OUR LADY of LA SALETTE 2941 Sam Nelson Road. Canton, GA 30114 770.479.8923 tel 770.479.6025 fax Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario (07 February 2016)

Imposición de la ceniza en cada liturgialasalettecanton.com/files/20160207.pdf · Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission

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Page 1: Imposición de la ceniza en cada liturgialasalettecanton.com/files/20160207.pdf · Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission

OUR LADY of LA SALETTE 2941 Sam Nelson Road. Canton, GA 30114

770.479.8923 tel 770.479.6025 fax

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario (07 February 2016)

Page 2: Imposición de la ceniza en cada liturgialasalettecanton.com/files/20160207.pdf · Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission

February 07, 2016 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2

Prayers are powerful and important for those in our parish community who are ill or need our support. In an effort to ensure our prayer request list is up to date, at the end of each month we will remove anyone from the list for whom we do not have a current request. Thank you for your cooperation and your prayers for our parishioners in need.

Stewardship of PrayerStewardship of PrayerStewardship of PrayerStewardship of Prayer . . . . We fulfill our obligation to unite with one another in prayer.


Terry Smith Ryan Halloran Ben Ball Jeff Goodwin Rick Savage Jullian Walker John A. Minnich

Kasey Mortilaro Matt Larson Brandon Larson Brandon West Cody Bilodeau Nelson “Eddie” Rivera Rachel Palmer

Randy Eaton Trey Rickert Sean Brown Patrick Beal


Saturday, February 6 5:30pm — José E. Fetzer † Sunday, February 7 8:00am — Pro populo 10:30am — Mary Ensor † 5:30pm — Soely de Melo † Tuesday, February 9 9:00am — Richard Blair † 5:00pm — Maria A. Reyes † Wednesday, February 10 Ash Wednesday 6:00am — Communion Service/Ashes 12:10pm — Communion Service/Ashes 7:00pm — John Ozarowski † Thursday, February 11 9:00am — John Druring † Saturday, February 13 5:30pm — Robert Rebele, Jr. † Sunday, February 14 8:00am — Robert Rebele, Sr. † 10:30am — Pro populo 5:30pm — Montserat Peña †


Sunday, 7 — Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 6:1 - 2a, 3 - 8; Ps 138:1 - 5, 7 - 8; 1 Cor 15:1 - 11; Lk 5:1 - 11 Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission. Simon, a sinner, responds to the mission of Jesus by becoming a disciple. Paul, the persecutor, speaks of his call to preach nothing but Christ crucified and risen. Monday, 8 – Weekday in Ordinary Time (Saint Jerome Emiliani; Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin) 1 Kgs 8:1 - 7, 9 - 13; Ps 132:6 -7, 8 - 10; Mk 6:53 - 56 Tuesday, 9 – Weekday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 8:22 - 23, 27 - 30; Ps 84:3 - 5, 10 - 11; Mk 7:1 - 13 Wednesday, 10 — Ash Wednesday Jl 2:12 - 18; Ps 51:3 - 6b, 12 - 14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1 - 6, 16 - 18 Thursday, 11 – Thursday after Ash Wednesday (Our Lady of Lourdes) Dt 30:15 - 20; Ps 1:1 - 4, 6; Lk 9:22 - 25 Friday, 12 – Friday after Ash Wednesday Is 58:1 - 9a; Ps 51:3 - 6b, 18 - 19; Mt 9:14 - 15 Saturday, 13 – Saturday after Ash Wednesday Is 58:9b - 14; Ps 86:1 - 6; Lk 5:27 - 32 Sunday, 14 — First Sunday of Lent Dt 26:4 - 10; Ps 91:1 - 2, 10 - 15; Rom 10:8 - 13; Lk 4:1 - 13 Moses recounts great events of salvation history which find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. We confess him to he Lord, for God raised him from the dead. He is ever faithful, resisting temptation to forsake his Father’s mis-sion, trusting in God’s love.

