Vol I Deilnltlnn of a Baby A tiny fonthfr from tho win of Ictp drjippod into tho saorod lap of mothorhood Tho following is n selection from some of tho best definitions submit tod The bncholors horror tho moth ¬ ers treasuro and tho dopotia ty rant of the most republican house- hold A human flowor untouched by th finger of care Tho morning cnllpr noonday ornwlor midnight brawler Tho magic spell by whloh tin gods transform n house into a home A miniature Atlas that bears the ra n nln wr 1 r n f ttr at I riu l irtva nt A m cares on its little shoulders tff Fathers rival in a mothers love A stranger with unspeakable cheek that enters a house without a stitch to its back and is received with open arms by everyone The sapling of the tree from whieh will be built the bulwarks of our na ¬ tions future greatness A bursting bud on tho troo of life The only precious possession that never excites envy A bold assorter of tho rights of free speech Tho human screech owl whope warbling sounds are demoniacal to some seraphic to many and ap pealing to all Tho best developer of tho mosl bpautiful part of a womans nature unselfishness A tiny useless mortal but without which tho world would soon be at a standstill The member of the family that always crius when wanted tp sleep that alwavs sleerjs when wantd to- - keop awako and invariably sulks Whon wantod to show off Tho latest edition of humanity of which every couple think they possess the Finest copy A native of all countries who Bpoaks the language of none An invention for keeping people awake at night A mit pf a thing that requires a mighty lpt of attoution A diminutive ppecimen of perveroe humanity that could soarcoly be endured if ho belonged to someone else but boing our own is a never failing treasury of delight A man or woman making a start in lifo Tho unconscious mediator be tween father and mother and the focus of their hearts A daylight charmer and mid night alarmor A little fellow who comes to visit you brings no wardrobe does not pay for his board never sp alts a word tikes no notice of anjthing and wants moro waiting on than all the rest put together but in gene- rally welcomed by all Its a sweet and tiny treasure A torment and a tease Its an autocrat an anarchist Two awful things to please Its a rest and peace disturber With little laughing ways Its a wailing human night alarm And terror of your days About twenty two inohos of coo and wriggle writho and scream filled with suction and testing ap- paratus for milk and automatio alarm to rogulato supply A troublesome compendium of great possibilities A quaint little craft callod Inno- cence ¬ laden witn simplicity and love A weo little speoimon of humanity whose winsomo smile makes a good man think of the angels Tho sumbeam in tho houso that drivoa dull earn away INDEPENDE COPYRIGHT APPLIED FOR HONOLULU II I WEDNESDAY JULY 17 3895 A curious bud of uncortain bios ora A thing everybody thinks there is a great deal too much fuss about unless it is their own A thing wo are expected to kiss and look as if we enjoyed it Tho one thing needful to mako a homo happy Thero is only ono perfect speci men of a baby in existonco and very mother is the happy possessor if itr- - Tlio smartest little craft afloat in homes delightful bay A mite of humanity that will cry no harder if a pin is stuck into him ihnn he will if tho cat wont let him pull her tail A crying evil you only aggravate by putting down A baby in a tiny drop in tho vast ocean of human life capnblo of im ¬ mense possibilities and surrounded by great mysteries A little stranger with a free pass to tho hearts best affections Tho most oxtensivo employer of female labor The pulp from which tho loaves of lifes bookaro mado A padlock on tho chain of lovo A soft bundle of love and trouble which wo cannot do without A necessity in order to keep up tho supply of Tit Bits readers of the future A rose with all its sweetest loaves yet folded Tho sweet ost thing God isvor mado and forgot to give wings to That which increases the mothers toil decreases tho fathers cash and nerves as an alarm clock to tho neigh- bors ¬ A pleasure to ypja nuisance to I a every other body and a nocossity to tho world An inhabitant of Lapland A king who though his sinews are only velvet rules with a rod of iron making strong nion quail be- fore ¬ hi in and womon to auswer and attend to every call A key that opos tho hearts of all ulases rich or poor iu all countries That whieh makes home happier loVHhtruntfer patience gn ator hands busier nights longer days shorter purees lighter ololhe shabbier the past forgottou the future brighter Tho Prince of Wails Tho delightful tyrant who rules the home tho mothers darling and fathers pride the cause of a thou ¬ sand innocent joys and tho bloat pledgo of matrimonial felicity Tit lilts m Ladies Sailor Hats at 25 SS- - 45 6uV 75o and 1 at L 13 Kens A large assortment to seh ct from The very best value to bo had bans houci The most lovely spot on Oahu is Sans Souui This favorito seaside resort which has beeu immortalized by the pen of Robert L Stevenson who resided there for months is only four milos from Honolulu and within easy reach of tho tramcars The surroundings and bathing at this famous resort aro superior to anything found in tho Hawaiian I lands Cottages and board can bo obtained on easy torms The Uhlo set by the mauagor is better tuau any offered hero at othor ho- tels ¬ For picnics bathing partus and outings tho best accommodation can bo secured by giving notice to tho manager Metropolitan Meat Co 81 KINQ STREET G J Waller - - Manaoeb Wholosalo and Retail AND Navy Contractors Oceanic Steamship Co Australian Jail Ssrvico Fur San Francisco Tho Now ami Fine Al RtcO Steamship MAKIPOSA 0 th Orcanlo 8 cnmlii Pompiny wilt lo ilui at Honolulu from Sydney and Ulckla 1 on or ubjut July SBtli And lll lnvo for the abov trt with Mails and rasengM on or about thai Into 4 For Sydney Auckland Tho Now and Pino Al Stufl Steamship U VLAIUEDA Of th Oceania 8t nrn1ilp Company will bo duo nt Honolulu from Bin Ftnuclsco on or about --ATJlgiJlSt 1 St And w 111 hnvo prompt riWpitch 1th Malls and Fas ang rs for iuh abuvo port Tho undersigned nro now prepared to issue Tnrougn Tickets to AH Points Id tho United Sthibs w- - For fu tho- - p rliulars regarding Freight mid PtiHvavo apply to Win G IRWIN CO Ld Q ntr 1 Agns Oceanic Steamship Co- - TIME TABLE Local Haines S S AUSTRALIA rr vn Honolulu - -- Leavo Honolulu uom a tor b jf July 15 July 20 Aug 0 Auk 4 Sop a fc eit 7 r cpt 30 Out 2 0t 2 Ot n Nov 15 Nov 20 Through Lines From San Krancsco lor bjdnoy flrme Ilunohiht Monowa July I San co J nn 27 Aiu 1 I Jul V8 M ri ou Auv 2 j An 2J t ojit VO It Oct 24 Ma I Oi dt 17 OAHU RAILWAY LIND COS TABLB and B TRAINS Leave Honolulu Leavo Pearl City Leave Kwa Mill Wnlanne Leave Leave Kwu Mill Leavo Pearl City Honolulu ow si s AM -- cuo 740 810 From Sydnor for Fnmcl Honolulu Alameda Alnmcda MHruna MnnWHl Monowol tlameda Sept Alitmoln TIMH From Aftr July 1895 Arrive TRAINS Wnuumo Arrlvo Leave AM 017 9SS 1019 1051 ow E3 P T- i I PM 145 228 249 PM ft10 fiM 614 049 E wS B I OS og OK E5 ES ES eg si qo b i s g i AM AM PM PM 041 lS2 7U0 910 207 85t Ttf 948 283 422 82J 1030 Sill 435 On Saturday and Sunday ulRlitii EwaMlll PussenKor Train will arrlvo In Honolulu at 655 Instead 0455 p m Freight Trains 111 carry Second class Passen ¬ ger accommodations V C Smith General Passenger Ticket Agent Q I Denison Superintendent Wm G Irwin Co Limited Win O Tiwln ProsMt Mnnagr ClauH Sprnoltfls VIo- - -- PreBl iont W M Qlininl Beorelary ifcTreasurer Thoo 0 1ortor Auditor Sugv Factors AND v Commission Agents AOPNTS OI THE Oceanic Steamship Compy Of fiati Franoluoo Cal Wilders Steamship Co TIME TABLE 0 L WIQH r Pro B H ROSE 8oc Oapt J A KIVQ Pot Supt Stmr KlNAU CLARKE Commander Will leavi Honolulu ot 2p m tonohlg at LihIna Slnal-t-- a Kny and Make a the ainoilny Mnhukona Kawalliao tmd the following day arrirlnK at nllo tho samo LEAVES IIONOI VIV ABRIVES nOHOLCLC Tuesday July nMiv Tnlw Friday luly Tu Bduy Aug Krllay Aug rilAailnv All J -- Iff day TuHsdiiy Friday nesiny P Id iV iusuay Tuesday Friday Tu Fridy Rrfnt K nt Out n Oot Frld y Nv Nov Mot fdny Sopt Deo Deo 10Tneduy July 2 6 F Iday July Vi 2 i Friday Aug 2 0 lusday Aig 13 10 Friday Angat 271 uesuay Sept 3 u 17 27 8 18 8 10 in 20 Frldn HeVit IB Tuesday Bt p J4 FrI uy Oo 4 Tuesday Oct 15 Friday Oct vt Tu sday Nov 6 Friday N v IS Thh day Nov 0 Friday Dec 6 Tuesday oo 17 Friday D r 27 KoUrnlrig Wll lovn Hllo nt 1 ooloolc r m touchlm- - at Lnupnhoohoo Mann konn and Kmvalhoo snio nay Makena Mnnlnca Hiy and LaliHlna tho full win day Hrrlviugxt Honolulu th afternoons of Tuesduya an I Vt duyu tm- - No Freight will be recclvod after 12 noon on day of tailing j Stmr OLAUDINE CAMERON Commander Will leave Honolulu Tut sdnys at 6 p jr louehlni al Ktihuln Huna Uamaaid Klpahulu Maul II turning arrives at Honolulu Sunday afternoons Wll1 c ill at Nun Kaupo on second trip of each ruonth gW No Frfleht will bo received after i v m on day of sailing This Company will reserves the right to make ohaniifs in tho time of departuro and arrival of Its bttamtrs wlthi u notice and it wM not be responsible for any conse- quences ¬ arising therefiom Consignees must bout tho Landings to receive their freight ths Company will not hld itself responslolo fur freight after It nas boon landed Live Stock ODly at owners risk This Company will not bo responsiblp for Muney or Valuiblt sof pa sengotB unless placed In tho care of Pursers Passeneers are reauested to nar- - chaae Tickois before embarking Those falling to d so will he subjert to an addi- tional ¬ charge uf twenty Dvo per cont T B MURRAY 321 323 King Street Tho Leading Carriage and Wagon Manufacturer ALL MATERIALS 027 BAUD Will furnish ewythl g outside steam boats and builrrs No Ball Boulnn Axles Around Ibis Shop TELEPHONE 672 INSURANCE Fire Life AT BEST KATES Enquire ot J Tiff TDOW3mrTrV TO LIST Houses Furnished and Un ¬ furnished Land For Sale DAVID DAYTON 12 Morohant Stroet jw NT No 30 Business Cards ANTONJS ROSA Attobnet-at-La- Kaahnmanu Strret Honolulu f PAUL NEUMANN Counsellor and ATTOtutsY-AT-LA- vr Merchant Btret Honolulu JOHN NOTT Pldubino Tin Copfib and Siutij Ibon Wom i i King Strct Honolulu GONSALVBS fc CO WnOLESiLE GBOOEBfl AND WlJOl Meeohants 225 Qupon Street Honolulu B B THOMAS CONTBAOTOB AND BtnLDEt Building Matclals for sale Eitimatoo -- Furnished H F BBRTELMANN1 CONTBAOTOB AND BciXSBS All kinds of Repairing and General Ctrjan try Estimstfo on Butldlngi Furnished ATjTjTON Ot ROBINSON DeALEBS DC LUMBEB AND OOAL AW Butldino AlATEirAUTar J All KiNDti i Queen Street Honolulu - RBGSK VSrOR Mi PACfflC GiS EDgiiies and launches THE BE8X IN THB UABXJSS They cannot be surpassed for Motive Power J MT BEND FOB CATALOGUE 0 i f r i JOS TiaSTKlBJIi Sole Agent Nuuanu 8treU J1 THOS LINDSAY HANTJTACTUBIirO Jeweler WatcMaker RDKUI JEWELRY I SPECIALTY Fartloalar attention paid to all kinds of Repairs Campbell Blook Mrohant Street THE ARLINGTON uSl Waxatty Hotel f T KUOTJSE - Prop Per Say 200 Per Wnek 1300 SPECIAL MONTH LT R ATE0V Tho Best of Attendance tho Beat BltoaUon and the Finest Meals In this City NOTICE PERSONS ACQUIRING MONEY claims against the Hoavoof Kepre nenatlvol ore requested to prrsent Bills fir sonio on or before noon of THURB DAY ot eaohwlc Approved claims will bo paid on F Mayo WALTER MoBRYDE Chairman Coromlttoo of Accounts 16 3t

