Inkjet printed paper based frequency selective surfaces and skin mounted RFID tags : the interrelation between silver nanoparticle ink, paper substrate and low temperature sintering technique Citation for published version (APA): Sanchez-Romaquera, V., Wïnscher, S., Turki, B. M., Abbel, R. J., Barbosa, S., Tate, D. J., Oyeka, D., Batchelor, J. C., Parker, E. A., Schubert, U. S., & Yeates, S. G. (2015). Inkjet printed paper based frequency selective surfaces and skin mounted RFID tags : the interrelation between silver nanoparticle ink, paper substrate and low temperature sintering technique. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3(9), 2132-2140. https://doi.org/10.1039/C4TC02693D DOI: 10.1039/C4TC02693D Document status and date: Published: 01/01/2015 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: www.tue.nl/taverne Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: [email protected] providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 11. Apr. 2021

Inkjet printed paper based frequency selective surfaces ... · area. Recently, we reported the inkjet fabrication of UHF RFID tags, whichweretransferable onto skin.Commercially available

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Inkjet printed paper based frequency selective surfaces andskin mounted RFID tags : the interrelation between silvernanoparticle ink, paper substrate and low temperaturesintering techniqueCitation for published version (APA):Sanchez-Romaquera, V., Wïnscher, S., Turki, B. M., Abbel, R. J., Barbosa, S., Tate, D. J., Oyeka, D., Batchelor,J. C., Parker, E. A., Schubert, U. S., & Yeates, S. G. (2015). Inkjet printed paper based frequency selectivesurfaces and skin mounted RFID tags : the interrelation between silver nanoparticle ink, paper substrate and lowtemperature sintering technique. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3(9), 2132-2140.https://doi.org/10.1039/C4TC02693D


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Inkjet printed pa

aOrganic Materials Innovation Centre (OMIC

Manchester, M13 9PL, Manchester, UK. E-m

uk; [email protected] of Organic and Macromolecul

University Jena, Humboldtstr. 10, 07743 JencJena Center for SoMatter (JCSM), Friedrich

7, 07743 Jena, GermanydSchool of Engineering and Digital Art, Un

KingdomeHolst Centre-TNO, High Tech Campus 31,fCondensed Matter Physics Department, Fac

de, Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compos

† Electronic supplementary informa10.1039/c4tc02693d

Cite this: J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3,2132

Received 25th November 2014Accepted 6th January 2015

DOI: 10.1039/c4tc02693d


2132 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 2132

per based frequency selectivesurfaces and skin mounted RFID tags: theinterrelation between silver nanoparticle ink, papersubstrate and low temperature sinteringtechnique†

Veronica Sanchez-Romaguera,*a Sebastian Wunscher,bc Badredin M. Turki,d

Robert Abbel,e Silvia Barbosa,f Daniel J. Tate,a Dumtoochukwu Oyeka,d

John C. Batchelor,d Edward A. Parker,d Ulrich S. Schubertbc and Stephen G. Yeates*a

Inkjet printing of functional frequency selective surfaces (FSS) and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags

on commercial paper substrates using silver nanoparticle inks sintered using low temperature thermal,

plasma and photonic techniques is reported. Printed and sintered FSS devices demonstrate

performances which achieve wireless communication requirements having a forward transmission

scattering parameter, S21, depth greater than �20 dB at 13 GHz. Printed and plasma sintered RFID tags

on transfer paper, which are capable of being mounted on skin, improved read distances compared to

previously reported single layer transfer RFID tags fabricated by conventional thermal sintering.

1. Introduction

With an increasing dependence on wireless communication,the demand for the integration of electronic structures onto abroader range of substrates is becoming increasingly impor-tant. In this paper, we consider two such wireless structures,both of which have the unied requirement of having the needto print conductive features onto substrates which will nottolerate high processing temperatures and how considerationof the interplay between ink and paper substrate coupled withselection of the appropriate sintering techniques is essential inrealizing optimum performance.

Firstly frequency selective surfaces (FSS) can be regardedas lters of electromagnetic waves and whilst well known inmicro- and millimeter-wave aerospace systems, recent

), School of Chemistry, The University of

ail: [email protected].

ar Chemistry (IOMC), Friedrich Schiller

a, Germany

Schiller University Jena, Philosophenweg

iversity of Kent, CT2 7NT, Kent, United

5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands

ulty of Physics, Universidade de Santiago

tela, Spain

tion (ESI) available. See DOI:


applications in ultra-high frequency (UHF) mobile bands havegiven rise to new design and fabrication requirements,including large physical size and low-cost manufacture.1,2

