INSTANT BUSINESS I NSTANTBARTER . COM TRADE PUBLICATION V OL . 1, J ANUARY 2013 LUXURY HOTELS Inn at Villa Bianca Reconnective Healing Marjorie van der Wagen Interview with Business Expert Nathalie Ekobo Rethinking Business Steve Kellogg Pg. 6 PHOENIX BROADCASTING

Instant Business Magazine

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Premiere issue of Instant Business Magazine a publication of InstantBarter.com

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Instant Barter Magazine January 1

Instant BusInessI n s t a n t b a r t e r. c o m t r a d e p u b l I c a t I o n Vo l . 1 , J a n u a r y 2013

Luxury HoteLsInn at Villa Bianca

Reconnec t i v e H e a l i n gMar j o r i e v a n d e r Wagen

Interview with Business Expert

Nathalie Ekobo



Pg. 6


2 Instant Barter Magazine January

Instant Barter: Inside This Issue

Instant Business Magazine is produced by Instant Barter LLC.P O Box 97664Phoenix, AZ 85060-7664Phone: 602-828-9088© 2012-2013 Instant Barter LLC. All Rights Reserved

Find us online:http://www.instantbarter.comhttps://www.facebook.com/instantbarterhttps://twitter.com/InstantBarterhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/anahawkEmail [email protected]

Managing Editor - Ana HawkEditor - Carl Mullan

All materials contained in this digital magazine are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Instant Barter LLC or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.For permission to reprint any part of this magazine, contact the managing editor.

The appearance of advertisement and hyperlinks in this publication does not constitute endorsement by Instant Barter LLC of this website or the information, products, or services contained herein. Instant Barter LLC does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations.

4 Reconnective Healing is a life-changing experience!

5 Meet Mr. Steve Kellog from BizThinkOnline.com

6 My Barter Game, Profit = Cash + Trade

8 An Interview with Business Growth Expert Nathalie Ekobo

11 Phoenix Broadcasting

13 Featured Hotel Listing, The Inn at Villa Bianca

15 How to Save Cash and Increase Business

16 Trade for Travel

18 Why is Trade so important these days?

20 Instant Business Contest --The most interesting thing ever traded?

21 Helpful information from the IRS

Welcome! First and foremost I want to thank you for taking time to read the premiere issue of our magazine! We are excited to launch it!

INstANt BusINess is all about promoting and helping our member businesses grow regardless of the current economy. We know what a powerful tool trade can be and we are working on teaching you how simple, fun and easy it is. everything is “currency”. the true definition of currency is something you and I agree has value and we trADe.

We are now helping one member company move excess inventory while increasing profits by creating a deficit in the US. This is smart marketing, good business and some of the most creative uses of trade I have seen.

In the coming months our new magazine will feature many different types of businesses. the Instant Barter formula is to support you and your business by offering our extensive resources, experience and connections. Most of you know, we have the knowledge and people to make business happen for you.

We are open to suggestions, ideas and input. Plus, we are always happy to hear from our members. Let us know how we can increse your bottom line using trade. Also, please help us spread the word by sharing our link or sending readers to this new magazine.

If you would like a hard copy we can arrange a printed version for you.

We hope you enjoy this first issue and sincerely appreciate your time reading, commenting and cross promoting each issue. If you would like to be considered as a featured business in an upcoming issue, please send us a note. We also will be running contests every month. Check it out!

Have a Happy Prosperous New year!

Ana HawkCeo trade Director Business Developer

INstANt BArterMy BArter GAMehttp://www.InstantBarter.com http://[email protected]

Message froM the President

4 Instant Barter Magazine January

I thought my voice was gone for good, but then it miraculously returned…

you see, I had just undergone major neck surgery and my voice was diminished to a bare whisper. the doctor said it would stay this way.

Near the end of my recovery, my voice still barely audible, I felt compelled to attend a presentation on healing. As it turned out it was a presentation on reconnective Healing®. one thing led to another, including discovering the exact amount of money needed in my glove box, I signed up for the training to learn to be a reconnective Healing® practitioner.

Now, here is the amazing part. While undergoing the training, we pared up in teams of two to practice on one another. While I was receiving my healing, my voice returned to normal - and it has been that way ever since.