INDEPENDENT - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 2. · Vol I Deilnltlnn of a Baby A tiny fonthfr from tho win of Ictp drjippod into tho saorod lap of mothorhood Tho following is

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  • Vol I

    Deilnltlnn of a Baby

    A tiny fonthfr from tho win ofIctp drjippod into tho saorod lap ofmothorhood

    Tho following is n selection fromsome of tho best definitions submittod

    The bncholors horror tho moth ¬ers treasuro and tho dopotia tyrant of the most republican house-hold

    A human flowor untouched by thfinger of care

    Tho morning cnllpr noondayornwlor midnight brawler

    Tho magic spell by whloh tingods transform n house into a home

    A miniature Atlas that bears thera n nln w r 1 r n f ttr at I ri u l irtva n t A

    m cares on its little shoulderstff Fathers rival in a mothers love

    A stranger with unspeakablecheek that enters a house withouta stitch to its back and is receivedwith open arms by everyone

    The sapling of the tree from whiehwill be built the bulwarks of our na ¬tions future greatness

    A bursting bud on tho troo of lifeThe only precious possession that

    never excites envyA bold assorter of tho rights of

    free speechTho human screech owl whope

    warbling sounds are demoniacalto some seraphic to many and appealing to all

    Tho best developer of tho moslbpautiful part of a womans natureunselfishnessA tiny useless mortal but without

    which tho world would soon be at astandstill

    The member of the family thatalways crius when wanted tp sleepthat alwavs sleerjs when wantd to- -keop awako and invariably sulksWhon wantod to show off

    Tho latest edition of humanityof which every couple think theypossess the Finest copy

    A native of all countries whoBpoaks the language of none

    An invention for keeping peopleawake at night

    A mit pf a thing that requires amighty lpt of attoution

    A diminutive ppecimen of perveroehumanity that could soarcoly beendured if ho belonged to someoneelse but boing our own is a neverfailing treasury of delight

    A man or woman making a startin lifo

    Tho unconscious mediator between father and mother and thefocus of their hearts

    A daylight charmer and midnight alarmor

    A little fellow who comes to visityou brings no wardrobe does notpay for his board never sp alts aword tikes no notice of anjthingand wants moro waiting on than allthe rest put together but in gene-rally welcomed by all

