In Gear ROTARY CLUB OF BEAUMARIS WEEKLY BULLETIN Number 36, 24 April 2017 Next Meetings THURSDAY APRIL 27 MALARIA CHAIR: CLEM QUICK AV: GREG EVERY CASH DESK: MARTIN FOTHERGILL AND FRED HOFMANN HOST: CHRIS MARTIN THURSDAY 4 MAY ART OF KAKADU BAYSIDE COUNCIL ARTRIUM EXHIBITION SPACE ROYAL AVENUE, SANDRINGHAM VIEWING STARTS AT 6:30 DRINKS & FINGER FOOD $25 THURSDAY 11 MAY TBA CHAIR: DAVID RUSHWORTH AV: DAVID LEA CASH DESK: ROGER FREWEN AND DAVID HONE HOST: ROBERT MCARTHUR THURSDAY 18 MAY PE PLANS CHRIS D’ARCY CHAIR:ROY SEAGER AV: ROSS PHILLIPS CASH DESK: KERRIE GEARD & CHARMAINE JANSZ HOST: TONY MCKENNA 2016—2017 Serving the Community since 1985 Presidents Report Our Sons and Daughters night last Thursday turned out to be an interesting and enjoyable night. We hosted10 guests, whom together with members and partners brought the num- ber of attendees to 40, a number that filled the Rotunda nicely. The extra energy in the room was noticeable and it was most illuminating to hear our family members give their considered comments on volunteering and Rotary. A summary of these comments is included elsewhere in this In Gear. Please take time to read it and consider how many of these comments we should take on board. A further highlight of the night was Mary Sealy’s eloquently stated comment that even busy people can find time for Rotary if it is a priority in their lives. Reports back from the Schools Anzac ceremony indicate that it went very well despite the poor weather conditions. Held at the Hampton RSL, many local schools were represented with total attendance around 400. Ably led by Peter Flude, our club provided a team of willing helpers to assist other local Rotary clubs in the set up and dismantling of the event. This is the second year this event has been held and the growth in num- bers attending ensures that it will be held again next year. See photos on page 3 and 4. Another group of club members spent part of Saturday morn- ing framing canvases in preparation for the upcoming indige- nous art show. The show is to be held at the Artrium space at the Bayside City Council offices in Royal Avenue Sandring- ham. Though the show officially opens on Wednesday 3 May, our club will be holding our meeting there on Thursday 4 May, the details of which will be circulated in the usual manner by Chris D’Arcy. Guests will be very welcome on this night – es- pecially if they have an interest in indigenous art. The show has the potential to be a major fund-raiser for the club. So please circulate the details around your family, friends, and colleagues. (Having viewed the art close up I do not think any- one will be disappointed). At our meeting this coming Thursday our own John Sime will enlighten us further on one of the biggest child killers in the world today – malaria. It is estimated that in 2015 over 300,000 children under the age of five were killed by this dis- Contents 1 Presidents Report 2/4 Notices 5 Art of Kakadu 6 The Heart Bus Dinner 7 Bayside Mayoral Charity Golf Day 8 Club Structure / Photo of Week Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

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In Gear R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S W E E K L Y B U L L E T I N Number 36, 24 April 2017

Next Meetings



























Serving the Community since 1985

Presidents Report Our Sons and Daughters night last Thursday turned out to be an interesting and enjoyable night. We hosted10 guests, whom together with members and partners brought the num-ber of attendees to 40, a number that filled the Rotunda nicely. The extra energy in the room was noticeable and it was most illuminating to hear our family members give their considered comments on volunteering and Rotary. A summary of these comments is included elsewhere in this In Gear. Please take time to read it and consider how many of these comments we should take on board. A further highlight of the night was Mary Sealy’s eloquently stated comment that even busy people can find time for Rotary if it is a priority in their lives. Reports back from the Schools Anzac ceremony indicate that it went very well despite the poor weather conditions. Held at the Hampton RSL, many local schools were represented with total attendance around 400. Ably led by Peter Flude, our club provided a team of willing helpers to assist other local Rotary clubs in the set up and dismantling of the event. This is the second year this event has been held and the growth in num-bers attending ensures that it will be held again next year. See photos on page 3 and 4. Another group of club members spent part of Saturday morn-ing framing canvases in preparation for the upcoming indige-nous art show. The show is to be held at the Artrium space at the Bayside City Council offices in Royal Avenue Sandring-ham. Though the show officially opens on Wednesday 3 May, our club will be holding our meeting there on Thursday 4 May, the details of which will be circulated in the usual manner by Chris D’Arcy. Guests will be very welcome on this night – es-pecially if they have an interest in indigenous art. The show has the potential to be a major fund-raiser for the club. So please circulate the details around your family, friends, and colleagues. (Having viewed the art close up I do not think any-one will be disappointed). At our meeting this coming Thursday our own John Sime will enlighten us further on one of the biggest child killers in the world today – malaria. It is estimated that in 2015 over 300,000 children under the age of five were killed by this dis-


