ﻟﻠﻌﻠﻭﻡ ﺍﻟﺭﺍﺒﻊ ﺍﻟﺩﻭﻟﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺅﺘﻤﺭ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻨﻤﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻭﻡ ﻜﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻹﺴﻼﻤﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻤﻌﺔ ﻏﺯﺓ2011 The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development 1 ﺍﻟﺩﻭﻟﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺅﺘﻤﺭ ﺍﻟﺭﺍﺒﻊ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻨﻤﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻌﻠﻭﻡ اﻟﻤﺆﺗﻤﺮ رﺋﯿﺲ/ اﻟﻌﻠﻮم ﻛﻠﯿﺔ ﻋﻤﯿﺪ. ﺍﻷﺸﻘﺭ ﻤﺤﻤﻭﺩ ﻨﻅﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﻀﻴﺭﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻠﺠﻨﺔ ﺭﺌﻴﺱ. ﺃﺒﻭ ﺤﺴﻥ ﺯﻴﺎﺩ ﻫﻴﻥ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﻀﻴﺭﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻠﺠﻨﺔ ﺃﻋﻀﺎﺀ: . . ﻓﺭﺤﺎﺕ ﻨﺎﺼﺭ. . ﺍﻟﺴﻘﺎ ﺃﻴﻤﻥ. . ﺍﻟﺭﻴﻔﻲ ﻤﺤﻤﺩ. ﺘﺎﻴﻪ ﺴﻔﻴﺎﻥ. ﻤﺭﺠﺎﻥ ﺭﺍﻤﻲ. ﻋﺎﺒﺩ ﺍﷲ ﻋﺒﺩ. ﺼﺎﻟﺤﻪ ﺃﺤﻤﺩ ﺭﺍﺌﺩ. ﺍﻟﻨﻤﺭﻭﻁﻲ ﺴﻌﻴﺩ ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻤﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻠﺠﻨﺔ ﺭﺌﻴﺱ: . . ﺍﷲ ﻋﻭﺽ ﻋﺎﺩل ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻤﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻠﺠﻨﺔ ﺃﻋﻀﺎﺀ . . ﺸﺒﻴﺭ ﻤﺤﻤﺩ. . ﺍﻟﺭﻴﻔﻲ ﻤﺤﻤﺩ. . ﻓﺭﺤﺎﺕ ﻨﺎﺼﺭ. . ﺍﻟﻌﺯﻴﺯ ﻋﺒﺩ ﺇﺴﻤﺎﻋﻴل. . ﻋﻔﻴﻔﻲ ﺴﻤﻴﺭ. . ﻴﺎﺴﻴﻥ ﻤﺎﺠﺩ. ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺩﻱ ﻋﺩﻨﺎﻥ. ﺍﻟﻁﺭﺸﺎﻭﻱ ﻤﺤﻤﺩ ﺍﻟﻤﺅﺘﻤﺭ ﺴﻜﺭﺘﻴـﺭ. ﻋﻘﻠﻴﻥ ﺃﺒﻭ ﺃﻜﺭﻡ ﺼﺒﺭﻱ

مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

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Page 1: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


للعلوم والتنميةالرابعالمؤتمر الدولي

عمید كلیة العلوم / رئیس المؤتمر نظام محمود األشقر. د

رئيس اللجنة التحضيرية هينزياد حسن أبو. د

:أعضاء اللجنة التحضيرية أيمن السقا. د.أ ناصر فرحات. د.أ سفيان تايه. د محمد الريفي. د.أ عبد اهللا عابد. د رامي مرجان. د سعيد النمروطي. أ رائد أحمد صالحه. د

:رئيس اللجنة العلمية عادل عوض اهللا. د.أ

أعضاء اللجنة العلمية محمد الريفي. د.أ محمد شبير. د.أ إسماعيل عبد العزيز. د.أ ناصر فرحات. د.أ ماجد ياسين. د.أ سمير عفيفي. د.أ محمد الطرشاوي. د عدنان الهندي. د

سكرتيـر المؤتمر صبري أكرم أبو عقلين. أ

Page 2: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The Fourth International Conference of

Science & Development


Chairman of the Conference Dr. Nisam M. El-Ashgar

Organizing Committee

Dr. Zeyad Abu-Heen

Members: Prof. Naser Farahat Prof. Ayman El Saqqa Prof. Mohamed el-Riffi Dr. Sofyan Taya Dr. Ramy Morgan Dr. abd allah abed Dr. Raed A. Salha Mr. Said Al Namrouti

Scientific Committee : Prof. Adel Awadallah

Members: Prof. Mohamad Shubair Prof. Ismail Abdulaziz Prof. Naser Farahat Prof. Samir Afifi Prof. Mohamed I. Riffi Prof. Maged Yassin Dr. Adnan el Hindi Dr. Mohamed Tarshaw

Conference Secretary Mr. Sabri A. abu Aglein

Page 3: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


تقديمالجامعة اإلسالمية على مواكبة التطورات المتالحقة في في انطالقا من حرص كلية العلوم

دأبت الكلية علـى التي تواجهها، تقضايا البحث العلمي والتنمية، وتحديد ومعالجة اإلشكاليا . 2005عقد األيام الدراسية ألقسامها المختلفة، كما عقدت مؤتمرها الدولي األول عام

للعلوم والتنمية الرابع الدولي الكلية المؤتمريوم تعقدوال :ويأتي هذا المؤتمر لتحقيق مجموعة من األهداف تتمثل بما يلي

ومن خـالل االسـتعانة بوسـائل -، جمع العلماء والباحثين من داخل فلسطين وخارجها ـ - االتصال الحديثة ذه النتـائج لعرض نتائج أبحاثهم ومناقشتها، مما يتيح التعرف علـى ه

وهذا يؤدي إلى اتساع دائرة المعرفة ويـدفع عجلـة البحـوث . وتطويرها واالستفادة منها .العلمية الموجهة لخدمة الفرد والمجتمع إلى األمام

ونطمح أن يؤدي هذا التجمع إلى تشجيع األساتذة والباحثين على التعاون معا في مـشاريع ة البحوث الموجهة للتغلب على المشكالت التـي د كفاءة ونوعي امشتركة مستقبلية، حتى تزد

.تواجهها الصناعة والزراعة والبيئة في المجتمع الفلسطينيكذلك يمثل هذا المؤتمر فرصة لطلبة الدراسات العليا للتعرف على األبحاث في مجـاالت تخصصهم، ومنهجية البحث العلمي، وطريقة عرض البحوث ومناقشتها واالسـتفادة منهـا،

.في تحديد خطهم البحثي المستقبلي، واختيار مواضيع لرسائلهم الجامعيةد يساعدهم وهذا ق وجود عدد كبير من الباحثين من األساتذة المختصين في كل مجـاالت العلـوم مـن معو

نأمل أن نتمكن من تحقيـق مختلف الجامعات والمؤسسات البحثية المحلية والعربية والدولية .ل هذا المؤتمر نقطة انطالق للتقدم العلمي في فلسطين الغاليةاألهداف السابقة، وأن يمث

واهللا ولي التوفيق

عميد كلية العلوم/ رئيس المؤتمر

نظام محمود األشقر/ الدكتور

Page 4: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


للعلوم والتنمیةالرابعجدول المؤتمر الدولي

م2011 نوفمبر 22-23

م22/11/2011: التاریخ الیوم األول

قاعة المؤتمرات الكبرى: القاعة 10:30 – 8:30: احیةفتتالجلسة اال

النشاط الزمن8:30 – 9:00 استقبال 9:00 – 9:10 )االفتتاحیة(قرآن كریم 9:10 – 9:20 كلمة رئیس اللجنة التحضیریة 9:20 – 9:30 كلمة عمید كلیة العلوم 9:30 – 9:40 كلمة رئیس الجامعة 9:40 – 9:50 األمناءكلمة رئیس مجلس 9:50 – 10:00 كلمة ضیف شرف المؤتمر

10:00 – 10:30 الجدید في مجال عالج السرطان : الدكتور إیاد الكرد (كلمة علمیة )بالطرق المناعیة

10:25 – 11:00 استراحـــــــــــة

Page 5: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Mathematics الریاضیات: المحور 12:00 – 11:00:) ریاضیات (الجلسة األولى م22/11/2011: الیوم األول )Quds Hall (القدس: القاعة محمد الریفي. د. أ :رئیس الجلسة

عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

11:00 – 11:10 Georgi N. Boshnakov And Bisher M. Iqelan

Generation Of Time Series Models With Given Spectral Properties

11:10 – 11:20 Samir Safi Developing Forecasting Models For Students Enrolled And Graduates

At Iug

11:20 – 11:30 Raid B. Salha

Estimating The Hazard Rate Function Using

The Reciprocal Inverse Gaussian Kernel

11:30 – 11:40 Md.Izhar Khan And M.Faizan

Characterization Of Continuous Distributions Through Lower

Record Statistics

11:40 – 11:50 Mohammad Azhar Hussain

Some Theorem On Eulerian Integerals Of The Multivariable H-

Function And Application استراحة 12:00 – 11:50

13:00 – 12:00: )ریاضیات(ثانیة الجلسة ال م22/11/2011: الیوم األول

القدس: القاعة د جاسر صرصور. أ :رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

12:00 – 12:10 Hisham B. Mahdi Topologies Between Τ And Τα

12:10 – 12:20 M. E. Abd El-Monsef , A. M. Kozae a , M. J.


Near Rough Continuity And Near Rough Separation Axioms

12:20 – 12:30 As’ad Y. As’ad

On Higher Best Approximation And Higher Birkhoff

Orthogonality In Higher Normed Spaces

12:30 – 12:40 Eissa D. Habil Tensor Product Of Distributive Sequential Effects Algebras And

Product Effect Algebras

12:40 – 12:50 Eissa D. Habil and Ahmed A. Ghneim

Nonstandard Topology On R

استراحة 13:00 – 12:50

Page 6: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


13:00 – 12:00: )ریاضیات(ثالثة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال

)Quds Hall (القدس: القاعة د عبد السالم أبو زایدة:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

12:00 – 12:10 Jamal M. Shenan

Differential subordination and superordination of analytic

functions defined by cho-kwon-srivastava operator

12:10 – 12:20 Marawan B. El-


Generating functions of modified laguerre polynomials of two

variable by using group Theoretical method

12:20 – 12:30 Mohammed M. Matar On controllability of some

stochastic semilinear Integrodi_erential systems in

hilbert spaces

12:30 – 12:40 Ahmad El-Kahlout

Some results of fractional advection dispersion equation of

distributed order

12:40 – 12:50 Atta A.K. AbuHany, M. Ismailand A. Agha

Note on global stability for a three-patch

Diffusion predator-prey model استراحة 13:00 – 12:50

14:00 – 13:00: )ریاضیات(رابعة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال )Quds Hall (القدس: القاعة د عطا أبو ھاني:رئیس الجلسة

عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن13:00 – 13:10 Y.Cengellenmis and M.

M. Al-Ashker Macdonald Codes Over The Ring

F3 + Vf3 13:10 – 13:20 Ahmed EL-Mabhouh

Mahmoud El-Sersawy On Permutable Polynomials

13:20 – 13:30 Taghreed Nasr

The Intersection Operation In Light Of The Concept Of Joint

Bservables In Fuzzy (Operational) Probability


13:30 – 13:40 Ayman H. Sakka and Mahmoud A. El-kahlout

Schlesinger Transformations For The Third Members Of Pii And

Piv Hierarchies

13:40 – 13:50 Arwa Eid Ashour

Primary Finitely Compactly Packed Modules And Dauns-Primary Submodules Over

Noncommutative Rings

13:50 – 14:00 Ali H. Abuzaid

On The Robustness Of The Estimating Function Technique Of

Rca(1) Model استراحة غداء 15:00 – 14:00

Page 7: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Physics الفیزیاء: المحور

14:00 – 13:00: )فیزیاء (الجلسة األولى م22/11/2011: الیوم األول )Quds Hall (القدس: القاعة د أحمد التیان:رئیس الجلسة

10:00 – 9:00: )فیزیاء(ثانیة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال

)Quds Hall (القدس: القاعة محمد شبات. د. أ:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

9:00 – 9:12 Anass A. Alkanoo,

Taher M. El-Agez, and Sofyan A. Taya

Fourier ellipsometer with a fixed compensator

9:12 – 9:25

Hani Kullab, Sofyan A. Taya, Taher M. El-Agez,

Mazen M. Abadla,

Materials of negative index of refraction as an optical sensor

9:25 – 9:37 Hatem S. El-Ghamri, Taher M.El-Agez, and

Sofyan A.Taya

Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

9:37 – 9:50

Hussam S. Musleh, Taher M. El-Agez,

Ahmed A. Tayyan, and Sofyan A. Taya

Organic light emitting diode with different dyes

استراحة 10:00 – 9:50 استراحة غداء 15:00 – 14:00

عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

13:00 – 13:12 Hala J. El-Khozondar,

Amani Abu Reyala, Nadia M. Mahdi1

Teaching Optical Fiber using Optiwave software package

13:12 – 13:25 Khitam El Wasife, Hala

El khozondar, Mohammad shabat

S-Waves in a Nonlinear, Left-Handed Material and Ferrite

Layered Structure

13:25 – 13:37 Rifa J. El-Khozondar, Hala J. El-Khozondar, Mohammed M. Shabat

TM waves propagation at magnetoplasma-MTMs interface

13:37 – 13:50 Zeyad I. Al-Sahhar,

Hala J. El-Khozondar, Mohamed M. Shabat

Surface Wave propagation at interface between lossy MTMs and

nonlinear media with arbitrary nonlinearity

استراحة 14:00 – 13:50 غداء 15:00 – 14:00

Page 8: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


11:00 – 10:00: )فیزیاء(ثالثة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال

)Quds Hall (القدس: القاعة د ھالة الخزندار:رئیس الجلسة

12:00 – 11:00: )فیزیاء(لرابعة الجلسة ا م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال )Quds Hall (القدس: القاعة محمد رضوان. د:رئیس الجلسة

عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

11:00 – 11:10 Prof. Talaat Hammad

Synthesis and characterization of Cu-doped ZnO microspheres

11:10 – 11:20 Muin F. Ubeid,

Mohammed M. Shabat, Mohammed O. Sid-Ahmed

Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Through a Dielectric Counterpart of Left-Handed


11:20 – 11:30 H. M. Mousa and M. M. Shabat

Tm Plsmons In A Cylindrical Superlattices(Lans) Wave-Guide Structure

من منظور فیزیائي) إم(بطالن نظریة حسن یوسف شھاب الدین 11:40 – 11:30

11:40 – 11:50 Omar S.Desouky

Bio-medical Application of Coherent X-ray Scattering. A review

11:50 – 12:00 Salem A. Abu musleh1,Olaf


Microscopic interacting boson model calculations

for even–even 182-186W isotopes

استراحة 13:00 – 12:00تراحة غداءاس 15:00 – 14:00

عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

10:00 – 10:12 Abdel Hakeim M.

Husein,, Fady I. EL-Nahal

Schematic representation for illustrating the procedure of optical noise figure in erbium-doped fiber

amplifier (EDFA) and praseodymium-doped fiber amplifier (PDFA)

10:12 – 10:25 M. Ayaz Ahmad, and Shafiq Ahmad

Some aspects of relativistic heavy ion collisions in 28Si-AgBr Collisions at

14.6A GeV

10:25 – 10:37 Fady I. El-Naha and

Abdel Hakeim M. Husein

Radio over Fiber Access Network Architecture Employing RSOA with Downstream OQPSK and Upstream

Re-Modulated OOK Data

10:37 – 10:50 B Saqqa, M T Al-

Mokayed, M A Radwan, and F M Abou El-Ela

The Optical Polaron in a Tunable Potential Well

استراحة 11:00 – 10:50

Page 9: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Chmistry الكیمیاء: المحور

14:00 – 13:00: )كیمیاء (الجلسة األولى م22/11/2011: الیوم األول )Taeba Hall(طیبة : القاعة عیسى النحال. د. أ:رئیس الجلسة

11:00 – 10:00: )كیمیاء(ثانیة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال

)Taeba Hall(طیبة : القاعة منذر عبد اللطیف. د. أ:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

9:45 – 10:00 John M. Gardiner Synthesis and Evaluation of Heparin Sulfate Oligosaccharides

10:00 – 10:12 Salman M. Saadeh Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole benzoylhydrazone and the crystal

structure of its complex with cobalt(II)

10:12 – 10:25 Zaki S. safi

DFT and AIM studies of intramolecular hydrogen bonds in substituted enamines.

10:25 – 10:37 S.Muzyed, N. M. El-Ashgar, K. J. Elnabris

Heavy Metal Concentrations in Commercially Available Fishes in Gaza

Strip Markets

10:37 – 10:50 Hany Farwanah,

Thomas Kolter and Konrad Sandhoff

A new mass spectrometric method for the separation, detection and profiling of

neutral sphingolipids استراحة 11:00 – 10:50

رالمحاض الزمن عنوان المحاضرة

13:00 – 13:10

Hazem M. Abu-Shawisha, Salman M.

Saadehb, Alaa Barakab and Ayat A.


Enhanced sensitivity for Pb(II) by a thiosalicylamide - functionalized

polysiloxane carbon paste electrode

13:10 – 13:20

Nizam M. El-Ashgar; Ahmed El-Basioni; Issa M. El-Nahhal;

Taher El-Ajez,

Preparation and Characterization of Bromocresol Purple pH-Sensitive Thin


13:20 – 13:30

Ahmed R. Mughari, M. Martínez Galera, P. Parrilla Vázquez,

Application of Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) for

determination of pyrethroids in ground water using liquid chromatography

13:30 – 13:40

Ahmed Abu Ismaiel, Mohamed

Kheireddine Aroua, Rozita Yusoff

Tasl-Specific ionic liquids modified palm shell activated carbon as a novel

composition for removal of mercury from aqueous solutions

13:40 – 14:00 Guest Lecturer (Prof Dr J M Lehn – Nobel Prize Winner 1987) غداء 15:00 – 14:00

Page 10: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


12:00 – 11:00: )كیمیاء(ثالثة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال )Taeba Hall(طیبة : القاعة ھاني دلول. د:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

11:00 – 11:30

Abdel-Rahman Saleh Ferwanah

Palladium-Catalyzed Cross Couplings in Organic Synthesis and its Applications

11:30 – 11:40 Hany M. Dalloul

Heterocyclic Synthesis Using Nitrilimines: Synthesis of Some New

Pyrazole Derivatives

11:40 – 11:50

A. M. Awadallah , B. A. Thaher, R. Y.

Morjan, B. Qeshta, H. Al-Shiaah

Reaction of Nitrilimines with aminoazines and aminoazoles

11:50 – 12:00 A.M. Awadallah ,R.

