AND BIRDERS, Thomas &Field Wheel Hay Rakes, AMERICAN HAY TEDDERS, Lercr and Trend Powers, Lion's run Mills, Threshers, Cleaners, &c, iii all oilier lirdl-uliiBs running iri'lilniiuils. SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS, 0E0. E. VOOHIIEES, (Successor lo Tuoi hoes Brolliers,) MOHRISTOWN, -N. ,7. JUSEPII VAN UYKR, Traveling Ajeiit. DOVER, K. J. iHPases rtf wum»o ami children, oyeamletr, apcciiltija. OFFICE [ 8 to 0 A.M. Boons.f 1 to8and7 .M. Oman - I O Dairiionae'* DullilinK, B slrett. OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Carpenter and Builder, tiae iTinoved Io Tlmrhpr's iicwIinlltHiiR. in ilif roar of Ilia Central Kuil.Dii'l itiav brulfit', NEAR THE OANAL 1SASIM. tts- Jobbing and rquirinR prnmptli attended to. A lain miprtlimco in tin- busi- ness, will, I irtlloTO, enable mn Io KIVC hitia- faction'to all cuntomerB. Oontincls WKOH ami materials furnUliHl. JOHN URUMMEK'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, (bntwuen theMANSION HOTJtiEaHdDopol,) DOVER, N. J. Tbo ulaeo lisa boon L-ntii-oly refitted ! • a lieal manunor LADIKB'and OIlILDltEN'8 HAW (JUTTING A SPECIALTY. MARTIN & BUCK, Mi, Sign ml Qnuuiilil Painters. GRAINERS, GILDERH and PAPER HANtl- BRtf. Contracts taken aodiniiUjrUhriirniHlied. Ruoma decnralod In froacoe ntylea. Havinj; t thoroiicli knowledge <,r hnmo «nd «lRn pami- IHE wo Ici'lcorapotcnt I" meet Ibc (icmaiule of all. Paint ibon urer Wm While's milliuerv •mro, no it to Vutiyht * KUlRoru'B d m - sloro P. 0.1*01183. J. MARTIS I'M* * nTT0R KANOUSE & WIOLLER, Jealcra in BOTTLED L4GERS ALE, POETER. KIITERM. WATERS, CIDEE, oio., it WIIOLH-ALE AND RETAIL. O n olfcr Hit bcsl .lid m'i>t I l h u l I»J»™- iHLtitH lo UoUrri. HOVER. M. 7. WILLUJI KING rnictioii. BOOT ANDSHOE MAKER, Tlio lawl mrk it loiteil pnera. II rh.apljanilpn>iiiptljilon«. litllloj bsrwli.ii Obnrel.. lll.okonll 1 ALLEN & PALMER, BUILDERS, DoTor, W. 3". SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. Mathushek Pianos, WRIGHT. ESTEY 0A8nOBreSTALMEKTfll FUlT*>n em pur week will tin; a netr orRan. Piiuoa nntl Organs tnned and i ejuired. WM. 8. WfiWHT, Offlo* Ko. 3 Brick Uloot, Dover, M. FutorrBmllai ekitl rDo f FRANK OXBS, MASON AND BUILDER, DOVEE.N.J. OoaimbtaluaudnitBMUa faraiihed. Stone and Brink Wort, Ptaateiir- and Jobbing Ipramptly altecdad to. OHc Ian »t WUUitn H. Bther'a store will rsMl coratnl and prompt attention. Freeman Wood, INSURANCE AGENT. LONDON iiutl LIVERPOOL uud GLOftE, CnpiUI 82O,OI)0,0!l». LANCAWniKE of MANCHESTER Cnpitw! glO,O0t),OO0. ROYAL OF LIVEllPOOTi, Capital SlO.Ontl.OOO 1 KANKLIN OFrillLAUtLl HIA. Cj]iilul Srj.000,000. HUDSON COUNTY. J. racv Cily, Cai»'lnl t;Jf)f;.ii{«) N ir-i, JiMiM. miJ M.rcHi,ril(. IO-HMI'!-,. r,-, <il Jj-iit.'nij ;niil lili-iitjui^ti; (Vji'l.tif H).(KK),O(Jl). Tin' frondon AsBiirttice Corjionitiou til Uuduu, cnpitiii $:,,rm,iiw. S|]riti(ifl«lU Firs Innnrjinre Co , fila-'micliii- I-UH, capital #1,500,000. WesiehcMtor Firu ImunLiut) C»ni|nttiy ft Kew York, cupititl IMffl.Wl. I'lltK ASSOCIATION 01' r.ULAi.'KM'lil \, Freeman Wood, •lunik- of tliu IVace ami l'nlloit JIiKistr M e . s , , g, lltB'laclio, Nvrvuai Prualrutiou tttiii eil in- tin* KMjf aicnljol or tubiotu. Wnkeliilm'H*, Hen* il Dciirca-ion, BofteuiiiK i»r Uu>ISraiu reimU- Hhl ika'th "V'uniaturo'iJl'.i' Aii«, 'llirr^in.-Bi, ) of [inner in nilier di-s, Jnvi.lunt.iry BPit anil S|iirni&ionlm'i CHIIIOII I-V otcr- rliyn ol llii; Lrmn.gelt.aljnscin ' n r in Inl- ee. KHCII >>OI ['outuins mio U'MIMI'H IPLMI- m. II it l"'i, :n xix In x-s lor *5, tcul by n:\il jiri-i>aia on rti'f i|it or ]iricr\ WE (3U\I!A\TKK SIX IIOXE4 UH Tor /i-\ iii x-f, nic-nii-Htkic i! nilli (,*>, MX- ,11 M'txl il,e |imclinH'i ntir milli-n finariiiiin- <'t« euro. QiiHi'ntilL-^u i-diK'il nuly by R. Killgore, Agent, Dover. G, S. JENSEN, CARPET WEAVER AND DYER, OI,I> rnrsnvTEiMAN oiiuncif TUILD- NO, UOVKtt, S.J. Alll.hilmifc.iriKtwe.n 1 - n;: ami ilycin»il(i u m HIM bet iimimcr Ainu lint- l«l (if 1UO a\KPKr on [inn! for HBIU. Wiinluw curtains cli wd iml tlyi d. C-l» NOTICE. Mixia ol' AVilliiim Hniiit, BOOT and SHOE STORE. J. 0. KAMINSKI IIAfi REMOVED TOHIS NEW SHOP OS tVAOREV 8TBEBT. WHEUL HE IS 1'llE- PA11ED TO DO CUSTOM BOOT AND SHOE MAKING OF ALL KlN»S. SATISFACTION GIVEN, DOTH AB TOWORK AND VHIUE8. flGNKRAL HEPAIIUN(J OPALL KINDS ilVLN FIIUM1T ATFIiNllON. lH-3ra y g Tint all wild want work maj 1I-HI tins Inwincmi. we uiftko Ulit uiipaMllfthd Oder; lu ill who art- no! " MtlHflud wowill xauit | 1 in p<y Tor the tmuliln tliiK im. Pull imrik'iilarH, .itrcctiiniB, tl.-., wilt freo. tort'llittl ivlll bo inmlc l.TIliosti who tliclrwliulo tlmti to thx work. (Jrnn HUUCEHI iiutdy Hiiru. UDu't delay ; aUrt uow. AdilrtBi fcCl't!d lll SILAS DELL, HEAL ESTATE AOEST, Dover, N. J., P UIiSUAKI'ln tlic order of Hie Surrogate at HID C.uiily i'f Morrin, made (in iltt- ei'vonlli ilny of April, A. I), one I lion at ml 'i-ln l.midri'rf nml ei^lity-fmir, notion In iicbv itivni In all IHTS'W having cwimit j^auiKt ili-i'-tnti'iTW'ltnm llnnn, latent Hie i ! i y , (terttat!ii>r»flli 1 i , to .tiilil r:< dili tn l mlnciib'TP.on order; rtHirn irr'ni >•{ IIM IT lior aotlon Mier«r»r n»attist io Ailmiiiifati alora w itti tin: will innpiod. DaUil ilia ucvonlli ilav nt Afril A. D, 1831. JACOB H. IIANN, Ailmiiiii.tritornv.itli the will»uncial, Btc-[ilicn«1iiirsli. Harris Co., N. J. w o o 3 in 5" % ~* © 3 ® CENTS. 25 CENTS. Phosphates. Tariuly ol lirnudB nf Sl*ndird Fertttizci forflirdrn and Field Orcps. W1IA^^»S, E. PRANK COE'S -AND- STOCKIiniDUE MANUUKS in Urpo or smtll qninlitiea at J. B. PAtMER'S, KEXT TO D0VEH LD1IDEII TABD. Notice of Settlement: Koto la licmlif B'"n ll»t tUo aoconnL _ tlie tDbicriber. Admlnlatrator of Hanrlce Bann, deaeaaeu, will ba aBditedsa&alatcil b j lb»Bnrtogalo, and reported ttnmtmal tolhe Orpbana' OonrtoflUe Ooantf of Mor<. ria, on Moodaf the ieTenUidar 01Jotyjiext;- wiTBna, D.li«l April 8811.. 1981. NOTICE. THB OODKTl' C0LU0T0B will be •' itottlitDvn, it Uie BlierlJTl office, oa ' IHITBDAV Or EACH WEEK T I E BEST PLACE olitekiud turunjiivniuitiu lliis set lion W D. MOLLER'S, 8UHSEX ST., (NEXT I.I THE .•.IUHOE.) oovnu, iv. j . Jooi rwuived aiul IIULOI U pn^i.ixi TIIItKI FINE .NEW Billiard AND Fool Tables OKCHESTEIOE (i!'.O. KIlHfcT'S C3KLKIHIAIKI) L AUK 11 IIKKH *h\H}* on iir:iti-hl ami H hi <ir WINES, LIQUORS and CIGAR5 SFULl.Kli'BOI'EIlA IIO1VK , SI , IUI.I.IA I;I i:nn\is JOS. YORK, MORRISTOWN, N. J. Brick Building on South Street Stoves, Ranges, Tin-ware and House Furnishing Goods, X . o so 2 © —' i S 3 © o 3 i> NEW STOCK -OF- Boys' Suits AT- c r^r(liu vorkliiKIIUHH. Rucid in mil* for IIOHFHHO ami wit will mall i<ni MIKK.a n>>ai. vumulib bux of s.iuiilo ^{iiiilH that will !• ILL yoit Ui tliowaj' of OPP. THE BANK, Kill I •I jnii. Vim i The l old. Vm W Uie followiu™ prnprrtica: udl HITCC f tlie Ire Irt. Tin? Store Huitttiiiff mi B n- oMiiptfil by John Daeis, no ndccsH ijL'ilions io Doeer. £1. Home PUL) L'it en the TJilllirook road imiirly oiruru Uj Juromo I) You tig. 3d. Tim Hniurn ami LJU on Cnno Hill; 'toil inopLTliea fur Hi DUD ileming rcnlilencep. i\u A form of 00 ncrca, near MOCIIUBTIIIP, .I'll pooJ biiililnii;a, and ill under a ht^ti lutcol t-uhirfttloa. Stli. A farm of 3Q acres on tlio mul from Jover in Cli outer, Mill a fjnoJ pio-prcl lur u Dore. LirKB ilKtLiug Wiili tii;lil ro.nid. AIRO oilier properllca loo numerom tit inpn- on, Hill be m»lil OU ftilvantitRfoug Urtnt.. lopfrlieB linittlltU for lb»ie• tii'llriiiR XntvW l icatonat.ki rntrR. IVtien Xam absent rrnm ic (fllcu Mr. M. OUccliBrd will >ci for me m ,11 bnmuctis raatltra, EILASDELL, loam No, 2, Ktt:oml Ua!o 22 J.v DanU I Estate of Robert Ely, deceased. P IUMIANT tn tin- order ot lln< Surriiua'c i.l tlie County t.f Moi , A. U. oim Ib I .>lKlitr-ronrt m<i ! jmtwins liaviiiR of Itftwrt Kt.s (,'in r; il e liu HIIIII d.y <il l-'.brti- imiiitlia from (Liu iUtt ,v rft-ilitur mRli tiitic In i t l u d l r tie , , in I hi n the tino piillunti-ii, will bo fnvi-vrr ti*irctl nf lila or tier ictioit the iUmitiiitrelr.'z. tli (Lijof MnyA.D. IBS I. ELIZA ANN ELY, A'liBlniislrstii*, !3-10ff Dovir. NJ. SMOKE THE PUGCIUAli, tbo Leal cent tlflir In U«, miUot. All •rdiTB or tlie trtilc enp^ileil liy Joltn Barrett, Bonn (on, N.J. N. B.—AD elegant oleirlifflilor li pren tiled willi tbo tint order fur 1,000 cljjm. 15 lj Sussex County Orphans'Court, [otlJoinittrrofll.pl nUto nf William ( Onlcr lo A. Hiepten*. tie-) StiowCtuie. BCiieJ. ( : Qcorge BtflpU*o*« dAtrou 0. Blenlieoi. Kucolom ur Uto Lait Will snd rtsUntantof Willhm A.Btepheui. ilfcinHMl. bwiaRixtaibEKHl lo UiU Oonrt nuiltroilli i oitintl true iccmntt.f HIBponoD*' e»Ui- u d ilcbti of Mill VTilliim A. 8t> pliem, lM nrberab; u ippein ibit tb» i !Midd*«dentliin«ffleIent biT.DK rcqowteiJ tlio aid or llif Cjorl In tbe'-pnulw. It l< OJ tliit twenty-»-«tpult day of M.y, A. D. eiRhiceii bamirc.l ir..l t\-U '- 'rari'arafreil tfa t ill pfifloniinlerrilcti li lands. teneniGDti And rnl esUtu of Ilii „ _ William &. Blephena,d»eiMrV, doaprcm before tliii Oonrl •• ilw OoartHuDBO In Nan tan, in Mid Oeantj or PaiKx.on Tnoidav, tlio Bflh ilaj of AoROTt r u t . a t iiiebonroricn oclochin tbolarcuooD to ihon ciuto »HT m mtu-b ot the r*l<l lands. tMUuntmts ami rni' eiliicoflheiil-i TTMlint A. 81-pUcni, dtu'd ihnnldnotlwanldaliriUbaiaflldeiit In w htodebtior Ibe rcslila« tbenof M (bo cat BUjrriqnlrr. * HIUK d. Ciidt,' wiiiigei. tUKDfX I'. SMITH. ) OiBBict, B. DDBKIBO, Ban o^alc. 30-Ti We now have Iho Jliiest assorhiu nt ol* BOYS' and CHILDREN'S SUITS cr oll'urcd for sulo in Hover, whllo our prices on them is lower Ilian ymi ever smv tlicin IJCIOIP, niiisiilerins (|inilily iiml malic up, tiliililrea's School Snilv, • • $1.75, tfi.OO and $2.50 ChiWren's JJrcss Suits, - - $:!.()(), $1,00 and *5.00 Hoys' Cnssiincro Knits, with long 1'ants, 9 (o 12 years old, $2.50 to $5.00 BOYS' Cassinicrc Suits, lioni 13 to 1? years old, $3.00 io $10.00 ; made from tlic ninst I'isliii niible goods. STRAW GOODS. We have just received our new stock of Men's, Hoj s' aiul Children's Str'iw Huts, wlifch cmlirnccs every- thing in the uiiii'het from Ilic live cent straw to the fittest .llunillii. Our styles ni'c n'slit nml our prices live ililto. PIERSON $ Co., THE LEADING CLOTHIERS, DOVER, N. J. WE IIAYK THE UEST GOODS ! WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES! WE HAVE Tllli LAllflEST STOCK! WE CAN 1)0 YOU WOOD! Wi; WANT YOUllTKADEM! 'E have mado every «fT>rt to procuro tlio ahuioe of th) ID ut dulmbla Btfles In tbo market ami have Bclectcil tlia lur^i^ nssortmeat of intteiDB in both tbe Blapl. ncd fuuey BtjlcP, ever HIIOWD. Tlie lindiiiR colorri iu Ibe new M oork.crew" fabrieB Hbow cut in lljo ll'.osl ftjies of Hack* anil Frocln and one. lime BDd four buttol W E are the only house in the State that hns the famous •"8AWYBft"CA8SIMERE3 in stoofr, and wo offer nearly FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES of these goods alone. They are strictly all wool, and we guarantee them in every partic- ular as being the best value ever tyiven. Other houses may have imitations. Beware of them!! . III'LKIHT nml MEMmi WEUIIIT O v e r ( o n e s wo Unvu h Impo vatlctj, at prioes front ®5[tn $20 CiT Wu hhow \>y far tho muni vnrifil ^lo(^k of l»niira oujwli.re, BljlUlt cut nud rlpf{iuitly tn:vl', ltt every jirico, from Ilio cbonjiest lo Urn li.-nt. JJf COR BOYS' AND CllIUHIKX'S Ml'AHTMENT ro kavo cxprcisril tli^ punio careful ]nin=, tii d j'reKrut n lboroitf{lily nrtUlic, varied and t-xtHihivo Mtouk excliisivt-]> our own Lako nnd correct iu every detail. IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT may bo found iho b^t [i-KsiUi. Ki-lcdinn of bolli FOItP/ON AMI) DOMESTIC GOODS, in cUnvKO of hkillful auii urlMiu uulti rn. ST WE HAVE IU) V ONE I'llRJE '10 ALL Any tekolion innila if not BnliBfnctcirj libeufully (w-biuifie ur refund your monrr. WR SOIJCIV VOUU KAltLV 1 R&CO. THE IRON FRONT CLOTHIERS, 85O and 852 Broad St., Newark. (.-> I1DOIIS SOLTH IU- 1 XICVVAKU ,t NKVV VOItK II. li. DHl'IIT.) CARRIAGES AT PRICES TOSUIT THE TIMES. JOSEPH H7BEftCH& SON, All the latest styles on hand and made to order. Our work is all done under our per- sonal supervision, and is fully warranted. Everybody in want of a wagon will profit much by giving us a call before buying else- where. , . in all branches done in a manner whioh is bound to give satisfaction. Orders by mail will receive* prompt attention. A WORD ON Ladies Button Boots. «*• Every experienced dealer in the business isawaro howdifficult it is togive their lady cus- tomorsalvvodolliir shoe that will combine the three most neces«ary qualities,viz: Fit, stylo and durability. It is almost impossible to do it in the regular way, but wo can now posi« tivelyassuroonr patrons that wo have the best article at that figure ever shown in this sec- tion. Wo have just opened 24 dozen genuine Kid and Goat in BCD &E that are assuredly worth 75c. a pair more. We have also a few pair of genuine French Kid Button left at $2.50, fully worth $1 more. HEAQAN & Co., OPP. D., L. & W. DEPOT, ....... DOVER, N.J. ..__ If BED FRONT TEA STORE. j| NOW READY FOR BUSINESS. The New^Yerk & China Tea Co., NEXT DOOR TO THE POST-OFFICE, DOVER, TV. .T. 1. nDW ftetlleit and renily for buslaesj'lu tlielr flue uew Btore with tlie largCBt Block of Gvor Been ia^Northern Now Jersoy, at prices whioh defy competition. His immense stock of GLASS. CHINA, EARTHEN andMAJOLICA WARE can't bo surpassed. Every variety and kind at prices to suit the times. He also keeps asplendid lot of at prices] which, -will surprise all. My motto is quiok sales and small profltii. Call and Bee me b9foro baying elsewhere. WM. 0'DWYER, - - Proprietor, COFFEES, SUGARS. SPICES. DR.G.W.McDAVIfr DENTIST, OVEIl BREESE*S BOOK STOBE) D0VEH. K. J. . Bend sis oenta/wr pott- •jje, aad f««ivo- free, a .. costly Iwi orftMMl* Klifcb awfll lielp joa lo moie lej rlitht awiy tbajt »nylliiag cl*s In lulu Id. All, of either -MI, anoceri bqra.lrU Tbe broad road to lorlooe opens belorol " ' ilelrian. Atooosaddrmf > la, llaiDS. There 1*a eontrovAray about what IM tbe Govemmuit of the United Ktatu dnrinfr or I ahould bav« asked you about Ib before. 1 tllclt tbere-U nbfttobe d«ld(dl>; your JWlUftttK I pit thlrlnii ilolUra n Mippay w**niwd to The Nflr Toik niporiiitecd *oot «n>ir M lmidll .tout tbe float tbnj ksd lart veek Vfn had Home out here too, Qiwd DnkM don't • « » to be uuoh bttt«T tbn otbor folki' All(ul.,w,iUlnore»di,|( inp»Plil.tino, tbe Infest eoenulon Ming named Erntii. lt fn«ior'« name I. Wllwn Eiani. loeomoHTi eniriiieer. : S OUtloe Horritk. late eomnHreteJ tray la apw ill obaricfl at ihn store at tbla Tloi.owllrowIlllioCbatloiE. H«r- ...ftiulre Pftvla (tnt tba- paper morning ami read awhile .jutowyrmiii n ~~"~ <anbeJiimped«ipflxaliUiiiupt'I|| Jialii, " W U t 1« tlio mutter Bquln -. hu,v J vp mads.an Irish Diw* 1 !" Ctii... ninn ot ibe Bejinitlicnn C«nyc|itlotil •diet a* Iftbfly ODtltd imtfiiid a vhTUinph to till the tlneeT' "WHI, Sqnlre. If thwnftniinnto J e e n t bBjiian elpntilm." "Yep. inldHnRli Ion. "when i!iH.vu«ttlit)iu Uketbntthoy are t n hnrl lot, IC in liod ettotiith Hi lie • nigger— lint »n Irl'li rlggef-wolt, IC i« a bwi mix- turf." "I toll rail, you will find nut tin tit 1 w l t o mnn 1 * government liorotra >'< with la PMilav avnnlnvnrttiifl wn t ,, iK enllwl for June 9th in ilia Port Morris Sdiool Dlttriot for tile pnrnoao of dec Id ing wbuthor they will bo taied nSOfur current expenses of tbABdhaol. I aaw J , Sownrd Lnmion tbo other du,v. TU'jl'oitOfllooDeparluiGDt iausingliim as a snrt of Keaerat roiistAuout at prcsoct. Ha bad ordera to report for duty on the L. & H. road/nm Orey Court to nelvldert. Maybu ae oepartraont wanted to RWB bin, a rest. le tiiea to start from Jenny Citv for PltU- mrg withdfty-tbrco ttmsof mail to flistrl- bttteonibenMtfl,aTid If ne nado A inlitake tiea they i«nt Urn u "stuffed olub " from tho denartment. It fa k tiM tbttc far the employees of the P. It B. fialln»4 that tbo road Ins gone Into the bands- of rcoelven. They will got their then IT. Crouoo was leader of the Ro- 131ab and referrod very feelingly to tbe way, bo used tospend hia birthday with bis mother and slet«r vha nro bath lead now. meoftbe.odlea of the W. C. T. JJ. called „ hint thai provbiiw Sitttrday night, a sort of turprlie parly ODbU blrtbdsy. Al., Mase wai appointed loader for m labiaaohBerom Club stariu. .. yflle !Thjiohflwn^re4»bo«t70mefflW.ra6t na women, and that Hiucb Uallnalier made ih(rmort elonnbnt-BliOMh of his life np there on the Friday flrcnlog pmedfng. 1>. J. , SOUTH BTAKHOPK. Tbii ii veryjwftrpi wentber toundertake to write nraoh; Hovrever, I don't want the read- en of tao EBA to think Smith Stouhope atitl jaoomanoDdciitRbiiTeeflneoutofeiistcnne. ?e are nil nore, at tho .forkey «nid when bo fell off the house lop and struck tbc pavehnmt below. I an Kerry to rcwrd thn fact that our town M lost a Btnall portlno of its catflrprisc Ttn; Rolley H, S. H T R CO., wlia wcro mnkiim ateBtn pipe covering from mlueml wool FW.1 ubwtoi,' have moved to New art, wlierc tlu-v expect to ooutinun tlia Nome hunitiMH. lint while WD have lost ou I'uo one liaml w< Imvc Knlned ninrc oti tlm other. Mr. \V. ,1. May inn in bis employ livn or nil yiiuii); men tiinii- ifucturlns rant in clmlrs. Ho tclln me liin bilBiuaas line crovvn lo RUI'II UII citont tliat lie ianowtbirty-eiuht cbnlru belli ml, even willi li!a p re cent working fon^ 1 , It lfmk« to nut ith hoagb this branch oi Industry IIHH the jinmi- ie of snmetlillitt very gi.nd In \h<> future, lor : think lioinnkr* the lirot nml lnrut coiuforta- lie rooking ohnir thnt [ ever HIIW. Drake & Kin(( Bc«m to lie v«ry Intsj*. Tlioy nloadeil their tiutb cor Innd of lumber HIM ithprday. They HUO lave fimr hoiisim under lenitwny uosv. 1 um sur* this looks like iusi- ur worthy young vlirn!wri){bt. nud in nlmjip to iln flret- ESTABLISHED1830. GEOHGE I). VOORirEEg, to Voorbma IlrolUr.) MORBISTOWN'; BCILDEItS'. CAIHtUQElURXIIS'.BLAaK* auirns 1 OOKTBAOTOW, aumso improved Low Pressure Steam Heating Apparatus and all manual of pr!faloatii]pabI16t)BUJl]ai|«i 104 MARKET St., NEWARK. GOODS. MRS; GEO. PflKT UDADI. S. .'. CALL krnttm nEn iuiiMsE STACK. PAINTS, OILS, &c. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Seedi and FertlUuri, SATES AND SCALES. HOUSE AND BA;R1T Tbepremlaoi.oociiplfldby tho lolscribcr o Mt. 1 IWne avenna. A Urge and ilL tedbdmaaVtt' b hDfallUn Apply to 4V. - Ulta IRA C. COOPER turf. I toll rail, you tilts ftwalto mnn 1 * gove sot A'mn wltb ft," inliti *f t y government inlitiho fi^ mot In tlift find ut nt liorotra fi^fr " ><u "You lH sot Amn wlt ft, inlitiho fi^ bnvo only B*f two-mot In tlift ItnpuliHoan p.rty vhneni *twd mv xliow of Ivejr K eloet- od oitrt tliey nro paviilDArU timl iff.BW TlaiUmoanttattiklt'tnuat nn B#m timl ff.BrWnw. t nn B#m -Tlittoti tbflt^ Woiilil 1x> # Ami: &HH KuMnl! »:i,l ih™tbflt^ Wiill nntblnz Inft of tt.iv Hapalillonpi Rflrk." " Ol. II Sum Tlldi-ti'illtl «et clmteil fitntln tliey'd epant UIUJI ppt nuit l u w o o l i notlibve pluok onnuxli to tatiQ Iil» t W J t h b l mltlit mVo 'l wooli notlib »tofW Jo, t to rnrtiicli ali "If THfl to fay tJiB Buulra put mad enmyh to nse mm CUII wordi, wWo¥ I doW i n to «PMI 'Plio Bottlrt'too Rtvat DMnmnftt nttd dtm 1 '- -ttoiBiiiabloaiiBHBTinowt'^*'- linnn ii mad vfl tat the mi- Id to love be talks iohrwater. Hnwiilgot LbiB, TouDgMt - dsujebter of Mr. Vfm, -• • • • "burled from, the Melfti6di.it This, vill IBW lease o Una! To Jlmreli nt Bfa Bev. Mr. DooUt R D buried from, the MetholSt fanliope on Wednudart The . Mr. DooUttln'nroaoLed the funeral ter , Rev. D*. Bodfdmnn offered J JC dthBrit pravgr, s. Tbn D, Rev. D*. Bdfdmnn ffred p HSV. J. J.Cmne rendthoBoriptures. Tbn kineral vai very laiauly attwidod. Tbe jouajz hJV MdJioatfl of frfeuds in Iierltfetliae who gatbertd todo libnvr to h l catbered todo lionor to her remedv*- I am Mtrrv toloara tbat Bobert Baldwin, one of our engineer!, is dangeroiuly 111 at tbe house of bia brotliBr iu Jersey Oltv. ThO lut night of " Au Evening of Nonsonae ;h Mother Goose" in Cliirk'nllnl), 3tan- MlaFridtiy«von.nenf(liUw ' :here is a special saiinol inoetl jbtriug ..... lira In the «*»- • i.hu> •/*..«.w.« TV».*wQJIDIDKroom wuerv tUBy fouud we!J mie4tabUltUiit bad been provided by the ladiea. Altbonfh thin la utujeiM-YbriieYe this la the first time tbe ladles Uure managed everything. Bios, LurATim. •mi finStUHX OOUOlj) Is taking a _.. .rhlohftugvnwell iorfuture pwiperity. Tbe largest uctel baa recently ehxnied uanos and under Its new nianajce- ent has been enlarged, remodeled, relttr- shod, and nswly palqted and papered, and .. now kept In fitti-class order by Its proin-i- etor, John N. Catvlii, late of Newton. Another large hotel in the upper village in naaring completion, already making a fine two large flouring mills we have jiilla, an extensive stub, door und blind factory, wltleb furulabes the tiutl<loreot Burrouudlng towns with artloloBin its lice. Our public sohooh are of tbe boat, beiug graded autl in tbroe departnionta, employing aa many teachers. We havn tliret- clmrdiea, Hclbodhf. Bnii- Ist and PnabytDrisu, all supi>lied wtlli pne- Kev. Bukcr Boiitb, Int.: of yuur oimiity, work und hb) vinigrrsatloD in HteiuiUy noreaaiiiK, the ncniilu huliifi enthus! antic iu ecuudinjt ail hie oilurt* J'or good. On thtir removal to this plncn last wciHc Thursday tlio new mlnittor and Lls vilo found tbut the MEHDHAK. Amid tbe wreck ol matter and tho crash of rorlds Hendbtin pursues the even tenor of ler way} perhaps it may be more even, we '" not my, but nt presuiit the euriaoa is led Ijy the advent cf city boarders and _~jr tike oasualtiao. On Hunday morning noxt Children's Day servioea will be observedin tho M- E. CLurcb i and in tbe alternoon there will be a gathering tlie t i n t Presbyterian Church of all the inday Schools in the towcablp, which will _ addressed by JBev. Dr. Jessup, who baa had long experience an a Mlwlooaiy in Biblo lands. Oa Tneeday, tbe lOlh, tbe Morris County Ible Society will moet in the First Presby- terian Chnreh; whioh wilt donbtlBRs he an icoMion of niueh Interest, and those who ittend will not only receive as intellectual, Thuntday afternoon and ovenl-g. tbe 12tti, strawberry and ice cream festival will bo .eld by tbe RalstonvillB Sunday School, in C vo adjoining the school house, Its ob- ig to purchase a new library for tie lundny Sobool. The m u m will be (if Day's unuufacture, nnd tbe comtBittee, which is loeed of ladipd, ia unking every arrunuo- '- -'nrto the aiitisf;iwtion ofallwLo U, P. Crane, iBsallfaBcaud imnloyed now, ikss work with While every o aieB I «ce (I H Whe evey n s to lio crjinc hard ieB I «ce (I. H, Luiiipr Benillng nut loin nf oodsyct. Thoiiftli tiiiion mny 1m chrl " Oil" iliuund to do jitut *o trn thi upside liuund to do jitut *omuc turn things upside dow E ne jiint now itin f xlonH g Every one jiint nows t of theuoniinntion of James 0. Itluino nt VM- Daso. Without doubt ho IHIIIO people's choice for President for 1884. Our Towuflhin Committuo Be era to lave iard work to eutigfv miinu nt our tsii-pajers ith a road oveneer. Well, next time on more genemus Hudfjivntlicolilmnti achnoco. 1 understand Mr. Cone expects to LBTC U Itflt'Olms eiitertiiintnoat in Clark's Ha.il, ou n-ununy and Friday oveninjrii. which will bo ill over witTi when you read this. There hail t ought to bo anything dm, as betansboon llU d tli l ....... uivtbbB ....iuKUDd practicing li link the cliurch sliould foci un ottB to tlio school trustees, CM the iDth. I bl] er obl]i chool h d ,_a school hftB o wetk in nil inorder to al- low Mr. C. to perfect bis arrangements, Well, " it doea not iircve to be first-elauB tliern will Dno ladies tu blnme. Tho MotlodlBt Aid Society took in thirty lollars at their ontartaanment In Clark's Hall, ao I am told. 1 hnva heard a. gnat uy who had "tho pleasure of attending It ft was lint dais 1nevery particular, only proBranilne was* little lengthy.' -, irWlll Limber ahould start out I lblnl[ P. '. Baroum would have bard competition. | 1 wish Chas. llemcfa BOCUOBB; ID hUtibw un- irtaktng In oonncetlug Uianlfvlth Allen jros. : at Port Morris! If tius. drives the itore wogon they will want two horMe If they lyo many goods to deliver, for lie ii ODB ol 'l wlfl^opnow, nod If -tbla don'twake up rath BtOntiop* I wllltry It again some tlito. UK0. Tbe class In eloeutlbd conducted by. Prof. Force Is Mill fioiiristlng.' On Friday, not- wlthstoudiOitthe cool weather, quite n nntn- ber attended the "Cla» plo-nlo" at LakeHu- patoong. An extra var waa ncoeuary for bctr aooon)tno>dfltinn. Tbe Loke waa' quite rntigh, hnt tot enough soto prohlbf* - ii - - which .waa the chief amusement, tlieProrcsioi'flitylc of diversion vaa more amurlng. Some engaged In tho phoatorjal •.and had ratter good siioeea*. The' in .took hla m i oihttslbly- -to t frogj.butobangcdlii)To*ndand thonglifc he would.try shooflnc orowii., Lunch wa« serv- ed In tnb'car. Asntnal tae sajrply of goyd thingawMfnntMiuHbKbritvfiatitftUllno'of tlie, irajtmentk 1 '.'I'll Jievet tell." nool *BEta happened to tnir the pluaora oltb, »j and all bone tbe strait- wf)l be repoatefl. ll*v. »r. WhltUkor, of Hi. Cltru^ deliver ed the address at the Voung; Poonle'a Social OB Monday eTealng III the. Piwbyterfan Chnrcn.; The subject was "Italy," antlni Mr, W h i t e r h i t f W a b o u t a j e a r a g o TUI- tedtbepla«as(wlueltinn ftnely llhutratod bythvealditn -lUdtU, It waa Ing indeed, HeooHghtcdhUandreaee very tn«ch'iit the close frflheJectnre by ilngtai; •Dtiff ho hesrd while In Vraif*, tiy a party t '--— Ada.;W<ihaWbadth#plJaL to Ur, Whlttaker before and ilm" again, mof the New York Ob- h P ' r i r gam an addrssa In the Prw'jytarian Charch Wtdae*dsy.«fl«nioon. ProfT Force's elaw ineloeatlott meet at tlie resideniwofMr.U.n Dlck«run, Flaudcrs, ~ " erealng. K. In HwM. E. Chnreh laitSunaay tooniiiiit Ulfr sermon WM tbontthe " lnflneaee of the goodthioft* »nd evil thing* in |bU Ufa. upoi cur futur*" In tbe.eTeninjr on "Caleb." ThHnnt iittarttrly oonfcreneetbr tliiiiyear Is to totaldftt tbo parsonage oa H\i%j night v n t Hnaiil.vU<*t;hild««n'i DUTJ 1 A aobd time I.^ipMted., The Presidfng Elder li expected topwaohat Waterloo In the after- noon;' The putor read tbo financial statefawt oftbecbnrohtorocmatBiMnMnduriBicUiB pastyaar. Tho trnateea awed for •uttwrip-, Uons> -Ili^^t tbeie eipensei for Ins new jeor Wright wai an latemtinr young, lady. Hel Ufa waafull ofproniUo!«tidno|»a, Bhft,b&a been taken from toai paipnts, an-dfioma, utflatanthonie. It Is B rrflat eorafuft toknow thatsbe\ookU furwsnt with' cLDtldomsto ,<lIoinelulIcnTeu." Auiu. E. il. Banker atlasdad tlie National Con- tion at CbJoaio. r. CaarlirAitoniiaa Intown Balnrdaj TtBt H I i BaaeBall Clul> appeared iu a soon «f 80 to 0. The achnol nine played the publiu school nibe of MorrtBtowu at the latterplaoe en Friday but and loat~6 to B. The Ama- teurs jilnyed at Uttle I'uJlt, and wen victor- ious—toorc 26 to 28. Kev. A. A.KlnghaaiEDtie to Mlcliiftan, to attend the ClWi uf the Dutch Befonued Churth, He will be abaentabout two weeks. TheABDivenaryinwUngof the Y. M. 0. A. iMt skoday ennins wai very Interesting. J«leg»tlpns Irani the Horristown and Illootn- Dgdau AaBooUtions were present. Her. Oe*j, A. Hall, State Sioretary of tbe lew York Y. U- C. A., and Mr. MoCoa- wigbklv, of tbe Philadelphia Awociation, w»re thS gueaU uf tbe Hon. John Hill last Sunday, , of tbe Phi gueaU uf t Uaraa are out for the marriage of Mi» Pflo#b« Kinjrsbtad, to Mr, Jatnei E. Vuu Uuyae, if Brooklyn, N. Y. UurBlara tried to uutcr the resldeuoe oi D. B. Puller, Sunday evening, bat wore fright- ened BWST. ThB body of Mr. Nclwu Holmet which was burned ia tho late lire at Prcacott, Arizona, ariiral la town MoDdiiy afternoon, and wo» burled in tho old crmctury on ThiirtMlgy. The ladies of the Preibyteriim Churuh btdd a festival Thursday eveQlng. TUtt cutertaintuent gtveu, by the PreabV' torian Sunday School In Wiuhfiifttou Hall, Uecaratlau Vex evening, was ft grand sue- de*a. Tou mooli prnlee undthanka aauiiot ba ven an. Stoue fur getting us tueh u flue nlertainment. Tbe aobool cleared oier |80., ' • • "'• Uev. Thaa. Cwier gave a report Sunday morning ttfthepNoecaiDg* of the PnwbyU)- rlftit Aiwiobly recently held in K*r»toKfl. , Apleasant tune was spent Tuesday even- ing in tbe parlora of thiV. 8, H tl b th .. _, _ ,_.L ptrt Tuesday ev Hotel, by in tbeen b en the ilaocd the atore, put tlowu the carpets, bung now curtains nt ull tho windows, and were reaity with an excellent dinner sad warm ~~~ i toglvo tboiu a welcome inception. l ucnt to cat«r LODD'8 LAKI. We hud licaty fntntti on Tlmrsduy and Fri- !Ly moritjncH of liiHt week, killiLg mout of HI Ki'rileii truck iiml curly com. Ou one lomipi: (lie irn n-nu an thick at a pane of HI. it U iigiii'd we will have no niurv wicli IN thin aumnicr. Hut there Jin* been mtito tiuiiKP, Hint it iiiis been very wnrmlor a tifiruaniBomo bonrdorHftt tbcFottstHomo rudy. Kith do not eeem to bo biting very eagerly jjnroBmit. TliRro were quite a number of visitors at iu Lake ou Decoration Day, Including » rgc jmrtj fi-om Dover. [Our correepondeiit re Kivea an icconut of aboating accident, inch wo do uot publuh, an Bome of tbe .rties ure sensitive about it, and request ae Invor thnt it tie vdtheld-ED.l Mr. Peter YOUIIR boa bought the Bosa Honio Mr. M»nn. Ho has taken It down ad i d it hi l b T. M»nn. H nd« to put it up on his Lake and Stanhope, e Bosa Honio It down and in- n place, between D. Another Kurder Cat* in SOHUE. . Lewis Berry, a fatroor living noftrDtoker- iwn, a fuv weeks ago took from the Sussex aunty Poor House a wouun named Un. ;ilou Conrtriubt to keep house for bin. lerry's family had loft him, and Mra. Court- i husband bad allowed her to go to the IOUBO, be being maintained by hit chil- li-en of n former wife, On Wednesday night lut week it was fonid that the two chil- dren ef Mra. Courtrlghtwero suffering from poisoning liy Parts green, and It waa believed tbe neighborhood tbat it had been ndiuiu- Istered by the mother. Strong efforts were made to save the lives of the children, and lie exoitoment was Intensified oa >'ridny night by tie know.a4ga that Mr*. Courtright bad alto 'wen pollened with Pwls green, died In great agony before morning and Deny was arrested and Jodged I»-Vt«wtcu He protesta tls Innooenee, an J doalarts tbat Mrs. Coartrigat beoatne conscteneo stricken after tbe bad poisoned ber children ~ la gncn and ended her life by taking no tame polaon. There waa Paris green in no boose, ho aayi, used toput on potato She put tho poison on aomo meat daring hla abscnoe and gave it to then. Tbe fire-year-old girl sayi tb»t Berry en- deed her Into the cellar, and from a paper bag took a powder that be pnt Intoaoupof milk whlon lie gave toher. It waa to Utter that ahe eonld not drink it, and sheipltit ont on the floor. It looked green, and le toraped bU feet over it. He then went up ftairs and endeavored to induce her little brother to drink from tbe same cap. She ays her mother »l*o persuaded them to drink . The next rooming tho powder was put en io moat.' Bin. Conrtright anld before flfce died tbat Berry gava her a mixture in a tablespoon in morning that eanaed Intern** pains a few tntnutea later. She died In agony. Tha stomach was removed for an analysis. She bad been nawlod th«» time*. She had lived with Berrr only two weeks. Berry'a wife and ftve children UVB IDDeck* irtown. He is mfferitg from exritcment. ohlldren will both recover. Thsy are being kindly cared far In Deokatown. The general opinion among the neighbor* la that Berry gave'the woman tbe fatal dose because rat afraid she would make a eonfeaaiQn of an agreement between them to murder tbe two children. Bd4i«n'Hsiditonw. Copies of the following circular are being dtfltributwl: BTATIOF NIW JiMEr, OFTICK or ADJO- TAHT QtHRJUL, TlEKTOM, H»V 20, 18M.—In accordance with section S of an "set to oatborliethe burial of t&abodlu of any hon- orably dltcharged soldier, tailor or marine whs itaBUbmifMr die without leavingneans ffiit t df f l expcnsei," ap- which dlrecU t ot th whs itaBUbmifMr die withou aufficient to defrs; faneral proved Kebnarv 13th, 3B8i, which dlrecU bat tlie " neadifone shall eoat not more than Sltun dollars, and shall be ef anoh di and material as slwl.be spproved G r AdjutantGeneral and a re than design and material as slwl.be spproved by tho Governor, Adjutant-General and a Quarter- mastor^Otnenl," it Is hereby nnnoaneed that tfaeotHiflDUabOTementiotieu have approved of the, dl hith t f^n the m t r i l o hd o f the, des o hd of w toil -„—.one foot eight Inches In wtdth, and three Inehea inthickness, with name, service and d»Uof death Inierlbed For oorrwttuUitarj oe naval noord, appil* cation can be made to thla office. WlLUAMB StkTKt«, AdJutant-GeueimUt Jfew Jerwj. onion thow a plaiB-'dedgiin<i<Io* aerlbed.

