In Gear ROTARY CLUB OF BEAUMARIS WEEKLY BULLETIN Number 22 26 November 2018 Next Meetings WEDNESDAY 28 NOVEMBER FELLOWSHIP TWILIGHT GOLF & BBQ WOODLANDS GOLF CLUB 109 WHITE ST, MORDIALLOC VIC 3195 THURSDAY 6 DECEMBER SPEAKER: FELICITY FREDERICO TOPIC: TO BE CONFIRMED CHAIR: JAMES GLENWRIGHT AV: BRIDGET HAGE CASH DESK: MARY SEALY & DAVID HONE THURSDAY 13 DECEMBER SPEAKER: LES MARTON TOPIC: CONCORD CHAIR: CHRIS MARA AV: CHRIS D'ARCY CASH DESK: MALCOLM SAWLE & CLEM QUICK THURSDAY 20 DECEMBER CHRISTMAS BREAK-UP DINNER 2018—2019 Serving the Community since 1985 President’s Report We were joined by Brighton North members last Thursday night. The meeting began with our AGM, then members Rich- ard Potter and John Manks gave an update on the work in Sa- bu which included a great slide show (see photos next page). Chris Baker and John Cowen from St. Stephen’s Community Garden spoke about how the garden has evolved since it was established two years ago. The two projects were sponsored by both Rotary Clubs. We were joined by PDG Malcom Chiverton and Hon member David Greenall. We welcomed two guests, Margot Burke and Mark Perelaer, and hope to see them again the near future. I attended the President’s Meeting and District 9810 AGM on Friday night. Ken Mirams presented an update on Youth Pro- tection requirements and David Hone presented an Indigenous Committee update. The Beaumaris Art Show came to an end on Friday. Thank you to Joy Lea, Di Hone, Elizabeth Hawker and Leah Chisholm for exhibiting your painting. Five paintings were sold, $685 was donated to End Trachoma and $130 to the Highlands Foundation. Tony Phillips has sent out the time sheet for the Twilight Golf and BBQ at Woodlands Golf Club this Wednesday night. The weather forecast is for a top temp of 21 degrees and cloudy, perfect conditions for some great scores. Members will be on deck at the Concourse Christmas Carnival on Friday night. A reminder that we will not be meeting at VGC this Thurs- day night. Contents 1 Presidents Report 2 Notices 3 Sponsors 4/5 This Week’s Speakers 6 Conference Details 7 Black Rock Christmas Festival 8 Club Structure / Photo of Week Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

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In Gear R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S W E E K L Y B U L L E T I N Number 22 26 November 2018

Next Meetings





















Serving the Community since 1985

President’s Report

We were joined by Brighton North members last Thursday night. The meeting began with our AGM, then members Rich-ard Potter and John Manks gave an update on the work in Sa-bu which included a great slide show (see photos next page). Chris Baker and John Cowen from St. Stephen’s Community Garden spoke about how the garden has evolved since it was established two years ago. The two projects were sponsored by both Rotary Clubs. We were joined by PDG Malcom Chiverton and Hon member David Greenall. We welcomed two guests, Margot Burke and Mark Perelaer, and hope to see them again the near future.

I attended the President’s Meeting and District 9810 AGM on Friday night. Ken Mirams presented an update on Youth Pro-tection requirements and David Hone presented an Indigenous Committee update.

The Beaumaris Art Show came to an end on Friday. Thank you to Joy Lea, Di Hone, Elizabeth Hawker and Leah Chisholm for exhibiting your painting. Five paintings were sold, $685 was donated to End Trachoma and $130 to the Highlands Foundation.

Tony Phillips has sent out the time sheet for the Twilight Golf and BBQ at Woodlands Golf Club this Wednesday night. The weather forecast is for a top temp of 21 degrees and cloudy, perfect conditions for some great scores.

Members will be on deck at the Concourse Christmas Carnival on Friday night.

A reminder that we will not be meeting at VGC this Thurs-day night.


1 Presidents Report 2 Notices 3 Sponsors 4/5 This Week’s Speakers 6 Conference Details 7 Black Rock Christmas Festival 8 Club Structure / Photo of Week

Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

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R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N – S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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Forthcoming Community Dates for your Diary

November 30th Concourse

Christmas Festival

December 7th Black Rock

Christmas Festival

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237 Bay Road, Cheltenham VIC 3192

03 8535 7980

R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N – S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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For details about the latest travel deals follow this link: https://destinationhq.com.au/luxury/

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R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N – S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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Speakers: John Cowen and Chris Baker

Topic: St Stephen’s Community Garden

Summary of Presentation:

KEY DATES in the Development of SSCG

Late 2015 – Rotary/HC approach Bayside Council for land suitable for a community garden – preferably near ‘home’

Early 2016 – HC becomes aware of unused land behind St Stephens, Brighton. Negotiations with Rev. Prowd begin

Earlyish 2016 – Committee formed to drive the concept (HC, MT, RP, JC)

?April 2016 – letter from Rev. Prowd to Rotary Club’s giving full support of the Parish and the Melbourne Diocese

21st May 2016 – Community meeting held to gauge interest

28th July 2016 – Incorporated by Consumer Affairs Victoria

Midish 2016 – First sod turned by Rev. Prowd

11th December 2016 – Official Opening of the Garden

1st September 2017 – Inaugural Annual General Meeting

May 2018 – Committee agreed to move towards more Shared plots, less Personal ones