    Its a sweet and tiny treasureA torment and a tease

    Its an autocrat an anarchistTwo awful things to please

    Its a rest and peace disturberWith little laughing ways

    Its a wailing human night alarmAnd terror of your days

    About twenty two inohos of cooand wriggle writho and screamfilled with suction and testing ap-paratus for milk and automatioalarm to rogulato supply

    A troublesome compendium ofgreat possibilities

    A quaint little craft callod Inno-cence


    laden witn simplicity andlove

    A weo little speoimon of humanitywhose winsomo smile makes a goodman think of the angels

    Tho sumbeam in tho houso thatdrivoa dull earn away



    A curious bud of uncortain biosora

    A thing everybody thinks there isa great deal too much fuss aboutunless it is their own

    A thing wo are expected to kissand look as if we enjoyed it

    Tho one thing needful to mako ahomo happy

    Thero is only ono perfect specimen of a baby in existonco andvery mother is the happy possessorif itr- -

    Tlio smartest little craft afloat inhomes delightful bay

    A mite of humanity that will cryno harder if a pin is stuck into himihnn he will if tho cat wont let himpull her tail

    A crying evil you only aggravateby putting down

    A baby in a tiny drop in tho vastocean of human life capnblo of im ¬mense possibilities and surroundedby great mysteries

    A little stranger with a free passto tho hearts best affections

    Tho most oxtensivo employer offemale labor

    The pulp from which tho loavesof lifes bookaro mado

    A padlock on tho chain of lovoA soft bundle of love and trouble

    which wo cannot do withoutA necessity in order to keep up

    tho supply of Tit Bits readers ofthe future

    A rose with all its sweetest loavesyet folded

    Tho sweet ost thing God isvor madoand forgot to give wings to

    That which increases the motherstoil decreases tho fathers cash andnerves as an alarm clock to tho neigh-bors


    A pleasure to ypja nuisance to I aevery other body and a nocossity totho world

    An inhabitant of LaplandA king who though his sinews

    are only velvet rules with a rod ofiron making strong nion quail be-fore


    hi in and womon to auswer andattend to every call

    A key that opos tho hearts of allulases rich or poor iu all countries

    That whieh makes home happierloVHhtruntfer patience gn ator handsbusier nights longer days shorterpurees lighter ololhe shabbier thepast forgottou the future brighter

    Tho Prince of WailsTho delightful tyrant who rules

    the home tho mothers darling andfathers pride the cause of a thou ¬sand innocent joys and tho bloatpledgo of matrimonial felicityTit lilts


    Ladies Sailor Hats at 25 SS- -45 6uV 75o and 1 at L 13 KensA large assortment to seh ct fromThe very best value to bo had

    bans houci

    The most lovely spot on Oahu isSans Souui This favorito seasideresort which has beeu immortalizedby the pen of Robert L Stevensonwho resided there for months isonly four milos from Honolulu andwithin easy reach of tho tramcarsThe surroundings and bathing atthis famous resort aro superior toanything found in tho HawaiianI lands Cottages and board canbo obtained on easy torms TheUhlo set by the mauagor is bettertuau any offered hero at othor ho-tels


    For picnics bathing partusand outings tho best accommodationcan bo secured by giving notice totho manager

    Metropolitan Meat Co81 KINQ STREET

    G J Waller - - Manaoeb

    Wholosalo andRetail


    Navy Contractors

    Oceanic Steamship Co

    AustralianJail SsrvicoFur San Francisco

    Tho Now ami Fine Al RtcO Steamship

    MAKIPOSA0 th Orcanlo 8 cnmlii Pompiny wiltlo ilui at Honolulu from Sydney andUlckla 1 on or ubjut

    July SBtliAnd lll lnvo for the abov trt withMails and rasengM on or about thaiInto4

    For Sydney AucklandTho Now and Pino Al Stufl Steamship

    U VLAIUEDAOf th Oceania 8t nrn1ilp Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from Bin Ftnuclsco onor about

    --ATJlgiJlSt 1 StAnd w 111 hnvo prompt riWpitch 1th Mallsand Fas ang rs for iuh abuvo port

    Tho undersigned nro now preparedto issue

    Tnrougn Tickets to AH Points Id tho

    United Sthibs

    w-- For fu tho- - p rliulars regardingFreight mid PtiHvavo apply to

    Win G IRWIN CO LdQ ntr 1 Agns

    Oceanic Steamship Co- -


    Local HainesS S AUSTRALIA

    rr vn Honolulu - --Leavo Honoluluuom a tor b jf

    July 15 July 20Aug 0 Auk 4Sop a fc eit 7r cpt 30 Out 20 t 2 Ot nNov 15 Nov 20

    Through LinesFrom San Krancsco

    lor bjdnoy

    flrme IlunohihtMonowa July I

    San co

    J nn 27Aiu 1 I Jul V8

    M ri ou Auv 2 j An 2Jt ojit VO ItOct 24 Ma I Oi dt 17


    and B


    Leave HonoluluLeavo Pearl CityLeave Kwa Mill


    LeaveLeave Kwu MillLeavo Pearl City




    AM-- cuo


    From Sydnor forFnmclHonolulu

    AlamedaAlnmcda MHruna

    MnnWHlMonowol tlameda SeptAlitmoln

    TIMHFrom Aftr July 1895










    T- i IPM145228249


    E wS B IOS og OKE5 ES ESeg si qo bi s g i

    AM AM PM PM041 lS27U0 910 207 85tTtf 948 283 42282J 1030 Sill 435

    On Saturday and Sunday ulRlitii EwaMlllPussenKor Train will arrlvo In Honolulu at 655Instead 0455 p m

    Freight Trains 111 carry Second class Passen ¬ger accommodations V C Smith

    General Passenger Ticket AgentQ I Denison Superintendent

    Wm G Irwin CoLimited

    Win O Tiwln ProsMt MnnagrClauH Sprnoltfls VIo- - -- PreBl iontW M Qlininl Beorelary ifcTreasurerThoo 0 1ortor Auditor

    Sugv FactorsAND


    Commission AgentsAOPNTS OI THE

    Oceanic Steamship CompyOf fiati Franoluoo Cal

    Wilders Steamship Co


    0 L WIQH r Pro B H ROSE 8ocOapt J A KIVQ Pot Supt

    Stmr KlNAUCLARKE Commander

    Will leavi Honolulu ot 2 p m tonohlg atLihIna Slnal-t-- a Kny and Make a theainoilny Mnhukona Kawalliao tmd

    the following day arrirlnK atnllo tho samo


    Tuesday JulynMiv TnlwFriday lulyTu Bduy AugKrllay AugrilAailnv AllJ --Iff dayTuHsdiiyFriday

    nesinyP Id iViusuayTuesdayFridayTuFridy


    K ntOutnOot

    Frld y NvNovMot




    10Tneduy July 26 F Iday July Vi

    2 i Friday Aug 20 lusday Aig 13

    10 Friday Angat271 uesuay Sept 3





    Frldn HeVit IBTuesday Bt p J4FrI uy Oo 4Tuesday Oct 15Friday Oct vtTu sday Nov 6Friday N v ISThh day Nov 0Friday Dec 6Tuesday oo 17Friday D r 27

    KoUrnlrig Wll lovn Hllo nt 1 ooloolcr m touchlm- - at Lnupnhoohoo Mannkonn and Kmvalhoo snio nay MakenaMnnlnca Hiy and LaliHlna tho full winday Hrrlviugxt Honolulu th afternoonsof Tuesduya an I Vt duyu

    tm-- No Freight will be recclvod after 12noon on day of tailing j

    Stmr OLAUDINECAMERON Commander

    Will leave Honolulu Tut sdnys at 6 p jrlouehlni al Ktihuln Huna UamaaidKlpahulu Maul II turning arrives atHonolulu Sunday afternoons