For me, Marjorie van der Wagen, reconnective Healing® is a life changing experience!

the premise is - heal the self, the body will follow. reconnective Healing® works on multiple levels resulting in a sense of clarity,

calmness and connection – all while enjoying an energy

surge. this is an alternative type of energy healing that is unmatched.

HoW It WorksI don’t prescribe what healing is going to occur. It may be what you want or it may be more significant. The Divine determines what is given. some receive peace and contentment. others experience weight loss or release of stress. some have integrated detached or traumatized aspects of the self. Most consider it remarkable and life changing.

It is a hands-off process, in which you lie down, fully clothed, on a message table while the work occurs in silence. Allow an hour for your session. It can be done in person or at a distance. I recommend an initial 3-session package for best results.

Check out my web site: http://Powerofreconnection.com

and then give me, Marjorie van der Wagen

a call at (602) 541-4664 or email at [email protected]

R econn ect iv e H ea l i ngi s a l i f e- c H a ngi ng e x pe R i e nce !

Instant Barter Magazine January 5

Most people don’t know what business they are in!

this may seem harsh, but when you ask most people about their business, they usually answer what they do or services they provide. the typical answer is something like: We’re aBC widgets. We have all kinds of widgets, both for small and large companies.

here’s my problem with this. it’s all about you and what you do. it’s not about the customer.

Consider another approach. Define a business by the results provided to the client or customer, or in terms of the problem solved. thus, our widget producer could say something like…

We know that a large number of people are have trouble making ends meet in today’s tough economy - so we developed our exclusive widget system to help cash strapped families deal with their expenses. (this is the classic problem- solution approach.)

I have found that if you define your business in terms of the customer or client, your opportunities to serve expand - which means greater revenues. for example, you are a resume writer. Your business is one of getting clients who need a resume. When you do it, it’s done.

But what if you define your business by what a resume is intended to do - get noticed and get hired?

if you are in the get noticed and get hired business, then additional services you could offer include: dress for success, interview prep and coaching - why, you could even turn this into a program or other information products. suddenly you are helping many people rather than one at a time. that’s called leveraging your time - and revenues.

Take time to clearly define your business in ways that have meaning to your client or customer and opportunities for greater service will appear.

for more information contact steve Kellogg, business consultant, speaker and content guru at 602-821-8823 or email him at [email protected] and request a free copy of his report: “3 Ways to Create a Memorable elevator speech.”

sign-up today for a free subscription to steve’s weekly email on how to rethink, recreate and give meaning to your career and your business - free at http://Bizthinkonline.com

steve kellogg http://Bizthinkonline.com

6 Instant Barter Magazine January

Most people don’t know what business they are in!

this seemingly brash statement comes from steve kellogg, business consultant, marketer, speaker and content guru. “I know this may sound strange,” claims kellogg, “but when you ask most people about their business, they answer in terms of their the daily activities or services they perform.” While this may not appear unusual to you, consider another approach.

Strive to define a business by the results provided to the client or customer or in terms of the problem solved. the conversation often goes something like this.

Question: What do you do?

Answer: We’re ABC widgets. We have all kinds of widgets, both for small and large companies. our widgets are the best available for the price.

Insert your own “widget” and you may also use the word “solution” - after all you are the widget solution.

Here’s my problem with that

It’s still all about you and what you do. It’s not about the customer.

Now, I know you have heard the phrase WIIFM - What’s in it for me. But until you translate that into benefit-oriented statements about your business, nobody cares. therefore, it is essential for a business to be able to define and message their

trade is a big part of everyday life in My Barter Game. each players engages in

barter using what they have to get what they need. What better tool

to help understand the world of trade and


Players will love bartering with each other and trying to complete the most profitable deals.

young people love “stacking cash” as the game gets hot. Pull an “event” card and see what twists and turns

are ahead in your next trade.

the player who acquires the most

profit wins!http://www.mybartergame.com/

Profit = Cash + trade

My Barter Game is all about understanding

trade in a fun educational way!

race around the board learning the benefits

of barter and how trade can make your

business grow.

swap, trade or barter....whatever you call it

this is a fun game for people of all ages.

Both the rewards and risks are big so enjoy the action as the most profitable player goes

home with the win!


hello, My name is ana hawk. i am the Ceo of instant Barter LLC and the developer of MY Barter gaMe™. i created this board game to help anyone playing to understand how trade works on a very basic level. the board game is a fun and easy way to understand trade. it teaches players how to use what they own as currency in order to gain other needed items and win the game.

