ST/LIB/SE R. B/E. 41 DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LIBRARY Index to proceedings of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Fiftieth session -1971 U NIT ED N AT 10 N5

Index to proceedings of the - library.un.org · Index to proceedings of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Fiftie~h session -1971 UNITED NATIONS New York, 1971. ... and a list of observers

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Index toproceedings of the


Fiftieth session -1971


Page 2: Index to proceedings of the - library.un.org · Index to proceedings of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Fiftie~h session -1971 UNITED NATIONS New York, 1971. ... and a list of observers


Index to

proceedings of theECONOMIC AND


Fiftie~h session - 1971


New York, 1971

Page 3: Index to proceedings of the - library.un.org · Index to proceedings of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Fiftie~h session -1971 UNITED NATIONS New York, 1971. ... and a list of observers

DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LIBRARYBibliographical Series, No.E.41



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Page 4: Index to proceedings of the - library.un.org · Index to proceedings of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Fiftie~h session -1971 UNITED NATIONS New York, 1971. ... and a list of observers

Table of Contents

Explanatory Note



Agenda ...

Subject Index

Index to Speeches

Numerical List of Documents










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Explanatory Note


1. This Index, prepared by the Documentation Divisionof the United Nations Headquarters Library, New York, isintended to offer a bibliographical guide to the proceedingsand documentation of the 50th regular session of theEconomic and Social Council as well as of its committeesor ad hoc committees which met during the session.


2. The Index consists of the following parts:

(a) Introduction, including list of the Officers andcheck lists of meetings of the Economic and Social Cour.ciland its committees;

(b) Agenda, with reference to the relevant subjectheadings used in Part (c);

(c) Subject index. Subjects are arranged alpha­betically, with reference to the documentation, discussion,and disposition of each item. Agenda item numbers areindicated in parentheses following the SUbject headings.Names of deleg:1tions are noted in parentheses followingthe meeting number whenever statements are made on asubject not scheduled as an agenda item or on a subjectreferred to in the general debate in pltmary meetings;

(d) Index to speeches. Speeches and statementsby representatives are listed in alphabetical order bycountry or organization, subdivided by subject discussedand by name of speaker, with an indication of the meetingat which the speech was made. Addresses of Heads ofState are listed under the name of the country they repre­sent, followed by their title and name. The remarks ofthe President of the Economic and Social Council and ofchairmen of committees are normally not indexed. Thespeeches of chairmen and rapporteurs of committees areincluded, however, when they presented or explained thereports of their committees to the Council. Statementsand speeches made by private individuals representing anorganization to which a hearing was granted are listedunder the name of the organization. Statements made byofficers of the United Nco-tions Secretariat are listed underthe name of the Office or Department they represented;


(e) Numerical list of documents, arranged bydocument symbols. This list also contains information asto the republication of mimeographed documents in theprinted fascicles of Annexes to the Official Records.


3. All summary records of p19nary and committeemeetings of the Economic and Social Council appear firstin provisional mimeographed form. They may be identifiedby their symbol, which l,;onsists of the series symbol (e.g.,E/-, E/C.2/-, or E/AC.6/-) as indicated in the introduction(see Check list of meetings), followed by SR and an ordinalnumber corresponding to that of the meeting(e.g., E/SR.1733;E/AC.7/SR .578). Summary records of meetings al'e laterprinted as separate fascicles in the Official Recorc s.

Of the other documents, a few appear only as printedSupplements to the Official Records (a fact always noted inthis index), but the rest are first issued in mimeographedform. Some of them are subsequontly printed in the Annexesto the Official Records, where they are grouped into fasciclesaccording to agenda item number. The resolutions adoptedby the Economic and Social Council, first issued in mimeo­graphed form, are collected in a printed supplement to theOfficial Records of the session. After their republication inthe Official Records, the provisional mimeographed docu­ments are no longer available.

4. Printed documentation of this session of the Economicand Social Council may be obtained, or purchased fromauthorized sales agents, by requesting: .

Ecorwmic and Social Council, Official Records,50th session:

Meet!!!K . . . (specify plenary or committee mee dngnumber) for summary records fascicles. .

Annexes, Agenda item ... (specify agenda itemnumber) for documents republished in the Annexes.

Page 7: Index to proceedings of the - library.un.org · Index to proceedings of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Fiftie~h session -1971 UNITED NATIONS New York, 1971. ... and a list of observers

Abul eviationsACABQ

ACCAdd.chap.CMEACorr.C0uncilCPCCttee( s)Dept. of ESAECAECAFE.







Advisory Committee on Administrative andBudgetary Questions

Administrative Committee on Co-ordinationAddendumchapterCouncil for Mutual Economic AssistanceCorrigendumEconomic and Social CouncilCommittee for Programme and Co-ordinationCommittee(s)Department of Economic and Social AffairsEconomic Commission for AfricaEconomic Commission for AE ia and the Far

EastEconomic Commission for EuropeEconomic Commission for Latin AmericaEuropean Economic CommunityEconomic and Social Council Official RecordsFood and Agriculture Organization of the

United NationsGeneral Assembly Official RecordsGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and TradeInternational Atomic Energy AgencyInterna~ional Bank for Reconstruction and

DevelopmentInternational Civil Aviation OrganizationInternational Chamber of CommerceInternational Confederation of Free Trade

UnionsInternational Development AssociationIndustrial Development BoardInternational Finance CorporationInternational Federation of Christian Trade

UnionsInternational Labour OrganisationInter-governmental Maritime Consultative

OrganizationInternational Monetary FundInternational Narcotics Contr.ol BoardInternational Telecommunication Union



para.(s)res.Rev.sect.sess.SFsuppl. no.TDBUNUNCITRAL









InternatioEal Union of Official TravelOrganisativns

Non-governmental organizationsOrganization for Economic Co-operation and

Developmentparagraph(s)resolution(s)RevisionsectionsessionSpec ial FWldsupplement number

.Trade and Development BoardUnited NationsUnited Nations Commission on Inter­

national Trade LawUnited Nations Conference on Trade and

DevelopmentUnited Nations Development Pl~ogrammeUnited Nations Educational. Scientific and

Cultural OrganizationUnited Nations High Commissioner for

RefugeesUnited Nations Children's FundUnited Nations Industrial Development Orga­

nizationUnited Nations Institute for Trairing and

Research.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

IrelandUnited States of AmericaUniversal Postal UnionUnion of Soviet Socialist RepublicsWorld Food ProgrammeWorld Federation of Trade UnionsWorld Federation of United Nations Associa­

tionsWorld Health OrganizationWorld Meteorological Organization


The following abbreviations are used in the Index to Speechesin designating plenary and committee meetings:

Co-ordination Committee (Series E/AC.24/SR.)Economic Committee (Series E/AC. 6/SR.)Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (Series E/C.2/SR.)Plenary (Series E/SR.)Social Committee (Series E/AC.7/SR.)


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The 50th session of the Economic and Social Councl1 was declared open on11 Jan 1971 at Headquarters, New York, by the Acting President Mr. J.B.P. Maramis(Indonesia) aIld was closed on 21 May 1971. The organizational meetings were helclon 11..13 Jan 1971.

Members and Terms of Office Rules of Procedure


A list of representatives, including representativ\::,:; ofspecialized agencies and non-governmental organizations,and a list of observers are contained in document E/INF/114 & Add.l, 2.

President: Mr. Rachid Driss (Tunisia)

Vice-Presidents: Mr. M.J. Augusto de Araujo Castro (Brazil)Mr. K. Szarka (Hungary)Mr. C.P. Caranicas (Greece)

Secretary: Mr. R. Ahmed

Date of election bythe General Assembly

Checklist of Meetings(Series symbol: E/SR ....)

Meeting Date. 1971 Meeting Date, 1971

1733 (opening) 11Jan 1753 6 May1734 12 Jan 175'1 7 May1735 12 Jan 1755 7 May1736 13 Jan 175 R 10 May1737 13 Jan 1757 . 10 May1738 26 Apr 1758 11 May1739 26 Apr 1759 12 May1740 27 Apr 1760 12 MCl.Y1741 27 Apr 1761 13 May1742 28 Apr 1762 13 May1743 28 Apr 1763 14 May1744 30 Apr 1764 17 May1745 30 Apr 1765 17 May1746 3 May 1766 18 May1747 3 May 1767 18 May1748 4 May 1768 19 May1749 4 May 1769 20 May1750 5 May 1770 20 May1751 5 May 1771 21 May1752 6 May 1772 (closing) 21 May

Resolutions and Decisions

The rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Coun­cil, E/3063/Rev.l (Sales no.: 67.1.32). as amended byEconomic and Social Council res01,utio'.1 1392 (XLVI) anddecision of 17 Nov 1969, v:ere in efiect during the 50thsession.

Resolutions and decisions of the 50th session are collectedin document E/5044 (ESCOR, 50th sess.~ suppl. no.l; notissued at time of publication 0: this Index) and listed indocument E/RES/INF/50o

1970 ... 19721970 .. 19721970 - 19721971 .. 19731971 .. 19731969 .. 19711970 .. 19721969 .. 19711970 ... 19721971 .. 19731971 .. 19731971 .. 19731971 -. 19731971 - 19731969 - 19711969 - 19711970 ... 19721969 - 19711970 .. 19721969 19711969 19711971 19731~69 .. 19711969 ... 1971

1970 .. 197?1970 - 19721971 - 1973

Term of Office1 Jan .. 31 Dec

20 Get 196920 Get 196927 Get 1970

20 Gct 196920 Get 196920 Get 196927 Get 196927 Gct 197025 Nov 1968200ct 196919 Nov 196820 Gct 196927 Get 197027 Get 197027 Gct 197027 Get 197027 Gct 197019 Nov 196819 Nov 196820 Get 196919 Nov 196820 Gct 196919 Nov 196819 Nov 196827 Get 197019 Nov 196819 Nov 1968

BrazilCeylonCongo (Democratic

Republic)FranceGhanaGreeceHaitiHungaryIndonesiaItalyJamaicaKenyaLebanonMadagascarMalaysiaNew ZealandNigerNorwayPakistanPeruSudanTunisiaUSSRUnited KingdomUnited StatesUruguayYugoslavia



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Standing Committees


Established under rule 82 of tile rules of procedure of theCouncil (E/3063/Rev.1).

Terms of reference in rules 32 and 84-86, as amended bythe Economic and Social Council resolution 1392(XLVI).

Membership: France, Ghana, Hungary, Indonesia, Jamaica,Kenya, Norway, Pakistan, Sudan, USSR, United King­dom, United States and Uruguay

Chairman: Mr. Munir Akram (Pakistan)

Secretary: Mr. C. Roosevelt

Reports: E/4945, E/S008



Date, 1971

14 Jan14 Jan15 Jan15 Jan18 Jan18 Jan21 Jan21 Jan22 Jan27 Apr


Ad Hoc Comm~~~ees

SOCIAL COMMITTEE (Series symbol: E/AC.7/-)

Reconstituted at the 1738th plenary meeting, 26 Apr 1971

Membership: All members of the Council

Chairman: Mr. K. Szarka (Hungary)

Secretaries: Miss Caroline tit. ClaireMiss Faiha Kall!al

Reports: E/4987, E/4993 (& Corr.1, English only), E/S021E/S023, E!5025, E!5029, E!5032 '

Meeting Date, 1971 Meeting Date, 1971

648 (opening) 26 Apr 665 7 May649 27 Apr 666 10 May650 27 Apr 667 10May651 28 Apr 668 11 May652 28 Apr 669 12 May653 29 Apr 670 12May654 29 Apr 671 13 May655 30 Apr 672 13 May656 3 May 673 14 May657 3 May 674 14 May658 4 May 675 17 May659 4 ltfay 676 17 May660 5 May 677 18 May661 5 May 678 18 May662 6 May 679 19 May663 6 ;,~ay 680 (closing) 19 May664 7 May

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AgendaNOTE: The words in capitallettf"'s following the title of the item, and introduced by the word "See",indicate the subject headings under which the related documentation is listed in the Subject Index.

Agenda of the Organizational Mee'l~ing5

1. Election of the President and Vice...Presidents for1971

See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: officers,1971: election

2. Adoption of the agenda

See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: organiza­tional meetings, 50th session: agenda

3. Elections




4. Confirmation of members of functional commissionsof the Council


5. Measures to improve the organization of the work ofthe Council

See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: work:organization: improvement measures

6. Action arising out of decisions of the GeneralAssem­bly at LtS 25th session

See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: decisions, 25thsession: action by the Economic and SocialCouncil

7. Basic programme of work of the Council in 1971 andconsideration of the provisional agenda for the50th session

See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: agenda,50th session

ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: workprogramme, 1971

Agenda of the 50th Session

1. Adoption of the agenda

See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: agenda,50th session

2. Social development


3. Outflow of trained personnel from developing coun~

tries to developed countries

See DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: trained personnel:outflow


4. Capital punishment


5. Human rights

\ a) Report of the Commission on Human Rights

See COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS: report,27th session

( b) Allegations regarding infringements of tradeunion rights

See TRADE UNION RIGHTS: infringements:allegations

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6. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic subs:ances

( a) United Nations Conference for the Adoption ofa Protocol on Psychotropic Substances

See PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES: control:Convention, 1971: accessions and ratifi..cations

( b) Report of the International Narcotics ControlBoard


( c) Proposal to convene a plenipotentiary con­ference to amend the Single Convention onNarcotic Drugs, 1961


7. Report of the Statistical Commission

See STATISTICAL COMMISSION: report, 16th ses­sion

8. Natural resources

(a) Report of the Committee on Natural Resources


( b) International co-operation in cartc.graphy

See CARTOGRAPHY: international co-opera..tion

9. Transport development

(a) Establishment of a United Nations transportcentre

See TRANSPORT: development: United Nationscentre: establishment (proposed)

( b) Preparations for the United Nations/IUCOContainer Conference



10. Public administration and development

See PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: role in develop­ment

11. Science and technology

(a) Future institutional arrMgements for scienceand technology

See SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: UnitedNations machinery: review

( b) Application of computer technology to develop­ment

See COMPUTERS: use for development


12. Relations with intergovernmental Ol'ganizations

( a) Relations with non-United Nations inter...g01,'ernmenta1 organizations

See INTER - GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZA.TIONS: co-operation with the Economicand Social COtUlcil

( b) Co..operation and relations between the UnitedNations and the World Tourism Organization

See WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION: co­operation with United Nations

13. Development of information media

See EDUCATION: application of new communica­tion techniques

14. Report of the Committee for Programme and CC)..ordination


15. Non-governmental organizations


16. Measures to improve the organization of the work ufthe Council .

See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: work:organization: improvement measures


members: electionCOMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS: members:







POPULATION COMMISSION: members: elec­tion

STATISTICAL COMMISSION: members: elec­tion



18. Consideration of the provisional agenda and list ofdocuments for the 51st session

See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: agenda,51st session

19. Accession of the Republic of Korea to the Conventionon Road Traffic of 19 September 1949

See ROADS: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession ofKorea (RepUblic)

20. Emergency assistance to Palestine refugees


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Subject IlldexAFRICA, SOUTHERN~~ racial discrimination and apartheid: elimination (agenda

item 5 (a»

DocumentsE/4949 (E/CN.4/1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no.4) Commission on Human Rights. Re~

port on its 27th session, 22 Feb - 26 Mar1971, paras 68-78 and draft resolution V

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 672-675, 678,680

E/5032 Report

A.ction in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution V in E/5032, requesting the

Security Council tQ implement all relevantresolutions concerning the policies of apart­heid in South Africa; inviting all States andhumanitarian organizations to strengthen andexpand their programmes of assistance to thevictims of apartheid; also inviting non­governmental organizations with special in..terest in the elimination of racial discrimina..tion to mount a regular and constant cam­paign against apartheid; urging the GeneralAssembly to provide funds to combat effec­tively t.he propaganda undertaken by theGovernment of South Africa, by which thatGovernment seeks to defend and justify thepolicy of apartheid; and further inviting theSecretary~General to make special effortsto alert world public opinion to the recom..mendations made by the various UnitedNations bodies on the subject of apartheid, inorder to facilitate their implementation,adopted (17-0-8) as resolution 1591 (L)

~- trade union rights: infripgements: allegations

See Trade union rights: infringements: allegations

AGUILAR MAWDSLEY, ANDRES (Venezuela)-~ biography E/4934

APARTHEID-- elimination

See Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apart­heid: elimination

BARILLAS IZAGUIRRE, ROBERTO (Guatemala)- .. biography E/4934

BOKOR, HANNA (Hungary)-~ biography E/4934

BOOK DEVELOPMENT-- & education

See Educahon: application of new communicationtechniques


CAPITAL PUNISHMENT (agenda item 4)General Assembly resolution 2393 (XXIII)

DocumentsE/4947 (& Corr.1, English only) Secretary-

General. NoteE/L.1378 Austria. Letter, 31 Mar, transmitting

memorandum concerning the abolition ofcapital punishment

E/AC.7/L.578 Italy, Norway, United Kingdom,Uruguay. Draft resolution

E/AC.7/L.579 USSR. Amendment (to draft reso­lution in E/AC.7/L.57 8)

Discussion in Social cttee: Meetings 648..651E/4993 (& Corr.1, English only) Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1769Draft resolution in E/4993 & Corr.1, taking note

of the measures already taken by a numberof States in order to ensure the most care...ful legal procedures and the greatest possi­ble safeguards for the accused in capitalcases in countries were the death penaltystill obtains; affirming that the main ob­jective to be pursued is that of progressivelyrestricting the number of offenses for whichcapital punishment might be imposed with aview to the desirability of abolishing thispunishment in all countries; and invitingMember States which have not yet done so toinform the Secretary...General of their atti­tude to possible restriction of the use of thedeath penalty or its to:al abolition, by pro­viding the information requested in para.2 ofGeneral Assembly resolution 2392 (XXIII),adopted (14..0.. 6) as resolution 1574 (L)

CARTOGRAPHY-- international co-operation (agenda item 8 (b»

DocumentsE/4943 & Add.1 Secretary-General. Report on

the 6th United Nations Regional CartographicConference for Asia and the Far East,Teheran 1970

E/L.1406 Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand.Draft resolution

Discusst'on in Plenar)': Meetings 1758, 1762Draft resolution in E/L.1406, requesting the

Secretary-General to make the necessaryarrangements, in accordance with GeneralAssembly resolution 2609 (XXIV), for theSeventh United Nations Regional Carto..graphic Conference for Asia and the FarEast to be held in Japan in 1973; and furtherrequesting the Secretary-General to takepractical measures for the implementationof the recommendations of the Sixth UnitedNations Regional Cartographic Conferencefor Asia and the Far East, adopted (22-2..0),as orally revised, at the 1762nd meeting asresolution 1570 (L)