Current mobile and wireless systems are becoming severelycapacity limited owing to interference and frequency reuseissues.3 A possible means to address the problem is to embedpotentially large FSS panels within building structures suchas FSS-wall paper, FSS-blinds, FSS-curtains and FSS-remov-able window covers. To be a realistic proposition, these panelsmust be simple to fabricate, low-cost and compatible with awider range of materials, including temperature sensitivesubstrates.4 Aiming to address this gap, we recently reportedthe rst digitally fabricated FSS on a temperature sensitivefoil, polyethylene napthenate (PEN), which showed thepotential of inkjet printing for the fabrication of FSS ofsimilar performance to those fabricated with conventionaletching techniques.5 Subsequent inkjet printed FSS reportshave demonstrated both pre-coated textile and porous papersubstrates6 have necessitated multiple layer deposition (up to10 layers) in combination with long sintering times (>60 min)and high sintering temperature (160 �C) in order to obtainsufficiently conductive features.7

Secondly passive radio frequency identication (RFID) tagswhich are used in both asset management and in monitoring,identifying and tracking people particularly in work environ-ments such as power plants, airports, hospitals, military bases,reneries and access restricted areas is an emerging applicationarea. Recently, we reported the inkjet fabrication of UHF RFIDtags, which were transferable onto skin. Commercially available

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non-porous transfer tattoo paper, silver nanoparticle ink, andmoderate temperature conventional thermal sintering (135 �C,30 min) were used to produce the UHF RFID tags.8 Although thepotential of inkjet printing to obtain paper based electromag-netic structures such as FSS and UHF RFID has been demon-strated, the need for conventional thermal sintering techniquesto convert the silver ink into suitably conductive features is stilla limiting factor for applications on more thermally sensitivesubstrates and for roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing.

Alternative approaches to thermal sintering of silver nano-particles have recently been reported enhancing the compati-bility of the sintering step with thermally sensitive substratesand with R2R manufacturing capabilities.9 These have includedtailoring the inks such that they can be processed at lowtemperatures,10 the use of sintering additives,11,12 application ofan electrical current,13 exposure to low- and atmospheric-pres-sure plasmas,14,15 microwave irradiation16 and several photonicapproaches including infra-red (IR),17 laser18 and intense pulsedlight (IPL) sintering.19,20

Although some authors have reported sintering of silvernanoparticles on paper substrates21–24 and others have con-ducted feasibility studies on plastic substrates to comparethe sintering effectiveness of various alternative low-temperature sintering techniques,25 to the best of ourknowledge, no comparative study on the interrelationbetween different silver nanoparticle inks, paper substratesand various alternative sintering methods in addition toconventional thermal sintering has been reported. This workprovides a systematic study of the electrical performance ofinkjet printed features by comparing two commerciallyavailable inks, two commercially available paper substratesand three low-temperature sintering techniques, thermal,low-pressure argon plasma and IPL with a focus on FSS andtattoo RFID applications. Conclusions are drawn withregards to combinations of ink-paper substrate-printing andsintering techniques with potential for R2R manufacturingand commercial viability.

2. Experimental section2.1 Materials

Two commercial silver nanoparticle dispersions were used inthis work. Ink A is a 20 wt% dispersion of silver nanoparticles,(particle diameter in the range of 50 nm by scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM)) in ethanol/ethylene glycol mixture fromSigma-Aldrich (SunTronic U5603 from Sun Chemicals). Ink B isa water-based dispersion from Clearjet Ltd. (Jerusalem, Israel)containing 30 wt% of silver nanoparticles having a diameter of10 nm. A detailed investigation of the composition of this inkcan be found in a previously reported study.26

Two paper substrates engineered for inkjet printing werechosen. Inkjet tattoo transfer paper (tattoo paper), representa-tive of the paper class having a polymeric receiving layer, wassupplied by Cray Computer Paper (Leicester, UK) whilst PELNano-P60 paper (PEL paper), representative of the paper classhaving an inorganic micro-porous receiving layer, was obtainedfrom Printed Electronics Ltd. (Cambridge, UK). In all cases the

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substrates were purged with a ow of air to remove dust parti-cles prior to use.

2.2 Inkjet printing and sintering

Inkjet printing was performed using a piezoelectric DimatixDMP-2800 system (Dimatix-Fujilm Inc., USA), equipped with a10 pL cartridge (DMC-11610). The cartridge temperature was setbetween 30 and 45 �C and was adapted to the applied substratetemperature.