Mike Seltenright Jason Cornell Mike Cartledge Mary Jo Iovino Grace Happel Michelle Smith Jeb Smith Angel Lopez Emily Macke Mary A. Gunderson

John Conroy Dot Conroy Mary Beth Smith John L. Pheulpin Karen Smith Elsie Bonnici Larry Bonnici Susan Buschur James Buschur Mary Bonsignore

Mildred Wilson Kathy Tom Wilson Julie Beale Wilson Sergio Saenz Joan Wilson Monica Schmidt Steve Johnston Rose Fitzpatrick

POPE FRANCIS’ PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR FEBRUARY Universal: Care for Creation. That we may take care of creation —a gift freely given— cultivating and protecting it for future genera-tions. Evangelization: People of Asia and Christian faith. That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia. INTENCIONES DEL PAPA FRANCISCO PARA EL MES DE FEBRERO Universal: El respeto a la Creación. Que cuidemos de la creación, recibida como un don que hay que cultivar y proteger para las generaciones futuras. Evangelización: Pueblos de Asia y fe Cristiana. Que aumente la oportunidad de diálogo y de encuentro entre la fe cristi-ana y los pueblos de Asia.


Page 3: Imposición de la ceniza en cada liturgialasalettecanton.com/files/20160207.pdf · Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission

www.lasalettecanton.com Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Page 3

CRS Rice Bowl — Plato de Arroz de CRS


Liturgia de la Palabra y Comunión


Liturgia de la Palabra y Comunión


Misa bilingue en el Centro Parroquial 7:00pm

Imposición de la ceniza en cada liturgia

Los Viernes durante la Cuaresma Estaciones del Via Crucis

en inglés y en español a las 6:30pm Convivencias de Cuaresma después del Via Crucis


Sábado 20 de febrero y 12 de marzo de 10am a 12pm

Que esta Cuaresma nos lleve, unos con otros, a una unión más profunda en Cristo


Liturgy of the Word and Communion


Liturgy of the Word and Communion


Bilingual Mass in the Parish Center 7:00pm

Imposition of ashes at every liturgy

Fridays during Lent Stations of the Cross

in English and Spanish at 6:30pm

Lenten Dinners following the Stations of the Cross

Reconciliation Saturday, February 20, March 12 from 10am to 12:00pm

May this Lent lead us all to a deeper union in Christ with one another

El año 2016 marca el cua- dragésimo primer año de Plato de Arroz de CRS –el programa de Cuaresma más grande y más antiguo practicado por los católicos en los Estados Unidos. Durante 41 años, gene- raciones de católicos han utilizado sus sacrificios de Cuaresma para aliviar el

hambre causada por la pobreza y mejorar la vida de personas y familias en países en desarrollo, así como en sus propias comuni-dades. La forma en que se reúnen como comunidades de fe para ayudar a los necesitados son historias que vale la pena contar. Este año como en años anteriores tenemos la oportunidad de compartir el amor y la misericordia de Dios con otros durante la epoca de la Cuaresma. Nos unimos como comunidad de fe con más de 13.000 comunidades católicas en los Estados Unidos en una jornada de Cuaresma que cambia vidas por medio de Plato de Arroz de CRS. Encuentre la caja para sus contribuciones en la parte de atrás de la iglesia. Recuerde que sus sacrificios de Cuaresma pueden cambiar vidas.

2016 marks the 41st year of CRS Rice Bowl – the largest and oldest Lenten program practiced by Catholics in the United States. In 41 years, generations of Catholics have used their Lenten sacri-fice to alleviate hunger caused by poverty and improve the lives of individual and families in developing countries as well as in their own communities. How they come together as communities of faith to help those in need are stories worth telling. This year, as in previous years, we have the opportunity to share the love and mercy of God with others during the season of Lent. We unite with more than 13,000 Catholic communities across the United States in a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s rice bowl in the back of the church. Remember, your Lenten sacrifices can change lives.

Page 4: Imposición de la ceniza en cada liturgialasalettecanton.com/files/20160207.pdf · Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission

February 07, 2016 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 4

February 7, 2016 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s readings, both Isaiah and Peter hear the call of God and feel themselves unworthy. But, reassured by the Lord, both an-swer and follow. Do I hear the Lord asking, “Whom shall I send?” Am I prepared to answer, “Here I am. Send me!”?

February 10, 2016 Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday’s emphasis on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving is an invitation to take a closer look at our stewardship. Lent offers us a time to closely reassess how we are using the gifts God has entrusted to us and to resolve anew to use our time and resources in the service of his kingdom.

7 de febrero del 2016 Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

En las lecturas de hoy, tanto Isaías como Pedro escuchan el llamado de Dios y se sienten indignos. Pero, asegurados por el Señor, ambos re-sponden y siguen el llamado. Oigo yo la voz del Señor preguntando “¿A quién mandaré? ¿Estoy preparado yo para responder, “Heme aquí. Mándame a mi!”?