INSURANCE AGENT. Boys' A WORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1884/...iHPases rtf wum»o ami children, oyeamletr, apcciiltija. OFFICE [ 8 to 0 A.M. Boons.f 1 to8and7.M

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Page 1: INSURANCE AGENT. Boys' A WORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1884/...iHPases rtf wum»o ami children, oyeamletr, apcciiltija. OFFICE [ 8 to 0 A.M. Boons.f 1 to8and7.M




OSoa oa Blackwell Street next door to tbi

Kalional Umoa Bank.



OKK YBA'K - *-•<>

Six MoHTiiaTIIKKB lltmiiifl

t 3 601$ 4 51)1$ I! 00

5 on ii s» io or6 5ll| il 01(1 14 018 OOI 11 001 IB 0(

10 On 13 00 '21 <><12 n 0 | IC 8r»| MR BO15 001 1!» OHI H'J fit'18 50 25 00 37 5<M iHi| A'l 001 «B 0(


TICKS 13 01

.DI1ED fan E I T R * B .


yr~V\StOi\ i i i H a h .

Corner of nix-'kwclt xnil Rtinnei Kin.

DOVER, N. J.I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor

Horses and Carriers to Ltt.






p EO. 0. CUMMIN3,1.1. D.,





DOVER, N . J .





o i Momua COONTT.


DOVER, N. J.Bpeol>lo»o> hoara oil 8alur<U»« from 11 A

E i .BESNETr, M. D.

OLIVER CHILLED PLOWSUift in Mir marLi-t. 703 uiH by tin.

ACME IUIIHOW.Knslo Wheel Ciiliirntor,

Ca*mla MilKy Plinv,

Grain and Garden Seed Drills,

Wither A. Wi,lid's Moncli,


Thomas & Field Wheel Hay Rakes,


Lercr and Trend Powers,Lion's run Mills,

Threshers, Cleaners, &c,iii all oilier lirdl-uliiBs running iri'lilniiuils.


0E0. E. VOOHIIEES,(Successor lo Tuoi hoes Brolliers,)


Traveling Ajeiit.


iHPases rtf wum»o ami children,oyeamletr, apcciiltija.

OFFICE [ 8 to 0 A.M.

Boons.f 1 to8and7 .M.

Oman - I O Dairiionae'* DullilinK, Bslrett.

OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpenter and Builder,

tiae iTinoved Io Tlmrhpr's iicwIinlltHiiR. in ilifroar of Ilia Central Kuil.Dii'l i t iav brulfit',

NEAR THE OANAL 1SASIM.tts- Jobbing and rquirinR prnmptli

attended to. A lain miprtlimco in tin- busi-ness, will, I irtlloTO, enable mn Io KIVC hitia-faction'to all cuntomerB. Oontincls WKOH amimaterials furnUliHl.



SUSSEX STREET,(bntwuen the MANSION HOTJtiEaHdDopol,)

DOVER, N. J.Tbo ulaeo lisa boon L-ntii-oly refitted ! • a lieal


M A R T I N & B U C K ,Mi, Sign ml Qnuuiilil Painters.GRAINERS, GILDERH and PAPER HANtl-BRtf. Contracts taken aodiniiUjrUhriirniHlied.Ruoma decnralod In froacoe ntylea. Havinj; tthoroiicli knowledge <,r hnmo «nd «lRn pami-IHE wo Ici'lcorapotcnt I" meet Ibc (icmaiuleof all. Paint ibon urer Wm While's milliuerv•mro, no i t to Vutiyht * KUlRoru'B dm- sloroP. 0.1*01183.J. MARTIS I'M* * n T T 0 R


Jealcra in



On olfcr Hit bcsl .lid m'i>t I l h u l I»J»™-iHLtitH lo UoUrri.

HOVER. M. 7.

WILLUJI KINGrnictioii.


Tlio lawl mrk it loiteil pnera. IIrh.apljanilpn>iiiptljilon«. l i t l l l o jbsrwli.ii Obnrel.. lll.okonll 1


BUILDERS,DoTor, W. 3".


Mathushek Pianos,WRIGHT. ESTEY

0A8nOBreSTALMEKTfll FUlT*>n em

pur week will tin; a netr orRan.

Piiuoa nntl Organs tnned and i ejuired.

WM. 8. WfiWHT,

Offlo* Ko. 3 Brick Uloot, Dover, M.

FutorrBmllai ekitl

rDo f


MASON AND BUILDER,DOVEE.N.J. OoaimbtaluaudnitBMUafaraiihed. Stone and Brink Wort, Ptaateiir-and Jobbing Ipramptly altecdad to. OHcIan »t WUUitn H. Bther'a store will rsMlcoratnl and prompt attention.

Freeman Wood,



GLOftE, CnpiUI 82O,OI)0,0!l».


Cnpitw! glO,O0t),OO0.


Capital SlO.Ontl.OOO

1 KANKLIN O F r i l l L A U t L l HIA.

Cj]iilul Srj.000,000.

HUDSON COUNTY. J. racv Cily,

Cai»'lnl t;Jf)f;.ii{«)N ir-i, JiMiM. miJ M.rcHi,ril(. IO-HMI'!-,. r,-,

<il Jj-iit.'nij ;niil lili-iitjui^ti; (Vji'l.tif H).(KK),O(Jl).

Tin' frondon AsBiirttice Corjionitiou tilUuduu, cnpitiii $:,,rm,iiw.

S|]riti(ifl«lU Firs Innnrjinre Co , fila-'micliii-I-UH, capital #1,500,000.

WesiehcMtor Firu ImunLiut) C»ni|nttiy ftKew York, cupititl IMffl.Wl.

I'lltK ASSOCIATION 01' r.ULAi.'KM'lil \ ,

Freeman Wood,•lunik- of tliu IVace ami l'nlloit JIiKistr

M e . s , , g ,lltB'laclio, Nvrvuai Prualrutiou tttiii eil in- tin*KMjf aicnljol or tubiotu. Wnkeliilm'H*, Hen*il Dciirca-ion, BofteuiiiK i»r Uu> ISraiu reimU-

Hhl ika'th "V'uniaturo'iJl'.i ' Aii«, ' l l irr^in.-Bi,) of [inner in nil ier di-s, Jnvi.lunt.iryBPit anil S|iirni&ionlm'i CHIIIOII I-V otcr-rliyn ol llii; Lrmn.gelt.aljnscin ' n r in Inl-ee. KHCII >>OI ['outuins mio U'MIMI'H IPLMI-

m. II it l" 'i , :n xix In x-s lor *5, tcul byn:\il jiri-i>aia on rti'f i|it or ]iricr\

W E ( 3 U \ I ! A \ T K K SIX IIOXE4

UH Tor /i-\ iii x-f, nic-nii-Htkic i! nilli (,*>, MX-,11 M'txl il,e |imclinH'i ntir milli-n finariiiiin-

<'t« euro. QiiHi'ntilL-^u i-diK'il nuly by

R. Killgore, Agent, Dover.


OI,I> rnrsnvTEiMAN oiiuncif TUILD-NO, UOVKtt, S . J . Alll.hilmifc.iriKtwe.n1-n;: ami ilycin»il(i u m HIM b e t iimimcr Ainulint- l«l (if 1UO a \ K P K r on [inn! for HBIU.

Wiinluw curtains cli wd iml tlyi d.C-l»


Mixia ol' AVilliiim Hniiit,









y gTint all wild want work maj 1I-HI tins Inwincmi. weuiftko Ulit uiipaMllfthd Oder; lu ill who art- no!

" MtlHflud wo will xauit | 1 in p<y Tor the tmulilntliiK im. Pull imrik'iilarH, .itrcctiiniB, tl.-.,

wilt freo. tort'llittl ivlll bo inmlc l.T Iliosti whotliclrwliulo tlmti to thx work. (Jrnn HUUCEHI

iiutdy Hiiru. UDu't delay ; aUrt uow. AdilrtBifcCl't!d l l l


Dover, N. J.,

PUIiSUAKI'ln tlic order of Hie Surrogateat HID C.uiily i'f Morrin, made (in iltt-

ei'vonlli ilny of April, A. I), one I lion at ml'i-ln l.midri'rf nml ei^lity-fmir, notion Iniicbv itivni In all I H T S ' W having cwimitj^auiKt i l i - i ' - tnt i ' iTW'l tnm llnnn, l a ten t Hie

i ! i y ,(terttat!ii>r»flli1i , to

.tiililr:< dili tn l


order ;


irr'ni >•{ IIM I T lior aotlon Mier«r»r n»attistio Ailmiiiifati alora w itti tin: will innpiod .DaUil ilia ucvonlli ilav nt Afril A. D, 1831.


Ailmiiiii.tritornv.itli the wi l l»uncia l ,

Btc-[ilicn«1iiirsli. Harris Co., N. J .


5" % ~*



Phosphates.Tariuly ol lirnudB nf Sl*ndird Fertttizci

forflirdrn and Field Orcps.


- A N D -


in Urpo or smtll qninlitiea at


Notice of Settlement:K o t o la licmlif B'"n ll»t tUo aoconnL _

tlie tDbicriber. Admlnlatrator of HanrlceBann, deaeaaeu, will ba aBditedsa&alatcilb j lb»Bnrtogalo, and r e p o r t e d t t n m t m a ltolhe Orpbana' OonrtoflUe Ooantf of Mor<.ria, on Moodaf the ieTenUidar 01Jotyjiext;-


D.li«l April 8811.. 1981.

NOTICE.THB OODKTl' C0LU0T0B will be • '

itottlitDvn, i t Uie BlierlJTl office, oa' IHITBDAV Or EACH WEEK

TIE BEST PLACEol i tek iud turunji ivniuit iu lliis set lion W


oovnu, iv. j .Jooi rwuived aiul IIULOI U pn^i.ixi TIIItKI



Fool Tables



L AUK 11 IIKKH*h\H}* on iir:iti-hl ami H hi <ir


S F U L l . K l i ' B O I ' E I l A I I O 1 V K , S I ,

I U I . I . I A I ; I i : n n \ i s


Brick Building on South Street

Stoves, Ranges, Tin-ware andHouse Furnishing Goods,


. oso 2

© —' iS 3

©o 3 i>


Boys' SuitsA T -


r^r(liu vorkliiKIIUHH. Rucid in mi l*for IIOHFHHO ami wit will mall i<niMIKK.a n>>ai. vumulib bux of s.iuiilo^{iiiilH that will !• ILL yoit Ui tliowaj' of


Kill I

•I j n i i . Vim iThe l

old. Vm


Uie followiu™ prnprrtica:


f tlie IreIrt. Tin? Store Huitttiiiff mi Bn- oMiiptfil by John Daeis, no

ndccsH ijL'ilions io Doeer.

£1. Home PUL) L'it en the TJilllirook roadimiirly oiruru Uj Juromo I) You tig.

3d. Tim Hniurn ami LJU on Cnno Hill;'toil inopLTliea fur Hi DUD ileming rcnlilencep.

i\u A form of 00 ncrca, near MOCIIUBTIIIP,.I'll pooJ biiililnii;a, and ill under a ht^tilutcol t-uhirfttloa.

Stli. A farm of 3Q acres on tlio mul fromJover in Cli outer, Mill a fjnoJ pio-prcl luru D ore. LirKB ilKtLiug Wiili tii;lil ro.nid.

AIRO oilier properllca loo numerom tit inpn-on, Hill be m»lil OU ftilvantitRfoug Urtnt..lopfrlieB linittlltU for lb»ie• tii'llriiiR XntvWl icatonat.ki rntrR. IVtien X am absent rrnmic (fllcu Mr. M. OUccliBrd will >ci for me m

,11 bnmuctis raatltra,EILASDELL,

loam No, 2, Ktt:oml Ua!o

22 J.v

DanU I

Estate of Robert Ely, deceased.

P IUMIANT tn tin- order ot lln< Surriiua'ci.l tlie County t.f Moi

, A. U. oim IbI .>lKlitr-ronrt m<i! jmtwins liaviiiRof Itftwrt Kt.s

(,'inr ;il e

liu HIIIII d.y <il l-'.brti-imiiitlia from (Liu iUtt

,v rft-ilitur m Rli tiitic Ini t l u d

lr tie ,

, in I hi n the tino piillunti-ii,will bo fnvi-vrr ti*irctl nf lila or tier ictioit

the iUmitiiitrelr.'z.tli (Lijof MnyA.D. IBS I.

ELIZA ANN ELY,A'liBlniislrstii*,

!3-10ff Dovir. N J.

SMOKE THE PUG CIUAli,tbo Leal B « cent tlflir In U«, miUot. All

•rdiTB or tlie trtilc enp^ileil liy

Joltn Barrett, Bonn (on, N.J.N. B.—AD elegant oleirlifflilor li pren tiled

willi tbo tint order fur 1,000 cljjm.• 15 lj

Sussex County Orphans'Court,[otlJoinittrrofll.pl

nUto nf William ( Onlcr loA. Hiepten*. tie-) StiowCtuie.BCiieJ. (

: Qcorge BtflpU*o*« dAtrou0. Blenlieoi. Kucolom ur Uto Lait Will sndrtsUntantof Willhm A.Btepheui. ilfcinHMl.bwiaRixtaibEKHl lo UiU Oonrt nuiltroilli ioitintl true iccmntt.f HIBponoD*' e»Ui-

u d ilcbti of Mill VTilliim A. 8t> pliem, l Mnrberab; u ippein ibit tb» i

!Midd*«dentliin«ffleIentbiT.DK rcqowteiJ tlio aid or llif Cjorl In

tbe'-pnulw. It l< OJ tliit twenty-»-«tpultday of M.y, A. D. eiRhiceii bamirc.l ir..l t\-U'- 'rari'arafreil tfa t ill pfifloniinlerrilcti li

lands. teneniGDti And r n l esUtu of Ilii„ _ William &. Blephena,d»eiMrV, doaprcmbefore tliii Oonrl •• ilw OoartHuDBO In Nantan, in Mid Oeantj or PaiKx.on Tnoidav, tlioBflh ilaj of AoROTt r u t . a t iiiebonroricnoclochin tbolarcuooD to ihon ciuto »HT mmtu-b ot the r*l<l lands. tMUuntmts ami rni'eiliicoflheiil-i TTMlint A. 81-pUcni, dtu'dihnnldnotlwanldaliriUbaiaflldeiit In whtodebtior Ibe rcslila« tbenof M (bo catBUjrriqnlrr.

* H I U K d. Ciidt, ' wiiiigei.tUKDfX I'. SMITH. )

OiBBict, B. DDBKIBO, Ban o^alc. 30-Ti

We now have Iho Jliiest assorhiu nt ol*

BOYS' and CHILDREN'S SUITScr oll'urcd for sulo in Hover, whllo our prices onthem is lower Ilian ymi ever smv tlicin IJCIOIP,

niiisiilerins (|inilily iiml malic up,

tiliililrea's School Snilv, • • $1.75, tfi.OO and $2.50

ChiWren's JJrcss Suits, - - $:!.()(), $1,00 and *5.00

Hoys' Cnssiincro Knits, with long 1'ants, 9 (o 12

years old, $2.50 to $5.00

BOYS' Cassinicrc Suits, lioni 13 to 1? years old, $3.00

io $10.00 ; made from tlic ninst I'isliii niible goods.

STRAW GOODS.We have just received our new stock of Men's, Hoj s'

aiul Children's Str'iw Huts, wlifch cmlirnccs every-thing in the uiiii'het from Ilic live cent straw to thefittest .llunillii. Our styles ni'c n'slit nml our priceslive ililto.







'E have mado every «fT>rt to procuro tlio ahuioe of th) ID u t dulmbla Btfles In

tbo market ami have Bclectcil tlia lur^i^ nssortmeat of intteiDB in both tbe Blapl.

ncd fuuey BtjlcP, ever HIIOWD. Tlie lindiiiR colorri iu Ibe new M oork.crew" fabrieB

Hbow cut in lljo ll'.osl ftjies of Hack* anil Frocln and one. l i m e BDd four buttol

WE are the only house in the State that hns the famous•"8AWYBft"CA8SIMERE3 in stoofr, and wo offer nearly

FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES of these goods alone. They arestrictly all wool, and we guarantee them in every partic-ular as being the best value ever tyiven. Other houses mayhave imitations. Beware of them!! .

III'LKIHT nml MEM mi WEUIIIT O v e r ( o n e s wo Unvu h Impo vatlctj, at prioes front®5[tn $ 2 0 CiT Wu hhow \>y far tho muni vnrifil lo( k of l»niira oujwli.re, BljlUltcut nud rlpf{iuitly tn:vl', ltt every jirico, from Ilio cbonjiest lo Urn li.-nt.

JJf COR BOYS' AND CllIUHIKX'S Ml'AHTMENTro kavo cxprcisril tli^ punio careful ]nin=, tii d j'reKrut n lboroitf{lily nrtUlic, varied and

t-xtHihivo Mtouk excliisivt-]> our own Lako nnd correct iu every detail.

IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENTmay bo found iho b ^ t [i-KsiUi. Ki-lcdinn of bolli FOItP/ON AMI) DOMESTIC GOODS,

in cUnvKO of hkillful auii urlMiu uulti rn.

ST WE HAVE IU) V ONE I'llRJE '10 ALL Any tekolion innila if not BnliBfnctcirjlibeufully (w-biuifie ur refund your monrr.



85O and 852 Broad St., Newark.(.-> I1DOIIS SOLTH IU-1 XICVVAKU , t NKVV VOItK II. l i . DHl'IIT.)



All the latest styles on hand and made toorder. Our work is all done under our per-sonal supervision, and is fully warranted.

Everybody in want of a wagon will profitmuch by giving us a call before buying else-where. , .

in all branches done in a manner whioh isbound to give satisfaction. Orders by mailwill receive* prompt attention.


Ladies Button Boots.

«*• Every experienceddealer in the businessisawaro how difficult itis to give their lady cus-tomorsalvvodolliir shoethat will combine thethree most neces«aryqualities,viz: Fit, styloand durability. It isalmost impossible to doit in the regular way,but wo can now posi«tivelyassuroonr patronsthat wo have the bestarticle at that figureever shown in this sec-tion. Wo have justopened 24 dozen genuineKid and Goat in BCD&E that are assuredlyworth 75c. a pair more.We have also a few pairof genuine French KidButton left at $2.50,fully worth $1 more.

HEAQAN & Co.,OPP. D., L. & W. DEPOT,

....... DOVER, N . J . . .__



The New^Yerk & China Tea Co.,NEXT DOOR TO THE POST-OFFICE,

D O V E R , TV. .T.1. nDW ftetlleit and renily for buslaesj'lu tlielr flue

uew Btore with tlie largCBt Block of

Gvor Been ia^Northern Now Jersoy, at prices whiohdefy competition. His immense stock of


can't bo surpassed. Every variety and kind at prices to

suit the times. He also keeps a splendid lot of

at prices] which, -will surprise all. My motto isquiok sales and small profltii. Call and

Bee me b9foro baying elsewhere.

WM. 0'DWYER, - - Proprietor,




D0VEH. K. J.

. Bend sis oenta/wr pott-•jje, aad f««ivo- free, a

.. costly Iwi orftMMl* Klifcbawfll lielp joa lo moie

lej rlitht awiy tbajt »nylliiag cl*s In luluId. All, of either - M I , anoceri bqra.lrU

Tbe broad road to lorlooe opens belorol" ' ilelrian. Atooosaddrmf >

la, llaiDS.

There 1* a eontrovAray about what I M tbe

Govemmuit of the United Ktatu dnrinfr

or I ahould bav« asked you about Ib before.1 tllclt tbere-U nb f t t obe d«ld(dl>; your

JWlUftttKI pit thlrlnii ilolUra n

Mippay w**niwd toThe Nflr Toik niporiiitecd *oot «n>ir M

lmidll .tout tbe float tbnj ksd lart veekVfn had Home out here too,

Qiwd DnkM don't • « » to be uuoh bttt«Tt b n otbor folki'

All(ul.,w,iUlnore»di,|( inp»Plil.tino, tbeInfest eoenulon Ming named Erntii. l tfn«ior'« name I. Wllwn Eiani. loeomoHTieniriiieer. :

S OUtloe Horritk. late eomnHreteJ trayla apw ill obaricfl at ihn store at tbla

Tloi.owllrowIlllioCbatloiE. H«r-

...ftiulre Pftvla (tnt tba- papermorning ami read awhile .jutowyrmiiin ~ ~ " ~ <anbeJiimped«ipflxaliUiiiupt'I||

Jialii, " WUt 1« tlio mutter Bquln-. hu,vJvp mads.an Irish Diw*1!" Ctii...

ninn ot ibe Bejinitlicnn C«nyc|itlotil •diet a*Iftbfly ODtltd imtfiiid a vhTUinph to till thetlneeT' "WHI, Sqnlre. If thwnftniinnto

J e e n tbBjiian elpntilm." "Yep. inldHnRli

Ion. "when i!iH.vu«ttlit)iu Uketbntthoy aret n hnrl lot, IC in liod ettotiith Hi lie • nigger—

lint »n Irl'li rlggef-wolt, IC i« a bwi mix-turf." " I toll rail, you will find nut tintit 1 w l t o mnn1* government liorotra >'<

withla PMilav avnnlnvnrttiifl wn t , ,

iK enllwl forJune 9th in ilia Port Morris Sdiool Dlttriotfor tile pnrnoao of dec Id ing wbuthor they willbo taied nSOfur current expenses oftbABdhaol.

I aaw J , Sownrd Lnmion tbo other du,v.TU'jl'oitOfllooDeparluiGDt ia usingliim as asnrt of Keaerat roiistAuout at prcsoct. Habad ordera to report for duty on the L. & H.road/nm Orey Court to nelvldert. Maybuae oepartraont wanted to RWB bin, a rest.le tiiea to start from Jenny Citv for PltU-mrg withdfty-tbrco ttmsof mail to flistrl-

bttteonibenMtfl,aTid If ne nado A inlitaketiea they i«nt Urn u "stuffed olub " from tho

denartment.It fa k tiM tb t tc far the employees of the

P. It B. fialln»4 that tbo road Ins gone Intothe bands- of rcoelven. They will got their

then IT. Crouoo was leader of the Ro-— 131ab and referrod very feelingly to tbe

way, bo used to spend hia birthday with bismother and slet«r vha nro bath l e a d now.

meoftbe.odlea of the W. C. T. JJ. called„ hint thai provbiiw Sitttrday night, a sort of

turprlie parly OD bU blrtbdsy.Al., Mase wai appointed loader for m

labiaaohBerom Club stariu. . .yflle !Thjiohflwn^re4»bo«t70mefflW.ra6t

na women, and that Hiucb Uallnalier madeih(rmort elonnbnt-BliOMh of his life np thereon the Friday flrcnlog pmedfng. 1>. J.

, SOUTH BTAKHOPK.Tbii ii veryjwftrpi wentber to undertake to

write nraoh; Hovrever, I don't want the read-e n of tao EBA to think Smith Stouhope atitljaoomanoDdciitRbiiTeeflneoutofeiistcnne.?e are nil nore, at tho .forkey «nid when bo

fell off the house lop and struck tbc pavehnmtbelow.