Thermal sintering was carried out in a convection oven set at150 �C unless otherwise stated. Sintering times of up to 60 minwere used as stated in the main text. Plasma sintering wasperformed using a low-pressure argon plasma instrument fromDiener Electronic (Nagold, Germany). Small samples were pro-cessed with the Diener pico plasma chamber operating at apower of 190 W and a processing pressure of 0.4 mbar. Largearea samples (A4 FSS) were processed with the Diener nanoplasma chamber operating at a power of 300 W and a pressureof 0.4 mbar. Photonic ash sintering was carried out with acustom tool previously described.27,28 It consists of a combina-tion of a XOP-15 lamp in an elliptical reector and a commer-cially available ash lamp system (Sinteron 2000 from XenonCorp., U.S.A.) mounted above a substrate holder which can betransported underneath the lamps at a predened speed up to20 m min�1.

2.3 Characterization

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed underambient atmosphere in the range from room temperature to600 �C at a heating rate of 10 �C min�1 using a TGAQ5000system from TA Instruments (NewCastle, USA). The electricalresistance of sintered silver features was measured by the 4-point probe technique. A Jandel multi-position wafer probesystem (Jandel Engineering Ltd., Leighton Buzzard, UK)mounted with a cylindrical probe head (solid tungsten carbideneedles of 0.40 mm diameter spaced 1.0 mm) was employed.Grazing angle FT-IR experiments were performed on a Vertex-70spectrometer equipped with a Harrick Seagull accessory andGermanium hemisphere ATR crystal and nitrogen purge fromBruker. The sample was mounted with an incident angle of 65�.Background and measurements were averaged over 64 scanswith a resolution of 4 cm�1, recorded by a DLaTGS detector.

Optical microscopy images were taken using a Leica®DM25000 M optical microscope with adjustable magnicationin reective mode. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imageswere taken using an EVO® LS 15 system (Carl Zeiss AG, Ober-kochen, Germany) operating at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV.

The FSS design used in this work has been described in ourearlier work30 consisting of 374 patch dipoles set on a skewedlattice (Fig. S7†). The RFID antenna used in this work has a totalsize of 65 � 20 mm2 including a port area, and is described indetail in our previous study (Fig. S7†).9 Tag read distance wasmeasured using a Voyantic Tagformance lite RFID measure-ment system. Aer calibrating the system at 35 cm the RFID tagwas transferred to the volunteers arm and the read range was

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extrapolated by measurement at the global RFID UHF frequencybands within permitted transmission power levels.

3. Results and discussion3.1 Characterization of paper substrates

The papers used in this study are representative of the twomajor classes of commercial inkjet paper, polymer coated andinorganic micro-porous. The composition and thermal stabilityof polymer coated tattoo transfer paper has previously beendescribed and comprises a 1 mm thick non-porous ink-receivinglayer primarily composed of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) whichlimits the sintering temperature to 135 �C (Fig. S1a–c†).8 Bycontrast, PEL paper, specically designed for printed electronicapplications, comprises a inorganic micro porous ink-receivinglayer with a porosity of 60 nm which can withstand a sinteringtemperature of up to 150 �C.30 Analysis of the PEL paper byscanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transforminfrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis(TGA) (Fig. S1d–f†) clearly shows two layers: a top layer ofapproximately 20 mm thickness, conrmed by FTIR to be silicabased micro porous inorganic ink-receiving layer and a bottompaper base layer. The inorganic nature and the greater thicknessof PEL paper ink-receiving layer are attributed to its greaterthermal stability.

Fig. 1 Sheet resistance of Ink A on PEL paper as function of sinteringtime for thermal sintering at 150 �C (open icons and solid lines) andsheet resistance of Ink A on tattoo paper after 30 min of thermalsintering at 135 �C. Cross-sectional SEM image of thermally sinteredInk A pattern (dot spacing 20 mm) on PEL paper (inset).

3.2. Ink/substrate interactions

Printing of defect free features is a key requirement to manu-facture highly conductive components which are suitable asantennas for RFID tags and conductive arrays in FSS applica-tions. In order to identify appropriate print conditions for thefabrication of such structures, variables including drop-to-dropdistance (drop spacing) and substrate temperature were studiedfor the different ink/paper combinations.

For Ink A (ethanol/ethylene glycol based dispersion),printing simple single layer patterns with a drop spacingranging between 15 and 25 mm on both paper substrates wasfound to result in well-dened patterns without any signs ofbulging or ill-dened edges. However, single layer patternsprinted with a drop spacing of 25 mm on PEL paper occasionallyshowed isolated defects resulting from non-overlapping dropsof successively printed adjacent lines. The reason for this effectis the fast drying of the deposited ink due to the micro porousink-receiving layer which allows fast removal of the solvent.

