Immunity System

Immunity System

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  • Immunity System

  • Immune SystemConsists of:1. natural immune system/innate immune system-non-specific-already exists at birth-non-specific protection against microbes2. acquired immune system)/adaptive immune system-specific-provide specific protection against microbes

  • Natural immune systemNatural immunity is a non-specific immunity have been found since birth.Natural immunity would give non response against antigens regardless of the composition of the attacker. Basic natural defense in the form of the ability to distinguish between "self" and "non-self".

    Natural immune system has three components, namely:1. Protection through the barrier of physical, mechanical, biochemical

    Physical, mechanical: Skin Lenders Membranes Cilia Cough Sneezing

  • 2. Protection through the barrier of humoral Complement APP Origin of lipid Mediators Cytokine

    3. Protection through the barrier of sellular Phagocytes NK Cells Mast Cell Basophils Eosinophils SD

  • 2. acquired immune systemAcquired immunity or specific formed after the birth.This immunity is usually occurs after a person contracted the disease or get immunizations that produce a protective immune response.A few weeks or months after someone contracted the disease or will develop immunization Gets the response is strong enough to prevent the occurrence of disease or infections

  • There are two types of immunitya. active acquired ImmunityImmunological defence will be formed by the body of the person who is protected by the immunity they will be.This immunity generally lasts for many years or even a lifetime.b. Immunity acquired passiveTemporary Imunitast transmitted from other sources that already have immunity after suffering pain or undergo immunization.