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CHATER, SOUAD (Tunisia)-- biography E/4934

CHOWDHURY, ABU SAYED (Pakistan)-- biography E/4934


See Commissions of the Economic and Social Council,Functional: members: confirmation

-- members: election (agenda item 17)Economic and Social Council resolution 1147 (XLI)

DocumentsE/4946 Secretary-General. Note

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1770The following States were elected to serve a four­

year term beginning 1 Jan 1972: Belgium,Dominican Republic, France, India, Indo­nesia, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Ukrainian SSR,USSR, United States, Uruguay

Composition of the Commission for Soci.alDevelopmentas of 1 Jan 1972

Term of Office Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Dec) Members: (expires 31 Dec)

Belgium 1975 Mauritania 1972Cameroon 1974 Nigeria 1975Canada 1972 Philippines 1972Chile 1972 Sierra Leone 1972Costa Rica 1974 Somalia 1974Cyprus 1974 Spain 1974Czechoslovakia 1972 Sweder. 1972Dominican Thailand 1972

Republic 1975 Tunisi.a 1974France 1975 Ukrai'Jian SSR 1975Guatemala 1972 USSR 1975India 1975 United ArabIndonesia 1975 Republic 1974Italy 1972 United Kingdom 1974Ivory Coast 1975 United States 1975Jamaica 1974 Uruguay 1975Japan 1974 Yngoslavia 1974

-- report, 22nd session (agenda item 2)

See also Commission for Social Development: workprogramme, 1971-1975

Crime: prevention: international co-opera­tion

Mentally reta.rded: rights: declaration (draft)Regional development: research and training:

United. Nations programmeSocial condi.tionsSocial development: role of structural changeUnited Nations Development Decade, 2nd:

international strategy: implementation:role of Commission for Social Devel­opment


COMMISSION FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued)-- report, 22nd session (continued)

DocumentsE/4984 (E/CN.5/473) (ESCOR, 50th sess., supp!.

no.3) & Summary Commission for SocialDevelopment. Report on its 22nd session,1-22 Mar 1971

E/4984/Add.1 Secr8tary-General. Statement ofadministrative and financial implications ofresolutions adopted by the Commission forSocial Development at its 22nd session

E/4989 (E/AC.51/51) (ESCOR, 50th sess., supp!.no. 5) CPC. Report on its 8th session,22 Mar - 8 Apr 1971, chap. VI, sect. D

E/AC.7/L.586 United States. Amendment (todraft resolution III in E/4984)

E/AC.7/L.587 United States. Amendment (todraft resolution I in E/4984)

E/A<:';.7/L.588 & Rev.1 United States. Amend­ments (to draft resolution III in E/4984:rejecter. at the 667th meeting of the SocialCttee)

E!AC.7/L.589 Greece. Amendments (to draftdeclaration on the rights of mentally re­tarded persons in E/4984, chap. XI)

E/AC.7!L.590 France, United Kingdom. Draftresolution concerning the draft declarationon the rights of mentally retarded persons

E/AC.7/L.591 Brazil, Pakistan. Amendments (todraft resolution Il in E/4984)

E/AC.7/L.592 Pakistan. Draft resolution con­cerning the review and appraisal of the Inter­national Development Strategy

E/AC.7/L.593 Norway. Amendments (to draftresolution II in E/4984)

E/AC.7/L.594 France, Italy, United Kingdom.Draft decision concerning the review andappraisal of the International DevelopmentStrategy

E/AC.7/L.595 Social Cttee: Chairman. Proposalconcerning the review and appraisal of theInternational Development Strategy

E/CN.5/456 & Add.1-16 Report on the worldsocial situation, 1970

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 660-665,667, 66?E/5029 Report

Action in Plenary: Meetings 1770, 1771Draft resolution in E/5029 adopted at the 1771st

meeting as follows:Draft resolution I, taking note of the } 97 0

Report on the World Social Situation; andrequesting the Secretary-C 'neral to f01:"ward to States Members of the UnitedNation", system of organizations a ques­tionnaire with a view to study the ex..perience of the various countries of theworld in achieving far-reaching socialand economic changes for the purpose ofsocial progress, adopted (15-0-1) as reso",lution 1581 A (L)

Draft resolution. Il, urging Governments toaccelerate development and to give appro­priate emphasis to social objectives intheir development plans; recommendingthat the system ultimately adopted forreview and appraisal of the International

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COMMISSION FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued)-- report, 22nd session (continued)

Action in Plenary (continued)Draft resolution in E/5029 adopted at the 1771st

meeting as follows (continued)Development Strategy for the SecondUnited Nations Development Decade pro­vide for adequate consultation with inter­national and regional trade union andemployers' federations and other organi­zations of the people which can contributeto the comprehensive consideration of thesocial aspects of development; requestingthe Secretary-General to take the neces­sary steps to make resources availableto meet requests by Governments forassistance in the review and appraisal ofobjectives and policies of the InternationalDevelopment Strategy; and recommendingthat the 1970 Report on the World SocialSituation should serve as one of the back­ground documenfs during the Second UnitedNations Development Decade, adopted(18-0-2) as resolution 1581 B (L)

Draft resolution Ill, recommending MemberStates to intensify their efforts to enhancesocial progress and development and topursue a unified approach to developmentanalysis and planning which would fullyintegrate the economic and social aspects:deciding that the 1970 Report on the WorldSocial Situation should serve as a guide forthe Second United Nations DevelopmentDecade and be updated periodically; anddeciding that the 1974 Report on the WorldSocial Situation should serve as a majorassessment at mid-Decade and provide anopportunity for modifying objectives inview of changing circumstances, adopted(11-4-5) as resolution 1581 C (L)

Draft resolution IV, endorsing the conclusionsof the Ad Hoc Advisory Cttee for theResearch and Training Programme inRegional Development; requesting theSecretary-General to work out arrange­ments by which resources can be mobi­lized and utilized for research and train­ing within regional development projects;and calling upon those Member Stateswhich have acquired experience and haveresources to offer in regional developmentto co-operate with the Secretary-Generalin increasing the resources and facilitiesfor the research and training programmein this field, adopted (18-1-1) as resolu­tion_1582 (L)

Draft resolution V, approving the work pro­gramme of the Commission for SocialDevelopment for the period 1971-1973;requesting the Secretary-General to sub­mit to the Commission at its 23rd sessiona detailed programme of work for theperiod 1973-1975; and requesting the Cen­tre for Development Planning, Projectionsand Policies to render advisory and meth­odological assistance to the organizationsof the United Nations system in mattersrelating to the formulation of a general


COMMISSION FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued)-- report, 22nd session (continued) .

Action in Plenary (continued)Draft resolution in E/5029 adopted at the 1771st

meeting as follows (continued)approach to plauning, bearing in mind theneeds ior social development, adopted(20-0-2) as resolution 1583 (L)

Draft resolution VI, endorsing the Declarationof the Fourth United Nations Congress onthe Prevention of Crime and Treatment ofOffenders as well as the conclusions andrecommendations of the Congress, and re­questing the Secretary-General to imple..ment them; deciding to enlarge from tento fifteen the membership of the AdvisoryCttee of Experts on the Prevention ofCrime and Treatment of Offenders and toconsider terminating the former Consulta­tive Group on the Prevention of Crime andTreatment of Offendel?s; further decidingthat the members of the Committee shallbe appointed by the Council on the recom­mendation of the SecretarJ··~General, thatthe Committee be renamed the Cttee onCrime Prevention and Control and that itshould report to the Commission forSocial Development; and requesting theSecretary-General to include in the pro­visional agenda for the 26th session ofthe General Assembly an item entitled"Criminality and social change", adopted(21-0-2) as resolution 1584 (L)

Draft resolution VII, recommending to theGeneral Assembly to adopt the draftdeclaration on the rights of mentally re­tarded pers(Jns, adopted (21-0-2) as reso­lution 1585 (L)

Draft resolution VIII, taking note of the reportof the Commission for Social Developmenton its 22nd session, adopted without ob­jection as resolution 1586 (L)

At the same meeting the Council decided to deferto its 51st session the consideration of draftresolution VII in E/4984, as well as of otherdraft resolutions and decisions relating tothis item. The C0Ul1cil also decided to approvethe convening of a Conference of EuropeanMinisters responsible for sucial welfare,under the United Nations auspices, with theco-operation of the Government of the Nether­lands, and to extend to four years the three­year term of the office of the members of theBoard of the United Nations Research Insti­tute for Social Development

-- work programme, 1971-1975 (agenda item 2)

DocumentsE/4984 (E/CN.5/473) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 3) & Summary Commission for SocialDevelopment. Report on its 22nd session,1-22 Mar 1971, paras 117..125 and draftresolution V

Discussion in Social cttee: Meetings 660-665, 667E/5029 Report

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COMMISSION FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued)-- work programme, 1971-1975 (continued)

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution V in E/5029, approving the work

programme of the Commission for SocialDevelopment for the period 1971..1973; re­questing the Secretary... General to submitto the Commission at its 23rd session adetailed work programme for the period1973-1975; and requesting the Centre forDevelopment Planning, Projections andPolicies to render advisory and methodologi­cal assistance to the organizations of theUnited Nations system in matters relating tothe formulation of a general approach toplanning, bearing in mind the needs for socialdevelopment, adopted (21-0-2) as resolution1583 (L)

COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS...... members: confirmation

See Commissions of the Economic and Social Council,Functional: members: confirmation

-- members: election (agenda item 17)Economic and Social Council resolution 1147 (XLI)

DocumentsE/4946 Secretary-General. Note

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1770The following States were elected to serve a three­

year term beginning 1 Jan 1972: ByelorussianSSR, Chile, Ecuador, Iran, Italy, Nigeria,Norway, Romania, Senegal, United Arab Re...pUblic, United States

Composition of the Commission on Human Rightsas of 1 Jan 1972

Term of Office Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Dec) Members (expires 31 Dec)

Austria 1973 Netherlands 1972Byelorussian Nigeria 1974

SSR 1974 Norway 1974Chile 1974 Pakistan 1973Congo (Demo- Peru 1972

cratic Repun- Philippines 1973lic) 1972 Poland 1£'/2

Ecuador 1974 Romania 1974France 1973 Senegal 1974Ghana 1972 Turkey 1972Guatemala 1972 USSR 1973India 1973 United ArabIran 1974 RepUblic 1974Iraq 1972 United Kingdom 1972Italy 1974 United Repub-Lebanon 1973 lie of Tan-Mauritius 1973 zania 1973Mexico 1973 United States 1974Morocco 1972 Venezuela 1973


COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (continued)-- report, 27th session (agenda item 5 (a»

General Assembly resolution 2394 (XXIII)

See also Africa, Southern: racial discrimination andapartheid: elimination

Developing countries: human rights: econo.mic, social and cultural: study

Equality in the administration of justice:study

Human rights: periodic reportsIndigenous populations: discrimination: elim­

inationJournalists: protection in areas of armed

conflict: international convention(draft)

Nazism: measures againstRacial discrimination: eliminationRacial discrimination: political, economic,

social and cultural spheres: studyRight of peoples of self-detel'min~tion:uni­

versal realizationSlavery: elimination

DocumentsE/4949 (E/CN.4/1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 4) & Summary Commission on HumanRights. Report on its 27th session, 22 Feb ~

26 Mar 1971E/4949/Add.1 (E/CN.4/1068/Add.1) Secretary"

General. Statement of financial implicationsof the resolutions adopted by the Commissionon Human Rights at its 27th session

E/L.1395 Secretary-General. Note transmittingcominunication from the International Cttee ofthe Red Cross concerning violations of humanrights in territories occupied by Israel

E/AC.7/L.596 & Rev.1 Italy, Pakistan, UnitedKingdom, Uruguay. Draft resolution con·cerning periodic reports on human rights

E/AC.7/L.597 France, Madagascar, Tunisia, Uru­guay. Draft resolution concerning the draftinternational convention on the protection ofjournalists engaged in dangerous missions

E/AC.7/L.599 Greece, United Kingdom. Amend..ment (to draft resolution VII in E/4949)

E/AC.7/L.600 Brazil. Amendments (to draftresolution III in E/4949)

E/AC.7/L.601 France, United Kingdom. Draftresolution concerning work programme ofthe Commission on Humah Rights

E/CN.4/Sub.2/296 SUb-Commission on Preventionof Discrimination and Protection of Minori­ties: Special Rapporteur [on equality in theadministration of justice] (AbuRannat, M.A.).Report

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 669-680E/5032 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution in E/5032 adopted as follows:

Draft resolution I, expressing its appreciationto Mr. Hern:1n Santa Cruz for his study ofracial discrimination in the political,economic, social and cultural spheres(E/CN.4/Sub.2/307/Rev.l),adopted unani..mously as resolution 1587 (L)

Draft resolution I1, recommending that theGeneral Assembly request all organiza...tions of the United Nations system and

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COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (continued)__ report, 27th session (continued)

Action in Plenary (continued)Draft resolution in E/5032 adopted as follows

(continued)other international organizations con­cerned, to consider, as ~matter of highestpriority, any further action which it itselfmight take with a view to eliminate racialdiscrimination throughout the world, aswell as the follow-up measures requiredto ensure effective implementation of thedecisions taken; rer ommending furtherthat the General Assembly urge all Statesthat are not parties to the InternationalConvention on the Elimination of AllForms of Racial Discrimination to ratifyor to accede to it as soon as possible;recommending further that the GeneralAssembly should pursue a world-wideprogramme intended to build up publicopinion, with a vlew to eradicating falseracist beliefs based upon lack of scien­tific knowledge; recommending furtherthat the General Assembly urge all Statesconcerned to accelerate economic andsocial development of their minoritygroups with a view to eliminating de factodiscrimination occasioned by their lowstandard of living; and inviting ILO andUNESCO to provide the Commission onHuman Rights with reports, at three-yearint~rvalsJl on the nature and effect of anyracial discrimination, specially in south­ern Africa, of whose existence they haveknowledge in their sphere of competence,adopted Wlanimously as resolution 1588 (L)

Draft resolution Ill, recommending that Govern­ments of all States having indigenouspopulations take into account, in theirpolicies of economic aud social develop­ment, the special problems of indigenouspopulations with a view to eliminating dis­crimination against such populations;recommending to all States having legisla­tion for protection of indigenous popula­tions that they review that legislation witha view to eliminate discrimination andrestrictions of certain political and civilrights; and authorizing the Su.b-Commis­sion on Prevention of Discrimination andProtection of Minorities to make a com­prehensive study on the eradication ofdiscrimination against indigenc,us popula­tions, adopted unanimously as resolution1589 (L)

Draft resolution IV, recommending to theGeneral Assembly the adoption of a draftresolution concerning measures to elimi­nate the r:langer of a revival of nazism andracial intolerance, adopted (16-2-6) asresolution 1590 (L)

Draft resolution V, requesting the SecurityCOWlcil to implement all relevant resolu­tions concerning the policies of apartheidin South Africa; inviting all States andhumanitarian organizations to strengthenand expand their programmes of assis-


COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (continued)-- report, 27th session (continued)

Action in Plenary (continued)Draft resolution in E/5032 adopted as follows

(continued)tance to the victims of apartheid; alsoinviting non-governmental organizahonswith special interust in the elimination ofracial discrimination to mount a regularand constant campaign against apartheid;urging the General Assembly to providefunds to combat effectively the propag;andaundertaken by the Government of SouthAfrica, by which that Government Beeksto defend and justify the policy of apart­heid; and further inviting the Secretary­General to make special efforts to alertworld pUblic opinion to the recommenda­tions made by the various United Nationsbodies on the subject of aparth1eid, inorder to facilitate their implementation,adopted (17-0-8) as resolution 1591 (L)

Draft resolution VI. recommending to theGeneral Assembly the adoption of a draftresolution on the implementation of UnitedNations resolutions relating to the right ofpeoples under colonial and alien domina.­tion to self-determination, adopted(16-5-3) as resolution 1592 (L)

Draft resolution VII, inviting the Special Rap­porteur to include in his final reportpropositions to secure better implementa­tion of eX'Lsting international instrumentsrelating to the suppression of slavery andslavery-Uke practices; requesting theSecretary-General to urge those Stateswhich have not yet ratified the Supplemen­tary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery,the Slave Trade, and Institutions andPractices Similar to Slavery of 1956, toratify it; and requesting further theSecretary-General to seel!; the co-opera­tion of those organizations which can pro­vide assistance in the eradication ofslavery, the slave trade and other formsof servitude, adopted Wlanimously as reso­lution 1593 (L)

Draft resolution VIII, expressing its apprecia­tion to Mr. Abu Rannat for his study onequality in the administration of justice(E/CN.4/Sub.2/296) and requesting theSecretary-General to print it; and recom­mending that the Commission on HumanRights, at its 28th session, examine thedraft principles relatin€~ to equality in theadministration of justice adopted by theSub-Commission on Prevention of Dis...crimination and Protection of Minorities,adopted unanimously as resolution 1594 (L)

Draft resolution IX, requesting the Special Rap­porteur, while preparing his study, to takeinto account the provi.sions of GeneralAssembly resolution :~542 (XXIV) con­taining the Declaration on Social Progressand Development, and to submit his finalreport to the Commission on Human Rightsnot later than at its 28th session, adoptedWlanimously as resolution 1595 (L)

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Mr. Eduardo PalmaMr. Mikis SparsisMr, Roberto Barillas IzaguirreMr. Mostafa DabiriMr. Isamu MiyazakiMr. Manuel Alonso OleaMrs. Souad Chater

Composition of the Commission on the Status of Womenas of 1 Jan 1972 (*)

Term of Office Te11'm of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Dec) Members (expires 31 Dec)

Austria 1972 Iran 1972Belgium 1972 Iraq 1972Byelorussian SSR 1974 Japan 1975Canada 1972 Kenya 1975Central Africa Liberia 1975

Republic 1974 Mauritania 1972Colombia 1972 Nigeria 1974Congo Norway 1975

(Democratic Romania 1975RepUblic) 1974 Thailand 1974

Costa Rica 1975 Tunisia 1972Dominican USSR 1974

Republic 1974 United ArabFinland 1974 Republic 1972France 1975 United Kingdom 1974Hungary 1972 United States 1974Indonesia 1974 Uruguay 1972

COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN-- members: confirmation

See Commissions of the Economic and Social Council,Functional: members: confirmation

The following members were confirmed:

Commission for Social Development


-- members: cOl1firmation (agenda item 4 of the organiza=tional meetings)

