AND MRS. JOHN BAIRD'3 CELEBRATION. Tuesday evening, Mrs. John Belrd celebrated unique their wooaen wedding nlversaiy. guests vitedr unaware anniversary arrival found home literally lions sharing! -- other wooden bolt. Then hospitable couple .showered Kood wishes kind? mtllnn ahlvim with lorelr pink blossoms sorts. graceful palms. Pink cominateo. musical program renaerea. urutntn suyuueu Frank Moss, pianist. Prof. Joaquin WanreH, basso; Miss Eleanor Scott, making attractive program bride bridal each piece. wood white ribbon. Another form entertainment Romnlpttan story bysunolvine names spaces sheets paper given each guest. reading finished caused laughter.;, guests bidden dining rerresnments them, table largo pink center, which stood bowing automatically "each guest long time they remained There wooden hand-painte- d Voxes each lady theyTield orange blossoms from California. About gne&ts enjoyed lightful evening, whom Gen. Robert Evans,' Admiral Mrs. Clifford Bouah, Miss Gerald' Ttfahfin Bond Restarlck, British Consul 'florilftn. nnd'Kfra .William Da-ihiel- their house-gues- t, Miss Pearson Birmingham, Alabama; MaJ. Robert Raymond, Mrs. Tenney Clinton Bailer tyne, Maj. Matthew Laney, Rev. Canon Mrs. otners. WEDDING NEXT WEEK. John Stone Miss Julia Russell Peabody, place nadiaa-AuEXralasls- n. liner -- ..'..Niagara sails, port Vancouver Victoria. MIfs Ptabody been' resident "'St. IIcco!ulU"for 'leven years,' meriaer Mills College, faculty p&st'six. .She graauate State Preparatory School, Boulder, loraio going Mills yean- ..';v V:;v,; Stone Honolulu 1913, engaging teaching, mem- ber Mir?, faculty, .first1 years, joining torlal Star-Bulleti- n, where speedily recognition most premising yenus newspaper'man. graduate Whitman College, WfiEhlngton. lYom British Columbia they their honeymoon Wafctinjton X)regon, spending Stone's parents Thornton; Spokane forcal. young people frtendu wish them sheerest 'alohaB upon their honeymoon. MRS. CLIFFORD WOOD'S LUNCHEON. Wednesday week Mrs. Clifford Wood luncheon honor Mannie PhllHtwr table-wa- s attractive centerpiece violets sweet An SBahMlsaaaMe)! mss: julia; RUSSELL. PEABODY 4V.'. irXv wedding take' place week Miss Peabody Johff 'Stone strewn graceful profusion" pansles, forget-me-not- s, violets, while adorned with American Beauty Joseph lilies. Bridge played Mrs. Wood's guests afternoon.- - vThose invited by.Mrs.Wood Mrs. PhillipsV honor Mrs. Bicker Faxon Bishop, Miss garet. Walker, Arthur. Rice,' Albert Horner,, Mrs. Andrew Fuller, Armin.Haatsberg. berg, Mrs., Humphreys" Anne Lackland, Mrs. Tenney Peck, 3Irs. Christian Hedemann Mrs. George Collins. LIEUT,- - AND MRS. FRANK SLOAN'S INFORMAL DINNER."; Last Sunday Leuz. Mrs., Frank Sloan entertained very Informally friends "dinner Shifter. .Lieut, Mrs.; Sloan's guests Mrs. Bruce Cart-wrigh- t. Miss Edith Williams Capt Samuel Crelghton. AND MRS. RUDOLF; BUCHLY'S DINNER. Thursday evening4 Buchly entertained very de- lightful dinner honor Mrs. Ernest Waterhonse. table exquisite with setting pink gladiolus fern. Pink mallne effectively shaded candles added greatly table's beautr. After dinner Buchlys took their guests Country Club enjoy moonlight dance. guests Ernest Waterhouse, unity Unusual Opport buy high quality Silver Toilet Articles. We closing out our. stock the beautiful Carnation pattern Toilet Silver and will give you the advantage actual reduction Thii especially appropriate for Graduation Presents. H. Gulman Go., Ltd. Conningham, Hgr. Fort Hotel pi A. ''1f:?;.!;3 mm 5. Mrs.' Hamilton "PvAgee. Mrs.; Jack London, Ar- thur Rice,'; Miss Florence Butler James Mclne.rny.-r- ; MRS. FREDERICK REYNOLDS' -- NEIGHBORIIOOD TEA. Frederick Reynolds hostess delightful Wednesday week when invited neigh ;tea.v house ,rery prettily decorated' with glad- iolus. 'Joseph lilies "baskets email flowers. Mrs. Reynolds guests were; Mra." Andew Fuller, ."Henry Waterhouse,4 Miss Nora Sturgeon, Mrs., Singleburst, Charles Reynolds, David Stone, Harry Blodgett, Mrs.; WiUiam KendaiL' Mlleui BauegnrdeaUr- - Mrs. Christian Hedemann. MR8, EDGAR WOOD liUNCllEON HOSTESS.' Saturday week Mrs. Ed- gar .Wood prettily ranged luncheon. center table adorned with basket filled with fragrant "violets fern. Hand tainted violejiame cards marked place.1 Sewing activity guests after luncheon. Wood's guests Ruth Shaw, Miss Margaret Cooke, Miss Jes- sie Shaw, Miss Helen Ft-at- t, Miss Mar- garet Shaw, Miss Mary;,. Sutherland MRS. THEODORE LANSING LUN-- ! CHEON HOSTESS. Theodore Lansing, gave delightful luncheon-in- ; honor Mrs. Grossman Tuesday week. AND MRS. JACK LONDON'S This evening rand Mrs.; Jack London giving another their Saturday evening dinners. table evening decorated pink gladiolus; plue hydrangeas, forget-me-not- s pink sweet peas. shades pink blue, maline, make table effective. After dinner Lonopns their guests Bijou from there Heinle's. Their guests Walter Tklacfarlane,' Robert Shingle, Miss Mary Eben SURPRISE PARTY. Ljast Monday evening- - Princess le -- invited Mrs.iBddlh Laola Booth Informal din- ner before their departure mainland. When BooChs arrived quieVbut long, minutes friends poured from every door. Then repaired Queen's Waikiki home, where re- past spread justice done viands prepared Han- nah Palmer. After supper "Dude" Miller's quintet furnished delightful dance music. princess' guests Booth Laola Booth, hon- or guests; Frank Woods, Charles Chillingworth, Justice Robertson, Mayor John Lane, Mrs, Walter Macfarlane, andMrs. George Beckley, Robert Shingle, Mr.