Y. Morjan, M. R. Mattar, M. A. Mattar

New Methods for the Synthesis of 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Derivatives

استراحة 12:00

Optometry البصریات: المحور 10:00 – 9:00: )بصریات(ولى الجلسة األ م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال

)Taeba Hall(طیبة : القاعة محمد الطرشاوي. د:رئیس الجلسة المحاضرةعنوان المحاضر الزمن

9:00 – 9:12 Mohamed A.A.Etarshawi

Effects Of Uncorrected Refractive Errors On Eductinal Attainment

Between Children

9:12 – 9:25 Yassin Al-nouno and

Sami Shublaq

Detection of specific difficulties of retinoscopy including the types of refractive errors using retinoscope among the students of the Islamic

University of Gaza-Palestine

9:25 – 9:37 Farouk El-Baz Evaluation of rehabilitation of low vision patients In Gaza strip

استراحة 10:00 – 9:37

Page 11: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Environment & earthsciences البیئة وعلوم األرض: المحور 12:00 – 11:00: )بیئة (الجلسة األولى م22/11/2011: الیوم األول

)Taeba Hall(طیبة : القاعة سمیر العفیفي. د. أ:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

11:00 – 11:10 Alaa M A Musalam

Reduce Environmental Polloution Product From The Use Of Vegetable Oils

As An Altarnative Fuel

11:10 – 11:20 Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou

Environmental Impacts of Aggregate Extraction from the Wadi Gaza Bed,

Gaza Strip, Palestine

11:20 – 11:30 Dumile Bhebhe,

Andries Jordaan, Miss Olivia Kunguma

Environmental damage, a looming facet of illegal gold panning: a case study of the illegal gold panners of Gwanda District, Zimbabwe

11:30 – 11:40 Zeyad H. Abu Heen and Iman Y. Abed

Assessment of the desalinated water in Gaza City

11:40 – 11:50 Shadi Mustafa


Evaluation of Road Traffic Noise Pollution and Its Effects on Shop

Workers in Gaza City استراحة 12:00 – 11:50

13:00 – 12:00: )بیئة(ثانیة الجلسة ال م22/11/2011: الیوم األول

)Taeba Hall(طیبة : القاعة عبد الكریم جودة. د:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

جار المثمرة في التنمیة المستدامة لأل ش آفاق، والحفظ مازور محمد، بوشریط حفیظة 12:10 – 12:00 " منطقة بني سنوس" الجزائر تلمسان جبال

12:10 – 12:20 Baby, S Different Faces Of Sustainable Development And Its Strategy

12:20 – 12:30 . Khalid Ubeid The nature of the Pleistocene-Holocene Paleosols in Gaza Strip, Palestine

12:30 – 12:40 Khalid F. Ubeid

Luis Pedro Fernandez

The Eocene Sobrarbe delta in the eastern limb of the Santa Maria del Buil syncline

(South-central Pyrenees, Northern Spain): lithifacies and architecture

12:40 – 12:50

Dr. Zeyad Abu Heen and Mazen Fadel El


Sanitary and Social Effects of Dear El Balah Landfill

(Gaza Strip-Palestine)

استراحة 13:00 – 12:50

Page 12: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


13:00 – 12:00: )بیئة(ثالثة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال )Taeba Hall(طیبة : القاعة علي الطرشاوي. أ:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

12:00 – 12:10 K.Madhavan Namboodiri

Results of Pilot Initiatives in Rehabilitation of a Deteriorated Canal Network in Coastal

Region of Kerala, India 12:10 – 12:20 Adel A. Abdel-

Ghani Cattle And Global Warming

دراسة بحثیة علمیة حول إزالة النترات من میاه الشرب ( سامي حسین لبد 12:30 – 12:20 )بیولوجیا

12:30 – 12:40

Wesam Ahmed Al Madhoun

Nor Azam Ramli & Ahmad Shukri


Trends of BTEX Emissions at the Komtar Area in Penang

12:40 – 12:50 S.A. Mansi * , S.S. Hamed , A.H. EL-Astal, and A.B. El –


Comparative Spectroscopic Studies of Lead and Cadmium in Water with Atomic

Spectroscopy (Flame-AAS, GFAAS and ICP-AES)

استراحة 13:00 – 12:50

14:00 – 13:00: )بیئة(رابعة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال )Taeba Hall(طیبة : القاعة خالد عبید. د:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

13:00 – 13:10

João Pedro Martins da Silva1, MSc.; Roberto Huet de

Salvo Souza, DSc.; Janice Caetano,

Itaocara Hydroelectric Power Plant’s Social License

13:10 – 13:20 HEDAYAT OMIDVAR

Prospect of Iran Natural Gas Export Projects

13:20 – 13:30 Mohammed S.


The possibility of Implementing Geothermal Energy for Cooling

Applications in Gaza Strip

13:30 – 13:40

Raed Bashitialshaaer,

Kenneth M Persson Ronny Berndtsson

Desalination and Power Plants Together for Water and Development A Case study

for Sinai-Gaza

13:40 – 13:50 Yasser El-Nahhal,

Jamal Safi

Micro-Encapsulation of Bromoxynil to Modified Bentonite under various pH and


تقييم النوعية الميكروبيولوجية لمياه محافظتي الشمال و الوسطى من قطاع غزة 14:00 – 13:50

غداء 15:00 – 14:00

Page 13: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Biology األحیاء: المحور 12:00 – 11:00: )أحیاء (الجلسة األولى م22/11/2011: الیوم األول

)Lahedan Hall(اللحیدان : القاعة عبود القیشاوي. د:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

11:00 – 11:12 Hossein Barani

Plant species as evidences to perceive climate changes and transitions; Sahra-

Sindian plant species in 37° northern latitude ( north-east of Hyrcanian /Caspian


فراس صوالحة وحازم 11:25 – 11:12 صوالحة

دراسة تاثیر استخدام الفسفور والنیتروجین والبوتاسیوم باشكال منفصلة او مجتمعة على نمو وتطور وانتاج

لفول البلديمحصول ا

11:25 – 11:37 H. M. Galal, H.A.

Hassan, R.M. Refay

Effect Of Cyanobacteria Or Azotobacter As A Soil Conditioners And Biofertilizers

On Vicia Faba Cultiver Growth And Nodulation

11:37 – 11:50 Emad. Y. Youssief In Vitro, Propagation of Strawberry

(Fragaria × annanasa Duch.) Through Organogenesis via Runner Tips

استراحة 12:00 – 11:50

13:00 – 12:00: )أحیاء(ثانیة الجلسة ال م22/11/2011: الیوم األول )Lahedan Hall(اللحیدان : القاعة إسماعیل عبد العزیز. د. أ:رئیس الجلسة

لمحاضرةعنوان ا المحاضر الزمن

12:00 – 12:12 Basma M. Abu

Shammala , Adnan I. Al-Hindi

Dientamoeba fragilis in Gaza Strip: a neglected protozoan parasite

12:12 – 12:25 Bassam . F. Al-zain Thiabendazole for the Treatment of

infected children with strongyloidiasis in Gaza strip

12:25 – 12:37 Eman S. Abu-

Haddaf, Dr. Adnan I. Al-Hindi

Parasitological survey for intestinal parasites and ectoparasites in black rat

(Rattus rattus) From two regions in Gaza Strip, Palestine

12:37 – 12:50

Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou; Maged M. Yassin; Fadel A.

Sharif; Mohammed R. Al-

Agha; Kamel S. Abu Daher; Abdel

Karim S. Ali and Dawi M.


Inhabitants' Knowledge on Mosquito Proliferation and Control in the Wetland

Ecosystem of Wadi Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine

استراحة 13:00 – 12:50

Page 14: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


13:00 – 12:00: )أحیاء(ثالثة الجلسة ال م22/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال )Lahedan Hall(اللحیدان : القاعة عبد الرحیم عاشور. د:رئیس الجلسة

عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

12:00 – 12:12 Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou

On the occurrence of some carnivores in the Gaza Strip, Palestine (Mammalia:


12:12 – 12:25 Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou

Notes on The Palestinian Mammalian Fauna Acquired by the Zoological Gardens

in the Gaza Strip, Palestine

12:25 – 12:37

Nehad R. Elyazji, Ismail Abdel-Aziz, Abdel Rahiem A.


alterations in some hematological and biochemical parameters in albino rats

under aspirin treatment

12:37 – 12:50 Asmaa Abu Ghali

Prevalence of metabolic syndrome (syndrome-x) and associated

sociodemographic risk factors in adults population at the Gaza-Strip

استراحة 13:00 – 12:50

14:00 – 13:00: )أحیاء(رابعة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال )Lahedan Hall(اللحیدان : القاعة عبد الفتاح عبد ربھ. د:رئیس الجلسة

عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

13:00 – 13:12 Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou

The Palestinian Reptilian Fauna Acquired by the Zoological Gardens in the Gaza

Strip 13:12 – 13:25 Mayson Louzon Teratogenic effects of Duphaston

13:25 – 13:37 Abdel Fattah N.

Abd Rabou

On the ecology of the Caspian Turtle Mauremys caspica in Wadi Gaza Nature

Reserve, Gaza Strip, Palestine

13:37 – 13:50

Tarek Elbashiti1, Basel M. Salhia2

and Abboud Elkichaoui2

The effect of Azotobacter chroococcum as nitrogen biofertilizer on the growth and

yield of Cucumis sativus

استراحة 14:00 – 13:50 غداء 15:00 – 14:00

Page 15: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Medical Technology التحالیل الطبیة: المحور

14:00 – 13:00: )تحالیل طبیة (الجلسة األولى م22/11/2011: الیوم األول )Lahedan Hall(اللحیدان : القاعة محمد شبیر. د. أ:رئیس الجلسة

عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

13:00 – 13:12

nahed saleem & Abdelraouf A.


Antimicrobial Resistance of Enteric Pathogens Isolated from Acute

Gastroenteritis Patients in Gaza strip, Palestine.

13:12 – 13:25

Abdelraouf A. Elmanama, Eman

M. Qwaider, Fatma M. Hajjaj, Haneen

Z.Abu Rasas, Lobna A. Snuono

Hospital Door Knobs as a Source of Bacterial Infection

13:25 – 13:37 Dr. Adnan I. Al-

Hindi, Ms. Mervat El-Louh

Trends of Intestinal parasites in Gaza Strip during 1998-2007: The use of government

health records

13:37 – 13:50 Nahed A. Al Laham

Comparison of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass

spectrometry, VITEK-2 and ID32STAPH for species identification of clinical

coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated in Al Shefa hospital microbiology laboratory

13:50 – 14:00 Salam Z. Al.Agha, Maged M. Yassin

and Naela E. Esleem

Toxic Effects Of Imidacloprid On Kidney Function And Histological S Tructure In

Male Rabbits

14:00 – 14:12

Abdelraouf A. Elmanma, Amany A. Alyazji, Nedaa A. Abu Ganema

Antibacterial, Antifungal And Synergistic Effect Of Lawsonia Inermis, Punica Granatum And Hibiscus Sabariffa

غداء 15:00 – 14:10

Page 16: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


10:00 – 9:00: )تحالیل طبیة(ثانیة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال

)Lahedan Hall(اللحیدان : القاعة فضل الشریف. د. أ:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

9:00 – 9:12

Ghada Rayyan, MSc., Mohammad

Shubair, PhD., Mubarak Asiri,


Flow Cytometric Analysis of Acute Leukemia Cases in Aseer Area (Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia)

9:12 – 9:25 Ohood Sarsour

Persistence of anti-hbs antibody in children vaccinated with hepatitis b vaccine at birth

at gaza, palestine.

9:25 – 9:37 Galal, H. R. and Elwaleed, E. A.

Biofertilizers Application on Improving Wheat (Sakha-94 L.) Resistance to Salinity


9:37 – 9:50

Abdelraouf A. Elmanama, Ala'a R.

Agha El-Kurdi, Amal T. Mattar,

Mona T. Abo Hasera and Nour I.

Abu Taim

Characterization of Urease-Producing and Calcifying Bacteria Isolated from Urea

Rich Soils

استراحة 10:00 – 9:50

11:00 – 10:00: )تحالیل طبیة(ثالثة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال )Lahedan Hall(اللحیدان : القاعة ناھض اللحام. د:رئیس الجلسة

لمحاضرةعنوان ا المحاضر الزمن

10:00 – 10:12 Osama S Abu Nada,

Mai Ramadan, Baker Zabut

Assessment of Iron and Growth Status among Adolescents in the Gaza Strip –

UNRWA Schools

10:12 – 10:25 Atef Masad and

David Allsop

The effects of antioxidants and metal ion chelators on the oxidative stress generated

through amylin aggregation.

10:25 – 10:37 Osama S Abu Nada,

Mai Ramadan, Baker Zabut

Nutritional Assessment of Zinc among Adolescents and its relation to BMI and

Life Style in the Gaza strip

10:37 – 10:50 Al-jedi ,M ,

Shubair, M , Yassin, M

Insulin, thyroid stimulating hormone and lipid levels among obese adult males in

Gaza Governorate

استراحة 11:00 – 10:50

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


12:00 – 11:00: )تحالیل طبیة(رابعة الجلسة ال م23/11/2011: ثانيالیوم ال

)Lahedan Hall(اللحیدان : القاعة ماجد یاسین. د. أ:رئیس الجلسة عنوان المحاضرة المحاضر الزمن

محمد كامل شبیر 11:12 – 11:00الصحیة تحلیل وتقییم الوضع الحالي إلدارة نفایات الرعایة

)HCWM( في مستشفى الشفاء

11:12 – 11:25

Yousef Aljeesh,Samer Al


Determinants of Low Back Pain among Operating Room Nurses in Gaza

Governmental Hospitals

11:25 – 11:37

Maged M. Yassin and Ibrahim H.


Assessment of Awareness, Biochemical and Hematological Parameters Among

Pesticides Sellers in Gaza Governorate

11:37 – 11:50 Mohammed

Mushtaha & Ashraf Eljedi

Risk Factors of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients Undergoing Cardiac

Catheterization in Gaza Governorates: Case–Control Study

11:50 – 12:00

Rohaifa Al- Haddad, Fouad

Ridwan, Mansour Elyazji, Nahed Al


Incidence of Enteric Pathogens Causing Community Gastroenteritis among

Kindergarten Children in Gaza Governorate

نھایة الجلسة

Page 18: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development




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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Generation of time series models with given

Spectral properties

Georgi N. Boshnakov and Bisher M. Iqelan University of Manchester and Islanic University of Gaza

[email protected]


We give a method for generation of periodically correlated and multivariate ARIMA models whose dynamic characteristics are partially or fully specified in terms of spectral poles and zeroes or their equivalents in the form of eigenvalues/eigenvectors of associated model matrices. Our method is based on the spectral decomposition of multicompanion matrices and their factorization into products of companion matrices. Generated models are needed in simulation but may also be used in estimation, e.g. to set sensible initial values of parameters for nonlinear optimization. We are not aware of any other general method for multivariate linear systems of comparable generality and control over the spectral properties of the generated model.

Keywords. Periodic stationary models; PAR model; multi-companion matrix.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Developing Forecasting Models For Students Enrolled and Graduates at IUG

Samir Safi

Associate Professor of Statistics ps.edu.iugaza@safifi

Abstract Education probably is the most sensitive sector in any country. Predict the future number of students enrolled and graduates at IUG is very important issue, which will help the decision makers to predict future values, then take necessary procedures and yield the required resources to avoid troubles and problems in education sector.

The main objective of this research is forecasting the future number

of students enrolled and graduates at the Islamic University of Gaza. This goal requires that the pattern of observed time series data is identified and more or less formally described. Once the pattern is established, we can interpret, integrate it with other data, and extrapolate the identified pattern to predict future observations.

The study is based on the autoregressive integrated moving

average process (ARIMA ) along with its analytical constrains. The analytical procedure of the proposed model is given. Number of students and graduates selected between 1978-2010. Both the classical and proposed forecasting models were developed and a comparison of the accuracy of their responses is given.

The subject of the present study is to begin with a given time

series that characterizes a natural phenomenon and as usual, is non-stationary. Box and Jenkins (1994) have introduced a popular and useful classical procedure to develop forecasting models that have been shown to be quite effective. In the present study, we introduce a procedure for developing a forecasting model that is more effective than the classical approach is introduced.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The accuracy of the proposed forecasting model is illustrated by

selecting from the number of students and graduates in the period 1978-2010. The classical time series model for the subject information along with the proposed process will be developed. A statistical comparison based on the actual and forecasting residuals is given, both in tabular and graphical form.

The main question that will be addressed in this study is: what will

be the future number of students enrolled and graduates at IUG. This question include sub-questions that derived from the main question

• What is the general trend for the development of the number of students enrolled and graduates at IUG?

• What is the best model to describe the future development of the number of students enrolled and graduates at IUG?

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Estimating The Hazard Rate Function Using

The Reciprocal Inverse Gaussian Kernel

Raid B. Salha Department of Mathematics, The Islamic University of Gaza

[email protected]


For positive data, a natural way to overcome the boundary bias problem when estimating the density function nonparametrically is to consider kernels with positive support. Recently, Chen (2000) has proposed a nice way to circumvent the well known boundary bias or edge effect that appears in standard kernel density estimation. Boundary bias is due to weight allocation by the fixed symmetric kernel outside the density support when smoothing is carried out near the boundary. The remedy consists in replacing symmetric kernels by asymmetric Gamma kernel which never assigns weight outside the support, in addition to nice asymptotic features. Scaillet (2004) has used this idea and proposed two new classes of density estimators, rely on the use of Inverse Gaussian (IG) and Reciprocal Inverse Gaussian (RIG) probability density functions as kernels in place of the Gamma density function. In this paper, we propose to estimate the hazard rate function based on Reciprocal Inverse Gaussian (RIG) kernel for iid data. The asymptotic mean squared error (AMSE) and the asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator are investigated. Also, the selection of an optimal bandwidth is discussed since it plays an important role in the kernel estimation. The performance of the proposed esimator is compared with the standard symmetric kernel estimator.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Characterization of Continuous Distributions through Lower Record Statistics

Md.Izhar Khan and M.faizan

Department of Statistics and Operations Research Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002. India


A family of continuous probability distribution has been characterized through the difference of two conditional expectations, conditioned on a non-adjacent lower record statistic. Also a result based on the unconditional expectation and a conditional expectation is used to characterize a family of distributions. Further, some of its deductions are also discussed.

