IN LOVING MEMORY OF Richmond Michael Francis Jokhan 14.11.1959 – 07.11.2020 When You Smiled, The World Smiled Too ~ Monday 14 th December 2020 at The City of London Crematorium Traditional Chapel 2:15pm

IN LOVING MEMORY OF - Funeral Streaming

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Richmond Michael Francis Jokhan

14.11.1959 – 07.11.2020

When You Smiled, The World Smiled Too


Monday 14th

December 2020 at

The City of London Crematorium

Traditional Chapel



ENTRANCE MUSIC: Erik Satre – Gymnopedie No.1

PALLBEARERS INCLUDE: Titus Jokhan (Son), Jonathan Jokhan (Brother), Benny Junior Jokhan (Brother), and Robert

Jokhan (Brother).

SERVICE LED BY: Reverend Tony Ashley


Jonathan Jokhan (Brother)


Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 Verses 1-8

‘A Time For Everything’ – read by Carol Muraldo (Cousin)

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

A time to be born and a time to die.

A time to plant and a time to harvest.

A time to kill and a time to heal.

A time to tear down and a time to build up.

A time to cry and a time to laugh.

A time to grieve and a time to dance.

A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.

A time to embrace and a time to turn away.

A time to search and a time to quit searching.

A time to keep and a time to throw away.

A time to tear and a time to mend.

A time to be quiet and a time to speak.

A time to love and a time to hate.

A time for war and a time for peace.


Ruth Burgess, ‘We Let You Go’ – read by Cameron Jokhan (Nephew)

Into the freedom of wind and sunshine, we let you go.

Into the dance of the stars and the planets, we let you go.

Into the wind’s breath and the hands of the star maker, we let you go.

We love you, we miss you, we want you to be happy.

Go safely, go dancing, go running home.

MUSIC PIECE: Lauryn Hill – To Zion (Reflection of one of Richie’s favourite songs)


Matthew Chapter 6 Verse 34

‘Do Not Worry’ – read by Jackie Wade (Lifelong Friend)

So, don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.

Today’s trouble is enough for today.


Susan Pereria (Sister)


Kirk Franklin, ‘Till We Meet Again’ – read by Reverend Tony Ashley

May His peace be with you till we meet again

May His peace be with you till we meet again

Till we reach that distant shore

And we'll shed a tear no more

May He give you strength to endure

Till we meet again

May His love be with you till we meet again

May His love be with you till we meet again

Till we reach that promised land

And we'll walk hand in hand

May He give you strength to stand

Till we meet again


Performed by Reverend Tony Ashley


Anonymous – read by All

God looked around His garden and found an empty place,

He then looked down upon the Earth and saw your tired face.

He put His arms around you and lifted you to rest,

God’s garden must be beautiful, He always takes the best.

He knew that you were suffering, He knew you were in pain,

He knew that you would never get well on Earth again.

He saw the road was getting rough and the hills we hard to climb,

So He closed your weary eyelids and whispered, “Peace be Thine.”

It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn’t go alone,

For part of us went with you, the day God called you home.


Jeffery Eilerman, ‘Saying Goodbye’ – read by Titus Jokhan (Son)

May today's tears of heartfelt sorrow

Be signs of hope for a brighter tomorrow

And the pain and grief that we are feeling

Give way to joy through God's merciful healing

For goodbye is not 'gone forever'

It's only for a while

And when we get together again

We will share your great big smile


Denise Charles-Jokhan (Wife)

EXIT MUSIC: The Royal Rasses and Prince Lincoln Thompson – Humanity


Big and Jolly, Loud and Proud; That’s who you were – it was known for miles

The kind of man who would make you feel better, just by turning and giving a smile.

Could be the kindest man walking – if you wanted to be, with many up’s and down’s

Sometimes cruel in mouth, but never in heart; our favourite guy to be around.

Trinidad was always the dream, so you could ‘lime’, soaking up the sun and sand

But that vision was never complete, without a little Puncheon Rum in your hand!

Your sweet tooth was dangerous; lemon tarts were your favourite – exactly the same as mine

You loved them so much, sometimes you wouldn’t even share... but I’ll let you off this time.

Reliable. That you definitely were – day or night you always answered the phone

Where you were, no matter where you were, that place we always called home.

Loving. That’s another word for you. Caring; the list goes on

Even though some of your loved ones were already gone, the ones still here you loved just as strong.

Music was a part of your soul; your vinyl collection is one of a kind

The floorboards did all the talking, as Richie T spun the tracks, regardless of wind or shine.

Friday’s was movie or game night, sometimes we visited Family or Friends

On came the old leather waistcoat, as you tied your hair in a bun, hiding all the split ends.

Snacks on the way home was our little treat, Solomon snoring in the back of the van

“Tam you look just like your Dad” – please, I’m a young woman, not an old man!

Thinking now, that line is full of compliments, I wouldn’t have it any other way

Because looking like you, even acting like you is a privilege… one that will forever stay.

And even though I’m telling of all your tales past, who you were is exactly who you still are

A Son, a Brother, a Husband, a Dad; a man who loved both near and afar.

So as you’re looking down, don’t get emotional – you don’t need to shed a tear or two

But instead look down and smile. Because when you smiled, everyone else smiled too.

Love Always
