DÜSSELDORF IIK - die Welt verstehen > www.iik-duesseldorf.de IIK Düsseldorf Partner for Universities Programme 2012 German as a Foreign Language for Academic and Professional Purposes German Courses Düsseldorf and Berlin Intensive Courses, Premium Courses, Evening Training Business German Summer Courses Combination Courses in 2 Cities (Düsseldorf, Berlin, and others) Training DSH, TestDaF, WiDaF, and others Exams DSH, TestDaF, Zertifikat Deutsch, telc, and others Further Education for Teachers

IIKDüsseldorf Partner for Universities

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IIK - die Welt verstehen

> www.iik-duesseldorf.deIIK DüsseldorfPartner for Universities

Programme 2012

German as a ForeignLanguage for Academic andProfessional Purposes

German Courses Düsseldorf and BerlinIntensive Courses, Premium Courses, Evening TrainingBusiness GermanSummer CoursesCombination Courses in 2 Cities (Düsseldorf, Berlin, and others)Training DSH, TestDaF, WiDaF, and others

Exams DSH, TestDaF, Zertifikat Deutsch, telc, and othersFurther Education for Teachers

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IIK - What is it?IIK is an abbreviation for „Institute for International Communication“. The IIK is a non-profit organization (e.V.) in close cooperation with Universities and Institutes forVocational Trainings. It also advances world-wide exchange.A focal point is linguistic preparation for studying and wor-king in Germany. Founded as a spin-off of the Heinrich-Heine-University in 1989, the IIK finances, among otherinternational projects, scholarship programmes and well-known internet portals, such as „www.deutsch-als-fremd-sprache.de“ to advance German language studies. The in-stitute is a member of many professional associations and alicensed testing centre, particularly for German (TestDaF,Zertifikat Deutsch, WiDaF) and English (TOEFL, TOEIC,GMAT).

References - Who are our partners?The IIK has made a name for itself. Institutions, associations,universities, and businesses world-wide send their studentsand employees to take courses at the IIK. They also contractthe IIK directly to organize exchange programmes and customized training seminars. A current reference list of our partners can be found on our website.

Düsseldorf - Why is it so attractive?Participants from all over the world truly love Düsseldorf,the city with the highest quality of life in all of Germany.Düsseldorf is a cosmopolitan city with a dynamic economyand numerous universities, along with lots of nature, fromthe River Rhine to the Neanderthal Valley.

W h a t yo u s h o u l d k n o w

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Intensive German Courses 4

Business German 5

Summer Courses Düsseldorf 6

Premium and Summer Courses Berlin 7

Training for DSH, TestDaF, WiDaF 8

Exams DSH, TestDaF, ZD, telc, WiDaF 9

Accommodations and Services 10

Further Education for Teachers 12

The IIK at a glance 14

What you can count on 15

Information, Registration 16

O u r O f f e r s …

Information in other languages:www.iik-duesseldorf.de/deutschkurse/

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02.01. – 27.01.201230.01. – 24.02.201227.02. – 23.03.201226.03. – 24.04.2012

30.04. – 25.05.201229.05. – 26.06.201202.07. – 27.07.2012*06.08. – 31.08.2012*

03.09. – 27.09.201201.10. – 26.10.201229.10. – 24.11.201226.11. – 21.12.2012

4 weeks: EUR 465,-8 weeks: EUR 875,-

12 weeks: EUR 1.275,-16 weeks: EUR 1.675,-20 weeks: EUR 2.075,-

*4 weeks: EUR 495,- (July or August)

24 weeks: EUR 2.475,-28 weeks: EUR 2.850,-32 weeks: EUR 3.225,-36 weeks: EUR 3.600,-40 weeks: EUR 3.950,-

Course information: Starts every 4 weeks at 10 course levels, A1-C1.Approx. 100 lessons (45 min. perlesson), 10-18 participants/course; daily from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. or 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.Course incl. proficiency test, final exam, and certificate in compliance with theCommon European Framework for Languages. ECTS-Points: 4 per course For accommodations and service offers, see page 10.


