English as a Second Language Institutions and Organizations seeking State Approval for programs which prepare and result in the recommendation of candidates for licensure as teachers of English as a Second Language shall be required to demonstrate that their programs meet the following standards. The Standards below are an adapted version of the 2001 standards of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), for the preparation of teachers of English as a Second Language. Standard 1: Language Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and acquisition of language to construct learning environments that support ESOL students' language and literacy development and content area achievement. Elements Indicators Map to Field Experience / Map to Curriculum and Course Experiences Assessment Strategies Standard 1.a. Describing language. Candidates demonstrate understanding of language as a system and demonstrate a high level of competence in helping ESOL students acquire and use English in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for social and academic purposes. Candidates: Apply knowledge of phonology (the sound system) to help ESOL students develop oral, reading, and writing (including spelling) skills in English. Apply knowledge of morphology (the structure of words) to assist ESOL students' development of oral and literacy skills in English. Apply knowledge of syntax (phrase and sentence structure) to assist ESOL students in developing written and spoken English. Apply understanding of semantics (word/sentence meaning) to assist ESOL students in acquiring and productively using a wide

Institutions and Organizations seeking State Approval for ......construct learning environments that support ESOL students' language and literacy development and content area achievement

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Page 1: Institutions and Organizations seeking State Approval for ......construct learning environments that support ESOL students' language and literacy development and content area achievement

English as a Second Language

Institutions and Organizations seeking State Approval for programs which prepare and result in the recommendation ofcandidates for licensure as teachers of English as a Second Language shall be required to demonstrate that their programsmeet the following standards. The Standards below are an adapted version of the 2001 standards of Teachers of English toSpeakers of Other Languages (TESOL), for the preparation of teachers of English as a Second Language.

Standard 1: LanguageCandidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and acquisition of language toconstruct learning environments that support ESOL students' language and literacy development and content area achievement.

Elements IndicatorsMap to Field Experience / Map

to Curriculum and CourseExperiences

Assessment Strategies

Standard 1.a. Describinglanguage.

Candidates demonstrateunderstanding of language as asystem and demonstrate a highlevel of competence in helpingESOL students acquire and useEnglish in listening, speaking,reading, and writing for socialand academic purposes.


• Apply knowledge of phonology(the sound system) to helpESOL students develop oral,reading, and writing (includingspelling) skills in English.

• Apply knowledge ofmorphology (the structure ofwords) to assist ESOLstudents' development of oraland literacy skills in English.

• Apply knowledge of syntax(phrase and sentencestructure) to assist ESOLstudents in developing writtenand spoken English.

• Apply understanding ofsemantics (word/sentencemeaning) to assist ESOLstudents in acquiring andproductively using a wide

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range of vocabulary in English.• Apply knowledge of

pragmatics (the effect ofcontext on language) to helpESOL students communicateeffectively and use Englishappropriately for a variety ofpurposes in spoken andwritten language, and in formaland informal settings.

• Demonstrate ability to helpESOL students develop socialand academic language skillsin English.

• Demonstrate ability to helpESOL students acquire arange of genres, rhetorical anddiscourse structures, andwriting conventions in English.

• Demonstrate understanding ofthe nature and value of WorldEnglishes and dialectvariation, and build on thelanguage that ESOL studentsbring in order to extend theirlinguistic repertoire.

• Locate and use linguisticresources to learn about thestructure of English and ofstudents' home languages.

• Demonstrate proficiency inEnglish and serve as a goodlanguage model for ESOLstudents.

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Standard 1.b. Languageacquisition and development.

Candidates understand andapplyconcepts, theories, research, andpractice to facilitate theacquisition of a primary and anew language in and out ofclassroom settings.


• Provide rich exposure toEnglish.

• Provide comprehensible inputand scaffolding.

• Provide opportunities formeaningful interaction.

• Create a secure, positive, andmotivating learningenvironment.

• Understand and apply currenttheories and research inlanguage and literacydevelopment.

• Recognize and build on theprocesses and stages ofEnglish language and literacydevelopment.

• Recognize the importance ofESOL students' homelanguages and languagevarieties and build on theseskills as a foundation forlearning English.

• Understand and applyknowledge of sociocultural andpolitical variables to facilitatethe process of learningEnglish.

• Understand and applyknowledge of the role ofindividual learner variables inthe process of learningEnglish.