-Ernes- t; Parker, McCorriston Rose Brown, Mary, Low, Judge Archie Mahaulu AND MRS. HENRY SLOAN COFFIN VISIT HERE. Mrs.'H. Coffin, who. Friday evening's steamer Orient, recipients much. CAttlNG DAYS FOR HONOLULU Monidaya PiiaAhon,vMa4ikl2 Tuesdays Waikiki, Kaplolanl Park, .KalmukL Palolo, First Toeaday Fort "Ruger. Wednesday Nuuanu, Puunul, Paclilc Heights. First third Wednesdays,, above Nuuanu bridge; second fourth Wed- - nesdaya, below bridge; fourth Wednesday, Pacific Heights; first third Wednesdays, Alewa Heights. Thurmdayt-rTn- e' pjaina. Friday Hotela town, fourth Friday; Fort Shatter, Friday; Mano4.'? College Hills, third Friday; Kameha-- meha Schools, Friday. 8aturdayKalihL third gfourtH Saturdays Shafter CaQing ;day eryday, NosTnef telephone number Society- - Editor 1980.' ass attention 'frpm large number Honolulu folks whiles here; Coffin Yale schoolmate James Juddtair", Albert Judd, Mr,-W- . Baldwin, Charles Hemenway .Montague Cooke, The Judds supper: interesting couple; .Hemenway dinner Walter Freara breakfast, Cooke Mrs. Agnes Judd them arouna island.:; They, charmed with HonoluJu ,Coffin, noted preacher, gave, Central; Union, after dinner speech Men's League dinner, address Mills institute. iDr.. Coffin partly vflwuutt paruy. miBjiouary They will Honolulu October passing through their way. 'juajnlaod r..vs:v.- - enjoyable things they did1: here long tra,mp with Doremus Scudder some, friends.'; Judge Lindsay, also enJertalneoT: them. MR.viND kRS; C,W;CASi3;DEER- - ."ING'S SUNDAY NIQHf "DINNER. Sunday evening. usual cus- tom with" Deerlngs,,they Invited company friends enjoy the., evening wlththem. The table ;ifextremely .pretty with center PankedllRinossy ;.green- - .and white electric; flights peeping; through tffoliage Jo!o rstunts" sorts order merriment they caused. Deer-Ings- ', gueits.were Mrs. .Ernest Waterhouse, Mr;and Mrs. Arthur Rice, Mr,. and-MrS- j- Charles JUce Kauai, IrsFrank' Baldwin Maui, Sam Relief Burreir. dinner thejguests enjoyed. swim. THE MpaJTES HOLD JARGE TEA. vTbe Qomitry ;CIub. aettlng prettiest long;' when- - Minutes enter- - tamed Thursday afternoon. rooms. Were almplyj exquisite with nermeraccaiis. golden coreopsis Joseph mies. honorary guests honor. honorary members VMrs.. Ralph Johnstone.. Miss Alice Brown. Mrs; Humphreys, JVIrs. Putman Kauai, Miss Vera Damon, Mrs, George "Jr., Mrs. Jtnssell Hilo. Mra. Cooke-Mis- s Helen. Girvin. Livingstone. Blanche Soper Miss Jane WInne, Mrs.-F- . Hedemann, Miss Justine McClanahan, vWaldron. Miss Ethel Robertson Kinney, Sher wood Lowrey.i Miss Eather .Kopke, Mlas Berta .Kopke, Miss Nora Stur- geon, Bowman,' Mrs. Theo. Cooke, Ethel; Scott, Miss Beatrice CastieMrst Harold Giffard, Raw- - WarrenMiss Florence Hill. Mrs, Marshall,' Miss; Marjory Peterson, Baldwin. Spitzer, Wilcox. Elsie Stubbs Mrs. Isenberg, Mrs." LCtCastle, Mrs. Hugn Walker. Mrs. Harold Castle: Miss Aliee Cooker Mrs.; George Lake, Ranns, Miss SMth, Miss Alice Hopper,. .Mrs,, Alfred Eames, Miss Dora Atwater, Mrs. Hoogs, 'Loomis Miss Margaret Center. active" members Miss Ruth Anderson, Miss Violet Atherton, Miss Marie Ballentyne, "Miss Maud Ballen-tyn- e, Miss Catherine Blake, Miss Charlotte Blake, Miss Guilds Jack Guard, MIsa Bernice Halstead, Miss Gladys 'Halstead. Miss Alice Hoogs; Miss Ramona, Marks, Miss Ruth MeChesney, Miss Helen McLean, Mrs. Stanley McKenzie, Miss Grace Morgan. James Morgan, Miss SeeTocnelf As Ton Should Appear" from facial blemishes clear, pearly-whit- e appearance friends. Gouraud's OnentcUGreanu fawtutiy. detected. FERt. HOPKINS Street Letltia Morgan. Miss Ramon Morgan. Miss Doris Noble, Percy Nottage, Miss Ruth Richards, Mlas Ruth Soper, Mfas Margaret Thurston, Mrs. Jack Young, Miss Cleo Case, Edna Curtis, Mis- s- Dorothy, Hoogs, Miss SUUa Hoogs, Mrs, Frank Hoogs, Miss Grace Eredhoff. 'Miss EloUe Wich-ma- n. Miss Daphne Damon. Miss Kath-erin- e Ashley MUs Martha Mc-Chesn- x.;'.; AND MRS. ERNEST WATER- - house's dinner and thea- - TER PARTY. Saturday evening- - Mrs. Ernest Waterhouse entertained delightfully Informal dinner. table beautifully, decorated with American Beauty fragrant violeta, After dinner: Water-house- s took: their guests Bijou, from there Heinla'aThelr guests Mrs.' Baldwin Mant. anl.Mrsi Hamilton Agee, Mrs. Rudolf Buchly, Miss Flor- ence Butler Wimams Fort ShafUr.;.4;-.:.....;i- C,! AND MRS. CYRIL HOOGS CARD EVENING. Complimenting Miss .MyrtJe Schu ;Merwin Carson, Mrs. CyrUVHooss entertained them Wednesday evening. home prettily decorated.- - guests ofhon- - .surprised develop- ments, realizing they showered with many useful house hold, gifts. clpthes hamper decor Vbefltsi brlde-eU- ct brought presented. It.was prettily.' trimmed with white maline bows bride groom kewple savcily perched each oasset, program the. .'evening; fpr; scoring Miss Rosie Herbert given prize, corsage;! bouquet yellow flowers, while MrIfarold Morgan given' tray.'..-,;- , ;Mra. Hoogs' guests Low. Alice Hoogs.'Miss Rosle Herbert,' Miss Helen Miss Lucy Campbell, MIss.Ruth Richards.