I n t e n s i ve G e r m a n Co u r s e s Learn German quickly and effectively – Course offers from January to December

German for Academic and SDaProfessional Purposes

10 Course Levels, Beginner – Advanced (A1-C1)

Complementary Training German ZDa16 lessons (45min. per lesson), evening course, special complementaryprogramme with individual support from our teachers.

Student Advisory Service ZBaGeneral advisory service, configuration of necessary application docu-ments, assistance in obtaining translation and verification of applica-tion documents.

Complementary Training Phonetics TPa10 lessons (45min. per lesson), evening course with individual supportfor auditory and articulation by means of a phonetic software. The soft-ware will be personal property of the client and can be used after thetraining without restriction of any kind.

Price: EUR 125,-

Price: EUR 150,-

Price: EUR 50,-

Information in other languages:www.iik-duesseldorf.de/deutschkurse/

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Business German, 4 weeks SDw

Intermediate/Advanced (B1-C1), 10-18 participants

30.04. – 25.05.201229.05. – 26.06.2012

02.07. – 27.07.201206.08. – 31.08.2012

03.09. – 27.09.2012

4 weeks: EUR 465,-8 weeks: EUR 875,-

*4 weeks July or August: EUR 495,-

Course information: Approx. 100 lessons (45 min. per lesson), 10-18 participants/course;daily from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. or 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. Course incl. proficiency test,final exam, and certificate in compliance with the Common EuropeanFramework for Languages. ECTS-Points: 4 per courseFor accommodations and service offers, see page 10.

02.01. – 27.01.201201.02. – 29.02.201205.03. – 30.03.2012

02.04. – 30.04.201202.05. – 30.05.201204.06. – 29.06.2012

06.08. – 29.08.201203.09. – 26.09.201201.10. – 31.10.2012

Price: EUR 240,-

Course information: Approx. 27 lessons (45min. per lesson), business-relevant topics as wellas proficiency-differentiated training of respective skills.

> www.iik-duesseldorf.de/deutschkurse

B u s i n e s s G e r m a n Intensive and evening courses in German for professional purposes

Evening courses: German for the TDvProfession

Intermediate/Advanced (B1-C1):The modules Job Application, Presentations, Business Communication, and Tourism will be held alternately on the following course dates:

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For accommodations and service offers, see page 10.

S u m m e r Co u r s e s i n D ü s s e l d o r f Düsseldorf live: Learn German – Experience Germany

German, 4 weeks SDa10 Course Levels, Beginner – Advanced (A1-C1), 10-18 participants

30.04. – 25.05.201229.05. – 26.06.2012

02.07. – 27.07.201206.08. – 31.08.2012

03.09. – 27.09.2012

Course information: Approx. 100 lessons (45 min. per lesson) incl. final exam and certificate in compliance with the Common European Framework.ECTS-points: 4 per course

Price: (May, June, September) EUR 465,-(July, August) EUR 495,-

02.07. – 13.07.201216.07. – 27.07.2012

06.08. – 17.08.201220.08. – 31.08.2012

Course information: Approx. 50 lessons (45 min. per lesson), highly efficient small group training and individual support, lesson at 5 course levels, participation certificate, additional final exam for an extra fee of EUR 50,- possible; ECTS-Points: 2 per course

2 weeks: EUR 350,-2 x 2 weeks: EUR 600,-

25.06. – 17.07.2012

Price: EUR 500,-

Price: EUR 25,- bis 50,-

German, 2 weeks, Premium SDb5 Course Levels, Beginner – Advanced (A1-C1), 6-12 participants

TestDaF – Preparation Course TDaIntermediate/Advanced (B1+ - C1), 10-18 participants

Course information: Approx. 100 lessons (45 min. per lesson) intensivelanguage training and optimal preparation for the German university entrance exam TestDaF, incl. trial exam

Dates are provided online

Price: EUR 500,-

DSH – Preparation Course TDbIntermediate/Advanced (B1+ - C1), 10-18 participants

Course information: Approx. 100 lessons (45 min. per lesson) intensivelanguage training and optimal preparation for the German university entrance exam DSH, incl. trial exam

Weekend ExcursionsTrips to Cologne, Bonn, the Rhine Valley, Aachen, Amsterdam, and Brussels.