The reduction of the resistance of a printed conductor isaccessible by increasing the pattern height via multilayerprinting. Whilst double and triple layer printing was possible onPEL paper, severe defects due to drying effects were observed forInk A on tattoo paper. It is believed that the main reason forthese defects is the relief of mechanical stress resulting from aslow drying of the ink (mud cracking).31 In order to acceleratedrying on the tattoo paper, the substrate temperature wasincreased from 32 �C to up to 60 �C and combined with areduction of deposited material during each layer by increasingthe drop spacing, resulting in defect free patterns of up to threelayers. These substrate temperatures are, however, a trade-off

2134 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 2132–2140

against print stability and reliability since they also acceleratesolvent evaporation at the print head and, therefore, causefrequent nozzle clogging.

Printing of Ink B (water-based dispersion) on PEL paper isachievable by using similar settings as in the case of Ink A (15 to25 mm drop spacing, 32 �C substrate temperature). Whenprinting onto tattoo paper, Ink B shows strong wetting of thesubstrate resulting in ill-dened pattern dimensions. Suitableedge denition was achieved by adjusting the drop spacingfrom 40 to 50 mm and the substrate temperature to 50 �C, headtemperature adapted to 40 �C. However the printed lmspossess high surface roughness, which is disadvantageous forboth, high electrical conductivity and printing of multiplelayers. As a consequence multilayer printing was not achievablewith sufficient quality in terms of wetting and surface homo-geneity. This study shows the importance of matching ink uidproperties to the engineered properties of the substrate andhow careful consideration of print conditions can be used tooptimize the feature quality.

3.3. Sintering studies

In order to study the potential of low-pressure argon plasma andIPL low temperature sintering on tattoo and PEL papercomparison is rst made to conventional thermal sintering.Based on the thermal stability analysis, conventional thermalsintering temperature was limited to 135 �C for tattoo paper and150 �C for PEL paper.

3.3.1. Thermal sintering. Thermal sintering of Ink A ontattoo paper has previously been reported showing best elec-trical properties were achieved sintering for 30 min (Fig. 1).8 Inorder to evaluate the electrical properties of Ink A on PEL paper,sheet resistances of samples printed with a drop spacing of 15,20 and 25 mm were determined for thermal sintering of up to30 min. Obtained sheet resistances are dependent on the

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amount of deposited material i.e. higher amount of depositedmaterial results in lower sheet resistances. Using an 15 mm dropspacing and a sintering temperature of 150 �C for 5 to 30 min,sheet resistances as low as 300 and 235 mU sq�1, 5� resistivityof bulk silver,8 were reached. In comparison to the thermalsintering results on tattoo paper, these values are signicantlybetter due to the combination of slightly higher sinteringtemperature, higher thermo-mechanical stability of the ink-receiving layer, improved removal of solvents as well as favor-able sintering effects due to the silica containing surface of thePEL paper. An increase in sheet resistance at longer sinteringtimes due to damage of the substrate was not observed as in thecase of tattoo paper, where prolonged heating leads to a so-ening and wrinkling of the polymeric receiving layer and,therefore, to macroscopic damage of the printed silver layer(Fig. S2 and S3†).8 Following the trend of lower resistance forincreased pattern height, 3 layer printing reduced the sheetresistance further to 92 mU sq�1 15 mm drop spacing.

Previous studies on Ink B have shown that good conductivitycan be achieved when sintered at 150 �C for at least 30 min onglass.32 Sintering on tattoo paper at both 135 �C and 150 �C,whilst accepting substrate damage, for up to 60 min, however,gave no measurable resistance. SEM images (Fig. 2b) did notshow any signs of grain coarsening but particle sizes compa-rable to the as-printed ink. Whilst high surface roughness and asignicantly lower amount of deposited ink per layer could bereasons for the comparatively high resistance, the absence ofany sintering can only be due to the paper used here. Theimpact of the thermal conductivity of the substrate material, forinstance, is known to have a large impact on the sintering resultof silver nanoparticle inks.33 As indicated in the previouslyreported resistivity model for this particular ink, prolongedsintering times can lead to conductive patterns at lowertemperatures.32 From a processing as well as substrate damagepoint of view, sintering times in the range of several hours atthese temperatures are, however, not compatible with low costand high throughput production.

In contrast to the unsuccessful sintering on tattoo paper,thermal sintering of Ink B on PEL paper using the sameconditions reveals excellent sheet resistances of 174, 590 and

Fig. 2 Sheet resistance of single (solid lines and icons) and double layer (of sintering time for thermal sintering at 150 �C (a), SEM images of therm

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940 mU sq�1 aer 30 min for single layer patterns printed withdrop spacing of 15, 20 and 25 mm, respectively, with double layerprinting showing a further signicant resistance reduction(Fig. 2a). All samples show a signicant drop in sheet resistancewithin the rst 15 min of sintering and signicant densicationand grain coarsening of the nanoparticles being observed bySEM (Fig. 2c) compared with un-sintered silver nanoparticleink.28 It has to be stated that despite any deformation of the PELpaper, signicant yellowing is observed for sintering timesabove 15 min, indicating a slow decomposition of substratecomponents.