I a n Kerry to rcwrd thn fact that our townM lost a Btnall portlno of its catflrprisc Ttn;

Rolley H, S. H T R CO., wlia wcro mnkiimateBtn pipe covering from mlueml wool FW.1ubwtoi,' have moved to New art, wlierc tlu-vexpect to ooutinun tlia Nome hunitiMH. lintwhile WD have lost ou I'uo one liaml w< ImvcKnlned ninrc oti tlm other. Mr. \V. ,1. Mayinn in bis employ livn or nil yiiuii); men tiinii-ifucturlns rant in clmlrs. Ho tclln me liin

bilBiuaas line crovvn lo RUI'II UII citont tliat lieianowtbirty-eiuht cbnlru belli ml, even willili!a p re cent working fon^1, It lfmk« to nut ith

hoagb this branch oi Industry IIHH the jinmi-ie of snmetlillitt very gi.nd In \h<> future, lor

: think lioinnkr* the lirot nml lnrut coiuforta-lie rooking ohnir thnt [ ever HIIW.

Drake & Kin(( Bc«m to lie v«ry Intsj*. Tlioynloadeil their tiutb cor Innd of lumber HIM

ithprday. They HUO lave fimr hoiisim underlenitwny uosv. 1 um sur* this looks like iu si-

ur worthy young vlirn!wri){bt.

nud i» in nlmjip to iln flret-


GEOHGE I). VOORirEEg,to Voorbma IlrolUr.)



auirns1 OOKTBAOTOW, aumso

improved Low Pressure SteamHeating Apparatus

and all manual of pr!faloatii]pabI16t)BUJl]ai|«i



MRS; GEO.PflKT UDADI. S. . ' .

CALL krnttm nEn iuiiMsE STACK.

P A I N T S , OILS, &c .




Tbepremlaoi.oociiplfldby tho lolscribcr oMt.1 IWne avenna. A Urge and ilL


Apply to 4V. -Ulta IRA C. COOPER

turf. I toll rail, youtilts 1« ft walto mnn1* govesot A'mn wltb ft," inli t i

*f t

ygovernmentinlitiho fi^mot In tlift

find utnt liorotra

fi^fr "><u


sot Amn wlt ft, inlitiho fi^bnvo only B*f two-mot In tlift ItnpuliHoanp.rty vhneni *twd mv xliow of Ivejr K eloet-od oitrt tliey nro paviilDArU timl iff.BWTlaiUmoanttattiklt 'tnuat nn B#m

timl ff.BrWnw.t nn B#m -Tlittoti

• tbflt^ Woiilil 1x>#

Ami: &HH KuMnl! »:i,l ih™ • tbflt^ W i i l lnntblnz Inft of tt.iv Hapalillonpi Rflrk." " Ol.II Sum Tlldi-ti'illtl «et clmteil fitntln tliey'depant UIUJI ppt nuit l u w o o l i no t l ibve pluokonnuxli t o tatiQ Iil» t W J t h b lmltlit m V o ' l

wooli notlib» to fW Jo, tto rnrtiicli ali" I f THfl

to fay tJiB Buulra put mad enmyh to nse mmCUII wordi, wWo¥ I doW i n to « P M I'Plio Bottlrt'too Rtvat DMnmnftt nttd dtm1

' - -ttoiBiiiabloaiiBHBTinowt'^*'-linnn iimad vfl

tat the mi-Id to lovebe talksiohrwater. Hnwiilgot

LbiB, • TouDgMt - dsujebter of Mr. Vfm,- • • • • "burled from, the Melfti6di.it

This, villIBW lease o

Una! To

Jlmreli nt BfaBev. Mr. DooUt


buried from, the MetholStfanliope on Wednudart The

. Mr. DooUttln'nroaoLed the funeral ter, Rev. D*. Bodfdmnn offeredJ JC dthBrit

pravgr,s. Tbn

D, Rev. D*. Bdfdmnn ffred pHSV. J. J.Cmne rendthoBoriptures. Tbnkineral va i very laiauly attwidod. Tbe jouajz

hJV MdJioatfl of frfeuds in Iierltfetliae whogatbertd to do libnvr to h lcatbered to do lionor to her remedv*-

I am Mtrrv to loara tbat Bobert Baldwin,one of our engineer!, is dangeroiuly 111 attbe house of bia brotliBr iu Jersey Oltv.

ThO l u t night of " Au Evening of Nonsonae;h Mother Goose" in Cliirk'nllnl), 3tan-MlaFridtiy«von.nenf(liUw ':here is a special saiinol inoetl

jbtriug. . . . . l i r a In the

«*»- • i.hu> •/*..«.w.« TV ».*w QJIDIDK room wuervtUBy fouud we!J mie4tabUltUiit bad beenprovided by the ladiea. Altbonfh thin lautujeiM-YbriieYe this la the first time tbe

ladles Uure managed everything. Bios,

LurATim.•mi fin StUHX OOUOlj) Is taking a

_.. .rhlohftugvnwell iorfuturepwiperity. Tbe largest uctel baa recentlyehxnied uanos and under Its new nianajce-

ent has been enlarged, remodeled, relttr-shod, and nswly palqted and papered, and

.. now kept In fitti-class order by Its proin-i-etor, John N. Catvlii, late of Newton.

Another large hotel in the upper village innaaring completion, already making a fine

two large flouring mills we havejiilla, an extensive stub, door und

blind factory, wltleb furulabes the tiutl<lore otBurrouudlng towns with artloloBin its lice.

Our public sohooh are of tbe boat, beiuggraded autl in tbroe departnionta, employingaa many teachers.

We havn tliret- clmrdiea, Hclbodhf. Bnii-Ist and PnabytDrisu, all supi>lied wtlli pne-™ Kev. Bukcr Boiitb, Int.: of yuur oimiity,

work und hb) vinigrrsatloD in HteiuiUynoreaaiiiK, the ncniilu huliifi en thus! antic iuecuudinjt ail hie oilurt* J'or good. On thtir

removal to this plncn last wciHc Thursday tlionew mlnittor and Lls vilo found tbut the


Amid tbe wreck ol matter and tho crash ofrorlds Hendbtin pursues the even tenor ofler way} perhaps it may be more even, we

' " not my, but nt presuiit the euriaoa isled Ijy the advent cf city boarders and

_~jr tike oasualtiao.On Hunday morning noxt Children's Day

servioea will be observedin tho M- E. CLurcb iand in tbe alternoon there will be a gathering

tlie t i n t Presbyterian Church of all theinday Schools in the towcablp, which will

_ addressed by JBev. Dr. Jessup, who baahad long experience an a Mlwlooaiy in Biblolands.

Oa Tneeday, tbe lOlh, tbe Morris CountyIble Society will moet in the First Presby-

terian Chnreh; whioh wilt donbtlBRs he anicoMion of niueh Interest, and those whoittend will not only receive a s intellectual,

Thuntday afternoon and ovenl-g. tbe 12tti,strawberry and ice cream festival will bo

.eld by tbe RalstonvillB Sunday School, in

Cvo adjoining the school house, Its ob-ig to purchase a new library for t i e

lundny Sobool. The m u m will be (if Day'sunuufacture, nnd tbe comtBittee, which is

loeed of ladipd, ia unking every arrunuo-' - - ' n r t o the aiitisf;iwtion ofallwLo

U, P. Crane,iBsallfaBcaudimnloyed now,ikss work withWhile every oaieB I «ce (I HW h e evey ns to lio crjinc hardieB I «ce (I. H, Luiiipr Benillng nut loin nf

oodsyct. Thoiiftli tiiiion mny 1m chrl " Oil"iliuund to do jitut *o

t r n thi upsideliuund to do jitut *o mucturn things upside dow

E ne jiint nowi t i n f


Every one jiint now s tof theuoniinntion of James 0 . Itluino nt VM-Daso. Without doubt ho IHIIIO people's choicefor President for 1884.

Our Towuflhin Committuo Be era to laveiard work to eutigfv miinu nt our tsii-pajersith a road oveneer. Well, next time on

more genemus Hudfjivntlicolilmnti achnoco.1 understand Mr. Cone expects to LBTC U

Itflt'Olms eiitertiiintnoat in Clark's Ha.il, oun-ununy and Friday oveninjrii. which will boill over witTi when you read this. There hail

t ought to bo anything dm, as be tans boonllU d t l i l

. . . . . . . uivtbbB....iuKUDd practicing lilink the cliurch sliould foci unottB to tlio school trustees, CM the

iDth. Ibl]er obl]i

chool hd

,_a school hftBo wetk in nil in order to al-

low Mr. C. to perfect bis arrangements, Well," it doea not iircve to be first-elauB tliern willD no ladies tu blnme.Tho MotlodlBt Aid Society took in thirty

lollars at their ontartaanment In Clark'sHall, ao I am told. 1 hnva heard a. gnat

uy who had "tho pleasure of attending Itft was lint dais 1n every particular, onlyproBranilne was* little lengthy.' -,

irWlll Limber ahould start out I lblnl[ P.'. Baroum would have bard competition. |1 wish Chas. llemcfa BOCUOBB; ID hUtibw un-irtaktng In oonncetlug Uianlfvlth Allen

jros. : at Port Morris! If t ius . drives theitore wogon they will want two horMe If theylyo many goods to deliver, for lie ii ODB ol

'l wlfl^opnow, nod If -tbla don'twake uprath BtOntiop* I wllltry It again some tlito.


Tbe class In eloeutlbd conducted by. Prof.Force Is Mill fioiiristlng.' On Friday, not-wlthstoudiOitthe cool weather, quite n nntn-ber attended the "Cla» plo-nlo" at LakeHu-patoong. An extra var waa ncoeuary forbctr aooon)tno>dfltinn. Tbe Loke waa' quite

rntigh, hnt tot enough soto prohlbf* - i i - -which .waa the chief amusement,tlieProrcsioi'flitylc of diversion vaa moreamurlng. Some engaged In tho phoatorjal

•.and had ratter good siioeea*. T h e 'in .took hla m i oihttslbly- -to t

frogj.butobangcdlii)To*ndand thonglifc hewould.try shooflnc orowii., Lunch wa« serv-ed In tnb'car. Asntnal tae sajrply of goydthingawMfnntMiuHbKbritvfiatitftUllno'oftlie, irajtmentk 1 '.'I'll Jievet tell." N» nool*BEta happened to tnir the pluaora o l t b ,»j and all bone tbe strait- wf)l be repoatefl.ll*v. »r . WhltUkor, of Hi. Cltru^ deliver

ed the address at the Voung; Poonle'a SocialOB Monday eTealng III the. PiwbyterfanChnrcn.; The subject was "Italy," antlniMr, Whi te rh i t fWabouta jearago TUI-tedtbepla«as(wlueltinn ftnely llhutratodbythvealditn -lUdtU, It waaIng indeed, HeooHghtcdhUandreaee verytn«ch'iit the close frflheJectnre by ilngtai;•Dtiff ho hesrd while In Vraif*, tiy a party t' - - — • Ada.;W<ihaWbadth#plJaL

to Ur, Whlttaker before andilm" again,mof the New York Ob-

h P ' r ir gam an addrssa In the Prw'jytarianCharch Wtdae*dsy.«fl«nioon.

ProfT Force's elaw in eloeatlott meet at tlieresideniwofMr.U.n Dlck«run, Flaudcrs,~ " erealng. K.

In HwM. E. Chnreh laitSunaay tooniiiiitUlfr sermon WM tbontthe " lnflneaee of thegoodthioft* »nd evil thing* in |bU Ufa. upoicur futur*" In tbe.eTeninjr on "Caleb."ThHnnt iittarttrly oonfcreneetbr tliiiiyear Isto totaldftt tbo parsonage oa H\i%j nightv n t Hnaiil.vU<*t;hild««n'i DUTJ1 A aobdtime I.^ipMted., The Presidfng Elder liexpected topwaohat Waterloo In the after-noon;' The putor read tbo financial statefawtoftbecbnrohtorocmatBiMnMnduriBicUiBpastyaar. • Tho trnateea awed for •uttwrip-,Uons> -Ili t tbeie eipensei for Ins new jeor

Wright wai an latemtinr young, lady. HelUfa waafull ofproniUo!«tidno|»a, Bhft,b&abeen taken from toai paipnts, an-d fiom a,utflatanthonie. It Is B rrflat eorafuft to knowthatsbe\ookU furwsnt with' cLDtldomsto,<lIoinelulIcnTeu." Auiu .

E. il. Banker atlasdad tlie National Con-tion at CbJoaio.r. CaarlirAitoniiaa In town Balnrdaj


I i BaaeBall Clul> appeared iu

a soon «f 80 to 0.The achnol nine played the publiu school

nibe of MorrtBtowu at the latterplaoe enFriday but and loat~6 to B. The Ama-teurs jilnyed at Uttle I'uJlt, and wen victor-ious—toorc 26 to 28.

Kev. A. A.KlnghaaiEDtie to Mlcliiftan, toattend the C l W i uf the Dutch BefonuedChurth, He will be abaentabout two weeks.

TheABDivenaryinwUngof the Y. M. 0 .A. iMt skoday ennins wai very Interesting.J«leg»tlpns Irani the Horristown and Illootn-Dgdau AaBooUtions were present.Her. Oe*j, A. Hall, State Sioretary of tbe

lew York Y. U- C. A., and Mr. MoCoa-wigbklv, of tbe Philadelphia Awociation,

w»re thS gueaU uf tbe Hon. John Hill lastSunday,

, of tbe PhigueaU uf t

Uaraa are out for the marriage of Mi»Pflo#b« Kinjrsbtad, to Mr, Jatnei E. VuuUuyae, if Brooklyn, N. Y.

UurBlara tried to uutcr the resldeuoe oi D.B. Puller, Sunday evening, bat wore fright-ened BWST.

ThB body of Mr. Nclwu Holmet which wasburned ia tho late lire at Prcacott, Arizona,ari i ral la town MoDdiiy afternoon, and wo»burled in tho old crmctury on ThiirtMlgy.

The ladies of the Preibyteriim Churuh btdda festival Thursday eveQlng.

TUtt cutertaintuent gtveu, by the PreabV'torian Sunday School In Wiuhfiifttou Hall,Uecaratlau Vex evening, was ft grand sue-de*a. Tou mooli prnlee undthanka aauiiot ba

ven a n . Stoue fur getting us tueh u fluenlertainment. Tbe aobool cleared oier

|80., ' • • "'•Uev. Thaa. Cwier gave a report Sunday

morning ttfthepNoecaiDg* of the PnwbyU)-rlftit Aiwiobly recently held in K*r»toKfl., A pleasant tune was spent Tuesday even-ing in tbe parlora of t h i V . 8, H t l b th