Keywords: Characterization, continuous distributions, conditional expectation, lower record statistics.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Some theorem On Eulerian Integerals of the Multivariable H-function and Applications

Mohammad azhar hussain Department of mathmatics

Veer kunwar singh univesity Ara,bishar,india

[email protected]

Abstract The main object of the present paper the general Eulerian integeral formulas as shown to derive new results for various families of generalized hypergeometric funtions of several variables. Some of these applications of the formulas would potentially useful generalizations in the theory of fractional calculus.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Topologies Between τ and τα

Hisham B. Mahdi Islamic University of Gaza

Department of Mathematics PO Box 108, Gaza, Palestine

[email protected]


For a given Artinian T0-Alexandroff space (X, τ(≤)), the class of all topologies between τ and τα is considered. We prove that the topologies in this class are artinian and α-equivalent. Moreover, if any one of them is extremally disconnected (hyperconnected ), then all members of are extremally disconnected ( hyperconnected ). After that, we introduce a concept of refinement order of a partial order on a set X. We use it to describe the specialization order of the members of . We give a nice way to construct a new T0-Alexandroff topology from given one by taking as a poset the class together with the usual inclusion order. We look at some related topological notions of the two spaces.

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Near rough continuity and near rough separation axioms

M. E. Abd El-Monsef a , A. M. Kozae a , M. J. Iqelan a, b

a Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt b Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University – Gaza,



The topological view for continuity is more general and is applied for topologies on discrete sets. Separation axioms can be regard as tools for distinguishing objects in information systems. Rough thinking is one of the topological connections to uncertainty. The purpose of this paper is to hybridize continuity, separation properties and rough set notions to get a new approach for handling uncertainty. For the presence of various levels of approximations, we introduce several levels of continuity and separation axioms in approximation spaces. The notions of near rough continuous mappings and new notions about some separation axioms in approximation spaces are introduced.

Keywords: Topological space; Topologized approximation space; Near rough continuous mapping; Near rough separation axioms

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


On Higher Best Approximation And Higher Birkhoff Orthogonality In Higher Normed Spaces

As’ad Y. As’ad

Department of Mathematics, Islamic University of Gaza E-mail: [email protected]


In this paper we define and study higher best approximation and higher Birkhoff orthogonality in higher normed spaces, where we get some results that are similar to known results in best approximation and Birkhoff orthogonality in normed spaces.

Keywords: Higher best approximation, higher normed space, higher Birkhoff orthogonality.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Tensor Product of Distributive Sequential Effects Algebras and

Product Effect Algebras

Eissa D. Habil Department of Mathematics Islamic University of Gaza

P.O. Box 108, Gaza, Palestine E-mail: [email protected]


A distributive sequential effect algebra (DSEA) is an effect algebra on which a distributive sequential product with natural properties is defined. We define the tensor product of two arbitrary DSEA's and we give a necessary and sufficient condition for it to exist. As a corollary we obtain the result (see Gudder, S. in Math. Slovaca 54:1-11, 2004) that the tensor product of a pair of commutative sequential effect algebras exist if and only if they admit a bimorphism. We further obtain a similar result for the tensor product of a pair of product effect algebras.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Nonstandard Topology on R

Eissa D. Habil and Ahmed A. Ghneim

Department of Mathematics Islamic University of Gaza

P.O. Box 108, Gaza, Palestine E-mails: [email protected]

[email protected]

Abstract Nonstandard topology on R is a kind of topology constructed by means of nonstandard analysis on R. The ordered field of nonstandard real numbers (or simply hyperreals) *R has been introduced. It extends the reals R. The hyperreals properties and the main topological definitions for R with the standard topology have been presented in the nonstandard context. Nonstandard proofs of some well-known theorems for the topology on R have been given and compared with the standard ones.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Differential Subordination and Superordination of Analytic Functions Defined by Cho-Kwon-Srivastava Operator

Jamal M. Shenan Department of mathematics, Alazhar University-Gaza

P.O.Box 1277, Gaza ,Palestine. e-mail:shenanjm @yahoo.com


Differential subordination and superordination results are obtained for analytic functions in the open unit disk which are associated with Cho-Kwon-Srivastava operator. These results are obtained by investigating appropriate classes of admissible functions. Some of the result established in this paper would provide extensions of those given in earlier works. 200 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 30C45 Key Words and Phrases: Analytic functions, integral operator, hadmard product, differential subordination, superordination.

Summary of the paper In the present investigation, the differential subordination result of Miller and Mocanu is extended for analytic functions in the open unit disk, which are associated with Cho-Kwon-Srivastava operator ( , )pL a cλ ( )0, \ ;a c R Z pλ−∈ > − , and we obtain certain other related results. In the first section of the paper we prove subordination results involving the Cho-Kwon–Srivastava operator )(),( zfcaI p

λ . Theorem 1. Let ],[ qI ΩΦ∈φ . If ( ) ( )f z A p∈ satisfies

( ) ( 1, ) ( ), ( , ) ( ), ( 1, ) ( ); :p p pI a c f z I a c f z I a c f z z z Uλ λ λφ + − ∈ ⊂ Ω ,

then ( 1, ) ( ) ( )pI a c f z q zλ + p

Theorem 2. Let ],[1, qI ΩΦ∈φ , If ( ) ( )f z A p∈ satisfies

1 1 1

( 1, ) ( ) ( , ) ( ) ( 1, ) ( ), , ; ( )p p p

p p p

I a c f z I a c f z I a c f zz h z

z z z

λ λ λ

φ − − −

+ −

p ,



( 1, ) ( )( )p


I a c f zq z




The dual problem of the differential subordination, that is, differential superordination of the operator

)(),( zfcaI pλ is investigated in this section. In the this section we prove Superordination of the Cho-

Kwon–Srivastava operator )(),( zfcaI pλ


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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Theorem 3. Let ],[ qI ΩΦ′∈φ . If ( ) ( )f z A p∈ , 0)(),( QzfcaI p ∈λ and

( )( 1, ) ( ), ( , ) ( ), ( 1, ) ( );p p pI a c f z I a c f z I a c f z zλ λ λφ + −

is univalent in U , then

( ) ( 1, ) ( ), ( , ) ( ), ( 1, ) ( ); :p p pI a c f z I a c f z I a c f z z z Uλ λ λφΩ ⊂ + − ∈


( ) ( 1, ) ( )pq z I a c f zλ +p .


Theorem 5. Let ],[1, qI ΩΦ′∈φ . If ( ) ( )f z A p∈ , 01

( 1, ) ( )pp

I a c f zQ



+∈ and

1 1 1

( 1, ) ( ) ( , ) ( ) ( 1, ) ( ), , ;p p p

p p p

I a c f z I a c f z I a c f zz

z z z

λ λ λ

φ − − −

+ −

is univalent in ,U then

1 1 1

( 1, ) ( ) ( , ) ( ) ( 1, ) ( ), , ; :p p p

p p p

I a c f z I a c f z I a c f zz z U

z z z

λ λ λ

φ − − −

+ − Ω ⊂ ∈



( 1, ) ( )( ) p


I a c f zq z



+p .

Theorem 6. Let 0)( Hzq ∈ , )(zh be univalent in U and ],[1, qI ΩΦ′∈φ . If

( ) ( )f z A p∈ , 01

( 1, ) ( )pp

I a c f zQ



+∈ and

1 1 1

( 1, ) ( ) ( , ) ( ) ( 1, ) ( ), , ;p p p

p p p

I a c f z I a c f z I a c f zz

z z z

λ λ λ

φ − − −

+ −

is univalent in ,U then

1 1 1

( 1, ) ( ) ( , ) ( ) ( 1, ) ( )( ) , , ;p p p

p p p

I a c f z I a c f z I a c f zh z z

z z z

λ λ λ

φ − − −

+ −


implies 1

( 1, ) ( )( ) p


I a c f zq z



+p .

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Generating Functions of modified Laguerre polynomials of

two variable by using Group theoretical method

Marawan B. El-Khazendar Al-Azhar University – Gaza

P.O. Box: 1270 Gaza, Palestine

[email protected]


In this paper we obtain some generating functions of modified Laguerre polynomial of two variables ,by means of group theoretic method ,we have a three parameter Lie – group for these polynomial, which does not seem to appear. Mathematics subject classification :33C45 ; 33C50 ; 33C80 . Keywords: Two variables laguerre polynomials ; Recurrence relations ;Group theoretic method and generating functions.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


On controllability of some stochastic semilinear integrodifferential systems in Hilbert spaces

Mohammed M. Matar

Department of Mathematics, Al-Azhar University of Gaza, Gaza strip, Palestine


We are given a probability space together with a normal filtration

We consider the separable Hilbert spaces and , and is

a -Wiener process on with the linear bounded covariance operator

such that . We assume that there exists a complete orthonormal

system in , a bounded sequence of nonnegative real numbers such

that and a sequence of independent

Brownian motions such that

and where is a -algebra generated

by . Let be the space of all Hilbert-

Schmidt operators endowed with the inner product . We

recall that is said to be -adapted if is -measurable, a.e.

. Let be the Hilbert space of all square integrable and -adapted

processes with values in , be a Hilbert space of all

measurable square integrable random variables with values in ,

be the Banach space of continuous maps from into

satisfying the condition and be the

closed subspace of consisting of measurable and -

adapted -valued processes endowed with the norm

Consider the following stochastic semilinear integrodifferential system

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


and , where generates a strongly continuous

semigroup of bounded linear operators , is a bounded linear operator from

the Hilbert space into , is a -Wiener process. The nonlinearities


are assumed to satisfy some conditions. An adapted process is

said to be a mild solution of (1), if for all , it satisfies

where The system (1) is said to be approximately (completely) controllable on the interval if , ( ) where

In this article, we study the controllability of the system (1), by introducing an appropriate control and using the Banach fixed point theorem to get the existence of the mild solution (2) and then the sufficient conditions for approximate and complete controllability of the system (1) are obtained. Finally, we give an application to illustrate the problem.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Some Results Of Fractional Advection Dispersion Equation of distributed order

Ahmad El-Kahlout

Al-Quds Open University, North Gaza Branch,

Beit Lahia, Palestine. [email protected]


In this paper, we get solution of the time-fractional advection-dispersion equation of distributed order , The solution is achieved by using a function transform, Fourier and Laplace transforms to get the formulas of the fundamental solution, which are expressed explicitly in terms of Fox’s H-function by making use of the relationship between Fourier and Mellin transforms. As special cases the exact solutions of time-fractional diffusion and wave equations of distributed order are also obtained.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Note on Global Stability for a Three-Patch

Diffusion Predator-Prey Model

Atta A.K. AbuHany, M. Ismail and A. Agha Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University – Gaza

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract For predator-prey models without time delay and without diffusion between patches, concerning their qualitative properties, especially the properties with well ecological meanings, such as boundedness, stability, permanence and existence of periodic solutions, many good results have already been obtained and collected in some monographs (e.g. [1, 5]), while further scientific researchers suggest that time delays effect or diffusion between patches exist in many ecological systems. Time delays effect refers to the dynamics of a predator being related to the predation in the past. Moreover, due to the spatial heterogeneity and unbalanced food resources, the migration phenomena of biological species can often occur between heterogeneous spatial environments or patches. Because these new topics have great ecological significance(see [2, 7, 8]), in recent years, scientists have paid considerable attention to them. In this article we study some qualitative properties such as boundedness, stability, of solutions for a three-patch diffusion predator-prey system with time delays. It is shown that the system is bounded under suitable conditions. We also give some ecological implications of the main results and analyze the possible effects of both the diffusion and the time delays on the stability of the model. Keywords and Phrases: Predator-prey model; Time delay; Diffusion; Boundedness.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


MacDonald codes over the ring F3 + vF3

Y.Cengellenmis and M. M. Al-Ashker


In this paper, we construct MacDonald codes over the ring F3 + vF3 , where v2 = 1, F3 = f0; 1; 2g and investigate some of their properties. AMS, Mathematics Classi¯cation: 94B05.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


On Permutable Polynomials

Ahmed EL-Mabhouh Islamic University of Gaza

Department of Mathematics PO Box 108, Gaza, Palestine

[email protected]

Mahmoud El-Sersawy Islamic University of Gaza

Department of Mathematics PO Box 108, Gaza, Palestine

[email protected]

Abstract The theory of permutable polynomials is a major part of the decomposition theory which modified by J. F. Ritt in the beginning of the 20-th century. Two functions f and g are said to be permutable iff f o g = g o f. In this paper، we restrict ourselves to the study of this subject over algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We study the number of polynomials of a fixed degree which permute with a fixed polynomial and modified some proofs of some results in this subject. Also we study the classification theorem of ermutable polynomials proved by J. F. Ritt and G. Julia and give a modified algebraic proof of the first and second part of this theorem. Finally, we give a modified proof of the fact that there is only two chains (up to conjugation) namely, the set of monic monomials and the set of chebyshev polynomials .

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The intersection operation In light of the concept of joint observables In fuzzy (operational) probability theory

Taghreed Nasr

Al-Aqsa university [email protected]


Operational probability theory appears as a smooth extension of classical probability theory that fulfills quantum physics needs. E. G. Beltrametti and S. Bugajski’s approach to operational probability theory is based on the physical foundation of the theory. Moreover, each of S. Bugajski and S. Gudder establishes the mathematical foundation of the theory. In this paper،we explain the need to extend the concept of the intersection operation - in its classical and quantum aspects - in the light of the concept of joint observable. Since the need to extend the definition of the intersection operation become essential،we tried to determine the basic features that characterize any possible definition of the intersection operation. Moreover, we finally tried to explain the advantages of Gudder’s definition of the intersection operation among any other possible definitions. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46L53, 81P16, 81P05.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Schlesinger transformations for the third members of PII and

PIV hierarchies

Ayman H. Sakka and Mahmoud A. El-kahlout Department of Mathematics, Islamic University of Gaza

P.O.Box 108, Rimal, Gaza, Palestine e-mail: asakka@ iugaza.edu.ps Fax Number: (+970)(8)2860800

June 1, 2011


In this article, we give a method to obtain the Schlesinger transformations for the third members of second and fourth Painlev´e hierarchies. The procedure involves formulating a Riemann-Hilbert problem for a transformation matrix which transforms the solution of the linear problem but leaves the associated monodromy data the same. Using Schlesinger transformations, we obtained the corresponding B¨acklund transformations for each of the considered equations. Finally, we discussed some special solutions of the third members of the second and fourth Painlev´e hierarchies.

Keywords: Painlev´e hierarchies, Schlesinger transformations, B¨acklund transformations, Special solutions.

PACS number : 02.30 hq, 02.30.Gp

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Primary finitely compactly packed modules And Dauns-primary submodules over noncommutative rings

Arwa Eid Ashour

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Islamic University of Gaza,

P.O. Box 108, Gaza Strip, Palestine, Tel: +970-8-2060420,

E-mail: [email protected]


In this paper we introduce the concept of primary finitely compactly packed modules over noncommutative rings. This concept generalizes the concepts of primary compactly packed modules over noncommutative rings, and primary finitely compactly packed modules over commutative rings. We first find the relation between primary finitely compactly packed modules and primary compactly packed modules over noncommutative rings. We also prove several results on the primary finitely compactly packed modules over noncommutative rings. In addition, we introduce the definition of Dauns-primary submodules over noncommutative rings, and investigate the relation between this concept and the concepts of Dauns-prime submodules, and primary submodules over noncommutative rings.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


On the robustness of the estimating function technique of RCA(1) Model

Ali H. Abuzaid

Professor Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Al- Azhar university- Gaza

Gaza, Palestine P.O Box 1277, E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract The random coefficient autoregressive model of order 1 is frequently used in the finance, meteorology and economics. This paper proposes an iterative procedure to estimate the parameters of the random coefficient autoregressive model of order 1, using the estimating function technique, EF. The proposed method is compared with the classical least squares method, LS. A Simulation study shows the EF method gives a better estimation than the LS method. In the case of the contamination of Additive outlier in RCA(1) model, EF shows a strong robustness compared to the LS estimates. Keywords: Estimating function, random coefficient autoregressive, robust, outlier

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development




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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Teaching Optical Fiber using Optiwave software package

Hala J. El-Khozondar1,*, Amani Abu Reyala1, Nadia M. Mahdi1

1Electrical Engineering department, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine *Email: [email protected]


In advanced course of optical fiber, optiwave package is used to demonstrate the materials in a unique experience in our university. Optiwave software is a design tool that enables users to plan, test, and simulate almost every type of optical link in the physical layer of a broad spectrum of optical networks. Engineer using optiwave software such as Optisystem and OptiPerformer can easily demonstrate the benefits of a product, or propose different scenarios for the product, without having to develop. Optiwave helped student not only to understand the course in an enjoyable way but also they used it to simulate some published results, which have been generated using traditional programming. One example is to stimulate the self-phase modulation (SPM) nonlinear effect to suppress Brillouin scattering (SBS) in high power short pulse Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA). The analyzed data shows the efficiency of the proposed method SPM in suppressing the SBS effect in agreements with the results in the published work. The experience results in an enjoyable and successful class.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


S-Waves in a Nonlinear, Left-Handed Material and Ferrite Layered


Khitam El Wasife1, Hala El khozondar2, Mohammad shabat1

1Physics Department, Islamic University of Gaza, P. O. Box 108 2Electrical Engineering Department, Islamic University of Gaza, P.O. Box 108


Electromagnetic waves travelling in waveguide structure with left-handed materials have been received great attention in recent years. Left-handed material (LHM) that is also known as Matematerials are newly artificial materials with negative permittivity and negative permeability. In this work, we studied the s-polarized nonlinear surface electromagnetic waves supported by a three layer structure consisting of a nonlinear dielectric film, bounded by a ferrite cover and a linear dielectric substrate. Dispersion curves with optical power density at the lower film boundary are calculated and plotted. The result indicates that the LHM has a significant effect on s-waves behavior. The results could be used in future applications in microwaves and optoelectronic devices.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


TM waves propagation at magnetoplasma-MTMs interface

Rifa J. El-Khozondar1, Hala J. El-Khozondar2, Mohammed M. Shabat3

1Physics department, Al-Aqsa University, Gaza, Palestine, Email: [email protected]

2Electrical Engineering department, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine, Email: [email protected]

3Physics department, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine


The utility of magnetoplasma semiconductors is promising in developing nonreciprocal components in the submillimeter-wave and millimeter-wave bands for satellite communications. Submillimeter-wave energy bands have the wavelength range between 1000–100 μm (300 GHz–3 THz). The millimeter-wave bands appear when the frequency range goes below 300 GHz. In the millimeter-wave region of the spectrum, obscurant such as poor weather, dust, and smoke can be penetrated and useful imagery produced for observation. In the submillimeter region, Solid state spectral information make it possible to identify materials. Metamaterials known as left-handed substances are substances with simultaneous negative permittivity and permeability. The permittivity and the permeability they are the only parameters of the substance that appear in the dispersion equation; therefore, they are the basic characteristic magnitudes which control the propagation of electromagnetic waves in matter. This work deals with surface waves propagation in metamaterial-magnetoplasma parallel plate waveguide structure. The plasma is considered to comprise equal densities of movable free electrons and relatively static heavier positive ions. The system is described by the Drude-Zener analysis which yields a scalar permeability (μ0) and tensor permittivity. The analysis is restricted to the TM modes.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Surface Wave propagation at interface between lossy MTMs

and nonlinear media with arbitrary nonlinearity

Zeyad I. Al-Sahhar1, Hala J. El-Khozondar2, Mohamed M. Shabat3 1Physics department, Al-Aqsa University, Gaza, Palestine

2Electrical engineering department, Islamic University, P. O. Box 108, Gaza, Palestine Phone: +972 8 2860700, Fax: +972 8 2860800,

e-mail [email protected] 3Physics department, Islamic University, Gaza, Palestine


The considered configuration is made of dielectric substrate, lossy metamaterials MTMs film and nonlinear cover with arbitrary nonlinearity. Lossy MTMs are new materials with both complex negative permittivity and complex negative permeability. The nonlinear cover has a permittivity depends on the field with arbitrary power, that is 0Eβα where β is an arbitrary number and α is the strength of nonlinearity. The dispersion relation for the surface palsmoinc (SP) wave at the interfaces between metamaterials (MTMs) and the nonlinear cladding is recovered by taking certain limits. The dispersion equation is numerically solved. Results are presented by plotting the SP frequency, Ωsp, as function of the nonlinearity, 0Eβα , at chosen damping factors Γ. Both the real and imaginary parts of Ωsp are plotted. Results demonstrate that SP might have discontinuity at certain values of the power of nonlinearity. For example, when the loss Γ=0.01 discontinuity appears at β=2.5, 3. While when Γ=0.025, the discontinuity appears only when β=3.

