Initial Ideas Brogan Mitchell

Initial ideas

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Initial Ideas

Brogan Mitchell

Page 2: Initial ideas

After our first idea (Paranormal Activity Style) didn’t work we started to go in a different route. We came up with the title ‘Her Decision’ this gave us a few ideas that we could work with. We went through a number of different ideas and chose the one that we would realistically be able to do with a good story line and wouldn’t be too difficult to film but still a good challenge for us.

Page 3: Initial ideas

Initial Ideas

McDonalds idea:Having an actor/actress to be in the queue at McDonalds. We would exaggerate the decision of her choosing what they are going to order.

Dinner Date idea: Having a girl that is going to have a blind date at her house. She will be at a shop (Co-op) choosing foods to have for the night, and then be thinking to herself (which is where we would also see this happening in a bubble or something) if she chooses them foods, what could happen on the date. She would then settle for a certain food and then when the boy turns up to her house he will turn out to be someone she didn’t expect.

Her choice idea: A girl would have to have the choice of running away with her boyfriend and abandoning her family and friends or staying with her family and friends and having to leave her boyfriend.

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Her Choice Idea …

We didn’t look into this idea too much as it wasn’t one of our favourites. The idea was that a young teenage girl would be happily in a relationship with a boy a little bit older than her. Something would happen (preferably bad) where her boyfriend would have to move away and she would have the dilemma of having to either move away with him or stay where she lives and never see her boyfriend again.

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McDonalds Idea…

We liked this idea a lot but we figured out that there could be quite a few problems for us regarding the location. The basic story outline is that our actor would be stood in the queue at McDonalds and we would exaggerate how hard her decision would be to choose what she is going to order. This idea wouldn’t work as we may not be able to get the location in McDonalds and when we film we may have to go back different days and will not get the same background setting, such as the customers.

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Dinner Date Idea … Having a girl that is going to have a blind date at her house. She will be at a shop (Co-op) choosing foods to have for the night, and then be thinking to herself (which is where we would also see this happening in a bubble or something) if she chooses them foods, what could happen on the date. She would then settle for a certain food and then when the boy turns up to her house he will turn out to be someone she didn’t expect. This idea works for us because we can get the locations easily and are able to find actors easy that fit the roles.