Initial Environmental Examination September 2018 Indonesia: Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Project – Phase 2 Prepared by the City of Bima and the Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing for the Asian Development Bank.

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Page 1: Initial Environmental Examination - NUSP2 Initial... · Initial Environmental Examination September 2018 Indonesia: Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Project – Phase 2 Prepared

Initial Environmental Examination

September 2018

Indonesia: Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter

Project – Phase 2

Prepared by the City of Bima and the Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing for the Asian Development Bank.

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CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 10 September 2018)

Currency unit – rupiah (Rp)

Rp1.00 = $0,0000672 $1.00 = Rp14,875


ADB – Asian Development Bank APBD – Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (Regional

Budget for Income and Expenditure) DGHS – Directorate General of Human Settlements


(i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of Indonesia and its agencies ends on 31 December. “FY” before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY2011 ends on 31 December 2011.

(ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

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Initial Environmental Examination – Jatiwangi NSD


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Initial Environmental Examination – Jatiwangi NSD


TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... ii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. iv LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... v LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... vi ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................. vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Project Background ........................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Objective of Initial Environmental Examination ............................................................... 2


2.1 ADB Environmental Safeguard Policy ............................................................................ 3 2.2 Requirements of Government of Indonesia .................................................................... 3

CHAPTER 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION of JATIWANGI NSD ................................................. 5

3.1 The Need for Jatiwangi NSD Implementation ................................................................. 5 3.2 Land Status and Existing Development .......................................................................... 5 3.3 Land Use Compliance to the Spatial Planning ................................................................ 6 3.4. Future Development ..................................................................................................... 11

3.4.1. Pre-construction Phase ....................................................................................... 12 3.4.2. Construction Phase ............................................................................................. 14 3.4.3. Post-construction Phase ..................................................................................... 19 3.4.4. NSD Development Schedule ............................................................................... 20

CHAPTER 4 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BASELINE .................................................. 21

4.1. Climate ......................................................................................................................... 21 4.2. Ambient Air Quality ....................................................................................................... 21 4.3. Ambient Noise Level..................................................................................................... 22 4.4. Topography and Soil .................................................................................................... 22 4.5. Clean Water Quality ..................................................................................................... 22 4.6. Groundwater Quality..................................................................................................... 23 4.7. Flora ............................................................................................................................. 24 4.8. Fauna ........................................................................................................................... 25 4.9. Population, Livelihood and Archaeological Site ............................................................ 25


5.1 Pre-Construction Phase ............................................................................................... 27 5.1.1 Public Perception and Attitude ............................................................................. 27

5.2 Construction Phase ...................................................................................................... 28 5.2.1 Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level .................................................................... 28 5.2.2 Sedimentation and Surface Water Quality ............................................................ 28 5.2.3 Groundwater ........................................................................................................ 29 5.2.4 Flora, Fauna and Aquatic Ecology ....................................................................... 29 5.2.5 Work and Business Opportunities ........................................................................ 29 5.2.6 Public Perception and Attitude ............................................................................. 30 5.2.7 Occupational Health and Safety, and Hygiene ..................................................... 30

5.3 Maintenance/Operation Phase ..................................................................................... 32 5.3.1 Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level .................................................................... 32 5.3.2 Odor, Insect and Rodent ...................................................................................... 32 5.3.3 Surface Water Quality .......................................................................................... 33 5.3.4 Public Perception and Attitude ............................................................................. 33


6.1 Public Consultation ....................................................................................................... 34 6.2 Information Disclosure .................................................................................................. 34

CHAPTER 7 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ............................................................. 35

CHAPTER 8ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP)............................................. 37

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8.1 Mitigation Measures ..................................................................................................... 37 8.2 Monitoring Requirements ............................................................................................. 43 8.3 EMP Implementation and Reporting ............................................................................. 49 8.4 Cost Estimation for EMP Implementation ..................................................................... 50 8.5 Reporting Procedures ................................................................................................... 51

CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................ 53

CHAPTER 10 REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 54

APPENDICES......................................................................................................................... 55

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Figure 1. Orientation Map of Jatiwangi NSD in Bima City ........................................................... 7

Figure 2. Land Use Map in Jatiwangi NSD, Bima City ................................................................ 8

Figure 3. Detailed Spatial Plan 2014 - 2034 of Asakota Sub-district, Bima City .......................... 9

Figure 4. Aerial View of Existing Jatiwangi NSD Site.................................................................10

Figure 5. Dissemination of Jatiwangi NSD Plan ........................................................................13

Figure 6. Dissemination of UKL-UPL Document of Jatiwangi NSD ............................................14

Figure 7. Detailed Cross Section of Road and Drainage System ..............................................17

Figure 8. Clean Water Supply Network of Jatiwangi NSD .........................................................18

Figure 9. Grievance Redress Mechanism Flowchart .................................................................36

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Table 1. Facilities and Infrastructure to be Constructed .............................................................11

Table 2. NSD Development Schedule .......................................................................................20

Table 3. Rainfall and Rainy Days Recorded for Bima City in 2012 – 2016 ................................21

Table 4. Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Inside and Outside Jatiwangi NSD .....................22

Table 5. Result of Water Quality Testing on PDAM Bima District ..............................................23

Table 6. Testing Result of Shallow Bore Well Water Surrounding NSD Site ..............................23

Table 7. Types of Flora at Jatiwangi NSD .................................................................................24

Table 8. Types of Fauna at Jatiwangi NSD ...............................................................................25

Table 9. Income Sources of Targeted NSD Beneficiary ............................................................25

Table 10. Average Household Income of Targeted NSD Beneficiary ........................................26

Table 11. Environmental Mitigation Measures ...........................................................................37

Table 12. Environmental Monitoring Requirements ...................................................................44

Table 13. Roles and Responsibilities on EMP Implementation and Reporting ...........................49

Table 14. Cost Estimation for EMP Implementation ..................................................................51

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Appendix 1. UKL-UPL Recommendation of Jatiwangi NSD ......................................................56

Appendix 2. Environmental Permit of Jatiwangi NSD ................................................................58

Appendix 3. Request for Hand Over of Land Required for NSD ................................................64

Appendix 4. Request to Transfer the Land Required for NSD ..................................................66

Appendix 5. Bima Mayor's Letter on the Request for Additional Land ......................................68

Appendix 6. Bupati Bima’s Approval on Additional Land Request .............................................70

Appendix 7. Minutes on Asset Handover from Bima District to Bima City Governments ............72

Appendix 8. Payment Order as Part of Land Certification Process ............................................74

Appendix 9. Payment Slip of the Payment Order ......................................................................76

Appendix 10. Payment Receipt of the Payment Order ..............................................................78

Appendix 11. Statement Letter on the Spatial Plan Alignment ...................................................80

Appendix 12. Recommendation on the Land Utilization for NSD ..............................................83

Appendix 13. Minutes of Meeting on the Dissemination of Jatiwangi NSD Plan ........................85

Appendix 14. Minutes of Meeting on the Dissemination of Jatiwangi NSD’s UKL-UPL Document ............................................................................................89

Appendix 15. Ambient Air Quality Analytical Results .................................................................94

Appendix 16. PDAM Water Quality Analytical Result ................................................................97

Appendix 17. Groundwater Analytical Result .......................................................................... 100

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ADB : Asian Development Bank

AMDAL : Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Indonesian Environmental Impact Assessment)

Bappeda : Badan Perencanaan Daerah (Development Planning Agency (at local level)

CIO : Community Implementing Organization

BLH : Badan Lingkungan Hidup (Local Environment Office)

BMKG : Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency)

BOD : Biochemical Oxygen Demand

BPN : Badan Pertanahan Nasional (National Land Agency)

CA : Community Advisory

CC : City Coordinator

COD : Chemical Oxygen Demand

DGHP : Directorate General of Housing Provision

DGHS : Directorate General of Human Settlements

EMP : Environmental Management Plan

IEE : Initial Environmental Examination

IPLT : Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Tinja (Sewage Treatment Plant)

LCO : Local Coordinating Office

NSD : New Site Development

NUSP : Neighborhood Upgrading Shelter Project

O & M : Operation and Maintenance

PIU : Project Implementation Unit

PDAM : Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Municipal Water Supply Company)

PLN : Perusahaan Listrik Negara (State-owned Power Company)

PMU : Project Management Unit

PPK : Government official with the authority to make commitment

RDTR : Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (Detailed Spatial Plan)

RMC : Regional Management Consultant

RPJMN : Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (National Government Medium-Term Development Plan)

RTH : Ruang Terbuka Hijau (Green Open Space)

RTRW : Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah or Spatial Plan

SATKER : Satuan Kerja (Project Implementing Unit)

SIAP : Slum Improvement Action Plan

SPS : Safeguard Policy Statement

TPA : Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (Landfill)

TPS : Tempat Pembuangan Sementara (Temporary Domestic Waste Disposal Site)

TSS : Total Suspended Solid

UKL-UPL : Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan (Environmental Management Effort - Environmental Monitoring Effort document)

UMP : Upah Minimum Provinsi (Provincial Minimum Wage)

UPTD : Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (Regional Technical Implementation Unit)

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1 Project background. The Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Project Phase 2

(NUSP-2) is a community driven development project included in the National Medium-Term

Development Plan (known as RPJMN) 2015 - 2019 of the Government of Republic of Indonesia.

The key objectives of the NUSP-2 are to achieve the “Cities without Slums Program” and address ongoing issues related to rapid urbanization in growing cities of Indonesia. Further, this

project is expected to contribute towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals,

particularly in improving the lives of slum dwellers and reducing (by half) the proportion of

households without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. The NUSP-2

is being implemented in 20 cities throughout Indonesia, by the Directorate General of Human

Settlements (DGHS) - the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) and financed by the

Asian Development Bank (ADB).

2 The Bima City (Kota Bima) located in West Nusa Tenggara Province, like other growing

cities in Indonesia, encounters rapid urbanization and high population growth of about 2.1% per

annum (BPS Kota Bima, 2017). These conditions have made the low-income communities to

settle in slum areas without basic sanitation and infrastructure. The slum areas in this City have

reached about 147.39 hectares, and are distributed in 17 neighborhoods (kelurahan). The

existence of these areas is confirmed through the Mayor of Bima Decree No. 620/2016 (dated

28 December 2016) on Designation of the Residential Area and Slums in Bima City Year 2016.

3 Environmental safeguards. ADB will finance the construction of facility and

infrastructure for the Jatiwangi New Site Development (Jatiwangi NSD) in Jatiwangi

neighborhood of Bima City; and therefore this construction should comply with the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (ADB SPS 2009) in which the Initial Environmental Examination

(IEE) for this Category B Project is required. In addition, the Jatiwangi NSD has secured: the

approval for the environmental management and monitoring effort (known as UKL-UPL)

document from the Environmental Agency of Bima City on 21 December 2017; and

corresponding Environmental Permit from the Major of Bima City on 15 May 2018 to comply

with the requirements of Government Regulation No. 27/2012 on Environmental Permitting. This

IEE and UKL-UPL are the environmental safeguard documents that should be complied by the

Project Executing Agency during the project implementation.

4 Existing development at Jatiwangi NSD. The local government (Bima City) has

provided approximately 3.91-hectare land on Karantina Street in Kelurahan (neighborhood)

Jatiwangi for the NSD. This site is designated as the permanent housing area according to the

Spatial Plan of Bima City for 2011 – 2031, enacted by the Local Regulation (Peraturan Daerah)

No. 4/2012 (dated 11 May 2012). The existing activity at the Jatiwangi NSD is land clearing

financed by the local government of Bima City.

5 Planned development at Jatiwangi NSD. The Jatiwangi NSD plans to construct the

facility and infrastructure for the neighborhood in 2018 followed by a 6-month maintenance

period. Subsequently, the maintenance and operation of the Jatiwangi NSD will be handed over

to the local government (Bima City) and managed by the Jatiwangi NSD management (Badan

Pengelola) of the Public Work Agency of Bima City. The construction activity will be funded by


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6 The construction and/or installation of key facility and infrastructure that will be required

for the Jatiwangi NSD and to be funded by ADB is presented in the following table.

