j|r ^ ". '' ^**'d odhBKi- #tlttli)':i* Ba,n,lei,ng OR Fower The centraI bank seems to have favorites when it comes to grving speciaI discounted interest rates on subordinated loans, at least to Bank Artha Graha, which hadbeen granted a reduced interest payment in the amount of Rp1.019 trittion. Why dldn't Bank Indonesia accord the same courtesy to other floundering banks tike Bank Mega, Bank Danamon or Bank lFl? The suggestion for the reduced interest came f romthe centraLbank's oversight division, backed bysenior deputy governor Miranda Guttom, at a meeting of Bank Indonesia's Board of Governors in December 2008. Speciat Report: Korean lnvestors ln l,nd,onesia For thef irsttime, South Korea this year became one of Indonesia's top five investors, pLunking in US$1.2 bitLion. One reason fortheir success is theK-Pop strategy. Hundreds of businesses are taking advantage of the. popuLar'hatlyu'- Korean pop cuLture fever-tograb potentiaL Indonesian customers and set[ their products. Tempo Engtish Edition looks at how companies custom- ize their approach to doing business in Indonesia, to maximum effect. ChrenicteF o* Matay Hist:ory Thegovernment is reviving the persona of TunSri Lanang, 1 7thcentury author of Sutalatus Satatin IMatay Historyl andadvisor to Suttan lskandar Muda, the 12th Sultan of Aceh. 'under whomthe suttanate achieved its greatest territoriaI extent, andwasthe strongest power andwea[thiest state in the western Indonesian archipelago and theStrait of Malacca.' Foryears, his grave [ayunrecognized, untiL Last De- cember when scores of overseas visitors paid their respects, foltowing a seminar on hiswork. Today, the former royaI comptex in Aceh where the gravesite is [ocated is being redone in anticipation of visitors fromthe three states he chronicted: Mataysia, Singa- oore andlndonesia. Steating Beauty The Corruption Eradication.Commission finaLLy in- dicted Angetina Sondakh, a Democrat Party LegisLa- toT anda former Miss Indonesia, in a bribery case. Linked to theconstruction of the SEA Games athletes dormitory. AngeLina is accused of accepting money fromMindo RosaIina Manu[an, a staff of former Democrat Party Treasu rer Muham madNazarudd i n, fo[[owing his indictment in the same bribery case. Gattte,Ca,t[ In mid-January, cattte importers fought each other to grabthe highest quota of beef imports, foLLowing the government s decision to Lower imports from 1 56,000 to 85,000 tonsper year. By 201 4, Indonesra aimsto achieve beef setf -sufficiency. ALI efforts are nowexpended to support this objective, incLuding providing incentives to cattle breeders and Local governments. In the district of Bantaeng, South Sutawesi, and Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, cattle breeders have found a wayto doubte the number of theircattte in a reLativeLy short time. What innova- tionshave they discovered? Tempo Engtish Edition reports from South Sutawesi andWest Nusa Tenggara. f$H;::l:+"r" I oedung TEMPRINT 4th noor| .tt. patmerah earEt No. 8 - Jakarra 12210 | Phqne: 021 536 o40t exr. t lFsx: 021 534 e56e I Email csriempo.co.id

Iklan Majalah Tempo English Edisi 060212

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Ba,n,lei,ng OR FowerThe cent ra I bank seems to have favor i tes when i tcomes to g rv ing spec ia I d iscounted in te res t ra tes onsubord ina ted loans , a t leas t to Bank Ar tha Graha, wh ichhad been gran ted a reduced in te res t payment in thea m o u n t o f R p 1 . 0 1 9 t r i t t i o n . W h y d l d n ' t B a n k I n d o n e s i aaccord the same cour tesy to o ther f lounder ing bankst i k e B a n k M e g a , B a n k D a n a m o n o r B a n k l F l ? T h esuggest ion fo r the reduced in te res t came f rom thecent raLbank 's overs igh t d iv is ion , backed by sen io rdeputy governor Mi randa Gut tom, a t a meet ing o f BankIndones ia 's Board o f Governors in December 2008.

Speciat Report:Korean lnvestors ln l,nd,onesia

For the f irst t ime, South Korea this year became one ofIndonesia 's top f ive investors, pLunking in US$1.2 b i tL ion.One reason for thei r success is the K-Pop st rategy.Hundreds of businesses are tak ing advantage of the.popuLar'hatlyu'- Korean pop cuLture fever-to grabpotent iaL Indonesian customers and set [ thei r products.Tempo Engt ish Edi t ion looks at how companies custom-ize thei r approach to doing business in Indonesia, tomaximum effect.

ChrenicteF o* Matay Hist:oryThe government is rev iv ing the persona of Tun Sr iLanang, 1 7th century author of Suta latus Satat inIMatay History l and advisor to Sut tan lskandar Muda,the 12th Sul tan of Aceh.

'under whom the sut tanate

achieved i ts greatest terr i tor ia I extent , and was thestrongest power and wea[ th iest s tate in the westernIndones ian a rch ipe lago and the S t ra i t o f Ma lacca . 'For years, h is grave [ay unrecognized, unt iL Last De-cember when scores of overseas v is i tors paid thei rrespects, fo l towing a seminar on h is work. Today, theformer royaI comptex in Aceh where the gravesi teis [ocated is being redone in ant ic ipat ion of v is i torsf rom the three states he chronicted: Mataysia, Singa-oo re and l ndones ia .

Steating BeautyThe Cor rup t i on E rad i ca t i on .Commiss ion f i naLLy i n -d i c ted Ange t i na Sondakh , a Democra t Pa r t y Leg i sLa -toT and a f o rmer M iss I ndones ia , i n a b r i be ry case .L inked to t he cons t ruc t i on o f t he SEA Games a th le tesdormi tory. AngeLina is accused of accept ing moneyf rom M indo Rosa I i na Manu [an , a s ta f f o f f o rmerDemocrat Par ty Treasu rer M u ham mad N azarudd i n ,fo[ [owing h is ind ic tment in the same br ibery case.

Gattte,Ca,t[In mid-January, cat t te importers fought each otherto grab the h ighest quota of beef imports , foLLowingthe government s decis ion to Lower imports f rom1 56,000 to 85,000 tons per year . By 201 4, Indonesraaims to achieve beef set f -suf f ic iency. ALI ef for ts arenow expended to support th is object ive, incLudingprovid ing incent ives to cat t le breeders and Localgove rnmen ts . I n t he d i s t r i c t o f Ban taeng , Sou thSutawesi , and Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, cat t lebreeders have found a way to doubte the number ofthei r cat t te in a reLat iveLy shor t t ime. What innova-t ions have they d iscovered? Tempo Engt ish Edi t ionreports f rom South Sutawesi and West NusaTenggara.

f$H;::l:+"r" I oedung TEMPRINT 4th noor | .tt. patmerah earEt No. 8 - Jakarra 12210 | Phqne: 021 536 o40t exr. t lFsx: 021 534 e56e I Email csri empo.co.id