    Wll1 c ill at Nun Kaupo on second tripof each ruonth

    gW No Frfleht will bo received after iv m on day of sailing

    This Company will reserves the right tomake ohaniifs in tho time of departuro andarrival of Its bttamtrs wlthi u notice andit wM not be responsible for any conse-quences


    arising therefiomConsignees must bout tho Landings to

    receive their freight ths Company willnot hld itself responslolo fur freight afterIt nas boon landed

    Live Stock ODly at owners riskThis Company will not bo responsiblp for

    Muney or Valuiblt sof pa sengotB unlessplaced In tho care of Pursers

    Passeneers are reauested to nar- -chaae Tickois before embarking Thosefalling to d so will he subjert to an addi-tional


    charge uf twenty Dvo per cont

    T B MURRAY321 323 King Street

    Tho Leading

    Carriage andWagon Manufacturer


    Will furnish ewythl g outside steamboats and builrrs

    No Ball Boulnn Axles Around Ibis Shop





    Enquire ot

    J Tiff TDOW3mrTrV

    TO LISTHouses Furnished and Un¬


    Land For SaleDAVID DAYTON

    12 Morohant Stroet


    NTNo 30

    Business Cards



    Kaahnmanu Strret Honolulu fPAUL NEUMANN

    Counsellor and ATTOtutsY-AT-LA- vr

    Merchant Btret Honolulu


    Pldubino Tin Copfib and SiutijIbon Wom i i

    King Strct Honolulu




    225 Qupon Street Honolulu



    Building Matclals for sale Eitimatoo --Furnished



    All kinds of Repairing and General Ctrjantry Estimstfo on Butldlngi




    Butldino AlATEirAUTar J

    All KiNDti i

    Queen Street Honolulu-


    EDgiiies and launches


    They cannot be surpassed for MotivePower



    Sole Agent Nuuanu 8treUJ1




    Fartloalar attention paid to all kinds ofRepairs

    Campbell Blook Mrohant Street

    THE ARLINGTONuSl Waxatty Hotel f

    T KUOTJSE - Prop

    Per Say 200Per Wnek 1300


    Tho Best of Attendance tho Beat BltoaUonand the Finest Meals In this City


    PERSONS ACQUIRING MONEYclaims against the Hoavoof Kepre

    nenatlvol ore requested to prrsent Billsfir sonio on or before noon of THURBDAY ot eaohwlc Approved claims willbo paid on F Mayo

    WALTER MoBRYDEChairman Coromlttoo of Accounts

    16 3t

  • r n - ST - jiai Li n liin I tv i iiAiHiMuwinfnmirtimiimnmmiumiimimm mrwaawiaiiniiiiii nw nm u TjLTg saaacacscr j3wiiTih mCS - -- - -- - - t- - k --miiie gjuiiidtaiwat ultaMaMiMMlliaaijt bitt immi rfiti- -I Ull Ill IHJUIH WPUIII JJIHIWIHiJEIJIIIIU fl WML UHIIWIIIMWIIW III IWWIIIIMIIMIIMiIIHIHHHIPI II W III1 IHIIIW III iiiiii nil 11 i Mlf






    Except Sunday

    At Brito Hall Konia Btroot

    gj9 Telephone 811 jGainit the wrong that ntedi rnittanct

    For the right that needs assistancejFbr the future in the distance

    And the good that tee can do

    lam in the place whereof I am demandedof conscience to speak the truth and the truthIrptak impugn it who to list


    Per Month anywhore In the Hawallan Islands I f0

    Por Year 0 00Per Year postpaid to Foreign Coun-


    f 8 00Payable Invariably in Advance

    Advi rHsempnts nnarconlpanli d by spoclflo Instructions InsTted till ordered out

    AdverlltiemcitB dscontlnied before a-spiration


    of spoclfied period will bd chargedas If continued for tu 1 term

    Address all crnraiinlontona to tho Edi¬torial Department to Edmund NorrleBusiness letters should bo addressed toQ 0 Kenyon

    EDMUND NOttBIE - - EditorQ C KENTON - - Manngor

    ItoIdlng In Hono ulu

    TUESDAY JULY 16 1894


    There is a kick coming We cannot nay if it will have any effect butit ought to The importers of fruitsobject to having their oberries andplums overhauled in the CustomHouse and they are surely rightThe Custom House officials soem tobe possessed of the same autocraticspirit that rules the other depart-ments


    and they show it by theiruncalled for search of fruits im-ported


    on ice and which ought to bedelivered to the consignee withoutdelay Fancy the government ex ¬pecting dope or arms in a 6 lbs boxof cherries through whioh any Baneman can look Fancy apples andpeaches and apricots and cherriesbeing handled by the dirty fingersof Custom House guards before thefruit can bo offered to the publioIt is about timo that such practiceswero stopped and it is to be hopedthat the Collector General when hegets timo from his ardent duties onKahuku and the prospective cableroad in Honolulu will take stepswhioh will cheek his guards andpreserve the fruits Tho cherriesand apricots arrive in excellent con-dition


    and of a most tempting ap-pearance


    After the Custom guardsget through looking for arms anddope the fruit looks far from tempt-ing


    and like a second class shipmentIf the fruit merohants in San Francisco were dealt with in the mannerthat their colleagues are in Hono-lulu


    by officials who seem to lackthe first rudiments of tact and de ¬cency there would be a fine row andsome heads would be broken Butthe Honolulu fruit dealers and thefruit eaters seem to be satisfii d inhandling and eating fingered andInspected goods In a six to eight

    pounds box of fruit it is ridiculousto look for arms or opiums Thosewho do so are fit subjects for theInsano Asylum Bed tape businessas displayed in the spoiling of thomost enjoyable luxury we haveCalifornia fruits should be Btoppedat once Lot Mr Jim Castle ourgreat Oolleotor Qeneral leavo ourdelicate fruits alone and devote histime to finding tho thousand poundsof opium importod under bis nosoduring tho last few months or topromoting the interests of a cableoar and the Castles

    THE K LEO rlit l a AH BOAD

    The Advortisor tho organ of thoOtstlo family is devoting space andtimo to show that tho proposedfrnuohiso for an olootrincar road is amoat patriotic and deserving meas ¬ure and it uios bnrrnls of ink tohido tho niggor in tho oloetrio car orto paint him even blnjkor than honow appears

    Wo aro told this morning thatthreo of the promoters have conliderable wealth Wo are also in-formed


    that tho rest furnish if notcapital at loast experience Tjiisstatemont ought to sottlo the mattor and tho franchisH at onco Thatthreo of tho promoters havo capitalwe do not dispute That thoy alsohavo a busted electric car plantfor sale wo believo That tho Arm-strong


    Grtstlo combination havo ex-perience


    in oablo cars we deny

    Does Mr Castles organ reallywant us and the publio to believethat JameB Dunsmuir tho only pos-sibly wealthy mon among tho promotors has signified his willinguossto iuvoxt his coin in Hawaii for thepurposo of bringing foreign capitalto these benighted islands and giving employment tn a lot of AsiaticsMr Dunsmuir has an object inview and dont you forget it Nosaue man will believe for a momentthat the proposed cable car per sewill be a paying concern It wouldbo too utterly absurd to think thatcars running in bsck streets andBide roads will bo patronized by thopublio even if a swifter time couldbe obtained Here in Honolulu wohave got plenty of time We havogot so much of it that we aro tryingto kill it all the while What bustuo38 man is there hero who wouldprofer the swift sorvice of tho cablecar through Young street aud thenhaving to walk one or two blocksin the mud to his home on B Te ¬tania or King street in preference tobeing let down at his gate in theoar drawn by Paines non eleotriomules Is it possible that the pro-moters


    can honestly believe that thepublio is anxious to ride to Waikikialong tho nvil smelling and sc rob-ing