DocumentsE/4934 & Add.1~3 Secretary-General. Note, in~

eluding biographical data

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1737The Council confirmed the nominations contained

in E/4934 & Add.1-3

-- members: election (agenda item 17)Economic and Soctal Council resolution 1147 (XLI)

DocumentsE/4946 Secretary-General. Note

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1770The following States were elected for a four-year

term beginning 1 Jan 1972: Costa Rica,Francet Japan, Kenya, Liberia, Norway,Romani,a

ChileCyprusGuatemalaIranJapanSpainTunisiaUnited Arab

Republic Mr. Ahmed KhalifaYugoslavia Mrs, Vida Tomsic

(*) The 30th, 31st and 32nd member of the Commissionwill be elected at a later date

Term of Office(expires 31 Dec)


NigeriaPakistanPeruSwedenSwitzerlandTogoTurkeyUSSRUnited Arab

Republic 1972United Kingdom 1973United States 1975Yugoslavia 1975

Commission will be elected





(*) The 24th member of theat a later date

COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (continued)-- report, 27th session (continued)

Action in Plenary (continued)Draft resolution in E/5032 adopted as follows

(continued)Draft resolution X, deciding that Member States

be asked to submit periodic reports onhuman rights every two years in a con­tinuing cycle: the first, on civil andpolitical rights, to be submitted in 1972;the second, on economic, social and cul­tural rights, in 1974; the third, on freedomof information, in 1976; and requestingMember States to include in these reportsdetailed information concerning specificdifficulties encm.;:;tered, practical mea~

sures applied 0." assistance needed toovercome them, ;:Ldopted unanimously asresolution 1596 \L)

Draft resolution XI, transmitting to the GeneralAssembly the preliminary draft inter­national convention on the protection ofjournalists engaged in dangerous mis­sions, contained in the annex to the presentresolution, adopted (21..0..3) as resolution1597 (L)

Draft resolution XII, taking note of the reportof the Commission on Human Rights onits 27th session, adopted unanimously asresolution 1598 (L)

The Council decided to transmit to the Commissionon Human Rights the summary records ofthe discussions concerning the Commission'swork programme in relation to draft resolu­tion in E/AC.7/L.601

COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS-- members: election (agenda item 17)

Economic and Social Council resolution 1147 (XLI)

DocumentsE/4946 Secretary-General. Note

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1770The following States were elected to serve a four~

year term beginning 1 Jan 1972: Canada,France, Nigeria, Peru, Switzerland, UnitedStates, Yugoslavia

Composition of the Commission on Narcotic Drugsas of 1 Jan 1972 (*)

Members Term of Office Members(expires 31 Dec)



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Professor Felix ErmacoraMr. Ra-al Bazan

Commission the Status of Women

The following membe',vs were confirmed:

Commission on Human Rights

Term of Office Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Dec) Members (expires 31 Dec)

Brazil 1974 Malta 1972Bulgaria 1972 Nigeria 1973Byelorussian Pakistan 1972

SSR 1972 Sudan 1973Colombia 1973 Trinidad andDenmark 1972 Tobago 1973France 1973 Uganda 1974Guyana 1972 USSR 1973India 1974 United Kingdom 1972Indonesia 1974 United RepUblicJapan 1974 of Tanzania 1974Kenya 1974 United States 1973


See Crime: prevention: international co--operation fordiscussion

-- report, 8th session (agenda item 14)

DocumentsE/4989 (ElAC.51) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl. no.5)

CPC. Report on its 8th session, 22 Mar­8 Apr 1971

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1767The Council took note of the report of the Com­

mittee on its 8th session

Composition of the Committee for Programme andCo-ordination as of 1 Jan 1972

COMMITTEE FOR PROGRAMME AND CO-ORDINATION- .. members: election (ag~!llda item 17 and item 3. of the

organizational meetings)Economic and Social COlmcil resolution 1472 (XLVIII)

DocumentsE/L.1359 Secretary-General. NoteE/L.1375 (& Corr.1, English only) Secretary­

General. Note

Action in Plenary: Meetings 1737, 1770At the 1737th meeting the following States were

elected for a three-year term beginning1 Jan 1971: Colombia, France, Nigeria,SUdan, Trinidad and Tobago, USSR, UnitedStates

At the 1770th meeting the following States wereelected for a three-year term begiuning1 Jan 1972: Brazil, India, Indonesia, Japan,Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania

Mrs. Anne Hislaire-Guislain

Mrs. Aziza HusseinMrs. John TilneyMrs. Elizabeth D. Koontz

Mrs. Licelott Marte de BarriosMrs. Helvi SipilaMrs. Hanna BokorDr. Jetty Rizali NoarMrs. Ruda Titemwa MohammedProfessor Khunying Ubol Huvanandana

Miss Philom~ne MakoloMrs. Thelma Curling

Statistical Commission

Mr. John Patrick O'NeillMr. Isaac KerstenetskyMr. Frank OrtizMr. Mohammed Bej ellounMr. M.E.M. MukasaMr. Lev Markovich Voldarsky



Costa RicaDominican

Republic)FinlandHungaryIndonesiaNigeriaThailandUnited Arab

RepublicUnited KingdomUnited States


(DemocraticRepublic) Mr. Simon Hako

France Mr. Pierre JuvignyLebanon Mr. Edouard GhorraMauritius Mr. Radha Krishna RamphulMexico Miss Mar!a Lavalle UrbinaPakistan Mr. Abu Sayeed ChowdhuryPhilippines Mr. Narcisco G. ReyesUSSR Mr. Nilolai Konstantino'rich TarassovUruguay Mr. Augusto LegnaniVenezuela Mr. Andr~s Aguilar Mawdsley



-- members: confirmation (continued)

- .. members: election

See Commission for Social Development: members:election

Commission on Human Rights: members: electionCommission on Narcotic Drugs: members: elec~

tionCommission on the Status of Women: members:

electionPopulation Commission: members: electionStatistical Commission: members: election

COMMITTEE ON HOUSING, BUILDING AND PLANNING-- members: election (agenda item 17)

Economic and Social Council resolution 1147 (XLI)

DocumentsE/4968 & Add.1 Secretary-General. Note

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1770The following States were elected for a four-year

term beginning 1 Jau 1972: Austria, Came...roon, France, India, Nigeria, Panama, Trini­dad and Tobago, USSR, United Kingdom


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-- members: election (continued)

Composition of the Committee on Housing, BUilding andPlanning as of 1 Jan 1972

Term of Office Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Dec) Members (expires 31 Dec)

Australia 1973 Libya 1973Austria 1975 Malaysia 1973BraZIl 1973 Netherlands 1972Bulgaria 1973 Nigeria 1975Cameroon 1975 Panama 1975Colombia 1973 Pakistan 19"13Congo Trinidad and

(Democratic Tobago 1975Republic) 1972 Tunisia 1973

Finland 1973 USSR 1975France 1975 United ArabGuatemala 1972 RepUblic 1972Hungary 1972 United Kingdom 1975India 1975 United RepublicJapan 1972 of Tanzania 1972Kuwait 1972 United States 1972

COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES-- report, 1st session (agenda item 8 (a))

DocumentsE/4779/Add.2 Secretary-General. Report con~

cerning natural resources satellites (includescomments by interested United Nationsagencies)

E/4969 (E/C.7/13) (ESCOR, 50th sess., supp!.no. 6) Cttee on Natural Resources. Reportof its 1st session, 22 Feb -10 Mar 1971

E/L.1399 Cttee on Natural Resources: Chairman.Letter, 6 Apr, concerning membership oftheWorking Group on the Revolving Fund onnatural resources

E/L.l111 Congo (Democratic Republic), Kenya,Pakistan, Sudan, Yugoslavia. Draft resolu~

tionE/L.1411/Add.1 Secretary-General. Statement

of administrative and financial implicationsof draft resolution in E/L.1411

E/L.1413 Brazil, USSR. Amendments (to draftresolution in E/L.1411)

E/L.1414 New Zealand. Amendments (to draftresolution in E/L.1411: amendments in paras1 and 3 were rej ected at the 1766th plenarymeeting)

E/L.1415 United States. Amendment (to draftresolution in E/L.14ll)

Discussion in Plenavy: Meetings 1"/58, 1762, 1764,1766

Draft resolution in E/L.1411, taking note of thereport of the Cttee on Natural Resources onits 1st session: approving the establishmentof special natural resources advisory ser­vices, and requesting ttp Secretary-Generalto report thereon to the Cttee on NaturalResources at its 2nd session: endorsing thedecision of the Cttee on Natural Resourcesto set up an interg-Qvernmental working groupto consider the different aspects of the pro~

posed revolving fund for the exploration of


COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES (continued)-- report, 1st session (continued)

Discussion in Plenary (continued)natural resources; requesting the Secretary_General to prepare a report on the desir.ability and possible topics for an inter.national water conference; recommendingthat the Cttee on Natural Resources formu_late a work programme with a full explana.tion of financial implications; and endorsingthe recommendation of the Cttee on NaturalResources concerning a periodic report onthe advantages derived from the exercise bydeveloping countries of permanent sover..eignty over their natural resources, adopted(21 ... 0-6), as amended, at the 1766th meetingas resolution 1572 (L)

COMPUTER'S- ... use for development (agenda item 11 (b))

Economic and Social Council resolution 1538 (XLIX)

DocumentsE/4800 (& Corr.1, Russian only) (ST/ECA/136)

(Sales no.: E.71.II.A.1) Secretary-General.Report on the application of computer tech~

nology for developmentE/L.1410 France, Lebanon, Madagascar, Norway,

Tunisia, Yugoslavia. Draft resolution

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1752, 1753, 1755,1756,1763

Draft resolution in E/L.1410, taking note of thereport of the Secretary-General in E/4800and requesting him to circulate this reportamong the interested organizations for theircomments; further requesting the Secretary~

General to prepare for the 53rd session ofthe Council a new report on this subject,which would take into account the discussionof the current report and the comments madeon it by the Governments and organizationsconsulted; inviting UNDP to consider grantingto developing countries suitable assistancefor the application of computer technology todevelopment; and urging the Governments ofMember States and all international organi~

zations concerned to promote internationalco-operation aIhong Memt l' States in theapplication of computer technology to de~

velopment, adopted unanimously, as orallyamended, at the 1763rd meeHng as resolu­tion 1571 (1'.,)


-- preparation {agenda item 9 (b))

DocumentsE/4963 Secretary-General. NoteE/L.1380 Secretariat. Note, transmitting ex"

tracts from the report of the Cttee onShipping (UNCTAD) on its 5th session

E/L.1388 IMCO. Note concerning co..operationwith the Council

E/L.1391 & Rev.l, 2 Brazil, Chile, India, NewZealand, United States. Draft resolution

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-- preparation (continued)

Documents (continued)E/L.1391/Rev.1/Add.l Secretary-General. State..

ment of administrative and financial implica­tions of draft resolution in E/L.1391/Rev.1

E/L.1393 & Rev.1 United Kingdom. Amend­ments (to draft resolution in E/L.1391; re­jected (9-8-3) at the 1757th plenary meeting)

E/L.1394 Brazil, Ghana, Yugoslavia. Draft de­cision concerning acceptance of Chile andIndia as co-sponcors of the draft resolutionin E/L.1391

E/L.1398 USSR. Amendmeitt (to draft resolutionin E/L.1391/Rev.2; rejected (8-7-3) at the1757th plenary meeting)

E/L.1402 France, United Kingdom1 United States.Draft resolution concerning participants inthe Conference

E/L.1405 HungarY1 Sudan, USSR, Yugoslavia.Draft decision concerning participants in theConference (Withdrawn at the 1760th plenarymeeting)

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1747-1749, 1751,1755,17571 1760

Draft resolution in E/L.1391/Rev.2, setting the dateand duration of the Conference on Inter­national Container Traffic, and agreeing thatthe Conference should begin at Geneva on13 Nov 19721 and that it should not extendbeyond five weeks; requesting the Secretary­General to ascertain the views of Govern­ments of Member States as to their prioritiesfor the Conference from among the topicsand areas of action referred to in the de­cision taken by the C01IDCil at its 48th session;requesting further that a small intergovern­mental preparatory group be convened to re­view the responses of Governments and pro­pose a specific provIsional agenda to theCouncil; requesting also that the Secretary­General, in co-opere.tion with the ·UnitedNations organizations concerned, prepare astudy on the economic implications, in par­ticular for developing countries, of the pro­posed Convention on the International Com­bined Transport of Goods and to distributesuch a study to the Governments of MemberStates; and inviting the Cttee on Shipping ofUNCTAD, the regional economic com­missions, the United Nations Economic andSocial Office in Beirut and IMCO to reviewthe matter in the light of the results of thestudy in order to consider whether the draftConvention or alternative proposals are readyfor international consideration, adopted (19­2-0) at the 1757th meeting as resolution1568 (L)

Draft resolution in E/L.1402, deciding that all Mem­ber States of the United Nations organiza­tions and, in an advisory capacity, thespecialized agencies and IAEA and also, asobservers, all interested international or­ganizations having consultative status withthe Council or special arrangements withIMCO, shall be invited to the Conference,



-- preparation (continued)

Di r ]ussion in Plenary (continued)adopted (19-3-4), as orally revised, at the1760th meeting as resolution 1569 (L)

CONTAINERIZATION-- international conference

See Conference on International Container Traffic(UN/IMCO), Geneva 1972: preparation

CONVENTION O:~ ROAD TRAFFIC, 1949-- accessions and ratifications

See Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession ofKorea (Republi'c)


-- members: election (agenda item 3 of the organizationalmeetings)

Rule 82 of the Council's Rules of ProcedureAction in Plenary: Meeting 1737

The following Member States were elected mem­bers of the Council Cttee on Non-Govern­mental Organizations to serve a one-yearterm ending on 31 Dec 1971: France, Ghana,Hungary, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Norway,Pakistan, Sudan, USSR, United Kingdom,United States, Uruguay

CRIME-- prevention: international co-operation (agenda item 2)

DocumentsE/4984 (E/CN.5/473) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 3) & Summary Commission for SocialDevelopment. Report on its 22nd session,1 .. 22 Mar 1971, paras 160-167 and draftresolution VI

Discussion in Social cttee: Meeting 667E/5029 Rer..1rt

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution VI in E/50291 endorsing the Dec­

laration of the Fourth United Nations Con­gress on the Prevention of Crime and Treat..ment of Offenders as well as the conclusionsand recommendations of the Congress, andrequesting the Secretary-General to imple­ment them; deciding to enlarge from ten tofifteen the membership of the Advisory Ctteeof Experts on the Prevention of Crime andTreatment of Offenders and to consider ter­minating the former Consultative Group on thePrevention of Crime and TreatmentofOffen­del'S; further deciding that the members ofthe Committee shall be appointed by the Coun­cil on the recommendation of the Secretary­General, that the Committ~e be renamed theCttee on Crime Prevention and Control andthat it should report to the Commission forSocial Development; and requesting theSecretary-General to include in the pro­visional agenda for the 26th session of theGeneral Assembly an item entitled "Crirni­nality and social change", adopted (21-0-2)as resolution 1584 (L)

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PAIHHl, l\:tOSTAFA ~ Iran)-- tl1()l~l'aphy E,40:l4

PE\·El.OPINl~COllNTHIES",- human rl~,;hts: l'l'O\Wmll'. sodal :Uld cultural: study

~a~~'l'llda Ht'm 5 ~a))


E, 4\1:~H ~E 't'N,4 '1 O(18) ~ESCOH, 50th Sl'SS., suppl.Ill), 4) CtHllllllssiun Oil Hum:Ul IH~hts. Hl'­PlH't 1)J1 its 27 th sl'ssioll, 22 {<'pb - 2G Mar 1971,paras ~n)-~8n and draft l'l'~'olutioll IX

[l;S("IISSllJll ill Sodal l'Uel': l\1l't'tlllp: n78E :iO:t~ Hl'pt)l't

, \\1,'(111 Ul l'II'lId/'\': l\lt'l'tinp; 1771Praft l'l'st)IutllHl IX m E':5032, l't'qUl'stinp; tllt.'

S\WC lal H appIH'h'ur, whill' preparinp; his studytt, takl' mttl account tlll' provislnlls of Gelwl'alAsst'll\bly l't'sl)lutw!l 2542 <.XXIV) containinp;tilt' I)l'l'larath'n on Sodal Prop;r€'ss and Dp­\'l'll1pnll'n t. and to submit his final report tt)tilt' CIHllmissiL)Jl l)Jl Hunllul Hights Iwt lakrthan at its ~8th session, adopted un:lJlllllouslyas l'l'sl)Iution L595 ,L)

'.- tr;\lIh'(t pt.'l'St)lllll'l: 1'\.Itfll)\\· ~agl'nda Itelll 3)EI.'l)lWmil' ~Uld SnL'ial C IH.UlC il tit'e'ishHl 11f 30 ,Tul 1\)7°!\'c:ltllt.m(s

E. '4798 e!\ITAH: Executl\'t.' Dil't'l.'tor. RepN'tE 4820 & (\)1'1',1, Add,l SeCl't'tary-Gelll'ral. Hl:'~'

pl)rtE '4048 & COlT.1 l'::\ITAR: Executh'(' Director.

