Importance of Internet for Development in the Context of Bangladesh

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  • 8/8/2019 Importance of Internet for Development in the Context of Bangladesh


    Importance of Internet for development in the context of Bangladesh


    Internet plays a very vital role in our present generations . It has proved itself very helpful tool in

    many ways. It has opened a gateway for people; it made it possible for us to communicate with

    people from the other side of the world. Allowing us to meet new people and discover new

    places even though we are not there. Despite the presence of online Internet service in

    Bangladesh, its scope is largely underutilized. Though there has been lot of investments and

    improvements in telecommunication sector, compared to other Asian countries our country lacks

    in technology as well as economic growth and both factors are interrelated. The main issue is to

    get the complete knowledge of proper use and facilities the internet can provide which is to be

    utilized for developing Bangladesh.

    Importance of this topic

    This topic is important because majority of people in Bangladesh (especially in rural sector) have

    no complete idea about internet services and their percentage is quite high. Keeping this in mind

    many service providers are trying to encourage these people through different process of

    advertisement and special benefits. Other than low price offering it is required to teach the proper

    use of internet so that they get facilities and benefits from it. Technically we are far behind from

    other advanced country and I wish to convey this message that we should also focus on this

    sector and give more importance and priority so that the gap of knowledge with technically

    advanced countries become small.

    How internet can be helpful to different sectors

    The use of internet can help overcome many of the basic development challenges faced by

    growing economies. With the huge potential of broadband Internet for economic growth and

    development, developing countries can hardly afford to wait until there are more studies showing

    clear evidence that the technology aids economic growth, as they are already lagging behind the

    advanced nations with regard to Information and Communication Technology. Most developing

    countries recognize this reality and are keen to promote broadband Internet development and

    many are developing national broadband strategies or policies. There are many statistical

  • 8/8/2019 Importance of Internet for Development in the Context of Bangladesh


    evidences suggesting that the countries that export more tend to have higher Internet penetration

    than countries that export less. Enterprises in developing economies that export are far more

    likely than other enterprises to use the Internet to communicate with their clients and suppliers.

    This is due to relatively cost-effective method for international communications relative to

    international telephone calls or faxes. Not only economic improvements, internet can give a

    better edge of improving educational activities. This is because Internet can deliver information

    more quickly, at a lower cost, whenever a learner wants, as often as a learner wants, and with

    more interaction and dialogue, the Internet will replace the traditional in-person classroom

    delivery system as the dominant mode of delivery for education and delivery. But the Internet

    will not replace in-person learning. Online journals and libraries, e-books, virtual classrooms and

    many other things helped researchers and learners to learn in more convenient way. Also

    nowadays internet banking has been added as a benefit to the banking customers. Internet

    Banking refers to systems that enable bank customers to access accounts and genera

    information on bank products and services through a personal computer (PC) or other intelligent

    devices. Numerous factors including competitive cost, customer service, and demographic

    considerations are motivating banks to evaluate their technology and assess their electronic

    commerce and Internet banking strategies.

    Recent Condition

    Although it could do much more, still availability of online Internet service is making significant

    positive changes in the country. The benefits for business communications, both with respect to

    cost savings and speed, are noteworthy. Families with members staying abroad are welcoming

    the Internet for frequent and cheaper communication. Researchers are getting

    information quickly at modest cost, which was not possible before. A multinational company

    stated that the company's monthly e-mail bill has been reduced due to usage of internet service.

    Other business houses and entertainment stars are gradually coming to accept the Internet as their

    ultimate communication tool. The ISPs are carrying out special promotional activities to provide

    Web page services.

  • 8/8/2019 Importance of Internet for Development in the Context of Bangladesh


    A new social class is being created, mainly amongst the young generation who find the Internet

    an effective tool for their career development and the globalization of their thoughts and

    creativity. Many Internet users have stated that a whole new world has been opened to them, they

    are getting a new source of knowledge, and they are also making relations with many good

    friends and organizations worldwide. But some say that going online is a very costly habit,

    which sometimes appears as an addiction and causes a big waste of time. A group of young

    people, notably from the affluent section of the society, is abusing the Internet by using it mostly

    for entertainment, which is certainly not a healthy practice for a poor country like us. But the

    saddest news is that Bangladesh has yet to set up an academic network to provide Internet access

    to the large number of university teachers, students, scientists, and researchers who play vital

    roles in building a better nation.

    Now there are six Mobile Phone Operators in Bangladesh and all of them are providing internet

    services. Apart from that there are many Broadband service providers and recently

    WiMAX service is available from some internet service providers too. These providers

    are competing against each other with different marketing strategies which do have some

    beneficial impact on people. The number of internet users in Bangladesh has increased as

    of March 2009 is over 600,000 compared to 100,000 in 2000.

    Problems and their Solutions

    The development initiatives in Bangladesh are passing through many constraints. The main

    source of connectivity, telephone is not available in this country. Bangladesh is the country of

    lowest teledensity in the world. Like many other developing countries, Bangladesh suffers from

    inadequate infrastructure, outdated telephone systems, limited access to telephone and computer,

    poor service quality with high price, lack of qualified personnel, low level of literacy and IT

    skill, as well as cultural and language barriers (WTO, 1998). Main obstacle of using the Internet

    in Bangladesh is its distribution. The Internet facility is still an urban privilege in Bangladesh as

    the telephone connections are more concentrated in urban areas, especially Dhaka based. The

    populations living outside urban areas are mostly deprived of gaining the Internet benefit though

    they have the potentials. Despite suffering from multi-dimensional problems in Internet access,

    Bangladesh has the potentials of gaining success in using Internet in education, development,
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    business and other service sectors. Not all of our countrys people are familiar with the computer

    operation. As Internet is a computer dependent communication media, they normally face two-

    dimensional complex, simultaneously in operating the computer as well as in handling Internet

    technology. If they find that it is easy to understand and fewer complexes to use people will

    adopt internet. Other than these the most important aspect is that the services that the provider is

    giving should be cheaper with high band-width connectivity. We are lagging behind if we are

    compared to our neighboring countries. So government should invest and give priority to this

    sector mostly because it plays an important role in developing a country.


    The advent of the Internet kindles hope of bridging the wide information gap between north and

    south created over the past several decades. Nothing in human history has had greater potential

    to make more information more readily available to more people at low cost. Like everything

    else in the world it has a good and a bad side to it. If we choose the right path of this innovation

    we will definitely make ourselves useful towards our country growth and development.