. . _ , _ ,_.L p t r t

Tuesday evHotel, by

in tbeenb


ilaocd the atore, put tlowu the carpets, bungnow curtains nt ull tho windows, and werereaity with an excellent dinner sad warm

~~~ i to glvo tboiu a welcome inception.

lucnt to cat«r

LODD'8 LAKI.We hud licaty fntntti on Tlmrsduy and Fri-!Ly moritjncH of liiHt week, killiLg mout ofHI Ki'rileii truck iiml curly com. Ou onelomipi: (lie irn n-nu an thick at a pane of

HI. it U iigiii'd we will have no niurv wicliIN thin aumnicr. Hut there Jin* been mtitotiuiiKP, Hint it iiiis been very wnrmlor a

tifiruaniBomo bonrdorHftt tbcFottstHomorudy.Kith do not eeem to bo biting very eagerlyjjnroBmit.TliRro were quite a number of visitors atiu Lake ou Decoration Day, Including »rgc jmrtj fi-om Dover. [Our correepondeiitre Kivea an icconut of a boating accident,inch wo do uot publuh, an Bome of tbe.rties ure sensitive about it, and request aeInvor thnt it tie vdtheld-ED.lMr. Peter YOUIIR boa bought the Bosa HonioMr. M»nn. Ho has taken It down a d id it hi l b

T . M»nn. Hnd« to put it up on his

Lake and Stanhope,

e Bosa HonioIt down and in-

n place, betweenD.

Another Kurder Cat* in SOHUE. .Lewis Berry, a fatroor living noftrDtoker-iwn, a fuv weeks ago took from the Sussexaunty Poor House a wouun named Un.

;ilou Conrtriubt to keep house for bin.lerry's family had loft him, and Mra. Court-

i husband bad allowed her to go to theIOUBO, be being maintained by hit chil-

li-en of n former wife, On Wednesday nightlut week it was fonid that the two chil-

dren ef Mra. Courtrlghtwero suffering frompoisoning liy Parts green, and It waa believed

tbe neighborhood tbat it had been ndiuiu-Istered by the mother. Strong efforts weremade to save the lives of the children, andlie exoitoment was Intensified oa >'ridny

night by t ie know.a4ga that Mr*. Courtrightbad alto 'wen pollened with Pwls green,

died In great agony before morning andDeny was arrested and Jodged I»-Vt«wtcu

He protesta t ls Innooenee, an J doalartstbat Mrs. Coartrigat beoatne conscteneostricken after tbe bad poisoned ber children

~ la gncn and ended her life by takingno tame polaon. There waa Paris green inno boose, ho aayi, used to put on potato

She put tho poison on aomo meatdaring hla abscnoe and gave it to then.

Tbe fire-year-old girl sayi tb»t Berry en-deed her Into the cellar, and from a paperbag took a powder that be pnt Intoaoupofmilk whlon lie gave to her. It waa to Utterthat ahe eonld not drink it, and sheipltitont on the floor. It looked green, and letoraped bU feet over it. He then went upftairs and endeavored to induce her littlebrother to drink from tbe same cap. Sheays her mother »l*o persuaded them to drink. The next rooming tho powder was put enio moat.'

Bin. Conrtright anld before flfce died tbatBerry gava her a mixture in a tablespoon in

morning that eanaed Intern** pains a fewtntnutea later. She died In agony. Thastomach was removed for an analysis. Shebad been nawlod th«» time*. She had livedwith Berrr only two weeks.

Berry'a wife and ftve children UVB ID Deck*irtown. He is mfferitg from exritcment.

ohlldren will both recover. Thsy arebeing kindly cared far In Deokatown. Thegeneral opinion among the neighbor* la thatBerry gave'the woman tbe fatal dose because

rat afraid she would make a eonfeaaiQnof an agreement between them to murdertbe two children.

Bd4i«n'Hsiditonw.Copies of the following circular are being

dtfltributwl:BTATIOF NIW JiMEr, OFTICK or ADJO-

TAHT QtHRJUL, TlEKTOM, H»V 20, 18M.—Inaccordance with section S of an "se t tooatborliethe burial of t&abodlu of any hon-orably dltcharged soldier, tailor or marinewhs itaBUbmifMr die without leavingneans

ffiit t d f f l expcnsei," ap-which dlrecU

t ot th

whs itaBUbmifMr die withouaufficient to defrs; faneralproved Kebnarv 13th, 3B8i, which dlrecUbat tlie " neadifone shall eoat not more than

Sltun dollars, and shall be ef anoh d iand material as slwl.be spprovedG r AdjutantGeneral and a

re thandesign

and material as slwl.be spproved by thoGovernor, Adjutant-General and a Quarter-mastor^Otnenl," it Is hereby nnnoaneed thattfaeotHiflDUabOTementiotieu have approvedof the, d l h i t h t f ^ n the m t r i lo hd of the, deso hd of w

toil -„—.one foot eight InchesIn wtdth, and three Inehea in thickness, withname, service and d»U of death Inierlbed

For oorrwttuUitarj oe naval noord, appil*cation can be made to thla office.

WlLUAMB StkTKt«,AdJutant-GeueimUt Jfew Jerwj.onion thow a plaiB-'dedgiin<i<Io*


Page 2: INSURANCE AGENT. Boys' A WORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1884/...iHPases rtf wum»o ami children, oyeamletr, apcciiltija. OFFICE [ 8 to 0 A.M. Boons.f 1 to8and7.M

Tie Dover Printing Company,SVDMtJiiEiu ast> PuorBtKToia.

June 7, 1884.AT CHICAGO.

WH hud buiicd In t» able to [indent Uour mderfi tills -week tfae names of theRepublican nominees for President and MceIVwiilr tit, '"it lit ilie present writing it doesnot npprur probable thai the nominationwiii 1'i- made before'-nrfioiDfl toprtiHM. TlieLOHVfill ion wMeh is DOR iu seiwion is gen-i rally nilmiltcd to be ouc of the mutt iutil-l.^wii bodies of men t la l over ntfltniblcd iuthin country, and the dehberntinu wilhwhich tliey are acting BIIOWH they are mak-ing ail enrneA effort to oouffliler well tbtbest intorests of tlie port; and of thetry. From the onlnet there has been afierce Bttiifc'gle for supremaci betweon tlienitbereirfB of liluliie aud Arthur, whobir about tliree-fourths ot the convention,ami Are nearly equally divided, while thefollowers of Edmunds, Lognn, Harrison audother candidates fieera to show a dispositionto hold firmly together iu the uopo oftniuing a balance of power Hat will enableIlieia (o name the no.uinee in the event oftbe loaders wearing each other out. On theother band it is claimed tbftt u majority ofIbu convention la opposed to dark horses,nut! that should tbo forces of either of t tolenders break a cousidemlilo portion of themwill be traosferrcil to the opposition, mak-ing it impassible to spring any suddenbooms upon tits eoaveulioii to curry tbonomination by an oottmiat of h MDmt. Tha prospect is that tho ballotiugwill b& prolonged, but just tbe oppOEitomay be the result should there be the feastwavering in the rank* of ltlaiue or Arthur.

Tho platform adopted yenterday is CB-jiooiillr pknsiug. In overy BCOBQ it in noablodocntnent and gets on tbe right side ofcrrry public question. Throughout it allt l c ro i s a inarkcd consideration for the in-terest* of tbo masses. This is notably shownIn tbe reposition to exclude tbo importa-tion of foreign coutrnct labor, In the op-position oipKssed to tlie granting of publloJaudsto corporations, atid in the favoringof legiolutiou thai will prevent railroadsfrom making imjont discriminntiona andeicosfiivo charges for trwisportniion. Huttt is especially 6liown in the resolutiouB upon(be tariff question which oppose the theoryof " a (Briff for revenue only," and denouncethe Democratic attempt to aoocmpllsh ahorizontal rodtiolion of duties. It particu-larly favors the protection of nil produotlvefuiluBlricH, which of course [deludes raw ma-terials, as well as manufactured goods. Unouiltvery protectionist can firmly plant bim-iislf, feeling that a party ybJcb has thuscommitted itnelf to tho protection of ourproductive industries and labor aannotstultify itself iit the hour of Buooess to singleout enpociftl Industries to be protected atthe expense of others.

Thus far the work of tbo convention baaboon done well, and while all lave their in-dividual preferences for nominees, theco is igeneral feeling that any of the names thusfar mentioned at Chicago for standardbenrcrs of tbo party aro worthy of cordialsupport, nnd there are no Indications of din*Kcntion to bo found anywhere. The Re-publican party outers upon the Presidentialcampaign united and strong, and their nomineed, whoever they way be, have all thecbuncesvof victory in their, favor.

What (he Democrats want is a tariff Torfree trade, protection, rnvouue, and for kill-ing tbe potato bug?.—State Gazette.

While Uncle Sammy Tilden is athleticenough to carry a bar'l the Democracy winever believo that he la fulling physically.

"Itandall ana his forty traitors," is theIntsst epithet of the Southern freo-tradersfor the Northern Denocrnlia proteatioiiistB.

Vie name of 'William Walter Phelpj wasloudly applauded when it was first calledupon the voting roll of the Chicago conten-tion.

It la reported from Chicago that a niijicnt in on foot for Fholps for Vice P r o i -ilent, but that ravera! of the Jersey dele-gate! are chilly towards it.

SHE TAJUFF FLAHK.The platform ituUtB upon 4 tariff "no t

for revenne only." It thus anUgonicat, inthe clMrert nod moat direct manner, thepolicy wUoh tbe Democratic party avowefour years ago, and which foui-fiftbi of tinDuDibcntio mtuibers of Congrats have beeittriting to embody iu legislation. Tbe tea-olutionuon Ibis mbjeul are moreand une<|iiivo«al than lliose of previousnlalforuiB, andtbe objections lo horiaojitalreducliou of duties, to degradation of laborto the foreign level, and to change of tarifffor (to mere sake of change, will commandpublic approval. Inequalities of tbe tariffthe party promises to correct, and it espec-ially proniifira rfstoratinn of the duly onwool, wbilo it ]>ropoi><;fl to out down thesurpIuH revenue by other methods whichwill not barm productive industry. Tribune.

THE CAMPAIGN OPENED,The National Bepublieui Convention a t Ohl-

cftgo—An Intelligent, BattiuUatlc u dHarmonium Gathering—A Strong Plat-form, Sound on tee Tariff and AgauutForeign Contract LaVof—The Fln t BallotTo bo Taken Thii Morning,

The Notional Republican Con wtitiou beganits Mission at noon on Tuesday In the greatExposition Hill I nt Chicago.

The Now Jrrsuy delegation hasby riming Kcnntor William J. Swellt'linln i D l Il f i KiDwtrid,

b« alluded to his life aud hi* «uccc«*fnl andclean administration, eliciting frequent andlong continued applause. CoEgrewtnun If.II D i b f P l i d C

g pp gII. Dingbun, of PeUDij-lvania, an

John B. Lyuelt, tlie mlored oratalw made Irilliiml ^teeruen iu

iiuutioc.Judge Vutskur then jiliumd iu uootiuatioui- name of John Kbenuaa, of '->hio, und the

ame ut tbe jjruiiil uld Hepublicwn stV H vignpoudy *• bwired. Edward J. Hilpp, ofKiniiu-k.v. netotiJt-d tbe imuiiiiaUou.

It WBH afler midnight vhen tbe BUU ofVermont wo* culled but (bunt wue no abatt-nicut of tlie eutbusfasin when ex-Qov. Long.of MMMtchiuidtU eloiinetitly preumted tUelaim* of Scuutor Edmniul«, wbow oomitiu-

tiou wan micomlcd by Gen. W. Curtis, of »ework.An cITort to tuke an Informal ballot wiu

iVloek A.M. tlie c»t 10 o'clock tills i lorning.

mi Dnlottate Ilnrmer, of t ic KirstSecretary. The Committccmcu

1 f l lsclwte.1 as fullowa:On n Win. Walter

On (.'redpiitlaln-juilce .!. Prank Fort.On Itiilcs-Soiiator John J. Uunlurr.On OrgDiiizstiDn-Watta Conk.Kx-ft'imtor (turret A. ilobiirt wue 1: lumen

tu n'pwwnt tin? State on tliu Nntiunul Rcpub-initteo. Hon. George A. Halsey

ikclinnl rc-rliTtinn, although wumily urged.Us declination was not tiutiupatcd andmined much regret.

Tho (Icicjjatcfl deriarwt thdr llrst prefcr-iii'ft* as follows*:Frir .THHICB G. HI at no—80 well, Uunli.or,

" ur, HulehluBou, Bklnn,Ulair und Cook.

Fur Ocoiye ¥. Kdmunib-Fort, Englixh,Itikcr, Lchlbach, Herbert, Long nod Howell.

Fur Uncoln—RarassT.

Arthur und Edmunds noilIt. Lynch, of MitfAiM


Fur Temporary Cliftirmnn of the Conventiontlie National Committee named Oeu. PowellCln,vtoii, an adherent of illoiue. and tlie

mbined an Hon.pi, the colored

defeated the notoriousOeu. Chalmers. UJJOU a bnllot U:\ng nitonMr. Lyuoh wiise.MtalbjavoHt of 430 to388,md tbe Arthur turn wore jiiblliuit over tlio

defeat uf tbe Iliaino forces In tliu preliminaryHkimiiah. In 1.B8Utiling tlie chair he mailu aringing speech will thn following clean catilnclarotlon re*puetlnfi tlio (..rift", which WSBrcotiired with hearty cheers:

ratify _consent to liui

.it tho America,, beenuao they a";leulll

no BVHtem fur tli<Ouri'mincat other llinn one Hint will not onlyraise t ie necessary revenue for its nupjiurt,

ut will iiJ»d ho sufficient tu protect croiym.-riofiu citizen In bis business.After florae other prollmiuurr buainCM tlieoiivoutioundjnuniedtfl\Vednuadflyuiomiog.

WEDNRSDAr.When tbe convontiau itsatimbled nt noon

the C'oiuuittco tin Permanent OrgnniEiitlunL'i>ortcd Ibot I hoy hnd sokctod Otu. John II.

Henderson, of Mlssoiirl, for penuanoutCkuinnau, nnd ClmrlcB W. CltsbtH), of Miel.l-gnu for principal ttourotary. A list of VicePresidents uud Beerctarles vat, rend, rqiru-

nting the dlfVemit Slutea. Jo in I, Bluirl d roprewnt Kew Jersey mlected t

ice President.Ocn. Hcinlcrauu on taking tho Chnlr made

> Btronu BJIOCOII, Hurvcylng tlio p u t IilaUiry oftlie party nnd shoving bow It linit [iron in tedtlio intoreats of the iicoole during its li>nso ofpower. Ho nleu niuile alluaioua to tlio vm

ndidntcs, each of vhloli provoked tlit l

The Republicans elected a Congressmanin Oregon on Tuesday by 1, 4*00 majority.This in pretty good for a Btato which theDemocrats have been claiming.

The Democracy will note with cheerful-need thnt Bam my Tildea is already beginningtoflUhfs bar'l with ready oanfa. Within afew weeks he has sold over 6,000 shares ofbis Union Pnoifio stock in Wall Htreet

After the offering of ? arioiut rcsolutiimid tlio nettling of preliminary routine busf-

H tlie convention iwljounipd to T o'clock,U.3 tlio evening bat little was dono, 1

was found tliat tho Committees on Rules andand Heed tit! on 8 trero not ready to report.An adjournment to Thursday morning waaundo.

Tbe first business of tbe Convention wantho report of tho Committed on Credentials,the prinoipnl feature of wliiofc. WAS ^ r e c o g -nition of the Mahone delegation from Vir-

inin. The report van adopted.A long discussion followed upon the adop-

tion of Holei vlitoli consumed nueh tiraTlio Committee on Bcsolntions next pro-

cntrd tho platform. Because of its extremelength wo ore unable to publish It In fall thisweek. It related tho history of t i e party inbrief, laments tlie death of Oarflold anil com

mid the administration of r e s iden t Ar-thur. Then follows tho utterance upon tlietnriff question, -which wo give in foil:ft ia the first duty of a good Government to

protect the rights and promote tlio interests

Tbe Democrats Bhonid n b e oat tbe .oldplatform >• Dell u tbe old tloketi. Ivonld be ioterestiiig to hear again that thevtxr vas a failure, negro Bnflrage aa outrageand free trade tho benlaon of Americanlabor.



OUIOAOO, June (itb, 11:20 A. M.The OourentioD b u j u t been called to

order.1:80 o'clock, r . u

The I n t ballot reaulua aa follom:BUne 1 832}Arthur 278EdmundsLogan

BST. HE. 30A3UHU* A M fHS BBS.The New T o d 8nn of Sunday laatooataiiu

n inbuwting letter irom Her. a V. Board-mitn.-jaitor of tbe Stanhope Fresbyteruw'C l and equally intonating editorial

follows •A OUEBOntAX ADMOmBHW H8.

We lave rewired the ibllowlng letter fromP b r i and gladly giveft Pietbyteriat. clergyman

it prominence I

"Sis:—In Yesterday's tonne 3tbo action of the P m b y twtona

again, Too/two wily look back to t t« timewheayou embraced him in your anp» andtOAaAnOL You may aim think of thetime you visited each aid familiar place

" togeiiafjmsi favorite WHIRS, fuelingMUSTon wualil never again 00 tuus• ir t l s unintrr ' i righU w^m Iu

[lie ixiiKf arm Wunielf for theAltliouKU he whispered of a re-

twn with the laurel u r fame wreathing hisbrow, yrt_ymi thought only of IL~ J " u

chauues o r war ami your fevered

u _j speak ofilnterinns at Saratogaf b i U l l b i

-_. ilnterinns ataud tho Metliodi«U at fbiUulelpbiang 'Sunday pawen'inaonslxtent* ft is i

useleBi, and\e. God has

to keep it holy.' ' Not apeajklog Uiine own-orda nor thinking thine own thinigbti1 '

oil's own explanation of tbo word 'holy.1

" To iireUiud thut tho nmtling of ueoitkrnews, discussions, and liUmilure on Bunday,however iuturcsting nod valuable, Jn*t us ouother day*. 1B keepiug find'e Subbatb lioly Isabsurd. If God does not require n diat .notionthem. He roiiu^en nothing^ Lanj ••-•--

tion.'-Sunday papers are au iusult to Ood, and,

lllce idolatry to t i e undent Jews, a nubile andhideous tamptotlc- " " ' ~solicit Ihom to sinnineteenth OButur?. . . .seoiUar Bunday paper with a clour conscienceand no minister without a grogs violation of" - " " ' - ' • * for twenty year* a

LincolnTbe second billot is progressing.

first twelve States called Blalne gained 4

promote tlielargest diveroi it* own pcuulo; the largost diversity of in-

dustry is most productive of general prosper-ity »nd of tbe comfort and indepeutlonce ofy »nd o


A colored man waa Temporary Ohtirmaiof the National Republican Convention atChicago. The colored peopls will watt along time before they see one of their racepresiding over a Democratic national con'vention.

The " spontaneous upriBiag for Butler"doesn't Beem to "npr iae" very much as yet.I t was unfortunate for him that hid boomwas Fprung jast in time to be nipped bythose frosts last week. Tot te r should havelot ted out for this.

When Morrison, the great Democratictariff reformer, read ytsUnlay tbe tariffplank of the Bepublfoan platform be said itmeant that " t h e Bepoblioans win keep allthey have got and get all they can." E i -aclly, EO mote it be.

Tbe Flaiafield Constitutionalist thinksthat if Tilden, iootcad of Qrant, bad beespartner with Grant A Ward, a terrible bowlwould have been ntffwd. Why, cert'nly.Tbe old wrecker's previous rep a lit Ion wouldhave been against him.

There Is little doubt that Mr. Tilden willhe the leading candidate ID tbe comingNational pemocratio Contention if AndrewJacknn'e naine ia not mentioned. ButAndrew has a disagreeable way of bobbingt p OB snob ocaasfonB, and lie may do itagain .—EL

The Philadelphia Record, good Demoerotic authority, pleasantly alludes " I D tbeprotectionist Imbeciles ]n the Democntloparty." And who can say tbe stricture iswholly unjust? A protectionist who hopesfor anything from th*t part? mint be blind,to say the least.

lie rigbta and wage* of thothat active and intelligentcapital may Laro its Jast a1

•refore domand thftt theiropooltion of- - #Ho.11 be tnado not

, . tliat In raising tborequisite revenue* for tha Oorerntnent anohduties shall l>e M levied aa to afford aeonrityto our diversified iadnntries onfl protection to• • • ' oftbolaliorertotheend

' it labor M wall aa, . award, and the la-

Lorlug man lib full share In tlie Nationalprosperity. >

Against the so-called ecouomloal system ofHie Democratic party which, would degradeour labor to tho foreign atandard vt enterour earnest proteat. The Demooratie partyinn foiled oomplotely to relieve the poopl* ortholuirdon ofunneoeaeary taxation uy avisoreduction of tbo surplus.

Tbe Republican pnrty pledged iteelf to cor-rect the inequalities o f t to tariff, and to re-iliicn thcaurpluB, notliy tha violoasandIndia-criinlaate process of lioriioutal redaction, butty such roetliods as will relieve the taxpayerwithout iulurlne the laborer or the great pro-duotivo Interests of the county.

It further urges better protection on wool,a sound ourrency and farori the principle ofthe public regulation of railway corporation!by aucb legislation as will preront unjustdiscrimination and excessive ehtrsea fortransportation. Tho evtaliliahment of a Na-tional Bureau of Labor ia advocated, and the

THOS. NAET,AT HOKB.There in a footfall on the stain,- and al-

tnont luiuicdiiitcly » gontlemau of mediumhulght appearfl, aud sayo, aa lie graapn tlievisitor's hand, "You arc welcome." There DTO

Indications nf the elA paraiyafB thattinio ago forced lilm into ratiretuaut, nor liasiin rteoiit nttflok of iiuentnonla left anyTneeson liis haudHome fBco. Hluhair is aslarnfully trimmed to-day an It waa onco pe r

uiitted to grow wild. HU beard Is uattillydreiseil, while liU mnstoohe, worn a la Na-poleon, gives him that commanding air foulileli he Is noted. A full suit of Scotchtweed constitute his ilress, and the only ar-ticles of Jewelry eeen is 0 small scarf-pin tliatshows just over tho top of his four-buttontallylio.

"Come to BOD how I work! Well, conicriglit up stairs. You know I never talk with

ipapor man 0* a rule, but this tlmo I willwnke au exception,"

Out through tho vlile Imll, up ft "windingitaironee, which in also remarkable for itamiameiitatiou, and tbe great curloatnrisl's

workshop Is ranched. I t to a large room liu-•uodiatoly over tlio parlor. It la a grnndcombination of studio, tlttlog-room, work-

p nnd play-room. A lndy of conimtinilingjircsenoe, aftired iu a neatly fitting drees ofdark color, with a Jaunty littlo uu<lre>a cap

muting her peculiarly grny hair, risestowlcotuoyou. ThU is Mrs. Nust, tho wifeof the famous Tom. On the floor, ut tho font>f tlio low rocker, whero Mrs. Nnat has hceiitlttine darning stockings, n bahy in hnsywith npnlr of salsaors anil n, piece of brownpuper. At eight of tho fnlher, ho dtnrta upwit It a cry, and submits a badly-cut paperfigure of n tlog. A glance nt tho corner of

ho room, and It Is seen nt onco tho oLIld'ajodel in from taturo,For two nolilo speuinieu* of tho IriBh grey-

bound aro there stretulied out at fall lengthfast asleep. It Is iu this room that for yearsMr. Nast tins worked out fhone wonderfulcurtooiiB mid illustratlone that have ntmoksuch terror to the ttouls of evll-doore, andbolppil lo formulate opiuiom anil .levolopideas that have moved the world. Mrs. Nimtin bis eoiistuut compniiion. While he diowmshe sows. Au immense cjliudor-top deskstunds nt one Ride ot th» room, aud nereiswhere too grmt artist's work Is done. Therearo nu restiletlooa as to uoieo or intorrutition.Tlie children can come and go, romp andcarry on nit they pleiwo; it matters not toMr. Nost, His desk is n voritalilo 8allerj' ofcelebrities. Thotographs of kings and quotpriests and popes, lords nnd generals, actorsand actresses and persons of every walk oflifo that are at all noted oan be found hereincontained. A peculiarity of Mr. Naat Is thatbe has always been fond ot collecting pboto-graphi of persona whose faces pleased him,and many are toe cards of persona now oel-ehrated that were picked u p by him wheithey were comparatively unknown. As aninstance of this, ho ha* a photograph of Mrs.Langtrv taken twelve years ago. A head ofHenry Irving, taken also yean ago, is amonghis collection. A largo glass ousc, wifliinwhich standi a human skeleton, oooupios onecorner of tbe room, together with old soimo-tcra, cutlasses and stields,

I am not tho ideal artist with tbe bedaub,oil Jacket,,tile pipe etc., etc., «n l ! / ,Nor itmy don B scene of plotureique confusion,"

" No, indeed," intorruptB Mrs. Nast; " I at-tended to tbat." ;.'-.'

"People s»j ," continnei tlie artist, " tba tUrs. Naat dees my work. She writtu my lot-tors; 1 only algn thorn. My dra win gain* myown work. howDvcr. Whore do I get my,ideas I[, From bright nflwipapera. "daily papers through very catefnllf. AiIdeas come I jot them down ; not In tho formof notes, as you men of letters do, but in Unoand ourves.

" Is there the chance for fams aa a oarica-turiit to-day there waa formerly f"

"Oh dear, DO. Had Hocommencenow thenameofToraTfiist'wtlold not be beard ont-idle hit own family. The war mado mo.

Fortunately, I was living on the right side—tlio North. My pictures appealed to tho sontlmenfof flit Ipaople, and. I became, w> tosnoak.'famoM.^My wit and satire.'wiioh to-day would hardly rise aboret mcdloerityj werethen considered wonderful. Enterpriiingmannfaeturera copied my ityle of dress. TheNast colliu, the Naat <mfT|the Host bat ap-peared in rapid sucootsion. Fay 1 Well, myart lias paid mo, but I think tho labor of ar-tiste nowadays la ondervalaed. Some of thebest work, tomymlud, is done by unknownmen in these little advertising plaques nndpicture* that are given away."— Mail and Ex

utubllalunout of tlie eight fcour law as a wiseand judiolous system of general education iiAdvised. In regard to tbe importation of'foreign labor there ii the following clear ut-

Tho Ttcpublican party, hihatred ofsluvo labor, aud i

hit calling. I Lave bcoiiminister In cities deseeraSundaypapsrs. Ion the Salfcntli, a— , and scarcely ever touchedone of those unholy uheets on Monday, thoughtold they contained what I wanted much to•ec, and what was not published before orafter. I do not remember ever to have oeouor hennl of any Christian minister wlio diddifferently from That I do, though you inti-mate tlmt many do, and the fling may booften mnde. There may bo a few sad excep-tions, but it is certain that most Christian

llHtam feel as 1 do.I have written kindlv anil roBiiectfully to

dailies pubiiBhlna a Sunday edition, solemnlyretnonstratlnfc, bofore Oo<l, as 1 now do,

i t this groat Bin. The Sun bus strucksonic manly it ml deserved blows ut tbe driv-elling absurdities of namby-pamby neii)i-iufl-deUtj lirayiuu fmm under tho lion skin ofortuodoiy, and will, tbortifore, I hope, takein good part fidelity irom others. Saratogaand fbiladolpbia arc nut inconsistent, auditis novor foolish or useless lo vindicate Hod'slaw. " 8 . W . noiRUMAX.

" Pastor First 1'renhytcriuu Church, Stan-ope S J"

Pastorhope, S. J."

tuklng offence nt what ohi f

parched lip, tIcvo, no one

liMfc^r_ with no

the bis dying agony,•d brow or cool t i e

leld of oarnage

none to Jave tbe fevered brow „ ,—' ' " aoiie to catoU the last tone of

— —s to leur thnt last and saored;e to hii family or meet the laat fond

„ Irom the D.VBM US they eloieu foreveron that bloody battle tk-ld. Marvel notthataffectiaueto families lips grieved aa theygave the brave aolilicr the ead "fdrewell."

"farewell, farewell, tiaalonoly aouud,And alwaji briugtt a sigh."

Mourn in c ones, let this comfort you, youmay htive been donrlvcit of your loved onesntd your Item-tin very ilescilato to think that

' are guoe, yet ym enn think wltb greatifnotion ana \nnr heart o'trflow witb

gratitude to God tint ttey will no more Learthe clatter ofmiuK'try aud tbe thundering

- . . .. mat, hi aTwuet reposo,... _ ... _... country cannot aoltibut roat in peace. Ob what a bitter trial It

fur thee to yiolil up those whom for yearsu hadst fond.y ti

faadstlavisbedtlly treuHunlie wealth

irod.u,• oft!

and truest affections, encircling them with---*• " -1-1" halo of hive that you deemed a

JBJJ barrier against thB approachof tbe victor. And truly can we Hympatuiw

heart aud wrung dw lorrowful t«ar -from your ej-pi, wbon tho victor came -yon know thoy bad to go to fitee that deadlyeiientytbas taking the lovod ones front you.For tbem we too havu mourned.

" T h e departed; the departed.Tl iey^dtusindroama,

And glide abDvi? our mouioriesLike shadows orer streams;"

"But where thi- cheerful lights of JionicIn constant lustr* burn,

Tho departed—dm departedCan never mure return."

"Tune U) ever fleeting onward.Bearing with it those we love j

Yet tbe hope is strong within usWo BbatfrouniU above."


clerical friend says, we respoot him for hisfidelity to bis eouviotiuns, though we bave

1 hesitation in saying tliat tin regard hisGreat self-denial as unnecessary und unoi "for under the teaobiuge of Christiniiity.

But we remind him that iuoteud of contro-verting our rttmarkg In the article to whlofat o refers, his letter rather inoroascs their

i. We fear that lie did uot read the arti-cle with tho careful attention it deserved.

The rresbytcrfaii General Assembly do-iioutioeil the publication, purchase, nnd reaii-lug of Sunday nowspapcm nu n fl»nroli( eln.It ulao saiil that tlie running af Sunday trainson railroads was n broach of the iHvlnti h woftlioSnblitth. But, itmtcitd of forbiddingPresbyterians to commit those sins, underpoualty of dismissal, it only mildly advisedajjalmt tbem.

Thie the Oencral AsHombly did, thaiigb itmust bare bean well nwure thut nmuy thou-suuils of Presbyterians, olorgymou as well uslayiDOU, are rogulnr renders of Sunday news*papers; nnd thnt large numbers of Prcoby-teriau capitalists own tho stook or lionils ofmil roads which run traits on Sunday, midvery many more ate forwarders of freightcarried on Huuday. Wo also rnforrcd to tlioolrcuinsUuce that Mr. Whitdnw Itclil, thougha Presbyterian, docs not hesitate to publislithe Tribune on Sunday.

In other ways, too, tlio law of tbo Sabhuth,as interpreted by our eotresp0ntlo 111 and bythe General Assembly, Is persistently brokenby PresbyteriauB, who drive to uburoh intheir enrringes, or ride in care. There are, intruth, few Presbyterians who pretand to obeythe law. The machinery of modern civilisa-tion 1B run without rogird to It in Urge part.

To bo ontsistcnt, thercfurc, tbe Oeiiernl.ssonilily uitist either alter it» rcquitenmute