While running a business, players learn about profits, negotiating, currency and the economy. the game accommodates up to six players, ages 7 and up. this action is fun for children and adults. everyone learns about building a business through trade.

Big corporations understand that trade is a powerful tool to engage in global business, offset inventories and market goods for a profit. Multi million dollar companies such as nike, Boeing and staples already use trade in their daily business. You should understand it also.

Would you like your face on one of our trade game currencies? We have sponsorship opportunities for both our trade and cash money.

We are selling the board advertising spaces. Players will be reminded of your company each time they land on or pass over your game space. Below is the list of the remaining 33 available spaces. if you are interested in this once in a lifetime advertising let us know. We will be launching the 1st board in the next few months.http://www.mybartergame.com/

8 Instant Barter Magazine January

nathalie is an internationally renowned intuitive Business Coach/Consultant, Professional speaker and trainer. nathalie has worked with thousands of Ceos, Leaders, entrepreneurs and small Business owners throughout the world, to help them remove their blocks to get to their next level with more ease, so they can increase their income, impact and influence.

she has shared the stage with Marianne Williamson and dr. Judith orloff. she has been featured in the Wall street Journal, has appeared on fox news, aZ-Channel 3, and is regularly invited in KnfX-1100aM radio shows. she was also featured in the documentary “Breakthrough” as an expert on Breakthrough Coaching.

You have a very unique background. What inspired you to start this business? How did the idea for your business come about?about 15 years ago, when i was struggling with another business of mine (a restaurant and catering), trying to make it grow, feeling stuck and overwhelmed, i met someone that helped me “get unstuck” and increase my income using my right (intuitive) brain, and “energetically” removing some blocks that were in the way. having an MBa and having worked all over europe for french corporations in Marketing and sales, my left (logic) brain was already working well, but it wasn’t enough to finding the answers I needed to increase the flow of money in my company and get out of overwhelm, stress and other frustrations!

Later on, when i saw the amazing results i got, i decided to learn the precise techniques she used on me, and perfect them by merging them with my Business consulting background. so twelve years ago, i created the coach or consultant that i was looking for, one that merges concrete marketing, and sales techniques with intangible psychology, energy work, mindset and universal principles, so people can accelerate success working “from the inside out”!Why do you think people struggle to grow their business? What’s holding them back?there are many different things that block people, and very often it is not what they think it is! if you look at the “concrete” conscious level, you may think they don’t have the right staff or team in place - which is crucial if you want to grow-, or that they miss the connections with certain contacts that will bring them contracts or introductions to their potential customers, -- and you’d be right, yet that is not enough! if you look deeper, once they have the team, or the right aligned contacts along with marketing or sales strategy to get more customers and raving fans, then you find issues like “self-sabotage” often due to a lack of confidence, or “unworthiness” with an inner dialogue that sounds like “We should do more for our clients”,

“Who am i to...”, or even the infamous “i’m a fraud” that almost inevitably occurs in Ceos and leaders’ minds at some point. Just to name a few, because there are many other deeper blocks too... everyone is unique. Yet, any time we find them, we see people that totally relate to what we found. it’s amazing!

So what do you do to help them remove these blocks?Very often these blocks come from the subconscious level and even from what I call “soul programs”. So, we find these, remove them and replace with other more positive and supportive patterns. it’s amazing to see people unfold and transform themselves. some of my clients are very intuitive too (most Ceos are without admitting it, and we can help them enhance this precious skill!) so they can feel the change happening and then a few weeks later they come with interesting stories on how they “attracted” a new $144,000 contract, found an easy solution to a tough problem, got interviewed on TV, or shifted into a high-performance flow with successes one after another!

What was the biggest obstacle(s) you faced in launching your business?i was spending too much time one-on-one explaining to people the uniqueness of my work. i needed to leverage my time. that is how i got into extensive training to learn how to sell from the heart (no “hard selling!”) doing workshops, speaking for networking groups or at conferences, reaching groups of entrepreneurs and business owners rather than talking individually to them. Just by doing this, i tripled my business in a short time, and then doubled it again later. that is why in my program “speak and attract Money!” i show entrepreneurs how to make [speaking] this powerful strategy work for them so they can double or triple their business too!

"If you could give 25 year-old Nathalie 5 business lessons, what would they be?".