Items to be Constructed/Installed Unit Estimated

dimension/ unit

Roads within the NSD complex - asphalt pavement of

2.8 to 9-meter wide (ROW 3 to 15-meter wide) meter 2,060

Pedestrian walkway - concrete pavement of 0.9 to 1.5-

meter wide meter 681

Drainage system – concrete and

Up to 0.4-meter wide of U-shaped ditch close

drainage channel

Up to 2.2-meter wide of open drainage channel

meter 3,089

Retention pond m3 905

Retaining wall (talud) meter 230

Clean water supply

2-inch and 4-inch HDPE pipeline

Water meter box





NSD solid waste handling

3-wheeled garbage motor vehicle

Waste container

Temporary waste shelter







Electrical works

Park and street lighting

Electrical cable





Main gate, fence and security post unit 1

Landscaping: trees and signages unit 180

Source: Master Plan of Jatiwangi NSD, 2018

7 Prior to commencing the construction at the Jatiwangi NSD, the Project Management

Unit (PMU) requires the government of Bima City to carry out the dissemination on the project,

including its anticipated impacts as well as corresponding mitigation measures; and to establish

a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM). The construction phase will include: recruitment of

construction labors; mobilization of equipment and construction materials; and construction of

facility and infrastructure itself as presented in the above table. Upon completion of the

construction, the Contractor will maintain the facility and infrastructure for 6-month period.

8 Environmental and social baseline conditions. The Jatiwangi NSD has an elevation

of approximately 15 - 35 meters above sea level, and a slope of 2 - 8%. The highest rainfall was

about 287 mm in January whereas the lowest rainfall was about 1 mm in August based on the

average data recorded from the year of 2013 to 2017.

9 The baseline ambient air quality in and outside the Jatiwangi NSD is considered

relatively good as the analytical results issued by the Laboratory of the Environmental and

Forestry Agency of West Nusa Tenggara in May 2018 indicated that the concentrations of

particulate, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, lead and ozone are well below

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the threshold values stipulated by Government Regulation No. 41/1999 on Air Pollution Control.

The noise level at the NSD neighborhood is measured well below 55 dB(A) which is the

threshold value stipulated by the Ministry of Environment Decree No. 48/1996 on Noise Level


10 The clean water for the residents of Jatiwangi NSD will be supplied by Bima City’s Water

Supply Company (PDAM). Based on the water quality test of PDAM issued by the Laboratory

of the Health Agency of Bima City in December 2015, the water quality is considered relatively

good as the key physical and chemical parameters analyzed are below the threshold values

stipulated by the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 416/1990, Attachment II on Clean Water

Quality Standard.

11 At the Jatiwangi NSD site, there are no identified flora and fauna species which are

categorized as endemic, rare, protected or other conservation status.

12 Based on Neighborhood Upgrading Action Plan (NUAP) and Slum Improvement Action

Plan (SIAP) documents of Bima City in 2016, the number of population who occupy the slum

areas in the NSD beneficiary location of five kelurahans are 23,741 people, comprising of 5,532

families. The number of poor households in the location is 2,671 households with dominant

source of income is from private and informal sector such as fishermen, daily labors and


13 Anticipated environmental impacts and mitigation measures. The pre-construction,

construction and maintenance/operation of the facility and infrastructure of Jatiwangi NSD will

generate relatively minimal environmental impacts and limited within the Jatiwangi NSD site. If

well managed, these impacts are unlikely to be encountered beyond the perimeter of the site.

The impacts of this neighborhood development are anticipated on: public perception and

attitude towards the project and contractors; ambient air quality and noise level; sedimentation

and surface water quality; work and business opportunities; and occupational health, safety and


14 Corresponding measures that should be implemented to mitigate the environmental

impacts mentioned earlier are, among others:

Conduct dissemination about the project and planned activity prior to the construction phase

and during maintenance period;

Establish a Grievance Redress Mechanism to manage complaints and concerns raised by

the community and other stakeholders in a structured manner;

Conduct water spraying of the construction sites as well as along the main road leading to

the Jatiwangi NSD construction at least once per day or more frequent during dusty road


Construct and maintain a temporary drainage channel and settling ponds to manage runoff

and siltation during the construction period;

Conduct induction for labors on occupational health, safety and hygiene; HIV/AIDS and

other infectious diseases; and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as the

requirement to work as construction labor;

Provide and maintain adequate toilet, bathing and washing facilities for construction workers

at the construction site.

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15 The mitigation measures and monitoring requirements to be conducted during the

implementation of Jatiwangi NSD are detailed in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of

this IEE. The Contractor, City Satker and Local Coordinating Office of Bima City, and Project

Management Unit (the Directorate General of Housing Settlements) each have the responsibility

to implement the EMP. The project has estimated a cost of USD12,420 that will be required for

implementing the EMP.

16 As part of the project disclosure, the IEE and UKL-UPL documents of Jatiwangi NSD

including its periodic monitoring reports will be made available to the public. The IEE and its

update, if any, and quarterly monitoring report will be posted at ADB’s website. The information

of regarding NUSP-2 will be provided at the City Satker Office (Public Work Agency of Bima

City) and the office of NSD management board (Badan Pengelola) in form of document copies,

leaflet, booklets and short movie where appropriate.

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1.1 Project Background

17 The Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Project Phase 2 (NUSP-2) is a community

driven development project stated in the 2015 - 2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan

of Indonesian Government. Implementation of the NUSP-2 project is underway to achieve the

“Cities without Slums Program” and address ongoing issues on slum settlements related to

rapid urbanization. The project will be implemented in 20 cities, supported by the Asian

Development Bank (ADB) and executed by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH),

particularly the Directorate General of Human Settlements (DGHS) as the key Project Executing

Agency (EA). The main tasks of the DGHS are to develop and implement inclusive pro-poor city

development plans and improve living conditions in slum areas.

18 The NUSP-2 project is implemented through collaborative works involving: the DGHS to

construct infrastructure; the Directorate General of Housing Provision (DGHP) to construct the

houses; and the selected local government (district/city) to provide at least 2-hectare vacant

land ready for the establishment of new site development. This project is expected to contribute

towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), particularly to improve the lives of

slum dwellers and to reduce (by half) the proportion of households without sustainable access

to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. The outputs of the project are:

Institutional capacities for managing pro-poor urban development strengthened;

Infrastructure in slum neighborhoods upgraded; and

New settlements for poor families established.

19 The Bima City, as one of the major cities in West Nusa Tenggara Province, has been

selected as the participant of the NUSP-2 Project. Like other urban development in Indonesia,

the city encounters rapid urbanization and high population growth of about 2.1% per annum

(BPS Kota Bima, 2017). These conditions have made the low-income families to settle in

disadvantaged neighborhoods (slum settlements) due to lack of affordable housing with basic

sanitation facility and infrastructure. These slum settlements in Bima City have been identified

near coastal areas, river banks, economic activity centers and protected areas. The local

government (Bima City) as the City administration authority has undertaken a verification,

indicating that the slum settlements have reached about 147,39 Hectares, and these

settlements are distributed in 17 neighborhoods (kelurahans). The existence of these slum

settlements is confirmed through the Mayor’s Decree No. 620/2016 (28 December 2016) on

Determination of Slum Areas Project of the Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Project Phase

2 Program in Bima City.

20 Based on the condition described earlier, the local government (Bima City) has

developed a Slum Improvement Action Plan (SIAP) in 2016 as the basis to implement the

NUSP-2 project. The SIAP includes the planned construction of facilities and infrastructure at

the Jatiwangi New Site Development (known as Jatiwangi NSD). This Initial Environmental

Examination (IEE) describes the scope of the mentioned construction projects, including its

anticipated environmental impacts and corresponding mitigation measures as well as those

responsible for implementing these measures.

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1.2 Objective of Initial Environmental Examination

21 ADB will support the construction of facilities and infrastructure for the Jatiwangi NSD in

Bima City; and therefore, as part of ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement (ADB SPS 2009) on

Environment, an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for this scope of work should be

developed. The IEE is mandated in the Environmental Assessment and Review Framework

(EARF) document prepared by the Directorate General of Human Settlements (DGHS or known

as Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya) for the NUSP Phase 2 Project (January 2014). This IEE is

prepared by the local government (Bima City), as an integral part of the Jatiwangi NSD proposal

for subsequent endorsement by DGHS and ADB.

22 The IEE is the reference document to assess environmental impacts and set

Environmental Management Plan (EMP), defining mitigation measures and monitoring

requirements during the implementation of the Jatiwangi NSD. This IEE, particularly the EMP,

should be used by the Executing Agencies at national, provincial and City levels (based on their

respective functions) to implement mitigation measures in reducing the project’s impacts and monitor effectiveness of such measures during the pre-construction, construction and operation


23 The IEE does not replace the Environmental Management Effort – Environmental

Monitoring Effort document (UKL-UPL) that has been prepared and approved by the

Environmental Agency of Bima City in December 2017, and therefore the requirements of both

IEE and UKL-UPL should be implemented by the Project Executing Agency and/or its appointed

local authorities.

24 The contents of the IEE include: executive summary; introduction; applicable

environmental legal and administrative frameworks; project description; environmental and

social baseline; anticipated environmental impacts and mitigation; information disclosure and

stakeholder consultation/participation; grievance redress mechanism; environmental

management plan; conclusions and recommendations and references used.

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2.1 ADB Environmental Safeguard Policy

25 ADB requires environmental safeguard measures in all aspects of ADB operations, in

accordance with ADB SPS 2009, which states that ADB requires an environmental assessment

of all activity loans, program loans, sectoral loans, loan sector development programs, and

loans involving financial agent, and private sector loans. The type of environmental assessment

required depends on the nature, magnitude, significance, and sensitivity of environmental

impact of the project. ADB uses the following categorization to screen expected environmental

impacts of a project:

Category A: Projects could have significant and adverse environmental impacts that are

irreversible, diverse, or unprecedented. These impacts may affect an area larger than the

sites or facilities subject to physical works. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is

required for the category A project.

Category B: Projects could have some adverse environmental impacts, but of less degree

or significance than those of category A. These impacts are site-specific and can be readily

addressed through common mitigation measures. An Initial Environmental Examination

(IEE) is required for the category B project.

Category C: Projects are likely to have minimal or no adverse environmental impacts. No

environmental assessment is required although environmental implications need to be


Category Financial Intermediary (FI): Projects involves a credit line through financial

intermediary or an equity investment. The FI must apply for an environmental management


26 The Jatiwangi NSD development in Bima City, including the construction or upgrading of

its infrastructure, will improve the welfare of its community, and is expected to generate typical

impacts associated with relatively small-scale building and infrastructure construction activities.

These impacts, which neither adverse nor significance, can be readily mitigated with common

mitigation measures. Therefore, the IEE is required for the mentioned NSD as the

environmental safeguard document required by ADB.

2.2 Requirements of Government of Indonesia

27 Government of Indonesia has environmental protection and management policy and

legal framework stipulated through Environmental Protection and Management Act No. 32/2009.

Subsequently, the Government Regulation (GR/Peraturan Pemerintah) No. 27/2012 on

Environmental Permit is stipulated as one of the implementing regulations, requiring that every

business and/or activity that will generate significant environmental impacts must have an

AMDAL (Procedures of Environmental Impact Assessment), whereas those that do not

generate significant impacts must have an Environmental Management Effort and

Environmental Monitoring Effort (UKL-UPL) document. These documents are subject to

approval by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry or local governments (i.e. provincial and

district/city) depending on the nature, scope, and administrative location of the business and/or

activity. Based on the AMDAL or UKL-UPL approval, the mentioned GR 27/2012 requires that

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the business and/or activity apply for the Environmental Permit (Izin Lingkungan) to the same

government authority granting the AMDAL and UKL-UPL approval.

28 Activities that do not require either AMDAL or UKL-UPL should submit a statement letter

regarding the commitment to undertake environmental management and monitoring (Surat

Pernyataan Kesanggupan Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan or SPPL).

29 Other key regulations related to the environmental assessment that are adhered to by

the Jatiwangi NSD development are as follows:

Minister of Environment Regulation No. 5/2012 on Type of Business and/or Activity

Requiring AMDAL.

Minister of Environment Regulation No. 16/2012 on Guidelines for the Preparation of

Environmental Documents.

Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 10/PRT/M/2008 on Types of Business and/or

Activity in Public Works Sector Requiring UKL-UPL.

30 Based on the Indonesian environmental laws and regulations described earlier, the

Jatiwangi NSD has developed the required UKL-UPL and secured its recommendation based

on the Decree of Head of Environmental Agency of Bima City No. 880/32/DLH/XII/2017 dated

21 December 2017 (Appendix 1), and subsequently the required Environmental Permit No.

435/2018 (dated 15 May 2018) from Mayor of Bima City (Appendix 2).