Prl)gress rel'l)rtF 1..1378 & Rt'\',l Fr:U1L't', Htmgary, ~ladagascar,

Tunisia, tTSSR, Yugns1::l\'ia. Draft resolutionE I ,1379. Rev.1, 'Add,l Secretary-General. State­

llH'nt l.)f administrati\'e :lJld finllilcial implica­ti~)I~S l)f draft resl)lution in E,'L.1379, 'Rev.l

E L,1409 l.:ruguay. Draft resolutionF. I.141~ & R;>\',l ECI)nOllllC and Sorial Council:

Working Group l t(, prepare a draft resolution~)n the l.)utih)\\, 1)1' trained personnel fromdt'\'ch)ping (,oUlltnes1, Draft resolution~supersedes drait resolutions in E/L.1379,'Re\',l and E 'L.1409)

E L. Hlt, Sudan, Amendments ~tl) draft resolu­th)n ill E 'L. 1412)

E L.1417 l'SSR. Amendment ~to draft resolutionin E L.Hl~~

E L. 1418 Brazil. Haiti, Jamaica, Kenya, Amend­ments I.. to draft resolution in E, 'L.1412)

E '(".2 '7:22 InternatiL)nal Hotel Association, State­ment

,1:SC:4,,,slon ill PleTlary: ~leetings 17511, 1759, 1760,1763. 17~5. 17137, 1768

D aft resolutil.)n in E.L.1412.'Re\'.1., taking noteof the S€.::reta.ry-General' 5 report in E/4820& Add.I and requesting him to continue tostudy the problem of "brain drain" fromdeYeh"':~Hn~ cOUlltries: drawlIlg the attentionof ule GI."lYErnments of the developing COUl1­

a"ies ~0 the need tl) adopt educational pro­~rJ.m:l1es t'.:, I~atlo)nai requirements, to pro­';~dt' c'-'rre.:o: ·;I.)canonal guidance for the~', :'s~':"r:el L':' be trained! to encourage thert-rur:: ,.:f s,:lentists and skilled personnel,1;:-::: t,,:-; pr,-,mc'te the traming of teclmicians:


DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 'nontinued)-- trained personnel: outflow (continued)

Discussion in Ple1uzry (continued)inviting Governments of developed countriesto refrain from taking measures to inducescholarship students and trainees frOIl. de­veloping countries to settle permanently intheir countries: requesting the developedcountries to encourage their private investorsin developing countries to absorb local trainedpersonnel within their projects; and re­questing the United Nations organizations tofurther inC~'ease employment 0f local quali­fied experts in the planning and implementa­tion of projects they carry out in the field,adopted by consensus at the 17G8tll meetingas resolution 1573 (L)

ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL-_ agenda, 50th session <.agenda item 1 and item 7 of the

organizational meetings)

DocumentsE/4944 & Add,l Secretary-General. Note trallS­

mitting provisional agendaE/4985 United States. Letter, 26 Mar, requesting

that a supplementary item be included on tileagenda concerning a proposal to convene aplenipotentiary conference :0 amend tileSingle Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961

E/4995 Secretary-General. Note, concerningsupplpmentary items proposed for inclusionin the agenda

E/L.13G7 <.& Corr.l, Eng'lish only), Corr.2 Secre­tary-General. Draft programme of work for1971, mcluding provisional agenda for the50til session

E/L.13G8 Secretary-General. Note concerningdocumentation for the session

E/L.1377 Economic alld Social Council: President.Note on organization of work

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1735, 1738, 1744Provisional agenda of the organizational meetings

in E 'L.1367, adopted, as amended, at ~,he

1735til meetingAt the I738til meeting tile provif1ional agenda in

E /4944 & Add.l was adopted, as amended bythe inch.~sion of the three additional itemsproposed in E/4995

At th€ 1744th meeting all additional item entitled"Emergency assistance to Palestine refu­gees" was included in the agend",

-- agenda, 51st session <.agenda itcm 18)

DocumentsE/L.1384 Secretary-General. Note concerning

documentation for the sessionE/L.1385 Secretary-General. Note, including

allnotated agenda

Discussion in Ple1Ulry: Meeting 1772Provisional agenda in E/L.1385, adopted, as


-- documents: lists E/INF/l11, E/INF/113

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Resolutions E/RES/1563-1599 issued separately inmimeograplzed form as follows:

-- officers, 1971: election (agenda item 1 of the organiza~

tional meetings)Rule 20 of the Council's Rules of Procedure

Action in Plenavy: Meeting 1733

-- organizational meetings, 50th session: work: organization

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1733, 1734

-- resolutionsE/5044 (ESCOR , 50th sess., supp!. no. 1) Collected

editionE/RES/INF/50 List of resolutions

ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (continued)-- members: representatives

DocumentsE/5031 Economic and Social Council: President

and Vice-Presidents. Report on credentialsof representatives

E/INF/114 & Add.l, 2 Secrb~ariat. List of repre­sentatives


E/RES/1593E/RES/15Bl B, CE/RES/1581 A


E/RES/1564, 1566






E/RES/1590E/RES/1579, 1580E/RES/1565E/RES/1577

DOGwnentsE/4986 & Add.1-9 Secretary-General. Note" in"

eluding views and proposals of GovernmentsE/L.1369 Economic and Social Council: President$

1970. NoteE/L.13B2 USSR. Draft resolutionE/L.1408 & Rev.1 Greece, New Zealand. Draft





Resolutions E./RES/1563-15fJ!J issued separately inmimeoffraphed f01~m as follows (ContimH?d)

Ed\1cation~ application of new corn,"munication techniques

Equality in the administration ofjustice: study

Human rights: periodic reportsIndigenous populations: discrimi~

nation: eliminationInternational Narcotics Control

Board: report, 3rdJournalists: protection in areas of

armed conflict: internationalc 'nvention (draft)

Mentall r retarded: rights: dec~

lal'ation (draft)Nazism: measures againstNon-governmental organizationsPalestine refugees: assistancePlenipotentiary Conference to

Amend the Single Conventionon Narcotic Drugs (1~61),

Geneva 1972: conveningPsychotropic substances: conti.'ol:

Convention, 1971: acces~

sions and ratificationsPublic administration: role in de­

velopmentRacial discrimination: eliminationRacial discrimination: political)

economic, social and cul­tural spheres: study

Regional development: researchand training: United Nationsprogramme

Right of peoples to self-determina~

tion: universal realizationRoads: traffic: Convention, 1949:

accession of Korea (Re­public)

Slavery: eliminationSocial conditionsSocial development: role of struc­

tural chang'eStatistical Commission: report~

16th sess.Trade union rights: infringements:

allegationsE/RES/1564 Vital statistics: standardization

-- & subsidiary bodies: composition, 1971 E/INF/112




._- work: organization: improvement measures (agendaitem 16 and item 5 of the organizational meetings)

Economic and Social Council decisions of 31 Jul1970,13 Jan 1971

ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (c\.,ltinued)-- resolutions (continued)


Africa, Southern: racial discrimi­nation and apartheid elimi~

nationCapital punishmentCartography: international co­

operationCommission for Social Develop~

ment: report, 22nd sess.Commission on Human Rights:

report, 27th sess.Cttee on Natural Resources: re­

port, 1st sess.Computers: use for developmentConference on International Con­

tainer Traffic (UN/IMCO),Geneva 1972: preparation

Crime: prevention: internationalco-operation

Developing countries: humanrights: economic, social andcultural: study

Developing countries: trained per­sonnel: outflow

Mr. Rachid Driss (Tunisia)Mr. M.J. Augusto de Araujo

(Brazil)Mr. K. Szarka (Hung'ary)Mr. C.P. Caranicas (Greece)

The following' officers were elected:






E!RES/1581 ...1586



E/RES/1571E/RES/1568, 1569


-- organizational meetings, 50th session: agenda (agendaitem 2 of the organizational meetings)

DocumentsE/4937 Secretary-General. Note transmitting

provisional agenda

Action in P[enavy: Meeting 1733Provisional agenda in E/4937 adopted without ol,).,.



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ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (continued)-- work: organization: improvement measures (continued)

Documents (continued)E/L.1421 & Rev.1 Congo (Democratic Republic),

Ghana, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon,Madagascar, Niger, Norway, Pakistan, Sudan,Tunisia. Draft resolution

E/L.1422 Brazil. Amendments (to draft resolu­tion in E/L.H08)

E/L.1423 United States. Amendment (to draftresolution in E/L.140B)

E/(L)/CRP.1 Secretariat. Note

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1734-1739, 1743,1745,1765, 1768,1772

At the 1737th meeting the CowlCil decided totransmit to the Governments of MemberStates the records of its discussion on thisagenda item during the organizationalmeetings of the 50th session, together withthe note in E/L.1369, and to invite them tocommunicate their views and proposals intime for consideration by the Council at itscurrent 50th session

At the 1772nd meeting the Council decided to post­pone the consideration of this item and of theproposals before the Council until its 51stsession

-- work programme, 1971 (agenda item 7 of the organiza­tional meetings)

DocumentsE/L.1367 (& Corr.1, English only), Corr.'2 Secre­

tary-General. Draft programme of work,including provisional agendas for the 50thand 51st sessions

E/L.1370 Secretary-General. Note on organiza­tion of work of the 50th session

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1735The Council adopted the provisional programme of

work in E/L.1367, as amended in the courseof the discussions, and revised by the Secre­tariat

ECONOMIC COMlvI!,=,SION FOR AFRICA-- sessions: participation of observers from Territories

under Portuguese Administration

See Territories under Portuguese Administration:participation in sessions of the Economic Com­mission for Africa

EDUCATION-- application of new communication techniques (agenda

item 13)Economic and Social Council resolution 1278 (XLIII)

DocumentsE/4958 UNESCO. Book development in the ser­

vice of educationE/AC .7/L.581 Pakistan, Sudan, Tunisia. Draft

resolutionE/AC.7/L.582 India. Amendment (to draft reso­

lution in E/AC.7!L.581)

Discussion in Special cttee: Meetings 653-656, 658E/4987 Report


EDUCATION (continued)-- application of new communication techniques (continued)

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1769Draft resolution in E/4987, supporting the decision

taken by the General Conference of UNESCOat its 16th session, to proclaim 1972 asInternational Book Year; inviting the de­veloped cOWltries to grant the greatestpossible copyright facilities to developingcountries within the framework of the Inter~

national Copyright Information Centre ofUNESCO: recommending the provision ofinternational assistance for low-cost localreprint and translation into national languagesof developing countries of books written andproduced in developed countries for highereducation: recommending further that finan­cial and technical assistance be provided to

.create an adequate infrastructure in the de­veloping countries for the promotion ofdomestic book production; requesting FAOto continue its work for the promotion ofpaper industries in particular in developingcountries: inviting Member States and inter­national interested institutions to take appro~

priate steps to obtain the objectives of theInternational Book Year; and inviting UNESCOto report to the Council atits 56th session, onthe results of the International Book Year,adopted unanimously as resolution 1575 (L)

EQUALITY IN ADMINISTRATION 0F JUSTi.CE-- study (agenda item 5 (a))

DocumentsE!4949 (E/CN.4!1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 4) Commission on Human Rights. Re­port on its 27th session, 22 Feb - 26 Mar1971, paras 245-248 and draft resolution VIII

E/CN,4/Sub.2/296 Sub-Commission on Preventionof Discrimination and Protection of Minori­ties: Special Rapporteur [on equality in theadministration of justice] (AbuRannat, M.A.).Report.

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meeting 678E/5032 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resol~tion VIII in E/5032, expressing its

appreciation to Mr. Abu Rannat for his studyon equality in the administration of justice(E/CNA/Sub.2/296) and requesting theSecretary-General to print it; and recom­mending that the Commission on HumanRights~ at its 28th session, examine the draftprinciples relating to equality in the adminis­trl:l.don of justice adopted by the Sub-Com~

mission on Prevention of Discrimination andProtection of Minorities, adopted unani~

mously as resolution 1594 (L)

ERMACORA, FELIX (Austria)-- biography E/4934

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* Elected by the Economic and Social Council

Composition of the Intergovern.mental Committee of theWorld Food Programme (UN/FAO)

as of 1 Jan 1971


-- members: election (agenda item 17 and item 3 of theorganizational meetings)

General Assembly resolutions 1714 (XVI), 1914 (XVIII),2095 (XX)

DocumentsE/L.1365, E/L.1314 Secretary-General. Notes

Action in Plenary: Meetings 1737, 1770At the 1737th meeting the following States were

elected to serve a three-year term be­ginning 1 Jan 1971: Australia, Kenya, Peruand the United Kingdom

At the 1770th meeting the following States wereelected to serve a three-year term beginning1 Jan 1972: Denmark, Hungary, Toga, Turkey

INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS (continued)-- discrimination: elimination (continued)

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meeting 680E/5032 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution III in E/5032, recommending that

Governments of all States having indigenouspopulations take into account, in their policiesof economic and social development, thespecial problems of indigenous populationswi·';h a view to eliminatin6 discriminationagainst such populations; recommending toall States having legislation for protection ofindigenous populations that they review thatlegislation with a view to eliminate dis­crimination and restrictions of certain politi­cal and civil rights; and authorizing the Sub­Commission on Prevention of Discriminationand Protection of Minorities to make a com­prehensive study on the eradication of dis­crimination against indigenous populations,adopted w1animously as resolution 1589 (L)



Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Dec)

MexicoNetherlandsNew Zealand

*Niger*Pakistan*Peru*Sweden*Turkey*United Arab

Republic*United Kingdom

United StatesUruguay

Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Dec)

*Argentina 1971*Australia 1973

Canada 1971Chile 1971

*Denmark 1971France 1973Germany (Federal

Republic) 1973Ghana 1972India 1971Indonesia 1972

*Ireland 1972*Kenya 1973

HUMAN RIGHTS~- periodic reports (agenda item 5 (a))

DocumentsE/4949 (E/CNA/1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 4) Commission on Human Rights. Re~

port on its 27th session~ 22 Feb - 26 Mar1971, 287-297

E/AC.7/L.596 & Rev.1 Italy, Pakistan, UnitedKingdom, Uruguay. Draft resolution

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 673, 67.'3E/5032 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution X in E/5032, deciding that Member

States be asked to submit periodic reportson human rights every two years in a con­tinuing cycle: the first, on civil and politicalrights, to be submitted in 1972; the second,on economic, social and cultural rights, in1974: the third, on freedom of information,in 1976: and requesting Member Slates toinclude in these reports detailed informationconcerning specific difficulties encountered,practical measures applied or assistanceneeded to overcome them, adopted unani­mously as resolution 1596 (L)


Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1771 (India, Pakistan)

Statements in Social cttee: Meetings 669 (India,Pakistan), 670 (India, Pakistan, United States),671 (India, Pakistan), 675 (India, Pakistan),677 (India, Pakistan)

HUVANANDANA, KHUNYING UBOL (Thailand)-- biography E/4934

INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS-- discrimination: elimination (agenda item 5 (a))

DocumentsE/4949 (E/CNA/1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 4) Commission on Human Rights. Re­port on its 27th session, 22 Feb - 26 Mar1971, paras 60-67 and draft resolution III

E/AC.7/L.600 Brazil. Amendments (to draftresolution III in E/4949)

GENERAL ASSEMBLY~- decisions, 25th session: action by the Economic and

Social Council (agenda item 6 of the organizationalmeetings)

DocumentsE/L.1366 & Add.1 Secretary-General. Note

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1735The Council adopted the Secretary-GeneralIs

recommendations in E/L.1366 & Add.1,part A, paras 1-10, and took note of parts Band C of the same document

GHORRA, EDOUARD (Lebanon)~- biography E/4934

HISLAIRE-GUISLAIN, ANNE (Belgium)-- biography E/4934


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INTER-GOVEfG-rMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS-- co-operation with the Economic and Social Council

tagenda item 12 (a»Economic and Social Council resolution 1267 (XLIII)

DocumentsE!4961 Secretary-General. Repurt

Action in Social Cttee: Meeting 655E!5023 Report

Action in Plena-vy: Meeting 1769The Cowlcil took note of the Secretary-General's

report in E!4961 and approved the recom­mendations ~'lerein

INTERNATIONAL BOOK YEAR, 1972-- observance

See Education: application of new communicationtechniques

INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL BOARD-- ::eport, 3rd (agenda item 6 (b»

Economic and Social Council decision of 12 J'lnuary1971

DocumentsE!4965 International Narcotics Control Board.

Summary of its report, 1970 (E!INCB!9)E!INCB!9 International Narcotics Control Board.

Report, 1970E/INCB!10 International Narcotics Control Board.

Estimated world requirements of narcoticdrugs in 1970

E!INCB!11 International Narcotics Contvol Board.Statistics on narcotic drugs for 1969

Disc.ussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 666, 668E!5025 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1769Draft resolution III in E/5025, taking note of the

report of the International Narcotics ControlBoard in E!INCB/fJ, adopted unanimously asresolution 1578 (L)

JOURNALISTS-- protection in &reas of armed conflict: international con­

vention (draft) (agenda item 5 (a»

DocumentsE/1949 (E/CN.4/1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 4) Commission on Human Rights. Re­port on its 27th session, 22 Feb - 26 Mar1971, 251-267

E!AC.7/L.597 France, Madagascar, Tunisia, Uru­guay. Draft resolution

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 675, 676, 678E!5032 Report

Action in Plena-vy: Meeting 1771Draft resolution XI in E!5032, transmitting to the

General Assembly the preliminary draftinternational convention on the protection ofjournalists engaged in 'langerous missions,contained in the annex to the present resolu­tion, adopted (21-0-3) as resolution 1597 (L)

JUVIGNY, PIERRE (France)-- biography E/4934!Add.2


MAKOLO, PHILOMENE (Congo (Democratic Republic»-- biography E/5934

MENTALLY RETARDED-- rights: declaration (draft) (agenda item 2)

DocumentsE/4984 (E!CN.5!473) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl,

no. 3) & Summary Commission for SocialDevelopment. Report on its 22nd session,1-22 Mar 1971, paras 175-180 and chap. XI

E/AC.7!L.589 Greece. Amendments (to draftdeclaration in E!4984, chap. XI)

E!AC.7!L.590 France, United Kingdom. Draftresolution

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 664, 665, 667E!5029 Report

Action in Plena-vy: Meeting 1771Draft, resolution VII, recommending to the General

Assembly to .ldopt the draft declaration onthe rights of mentally retarded persons,adopted (21-0-2) as resolution 1585 (L)


statements in Social Cttee: Meetings. 670 (Israel,USSR, United Arab Republic), 671 (Israel,Lebanon, Libya, USSR), 672 (SUdan), 673 (Iraq,Israel, Kenya, Lebanon, Sudan, Tunisia, USSR,United States)

MIYAZAKI, ISAMU (Japan)-- biography E14934

MOHAMMED, RUDA TITEMMA (Nigeria)-- biography E/4934

NARCOTIC DRUGS-- Single Convention, 1961: amendment: plenipotentiary

conference: convening

See Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the SingleConvention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961: convening

NAZISM-- measures against (agenda item 5 (a»

DocumentsE!4949 (E/CN.4!1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 5) Commission on Human Rights. Re­port on its 27th session, 22 Feb .. 26 Mar1971, paras 89-110 and draft resolution !V

Discussion in Social Citee: Meeting 678E!5032 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution IV in E!5032, recommending to

the General Assembly the adoption of a draftresolution concerning measures to eliminatethe danger of a revival of nazism and racialintolerance, adopted (16-2..6) as resolution1590 (L)


DocumentsE!5026 Secr~tary""General. Note concerning the

placement of the World Lutheran Federationon the Roster

E!AC.7/L.580 & Rev.l Brazil, Ghana, Pakistan,Sudan. Draft resolution

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Documents (continued)

E/C.2/CRP.1 International Hotel Association.Letter, 8 Sep, 1970, concerningreclassifica­tion of its consultative status