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German, 4 weeks, Summer Special SDa

Summer Intensive Courses at all course levels (A1-C1), 10-18 participants

02.07. – 27.07.2012 02.08. – 29.08.2012

4 weeks: EUR 495,-2 x 4 weeks: EUR 875,-

German, 4 weeks Premium Summer SDb

5 Course Levels, Beginner – Advanced (A1-C1), 6-12 participants

04.06. – 29.06.201202.07. – 27.07.2012

02.08. – 29.08.201203.09. – 28.09.2012

4 weeks: EUR 600,-

German, 8 weeks City Combination SDx

Summer Intensive Course in Düsseldorf and Berlin, 10-18 participants

02.07. – 29.08.2012

Course information: Approx. 200 lessons (45 min. per lesson), start in Düsseldorf or Berlin by choice; ECTS-Points: 8 per course, city combinations with Hamburg,Munich, Göttingen and others on request

Price: EUR 875,-


German, 2 weeks Premium SDb

5 Course Levels, Beginner – Advanced (A1-C1), 6-12 participants

2 weeks: EUR 350,-2 x 2 weeks: EUR 600,-

each additional 2-week course: EUR 250,-

Course information: Highly efficient small group training and individual support, approx. 50lessons (45 min. per lesson) or. 100 lessons (45 min. per lesson) (4 weeks),final exam and certificate every 4 weeks, additional appointments for an extra fee of EUR 50,- possible; ECTS-Points: 2 or 4 per course

Year-round continuous German CoursesFirst course start 03.01.2012, last course start 03.12.2012

For accommodations and service offers, see page 10.

Co u r s e s i n B e r l i n a n d C i t yCo m b i n a t i o n sLearn German – Experience Germany’s Cities

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Tra i n i n g DSH, TestDaF, WiDaFSupplementary offers for advanced students according to exam type and date

17.02. – 08.03.201224.05. – 14.06.2012 03.08. – 23.08.2012

31.08. – 20.09.2012 23.11. – 14.12.2012

Price: EUR 320,-

Course information: Approx. 50 lessons (45 min. per lesson), intensive training targeted tothe new DSH, trial exam, former exams of various universities

23.01. – 08.02.201205.04. – 25.04.201224.05. – 13.06.2012

29.06. – 17.07.201203.09. – 19.09.201224.10. – 12.11.2012

Price: EUR 320,-

Course information: Approx. 50 lessons (45 min. per lesson), targeted preparation for testrequirements, trial exam.

01.03. – 29.03.201203.05. – 31.05.2012

28.08. – 25.09. 201230.10. – 29.11.2012

Price: EUR 240,-

Course information: Approx. 27 lessons (45 min. per lesson); intensive exam preparation incl. trial exam


> www.iik-duesseldorf.de/deutschkurse

Evening Course: Exam Preparation TDbfor the DSH Intermediate/Advanced (B2/C1), 8-18 participantsPreparation course held in Düsseldorf, DSH exam in Aachen.

Evening Course: Exam Preparation TDafor the TestDaF Intermediate/Advanced (B2/C1), 8-18 participants

Evening Course: Exam Preparation TDwfor WiDaF-Test Intermediate/Advanced (B2-C1), 6-12 participants

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E x a m s DSH, TestDaF, ZD, telc, WiDaFInternationally recognized proof of your German proficiency


telc – Start Deutsch, ZD, PDc-zDeutsch B1+ Beruf, B2, C1

Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced (A1.2 – C1)

Exam dates: 10.03., 17.03., 14.04., 09.06., 16.06., 23.06., 14.07., 21.07., 28.07., 11.08., 18.08., 25.08., 13.10., 20.10., 27.10.2012

Price: EUR 175,-

Start Deutsch, ZD, B1+ Price: EUR 110,-B2 Price: EUR 120,-C1 Price: EUR 150,-

TestDaF – University Entrance Exam PDaIntermediate/Advanced (B2/C1)

Exam dates: 09.02., 26.04., 14.06., 18.07., 20.09., 13.11.2012

WiDaF-Test - German as a PDwforeign language exam in business

Intermediate/Advanced (B1-C2)

Exam dates: 31.03., 02.06., 28.06., 26.07., 30.08., 27.09., 27.10., 01.12.2012

DSH – University Entrance Exam PDbIntermediate/Advanced (B2/C1)

DSH exam test dates at the University of Aachen Exam dates: 09.03., 15.06., 24.08., 21.09., 15.12.2012

The DSH can be taken at universities in the area of Duesseldorf. Prices vary by university.We assist you with registration. Please note that the registration deadline is 2-4 weeksprior to exam.