1 Presidents Report 2/4 Notices 5 Art of Kakadu 6 The Heart Bus Dinner 7 Bayside Mayoral Charity Golf Day 8 Club Structure / Photo of Week

Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

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R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N – S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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ease. As most of you would know Rotarians against Ma-laria (RAM) is an Australian project established to pro-vide funding for medical research and physical support in the fight against malaria. We recently donated $600, the proceeds of a recent Farmers Market raffle, to RAM. Come along and hear John speak on this very concern-ing topic. And last but not least our thoughts go to those members, partners and families dealing with serious health issues at this time. We wish you all the best of outcomes.

Yours in Rotary

Hocking Stuart Sandringham 62-64 Station Street

Telephone: 03 9521 9800

Discounted agents fees are available from Hocking Stuart for RCOB Members.

237 Bay Road, Cheltenham VIC 3192

03 8535 7980


The Heart Bus Known as "the heart bus", the mobile clinic is the brainchild of Rolf Gomes,

an electrical engineer-turned-cardiologist. The Heart of Australia mobile clinic travels some 8,000 kilometres each month, servicing 12 regional communities. See de-tails later in In Gear. http://www.abc.net.au/austory/content/2015/s4418731.htm

Beaumaris Rotarians at the event featuring Sandringham Rotarian and

RI President Elect Ian Riseley

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Discussion Notes from Sons and Daughters Night

The following are some of the key points made by the guests at the Sons’ and Daughters’ night. This group were in the age range mid-twenties to mid-forties. General • Most people are interested in giving backing some way; • Most do some volunteering through connections – family, friends, schools and sport; • Full-time working parents, school and sports commitments leaved little time for regular attend-

ance at meetings; • There is the potential is be involved on a project by project basis without being committed on a

weekly basis; • Projects that allow all of family involvement would be a better fit; • Hands-on projects with a definite outcome preferred to fund-raising activities; • Support to local schools should be a priority. Rotary • Current Rotary model is suitable for near and post retirees and in itself provides a useful and

meaningful outlet for that demographic. • To attract younger people offer more flexible methods (not just membership) of getting involved; • Maximise use of social media, especially local community hubs to advertise for projects and vol-

unteers; • Connect with other community groups to identify needs; • Be known as an enabler of ideas.

Hampton RSL Schools ANZAC Day Ceremony

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Hampton RSL Schools ANZAC Day Ceremony

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CLUB STRUCTURE 2015 / 16 UPDATED 17/10/2016


President Malcom Sawle President Elect / Director Chris D'Arcy

President Elect Chris D’Arcy Auditor Tony Phillips

Secretary James Glenwright Program Adrian Culshaw

Treasurer Richard Jones Meeting Attendance Chris D'Arcy

Projects Robert McArthur Communications David Lea

Independent Kerrie Geard Social Media Tim Dark Bridget Hage

Past President Trish Smyth Fellowship David Langworthy

COMMITTEE CHAIRS Photographer Max Darby, Megan Glenwright

Foundation Mike Hede Almoner Lois Lindsay, Charmaine Jansz

Membership Lynda Doutch Chair /Host /Cashiers /AV Roster

Public Relations Peter Flude Youth Protection Officer }

International John Sime Compliance Officer } Ken Mirams, Geoff Abbott

Youth Service Chris Martin Archivist John Beaty

Community Chris Werner

Fundraising Heather Chisholm


International Community Youth Fundraising

Fred Hofmann Geoff Abbott David Rushworth Jim O’Brien

Ken Mirams Tim Dark Tony McKenna * Antony Nixon

John Manks Mary Sealy Vivienne Zoppolato Roger Frewen

Geoff Stockdale Richard Shermon Lois Lindsay Geoff Stringer

Ross Phillips Tony Phillips David Hone#

Clem Quick Martin Fothergill (Golf)

John Van Dyk Membership

Mary Cunnington Megan Glenwright

Max Darby

Martin Fothergill Public Relations

Greg Every

# Indigenous Project * District

Morning Light

Tomasz Rojek


Soft light before the sunrise at small town of Henningsvaer (Norway)