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3.1 The Need for Jatiwangi NSD Implementation

31 Following the implementation of the project, the local government (Bima City) has

undertaken assessment of potential beneficiaries (i.e. low-income families) who are squatter on

the river banks of Jatiwangi, Kendo-Padolo and Romo rivers. These squatters are settled across

five neighborhoods (kelurahans) i.e., Dara, Jatiwangi, Melayu, Paruga, and Tanjung in Bima

City. Some of these squatters will be relocated to Jatiwangi NSD to improve their overall well-

being through the provision of basic housing, facilities, and infrastructure. The areas previously

occupied by the squatters will be designated for green area and inspection road.

32 Neighborhood roads, clean water supply system, and drainage system are some of

public facilities and infrastructure that will be constructed at the Jatiwangi NSD as part of the

project in 2018 (see Table 1). This infrastructure is important for the Jatiwangi NSD and its

residents in terms of providing safe mobility, social interaction, and affordable access to basic

sanitation and housing facilities. The planned construction of facility and infrastructure of the

Jatiwangi NSD will be funded by ADB.

33 In addition, the local government (Bima City) will provide electricity network, city

drainage system where the NSD drainage system will be connected, reservoir and piping

system for clean water supply which connected to the city main pipeline (PDAM), waste

infrastructure (arm-roll truck) and landscape, as well as social and public facilities such as

kiosks, multi-purpose building and mosque. The following sub-section describes the existing

and the future development of the Jatiwangi NSD.

3.2 Land Status and Existing Development

34 The local government (Bima City) has provided approximately 3.91-hectare land located

at Karantina Street, in Kelurahan Jatiwangi of Bima City for the Jatiwangi NSD,. This land was

originally owned by the local government of Bima District. Through collaboration process, the

land allocated for the Jatiwangi NSD was handed over to the local government of Bima City in

June 2017 as described in the following letters:

The Bima City requested to acquire from the government of Bima District a 3.7-hectare land

for the Jatiwangi NSD based on the Mayor’s Letter of Bima City No. 600/217/IV/2017 (dated

10 April 2017) addressed to the Head of Bima District regarding Request for Hand Over of

Land (see Appendix 3).

The Head of Bima District responded the request by seeking approval to the local

parliament as shown in the letter of Head of Bima District No. 029/191/03.8/2017 (dated 2

June 2017) addressed to Local Parliament on Requesting for Approval to Transfer the Land

Asset to the Government of Bima City (see Appendix 4).

The local government (Bima City) then requested to Bima District for an additional land for

NSD making the total area to be transferred becomes 39,110 m2. This request shown in the

letter No. 031/571/IX/2017 (dated 18 September 2017) Request for Additional Land

Acquisition to the Head of Bima District (see Appendix 5).

The government of Bima District granted total 3,911 Ha land as verified by the letter from

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Head of Bima District No. 459/256/03.8/2017 (dated 19 September 2017) stated approval of

land asset grant. (see Appendix 6).

35 Based on the above letters, the land asset for Jatiwangi NSD has been transferred

officially from the government of Bima District to the Bima City as stated in the Minutes of Asset

Handover No. 0301/081/07.3/2017 dated 4 October 2017 (see Appendix 7).

36 The land title certificate for Bima City's ownership of the aforementioned land is being

processed at the National Land Agency (BPN) of Bima City. The evidence of this process is the

BPN payment order for land measurement and mapping, its payment slip and payment receipt

by Bank Rakyat Indonesia) as shown consecutively in Appendices 8, 9, and 10).

3.3 Land Use Compliance to the Spatial Planning

36 The compliance of the NSD Jatiwangi location as housing area is assessed by the

compliance with the spatial planning to support the implementation of the New Site

Development (NSD). Based on the Local Regulation No. 4 Year 2012 of Bima City Spatial Plan

(RTRW) in 2011-2031, Kelurahan Jatiwangi is designated for development settlement area. The

approval on land use of NSD Jatiwangi is proved by NSD Development Compliance Letter

number 600/141/DPUPR/VII/2017 issued by the Public Housing and Spatial Agency in 2017 (no

date mentioned) and Approval Letter number 171/118/DPRD/VII/2017 concerning Land

Utilization issued by Local Parliament of Bima City in 13 July 2017. Both letters stated that the

3.91 Ha land of NSD Jatiwangi is in accordance with The Spatial Plan of Bima City to be

developed as housing settlement. The letters can be seen in Appendices 11 and 12.

37 Figure 1 presents the orientation map of Jatiwangi NSD in Bima City. Based on Bima

City’s Spatial Plan (Local Regulation No.4/2012) the location of Jatiwangi NSD is designated for

utilization zone, such as farming and agriculture (red color block in Figure 2). However, within

this zone a limited settlement is possible, as supported by the Letter of Statement of Public

Work and Spatial Planning of Bima City No.600/141/DPUPR/VII/2017 regarding statement letter

on the Alignment of Spatial Plan for Housing Development (Appendix 11). Further, the

Jatiwangi NSD also shown in the map of Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR or Rencana Detail Tata

Ruang) of Asakota Subdistrict (2014-2034) as shown in Figure 3. The Figure 4 shows the

aerial view of the existing NSD site.

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Figure 1. Orientation Map of Jatiwangi NSD in Bima City

Jatiwangi NSD

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Figure 2. Land Use Map in Jatiwangi NSD, Bima City

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Figure 3. Detailed Spatial Plan 2014 - 2034 of Asakota Sub-district, Bima City

Jatiwangi NSD

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Figure 4. Aerial View of Existing Jatiwangi NSD Site

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3.4. Future Development

38 DGHP will fund the construction of 218 housing units at the site of Jatiwangi NSD

and conduct the house development in two phases, i.e. 90 units to be constructed in 2018

and 128 units in 2019. The facilities and infrastructure, which will be constructed as part of

the NUSP-2, are funded by ADB including:

Construction of neighborhood roads, drainage system and piping system for clean water

supply, retention pond and retaining wall (talud);

Provision of facility and equipment to support solid waste management practices within

the housing complex; and

Provision of street lighting and landscaping.

39 The details of the planned facility and infrastructure mentioned earlier are presented

in Table 1. The project development phases of the facilities and infrastructure are described

in subsequent sections of this IEE.

Table 1. Facilities and Infrastructure to be Constructed

Items Volume/ Dimension

Asphalt Road

- Neighborhood road: 7-m wide (Right of Way/ROW: 10-m wide)

- Neighborhood road: 9-m wide (ROW: 15-m wide)

- Neighborhood road: 8-m wide (ROW :11-m wide)

- Neighborhood road: 5.5-m wide (ROW: 7-m wide)

- Neighborhood road: 4-m wide (ROW: 6-m wide)

- Neighborhood road: 3.5-m wide (ROW: 6-m wide)

- Neighborhood road: 4.9-m wide (ROW: 5.5-m wide)

- Neighborhood road: 4.5-m wide (ROW: 5.5-m wide)

- Neighborhood road: 2.8-m wide (ROW: 3-m wide)

32.5 m

123 m

92 m

42 m

20 m

46 m

130 m

1,363 m

211 m

Pavement for Pedestrian

- Concrete floor: 0.9-m wide on each side of the neighborhood

road ROW 10-m wide

- Concrete floor: 1.5-m wide on each side of the neighborhood

road ROW 15-m wide

- Concrete floor: 0.9-m wide on each side of the neighborhood

road ROW 11-m wide

- Concrete floor: 1-m wide next to neighborhood road ROW 7-m


- Concrete floor: 1.5-m wide on outer side of roundabout

50.4 m

313.7 m

240.3 m

31.5 m

45 m

Drainage System

- 2.2-m width open drainage channel at each side of the 9-m wide


- 0.4-m U-shape ditch closed drainage channel at each side of

the 8-m wide road

- 0.4-m U-shape ditch closed drainage channel at each side of

the 7-m wide road

- 0.3-m U-shape ditch closed drainage channel at each side of

the 5.5-m wide road

- 1.4-m open drainage channel at 3.5-m wide road (roundabout)

- 0.4-m U-shape ditch closed drainage channel at each side of

123 m

134 m

56 m

42 m

92 m

20 m

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Items Volume/ Dimension

the 4-m wide road

- 0.3-m U-shape ditch closed drainage channel at one side of the

4.9-m wide road

- 0.3-m U-shape ditch closed drainage channel at each side of

the 4.5-m wide road

- Surrounding Drainage type A (depth 70 cm)

- Surrounding Drainage type B (depth 100 cm)

- Box culvert type 1 (cross section 50 x 50 cm)

- Box culvert type 2 (cross section 60 x 60 cm)

- Box culvert type 3 (cross section double 60 x 60 cm)

- Box culvert type 4 (cross section double 100 x 100 cm)

- Concrete plate

- Galvanized fence (BRC)

260 m

1,363 m

462 m

537 m

28 units

4 units

1 unit

3 units

218 units

243 m

Retaining wall (Talud) 229.5 m

Clean Water Supply

- Pipeline (high density poly ethylene): 4 inches diameter as the

main pipeline from PDAM to the Jatiwangi NSD and 2 inches

diameter pipeline to supply water to each house

- Water meter box at each house

2,901 m

218 units

Solid Waste Management System

- 3-wheel garbage motor vehicle

- Waste container

- Temporary waste storage area/shelter

2 units

2 units

1 Unit

Retention pond 905 m3

Electricity Network

- Park lighting

- Street lighting

- Electricity installation (for park and street lighting)

11 units

43 units

1,512 m

Entrance and Security

- Main gateway and 2 units of security station

- Gate fence

3 unit

72 m

Green Open Space

- Tree planting

- Signages

160 units

21 units

Source: Masterplan of Jatiwangi NSD, 2018

3.4.1. Pre-construction Phase

40 Activities completed in 2017 - 2018. The UKL-UPL document of Jatiwangi NSD was

completed and its recommendation was issued by the Environmental Agency of Bima City

based on the Letter No. 880/32/DLH/XII/2017 (dated 21 December 2017). Subsequently, the

corresponding Environmental Permit has been secured from the Mayor of Bima City based

on the Letter No. 435 year 2018 (dated 15 May 2018). This document and the permit are

required to comply with the requirements of the Government Regulation No. 27/2012 on

Environmental Permit.

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41 Dissemination prior to construction of Jatiwangi NSD. The PMU will require the

local government (Bima City) to carry out a meaningful dissemination event prior to the

commencement of the planned construction of the Jatiwangi NSD site in 2018. This activity

will invite the representatives of the local government and related agencies, the contractors

and nearby communities of Jatiwangi. The main agenda of this dissemination is to provide

transparent information about the construction activity to be undertaken at the Jatiwangi

NSD site, including local business and employment opportunities that may be generated

from such construction activities; to establish a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM); and

to conduct a question and answer session for the invitees. The dissemination event is

expected to take place at the office of Kelurahan Jatiwangi.

42 In addition, the following activities were undertaken by the Project Executing Agency

as part of the pre-construction phase of Jatiwangi NSD:

A community meeting was held on 26 April 2018 at the meeting hall of Asakota Sub-

district office and attended by the Head of Asakota Sub-district, Satker PIP

(Pembangunan Infrastruktur Permukiman or Local Public Work and Spatial Planning

Agency), Local Housing and Settlement Agency, and Construction Management

Consultant. Three out 25 participants at this meeting were woman (Figure 5). The

meeting was aimed to disseminate information on the development plan of Jatiwangi

NSD, including: house construction in Jatiwangi NSD; construction duration of 180

calendar days; and types of houses to be constructed which are of 28/80 (28-m2 building

on 80-m2 land). The minutes of this meeting and the list of participants attending are

included in Appendix 13

Figure 5. Dissemination of Jatiwangi NSD Plan

Another community meeting was held on 27 April 2018 at the office of Kelurahan

Jatiwangi attended by Head of Kelurahan Jatiwangi, Housing and Settlement Agency of

Bima City, Jatiwangi community and the Community Implementing Organization (CIO).

Six out of 28 participants at this meeting were woman and they actively involved in the

discussion (Figure 6). The meeting was aimed for disseminating the UKL-UPL

document. At the meeting, the potential impacts of the construction activities, labor

recruitment including mitigation measures to be undertaken were generally discussed.

Responses of the participants attending this event were generally positive on the NSD

plan. The minutes of this meeting and the list of participants attending are included in

Appendix 14.