At the limit case, Γ = 0, the variation of SP frequency with 0Eβα is plotted. The SP frequency appears at both 0α > and 0α < regions. Moreover, the birefringence behavior disappeared as expected.

The real part of the frequency Ω, and its imaginary part are plotted as a function of propagation factor, ck/ωp, at Γ =0.099 and β=2 for 0Eβα 0.75, 1.5, 3, 4. Results show that there is a cutoff at Ω=0.612. Moreover, the imaginary part of Ω has a discontinuity at Ω=0.54, 0.5, 0.453, 0.433 for 0Eβα = 0.75, 1.5, 3, 4 respectively. The calculations are repeated for Γ =0.01 and β=2. We notice that the real part and imaginary part have a cutoff at Ω=0.612. The imaginary part has discontinuities at Ω=0.512, 0.48, 0.44, 0.42 for 0Eβα = 0.75, 1.5, 3, 4.This implies that values of the frequency at which the discontinuities occur decrease as Γ decreases.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Fourier ellipsometer with a fixed compensator

Anass A. Alkanoo *, Taher M. El-Agez, and Sofyan A. Taya

Physics Department, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine.

*Presenting Author: Anass A. Alkanoo,

Address: Physics Department, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, P.O.Box 108, Gaza, Palestine.

email: [email protected], mobile: 059 7797129


In recent years, spectroscopic ellipsometry has been applied successfully as a powerful tool for the study of thin films and surfaces. Ellipsometry is an optical measurement technique that characterizes light reflection (or transmission) from samples. The high accuracy of ellipsometry has led to the application of ellipsometry in a wide spectrum of fields such as physics, chemistry, materials, and photographic science, biology, as well as optical, electronic, and biomedical engineering. Several advantages of ellipsometry have been reported, such as high precision and non-destructive measurement of optical parameters and thickness. In ellipsometry, two ellipsometric parameters are usually measured: the relative phase change namely, (Δ) between the two light components and the relative amplitude ratio change tan(ψ ) between the same components. In most ellipsometric structures, there were considerable fluctuations in the results in the low energy region. It was reported in the literature that a compensator could resolve such a problem. In the present work, we propose different ellipsometric configurations with the polarizer and the analyzer rotate at different angular speeds. A fixed compensator will be inserted in these configurations. Many well known samples will be studied to investigate the validity of the structure. Moreover, the percent error from different sources will be presented.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Materials of negative index of refraction as an optical sensor

Hani Kullaba*, Sofyan A. Tayaa, Taher M. El-Ageza, Mazen M. Abadlab, and Mohamed M. Shabata

aPhysics Department, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine.

bPhysics Department, Alaqsa University, Gaza, Palestine. *Presenting Author:

Hani Kullab, Address: Physics Department, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, P.O.Box 108,

Gaza, Palestine. email: [email protected]

mobile: 059 9573791


Optical waveguide sensors have been used for analytical purposes for a number of years. The sensing operation of the slab waveguide sensors is performed by the evanescent tail of the modal field in the cover medium (cladding). The guided electromagnetic field of the waveguide mode extends as an evanescent field into the cladding and the substrate media and senses an effective refractive index of the waveguide. The effective refractive index is usually used as the probe for detection any changes in the cladding index. In recent years, negative index materials (NIMs) have received an increasing interest by physicists and engineers because many physical properties are different from those of the positive index materials. The NIMs with simultaneously negative permittivity ε and negative permeability μ were first proposed by a Russian physicist named Veselago in 1968. Many unusual features have been reported for NIMs such as the electric field E, the magnetic field H, and the wave vector k form a left-handed relation. In this paper, bulk polaritons propagating along a slap waveguide with a lossy negative index lossy material film is investigated. The dispersion relation and the sensitivity of the effective refractive index to variations in the refractive index of the cladding are derived. The power flowing in each layer of the proposed structures is also investigated. The variation of the sensitivity with the parameters of the proposed structure is presented to find out the optimal structure corresponding to the maximum sensitivity. Goos-hanchen shift and the penetration depth in the cladding and the substrate layers are also presented.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

Hatem S. El-Ghamri, Taher M.El-Agez, and Sofyan A.Taya

Physics Department, Islamic University of Gaza,Gaza,Palestine *Presenting Author: Hatem S. El-Ghamri

Address: Physics Department , Islamic University of Gaza, P.O. BOX 108, Gaza, Palestine.

Email: [email protected] Mobile: 059 9607815


The increasing worldwide energy demand, together with the limited availability of fossil sources and the need to decrease CO2 production in order to decrease greenhouse gases, has led to an effort to convert solar energy into electricity. Since then, many types of solar cells have been invented. Generation of electrical power is achieved by the capability of the photovoltaic device to generate voltage over an external load and current through the load at the same time. One of the most prominent is the dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC). The DSSC consists of two electrodes made of a transparent and electrically conducting substrate. A nanocrystalline zinc oxide ZnO layer is deposited on one electrode. A redox, usually

−−3/ II electrolyte, fills the space between the two electrodes. The counter

electrode is made of a graphitic layer on FTO. In this work, we have investigated the use of natural dyes extracted from natural sources in the preparation of DSSC. The natural dyes were dissolved in ethylene glycol and the samples were immersed in the dyes overnight. Then, the samples were washed using methyl alcohol to remove the leftover dye. After that the samples were dried using the hot plate. A graphite was used as a back electrode. A drop of iodine – iodide redox was inserted between the back electrode and the dyed ZnO. I-V characteristic curves at different intensities and in darkness were conducted using data acquisition card. The power was calculated.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Organic light emitting diode with different dyes

Hussam S. Musleha*, Taher M. El-Ageza, Ahmed A. Tayyanb, and Sofyan A. Tayaa

aPhysics Department, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine bPhysics Department, Al Azhar University, Gaza, Palestine

*Presenting Author: Hussam S. Musleh,

Address: Physics Department, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, P.O.Box 108, Gaza, Palestine.

email: [email protected] mobile: 059 9310209


Thin organic films have many attractive features and are being widely investigated by researchers for use in electronic devices. The main advantage of organic materials over inorganic semiconductors is that they can be deposited by evaporation, spin-coating, screen printing, and casting. These deposition methods are simpler and cheaper than most of the deposition methods used in inorganic semiconductors. Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) have been studied intensively since C. Tang and S. VanSlyka reported their double layer organic light emitting device. In 1990, Burroughes et al. made another important discovery when they detected electroluminescence from devices based on luminescent conjugated polymers. Much progress has been achieved and the device performance has improved dramatically since then. One of the advantages of an OLED display over the traditional liquid crystal display is that OLEDs do not require a backlight to function. This means that OLEDs draw far less power. Also, OLED displays have a wide viewing angle. In this work, we report electroluminescence from double and single layer thin film devices comprising poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) films doped with various new emitter molecules (dyes). The structure of the single layer device is doped PVK sandwiched between indium tin oxide (ITO) and aluminum (Al) layers as anode and cathode, respectively. We have used 2% concentration of Rhodamine 6G, carbocyanine, 1,2,4 oxadiazole, and fluroscein dyes. The double layer device has the structure ITO/PVK/8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum (Alq3)/Al. We have studied the IV characteristics as well as the variations of the EL with voltage and current of these devices.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Schematic representation for illustrating the procedure of optical noise

figure in erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) and praseodymium-doped fiber amplifier (PDFA).

Abdel Hakeim M. Huseina,, Fady I. EL-Nahalb

a Al-Aqsa University, Physics Department, P.O. Box 4051, Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine

b Islamic University of Gaza, Electrical Engineering Department, Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine


The erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) operating at 1530 nm wavelength and the praseodymium-doped fiber amplifier (PDFA) at 1300 nm wavelength are promising components for optical fiber communications due to their high gain, high saturation powers, low noise and low crosstalk. In this paper, using comprehensive models which take into account the spectroscopic properties of the fiber amplifiers, we have analyzed the temperature-dependent noise figure effects on both EDFAs and PDFAs.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Some aspects of relativistic heavy ion collisions in 28Si-AgBr Collisions

at 14.6A GeV

M. Ayaz Ahmad, and Shafiq Ahmad* Physics Department, Tabuk University, P. O. Box No. 741, Saudi Arabia, KSA

*Physics Department, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 202002, INDIA email:- [email protected]


A systematic study of event-to-event fluctuations proposed for low multiplicity events has been investigated using the rapidity-gap method by analyzing the data of relativistic shower particles produced in 28Si-AgBr interactions at 14.6A GeV. It may be observed that the two new quantities, Sq and Σq are better parameters, which are used to describe erraticity, will be examined quantitatively for the present data. It is found that Sq and Σq deviate significantly from 1 in pseudorapidity and azimuthal spaces. There is clear evidence that signifies the presence of event-to-event fluctuations in the multiparticle production for our data. The experimental results on the erraticity exhibit a remarkable closeness to analogous data obtained from UrQMD model. Finally, the investigation gives evidence in favour of erratic fluctuations of rapidity-gaps of produced pions in relativistic nuclear collisions.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Radio over Fiber Access Network Architecture Employing

RSOA with Downstream OQPSK and Upstream Re-Modulated OOK Data

Fady I. El-Nahala and Abdel Hakeim M. Huseinb a Islamic University of Gaza, Electrical Engineering Department, Gaza, Gaza

Strip, Palestine b Al-Aqsa University, Physics Department, P.O. Box 4051, Gaza, Gaza Strip,



We have demonstrated a bidirectional reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) based on wavelength division multiplexing ROF network utilizing an offset quadrature differential phase shift keying (OQPSK) signal for down-link and an on-off keying (OOK) signal re-modulated for up-link. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the proposed bidirectional WDM RoF system. A 50 km range colorless WDM-ROF without dispersion compensation was demonstrated for both 1 Gbit/s downstream and upstream signals. RSOA has been used for re-modulation of a down-link signal. In the proposed system, both signals share the same fiber link and the same laser source. This makes this system compact. Moreover, the RSOA is cost-effective since it performs the functions of not only modulator (no need for local laser source), but also amplifier. We also investigated the impact of the temperature dependency of the RSOA on upstream data. The results obtained here showed that the temperature had a significant impact on performance of WDM-ROF system. The BER performance of our scheme shows that our scheme is a practical solution to meet the data rate and cost-efficient of the optical links simultaneously in tomorrow’s ROF access networks. The BER versus input optical power Pin curves for the downlink and uplink are shown in figure 2.

Keywords: ROF, WDM, RSOA, OQPSK, optical re-modulation

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The Optical Polaron in a Tunable Potential Well

B Saqqa1, M T Al-Mokayed2, M A Radwan2, and F M Abou El-Ela3

1Department of Physics, The Islamic University of Gaza, B.O. Box 108, Gaza, Palestine.

2Department of Physics, Al-Aqsa University, Gaza, Palestine. 3Department of Physics, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

E-mail: [email protected], Fax: +970 (8) 2860800


The optical polaron confined to quantum well with tunable dimensions is investigated within the framework of a variational technique intending to give a unified characterization of problem for all the coupling strengths. The ground state energy and the number of phonons around the electron are studied as a function of the degree of confinement of the quantum well to interpolate between all possible confinement geometries. A comparison is made with the pure strong-coupling and the pure weak-coupling theories and a good agreement is obtained.

Keywords: polaron; optical phonons; low dimensional systems

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Synthesis and characterization of Cu-doped ZnO microspheres

Talaat Hammad

Physics department, Al-azhar university [email protected]


Cu doped ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized by a simple chemical method at low temperature with Cu:Zn atomic ratio from 0% to 5%. The synthesis process is based on the hydrolysis of zinc acetate dihydrate and copper acetate tetrahydrate heated under reflux to 65oC using methanol as a solvent. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that the Cu- doped ZnO crystallizes in a wurtzite structure with crystal size of 4-12 nm with the preferred orientation along (002). These nano size crystallites of Cu doped ZnO self-organize into microspheres in size ranging from 130-250 nm. Transmission Electron Microscopy image also shows that each sphere is made up of numerous nanoparticles. The XRD patterns, SEM and TEM micrographs of doping of Co in ZnO confirmed the formation of microspheres and indicated that the Cu2+ is successfully substituted into the ZnO host structure of the Zn2+ site. Cu doping shifts the absorption onset to blue (373-350 nm), indicating an increase in the band gap from 3.33 to 3.55 eV. A relative increase in the intensity of the deep trap emission of Cu-doped ZnO is observed with increasing the concentration of Cu.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves Through a Dielectric

Counterpart of Left-Handed Material

Muin F. Ubeid1, Mohammed M. Shabat1, Mohammed O. Sid-Ahmed2

1Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza, P.O.Box 108, Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestinian Authority

2Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology, The Republic of The Sudan


Consider a material slab situated between tow half free spaces. A plane polarized wave is obliquely incident on it. We investigate the effect of the slab material on the transmission of electromagnetic waves. We study three cases of the material: the material is left-handed material (LHM), the material is dielectric counterpart of the LHM, and (the third case) the slab is replaced by two slabs; one is LHM and the other is its dielectric counterpart. We show that the transmission of electromagnetic waves through the slab is indifferent whether the material of the slab is LHM or its dielectric counterpart. We also show that the transmission is completely different if the slab is replaced by tow slabs of the same widths, one is LHM and the other is its dielectric counterpart. The followed method is based on matching the boundary conditions for the electric and magnetic fields of the incident waves at each layer interface. The reflected, transmitted and loss powers of the slab are calculated analytically. Numerical results are shown for all cases to illustrate the effect of many parameters on the mentioned powers under different values of the damping frequency. These parameters are angle of incidence, frequency and thicknesses of the slabs. The obtained results are in agreement with the law of conversation of energy.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Tm Plsmons In A Cylindrical Superlattices(Lans) Wave-Guide


H. M. Mousa1 and M. M. Shabat2

1Physics Department, Al Azhar University, Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestinian Authority

e-mail: H.mousa @ alazhar-gaza. edu.ps

2Physics Department, Islamic University, Gaza , P.O.Box 108, Gaza Strip, Palestinian Authority, e-mail: shabat @ mail.iugaza. edu.ps


In this work, we have investigated theoretically the propagation characteristics of TM plasmons in a cylindrical wave-guide structure of a lateral antiferromagnetic -non magnetic superlattices (LANS) bounded by a metal . We derived the eigenmodes equation and study the dispersion properties of transverse magnetic (TM )plasmons which propagate on the waveguide. We found that, backward TM plasmons can be tuned by adjusting the thickness of the waveguide to small reduced radius. We also found that the plasmons turn from backward to forward when the bounded material is vacuum. We also illustrated the dependence of the wave index

xn on the magnetic fraction 1f of (LANS). Larger propagation lengths of TM plasmons are realized at small reduced radius and less magnetic material in LANS .The energy flow on the waveguide is also analyzed. We studied the dependence of the power flow on the electric permittivity of the metal mε . More forward plasmons are observed by increasing mε .

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


من منظور فيزيائي) إم(بطالن نظرية

حسن يوسف شهاب الدين: بقلم [email protected]

:مقدمةف المالئمـة إن قصة الخلق والتخلق قديمة قدم اإلنسان الذي استشعر حاجته لقوى خارقة قدمت له الظرو

وحاك العلماء بعد االستقراء ، فتعلم واستنبط القوانين الفيزيائية التي توصله لحقائق األمور ، لعيشه وحياته .واعترفوا بوجود خالق يدبره ويحكمه، والجهود المتكاملة قصة خلق الكون

قصد إلنكار ولكن جحود بعض الناس وتملك الفكر المادي على آرائهم وأفكارهم أوصلهم بقصد أو دون فحط من قدر اإلنسان واعتبر ، الخالق مثل دارون الذي وضع نظريته في االرتقاء التي أثبت العلم بطالنها

والفيزيائي البريطاني ستيفن هوكينغ الذي أطلق نظرية إم ليجيب على األسئلة النهائية حـول ، أصله قرد بسبب قانون : فقال، ساسي لعملية الخلق بأكملها معتبرا النظرية الفيزيائية هي المحرك األ ، الوجود والكون

، فالخلق التلقائي هو السبب وراء وجود الكون ووجودنـا ، يمكن للكون أن يخلق ذاته من العدم ، الجاذبيةوإلهه كما يقول هو إله ، وبالتالي ليست هناك ضرورة لوجود خالق إلطالق الشرارة األولى وخلق الكون

... جوات في معرفتنا العلميةالفجوات المستخدمة لسد الفمن منظور فيزيائي محكوم بالمـسلمات ) إم(من هذه المقدمة أقدم بحثا يتناول دراسة علمية نقدية لنظرية

: والحقائق العلمية التالية .بل تتحول من شكل إلى آخر، الطاقة ال تفنى وال تخلق من العدم: قانون حفظ الطاقة-)1( والطاقة قانون تكافؤ المادة-)2(

E= M.C2

. القوى األساسية في الكون-)3( .نظرية عبد السالم ومبدأ االزدواجية

. بداية الخلق ودور الجاذبية في عمليات تمزق السحابة البدائية-)4( .عالقة الجاذبية ودورها الفاعل في نشوء الكون

. قانون السببية-)5(كون ودراسة علمية حول الزمن فـي بدايـة الكـون نظرية إدوين هبل في توسع ال . توسع الكون -)6(

.المتوسع . الثقوب السوداء-)7( . الخلق التلقائي حقيقة أم خيال-)8( . إيمان علماء الفيزياء بوجود الخلق-)9(

Page 60: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Bio-medical Application of Coherent X-ray Scattering. A review

Omar S.Desouky

Radiation Physics Department, National Centre for Radiation Research and Technology (NCRRT), POB.29, Cairo Egypt/ [email protected]


The article objective is to highlight the importance of the coherent

scattering of x-rays photons in order to give prominence to this promising technology which can provide valuable information about the molecular structures of the biological tissues. This information can be exploited in assisting the diagnosis of some diseases in the near future

The soft tissues have well defined scattering patterns that are

characteristics for the particular tissue types and tissue status. The crystalline materials such as urinary stones show sharp peak distributions with well defined scattering angles. The semi-crystalline and amorphous materials, such as body tissues gives rise one or more broad peaks. These peaks are due to the molecular interference effect. Two angular regimes have become distinct, wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) where the range of measurement is typically 2-120o and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) where intensities are measured between ~0.001-2o (at the typical wavelengths used). Due to the reciprocal nature of the relationship between scattering and atomic space, WAXS is used to characterise materials on an atomic scale whereas SAXS is used to examine larger structures such as molecules.