    Kakaako beach rather thantraveling at leisure through picture-qu-o King street aud their admir-ing


    beautiful houses magnificentgardens aud your best girl

    If an electric road should be de-manded


    atid the progress of the cityshould justify the building of ittho work will be done by local capi-talists


    The promoter of the present f ranohise are simply organizedto try to make a deal

    Armstrong was taken in becauseho was the editor of the AdvertiserCastle because his influence with thoGovernment was considered greataod his financial manipulating quali-ties


    had been shown so beautifully inthe Kshuku deal There is now onfoot a sohemo to transfer the pre ¬sent Tramwoy Company into an elec-tric


    road The Jooal capitalists whocontrol the hlectrio Company inHonolulu may consolidate with thoTramway Company and tho servicenow howled for by Mr Castles or-gan


    would at once be establishedThat a movement to this effect is atpresent going on is well known tothe Victoria promoters of the billnow before the Legislature If theranohise is granted Honolulu will

    baVo no electric road our local capilalists will be asked to buy out theViotoria crowd the price wouldntbe much higher oven if Jim andthe old woman wore thrown inand thoy would promptly refuseThe promoters will never bo ableto build one mile of road but theirfranohiso will effectually block aujothor company now existing or tobo formed from operating hbro

    Honolulu will in duo time get itscable road but t hero is no sense orroason in granting an occlusive fran ¬chise to an irresponsible crowd whodont pay a cents worth of taxes orhave a cent to their name in thiscountry

    Wo print on our outsido a roportof teachers appointments By auerror Kapobakimohowa is sent toWaialua as principal instead of toKailua Oahu The latter is oorreot

    WrtTgyvTrfM tTW


    Tho whole Turkish poninsula ex ¬

    cept Uoutn nin is in a state of sooth ¬

    ing ferment It appears at last fromtho attitude of all parties as if thoTurk would oithor have to re-conquer his lost provinces or go outof Europe altogether

    Tho long trials of San Franciscoin tryiug to escape from railroadmonopolies aud their exclusive fran ¬chises is now supposod to be endedby tho attainment by the new VlleyRoad of a terminus in Sin Fran-cisco


    Tho sufferings of San Fran ¬cisco people under tho railroad ex¬

    actions should be a warning to popplo here to grant no moro exclusivefranchises to the olectrio railway

    Tho Advertiser states that McEvoy writos from California to saythat no filibustering expeditions arebeing organized in any part of theUnited States Ho further statesthis after having made a strict in-vestigation


    While MoEvoy washere wo knew and stated his reportsof fililbusters coming were unadul-terated


    rot but now that he is awayand says thoy arent coming we berin to foar they may come after nilWhatever MoEvoy has said in thopast the opposito has always beenthe truth

    The foreign nows by tho Australiawas important Disasters fromstorms aud fire in the States rumorsof war in Europe the threateningattitude of Russia and Japan allseem to point to coming trouble Iiis quite possible that an accidentaland trill ng incident will precipitatea serious war News will bo anxiously looked for as each steamor ar-rives


    la Euglaud the political situ-ation


    seems to show thatthe absolute democracy who now vote almostas manhood suffrage are prepared totrust onco more the aristocracy to

    fload them through whatever dangers the coming period will bringThe Liberal party seems to bo utter-ly



    The Homo Rule party in Irelandseems by the news to bo on thopoint of disintegration aud appar-ently


    somo of the Irish societies inthe States rocognze this for theydeclaro that parliamentary efforthas been a failure and the only resourco is tho logic of a blow

    Some ignorant and ill naturedpeople say that our opposition tovarious actions of the governmentand legislature is personal and dic-



    by malovolence Such is notthe case We perform on the partof the public the office of publiocritic We desire to seo tho bestgovernment Hawaii ever had Butin order to got this best governmentit is necessary that every publio actshould be performed in tho rightway It is our duty then when woboo anything wrong to Bay bo inorder to get it amended When woseo anything about to go wrong towarn so as to prevent tho threatenedmischief Personal feeling cuts noQguro in the matter but the publiobenefit does We are not in exist-



    to bo slavish followers either ofpersons or parties Our mottofully explains our attitude

    Ono of tho most remarkable mo-



    over hoard of in a Legislativebody was passed yesterday by theHour o on motion of RepresentativeRichards It rolegated tho con-sideration


    of the Registration Actto a select committee of five Thatis not remarkable It is what fol-lows


    The Speakor wan instructed

    not to couGue himself to membersof the Home What a satire on thoiutelligonco of tho othor membersOut of the fifteon men who reproRent tho great uuwadiud portionof our republican contituencie notfive in Representative Riuhards opi- - J

    niou have sense enough to deal withthe Registration Act aud tho four-teen


    other sapient RoprosentaMvesagreed that it was so for thoy parsed j

    tho resolution And these fifteenwero tho unanimous selection of thoAmerican Union Party

    Whnn flin Oimnn rin nn tlin


    Kosobury and

    throno she initiated n movement to1 WalMry Thoplace small settlers on tho Crown lwngO 18 of C ur O of theLands and Olaa was selected as tho greatest imputaUO and it 18tho placo to Btnrt with Leases proper to look into the causeswero granted on what wero con which led o tilts f doWll

    favorable terms fall of tho I il rul partyand many Pmbous took up lots The majority of the LiberalsNow the has practically ab- - wju gay the retirement ofrogated every guarantee that those Q iudftOll0 frotn the prem erlo8 contain and offers tho fee mado fc Wmsmple tttle to th holdei at too Rowb could notprice of 16 S k aud 3 an acre Olaalauds aro aud havo beon said to bethe best coffee lands in tho countryWill the senators sell their ownsugar lands at corresponding pricesto small sottlers Do they remem- -



    senato that


    trie diffi ivntth r Oths will claim

    that foreignpiuvued by tho Liberal

    made partyif represfwen liom

    ber that they hold a public trust whj0 t rained itH power inland havo no right to givo away the popular The Ifillllnh piO--common property of all without a plo are nlwuyttfair compensation peace thomcolves but they

    r toiiot allow their govern- -I will never ask you to go on menr to do it ind they arofoot whoro I would not co on cju ilouH or any rel rr iiiMgi- -IwrMbwW Colonel MoLeun Some nay aittmt to ilifnnjfO onof us would like to go on horseback il1Jr dignity a a nation bywhore we now goon foot A Private aiiv Mil nt d I limner The

    The pleased v xd Llf th f Home R llo18 a o b el blaaied for thebecause BMreet has placed its

    financial editorial approval on theRepublic of Hawaii Whon we re--


    HMVlllllll till llLUU- - illlHio the ail--

    i lire to thatmember that W R Castle is the ha to do withHawaiian correspondent to Brad- - 0s bury defeat Tt isatrnat the nrlornoraout latum torn dual y nnvi that tho fX ptO- -of its force unuri inclination raco

    horses mace him unpopularHas tho Legislature ever contein- - -plated the probable effect theelectric cars should

    to- -



    Uihj ytry ViuriMImidrl t KPH ntitiHirlt r

    jump the im Hin nij nllin say such a street Fort street he oftu Q p aHave ovor read any aecouutsof nive race UH Vork- - 1118accidents through electric trolley Saanic M ty Ad thatcars being San Francisco it-- i the ival mi take m ide bytired of them and wants to get rid I 01d USebcry If heof thorn possessed suihVieit wi dom

    r e would have dropped eHow about the compulsory appro- - ljUjItf Jld am ho

    priation of private property by the hVe pillVi aed a Mojl- -proposod Eloutrio Railway Com Bicycle and gone out

