In this issue... - Prom 2019 - Superstar Students: Term 4 (Almost) Midterm Edition - Looking ahead... Prom 2019 On Friday May 3, sixteen Blyth Academy Whitby students and two guests attended our Prom GALA 2019 at the Eglinton Grand in Toronto. Over 300 students were present, including students from all of our Ontario campuses, as well as our Blyth Academy Online and Global High School programs. An early arrival meant an impromptu taking over of a Toronto Starbucks location - which may turn into an annual event as it was a highlight for many! We hope you enjoy the photos below.

In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

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Page 1: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

In this issue...- Prom 2019

- Superstar Students: Term 4 (Almost) Midterm Edition

- Looking ahead...

Prom 2019 On Friday May 3, sixteen Blyth Academy Whitby students and two guests attended ourProm GALA 2019 at the Eglinton Grand in Toronto. Over 300 students were present,including students from all of our Ontario campuses, as well as our Blyth Academy Onlineand Global High School programs.

An early arrival meant an impromptu taking over of a Toronto Starbucks location - whichmay turn into an annual event as it was a highlight for many!

We hope you enjoy the photos below.

Page 2: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

The Blyth Academy Whitby crew at our Starbucks pre-party

Grade 11s Maddy G, Chidera, Skyla and Andrew are ready for Prom 2019!

Page 3: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

Linnea and Ava at Starbucks

Page 4: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

Siblings Payton and Aidan, and guest Silver enjoy some treats

Table 25: (l to r) Silver (guest), Payton (Gr.12), Aidan (Gr.11), Linnea (Gr.10), Ava

Page 5: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

(Gr.11), Skyla (Gr.11), Maddy G. (Gr.11), Andrew (Gr.11)

Table 30: (l to r) Britney (Gr.12), Chelsea (Gr.12), Kene (Gr.12), Charlie (Gr.12),Vivianne (Gr.12), Fred (guest), Skylar (Gr.12), Lizzie (Gr.12), Megan (Gr.12) MISSING:

Chidera (Gr.11)

Page 6: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

Lizzie demonstrates that a Shirley Temple is the perfect beverage to accompany alollypop

Page 7: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

Britney and Chelsea

Page 8: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

Vivianne standing between twins Skylar and Charlie

Page 9: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

Siblings Kene and Chidera

Page 10: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

Prom from above

SUPERSTAR STUDENTS - Term 4 (Almost) Midterm Edit ionSUPERSTAR STUDENTS - Term 4 (Almost) Midterm Edit ionANDREW B. (Gr. 7)Nominated by Middle School teachers Ms. Brittany Elik, Ms. Megan Crawford, andMrs. Natalie Garcia-EidAndrew has shown great dedication to student council, gardening and artclubs. In Language class, Andrew ensured that he followed his reading guideand presented an amazing report that demonstrated his hard work. Hecontinues to show enthusiasm in every class, particularly Science. Ms.Crawford can always count on Andrew to both ask and answer questions.Andrew always supports his peers and accepts them for who they are. Weare incredibly proud of Andrew! He is truly an asset to Blyth Whitby.

THOMAS B. (Gr. 9)Nominated by teacher Mrs. Garcia-Eid in FoundationsFor Foundations class I would like to nominate Tom. Tom has been nothingbut a great help during our Dungeons and Dragons Fridays. He is helping hisclassmates who are new to the game. His enthusiasm and patience with hisclassmates is admirable, and his dice collection is impressive. Great work,Tom!

TATE M. (Gr. 9)Nominated by teachers Mr. Blair Reid and Mrs. Natalie Garcia-Eid in PPL1OTate has been outstanding in regards to her efforts in our phys-ed class. Shehas openly admitted she is not athletically gifted, but that has not stopped herfrom trying to do whatever we challenge her with and she consistently showsgreat resiliency. It's very motivating to see her challenge herself and makeimprovements every day. Congratulations on your amazing attitude, Tate!

RAMMENA R. (Gr. 10)Nominated by teacher Mr. Ryan Hancock in ADA2OOn the first day of class, Rammena had no problemexplaining how much she hated drama and acting ingeneral, and outlining all of the fears she had regarding theclass. Ever since then, she has come to class with a good

Page 11: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

attitude, ready to learn, often helping to keep her peers ontrack while taking on a leadership role in group projects.As a teacher, it's been really great to see thistransformation. I've actually heard her say "This soundskind of fun" after I've described an activity. I'm not sure ifRammena would have imagined herself feeling that way,but I'm glad to see it and I hope it continues!