The capability of the X-ray coherent scattering to provide the

molecular information on the soft tissue has lead many researchers to investigate the possibility of exploiting coherent scattered x-rays as a diagnostics tool.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Microscopic interacting boson model calculations

for even–even 182-186W isotopes

Salem A. Abu musleh1,Olaf Scholten2,Daw.S.Mosbah3

1National Research Center, Palestine. 2Kernfysisch Versneller Institute(KVI).Netherlands

3Arab Atomic Energy Egency,Tunis E-mail: [email protected]


In this study, we determined the most appropriate Hamiltonian that is needed for the present calculations of energy levels and B(E2) values of 182-

186W nuclei which have a mass around A∼=182 using the interacting boson model (IBM). The results were compared with the previous experimental and theoretical (PTSM model) data and it was observed that they are in good agreement. It has turned out that the interacting boson approximation (IBA) is fairly reliable for calculating spectra in the entire set of 182-186W isotopes and the quality of the fits presented in this paper is acceptable. Keywords. Interacting boson model; even–even Tungsten isotopes.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development




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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Enhanced sensitivity for Pb(II) by a thiosalicylamide - functionalized

polysiloxane carbon paste electrode

Hazem M. Abu-Shawisha, Salman M. Saadehb, Alaa Barakab and Ayat A. Mkhadab

aChemistry Department, College of Sciences, Al-Aqsa University, Gaza, Palestine bChemistry Department, College of Sciences, The Islamic University-Gaza,



A new approach for enhancing the sensitivity of a lead(II) ion-selective electrode (ISE) is presented. The ISE is designed using a thiosalicylamide - functionalized polysiloxane in carbon paste. This work describes the attempts to develop the electrode and measurements of its characteristics. The new type of renewable three-dimensional chemically modified electrode exhibits a Nernstian slope of 22.7 mV/decade in a linear concentration range of 1.5 x 10-7 to 1.0 x 10-2 M with very low detection limit of 1.0 x 10-7 M. It has a short response time (∼ 5 s). The proposed potentiometric method offer the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, automation feasibility and applicability to turbid and colored sample solutions. Keywords: Carbon paste electrodes, Sol–gel, Lead(II) selective Functionalized polysiloxane Preparation of 3-aminopropylpolysiloxane and thiosalicylamide polysiloxane ligand system .

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Preparation and Characterization of Bromocresol Purple pH-Sensitive Thin Film

Nizam M. El-Ashgara*; Ahmed El-Basionia; Issa M. El-Nahhalb; Taher El-Ajeza,

Sofyan Tayaa and Shehata M. Zourobb a Chemistry Department, The Islamic University of Gaza, PO Box 108, Gaza,

Palestine. b

Chemistry Department, Al-Azhar University of Gaza, PO Box 1277, Gaza, Palestine


Bromocresol purple (BCP) pH indicator was immobilized into a polysiloxane hybrid matrix using a sol-gel method. The optically transparent thin film containing encapsulated bromocresol purple dye was deposited onto glass substrates using spin-coating technique. The Preparation was achieved by hydrolysis and polycondensation of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) in presence of bromocresol purple (BCP) and appropriate surfactant. Three types of surfactants; cationic cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and non-ionic Triton X-100 (TX-100) have been used. The use of surfactants significantly improved the mesostructure of the gel matrix and increased the porosity of the system. Spectral characterization was performed using ultraviolet and visible absorption spectroscopy to investigate the spectral changes under different conditions which include type of surfactant, temperature, indicator concentration and response time. An optical polarized microscope was used to provide information about the porosity of the BCP thin film. The pH response range and pKa shifts of BCP thin film were obtained. The results suggested that the spectra of the entrapped BCP in the gel films is slightly different from that in the solution. aCorresponding auther, E mail: [email protected]

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Application of Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) for determination

of pyrethroids in ground water using liquid chromatography

Ahmed R. Mughari, M. Martínez Galera, P. Parrilla Vázquez, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Almería, La Cañada de San

Urbano, 04120 Almería, Spai


Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is a fast and simple analytical technique which uses coated-fused silica fibers to extract analytes from aqueous samples. This study develops a method for SPME analysis of seven pyrethroids; fenpropathrin, λ-cihalotrin, deltametrin, fenvalerate, permetrin, τ-fluvalinate and bifentrrin from ground water samples using high performance liquid chromatography photochemically induced fluorimetry-fluorescence detection (SPME-LC-PIF-FD).

To perform the SPME, a 60 µm polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB) fiber was used for the extraction of the pesticides from spiked ground water samples. The main factors affecting the SPME process such as extraction time, stirring rate, extraction temperature, pH and desorption process were studied. The proposed method requires 3 ml of sample and 30 minutes as an extraction time to reach limits of detection in agreement with European regulatory maximum levels in ground water for individual pesticide ( 0.1 μg L-1) .

The limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantification (LOQ) using post column photochemically induced fluorimetry-fluorescence detection were lower than 0.1 μg L-1 for all analytes in spiked ground water samples. The limits of quantification with respect to EURACHEM varied between 0.03 μg L-1 and 0.075 μg L-1. Recoveries ranged between 92% and 109% with RSD range 1.8% and 9%. Keywords: SPME; pyrethroids; photochemically induced fluorescence; LC separation; groundwater.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Task-Specific Ionic Liquids Modified Palm Shell Activated

Carbon as a Novel Composition for removal of Mercury from aqueous solutions

Ahmed Abu Ismaiel, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua* and Rozita Yusoff

Chemical Engineering Department, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

[email protected]


Palm shell activated carbon is a waste produced during palm kernel oil production; which is an important sector of Malaysian economy. This material is easily available at low cost, has high surface area and high quality. These properties of activated carbon making it a good raw material for adsorption of heavy metals from various solutions. Ionic liquids are the salts having very low melting temperature close to room temperature. Ionic liquids have become an extremely popular theme in recent separation and purification researches, due to their unique properties. The physical and chemical properties of ionic liquids depend on the nature and the size of their cationic and anionic species. The physical and chemical properties (e.g. highly polar, conductivity, viscosity, Lewis acidity and hydrophobicity) of task specific ionic liquids can be tuned by varying the structure of the component ions to obtain desired properties. A widespread research field is the use of Ionic Liquids (ILs) as well as Task Specific Ionic Liquids (TSILs) as removal of heavy metals. In this study, palm shell activated carbon modified with task specific ionic liquids was used as a novel composition for removal of mercury from aqueous solutions in water samples through batch adsorption technique. The effect of pH, adsorbent dosage, equilibrium time, temperature and initial concentration of mercury ions on the removal efficiency were examined. The isotherm studies, thermodynamic and kinetics parameters for the adsorption process of mercury onto modified palm shell activated carbon from aqueous solution were obtained.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Synthesis and Evaluation of Heparin Sulfate Oligosaccharides

Steen U. Hansen,a Gavin J. Miller,a Marek Baráth,a Karl Broberg,a Egle Avizientye,b Claire L. Cole,b Graham Rushton,b Gordon C. Jayson,b John M.


aSchool of Chemistry and Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; bSchool of Cancer and Enabling Sciences,

University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. [email protected]

Heparin/heparan sulphates (HS) are linear glycosaminoglycan (GAG) polysaccharides which play critical roles through binding to a wide range growth factors with biological evidence implicating L-iduronic containing domains and number/location of sulfation as key to effects on a number of FGFs.1 The complex heterogeneity of natural HS oligosaccharides means defining roles of specific HS sequences - essential for providing designed sequences for both biological studies and potential therapeutic applications2 - is best addressed by specific synthesis of a diversity of structurally-defined HS sequences. We have developed a new, large-scale synthetic entry to suitable iduronic acid derivatives and an improved and significantly scalable process to glucoazide intermediates. Several different routes to highly differentiated iduronates and analogues have been developed.3a These provide for synthesis of various key disaccharides, and from these a range of oligosaccharides with differing sulfation patterns have been prepared, covering sequences up to 12 saccharides in length. The synthesis provides an iterative and modular approach to different heparin-related targets, which has enabled biological evaluations3b of a range of these synthetic oligosaccharides in binding, cell proliferation and migration, and cell signalling experiments, providing important structure-effect information. This synthesis has been adapted synthesis to provide a versatile new end-labellable oligosaccharide entry, applicable to a range of conjugation and labelling strategies, demonstrated here by end-functionalization and labelling of a 12-mer oligosaccharide.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


1) (a) Casu, B.; Naggi, A.; Torri, G. Matrix Biology 2010, 29, 442-452. (b)

Bishop, J.; Schuksz, M; Esko, J. D. Nature 2007, 446, 1030–1037. (b) Sasisekharan, R.; Shriver, Z.; Venkataraman, G.; Narayanasami, U. Nat. Rev. Cancer 2002, 2, 521–528. (c) Hung, K. W.; Kurnar, T. K. S.; Kathir, K. M.; Xu, P.; Ni, F.; Ji, H. H. Biochem. 2005, 44, 15787-15798. (d) Olsen, S. K.; Ibrahimi, O. A.; Raucci, A.; Zhang, F. PNAS 2004. 101, 935-941.

2) (a) Seeberger, P. H.; Werz, B. Nature 2007, 446, 1046-1051. Cole, C.; Jayson, G. C. Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. 2008. 8, 351-362.

3) Initial examples: (a) Cole, C. L.; Hansen, S. U.; Baráth, M.; Rushton, G.; Gardiner, J. M.;

Avizientye, E.; Jayson, G. C. Orglett 2009, 11, 4528-4531. (b) Cole, C.; Hansen, S. U.; Baráth, M.; Rushton, G.; Gardiner, J. M.; Avizientye, E.; Jayson, G. C. PLOSOne, 2010, 5, e11644.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole benzoylhydrazone and the crystal

structure of its complex with cobalt(II) Salman Saadeh

Chemistry Department, College of Sciences, The Islamic University of Gaza, P.O. Box 108, Gaza, Palestine


A new ligand, namely 2-acetylbenzimidazole benzoylhydrazone (HL), was

prepared by condensation of 2-acetylbenzimidazole and benzoyl hydrazine.

Reaction of this ligand with cobalt(II) acetate produced CoL2. The ligand

and the complex were characterized on the basis of physicochemical data.

CoL2 was structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction. The ligand (HL) is

a trifunctional NNO-donor system. The complex consists of two ligands

making six coordinate bonding to Co(II) on a meridional plane through 2-

acetylbenzimidazole ring nitrogen, azomethine nitrogen, and benzoyl

oxygen atoms, respectively.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


DFT studies and AIM analysis on molecular conformations and

intramolecular hydrogen bonds in amine/imine tautomers.

Zaki S. safi Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University of Gaza

Email: [email protected]


The molecular structures and intramolecular hydrogen bonds of 1-(n-Hexyl)-3-methyl-4-[1-phenylaminoethylidene]-2-pyrazolin-5-one and 1-(n-Hexyl)-4-[1-(2-hydroxyethyl)aminoethylidene]-3-methyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one compounds and their imine tautomer were investigated at a B3LYB/6-311+G(d,p). Final energies for the considered systems were estimated at B3LYB/6-311++G(2df,2p). Relative energies, geometrical parameters and conformational analysis in gas phase of the enamine/imine tautomers have been investigated and compared with the available experimental results. The stability of these compounds is mainly due to the formation of an N-H…O and O-H…N intramolecular hydrogen bonds, which are assisted by π-electrons resonance. The “atoms in molecules” theory of Bader which is based on topological properties of the electron density (ρ) was used to analyze critical points and to study the nature of hydrogen bonds in these systems and to estimate their energies from the potential electron densities. Moreover, the Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) analysis was also performed for better understanding the nature of intramolecular interactions in the title compound.

Amine Imine

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Heavy Metal Concentrations in Commercially Available Fishes in Gaza Strip Markets

Shareef Muzyeda, Nizam M. El-Ashgara, Kamal J. Elnabrisb

aChemistry Department, The Islamic University of Gaza, PO Box 108 bBiology Department, The Islamic University of Gaza, PO Box 108


Depending upon their concentration heavy metals may exert beneficial or harmful effects on plant, animal and human life. In the last two decades there has been a growing interest in assessing the levels of heavy metals in food including fish (mainly concerned with commercial species). Such interest aimed at ensuring the safety of the food supply and minimizing the potential hazardous effect on human health. Concentrations of Zinc, Lead, Cadmium, Manganese, Copper and Nickel were determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy in six commercially fish species available in Gaza Strip market. People in Gaza strip consumed a considerable amount of fish. Concentrations of Zinc, Lead, Cadmium, Manganese, Copper and Nickel were determined in muscles of six commercially fish species available in Gaza Strip markets, using atomic absorption spectroscopy after wet digestion process. Three species were frozen imported fish (Merluccius hubbsi, Micropogonias furnieri and Pangasius hypothalamus), two species were cultured in local farms (Oreochromis niloticus andSparus aurata), and one species was captured fish (Mugil cephalus). Levels of metals were as follows: Cu: 0.251- 0.907, Zn: 3.705-20.535, Mn: 0.376- 0.834, Ni: 0.453-0.978, Cd: nd-0.09, Pb: nd -0.552 ppm .All results were well bellow the limits for fish consumption proposed by WHO (1989, 1996) and MAFF ( 1995). Lead and cadmium concentrations in Micropogonias furnieri fish exceeded the limits in fish proposed by EC (2005). Mugil Cephalus accumulated the highest levels of Cu, Mn and Ni, while the highest levels of Zn, Cd and Pb were detected in Micropogonias furnieri. Transfer factor indicated that local fishes (Sparus aurata, Oreochromis niloticus and Mugil cephalus ) accumulated heavy metals from water. Diet and sediment were considered as additional ambient heavy metals sources. The estimated maximum total dietary intakes of all metals from these fishes were below the maximum acceptable daily intake values set by WHO (1993) and USA National Research Council (1989). Results showed that consumption of fish studied was not harmful to the general public.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


A new mass spectrometric method for the separation, detection and

profiling of neutral sphingolipids

Hany Farwanah, Thomas Kolter and Konrad Sandhoff

LiMES – Life and Medical Sciences Institute, Membrane Biology and Lipid Biochemistry Unit, c/o Kekulé-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie,

University of Bonn, Gerhard-Domagk Str. 1, D-53121 Bonn, Germany, Tel.: +49 228 735346; Fax: +49 228 737778; e-mail: hany.farwanah@uni-



Sphingolipids (SLs) represent a structurally diverse class of lipids that serve as cellular membrane components and are involved in vital biological processes such as signal transduction, cell-cell recognition, and cell growth as well. For this reason, many sphingolipidomics initiatives have been established lately aiming at elucidating the functions of all sphingolipid species by comprehensive analysis of all sphingolipids including the neutral and the acidic ones. Recently, we have developed a new method enabling separation, detection,

and mass spectrometric profiling of neutral sphingolipids including ceramide, hexosylceramide, lactosylceramide, globotriaosylceramide,

globotetraosylceramide, sphingomyelin species, and cholesterol in one run. This method can be employed to investigate alterations of neutral

sphingolipid metabolism in a variety of disorders such as sphingolipidoses and be applied to monitor sphingolipid profile changes as induced by

knockout experiments or related studies.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Palladium-Catalyzed Cross Couplings in Organic Synthesis and its


Prof. Dr. (emeritus) Abdel-Rahman Saleh Ferwanah Chemistry Department

Faculty of Science Al-Azhar University of Gaza

Gaza, Palestine


Transition metals catalyzed coupling reactions are very efficient and reliable methods for the introduction of new C-C bonds onto two molecules attached. These metals have a unique ability to activate various organic compounds and through this activation they can catalyze the formation of new bonds. Previously, Nobel Prizes in chemistry have been given to the area of C-C bond formations: The Grignard reaction (1912), the Diels-Alder reaction (1950), the Wittig reaction (1979), and olefin metathesis to Y. Chauvin, R. H. Grubbs, and R. R. Schrock (2005). In the year 2010 the three scientists Richard F. Heck , Ei-ichi Negishi, and Akira Suzuki were honored with the Nobel Prize in chemistry for their novel discoveries in palladium catalyzed organic synthesis. In particular, the palladium-catalyzed C-C bond forming reactions developed by the three scientists gained an immense importance in organic synthetic applications due to the mild conditions associated with the reactions together with their tolerance of a wide range of functional groups. Examples of such applications are the synthesis of the analgesic alkaloid morphine as well as the antihypertensive drugs valsartan and losartan. The potential of the palladium-catalyzed cross coupling reactions is certainly great, and significant advances in mechanistic understanding, catalyst development, and synthetic applications can be anticipated.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Heterocyclic Synthesis Using Nitrilimines: Synthesis of

Some New Pyrazole Derivatives

Hany M. Dalloul Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Science,

Alaqsa University of Gaza, P. O. Box 4051, Gaza 76888, Palestine. E-mail: [email protected]


A new series of 1,3,4,5-tetrasubstituted pyrazoles have been synthesized by the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of a suitable nitrilimines to 2-propylidene-3-coumaranone, 3-propylidene and 3-benzylidene-phthalide. Both analytical and spectroscopic data of all the synthesized compounds are in full agreement with the proposed structures.