    What riRht havo they to j v heeling We ae now iX--turn a man out of his home or in- - p ctiny a fr hh invoice Itvado his private grounds H it wa took only Olio month to sellpublio uses no one objeat bul j x h nr t lot imported by US

    VVnthave only two wh els leftfor tho benefit of a company whichtheV b th intend dwants a fifty year franchise free l lllG

    gratis everyone kicks fr ladi S- - Tho vvhel is bu- -coining so popular and so

    Joseph Maradon Commissioner of tahhtoiiable in Honolulu thatAgriculture appeals to the publie very MlOi tly lhatto save their alligator pear knows Clio gh to l0 in theaud seud thorn to him He will have move will own a Monarch andthem propagated at tho Government r pin a ong btrects and roadsNursery aud w ill s long an you sit on themplants free Every lover of the you cunc fuUff The Monrut should encourage Mr Marsden rcU irt a8 ahorsein his laudable endeavors to iurease i c ithe number of bearing trees in thecountry Save your and sendthem right away

    L B Kerr has just recoivod a fineassortment of new Suitings Trou ¬serings oto Also a eloot stock ofCollars Neckties Sox and StrawHats These varied lines should beseen Get a move tin gentlemen


    iUouisorllfor of G0O

    20 lt Captain of


    Lord out




    Ulthe is



    ilHKlllir 111who


    thoy fj









    anu uuiiuB BUiOjami it never bhii s Wo aug--gest to pen o s nowrule or who intend to holeave th ir ciders for jl Mon ¬

    now invoice willhero m the Au traliu

    nnd it may too late 1 se¬cure wheel after tho bteaincr

    Harry Kiotnme tho popular lis- - aruves ldeiM are now nour--pensor of refresh monts is serv-- nfT jn limrnhi r til V WOing the customers of the Pacific Sa- -loon and telliiiL them all about Io the bole Ajrellts of the

    Whon I ran for tho Constitutional Monarch 11 the IlnwininnCouvontioii


    WE THK BOA T BOY OltEWOaptiln Tarkiirs Crow to aIIboh with 0 oars OarsOars a nurse

    SAM KALAthe Boat Boy Crow




    hold factions












    all whodo to

    arch Ourhe

    bo 1a


    Inland and lhat tho wheeledeaiunt bo put chased else ¬where in Honolulu

    Too Hawaiian Hardware Co Id307 Fort StueetOpposite Sprcoltels Block


  • u



    Tlio Oily of Peking Ib duo lo ilny

    Binbop Willis left on the Kinouyoatonlay l

    Tho Iwnmu will loavo tliis after- -noon at f oclock

    Tho Lilnni Boat Club will mootat IIih Hot- to ntfht

    Tho B iWvvin CikiUh woddlngtnlu pplaco at Haiku to diif

    D B Stiii li will lenvo in tho Antralia ou a Iiumiimr trip

    Tho Australia will liivn for SatFrancisco on Saturday at p m

    Senator Baidwin and Kproiontotivo Haia left for Maid ycstorday i

    Frncl Oat of tho Pat Offici ltftfor Kinau yostorday on a vacation

    Th girl ar plavina lawn tcnnito dayrat tho Pacific IVuuis ClubVcourts

    Miss Llhn Brown has rositrnndher position as teacher in FortBtrpot school

    Dr Murrav will take a trip to Hawaii nnxt wk for a jhort vibit toSamuol Parker

    A BirtiHB ha still a fow hlmpthits ou hand These bats aro thefashion of the day

    Commaniler Thomis of tho Biminintrtou will hand ovpr his coramaudto his isucconsor on Friday

    Mr and Mrs Black tho rpcnthwpdded couplp jav a pleasant partjat their rfsidouco last nitjht

    Mr and Mrs Wilder and MisWilder will 10 to Japan next raontliand join James Wilder in Tokio

    The prouuds of the Bretaniastrnot fcnool aro lining beauttfi iland tho protimeH look quite decent

    Tho Myrtles have arranged a raptbotween two of their boats to iakplaco in the latter part of the month

    Mns Undershirts mx for SIMens Unlauudned Shirts down ti60n Nntrliuee Shirts at half price atSachV Clearance Sal

    The Monareh lead- - in thisKopublie 1 ho Hawaiian Hardware Cosold four yesterdav A new invoicewill be ordered by first mail

    The game between t he Stars andUukuowns on Saturday will bellimoHl interesting game of the seasonTho band ought to play out there

    Tho Board of Hialth holds a meeting this afternoon Tho eomolaiutf- -against Armitage land Sonatorb ing considered in exeuutivu bo- - Jaion t

    Victoria Lawn reduced to Gnc apiece Ladies Vests ten for 1 Tremeridnus hnrgainit in Lnee Ctirtniniand Ftnuy Draporiea at Sachb Clear-ance



    T H Daviei Co have heen ad ¬vised that he steamer Aslcun willarrive hero on or nb nit the 8th ofAugust from Portland on route forYokohama

    Tho committee on investigationin the Punahou trouble roported tothe truMeep yedurdiy It is understood that the report e oueratqttProfessor Homer

    Tne Houeo returned theongrosolcopy of the Appropriation Bill to ¬day to the Suaio this moruiug bhbeing full discrepancies TheHouse stands on its dignity

    Mrs Porter Bovd who is visitingon Maui had a full from her horselast week Tho young lady escapedwithout ujury Her husband Joltfor Maui in the Kiiihu yewterdiy

    The grounds of the KamohamehaGirls School are being laid out andmade to resemble a garden insteadof as hereoforo a wilderness underthe able auperintondency of WilliamMutch

    Colleotor Uoneral Oaotlo and MrWall bookkeeper of the Cu tornHqiibo loft for Hilo yesterday Auinspection of the book and accountsof O illector Oh us Notloy of Hilowill take placo

    The Sons of Si George will holdof their usual pleasant socials at

    thoir hall on Fort 8treeton Mondayoveuing July 22 Tickets limitedin uumber to fift to admit lady andgentleman SI are to be had theGolden Rule Bazaar

    The poi contract tho Board ofHoath was met by three contractorat tho satuo figure 50 oonts per buudlo of paial for a four years termIt wa awarded to the HawaiianFruit 1 nro Co aud transferred toLuther Wilcox It will savu thoBoard several tnousand dollars

    Profej Bor M M Scott has resigiu dfrom Fort street school aud hisbeen appointed principal in thehigh sohool whioh will bo openedin tho ltuth Keelikolnul promisua onEmma strt ot on September 9th Asuccessor to Professor Suolt forFort street school has not yot boonappoiutod



    Tho Senate met as usual thisu Tiling Committee reports Infvor of imorting 3500 for HiloValor Works atid against 9000

    fonds and bridge in 4HamakuaSenator Rtio asked for loavo of rlnice to ond of wopU which was

    granted Bill No 11 paired its 8rdwilling Tho bill allowing Kerownoo bo takou outfor fuelled meohanial purposes was road bv title andm motion of Sonator Waterhousovan sent to the committeo on comnrc to find out its object Theollowiug resolution adopted at a Those Scotch Champeeial meeting tho Oahu Am- - bries Indian Liuen andriean uuton ueutrai u im-- ii rr1 -ml tee on July 13 was read and ro- -eived to boconsidered with thoill Resolved that wo earnestlyecoromend immediate conidoraiou by the sonate of tho grantingjf a franehiso for an oloatrlo railvny in the city of Honolulu andthat while conserving the intereftif tho pooplo they seouro tho estab ¬lishment and building of such olectric railway without delay SonatorLyman moved to reconsider thovote on tho title of tho Ltud BillSome talk had been had and itmight unconstitutional Senator

    ir to theilatch tho President has had no

    to meet all tho Cabinetdiice tho matter of the constituiionility of tho titlo cameip yesterday aud the Executive

    defire it to be referred to tho Judi-ciary


    Co tu ui ttee The voto was reonsidored aud tho title went back

    that committee Act 5 relatingtomounting to 32800 from loan

    fund or surplus post office savingsbacks deposits was thou road pontio i by section Retaining wall for

    stream 2500 Senator Waterhouso asked if it wa noti ho idea to temovo thefrom thero Hatch statedthat it was intended to build thewall and then improve the noighbor- -