10 de febrero del 2016 Miércoles de Ceniza

El énfasis del Miércoles de Ceniza sobre la oración, el ayuno y la limosna nos invita a mirar más de cerca nuestra corresponsabilidad con los bienes de Dios. La Cuaresma nos ofrece una época para revaluar como estamos usando los dones que Dios nos ha confiado, y para re-solvernos de nuevo a utilizar nuestro tiempo y recursos en el servicio de su reino.


Somos invitados continuamente a seguir a Jesús Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Semana del 7 de febrero del 2016 Escucha la Palabra (Lucas 5:1 – 11) ¿Qué palabras o frases los impactó? ¿Qué parte de esta lectura tocó sus corazones? ¿Qué se quedó en sus memorias? Ve tu vida Pregunta para los niños: ¿Cuál es una manera en la que pueden seguir a Jesús? Pregunta para los jóvenes: Seguir a Jesús puede significar dejar atrás ciertas cosas. ¿Qué necesitas dejar atrás para seguir a Jesús plena-mente? Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Cuándo recientemente te llamó Dios a ha-cer algo que era difícil? Actividades para la semana Tomen estas actividades para reflexionar más: Las lecturas de este domingo nos recuerdan que somos llamados por Dios para difundir las buenas noticias. Decidan en familia qué acción po-drían realizar para mostrar su voluntad de seguir el camino de Jesús. Por ejemplo: visitar a un vecino que esté enfermo, ofrecer llevar de compras a una persona que no pueda salir de su casa, invitar a cenar a alguien que viva solo. Prendan una vela y bajen las luces del salón. Quédense en silencio para permitir que Dios le hable a cada miembro de la familia. Animen a cada uno a escuchar el llamado de Dios. Cada persona podría decir qué pasó durante el momento de silencio. Vayan en familia a una excursión para pescar. Presten atención a cómo Dios les habla a través de su creación. Recuerden a sus hijos que Jesús hizo un milagro en el mar para revelar su amor y poder a Simón, quien era un pescador. hablen sobre cómo Jesús muestra su amor por ustedes. Comenten las siguientes preguntas con su familia: ¿Cómo pueden usar sus dones y talentos para convencer a gente a seguir a Jesús? ¿Qué les impide que sigan a Jesús?

We are continually invited to follow Jesus Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Week of February 7, 2016 Listen to the Word (Luke 5:1 – 11) What words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart? What lingers in your memory? Look into your life Question for children: What is a way that you can follow Jesus? Question for youth: Following Jesus can mean leaving some things behind. What do you need to let go of to follow Jesus more fully in your life? Question for adults: When recently did God call you to do some-thing that was difficult? Activities for the week Choose these activities to further reflect: The readings for this Sunday remind us that we are called by God to go forth and share the Good News. Decide as a family upon one action that would show your willingness to follow the way of Jesus. For example, visit a neighbor who is sick, offer to take a homebound person shopping, invite someone who lives alone to dinner. Light a candle and dim the light in the room. Allow quiet time for God to speak to each family member. Encourage family members to listen to God’s call. Each person could share what happened in the silence. Take your family on a fishing expedition. Be aware of what God is speaking to your family through creation. Remind your children that Jesus performed a fishing miracle to reveal his love and power for Simon, who was a fisherman. Talk about how Jesus shows his love for you. Discuss the following questions with your family: In what ways can you use your gifts and talents to catch people for Jesus? What prevents you from following Jesus?

Catequésis Familiar — Family Catechesis

Page 5: Imposición de la ceniza en cada liturgialasalettecanton.com/files/20160207.pdf · Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission

www.lasalettecanton.com Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Page 5

Lenten Morning of Reflection for the women of La Salette and their friends Saturday, February 20 from 9 AM to 1 PM

"Walk in the Way of the Lord”

Presented by Kathleen Wolf McCormick, Director of Faith Formation and Evangeli-

zation at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Atlanta. She holds a Masters degree in

Pastoral Ministry from Loyola University in New Orleans. Kathy has worked with

RCL Benziger in Catholic Religion publishing and in the Archdiocese of Atlanta as a

parish youth minister, Diocesan Director of Youth Ministry and Diocesan Director of

Religious Education. She has presented many keynotes and workshops both national

and internationally.

9:00a Coffe and Registration. 9:30a Reflection. 12:00p Light Lunch. Suggested donation — $5. For more information contact Elizabeth Garner 404-313-2901, Mary Fleckner 770-479-7052 or Joan Rush 770-345-6610.