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Figure 6. Dissemination of UKL-UPL Document of Jatiwangi NSD

3.4.2. Construction Phase

43 Land Clearing. The actual condition of the NSD site was a vacant land. The land

clearing activity includes leveling (adjusting land contour) of 3.91-Ha area is being carried

out by the local government in 2018.

44 Recruitment of construction labors. The construction of facilities and infrastructure

for the Jatiwangi NSD requires skilled and unskilled labors consisting of drivers, heavy

equipment operators, project supervisor/foremen, stone-men, carpenters, electricians, and

daily labors. It is expected that the need of most labors will be recruited from the local

community around Kelurahan Jatiwangi. Skilled labors that cannot be supplied from this

kelurahan will be recruited from elsewhere. It is estimated that the total number of labors

required for the construction activity is up to 80 people, but this number will be reduced as

the work gradually completed. The labors from outside the area will be accommodated in a

temporary labor basecamp to be constructed within the Jatiwangi NSD.

45 Mobilization of equipment and construction materials. The mobilization of

equipment will include small to medium-sized excavators for earthworks and small tonnage

of dump trucks for transportation of construction materials. Construction materials to be

mobilized are soils, rock/stones, sand, cement, bricks, steels and woods from Bima area.

46 Construction of public facilities and infrastructures. The construction activities

are scheduled for implementation in 2018 for approximately 6 months. The scope of

construction works as presented in Table 1 are as follows:

a. Neighborhood road. According to the Master Plan of Jatiwangi NSD, the neighborhood

road that will be constructed is asphalt paved road for the total length of approximately

1,861 meters. The main access road to the NSD will be 7-meter wide (ROW 10-meter

wide) and the neighborhood roads will vary from 9-m wide (ROW 15-meter wide) up to

2.8-meter wide (ROW 3-m wide). Figure 7 presents the cross section of the main

access road and drainage channel at the Jatiwangi NSD.

b. Pedestrian road. A total of approximately 681-meters long pedestrian access road at

each side of the main road will be constructed and made of concrete. The width of this

pedestrian road will vary from 0.9- to 1.5 meters.

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c. Drainage system. The drainage system of approximately 3,089-meter long will be

constructed in the types of open and closed channels. The 393.7-meters long open

channel drainage system will be constructed using stone construction of 0.4-m and 2.2-

meter width, whereas the 511.5-meter long closed drainage (U-shape ditch) has 0.3-m

and 0.4-m width. The surrounding drainage of 0.7-m and 1-m depth have total length of

999-m. In addition, 4 types of box culvert in total of 36 units and 218 units of concrete

plate will be installed to the drainage system (details of each type described in the Table

1). In addition to the drainage system, a retention pond will be constructed to manage

surface water runoff in anticipation, for the Jatiwangi NSD lies on a concave area. This

pond has a capacity of approximately 905 m3. For the construction of the retention

pond, the heavy equipment that will be used on site is an excavator. The use of

excavator will only take approximately 3 - 5 days for soil dredging, and the remaining

activity will not use heavy equipment, but only manually by hand. The short duration use

of excavator will not involve any activity of oil change to minimize oil spills or leaks.

d. Clean water supply. The clean water supply for Jatiwangi NSD site will be provided by

the City-owned water utility (PDAM Kota Bima), with a supply of 2 liter/second water

debit using 4-inches diameter of high density poly ethylene (HDPE) pipeline (that will be

connected with the main PDAM pipeline). From 4-inches diameter pipeline the water will

be channeled to each house using 2-inches diameter HDPE pipeline. Each house will

be installed with a water meter box. A total of approximately 2,901-meters long HDPE

pipeline will be installed at the Jatiwangi NSD. Figure 8 presents the clean water supply

distribution networks to be installed at the mentioned NSD.

e. Water supply for construction. In order to supply water during construction, the

contractor will bore a shallow well nearby the labor basecamp (10-meters deep), so that

the water demand will not interfere the surrounding community’s water supply.

f. Temporary solid waste storage area/shelter. A storage area/shelter for temporary

(halfway) collection of household wastes is generated by the residents of the Jatiwangi

NSD. The shelter for waste storage will be constructed at the Jatiwangi NSD using

concrete floor and roof structure. Solid, non-hazardous wastes from each house will be

collected using 2 units of 3-wheeled motorcycle and stored at this waste storage area

prior to further collection by the related agency of Bima City for final disposal to the

local government-owned final disposal site (TPA or Tempat Pembuangan Akhir) at Oi

Mbo in Kelurahan Melayu.

g. Retaining wall. The loose soil condition in the Jatiwangi NSD requires construction of a

retaining wall (known as ‘talud’) for soil erosion protection at spaces along the slope.

The retaining wall to be constructed is approximately 229.5-meters long.

h. Electricity network. The provision of electricity installation is specified for park and

street lighting, consists of 11 units of park lighting and 43 units of street lights along the

1,512 meters surrounding the Jatiwangi NSD. The PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara or

the state-owned power company) will provide the power utilities.

i. Entrance and security. To ensure security of Jatiwangi NSD, it is planned to construct

one main entrance gateway, 2 units of security post and gate fence. A main entrance

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gateway will be constructed to enhance the aesthetic value of the main entrance to the

Jatiwangi NSD. One security post will be located at the main entrance and the other

one at the back entrance of the Jatiwangi NSD which serves as access to a brick

factory located behind. On both side of the main entrance, some 72-m gate fence will

be constructed to enhance the aesthetic value.

j. Green open space. To minimize air pollution and noise within the Jatiwangi NSD, a

green open space will be developed. The provision of green open space includes

construction of 21 units of signage or markers and planting 160 units of trees along the

NSD borderline and internal main roads. The main type of tree to be planted is Kiara

Payung (Filicium decipiens).

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Figure 7. Detailed Cross Section of Road and Drainage System

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Figure 8. Clean Water Supply Network of Jatiwangi NSD

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3.4.3. Post-construction Phase

47 Final disposal of construction wastes. The disposal of construction wastes (e.g.

rocks, soil, paving, wood, sacks, sand etc.) at the end of the construction period will be

undertaken by the Contractor to a final disposal site (known as tempat pembuangan akhir or

TPA) at Oi Mbo area in Bima City. The construction activity of Jatiwangi NSD will not use

materials that potentially produce hazardous waste, including spillover oil from heavy


48 Household (solid) waste management. Solid wastes generated by the household

activities from the Jatiwangi NSD will be collected by 3-wheeled garbage motor vehicles and

stored at the temporary waste storage shelter. Two garbage motor vehicles will be provided.

The organic waste (e.g. food/vegetable remains) and inorganic waste (e.g. cans, bottles and

papers) will be separately collected from each house and transported to the temporary

shelter mentioned earlier. Subsequently, these wastes may be sorted for composting,

recycling or final disposal to the government-owned waste disposal facility at TPA Oi Mbo in

Bima City.

49 The waste to be generated by the residents of Jatiwangi NSD settlement, assuming

218 household with an average family member of five people, would be approximately 2,800

liters/day. This waste will be transported by the related agency of Bima City to the final

disposal site at TPA Oi Mbo. The local government will provide an arm-roll truck to regularly

collect the waste from the Jatiwangi NSD.

50 Disposal of septic tank sludge. The sludge accumulated at the septic tank of each

house will be scheduled for removal once every three years. The sludge will be transported

to the sludge treatment facility or IPLT (Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Tinja) at Oi Mbo in

Bima City.

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3.4.4. NSD Development Schedule

51 The construction of public facilities and infrastructure at Jatiwangi NSD as described earlier will be scheduled for 2018 as shown in

Table 2.

Table 2. NSD Development Schedule

Phase of Activities 2018 2019

Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar



Land Clearing


Recruitment and mobilization of labors

Mobilization of equipments and materials

Construction of Infrastructures

Post Construction

Final Disposal of construction wastes

Operational and Maintenance for waste and sludge management

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4.1. Climate

52 There are two seasons in Bima City, the rainy and the dry season. The dry season

(June to October) is influenced by the Australian continental air masses, and the rainy

season (November to March) by Asia and Pacific Ocean air. Based on Meteorological

Climatological and Geophysical Agency in Lombok Barat, the climate of Bima City is a

tropical region with the air temperature is between 24.3 to 33.4oC, humidity about 85% and

the duration of solar irradiance is about 72%.

53 From 2012 to 2016, the total rainfall of Bima City averages 1,249 mm, and 100 rainy

days in a year. The highest average rainfall is about 287 mm in January, whereas the lowest

is about 1 mm in August. Table 3 presents the average rainfall and number of rainy days of

Bima City for the mentioned period.

Table 3. Rainfall and Rainy Days Recorded for Bima City in 2012 – 2016

Month Average (2012-2016)

Rainfall (mm) Rainy Days

January 287 18

February 182 17

March 191 17

April 92 9

May 45 7

June 48 4

July 23 4

August 1 0

September 21 2

October 40 2

November 87 7

December 231 15

Total 1,249 100 Source: Analysis Result from Central Bureau of Statistics of Bima City,


4.2. Ambient Air Quality

54 The ambient air quality at the Jatiwangi NSD is influenced mostly by emission from

vehicle traffic entering and exiting the development site. The ambient air quality sampling

was conducted at two spots within the Jatiwangi NSD in 2018. The ambient air quality in

Jatiwangi NSD was analyzed based on the Government Regulation No. 41 Year 1999 on Air

Pollution Control (Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara), and the analytical result is presented

in Table 4. The results indicate that the concentration of all ambient air quality parameters

analyzed is below the threshold values, suggesting that the ambient air quality within

Jatiwangi NSD site is in relatively good condition.

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Table 4. Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Inside and Outside Jatiwangi NSD

No Parameter Unit Threshold


Analytical Results*

Inside NSD Outside NSD

1 Particulate (TSP) µg/Nm3 230 50.33 53.12

2 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) µg/Nm3 365 23.14 27.43

3 Carbon Monoxide (CO) µg/Nm3 10,000 176 187

4 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) µg/Nm3 150 74.24 78.65

5 Oxidants (NO3) µg/Nm3 235 71.56 74.82

6 Lead (Pb) µg/Nm3 2 0.003 0.005

7 Noise dB 55 18 13

Source: Analytical Result from the Laboratory of West Nusa Tenggara Environmental and Forestry Agency, 30 May 2018

(see Appendix 15).

Note: *The Laboratory of West Nusa Tenggara Environmental and Forestry Agency has not been accredited by the National Accreditation Commission).

4.3. Ambient Noise Level

55 The ambient noise level measurement has been taken at two points (inside and

outside) of the Jatiwangi NSD complex in May 2018. The noise level measured within the

Jatiwangi NSD is 18 dB, and outside the Jatiwangi NSD site is 13 dB, and both categorized

as low according to the threshold value of 55 dB for residential areas stipulated in the

Ministry of Environment Decree No. KEP-48/1996 (refer to Table 4).

4.4. Topography and Soil

56 The location of Jatiwangi NSD is geographically located at South Latitude:

8026’59.899” - 8026’34.994” and East Longitude: 118045’2.18” - 1180 44’23.928”. This site is

at 15 - 35 meters above sea level, with a slope of 2 - 8%. The soil type is primarily of sandy

alluvial matter.

4.5. Clean Water Quality

57 The analysis of pumped water at PDAM Bima District was conducted on in

December 2015 and the analytical results are presented in Table 5. Comparison between

the analytical result and the standard stipulated by the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 416

year 1990, Attachment II on Clean Water Quality Standard (Standar Kualitas Air Bersih), and

Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 3553 2006 on Bottled/Packaged Drinking Water

suggests that the water of PDAM Bima District meets the standard of clean water quality

stipulated in the mentioned Ministry of Health Regulation, as none of the parameters tested

exceeds the thresholds values. However, it should be noted that the sodium chloride (NaCl),

iron (Fe), and ammonia (NH3-N) were not analyzed from the sample.