-Mis- s Violet erton, Miss Dorothy. Guild, Morgan, Miss Mabel Long. Mlas Nottage, ,Mr.v "Mrs. Campbell, Roy Patton, Braly. Hoogs, Wal- - ter.Lore, Frank Mldkiff JJibbard Case. THE CLUB DANCR largest re- cently Club evening enjoy Dance perfect night f.:vr.;r:Tr'-;i-rv-':"-V- announces ecial ;At there teen dearth club dances lately everyone ad- vantage Several dinner given, which were, Captain Edward John Almo Dominis. sScott several others. -- Among those noticed dance Harry Macfarlane, Mrs. Walter Mrs. Custav Schaefer, Harold fard. William Harry, George Jack London, WU- - llara .Williamson, Fred Damon. Betty Case, Miss Ruth Soper, Miss Mary Holt, McDonald. MIsa Pauline Schaefer, Miss Myrtle Hazel: Buck-lan- d. Miss Ruth Richards, Miss Ruth MUs Low. Mlas Bal-lentyn- e, McCorristcn, Guy Buttolph, Percy Podmore, Fos- ter Horner, Arch Brown. Menary, Capt. McNab, Daye others. "MRS. lIORNER DANCE HOSTESS. Monday evening Country Club occurred sum- mer's gaieties younger mem- bers Society, Mrs. Albert Horner informal dance honor, three AiDert Foster, John. club house simply occasion. Mrs. Charles assisted Horner reception comfort their gueets, Betty Case, Nora Swanzy, Mlas Miss Alice Cooke, Harriet Hatch, Miss Taullne Schaefer. Myrtle Schuman, Hazel Buckland Miss Thelma Murphy, Miss Ruth Richards, Miss Violet Miss, Lucy Campbell, ?Jerryw Berg. Ruth MeChesney, Renice Mary Holt, Ruth Ecper, Hlghley, Miss Ethel Lee; Messrs. Whlta, Purvlj, Percy Ernest Podmore, Hoogs, Clark, Gustav Ballen Wm. Warren, Capt McNab, CovelL Tom Vincent, Dave Larson, ethers.; int. "and mrs. jack BRIDGE LUNCH. Today London luncheon 'with brH?e table' decorated Jcseph lilies ward strewn rracefully da- mask..- Their luncheon guest?' -- Tt8' Miss Myrtle Schuman Mervintf stead. Gladys Halstead, Riests honor:. Marie Ballentrne. McLean, Dorothy Hoogs, -- Mrs. Geof-- 1 tyne, Guy Macfarlane, Frank Mldkiff, frey Mrs. Norma Adams, Walter Merwln Carson, Mrs.. Jack Guard, Arch Brown George Fuller. Men-Mr- s. Jak Young, Mr,' Mrs, Percy August Schaefer, Earnett, Stanley. Marston Vr; William COUNTRY gatherings Country Thursday Beckley, Deverill, decorated Ath-erto- n, Deverill, Sale Women s White opportunity.. Carpenter, Macfarlane, Chillingworth, Schuman,MIsi McChesney.. Wm.-Hoogs- , artistically McDonald, Alice-Hoogs- , aftpr-wards- .. forbct-root- s MIss'Lau-Carson- , Podmore, Argabrite,; "V'.-;--''.-'--;i- , "Moon-Hg- ht Onsesie Bloiiss JEFFS IN0. Fort Street Beretania the New Uptown Center' Mrs, Wlliram Williamson, Charles Chillingworth. "Jack- - Hawes. Mary Mlss .ChUson. Mrs. CuV Atkinson, Later afternoon lowtng have been asked 'Mrs. Murjiy, Anne Hall.. Mrs. Ross Brown, Mr.' Samuel Johnson. Widemann. Thelma Murphy, Harry Walcott. MRS. YOUNO GIVE THIRD LUNCIIHON. Mrs. Young, series luncheons, week third guests. exquisite wcrk, yellow green. golden coreopsis attractive. tour after devoted scoring highest Madeira handkerchief. guests Mrs.' Samuel Madam Fanner. Fh!'.!? Francisco, Charles Biertach. Fhlllp Sammons, Mrs-Geor- cc David. CiiiZ Mrs. iohn Tc!3cr. ecu and yr.r.ric-- : NOLD3 co::ru.ME::i. medicos giving afternoon r.cyr:' leave next mcnth after' three years Hrr.c!. they their tten'selves HoncluUns. II?.lelwa o'c!cc'. spend swimming, fishing Then dinner finish lng,' MaJ. Matthew Laney affair. foUowIr.T V,'i:::-.n- i Fn-.'- -r lUll.r. dolph Etert, rriithc-- Capt. Lauren L'ckc'j, Cet. Harry E'.odrett, Cart, Woci. Watson, Capt. Foucar, Capt. V,'t:;: Thelma Murphy. Samuel Crelhtcn, Capt. Mitchell, Capt. Jchn Johnsci, Delberaad Marstcn entertiinfn? pftrr.: next:wccli K.ihz! .i'liiiiiu- l"t'.-nolul- u "mainland, rrVitlv Shop ct:Hzzlzzi7zz:zz. 23 -;m- :K7' '?.""'. Consisting some quite extraordinary values. All these Blouses strikingly fashionable. Some hand; em- broidered. ':;"..'; ',.;;; xfcA-r&h- Sale London's' of 'prices, beginning Monday $2.50and$i. FASHION COMPANY, Shopping .ELET. ... - - - i - . - - ; - MR. - E. - ; ; ; On Mr. and: E. . in a very way an The , in were of thd but upon the In and ; ayra - waa thla with and I Tit. VinnQA mra a of all and rare ; pre-- . - , - ' ? , a was . . . : m. - 1 1 l . tue was cy air. . ' f ; up the very and un itfiit iwn nsw On'th vn t rf a K . . was a in her - yell and on was a. of tied with of vii th of a lore -- , w pi&Di iuo iu.uu uhwk. on we of The v of the lore ', tale V roars of The were then to the hall , lor . ana sun mora Tun was in store for. for in the ceo ter of the was a very rose in the of a to ,. for as a as In . were ffcr and can- - died GO this de some of , were r and Mrs. and In PrM.eh mnA . fra TTanra j and Mra. CL fl Mai R. of and Mrs. R. Mr. and f U G. De and' wil- - . nam auh ana v. A OF V- ,be that of Mr. F and . to - take m ui.ui Dtuuw fcauiu ueiore ine ui v roa this for ; and - " ; :"':v. has a and a . cr for the is a of v C6-- , and $ rior to to she . 1. I J 1 M ' -- r ':- -:.: ' Mr. cfi to Jn in also as a of the for the two an;'. then the edi- - staff it Ce he; win as a He is a. of i ' - . .!';. will go on , upon a . tour of : and some time in a visit with Mr. at near Both of the hn v t hi-i- ct o rvf hora vn rr ; the , of . ; u :: B. ? , 7 On; of this B. gave a In of Mrs. 