Plan ahead and craft your strategies carefully. hire a 1. consultant/coach or a mentor. You don’t have to do it the hard way, you can do it the smart way! in 2013, we are supposed to collaborate, we are done with the do-it-JUst-Yourself era.develop and use your intuition. You’ll avoid making 2.

An Interview with Nathalie EkoboMeet award-winning Business growth expert nathalie

ekobo, Ma, MBa, founder of the B.o.L.d. and e.a.s.e. recipes for Personal & Business success.

Instant Barter Magazine January 9

mistakes and you’ll make the right decisions faster. trust your inner wisdom!Check on your (and your business’) energy *quality and 3. level* as you show it to your staff, clients, prospects, vendors, and they perceive it fully even when you’re not aware of it! so, “clear” your energy on a regular basis.When you’re frustrated, stressed, or ready to quit... or 4. even as a regular healthy practice: connect with the deep reason(s) why you do what you do, and take some time off to nourish your vision. (and schedule two Vision retreats per year!)do what you love and make your enthusiasm and love 5. grow - every day. enthusiasm and passion are what sells! You will magnetize customers and raving fans with real ease.

I know you have some great exercises to help people be more ‘magnetic’ to receiving money. Can you share some tips on that? Yes, i always create fun quick tips and strategies (i call them “recipes for success”) to get out of the rut, or just to feel better, because i do believe that if you feel really good about yourself, your business, your life, you will attract better (and more) opportunities because your level of vibration will be higher, and “like attracts like.”

over my 12+ years of consulting i noticed that one frequent issue is the lack of money. You may have a lot of customers, and experience a cash flow problem. Any time you think about paying bills, investing in your business, etc. you get triggered by this lack of money. this is a lower vibration, and if you stay in it you’ll miss opportunities, customers and you’ll miss making money! You will also feel stress and tension in your body. if you don’t believe me, close your eyes and think about an accumulation of invoices to pay, no money in your accounts,... and just get a feel for this for a few seconds. i’m sure you feel some tension in your neck, shoulders or lower back.

now, take a deep breath, hold it and breathe slowly through your mouth. do it three times, and with your eyes closed, imagine you are under a shower - with your clothes on - and it’s not raining water but $100 notes. Money is falling on you, and the best thing is that you can control the tap and increase the flow. Money is falling on the floor, you catch the $100 bills and put them in your pockets, jacket, purse,... then you start opening your arms to share some with the world, and the flow increases even more... take a deep breath, and feel how the Universe is supporting you. now, you can turn it off and get out of the shower because you know you can get a Money shower whenever you want!

By doing this you shifted the “lack of money” energy into a feeling of abundance, when you keep this feeling, you will attract

better things sooner than you think. it’s a quick tip and i have way more on my website and in my newsletter.

How do you work with people?i have clients all over the world: in australia, Canada, europe, and from the east to the West coast in the United stated, so i work on the phone, and i use skype a lot.

i offer various trainings, keynotes and breakout sessions for networking groups, corporations, and conferences where you can experience my work live.

i also have retreats, workshops and seminars for entrepreneurs and small business owners, and i also offer online group programs on webinars and tele-seminars.

the best way to stay current with my offers is to go to my website nathalieekobo.com

Anything else you’d like to tell us? also on my website, i have a lot of resources (most of them free) to give more tips and strategies...among them a “Clarity Consultation” where you can get guidance and clarity on what’s holding you back, and create a plan to let this go. i highly encourage your readers to take me up on this!

What would be your dream weekend?that’s easy! i would be in hawaii or Bora Bora with no communication devices! growing up in Paris, i always dreamed of sunshine, that’s why i moved to scottsdale, aZ. But, the beach is quite far away! (smile) and, i thrive in and around water, playing with my 7 year old daughter, and my husband!

Contact information:nathalie ekobo:1+ [email protected]


a “geeky” moment in one of my classes.



Do you need to generate more exposure, influence and income for you, your business or non-profit?

then you will want to check out Phoenix Broadcasting.

Dan kiburz incorporated Phoenix Broadcasting in April of 1999 in response to the demand for affiliate relations in the talk radio industry. Phoenix Broadcasting has been syndicating radio shows for over 13 years. some of their past clients included “Pet talk America”, “the Millennium radio Network”, “the Gary Null show”, “Let’s talk recovery”, “Investors edge”, “the ron seggi show”, “the roth show”, “Dresser After Dark”, “John Pendleton show”, “Chuck Morse show” and other shows.