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Table 5. Result of Water Quality Testing on PDAM Bima District

No Parameter Unit Quality Standard Test Result*


1. Odors - Odorless Odorless

2. Color - Colorless Colorless

3. Temperature oC Air temperature + 3

0C 29.6

4. Total dissolved solids (TDS) mg/l 1000 (Clean Water) 464

500 (Drink Water)

5. NaCl Max 3% -

6. Conductivity mg/l Max 2,250 µmhos/cm -

7. Taste - Tasteless Tasteless

8. Turbidity NTU 5 0.13


1. pH - 6.5 – 8.5 7.2

2. Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) mg/l 500 < 20

3. Iron (Fe) mg/l 0.3 -

4. Total Khlor mg/l 250 9

5. Ammonium mg/l Max 1.5 -

6. Free chlorine mg/l 0.2 – 0.5 <0.01

7. Nitrate (NO3) mg/l 50 10.189

8. Nitrit (NO2) mg/l 3 0.06

9. Zinc (Zn) mg/l 1.5 <0.02

C MICROBIOLOGY (Based on SNI 3553 2006)

1. Coliform -

<2 (Drink Water)

10 (Pipe Watert)

50 (Clean Water)


2. Fecal coli (Coli tinja) -

<2 (Drink Water)

10 (Pipe Water)

50 (Clean Water)


Source: Analytical Result from the Laboratory of Health Agency of Bima City, 7 December 2015 (Appendix 16).

Note: *The Laboratory of West Nusa Tenggara Environmental and Forestry Agency has not been accredited by the National Accreditation Commission).

4.6. Groundwater Quality

58 The hydrological settling in Jatiwangi NSD of Bima City is supported by the potential

of groundwater. The source of groundwater can be obtained from shallow well through

drilling. A survey was conducted to a well owned by community member with a depth of 20-

m and pumping rate of 0.5 liter/second. The result of water quality testing is provided in the

Table 6.

Table 6. Testing Result of Shallow Bore Well Water Surrounding NSD Site

No Parameter Unit Quality Standard Test Result


1. Odors - Odorless Odorless

2. Color - Colorless Colorless

3. Temperature oC Air temperature ±3

0C 31.1

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No Parameter Unit Quality Standard Test Result

4. Total dissolved solids (TDS) mg/l 1000 (Clean Water) 342 ppm

500 (Drink Water)

5. NaCl Max 3% -

6. Conductivity mg/l Max 2,250 µmhos/cm -

7. Taste - Tasteless Tasteless

8. Turbidity NTU 5 0.15


1. pH - 6.5 – 8.5 6.87

2. Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) mg/l 500 210

3. Iron (Fe) mg/l 0.3 <0.02

4. Total Khlor mg/l 250 15

5. Ammonium mg/l Max 1.5 0.09

6. Free chlorine mg/l 0.2 – 0.5 0.19

7. Nitrate (NO3) mg/l 50 63.8

8. Nitrit (NO2) mg/l 3 0.02

9. Zinc (Zn) mg/l 1.5 -

C MICROBIOLOGY (Based on SNI 3553 2006)

1. Coliform -

<2 (Drink Water)

10 (Pipe Watert)

50 (Clean Water)


2. Fecal coli (Coli tinja) -

<2 (Drink Water)

10 (Pipe Watert)

50 (Clean Water)


Source: Analytical Result from the Laboratory of Health Agency of Bima City, 18 December 2017 (Appendix 17)

Note: *The Laboratory of West Nusa Tenggara Environmental and Forestry Agency has not been accredited by the National

Accreditation Commission).

4.7. Flora

59 The observation on the flora and fauna was conducted for one day within the

proximity of Jatiwangi NSD by a technical assistant hired by the Regional Management

Consultant (RMC) to assist the City Satker in monitoring and evaluation of Jatiwangi NSD in

2018. The vegetation identified in the site includes crops, fruits and shrubs presented in

Table 7. None of the species identified in the following table is categorized as having

protection, endemic or significant conservation status according the Government Regulation

No. 7 year 1999 on Conservation of Flora and Fauna Species and Sub-species.

Table 7. Types of Flora at Jatiwangi NSD

Local Name Species

Corn Zea mays

Rice Oryza sativa

Soybean Glycine max

Mungbean Vigna radiata

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4.8. Fauna

60 Based on observations and interviews that had been conducted around the Jatiwangi

NSD by a technical assistant hired by the Regional Management Consultant (RMC) to assist

the City Satker in monitoring and evaluation of Jatiwangi NSD in 2018, there are 4 types of

animal observed in Jatiwangi NSD. The fauna species identified within the site are presented

in Table 8. No species of mammals or reptiles are categorized as having protection,

endemic or significant conservation status according to the Government Regulation No. 7

year 1999 on Conservation of Flora and Fauna Species and Sub-species.

Table 8. Types of Fauna at Jatiwangi NSD

Local Name Species

Buffalo Bubalus bubalis

Horse Equus caballus

Goat Capra aegagrus

Cow Bos taurus

4.9. Population, Livelihood and Archaeological Site

61 According to the 2016 NUAP and SIAP documents, the total population of Bima City

is 163,010 individuals (or equivalent to 40,752 households) as of the 2015 statistical data of

BPS Kota Bima. Based on the Major of Bima City Decree No. 620/2016 (dated 28 December

2016) on Designation of the Residential and Slums, the slum areas of Bima City are

distributed in 17 kelurahans with a total population of 80,058 individuals (or equivalent to

20,014 household). Five of these 17 kelurahans are the target of NSD beneficiary, and the

population of these five kelurahans is 23,741 individuals (or equivalent to 5,532 households).

Some beneficiaries from these five kelurahans will be accommodated in the 218 houses to

be constructed at Jatiwangi NSD.

62 As seen in Table 9, the primary household incomes of the five kelurahans are from

informal sector, working as labor, and farmer.

Table 9. Income Sources of Targeted NSD Beneficiary


Number of Households






Sector* Craftsman Fisherman Farmer Labor Unemployed

Dara 28 475 9 62 30 233 141

Jatiwangi 106 137 80 76 864 219 272

Melayu 139 576 0 1 46 100 46

Paruga 135 30 59 62 3 230 245

Tanjung 85 229 0 184 25 450 155

Total 493 1,447 148 385 968 1,232 859

Source: NUAP Document of Bima City in 2016

Note: *Informal employment consists of employee, merchant, entrepreneur, taxi-bike driver, horse carriage driver, and security.

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63 Table 10 presents the average household income of the five kelurahans targeted as

NSD beneficiary, ranging from less than IDR 1 million to more than IDR 5 million. them have

income less than IDR 1 Million. The households that have an income of less than IDR 1

million and those in a range of IDR 1 – 2 million are dominant in these five neighborhoods

Table 10. Average Household Income of Targeted NSD Beneficiary


Average Household Income (in IDR)

<1 million 1 - 2 million 2 – 3 million 3 - 5 million >5 million

Dara 648 274 29 27 0

Jatiwangi 1,253 368 84 49 0

Melayu 246 489 108 49 16

Paruga 0 466 124 174 0

Tanjung 727 243 96 62 0

Total 2,874 1,840 441 361 16

64 No historical building or archaeological site is reportedly identified in the Jatiwangi

NSD site.

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65 This chapter elaborates environmental impacts anticipated from the planned

construction of facility and infrastructure of the Jatiwangi NSD that will be funded by ADB.

Further it defines measures to mitigate the impacts due to the construction activity to a

minimum level; and requires environmental monitoring to assess effectiveness of the

mitigation measures undertaken (elaborated in Chapter 6 to 8 of this IEE). The impacts due

to the development of houses, facilities and infrastructure not funded by ADB are not

described in this IEE.

5.1 Pre-Construction Phase

66 Prior to commencing the construction activity, the Project Executing Agency should

undertake an adequate dissemination of information on the planned construction of facility

and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD. The dissemination activity is anticipated to generate

some impacts require mitigation as described in the following paragraphs.

5.1.1 Public Perception and Attitude

67 The Project Executing Agency and/or its delegated authorities should undertake an

appropriate dissemination of information on the planned construction of facility and

infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD. This dissemination will be undertaken prior to the

commencement of the construction activity and expected to establish a constructive

communication between the local government (Bima City) and the local community, as well

as the contractor. Further, the dissemination will not only provide up-to-date information

about the project itself, but also on limited and temporary work and business opportunities

for the local community.

68 On the other hand, the dissemination described earlier may create unfavorable or

negative perception and attitude from the community and other stakeholders due to, among

others: if there have been ongoing issues/complaints that have not been followed up and/or

resolved from the past; perception that the project will not provide business and employment

opportunities for the local community; or concerns that the construction workforce is not

recruited from the local community or surrounding Jatiwangi NSD. Such impacts, if they

materialize, will result in adverse and long-term impacts on the community and NUSP-2


69 The impacts described earlier, should be mitigated from the early phase of the

project through, among others:

Undertake the appropriate dissemination prior to commencing the construction

activities; the dissemination should involve the Project Executing Agency, related local

government agencies, and representation of community stakeholders including

vulnerable groups such as woman and those directly affected by the project; the

dissemination should be undertaken in a transparent manner using appropriate

materials e.g. leaflet, booklet and on a regular basis as required; and

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Establish and disseminate the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) as the formal

system to document, address, and follow-up concerns and complaints related to the

activities of Jatiwangi NSD.

5.2 Construction Phase

70 The construction phase of Jatiwangi NSD will primarily consist of three main

activities: recruitment of construction labors; mobilization of equipment and materials; and

construction of facilities and infrastructures as described in Section 3 of this IEE. The

impacts anticipated from the construction activities will occur for approximately 6 to 9-month

period; and these impacts will be mitigated using the measures described at the following


5.2.1 Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level

71 The mobilization of equipment and materials as well as construction activities in the

Jatiwangi NSD are anticipated to increase air pollutants, primarily dust/particulates in the

ambient air, and elevate the ambient noise level. It is not expected that increased air

pollutants and noise level would be significant i.e., exceeding the ambient air quality and

noise standards stipulated by the Indonesian Government, and distributed far beyond the

construction site. Nevertheless, the following mitigation measures will be implemented to

minimize such impacts:

Use construction equipment and vehicles that have valid licenses and pass the required

testing by the related Transportation Agency of Bima City;

Limit the age of construction equipment and vehicles used to ensure its operability,

emission, and noise meet the required standards;

Enforce a maximum speed limit of 20 km/hour within the Jatiwangi NSD during

construction activity to reduce airborne dust and minimize incident due to vehicle –

human interaction;

Conduct water spraying at dusty locations and roads at the Jatiwangi NSD site at least

once per day or more frequent during dusty conditions;

Require the vehicle carrying out construction materials and wastes with tarpaulin;

Limit the construction activities including mobilization of construction materials between

08.00 and 16.00 hours; and

In case the duration of construction activity is required to exceed the normal working

hours, the contracted is obliged to obtain permit from related government agencies and

consent from the Jatiwangi NSD and nearby communities.

5.2.2 Sedimentation and Surface Water Quality

72 The planned construction at Jatiwangi NSD is anticipated to cause limited land

disturbance, particularly during soil excavation and stockpiling. In the event of rainy days,

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surface runoff is anticipated to cause erosion of exposed soils that will eventually increase

siltation in the receiving drainage channel and/or reduce the quality of nearby water bodies.

Therefore, the following mitigation measures will be implemented to minimize such impacts:

Install adequate retaining wall (typically made of wood or other suitable materials) to

localize soil erosion and control water runoff;

Construct a temporary drainage system or pipeline to channel the runoff to the temporary

settling pond (to be constructed at the perimeter of Jatiwangi NSD);

Regularly remove the silt accumulated in the drainage channel that has been completely

constructed (during the construction phase) to reduce the silt exiting the Jatiwangi NSD;

Conduct water spraying at the road that has been completely constructed (during the

construction phase) reduce the silt exiting the Jatiwangi NSD; and

Stockpile the silt removed from the drainage channel and road and for subsequent

compaction and landscaping purpose at the Jatiwangi NSD.

5.2.3 Groundwater

73 The clean water supply for toilet, washing and other construction purposes during

construction activities will be dug-up from a well of 10-m depth and pumped at a rate of 0.5

liter/second. Water pumping at this rate and limited to only working hours is a mitigation to

minimize the drawdown of groundwater table in the nearby area. The water for construction

purposes will be collected and reserved in a temporary reservoir with dimension of 4-m x 2-

m x 1.5-m and underlaid with double terpaulines.

5.2.4 Flora, Fauna and Aquatic Ecology

74 No endemic, rare or endangered flora and fauna and aquatic ecology is reportedly

identified in the Jatiwangi NSD site and its surroundings, therefore no mitigation measures

are required for these aspects.

5.2.5 Work and Business Opportunities

75 The planned construction at Jatiwangi NSD is expected to generate positive, short

term impacts such as local business establishment, e.g. food and beverage kiosks (warung

makan), small-scale merchandise shops, and local scale suppliers of goods and services.

Employment opportunities are other benefit that the construction activities create for the

need of daily labor. This benefit will be short-term and of local scale as the construction

activity is scheduled for approximately 6- to 9-month period and limited within the site of the

Jatiwangi NSD.