    Dr of Maui an- - iug M Caudless






    ttated tho wall would come underwhere tho wash homos now are audwill have to be moved thevail can bo built The item pasedKing strct steel bridge 10000The roport of the committee statedthat in conference Itowoll thoPublic- - Works stated a si ol bridgeof 70 ft span would cost 10000 anda stone one of 325 ft span 13000In view of the oxponso on waterivorks the

    si eei ongo onaior waiornousomoved to striko out tho Horn till Ui x-- esston Senator ofthe said the protoutliridgo is in a ¬

    should be doneat once Howells estimates wero

    too large as ono stonerough estimate was ouly

    20000 Senator saidmust have his

    miud about steel bridges since heRico and the speaker had seen thenteel bridges on Kauai It was bet¬ter to got estimates I he item wentover Central Fire Station addi ¬tional 519000 Senator Lymanstated that wouldnt be enoughto make a and suitable

    and from thoplant and other works it

    would take 30000 to 50000 to doso though tliera was au ¬

    of 6000 now availableSonator Rico moved to defer to

    Seuatorwas sorry tho Minister of tho In-terior


    was ou the Lehua Heexplain Minister Hatch sent for

    Damon Senator McCaudless said that Rowell said he could

    up a aheap with aoheap roof for tho monoy but hohad no plans or ready andthood tho of the Item While

    I waiting Cottage at Puna800 was parsed Sonator Lyman

    moved to iusort a new itom Exten ¬sion to Hilo 3500 Hostated that there was

    I a time in Hilo without rain Thou

    half tho town went without waterMinMer Dtmon enterod Ho recom ¬mended in tho absenro of tho Miniter of tho Interior a largo pipesay 10 inch It would bo a savingin the end Make thesay Senator Wright said the

    6 ineh pipe was big enoughto hold all tho water of tho uppersprings Tho item was pacced at

    5000 On tho Central Firo StationMinUter Damon to leavoit to tho regular session It waibetter to havo definite plans and

    in all details Iiowellhad uoiio ready The item wasstitknn out and tho bill now re ¬duced to 8300 pasod ita Bocondreading and the Senate

    of Challiesfartv wunu




    tiou at L Bspect them

    Kerrs and iu- -

    Tho City of Peking isas we go to pres 230

    JF A Medeikob S Decker


    tailors -Botol Stroot BlockThecy of Hnr t T raea hB reached us

    all in I rmllzle i hut luan mBt boclothed we have decided to

    JSE i 1W Our Hexipportuuity


    supplementary appropriation






    andAt prices that will be wthln tho reach ofev rjbody Ma enrry a Select Btoote of

    o is and IUnrante-- a Ieriect It andJfiret cInH Work ItiOO who reum dohIo ti bo ressed i oatly nud nattily a dannot atror i to spHiiil mnoh money n

    tliIr olothes will di we 1 Inoioro Ijcforo going ol owhore

    S -

    Kng StreetCool



    aud building forFire they d the Baby H


    precarious con-dition Something




    building judgingpumping

    ovon appro-priation

    thorogularsobsion Waterhouso

    put building


















    Suits Trousers


    DECKER Manager

    iyoMIaeger GoopposlteOastle

    Hoitstlioltl StwiQj Machine


    WinesLipors Beers


    Station recommend Carriages SpGCialty




    thorofororeoommeud- -

    W Inspi m thn 8 lectod U ookotEn HOPKStHuAKHElt a

    Kin j Sirtot oppovt i OhpUo Cooko

    Bruce Waring Co

    Real Estate Dealers603 Fort Bt near King

    building lotshouse3 and lots and

    Lands Fob saleFartiPB whIiIiic to dispose of their

    PropnrlltiH nro invited tu jhII on us

    Pditneuliip Change

    KICK THIS DAY RETIRESCHAN ho Firm of Kan Tono Uinoit Comimnv ilolng a General Mreliit iInomi ne3 at 3 ft Niuinnu titr Qi in Hono-lulu


    n uiu Iland o Oahu unl O anMan Kali entors trie sild linn In placo oltli retiring partner tho linn now oil Uuing o Ulinu Yuuug nn 0 nn Muu Knti


    Dated Juno TO 1815 11 xw


    Four Second hind Bullock Carts

    tV Xpor particnlara apply toGON8ALVE8 OOj

    4 f Qimon 8trtroa sale

    1 Second hand Light Spring Dray

    In Good Condition

    Xm-- Apply to10 lw W 0 riOAOOOK CO

    vcammot E3

    Clearance Sale



    N S SACHS520 Fort Street

    Commencing Monday July 15 1895


    FOR Two Weeks OnlyOn account of Extensive

    fZbe tire StoolisWill be offered at a Great Sacrifice

    Big Bargains in Every XtepartmonfaJT All Gooda marked in Plain Figures and sold for

    Cash OxlyBona ildw Salel Jgfl figf Positive

    Manufacturers Shoe Co



    New Brewer Block


    Dealeks in

    oojsastioSteamship Co





    i Saturday July 20thAT 4 OCLOCK P IT

    The undersigned are now prepared toissue Through Tickets from this Olty to allpoints In the United States

    COT For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

    i8 fltWu Q IRWIN CO Ld

    Goneral Aents


    Baseball -- - Association

    On SATURDAY Joly 20lliAT 330 OCLOCK P M



    AT- -


    Admission - SSo

    SoTghnm and Alfalfa


    For SaleBY

    HENKY DAVIS CO605 Fort Street

    Ring ujSll if jou havo anythingto pay to Tun Independent



    Building Alterations



    Boots Shoes

    510 Foiit StbeetHonolulu H I

    Benson Smith 1 Co


    Fort StreetHONOLULU H I

    California Fruit MarketCorner King and Alokea Utreots



    From San Franclwo Trlth

    Fresh Fruits OystersSalmon Poultry

    Etc Eto Etc


    Booordo Colleotor CopyistTRANSLATOR IK -

    English and HawaiianReal Estate Agent Typewriter Stamp

    Dealer F rchaslng OoiomlsBlonand Advortielng Agent Eto

    OrriOBi No R27 KimformorpiivHtoofflcoof E B 1


    ktreet thoioma

    Hollister Drug Co


    Fort StreetHONOLULU H I

    Subtoribe or tho Independent BOcentt per month


  • 4



    - mjA LMJty j 4 ft itf W-Jf










    General Agent for Hawaiian Islands

    Rooms 13 BprsckeU Block Honolulu H X

    rotazi xnsurahobi company of liverpool

    alliance assurance company of london

    alliance Marine and general assurance company opLondon

    sun insurance oompant of san franciscoe

    wtbhblma of magdeburg general insurance company

    Northwestern Marinb and ltfb insurance company oMilwaukee -

    bun life ln8urahoiboompanyi of canada

    Life Fire and Marino Risto Taken at Feasopbe RatesTT jTTT

    Tlieo K Davies Co Ld



    General Merchandiseand


    Agents t for Lloyds

    Canadian Australian Steamship Line

    British Foreign Marine Insurance Co

    Northern Assurance Co Fire and Life

    Canadian -- Pacific Railway Co

    Pioneer Line of Paoket frnm Liverpool

    o ri- -QO er Vf--J



    r ieUruv r

    TuETJtONB 02



    ori V1


    oio- - nftep-- t ralO


    P O Box 145


    Groceries Provisions and FeedMew on Fresh Goods roceired by evory packet from California Eastern