'Th with a ( of and peas and lac, iern. uver. ine taoie were ) " i ..... At'.-;- ' va:-- J .... i;' f i 1: r ; ; .,- t s, i -' " K ; v." f. t f The will next .'of - to Mr. F. i .' or this city. ,: . ' Iil. - and the room was roses and St. was by for the : .w ,in were F. ' ton, Mrs. E. Mar- - Mrs. Mrs, urs. Mrs. Paul isen- - A. S. Mrs. L. C. and - ;' ' v "A: and a- - for a few at at. Fort and : were Mr. and Jrv and . v, ' MR. f i V 1 T , Mr., and Mrr. Ru dolf at a In of Dr. and The was a of and waa most used v land : r to the r : the to the to the The were Dr. and Mrs. Mr. to ':v are of "f 1 of an of is A. S. at 2 ;.V: ; .v;;- - - r. and Mr. and Mr.' nd Mrs. and Mr.- - , - : ? ; ' . Mrs. was at a . tea on 01 this she her bors in for a cup of The was St - v and of. '! ; - Mrs. ' W. G. Mrs. Mrs. IJrs. H. P; and ' ; 1 t. . :.?; 4 , 'r K A ; i: - ;' l '4 On of last ' gave ' a . very ; ar The of the was a. low and lace - each was ' the of the Mrs. were Miss . rvV'. : S " ' : jj1. 1'. A -- i r V ? Mrs a very of M. E. on of last J ': .' .:.', 1.- - - MR. Mr. are of , The this is to be with and ; and ; The and in will the very the take to the and to ? : win be Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Low and Mr. Low. - ' : A and Miss for an for "the the all was not for for in a few in all to the ; a . was and full was the by Mrs. The were Mrs. and Miss the Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. A. G. M. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Bob Miss Miss and Mr. and Mrs. Kea. . ... DR. S Dr. and S, left ' on for the were the of 8 9 S 8 v 3 B - 'Xr- Q 8 Si 8 If a - B ;';; .1.. - ' 9 a S B and S B ' the B and S 8 " ; 3 8 ? a and 9 a :. ; " 8 a ' : 8 ; and : B a t first "3 3 1' ; K first and R a last .. a ft ; s and : . ,,.;. -- ; .5 : . ev- - ' B a!l ' B B of the is 3 a a b a B b aa s bb js aa a of Dr.. was a of J)r. R. F. Mr. and Mr. C v. . bad " Pol for this the a a. the ? ' a Mr. a tea and oo the were Dr: wpo ir.a a tajjc at. also an at the and gave An at j and, Mrs. - are on. "a sua worn. he in on' 24, - - on (o the ;. vu i One of the very ' I whil . was to take si er.: and : and Mrs. A. f ' ' ; h. 'as is the T the C. W. C a of to was Its : i the sof of. the ferns. of all were in and no end of The Dr. and of Mr.: and of Mr; and MrT. Af f er a' f ; I A' was tne ior one of . the teas In a time the . on ; The j . . and St. The mem qers were the of The W. R: pf Ren ton. J. W, of R. Mrs. C. G.. Miss F. , Mrs. J. ,W. Bish op, Mrs. Mr. ' . Mrs. Mrs. A; Mrs. son U . Mrs.: 8isa MIsa Miss G. f A. . . Mrs. C. U . C. Jllra Ned and. , . "'-.- , ;'. The are - . D. Mrs. ; " , Mrs. - tree and with a soft, that will be envy of your docs' thU far yom Its effect fc v subtile that it caan .- -t be o:i tpeT - 68 ycait tn ute. " iMd 10. tor trUI ls T t SON 37 Great iMica -- New Yoik City Mrs. v . , : Mis and ''- - ' - v w -, : -- 4; ,; r-'- i DR. r; : v ; , ' ' Dr. and 'at a - The was roses . and .. the to the to were Dr. and of Mr. P.' Mr. and . and MaJ of . : ' M R; v ' X. v h man and Mr. Mr. and for The was The or. were at the' not that .were 'to be - A ated as a . was In and : very - and a and were . on side of J me the of and top was the first a of was an ash. .:. ;; , Mr. -- and were ra . Ath , Miss Letl tia ' ; and Mc - tI' HffiflflM PIlAlilAtf CTtr itn Jr.,' G. A. -- i f V;., j r : . ' of : : - at It iWas a v .:--''- 1. ' and as has a of took of the were , some of by and Mrs. - Mr. and Mr ku Mrs. W. G. and . at the were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr. and, C. F. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Gif Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Von Miss Lila L. ; Mr. , Bob Mr. Mr. Mr, E. Mr. Mr. Mr., Mr. Bob Mr. La son, and ? ; , . ; .. ;. .. ' Av A , X On. at, the first of the for the gave an her sobs, Jr and The was for the Mr. and Rice and Mrs. In the and of who were MI3S Miss Lila Miss Miss Miss K. - Mrs. Miss . Miss . Miss Hal Von Miss Miss Lee and Miss Lola Bob Bob Wil liam Bert 1 L. . Mr. and ; ., v : J Mr. and Mrs. Jack , gave a. The was with Ft. , over thfl satin are ;.M 't and Mr. Miss the of Miss Miss MIsa : Mr. and " ,. , Mr. and - ; Mr. and I Bob and ary, Mr. T and ;, One the was the on to the " Mr. the of In of yet Mr. Mr. J. i '. ' r at " .'"'" :'"" "i ' ;,';'-- -' and Mra. Mr. Mrs. MU : E. 8. A. L. C and Mr, J. J . sen. in the tZ for a and tea: A. E. and I. N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mr. V.". and Mr, 5 - - ;,'- . J. L. 3 : r J. L, who has t -- Ing a of wa.3 I thla at her cse. C were laid for IS Tl ? was an bit cf ( In and A low 1 with fern w . The .to bri z Mr. : and recti vie a Mrs. were Di : Mrs. r San Mrs. r Otto Mrs. Tr B. Mrs. F. D. C Mrs. ar.d J. Mr. r ' The cf Fcrt 1. . an. ar. 1 ev:-- ' lng to Col. an1 Mrs.- fcr v. : In and sc3 have : a warn sret la t' of all TI:a tr at 2. ty r will the a ft err. cm and pU nis. a at tho to up wl:h a la t and then to town ty r De h:.j r the . - The - hiv - tr -- -. : CoL and Mrs. P. 1 and Mrs. R. t llil I' S. H. t Neal M. Cj; t sr.l I in. i M. ar.d Mrs. 1 . Jay K. M!--- s 1 I I Dr. Q-:- -t r:-:- .:-. . , j , :;, Mr end Mrs. Cir : w;th an tion at the'r f Mrs. Trf.-- r is on the 2th frr a on-- ' th. with -- ; .. .. . i . .v :- -'; I; of are : are