76 On the other hand, the employment and business opportunities can raise concerns or

complaints from the local community, particularly if they feel that the Jatiwangi NSD

development does not provide benefits for them. Therefore, the following mitigation

measures will be implemented to minimize such impacts:

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Undertake an appropriate dissemination prior to commencing the construction activities,

and subsequently on regular basis as required;

Ensure that the recruitment process prioritizes local workers and suppliers from

Kelurahan Jatiwangi (proved by ID card and/or company address) assuming they meet

the qualification and specification required by the Jatiwangi NSD. This clause will be

included in the contract between the local Executing Agency (“City Satker” residing at the Public Work Agency of Bima City) and its contractors;

Enforce the obligation to the contractor in reporting to local authorities on the number

and composition of their labors including employees as well as good and services

provided by local suppliers; and

Encourage the community to use the GRM in raising their concerns and complaints,

related to the project.

5.2.6 Public Perception and Attitude

77 The limited employment and business opportunities that may be generated due to

the construction activity at the Jatiwangi NSD are anticipated to raise some community

concerns as well as expectations. This situation coupled with increased airbone dust, noise

level and road traffic due to the construction activity at the Jatiwangi NSD are the potential

sources for raising favorable and/or unfavorable public perception and attitude towards the

Jatiwangi NSD development. To minimize such impacts, the following mitigation measures

will be implemented:

Undertake an adequate dissemination prior to commencing the construction activities

and the dissemination can be undertaken on regular basis as required;

Establish a close communication among the Project Executing Agency, contractors and

local communities to facilitate suggestions, ideas and complaints from local community;

Schedule the transportation of construction materials, so that it avoids rush hour, but it is

still within the defined work hours of the project from 8.00 to 16.00 hour;

Provide waning signage and lighting at specified points to alert by-passers about the

construction activity at the Jatiwangi NSD (minimum 50 m before the project location)

and deploy a traffic officer as required; and

Require the contractor to stockpile the materials only at designated locations at the

Jatiwangi NSD site.

5.2.7 Occupational Health and Safety, and Hygiene

78 The construction activity to be undertaken at the Jatiwangi NSD will expose the

construction workforce to safety risks, among others, fall, hit by heavy objects or vehicle,

sprain, and electrocuted that could lead to injury or fatality, if these risks are not well

managed. Exposure to health risks includes working at dusty condition and elevated noise

level. Employee hygiene and sanitation will be problematic issues at the construction site

particularly in the absence of adequate toilet and washing facilities as well as hygiene culture

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among the construction workforce.

79 To reduce the risks mentioned earlier, the contractor should assign dedicated

personnel to be responsible for implementing the following mitigation measures:

Occupational Health

Implement adequate health examination as the requirement for every personnel applying

for employment during the construction phase; the health examination is to be conducted

by competent medical doctors. Implementation of this requirement it to ensure that every

personnel working at the Jatiwangi NSD is declared “fit for work”;

Conduct an awareness/dissemination session on HIV/AIDS and other infectious

diseases to every labor; this session should be undertaken by competent health

personnel; and

Provide First Aid kits and trainings for the contractor’s employee and/or labors to be assigned as the First Aider; these trainings should be undertaken to enable any injured

person, if any, are handled at the construction site for first aid treatment prior to the

injured person is mobilized to nearby hospital for further medication.

Occupational Safety

Conduct the risk assessment to identify all occupational health and safety risks

associated with the construction activity and define the mitigation measure for each risk;

Conduct health, safety and hygiene induction for labors to disseminate, among others on

the need for personal protective equipment (PPE) use according to the requirement of

Ministry of Labors and Transmigration Decree No. 08/MEN/VII/2010 on Personal

Protective Equipment; and awareness of health and safety risks at the construction site.

The safety induction must be undertaken for every employee prior to commencing

his/her works at the construction site;

Conduct safety brief every day prior to commencing the work as a way to ensure that

every labor is in fit-for-work condition to do his/her job every day;

The contractor is obliged to provide and requires each labor to wear PPE i.e., mask,

safety helmet, safety glass/goggle, and safety boot as the minimum requirements when

performing their jobs;

Install protection fences around the NSD site and establish security post at the entrance

to avoid unauthorized party or person entering the construction site;

Assign some dedicated personnel to regulate the vehicles entering and exiting the

Jatiwangi NSD during the construction period; and

Install safety signage to alert people, such as “Beware of In/Out Vehicles” or “Slower Your Vehicle” sign etc.

Hygiene at the Construction Sites

Provide adequate toilet including washing/bathing facilities with proper septic tank and

drainage system at the construction site; and

Regularly clean the toilet and washing facilities as well as drainage system.

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5.3 Maintenance/Operation Phase

80 The construction phase of Jatiwangi NSD is scheduled for approximately 6 to 9

months, and then followed by 6-month maintenance phase by the contractor prior to hand-

over of the facility and infrastructure to the local government (Bima City). Key activities at the

maintenance phase, which may also be considered as operation phase, will be: final

disposal of remaining construction waste; domestic waste management; and disposal of

septic tank sludges.

81 Impacts on ambient air quality and noise level; water quality; and soil quality as well

as public perception and attitude are anticipated from this maintenance phase. These

impacts are expected to be minimal; however, mitigation remains to be implemented as

described in the following paragraphs.

5.3.1 Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level

82 Upon completion of the construction activity, remaining construction wastes,

including rocks, soil, paving, wood, sand etc. will be removed from the Jatiwangi NSD for

final disposal. Such construction wastes, if not disposed, will make the Jatiwangi NSD looks

untidy and become the source of airborne dust. Removal of this waste using trucks and

other equipment will increase air pollutants and noise level, but these impacts will be

intermittent and localized. These wastes will be finally disposed to the final disposal site at

TPA Oi Mbo managed by the local government (Bima City). The following mitigation

measures will be implemented to minimize such impacts:

Use construction equipment and vehicles that have valid licenses and pass the required

testing by the related Transportation Agency of Bima City;

Limit the age of construction equipment and vehicles used to ensure its operability,

emission, and noise meet the required standards;

Enforce a maximum speed limit of 20 km/hour to reduce airborne dust and minimize

incident due to vehicle – human interaction at the Jatiwangi NSD; and

Require the vehicle carrying out construction materials and wastes to use tarpaulin.

5.3.2 Odor, Insect and Rodent

83 The household activities at the Jatiwangi NSD will generate domestic wastes, among

others, leftover food, plastic, and cardboard. The waste generated from these activities is

assumed to be approximately 2800 liter/day if all 218 houses in the Jatiwangi NSD are fully

occupied. The wastes, particularly organic wastes, will generate odor and leachate, and

attract pest/flies if not properly handled. Therefore, the following mitigation measures will be

implemented by the Management Unit (Badan Pengelola) of Jatiwangi NSD (to be


Require the residents of Jatiwangi NSD to provide separate, closed waste bins for

organic and inorganic wastes and ensure proper waste storage;

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Conduct routine inspection and cleaning of the waste storage area/shelter to maintain

good housekeeping and prevent insect and rodent from hosting at this site;

Assign operators for the garbage motor vehicle to regularly collect and transport the

wastes from each house to the temporary waste storage shelter provided at the

Jatiwangi NSD; and

Collaborate with the related agency of Bima City to schedule daily removal of the wastes

from Jatiwangi NSD to the final disposal site at TPA Oi Mbo in (Bima City).

5.3.3 Surface Water Quality

84 Sewage from toilet and wastewater from household cleaning and bathroom (known

as grey water) will be generated from each house at the Jatiwangi NSD. The sewage will be

managed using an onsite septic tank provided for each house. The wastewater from each

house will be discharged into the drainage system constructed along the neighborhood road

prior to eventually draining in to the main drainage channel. Cleaning of the drainage

channel is required as maintenance.

85 Without regular maintenance, the individual septic tank will overflow and seep to the

subsurface level, generating odor and non-hygienic conditions. The mitigation that will be

implemented for the septic tank is to appoint a third party to remove the sludge from the

septic tank once every three years; and dispose it to the sludge treatment unit at TPA Oi

Mbo area in Bima City.

5.3.4 Public Perception and Attitude

86 The completion of facilities and infrastructure and occupation of the houses at the

Jatiwangi NSD are expected to improve the welfare of the residents. Furthermore, the

Jatiwangi NSD is a good lesson learned for other local governments to mitigate the

establishment of slum settlements. These benefits are expected to create positive public

perception and attitude towards the NUSP-2 project, and should be maintained through the

implementation of the followings:

The management unit of Jatiwangi NSD will conduct community/ communication forum

on a regular basis (e.g. monthly) to establish good relationship and provide the residents

with capacity building to manage its neighborhood in a sustained manner; and

Implement GRM to address concerns and complaints related to the project.

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6.1 Public Consultation

87 The early dissemination event on Jatiwangi NSD was conducted as part of the

dissemination of UKL-UPL document for the mentioned NSD on 27 April 2018. This meeting

was facilitated by the Environmental Agency of Bima City at the Kelurahan Jatiwangi’s office and attended by the government officials of Kelurahan Jatiwangi, City Satker, Public Works

Agency of Bima, Community Advisor (CA), and the community of the mentioned kelurahan.

88 The main agenda of this dissemination was the Jatiwangi NSD development plan to

mitigate the problematic issues associated with slum settlements, anticipated environmental

impacts due to the construction and mitigation measures to be undertaken. At this event, six

out of 28 participants were women and they were actively involved in the discussion. The

response of the personnel attending this event on the NSD activity was generally positive.

The Minutes of Meeting and list of attendees at the UKL-UPL dissemination is included in

Appendix 14.

89 In addition, the Project Executing Agency will require the local government (Bima

City) to schedule another dissemination event: (i) prior to the construction of facility and

infrastructure of the Jatiwangi NSD; and (ii) after or during the maintenance/operation phase

of the mentioned construction. Any environmental concerns and public complaints raised at

the consultation will be documented in the minute of meeting; and any community

complaints and grievances should be handled and followed up according to the GRM

procedure as described in Chapter 7 of this IEE. The upcoming dissemination should invite

adequate representation of key stakeholders including women and vulnerable groups.

6.2 Information Disclosure

90 Environmental documents related to the Jatiwangi NSD will be made available to

public including affected people and interested stakeholders. These environmental

documents will be submitted to ADB for subsequent disclosure on its website: (i) Final IEE

and a new or updated IEE, if any; (ii) Corrective action plan, if any, during project

implementation; (iii) Semi-annual environmental monitoring report describing implementation

of mitigation measures and monitoring requirements as required by the IEE.

91 UKL-UPL and IEE (new or updated IEE if required and corrective action plans if any

during project implementation) will be made available to public including affected people and

interested stakeholders. Monitoring reports on the implementation of the UKL-UPL and IEE

should also be made available. These documents should be provided in the format and

language that can be understood by the public.

92 The local government (Bima City) will provide the copy of IEE document at the Local

working unit office known as ‘City Satker’ (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City) and the

office of NSD management unit (Badan Pengelola). Furthermore, the Bima City will provide

public information regarding the NUSP-2 project in the forms of booklets and short movie as


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93 A Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) will be established and disseminated to the

Project Executing Agency, local community and related local government agencies as a

formal mechanism to manage complaints and/or queries related to environmental impacts of

the Jatiwangi NSD’s project activities. The GRM comprises three levels described below with

the key objective to address any complaints from affected people during project

implementation. The levels of the GRM are presented in Figure 9 and described as follows:

(i) As the first step, the complaints/concerns should be made in writing and

completed with the identity card, contact number and details of personnel making

those complaints/concerns. These complaints/concerns should be recorded in a

dedicated log book. Related community member should be invited by the

neighborhood (kelurahan) office to verify his/her complaints. Furthermore, the

neighborhood office should verify the complaints/concerns with the Contractor of

Jatiwangi NSD and City Satker and propose as to how these matters should be


The Head of neighborhood (Kelurahan) office should then decide either to make

resolution or escalate the matter to the local government (Bima City) i.e. LCO of

Bima City within five (5) working days upon receiving such complaints/concerns. If

the complaints/ concerns cannot be addressed at this neighborhood level, these

should be escalated to the City level. A register or log book at the neighborhood

office should be maintained to document the complaints/ concerns.