ANDREW A. (Gr. 11)Nominated by teacher Ms. Joelle delaPazin SNC4MAfter only a few weeks, Andrew hasearned his biology stripes in SNC4M.For someone who is not a biologist atheart, he has easily kept up with thecomplex biological concepts and hehas excelled at the assessments. Heasks deep questions during our

discussions about weight control and the spread of epidemics and he tells me he is now hookedon watching Grey's Anatomy. Keep up the good work, Andrew, and I look forward to furtherdiscourse on recent medical technologies with you!

NICK F. (Gr. 11)Nominated by teacher Mr. Micah Callanan in MBF3CI want to shout out Nick F. - he has been really working hard in my mathcourse. He puts the time into the class, is eager to learn, and truly seemsinterested in engaging in the content. So far through the course he has beenfar exceeding expectations - keep up the great effort!

AMBER N. (Gr. 11)Nominated by teacher Ms. Kim Kupovics in Co-opAmber first approached me in late October knowing she wanted to gain morework experience but unsure where to start. Initially Amber was interested inworking in the medical field or perhaps working with children but as themonths went on Amber felt drawn to something else; Women in Policing.Amber interviewed and earned a place in the very well established Co-opProgram with the DRPS - Durham Region Police Services. Amber spends herdays working hands-on and is "learning the ropes" as her Supervisor says! Amber makes us so proud at Blyth Whitby!

KYRA K. (Gr. 12)Nominated by teacher Ms. Zhechka Mileva in MDM4UKyra participates very actively in the Data Management class. She provokesinteresting and meaningful discussions by asking questions, or sharing hersolutions to some of the problems. Kyra is a very motivated and hardworkingstudent, who is very consistent in completing all of her work in a timelymanner.

MEGAN P. (Gr.12)Nominated by teacher Ms. Stephanie Little in SCH4UI nominate Megan as a Superstar Student. At the beginning of the course,she set a goal for herself of the grade she wants to achieve and is workingrelentlessly towards achieving it. Not only is she on top of all the work, butgoes several steps further by learning on her own. She shows curiosity andzealousness for science. She is also always positive and encouraging toothers. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to herclassmates.

JORDAN R. (Gr. 12)Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4UJordan has been a superstar student since the beginning of Term 4. He hasbeen writing diligently and constantly seeking ways to improve in Writer'sCraft. More than that, he has set an example for his peers through his effort,willingness to ask questions and share his ideas, and his passion for the

Page 12: In this issue › ... · others. She is also a natural born leader and an inspiration to her classmates. JORDAN R. (Gr. 12) Nominated by teacher Mrs. Laura Saumur in EWC4U Jordan

subject. His attendance, consistent participation, and tendency to hand in allhis work on time has also made Jordan stand out this term.

SKYLAR S. (Gr.12)Nominated by teacher Kim Kupovics in Co-opSkylar Smit initiated contact with the Principal of theImmanuel Christian School regarding Co-op Opportunitieslast October. In the months prior to her placement, Skylarvolunteered at the school getting to know the children andthe staff and began her placement at the end of April. Sheworks diligently with all the children helping with earlyliteracy, numeracy, physical education, music andchapel. The children love Ms. Smit as she is often initiating

games and activities during lunch and recess. Skylar is making us proud, working toward hergoal of becoming a Special Education Teacher.

LOOKING AHEAD...Mon. May 20- School is closed for Victoria Day

Tues. May 21- Gardening club at lunch

Wed. May 22- Gr. 8 High School visit day - Gr. 8 students should be dropped off at the main campus by8:20am and picked up from the main campus at 3:40pm. - No Name Club at lunch

Thurs. May 23- Blue Jays Day! Students attending the game do not need to attend morning classes. SeeSarah for questions or details.- After-school Sports Club cancelled today

Fri. May 24- Penguin Club at lunch- Running Club after school

Mon. May 27- Student Council at lunch - final meeting of this year

Tues. May 28- Gardening Club at lunch- Term 4 Parent-Teacher Interviews (High School) from 4 - 6pm. More information to come byemail closer to the date.

Wed. May 29- No Name Club at lunch

Thurs. May 30- After-school Sports Club at Peel Park

Fri. May 31- Penguin Club at lunch- Running Club after school

Tues. June 4- Gardening Club at lunch

Wed June 5- No Name Club at lunch

Thurs. June 6- After-school Sports Club at Peel Park