In PrM.eh mmMR8, EDGAR WOOD liUNCllEON HOSTESS.' Saturday week Mrs. Ed-gar .Wood prettily ranged luncheon. center table adorned with basket filled with fragrant "violets fern. Hand

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Page 1: In PrM.eh mmMR8, EDGAR WOOD liUNCllEON HOSTESS.' Saturday week Mrs. Ed-gar .Wood prettily ranged luncheon. center table adorned with basket filled with fragrant "violets fern. Hand


Tuesday evening, Mrs.John Belrd celebratedunique their wooaen weddingnlversaiy. guests vitedrunaware anniversaryarrival found home literally lions

sharing! -- other woodenbolt. Then hospitable couple

.showered Kood wishes kind?mtllnn ahlvim

with lorelr pink blossoms sorts.graceful palms. Pinkcominateo.

musical program renaerea.urutntn suyuueu

Frank Moss, pianist. Prof. JoaquinWanreH, basso; Miss Eleanor Scott,

making attractive

program bride bridaleach piece. wood

white ribbon. Another formentertainment Romnlpttan

story bysunolvine namesspaces

sheets paper given each guest.reading finishedcaused laughter.;, guests

bidden diningrerresnments

them,table largo pink

center, which stood

bowing automatically "each guestlong time they remained

There wooden hand-painte- d

Voxes each lady theyTieldorange blossoms from California.