In 2007 Phoenix Broadcasting expanded their service to broadcasting on the Internet. Currently Phoenix Broadcasting operates http://phoenixbroadcasting.com with archived talk shows, music and other information. http://phoenixbroadcasting.com receives between 200,000 and 300,000 hits a month. For clients that want to be aired on radio, Phoenix Broadcasting also syndicates their vignettes on affiliate stations around the country. In 2012 they expanded by creating “Media” webpage’s for the archiving of talk shows (on mp3 or video) with information about the show and providing links to the client’s website.

In 2012 Phoenix Broadcasting also began to sell advertising space on their website http://phoenixbroadcasting.com. In order to provide even better service for their advertisers they instituted a social networking campaign and began to market their advertisers on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus.

Phoenix Broadcasting has just begun the live streaming of audio and video for their clients. Phoenix Broadcasting is embedding the html code for their client’s live broadcast streaming players on their “Media” page. this provides their client’s live broadcast with a completely different audience on a new media outlet.

To generate more exposure, influence and income contact Dan Kiburz at Phoenix Broadcasting 727-557-6092.

Instant Barter Magazine January 11

Bringing You the WorldnoW in 98 Countries

12 Instant Barter Magazine January

The Instant Barter transaction fee

is just 2.5%

“DiD you hear?”

instant Barter LLC.

P o Box 97664

Phoenix, aZ 85060-7664

Phone: 602-828-9088


Featured Listing

Instant Barter Magazine January 13

This vacation package includes:

4 days 3 nights in Orlando3 days 2 nights Ft. Lauderdale

2 day Bahamas Cruise


7 day 2 person Trip To Florida & Bahamas jusT $499 Trade.

*The tax and port fees are to be paid in cash

14 Instant Barter Magazine January

Instant Barter Magazine January 15

How to save ca$h and increase

businessTips for a prosperous new year

Use Barter First

Whether you are buying or selling products, always think about how barter can be used before spending cash. spending trade dollars instead of cash increases the bottom line. Instead of visiting a local store or distributor to buy supplies, try Instant Barter first and save those hard earned cash resources. Connecting with members who are willing to pay in trade dollars might even be easier than finding cash customers. -Tip number one: with all daily business and expenses use barter first.

Be Creative & Flexible

Creativity refers to the creation or origination of any new thing that has value and being creative means trying new things! During everyday business, it’s important to look beyond the obvious sales connections and be willing to modify the supply chain or change vendors. Since trade dollars may not always buy exactly what is needed, try to find new ways of doing things. try to use only trade dollars and locate new sources of goods through barter. Many businesses find that trade helps to compensate and motivate employees, settle debts, develop new clients and even promote local charities. Using trade can mean being more flexible and paying existing vendors in trade dollars. Many successful business owners even use trade dollars to pay down some of their company debt. -Tip number two: be creative, think outside the box.

Always use Trade Dollars for Travel

the travel industry is one of the largest trade industries on the planet. Whether it is business travel, personal or vacations, it is important to always offset bottom line expenses by using trade dollars instead of cash. Vacation travel also makes a great gift for business associates and employees. -Tip number three: always trade for travel.

16 Instant Barter Magazine January

TradeforTravelGo Skiing in Vermont

Instant Barter Magazine January 17

trading for travel can provide members extraordinary opportunities.

Charming Condo Near Mount snowAvailable: Charming townhouse Condo - 2 Bedroom 2 bath with loft located at Mt.

snow, Vermont. this lodging will sleep 8 and is available for rental on a trade basis. Great outdoor activities including golf, skiing, mountain biking and more.

Instant Barter offer a variety of travel opportunities. Most aspects of your vacation can be arranged by trade dollars.

*See the Instant Barter Trading Post online for all available properties.

Need a vacation?

Rentals, hotels and exotic getaways are currently available from Instant Barter. It’s cashless travel.

18 Instant Barter Magazine January

Instant Barter Magazine January 19

during both good economic times and bad ones, it is always important for businesses to keep a constant flow of new customers. Any slowdown in orders may prove fatal.

trade is very important because:

trade provides members with a direct source of new clients and incremental 1. business.trade also brings new customers without affecting a business’s existing cash 2. sales.trade helps businesses dispose of excess inventory by bartering those products 3. to other members across the network. this action is especially helpful for new companies which are still developing their markets.