E/C.2/CRP.2 World Federation of Trade Unionsand World Federation of United NationsAssociations. Letters, 9 Oct and 19 Nov1970, requesting the inclusion of two itemson the Council's agenda: one on the role oftrade unions in economic and social do­velopment, and the other on the teaching ofpurposes and principles of the United Nationsin schools

E/C.2/R.41 & Add.1-4 Secretary-General. Memo­randum (restricted distribution)

E/C.2/R.42 Secretary-General. Memoranduml~oncerning a special arrangement betweenti~e International Criminal Police Organiza­tion (INTERPOL) and the Council (restricteddistribution)

Discussion in Council Cttee on NGOs: Meetings 307­315

E/4945 ReportDiscussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 652, 653

E/5021 ReportAction in PleTUi'VY: Meeting 1769

Draft resolutions in E/5021 adopted as follows:Draft resolution I, approving the arrange­

ments for co-operation between the UnitedNations and the Internaticnal Crimin4LPolice Organization set out in the annexto the present resolution, adopted (24-0-2)as resolution 1579 (L)

Draft resolution Il, emphasizing the need for thenon-governmental organizations in con­sultative status '''lith the Council to con­tribute effectively towards the implemen­tation of the International DevelopmentStrategy for the Second United NationsDevelopment Decade; and requesting theCouncil Cttee on NGOs to submit to theCouncil at its 52nd session recommenda­tions concerning this question, adoptedunanimously as resolution 1580 (L)

The Council also adopted without objection therecommendations contained in paras 21-23of the Social Cttee's report (E/5021)

-- hearings by Council and its Committees

Applications jor hearings

Discussion in Council Cttee on NGOs: Meeting 316E/5008 Report

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1750

NOOR, JETTY RIZALI (Indonesia)-- biography E/4934

O'NEILL, JOHN PATRICK (Australia)-- biography E/4934/Add.1

PALESTINE REFUGEES-- assistance (agenda item 20)

Do,:umentsE/L.1387 Ghana, Norway. Draft resolution


PALESTINE REFUGEES (continued)-- assistance (continued)

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1747Draft "esolution in E/L.1387, welcoming the efforts

made so far by some of the organizations ofthe United Nations system in providing assis­tance to the Palestine refugees; requestingthe Secretary-Gpneral and the executiveheads of the United Nations organizations aswell as non-governmental organizations con­cerned to continue to consider appropriateways and means of rendering all possibleassistance to the Palestine refugees; andrequesting further the organizations of theUnited Nations system to include in theirannual reports information on their possiblepresent and future assistance to the UnitedNations Relief and Works Agency for Pales­tine Refugees in the Near East, adopted unani­mously as amended, as resolution 1565 (L)


.... convening (agenda item 6 (c))

DocumentsE/4971 & Add.l United States. Letter, 18 Mar,

concerning proposed amendments to theSingle Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961

E/4985 United States. Letter, 26 Mar, requestingthat a supplementary item be included on theagenda of the session concerning the proposalfor a conference in 1972

E/AC.7/L.584 & Rev.1 Greece, Indonesia, NewZealand, Norway, United States, Uruguay.Draft resolution

E/AC.7/L.584/Add.1 Secretary-General. State­ment of financial implications of draft reso­lution in E/AC.7!L.584

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 657 659 668, ,E/5025 Report

Action in Plenary: Meetings 1769, 1770Draft resolution II in E/5025, deciding to call, in

accordance with Article 62, para. 4, of theCharter of the United Nations, a conferenC':of plenipotentiaries to consider all amer.ments proposed to the Single Convention onNarcotic Drugs, 1961; requesting the Secre­tary-General to convene such a conferenceas early as feasible in 1972; and requestingthe Commission on Narcotic Drugs to studyat its 24th session proposals for amendmentsto the Single Convention, adopted (24-2-0) atthe 1769th meeting as resolution 1577 (L)

POPULATION COMMISSION-- members: election (agenda item 17)

Economic and Social Council resolution 1147 (XLI)

DocumentsE/4946 Secretary-General. Note

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1770The following States were elected to serve a four­

year term beginning 1 Jan 1972: FranceGhana, Indonesia, Morocco, Peru, Philip~pines, Sweden, Ukrainian SSR, United ArabRepUblic

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POPULATION COMMISSION (continued)-- members: election (continued)

Composition of the Population Commissionas of 1 Jan 1972

Term of Office Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Dec) Members (expires 31 Dec)

Barbados 1973 New Zealand 1972Brazil 1972 Peru 1975Czechoslovakia 1972 Philippines 1975Denmark 1972 Spain 1972France 1975 Sweden 1975Gabon 1973 Tunisia 1973Ghana 1975 Ukrainian SSR 1975Haiti 1973 USSR 1973India 1972 United ArabIndonesia 1975 Republic 1975Iran 1973 United Kingdom 1973Japan 1973 United States 1973Kenya 1972 Upper Volta 1972Morocco 1975 Venezuela 1972

PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES-- control: Convention, 1971: accessions and ratifications

(agenda item 6 (a»

DocumentsE/4966 Secretary-General. Note (transmits the

Final Act of the United Nations Conferencefor the Adoption of a Protocol on Psycho­tropic Substances (E/CONF.58/5) and thetext of the Convention on PsychotrQpic Sub­stances (E/CONF.58/6»)

E/AC.7/L.583 & Rev.1 New Zealand, United King­dom, United States. Draft resolution

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 657, 659, 668E/5025 Report

Action in Plenary: Meetings 1769, 1770Draft resolution I in E/5025, inviting States to

give urgent consideration to becoming partiesto the Convention on Psychotropic Substancesand to apply provisionally the measures ofcontrol provided in the Convention pendingits entry into force for eacli of them; andaccepting the fimctions assigned by the Con­vention to the United Nations in regard to itsexecution, adopted (23-0-3) at the 1769thmeeting as resolution 1576 (L)

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION:.- role in development (agenda item 10)

General Assembly resolution 2561 (XXIV)

DocumentsE/4950 &Add.1 Secretary-General. Report(Add.1

transmits the report of the Second Meeting ofExperts on the United Nations Programme inPublic Administration (ST/TAO/M/57»

E/L.1392 & Rev.1 Kenya, Pakistan, Sudan, Tuni...sia, Yugoslavia. Draft resolution

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1748...1750, 1753Draft resolution in E/L.1392/Rev.1~ endorsing the

Secretary-General's proposed objectives andprogrammes in public administration for theSecond United Nations Development Decadeas constituting the basis for a co-ordinated


PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (continued)-- role in development (continued)

Discussion in Plenary (continued)international programme in public admini­stration; approving the Secretary-General'sproposed work programme of the PublicAdministration Division for the period 1971­1975, subject to the proposed changes andviews of CPC; inviting the Secretary...Generalto undertake preparations for the 3rd Meetingof Experts in 1975 to review the United Nationspublic administration programme; and re~

questing the Secretary-General to ensurethat the Public Administration Division atHeadquarters and the public administrationtmits of the regional economic commissionsand of the United Nations Economic and SocialOffice in Beirut shall have the necessary staffJo implement fully their work programmes,adopted (22..0-2), as orally amended, at the1753rd meeting as resolution 15.67 (L)

RACIAL DISCRIMINATION-- elimination (agenda item 5 (a»

See also Africa, Southern: racial Jlscrimination andapartheid: elimination

DocumentsE/4949 (E/CN.4/1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 4) Commission on Human Rights. Re­port on its 27th session, 22 Feb - 26 Mar1971, paras 40-59 anddraftresolutionII

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 672-675, 678,680

E!5032 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution II in E/5032, recommending that

the General Assembly request all organiza­tions of the United Nations system and otherinternational organizations concerned, toconsider, as a matter of highest priority,any further action which it itself might takewith a view to eliminate racial discriminationthroughout the world, as well as the follow..upmeasures required to ensure effective im­plementation of the decisions taken; recom...mending further that the General Assemblyurge all States that are not parties to theInternational Convention on the Eliminationof All Forms of Racial Discrimination toratify or to acc'3de to it as soon as posflible;recommending further that the General As­sembly should pursue a world-wide pro­gramme intended to build up public opimon,with a view to eradicating false racist be­liefs based upon lack of scientific knowledge;recommending further that the General As..sembly urge all States concerned to accel...erate economic and social development oftheir minority groups with a view to elimi­nating de facto discrimination occasioned bytheir low standard of living; and inviting ILOand UNESCO to provide the Commission onHuman Rights with reports, at three...yearintervals, on the nature and effect of anyracial discrimination, specially in southern

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RACIAL DISCRIMINATION (continued)- ... elimination (continued)

Action in Plenary (continued)Afric2, of whose existence they have know...ledge in their sphere of competence, adoptedunanimously as resolution 1588 (L)

-~ political, economic, social and c:ultural spheres: study(agenda item 5 (a»

DocumentsE/4949 (E/CNA/1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 4) Commission on Human Rights. Re­port on its 27th session, 22 Feb ... 26 Mar1971, paras 79-87' and draft resolution I

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meeting 678E/5032 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution I in E/5032, expressing its appre­

ciation to Mr. Hernan Santa Cruz for hisstudy of racial discrimination in the political,economic, social and cultural spheres(E/CNA/Sub.2/307/Rev.1), adopted unani..mously as resolution 1587 (L)

RAMPHUL, RADHA KRISHNA (Mauritius)-- biography E/4934

REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT..- research and training: United Nations programme (agenda

item 2)

DocumentsE/4984 (E/CN .5/473) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 3) & Summary Commission for SocialDevelopment. Report on its 22nd session,1-22 Mar 1971, paras 82-87 and draft reso­lution IV

Discussion in Social cttee: Meeting 667E/5029 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution IV in E/5029, endorsing the con­

clusions of the Ad Hoc :_:visory Cttee forthe Research and TraL.uilg Programme inRegional Development; requesting the Secre­tary-General to work out arrangements bywhich resources can be mobilized and uti­lized for research and training within regionaldevelopmenl projects; and calling upon thoseMember States which have acquired ex...perience and have resources to offer inregional development to co~operate with theSecretary...General in increasing the re­sources and facilities for the research andtraining programme in this field, adopted(18-1-1) as resolution 1582 (L)

RIGHT OF PEOPLES TO SELF-DETERMINATION-- universal realization (agenda item 5 (a»

DocumentsE/4949 (E/CNA/1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 4) Commission on Human Rights. Re­port on its 27th session, 22 Feb - 26 Mar1971, paras 133-150 and draft resolution VI

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 676, 678E/5032 Report



-- universal realization (continued)

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution VI in E/5032, recommending to the

General Assembly the adoption of a draftresolution on the implementation of UnitedNations resolutioJ1~ relating to the right ofpeoples under colonial and alien dominationto self-determination, adopted (16-5-3) asresolution 1592 (L)

ROADS-- traffic: Convention, 1949: accession of Korea (Republic)

(agenda item 19)

DocumentsE/4972 (& Corr.1, Spanish only) Secretary-

General. Note proposing the inclusion inthe agenda of a supplementary item entitled"Accession of the Republic of Korea to theConvention on Road Traffic of 19 Sep 1949"(includes letter from the Republic of Koreaexpressing the Government's wish to accedeto the Convention)

E/L.1383 New Zealand. Draft resolution

Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1742Draft resolution in E/L.1383, declaring that the

Republic of Korea is eligible to accede tothe 1949 Convention on Road Traffic adopted(16-5-4) as resolution 1563 (L)

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-- United Nations machinery: review (agenda item 11 (a»

DocumentsE/4959 Secretary-General. NoteE/L.1400 Brazil, Kenya, Sudan, Yugoslavia. Draft

resolutionE/L.1407 United States. Draft resolutionE/L,1407/Add.1 Secretary-General. Statement of

administrative and financial implications ofdraft resolution in E/L.1407

E/L.1420 France. Draft resolution concerningcontinuation of the Advisory Cttee on theApplication of Science and Technology toDevelopment

E/L.1420/Add.1 Secretary-General. Statementof administrative and financial implicationsof draft resolution in E/L.1420

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1752-1754, 1756,1766,1767,1772

The Council decided to postpone the considerationof this item until its 51st session

SIPILA, HELVI (Finland)-- biography E/4934

SLAVERY-- elimination (agenda item 5 (a»

DocumentsE/4949 (E/CNA/1068) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 4) Commission on Human Rights. Re­port on its 27th session, 22 Feb - 26 Mar1971, paras 242-244 and draft resolution VII

E/AC.7/L.599 Greece, United Kingdom. Amend­ment (to draft resolution VII in E/4949)

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SLAVERY (continued)-- elimination (continued)

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 679, 680E/5032 Report


Documents (continued)E/AC.7/L,588 & Rev.1 United States. Amend­

men:s (to draft resolution II in E/4984; re­jected at the 667th meeting of the SocialCttee)

E/AC.7/L.591 Brazil, Pakistan. Amendments(to draft resolution II in E/4984)

E/AC.7/L.593 Norway. Amendments (to draftrer:..ulution II in E/4984)

E/CN.5/456 & Add.1-16 Report on the worldsocial situation, 1970

Disc.ussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 660-665,667E/5029 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolutions II and III in E/5029 adollted as

follows:Dz:aft resolution H, urging Governments to

accelerate development and to give appro­priate emphasis to social objectives intheir development plans; recommendingthat the system ultimately adopted forreview and appraisal of the InternationalDevelopment Strategy for the SecondUnited Nations Development Decade pro­vide for adequate consultation with inter­national and regional trade union andemployers' federations and other organi..zations of the people which can contributeto the comprehensi ve consideration of thesocial aspects of development: requestingthe Secreta.ry-General to take the neces­sary steps to make resources availableto meet requests by Governments forassistance in the review and appraisal ofobjectives and policies of the InternationalDevelopment Strategy: and recommendingthat the 1970 Report on the World SocialSituation should serve as one of the back­ground documents during the Second UnitedNations Development Decade, adopted(18-0-2) as resolution 1581 B (L)

Draft resolution IH, recommending MemberStates to intensify their efforts to enhancesocial progress and development and topursue a unified approach to developmentanalysis and planning which would fullyintegrate the economic and social aspects;deciding that the 1970 Report on the WorldSocial Situation should serve as a guidefor the Second United Nations DevelopmentDecade and be updated per.iodically; anddeciding that the 1974 Report on the WorldSocial Situation should serve as a majorassessment at mid-Decade and provide anopportunity for modifying objectives inview of changing circumstances, adopted(11-4-5) as resolution 1581 C (L)

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT-- role of structural changes (agenda item 2)

DocumentsE/4984 (E/CN.5/473) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 3) Commission for Social Development.Report on its 22nd session, 1-22 Mar 1971,paras 36-40 and draft resolution I

Commission for Social Develop­ment: report, 22nd session

Commission on Human Rlghts:report, 27th session

Education: application of the com­munication techniques

Inter-governmental organizations:co-operation with the Econo­mic and Social Council

International Narcotics ControlBoard: report, 3rd

Non-governmental organizationsPlenipotentiary Conference to

Amend the Single Conventionon Narcotic Drugs (1961),Geneva 1972: convening

Psychotropic substances: control:Convention, 1971: accessionsand ratifications

Trade union rights: infringements:allegaticns

World Tourism Organization: co­operation with United Nations









Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution VII in E/5032, inviting the Special

Rapporteur to include in his final reportpropositions to secure better implementationof existing international instruments relatingto the suppression of slavery and slavery-likepractices: requesting the Secretary-Generalto urge those States which have not yetratified the Supplementary Convention on theAbolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, andInstitutions and Practices Similar to Slaveryof 1956, to ratify it; and requesting furtherthe Secretary-General to seek the co-opera­tion of those organizations which can pro­vide assistance in the eradication of slavery,the slave trade and other forms of servitude,adopted unanimously as resolution 1593 (L)


See under subject of report for discussion

E/4993 (& Capital punishmentCorr.1,Englishonly)


SOCIAL CONDITIONS (agenda item 2)

DocumentsE/4984 (E/CN.5/473) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 3) & Summary Commission for SocialDevelopment. Report on its 22nd session,1-22 Mar 1971, paras 36, 41..60 and draftresolutions II and III

E/AC .7/L.586 United States. Amendment (todraft resolution III in E/4984)


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(*) The 24th member of the Commission will be elec'ed ata later date

Composition of the Statistical Commissionas of 1 Jan 1972 (*)

STATISTIC AL COMMISSION-- members: confirmation

See Commissions of the Economic and Social Council,Functional: members: confirmation

-- members: election (agenda item 17)Economic and Social Council resolution 1147 (XLI)Documents

E/4946 Secretary-General. NoteAction in Plenary: Meeting 1770

The following States were elected to serve a four­year term beginning Jan 1972: Czechoslo­vakia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Spain,Ukrainian SSR

DocumentsE/L.1376 Portugal. Letter, 5 Mar, concerning

participation of observers f\ om Angola,Mozambique and Guinea in .,-';.3sion of theEconomic Commission for Africa

TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION-- participation in sessions of the Economic Commission

for Africa

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1740, 1741, 1746,1747

Draft resolution in E/4938, chap. XV, requestingthe Secretary-General to publish the "Prin­ciples and recommendations for a vital sta­tistics system" in English,- French, Russianand Spanish and to distribute them among theMember States and organizations within theUnited Nations system; and further requestingthe Secretary-General to give assistance todeveloping countries in the implementation ofthese principles and recommendations,adopted unanimously, as amended, at the1744th meeting as resolution 1564 (L)

Draft resolution in E/L.1389/Rev.1, requestingtheStatistical Commission to assign high priorityin its work programme to the task of assist­ing the Cou.:lcil in the co-ordination of activi­ties of the United Nations organizations in thestatistical field; requesting these organiza­tions to co-operate fully with the Commissionin their efforts to achieve an integrated sys­tem in the collection, dataprocessing and dis­semination of international statistics; recog­niZing the interest of the Statistical Commis­sion and the Statistical Office in matters re­lated to the use of computers in the UnitedNations system; requesting the Secretary­General, in co-operation with the specializedagencies, to undertake conc~rted action toassist developing countries in strengtheningtheir statistical systems as the basis fm. theirdevelopment plans and the evaluation of theireconomic and social progress: and requestingthe Secretary-General, in co-operation withthe United Nations system of organizations,to submit to the Council at its 52nd session,a report on the existing teclmical assistanceof the United Nations system of organizationsto the developing countries with a 'View toimproving their statistical services, adoptedunanimously as amended at the 1747th meetingas resolution 1566 (L)

STATISTICAL COMMISSION (continued)-- report, 16th session (continued)

Documents (continued)E/4989 (E/AC.51j51) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 5) CPC. Report on its 8th session,22 Mar - 8 Apr 1971, chap. VI, sect. A

E/L.1372 Secretary-General. NoteE/L.1386 Brazil, Pakistan, Sudan, Yugoslavia.