Ar R






Ar R





i) Et3N, r.t.; ii) Benzene, reflux, 12-16 h.Ar= Me, Ph, PhNH, 2-C 4H3O, 2-C4H3S, 2-C10H7Ar' = 4-X-C6H4-; X= H, Cl, Br, F, CH3R= Et, Ph



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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Reaction of Nitrilimines with aminoazines and aminoazoles

Adel M. Awadallah , Bassam, A. Thaher, Ramy Y. Morjan, Bassem Qeshta, H.

Al-Shiaah Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza, P.O.

Box-108, Gaza, Palestine, Tel: +970-8-2823311, Fax: =970-8-2823310, E- mail: [email protected]


Reaction of nitrilimines with dinucleophilic amino heterocycles was reported to occur at the two electrophilic adjacent carbons of nitrilimimines leading to different kinds of fused heterocycles. In this research we investigated the reaction of nitrilimines with different aminoazoles and aminoazines. The results was found as the following: * The reaction with picolines produced pyrrolopyridines















R = CH3R = CH3O



* The reaction with aminotriazines and aminotetrazines produced acyclic adducts * The reaction with aminotriazoles, aminotetrazoles and aminoisoxazoles gave mainly acyclic adducts.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


New Methods for the Synthesis of 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Derivatives

Adel M. Awadallah ,Ramy Y. Morjan, M. R. Mattar, M. A. Mattar Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza, P.O.

Box-108, Gaza, Palestine, Tel: +970-8-2823311, Fax: =970-8-2823310, E- mail: [email protected]


1,3,4-oxadiazoles represent an important class of heterocycles that find many industrial and biological uses. The reaction of hydrazide-hydrazone derivatives with different electrophiles was reported to produce differently substituted oxadiazolines. In continuation of this work, we investigated the reaction of nicotinic, isonicotinic and furoic acid hydrazide-hydrazone derivatives with phenylisocyanate, acetic anhydride, benzoyl chloride and aldehydes. The reaction produced oxadiazolines with phenylisocyanate and acetic anhydride, however it gave acyclic adducts that probably resulted from cleavage of the formed oxadiazolines in case of aldehydes and benzoyl chloride.

A r







OA r




OP h


OA r

A r H




CH 3 O C H 3



OA r





OA r

OP h


OA r



OP h


OA r




D if fe re n t R g ro u p s

A r

P h -N = C = O

P h -C (O )C l

A rC H O

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development



البصريات الطبية


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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Effects Of Uncorrected Refractive Errors On Eductinal Attainment Between Children

By Dr.Mohamed A.A.Etarshawi Head of optometry department

Faculty of science IUGaza


Refractive errors are an important socioeconomic problem because the ametropic pupils which suffer from many other problems are markedly higher than we can expect. Children with vision problems have difficulties in learning they may not able to develop their skills. Overall development of physical and motor skills that allow them to move and react appropriately in response to the world around. There is a connection between physical development and mental development, and it runs right through the visual system. - Early diagnosis and treatment of children's vision problems is a necessary component to school readiness and academic learning. Objectives of the study: To know how much the uncorrected refractive errors can affect the educational attainment, To evaluate the impairment of educational attainment according to age, gender, correction and type of refractive errors. To show the relationship between the refractive errors and educational attainment and to know how defect of vision affects learning . Materials and methods: Our study include scanning on Gaza City primary and intermediate schools by taking random samples of pupils. The total number of examined cases were 3968 pupils, males 1173 and 2795 females. The range of their age was between 10 and 16 years. We had examined their visual acuity (V.A.) to differentiate between ametropic and emmetropic patients, then making the Pin Hole (P.H.) test to those ametropic patients and detect the type of refractive errors by using trial and error with trial case. After we select the subjects of our study whose visual acuity less than 6/9 and continue our study to obtain the information about their level of educational attainment and we got help from teachers and parents regarding degrees and assessment of the pupils. Conclusion 1- Affected females are more than affected males (see table 2).

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


2- Pupils in age 12-14 had refractive errors more than any other age group. (see table 3). 3- Pupils at age 12-14 had the higher percentage of amblyopia. 4- Females who had uncorrected refractive errors more than males (see table 5) so amblyopic females more than males (see table 10). 5- In Gaza Strip there is more care on males health but more neglection about any appearance of defects in females so corrected refractive error males more than females this is due to social (see table 6). 6- The educational attainment in pupils with corrected vision is better than pupils with uncorrected vision, especially in pupils with high refractive errors (see table 8,9). 7- Females had higher percentage of myopia than males, while males had higher percentage of hyperopia (see table 12). 8- Myopic pupils had better educational attainment than hyperopic pupils in the same group (excellent, very good, etc……) (see table 13). 9- Myopic females had better educational attainment than myopic males, and hyperopic females had better educational attainment than hyperopic males in the same group (excellent, very good, etc……) (see table 14). RESULTS: The whole number of studied cases we got from schools was 3968 pupils,3592 (90.5%) unaffected and 376 (9.5%) affected. A) The total number of cases in males is 1173, 1069 (91%) unaffected, 104 (9%) affected. B) The total number of cases in females is 2795, 2523 (90.3%) unaffected and 272 (9.7%) affected. Here we divided the affected and unaffected pupils according to their age from 10 to 16 years of age. We found that: 1- At the age from 10 to 11 the total number of cases is 690, 635 (92%) unaffected, 55 (8%) affected. 2- At the age from 11 to 12 the total number of cases is 660, 613 (92.9%) unaffected, 47 (7%) affected. 3- At the age from 12 to 13 the total number of cases is 664, 591 (89%) unaffected, 73 (11%) affected. 4- At the age from 13 to 14 the total number of cases is 750, 674 (89.8%) unaffected, 76 (10.1%) affected. 5- At the age from 14 to 15 the total number of cases is 714, 648 (90.7%) unaffected, 66 (9.2%) affected. 6- At the age from 15 to 16 the total number of cases is 490, 425 (86.7%) unaffected, 65 (13.8%) affected.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Detection Of Specific Difficulties Of Retinoscopy Including The Types Of Refractive Errors Using Retinoscope Among The Students Of The

Islamic University Of Gaza-Palestine

Yassin Al-nouno and Sami Shublaq Optometry department

Faculty of science Introduction The technique of retinoscopy is used to objectively determine the refractive status of the eye relative to the point of fixation. Retinoscopy is usually the first technique performed during the ocular examination that determines the patient's refractive status, and it is immediately followed by the subjective refraction. Some refractions are easy; some are extremely difficult. So the special difficulties need the supervision of competent optometrist. Objectives : 11.. TThhee pprreevvaalleennccee ooff ssppeecciiaall ddiiffffiiccuullttiieess iinn rreettiinnoossccooppyy aammoonngg aa ggrroouupp ooff ((IIUUGG)) ssttuuddeennttss.. 22.. TToo ddeetteerrmmiinnee ddiiffffeerreenncceess iinn rreeffrraaccttiivvee eerrrroorrss aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo ttyyppeess aanndd sseexx.. MMaatteerriiaall aanndd MMeetthhooddss::

SSttuuddyy ssuubbjjeeccttss ccoommpprriisseedd 11111166 ssttuuddeennttss.. MMaalleess rreepprreesseenntteedd 3333%% ((nn==336699)) wwhhiillee ffeemmaalleess rreepprreesseenntteedd 6677%% ((nn==774477)) ssttuuddyy wwaass ccoonndduucctteedd bbeettwweeeenn 11 OOccttoobbeerr 22000099 ttoo 3311 MMaarrcchh 22001111.. ((TTaabbllee 11))

WWee cchheecckkeedd sseexx,, aaggee,, aaddddrreessss,, vviissiioonn wwiitthhoouutt ggllaasssseess aanndd tthhee vviissuuaall aaccuuiittyy wwiitthh ggllaasssseess..

TThhee rreessuullttss sshhoowweedd tthhaatt 993377 ccaasseess ((8844%%)) wweerree wwiitthhiinn nnoorrmmaall ""eemmmmeettrrooppiicc ccaasseess"",, oonn tthhee ootthheerr hhaannddss,, 117799 ccaasseess ((1166%%)) wweerree ffoouunndd ttoo bbee aabbnnoorrmmaall ""aammeettrrooppiicc ccaasseess"",, tthheeyy nneeeeddeedd ccoorrrreeccttiioonn..

TThhee aaggee ooff aallll ccaasseess wwaass 1188--2244 yyeeaarrss Table 1 : Distribution of the study group according to sex

Percentage Total Classification No 33% 369 Males 1 67% 747 Females 2

Page 81: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


100% 1116 Grand total Table 2 : Refractive errors among cases

Percentage Total Types of refractive errors No 30.73% 55 Myopia 1 3.91% 7 Hypermetropia 2 5.03% 9 Astigmatism 3

58.10% 104 Myopic astigmatism 4 2.23% 4 Hypermetropic astigmatism 5 100% 179 Grand total

AA ttoottaall ooff 2233 ccaasseess ““1122..8844%%”” sshhoowweedd wwiitthh ssppeecciiaall ddiiffffiiccuullttiieess iinn

rreettiinnoossccooppyy oouutt ooff 117799 ccaasseess wwhhoo ssuuffffeerreedd ffrroomm rreeffrraaccttiivvee eerrrroorrss.. ((TTaabbllee 33)) MMaalleess rreepprreesseenntteedd 3300..4433%% ((nn==77)) wwhhiillee ffeemmaalleess rreepprreesseenntteedd 6699..5577%% ((nn==1166)) Table 3 : Shows the types of difficulties

Percentage Total Types of difficulties of retinoscopy No. 39.13% 9 Faint red reflex (very high refractive errors) 1 4.35% 1 Spherical aberration 2 26.09% 6 Mixed aberration (Scissor Shadow) 3 4.35% 1 Squinting eye 4

0% 0 Immature cataract 5 8.69% 2 Conical cornea 6 17.39% 4 Irregular astigmatism 7 100% 23 Grand total

CCoonncclluussiioonn aanndd rreeccoommmmeennddaattiioonnss:: The special difficulties in retinoscopy are common among cases in the following order; very high refractive errors, scissor shadow , irregular astigmatism and keratocouns . Some cases of special difficulties are caused by some eye diseases that may cause negative effect in retinoscopy such as cataract, ulcers in the eye media and tilting of the crystalline lens. The optometrist should do subjective check after retinoscopy. All of cases who suffer from special difficulties need regular follow up under the supervision of competent optometrist. The classifications according to the gender were made just as a normal classification, and we don't want to use it for improving any scientific facts.

Page 82: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Evaluation of rehabilitation of low vision patients

In Gaza strip

D. Farouk El-Baz [email protected]

Optometry Department—Faculty of Science The Islamic University of Gaza


Low vision is a bilateral subnormal vision acuity, or abnormal visual field resulting from disorders in the visual system. A person with low vision is one who has impairment of vision even after treatment or standard refractive correction, and has a visual acuity of less than 6 / 18 to light perception , or down to and including 3 / 60 ( according to World Health Organization definition ), or has a visual field less than 10 degrees from the point of fixation, but has a residual vision that is less than normal. It is estimated that very few people ( about 5-10% ) with low vision actually use rehabilitation services. Aim : This study aims to determine the main causes of low vision in Gaza strip, evaluate low vision services provided to them, and to assess their visual outcome after using low vision devices for distance and near tasks. Material and methods : This study which is a retrospective in nature ,was done in the tow main rehabilitation centers who attend low vision patients in Gaza strip : -- Rehabilitation center visually impaired. -- Friends society of visually impaired rehabilitation. A data sheet was filled in included age, gender, cause of low vision, uncorrected and corrected visual acuity by low vision devices. Results, conclusion, and recommendations will be discussed in details with diagrams, and figures.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


البيئة وعلوم األرضEnvironment and Earthsciences

Page 84: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


lloution Product From The Use Of Vegetable Reduce Environmental Po

Oils As An Altarnative Fuel

Alaa M A Musalam Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Head of Faculty. At the College

of Science and Technology ,Gaza Strip, Palestine [email protected]


Gaza Strip is suffering from a critical shortage of fuel due to the siege being imposed by the Israeli occupation on Gaza Strip, The siege has affected the various aspects of life towards citizens, especially at the transportation sector, innovative alternatives were to be found to were" diesel" such as vegetable oils of different kinds such usage has its disadvantages like increasing of proportional environmental pollution percentage and causing incomplete combustion of oils. In This paper to reduce the percentage of high environmental pollution resulting from the use of vegetable oils. Beginning a comparison between proportion of pollution from the combustion of vegetable oils to those resulting from the combustion of "diesel" and then working on reducing this percentage through heat treatment or to adding materials to reduce the proportion of pollution compared to "diesel" and raising the efficiency of competence thermal.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Environmental Impacts of Aggregate Extraction from the Wadi Gaza

Bed, Gaza Strip, Palestine

Dr. Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou Department of Biology, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine

[email protected]


The construction and maintenance of roads, as well as buildings and other infrastructure in the Palestinian environment consume enormous amounts of gravel resources. Prior to 1964, gravel was intensively and extensively extracted from the Wadi Gaza bed. Currently, the scenario was strongly repeated in Wadi Gaza and other localities in the Gaza Strip due to the siege imposed by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip since 2007. Such aggregate extraction activities were known to have environmental impacts worldwide and to disrupt the ecological integrity and sustainability of Wadi Gaza at the local level. The current study aims at highlighting the expected environmental consequences of the current aggregate extraction in Wadi Gaza. Many visits, discussions with local people and meetings with stakeholders were conducted during the year 2010 to handle the issue scientifically. Photos were taken at the site for documentary purposes. This study pointed out many environmental impacts associated with aggregate extraction from the Wadi Gaza bed. These include:

1. The removal of vegetation cover, topsoil and subsoil to access the targeted gravel thus, the destruction of natural habitats exploited by micro- and macro-fauna.

2. The disruption of pre-existing stream flows. 3. The change of the slope of land and the alteration of the water

drainage patterns. 4. The hillside erosion that may result during heavy floods in the rainy

seasons. 5. The contamination of underground water resources in the vicinity of

Wadi Gaza. 6. The release of significant amounts of air pollutants, especially the

dust which harm humans and the surrounding biota.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


7. The release of noise pollution due to the operation of heavy equipment and machinery. The nuisance affects both people and wildlife.

8. The infection of operators especially children with the pathogenic microorganisms while extracting gravels that prevail in contact with the wastewater channels in Wadi Gaza course.

9. Lesions achieved during digging activities or earth collapses. 10. Fatalities resulted from fire shooting by the Israeli army near the

political borders. 11. Emergence of social conflicts regarding gravel extraction.

In conclusion, the alarming situation in Wadi Gaza should promote the different parties in the Gaza Strip to cooperate in a responsible manner to stop such destructive activities in the reserve and to rehabilitate it in a sustainable fashion. KEY WORDS: Wadi Gaza – Aggregate extraction – Environmental impacts – Gaza Strip.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Environmental damage, a looming facet of illegal gold panning: a case

study of the illegal gold panners of Gwanda District, Zimbabwe

Mr Dumile Bhebhe University of the Free Sate

Mr Andries Jordaan Director: DiMTEC

Disaster Risk Management Training and Education Centre for Africa University of the Free State, South Africa

E-mail:[email protected] Miss Olivia Kunguma

Junior Lecturer Disaster Risk Management Training and Education Centre for Africa,

University of the Free State E-mail: [email protected]


Illegal gold panning is alleged to generate serious health hazards associated with lack of proper hygiene standards. Gold panning also has negative socio – environmental effects on the land, the ecosystem and on other aspects of human life like the spread of infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS. The research methods applied was qualitative and quantitative. Face-to-face interviews, questionnaires and observations managed to provide an in built triangulation for the study. Purposive sampling techniques were used and a total sample of 92 respondents was drawn from gold panners, non-panners and relevant stakeholders. The stakeholders comprised local government officials, Environmental Management Authorities and officials from local mining organisations while non-panners included those people living with panners along the river banks and neighbouring communal settlers. The study established that gold panning activities, which are poverty driven, have immensely contributed to environmental damages such as deforestation, river siltation, soil erosion, ,water pollution and the destruction of aquatic based food chains as a result of disposing waste materials and the use of chemicals such as mercury and cyanide. In light of these findings the study recommends that a coordinated approach should be provided to panners to provide them with some basic training in environmental management and the disaster risk reduction management skills. This will assist in reducing the environmental damages and other related disasters emanating from gold panning.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Assessment of the desalinated water in Gaza City

Zeyad H. Abu Heen and Iman Y. Abed

Islamic University of Gaza, Dept. Of Environment & Earth sciences [email protected]


This is a descriptive study aims to explore the safety of drinking water in Gaza city. The main objectives of the study is to assess the prevalence of contamination in the different sites during distribution of the desalinated water and to explore the condition of the tanks used in the marked and the understanding of the dealers to importance of water safety. The researcher interviewed 30 water dealer by constructed questionnaire and by analysis of the microbiological water results gathered in the public health lab during the years 2007 – 2009. The main results show that: In Gaza process of water examination is not regular where samples are sporadic through time and does not follow specific schedule. Water cars are not examined efficiently. Contamination with total coliform reach up to 32.0% and contamination with fecal coliform was 11.6% for all samples. Prevalence of contamination is increasing by time for total coliform. For fecal coliform it was reduced in the year 2008 and then jumped again. Contamination with fecal coliform is highest at the tanks 17.0% and the lowest in the stations 7.3%. Most of people clean their tanks and 42.9% do that monthly, using either chlorine or water to clean it. Taking samples from the tanks were not regular and people do not understand its value, but they are aware to disinfect the tank when it is infected. Quality of water is determined by public acceptance and by salinity of the water. Based on these findings the researcher calls for integrated public health program ensuring regular and efficient schedule for water examinations. This program has to ensure health education for all water dealers.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Evaluation of Road Traffic Noise Pollution and Its Effects on Shop

Workers in Gaza City

Shadi Mustafa Ishtaiwi Master of Public Health – (Environmental Health) Al-Quds University-2009

B.Sc. in Nursing – Islamic University – Gaza-2002


Gaza city is one of the most crowded places on Earth. This rowdiness and the random haphazard urbanization have resulted in many environmental hazards including noise pollution. Therefore, this study has been designed to study noise pollution due to vehicular traffic in Gaza city and to determine the awareness level of noise pollution and its effects on shop workers. Traffic noise level was measured at 19 locations (18 in the noisy crowded areas and one in a quiet less crowded area as control location) by using a sound level meter. The continuous equivalent sound level (Leq) was calculated manually in addition to statistical descriptors L10, L50, L90. Also, during the measurement period, the vehicles flow was counted manually. The measurements were taken at rush hours; in the morning at 7:30-8:30, and in the afternoon at 2:00-3:00 all days. Also, a face-to-face questionnaire was used to measure the awareness level of noise pollution and its effects on shop-workers. The response rate was 91.5% (150 out of 164 workers). The results indicate that the noise level exceeded the permissible limits of the WHO standard in the 18 locations of the crowded study area at both times, while that of the 19th location was within the WHO standard, and the results revealed that noise levels are increasing with increased vehicles flow . Also the results shows that shop-workers are aware of the major sources of noise (98% said vehicles movement), but 54 % have misconception about the meaning of noise pollution. About 97.3 % of them reported that noise pollution affects on human health. Also the results illustrated that 29.3% of the shop-workers have hearing impairments, 46% have experienced of sleeping disturbances, and 40% complain of headache during working time. The study concluded that Gaza city has a higher noise levels compared to WHO standard and there is a need to reduce its level to protect people from its effects. Therefore, the study recommends setting national standard, raising population's awareness about noise adverse health effects, and improving traffic management and control with placing large signs banning the use of vehicles’ horns to avoid above standards noise levels in public places.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


