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8/13/2019 Indepence From Britain Money

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Revolutionary Times in America

Imagine times when you have no rights, and people are virtually stealing your money. They

come into your homes and legally take your food and stay in your beds. Then, when you go to buy

something, people tell you that you need to not only buy the goods, but pay a really high tax on them.

And, all these taxes that you have to pay are not in your control, because your country have no

representation in the taxing country. This is what life was like in the colonies before the revolutionary

war. The Stamp Act, Tea Act, and The Intolerable acts were the most influential to the call for freedom is

the British Colonies.

The Stamp Act was the first tax placed on the American Colonists by the British, and it taxed all

official paper documents. The included, but was not limited to; newspaper, playing cards, and wills. The

colonists were not upset about the tax itself, rather what it was paying for. The British had been fighting

a war with the French, The French and Indian war, and were now in a massive war debt. The colonists

felt that, since they had no involvement in the war, that they shouldn’t be paying for it. Also, the

colonies had no say in the parliament of Britain, so the tax was set by Britain’s representatives, and not

the choice of the American people. When protesting these taxes, the colonists mainly wrote petitions

and rioted. After a few months, this act was repealed.

When The Stamp Act was repealed, the colonies had more and more taxes imposed on them.

Unlike The Stamp Act however, most of these were not repealed and, the colonists got more and more

fed up with the British government. The Tea Act was more of a trick than a tax. It actually LOWERED the

price of tea for the colonists so they wouldn’t buy smuggled tea from the Dutch. However, the Sons of

Liberty realized that this was just the kings was of making the American public submit to British rule. The

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result was the Boston Tea Party, one of the most known events in the revolutionary period. If the same

amount of tea was dumped today, its cost would be around $1,000,000 USD.

The Boston Tea Party ended up causing the WORST acts that the British imposed. The

Intolerable Acts were truly, intolerable. These Acts closed Boston Harbor until the tea was paid off in

full. Also, no town meetings were allowed to happen unless they were approved. This started a push for

independence from Britain, yet it wasn’t widely discussed. When the acts were pushed more to the

colonies, more riots broke out. People were boycotting, and sending smuggled goods into Boston to

help them survive. The British were starting to control the colonies, and to unite them, but not as

planned. They were uniting the colonies against Britain

With the Stamp Act, Tea Act, and the Intolerable Acts forced upon the Colonies, the push for

independence was greater than ever. When the Colonies had no say, and their rights were being taken

away, there was no other choice for them but to rebel. If you didn’t know if you would be able to print

what you wanted or, if you didn’t know if you would be able to live in freedom, what would you do?