Amendments (to draft resolution in E/4938,chap. XV)

E/L.1389 & Rev.1 Hungary, Lebanon, Pakistan,Sudan, Tunisia, USSR. Draft resolution


Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Dec)

Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Dee)

Belgium 1973 PanamaBrazil 1972 PhilippinesCzechoslovakia 1975 PolandDenmark 1972 SpainFrance 1972 ThailandGhana 1975 UgandaIndia 1975 UkrainianIreland 1973 SSR 1975Libya 1973 USSR 1973Kenya 1975 United Kingdom 1972Malaysia 1975 United States 1973Morocco 1973 Venezuela 1973_.. report, 16th session (agenda item 7)

See also Vital statistics: standardizationDocuments

E/4938 (E/CN.3/417) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.no. 2) Statistical Commission. Report onits 16th session, 5..15 Oct 1970

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued)-- role of structural changes (continued)

Documents (continued)E/AC.7/L.587 United States. Amendment (to

draft resolution I in E/4984)Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 664, 665, 667

E/5029 ReportAction in Plenary: Meeting 1771

Draft resolution I in E/5029, taking note of the 1970Report of the World Social Situation; andrequesting the Secretary-General to forwardto States Members of the United Nationssystem of organizations a questionnaire witha view to study the experience of the variouscountries of the world in achieving far­reaching social and economic changes for thepurposes of social progress, adopted (15..0-1)as resolution 1581 A (L)

SOUTHERN AFRICA-- racial discrimination and apartheid: elimination

See Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apart­heid: elimination


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UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND: EXECUTIVE BOARD...... members: election (agenda item 17)

Economic and Social Council decision of 7 Mar 1966

UNITED NATIONS~- economic and social activities: work programme

DocumentsE/4998 Secretary...General. Note concerning

financial implications of the recommenda..tions of the commissions and committees ofthe Council

DocumentsE/L.1373 (& Corr.1, French only) Secretary~

General. Note

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1770The following States were elected to serve a

three-year term beginning 1 Jan 1972:Algeria, Canada, Germany (Federal Re..pUblic), India, Norway, Pakistan, Romania,Thailand, Uruguay, Venezuela

Composition of the Executive Board of the United NationsChildren's Fund as of 1 Aug 1971

Term of Office Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31 Jul) Members (expires 31 Jul)

TRANSPORT-- development: United Nations centre: establishment

(proposed) (agenda item 9 (a»Economic and Social Council resolution 1490 (XLVIII)

DocumentsE/4964 (& Corr.1, Russian only), & Add.l~4

Secretary-General. ReportE/L.1381 Secretariat. Note, transmitting the

text of a decision on co...ordination of activi"ties in the field of maritime transportadopted by the Cttee on Shipping (UNCTAD)at its 5th session

E/L.1397 United States. DraIl resolutionE/L.1401 Brazil, Congo (Democratic RepUblic),

Kenya, Sudan, Tunisia, Yugoslavia. Draftresolution

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1741, 1751, 1752,1757,1759, 1760

At the 1760th meeting the Council decided, in.' accordance with rule 66 of the rules of

procedure, that no decision be taken on thetwo draft resolutions before the Council(E/L.1397, E/L.1401)



PakistanPhilippinesPolandRomaniaSierra LeoneSwedenSwitzerlandThailandTurkeyUSSRUnited Arab

RepUblicUnited KingdomUnited StatesUruguayVenezuela

Algeria 1974Bulgaria 1972Canada 1974Chile 1972China 1973Costa Rica 1973Fr2nce 1973Germany (Federal

RepUblic) 1974Gabon 1973India 1974Indonesia 1972Italy 1973Malawi 1973Nigeria 1972Norway 1974

TILNEY, JOHN (United Kingdom)-- biography E/4934

TRADE UNION RIGHTS-- infringements: allegations (agenda item 5 (b»

Economic and Social C01illCil resolutions 1412 (XLVI),1509 (XLVIII)

DocumentsE/4953 Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts Es...

tablished under Resolutions 2 (XXIII), 2(XXIV) and 21 (XXV) of the Commissivn onHuman Rights. Report

E/4956 Secretary...General. Report on publicitygiven to the report of the Ad Hoc WorkingGroup of Experts established under Resolu­tions 2 (XXIII), 2 (XXIV) and 21 (XXV) of theCommission on Human Rights (E/4791)

E/L.1390 Portugal. Letter, 30 Apr, concerningalleged infringements of trade union rightsin the Territories under Portuguese ad...ministration

E/L.1396 Ad Hoc Working Group of Expertsestablished under Resolutions 2 (XXIII), 2(XXIV) and 21 (XXV) of the Commission onHuman Rights: Chairman. Letter, 5 May,concerning trade union rights in Mozambiqueand Angola

E/AC.7/L.598 Ghana, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya,Malaysia, Sudan, Yugoslavia. Draft resolu­tion

E/AC.7/L.602 New Zealand. Amendment (todraft resolution in E/AC.7/L.598)

Discussion in Social Cttee: l\lIeetings 671, 672, 676,678-680

E/5032 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771Draft resolution XIII in E/5032, endorsing the

conclusions and recommendations of thereport of the Ad Hoc Working Group ofExperts established under Resolution 2(XXIII) of the Commission on Human Rightsin E/4953, paras 217~242; condemning thedetention of trade union leaders in southernAfrica and calling for their immediate re...lease; calling upon Portugal to stop im...mediately the confiscation of African lands;calling upon the Government of the UnitedKingdom to put an end to discrimination andrepression against African workers inSouthern Rhodesia; requesting the Ad HocWorking Group of Experts to investigate thesystem of recruitment of African workers inNamibia, Southern Rhodesia and Territoriesunder Portuguese domination and to reportthereon to the Council not later than at its54th session; and requ.esting the Secretary~

General to transmit the present resolutionand the report of the Ad Hoc Working Groupof Experts to the General Assembly at its26th session, adopted (20~0~7) as resolu­tion 1599 (L)

TOMSIC, VIDA (Yugoslavia)-- biography E/4934


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See Psychotropic substances: control: Convention,1971: accessions and ratifications


-- recommendations: implementation

See Crime: prevention: international co-operation

UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT DECADE, 2nd-- international strategy: implementation: role of Com­

mission for Social Development (agenda item 2)

DocumentsE/4984 (E/CN.5/473) (ESCOR, 50th sess., supp!.

no. 3) & Summary Commission for SocialDevelopment. Report on its 22nd session,1-22 Mar 1971, paras 200-208 Rnd draftresolution VII

E/AC. 7/L.592 Pakistan. Draft resolution (at the1771st plenary meeting it was decided topostpone the consideration of this draft reso­lution until the 51st session)

ElAC.7/L.594 France, Italy, United Kingdom.Draft resolution (at the 1771st plenary meet­ing it was decided to postpone the considera­t;on of this draft resolution until the 51stsession)

E/AC. 7/L.595 Social CUee: Chairman. Proposal

Discussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 660-665, 667,668E/5029 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1771The Council decided to defer to its 51st session the

consideration of draft resolution VIIin E/4984, as well as other draft resolutionsand decisions relating to this item

-- social aspects

See Social conditions


-- members: election (agenda item 17)

DocumentsE/L.1371 Secretary-General. Note

Action in Plenary: Meetings 1770-1772At the 1771st meeting the following States were

elected to serve a three...year term beginning1 Jan 1972: BUlgaria, Ecuador, Finland,Ge:rmany (Federal RepUblic), Iraq, Nether­lands, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago,Uruguay, Yugoslavia

At the 1772nd meeting the following States wereelected to serve a three...year term begir.ning1 Jan 1972: Ethiopia, Nigeria



-- members: election (continued)

Composition of the Governing Council of theUnited Nations Development Programme

as of 1 Jan 1972

Term of Office Term of OfficeMembers (expires 31. Dec) Members (expires 31 Dec)

Australia 1973 Ivory Coast 1972Belgium 1973 Japan 1972Brazil 1973 Kuwait 1973Bulgaria 1974 Libya 1973Cameroon 1972 Mexico 1972Canada 1973 Netherlands 1974Central African Nigeria 1974

Republic 1974 Norwr..y 1973Cuba 1972 Pakistan 1973Denmark 1972 Philippines 1972Ecuador 1974 Romania 1973Ethiopia 1974 Switzerland 1974Finland 1974 Trinidad andFrance 1973 Tobago 1974Germany (Federal Uganda 1973

Republic) 1974 United Kingdom 1972India 1972 USSR 1972Indonesia 1973 United States 1972Iraq 1974 Uruguay 1974Italy 1972 Yugoslavia 1974


-- establishment (proposed)

See Transport: development: United Nations centre:establishment (proposed)

VITAL STATISTICS-- standardization (agenda item 7)

DocumentsE/4938 (E/cN.3/417) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.

no. 2) Statistical Commission. Report onits 16th session, 5-15 Oct 1970, paras 100­106 and draft resolution in chap. XV

E/L.1386 Brazil, Pakistan, Sudan, Yugoslavia.Amendments (to draft resolutions in E/4938,chap. XV)

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1741, 1744Draft resolution in E/4938, chap. :XV, requesting

the Secretary-General to pUblish the "Prin­ciples and recommendations for a vitalstatistics system ll in English, French,Russian and Spanish and to distribute themwidely among Member States and organiza­tions within the United Nations system; andfurther requesting the Secretary-General togive assistar.ce to developing countries in theimplementation of these principles andrecommendations, adopted unanimously, asamended, at the 1744th meeting as resolution1564 (L)

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WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION-- co-operation with United Nations (agenda item 12 (b))

Economic and Social Council resolution 1540 (XLIX)

DocumentsE/4955 Secretary-General. Note (includes

statutes of the World Tourism Organization)

E/4861 (& Corr.1, Engiish only; Corr.2, Frenchonly) Secretary-General. Report

E/4989 (E/AC.51/51) (ESCOR, 50th sess., suppl.no. 5) CPC. Report on its 8th session,22 Mar - 8 Apr 1971, chap. IX

E/AC.7/L.585 & Rev.1, (Rev.1/Corr.1, Russianonly) India, Indonesia, Sudart, Yugoslavia.Draft resolution

E/C .2/723 International Hotel Association. State­ment


WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION (continued)-- co-operation wit:: United Nations (continued)

Disc.ussion in Social Cttee: Meetings 656, 658, 659E/5023 Report

Action in Plenary: Meeting 1769The Council took note of the report of the CPC vi!

its 8th session regarding the discussionbetween the United Nations and IUOTO witha view to drawing up a draft agreementbetween the United NQ.tions and the WorldTourism Organization, anr' recommendedthat such consultations ShO:lld continue. TheCouncil also recommended that proposals tothe Council on measures to improve the co­ordination of activities of the United Nationsorganizations in the field of tourism besubmitted by the Secretary-General


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Index to Speeches


Economic and Social Council: organization: improvementmeasures Plen: 1761


Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1764

Speeches by representativesButler, R.W. Plen: 1764


Capital punishment Soc: 649

Speeches b:v representativesWolte, W. Soc: 649


Capital punishment Soc: 651Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 660, 663, 665, 667, 6613Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 678, 680Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plcn: 1758,

1764, 1766Computers: use for development Plen: 1763Conference on International Container Traffic (UNjIMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1747, 1749, 1751,1755, 1757

Developing countries: trained personnel: outflowPlen: 1759, 1763, 1765

Economic and Social Council:agenda, 50th session Plen: 1738agenda, 51st session Plen: 1772organizational meetings, 50th session: agendawork: organization Plen: 1760work: organization: improvement mea.aures Plen: 1734,

1736,1738, 1743, 1745, 1768, 1772work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

Education: application of new communication techniquesSoc: 655

General Assembly: decisions, 25th sessiun: action by theEcollomic and Social Council Plen: 1735

Indigenous populations: discrimination: eliminationSoc: 678, 680

Mentally retardert: rights: declaration (draft) Soc: 667Non-governmental organizations: consultative status: appli­

cations Soc: 652Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Plenipotentiary Conference co Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSoc: 657


BRAZIL (continued)

Psychotropic substances: control: Conver.tion, 1971: acces­sions and ratifications Soc: 657

Public administration: role in development Plen: 1749Scien0e and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1753, 1754, 1766, 1767Social conditions Soc: 667Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1741Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish-

ment (proposed) Plen: 1741, 1751, 1752,1757, 1759,1760

United Nations DevelopmentDecade, 2nd: international strat­egy: implementation: role of Commission for SocialDevelopment Soc: 665, 667, 668

World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­tions Soc: 656

Speeches by representativesAraujoCastro, J.A. de Plen: 1734, 1738Azevedo Brito, B. de Plen: 1735, 1736, 1741, 1743,

1745, 1747, 1749, 1751-1755, 1757..1760, 1763­1768, 177~

Denot Medpiros, J.A. Soc: 651, 655-657, 660, 663,665,667,668

Malcher, de Macedo, L.M. Soc: 678Souza e Silva, C.A. de Soc: 652, 680


Conference on International Container Traffic (UNjIMCO),Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1755

Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow Plen: 1759Economic and Social Council: work: organization: improve..

ment measures Plen: 1743Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1754

Speeches by representativesSpencer, C.O. Plen: 1743, 1754, 1755, 1759


Cartography: international co-operation Plen: 1762Commiss:.0n for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Sue: 662Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Gene;ra 1972: preparation Plen: 1760Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow Plen: 1763ECOll0mic and Social Council: work: organization: improve..

ment measures Plen: 1736Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces..

sions and ratifications Soc: 668Science ana technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1754

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CEYLON (continued)

Speeches by represcmtativesDe Silva, D.S. Soc: 662, 668Yogasundram, Y. Plen: 1736, 1747, 1754,1760,1762,



Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1749

Speeches by representativesFigueroa, U. Plen: 1749


Capital punishment Soc: 651Commission for Social Development:

report, 22nd session Plen: 1771; Soc: 664, 667work programme, 1971-1975 Plen: 1771

Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th sessionPlen: 1771

Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1758Crime: prevention: international co-operation Plen: 1771Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow Plen: 1759.Economip, and Social Council: work: organization: improve-

ment measures Plen: 1735, 1743Mentally retarded: rights: declaration (draft) Soc: 664Palestir.e refugees: assistance Plen: 1747 .Regional development: research and training: United Nations

programme Plen: 1771Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1753Social conditions Plen: 1771; Soc: 667Social development: role of structural change Plen: 1771;

Soc: 667Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­

ment(propcsed) Plen: 1752World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­

tions Soc: 656

Speeches by representativesLouya, B. Plen: 1735,1743, 1747, 1752, 1753, 1758,

1759Makolo, P. Plen: 1771; Soc: 651, 656, 664, 667


International Narcotics Control Board: report, 3rd Soc: 666Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­

sions and ratifications Soc: 657


Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1766



Computers: use for development Plen: 1756Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1753, 1767


Public administration: role in development Plen: 1748, 1749


Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­ment (proposed) Plen: 1752

World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­tions Soc: 656


Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1751

Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­ment (proposed) Plen: 1751

World Tourism Organi~ation: co-operation with United Na­tions Soc: 659


Capital punishment Soc: 648, 650Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 660, 665Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow Plen: 1756Social development: role of structural change Soc: 665

Speeches by representativesHoward, G.D. (Deputy Director) Plen: 1756Jansson, K.G. (Direl:tor) Soc: 648, 650, 660,661,665


Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1740,1741, 1746

Speeches by representativesKennesey, Z. Plen: 1746Loftus, P.J. (Director) Plen: 1740, 1741

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Commission on Human Rights: report, ~7th sessionPlen: 1771; Soc: 669, 678-680

Journalists: protection in areas of armed conflict: interna­tional convention (draft) Soc: 678

Slavery: elimination Soc: 679Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 678, 68C


Cttee for Pr ,gramme and Co-ordination: members: elec­tion Plen: 1737

Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1766Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1757Council Cttee on NGOs: members: election Plen: 1737Economic and Social Council:

agenda, 50th session Plen: 1738agenda, 51st session Plen: 1772work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1737,

1761, 1768work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

General Assembly: decisions, 25th session: action by theEconomic and Social Council Plen: 1735

Intergovernmental Cttee of the WFP (UN/FAO): members:election Plen: 1737

Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Conventionon Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSoc: 659


Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd sessionSoc: 661

International Narcotics Control Board: report, 3rd Soc: 666

Speeches by representativesLaurent, M.G. Soc: 661, 666


Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi..nation Plen: 1771; Sac: 680

Capital punishment Soc: 650, 651Commission for Social Development:Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 660, 661, 665, 667, 668Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Plen: 1771; Soc: 669, 675, 678-680Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1758,

1764, 1766Computers: use for development Plen: 1755, 1756, 1763Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1751, 1755, 1757,1760

Developing countries: trained personnel: outflowPlen: 1759, 1763, 1765, 1768


FRANCE (continued)

Economic and Social Council:agenda, 50th session Plen: 1738agenda, 51st session Plen: 1772officers, 1971: electionwork: organization Plen: 1733, 1760work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734,

1736, 1739, 1743, 1745, 1765, 1768, 1772work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

Education: application of new communication techniquesPlen: 176B; Soc: 655, 658

General Assemoly: decisions, 25th session: action by theEconomic and Social Council Plen: 1735

Human rights: periodic reports Soc: 675, 678International Narcotics Control Boara: report, 3rd

Soc: 666Journalists: protection in areas of armed conflict: interna.­

tional convention (draft) Soc: 669, 675, 676Mentally retarded: rights: declaration (draft) Soc: 665

667Nazism: measures against Plen: 1771; Soc: 680Non-governmental organizations: consultative status: appU...

eations Soc: 652, 653Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningPlen: 1769; Soc: 657, 668

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­sions and ratifications Soc: 657, 659, 668

Public administration: role in development Plen: 1749,1750, 1753

Racial discrimination: elimination Plen: 1771; Soc: 680Right of peoples to self-determination: universal realization

Plen: 1771; Soc: 680Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession of Korea (Repub­

lic) Plen: 1742Science and technology: United Nations machinery: revie':1

Plen: 1753,1754,1756,1767,1772Social conditions Soc: 665, 667Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1746,

1747Trade lmion rights: infringements: allegations Plen: 1771;

Soc: 680Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­

ment (proposed) Plen: 1751, 1752, 1760United Nations Development Decade, 2nd: international

strategy: implementation: role of Commission forSocial Development Soc: 667, 668

World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­tions Soc: 656, 658

Speeches by representativesBoivineau, C. Plen: 1769; Soc: 655, 658Gros, L. Plen: 1754..1756, 1760, 1763, 1765, 1768Kosciusco-Morizet, J. Plen: 1759Le D~raison, M. Plen: 1769, 1771; Soc: 650, 651, 656,