In regard to Sunday, so OR tn uilnjit them tuextatlug Bocliil conditions, or it loiist enforce

1 as they stand, without taking accoiofthoooiiHcqiieiioes. It In uot cnoiifh for itto adviso Trcfibyterlaiis to net differently. Ifthey nre persisting iu conduct and prnotieoi

Letters remaimos unclaimedIu the [»OB* Office atDorer.N.J.

Dover, N. J., June 6tb, 1BS1.Mrs. J. Serrvman, Ohrent«n Lnrsen,Sylventer Berry, Minnie Losoy,Low lllnncliard, A. J. Lyou,.Jennio llournc, Mary MnGurry,W.J.Brannin, Lemiicl MoConnell,fleo. Graff, J. Parson,Wm.II<ilnii.ii, Aline Bnndolph.flustnf iHrneUon, It. Rogir,L l i o Kfilnhor, Martin Beblminclt,

J .B. Stownrd.



SBABtKQ-BBrANT-At lie roaidence or thebit,].1- ratber, Hillbmnk, June Stb.bvlttv.W. W. Ualloway, Jr., Edir.rd M. BfirisR, nfDover, attd Qamo 8., daughter ol JJOIBH W,EritUt, Esq.

pgwblcli involve aln t Moil, they should

f hho oemmanded to desist frnui thom, andfulling to BO dcilat, should bo put out of tboChurch as stubborn offenders against thedivine law.

Because tho General ABsomblyavniilciUhatplain duty and contented itself with a mildeipraston of disapproval, we called its con-duct foolish, useless, and Inconsistent. Doesour clerical friend for u moment suppose tbatPresbyterian capitalists will sell their itookand bonds In tbo offending railroads bconuseof the General AaBonibly'i declaration! Dotelie look for nny decrease In tlte demand forSunday newspapers among Presbyterians 1Does bo expect Mr. Wliltclaw Reid to discon-tinue tho publication of his Sunday editionbecause of the Aagouibly's gentle admonition!

If what tho Bcv. Mr. Boardman and tbeGeneral Assembly lay is trao, if all thosePresbyterians are wantonly breaking God'slaw, that Church i» bound In comdaleney tocompel 1hem to clinngo tlielr ways and ceasefrom their sin. The capitalists must desWvtheir stock and bands j they eon not sell themfor that would ho leading others to perditlau.Tbe renders of Sunday newspaper* mast givetliftm np, and Mr. Whltclnw Relil must stopsending out the Tribune cu Sunday.

A Church -which denaaaces tbe conduct ofa great part of Its members as- flagrantlysinful, and yet allows tbem to pendat in ItwithoutipunUnmout; ia plainly open to tbeh f i icharge of inconsistency.>?e dp not argue the questi

propriety of publisMng and rp e r o Sunday O

,-- .Jon as to tbo-^ - . r Ing and reading town-

— . o n Sunday. 01 course, we nave nodoubt* a» to that matter, cite we ahonid nottake so mneli pains to make our Sunday edi-tion tbe admirable pnpor it la—a paper whichthe people cannot do without

E00KA WAY.Owing to the BRapol'y of news we have

been unable to furnisli' any. correspondencefor several weeks.

We norioo tbot a new blacksmith shop Isbolng built on Jtost Kcw street, for wlioia vahave not yet loarntd.

The K. & L. of the O. S. of this plnce nroIn a flourishing condition. From ailapnenr-anoes the future looks very bright nod pros-perous for them and undoubtedly it will soon*- id among the rinks of tbe tnost prominent

dot to Stand Xtl__. A. bought Wi nit-eons bottle of Paradef*

Slood Partner, nnd new ha thlnli he lias sot him-self Into bniltMi, for ihs (lerlfod te muoli be»efitfrom It tt.«t .l;o m .»t tr,.-. .iber be tile or uraanabsenuuirailr cured T h U P l B kbspenuuirailr cured There•o (ffloient ID IU woikiugi ••bolW. Sold bj Robert Klll


DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT.We offer in this department a fall line of Lawns, Seersuckers, Dress

Prints and Ginghams, Black and Colored Cashmeres and SeasonableDress Goods; Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses' and Children's Hosiery ingreat yariety; also a very complete stock of Fancy Goods and Notions.

HARDWARE DEPARTMENT.We have in this department a complete stock of Agricultural Imple-

ments, including the "Planet Jr." Horse Hoe and Cultivator, TheThomas Hay Rake, Scythes, Rakes, Forks, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, &c.A full line of FISHING TACKLE, Gas Pipe and Fittings, Powder, Fuse!Iron, Steel and all kinds of Mining Materials always on hand. Agentsfor the BUCKTHORN WIRE FENCING.

V . 3 . 001LAIU),Upbohterer,

Do«r . M.J.

FUNERALS!"1 ifV Braloro or Small Proflta appreciated,iVX Quality and workmanship of tho host.

Mythankaforliheralp&tronagainthop&Bt.Order* by telegraph meHBonger or telephonettonded to.

JOHN JONEE. Undertaker,[y Boeiawny, N. J,

DIED.XEN8TLER-Ia Dorcr, Jnne 41b, iFa

daughter of Prank ami M»rj Knottier, agedIyearand4rnonll)8.

PALMfilt-Al Hiucrnii, MP* 18tli, B»rtbo lcincw Pulnicr, sged 11 yenrB.

HALL—At Boakawav, May a2o\ Gbirlfufant son of Chides and Ella Hall, sgmontba,

BTJBKE-At Hlcltorj Hill, Maj 81-1.1884, Johntniko. aged 48 fears.

WALTOS-At Dcnvlllo, Mav 30th, Jubn Wai-(DB, trtckman 0, , L. & W. It. u, aged 27jeari *

lca M.

WANTED.I ips i l t«cid topgemen to mike ope Moomi,

Stfadywork andncod wkfteswlll be pMd to

HAME8*DAKLIifa,UttlfBTille Illoomery.

Alreik UrasslDi,8 t t l OlaOo,,



Alttayii on hand tbe flneit ICE 0RBAH.aapplted b ; ll.epl.lc al bli ralanraot, or ™j'!'! 9""S w ' • " " ' " »r KmlliM In l ie vWoitv.A fall and fresh gnnplyof OHOICE COKFB0-TIONEm al all I ta jJ ln iltck, «l:llo all i KleiaillB NEiySPAMIB t n j PEBI0DI0AL8are eoldat hia stand.

BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT.We have just received direct from the manufacture another large

stock of Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, which are acknowledged by all whohave seen them to be the most stylish and perfect fitting shoes everoffered at $2.00. We have them in Spanish Arch and CommonSense styles, and all sizes and widths. WE WARRANT EVERYPAIR. A fine assortment of Ladies' Low Buttoned Shoes, Oxford Tiesand Slippers. We have a handsome Fine Kid Opera Slipper, kid lined,for $1.00 per pair.

P. COX'S FINE SHOES.This is the only place in this section where you will find a complete

stock of these shoes, all sizes and widths.Everything in foot wear for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses and Children

can be found here at very low prices.

The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs in exchange for goods.





Tbe le.dinn rate all over Ilio norld.

3 8 . 0 0 0 SOLD L A S T Y E A B .




B.L.COKY,m Iron la, N. J,

Butler has the Antl-monopolr and Green-back nominations for President, and la a del*egato to the National Democratic Contention.fie has also made a bid for tlmt nominationby declaring for " tariff far revenue." Ben'sobliquity of vision oovtpolitical ground.

s a great deal of

Tbo Democratic papers nave abontedthemselves boane over & coarse and uncalledfor telegram purporting to hive been Bentby Hon. Wm. Walter Phslps to Gen. Logan.Tbe whole thing proved a ridfcnbns lie aaany one of sense might hire known fromtie nature of It.

Two jean *go orery Democratic State

f ,J«a SOT or mote oandidUM for Fndfent* Sow they are iH atudoni to raddle tbt nomi-

nation on hdecrepiaold man. Vfbj (bis re*markibie obuge vnlem it be thai themimertoi candidates have discovered tbattbere fa no hope of auocea ?

Deafen In baUer »nd sheen, bare winJuly 1 to wd>k off thtir stock of imitations.On that date, a lav goes into affect whichproviata a penalty of $300 fine and a yean'imprisonment for the manafaotnn or aalewithin Ibli State of any article designed totake the place of fore fanller ur chiese nro-

i k ip

dnced from par* milk or cmrc, n.ilbe manafiolaredi from these anbataneim.

J I , uuuin a desire that nilmen xnny be free and equal, is unalterablyopposed to placing oar worklngiae& in com-petition with any form ot servile labor, wheth-er at home or abroad. In ' t i l s spirit we de-nouueo the Importation of contract laborwhether from Europe or Asia, aa .an offenceagainst thn spirit of American Inititntiona,

' dgc ourselves to sustain the present. tinn Chinese iinmixratlon. and toprovide aucb further legtslntiou as is ucoos-ury . to carry out Its purposes.

Tbe reform of the civil service Is eommocd-od, opposition Is expressed to the giving »woyof large tract* of public lands to corporations,and tbo party Is pledged to tbe peniloulng ofdlaabled soldiBW, and tbe widow* and or-phans of those deceased. Entangling alli-ances wltb foreign nations are deprecated,and tfcs restoration of tlie navy is ntked fur.Finally the frauds and violence praotioedliytho Democracy in tbe Bonth a n severely con-demned, and the rights of all citiiens, Irre-spective tf color, are guaranteed.

The platform waa adopted and the conven-tion adjonrcd till evening,. Last evening the great convention hall waa

packed with peoplo t« Ust«n to the presenta-tion of natnci of candidate* for PresidentWhen Connecticut waa calledBraudeKce presented the name of SenatorJoseph R. ITawley. of tliat fiUte,giri«g tbehistory of bis life, his record aa a soldier, andhis unblemished character.

When Illinois was raa«bed there woaa loadroar of applause iu Senator Cutlom mountedtbe platform to nominate Ooo. John A. liocau,"nn able statesman, an honest man and Hbrave soldier.'1 The nominatinn wos eeconiledby Gen. Ii. M. Prestiu. of MUwnrL

There was a perfect whirlwind of entfansi-asm at tbe very meBtiou of the name of Maine.The enthnslasmwmifldaserifaable and lastedfor fully a quarter of aahour. When orderw flnallj- reswrcd Judge West, the blindmna:eloqaent,of Ohio, tame forward tc presentthe name ofJaa. O.Blaina When ho men-tioned Illaine's n iuu there was anotlier ont-bnrat and Itwaa fnlly twenty minutes beforebe could Teanme bii apeecb,; He portrayedbrilliantly tho Ugh claims of the HainBslat«s-nun, and the nomlnotlon was seeoiided b j

What Oonititntei a Xarr l tghA case of coutlderable importaaoo, ana of

some loco] interest was argneil before theCourt of Quarter Sessions fit lta latb eltUng-important on account of tho principles in-volved and of J o ^ interest becaaae the par-

M conoemed are known to large numbers ofr readers. ' Some fifty yo»rs ago a mat) and

.woman were living .ot Wubington by thenameofKlnneman. To their ndghbori andthe community at large, they were known asman and wife, ami were duly appreciated asaueb for their- social qualities and neighborlywars. Kinneman wa» m hard working, indos-tritins man, and no breath of suspicion waiever cast at the relation* that exiitad betweenU d " i r f W H ; Th

they lived for fifteen yeara during wbiohtime five ehfldrenwere born'to them, whiclilook their father's narno and were reared andcarod for l>y him. ' ; x ' ' • \

Finally, business relitiooi becanie uosatis-fitetory, and JOnnotpaii Bt*rt«i for tlie Wnat,leaving hit family with t ie understandingtliat they would be aent for as Boon u helooat-ed. To moke the story short be didn't return,batlntiiaetaarrieJ a wcraaQ t n ^ e ' B t a t e of

b i l d U ibatlntiiaetaarrieJ a


Young man, tbat wna a ftiuuy remark youj a d o the otbor evening. Perbnnii it w u aLAP8UB L.NOU*:. If not jou hna better boonreful what you any hereafter, for some peo-ple will rotaliato.

Well, you can not tell haw menu tomo per-sons ate until they are found out, for whenthey go and steal coal, yes and even stoop a"low aa to take flower pots too, tbey muatiivery hard up indeed. Such pernii

oy nin>icioui - rork

is a disgrnoe to any town aud tlioso who ii,-ilnlgoinit. Tlie word " diabolical" is veryapplicable to their deedi., T h e festival bold at the M. E. Church onthe afternoon and evenliis; of Deoorntlnu Davproved a SUOOOSB. About elgbty-flvo dollunwas reiillied from I t

ll th h l i d

pwas reiill

Of all the holidays tbat wblob ia raortgenerally observed here with particular dem-onstration !• Decoration Day—o dnjr ttint lamemorable and honorable in thelieartaofthecltlicns of this nation, especially in tboNorthern States. Thohraveryond nmnliimrain wblcb ttio deadso'dierslelt their homooand wont and. fought for the pTeaerratiou o0i9 tniou, shows their IOTA for the conntrv.Then why shouldn't they be kept In ourmemory! Certainly they stionld, for they aroleierving of pralso and eiteem. In order toloop them la memory the people do confer

d from I tthe holidays tbat wblob ia

observed here with p a r t i l

lonor upon them by taking an aan a day legally eppnintod for thi

decorating tbe graves of thoae wln a noble eanae, aa aaldian _.

Thodny'wMM.thor cool hut m „ „wae pleasant a id tha people wlio awembleil(opartloipate in the ' - • * •

if our oountrr-nevertheleBi it

arrieJ a wcraaQ tn^eBta te ofhomheiiadtwocbildren—cUim-

l&g that he had navM.been married lo theBaatenwoman, .PiiallyKtnnemnodied.^ndthen his western' wile,'and at loat Mrs. K, atWashington, went on "the long journey.1'The children grew t« matnrity, married, andecattend at necessity or prodenoe dictated.Recently two maiden tiiten of Klnnemindied at Watbington, leaving a joint estateworth probably flt>,«» "to the children.ofJohn Kinneman,'' and the question ariaee,who are the children of John Kinneman fTbo; Eastern ehUdreii claimed too estate inquestion' oi. the ground that although tbejcannot prove marriage on tbe part of tbelrfather aad'mother, tbo enrroandinflt-tliefact that tbey lived together for fifteen yean,

oocaaion w e n led toaympathy and for those veterans,many of whom were dear unto some of thoseIn attendance. Business va t suspended inthe afternoon aud a large crowd gathered altbe Presbyterian Church, there to listen to tb<services. Buchanan's Cornet Band marche,to the residence of Hon. E. D. Hal*ey, thi.Historian cf the Bookaway Memorial Auocia-tton and eacorted him ann the speaker,-Bov.Gee. L. Hunt, of Hoboken, President, J. P .Stickle and Commltteeman H. C. Raynolds.to the ehnrch. The exercises were opnne<1with raiwiohv the band, afler which a Very

eE-Gov. C. X. Davis, Col W. C. Goodloe, ofKestacky, ez-Sonator Plstt, of Hew: Tork,and ex-8D«aker Grow, ol Pannulvinia.

When New Tork was called there * a i an-other trenutidoiia dmnonatratloti which madethe hall ring with enthnalosm for a long time,'and deepened into a perfect storm when Mar-tin L Tbwnienil came forward to pnacat thename of President arlhur. In eloquent terms

and were so known and recognized by theworld—constated marriage in Itaelf, eventhoagh no ceremony had everbeen performed.. Tbe WcaternchlHnn, cams Into cturtwitbills man-lags certificate and claimed that (Jiey

Were tlie only Ie«al oMldren of John Kinne-man and the trae heirs of the eatate in qnet-

The case v a i ablyfor the Eaatern childand Jndge Morrow fi~ , ™ ™J n d n Depne reseired hit deoUion far oneweek, pud ou Tuesday, 97th, decided In favorof the Wettarnhclrsv-BackettetownGautte.

BU P i t f t m d Qohig to-"Gtmnny Butk," an old

idof 70, muy , ,

convicted at PLUIIpibnrg, on Wed&uday, ortelling liquor wrthoat a lioeaie, aud lentcne-ed to pay a flue of • » or go to Jail for lOdaym.Although abundantly al ia to pay tbe fine,she preferred to «*TVB her timt, and went to'the jaU nnattended and gave honalf np to t i e


thia place. Then came the raudlnff of thominute* of the meeting, held May SOth.1883,by Beontnrr K- B. Noll, the election otofceew.*and nailing of the roll ot honor hvthe historian. Kext woa muslo by the bond,after which the oration waa aueeoaafully de-livered and contained a good deal of Inter-eit, which waa entertaining s i well aa to-atructivft. The exercise* in the eanroh clos-ed with a beautiful pieoe of mosio render-ed by the band, from whence tho peopleproceeded to the cemetery whore the grave*of the honored dead were strewn withflowers, aa a token of remembrance,

Ou the aite of tbe proposed widier's mon-ument beautiful nowen and flaga of tlieUnion were placed and there the Ilev. Jos-hua HeadOjOf Monnt Hope, gave a very en-thtulaatic address. The ceremonies closedwith music and the benediction pronouncedby Bcr. J. 0 . AverilL One standing andobserving tbls unusual ceremony ia apt tothink how aad it moat have been fortliOMbrave men who left their families to stand upto defend their rights and protect their coun-try, the land of the free and the some of thebrave. How bard it must have been forthom to separate from their loved one* andlo forth apdiaoe the pointed bayonets and•tand before the mouth of tfae thunderingcannm, being Hable at a&y moment to be cutdown al the gnu* before tbe mowe-i •ortho.On the other aide lt woa very bard for tbelrfamilies to think perhaps they •hould neverlook upon ui*m the face of tuoir loved one*

JUNEStli, 1884.W. 8. BABBITT'S SON

will show-this week a joblot of Dress Goods in Springstyles at prices fully 25 percent, below oilier dcnlers.His Seersucker ana 01mm-bre aro two nnd one-hnlfcents a yard under the low-est quotations yet mnde.

Summer Silks with hairstripes or checks warrantedto bo nil silk at 50 cents ayard. These goods we dis-play in changeable colorsor plain with the smnecheck or stripe. Some,Sum-mer Silks left orcr fromlast season at thirty centsa yard.

There are several thou-sand yards of matting inour own matting rooms at$5.00 per roll of 40 yardsor twelro and a half centsn yard. In white or redchecks.

AND PAgTK I T I S TOUR WATCH.I would call CHpecitl attention to iu<r BFRIM

STOCK. 1>OIDR large d l t 1 arrf *irgcitBtacR »r S


attention to iur BFRd complete. 1 carrfTmre, Fort* and Spooni

able IUD over ihown io Donr.W.tcliea, L'locia and Jowolrr c'caoedfttid rcpa tlie belt manner. Watetieaaoldontoitallinonta




C H E S T E R , N . J .

is nonr ready to »erro tbo people of Olic.leranrl Ticinlty with

PHILADELPHIA CREAMbr the plate or qoirl . Thii cream isaeknowl-edscd by all to bo the beat. You can atnnyUna a fnll stock of Oonrectlonery. Nnti, Fruitko, U hii plftce at reatoDatilB prices.

W. S, BABBITT'S SON,Morristown. N. J.

FOR SALE.A LlRbt Side Bar Open Wagon, US ; ft ,at

aingloHirccii, 133, good u DOIT; aol hcaryToam Hirnrai, IIS, In good rfupe [ 1 jennlneOrevaler SUlo Oar Carriage a t . » bu^aJn; aBaby Carriage, » . No. 1 sot ol liRht whetli.

A. JUDSON C0E,Bergen St., Dovar.

• week «t home. K ontfit fret. Pay4baDlt.taljH.ra. Noriak. Capita.) not

I I loqnlrcc. Bcader. Ifjon want hati-U D C H at which penona or ait Her IQX.

,-jnir or old, can miks great nay ail tbeHnw tbsy writ, with auioliito certtinty, writeTor putlfiiiUnio H. B A I X K R ft Co., PorUand,

A speoialty ta mndo of supplying weddinnarties and balls with all kibda of oonte

, cakes, and other edibles. M rpartiea utionerr. c.


BESTAUBA3STThaa a fine supply of

HORTON'S ICE CREAM,rhioh lia will supply by plate in his place orby quantity to customero at tho lowest

c a h prioGfl

PURE MILEfrciti every dayt at


beat oyatira upeolallv


New Jersey Real EstatOffice: 758 BROAD STREET,


LOTS, C0DNTHY 8EA18, 4c.. A



EXCHANGINGcounliy property (or city property

A SPECIALTY.Loans negotiated on





llr. Olian. O. QnTound at his Paintwill nttrud to tboBgnrea.21-tf U . p . S A N D E R S O N .

81]o[), on Clintonselling ami ivill mine lo



Tlie Ccutral Houae in one of the fine

:hU erction ami in iiieannnttj- 1 ocn toil

luudrcd ynrdu from the Contral depot, ami

nbuiit two iniuutei wnlk from tbo D., L.

W. It is a Inrgo roomy boiiBe onil well fc

listed throughout. Always open to



A -WPII fiiruisliRil U.vn inul POOL RODII eo

coted with tlio liuiiini. For further Infonn

ion nddrcna the proprietor. 23-1 y

PIAUOS! ORGANSOrgans $65, $70, $80,

$90 and $100!

Pianos, Square, $190210! Upright, $210

and $225!Tho OrgiuiB nre made of thnranclilv noa>nod Ukct Walnut, aro bcwutifulij tinishcilad in lono cnunot bo aurpiuiiotl.The l'ianoti ire tho mont clpgnut BB well w>ibstnntial to bo hnd. l*he usual prices f«r

Iliinos ore (300 to *3,'iO. Ilclng to non for tttorc rent or clerk liiro I Mtlj atilvauee on raanufncttirrr'a nrieet.

C5 Every Iustrnment -wmninlod..ddrcss or call npan

Wm. W, Searing, Agent,DOVKR, N. J .

gftiu can bo seen at my home on Monnt!ope ATCDIIB. Dover.

TO STOCK 0WNEB8.I wish *o Bill roar attentionlo U» BOY art k m t u i me-

, Und orosstnunof aorsu



inoatlon lOdraia-ltAg.ro%T


P.O. DOT OS,- Cboltr.N.J.



- A T -



JAMES S. MEL1CKbis orcned his tew store on

SUSSEX STREET, (next to CAIN'S SHOE STORE,)anil begins fiailo with a line now stock of

SEGAES AND TOBACCOS,ry quality and crftdo.and in Ibia line of bDHincss, cither a t WHOLESALE OB RETAIL,is meriari'd to offer tlio loweit pr'co ronBlatent with tho .jnality ul tho art tale F O U

WINES AND LIQUORS.>ry Inrgo line of goods in this

ucDmenls lopar-'liasera. Also, nf-unllj BDd tutdinnal parpotep.

mtaurtctnrcre. Hy

depart men t, irnl lo retail tit-stars can offer cipceiiliHiully fino Black or imported Wine* and LtqannrtcJ Alfg. Ginger Alei tad Pgrlcrs of flia IbaaiDC

NBVFS D E P O T11 coniiin all the leaJing ci»ily and rceokly tic*1

t o pnpplied from the (lore or »t their rostitan»rtir»J. 8OHDATKEWBPArEI13 dt-liTe

Btid subscribers or parohtaers, T'"•- BhDrtest time poasiblo alter tbeirjiir diwrg at an early hour.

st—Quality 3d--Lowest Prices4ih—Largest Stock






M0RRI8T0WN, N. J.n tTOHBHlTH,Ogttam Ootler,

Page 3: INSURANCE AGENT. Boys' A WORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1884/...iHPases rtf wum»o ami children, oyeamletr, apcciiltija. OFFICE [ 8 to 0 A.M. Boons.f 1 to8and7.M

Saturday, June 7, 1884.

LOCAL JOTUNGB.Common Council Monday evening.Freobolden meet next Wednesday.Beveral Indus are cow sUtp^iag ut Mt. Ti


Vigilant Hoae meeta vest Wedneaduy eveiing.

Potato tugs Bre reported tt» more niuiwrouthan ever.

TheHigli Eridgfl Branch eiiiploy.-eit v i ipaid last Friday.

Edmunds wan ti,e first elwict uf Slu-nl)Huwell at Chicago.

Bloominsuule ho* a newly (u^iiiz'.il "mluniformed brass baud.

Iutott*ting local ruiidiug mutter will 1*louad upon every imge.

Tlie Morriatown Ziiiiiive Dnmi Cinitu, Hipiecas, in being orgauiml.

Horrlatovn hiln 1,1152 «ehiml ehiMtvn, aninorea»fl of 40 over last .yenr.

Winter warned to bavo forjsoHeii H^HI-IUIII;mtd came hack after it lust wwk.

The Cheater Band iuuti<i»at<<(l in tin- Mem-orial Day service at IhwktrttMmvi!.

Animal meeting of ll.e Morrw County Hiwlr*8ooioty at Nendhnm iii-xt Tut'sdtiy.

A Blight sqnsll of snow WI.H ..lmerv.-.l i»flomo ii»rt8 ul UIIB nectiim ln«1 Friday.

David Carmine lias mild U« i.ro|ierl.v inB n i n r y to Win. F. Mt-rkir f«r*l,wni.

Clerk Titus, of HaokHtnlovii, t(wk pcvrtityl»iekurol from Ikdil'n Luke iu tw .luy.

Of24 children horn in CliMhuiu n.wn..liiu|in lees than throe month* 1» vt-tv, mule.-;.

Thoi)aBtomtont.Fkn«bTM wlit-h in v. Mr.Fox recently resigned bull cxlulod 14 ,v<-m«.

No niOTo baa yet heen nnnti- for miy publicoelehrotiou of HID 4th of July in thin nnuil.v

ATihuMofaotM of Wm, P»ol, of Mt. Fr.dom, dropped daifl in tlio fluid tin' wilii-i d«

A special nutating of Aciw'm Lining V, inA. M., Will be held Iieit Wedm >Biluy evriiiii

Thfl8eBaleouTlnirH<liiy;)ii8nwl (he lullgive Mrs. KllPatrick a pension uf *Jthi iwmt

ThoFlretPrealiyieriiHi Biimluy NHn.ol, Miristown, ohuerved its GHth mini v<* nary hiwook.

ll«T. J. F . Iluttprworth i* reelor of tin- ncEpifceoiXll Church ckilkutcil :it Summit InFriday.

John MaLnugnlin, uf Mine Hill, lmil;i! lilei; on Hondu; vfailu KeiiiHiiiR in «[>»!"t «ianother man.

Here we arc, well »1«H: in .liinr. nml nliody hilled with it hum; hull but. KvervlhiiiabuokwunltUBaenM-n.

Mr. Potter pmiinMd to kooji Hi* Kutl.boom in view even if In! him 1<> »"•' " «""'•>•B<<O]M> from now till elr<:liuii.

Mr. II. J. Hide), «r Hlltoii.wdviviui; H t«f(ifiiintriicd Imys ^hich tor -tn.-t-d, kiiidneiaidaonudiwsminiiiiiuliulM'at.

(Inn. TtirlHJPt 1'ont, ul1 MorrM.iwu, li ill »*ilertiiin UKUI Dmlil Port nml Auxiliary <'<>i|'of OriHiR*', next Tmwluy t-vi'iiiii^.

l'mf. L. Ti. Milk-r'H Rinclnu "'hi™ *!» Hi"1

concert of aliiyh order in tlit: elnnrli at Slm:lholm, SiiliiriloycvouiiiK, Juno Mtli.

Thirty clmrdica mnl 10.1KHI roniiiiHiiii-iintlinvo bueu ndikid to tin- l'n-i»liyU'riiin Hyimol New Jersey in flu- i>sist ten yrar*.

Tbo ftiroiul Prrnlivtcriim Cbim-li ill lloml-hum, wbleli biw Icftii iiiidrrpoiiiR n-]mir«decoration, will lio rc.iiit-ucil next Simil»y

Oeo.l*. Cook, it Hnilimm initeliiT.hmlBtioeii ktlli'd by iinmliiK. Mfn-i] H. V,>wpiili!.'l the JOK "ii I' liilfhrurk uml liiii*him.

Cririln artinut lor tlir \vi'ili1iun' nf 1")''J)SurruRiilt! l'lnl. It. l'iprwiii mid Muw Antotte, daughter of iicv. Dr. Kri'i-nian, J14th.


conventbn.t {• i,Ueiidlng (be Chlotgo

Street Cnmmiuioiur BOM la doing *anwexoelleut work on Spring • t reet

Mr. Aatoti Howeli bus nuigne4 bin positioniu Browo'* afore, New Poundland.

EflbrU wilt bn made to greatly rcduo..Ul.tof the Boujiton M. E. OhiiwU.

A uuiulor of boardera havp (ihiiiuly arrivedni the Forut Haue, Budd'i Luke.

Alf. Oray, tin* full Mtirmto<vn «!rnui 111let* horsclf out ut $1 11 foul per day.

JHH. G. Bhiiuo inn] Chcslar A. Ai-tbn

John OytiyU but. milil hio jdiH.u iu

)wi)niii|i tii Jobii Htttflien, fur *;',4(K)

T!»! triiiiulB of Mrs. A. Rt-nhontir

wii'-.l t» Icuni that »lu> is ill ut her


-nil,. Ail! I..' pc,

ui»f.Tr.-<l I.

IlhlCi", 111],

v t lni l t ln'n

,„«-] wi l l 1

t a a i$ntvu. MIHOKUL t o TUB HIMORT o r

The obatrvwitHi of Memorial Dny In Ran-dolph towualtip b u liocomo fixed and goniin MR character, and cTory year siows smarked inoreoee ot lotvrait in tbe keeping; ofIt. On tho part of the Gitteoat there soetns towo a coumiacndfttiln desire to prcycut It fromliGcomiuK a, liberal jatliflaatiou, of the4th of July order, and to holp it usethe cliaracttr uf a unlcuiu in o mo rial tibi

t Kridav ufternouii oilie.ta tluBe.1. aud while

r Whirl llllrj themd utti-mied the public

s Ut-\H. Win. A.

K. in.tl.-rn lixcrl.

>nt .i lit It • tiling like tl

iveiH In 1. ;IMI lli;,l -M

f SliUiiii.jit-, Iril iYnii

U«tlrine Forruuu D. H. lln.lner, of Imlopendent How, MnrriHtown, k us lwt<n prcwntfi-with u liaudrtouie silvtsr ititcht-r by tlic* compnny.

In tho uplnnd sectiiin, from Mt. H»|ie UMilton, a large amount of fiiirdcn truck wu*deHtroycd by tho ln>nts tlio hitter part uf lu*l•week.

Our friends in Dakota witnessed a graiidDecoration Day oliwrtrnupc i" Vitr^a, uliiclia reported in pajiora mint li* by Mr. John WSouring.

The HackottHtnwn Ouzctlfl nays an effort isbelujj made tn iniluee Mr. Froim-, »f tin- (.'lite-ter Hotel, to tnko charge of the Park Hulol,iu Dover.

Mta. H. W. Miller, of MurriMowii, in nu ix-pert angler. She cnii-rtit eovt:n fine }iicki;rtlinSkoiiBhumLako in hulf an koiir onuduyliint week.

Freeholder Hacker, of Itonnton, mid ex-Freeholder GUlniul, of l'imiiitoii, were nmoiidUinHorriB eountf uUewluutB (u tbo Ciiii-ujjoconvontion.

Mr. E. A. Taylor, of flmwoll-kiinwii firm (.faA, Taylor & Son, BIIUM lo-iiiurrow nn theAlookn for n three months vwit to Unylnnd.Bon voyaco I

It hi laid thut men ncouatomc-.l U drinkliif;Hiiuor, nhogo fmm linrc tu C'ulia to n.irk intho mines, End tliomsL-lven unalile to at amitho climate.

The Mndinon Uetboiliiiti Rave a fiinlcnparty on tbr grouudw nf Drew Semm.irj jee-tenUy nitcmoon. VOHS'H Rautl, of No^arl-,furuUhed the music.

It ia understood that the (incution of nn effi-cient KBII Warden forMorriw Comily i« ahmitto ho solved by the diiiiointincut of Mr. Julm8. Able, ot Boonlim.

The I'hiladeliiliift t BciidhiB (.Vnii»any,valch operate,, the flhih DiidRo Hranrli, d<-faulted on ita Juno dkidenilrt and wcat intothe hands of HocuivtTS.

Uy tko hnrnk in tho Morris Oannl ut New-ark 300 boatB wero iillo two wueka mid over700 workingmen weru aiilijeiiied to a lum ofearnings estimated nt flu,(W).

Tbn nan who first discovered tlie fire at Mr.E.Siobor'Bluw been found. He i» a Swrdr,formerly employed as a paiiitrr by Mr. Sieher,lint latterly by Martin & Buck.

t n l ftnd Its hranchUnM will not 1* affect^ilbythnfautof tlic Pliilndelnliia A. Iti-ndin^goiug into tlie hiu.ds of TtrwlTiT*.

It ia bclicroil thut tlio Siaii-tnml nlliiKion tt.ftpcrBOu'flOftrinK-iliviiiK by thr RWMI or thefaoo dm-n not n^ily to UKIH Dovor (tirln whouso point and poivder BO lilier.illy.

T!ao holrs of tlo late ilaiob Yunuitn havegiven the tnmtets of KvergrcPii Cunatery,Morriatomi, *HI0, tho interest to b« devotedto ki-ejiinp the family lot in order.

Proprietor Shufer, nf tlie Fnrertt Ilmwi-,lltuhV* Lake, tnterluined regnlly a lurpcparty of friends on Drcoratiou \)ny, wiudinj;up with a social hop iu the PVPiiing.

Hon. John 8. HiiRer. formrtly «f flermniiVnlley, but nww of California, irhirb Hulo htb u rePrcecnt«d in tlir V. & Suimlc, huH IweiirvvhiitiDK tlio fmciiOH of f urlinr days.

TliepupiUot St. Mnrj'n i'arm:liuil Sclmolore making prepamtious for the (roiuninii't-ncutPxerciRea, In Si Ma-yV Hull, . mML.yand Tueadav evcninR*, .Tuno KJd und 21th.

A gentleman at Bt«plitnHuurg, in ibiscounty, reports that large numliern of whitur»ts are being caught at tlmt idace and miidsone oi proof to tho Hackc tlstown Omt'ito.