منطقة بني " الجزائر تلمسان جبالجار المثمرة في التنمية المستدامة لأل ش آفاق، والحفظ "سسنو

مازور محمد2،بوشريط حفيظة *1

الكونواألرض و وعلوم الحياة لطبيعيةكلية العلوم ا والغابات، لعلوم الزراعيةقسم ا1

).الجزائر( 13000 تلمسان 119ب ،ص تلمسان، بلقايد بكرأبو " امعةج العلوم والتكنولوجيا عين تموشنت معهد، المركز الجامعي علوم الهندسيةقسم ال2

h.boucherit )الجزائر (46000 تموشنت عين 284ص ب @ yahoo.fr المؤلف*


العمل المتواضع بعزيمة كبيرة في المنطقة الجبلية بني سنوس التي تعتبر جزء ال يتجزأ هذاقمنا ب نظام المتعلق باألشجار المثمرة وبشكل أكثـر تمييزال ل استنادا على حقائق محلية من جبال تلمسان

. تحديدا نمط عمل مستثمرة الفواكه مستثمرة لألشجار والمالحظة التي الدراسة تشمل دراسة استقصائية تشخيصية بالقرب من خمسين

سمحت لنـا بالحـصول علـى ، )سى والقعدة زهرة ، أوالد مو (وردت في المواقع الثالثة التالية بعض النتائج المتعلقة بتسييرالبساتين التي تعمل دائما بطريقة تقليدية بحتـة مـن الغـرس حتـى

لـديهم ٪ 60 جم المستثمرة حيـث على ح المتابعة التقنية للبساتين تقتصر . الحصول على الثمار هكتار والتي سوف تجبر المزارعين على تحقيق أقصى قدر من الغرس من خالل 5 أقل من حجم

األخذ بعين االعتبار المسافة بين األشجارو تأثير االنجـراف الجمع بين عدة أنواع من الثمار دون والحديثـة ....) ، الحـوض، الـخ الساقية(نوعان التقليدية المستعملة نظم الري . على المنحدرات

تعتمد على استخدام أنواع من المدخالت بما ، أما الحالة الصحية لنباتات البساتين ) التقطيروالرش( ٪ مـن 14 ٪ األسـمدة المعدنيـة و 10 السماد العضوي ، تستعمل ٪ من المزارع 38في ذلك

٪ ولكن مع النمو السكاني 48ي ان إنتاجية البساتين متوسطة نسبيا تقدر حوال . العالج بالمبيدات أصبحت األراضي الصالحة للزراعة نادرة مما اجبر المزارعين على استخدام التربـة المتـوفرة

.لديهم حتى ولو كانت من نوعية رديئة و متدهورة من جراء الجريان السطحي و التآكلع التجريبية تشير إلـى على القط2006-2000النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها خالل الفترة ما بين

سنة / هكتار / طن 2أن جريان المياه خالل فترات األمطار مرتفع حيث يصل معدل التآكل إلى المثمـرة وهذا يؤكد الدور الذي تقوم بـه األشـجار . في القطع التي طبقت عليها النظم التقليدية

مزارعين في إنشاء الهياكـل في التخفيف من تسارع التآكل دون أن ننسى الكفاءة الفنية لل الريفية ٪ و التى تهدف الـى حمايـة 58 ٪ و 92 ٪ ، 62مثل المدرجات ،األحواض والتغطية تقدرب

".التربة والماء" الموارد الحيوية ظة على الماء و طرق المحاف- االنجراف - مستثمرة الفواكه -نظام األشجار : الكلمات المفتاحية بني سنوس-التربة

Page 91: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Different Faces Of Sustainable Development And Its Strategy

Baby, S.1&2

1. GEO Environmental Consultation, Hawally, P. O. Box: 677, Al-Surra 4507, State of Kuwait.

2. Department of Remote Sensing & Geoinformatics, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi – 835215, India


The sustainability movement had its beginning in the environmental movement of 1960s. Is this present day concept of sustainable development (SD)? Does it meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs? Is it an ideal concept? Is the triple bottom line concept and approach really sustainable? Is it practical and can it be audited in real sense? These many questions expose the different faces of sustainable development. The article gives the glimpses of uncertainty about SD approach. The author has tried to balance with justification to various disparities. These concepts will affect to the extent in the ways which we approach a developmental project and with kind of motive we have in heart for environmental care; how we manage our business and environmental stewardship.

Key Words: Sustainable Development, Environmental Stewardship, Life Cycle Analysis, EIA, Triple Bottom Line, PRISM

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The nature of the Pleistocene-Holocene Paleosols in Gaza Strip, Palestine

Dr. Khalid Ubeid

Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar Uinversity - Gaza


The Pleistocene to Holcene stratigraphic succession in Gaza Strip, Palestine, consists of an alternation of calcareous sandstones and reddish fine-grained deposits (paleosols), which are locally termed “kurkar” and “hamra”, respectively. The paleosols within Gaza Strip can be categorized into two main groups based on the presence of sand-sized grains versus clay- to silt-sized grains: (1) the hamra paleosols, and (2) the loess and loess-derived paleosols. The hamra paleosols are classified into two main types according to their colour and grain-size composition: (1) light brown hamra paleosols, and (2) dark brown hamra paleosols. The light brown hamra are loamy sand to sand, whereas the dark brown hamra are sandy clay soils. The hamra paleosols are polygenetic soils, formed in humid environments. The rubefication of these soils could be resulted in red ferric segregation. Ferric oxides coating sand grains through illuviation could also be occurred. However, the pedogenitic units and their gradual transition of loessial paleosols are occurred due to different phases of dust accretions. These two categories of paleosols are developed during the last glacial period and they are considered to represent different climate environments: hamra paleosols represent humid climates, while the loess and loess-derived paleosols represent dry and semi-dry climates, respectively.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The Eocene Sobrarbe delta in the eastern limb of the Santa Maria del Buil syncline (South-central Pyrenees, Northern Spain): lithifacies and


Dr. Khalid F. Ubeid Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University – Gaza

P.O. Box 1277, Gaza, Palestine; [email protected]

Dr. Luis Pedro Fernandez Faculty of Geology, University of Oviedo Campus de Lliamaquique, Oviedo, Spain

[email protected]


The Eocene Sobrarbe delta is located in the Ainsa sub-basin, in South-central Pyrenees, northern Spain. In the Ainsa sub-basin, the most conspicuous structure is the Santa Maria del Buil Syncline, bound by the Boltana anticline to the west, and the Mediano anticline to the east and southeast. The Sobrarbe delta is essentially middle-upper Lutatiun in age, with a duration about 1.97 m.y. The succession of the eastern limb of Santa Maria del Buil Syncline has been studied from a genetic point of view, and 26 facies have been described and interpreted. Those facies are grouped into eight facies association. They are namely, (1) Alluvial facies association; (2) Estuarine channel facies association; (3) Delta plain facies association; (4) Delta-front/shelfal-lobe facies association; (5) Shelfal channel-and-lobe facies association; (6) Prodelta/slope facies association; (7) Turbidite system facies association; (8) Carbonate ramp facies association. The facies association described and interpreted fit a model consisting of an alluvial system (Escanilla Fm) carrying its load into a marine basin, where it constructs a sedimentary prism that evolves from coastal and shallow marine (Sobrarbe delta) to deep water and turbiditic (Guaso turbidite system). During periods of inactivity, transgressions took place and carbonate ramp developed on the shallow, delta-built shelves.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Sanitary and Social Effects of Dear El Balah Landfill

(Gaza Strip-Palestine)

Dr. Zeyad Abu Heen and Mazen Fadel El Bana [email protected]

Islamic University of Gaza, Dept. of Environment & Earthsciences


This research aims to study sanitary and social effect of Dear El Balah Landfill which designed by a linear system for protection groundwater from pollution. Questionnaire was prepared for farmers and people living near landfill, water samples were collected from private wells surrounding landfill and analyzed (private wells). Chemical parameters of Leachate such as ammonium NH4, BOD, COD indicates reducing of organic wastes or presence of toxic materials that inhibit activity of microorganisms. Therefore landfill is in a final age and must be closed. On other side these of landfill parameters may indicate that using the second phase after first phase is filled. Chloride and electrical conductivity (EC) at sampling wells are high .On 2003 and 2005 the data showed the same elevation values of Cl and EC. On other side values of EC and Cl on 2008 and 2009 at all wells in middle area of Gaza Strip were also high. We are not sure that elevation is due to landfill, because no historical data to compare. Nitrate concentration are relatively acceptable to WHO standards except for well (7) is high due to agriculture practical in Dear Al Balah area. It has been noticed that 25% of olive farms surrounding the study area showed fungal spots on leaves, fruits and/or all the plant parts. The study indicated that milk production and poultry production were reduced by 12% as consequences of the landfill in the study area. The results showed that farmers bothering of presence of landfill especially the effect of insects and rodents on their agriculture crops. Also unpleasant smell especially that produced from fires that took place inside landfill, in addition floods of Leachate at their lands.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Results of Pilot Initiatives in Rehabilitation of a Deteriorated Canal

Network in Coastal Region of Kerala, India

K.Madhavan Namboodiri1 Kodeeri Mana, Naduvattom (PO), Kuttippuram (Via), Malappuram, Kerala,

India, Pin: 679592


A Project entitled “Local Initiatives in Mitigating the Environmental and Livelihood Problems of a Tsunami affected Panchayath in Alappuzha District, Kerala, India” , was initiated during April 2006. The ancient, manmade, multipurpose canal network played a significant role in maintaining a stable ecological, environmental and livelihood system of the area. But over the period of time, due to varieties of reasons, these canals were neglected and used as waste (solid & liquid) dump resulting in deterioration of environment and community health. Since the technical and social parameters for environmental regeneration processes are extremely complex, a pilot action research that studies the problem in detail and tries various solutions to various situations within a small area was initiated. Since the canals are connected with the salt water estuary, and are directly or indirectly connected to other water sources in the area, the studies focussed its attention on these canal systems. Spatio-temporal variation of hydrological, environmental, biological, and hydro-chemical parameters of few selected canal systems indicated the extent of deterioration. As a first step of iterative process, simple dredging to bring back the original geometrical shape was tried and the results indicated spectacular improvement in both the hydraulic efficiency and the water quality. The paper highlights the methodology, results (pre-dredging and post-dredging), and conclusions of the study. Subsequent pursuits in search of a sustainable, eco-friendly, socio-economically compatible and cost effective technique to protect the side banks of these canals successfully established use of geo-textile strengthened with grass plantation. This technique is not only eco-friendly and low cost, but also creates employment opportunities since the entire work is labour intensive and the geo-textile (coarse coir mats made from coconut fibre) can be produced using local skills, and local material.

1 The auther is a water management professional and is currently working as Senior

Technical Adviser to a French NGO supporting Tsunami Rehabilitation in Kerala, India.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Cattle And Global Warming

Adel A. Abdel-Ghani Dept. of Anim. Prod., Fac. Of Agric., Minia Univ., Egypt

E-mail. [email protected]


Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of Earth’s near surface air and oceans, specifically since the mid 20th century, and its projected continuation. The average surface temperature on Earth has increased approximately 3 quarters of a degree during the last hundred years, and is predicted to rise another 1.1 degrees during the 21st century. The main cause of global warming is the greenhouse gas effect.

Animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas (18%) than all of transportation (13%) according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

For example cow does on overage release between 70 and 120 kg of Methane per year. Methane is a greenhouse gas like carbon dioxide (CO2). But the negative effect on the climate of Methane is 23 times higher than the effect of CO2. Therefore the release of about 100 kg Methane per year for each cow is equivalent to about 2'300 kg CO2 per year.

Also another study showed that producing a kilogram of beef leads to the emission of greenhouse gases with a global warming potential equivalent to 36.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2). It also releases fertilizing compounds equivalent to 340 grams of sulphur dioxide and 59 grams of phosphate, and consumes 169 mega joules of energy.

The greenhouse gas CO2 can be reduced, in part, by reducing animal agriculture and increasing plant agriculture. When forest is cleared for pasture, the service which those trees provided as "carbon sinks" is gone. In addition, it takes less arable land and energy inputs to feed a vegan than to feed a non-vegan because food energy (as calories), such as grain, eaten directly by a person is more efficient than cycling that energy through an animal by feeding grain to a "food" animal. Thus, even though both animal and plant agriculture depend on fossil fuel inputs, less is needed for plant agriculture.

Finally, it can be concluded that the great portion of contributions to global warming can be reduced by making improvements in its cattle industry. Grazing animals, such as cows, produce a great deal of methane, one of the leading causes of the greenhouse effect.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


)ملخص دراسة بحثية علمية حول إزالة النترات من مياه الشرب بيولوجيا(

سامي حسین لبد.م/ إعداد [email protected] وزارة الصحة-مدیر دائرة مختبرات الصحة العامة

ملخص الدراسة

ط ارتفاع تركيز النترات في المياه الجوفية بقطاع غزة والناشئ عن عدة أسباب ومن أهمها اإلفرا في استخدام األسمدة الكيماوية النتروجينية المستخدمة في الزراعة الرأسية الكثيفة ورشـح ميـاه الصرف الصحي إلي الخزان الجوفي من خالل محطات المعالجة أو الـشبكات القديمـة أو مـن

.الحفر االمتصاصيةحة العالمية من تركيز النترات في جميع محافظات القطاع يفوق الحد المسموح به من منظمة الص

ضعف في شمال القطاع إلي عشرة أضعاف في المناطق الجنوبية من القطـاع حيـث أن الحـد . لتر/ ملجرام45المسموح به هو

وفي هذه الطريقـة يـتم (RO)يتم معالجة المياه في جميع أنحاء القطاع بتقنية التناضح العكسي وتشكل خطر بالذات علي نمو األطفـال نزع األمالح بشكل شبه كامل وتكون بالتالي غير صحية

.والرضعيقوم البعض أحيانا بخلط هذه المياه بنسب مجهولة وغير محددة مما يؤثر أيضا علي جودة الميـاه

.وصحة المواطنعالوة علي أن هذه الطريقة تستهلك طاقة عالية وكميات مياه بنسب عالية تصرف في المجـاري

الية من استهالك مواد كيميائيـة إلذابـة كربونـات الكالـسيوم عالوة علي التكاليف التشغيلية الع .وخفض درجة الحموضة ثم معادلة الحموضة ثانية وارتفاع أسعار فالتر المعالجة

وعليه فان هذه الطريقة بكل األحوال قد تناسب نوعية المياه في جميع محافظات القطاع ما عـدا لصحة العالمية تتالءم معها ولكن هنالـك ارتفـاع محافظة الشمال والتي تتميز بأن جميع معايير ا

كبير في نسبة النترات وعليه تم التفكير بطريقة للتخلص من النترات فقط مع اإلبقاء علـي بـاقي العناصر وكان التوجه نحو تفكيك النترات والتخلص منها في صورة غازات نتـرو جينيـة مـن

األرجون أو ثاني أكـسيد الكربـون فـي خالل توفير شرطين بيئة مختزلة من خالل إمرار غاز de)المعالج والشرط الثاني تـوفير فرشـة طبيعيـة لنمـو البكتيريـا المختزلـة للنتـروجين

nitrification bacteria ) وكان أفضل شيء ألياف قصب السكر المقطعة الجافة بعـد تعقيمهـا .ي ونمو أي طحالبوعلي أن يكون المعالج معزول عن الضوء من أجل تالفي التمثيل الضوئ

%.90هذه الطريقة رخيصة في تكلفتها وعالية في كفاءتها بحيث تصل نسبة اإلزالة للنترات إلي .وهي مناسبة جدا للتطبيق علي مستوي تنفيذي لمعالجة مياه الشمال وتخليصها من النترات

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Trends of BTEX Emissions at the Komtar Area in Penang

Wesam Ahmed Al Madhoun, PhD, [email protected]

Nor Azam Ramli, Assoc.Prof, [email protected] and

Ahmad Shukri Yahaya, Assoc. Prof, [email protected] Clean Air Research Group, School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains

Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.


Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene (BTEX) form an important group of aromatic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), emitted mainly from motor vehicles. BTEX concentrations (a known carcinogenic) were monitored at roadside of two congested locations (Jalan Dr. Lim “JDL” and Jalan Dato Keramat “JDK”) at the Komtar area in Penang. Traffic volume was recorded simultaneously during the different peaks (morning, afternoon and evening). The results show that the of BTEXp,m,o concentrations at JDL at the morning peak were 262, 58, 22, 16, 2 and 57 ppb respectively, and they have positive correlations with traffic volume. Benzene concentrations (262 and 74 ppb) were far beyond the UK standard (5 ppb), which is posing high risk on the public health living in the surrounding area. These results suggest urgent need for regulating the BTEX emission from motor vehicles. Keywords: Komtar Area, Public Health, Vehicles,

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Comparative Spectroscopic Studies of Lead and Cadmium in Water

with Atomic Spectroscopy (Flame-AAS, GFAAS and ICP-AES)

S.A. Mansi (a)* , S.S. Hamed (b) , A.H. EL-Astal (a), and A.B. El –Bialy (b) (a) : Physics Department, Al-Aqsa University , P. o . Box 451, Gaza, Gaza Strip,

Palestinian. E-mail: [email protected]. (b) : Physics Department , University College for Women for Art, Science and

Education , Ain Shams University , Cairo-Egypt

Abstract The main goal of the present work is to determine the lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in water and to check pollution as these two elements considered to be the main polluted elements in water. The samples under investigation represent three different types of water. The samples taken from three different resources, groundwater well, mineral bottle water and drinking water from several areas in Gaza Strip – Palestine were investigated. Pb and Cd were determined using Graphite Furnace Atomic absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS), Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES). A comparison was carried out to check accuracy. It was found that the concentrations range for the determined elements in all the water samples used were as follows: Pb from 1.96 μg/l to 10.06 μg/l and Cd from 0.6 μg/l to 7.19 μg/l. The results obtained for the concentrations of metals in different samples of water using different techniques are in fair agreement with each other. The obtained element concentrations are within the World Health Organization (WHO) and Egyptian standard (ES) guides for most determined elements.