658, 666, 667, 678, 680Paolini, J.D. Soc: 652, 653, 657, 659...661, 665, 667,

668, 669, 675, 679Prague, Bo Plen: 1746, 1749-1752, 1755, 1757, 1758,

1760, 1764, 1766, 1768Viaud, M. Plen: 1733..1736, 1738, 1739, 1742, 1743,

1745, 1747, 1753, 1754, 1756, 1763, 1765, 1767,1768, 1772

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GREECE (continued)

Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi­nation Soc: 672

Capital punishment Soc: 650Commission for Social Development:

report, 22nd session Soc: 665work programme, 1971-1975 Soc: 665

Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th sessionSoc: 672

Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1760

Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow Plen: 1763Economic and Social Council:

agenda, 50th session Plen: 1744work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734,

1736, 1739, 1743, 1745, 1768work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

Education: application of new communication techniquesSoc: 654, 655

General Assembly: decisions, 25th session: action by theEconomic and Social Council Plen: 1735

Non-governmental organizations: consultative status: appli­cations Soc: 653

Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningPlen: 1770

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­sions and ratifications Plen: 1770

-Racial discrimination: elimination Soc: 672Regional development: research and training: United Nations

programme Soc: 665Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1753, 1767Trade unions rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 678Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­

ment (proposed) Plen: 1752, 1760

Speeches by representativesAkwei, R.M. Plen: 1734-1736,1739,1743-1745,1747,

1752, 1753, 1767Amissah, J.L.M. Soc: 665Sam, E. Plen: 1760, 1763, 1768Sekyiamah, E.K. Plen: 1770: Soc: 650, 653-655,

672, 678


Capital punishment Soc: 650, 651Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 663, 665, 666Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 675, 678Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1stsession Plen: 1764Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1149, 1755, 1757,1760

Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow:Plen:1760, 1765

Economic and Social Council:agenda, 51st session Plen: 1772work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734,

1736, 1739, 1743, 1761, 1765, 1768, 1772work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

Education: application of new communication techniquesSoc: 655, 658


General Assembly: decisions, 25th session: action by theEconomic and Social Council Plen: 1735

Human rights: periodic reports Soc: 675Journalists: protection in areas of armed conflict: interna­

tional convention (draft) Soc: 675, 678Mentally retarded: rights: declaration (draft) Soc: 665, 667Non-governmental organizations: consultative status: appli-

cations Soc: 653Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Public administration: role in devl;lopment Plen: 1753Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1753, 1754Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1741,

1746Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­

ment (proposed) Plen: 1741, 1751, 1752, 1759, 1760World TouriFlm Organization: co-operation with United Na­

tions .Soc: 656, 658

Speeches by representativesCaranicas, C.P. Plen: 1734-1736, 1739, 1741, 1743,

1746, 1749, 1751... 1755, 1757, 1759-1761, 1764,1765, 1768, 1772; Soc: 658

Daes, E.I.A. Soc: 650, 651, 653, 655~ 656, 658~ 663,665, 666, 675, 678

Stathatos, S.G. Plen: 1747


Capital punishment Plen: 1769Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1749Developing cOlmtries: trained personnel: outflow

Plen: 1759,1763, 1765Economic and Social Council:

officers, 1971: election Plen: 1733work: organization: improveme ~ measures Plen: 1734­

1736, 1743, 1745work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession ofKorea(Repub­

lic) Plen: 1742Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1746

Speeches by representativesAntoine, M.C. Plen: 1733-1736, 1742, 1743, 1745­

1747,1749, 1759, 1763, 1765, 1769


Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi­nation Soc: 675

Capital punishmEmt Soc: 649Commission for Social Development:

report, 22nd iJession Soc: 664, 667work programme, 1971-1975 Soc: 664

Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th sessionSoc: 675, 679, 680

Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1762,1764

Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1751, 1757, 1760

Developing countries: trained personnel: outflowPlen: 1759

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HUNGARY (continued)



Plen: 1754Plen: 1736, 1738Plen: 1740-1743, 1745, 1751, 1752

Economic and Social Council:agenda, 50th session Plen: 1738work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1736,

1743,1745, 1768Education: application of new communication techniques

Sac: 654, 658Non..governmental organizations: consultative status: appli­

cations Soc: 652, 653Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSac: 659

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces...sions and ratifications Soc: 659, 668

Public administration: role in development Plen: 1748Racial discrimination: elimination Soc: 675Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession of Korea (Repub­

lie) Plen: 1742Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1754Social conditions Sac: 664Social development: role of structural change Soc: 664, 667Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1740Transport: development: F:!ited Nations centre: establish-

ment (proposed) Plen: 1741, 1751, 1752United Nations Development Decade, 2nd: international

strategy: implementation: role of Commission forSocial Development Soc: 664, 667

Speeches by 'representativesBudai, G. Soc: 652, 653, 664, 66'7, 6'75, 679, 680Halasz, 1. Soc: 649Nathon, 1. Soc: 654, 658, 659, 668Pataki, J. Plen: 1748, 1757,1759, 1760, 1762, 1764,

1768Selmeci, G.Szarka, K.Tardos, J.


Commission for Social Developmant: report, 22nd sessionSoc: 664

Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1762Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1747Economic and Social CQ1.IDcil: work: organization: improve­

ment measures Plen: 1743Education: application of new communication techniques

Soc: 654India-Pakistan question Plen: 1771; Soc: 669-671, 675,6'77Mentally retarded: rights: declaration (draft) Soc: 664Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSoc: 657, 659

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­sions and ratifications Soc: 657

Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­ment (proposed) Plen: 174.1, 1751

World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­tions Soc: 656, 658, 659

Speeches by representativesAbhyankar, A.N. Soc: 654Gupta, R. Plen: 1741, 1751, 1762; Soc: 656, 658, 659Jain, N.P. Plen: 1743, 1747; Soc: 656,657, 659, 664,

671Sen, S. Plen: 1771; Soc: 669, 670, 675, 677


Capital punishmentCartography: international co-operation Plen: 1762Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd eession

Soc: 662Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Sac: 672, 676, 680Economic and Social Council:

officers, 1971: election Plen: 1733work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734­

1737,1765,1772work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1754Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 680World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­

tions Soc: 658

Speeches by representativesMaramis, J.B.P. Plen: 1733-1737, 1765, 1772Prodjolalito, K. Soc: 658, 676, 680Sasradipura, A. Soc: 651, 662Sumantera, N.K. Plen: 1747, 1754, 1762


Transport: developffio3nt: United Nations centre: establish­ment (proposed) Plen: 1752

Speeches by representativesFranco-Holguin, E. Plen: 1752


Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­ment (proposed) Plen: 1759, 1760

Speeches by representativesGamacchio, G. PIen: 1759


Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd sessionSoc: 661

Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 671

Speeches by representatives'von Roemer, B. Soc: 661, 671


Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 678World Tourism Organization: co..operation with United Na­

tions Soc: 658

Speeches by repre$~;mtatives

Teferra, M. Soc: 658von Stedingk, C.M. Soc: 678

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International Narcotics Control Board: report, 3rd Sac: 666


Middle East situation Sac: 673

Speeches b}' representativesRaouf, A. Sac: 673


IVliddle East situation Boc: 670, 671, 673

Speech(?s by represerztativASBarmore, J. Soc: 670, 671, 673


Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi­nation Soc: 680

Capital punishment Soc: 648, 649, 651Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 661, 665, 667, 668'Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 678-680Computers: use for development Plen: 1763Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation P1en: 1757Economic and Social Council:

officers, 1971: election Plen: 1733work: organization: improvement measures P1en: 1736,

1739, 1745, 1761, 1768work programme, 1971 P1en: 1735

Education: application of new communication teclmiquesSoc: 654

International Narcotics Contrcl Board: report, 3rd Soc: 666Non~governmental organizations: consultative status: appli-

cations Soc: 652, 653Palestine refugees: assistance P1en: 1747Racial discrimination: elimination Soc: 680Right of peoples to self-determination: universal realiza..

tion Soc: 678Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1756Social conditions Soc: 665Social development: role of structural change Soc: 665Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 680United Nations Development Decade, 2nd: international

strategy: implementation: role of Commission forSocial Development Soc: 665, 667, 668

World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na··Hons Soc: 656, 658

Speeches by representativesCao-Pinna, M.A. Soc: 661, 665..668, 672, 678..680Franzi, M. Plen: 1733, 1735Quaroni, A. P1en: 1736, 1739, 1745, 1747, 1756,

1757,1763,1768Sco1amiero, G. Soc: 652... 654, 656, 658Vinci, P. Plen: 1761; Soc: 648, 649, 651



Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi",ntltion Soc: 680

Capital punishment Soc: 651Commission for Social Development:

report, 22nd session Soc: 664, 667work programme, 1971-1975 Sac: 664

Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th sessionSoc: 678, 680

Computers: use for development P1en: 1753, 1763Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow

P1en: 1759.Journa1i.sts: protection in areas of armed conflict: interna~

tiona1 convention (draft) Soc: 678Nazism: measures against Soc: 678Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Public administration: role in development Ple.n: 1749Racial discrimination: elimination Soc: 680Sctence and ·-techno10gy: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1753Social conditions Soc: 664, 667Statistical Commission: report, 16th session P1en: 1740Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 680World Tourism Organization: co~.operationwith United Na-

tions Soc: 656

Speeches by representativesAnderson, H.D. Soc: 651, 664, 667, 678, 680Marsh, P.V. Plen: 1740, 1747, 1749, 1753, 1759,

1763; Soc: 656


Cttee on Natural nesources: report, 1st session Plen: 1758,1762

Economic and Social Council: work: organization: improve..ment measures Plen: 1761

Speeches by representativesOgiso, M. P1en: 1758, 1761, 1762


Capital punishment Soc: 651Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 678, 680Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1758,

1764,1766Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow

Plen: 1760, 1765Economic and Social Council:

work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1735,1736,1743

work programme, 1971 P1en: 1735Education: application of new communication techniques

Soc: 658Journalists: protection in areas of armed conflict: interna··

tiona1 convention (draft) Soc: 678Middle East situation Soc: 673Non-governmental organizations: consultative status: appli..

cations Soc: 652, 653Public administration: role in development P1en: 1748,

1750, 1753Science and tect"1010gy: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1753, 1754, 1767

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KENYA (continued)



statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1746Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 679Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish-

ment (proposed) Plen: 1752, 1760World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­

tions Soc: 656, 658

Speeches by representativesKaniaru, D.W. Soc: 678-680Kiti, J .G. Soc: 651-653, 656, 658, 673Ndungu, P.J. Plen: 1735, 1746, 1750, 1753, 1764Odel'o-Jowi, J. Plen: 1735, 1736, 1743, 1748, 1752,

1754, 1758, 1760, 1765-1767


Capital punishment Soc: 650, 651Cartography: international co-operation Plen: 1762Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Plen: 1770Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Plen: 1771; Soc: 678, 680Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1764Computers: use for development Plen: 1755Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow

Plen: 1763, 1765, 1767, 1768Ecollomic and Social Council:

officers, 1971: election Plen: 1733work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734,

1736, 1745, 1768Education: application of new communication techniques

Soc: 658Middle East situation Soc: 671, 673Nazism: measures aga.inst Soc: 678Non-governmental organizations: consultative status: appli­

cations Soc: 652, 653Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Conven~ion

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSoc: 659

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­sions and ratifications Soc: 659

Public administration: role in development Plen: 1748Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1754Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 680

Speeches by representativesGhorra, E. Plen: 1733, 1734,1736, 1745-1747,1763­

1765,1767,1768Mahmassani, Y. Plen: 1770, 1771; Soc: 650-653,658,

659, 671, 673, 680Mobarak, S. Plen: 1748, 1754, 1755, 1762


Middle East situation Soc: 671

Speeches by representativesLayas, M. Soc: 671


Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi­nation Soc: 680

Capital punishment Soc: 651Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 680Cttee on Natural Resc,urces: report, 1st session Plen: 1758Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow

Plen: 1760Economic and Social Council: work: organization: improve­

ment measures Plen: 1736, 1745, 1768Racial discrimination: elimination Soc: 680Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1756Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1746Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­

ment (proposed) Plen: 1752UNDP: Governing Council: members: election Plen: 1770World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­

tions Soc: 656

Speeches by representativesRabetafika, G. Plen: 1736, 1745, 1746, 1752, 1756,

1758, 1760, 1768, 1770Rakotosihanaka, M. Soc: 651, 656, 680


Cartography: international co.... operation Plen: 1762Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 678Economic and Social Council: work: organization: improve­

ment measures Plen: 1734Human rights: periodic repc~·ts Soc: 678Non-governmental organizations: consultative status: appli­

cations Soc: 653Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSoc: 657, 659

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­sions and ratifications Soc: 657

Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession of Korea (Repub-lic) Plen: 1742

Science and technology: United Nations machinery: reviewPlen: 1753

Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 680World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­

tions Soc: 658

Speeches by representativesAriff, Y. Plen: 1734,1742; Soc: 653, 657-659, 678, 680Taib, M.H. bin Plen: 1747, 1753, 1762


Africa, Sotithern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi-nation Soc: 678, 680

Capital punishment Soc: 649Cartography: international co-operation Plen: 1762Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 662Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 676, 678, 680

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NEW ZEALAND (continued)


NORWAY (continued)

Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1762,1764, 1766

Computers: use for development Plen: 1755, 1'763Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1755Economic and Social Council:

agenda, 50th session Plen: 1738agenda, 51st session Plen: 1772work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734,

1739, 1743, 1745, 1765, 1768, 1772work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

International Narcotics Control Board: report, 3rd Soc: 668Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSoc: 657, 659

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces-sions and ratifications Soc: 657, 668

Public administration: role in development Plen: 1749, 1753Racial discrimination: elimination Soc: 678, 680Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession ofKorea(Repub~

lic) Plen: 1742Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1756Statistica~ Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1741Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 679,680Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish-

ment (proposed) Plen: 1751World Tourism Organization: cOr~operationwith United Na~

tions Soc: 656, 658

Speeches by representativesBennet, P.W. Soc: 656, 658Gates, R.J. Plen: 1741, 1745, 1749, 1753,1755~ 1762,

1764, 1766Scott, J.V. Plen: 1734, 1735, 1738, 1739, 1742, 1743,

1747, 1751, 175'3, 1762,1763,1765,1768,1772;Soc: 649, 676, 680

Williams, P.J. Soc: 657. 659. 662, 668, 678-680


Capital punishment Soc: 651

Speeches by representativesAmina, J. Soc: 651


, Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi­nation Soc: 680

Capital punishment Soc: 650Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 663, 665, 667Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 680Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1766Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1747, 1749, 1755,1757

Economic and Social Council:agenda, 50th session Plen: 1744officers, 1971: election Plen: 1733work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734,

1736, 1739, 1743, 1768


Indigenous populations: discrimination: eliminationSoc: 680

Non-governmental organizations: consultative status: appliM

cations Soc: 653Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Racial discrimination: elimination Soc: 680Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1756Social conditions Soc: 665, 667Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 680Transport: development: United Nations centre: establis-

ment (proposed) Plen: 1752, 1760

Speeches by representativesArvesen, J. Plen: 1756; Soc: 650D~rum,. O. Plen: 1766Hambro, E. Plen: 1768Hedemann, K. Plen: 1733-1 r736, 1739, 1743, 1744,

1747,1749,1752,1755,1757,171)0R8fshal, S. Soc: 653, 665, 667Utheim. B. Soc: 680


Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1755

Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­ment (proposed) Plen: 1751

Speeches by representativesSaddler, S.F. Plen: 1751, 1755


Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­sions and ratifications Soc: 657, 659, 668

Speeches by representativesWattles, G.W. Soc: 657, 659, 668


Capital punishffio:mt Soc: 650Cartography: international co-operation Plen: 1762Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 664, 665, 667Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 678-680Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1762,

1766Computers: use for development Plen: 1753Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1748, 1751Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow

Plen: 1759, 1763Economic and Social Council:

agenda, 51st session Plen: 1772officers, 1971: election Plen: 1733work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1735,

1736,1745, 1768work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

Education: application of new communication techniquesSoc: 655, 656

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PAKISTAN (continued)


ROMANIA (continued)

India-Pakistan question Plen: 1771; Soc: 669..671, 675,677Journalists: protection in areas of armed conflict: interna­

tional convention (draft) Soc: 678Non-governmental organizations: consultative stat'Js: appli-

cations Soc: 652, 653 'Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Public administration: role in development Plen: 1749,

1750, 1753Science and technology: United Nations machinery; r&view

Plen: 1752, 1756Social conditions Soc: 664, 665, 667Social development: role of structural change Soc: 665Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1741,

1744, 1746Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 679Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­

ment (proposed) Plen: 1752United Nations Development Decade, 2nd: international

strategy: implementation: role of Commission forSocial Development Soc: 665, 667

Vital statistics: standardization Plen: 1'744World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­

tions Soc: 656

Speeches by representativesAkram, M. Plen: 1735,1736, 1745, 1747, 1748,1751,

1762, 1768, 1772; Soc: 652, 653, 656, 664, 665,667-679

Farooq, M. Plen: 1741, 1744, 1746, 1749, 1750, 1753,1759,1763,1766; Soc: 680

Karim, S.A. Plen: 1733Mehdi, H. Soc: 655Shahi, A. Plen: 1745,1752,1756,1768, 1771;Soc: 669­

671, 675, 677


Capital punishment Plen: 1769; Soc: 651Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 667Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow

Plen: 1763Economic and Social Council: work: organization: improve­

ment measures Plen: 1735Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSoc: 668

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­sions and ratifications S00: 668

Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession ofKarea(Repub­lic) Plen: 1742

Social conditions Soc: 667

Speeches by representativesDammert, Plen: 1769; Soc: 668Rivero, O. de Plen: 1763; Soc: 667Soto, A. de Plen: 1742, 1747; Soc: 651Torres, J. Plen: 1735


Computers: use for development Plen: 1755


Speeches by representativesDiaconescu, G. Plen: 1755


Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi­nation Soc: 680

Capital punishment Soc: 649, 651Commission fOl~ Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 660Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 672, 678-680Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1766Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1760Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow

Plen: 1763, 1765Economic and Social Council:

agenda, 50th session Plen: 1738agenda, 51st session Plen: 1772officers, 1971: election Plen: 1733work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734,

1736, 1738, 1743, 1745, 1768, 1772Education: application of new communication techniques