These results of Ink B on PEL and tattoo paper, in particularthe differences of the SEM images, clearly show the inuence ofdifferent substrate materials on the sintering performance. Thesilica based ink receiving layer of PEL paper is believed to havebenecial effect on the thermal sintering of nanoparticle basedinks. Allen et al. reported on the sintering of a silver nano-particle ink at room temperature and high humidity resulting inconductive patterns aer one day.34 It is believed that theseeffects are due to synergistic enhanced water uptake by thesilanol groups and a high bonding affinity of the stabilizer tothe silica surface. The results for thermal sintering of Ink A andInk B on PEL paper also reveal favorable effects in comparisonto sintering on tattoo paper or on glass substrates, even withoutany humidity treatment.

3.3.2 Low-pressure argon plasma sintering. Previousstudies regarding plasma sintering of Ink A on polymer foilsshow its ability to be sintered via plasma irradiation to highlyconductive patterns.35,36 During plasma sintering (Diener pico)of Ink A on tattoo paper, however, severe cracking of the printedpattern was observed, which resulted in highly resistive or evennon-conductive patterns (Fig. 3c). Cross-sectional SEM imagesof plasma sintered Ink A on tattoo paper reveal that the nano-particles are successfully sintered and that macroscopic defectsare the cause of the absence of measurable conductivity(Fig. 3b). It was found that the magnitude of cracking correlatedto both the amount of deposited material, with multilayerpatterns showing more pronounced cracking than single layerand whether the pattern was pre-dried. Since the top layers aresintered preferentially, evaporation of large amounts of

dashed lines and open icons) patterns of Ink B on PEL paper as functionally sintered patterns of Ink B on tattoo (b) and PEL (c) paper.

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Fig. 3 Sheet resistances of low-pressure argon plasma sintered single layer patterns of Ink A on PEL paper after pre-drying at 100 �C for 5 min(solid lines and icons), without pre-drying (green diamond data point) and in combination with a pre-heated ground platen of the plasma device(Diener pico) (a). SEM image of Ink A on top of the ink receiving layer of tattoo paper (b), microscopy images of Ink A on tattoo (c) and PEL paperafter 30 min of plasma sintering (d).

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retained solvent from within the pattern can break the alreadyformed crust layer, resulting in irreversible defects. Sintering ofmultilayer patterns of Ink A on tattoo paper using the largerDiener nano plasma device was found to yield defect free lmswith sheet resistances of 300 mU sq�1 (Fig. S5†) supportingprevious observations on the sensitivity to electrode architec-ture.33 The less stringent conditions in the larger plasmachamber enable milder sintering at lower substrate tempera-tures, slow heat dissipation due to plasma, which avoidsdamage to both the thermo-sensitive ink receiving layer of thetattoo paper as well as the sintered metal pattern. In compar-ison to sintering on tattoo paper, plasma sintering of Ink A onPEL paper results in patterns with less defects and consequentlysignicantly reduced sheet resistances with triple layer printingpossible if the pattern was pre-dried (5 min at 100 �C) tominimize cracking defects and therefore enhance the electricalperformance to sheet resistances from 250 to 110 mU sq�1 forsingle and triple layer patterns respectively at 15 mmdot spacing(Fig. 3a and d). The benecial inuence of substrate heatingduring plasma sintering was enhanced by pre-heating of the

Fig. 4 Resistances of low-pressure argon plasma sintered single layer ptattoo paper without additional pre-drying (dashed lines and open icoMicroscopy images of plasma sintered patterns of Ink B on tattoo (b) anplasma sintering (Diener pico) (d).

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substrate holder of the plasma chamber, which resulted inimproved sheet resistances aer only 5 min of sintering by oneorder of magnitude without causing damage to the substrate orthe metal pattern (Fig. 3a).36

The results of plasma sintering of Ink B on both papersubstrates are displayed in Fig. 4a. Sintered patterns did notshow any signs of crack formation aer sintering. Since Ink B isaqueous based, unlike Ink A which is glycol based, residualsolvents can be more effectively removed from the as-printedpattern either during a pre-drying stage or during printing viaelevated substrate temperatures. Due to the very high surfaceroughness of the printed patterns on tattoo paper, reliable sheetresistance values could not be measured and consequently theresistance values of an 8 � 0.4 mm2 line are reported in Fig. 4.For Ink B, a signicant decrease in resistance is observed onboth, tattoo and PEL paper, down to approximately 11.6 and3.3 U, respectively. For comparison to other sintering tech-niques in this study, sheet resistance values of samples aer30 min of plasma sintering are provided in Fig. 4d. Plasmasintering of Ink B results in comparable values to plasma

atterns of Ink B on PEL after pre-drying (solid lines and icons) and onns) (a). SEM image of plasma sintered Ink B (both papers) (a, inset).d PEL (c) paper, corresponding sheet resistance values after 30 min of