Beaumaris Rotary Club – Project Approval Application

Letter from Rev. Prowd to RCOB and RCOBN giving Parish and Diocesan support to the project

Memorandum of Understanding – MATC, St Stephen’s Par-ish, RCOB, RCOBN, SSCG

St Stephen’s Community Garden Pledge

Communal Garden Initiative

Associations Incorporations Reform Act 2012 – Model Rules Beaumaris Rotary Club – Project Approval Application – 1 May 2016


The Bayside Community Garden would improve the quality of life for gardeners, reduce crime, preserve green space, stim-ulate social interaction and community development, encour-age self-reliance and beautify the space while also providing

nutritious food, reducing family food budgets and creating new recreational and educational opportunities in the natural environment.

Memorandum of Understanding – MATC, St Stephen’s Parish, RCOB, RCOBN, SSCG


1. To establish and operate a community garden on MATC land located at the rear of St Stephen’s Anglican Church, corner of North Road and Cochrane Street, Gardenvale, Vic-toria, 3186 to be known as the St Stephen’s Community Gar-den (the Garden).

2. The Project objectives are to create a communal garden where:

Food can be grown organically and shared with others in the community.

Local families and children can experience the pleasure of growing and eating healthy food.

Workshops can be run and best practice in sustainable gar-dening can be demonstrated.

Gardeners and non-gardeners are equally welcome and com-munity celebrations can be accommodated.

A quiet place for rest and contemplation to enjoy the beauty of the garden.

Associations Incorporations Reform Act 2012 – Model Rules

SSCG is an Incorporated body and therefore a completely separate entity to St Stephen’s Church. We are a ‘legal per-son’ in our own right

We report to Consumer Affairs Victoria

Office bearers and members have protection from personal liability for SSCG debts, legal actions etc.

Public liability insurance was initially provided as an exten-sion of Rotary’s cover. We are now protected under the Angli-can Diocese of Melbourne cover


- Parish of St Stephens Anglican Church

- Bayside City Council

- Bunnings Moorabbin

- 3000 Acres. Connecting people to land, resources and each other!

- Bentmoor Men's Shed

- Bayley House

- Riding for the Disabled Moorabbin

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- North Brighton Kindergarten

- Brighton Playroom

- Hunt Memorial Kindergarten

What have we learnt on the SSCG jour-ney?

1. The Pareto Principle is alive and well

2. Communication can kill or cure

3. Not everyone, of any age, necessarily knows anything about gardening

4. Composting is apparently not intuitive

5. Under-harvesting is incurable

6. Assume nothing. Judge no-one

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RCOB Club Structure 2018 – 2019 RCOB Board Club Service & Administration President Heather Chisholm Almoners Jan Cooper/Roy Downes Secretary Roy Seager Archivist TBA Treasurer Lynda Doutch Arts Community Liaison Max Darby President Elect David Hone Assistant Treasurer James Glenwright Past President Chris D’Arcy Attendance & Dining David Hone Community Chris Werner Auditor Tony Phillips International John Sime Club Photographer Max Darby Youth Chris Martin Club Protection Officer Ken Mirams

Communications David Lea/Adrian Culshaw

Community – Chris Werner Chair Fellowship & Vocational Trish/Kerrie/Mary Cunnington John Beaty Adrian Culshaw Foundation John Beaty Mary Cunnington Max Darby Light Bulb Moment Martin Fothergill Roy Downes Martin Fothergill Marketing & PR Peter Flude/Greg Every Kerrie Geard Chris Mara Membership Tony Phillips/Megan Glenwright Tony Phillips Mary Sealy On to Conference Chris D’Arcy Program Kerrie Geard/Adrian Culshaw

International – John Sime Chair Social Media Adrian Culshaw/Mary Sealy Fred Hofmann John Manks

Ken Mirams Robert McArthur Bayside Charity Golf Day - Martin Fothergill Chair Ross Phillips Clem Quick Peter Flude James Glenwright Richard Potter Richard Jones Jim O’Brien

Youth – Chris Martin Chair Tony Phillips Lynda Doutch Jan Cooper Bridget Hage

Lois Lindsay Tony McKenna District Service – Trish Smyth Chair Antony Nixon David Rushworth District Compliance Officer Ken Mirams Malcolm Sawle Vivienne Zoppolato District Membership Trish Smyth

Indigenous – David Hone Chair Farmers Market – Bridget Hage Co-ordinator Adrian Culshaw Lynda Doutch Greg Every Peter Flude Martin Fothergill Chris Mara Wolf Fritze Charmaine Jansz Robert McArthur (Trachoma) Chris Mara Ken Mirams Geoff Stringer Vivienne Zoppolato

CUDDLE UP Two polar bear cubs snuggle up to their mother shortly after emerging from their Arc-tic den. "I feel their bonds, their love, their connection," comment-ed Your Shot producer David Y. Lee. "I love how in your frame one of the cubs is looking at the camera, it almost appears like it is smiling at us." PHOTOGRAPH BY DAVID HEMMINGS, NATIONAL GEO-GRAPHIC YOUR SHOT