The TestDaF can be taken at the IIK Düsseldorf. We assist you with the registration. Please note that the registration deadline is 4 weeks prior to exam.

Registration direct at IIK, closing date: 31 days prior to exam date.Minimum number of participants per exam: 3.

Register with the IIK directly, 2 weeks prior to exam at the latest.

Price: EUR 110,-

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DüsseldorfAccommodations: 4 weeks single room (*July/August) EUR 380,-/410,-*

2 weeks (only July or August) EUR 250,-

Additional services: 4 weeks breakfast EUR 120,-4 weeks half board EUR 280,-

Pick-up service: Taxi shuttle from Düsseldorf International Airport or Düsseldorf main station to accommodation. EUR 100,-

Weekend excursions: full-time excursions to Aachen, Bonn, Cologne, Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg. Accompanied by an IIK-tutor and guides to the cities. EUR 25,- – 50,-

Service package, 4 weeks (only July – September): EUR 900,-Accommodations, half board Monday to Friday, course book, two weekendexcursions, public transportation ticket, pickup and transfer upon arrival(course price not included).

Leisure time programme on facebook: year-round activities:regulars' table, movie nights, Salsa nights, cooking studio and much more.Updated programme information: facebook.com/iikduesseldorf

Other services:Written confirmation provided for visas, procurement of competitively priced health insurance, extensive programme of free time activities, WLAN free of charge at Trainingszentrum Palmenstraße, reduced publictransportation ticket.

BerlinAccommodations: 4 weeks single room August EUR 400,-4 Wochen single room year-round EUR 500,-

Apartment:Allow us to assist you with your search for a suitable apartment – we arrange contact to a reliable living agency.

Hotel:Allow us to support you with a hotel reservation based on your wishes.

Other services:Written confirmation provided for visas, procurement of competitively priced health insurance, extensive programme of free-time activities.

A c c o m m o d a t i o n s , E x c u r s i o n s , S e r v i c e s

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23 years IIK

53176 faces

156 countries

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F u r t h e r E d u c a t i o n f o r Te a c h e r sWorkshops with accommodations for German and foreign language teachers

16.07. – 20.07.2012 Price: EUR 550,-

3. Moodle & Co for FIbForeign Languages Lesson

Make use of learning platforms, construct exercises with performancemonitoring, integration of audio-visual materials, core competences forteachers of all foreign languages. Personal PC station.

30.07. – 03.08.2012 Price: EUR 550,-

4. E-Learning and Web 2.0 FIain German Class

DaF resources on the web. Didactic use of Web 2.0 applicationsand social software. Personal PC station.

06.08. – 10.08.2012 Price: EUR 550,-

2. Method Training FDcGerman as a foreign language

Module 1 Methods Toolbox: creative lesson ideas, organization ofplanning and role plays.23.07. – 25.07.2012 Price: EUR 350,-

26.07. – 27.07.2012 Price: EUR 250,-

Both modules together Price: EUR 550,-

Module 2 Learning techniques: concepts for cooperative learning online and offline


5. Teaching Practice FDbGerman as a Foreign Language

Teacher training seminar with job shadowing for language coursesA1-C1 in adult education and concurrent workshops on practical lesson topics.

13.08. – 17.08.2012 Price: EUR 550,-

1. Method Training Business German FWa

Current specialized knowledge, didactic ideas and suggestions onhow to implement the most important topics of profession-relatedGerman as a foreign language.

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F u r t h e r E d u c a t i o n f o r Te a c h e r s Workshops with accommodations for German and foreign language teachers

6. Website-Kit Flcfor German Classes

Creating didactical websites for German lessons.Workshops on multimedia-based lessons, use of freeware software and website templates.

17.09. – 21.09.2012 Price: EUR 550,-

7. Creative German Lessons: FDdMethods and Practice

Workshops on hands-on German lessons. Integrated job shadowing at one’s own option at primary schools, secondary schoolsor adult education.