Qao. W. SavitiKti, «f IlnmkljD, dird tit thdMorriatown depot on Tlnmday of last woek afew moments Rftcr le«vinR tlti tmin. Ho in-tended making bi§ residence in Murrlntown.

Get). E. TJ. CimipliHl «prnt Frifbir ^vi-rin^and Saturday lust with Hon. E. 1>, Halney, ofRockaway. who was Ailjnt.irt nf the ISthRegiment, whloli Den. Caiiipheltcommimilpd.

Principal A. Beau-Clrrk, nf the (leditrGrove louool, EMCX CO., fnmierly of thU vi-elnity, W M l»nt week prone ti ted with n linnd-•orao gold-knadod enne by two of hin i-Hcatpnpiln.

AccordinR to all an1 omits ttip hhu-i. huesaw umiinaUy ]deiiliful thin jnar und men•who know how to bait anil ancle fiTrill not DO likely to barn any ooiaabn to filltheir bankets Burrcptitloualy,

Tho Young Men's Catholic Union lmverented the T«ctDt store next to Tardoa UClsrk'a, •wkioh they will tit up aa a readingand amusement room for tho entertainmentof their werabcra and frloodn.

r*»ver, with B coustderahlD displaynd iktll, vaUL after DfliQj> dragged

•erne dfctaaoe, itopped a runaway hor*c neartho Park not*? on Mondiy, taring from in-jury tw* bey« Trh« wire In the wtgoa.

TT.S.Wrtglithaspst a h u d n m e Hathn-•task plans In the room of tbe ftnoij. .Young Bopubllun Clot for fall «snpaJgii I N .Tbe slab cmbr&oas eooiidenihle rnnstaal tal-ent at>d thU will make a TaluabU addltbn.

A ('bicail'iH>l].H ili-v

'IIT'M II..1.1, Khmhu

II. i.ll'tlK'llHII'"*'' "Ci,u, li. mmiilrl,. (hi- ,

Ilijt td>-<> al 1'ort Or;tt

im.fiHj; iutrli^Mu.liv

-<U(>biK polith-ul -lilt

ntitlnl t

,'s will iimily ut


MC »1 Hut-


• In Ciimiiy

ilm.KiT nl ,.ny l»-i

i ol tlio Htnlc (hi>vo uoiihl hi;lili irilm it

R iiiilii-ti-il,—Ticnton Tinn-H.nuil l i r e I-'rnnk Kei^tlcr wnre niialnil 011 \Vei!ii0i*il:i.v hy tho IIISH uf 11 li tilt'ier, tiiakins the fourtli of tln-ii-cliiMrni

ti'ial they Imvc Miirrly t!ie nynijulliy of

ai it.ihU1-d i



•r.t will h«

I l l l l t l l O I'lltl

iljiliinl t n hni'il iiilbiM

n O. h. WiK^l.Tuinl Aoi

'ii, i:. L i'u.. Allfii, (ln

111! Illl' (

, tbry v,

ii, Xo,ih lliif-e I!. Void, 11

. Tb. i a Itami&ll of ii i U f K J h j

proabeut pnulwr of tie Newark H. E.CoafOKtnoe, «nd veil known to iosU of Meth-odUt« in thta wctioQ, la another eridecoe ofttefniKf ofcuthttBiaiiitj. It appear* thai•white puturof Iba «arkot Street Cturoh inPaUrton hwt, j u r , ho gave shelter to

l h h fliomeleug

irlth whuni he afterwardbcoamo lotirante. Onoe In her power tbewoman led kirn a life of terror. He oonfeuedto hli wife and waa forgivon by her, but thewanton threatened to expose him to the pub-He ana maintained her power over him, oom-pcHiughini to take her as his housekeeper toliiBiiew charge, one of the most pronrinentcliurchea in Jersey City. Worn out by he

thins Kav. Mr. Dullt-y Anally eunfyBaeti to liin ofilcialboitrd, uuiircnilcri'd bii

FW a» IL prradirr, and 1K> aud bin fuitliful

WuOpwttcrJaloooerJohn falconer, Mcd 19 yeam, waa a tele-

gnps opmtor fvrthe How Tarfc, 8aau,tie.h n n a A. Wettern B&lltoad Company, >t But-ler, in thli ooahlj. L u t wwk Tho.. K u e ,tbaoperatoratTwo fltidjtet, Sonex «mnty,l e u Ogdeniborc, wtnt a*aj on bU waddingtour, and 70110K Falconer waa aent io talusUs place tluiw ttutU he Banta back. JLartTnda/ night Faloontr attended a haU vt Qg-denabiux, and the next nuunlns bli detd miroaogled body waa found on the rsUroadtruck betwaei the two itadost. The floatsBegiater sayi that Falconer, TTUIO at tbeball, asked a yoanjt Udj- to dunes witi Uim.She refused and bo nude some remark, furwhich ho was auailed by two young nen.Faloomr whipped both of them. Be intendedto stay all night und go up on tbe morningtrrnu, but tbe row became BO great t la t hede]Kuiod for Two llridgex. This waa about 3'duck hi tbo inoruiug. Ho waa followediitsidc the buihliiiK nuil lieatcn again, but aii-ud Hepamteil them. He WBH nguta ut-ti:ked nt tbc bridge where tlio ruilroad

road, nud lila body was

r by tbe 3:1.1 train tu tlio mko deu,nlk how (lie hotel. Tha

of tbo I 'thing wlltc on

roi'k UH t»icy wen* f;oming down thu

itain. nud iV!( tln-jnr 1 untie by luoniug

ii, Ujon-ih ilii' truhi »*a» Hot iujund.

iiimiiii'd tbc ninitie mill enra whik HU.|I-

lilne ul ()K(li'iiMtmrj>, bin n.iild not find auj

,lniw wlir.t Micy Imil utruck. Towards

wn iri.-n, Ki>injrii]i M'l'wo HridgeH,

i l ():-• 1 > • . 1V : ini l HUlilllMtlltt.t ]

,• \>M-\i I. f 111 • I,!-!,) U'llSrlll Oil,

ulii.'b ono

X n . DairympU'i W11Ln « will or Mariana* Dab-jniple, wile of

Him. V. 1>tirjmp\t, was proved bafiwe 8or-rogaW UeDaTit on tbe 21tt nit. The will iidated tbe 1th day of Dewmber, 13S3, U. O.H*nh, and p . D. Craig being tbe wltnasau.8be bequuthi #8,000 to vark.ua piiblioiaati-totiout, 11,000 to her husband which iho aayiU •ln.pl/i token of bar Iovo , a MOM or toof pemmal Mend* being remembered bygtttt ol rained perusal ttenu, the teit ofher ftrtatt going to alias ElwU Vail, MiufiflUie W. Lyon, and Mr». E, N. Ban, ofAibnry Park, N. J., to ht equally'ittridedbetween then, ahare and Hare alike. Aftergiricg a namber of artielea to v»rioo»ttendiaha gave » Ibo Chureh of the Bedermei11,000; to Trinity Cboruh, Aabnr; Puk .•1,000; to the Uhuroh UiMlon for Deaf Hoteain New York City, #1,000; to the HorriaCounty Chitdrtn's Homr, $1,000; to ttieLfldlea'Euiployinent Bodcty of Uorrlatowi),#l,0OJ; to thB Midnight Uiuion of the Prot-estant Kplacupitl Church, 260 Onov St., NewYork, *l,0OO} tu tho A«bur? I'.ik PublicLibrary, f 1,000; to Ihe BUtorbood of thellunw of tbe Qood Shepanl, A-lmry Park,tl,OO0. Hor Executors are Edwsrti C. Lyou,of Morristown. and Itcy. Dr. Tbomua OaUm-det, ol Now York City—Bauner.

Iu the OHO of Andrew Psgan, of Wblpany, tbe court on Monday imposed a i

l fi *ffi O T W M Fpy»al fine o

pO«o. T, Werts, Mr. Fagao'



I fin

o 1'f.

jlo I.orii.-L Hill Ccmcteiy,

inul .Icilm 1).l" JNlJ. In lint

o l.ultl

1'a Day in the Churchoa,

11 Jimc—i« bt'i-tiiiiiiii; rvm;

Ilwiili . . ' k>i>t uiH.lx',.;

' Mcl!uiiij-I mid rrcubyi

xt .

h It.iv

in the Htri'tt ; Mint in

town boy,, » id Ihnl

, ! . L.:,:l.(,v,l

cfH. Tli.it '

Hit. k, neiliir-r \\vn;

ol 11U011I the body,

Two HrnlficH blond

tiLifrlawtih-fwlfil that

Mhe mirf rail over

WM wrrii tMutiiim-il ill

trntili.'il Hint Falconer

y t'luimiuiuiiiitiieliiill

liHiciiii!, mi'! uftcrwurd

Hu.t.i'h-il uiili uiLvr

is in flu,^i-.if tin-tif Sir

•ntitlnl. •)«(•«." 1

K Churcl

••HIM of ItniFiihnS. (iihsoil. Mct'onnifl

lie Piwt, wliiih

If. JAtii'o Ili'fil, A.ltlU' Liiiilslrami SlcsrtH. Tltort. Williiiim, A. ('. Smith mnl IVin, 1rSerliVnl fiinlo ;i noliTti,.oVrlli'.-tinivw.niii- l.ove

nlpli tiiwiiKlilv-wiw nw\ b \. At iln nmchmimi Itcv.naidthut «iMuuck nf valuuml iL'li^t^ni.ltna.lou i>u>ti

11 full in (h • miuuk'Krt etirriril. TLe ](lace, vhu vua provcutrdiTH<'i>t,wiirttaki'nby!ittlo

n ri'i'itcJ \urj- clonrly and cffnctivelia {ui.'iii entitled. l(K«itter thu Kloweru ( rJtl;« Uruvo of tlie Soldier." (Jen. E. I,. Campboll, of Trenton. (.'..Imitl of tlic l!Hli New

•t liiuilliird will Blmrtly «3« lik"- J'Tdcy Volimteew, wan introduced by Ciiptil the ice in en will tint Uf fur lichiuil. Allen n» thi: orator uf the (iccusiiii!. Wunt o

VsHottn nstht' KM*L'H fruitninies in (he miner-1 sjniej pnivcntf" tlo giving ol even a tiyiiniiitii:»kt-rn vi!l tnko 11 hnml in Xhv- Ri'iioml liar- \ of tin i:ddriaa that wunpregnaut with thouiihh'eotiii^. I worthy of such an occartiou. In toililiilif

Tliii VroHl.yU-ry nf MorrU and «r.mgn on w l l r l I s 'h i t groatly (•H><-tPil all liifl honnn In'tipniltty rert-ivci Rev. .1. II. WMICIH'RII, lale | «H«il«'d to uifinariea of tlio war siml of hiif l'mnpttiii. inli) tlmt l.mly. Hit will In1 in- """""h 's iu ann», uiiiHlicii to tins Htgnifle

itiilli-il piuitorof this .liuriiiij;

nryi'In tl

im ti)ulun

hi Hi

i.l fa

•ly b



hiiiiporl h

Smilli inns

nitili sJ-Tifl



rt Wll

il :i 1

]i;»y 1

tlU'l- .


jicrt S11

, Just

« wifiT h e


ith, 1en rncci

0 *:I,I

1 I'OliI]»JJt« li


*( ]«.t we:tw \ ill pr<




State in thn Natio

Tlipfiutptit o

,«-, tir revenm

from y:ti,72(i to

the iilulfoni

11 tt-llH 1

if HU«iio> r.1 b

nt, doing Imrk ti. tin, feudal diiys lit;

w tlio Auylo-Suxim rai-s bail rainc.

n roiulithin oi alisoluto ulnvt-ry t

lfrrt iiulep.-ixlt'lire, UIKI ^linv,f(

uAlctidrr tl.r.-a.l hung tin- il.-.-lh.i.

n. .luriiiH (In; jrniit civil w,,r, whirl

i lo c. Tin;>uol i

eiiiu-hiiied tal D.iy Biile

eil by nil bh lic.ireis,- ..i.oir rendered nnothi-rtimi in whiili Jim. It. A.PUIO witii that fitultirs.

thai a

rill "

d purity mnl hwcctm-Ba of voici; which'iiiiM'H ii regret tlmt hi-r nitisiiiK is ""1

.riir for ivmini1 j heJitd nftener. Tin: t'xi'reirffa wi'n> tlu-n! brought to udtMB witli the IWncdiftimi, pro-

.1 l.yUtiv. W. W. Hiilldway, Jr.Itev. A. W. I'nny, well known to tl,o Fm* |i-tlindiHlnoftliiw i'lari\ vvlirn- lie fi.nn<;rly i Tlii'Iiuu of muwti n.i« men n>l»rint.;it 11v,-.l, W,IH iHiirri»il a) tlir. 2SIIi ult., »t Cuba, I &* P»MMHIUII tuov«d lit St. Mary'« On:eUII tn Mis-* Lmiln A. Ilaindoii, ortlm! jiliire. l( l 'let-Wiite. thfi gravi'it (»f I'viviitea TI1011t'V. Mr. l'ari-y in now piuttor of thn Frea M'ni-h, Tiiwnua COHCTOVP, who Ia ildho.lmt cluinl, iu Aiirom. lit.Tli<; fihtato of tin- liilo .Im-oli Vfinalta. ofiorriiittiwn, was nettled up n tav IIII.VH HJJO..VundcMuiidthiit tint Ihn-i' iieatt-st h.-ir«ill ri'isdive iihnut fiplWO. lli« rutnte ullo-•ther jinmuiitta to nbont P-'OO.fflK), Inilf »fhlfbwcnl t o l iUwi foWln t lwu .General PnnH0nsc

iii.-lit Dt'iiiarrut, uf tinml UVcteni Kail

md, i« KOinisier, taking v

r tlit liof tb.

ill, a phutogrcry olona tl.

K r;m!n, Miuil.ilvania Kmid.

Hon. Win. WalterPbelp:» deliver tbc niimial ml.lr

UiilPK tlint bennh tho t:ii

ahiM! bffti nijjnueile.^ bi>f»ro tlic litcr-l l e t , hnl wnitt: U>w 111 nud flint iriir({ii eouventioi. heC lull Ko to lied nml

fiipnil.il! tnoth'T ot Sir. Fi-mie.i" AMiirrifltinvn.who U noii.lcrfnlly aner ftTlh ynir, fell dinvn a IOIIR (iiplif^miio nlxtr.-ii *U<V*) ul l.rr h.itiu- I

, 011 ttoii'iny and allhon^li wnll

MeMW. Wm. 1(. 0ci»w. Win. II. LiimlicL-t,n. llninctt. Frank H. Liiiilnicy ami Julm[UiMdii hiivc lii'fii i-li>i;l('il lioimrikr.T mun-

TH iif Kcimtlrr's r.ic.-lsior Conn-t Huml.be liiRh Htnmliird of i'«TllriiH- to which tliiH

mil lni!4 nttniiied mukfn tin- ciimpliiiti'iit nin-Tfly np|irofi(iti'il b.v tin' gi-utlfiiiili tlmn

P. T. qiiiun, the noted miirkrt ordonrr•:ir Knvnrk, who IiiiK tiicil lifd-fii .litli-rn.t

* lor tlie lib;i

•iitinjj the Bpplipntion asu-bieh limy lie it immhci

., L. t IV. Railroad f.IJ- nioniliig. They lot

, Fri-icU the iinilnlo nn.l

, due in this plat•loek. Tint enru were of dark drab color,iiiilw.indy iipboUlerrd iind iinisliod, aad itniiiler.-ilood lh:it Hi.11.ncluLwn'.mn Ooinjinny

The Mnrristown Common Council elpctcilIfnd Slilla Attomey, Wm. Montgomerytreet Com ml* a i oner, J. A. Drake, Police Jua-ce. J . Hrotlforil Stevens and Geo, W. Smithmt nnd BCCDHJ AssiHtaat Engineer* of there department, and Frank Uollowoy and

ilichaolU. Jlorris AsriatflDt Uarahaln. The•lfctioa ot Chief Engineer nnd Sianbal VOB

It looks ai If mok a good Ropab-

tcan and excellent firs 1 oa I. O. Arnoldihuuid be elected Chief b j » RopnblieanCouncil.

Thi XeKirgaa (Hi Oampuf.t d i i il h

g pfMerchant* and de&ien in oil c»n hivo tnelr

orders filled nt any time, apoit « ry abort uvtin, by lenvingthom -frith J. ti. Bttrdien, -whoTrill fill them it once from tl rt h fT

t io nompuy in Dover. All hilli will bo lenttmm tieboow in Newark, and Mr. SunnetHumnond, tba agent, will be in town won

Kowlng Huhlse Pwtilot til mamen, faraUhet it 8. II

bilpli who IKIB <lird .Iminj; thyear, and Patrick Timiiiiu>, vlmse (jrin-i- ntliat of 11 wiiltlier M-IIH ii.it kiioim iniiil tluday, when n n-laiiv.- revnile.l tbo fuet t« tliI'-ist. Another f;riiv<! in this, rrinrter.v-tliuof 1V1.T Fair, nn .'x-l'iinfi'.l.Tale fuldior-wii

lso (b'r t 'd, K

, the. eterm

nji that linive nii'ii Iwvc

urning to tlic Po»( hi,«V

pavr ohi'irn ior (tcucr-

M]<•!••'« lltiiid «ftcr which< I Hur

ul (Ji

tlioy iliNlianil>-iI.

During thin service and tlmt uf thu |»r«vi

Snbl.alh. ivjiorli'd last week, thn \ftcniim

Jus. Mi-U.n-it Punt phiccil their Ibtrat incm

iiiln n|um the Jir:iv<' of all Hnl.lii;r« liuriwl

tin; cijHit (•i.tiii.'tcricn uf Itiinilflliib towtiHl

At tbeHiuiif time llii-y kriit in luviliK ivf;;

mil their rearh 011 Mod slmm Hint thirty.fi

ltuti(lol],1i town»liiii aro buri.H•twilhlalinrbonipn; tliwere iR-vf r brought lumic

but wire buried In the difitn-h ami most of tliL-ni areIUHVH; four ether- whn I

irial Pity. Tim•of the Ti-t.-raii

totlu-iririit liniU

iirkcd miilic.l fin,

itotiihiriifty-wvniof tliovtiliintwrit iit'Kiui-

mll, Suri'ly thrir uiiinrs mid ilceili arc wor-lh,v «f rtfiiicmliraiieo nud all maRl»<[ tu LmiwHint tin: pru])!*- of Ifiinilol|ib

•IK-h 1 1 thin

Tho Hockawiy Presbyterian Church.itiM. J. O. Avtsrill lias ii.mj,leti>a tlir,rn of nctvii'*1 11s pi^tur nf th« ifocliiiw

ary dU

nil week tiny services of tlie i-litircli lms beenn.liiiiininliefl, and iuBoine instances linn beenierenncd It nppenrctl from the KtatiKiics

tlmt $7,1£1 bad letai contributed for congre-gational iiarposen, and $1,023 for the benevo-lent lioarili and for migoellaueous bcuevol-

ivomonts upon tlio church)ot fully •S.OOO, anil ft debt

ufubcut$500haa be on paid off. At presentthere is no debt of an; CUD sequence nsting

tbc aocietj. Tlie bonorolont contrlba-lniv«Tnnrotlmn trebled ilnce 1881, the

figures helatt f212 for tke year ending MarchSttft, 1881, and fm for the year ja«t dosed.The lieoevolont contribntiQiu lwt year for:xceeiled those of nay prevtoM /ear In therJatoryoflhc cburoli. Tko aeeeaiioua to tbechurch hafo bsea 52-M l»y profession oflalth and 17 by letter. Tke net gain in mem-

Thn loiHta kaTaiweQ 25-13 bydtamUaal to other olnuroba, and 13 by (loath;7 of tb» 13 died during Ibe last year.' Throv-

g nut tbo thrco vbo died iu middle life, tbeavenge, ago of the remaining 8 wiu a fractionlest than 81 joara. The ttman closed irlthirordi of enMnraeement In view of tbe pakt,and with an earneit plea for still greater

Tbij Baonld Vat Ha?• Been

tho atore honae of TOWMWP «lTerti»Bd. for aale lwt week fornonpayment of,tanw Trero thoit cftfH.Jmoet Omtt, Tbomu Walih, Mordn Ryanand the eitato of J, D. King, Tba part ofthept^er oonttlnlng the adwrtteement waaaliemdy printrd whon ire reooired notice that

At (lie I'ii-t 1Mr. .li.lui^, will

hi" mi.l tin- f«

nsirtttnz of reeihitiiMm,

iiin» of 11 lloml JIU-OI.'H

will iilsn l>i- im«lo,

u tin' Sfennil .M. K. Church

iiifiin'bai-Hctff. Hev -Mr.

, will ]irraeh to tbc ebil-

n<l *tiiKiiiK

MorriB County Still at the frost.

. Tliu li-ht oriKiiniti-d '.r.-r Fwl.i.wrU lrHint

uln.ly wli»ii'fiiM-iI to .Uu.-,. with him hi ^In . After (ln< lijjltt iir run up tbo rait.

ithii^Uutim'k. ft XMIH tt-Hlilii-d Ilia! tliirntibud lufiiniiiiii' IU11I Till toner wont.I not w>\luck lo Tun liriilp.H uliv^, Init (IM- wiliiew-,^

llii'i'iilf. TIH-IO IVII« 11 ft't.ini'1 i>n tlie tiend,liiiiiir poMilily by 11 flub ortlm liet-l uf a lituil,HIIfill'iI'llt to CMIM lllUllll illSlHlltiy. i-'lllw.lUT'Bli;il wim l(imiii:«»)iurd»fronitbfi i>lmto where\<\n body WUH fun nil hciiijlegs mill laimgli'd byMie train. Tin: hut WIIH I'miml \w\\m, llm trail(liiHM'd. It wiwt WIHTO tlio bat wan founi

& Oood Kan Qon Wrong.e uro told tbattbere U joy ID Heaven

wlen one uinjior rtpeiitetb. Wo may also beuire thut there U Jubilation in Hull when aKiiod man goi>« wrong. And if Ibo man wliorullx bappcug to lio it minister of tlie gospelwe may imagine tliet tlie joy of the devih* fijupmmo. If tliiMHutuDiofelidtRtionovnrtlKloH-iifiill uf it good man WIIB ounficcd to Iboloinuiii of thn lout spirits It would not bomthiUK tu wonder nt or deplore. But wben«'o liipu coing about on enrth glcoflUly yi „;!«K tln-lr bends over tliu fulling of auothnr•'rflijjioiiint " lieforo t ie wiles of Satan, it is ailnuigo and nit-Inneholy spectacle. Take tlio•uso of the H«v. Mr. Itully. Tbcro uro pleutvif jn-oplo iiu'iin caoiih'h (o jt'Juicu over hisl.iwnfali, tiud plenty who uro nager to

tlic dirt from liin gnrmenttt to oust on Ihogoelljjion itself. And yet no inau of eenioven tlmt befiiiwi) uuoiher mini*tor hiiswroiij; iliiTolnany tuna power of virtue

la religion thau tliorn baa been any time thawnliiumt iiini-tiHiu hiindrwl ym,™ aiuoe the groatexemplar of Chmtiunlty, Ttwftnlting tillweiikuesH of liiitiianity. iu tho sullimo prayer

whleli Im Hummed ii|i tho primal needs ofH fiilldwors hudo thtm pray "lead us uottn tuniiititiuii."—Pnturaou Presi.

ii l l iotracl t .

i Pnlct

The Break in t he Canal.

The break in thoMorrb) Unnal ut Newark

trill entail 11 bonvy bins upon thut city, the

aniil coni[ianj, tbo lumtmen, tbe con! dealers

ml tin; iimiiii(nctnr>-rn wbo uro eupjilied wltli

l b ontract . A nu^^v^-u . - - W of Ubeomolato l-oatn,en uro lamenting

! J .k | t w'- ' V will"™" "La^d' to ' wte"lbo «*°l ' ' I lOi r i n l t i f o r t U M - O u o G l d « " M l l w " ? ' t h B t

ill'liei; of bin «H!('e*ji I'dnt lUllii 111 Ut folhm - ^ j ) ( , ] l l W ( i n i u m j j t M ( l y C U j . ftu(l t ] j u t o v e r

lui!. ii. the Pouuike^ ie Uii.rbr: A few ^ id],, which tbrmv, nearly 7W!. in tUe I'ouaikcejiiiie Courier: A ftDr. SI. I'M'arrott iHn|n.Hed of Lii

lul IIUBIUCHK, which had W i i iT»t«lili»lu-ilalong time, mi tbs corner nfHuiu ami

Acitilxmy etrcetH. to Dr. John J. Milin. uml \A•X present engaged as ngnUtnnt nt a inoiHciilolletje In I'liilndoliiliiii vlitro hit drn4iiiiU'<],bout a jcar ug». Dr. Mills, though cmningiiinng »n ttlmoHt a ntrnnger, has uot only re-uinednllot tho oldpntroiifl .if lir. 'mt bun Hiiceepdcd In liuildiitg uii a

"'-'• •"•--••'II------ LlUnRh rrnvvnti.... j ( ^ o r k ^ i i ^ a l i ^ t ^ H " , "|>ayiiiRtl]pbf>1por8, koepiog tbr fnniii,

it of enniloyiueiit. Tho boat* arc own-j:d bytlm cttunl company, and tho boatmenfumlali the lmr»c« anil mule*, pay for their|ielp. und got fio ceutH a ton for cnrrjluu coal\ti Xewnrk, fi5 e.enta to Jersey City nnd 70

*" ! H'«ta tj Kow York, Mil they aTeraRe 75 tonsB i to tlie load. On tlm return trip they addom

™" i -pit loud of frelKlit,and thenfuro tbey earn' ; jintliinc mi that trip. On tho three trips that

. Mil be lost liy tbe break in the raual, eneh

and li been refurniHlu'd throngliout., Neiv

uil elegant jisipcr now mloi'im thn VTIIIIB nu'l

Milfioimi bniHrtclB n;u]>rt cover* tlie cntiro

lit of rooitm. Tlso funiitnw l»of the lnti'81

iiltprn, and Tft* oun unfdy uny Hint thevu in 110

nutul rodiimin tliix Buuliotiilmt tan compare

itb it. Thu aueu'Hx cif Dr. Miltn tun be nt-

'ilnilu.l to liU eliixK iitEi-ution lo Iniflii

iruimt ikitliing


Mr. Eenev's 1

'ilk', Im


imo at BernardsvUle.i-ef,V ii(.-H< of Mr. Ni-iii-.v

V M(inut;>iii. ill llrm-inli

1 ifl,(MW. IMH holt HO irt


udiviln of fi

H l'll IflllllCl'

i>f bn.iidilo.l li

•far t . An

M. K. fhtin-li mid H<:II«II! \w.m- iu 1h^ ph.oi-

hofii built by liiiu. Iu hi., niuiiuiiolti

istly imriift lire 2iM) iiorsc-, i>f win,!, ISO

u'lyhri 'd HaiaMi-lDiiioii Htalli.nm.iuam)

Hu Inul i

whieli lieliii]ieil to .l.;velop u tiotlei which

ibl bi'ut tin' world. An ii

RlioiiHK.bHlllbjrl had »«•« a pii)-

IIH hiKh an wx\y b a r r e l (if Hour ut a

oii£ llic I'Oinvr fiunilii's and lie liaw

prnvi.U-i the lnlioriitu ]>fi'pli! wiib

laily tiewrtpnpers und Hie bwt perioilidals for

tbiit the iir.i|iiTl.y will piisn out of Mr.

.v'-Umudx, mnl nil ItiTiiiintHville inourBH


if K.11

A Scoundiol Eioapoa Justice.

inlay UKiriilna hiHt ii|io

iiipljcll, vlii. livf'

I t npiHi-i.lciifo (hat tli<: li

IIH ono (iporg.* SIBle

VL'II in Dover moul o

Bi-n following the oe

mini from lloimton

I'i'u iliputizeil in ii

IIH in Hover last S

ire.l Sisliir, but Im I

.ul ilie .li'imty fjoli

inlerhnviiiKhmla p

ml lias not 'bcni li

liil lo liavc hfcii f

for a hiiuihir

r nfthe girl vi

liic for Hfelcr

ts onlytwplTL-

mibs bt-low

irf fniiii very positive

|u-lMit.>l' of tlio crime

a younft man ivho | I M

ii* life, but of l<ito him

ipalioii of the trani|i.

aiix'd Ililer, who hml

nstuble in thin time,

irdiiy ni«lit JITHI ca|i-

llu- uflicoroiilausihlo

ly nlloft-iid him to go.

d wiimiiiK di'cuuii»«l

. On Sunday tb

wn with an ..ftUnT

uid his daiiRbt(-r,

ld i l

itber expennon t h a t arc incurred b y enforce

I jdleiieitH. AH there urn fully 300 boats laid up

: im tho eaual, Iho logs to the liontmen in c a m

;liiK»aluiio will amount tu over W0,(WO. The

other fxpenHCB cnutiot b« e.BtiiiuiU>il with HIIJ

iU«recoi»wrtHliit.r; tu tin- boatmcu l i re «n

Wedding Notes,Mr. Ed. JI. Marine nud Misa Quisle B.

llrimit wen; united in marrbgo at tbe Lomeor tbo bride's father, ex-Suerlfl JBIIIVH W.

it, ofMillbrook. ol II o'clock yeatardnyIIIR. Tho ccrcniouy v>-m pcrfonaod by

llcv. \V. W. Ihillowny, Jr., of tbo Preshyto-rlan Church. Owing to thn recent death of(be hridti1* iimtlier thu wodding was strictlyprivate. The couplo Ictt tic sinuo day for awedding tour of nbont a week's duration. AKi'iiernl fieling of high itersonal rogarl fortbr partieipuuts iu this 11 uIon Trill cause aInrjjo circle of Mends to unite with tho ECAin wUhiiiK for tlicm nil the joyn obtainablein tlieir nctr ezbtinoo.

Itev. Jaitics ?t. Mead, wiotor of fit. Johu'st'luiiL'b, in HiU place, linn loft for a twoweeks, volition mid it la reported upon gooduuthiiflty thut when lie returns ho will boaoco npuuii'd by a wifo. lltapitriihionetnandtht publio iu Kcneml will WOICOUIQ tide aceos-ilon to tbo sodiity of tlie pkcts, coupled withtlic liopo that their nojourn kore may be along nud plufutaut one.

A 1 ) ( i

jind other trips, iNewark ,onlJ.-i-s

. :.!;•! Ihnits •n;ik, t r i p livaii! and l'atertton, but uu(itH iMi. Kr| frrlgbt on tbaHthebiilli oniictratlic SM (,

l t . Tlu

flay thut th«iMifitiiini urn.fei-kaiil fro

alc (

ii tolh i.loanliil

tty bunl ii|i, uml

mi-uf tlieir irie

The (I7tli n

liHd iu



Morris Count/ Bible Society,

t I'tcubyte

-sdiiy, June

iuil Kermou

tt«v. J. Ii. Vuulka. AfttT tlic

l)t!., itt 1(1:3

ill ho l<y th


HiMo. T\n; .So

uil vi.lc, rrennminml

nym]mthv willi Ih

Hew- ferny Oropi,Every sort of crop In Now Jersey prom-

ises well. Peaches, applea,, strawborrioivponra, oherrlos—nil nt ltregott promise largoyields, of OMeptioDal excellence, t he woromuBtantlal crops also look well, eapeeiiillythe amal! gralui nud RMIBS. Wlioat, ryo, buyinrt clover novet looked hatter. Tbo oulyuoeption lo tbo gone ml faiorable outlook ta11 tho potato orop, This doc8 not coino upveil, and the notnto bugs Luve Inauguratedlio HPftgoB villi unusual keenness of nppo-

tltc nml la unprecedented numbers. Theyrush In crowds for every potato sprout thatdare to «bow ituolf, nnd evou burrow underthe ground lifter tbo tender shoots. I twaapredicted that thin pnst would only ho a

odd tnnrah on findBut he HIIOTY

f gGountel bai taken tbe oate to tbe CourtKrron and Appeals on a writ of error. Ju&g/t(Tuild announced from tho beach that hereaf-ter tbe license laws would be administeredunder the law m laid down j n the Pagancaw hy JaJgo HaRlo.

Thi* case baa attracted much attentionIt WM laid oo an indictment for selling becontrary to law, aott involved a eonitruoHGfthe Detract of 1873, which Jndge H»g!<hM nterred to on several ctocsjlons in ffiuiHi Coutts. The faoti relied on by ISUte far » rerdiot van that tbe ilefciBnthBblUudlyseld beer bj- tbe quart, aoallowed tbe same to be drank on tbe premi-ses and fbrnlsbed tbe glasses out of whichtoe 1>ur was drank. Mo other u t i oi disoder wore alleged. Judge Hugie charged tbojury (in substance) tbat If they uellevo Uiatthe defendant hai sold beer by tbe quartitnd bud allowed tbe same to be^drauktlie premises hnbltually, he was gWlty. ThiJudge further held tbat it waa unlawfulsell bv less measure than one quart withoutalioense, nud it is Ukowlne unlawful to ibeer by t ie quart without lloense, if thesame is draiik upon the premises where soldThe jury'returncd avonllet for the State.

lie waa mlliug under an opinion filed byJudge Dnlrymple in the coso of Patri<Bmitb, of Dank street, Morristown, that hi)lad tlie right to aeU by tbe quart and all'it to he drank on tbe premises. Previoui.jtbat time it bad boon held hy the Court thatsucb right did not exlat, uml uotr Fagiu'COBS bas virtually been mnde » testJudge Maglo isid that he was not alone iutho opinion held Uf him; that fteventl IUDUIbers of tho Bnprsme Contt thought tbe eahutthltfuTlawoftbB fact tbat Fagiusoiling under an opinion by the Court liewould make liis fina light.

In Death Net Dividad.The Jereoymau contains aii tntorcstln

akotoliof Jared L. Button and Albert N. Pituey, Elders of the First ProsbytorinnChurob,Mondham, both of whom died recently. Tlieirlives presented an Interesting and UUUBUIcorrespondence. They were horn fn the sun

uar, vern frienda and playmates at school,uitod with Ibe oharoh on the U U D Sabbath

—Hay 7th, Ib5i—wbou over one hundred jieis oonfosied Christ at the sane time; they

were oleoted and ordoiued as Elders f his I860, and they were buried in the samoweek. The?, both had the same retirlnK <lis-paidtioQ, and were alike faithful to their duticas eitlieua, Christians and offerers of tbe

iinpornry visitant, Adkippenr lit a yenr or tw

!iilis|ionltinn lo "moremtnry , lie exhibits every eymplom of beingpi'iiiiaiieut iuptitutloi

The BalraoQ ia the Delaware.About tl10 time tlmt tho ibh eoinmlnsltin'fjnii Mlitrkinit thi> Deliiwani river willt nbail,

anhiinu vvito also in 1 roilufed into i t . I t w a s

Mi-d llmt thin wiinlil be fiillowrtl wi th

Krciit HiicfCuM, n* tin- l le lnware In 11 iiiituml

H'llnitin and t rmit ntn-iini. mid t.'enieil wl lh

lintli of thrK(> tihh ivhi-ii the vul l ry wna flrnt

m-ttU'il b.v (in. wliitr». In IH1,\ a bi t^e Kiilin.m

was raptiirt-J liwir l ' c i t JvtvU, anil OIIP

wci«li i i iai i iu( 'pouud»waH killuil a t Knxtmi.

iu the ujip'.imi nt wil'i-Kfirdcdn the liv

1, bo

1 iutroilm

'. he i takci


Detained Without Cause,J.ilin 1,. TiiliiiUKti nnd Alfred (1. linker, twonvtT bnya, wi'Dt tn Btionton liwt Satnnfnyutiiftor'viHUinutln! ruHliiu mill mid utliu't-iiiU of iutrrcHi (ibmit lite iiln.i.1, won; nlioittHi'I fm n twin nnd re turn IIOIIIP WIIPH thev

rn-nnv^fcl nnd t^icn to n Jurilee'K »fn«.II[III.MIIH tbut mi oulniRn bud licrn jten»«-

l•out 11 niln fro , line nlong tlic

ullruad t rack , and tins drens of 1

rmipoiided ITi tli a-dcHoriplfon given by tbe

ri nf tbe <lroH< of he r nasailant. When tbc

rl wan brnnght into court ai bad n

nice addseen either of tbo boya before,

ud tboy wtroat onco diaoliorgc.I. fbii ox-plimition la given booatue other mid damag-ing stories hove boon circulated here lareference to tbo matter. The boys ta quca-

n enjoy excellent ob&nwtoTfi Bod none whoow them iroiild for so instant bolicvo suoH

Both H o i o r t b l e 1

Tho fiillowliiRCipInuation WB« in typo tor

ur iKxiio lant veck , b u t in the h a r r y of mako-

[i wax ovcrlookcil : In ou r las t an nnwar-

ntidile andnnjuBtll lnbic s t r l o tn rowaa mado

p<ui our esteemed contemporary, tho E B A ,

ii our local columns. The item w i among

miny ncnt by ono of our carrc«poudonti , nnd

TIIH miajilaced in t h e tanke up, W o reg re t

t i n t tlie Item ftppoared In our columns lo nil,

n-iM lu no sense the lnferenoo tho editor

drew from tbo EUA'B very Jaat s t r ic ture on

its par ty ' s Inck of fealty to I t s nominee*. W e

Agree wi th our contemporary most hear t i ly

in Ita itrlcturo upon patty men who go intothe enetny,B camp to settle tlieir nnrty differ-

«.—naefcetUtown Oaw>tt<>.

Aa IntcMitmg Oooadon at St. lUrj ' t .Wu. BertniBgUara, BOD of lir. filohard

BerminRhani, of Hino Hill, vni ordained apriest of the Romtn Catholic Church in tbonrob-dloceoo of Baltirooro lant SuinUy. On jBonilay next Father Qetnibgham wUl cele-brate Micron IIIsli Maw in St-Uary's Cbntth,Dover, at 10:3.) A. M. Fatkot UoOiutT, now

. AlltlicwsbavopaldtheirtAt lif» eunslderbd u advertUed.

WTtoOttba.Mcsen. fiaraael f>, Kynor, j ,

»nd Frank D. Stcphont, of Ht, Hope, itartedor Cuba yesterday. Mr. Kynor Itaa takenho position of SnpariiitendQiit «f the mining

operations of the Bethlehem Iron Catopnijon that Island and Mr. Stephen* goe» aa htaawUtant The mine* of tho company arelocated fifteen mile* from Santiago and liraoonnocted -vltb that olty l y a raUtoad jiiatcompleted. The company expeota to begintheir ahiptneoU of o n to this country abouttimfinUfJuiy. We wish our irlenda auc-ceaa and a aafo return to their homea.

ivctiai'H will lie hi>;inl onLTf Ht tO »ll fri.-ll.lH '»f tiltyliwtyoar, by n form*1

that all etiurclivnrk of tin- Bibln

iiiUlmi to itM fiinda. Tlioue thsit huvct dono mt aro carni'stly rciiiiftntril tocollection before the annual tucntiiiy,