• Provide appropriate instruction

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and feedback.• Help ESOL students to

communicate in socially andculturally appropriate ways.

• Help ESOL students developacademic languageproficiency.

• Help ESOL students developeffective language learningstrategies.

Standard 2: CultureCandidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to the nature and role of culture andcultural groups to construct learning environments that support ESOL students' cultural identities, language and literacy development, andcontent area achievement.

Elements IndicatorsMap to Field Experience / Map

to Curriculum and CourseExperiences

Assessment Strategies

Standard 2.a. Nature and Roleof Culture.

Candidates know, understand,and use the majorconcepts, principles, theories,and research related to thenature and role of culture inlanguage development andacademic achievement thatsupport individual students'learning.


• Understand and applyknowledge about culturalvalues and beliefs in thecontext of teaching andlearning ESL.

• Understand and applyknowledge about the effects ofracism, stereotyping, anddiscrimination to ESL teachingand learning.

• Understand and applyknowledge about home/schoolcommunication to enhanceESL teaching and build

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partnerships with ESOLfamilies.

• Understand and applyconcepts about theinterrelationship betweenlanguage and culture.

Standard 2.b. Cultural Groupsand Identity.

Candidates know, understand,and use knowledge of howcultural groups and students'cultural identities affect languagelearning and schoolachievement.


• Use a range of resources,including the Internet, to learnabout world cultures andcultures of students in theirclassrooms and apply thatlearning to instruction.

• Understand and applyknowledge about how anindividual's cultural identityaffects their ESL learning andhow levels of cultural identitywill vary widely amongstudents.

• Understand and applyknowledge about culturalconflicts and home-areaevents that can have animpact on ESOL students'learning.

• Understand and applyknowledge about the impact ofstudents' socioeconomicstatus, race, religion, class,national origin, disability, andgender on learning and

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teaching ESL.• Understand and apply

knowledge of U.S. immigrationhistory and patterns inteaching ESL.

Standard 3: Planning, Implementing, and Managing InstructionCandidates know, understand, and use standards-based practices and strategies related toplanning, implementing, and managing ESL and content instruction, including classroomorganization, teaching strategies for developing and integrating language skills, and choosingand adapting classroom resources.

Description IndicatorsMap to Field Experience / Map

to Curriculum and CourseExperiences

Assessment Strategies

Standard 3.a. Planning forStandards-Based ESL andContent Instruction.

Candidates know, understand,and apply concepts, research,and best practices to planclassroom instruction in asupportive learning environmentfor ESOL students. Candidatesserve as effective Englishlanguage models, as they planfor multilevel classrooms withlearners from diversebackgrounds using standards-based ESL and content


• Plan standards-based ESLand content instruction.

• Create environments thatpromote standards basedlanguage learning insupportive, acceptingclassrooms and schools.

• Plan students' learningexperiences based onassessment of languageproficiency and priorknowledge.

• Provide for particular needs ofstudents with limited formal

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curriculum. schooling (LFS) in their L1.

Standard 3.b. Managing andImplementing Standards-Based ESL and ContentInstruction.

Candidates know, manage, andimplement a variety of standards-based teaching strategies andtechniques for developing andintegrating English listening,speaking, reading, and writing,and for accessing the corecurriculum. Candidates supportESOL students in accessing thecore curriculum as they learnlanguage and academic contenttogether.


• Organize learning aroundstandards-based subjectmatter and language learningobjectives.

• Incorporate activities, tasks,and assignments that developauthentic uses of language, asstudents learn about content-area material.

• Provide activities andmaterials that integratelistening, speaking, reading,and writing.

• Develop students' listeningskills for a variety of academicand social purposes.

• Develop students' speakingskills for a variety of academicand social purposes.

• Provide standards based

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instruction that builds uponstudents' oral English tosupport learning to read andwrite.

• Provide standards basedreading instruction adapted toESOL learners.

• Provide standards basedwriting instruction adapted toESOL learners.

• Develop students' writingthrough a range of activities,from sentence formation toexpository writing.

Standard 3.c. Using ResourcesEffectively in ESL and ContentInstruction.

Candidates are familiar with awide range of standards-basedmaterials, resources, andtechnologies, and choose, adapt,and use them in effective ESLand content teaching.


• Select, adapt, and useculturally responsive, age-appropriate, and linguisticallyaccessible materials.