24.09. – 28.09.2012 Price: EUR 550,-



Scholarships for IIK Advanced TrainingsScholarships are available for all advanced and continuing education at the IIK from the European Commission. For further information on full scholarships (incl. course, accommodations, trip and meal fees) visit:www.iik-duesseldorf.de/fortbildungen/stipendien/

Accommodations for IIK Advanced TrainingsNot only do we offer accommodations for teachers in hotels, but we can also provide private accommodation with breakfast at affordable prices: 1 week: EUR 225,-, 2 weeks: EUR 360,-, 3 weeks: EUR 480,-www.iik-duesseldorf.de/fortbildungen/unterkunft/

8. Further Education Packages

Further Education summer 2 weeksCombine two further education sessions (one week each) by choice. EUR 950,-

Further Education summer 3 weeksCombine three further education sessions (one week each) by choice. EUR 1.350,-

Further Education summer 4 weeks2 week language course premium (B1-C1) + 2 week further education1. DaF-course: 02.07. – 13.07.2012 + further education 1+2 EUR 1.200,-2. DaF-course: 16.07. – 27.07.2012 + further education 3+4 EUR 1.200,-

For more information and online registration of all further training offers visit:www.iik-duesseldorf.de/fortbildungen/

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T h e I I K D ü s s e l d o r f a t a g l a n c e


Foreign LanguagesGerman for students and professionalsEnglish for students and professionalsTOEFL- and TOEIC-TrainingDutch for students and professionalsFrench for students and professionalsSpanish for students and professionalsTurkish for students and professionals

Further and Continuing Education Further Education for teachers and coaches Communication training Intercultural training Management training Skill courses for education management Train the trainer

Business Services Language training Language consultations Business correspondence Personal development Coaching

Examination Centre German: TestDaF, WiDaF, Zertifikat Deutsch, telcand others English: TOEFL, TOEIC, and GMAT

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W h a t yo u c a n c o u n t o n


High participant satisfaction due to regular quality control Competitive prices and an excellent nameCool cities to experience and learn Germany-wide flexibility due to a network of partnersIn your free-time: access to libraries, cafeteria, leisure and culture programme… WLAN free of charge at Trainingszentrum PalmenstraßeProfessional help with visas and accommodations, insurance, study programme etc.

Language Courses Challenging lessons and intensive learning Varied course offers, multinational groups Native-speaker instructors, university-qualified with extensive teaching experienceRecognized standards on exams and certificates

Further Education Practice-related seminars from colleaguesfor colleaguesRegular exchange with universities and companies Innovative approaches and recognized programmes

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Institut für Internationale Kommunikation Partner for Universities(IIK Düsseldorf e.V.)

Office and classrooms:Palmenstraße 2540217 DüsseldorfDeutschland

IIK courses take place on Trainingszentrum Palmenstraße, along with other locations.

Administration:Volmerswerther Str. 8640221 DüsseldorfDeutschland

Tel: +49 (0)211 566 22-0 Fax: +49 (0)211 566 [email protected]

We would be pleased to advise you by phone or in person.Business hours: Mo – Fr.: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Bank details:IIK Düsseldorf

Account no.: 590 079 63Bank: Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf

Berliner Allee 33, 40212 DüsseldorfBank code: 300 501 10S.W.I.F.T./BIC-Code: DUSSDEDDXXXIBAN: DE 63 30050110 00 59007963

For all direct bank transfer payments, please include: surname and given name of the course participant

Online registration:www.iik-duesseldorf.de/anmeldung

Brochure request:www.iik-duesseldorf.de/infos/anfordern

Scholarship information (EU, DAAD, IIK, et al.)www.iik-duesseldorf.de/infos/stipendien

All registration deadlines are 4 weeks prior to the course start date. For further education,accommodations, and courses of up to 100 hours, full payment must be received upon registration; for courses of over 100 hours, 50% payment is required, with the remainingpayment due by the first course day. Course places and accommodations are only reservedfollowing confirmation of receipt of payment. The IIK does not bear bank charges. Errorsand omissions accepted. Prices are subject to change. Dated 31.10.2011

I n f o r m a t i o n , R e g i s t ra t i o n