Companies around the world are experiencing one of the toughest business climates in the past 90 years, every advertising dollar saved and each new customer realized by word-of-mouth advertising is a great benefit. Instant Barter membership and word-of-mouth advertising allows clients to access more potential customers and offers shoppers a greater awareness of your business products & services.

Because of recent software innovations, trade has evolved into an accepted system for engaging in a limitless variety of exchanges for products and services across an international exchange network. instant Barter’s online trade software provides members an opportunity to showcase products and services across a global network which includes many new customer markets. a positive reaction from one or more trading partner can create global word-of-mouth advertising recommendations. Customers that communicate a positive shopping experience to other potential customers can help develop many new clients in the months and years ahead. instant Barter word-of-mouth success stories are being heard more and more each month. One of the biggest benefits of Instant Barter membership is the wide exposure to hundreds of new potential customers. trading across the instant Barter network can expand a member’s marketplace beyond their cash-paying accounts and helps to drive those customers to “in house” products and not those of a competitor.

trade can quickly become an effective means for a business to expand into new markets and increase an overall market share.

Why is TradeSo Important These Days?

20 Instant Barter Magazine January

Instant Business Magazine

ContestWhat is the most interesting thing that you have ever traded for?

share with us your most intersting trade and you could walk away a $1000 trade winner!

At INstANt BArter we have received everything from DC9 Airplanes, Wii Game systems, Dipentene (a turpentine derivative used as paint solvent made from Pine trees), urns for funerals, Horses, property, you name it we have moved the excess inventory.

you may also include creative ways you have used trade as a marketing tool. We will share some of our many creative concepts as well. Let’s have some fun here!

Tell us how you have been creative in your trading and what items or services were used?

each month we will announce the winner of $1,000 in trade to spend anywhere in the world.

Get Creative you have to top my stories! Please email your submissions to me [email protected]

* No purchase is necessary to enter or win. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning. All Federal, State, local and municipal laws and regulations apply. Void where prohibited.

Instant Barter Magazine January 21

Top Listings

Wii console with 1 control ler and 500 of the latest games. $2,500 in Trade

We’ve got you coveredPlast ic gol f cart covers only $50 Trade

http:/ /www.instantbarter.com

Don’T leT This haPPen To you!

All shipping/handling is cash

Instant Barter Magazine January 22

BArter exCHANGes

Bartering is the trading of one product or service for another. usually there is no exchange of cash. Barter may take place on an informal one-on-one basis between individuals and businesses, or it can take place on a third party basis through a barter exchange company. A barter exchange is any person or organization with members or clients that contract with each other (or with the barter exchange) to jointly trade or barter property or services. the term does not include arrangements that provide solely for the informal exchange of similar services on a noncommercial basis.

unlike one-on-one bartering, members of exchanges are not obligated to barter or purchase directly from a seller. Instead, when a barter exchange member sells a product or a service to another member, their barter account is credited for the fair market value of the sale. When a barter exchange member buys, the account is debited for the fair market value of the purchase.

INterNet-BAseD BArter

the Internet provides a new medium for the barter exchange industry. Pure Internet-based barter companies differ from traditional, organized trade exchanges in that they do not have a physical office. In modern Internet barter exchanges, there is an agreement or process in place to value goods and services exchanged, which is facilitated by the barter exchange for a fee. A barter exchange functions primarily as the organizer of a marketplace where members buy and sell products and services among themselves.

trADe DoLLArs

Barter exchanges have their own unit of exchange, usually known as barter or trade dollars. trade dollars or barter dollars are valued in u.s. currency for the purposes of information returns. trade dollars allow barter to take place between parties when one party may not have a simultaneous need or desire for the goods or services of the other members. Barter exchanges act as the bookkeeper for keeping track of trade dollars that participants accumulate. earning trade or barter dollars through a barter exchange is considered taxable income, just as if your product or service was sold for cash.

requIreMeNt For BArter exCHANGes to FILe INForMAtIoN returNs

Barter exchanges are required to issue Form 1099-B (PDF) Proceeds from Broker and Barter exchange transactions, annually to their clients or members and to the Internal revenue service. Learn more about information return filing requirements for barter exchanges.

sample documents and links.Form 1099-B http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1099b.pdfthis information can be found directly on the Irs web site.http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/small-Businesses-&-self-employed/Bartering-Income

Helpful information from the IRS