(ii) If the complaints/concerns cannot be addressed at this neighborhood level, these

should be escalated to the City level i.e. the Local Coordinating Office (LCO) at

the ‘Bappeda’ office (planning agency) of Bima City; and should be followed up

and/or resolved within 15 (fifteen) working days upon receiving the escalation from

the neighborhood office. The LCO should coordinate with the neighborhood office

to make resolution or escalate the matter to the PMU (representing the DGHS). A

register or log book at the LCO office should be maintained to document the

complaints/ concerns.

(iii) At the national government level, the complaints will be coordinated by the PMU

representing the DGHS; and should be resolved within 15 (fifteen) working days

upon receiving the escalation from the LCO. A register or log book at the PMU

office should be maintained to document the complaints/ concerns.

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Figure 9. Grievance Redress Mechanism Flowchart

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8.1 Mitigation Measures

94 The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) have been developed for implementing

the mitigation measure and conduct monitoring to ensure that the anticipated environmental

impacts due to the planned construction at Jatiwangi NSD are managed to a minimum level.

Key indicators, party to implement the EMP and monitor its effectiveness are also presented

in this table.

95 Table 11 on environmental mitigation measures is part of the EMP which will be

implemented by the contractor and related parties, reported to ADB and the Project

Executing Agency on regular basis during the project implementation.

Table 11. Environmental Mitigation Measures

Project Phases/


Anticipated Impacts

Mitigation Measures Performance

Indicator Party to

Implement Party to Monitor

Pre-construction Phase

Development & Evaluation of UKL-UPL Document


None required UKL-UPL approval secured in December 2017 and Environmental Permit secured in May 2018



Dissemination of Jatiwangi NSD construction activities

Public perception and attitude that may be positive or negative

Undertake dissemination on Jatiwangi NSD’s construction activities before the work starts

Disseminate the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) to related stakeholders

Invitation letter and materials for the dissemination activity

List of attendance completed with signature and contact details

Minutes of Meeting

Local government (Bima City)

The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

PMU (representing DGHS)

Establish and implement the GRM to address community complaints and concerns on Jatiwangi NSD activities.

Grievance form, acknowledgment, and register/log book

Numbers of complaints received, followed up and resolved

The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

PMU (representing DGHS)

Construction Phase

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi

Increased ambient air quality and noise level

Use construction vehicles and equipment that has the required licenses

Limit the age of equipment and vehicles used in

Licenses issued by related government agency

Ambient air quality does not exceed the quality standard

Contractor The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

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Project Phases/


Anticipated Impacts

Mitigation Measures Performance

Indicator Party to

Implement Party to Monitor

NSD construction activity

Limit the speed of equipment and vehicles (20 km/hour) at construction sites

Conduct water spraying of the construction sites as well as along the road to the location at least once a day or more frequent during dusty condition.

Provide tarpaulin for each truck delivering construction materials.

Limit construction/ mobilization activity between 08.00 to 16.00 hours.

Obtain permit from related government agencies and the Project Executing Agency as well as no objection from the nearby communities if the work needs to be extended after 16.00

stipulated in Government Regulation No. 41 /1999.

Noise level does not exceed the quality standard stipulated in Decree of Ministry of Environment No KEP-48/1996.

Community complaint (if any) from community regarding construction activity.

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Increased sedimentation/ surface water quality

Install adequate retaining wall

Construct temporary drainage system and settling ponds at the perimeter of Jatiwangi NSD

Conduct sediment/silt removal in the drainage channel that has been completely constructed

Stockpile the sediment/silt removed as part of the cleaning process for landscaping.

The retaining wall is installed at the construction site.

Temporary settling pond is provided at site

No flood occurs in Jatiwangi NSD surroundings.

All drainage and roads are free from soil sedimentation

Contractor The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and

Decreasing groundwater level

Limit groundwater pumping at 0.5 liter/second for 8

Daily monitoring form for groudwater

Contractor The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima

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Project Phases/


Anticipated Impacts

Mitigation Measures Performance

Indicator Party to

Implement Party to Monitor

construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

hours per day pumping.

Complaint (if any) from community regarding their wells are dry


Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Work and short-term business opportunities at local scale

Undertake an appropriate dissemination on the planned construction of the Jatiwangi NSD on a regular basis as required

Prioritize local labors and suppliers from Kelurahan Jatiwangi (proved by ID card and/or company address)

Enforce the contractor to report the number and composition of local labor, supplier and vendor

Require the community to use the GRM in addressing their concerns and complaints related to the project

List of workers and suppliers complete with copy of IDs.

Contract clause includes requirement for contractor to prioritize local labor suppliers and vendors.

Local Government (Bima City)


The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Work and short-term business opportunities at local scale

Use GRM to address public complaints related with the project.

Public complaints (if any) regarding the project; and GRM register/folder.

Kelurahan office / Contractor

The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

LCO (Bappeda office)

PMU (representing DGHS)

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Public perception and attitude that may be positive or negative

Undertake dissemination of the project activity and GRM as described earlier

Establish a close


between the Project

and related


Invitation letter to the dissemination activity

List of attendance completed with signature and contact details

Minutes of Meeting

Local Government (Bima City) / The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

The contractor

PMU (representing DGHS)

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Project Phases/


Anticipated Impacts

Mitigation Measures Performance

Indicator Party to

Implement Party to Monitor

Schedule transportation of construction materials to avoid rush hours but within normal working hour.

Providing signs, signage and lighting at specified points to alert about project activity (minimum 50 m before the project location) and deploy a traffic officer if necessary.

Require the

contractor to

stockpile the

materials only at

Jatiwangi NSD site.

Vehicle logbook

Signage (include signage for location of stockpiles) and lighting are installed within Jatiwangi NSD site.

Contractor The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Exposure to Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) and hygiene risks

Occupational Health

Assign the contractor’s dedicated personnel for implementing the OHS related to the project.

Conduct an awareness session on HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases

Provide First Aid

Kits at the

construction sites

and related


Letter of assignment of implementing OHS matter

List of attendance/ training and training materials

Minute of meeting.

The existence of First Aid Kits


The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

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Project Phases/


Anticipated Impacts

Mitigation Measures Performance

Indicator Party to

Implement Party to Monitor

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Exposure to Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) and hygiene risks

Occupational Safety

Conduct risk assessment to identify OHS risks associated with the construction activity.

Conduct OHS induction for labors and the use of personnel protective equipment (PPE).

Conduct safety talks prior to starting the works every day.

Provide and requires labors to wear PPE during works.

Install protection fences around the NSD site including security post at the front gate.

Assign a traffic officer as required

Installing safety signage to alert about the project’s activities

Risk register

Protective equipment in the site location.

List of attendance and induction presentation materials

List of attendance and topics on safety talks every day.

List of PPE issued and worn by labors.

Protection fence and security post installed and maintained.

Traffic warden regularly assigned

Safety signage installed and maintained

No occurrence of work accident in the Jatiwangi NSD construction site (zero accident).


The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Exposure to Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) and hygiene risks

Hygiene at the construction site

Provide adequate toilet including washing/bathing facilities with proper septic tank and drainage system for construction labors.

Regularly clean the toilet and washing/bathing facilities as well as drainage system.

Toilet and washing/ bathing facilities are provided, and its housekeeping is well maintained


The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

Post-construction Phase

Operation and Maintenance

Increased ambient air quality and noise level

Use construction vehicles and equipment that has the required licenses

Limit the age of equipment and vehicles used in construction activity

Licenses issued by related government agency

Ambient air quality does not exceed the quality standard stipulated in

Contractor The City Satker (at the Public Work office of Bima City)

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Project Phases/


Anticipated Impacts

Mitigation Measures Performance

Indicator Party to

Implement Party to Monitor

Enforce a maximum speed limit of 20 km/hour to reduce airborne dust and minimize incident

The construction materials and wastes carried by the trucks should be covered using tarpaulin

Government Regulation 41 /1999.

Noise level does not exceed the quality standard stipulated in Decree of Ministry of Environment 48 /1996.

Community complaint (if any) from community regarding construction activity

Operation and Maintenance

Odor, insect, and rodent establishment

Require the residents of Jatiwangi NSD to provide waste bins and implement proper waste storage

Conduct routine inspection and maintain good housekeeping of the temporary waste shelter.

Assign operators for the garbage motor vehicles to regularly remove the wastes from each house to the waste shelter.

Collaborate with the related agency of Bima City to schedule daily removal of the wastes from Jatiwangi NSD.

Proper waste bins are available at each house

Schedule and inspection checklist are available and completed

Operator of garbage motor vehicle is regularly available.

Daily schedule for waste collection

Jatiwangi NSD management (Badan Pengelola)

Local government (Bima City)

Operation and Maintenance

Reduced surface water quality

Appoint a third party to remove the sludge from the septic tank once every three years.

Dispose the sludge to the sludge treatment unit at IPLT Oi Mbo in

Bima City.

Agreement between the Badan Pengelola and the third party.

Schedule for sludge collection and transportation to IPLT Oi Mbo.

Jatiwangi NSD management (Badan Pengelola)

Local government (Bima City)

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Project Phases/


Anticipated Impacts

Mitigation Measures Performance

Indicator Party to

Implement Party to Monitor

Operation and Maintenance

Community Perception and Attitude

Conduct regular (monthly) community and communication forum facilitated by the NSD management board (Badan Pengelola)

Implement GRM as described above

Minute of meeting.

List of attendance.

Grievance form and register.

Numbers of complaints received, followed up and resolved

NSD Manage ment Board (Badan Pengelola)

Local government (Bima City)

8.2 Monitoring Requirements

96 Environmental monitoring will be undertaken to assess whether the mitigation

measures implemented as part of the construction and operation & maintenance at the

Jatiwangi NSD are effective and efficient in minimizing the anticipated environmental

impacts. Table 12 describes the requirements of the Project Executing Agency to conduct

environmental monitoring and reporting during the project implementation phases.

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Table 12. Environmental Monitoring Requirements

Project Phases/Activities

Anticipated Impacts Monitoring Method and Parameters/Indicators/


Monitoring Frequency and


Reporting Requirements

Party to Implement Mitigation Measures

Party to Monitor

Pre-construction Phase

Development and Evaluation of UKL-UPL Document


None, this activity has been completed as part of the environmental permitting of Jatiwangi NSD in December 2017 and May 2018.

None UKL-UPL implementation reports every six months

Local government (Bima City)

City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

PMU (representing DGHS)

Dissemination of

Jatiwangi NSD’s construction


Community perception and attitude that may be positive or negative

Evaluation of results of dissemination activity on Jatiwangi NSD

2 times during project implementation (i) prior to construction and (ii) before construction completion/ during early maintenance period at the City Satker’s office.

The evaluation results to be included in the Project’s monthly progress report.

City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

PMU (representing DGHS)

Review the complaints/concerns received, and follow-up actions conducted through GRM implementation

Monthly review at the City Satker’s office.

The evaluation results to be included in the Project’s monthly progress report.

City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

PMU (representing DGHS)

Construction Phase

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Community perception and attitude that may be positive or negative

Calculation on proportion of recruited local labors compared to the total construction workforce

Once, prior to construction and monthly during construction period at the contractor office.

This labor calculation is included in the Project’s monthly progress report.

Contractor City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

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Project Phases/Activities

Anticipated Impacts Monitoring Method and Parameters/Indicators/


Monitoring Frequency and


Reporting Requirements

Party to Implement Mitigation Measures

Party to Monitor

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Increased ambient air quality and noise level

Carry out ambient air quality sampling and testing according to the requirements of Government Regulation No. 41/1999

Carry out measurement of ambient noise level according to the requirement of Ministry of Environment Decree No. KEP-48/1996.

The evaluation will be undertaken:

Once, prior to construction

Once during construction

Once after construction.

At one location inside and outside the Jatiwangi NSD site.

This monitoring should be undertaken using the laboratory accredited by Indonesian Accreditation Commission (Komisi Akreditasi Nasional)

Ambient air quality testing and noise level measurement results and interpretations.

Contractor City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Increased sedimentation and reduced surface water quality

Field checking /visual inspection for indication of sedimentation and turbid water quality.

Weekly inspection at areas where land disturbance occurs and at settling pond inside the NSD site; and at the drainage channel outside the NSD site.

Inspection checklist, notes and photos completed with date, name and signature of the inspectors; These are included in the Project’s monthly progress report.