If you want to sign up please fill out this information:

Name:__________________________________ Phone:_________________________________


Indicate your first and second choices for meeting times. We will try our best to accommodate you:

My first choice would be:

Mon.__ Tue.__ Wed.__ Thu.__ Fri.__ Sat. __

Morning __ Afternoon__ Evening __

I would like to be in: Intergenerational group__, Teen group__. I would like to host small community in my home__.

I would like to be a facilitator for a small faith community (training is provided)__.

ESTE PROGRAMA ES UNICAMENTE EN INGLÉS. Si estás interesada(o) en participar en este programa por favor completa la siguiente información: Nombre:________________________________ Teléfono: _______________________________ Email:__________________________________ Indica tu primera y segunda opción y trataremos de ubicarte en el horario que mejor te convenga: Mi primera opción es:

Lun.__ Mar.__ Mie.__ Jue.__ Vie.__ Sáb.___

Mañana__ Tarde__ Noche: __


to deepen your faith and meet new friends. Make a six-week retreat this Lent and commit to works of justice

and mercy and to the ongoing conversion of hearts.


Page 6: Imposición de la ceniza en cada liturgialasalettecanton.com/files/20160207.pdf · Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission

February 07, 2016 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6

PROMISE TO PROTECT PLEDGE TO HEAL To report abuse call 888-437-0764 Archdiocese of Atlanta — 24 Hour Reporting Hotline


Saturday 5:30pm Sacristan Carmen Young Hospitality Christine Crosby Alyson Ditty Barry Young Altar Server Bob Seguin Lector Jesse Beal E.M.H.C. Betty Henry Marge Nettuno Sunday 8:00am Sacristan Joan Rush Hospitality Juan Carlos Herrera Gary Johnson Bob Rush Altar Server Lizeth Avila Jose Herrera Lector Shari Garnsey E.M.H.C. Lorene Buresh Helen Evenson Sunday 10:30am Sacristan Jennifer Gronroos Hospitality Matthew Halloran Lee Kendziora Dick McDonald Gabriel Nixon Altar Server Dillon Sawyers Lector David Krecl Jean McDonald E.M.H.C. Robert Mitchell Greg Paterson Sunday 5:30pm Sacristan Eleuteria Bastida Hospitality Higinio Horta Mario Herrera Javier Herrera Gonzalo Herrera Manuel Herrera Altar Server Luis Herrera Daniela Herrera Cristopher Cortes Lector Avelina Gonzalez Urbano Gabriel Edna Tercero Mario Tubac E.M.H.C. Fabiola Herrera Eric Herrera Macrina Delgado


ELECTRONIC GIVING: A convenient, consistent way to help our church grow. Go to www.lasalettecanton.com to register and participate.

DONACION ELECTRONICA: Una manera conveniente y consistente de ayudar a nuestra parroquia. Visite www.lasalettecanton.com para inscribirse y participar.

Jubilee of Mercy — Jubileo de Misericordia How can we show others the mercy of God? We say that God is compassionate, but we ignore the poor. We say that God loves us and has mercy on us, but we hold grudges against our friends. Our actions need to authentically reflect God's mercy. Take time to explore the different ways that you can live out that mercy every day! ¿Cómo podemos mostrar a otros la misericordia de Dios? Decimos que Dios es compasivo, pero ignoramos a los po-bres. Decimos que Dios nos ama y tiene misericordia de nosotros, pero tenemos rencor contra nuestros amigos. Nuestras acciones deben reflejar auténticamente la misericordia de Dios. Toma tiempo para explorar las diferentes maneras en que se

puede vivir la misericordia todos los días!

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 8:00 and 10:30am in English 5:30pm en español Reconciliation 4:30pm on Saturday or by appointment

PASTORAL TEAM Reverend Victor J. Reyes, Pastor [email protected] Deacon Charlie Carignan [email protected] Deacon John Stanley [email protected] Lonnie Naylor, Music [email protected] Michelle Gunter, Faith Formation [email protected] María Pérez, Formación de Fe [email protected] Donna Bryan, Parish Management [email protected] Viviana Dyckowski, Admin. Assistance [email protected] Lucia Martin, Bookkeeping [email protected] Louise Baker, Maintenance [email protected] Bulletin/ Web Site Announcements [email protected]

WANTED: Stewards to help clean the church one Monday morning a month as part of a Church Cleaning Team. Please contact Louise Baker at 770-479-8923 or [email protected] SE BUSCAN: Corresponsables que ayuden a limpiar la iglesia un lunes en la mañana, una vez al mes como parte de un Equipo de Limpieza de la Iglesia. Por favor ponerse en contacto con Louise Baker al 770-479-8923 o a [email protected]

Sirve en el

equipo de limpieza.