ILI iluti^uti.'^ nl thi! MiirrJHliMvn htntiiut ^n thi]rriTiiloftbo!) A, M. truinn, provided theiriiimes iiri! went in wiienn to Ret. I. IV. ("oi-li-nn, M.*t.<lti.iii), All uro conlinlly inviK-il.

AUIEIIT EUIJMAN, St'i-riitary.

BandolphBunday School Association.The Kmiildliib Tt>\\ iiMii]i Sunday School AH-

with tinlastIhe

tlie iliousna.ln, hulbrand Idwrrwiitor*. Tlio prnpngn-ion i.! the Delaware In, thfrof.Hf-,s a fitiluri! thus far. The stopkinu

with (V.: font in I rout SIIIH been »sH, iia tlicy bave nppcorod in lart;u nu

in the. njipor slienin and Its tributnrlnliiig to rqwrts from thiiHn regiona.

The OathoUu and Tamperanoe,The fourtueutb uunuul meeting ot Ibe New

Jersey Catholle Total Abstiuauoo Unionwas held In tho cathedral, nt TrunUm, N. J.lost week. Bishop Wijifier, of tba Dlooescof Newark, provided. Bishop Wlggcrinhi

ildreas eald tbat during tho year bo badsucceeded in having 000 boy« nigu the pledgeto abstain from liquor till they are of ago.Tbo best weapon ago-lust temperance bo be-lbvod to Vo a strong public opinion, whichwlllconrineo the unfortunate drinker thathe Is a disgrace to himself and the eomuiun

< He also sugRCBtad that employere giverk to no drunkard, nnd always prefer men

uf sobriety.

The Bale a t the Park Hotel.The talc of the furniture ami Bituroa of the

Park Hotel, which began ou WeilneitJay, wanone Df tho largeit of tiro kind over knownhero and atfjnoted a goodly throng of people,ioliuJlna n auraber of the hotel keepore ofUs aeotlon. The bidding was remarkably

spirited, a Inrgo amount of goods being dis-posed of ftud goad prleofl BB a rule p r e r B l gIn fact BOJUO goods brought more tbau tboiractual cost. Af uipht tbe sale was adjournedtill to-day and fa progressing as ve go t<

lUneu of Hoa. John Hill.Tbe Hon. John Bill is quite seriouflly India-

poaed st his hoiuo tu Boontou^ being afflictedwith UDITOU8 prastrutian. Ho hus been oeto-plalnltig for BOIOB time past. Mr. Hill ut-tended tbe Qenoral Assembly of the Presby-terian Churali which met at Saratoga, abouttw.i weeks ago, bo hoping tho trip wouldbenefit him; but It did t a t seem to have Ihe(leiired cfi'cot Urs. Hill wont to New Yorkthis week to consult with a physician Inregard to bur husband'* case. Mr. Hill is notconfined to bis bad.

The Fireraens' Exemption.We flnd tho followiujf goiug the rounds of




GARDEN SEEDS,Fresli and reliable, sold by weight and measure, BQOII US Beans, Cnl>bnRc,Beets, Cur rot s, Celery, Com, CacamberB, Lettuce, MOIODF, ODIOD, PuiBoii*,Punilej, PCOB, Radish, SpinaRO, Tomato, Leek, Ac. Also Onion Bet Is, TopOnions, Oeoiral Furk Lawn Grass Heed, and malty other yurieties uf eeeJsnot enameruted.

PAINTS and OIL.Our slack ia large. Atlnulio 'White Ldmi, Builml ucd Raw Liusoc-l Oil,Ttirpentioe, Rendy-Mixcl I'ttlols iu 1 Ib., qnott, half gallou and gdlli.uujas; Pully, Vatolsh, Dvyeiu, Colors, Patut Brushes, Window Glass, ic .

KALSOMINING MATERIALS.JobuBQD'a Dry Sized KalsoDiities nnd Moote'd JXalsouiifes in Wbila aDdnilTiula ID 1 lo 0 lbs. pilotages; Puna Wliilr, Wbiling, l-'ifiidi Zinc,Wbile Glue. Qroun;l Uluo aud nil Ihe colomig molcriu's ut low r.ilo.

INSECT POISONS.Wo bavo them ni l Itjscot Powders, Liquid Bed Una Poison, Gum Cum--'IOT. Pondered " " " " " •

liulo Oil Soup.


plior. Pondered Bomx, Aluai, CUT en DO Fenpei', Wliile Hellebore amiWhr1

For all tlie nlmve nrtirica nnd anything ehe yott ttibU in tbo drna Haocome (o the OOitNEIl DltUQ STOBB of









CAMBRICS, GINGHAMS, SEERSUCKERS, Etc.W feel confident that an inspection by the ladies willtiafy them that while we have taken especial care that our

elections shall be the newest, they have also been made withview to durability of wear and stability of colors.


D O V E R , 3NT- J-

a eempting firemen from tasatic»500 wortfi of property Is ineffectivar, having boon approved nftcr tby had nlready been lnl.1.

y Is ineffectiveroved nftcr tbol1

Tbe law exempting firemen from tasaticnupon »500 wortfi of pro I i f f ithin year, having boon" nx levy had nlready be

This refers only to tbo olty of Newarkwhich wns about tlio ouly placo w lie re thettix leiy bud actually been laid wbeu tinbill became a law. Tbo piiuera publicbing it

that the tax levies have beiliiidinthfiir i-ommtmiHun.

•Wflaldy Iron fieport.Tin; KnjilnueriiiR (m.l Wining Journal of

rf[Kirt, aud tbo tradncry dull. Tlitro U t. ) little inquiry for

lilii «ftljw Cmicr OWVB iieiyhl.orho.Hl la(iiibbath iifUsiimim. Mr. (}. I). Slnuker, ti nt «,fHn: AMHUL'iniiiin, prcMildcd,

rri! wu» n Kimil iittcn.liHiiT. John White--inl, V.»,i, .if Munisl.nni, nml Kfv. W. W.allnwiiy, Jr., tif Oliver, utiult'litiitineut ad-

<u\ ntln l hi- .liHc«is»innB

xrliool for muu


Mug of tho Asxociatlon will

lie tiplil hi tbc Minn Hill Pn-Bbyterian Cburcb

xt Monday pvcniiijr. RCT. R. Jefann, of

, will otw-n tbc ill HO .ins ion of tlie toplo,

A DUdple of Camdneu.Peter Tatro, who MUH time ago purchased

ihouao In Wwhington for fala dauglter, atromaa totaling an the Morri» Canal, anil wholtlenrard stole »30 from her and decamped,t u be«D sentenced In Fhiladelplila totvafears In jail and a fine of (500, for swindlingloldien out of pendoni. He la 60 year* oldand in the laat ten yeara has been married tono leai tlan five different women, all of whoman living in different States. Hli plon l iub to hunt up WUOTTB, marry then and

t l t d a, ythen ateal tlirir property and aecamp.C-HiiW t victim was a lrell to do widow In

ofOrMp,wmpreac!itheBermoiiandFatlie* Karyland, whom bo married after leavingO'Otady, of New llrunswlek, la also expeolod Wuhinnton.

take part in tba eorficca. AH threo of 'heie prfoate went ftom tho pariab of St.

Mary'* to prepare thtmaelves for the priest-hood, whlah foot alono will Invest thla tervicewith an Mpeoial intereat for tbo people of

l " ' :


Tbe Dover and Cheater olubi not for agama an the grounds of fiarrognto HoDnviton QeDontlon Enj . In toe flnt iiinlag theDover sineiaiidD tlree and blanked: theirapponenta. Ia the aecond inning tho Doverboya hod seared tusr n i u with two out whentbe CkMter olnb retired from tho game, re-lating to pUy an a ground1 where the ballwent into the canal ao often. A club cannotbe blamed for vat wanting to play under anondmumaUncu, hut It would bare looked bet-torfor ihe Chester DOJS if thooDjectionliadlieen railed earlier, as tbe condition! were aafair for ono aa another. '

W«BbaU8aHAgtlB•eason tbo only dry air Refrigerator,

"ThoRldgevay." AUo oil stoFt* from $1.00ALLEN SL HOKIHQTOK.

, but tbo bulk <it bnaluow done Is

nud Oray Forgn, whllu No. 2 Foutdrymore ample BUjiply.

We quotD Xo. 1 Foundry nt 920<S«ii Nc2, tli

Wl. Tli


Forge, fl7.6fl(3fl8.-;lmvc lippn no auks of doinestlo

llckaemcr pig. Foroijtn remiiinH quiot at »20ex nliip. Twenty jiflr cent, gplogcl ia quotedround lutHat (28S*2An ox ahip, nome lhaving been made nt tbo loner figure, Ferro-Hianganefto, 45 per aeut. is north f45.

Tbt Tougbeit Tlih gtory TotLnst yenr tho pmployce* at tha car ahops

had tlie huge anako story, and an inoidontoccurretl jeaterday which entitles tnem totba hlggcst fish narrative, WhUothem were out uy thu river at noon theyobserved a quart tomato can making aotnomorciuenU of a very mysterious onaraoter inthe water. Their eurioeity led them to drawit out and tboy discovered the tail part of avery large cat flan protruding from tho openond. HU head fitted tbe entire can and hishorua won fMt so tbut they bad to break thecan to get him out Upon doing M theyfound another large oat fish pinned up in tliedosed end of the can. If there U a oat flaliexploit on record that will beat this a medalwith a RUitable imcript'.on will be presentedto the party -who diaoloiea It,

List Woek'a Proa t,Followtng closely after a not wave, lout

week's tenpernturo was anything but agreea-ble. Afto Wednisday'* rain t b m ' m i adecided change, and Thanilny morningshowed ico and frost, wbicb nipped alt tend-er vegetation left unprotected. Tbe sameresult followed on Friday right, nnd thedamage w u still greater, Tbe mercury onbotli morclngi w u near the freezing point,and tbe extreme weather Wu general allaver tha country. Great damage is report-ed In the Weatern and Eastern Stata, butwe Believe that the growing fruiU in tbissection b*ye escaped serious barm. I twtinid be V terioui litu with' t i e presentprospeet for all hind* of Ihtit, if tbe dam-age Rlioold pro™ M great aa amne antici-pate.

Ths Tetaraai Oat of IMA.Tba memben of tba Grand Army of the

Bepublie of this SUte may now congratulatethemselves. On Tueidny t ie Council ofAdministration met the oreditora of thoDepartment oad paid every dollar of theindebtedness incurred at the Summer En-oampment, nmonnting to about 43,000, and anold dobt of *000 incurred hy the Bordentowneneampment. Tbo money to pay this debtwas voluntarily contributed by tbe severalPtiatethrnughontthe Btato, and tho promptresponses made to the appaal of tlie Depart-ment Commander reflcot tho highest creditupon tlie nunnben of the G, A. R. :

For AwinltiJig His Wife.Prof. DeLanoej Iluntor, a colored manipu-

lator of whitawwh and inlaotnlno andformerly tbe Janitor of tbo Lea-a-pe Club,waa taken into custody by constable ButtonUat Bfttwday. Mrs. Hnntcr had ani»andbefore JuiUee Wood, and after exhibiting abadly daaaged eve, made a depoaitlan lo theeffect thtt her liuaDandhad effseted tbe in-jury with malicious intent Prof. DcLanoeybeing muble to prooure handHtoBn waa COM-mlttedtotheeonntyjaato awiittba actionof the Grand Jary.

The Same Old Btory.A MO nf Wm. Habeock, nlio.it 8 years old,

tlcniptoa to jump ou tbe lime eat* of thnlmlwir Lmio Company osthoy wera pasiing

under tlic bridge ut Hardyston Com or, 8us-sex connty, but winged bis hold and fell wi-der tbe litdt car, which out bin foot off at tlmunklo. Drs Couso and Pellet found lluIwnea somewhat injured when nummonad,nnd decided to amputate tho foot aliovo tankle. The child*• recovery ia doubtful.

nffera U> tbe public Canned Corn Beef of Imown nanufneture, und also all ltindR offroitrt, flub and vegetable, fresh every dny,Prime steer boof ft apoolaity at Ma CityMarket, on SUMCX BL, Dover, N. J .

Buokeye Vowing lUehuTaagents In Dover aro B. 11. lieuy &. Co—Hard-ware Store-B'gii of tho Padlock.

Cholera,Aoa the mildar forms of bowel dtffle

tary, Diinhota, Ac, tit ooorn from a dliorderoddtgMtton allradea with P»!n ta tbe Stomicb,Crtmiii, Ohollo, to. Ba wlie and ward off these•tucks by Ullnff Hamilton'! Jim»io»OLo(er Tankand Palo Cure, vblch Is i. i n n wined*, Neverknown to (ail ta alra Immediate relief. An an eut-wardapplloatloDlo BheatniUim.NBuraiuii.LimeBtok, Srialtci. flprttni. Btnlm It can't be beaton.- ' iUsodWo*nl». Bolt by B. Klllgoro.

rowing, botbenamr. toothacl, jnmptn(r. mmpplrg,cbp, tlint kept tlio

..JiolBunilrtn an nproar until 3 o'clwk In tLomorning t Itntj ttave ti, bat ill hare nol hvari) ortbe wonderful eurei nitde by lUmllimrs TootluchoD p * which ar anted to eur i it

some loothacbp, tlint kan nproar until 3 o'clwk

j ttave ti bat ill hare nol h

ffreleffMtTe, Price on)y Bobtrt Klllsore. Dover.









BAKER, PRATT & GO.'SScloiil Furniture.




HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL,Wagon and Carriage Material,


Syracuse Chilled Plows and Cultivators,Philadelphia Lawn Mowers,Iowa Barb Wire Fencing,Buckeye.Mowing Machines,Lucas & Co.'s Mixed Paints,Fitzgerald's Celebrated Varnish,Masury's Coach Colors,Sarven Patent Wheels,Sweet's Steel Tire,Marvin's Fire Proof Safes,Richardson's Saws and;Douglass' Carpenters Tools.




PARASOLSanil SUN UMBRELLAS in nil the new and populnr

hotlt for carriage and promenade me*




M at Prices to Suit Hie T i l

CENTENNIAL BUILDING, 215 & 217illoinine Fint Itelormeil OhDreli,

Enllro a.ansft OIHI nr Fall Ooarto, Ineladtag Bnoki, SUimt^rr Btr V31Kofironlag tcil t2*rrt Wrinng oxeflatod in tin JIIRIIMI »ltle or irt

H , MDLVET. A. U. Prfnolf «1

PItOP. AM03 A1MWAT. m n U . W > W - 1 «TO™ I B - 6 « « < » > -

St.,I > 3,

Page 4: INSURANCE AGENT. Boys' A WORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1884/...iHPases rtf wum»o ami children, oyeamletr, apcciiltija. OFFICE [ 8 to 0 A.M. Boons.f 1 to8and7.M


V..»i t.il.-.r ii.l .]<•

(cluli,iltiri. til (In liilailiin urciilil/.iitl'iii. mil ln luiitl iif the U. A . K . wi'iii If Firdi-riiikn-iiirR wlifiv |IM-> w n - J"imd l>,v Phil Krur-wv 1'ufil I! A. It., i»! ilk'biiiiniil, Vri., II. E.l,r'i <iiui|i Xo. I. unit Mnur.v t 'smn No. a, C.V. fCuiiii'iir'Rili'i*) iiml toj{i*tlier tlicy strewi'd

i'liai'i"!'l.(!i'»v(iit\ "lit!' WMileniPM. slid iinw«IITI,ili<' "I' ' ' ') ' ' i Info"'*i» tin-N;iti(iiiiilCvin.'-lirv it Finli-rti'ltMlniTB. ll'in- llic duly nf• .•Vutiniiw lh*> fllfteruttt c'Hn.a.TlfH n u i n*-rijtiicil ti. dilli-mit I'listH. nt wliie.b n]>|>r.>|.i'lii.c

Iniiiul HiiHiiiilfi witlitu tliiri (listriri, in wliidi

C m ' «!'"ii'norJil'PotHuVu*A"asn); n ' t ' i i rp to'tlu>lirivjilr- wlm wllii «\i>pp\«iw t-y wnliVil ii|imitin li.m'lviiirki't iindt tlie <Mt-nltlivlm.il otllnM-v.-r viiril.iut I'IC, Tliri'u oftlu-ne UH.I'HArroximt lii-aiilillnl, c«ivil forum] wutuliMlIn tlic LiiiVL-mincut. The Arlington, IIJPSlililk'K ihnut nudt l ic Iliiilli' (iniiniil Cniii"-Ir,-.. i lM-hnHTi^iHwv,: fllmiit n mile lii'-yuiul tlw> SMUUCW1 Howe mitl in mil on tin-lSivi-iitii *lr.>i*t )i>u<l. It if ii|irm tin' groundTvlii'iv llit1 abort. Klwrj. nud viKni-oilri tititdi!TVH* hnil wliru l'ni-1 J'H ini-n mriae tlirir f;mioi|niiuAt upon itn- Ci.|.ilnl in Dm miitinu-rof I'fit,nml i n n ' finlv im-vented from (itjiturinK nuil.Ir- i .^l iu-l tn- nlvl.vtlM- hriUfalllt .Usl. Hlliliuit'r|iii<!i--<<|<'lriuv mud.! by the gaUiiut old


fen titnii-il lien—nl.»»M n.ti-u Ih* cwiumlwiiiTi'iili tliry (VI!. His II lifiiiilil'lll little «]ii>lnml si) iii'! liy eviTgrwijK, clirnlw ami flower*,(,IH Iniiilly \vimM tiiki- it In In' the rent ink'

IITi^.lt'l.lll'Wll.lliKti i^nrir t nriHil\\\-<\ wiili hvr rii'h7.inti iin.iilc-.ul'

DEFPBI T U I I I . "'tlr^'mi: of U1USeir-Abme; M ion* orMemflr.v.Ualv*:

isie. Pi io iu tlio Back, IJiiiim>8 o. . .ma tu re Olti Age. end Dtany uthrr dinusciIbol lean to Incanitr or Cini«iimiition and t

riimattire Gmvit.JJB* \W. i)i w\vi'vti«ciwt n t» to i 'fond mi.»ty,lieu ilriiL'j,'iiIn front vlinin I lie incdiciuo ilnight DO NOT ItEt'CND. ' ' i t 'cfcr you toio manufuolurcri. aud tin- mtuiruiienls areicli that tliey am twloom, II o « r , conj&ei

wit It. 8>e tlieir wtitloti utmiaolcr. A trialuf one nincio paofeat'e of Oray u fipecilio willcotiviacu t i c nusHUkqitical of its real mttil*.

On accoufit of coiiDterffiW. we liavo adoptedihe Vullnw Wnppn-; tlie ooly genuine.

o r Full l>articn]ar» in our pa-upliiot, wliiob

^^Tlio^HpeoIQc'siedlci ' t i1* ii m i H b r •"'dnidRlHtiattl per (laekagf, or i l l pacbaEwfur (5, o r v i l l b o u n t froo liy mail DU UIO tc-

QJ|-|t rif tlib tUoiK'V, l>v Ai1r|r*J SitHCTHE GRAY MEDICINE CO., llnffalo.N- Y.

Sulii in Dover by W. H. O J J D A L E .

l himvo unt

m<! lin

l ih Ho

>ftbi: lowly, iifli-t«. liiwiimhrn. ntiil Inw oli-

rt, »ll iirtuutod liv n comuioti jUirjio-e, IArliiifjioii tlio id-rcii of in.v ]iilj;riinii)!P

. 1 iti

il i»a.v • V hi i theU.l to tbi' -U-flUi that ctiuwemtcii t l

>aiitiml urowtiilH-ii (li-bt ihi. viiliuur driiil. Tlit.iT IVJLM pintirtliinj; lu.r du.v »•' tit" MiirrmimliiigKlhat lnutitH in-ittn*t> in t\it- liirpn itMNrniUy prf^cnt nmlIIIIKI II Mnliltiith hiilltii'KH riivcri'il tlir ni'i>ne.

I^ run fii IMIUKII tluiDwrnxl

i lKiii«ii', jiKi'fi'i'tly fi-n

iul n

A ,»f Hie liniv

mil] i.lin-'"iir. I - i .l l«wcr*-aH

s tif n f l!i I

i>iii(>|i-rii>rol wiilili-riJijjanf-e-uiMiti t

bk !

in t!ii» I'dtiwcriiti-tl Hiot. A lit'iiutifiii dirijo liyHIP Mmiiu' Hnml, \\u> Avmmtiufitlic unr'nicof tho 1.110 imkniiwn, tliu j:.-iii-i'iil rtcL'i!r.iili'iiuf I'vorv tiiiuli within tlm c. met try, all as-wml.lct nt !ii.« luiiiiliilhviili'r. lUrc Willftirlvtoi], wlio^f |iaHt»r.d Imlliulu—liroalhiiighoiiu'lytnillr'iii ]mllii'llc rliyiiieliiimimilfl himfunmu'rui* u j.oi't—rfill.stl iin i>rlj;itiiil yui-m

Roiicrnl Stuvart L . M'lHi.lliini, nf N<-w Vork.adivi-roil tilt- nmtloii, Tint luttcr ] did

:ir, but tn-itieiflm IUIH hi-cn <iuiti> BUV

8 TIMES OUT OF 10Dr. Thomas' Eoleotric Oil


Eheumatiam and VflUftlgia.

99 TIMES OUT OP 100Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio OU


A Ooli or a Eoanesesi,

19 TIMES OUT OF 20Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil


'Asthma and Difhthorla.

49 TIMES OUT OF 60Dr. Thomas' Edectric Oil


Croup "and Affections of the Throat*

X*jrloo QOo axXdL I1 .OO


I DRESS M S .saac N. Doty & Co.,

NEWARK. N. J.The greater portion of our Spring Drew,

i>n IIOV iu eton mi ojien Cor itsftpw-'

ion. Evrrj lady Iu Dover uml vicinity ia

> that oar wiW. tion of t'oreinu bud'

•Htk DrcHH Fabric U Ito lurgest ipd {

lost vorlod iu tlio SUte, and at nil time*'

iroiig iodueeiacula uro offered to puNhaacn,

tlie iiiaomltig gcnaon now color* are

iroli, Titiim lt«il, MouDtain AB!I, Imlino

Mar, Htiu Swuilow, Itnltio Blue and Ouldou

Itoun. Now iufttt;riii!«arc

ison and Prunella Cloths,

Panama Checks, Ottomans,

Cheviots and Tweeds.e iirubably slow tliu richest iiMortmrnt of

FBENCU 8ATINE8Nowark. Tlio imttcrim nro very clioioo

auil oolora bdlliunt and I'ftWtlvc.


and Foulardsnro now ou snie iu Wiutltul usaorlnit'iit.

SAAClf. DOTY & Co..

159& 1«1 Market St.,

Jfewnrk. N. J.



licli un oiiciuiini U> -.

l.iii ijcrwiiitlMilfiii Hiiiiiiitt tin' liyiuloftiKiifiim. Tlic M-rvii-fn <if lite iluv wcro IIi.niipiiali' »nil lioniililul umt i( in tn lie iuijt!h.Ulhi,i 'ii,t»i»miiv bewiiiu- m linkt-d » imil' NiitliniV life, Hint it oliiill nulur.' iimlc«rml1.v ohsi'Wi'il w> imiK im mw stouc sinutmul ii|>i)ii BntitiifrhiniiTNnllDii'gtiiniplc.

Tlic Itiii iiml lititi' fVvof tho iHtllllfHl In]i.'!v liiiu'Uii'it'iit"! lot ' l iini^.. Ai.litvotiiijuoiuii) in iln' Heuntiiiiml Imnlly tlutt In tNmiw, vH nil iimvcn MTCUOIV, ami iiurliu]llnu-'.iiiiliv In Mil' tiiiim'i- liy t iirt little liruiiin iIK- iH^-imikiiif.' »Hi>biii>rv. Il will NU

l U i t f ! l t t

viriiiiiixiiftbn U'hite ll»iii«-ut tin'fuUiirdf Du- ikvnm^; wln-ii tiny iiml tlm gfour, Mini lli.'.vwill jii't iltnvn t« work.

J^.l'iurl-iiiKoW-u- <>l'llifi\ « . lii-ii'u.itin•(•.•tli-doiirsur Urn UV't Knd, tin

- • --jck nillitiiryii.iniii'riiFtlip rMt'k military cmniinmy hen

onuii liiiiniL-lf i?ir),«lj] tihiirt in bin ju;enimt



IHfilhy llcnvj;alf, \v\wyt

ml ViH'Ku, to return. It, i t s " anil "1'iillci" nn i

v(tt& lli II niui-cof Cnl. 11 urn si i It''B xburtai:Tlu< ..ia llrni of Mi.t.llflou A; Oo., Imnld'icinJi'il (heir tlut'Cn ttMluy ivml iiiutlu nn nMfiuiiinii lV>r lin-ir rroiliti.i-H. Tiioir lliiliililiciii-f -iii.I In n unt tn niilliouM. Tlittnu |<

rilMilcIlt in tin* lum-tiirv ("n'loir^tVMini mi furllii'i' ti'niiliM1 lit Jiiilii-itmtcil nuitli.it niir Niitliniiil ilniikitlii!rcttri!}inr1t(!ul[ir

Tin d ty i-tlOsiiitifnl now. (tiirimsaiiig d<NTintiiHi, All tlie piirkH hive Hetn c]nrlipiml nml iin wuhnrd lind but it few Iitl»,V4,il.ei;mNS.»i)fn vury nuniWmo slim

Chief Vhvk Swayio took full imaHPfwlonliia fitlifti Itiat wiu-k uml non* mvnyi* the uiinrcuf iliv innii bfliiiiiltlio throat'. All juiii ItJii-'llevinjr litm [0 bu Jilut tho mnu for th(poHitinn, mid Ms Lost* nf friendH uniteI'il JLUj! llltlt llC WCHM tllii Wl» t>f Offioo Willilit-oiiliHpgKiop, mid hJi cleYution to too !io

- !rsji»iirii.,i.ily, iilthoiish rmloublhig liis form

iiitrdojinl bcitiiuj;. wliieli iiiftko* iigrent clinuiiiImm what was the ionucr lifo within tTrwistiry duriiijj tlie incuniboucy oftiio rfii^ufd nuiiltuet,

Scd'y prmkii is ntiil Inirdnt work at tlniiBf- |ti!o hefi<rti bun, nnu tliu ntnady workit smiiH to uiakit but little bciidH'iiy, for unIM C'>i.gTrttri n r u an if it nii^lit *oun auanouii u 1III,.,M, t k e u c M u t i n work Incrensen luiirtiixit-tiuii us the mmion ilrnwu ton close.Hrill litird work sccma to aaKe witli tlK-Jiav, nicntiillj nnd jibjalcnl^. The rent ctli" MorriH voiitttjr buys, nn fur oe your cumHinmdent cm leani, arc riijoyius iiicinaolvii.and tliln full tli« JJIH.R will xawen •witli » RHIIfront uurlli lo cant our vet OH fur . W<"noxt Iliuo 1 write I fill In tills Mimk spneo,

vicnnrr HEWS,

Tlm HCIIOOI cenaui of Nuwton aliowa Cli(.•Lihlrcn of school ago.

A riiilniielpliin firm Im a project on foeto iiittwluce gm in llnokelUton-n.

Tlic SinflPi C'tmutv Bililo Society tnoetaOfplKuIniiK W'fdnesdny, June IStli.

IWlirltfltown linfl 723 children of B«ftinj;c, nn im-mise of 43 from In»t year.

rffiirt of tho finmtt Bible Sooiety

A i-bnrrU m Hop*, Warren pwnity, benr

FwtHi o£ July imtriutlni ia.t.lao at low tid,Jn HUJWI, No piibllr ~-'"1— j-

"Sim-?, n ' ^ t0UBt P1"*"th* olS-toSSowSlThe plli'cte of tlie ihwta of last week we,

ppiifml Mid wvcro throughout Sussex am\\ Jixrcu countiRx.

Miw Ilirtie McCmokcn, of UM n u n w « .Uwuw, lliicketttttowri, niirrow-lycBCam^Hatnlnmil ts from neuu stroko.

pSk5 a or ' l to f s?u W ' t o D ' Il'M ^ * S > e l f f w

puny, wbiuh liiisn cajiitnloiThe hoodlum* of OgdruBljtirB "cuUthttnped

Wm. A, Aciloy.of naekettstown, lin* in.TMitfil a ncir c:ir*eat nati n cotunanr wlik »rapilal ot IKOftOUl iiu laMi UnLd t o S " n °iiu-ttmr it.

Clurlte McCrnckfu'ii (HnWIii H T Hut II hid«« not get Ilie Dcriocnlk uow'mtioi fopSffoKir itWiirri'ti.ttof »lll a U a i i iliiili-firmli'iit ciiuditlntc.

Win. M,irri«, tlio Mat nolfent nf Saimnounty, ilinl near Newton «u 811111I1IT, an t

wti". t'i« rtt\rtwH ftwm rt.

Samuel Ibttclunwn, a shtdent of IVincctoo,i>«bcm Milled to tho pajfiomtd nf tho Ufll-Tidcrc Vint Picttbytariuii Churcb, and willcotaiuf IM** hie duties nt once.

Theiuearrerftlion of Mrs. Itameit, of F1H1-lH«l»ir«. -whtt killwl lior tittle boy, la BtronElyconik'iniictl, as it In tliouglit tho liuintio WIT-luin is tlie jiropcr plitoo for her.

Tlio report at ilissctJ*iua« in this OTwm-wStb.cuurcli is (ieniwl by th*- pantor. Ho nays UmtMr. Ci.r]>ctitcr i1om.»ot mnieponcU eider,butbi« HOII Joe iloetv witl that the etiuroh haataltoi na ncllon tatlio mntwr.

Tin- city of Ktw Unvcn. Conn., leiag aboutto .clt-bralo. its 100th uimiv.m.ry, hi.Hquested of tb* tnwn «C Newton HID loau ofuld liniid #u}.tnc, fnrmnrij UM-<1 in Howlta^nnd Hold to tLe Intter place In 3848.

l i t Hacbettsiowii Gnzotto linn diawo. co»-Biderulilc iiDijrorenn'nt in itimnko ut» ond istbo ijiiiillty orpiij-er aaeil, nod ban just ndihtlm new Cnranljell yreiB. (Jnaer its tirewntmniis.Kt.uenf tuu Qsiettn h u steadily imritrovi'il till it «njojaBiBCTlt«rionaninl£*oi#iig

yjv. A. A. irn'nc*, nf llntuiiutg, S» H*pti-

tv>r tlio pnrobane nf the slmlcton uf aniiono rreently dtaenrered in Horw*towi»oiB,Worn-a connty, with, * viftv of J)ircBdatJngi t l i t J W « WUlrod toMt l i f rtbo ftkeU'tnu will Lu uboat 14 feot la Cngtiiniicirrpm7toafi«tli.Bb.

Two jrran «RO tlio nnUhiitcn of tl«. " Hii-toryoi M'arrwi (Jaunty,", tUrougli |het?«ttor-ncr, bruiiKht suit ugninH Jaiae* Ayura, ofAlliimticliy, for'tbe atuffuut of aabiDriptiun totbu worki ISr. Ayer* Jirurcd bo tlo Batlafao-tion uf tliu Cunrt tb«t Tin uevcr mbioribed forthe vork. TLey now bring a seoond suit,claimiuu that no decision *as rendered lutbo tlr>it w i t Tin Justice before whom itVB.B thru tried bft* t,ince died and OOOBMI forAyi>ra claim the eiwo w u dreided, but Urniuaticu fnilcil to make Ilio proper noonl a>Ills docket. .

• » .•

SMITH & ECKHART,(Jlncceflsofs lo In 0. Cooper,)


Coattuts Ukeii *ad nuiterUli TamlBliod for


Office OU UorrtD ittcnt, n o t lo former IwuKm buliatnu, D o w . N . J .



SUSSEX STREET,IB ready for il witb • larfio stock of floods re*

JDTUIIIIL. Spurts, taclBdloft

Base Balls and Bats,

The Professional Dead Ball1,

Marbles of all sorts,

Wagons of all kinds,

lumping Ropes,

nml a. groat ^atlevf of





URL FHUITS, k.ill at printout lev *•* tlmy cau be lionn


Is the best Masting pow<lor in tho market.Is 25 per cent, stronger

M B any known explosive,Is not as dangerous to

liandle or transport.

Is plastic and producesmuch less fumes.

Is waterproof and

Is sold as low as any otherilgli explosive.

The Ameriow Foroite Ftvder l l ' f ; Co.Office: 55 Liberty St., N. Y,

Works: Drakesville, N. J.

II, COLEMAS. r»ractpll .

Co Ionian Business College,707,710,7114s 718 MtOAD ST.,

Opioslu Centre Market,



. Beit tnplli sradntolaontlif. wrlto for Qjion

C0LEUAN .V riklMB.


BEEMER & PALMERWill cwitinno ttio Lurtiaen %l the old RttnO.

* enjeuTor tc keep * largo atiorlmeiit «Is la uti !in« at trftde, oomiallng ol

GOAL AND WOODSctmnton unl Lehlgh of ill •itoij alw Bf-

temlaaas Coal for bltckuntttvlDg. Oard *o(x•kpwefl uid iplit re adj far a » alwajtt on baud

Dag Stones £ Curbing.Order* mcived and coatraoli taken for !«j-

!»g aidew Uki and tMtiinp curb, and all otherirork racj airing Bluo Stcne will be prompt!

MASONS' MATERIALS!lard a ail I>»lo BrloK* Lima, Oetnent, 0«l-

olne J Plaiter, Hiir, Fire and Frout-_ . . _ . M C | i - ordewwillbB

upUj flUod at ( o

CircularSaw Mill.

bat d wood Inmhor cot to *nj alie ind: lan«th a«iired almyi OD huid.

400 « mil isaioDod wood fur « Ie .

DE LAKE & KING,BDlidat isnAdMlen la UMBXR. AIM k m

ntdba tloe k at Bub. Dam, Blind*, U&ulillnm ndInckfta. Lima, Cimat. I^tta, locOcg pall a d

mryiUa g parUlnina to the baliding Iradt, utd «tthe lowtm iprlect. Sl*t«Kooatig*-tl»ci«iiy. AboU t ta h Jinn brand* of F*rtUi«M. Cocltwti

tailMi n u Ukan from lb* u n i t Unj of ilia UMd K.tieruUi fanlihad. If 7<"> eantanpWb ! U d Q

8UDI«CIW, N. J .


BEOTAHU WABE,Aral uiorlmeolof

IN & JAPAN WARE,fefioomo.

EAVES, TBODGHS,^ADEItlj.nndsU kludi ofJobliiLg luinjltoe,one la tha bunt mtaner and it tliB ebortefllalloe. liigbof t prices paid Tor old Iron.Copper lead and pewter taken lu exobMgt

'°r8'**''ALEXANDER WIQH1ON.Dec>mber31tli.to70. 1-1"






memo of ail DESORIPTIOBP.



831 BROAD St.



A. B. SIMONhas rctnriiBVi to Dover t s d will open

»AY 1st, 1884,—o*—


NEXT TO W. H. BAKER'Swith i, flue line of

CLOTHING(or Men, Boys and Youths.


Gents' Furnishing Goods,

MY CUSTOM DEPARTMENTvill cantata a flue lino of all kimlt of Olcthi,

Craitnerri had Wonteai lor Spring an

tJtunmerwear, and' cBpoclol pilm till

be ttken at all times la gmuantcQ

a goad garment, well ranloiDil

of oorraot fit at the low-

oit possible coit.


SUSSEX St. GROCER,still maintains his reputation for keeping fi

and octuple te etoelis of


PROVISIONSof tlio best frradaa; also


aogaravliltliiE Dorar an lnTlted lo IJna n r goals. PopaUr prl«sa p l a^ i^ .!a Us rsasa or thOHirlioisnBUU an Umttnl,•V ADS auoitntat caaaiA fall to tit*" '7u.mo.torlilcil boron. JOUlli.1

THOS. JOHNSON,aftatarer and dealer in

lbiuu.1, HulitoBsi, lluttlii•nil all work IsiUrbls ana QranlK. All wo.,,b.i™Jrf«.j«,rf«.mS^;i

SAVE 25 PER CENT,I'J bajlnj joor 8BBHO VIUIHIBT of



wa&teil tor Tbe Liiea o( allthe Pfeildcnti or the U. 8.Tbo lirscit, handsomest,

. best book ererwld Mr 1 MIfau twiee onr price. TliBfaateai selling bookInAmeriaa, ImmeDM proflti to agents. Allintelligent people winf It. Any ono can b«-

fl a iaocoi>ral a«ent. Termi fre«. w i .TBDOK CO., FortUnil.Uaine.


n .no* open IQ<3 ready for business withlaU lino of SAUELE9 ot all fciidi, wtloh

aJke to order in any iljle. Ololhu olemied<l top*lns4 hi ggod«rt«t. No onhnaUoved

lo bti taken away onl«M • genuine Hi ii guw-ant^i d. QITS na •> oalL


NION HALL BUILDING,BUokwellttrwil, Dsrar,

Hot Air Furnaces,tiie Utul u d molt imptorel ttjlct, lor

tfmlDg|mblloMidprtvata bailiUiigl. A lug*u»rtDMnt of Stovti, obMp for Milt.




A. E Van Horn & Co/8 Prices,

25 plcora ot Voltet tram %l.n v« ' ! « * *"" •" * l ' 2 s • S ( l Pu™8 o ( " * ' B " "

1.50 por jord down lo »1.2S ; 1B0 plcoei ol Tapmtrj, from t l per jutd down lo 70 ot«.p

plecti o( Thm-ply from |1.2» per s«r,i do»D lo t l i 200 plwra of Extra Supers from

ID cents dova to 75 cente ; BOO pieces of low-prio«d lDgralai>, LletH, Bass and Hemp',

rom fifl cents per jnrd dotru to 2fl oeots. 7,000 jnrds of Oll-ololn, well seasotHd, all

widtlie, from 7/i oentK por yurd down to 2il cenle.

f l l l l l l l M o l l l l l g - J m l reeilrai 100 roll) of lilalo Willie, OuiokandFuiifj, tome

is low per yard fls fifteen oeuts.

liesldes an immense Block of WrlliBg Dote , Boobuaes, Wardrobe*, Blileboerdi, ManUe

nd Pier Glasto, OlUfoDiers, Eitenllon Tables, Uarbte Top Tables ot all kinds, OIBce

and WniiiR Chain, Font? Oarpet and llallsn llooteri, Ewj Chain., Hair, Busk and

ieelBior Mattresses, Blankets, Stoves, Baligei., Ohlldren'a Oarrlegw, Befrigeralors,

Hdfep, and overfilling In tlje boitaekeepb|/ Una at


payments taken without extra clinige* Goods deliveredfree of charge in any i>nrt of the Stole,

A. H. VAN HORN & Co.




PiamandBpedfleauonBforbnlld!ngB,OontraolUken and materials fornlBbed.

Slate Roofing'With better tadlitles I am enabled to pnl