About gne&ts enjoyedlightful evening, whomGen. Robert Evans,' Admiral

Mrs. Clifford Bouah, Miss Gerald'Ttfahfin

Bond Restarlck, British Consul'florilftn. nnd'Kfra

.William Da-ihiel- their house-gues- t,

Miss Pearson Birmingham,Alabama; MaJ. RobertRaymond, Mrs. Tenney

Clinton Bailer tyne, Maj. MatthewLaney, Rev. Canon Mrs.



John Stone MissJulia Russell Peabody, place

nadiaa-AuEXralasls- n. liner --..'..Niagarasails, port Vancouver

Victoria.MIfs Ptabody been' resident

"'St. IIcco!ulU"for 'leven years,'meriaer Mills College, faculty

p&st'six. .She graauateState Preparatory School, Boulder,loraio going Mills

yean- ..';v V:;v,;Stone Honolulu 1913,

engaging teaching, mem-ber Mir?, faculty, .first1

years, joiningtorlal Star-Bulleti- n, where

speedily recognition mostpremising yenus newspaper'man.

graduate Whitman College,WfiEhlngton.

lYom British Columbia theytheir honeymoon

Wafctinjton X)regon, spendingStone's

parents Thornton; Spokane

forcal. young peoplefrtendu

wish them sheerest 'alohaBupon their honeymoon.


Wednesday week Mrs.Clifford Wood luncheonhonor Mannie PhllHtwrtable-wa- s attractive centerpiece

violets sweet



mss:julia; RUSSELL.




wedding take' place week Miss Peabody Johff'Stone

strewn graceful profusion" pansles,forget-me-not- s, violets, while

adorned with AmericanBeauty Joseph lilies.Bridge played Mrs. Wood'sguests afternoon.- -

vThose invited by.Mrs.Wood Mrs.PhillipsV honor Mrs. Bicker

Faxon Bishop, Missgaret. Walker, Arthur. Rice,'Albert Horner,, Mrs. Andrew Fuller,

Armin.Haatsberg.berg, Mrs., Humphreys"Anne Lackland, Mrs. Tenney Peck,3Irs. Christian Hedemann Mrs.George Collins.


Last Sunday Leuz. Mrs., FrankSloan entertained very Informally

friends "dinnerShifter. .Lieut, Mrs.; Sloan'sguests Mrs. Bruce Cart-wrigh- t.

Miss Edith WilliamsCapt Samuel Crelghton.


Thursday evening4Buchly entertained very de-

lightful dinner honorMrs. Ernest Waterhonse. table

exquisite with setting pinkgladiolus fern. Pink mallne

effectively shadedcandles added greatly table'sbeautr.

After dinner Buchlys took theirguests Country Club enjoy

moonlight dance. guestsErnest Waterhouse,


Opportbuy high quality Silver Toilet Articles.

We closing out our. stock the beautifulCarnation pattern Toilet Silver and will give

you the advantage actual reduction

Thii especially appropriate for GraduationPresents.

H. Gulman Go., Ltd.Conningham, Hgr. Fort Hotel

pi A.




Mrs.' Hamilton "PvAgee.Mrs.; Jack London, Ar-thur Rice,'; Miss Florence Butler

James Mclne.rny.-r- ;


delightful Wednesdayweek when invited neigh

;tea.v house,rery prettily decorated' with glad-

iolus. 'Joseph lilies "basketsemail flowers. Mrs. Reynolds

guests were; Mra." Andew Fuller,."Henry Waterhouse,4 Miss Nora

Sturgeon, Mrs., Singleburst,Charles Reynolds, David Stone,

Harry Blodgett, Mrs.; WiUiamKendaiL' Mlleui BauegnrdeaUr- -

Mrs. Christian Hedemann.


Saturday week Mrs. Ed-gar .Wood prettilyranged luncheon. centertable adorned with basketfilled with fragrant "violetsfern. Hand tainted violejiame cardsmarked place.1 Sewingactivity guests after luncheon.

Wood's guests RuthShaw, Miss Margaret Cooke, Miss Jes-sie Shaw, Miss Helen Ft-at-t, Miss Mar-garet Shaw, Miss Mary;,. Sutherland


CHEON HOSTESS.Theodore Lansing, gave

delightful luncheon-in- ; honor Mrs.Grossman Tuesday


AND MRS. JACK LONDON'SThis evening rand Mrs.; Jack

London giving another theirSaturday evening dinners. table

evening decoratedpink gladiolus; plue hydrangeas,forget-me-not- s pink sweet peas.

shades pink blue, maline,make table effective.

After dinner Lonopns theirguests Bijou from thereHeinle's. Their guests

Walter Tklacfarlane,'Robert Shingle, Miss Mary


SURPRISE PARTY.Ljast Monday evening- - Princess le

--invited Mrs.iBddlhLaola Booth Informal din-

ner before their departuremainland. When BooChs arrived

quieVbut long,minutes friends poured from

every door. Then repairedQueen's Waikiki home, where re-past spread justicedone viands prepared Han-nah Palmer. After supper "Dude"Miller's quintet furnished delightfuldance music.

princess' guestsBooth Laola Booth, hon-or guests; Frank Woods,

Charles Chillingworth,Justice Robertson,Mayor John Lane,Mrs, Walter Macfarlane, andMrs.George Beckley, RobertShingle, Mr.-Ernes- t; Parker,McCorriston Rose Brown,Mary, Low, Judge Archie Mahaulu


Mrs.'H. Coffin, who.Friday evening's steamer

Orient, recipients much.