• Select materials and otherresources that are appropriateto students' developinglanguage and content areaabilities, including appropriateuse of L1.

• Employ an appropriate varietyof materials for languagelearning, including books,visual aids, props, and realia.

• Use appropriate technologicalresources to enhancelanguage and content-areainstruction for ESOL students(e.g., Web, software,computers, and related

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devices).• Use software and Internet

resources effectively in ESLand content instruction.

Standard 4: AssessmentCandidates understand issues of assessment and use standards-based assessment measures with ESOL students.

Elements IndicatorsMap to Field Experience / Map

to Curriculum and CourseExperiences

Assessment Strategies

Standard 4.a. Issues ofAssessment for ESL.

Candidates understand variousissues of assessment (e.g.,cultural and linguistic bias;political, social, andpsychological factors) inassessment, IQ, and specialeducation testing (including giftedand talented); the importance ofstandards; and the differencebetween language proficiencyand other types of assessment(e.g., standardized achievementtests of overall mastery), as theyaffect ESOL student learning.


• Demonstrate an understandingof the purposes of assessmentas they relate to ESOLlearners and use resultsappropriately.

• Demonstrate an understandingof the quality indicators ofassessment instruments.

• Demonstrate understanding ofthe limitations of assessmentsituations and makeaccommodations for ESOLstudents.

• Distinguish between alanguage difference, gifted andtalented, and specialeducation needs for ESOLstudents.

Standard 4.b. LanguageProficiency Assessment.


• Understand and implement

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Candidates know and use avariety ofstandards-based languageproficiency instruments to informtheir instruction and understandtheir uses for identification,placement, and demonstration oflanguage growth of ESOLstudents.

national and staterequirements for identification,reclassification, and exit ofESOL students from languagesupport programs.

• Understand, develop, and usenorm referenced assessmentsappropriately with ESOLlearners.

• Understand, develop, and usecriterion-referencedassessments appropriatelywith ESOL learners.

• Understand, construct, anduse assessment measures fora variety of purposes for ESOLstudents.

• Assess ESOL learners'language skills andcommunicative competenceusing multiple sources ofinformation.

Standard 4.c. Classroom-Based Assessment for ESL.

Candidates know and use avariety ofperformance-based assessmenttools and techniques to informinstruction.


• Use performance basedassessment tools and tasksthat measure ESOL learners'progress toward state andnational standards.

• Use various instruments andtechniques to assess

• Content-area learning (e.g.,math, science, social studies)for ESOL learners at varyinglevels of language and literacydevelopment.

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• Prepare ESOL students to useself- and peer-assessmenttechniques when appropriate.

Standard 5: ProfessionalismCandidates demonstrate knowledge of the history of ESL teaching. Candidates keep current with new instructional techniques, researchresults, advances in the ESL field, and public policy issues. Candidates use such information to reflect upon and improve their instructionalpractices. Candidates provide support and advocate for ESOL students and their families and work collaboratively to improve the learningenvironment.

Description IndicatorsMap to Field Experience / Map

to Curriculum and CourseExperiences

Assessment Strategies

Standard 5.a. ESL Researchand History.

Candidates demonstrateknowledge of history, research,and current practice in the field ofESL teaching and apply thisknowledge to improve teachingand learning.


• Demonstrate knowledge oflanguage teaching methods intheir historical contexts.

• Demonstrate knowledge of theevolution of laws and policy inthe ESL profession.

Standard 5.b. Partnerships andAdvocacy.

Candidates serve as professionalresources, advocate for ESOLstudents, and build partnershipswith students' families.


• Advocate and serve aslanguage and educationresources for students andfamilies in their schools andcommunities.

• Serve as professionalresource personnel in theireducational communities.

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• Advocate for ESOL students'access to all availableacademic resources, includinginstructional technology.

Standard 5.c. ProfessionalDevelopment andCollaboration.

Candidates collaborate with andare prepared to serve as aresource to all staff, includingparaprofessionals, to improvelearning for all ESOL students.


• Establish professional goalsand pursue opportunities togrow in the field of ESL.

• Work with other teachers andstaff to providecomprehensive, challengingeducational opportunities forESOL students in the school.

• Engage in collaborativeteaching in general educationand content-area classrooms.

• Model academic proficiency inthe English language.