Contractor City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and

Reduced level of groundwater

Review the pumping record Weekly at the well/contractor’s office)

Water volume and pumping duration included in the Project’s monthly progress report

Contractor City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

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Project Phases/Activities

Anticipated Impacts Monitoring Method and Parameters/Indicators/


Monitoring Frequency and


Reporting Requirements

Party to Implement Mitigation Measures

Party to Monitor

infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Limited work and short-term business opportunities

Evaluate the workers and suppliers based on their IDs.

Evaluate the type of goods and services purchased from local supliers and vendors.

Evaluation on GRM implementation

Monthly during construction at the Jatiwangi NSD

Evaluation results of these aspects included in the Project’s monthly progress report.

Contractor City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Public perception and attitude that may be positive or negative

Evaluation of the result of regular community forum

Field checking to monitor schedule of material transportation.

Monthly during construction at the Jatiwangi NSD

Evaluation results of these aspects included in the Project’s monthly progress report.

Contractor City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

Visual inspection to ensure signage and lightings are installed and in good operating condition

Weekly at the Jatiwangi NSD

Inspection checklist and photos are included in the monthly progress report.

Contractor City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Exposure to Occupational Health, Safety (OHS) and hygiene risk

Evaluation of the result of OHS dissemination and safety talks as described in the minute of meeting and daily toolbox talk forms.

Monthly during construction at the Jatiwangi NSD

The evaluation results, list of attendance, presentation materials and minute of meeting, included in the Project’s monthly report

Contractor City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

Mobilization of equipment and construction

Exposure to

Occupational Health,

Safety (OHS) and

Visual inspection and documentation on the availability and operability of:

Weekly at the Jatiwangi NSD

Inspection checklist, notes and photos signed off and

Contractor City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima

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Project Phases/Activities

Anticipated Impacts Monitoring Method and Parameters/Indicators/


Monitoring Frequency and


Reporting Requirements

Party to Implement Mitigation Measures

Party to Monitor

materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

hygiene risk PPE and First Aid Kits

Protection fences.

Security post.

Employee to assist traffic management.

Safety signages.

Construction accommodation

included in the Project’s monthly progress report


Mobilization of equipment and construction materials and construction of facility and infrastructure at the Jatiwangi NSD

Exposure to Occupational Health, Safety (OHS) and hygiene risk

Evaluation of the construction labors that they are fit for work based on the letter issued by competent doctors.

Once, prior to construction at NSD site contractor office.

The fit for work letter is included in the Project’s monthly progress report

Contractor City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

Post-construction Phase

Operation and Maintenance

Increased ambient air quality and noise

Visual inspection of areas where construction wastes are stored

Weekly until the remaining construction waste have been completely removed from the NSD site.

The inspection should be completed with checklist/notes, photos and personnel signature.

Description on final waste construction waste disposal included in the Project’s monthly

Contractor (during the maintenance period)

City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

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Project Phases/Activities

Anticipated Impacts Monitoring Method and Parameters/Indicators/


Monitoring Frequency and


Reporting Requirements

Party to Implement Mitigation Measures

Party to Monitor


Operation and Maintenance

Odor, insect, and rodent establishment

Conduct visual inspection of waste bins at each house and temporary waste shelter/storage at the NSD site for odor, housekeeping and indication of vector.

Complete inspection checklist with /notes, photos, and personnel signature.

Weekly at the waste bins and temporary waste storage area/shelter

Inspection results included in the Project’s monthly report (during maintenance period)

Contractor (during the maintenance period)

City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

Inspection results maintained (after maintenance period)

The Jatiwangi NSD management board

City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City)

Operation and Maintenance

Reduced surface water quality

Regular disposal of septic tank sludge

Once in three years Schedule and record on sludge disposal

The Jatiwangi NSD management board

City Satker (at the Public Work Agency of Bima City) and LCO

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8.3 EMP Implementation and Reporting

97 As described in Table 13, The Project Management Unit (PMU) representing the

Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of Public Work and Housing (at

the Central Government level) will take overall, day-to-day responsibility for the

management, coordination, and monitoring of EMP implementation described in this IEE.

98 At the local government level (Bima Municipaity), the Local Coordinating Office

(LCO) residing at the Bappeda (Planning Agency) will provide coordination, supervision and

monitoring including environmental checklist. The City Satker (Satuan Kerja), as the project

implementation unit residing at the Public Work Agency of the Bima City, together with the

local government (Bima City) will disseminate the NSD activity and establish the Grievance

Redress Mechanism for implementation at the Jatiwangi NSD; and supervise contractor and

the NSD management board regarding EMP implementation. Furthermore, related agencies

of Bima City, the contractor, and the Jatiwangi NSD management board have EMP

responsibilities as presented in the following table that need to be reported and supported

with evidence in the IEE implementation report.

Table 13. Roles and Responsibilities on EMP Implementation and Reporting

Government Level / Institution Responsibilities

Central Government

Ministry of Public

Works - Directorate General of Human Settlements / Project Management Unit (PMU)

Provide overall coordination, supervision, monitoring.

Preparation and submission of consolidated quarterly progress reports and evaluation reports.

Prepare guidelines for the environmental due diligence and monitoring of environmental management plan.

Local Government (Bima City)

Local Coordinating Office (at Bappeda/Planning Agency of Bima City)

Provide overall coordination, supervision, monitoring and approval of village proposals including environmental checklists.

Prepare quarter progress reports including environmental.

Provide technical support to community advisors and BKMs/CIOs.

Carry out environmental due diligence.

Monitor the implementation of the environmental management plan.

City Satker (at Public Work Agency of Bima City)

Undertake dissemination regarding NSD activity

Establish Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) to address community complaints regarding NSD activity.

Environmental Agency of Bima City

Provide guidance on environmental checklists;

Coordinate with community advisors to conduct site visits, if necessary, to validate the screening/assessment results;

Review the engineering design and environmental checklists and provide permit for construction of a deep well;

Conduct random checking during construction and after completion to inspect environmental procedures and impacts.

Health Agency of Bima City

Test collected water quality samples to determine if collected water sources meet the drinking water standards.

Contractor Carry out construction phase consist of (i) recruitment of labor, (ii) mobilization of equipment and materials, and (iii) construction of infrastructures.

Carry out operational and maintenance for 6 (six) months after construction phase is completed.

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Government Level / Institution Responsibilities

Jatiwangi NSD Management Board (Badan Pengelola)

After handover to City Satker, the NSD Management Board will be responsible for:

Carry out management, regular maintenance and immediate repair and coordination meeting regarding damage components of housing (roof, wall and floor) and infrastructure in each housing unit such as electriCity and water supply system;

Carry out management and regular maintenance for waste and sludge collection/suctioning;

Carry out maintenance of NSD landscape; and

Carry out community forum

8.4 Cost Estimation for EMP Implementation

99 Table 14 presents the cost estimation of USD 12,420 required for EMP

implementation, including for mitigation and monitoring, at the pre-construction, construction

and post-operation phases of the Jatiwangi NSD development.

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Table 14. Cost Estimation for EMP Implementation

Item Unit Cost per Unit

(USD) Quantity

Total Cost (USD)

Funding Source

Mitigation Cost


Dissemination involving community of Kelurahan Jatiwangi

Time 85 2 events 170 City Satker

Runoff and Sedimentation Control


(construction and post construction)

850 1 package 850 Contractor

Construction of protection fence, security post and temporary toilet for construction workforce


5,100 1 package 5,100 Contractor

Provision of PPE Package 800 1 package 800 Contractor

Health examination by doctors


(for 80 persons)

100 6 months 600 Contractor

HIV/AIDS infectious diseases Induction (by contractor)

Package 100 1 package 100 Contractor

Solid, construction waste management during construction and post construction

Month 250 6 months 1,500 Contractor

Sub-total cost for mitigation 9,120

Monitoring cost

Preconstruction/Construction phase

Periodic review and evaluation of GRM implementation

Time 50 6 months 300 City Satker

Ambient air quality and noise level test

Time 300 3 events 900 Contractor

Groundwater quality sampling and testing

Time 300 6 events 1,800 Contractor

Post Construction / Operation & Maintenance

Visual inspection for pipeline system and waste management field checking

Time 50 6 months 300 Contractor

Sub-total cost for monitoring 3,300


8.5 Reporting Procedures

100 The contractor will report the EMP implementation (both mitigation and monitoring)

with supporting documents during the pre-construction, construction and post

construction/operation and maintenance phases and this is to be included in the Project’s monthly report and submitted to the City Satker for review. Upon completion of the report

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review, the City Satker will submit the report to the PMU.

101 The PMU will assess whether the EMP has been effectively implemented including

defining corrective actions and follow-ups required. Further, the report needs to be

evaluated for compliance against the EMP as the ADB’s safeguard requirements. Upon completing these steps, the stand-alone EMP implementation (environmental monitoring)

reports needs to be submitted to ADB every six months for disclosure.

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102 The IEE report has been prepared primarily for the planned construction of facilities

and infrastructures of the Jatiwangi New Site Development (NSD) in Bima City which is to

be funded by ADB.

103 The overall development of Jatiwangi NSD will improve the welfare of its resident in

terms of providing proper housing for low-income communities with adequate facility and

infrastructure; and alleviate the issues due to growing slum settlements in Bima City.

104 The anticipated environmental impacts related with the planned construction

activities of the Jatiwangi NSD are of temporary period and localized within the construction

site and they are primarily typical construction related impacts. These impacts can be readily

managed to a minimum level with adequate resources and consistent implementation of

mitigation measures and monitoring requirements defined in the Environmental

Management Plan (EMP).

105 The EMP will be primarily undertaken by the Contractor to mitigate anticipated

impacts on: ambient air quality and noise level; sedimentation and surface water quality;

temporary employment and business opportunities; public perception and attitude; and

occupational health and safety, and hygiene. The City Satker (Public Work Agency of Bima

City) will supervise the contractor on this EMP implementation.

106 Dissemination about project implementation through Public Consultation and

establishment of Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) will be undertaken during the

project implementation. In addition, regular communication and community forum will be

established to facilitate communication between the residents of Jatiwangi NSD and related

Project’s stakeholders.

107 The implementation of EMP (Environmental Monitoring Report) will be reported on

semi-annual basis to ADB for subsequent disclosure at ADB’s website. Further, the information regarding NUSP-2, IEE and EMP will be provided at the City Satker (Public

Work Agency of Bima City) and the office of Jatiwangi NSD management board (Badan

Pengelola) in the forms of document, leaflet, booklets, and short movie as appropriate.

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ADB 2009: Safeguard Policy Statement. Policy Paper. Asian Development


ADB 2014: Environmental Assessment and Review Framework. Asian

Development Bank.

BPS Kota Bima 2017: Bima Dalam Angka tahun 2017. Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Bima

GoI 2012 Type of Business and/or Activity Requiring AMDAL, Minister of

Environment Regulation No. 5 Year 2012

GoI 2012 Guidelines for the Preparation of Environmental Documents,

Minister of Environment Regulation No. 16 Year 2012

GoI 2008 Types of Business and/or Acitvity in Public Works Sector

Requiring UKL-UPL, Minister of Public Works Regulation No.


NUSP, 2018 Technical Proposal of NSD of Bima City

NUSP, 2018 Masterplan, Detail Engineering Design (DED) and Budget Plan of

NSD of Bima City

NUSP, 2018 Land Acquisition Document of NSD of Bima City

UKL-UPL, 2017 Dokumen UKL-UPL Kawasan New Site Development (NSD).

Bima City

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Appendix 1. UKL-UPL Recommendation of Jatiwangi NSD

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Appendix 2. Environmental Permit of Jatiwangi NSD

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Appendix 3. Request for Hand Over of Land Required for NSD

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Appendix 4. Request to Transfer the Land Required for NSD

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Appendix 5. Bima Mayor's Letter on the Request for Additional Land

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Appendix 6. Bupati Bima’s Approval on Additional Land Request

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Appendix 7. Minutes on Asset Handover from Bima District to Bima City Governments

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Appendix 8. Payment Order as Part of Land Certification Process

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Appendix 9. Payment Slip of the Payment Order

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Appendix 10. Payment Receipt of the Payment Order

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Appendix 11. Statement Letter on the Spatial Plan


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Appendix 12. Recommendation on the Land Utilization for NSD

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Appendix 13. Minutes of Meeting on the Dissemination of Jatiwangi NSD Plan

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Appendix 14. Minutes of Meeting on the Dissemination of Jatiwangi NSD’s UKL-UPL Document

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Appendix 15. Ambient Air Quality Analytical Results

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Appendix 16. PDAM Water Quality Analytical Result

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Appendix 17. Groundwater Analytical Result

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