Monidaya PiiaAhon,vMa4ikl2Tuesdays Waikiki, Kaplolanl

Park, .KalmukL Palolo, FirstToeaday Fort "Ruger.

Wednesday Nuuanu, Puunul,Paclilc Heights. First thirdWednesdays,, above Nuuanubridge; second fourth Wed--nesdaya, below bridge; fourthWednesday, Pacific Heights; first

third Wednesdays, AlewaHeights.

Thurmdayt-rTn-e' pjaina.Friday Hotela town,

fourth Friday; Fort Shatter,Friday; Mano4.'? College Hills,

third Friday; Kameha--meha Schools, Friday.

8aturdayKalihL thirdgfourtH Saturdays

Shafter CaQing ;dayeryday,

NosTnef telephone numberSociety-- Editor 1980.'ass

attention 'frpm large number Honolulu

folks whiles here; CoffinYale schoolmate James

Juddtair", Albert Judd, Mr,-W- .

Baldwin, Charles Hemenway.Montague Cooke, The Judds

supper: interestingcouple; .Hemenway dinner

Walter Freara breakfast,Cooke Mrs. Agnes Juddthem arouna island.:; They,charmed with HonoluJu ,Coffin,

noted preacher, gave,Central; Union, after dinner

speech Men's League dinner,address Mills institute.

iDr.. Coffin partlyvflwuutt paruy. miBjiouaryThey will Honolulu October

passing through their way.'juajnlaod r..vs:v.- -

enjoyable thingsthey did1: herelong tra,mp with Doremus Scudder

some, friends.'; JudgeLindsay, also enJertalneoT: them.

MR.viND kRS; C,W;CASi3;DEER- -

."ING'S SUNDAY NIQHf "DINNER.Sunday evening. usual cus-

tom with" Deerlngs,,theyInvited company friends enjoythe., evening wlththem. The table

;ifextremely .pretty with centerPankedllRinossy ;.green- - .and whiteelectric; flights peeping; through

tffoliage Jo!o rstunts"sorts order

merriment they caused. Deer-Ings- ',

gueits.were Mrs. .ErnestWaterhouse, Mr;and Mrs. Arthur Rice,Mr,. and-MrS-

j- Charles JUce Kauai,IrsFrank' Baldwin Maui,

Sam Relief Burreir.dinner thejguests enjoyed. swim.


vTbe Qomitry ;CIub. aettlngprettiest

long;' when- - Minutes enter--tamed Thursday afternoon.rooms. Were almplyj exquisite withnermeraccaiis. golden coreopsis

Joseph mies. honoraryguests honor.

honorary members VMrs.. RalphJohnstone.. Miss Alice Brown. Mrs;

Humphreys, JVIrs. Putman Kauai,Miss Vera Damon, Mrs, George

"Jr., Mrs. Jtnssell Hilo.Mra. Cooke-Mis- s Helen. Girvin.

Livingstone. BlancheSoper Miss Jane WInne, Mrs.-F- .

Hedemann, Miss Justine McClanahan,vWaldron. Miss Ethel

Robertson Kinney, Sherwood Lowrey.i Miss Eather .Kopke,Mlas Berta .Kopke, Miss Nora Stur-geon, Bowman,' Mrs. Theo. Cooke,

Ethel; Scott, Miss BeatriceCastieMrst Harold Giffard, Raw- -

WarrenMiss Florence Hill. Mrs,Marshall,' Miss; Marjory Peterson,

Baldwin. Spitzer,Wilcox. Elsie Stubbs Mrs.Isenberg, Mrs." LCtCastle, Mrs. HugnWalker. Mrs. Harold Castle: MissAliee Cooker Mrs.; George Lake,

Ranns, Miss SMth, Miss AliceHopper,. .Mrs,, Alfred Eames, MissDora Atwater, Mrs. Hoogs,

'Loomis Miss MargaretCenter.

active" members Miss RuthAnderson, Miss Violet Atherton, MissMarie Ballentyne, "Miss Maud Ballen-tyn- e,

Miss Catherine Blake, MissCharlotte Blake, Miss GuildsJack Guard, MIsa Bernice Halstead,Miss Gladys 'Halstead. Miss AliceHoogs; Miss Ramona, Marks, MissRuth MeChesney, Miss Helen McLean,Mrs. Stanley McKenzie, Miss GraceMorgan. James Morgan, Miss

SeeTocnelfAs TonShouldAppear"

from facial blemishesclear, pearly-whit- e appearance






Letltia Morgan. Miss Ramon Morgan.Miss Doris Noble, Percy Nottage,Miss Ruth Richards, Mlas Ruth Soper,Mfas Margaret Thurston, Mrs. JackYoung, Miss Cleo Case, EdnaCurtis, Mis- s- Dorothy, Hoogs, MissSUUa Hoogs, Mrs, Frank Hoogs, MissGrace Eredhoff. 'Miss EloUe Wich-ma- n.

Miss Daphne Damon. Miss Kath-erin- eAshley MUs Martha Mc-Chesn-


house's dinner and thea--TER PARTY.

Saturday evening- - Mrs.Ernest Waterhouse entertaineddelightfully Informal dinner.table beautifully, decorated withAmerican Beauty fragrantvioleta, After dinner: Water-house- s

took: their guests Bijou,from there Heinla'aThelr guests

Mrs.' Baldwin Mant.anl.Mrsi Hamilton Agee,Mrs. Rudolf Buchly, Miss Flor-

ence Butler Wimams FortShafUr.;.4;-.:.....;i- C,!