jn SLATE HOOFS cheaper than ever usingnone but the beBt quality ot slate and em-ploying fixst-olass mechanics. loan guar-antee material and work In every partlonlar. Tar Sheathing Felt always on. hand.

Dated, October Itfth, 1S80.

NOTIOE-'To every person buying to theamount of $20, a numbered oheck will begiven, for whioh A GRAND PRIZE DRAW'ING-will take place, June 30th, 1884, of thefollowing articles: ONE HANDSOME BEDROOM SUITE. ONE ELEGANT PARLORSUITE, ONE FINE GENTS' EASY CHAIR,36 YARDS BRUSSELS OARPET. ONELADIES' ROCKER, Latest Style) ONE STOVE,etc., PRIZES YALUED at $1,000.



Shop ou Clinton St., Dover.An experience of IS years in Doror on tlie

Aaott work, Ii tbo frumntei. I offer ofmability to pteua the nubile. Myniotmia "OUntliftotlon to ill." 1-1T


oD0VEE, K. J.

LPFIOEnJiolnlngtlie DovrrLnmborCOL_ ' pwy'Binill, Oontraoti taken, andplam,

BpDcli.oi.UDai and milorl»l« ot every kind tar-riflled for boildlORB. Jobblnft 4 Bp«oUlty.

SLATE ROOFINC.Blito furnlilied from the boet qnarrjeB tj

the KmU ([amtltj or e u lo&d, tni itW. il do-nred, by experlBnoed workmen at low reteu.




Split BantBo, LaneraooA, Hornbciinand Common Traat, Blank Ban

»nd PUtuMl RODS,

llMls, Uus, FI|CK, llntl,, nintet!, etc

Brarab Md Hiutle loadla , Chuu,and all Ihdr Oitorei.


OEOBOE E. V00RHEE8,Boooxuon TO vpaaaiixB DHOTBUta,

H lBDWi l lE AND 1BON U E B 0 H M T ,

uonmsTOWN, H . J .


ana B»«)Uiln| In IAEH tHI> OiUDES




LAGER BEERootapatBEIttiirs.Sanox Bt^Dorer, N.

opp. HoUorNi Opora HOUB*.






ETC., 0 0 TO


r-sm Dov.cn, a .

Holies of SettlementNotice !• ieretij rf»oo ibtl iba »oconnH o(

tlia nbiorlber, Admlnlstutor of Btephon LStrano. tlM'd, «U1 be Btiillteil md itited orthr. fenirog»te.in(l reported for MlUemmttotue Orphwii1 Oottrt of tbs Oonnlj or Horrb,

100 Parlor Suits in Plain and Embossed Silk and Mohair'lushes, Spun and Raw Silks. Bep and Hair Olotb, from $300own as low M $26.

78 Walnut Bedroom Suits, (8 pieces) Jtarble-top. from *400[OWE as low as $42.60.

160 Ash Bedroom Suits, from $100 down as low as $26.

300 Enameled Bedroom Suits, from $50 down as low as $14,

160 Lounges, latent Bed, Common Bed and Single, all kindBf Coverings, from $50 down as low as $4.75.


JT rttlae of iUe S.IWTO sUt«d wnt of flsrtraola.liimjliiui(l.,ril.alle«po>aroraale

public foadao, at tbe Oonrt BOUM, la Uor-

M0NDAT. tbB 80tb d»r <if JPHE oeit,D. law, lolneou Ibe boars o i l ? H. >nil I

,'olockP.«-, Ibat Is lo sa; si 9 o'clock Ii II"iltnioos ol sail car, all tbat seriato tnolr panwl of hod aoo piemisss, situate, \JIng. t J l c i m lo ibe loniblp of Bocliamj, Ina tin OBUIIIJ of Korrli, and Slfls of Bowireoj, nml being •partof tlie olj Job; Wlo-r'n propflrtj, »nf boiled and bounded asIIOWB, to wit: StflinBlngitaebeslBUttreeSDAIIIS on t ie west alda of tbe puuHD row

sldlni from Ulbernla U Orern form, tlieioe• "s (I) oortb tw.oljt-000 Jesr. > •••-'

tioBuid B*tj'BB?en lioki loacormlot of Unit vhioh tlia i«(d Jobn Bmitli

ton Ldther 7. HetnlflOTer or bit tvilo, itjg the lonthwAit corner of fbe i-alb Hnu-

over lott Uieotw ( > »1UDR \W ..UU uf tbeaid Hemf nover lot, on a eoano of about aoutbventy-seven degrees e» t eight clmlniandiken llolti to too lootliewt ocrner of tlie

nUHamiovarloli ilioDuetB) »on* twenty-iDBdetTOJiwoit tea clium and flfgliUr-elKliIinks to a heap of liuae. Tor » corner. It beingID old ooroar j tbeaoa ((, «1QQK ttadi of tbeiililjebn Smith, on a oonne norlL iBveplyitTtn itesreei weft leven obiipi nod e-glity.•Iglii Uuks .0 |h« plao6oriiffl(inninR,coiililD-

icre, more or leitt. fTlie above prem!ie<i ireml'ject lo tbftiDBiiRib»Doe oftbePuUliaroitl.JifolngtUOMme DremlKi ffbicb veto cou-

rqti t i Aodiew Wrlglt !•/ John Smltb lat1

rifp, bjr deed dsicil April 38d, 18 8WILLUH fi, HOWEtL, SheHff.

DstcJ April SUb, 188*. »<>

BY Tirtuo of nn order ot tho Morris CountyOrplitms' Court, entered bi tlio abovo

stated matter, on tbo third day «r Qeoeinlor,18K3, wo, Kxooulors orAlphcua Boomer, deo'dilmll BBIIOI public vDudiw at tins ha ta lo f t»..Jollov, in Dover, on THUBSUAy. tliu.wulftli Aay oi Juuo A. D. 1884, fft two o'olookII tlie ufieruoon, tlio foliowiug ducritied lob

or imrcolB of land and prcuilwia, witb tbo BJKimrteimncBfl, boing tbo snmo denorlbcd In tboMill order, th.atiittoii.iy! tliOso tbree lota orparcols of laud nnd itifiinises, i'tuatn in tboovusliili of Bantloiiili, iu tba Cfluut.T of Uor-1» nnti State of Soft Jersey, bounlod antetoribod iu follows!Kmst U>T-A lot of landaitiiaW In Handolpbiwnaliin, nforciniil.noarthe Delaware, Liiofc-ffonnn i . Wcetorn Railroad Car 8lio]>s, Kar

Dover, wbtroan aro tbree tonaut lioinos, dteoriUod lu a deed from JonDpU Sonles toAliAcas Ueentcr, dnted April 20^. %m, con-taiiilug about four noret originally, out ofwli.olifbowover, aald Ueomcr oonrefea DUOlot to iliolmel O'Lnugbliu, and two loU to(UtilmrdTorrill.

SECOND LOT—A tract ot lnnil known M tbiSayro Farm, containing about forty aoree olaud, oonveyod to AUibeitB Beflroerhy dcafrom Aaron Sayro, ditfeil Aii nM 3d, ig7freoorilod iu tbe Morria County Clerk's IID Ooolc 0 9 ot Doedg page 517; &o.

tat liOt—Tbe lioiwo auA-lot Bltuote ouiutb fliilB of Hlaokw«H tttiwt. In tbo town

tfDover,lfltaly occupied tv Margaret L.Boom->r ns a etoro, purchaeod by tlio Bold AlpbeuaUocmcr of Mosoa Doty, by dnod datef Feb-ruary Jet. im, nnd reoortlod in tbe SlorrlaLfeimty Clerk's OOIOD in Book N 7 of Poedn,iffi 823, contftlnlng nbout 2.E00 aqunre feet,


Executors of A. Uoomcr, dee'dPntod April Otli, 1881.


Of NEWARK, N. J., have now open for thedelivery of Oil a depot at Dover, where a fullsupply of Oil can be had on MONDAY andFRIDAY of each week. All our patrons whofavor us with tlieir orders will be promptlysupplied. Our object is to save our customerstransportation charges and delays caused bjshipping oil from Newark or New York. Orders can be sent to Samuel Hammond, Boon-ton, 'he will be in Dover on Mondays andFridays) or to our address where they willreceive our prompt attention. All orders willbe promptly delivered by J. H. Burchell, andempty barrels taken back.


NEW ARRANGEMENTS.Merchant tailoring will be carried OD nt NO. i BRICK BLOCK ns follows

beginning with \\m dale :

P I R S T - T L P materials used in our CUSTOM DEPARTMENT will 8-ro mcnasB for complaint*.

SECOND—Every garment will bo oat by a first-class ami practical cutter, nnin tbe very latest style.

THIRD—The vary beat tailon have been seoar«1 for tbe solo benefit of cmtomew.

FOURTH—No garment vill be allowed to lenve the premises unless eattsatisfaction IB acknowledged \iy the customer.

I trust (bat tlie above facts will bo o sufficient gnarau.ee (o every individmand especially to those who are obliged lo seek elsewhere for a suit of clothes.

WE HATE ALSO A BIUN NEW HTOCK OF BEATO-HADE CLOTHTNCJ fot nil, from thsmallest child to tbe largest nnn, GENTB' FtriiNi&mNa Oonoa, the best, Icadinfaad latest Btjks ot S«.T8JLKB OAFS, 'IBOKKS, Y*iasB3, S\TBH£I.S, &C, ct



MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co,Fositlva tnaring popptit valves. No loss frnrnfrictioD, no waste In port* by sliiie or rotii

•irinJactlon valves. Higlieat ptissiblo pcrcontof ireo »ir. Soanoiolcal atitl donble . Oltilogne OQ application. (Folly Boonrcd by pileuts.)

BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, Vertical andPortable. Insurance policy with eaoh.


T B E DOVER LUMBER COoffers to builders tho boat opportunities in the purchase of LUMBERof every grade and description inolnding LOW PBIGES ond the greaadvantage of having

Lumber Worked to Orderby maohinerv at the pltioo whore it is purchases, greatly lessening tb

oost of bnOding by the great saving in mamial labor. OozBtook always inolades

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsana LTJMBEB of every description, and espeoial pains are taken

to give satisloobon in every partjonlsr.QuBaBBlouiiiii PmiteiLW«. H. l i m n , BM1! m l T n u

I. W. Siimna, Ow'l Uaug«r.

i Oliauwry of New Jei8*»y-Bctweeii fluoriroUeliu-dB auil JanoH fi 6 oipson, complsla-,U(B, and Foillu Honking. ft«rll.otoniE»looki im her hnil'and, Ktl»n «Wll>t, Ano:eE.WriuUlhU wife, Andrew WrUM, Aonla£. WrioUlhU wife, Andrew Wdnu,B Wrl'ttLk ml'. f.«ao Wt/«bl,lairy Wnulit, B.rlli-ilranen Wilgl, u , S Bascli, dcif.od.ali. Fi, fi. I

blurlei;lit and



1 Moitais Covsrv OnPHAKfl' COCHT.In tlio mailer of tbe sale of lul ls of Alpbtma

U ^ f H t t l i O r t t a

TOWNSHIP OF RANDOLPH.Sale of Lands for Unpaid

PUBLIC notfeo 1B hereby Riven by Dtvid S,Allen, Collector or tlie Xonnslip of Ru

uoljto, In tbe Cimnty ot Morni, I b u by rlrt tof B tax warrant (sailed nn tlia wontj-eixldnyol February A. D. KB*, t>y tlioTownsliCommiileeor raid Towniliip, be will toll t1'uLllo Vecdue nil tlio laudf, lentnent i , liere-dl l imend mti real Pitalo liereumfUt meu-lloned for tlie aliorlett tirai tint eiceedlngtliitty yiarB for wSiicbanj pc r ionor pEHoitrill agrre to take I ho iatno and pay tbe Ux

>cd B«*iDit the Banjo for tbe ,veir iSStba irteroit tliercon aeorulag, m d ail

ooeii, leer, chargeaind etpaaie* In relationto the levy msueitraem end oolleotion of n|<

Il ia sitd Gale will Uke tol&ce nt tlie Hotel1. B. Jollej, in Dover, at Ilia hour of tnoo'clock lo the afternoon or Tueiday, Ilio 94tbilajofJune ntxt . 1884, tlio Mid Uml-, taocmei»»,ierodilimentgunil realenlHu BO t o rBOhl and tbe names of tbo pnrnone sgaioivhoni tbo said t n e a have been liid on aocoucf Ilia «ame, and the amount oF HID t&ica laon accouot ot oich paroel, are $.» follows, viz

" fktp ol Jotin AroiBtrtttig1, dee d. tbe gum odollira aoii ninotv- flvo cents laid upon

Lonto snd lot vcti uf Poit Ornm.NimliUtrrr, lax to llic amount of I3S3 lai

m aliouufi and let in Dover DO rib ol C h m tstreet.

William T . Carter las amonntinfi to (COluidoti I lie miner), ores ami minerals, on 1fflrniknfiwnas .tin "HbnpoFuriii,"liowottllby Ooriwliae Dutniiy, conlnlnlng stxtv RCIif land.

Maiy E. Jnncq tax »mountitiR to (7.02 Ii<ii a liouuu and I'll t>tlan<)oriimr aciuBnn tli'(M Bide of tlio road Irom Dover lo Blillbro

adjoining dm lot of Itidinril Si};or.Edward Kins Ux muotintiiiff to $7.93 oi:

un! l«t on tlit' noriii BHle oftliocat" " - ..joining tlm kit ot feuou


i 6 0 millut uF Por

lnlsmn.Sarali Kiso

ml nisU-tn Kifj tlic puni

u ctolfar:

IJHliitc of Dunid D. Stilus tmninonii,w»:lvi, ilullurB mid seventy cents iniii oiit Slillbmoli adjoining tliu farm of Adai

IK Ctnul «ni tbo mail to Joim 1). Kiii^'d.Damt) j . Hnym ta i amnntitliiK ID tiiir

split ilo.lnru and ton cciitM, OH the Btiles firmil [lroiiurtv, Combs HOIIOIT..Iiilin M. Ki-licmiy Im ainoiuitiac to tin

lollaiK ami «ixiy bii ccntn.iniil mi a In nine u

Jmncd Itilcy tns ainoiintinfi ti) fuur tio.l.ivvivl lovit CVQIB lai'l on ft ..oiiir and lotIniniklo near Hie IIOURU of John Kelly.

Lawrence Hetloivan tax naioutilin" to sdollars nml tbirtj.ouo cents on ft lot of lamitljoiuinf- Micliat'l f&iltu mutli ot Sl.Mar.v'iCtiutcb.

D.B. ALLEN, Collector.Dated MA; Si.l.jaSi 25-5«

ate~*AilH fl- '•• 3e boo. ol ter. In O»ee..lolarnable to JODB Ternj A- D. ioU.

A.KIBK.l?ATElCK,A.LtV. IBe virtneor tbe above stated writ uf fierit«H in my U*nit, I iliill M P « fw sale ataliUo Vflodiie, at the Court House la Mor-j!offo,N.J..on

MONDAY, tbB 33J d»y of JUNE neit,,.D.18J4, between tbe liouri of W K.amIS'clock P M lbkt Ii to ny *t» o utock ID tliBfiernoon of Mid da,r, •« tbofe four (ncti or— ' - of land md pMinhea iH-reloalter par-

.Wbfld.iliwatB, Ijtug w d b*iwthTftUorrli eriwy, to-wit:

THKPIMTTMCTU cilled Ibe BOIUDB Mil]d PorgeUt,*n& btgln at » W«jk «luBt

reBittuTdinsoallie euiflHyildoof ll.s roaJlilcb loitJilKim Ibi'pttin ro** in tlj» fHUgotaoal»w»y*o*irdg«»idIUilllo(iUUI« awl

lbiatimeftbe nfneteeiith day of Immrftd l ! h t i t o tba tbird oorner,'), snd ffilohtreB in ilso tba tbird oorner

roseiib Jacltio^B bnnie lot ai desorlbed in. field book, and row Aamt (1> KWlb tttfr-ooo degrecl and (liirly mluctci cut three[aim aolslxty-five HnU to ttteidiou I. /IOIE-m'tfbUQMloti tlienw (9]i«aUt eipbly-ninf

reeie»»te*eoliilns and ioarieun linfci lo.,,ling Hill .3am; tlicoofl (8j north twelve

degree* euttbreoebaioB and iQTenty-flvelinMto a bSekori tre«. lh& fourth comet ot nid

UK pti Jaobion'i bouse lot ae It was farinerlywaudeil; thence [4) uorlh twaniy-ave dograu•ait tno ohilna and nrealf*fl»e Hubs to tboMQfc of Iioakiwsy river: tlionoo (A) aorlb

Kptytwo ilooreoB and flftfen IHIDUUBiree choini and forly-iii llnkato a «tte&ce <C> north twoQtj-ievfin wgtQSs autilirtymiuutpB went flvp chains «ntf*l*|y*o*0

DU citisitfiiafBOBbiwayrhertoa large cbtn-t-iDttre«; thenoe (7) aonib rtxt?*iit'1——

roekaoi0tb*>>»!t bin?*o? Bnokiway riviir,Uicb ii 'also a WJoerorDr, JoboD. /aakion'a

i lul', tLienas (8) uy a riRht line to tlio,vu ol benlnnfDR, eroHltig aild river on »

coume of about south tventy-iix ai-greea aodbitty tnluatea eml and a diiticoool aboal

)m\nn witb all itia luwfni rigbtu ofo - and fl'imsa at prmnpt (Jwiary 10,

807), uMd end eioroiiCd ibcrein, and br euldTolling mill auu forge, oonlaliiiBRBlfflit ncrea.ndfl.iyhmidredtbaofan aorf, bo tlio sanenorc or II-SJ. TORI tlier wilb nil tba riijUtg if

nay foitvi-r, tn failv t* the aims are now (ouu.d Wvli Jaaimj1, iBOJ, enjoyevl antl eicroisedToi Inprtus sQd osn-ai to aod Irom said IOIUDK

illl ani roiRepnniicefiLIODR tbe waRoumateun (Jjl)iUlT 19.1807 ) atMffoi-accoSBllicrctovrr tlio booatt lot of S<muel B. Haltoy to ibeidih oriiiirty-tiRbtiiokij toffotber nltb allIIDUJO'H. tiitarr-e, nhroji, furnscea, eoalce,iilKit.itimilfi.rolSii.ilniarfj! boUowj, Ua^met*

UITIIB, toatt" and nolfihts UOff (Jsoiiary 19.liBB7.) in nml n|<ro said rolliou mill »nd forfft)

' iiBfii and bolDDglupf tberelu and thereto,is BKJONO TBAIT, be.Bff tbo name as i1e-jc<!mLolNi|. 8 la t scrlala deedolcdii-ncc (rom Jotcph Jacbdm »nil wlf<3 Id Free

Wuod, dai <•(! Atmuat MtU, A. D, 1842, ao<lecordud in Book Z i of Deeds lor tbo BBII:ountj of Morrii.on page 90, Ac, and eoraniBCB partBof four lots of lani Wreinatlei

neit deiorHiitl, upon ffbtoli aro tlie Steel Fur-nace, J)welling BOURC lad Lot a, d the CansBurin and Dock, nil situate on bold tides ofbe read wliiob runs from liic Rrist mill to tliJoninUnnal, in nil ooDlaliiiuR ooe aora nand, b* tlie aatne more or lest,and ooalomcdi four separate iJoedj ot oonveytnofi, ts lol-

Finiit, a deed fr.ini Join D. Jaaksnu audIfe, dited Aagnst 21at, 1820, and reoorded inin Morris OonntjBecord of Deedi, in Book UI ot HceUe, fplioH 176, Ac, and containingbyenty-flre oae-liQudrodiliB of as aoru, etrlotaeature,8i0"WD,n dred fro™ Julia D.lHcusf.u.naii

April 2Sili, 1837, and reoonlat! iu tbe UurriiCounty Beoord of DCECH, ia Book U U, folio177, &o.i conUtniDg Hiirty-oneaDdsliilf—of triad, uioroorlen,

TKIBO, a deed froo. William Soott and wifi1daled July SO, 1635, and r*eor(lei] in tbo iamiBeeord or Do, ,1a, Baok I* 8, UU<n m, Jbo,, iiv.

nnlftina thirty-ill buadrodtbi of an acre,

FcDETfi, a deed from Samael B. Hulne/ atife, dated Miy ID, 13i1, and recorded in m

Reaorci of Deedi, IB Book Hi, folios BIO, Ateiceptfog and rnervine Ueteoot all the landicciivuyDd to Biid S&muei U. Hftlsey, hj deeiidated May 19tb, IBM, and oontainioft ibonione nore orient.. Tlieietonde idjoin tbe Marris Oiual, and are oonvuveil Babjict to tbi


VernoyIIQIHO Valley....

Uerinau Tsvlley...Nauftbrightlartleylandera

lary'ilanders.artleyfaoglirigbtlerm&n valley...

ornoy.. . , ,OatirooIigli Bruiselonrni Brook..., iv

illiabuib "e « r k •'

Vctitnn "Pbiiadelnhla

COT. 3<1 rnitl Dorki "•' 9tbaDilOrecn "rdlilsuri. FUIIDUSV"if York "

pany for tbetr " n i l and toviog pitli , to wblolleverai firs deeds of convejaoce or tbe recordllicreot.reBpeDtivelr.roreroiioelBbertibyni&iiand allowed for a rail UaecrlDlian ofiinltl lan(therein embraced by almttaU and bopn^aTitindolberwtse. >

T H E T s i a s TEACT, teina psrt of U.o Urtract of fortyflve acres adjolniog tbellaliliMill lot, bcglnDlDg at a point In Ibe (bird hotof slid farm t r t t t , in tbe cnddlo of Ihe BolliiHill race, Mventy-five liuia from tbo stump»hickory tree, boisg tlie coraer of said fartract an<1 of aaid Boiling Hill lot, and ru mhthence (1) north tweatj-tive degr-es east ot>(ubalD and fifty links to tlie Fourth ourat-r ol6»Id fBrm t rac t ; tbence (i) norlh sorenly-fldogreeB Fait two cbalna to the flrtli cornerfi&13 htm t r tc t t tbenae 0 ) aaut>i elgbty illRfpfacont tno obslns acil oigbty-joven liuto the eiith corner of said t r ac t ; Uioneo (DUlh flfiy-aii degrees oant- to a point tn tbilith lino of said ttaot where tiio aald mill ru

opens Into Bockaway river! tlieoco (5) eon- ~ nty-llvo degrees wcBtelglity link a to t

sapllHg on ihe aoulh liauk uf tlio »ui J mj tiiooce (8^ norlh Boronty-Blx degru

nn<] ibirly mfnatcj west iiiuo chaius end nimty-flve links to tba place or beginning, cotiiiilog ouo acre and ninelyhunjrodtiia or tHire, more or less, it Ining tbo in to tit ion tc w f v nil HID I amis lislonKini^ to said A loii-am II. JiuUou, lying to tlio unnh ut tlie raidie or HQiil mill racu mid belwejn aiml m

cdururs mill tl.Blnueoi,; i\irh 'tho oicentldii1l.Dfl.1h ami rixtti lincfl, beiiif: iakon froiu I,mor aanc^H; »inl Ilio miiuturriti'ti'l use Jilimafjo of tvaliT llironj;!. nai-1 nice fiotn MniliiiiK mill to tliu ltoehaway river, as 'n(.laimary 1!), 181.7,) nytiil b.v said Adunu-amJiMlKnii.iB^ertbyottnfoye.h

firm tract, ami lit-uina at tin- BIS.11. VI »"«»enst foriiw or Slfjilicii I. J.icUaoii'rt In.hi ili o rim il, and ruiuiiiiK thtm'c (1) iil-Jii^ tlKisth lino of said lioi^fl li.t nortlilnn.tv-t.'viQiul alinU tl^TtPB enHt throe vhauiB io ItiiuiLi; tliunco (2) ticrlli Iliii'lcuii niula bilfgri-cB e»Bt nino clmiiia and tw. i i 'y tbrlinliB m thu Klutnpof ftliicUnry (roc, BI IWTtbu rolfiiiu mill tot unit of ttaul farm traoliiuuci! (ii)aloiiK n Utioof eai.l rollinj; mill 1

rncr\ thoi

d Rin Ihu niiiliUco! tlio nilli^innitiR corner ol tlio hut ; tbocca (4) down them

OIIIU Bovonly-Bls degree* &tfl»t tlireo cliaiuH nnd tlvo lit]i tl 5 l l»t tlir

c u r r iu t t i r a c e ; t l i ectu'ii dodoes ami thirty minntI'ttwceii tlio lotks ef a [ovbedIcon cliniui and Biitr-Dv l i kl d

r g i i i t

i p OQ t l e li


f b




ill's Claii n t Pi)!

i tb steel cliain sin] Cnaadu eprob l t i U T l l l l X

EMPIRE" Hol-Air,CookiDR titOTP, tlie bout biking Bto1 _world. AIio, a large assortment of other „.,....of Cooking StoTOB, Ilangex. 1'wlor Btovoa, &c.,tor SUMMER AND WINTER D8E. Also, adwlcc stocti ot Htf.DWA.HE, COTLBltY,Qiiii, Wooden, Copper, I'iain an3 JipaaneijTINWARE. Oil CloiiiB, Cirpets, Lamps,Paints md Oils, bird Cages. Pcithern, PnU'iAitnl Oil Inon eiploiiie.) Alao, drnWa inCOAL. nooRnp, riamblnc end Job Workpromptly attended to. Fairbauk's Brakt atminnhctntor's prices. The? ttai luve oneof tbo tbovo BcaleB In front of tbsir placo ofbnilDonj torpnblio wolghiBfr. Old Iron, Cop-per, Bru9,Ijead, IUga and Qreentacki takenm oxcbinRe for goods


inficlurers or BHQMII'Sire Hprlng Bed Bottom.



offen) tuperlor iDduMtnsnii In educatingyotinjT tnon iDdlidlM. OaUIOgcmnilColiempapers free. . -





PORT ORAM, N. J.l ^OI l .ill tb«

. OQtlieedgooflbeiorituraop]; t.__H)) m tho road noctU 8iitj'-(lvodeKreQs«eline c Lit in ; thence (T) In tli a rosJ norlh for

tliiiiij to tlio pluco of buffintiina, containnimir torei anil tlurly-Iinir Iiouilroihlia orncru or Ian i, bo tlio tame more or leas.

Tlio uniil funr Iraota lioiug tliaeatue prcniffs cuttrcj'cil nn t io ilny ct the dale ofinn rlKage l.y I'raol D. Condit and wilb to iAiionirnmB. Juilsou,

elia(tin«. ttam rolls, two p«r t t .can, stiIi am tier, lieaticg furnaces, uo\9, &c.

Uiccpllog and rtsenioK all ibat cerltract or parcel of land hereinafter jiarticnldctcrlbti), Pitualr, lying uml being in .tonusliiD orKoekiway, in tlie County or Mo;ris and Slate of Haw lortoy, butted --• winded as followai U U O K i p w t o f mof land ni(uatc in (bo VIIIIRO nf ItjcksRi'aiCBalil.liiionii as I he Rolling Hill propibcKiDning at B point In tbo bed of tlio II»w:iy rlTor, below Vbe Anxn, and In tlio div!line liBiaecn Units of Baninol 11. Hulxeythe rulllng mill properly, ODD bundredpini-teeu foct from a Urge clicstoiit treevliiol in a corner in uaul diviitlon l ine; runIIIDR i hence (1) BOUIII forty-lko and ouo-UIiUetees treat ono bnndrcd andeisflo a. ptiinl Re Vf a teen feet ilisUu. _. ..„nag}cstsnm tbB centra Unc of Iliorailroidihtnce (2) pouth forty-nlae an<l one-baUdefreesW*BI two bnodrtd mil sovonty-tiro let-io ft point HI ibe wrsieil) division litiebatwrxlaudaorfnidBomntlB. Unlitrr ami said ro'lift mill property; Ihence (9) along HIiNviuioD lino BO a tli twtntj-fcmt (It^r'jtn Tutlfivo minutcB pait forty-tlnoe fc< t oronpliiR Itriilre line of tn<d rniliuail, iwenty-otip a:>aie-lial( fcot tlislaut t> « point ono lnmdnH'.-.lvlK.)tCL-n iitviroui n w.,nutorbnlteit iU ic inmld l iDe ; tbtneo [Jjnnrtli rurly setBDJ ont-liBlf degrrcH rast tno buiidnil itlifjlity six f-ct to a point fievtntem frrt tl'Bin nt right niiglee fri-ra Hit centre luteMill n i i r t n d ; tlieuco (S) mirlh flfij-one dprcfafcrtj-fiFornimitcB enBtoae hiiadrril HItltts-four feel to «. pn.ut in tlio tsisleriy tlwiioulino L-elweon lamia of Baiiinel B. Ha1

and Buid roliinpr null projiofiy; ll^neiiBIODS auitl division HUG norll. tw^uiy-tand one-lull Avgnte neat llfty*|f;]it

ulno fci't (HtUnt lo the point oi Iifi>inninAud also eieepling and nun-tUR (ill

paitDfthc Hid tnorlgRgLd premier, i-i(ij.'ig and ttiDKia tlio lo.tnahip or Hock a

ity ut Morrli and ISIato of Now Jc( part ol tbo B.col fnrnaeo tract, In t]

_O-B ol Bockawar, anil more particulardeectibed aafuliovR: BrL-innlngnU imlntotlio westerly lidfl of lbc Illbcrnia rotd aadcHie northerly side oT Now street, one chairi-evenly-neven linkit from Ibe apntbt»gt corncior a lot recenlti Bold by 8*raael B. Hnli

jliQ, Bower,fcndcnGDlniUliencodlnVthe northerly tide of said New drceiioincrtnty-nice degrees west ouerlialt, »nd spqlT-iEWPllnki lo laid corcerof caliiBolot; tbenoc (3) aiOD|{ auld Bowe" Una norlflfa ileRroei cast tbrae cbalm and tblny-tlloka to Bpolnt IP the toying pttli in tnolaoiria OIDII; tbenoo C3| alone tha ei tulgnttonB dtgreei »nJ l l f t

a OIDII; tbe C | a tha eime toutlgntt-onB dtgreei »nJ llifrty mfaatca eairoobalm anu tweniy-llTS linki t i t

Ihoi tame; tUcnw (4)BB3 tolHYB lootM

eei »nJ llifrty mfaatweniy-llTS linki toa

(4) th flrteea SegreeiB nlootM T»eit two cbaJm amlf«*i»loBgU» i r e t l l i droad to Ilo b iid Hlbarnla road to Ilio beKinning.

Btino; tbe anno pnultca as deaerifaedniSom J U L M . V . Brlant, late aueriffU n r b Couotr. to «I.I I.riel b, Oondlt, ttttiJ»DII jry ffitli, A D. 1871, f nd mordsd in BookG 8 nf Dccdi. xm- 410.4a.


oioMWEFFEBY, All'r pro. sa.Tno s.l. on bthaJI ol lie abor. parllei

.iBDdflsdJaunied t(t tasfl place on ' L - — -

BH0BDAY, Ibe lllb daj alJaor,

HIOHDIUDQKBEiNCB.amaiAS T H U K , flHEsjan, n o V E n

K W i r r o D ' a u a o ; ™

n l z i o n iN*«r SOBK, foot atUbtrtm^

IraoHroft. Fnllotsat...PBIUSELPHU.

.'.SlbantiarefD atB." Hd and Berks "



DuadBrook' Bridge


::»»S•. s.oe ia.es

• • B-U 11.10 4.80 0•• 8.28 1 Ufl iM 6

... 8.11 11.37 4,46 {



T V ' B . . . . fl.« ltjo *'

mv\1 ' BBSll'w 1,0 I'», n OISID B W I l « Jin If.nwi &.OT 11.66 8.15 Tjoohaway Arrivo 0.15 13.M B.m \K

A M.A.M.k.U.t.H tilemiHti Vslley U56JKH1.184.M a «heater Arrive 7.30fl.4HU316 lj 7,00

roekawajloTer. . . .irt Oram

w I i .JSHS8 1- '8 '•«

W 8.f3 s 54

Ar'rin £BCISUts.sa

B.56 lfl.Sl {'.IB Sll

7.O8MMS1I.S8 3

!•*» * S I'M- -1 7.05SM 7MB43 P.05


(US 10/10

SUeeterBorroan Talley

A.M. A.M. Jl It.P. H.P.Mfi.K0 8.05 10,60 U 0 0057.05 8.2P 11.15 4.25 6.SD

Traia* loavo Keuvil far Mmnislnfa tod tnkt[op&tcwR at 8:5S. i. «. ; U;SO.fl:10 J . J I . FirII Btaliom to Osden i t 12:30 c. M.OoDTeyanct's can lie procured at Gorman

Valley lo and from Bchoolejr'a MouaUlw; nVFlatidere to and from Build's Lake.

TON OOKSKOTIDNB—Oonntctlon in nwlait Hiah Bridge to uncl from East on,I. E- WOOTTSH.Oen. MaDBgor,

H. P . BAI.DWIN.Gen, Eastern Pass. Ag'!.0 . 3 . HANOOQI^Gen. PaBa,ftT'Q'k kft


(MOEBIflAND ESaliS DIVIWON,}Dopotnio Now Vork, foot of Barclay at . iud

fuulofUliristopberSt.BDAI1IEK AltHANQEMENTS.

(Jointneiic.»(; UUKDAi, MAY 5tli, iB£i.LLAVK HEW iOLK.

A l l i ^ U A . M. {UWHUII UaU ri'ala,,uoD.uotlflg witti tbo Uouuluii Urancti at Utuvilloir Jtooatou; tlioUliesterllrauob alUovvrlurotikBUuub &ud Ciiiintui - tlie riuwui liuUruti^rt'atariuo, for AuduVur.New.uD auJallnta-DBj Hiol>.,L. & W. U. It. a t WatiliiugUm

rorMauuiikaUliuuk.Watoi'Oaii^trmiariburg,tJer»Dton, BiuglmmLoti, Uticit, itidiliulasjiriugB, ilouier. (JortlamJ, ByraouBD, Otmtgoml puiutt. on tlicLuckawaaua and iik'ouiB-

uurg and Uulnwayo ami Hudson HailroEdH;«lioitfbilUp»LiurK with U L i ^ b Vullujliail.ro&dandLaliigL nud BiiHiiuoliaoua Lulruudlor BothlotiGui, Mauob Ob mi l , Rtidicc »udI I i B b u i C i

At^iai) /i.. U . Biugtitt[iitiiiMail(Dr»niij^Itoom OnraUtachodJiruui Nuw i o r t via. l'at-erson ttini Booutuii, CVIUB tUEougU Vt> W»itrU p , Btroutluburg, acrnutau, Great tiuuilUDdiiinghamloii, conutiutiug at Dover withCtiuBter Kail road, a t Wetorloo with tuubi'iRailroad Tor Andovor, Nowlon aud alt «ia-lions; a t Delaware with lilairetowu Itv., sibcrautco, witli iJloaDisburti Dlvjelou fur l'iU«.W K i t W U k b U v i l l e K t VWa.Kiugatou, WUkeiibaivc, Uftuville.KoitVi.umberlauil, i c . rasseujjeru ts t ing thintr im from New Ifork, Putorauu and Uoonloc

cui ieu t m \Va*lnngtou niili traiu forItilllpntjurg K t l i t t l l UUirriabure

l Ubii

t m \Va*lnngtou niili traiu forg, Kautou, liuttilulium, U b u t o maudpoiutH un tbo Lcb^li Valley,

i d H l l ta i l r :}B ; ataudpoand H

tH un tbo Lcb^li Valleyfiuclinima ltailr:ai}B ; al i d U i n ' It

LeblBliL*tkLLllllSUliir(f 1 iiiu w i t mvi^ *-*. • .K.U» VB * . « .[l.ror Lara bur tviilc, Trttutuuunil Philadelphia,

AtU.oii A. U.Buffs.lu aud Oswcgo Eiprcas;Drawing Uoom Cars) Watur Gap, bnuudn-iJurf-, Semiiioii, UniRlnmtoti, Owc^'o, Itlioi-a,Wavurly.Elmita, Uutiut Munja sod Bufhlo.Also UyraoaBo and Odwegn, can DOC ling HiUiugliaiutou tor Urioa and KLCUC«1I1 Spriugi.

AHU.10 A. M. IJuvor Accommodation.A t i a m o u .Eas ton EinriiBB.i t 1:00 P. M. Elujiri l-.iprei3, DrftVlcg Udom

11. U. for Piti»ton. Wyoroiug, Kiusiton IDII Wllket-tUita. Fi««BomM» liViug lh!i ua .n [com He*York, Fster.on .nrt Oooutoo can oonaecUt Wait.

inwlUitraiuNo.B.ave NusvYorkRt3.au r . M (Eaiton Ei-

l.TUBUlcuniiBctiiif' at Waterloo for Antowr,Nuwtoii autl Brauctivilly, uml a l Pliillijjsbury

1 '. Labigli Viiliov Hni!r»Hil auil LoLlf-li BHUluiibftniia It. U. for But bk-Uouu Allen town,ling anil l ian isburg .au I'. SI., L . . ' c r EiproitB fur Summit

PAaHftio ami i>Blawaro llnilroatl.) Oliattiam,MailiBou.Morriitovrii.Uorris Mains, Deuvillo,

AtOi»«l'.M.(Hackettiit()wii Express)stop-ping at Millturn, Buniiuit, CliiUhm.i, HstliHOu,Murririloiviiamlull matiuQB«cat to HaolteUa-to«vn,t.oiimieUiig *t Waterloo witb trail, or

K;OOP.M.OaKugti[LiidBuir<ilo Ex, irom No<rYjrMtleepiun earn attached) via. I'atornon itBjoutou through to Water Gap, Hlroudiburi,',Scranton, Bnigiiaiutoii,Lisle,Marallian.Cur.-latid, Homer, HTiiinnao and (Juwrjio.At Uiugbiimtuil witb train Tar 0ret-no,Oiford,

N;irft'icli,Biolilield BprltigH, OUoa% An, Thistrain rimB tbrouRb to OHH-ORO lliifl'alo andIticliUcId S p r i g s (but 11-jt to Iilmua) Snodaytnnrniii^g.

A t 1 i * a V . M. Dover Aectiramoaation TorUbatluni, Jlorristowii and Dover.

Fur BcrnarilBvillt), Baftkingridge, Lyoni,MilllnRtoii,8tirlintt, Qillotto, Borkeley Heightaiiitftll statioiiB nn Paagaic and Dnlaware B,B. (M. J . Wnat Line Railroad) 7:30,10:10 A.M. ani t i :30ando:30P. M,

A. REASONEtt. Sap erio ion dent.DOVER TIMU TABLE.

Trains turlvo and depart frotc tills Btfttlon

WEST HODND A. I I .Eauton Mail 9:35Umiiii'ton Mail* H;B1)Dntlttlo ExprvBB 10:37

Dover Eiiircan ?:00iIaoiGltBLownEip.7:ai

' P. 1


Ei|>. 'Mail

Duvcr Accutn. a.wBu^Io Express' 8:07

Li.iu Bover Accmii. 12:2Sp . u . Esaton Ejprem 3:001:42 1 Elm i n RipreBB* 3:282:44 Eauton Kiprees 6:295:67 Dover Etpreei B:BO5:50 H-kctltitawi:£xp.T:20

Onncjjo Eip. ' ' 0:211Dover Accom. U'M

I*Via. Boon ton Bracoh.

CHESTER BRANCH :WE&TWABD,A.M. P . M .10.27 7.0010.17 6.G210.(17 fl.170.67 6.429.47 6.389-35 fi.SO0 3(1 0.25


CbentorHortonIroDfaSacoaHnnnaBIoOaEuBVilUPort Or*mDover


••acliciDovcriitflA. SI, on U10 dav ol ,,Ciitlon. For an In by BTCOBO, Uorrisou,

I. W. 'K»ULiHD,l 1ul l is l icr"THEanN,KBIT Vorle Ci ty .

J. J. BACKOFF'SWHOLESALE T1UDEailriiicrettiinp, wblcli ahovfi lie In olvltifi

tlio d«alGte thtoaglionl tliia coootsuia em Mm a call (nl.icli nlll pay tbtm)

hernro linyinjfehpnliere. All ordera sent l i j--tlwIlltBciilTopioRiptaltsntion.

J . J. DAOKOFF, Dover, N. J.

• - ;



E. Umlslg; k Son, UITV, S. I.'AIIM k Monlnjtao, Cheitar, N. J.Brmn k Biuntll, Bmkanr, N. J,