Page 7: Imposición de la ceniza en cada liturgialasalettecanton.com/files/20160207.pdf · Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission

www.lasalettecanton.com Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Page 7

Monday, February 8

English as a Second Language

6:30pm in the Parish Center

Práctica del Coro

7:30pm en el Santuario

Tuesday, February 9


9:00am in the Sanctuary

Women’s Book Group

9:30am in the Parish Center

Soup Ministry

9:30am in the Parish Center

Cursillo Group

9:30am in the Parish Center


5:00pm at Reinhardt University

Formación de Equipo de RICA

7:30pm en el Centro Parroquial

Wednesday, February 10

Ash Wednesday

Miércoles de Ceniza Communion Service and Ashes

6:00am in the Sanctuary

Communion Service and Ashes

12:10pm in the Sanctuary

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

1:00pm in the Sanctuary

Eucharist and Ashes

Eucaristía y Cenizas

7:00pm in the Parish Center

Family Faith Formation and

Sacramental Preparation

6:30pm in the Sanctuary

Thursday, February 11 Eucharist

9:00am in the Sanctuary

Scripture Study

9:30am in the Parish Center

Soup Ministry

9:30am in the Parish Center

Choir Practice

6:30pm in the Sanctuary

Scripture Study

7:00pm in the Parish Center

Friday, February 12 Close-Knit Group

10:00am in the Parish Center

Life After Loss

11:00am in the Parish Center

The Way of the Cross/Via Crucis

Lenten Dinner/Comida Cuaresmal

6:30pm in the Sanctuary/en el Santuario

Saturday, February 13 Cursillo Groups

10:00am in Parish Center

Renovación Carismática

12:00pm en el Centro Parroquial


4:30pm in the Sanctuary


5:30pm in the Sanctuary

Celebración de la Palabra

7:00pm en el Santuario

Sunday, February 14

First Sunday of Lent

Primer Domingo de Cuaresma Eucharist

8:00am in the Sanctuary

Family Faith Formation

9:15 in the Parish Center

Men’s Bible Study

9:15am in the Parish Center


10:30am in the Sanctuary

Estudio Bíblico

2:00pm en el Centro Parroquial

Reunión de Grupo de Cursillo

2:00pm en el Centro Parroquial

Formación de Fe Familiar

3:30 en el Centro Parroquial


5:30pm en el Santuario

Bulletin deadlines Please send notices to [email protected] by noon on Friday (9 days) before they are to appear in the Sunday bulletin. Thank you for your coo peration. Fecha límite para anuncios en el boletín Por favor envíe los anuncios a [email protected] antes del mediodía del viernes (9 días) antes de la fecha en que van a aparecer en el boletín dominical. Gracias por su cooperación.

Pastoral Care: Are you homebound and in need of Pastoral Care? Do you know someone who is homebound and in need of Pastoral Care among our La Salette Parish community? Do you or some-one you know wishes to receive Holy Communion. Please call the parish office at 770.479.8923. Prayer Requests: Names of recently deceased are listed for one week in the bulletin and the Uni-versal Prayer at the celebration of the Eucharist (The prayers of the faithful at Mass) Please call the parish office at 770.479.8923 to add a name to the list.

Cuidado Pastoral: ¿Está usted confinado en su casa for enfermedad? ¿Conoce a alguien en la comunidad parroquial que está confinado a su casa y necesita que se le visite? ¿Usted o alguien que conoce desea recibir la Sagrada Comunión en casa? Por favor, llame a la oficina de la parroquia al 770.479.8923. Peticiones de Oración: Los nombres de los recién fallecidos se enumeran por una semana en el boletín y en la Plegaria Universal en la celebración de la Eucaristía (Las oraciones de los fieles en la Misa) Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial al 770.479.8923 si quiere agregar un nombre a la lista.

St. Vincent de Paul Conference “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers or sisters of mine, you did for ME”. Matthew 25:40 THANK YOU for your continued support. Help Line: 678-892-6163

GRACIAS por su apoyo continuo. Línea de Ayuda: 470-377-3718

Bible Study: A Lectionary-based Scripture study

Thursday mornings at 9:30am in the Parish Center. Thursday evenings at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. All are invited to come and explore the Sunday Scripture and how the readings for Sunday impact our daily lives.