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sintering of Ink A when sintered on PEL paper. Despite itsrather high surface roughness on tattoo paper, Ink B shows nosigns of crack formation during plasma sintering and yieldsimproved resistance values compared to thermal sintering ontattoo as well as PEL paper.

Unlike thermal sintering, lower sheet resistances uponincreasing amount of deposited material was generally notobserved for plasma sintering (Fig. 3a and 4a). This is becauseplasma sintering progresses top down with thicker layersrequiring longer times for complete sintering throughout theentire layer. In combination with a heated substrate, this can bepartially off-set although it is highly ink and substrate depen-dent as can be seen from the comparison of Fig. 3a and 4a.14,15

3.3.3 Intense pulsed light (IPL) sintering. IPL has beenreported earlier as a fast and efficient processing method toachieve highly conductive patterns from metal based inksprinted onto temperature sensitive substrates.33 Due to itsselective and thus spatially localized heating mechanism, thiscan signicantly reduce the thermal stress and, thus, damage tothe substrate. Whereas there are numerous reports on thistechnique for polymeric foils, only a limited number of studieshave been published on its use on paper. A study of photonicsintering on a variety of commercially available paper substratesof an ink having identical characteristics to Ink A resulted inhighly conductive features.21 The sintering details, however, arenot provided making direct correlation impossible. IPL sinter-ing studies using Ink B are neither published on paper nor onpolymer or inorganic substrates. Within this study, IPL sinter-ing has been applied to samples of Inks A and B on both papersubstrates in order to identify conditions which will producefeatures of sufficient electrical performance to be used for UHFRFID and FSS applications studied in this contribution.

IPL sintering of single layer Ink A on PEL paper resulted inhomogeneously sintered lms showing successful graincoarsening and coalescence of the silver nanoparticles by SEMwith few micro cracks mainly resulting from residual solventin the printed ink (Fig. S4†), which are further reduced by pre-drying. The effect of increasing pulse energies on the resis-tance of Ink A on PEL paper at a belt speed of 34 mm s�1 is

Fig. 5 Influence of varying pulse energies on the resistance of triple laypulse frequency of 1.8 Hz and a pulse length of 2.0 ms (a). Sheet resistancmm dot spacing (b). SEM image of Ink A on PEL after photonic sintering

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shown in Fig. 5a. The optimal window of operation is rathernarrow, 900 to 1100 J per pulse, since at lower values nosignicant improvement in sheet resistance is observed,whereas higher energies increase the risk of partial ablationof the silver from the substrate, resulting in non-functionalstructures. For multilayer patterns, a decrease in sheet resis-tance with increasing number of layers is observed. Whilst incomparison to thermal and plasma sintering, IPL sinteringyields slightly higher sheet resistance, the processing time isreduced by several orders of magnitude (milliseconds)demonstrating a signicant step towards high-throughputproduction compatibility.

IPL sintering of single layer Ink A on tattoo paper gavesimilar results to PEL paper. However multi-layered patternssuffered severe cracking, irrespective of pre-drying, as a result ofthe deformation of the low Tg ink receiving layer due to anexcess of heat being transferred into the substrate resulting inlocalized soening. Excess energy is dissipated into the toplayers of the substrate material, which permanently warps, if toomuch energy is used during IPL sintering.37,38 Since the inkreceiving layer of the tattoo paper is very thin, this particularsubstrate does not tolerate heat conduction of this magnitude.These ndings are analogous to using too high temperatures inan oven, hence, it is believed that the poor electrical perfor-mance of multilayer structures is due to substrate damage asdetailed in our previous work.8 This conclusion is further sup-ported by microscopy images of defective patterns revealingundulated features, which are similar to the defects of thesubstrate observed aer excessive thermal sintering (Fig. S2 andS6a†). Further optimization could potentially improve theperformance of multilayer patterns.

Within this study, it was not possible to nd settings tosuccessfully sinter Ink B using IPL sintering on either of thepaper substrates without signicant damage (Fig. S6b and c†).As seen from the thermal sintering results Ink B requiressignicantly more energy input to be successfully sinteredcompared to Ink A supported by prior reports on polymer foiland glass.15,32,35 In order to achieve sintering of Ink B using IPLsintering, more energy has to be coupled into the ink, which

er patterns of Ink A on PEL paper at a substrate speed of 34 mm s�1, aes of photonic sintered patterns of Ink A on tattoo and PEL paper at 20(c).