    QUtes and European Markets

    SUusdard Gwuto of Canned Vegetables Fruits and Fish


    GoodB delivered to any part ol the City



    The World Moves


    And X So It with a Groat CoalMore Spoed

    Fnrnltnra and Baggage

    A ere delivered and moved bythe Fastest Exprcssos In town

    My Wagons

    are unlmnd whenever a steamernrrlvesiinilbapirnMO Hint tie ghtreach their destination nearlybeforo being landed

    aro a stwclaltv I movo Pianosaccording tothomoi aiprnv dmethod Tney dont even getoat f tnne II thoy d midthe owner should ilosir It Iwill tune them hiy elf and thatwould bofluo fortho Piano

    Leave orders at my ofllco

    Corner King and Nuuanu Sts

    on mno ur -

    Toleplioii 245

    - wtlliam larsenTELKrnoME 607 P O Box S21


    Carriage Manufactory

    128 130 Fort Street

    Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER

    Blacksmitulng in all Its Brandies

    Orders from the ohr Island in BuildingTrimming Painting tito Etcprompt y attei dtd to

    W W WRIGHT Proprietor8no esor to G West

    flahu Cash StoreNO Sll KING STREET

    NOW THAT THE ABOVE DRYSoro is an ai nred fact andhas been opened for buslnes InceJuly1b It Ik propar d to saibfy the mbt fustidlons tastes of the iubllo LatiNs will fl dir kithoir advantage to call lief first andeee for tlioniBelvo-bt-for- o going el owjerotorn ko their purchases Tney 111 horefin i a large ana varied assortueijt of

    Musitns Lawns CalicosPrints Blenched and Unbleached Cottons

    Untrlmnifd Hats nose Ha dker- -chWfi Perfumery Kto Kto

    No troablo at all to fchow GoodsM K BTTVA Mnnacer

    Galirornia Hawaiian FrnitAND

    PRODUCE COMPANYG Oavanaoii Manager

    Opposite 0 It t Depot on King StreetGroceries and Provisions

    Ice Hnase Goods Fish Vegetables FrozenOysters Eto received by every

    Bteamer from Ban Fran-cisco



    zsr Telephone 7fiB jej


    JOHN PHILLIPSHas removed bis Plumbing TtnInsa from

    King btreet to the premises on

    Hotel StreetFormerly occupied by Woven

    Wire JBsiley

    MriSWfTiS X y -





    W F REYK0LD3 Proprietor


    AbsolutelyCash Basis

    Stationer Newsdealer


    Music by Every Steamer

    Outdoor GamesToys Notions Etc Etc


    Anchor SaloonOornor King and Nunanu Sts

    W M Ccnninoham Manager

    Headquarters for Mechanics and Laborers


    Fredricksbnrg Draught Beer


    Bolo Agents for the Renowned

    Long LifeAH- D-

    O P T

    Oysters for CocktalsPer Every AustraliaOal and be convinced

    Criterion SaloonFort nour Hotel Streets

    0 J McOabtiiy

    - T

    - -


    Popular Brando of SirHgM Goods


    Try tho Great Appetiser

    The Btownie CocktalA Specialty with this iiesort

    depot or THE

    Famous Wieland Lager Beer

    Empire SaloonCorner Nunanu and Hotel Fts

    0 TDay Manager

    Choice Wines Liquors ales

    PORTEBS Eia ON DRAUGHTHalf-ann-Ha- lf on Draught

    Handmade Sour MashA SPECIALTY

    Mats ExchangeS I BIIAWt Proprietor

    Corner King and Nuuanu Btreots

    Choice LiquorsAND- -

    Fine Boers I

    TELEPHONE 401 -



    SURSnUIBER8 ARE RESPECTFULLYall nbscrlptlouu aro piiyablo trlctly in advance by the niontnquarter or ytar

    G 0 KENYON17 tf Manogor

    -- l S


    Twonty throa OortiflcntcB Granted

    Tho nununl oxnmiun ion of tonchera closed on tho 8 h int at Fortatrwt suhool Fortj nix cnndidati BpriseUtod tbomattlvos nud twontytlirco passed tho examination Cttrt fixates were issued as followa Sixobtained three yeans cortifieatosjten second grado aud soveu thirdgrade The following appointmentshave been tnado by the Board ofEducation

    W O Orowoll of KamehamehaNormal class principal of Governtntuit Rohool at Hilea Kau Hawaii

    D K Kanewanui KamehamehaNormal clasa priuoipal at OlowaluMnui

    Llinoo Hapai of Funahou firstassistant at Waianao

    J Lonhari tea hor at Lahainaluna Maui F W Abbott trans-ferred


    to bo principal at KaupoMaui

    Zaoh MoKeaguo principal at KeoknnMaui

    Fohakimohewa transferred fromWuimanalo to bo principal at Waialua Oahti

    Mr and Mrs Lmon at PahohoeHawaii vice M F Scott resignedaud Floronoo Snott transferred toiolualoa Kona Hawaii

    Mirb Julia Perry third assistantat Pubukaina school vico Miss An-nie


    PurryW B SUrky transferred from

    Kaupo Maui to Wainiha Kauai

    The English OabinetHarold Froderius cable lotter to

    the New York Times states underdates of July G

    Now it is so certain that LordSalinburys Government will not enjy a career of more than ordiuarypopularity in England It is stuffedfull of lord both in tho Cabinetand out of it So many ppera havonever held high oifieo before andwith courtesy lords nd heirs ofpeerages thoy have a considorablomajority of tho whole MinistryEven the great spending depart-ment


    of tho post office is given tothe Duke of Norfolk and there willbe no official in the House of Com-mons


    to answer questions on itsadministration who more nearlyconforms to tho general public thanany other This big eyuical bluffby its very magnitude and thorough-ness


    is not unlikely to ainue ratherthan to offend the democracyMoreover it is beeomitig understoodthat troublous international com-plications


    aro close ahead aud withLord Slisburyatthe Foreign Officethe Duke of Devonohiro at the headof the new National Council ofDefonsp and the Matquis of Landsowno as War Minuter there is axupgestion of old time arittooratiocaptaincy in days of stioss whichrather strikes the British imagina- -tion

    m m

    Po iciea of Great BritainLondon July 6 The Chronicle

    publishes what is purported to bo aconfidential document mmmarizingthe Governmoot polioy under threeheads Under the first head is theimperial polioy inoluding a strongnavy

    Tho seoond hoad is devoted to thocolonial polioy inoluding tho devel-opment


    of Africa and improved faci-lities


    of intercourse between themother country and the colonies

    The third head treats of thedomestio policy ombraoing poor lawreform the oasy transfer of landremoval of registration grievancesrestriction of immigration of pauperaliens fiscal reform the amendingof the employers liability act im ¬proved dwellings for tho poor facili ¬ties to enable workingmen o pur-chase


    dwellings agricultural legisla-tion


    and other matters

    Address all communications to theEiit rial Department o tho Inde-pendent


    to Edmund Norrie Busi ¬ness lottors should bo addressed toG 0 Konyon This is necessary forthe present as tho Post Ofllco willwithhold all mails addressed simplyto tho Independent owing to tho suitbrought by A V Gear

    If you dont got your paper ringup 811 The Independent