Soc: 655, 658Journalists: protection in areas of armed conflict: interna­

tional convention (draft) Soc: 678Middle East situ~.tion Soc: 672, 673Non-governmental organizations: consultative status: appli-

cations Soc: 652, 653Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Public administration: role in development Plen: 1753Racial discrimination: elimination Soc: 680Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession of Korea (Repub­

lic) Plen: 1742Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1767Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1746Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 679,680Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish-

ment (proposed) Plen: 1751World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­

tions Soc: 658

Speeches by representativesEl Sheikh, O. Soc: 649, 651-653, 655, 660, 672, 673,

678-680Fakhreddine, M. Plen: 1733Khalid, M. Plen: 1745Osman, S~M. Plen: 1734, 1736, 1738, 1742, 1743,

1745-1747, 1751, 1753, 1760, 1763, 1765-1768,1772; Soc: 658


Education: application of new communication teclmiquesSoc: 655, 658


International Narcotios Control Board: report, 3rd Soc: 666World Tourism O:J:ganization: co..operation with United Na­

tions Soc: 658

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Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi­nation Sac: 675

Capital punishment Sac: 648Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Plen: 1771; Sac: 665, 667Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Sac: 673, 675Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1762,

1764, 1766Conference on Internatif'nal Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1751, 1755Economic and Social Council:

work: organization: improvement measm'es Plen: 1734,1745

work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735Education: application of new communicatioI! techniques

Sac: 654, 655International Narcotics Control Board: report, 3rd

Sac: 666, 668Middle East situation Sac: 673Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSac: 668

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces-sions and ratifications Sac: 668

Public administration: role in development Plen: 1750, 1753Racial discrimination: elimination Sac: 675Science and technology: United Nations machine~:'y: review. Plen: 1756Social conditions Plen: 1771; Sac: 667Statistical Commission: report, 16th session 'Plen: 1746Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Sac: 680

SpeBches by representativesAyoub, H. Plen: 1734, 1735,1745-1747,1750, 1753,

1755, 1756, 1762, 1764, 1766; Sac: 654, 655Belkhiria, K. Sac: 648, 675, 680Chtioui, A. Sac: 673Fourati, M. Plen: 1771; Sac: 665-668


International Narcotics Control Board: report, 3rdPlen: 1769

Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Conventionon Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSac: 659

Psychotropic sUbstances: control: Convention, 1971: acces...sions and ratifications Sac: 659

Speeche~ by representativesBay Ulken, U.H. Sac: 659Eren, N. Plen: 1769


Economic and Social Council: work: organization: improve­ment measures Plen: 1743

General Assembly: decisions, 25th sessi-on: action by theEconomic and Social Council Plen: 1735

Science and technology: United Nations machinery: reviewPlen: 1767


Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi...nation Plen: 1771; Sac: 672, 678

Capital punishment Sac: 650, 651Commission for Social Development:

report, 22nd session Sac: 661, 665, 667work programme, 1971...1975 Plen: 1771

Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th sessionPlen: 1771; Sac: 673, 678... 680

Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1758,1762, 1764, 1766

Computers: use for development Plen: 1755, 1763Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1747, 1751, 1755,1757,1760

Crime: prevention: international co...operation Plen: 1771;Sac: 667

Developing countries: trained personnel: outflowPlen: 1:756, 1763, 1765, 1768

Economic and Social Council:agenda, 50th session Plen: 1738agenda, 51st session Plen: 1772work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734,

1736,1739, 1743, 1745, 1765, 1768, 1772work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

Education: application of new communication tech.niquesPlen: 1769; Sac: 654, 656, 658

General Assembly: decisions, 25th session: action by theEconomic and Social Council Plen: 1735

Human rights: periodic reports Sac: 678Indigenous populations: discrimination: elimination

Plen: 1771Inter-governmental organizations: co-operation with the

Economic and Social Council Plen: 1769Journalists: protection in areas of armed conflict: interna-

tional convention (draft) Plen: 1771; Sac: 678Mentally retarded: rights: declaration (draft) Sac: 667Middle Ea.st situation Sac: 670, 671, 673Non...governmental organizations: consultative status: appli..

cations Plen: 1769; Sac: 652, 653Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747P1I3nipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningPlen: 1769; Sac: 659, 668

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­sions and ratifications Plen: 1769; Sac: 659

Public administration: role in development Plen: 1748,1750, 1753

Racial discrimination: elimination Plen: 1771; Sac: 672, 678Regional development: research and training: United Nations

Programme Sac: 667Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession of Korea (Repub-­

lic) Plen: 1742Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1752,1767Slavery: elimination Sac: 679Social conditions Plen: 1771; Sac: 665, 667Social development: role of structural change Plen: 1771;

Sac: 665, 667Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1740,

1741, 1744, 1746, 1747Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Sac: 676, 680Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish..

ment (proposed) Plen: 1741, 1751, 1759Vital statistics: standardization Plen: 1744World Tourism Organization: co",op8ration with United Na­

tions Sac: 656, 658

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Speeches by representativesFilimonov, N.r. Plen: 1744, 1756, 1768Lissov, G.P. Plen: 1734-1736, 1740, 1741, 1743,

1745-1753, 1755, 1757-1760, 1762-1768, 1772Rybakov, Y.M. Plen: 1771; Soc: 650,661, 665,667,

678-680 'Smirnov, G.A. Plen: 1769; Soc: 654, 656, 658Tarassov, M.K. Soc: 670, 671, 673Yevdokeyev, N.r. Plen: 1769; Soc: 651-653, 659,

668, 676Zakharov, A.V. Plen: 1739, 1742, 1747

UNITED KINGDOM (continued)

Speeches by representativesAllen, M.E. P1en: 1735McCarthy, D.Jo Plen: 1740,1744,1745,1747,1749-

1751,1753,1755,1757,1760,1764 1768Milton, D.F. Plen: 1766 'Reid, H.B. Soc: 655Solesby, T.A.H. Plen: 177~; Soc: 649, 652, 653, 656­

658, 662, 666, 667, 673, 678-680



Middle East situation Soc: 670

Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1758

Speeches by representativesGeoghegan, M.H. P1en: 1758

Speeches by reprr.;j .- "'divesMoussa, A.M. Se,' 670 UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC ANDCUL­



Education: application of new communication techniquesSoc: 653

Palestine refugees: assistance P1en: 1747

Speeches by representativesBehrstock, J. Soc: 653Varchaver, A. Plen: 1747

Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi­nation Plen: 1771; Soc: 680

Capital punishment P1en: 1769; Soc: 649Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Soc: 660, 661, 663, 667, 668Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Plen: 1771; Soc: 673, 678-680Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session P1en: 1758,

1762, 1764, 1766Computers: use for development Plen: 1755Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: preparation Plen: 1747, 1755, 1757,1760

Developing countries: trained per-sonnel: outflowP1en: 1759, 1765, 1768

Economic and Social Council:agenda, 50th session P1en: 1738work: organization: improvement measures P1en: 1734,

1736, 1739, 1743, 1745, 1765, 1768, 1772Education: appLcation of new communication techniques

Soc: 654General Assembly: decisions, 25th session: action by the

Economic and Social Council Plen: 1735India-Pakistan question Soc: 670


personnel: outflowtrained

Speeches by representativesSza1ai, A. P1en: 1756

Developing countries:P1en: 1756


Capital punishment Soc: 649Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Plen: 1771; Soc: 662, 667Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 673, 678, 679Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1764

1766 'Conference on International Container Traffic (UN/IMCO),

Geneva 1972: pl'l~paratioI1 Plen: 1747, 1749, 1751,1755, 1757, ri'60

Economic and Social CO',mcil:work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1745,

1768work programme, 1971 Plen: 1735

Edu~ation: application of new communication techniquesSoc: 655, 658

Human rights: periodic reports Soc: 673, 078International Narcotics Control Board: report, 3rd Soc: 666Journalists: protection in areas of armed conflict: interna-

tional convention (draft) Soc: 678Mentally retarded: rights: declaration (draft) Soc: 667Nazism: measures against Soc: 678Non-governmental organizations: consultativt:J status: appli­

cations Soc: 652, 653Palestine refugees: assistance P1en: 1747Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­

sions and ratifications Soc: 657Public administration: role in development Plen: 1750, 1753Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Pien: 1753Slavery: elimination Soc: 679Social conditions P1en: 1771; Soc: 667Social development: role of structural change P1en: 1771;

Soc: 667Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1740,

1744Trade union ri.ghts: infringements: allegations Soc: 680Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­

ment (proposed) Plen: 1760United Nations Development Decade, 2nd: international

strategy: implementation: role of Commission forSocial Development Soc: 667

World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­tions Soc: 656


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international Narcotics Control Board: l'eport, 3rdSoc: 666, 668

Middle East situation Soc: 673Nazism: measures against Plen: 1771; Soc: 678Non-governmental organizations: consultative status: appli-

cations Soc: 652, 653Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSoc: 657, 659, 668

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces-sions l.Uld ratifications Soc: 657

Public administration: role in development Plen: 175C, 1753Racial discrimination: elimination Plen: 1771; Soc: 680Right of peoples to self-determination: universal realization

Plen: 1771; Soc: 680Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession of Korea (Repub­

lic) Plen: 1742Science and technology: United Nations machinery: review

Plen: 1754, 1767, 1772Social conditions Soc: 667Sodal development: role of stl'uctural change Soc: 667Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1746Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Plen: 1771;

Soc: 678, 680Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­

ment (proposed) Plen: 1741, 1751, 1752, 1757, 1760United Nations Development Decade, 2nd: international

strategy: implementation: role of Commission forSocial Development Soc: 667, 668

World Tourism Organization: co-operation with United Na­tions Soc: 656, 658

Speeches by rep1'esentativesBush, G.H. Plen: 1739,1747,1765; Soc: 652,657,661DUlUl, P.T. Plen: 1759,1762,1764, 1765Finger, S.M. Plen: 1742, 1743, 1752, 1759, 1760,

1768, 1772Hauser, R.E. Soc: 670, 673, 678Kitchen, R.W. Plen: 1745, 1754, 1767, 1768Koehring, J.W. Plen: 1755, 1757, 1768La Porta, A.F. Plen: 1755, 1758Lennon, H.K. Plen: 1741, 1746, 1750, 1751, 1753,

1766Olds, G.A. Plen: 1734-1736Picker, J. Soc: 660, 663Rose, J.A. Soc: 654, 656, 658Stillman, A.M. Plen: 1769, 1771; Soc: 649, 652, 653,

6591 666-668, 679, 680Webb, R.A. Plen: 1747


Capital punishment Soc: 648Commission on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 674, 680Developing countries: trained persomwl: outflow

Plen: 1756, 1763Economic and Social Council:

officers, 1971: election Plen: 1733work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734

Indigenous populations: discrihlination: eliminationSoc: 680

Palestine refugees: assistanel" Plen: 1747Slavery: elimination SC~: 680


URUGUAY (continued)

Speeches by representativesDubr~ G. Soc: 680Fajardo, A.D. Plen: 1734Giambruno, C. Soc: 674Legnani, A. Plen: 1733, 1747, 1756, 1763; Soc: 648


Africa: Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi­nation Soc: 672

Commission for Social Development: report, 22nd sessionSoc: 661

Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Scc: 672

Speeches by representativesBarton,..B.A. Soc: 661, 6'72


Compute:rs: use for development Plen: 1755

Speeches by representativesHarben, R. Plen: 1755


Africa, Southern: racial discrimination and apartheid: elimi­nation Soc: 674

Capital punishment Soc: 648Commisshn for Social Development: report, 22nd session

Plen: 1771; Soc: 660, 662, 664, 665, 667, 668Commjssion on Human Rights: report, 27th session

Soc: 674, 679, 680Cttee on Natural Resources: report, 1st session Plen: 1762,

1766Developing countries: trained personnel: outflow

Plen: 1759Economic and Social Council:

agenda, 50th session Plen: 1738officers, 1971: election Plen: 1733work: organization Plen: 1760work: organization: improvement measures Plen: 1734­

1736, 1739, 1745work programme, 1~71 Plen: 1735

Education: appUcation of new communtcation techniquesSoc: 655

Indigenous populations: discrimination: eliminationSoc: 680

International Narcotics Control Board: report, 3rdSoc: 666, 668

Non-governmental organizations: consultativE' status: appli­cations Soc: 653

Palestine refugees: assistance Plen: 1747Plenipotentiary Conference to Amend the Single Convention

on Narcotic Drugs (1961), Geneva 1972: conveningSoc: 659, ~68

Psychotropic substances: control: Convention, 1971: acces­sions and ratifications Soc: 659, 668

Public administration: role in development Plen: 1748,1750, 1753

Racial discrimination: elimination Soc: 674Roads: traffic: Convention, 1949: accession of Korea (Repub­

lic) Plen: 1742

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YUGOSLAVIA (continued)


YUGOSLAVIA (continued)

Science and teclmology: United Nations machinery: reviewPlen: 1754, 1772

Slavery: elimination So~: 680Social conditions Plen: 1771; Soc: 664, 665, 667Statistical Commission: report, 16th session Plen: 1740,

1741, 1746Trade union rights: infringements: allegations Soc: 679, 680Transport: development: United Nations centre: establish­

ment (propossd) Plen: 1741United Nations Development Decade, 2nd: international

strategy: implementation: role of Commission forSocial Development Soc: 664, 667, 668


World Tourism Organization: co-o.peration with United Na­tiO:lS Soc: 656, 658

Speeches by representativesCalovski, N. Plen: 1735, 1771; Soc: 648, 653, 655,

656, 660, 664-668, 674, 679, 680, 689Komatina, M. Plen: 1733Mojsov, L. Plen: 1739, 1748; Soc: 662Orci~, S. Plen: 1734, 1736, 1741,1742,1747, 1753,

1759; Soc: 656, 658Skataretiko, A. Plen: 1738, 1740, 1741, 1745, 1746,

1750, 1754, 1760, 1762, 1766, 1772

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Nllll1erical List of DOCllmentsNO TE; Information as to the republication of mimeographed documents in theprinted fascicles of Annexes to the Official Records was not available at thetime of publication of this Index to Proceedings.


General Series

El1 4779/ Add.247984800 (& Corr.1, Russian only) (ST/ECA/136) (Sales no.:

E.71.II.A.1)4820 & Corr.1, Add.1 & Add.1/Corr.1, & Summary4861 (& Corr.!. English only: Corr.2, French only)4934 & Add.1-34935 (51 st session)4936 ,ST/ECA/137) I,Sales no.: E.71.XVI.2) (49th session)49374938 ,E/CN.3/417) (ESCOR, 50th session, suppl. no.2)4939 (49th session)4940 ,51st session)4941 (51st session)4942 (51st sess~on)

4943 & Add.1 .4944 & Add.14945 . .,~946

494', (& Corr.1, English only)4948 & Corr.14949 &Add.1 (E/CN.4/1068 &Add.1) (ESCOR, 50th session,

supple no.4) & Summary4950 & Add.14951, 4952 (51st session)49534954 (51st session)4955, 49564957 (51st session)4958, 49594960 ,51st session)49614962 ,51st session)49634964 (& Corr .1, Russian only), Add.1-44965.49664967 (51st session)4968 & Add.14969 (E/C.7/13) (ESCOR, 50th session, suppl. no.6)4970 (51st session)4971 & Add.14972 (& Corr.1, Spanish only)4973-4982 (51st session)4983 (51st session)4984 & Add.1 (E/CN.5/473 & Add.1)(ESCOR, 50th session,

suppl. no.3) & Summary49854986 & Add.1-949874988 (5b.: session)4989 (E/AC .51/51) (ESCOR, 50th session, suppl. no.5)


General Series (continued)

E'4990-4992 (51st session)4993 (& Corr.1, English only)4994 (51st session)49954996, 4997 (51st session)49984999-5007 (51st session)50085009-5020 (51st session)50215022 (51st session)50235024 (51st session)5025, 50265027, 5028 (51st session)50295030 (51st session)5031, 50325033-5043 (51st session)5044 (ESCOR, 50th session, suppl. no.1)

Information Series

E/INF/111-113114 & Add.1, 2

Limited Series

E/L.13591360-1364 (49th session)13651366 & Add.11367 (& Corr.1, English only), Corr.21368-13721373 (& Corr .1, French only)13741375 (& Corr.1, English only)1376-13781379 & Rev.1, Rev.1/Add.l1380-13881389 & Rev.113901391 & Rev.1, Rev.1/Add.1, Rev.21392 & Rev.11393 & Rev.l1394-14021403, 1404 (51st session)

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Pie nary (continued)

Limited Series (continued)

E/L.1405, 14061407 & Add.l1408 & Rev.l1409, 14101411 & Add.11412 & Rev.l1413-14181419 (51st session)1420 & Add.l1421 & Rev.11422, 1423



Summary Records


Conference Room Pape~ (fOr' participants only)


Soda I Corn mittee

Limited Series

E/AC.7/L.578, 579580 & Rev.l581, 582583 & Rev.l584 & Add.l, Rev.1


Soda I Co mmittee (continued)

Limited Series (continued)

E/AC.7 /L.585 & Rev.l (Rev.l/Corr.l, Russian only)586, 587588 & Rev.l589-595596 & Rev.l597-602

Summary Records


Council Committee on Non-governmental


General Series

E/C.2/722, 723

Conference Room Papers

E/C.2/CRP.l, 2

Restricted Series

E/C.2/R.41 & Add.l ..442


E/CN.4/Suh.2/296E/CN.5/456 & Add.1-16E/INCB/9-11


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Supplements to Official Records

No.1 Resolutions [and decisionsl. (E/5044) (Not issued~ time of publication of this Index).

No.2 Statistical Commission. Report on the 16th session,5-15 Oct 1970. Jan 1971. v, 52 p. (E/4938) (E/CN.3/-i1'7). Photo-offset. $U.S. 1.50 (or equivalent inother currencies).

No.3 Commission for Social Development. Report on the22nd session, 1-22 Mar 1971. Apr 1971. v, 83 p.(E/4984) (E/CN.5/473). Photo-offset. $U.S. 3.00(or equivalent in other curreneies).


No.4 Commission on Human Rights. Report on the27th session, 22 Feb - 26 Mar 1971. Apr 1971.viii, 126 p. (E/4949) (E/CNA/1068). Photo-offset.$U.S. 3.00 (or equivalpnt in other currencies).

No.5 Committee for Programme and Co-ordination. Re­port on its 8th session, 22 Mar - 8 Apr 1971.Apr 1971. Hi, 38 p. (E/4989) (E/AC.51/51).Photo-offset. $U.S. 1.50 (or equivalent in othercurrencies).

No.6 Committee on Natural Resources. Report on the1st session, 22 Feb - 10 Mar 1971. Apr 1971. iv,65 p. (Ei4969) (Eic.7/13). Photo-offset. $U.S. 1.50(or eq:livalent in other currencies).