Complimenting Miss .MyrtJe Schu;Merwin Carson,

Mrs. CyrUVHooss entertained themWednesday evening. homeprettily decorated.- - guests ofhon--

.surprised develop-ments, realizing they

showered with many useful household, gifts. clpthes hamper decor

Vbefltsi brlde-eU- ct

brought presented. It.wasprettily.' trimmed with white malinebows bride groom kewple

savcily perched eachoasset, program

the. .'evening; fpr; scoringMiss Rosie Herbert givenprize, corsage;! bouquet yellowflowers, while MrIfarold Morgangiven' tray.'..-,;- ,

;Mra. Hoogs' guests

Low.Alice Hoogs.'Miss Rosle Herbert,' MissHelen Miss Lucy Campbell,MIss.Ruth Richards.-Mis- s Violeterton, Miss Dorothy. Guild,

Morgan, Miss Mabel Long. Mlas

Nottage, ,Mr.v "Mrs.

Campbell, Roy Patton,Braly. Hoogs, Wal- -

ter.Lore, Frank Mldkiff JJibbardCase.

THE CLUB DANCRlargest re-

cently Clubevening enjoy

Dance perfect night




there teen dearthclub dances lately everyone ad-vantage Severaldinner given, whichwere, Captain Edward

John AlmoDominis. sScott

several others.-- Among those noticed dance

Harry Macfarlane,Mrs. Walter

Mrs.Custav Schaefer,

Harold fard. William Harry,George

Jack London, WU--llara .Williamson, FredDamon. Betty Case, Miss RuthSoper, Miss Mary Holt,McDonald. MIsa Pauline Schaefer, MissMyrtle Hazel: Buck-lan- d.

Miss Ruth Richards, Miss RuthMUs Low. Mlas Bal-lentyn- e,

McCorristcn,Guy Buttolph, Percy

Podmore, Fos-ter Horner, Arch Brown.Menary, Capt. McNab, Daye



Monday evening CountryClub occurred sum-mer's gaieties younger mem-bers Society, Mrs. Albert Horner

informal dance honor,three AiDert Foster,

John. club house simplyoccasion.

Mrs. Charles assistedHorner reception

comfort their gueets,Betty Case, Nora Swanzy, Mlas

Miss Alice Cooke,Harriet Hatch, Miss Taullne Schaefer.

Myrtle Schuman, HazelBuckland Miss Thelma Murphy,Miss Ruth Richards, Miss Violet

Miss, LucyCampbell, ?Jerryw Berg.Ruth MeChesney, Renice

Mary Holt, Ruth Ecper,Hlghley, Miss EthelLee; Messrs. Whlta, Purvlj,Percy Ernest Podmore,

Hoogs, Clark, Gustav Ballen

Wm. Warren, Capt McNab,CovelL Tom Vincent, Dave Larson,


int. "and mrs. jackBRIDGE LUNCH.

Today Londonluncheon 'with brH?e

table' decoratedJcseph lilies ward

strewn rracefully da-mask..- Their luncheon guest?'


Miss Myrtle Schuman Mervintf stead. Gladys Halstead,Riests honor:. Marie Ballentrne.


Dorothy Hoogs, -- Mrs. Geof-- 1 tyne, Guy Macfarlane, Frank Mldkiff,frey Mrs. Norma Adams, Walter Merwln Carson,

Mrs.. Jack Guard, Arch Brown George Fuller. Men-Mr- s.

Jak Young, Mr,' Mrs, Percy August Schaefer, Earnett,Stanley.

MarstonVr; William






Ath-erto- n,


SaleWomen s White






Wm.-Hoogs- ,



Alice-Hoogs- ,

aftpr-wards- ..

forbct-root- s

MIss'Lau-Carson- ,

Podmore, Argabrite,;

"V'.-;--''.-'--;i- ,

"Moon-Hg- ht

Onsesie Bloiiss


Fort Street Beretania

the New Uptown Center'

Mrs, Wlliram Williamson,Charles Chillingworth."Jack-- Hawes. Mary

Mlss .ChUson. Mrs. CuVAtkinson,

Later afternoonlowtng have been asked

'Mrs. Murjiy,Anne Hall.. Mrs. Ross Brown,

Mr.' Samuel Johnson.Widemann.

Thelma Murphy, HarryWalcott.


Mrs. Young,series luncheons,

week thirdguests.

exquisite wcrk,yellow green.

golden coreopsisattractive. tour after

devotedscoring highestMadeira handkerchief.guests Mrs.' SamuelMadam Fanner. Fh!'.!?

Francisco, CharlesBiertach. Fhlllp


cc David. CiiiZMrs. iohn Tc!3cr.

ecu and yr.r.ric-- :

NOLD3 co::ru.ME::i.medicos

giving afternoonr.cyr:'

leave next mcnthafter' three years Hrr.c!.they theirtten'selves

HoncluUns.II?.lelwa o'c!cc'.

spendswimming, fishing

Then dinnerfinish

lng,'MaJ. Matthew Laney


V,'i:::-.n- iFn-.'- -r lUll.r.

dolph Etert, rriithc--Capt. Lauren L'ckc'j, Cet.Harry E'.odrett, Cart,

Woci.Watson, Capt.

Foucar, Capt. V,'t:;:Thelma Murphy.Samuel Crelhtcn, Capt.Mitchell, Capt. Jchn Johnsci,Delberaad

Marstcnentertiinfn? pftrr.:

next:wccli K.ihz!

.i'liiiiiu- l"t'.-nolul- u

"mainland, rrVitlv

Shop ct:Hzzlzzi7zz:zz.





Consisting some quite extraordinary values. All these

Blouses strikingly fashionable. Some hand; em-

broidered. ':;"..'; ',.;;; xfcA-r&h-




'prices, beginning Monday




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iMd 10. tor trUI lsT t SON

37 Great iMica --New Yoik City


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