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directly translates into a higher temperature as well asenhanced heat dissipation into the substrate material.

3.4. UHF electromagnetic devices

3.4.1 Frequency selective surfaces. To demonstrate theapplicability of the various sintering techniques discussed inthis paper, A4 size FSS structures (Fig. S7†) on paper substrateswere fabricated using optimized printing and sintering condi-tions described earlier. The FSS structures presented in thispaper are designed to block signals around 13 GHz to a depth ofgreater than �20 dB which is taken as the limit of acceptableperformance which would be suitable for real-life applications,corresponding to 1% signal transmission through structure.29

Fig. 6 shows the measured FSS transmission response, S21, ofthermal, photonic and plasma sintered single layer of Ink A ontattoo and PEL paper.

In comparison to small scale samples, homogeneous sin-tering of Ink A on tattoo paper by plasma and IPL at A4 scaleproved to be difficult and yielding dipoles with many defectsdue to crack formation and damage to the substrate resulting incomparatively high resistances, and as a consequence, S21 wereinsufficient and in the range of �11 dB. This is in contrast tothermally sintered structures which gave S21 of �23 dB at about13 GHz. Single layer plasma, IPL and thermally sintered FSS onPEL paper, however, all gave S21 of�21 to�24 dB at 15 mm drop

Fig. 6 Measured transmission response (S21) of single layer FSSfabricated with Ink A on tattoo and PEL paper sintered by thermal,photonic and plasmameans and Ink B on PEL paper sintered by plasmameans.

Table 1 Summary results of RFID tags manufactured by inkjet printing c

Material Fabrication Sintering Ink lay

Ink A Inkjet Plasma 1 full aInk A Inkjet IPL 1 full aInk A Inkjet Thermal 1 full aSilver paste Stencil N/A 1 full aCu metal Etching N/A 1 full a

a Within designated UHF RFID bands: 865 to 868 MHz for Europe and 90

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spacing and high reectivity of the surface at about 13 GHz. Thetransmission response could be further improved from �24 to�27 dB by increasing the number of deposited layers from oneto three. Differences in transmission response values areattributed to differences in the electrical performance of printeddipoles achieved for each paper/sintering technique combina-tion as detailed earlier (Table S1†). These transmissionresponse values are comparable to those reported for the sameFSS structure inkjet printed on PEN foil with a similar inkthermally sintered at 160 �C for 120 min (ref. 5) and comparableto copper wet-etched FSS (Table S1†) with the slightly differentresonant frequencies a consequence of slightly different dipolelengths in the two cases.5

For Ink B, only FSS structures on PEL paper sintered viathermal and plasma sintering were considered here since a lowsurface roughness of the printed pattern could not be achievedby printing Ink B on tattoo paper. Whilst small area thermalsintering of Ink B on PEL paper yielded printed features of goodelectrical performance, 2.3 U per dipole, A4 FSS produced usingthe same optimized printing and thermal sintering procedurehad a transmission response of only �11 dB, since the dipoleresistances were now between 70 to 160 U per dipole. Theseadverse upscaling effects of thermal sintering are believed to bedue to the higher relative volume of paper acting as a large heatsink and therefore retarding the sintering process. This effect ismore pronounced in the case of Ink B because the temperaturesrequired for sintering are signicantly higher compared toInk A.

Since plasma sintering is not based on thermal effects, heatsink effects of up-scaled are not as prevalent. Plasma sinteredFSS fabricated with Ink B yielded transmission responses of�23 dB, which is comparable to those obtained for Ink A, Fig. 6.This is an encouraging result which demonstrates that func-tional electromagnetic devices of similar performance are notlimited to simply one ink. Sintering, however, has to be adaptedaccording to the used ink/substrate combination.

3.4.2 Tattoo RFID tags. For the purpose of comparability topreviously reported results, tag design, Fig. S7c,† andmeasurement setup, materials (Ink A) on tattoo paper,remained constant.

Single layer antennas were printed on tattoo paper, pre-driedat 70 �C and subsequently processed via low-pressure argonplasma (Diener nano, 30 min) and IPL sintering. Aer appli-cation of the integrated circuit (IC) chip to the port area of theantenna, the tag was transferred to the forearm of a volunteer

omparing with thermal sintering,8 plasma and IPL sintering for Ink A

ers Rp2p/U Read distancea/cm Ref.

ntenna 17 46 —ntenna 12 50 —ntenna 116 12 9ntenna 27 45 39ntenna 0.17 75 39

2 to 928 MHz for North America.

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Table 2 Overview of selected sintering results of different inks, papers and sintering techniques

Thermal sintering Plasma sintering IPL sintering

Substrate Tattoo PEL Tattoo PEL Tattoo PEL

Ink A B A B A Ba A Ba A B A BSuccessful sintering 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 7

Timescale/min 30 — <30 5 30 15 15 5 <1 s — <1 s —Min. Rsq/mU sq�1 716 — 236 174 300 15 U 255 3 U 1975 — 464 —

a Resistance values in U due to high surface roughness; 7 – no measurable conductivity aer sintering.

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and investigated regarding read range at different frequencies.The functionality of the RFID tags relies on high conductivity ofthe antenna system, particularly on the feed track of the portarea. Therefore, a low port-to-port resistance (Rp2p) is desiredand taken as reference resistance in this study. As shown inTable 1, antennas fabricated by plasma and IPL sinteringmethods resulted in UHF RFID tags of substantially superiorread distance, 46 and 50 cm initial read range respectively, tothose fabricated by thermal sintering 12 cm and of equal orsuperior performance to those fabricated using stencil appliedsilver paste 45 cm. This is attributed to the comparativelyimproved electrical properties, Rp2p, of the antennas, whilst thelower Rp2p and higher read distance of the copper etched tag, 75cm, is in part due to its greater layer thickness ($18 mm) incomparison to the inkjet printed antennas (<1 mm). Althoughmultilayer printing can lead to improved electrical performanceand, hence, improved read range, this has an associated costpenalty. Plasma and especially photonic sintering, which is aprocess that takes just a few seconds, can contribute to reducingsintering time and, hence, manufacturing costs.

4. Conclusions

From consideration of two different silver nanoparticle inks ontwo different substrates we see that the effectiveness of thesintering approach is highly dependent on the matched prop-erties of both ink and substrate material. An overview of thesintering results obtained are shown in Table 2, demonstratingthat the applied sintering technology has to be carefully chosenfor each ink/substrate combination in order to obtain optimalelectrical properties of the printed patterns.

The comparison of the different paper substrates revealedthat PEL paper with its micro porous inorganic ink receivinglayer is more stable under all applied sintering conditions,whereas tattoo paper is more heat sensitive due to the thinpolymer receiving layer, which does not tolerate temperaturesabove 100 �C for an extended amount of time. Therefore, globalor selective heating oen resulted in damaged substrate andsintered pattern and sintering temperatures and conditionshave to be chosen as mild as possible.

Optimized conditions for each ink/paper/sintering combi-nation were subsequently used for the manufacturing of FSSand RFID devices. This work demonstrates that single layer FSSand RFID conductive features can be produced on paper

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015

substrates via inkjet printing in combination with thermal andalternative sintering techniques compatible with R2Rmanufacturing. The performance of the FSS arrays meets real-life requirements for application in the eld of wirelesscommunication. We have furthermore demonstrated that theperformance of the FSS presented here can be improved byadopting a multilayer printing approach by increasing theamount of deposited material. Triple layer FSS show trans-mission responses that are superior to previously reportedinkjet printed FSS on PEN foil and comparable to copper etchedaccording to the same design (Table S1†). Furthermore, it wasfound that on-skin RFID tags manufactured via inkjet printingand using plasma and IPL sintering methods show superiorelectrical and, hence, greater read distance performancecompared to RFID tags previously produced by inkjetmanufacturing. Although processing conditions have to bechosen carefully for the heat sensitive tattoo paper, thesuccessful manufacturing of both, FSS and RFID tags on such atransferable substrate demonstrates the possibility of applyingsuch devices on different surfaces such as walls, windows or on-skin.

For the fabrication of paper based FSS arrays and RFIDantennas, inkjet printing is a promising tool since it allowssimple design alteration and adaption of layer thicknesses inorder to tailor the properties of electromagnetically activestructures to specic applications. Furthermore, recent devel-opments in alternative sintering approaches show the potentialto be used as fast and substrate friendly sintering techniqueallowing high throughput production in the near future.9,26,28,34


The authors thank Matthias Hartlieb and Stefan Holzer fromthe Friedrich Schiller University Jena for assistance with theplasma sintering experiments. Veronica Sanchez-Romaguera,Daniel Tate Badredin Turki and Dumtoochukwu Oyeka wouldlike to thank EPSRC for funding (EP/J000825/1 and EP/K03099X/1). Authors would like to thank Prof. Madgassi forkindly providing Ink B. Veronica Sanchez-Romaguera andSebastian Wunscher contributed equally to this work.


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