Key Words: Flame-AAS, GFAAS, ICP-AES, Water, Trace Elements. * Correspondence Author : Physics Department, Al-Aqsa University , P. O . Box 451, Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestinian. E-mail: [email protected].

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Itaocara Hydroelectric Power Plant’s Social License

João Pedro Martins da Silva1, MSc.; Roberto Huet de Salvo Souza2, DSc.; Janice

Caetano3, 1 – Geology Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro;

2 – IBAMA – RJ, Coordenação de Licenciamento; 3 – Print Comunicação Ltda


Brazil is a country of continental dimensions, which holds 20% of freshwater of the planet. This power generation natural resource accounts for more than 80% of the national energy matrix.

The formation of reservoirs for electric power generation affects not only people living in areas to be flooded, but also the infrastructure of the counties in its area of influence with impacts on the physical, social and cultural media. Water consumption, sewerage generation, construction wastes, health care, real state costs rise, vacancies in public schools, transportation, restaurants, tourism and leisure are some of the not planned expenses of their municipal budgets. On the other hand, the ventures bring several positive aspects to the region, especially progress and dynamism of local economy.

The Hydroelectric Plant (UHE) of Itaocara is part of hydropower projects for the Paraiba do Sul River, being responsible for the addition of 195 MW to the national power system. Located between the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, the project will affect, in different ways, five counties in the state of Rio de Janeiro and three counties in Minas Gerais state.

To support the affected local counties in establishing their needs for infrastructure to accommodate the new venture in its planning, implementation and operation stages, a special approach was constructed and consisted of three basic activities:

1 – survey of all interferences of all stages of UHE Itaocara on infrastructure of the counties of the Indirect Affected Area;

2 - Preparing and conducting workshops with teams of local administrations of each of these counties to define concepts, establish goals

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


and specify the basic needs of infrastructure to match the current facilities and municipal services to the new demands arising from the planning, installation and operation stages of the UHE Itaocara;

3 – Report the needs of each county, established in accordance with its team decisions, a straight result of the workshops

The methodology used in the workshops consists of participatory strategic analysis of current, trend and target scenarios (with the UHE installed and all planned actions undertaken) with the specific interference caused by the power plant to set up the infrastructure needs of the counties and define the ways to get it.

The results, one for each county, are the work and consensus decisions of each city hall team. They were achieved in three workshops:

Workshop 1 – defined the objectives and goals – planned of other workshops. Discussed the environmental concepts, leveled the knowledge of participants and the current and trend scenarios;

Workshop 2 – discussed the target scenario and the interferences of the venture different stages in infrastructure, comparing the current and ideal situation, setting up priorities;

Workshop 3 – defined the real infrastructure needs according to venture stages and the ways to achieve them. Established the implementation schedule of the infrastructure in sync with the implementation schedule of the UHE Itaocara.

The final results of the project was the complete satisfaction of counties administrators concerning the adaptation of their infrastructures and their proactive postures during public hearings.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Prospect of Iran Natural Gas Export Projects

By: HEDAYAT OMIDVAR Member of IGU Marketing Committee

Head of Communication Affairs with Science & Research Centers, Research & Technology Dept., National Iranian Gas Company

No.77-Southern Aban St. - Karimkhan Ave.-Tehran-1598753113-Iran Tel:+98-21-81315646 Fax:+98-21-81315682

Email: [email protected]


Iran holds the second largest gas reserves in the word with over 27.5 trillion cubic meters (TCM) of natural gas. Due to lack of geological surveys in certain geographical regions in Iran. It is likely to explore further reserves in the future. Hence, for utilizing this energy carrier, it is essential to have comprehensive and explicit planning knowledge. The study of gas industry development policies is indicative of certain barriers in utilizing prospective opportunities. Iran is one of the largest gas rich countries in the world that production capacity exceeds domestic consumption and gas injection requirements. Gas can be utilized as feed stock in petrochemical plants and refineries or exported through pipeline or LNG. Through re-injection of gas to oil reservoirs, while increasing the oil recovery ratios, the produced gases from fields shared with other countries could be stored into domestic gas fields. Gas consumption in domestic markets and its substitution with oil products, in addition to providing environmental benefits, will also result in optimum consumption of these products and relieving the government from the heavy burden of existing and heavy expenditures of importing these products from foreign countries. The need for energy sources in the world along with the enormous natural gas reserves in the country opens broad economical/political dialogue scene towards us and contributes an outstanding strategic significance to our gas resources. Supplying gas requirements, proper and timely production and operation of joint reservoirs such as the south pars with the intention of supplying gas requirements and providing balance of supply and demand as well as maximum utilization of our share in these fields are other development requirements of this significant industry.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The possibility of Implementing Geothermal Energy for Cooling

Applications in Gaza Strip

Mohammed S. Abuhaiba, Islamic University-Gaza, Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering


Abstract Geothermal energy is a renewable resource of energy that has many applications in our life. At the earth's crust, the earth maintains a constant temperature around the year. Geothermal heat pumps use this constant temperature for cooling in the summer where the temperature is lower than the air temperature and for heating in the winter where the temperature is higher than the air temperature. A mathematical model and a detailed design for a geothermal test rig were generated in this study to check the possibility of implementing this technology for cooling applications in Gaza Strip that could be also checked for heating applications as well. The system consists of two main components: the ground loop and a fluid tank. The effect of Reynolds number on the performance of the system was investigated. It was found that cooling by geothermal technology is very effective in Gaza Strip and can save the country considerable amounts of money due to energy saving. It can provide direct cooling range from 22ºC to 25ºC. The optimum value of Reynolds number that minimizes the total thermal resistance and the time to reach steady state was found to be 9,560. Increasing Reynolds number beyond this value won't have any significant effect on reaching the steady state, increase the total thermal resistance, increase the friction loss, may lead to blockage in the pipes if reaching very high levels of turbulence, and will increase the power consumption of the water's circulating pump. The thermal resistance of the soil at the Islamic University of Gaza is estimated to be in the range of 3.182* ºC/W to 4.292* ºC/W, and the temperature at a depth of 6 meters is about 15ºC and expected to be the same all over the year.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Desalination and Power Plants Together for Water and Development

A Case study for Sinai-Gaza

Raed Bashitialshaaer*1, Kenneth M Persson*2, Ronny Berndtsson*1 *Department of Water Res. Eng., Lund University-LTH, Box 118; SE-221 00

LUND-Sweden 1Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Tel.: +4646222-4367, Fax: 4435,

[email protected] 2SYDVATTEN AB, Skeppsgatan 19, 211 19 MALMÖ-Sweden;

[email protected]


Desalination can be a cost-effective way to produce fresh water and possibly electricity. The Gaza Strip has had a complex hydro-political situation for many years. Gaza (enclosed area) is bordered by the Mediterranean in the west, by Israel in the north and east and by Egypt in the south. Water and electricity consumption in the Gaza Strip is expected to increase in the future due to the increasing population. In this paper, a solution for Sinai and the Gaza Strip is suggested involving the building of a joint power and desalination plant, located in Egypt close to the border of Gaza. Results of capital and unit costs have been derived from bench-mark studies of 18 different desalination projects mainly in the Middle East countries. The suggested joint Egypt-Palestine project would increases drinking water supply by 500,000 m3/d and the power supply by 500MW, whereof 2/3 is suggested to be used in Gaza and 1/3 in Sinai. The present lack of electricity and water in Gaza could be erased by such a project. But Egypt will probably gain more. More water and electricity will be available for the future development of Sinai; a significant value will be added to the sale of Egyptian natural gas used for water and power production in the project; more employment opportunities can be offered for people living in Sinai and Gaza; the domestic market for operation and maintenance of desalination plants can be boosted by the suggested project. Egypt may naturally and peacefully increase its cooperation with and presence in Gaza, which should lead to increased security around the border between Egypt and Gaza. This type of project could also get international support and can be a role-model for cooperation and trust-building between neighbours in the Middle East region. This study have also compared with more than five different alternatives. Keywords: Desalination; Power plant; Palestine-Gaza Strip; Unit costs; Water resources; Environmental impact.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Micro-Encapsulation of Bromoxynil to Modified Bentonite under

various pH and Temperature

Yasser El-Nahhal1; Jamal Safi1,2 1Environmental Protection and Research Institute (EPRI), 2Al-Azhar University-

Gaza; Gaza, Palestine. P. O. Box 1175, Tel 00972 8 2822131, fax 00972 8 2823441.e-mail: [email protected]


This study investigates the possibility to encapsulate bromoxynil to organo-bentonite at various pH, and temperatures. Organo-Bentonite complexes were prepared and used as micro-porous materials for encapsulating bromoxynil from water and acetone. Concentrations of bromoxynil in equilibrium solution were determined by HPLC. Results showed that bromoxynil was best encapsulated on bentonite surfaces modified with NCP, or HDTBP at various loadings and encapsulation was further enhanced by lowering the pH and/or optimizing the temperature of the encapsulation reaction. Release of bromoxynil from the tested micro-capsules was very slow at pH 3. Further reduction in bromoxynil release was observed when the encapsulation occurred from water. It can be concluded that organo-Bentonite complex may be a suitable material for designing controlled release formulations of herbicides. Key words: Bromoxynil, Encapsulation, Organo-bentonite, pH, Temperature.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


تقييم النوعية الميكروبيولوجية لمياه محافظتي الشمال و الوسطى من قطاع غزة

محمد عبد الناصر إبراھیم الزرقة. نعیم سلمان محمد بارود أ . د .أ/ مقدم من [email protected]

ملخص الدراسة

ث المياه في محافظتي الشمال والوسطى من قطاع غزة ، وأثر استخدام تلك تناولت الدراسة تلو

المياه على الصحة ، حيث بينت الدراسة أن قطاع غزة يعاني من مشكالت مائيـة نوعيـة وكميـة .خطيرة

ترتب على استخدام تلك المياه إصابة السكان بالعديد من األمراض والتي إقتصرت الدراسة على ، فـي محاولـة ) اإلسهال المدمي ، االميبيا ، الجارديا ، التهاب الكبد الوبائي أ (منها أربع أمراض

للربط بين األمراض السابقة وتلوث المياه الميكروبيولوجي ، حيث إعتمدت الدراسة في تحديد نوعية و ) TC(المياه ، على نتائج وزارة الصحة المتعلقة بفحص مجموعة القولونيات التوتـل كوليفـورم

.كمحدد لتلوث المياه الميكروبيولوجي ) FC(فحص القولونيات البرازية الفيكل كوليفورم اعتمدت الدراسة على المعلومات المكتبية باإلضافة إلى المعلومات الميدانية المتعلقة بجمـع أعـداد

الـصحة المصابين باألمراض الوبائية الخاصة بالدراسة و نتائج التحليل الميكروبيولوجي من وزارة فـي الوسـطى ، 133 استبانه في الشمال و 168 استبانه بواقع 302الفلسطينية ، كذلك تم توزيع

.من مجمل المجتمع اإلحصائي % 0.42وهي ما تشكل

، و 17 نـسخة SPSSتم معالجة البيانات الواردة في البحث باستخدام برنامج التحليل اإلحـصائي النزعة المركزية والتشتت ، و معامـل ارتبـاط بيرسـون و استخدام االختبارات الخاصة بمقاييس

.وبعض االختبارات األخرى " كاي " سبيرمان و كندل ، باإلضافة إلى استخدام اختبار اإلستقاللية

أظهرت الدراسة وجود تلوث ميكروبيولوجي في محافظتي الدراسة يفوق المعايير التي وضـعتها م ، حيث بلغت نسبة عينات 2008-2004ت الدراسة من العام منظمة الصحة العالمية لجميع سنوا

، ونسبة العينات ببكتيريـا الفيكـل % 12.8المياه الملوثة ببكتيريا التوتل كوليفورم لسنوات الدراسة .من مجمل العينات% 4.4كوليفورم

ل كوليفـورم و و بينت الدراسة أيضا وجود عالقة ارتباطيه بين تلوث المياه ببكتيريا الفيكل و التوت .A التهاب الكبد الوبائي – االميبيا – الجارديا –اإلصابة بمرض اإلسهال المدمي

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development




Page 108: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Plant Species As Evidences To Perceive Climate Changes And

Transitions; Sahra-Sindian Plant Species In 37° Northern Latitude ( North-East Of Hyrcanian /Caspian Forests)


Dept. of Rangeland management Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

Shahid Beheshti Ave. Gorgan Postal Code: 49138-15749 Iran

[email protected]


There are a few Sahara-Sindian /tropical grass species in Golestan national park and other north-eastern parts of Golestan Province - at the ending border of Hyrcanian forest to Iran-Touranian region - such as Tetrapogon villosus Desf. that have mainly reported from tropical area of the world already. In this paper these species were introduced and their existence was justified according to obvious similarities between the climate of the area and tropical climate of Sahara-Sindian region in south of Iran and finally referring the modern climate/ecosystem of the study area to the Neogene climate using literature review. Finally it is concluded that some strange plant species can be used or considered as live fossils to perceive climate changes especially in this area that there is no paleontological data. Keywords: Climate change, Tropical species, Neogene, Golestan Province

Page 109: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


دراسة تاثير استخدام الفسفور والنيتروجين والبوتاسيوم باشكال منفصلة او مجتمعة على نمو وتطور وانتاج محصول الفول البلدي

** فراس صوالحة وحازم صوالحة * كلیة الزراعة ، جامعة النجاح الوطنیة، نابلس (*)

كلیة العلوم واآلداب، الجامعة العربیة األمریكیة، جنین (**) الملخص

في مزرعة جامعة النجاح الوطنيـة فـي ) Vicia faba(أجريت تجربة على نبات الفول البلدي لدراسة تأثير عناصر النيتروجين والفوسفور والبوتاسـيوم 2009منطقة طولكرم خالل ربيع عام

تمت الزراعة في اكيـاس . بشكل منفرد او مجتمع على طول النبات وعدد األوراق وانتاج البذور كغم باستخدام مزيج من التربة الرملية المضاف لها البيتموس والجير بكمية 8بالستيكية ذات سعة

Randomized(ظـام القطاعـات الكاملـة العـشوائية صممت التجربة علـى اسـاس ن . قليلة)RCBD(Complete Block Design ( لفحص العينـات الثنـائي للتناسـب وتم تحليلها وفقا)Two-Sample Test of Proportion( . أظهرت النتائج أن إزالة النيتـروجين مـن مـزيج

في نمو النبـات عـن سببت تحسنا) Haogland Solution(النيتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم مرة مقارنة مع معاملة الـشاهد التـي 1.5طريق زيادة عدد االوراق وزيادة ارتفاع النبات نحو

ومن ناحية أخرى، أوضحت النتائج أن . تلقت جرعة كاملة من النيتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم ر المظلة النباتيـة غياب الفسفور من مزيج النيتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم سبب نقصا في تطو

كذلك كانت هناك فروق معنوية في طول النبات . وطول النبات وعدد االوراق مقارنة مع الشاهد كمـا . وعدد االوراق بين المعاملة التي تلقت جرعة من النيتروجين والبوتاسيوم ومعاملة الـشاهد

ارتفاع النبـات وعـدد بينت الدراسة ان ازالة البوتاسيوم من المزيج لم يسبب نقصا معنويا في اما بالنسبة النتاج البذور فقد بينت النتائج ان ازالة الفـسفور ادى . االوراق عند مقارنتها بالشاهد

كذلك تبين ان غياب اي من النيتروجين . الى نقص معنوي في وزن وكمية البذور مقارنة بالشاهد بينت النتائج إمكانية إزالـة اي . راو البوتاسيوم من المزيج لم يؤثر بشكل معنوي على انتاج البذو

من النيتروجين او البوتاسيوم من مزيج النيتروجين والفوسفور والبوتاسيوم لتقليل تكلفة اإلنتـاج محصول الفول دون التاثير على نمو وانتاج النبات في مثل هذا النوع من التربة وتحت ظـروف

.المختبرازالة النيتروجين من المزيج الى الدور المثبط الذي يسببه هذا يمكن تفسير سبب زيادة نمو نبات الفول عند

وتزويـد ) Nitrogen Fixation(العنصر لبكتيريا العقد الجذرية التي تقوم بعملية التثبيت النيتروجينـي اما عدم تسبب ازالة البوتاسيوم من المزيج في اي نقص ). 1999التميمي واخرون (النبات بهذا العنصر

و وانتاج النبات بالمقارنة مع الشاهد فيمكن ان يعزى الى تثبيت هذا العنصر في مثل هـذا معنوي في نم ). al. etFan.1997 ، 2000قصراوي (النوع من التربة الغنية بعنصر الكالسيوم وعدم اتاحته للنبات

فول، نيتروجين، فسفور، بوتاسيوم: كلمات دالة

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Effect Of Cyanobacteria Or Azotobacter As A Soil Conditioners And Biofertilizers On Vicia Faba Cultiver Growth And Nodulation

H. M. Galal, H.A. Hassan, R.M. Refay Botany Department, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt


Cyanobacteria or Azotobacter are employed in agriculture as biofertilizers and soil conditioners. The main target of the present study is to assess the effect of nitrogen fixing microorganisms to improve and enhance salty stress soil(50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 mM NaCl) using Vicia faba as indicator plant. Salt stress reduced dry matter, chlorophyll content and nodulation. This reduction was concomitant with increase soluble proteins and proline content in roots and shoots. Total free amino acids content was increased in roots, but it was decreased in shoots. The inoculation of Vicia faba with Cyanobacteria or Azotobacter partially or completely counteracted the adverse effects of salinity on the rate of growth, pigment contents and some metabolic mechanisms. Generally, the application of Cyanobacteria or Azotobacter as biofertilizers enhance the metablic processes of Vicic faba plants and improve their tolerance to salt stress, Key words: Azotobacter, Biofertilizers, Cyanobacteria, Growth, Nodulation, Proline, Salt sress, Vicia faba.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


In Vitro, Propagation of Strawberry (Fragaria × annanasa Duch.) Through Organogenesis via Runner Tips

Prepared By: Emad. Y. Youssief

Supervised By: Dr. Tarek El Bashiti _ Dr. Abboud El kichaoui The Islamic University - Gaza - Faculty of Science Master of Biological Science - Botany / Mycology.


Using in vitro tissue culture technique through organogenesis, recognizing the most important problems during planting stages, and treating these problems. As a result of this, plants in large numbers and with high quality is produced. Furthermore, this technique can be applied on other kinds of plants. Growing strawberry with this technique is economically advantageous. The cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.), a member of the Rosaceae, is the most important soft fruit worldwide. In vitro techniques are important for clonal multiplication. An efficient method for sterilization, browning, shoot regeneration and root formation from runner tips of strawberry plantlets cv. Sweet Charlie was developed. Runner tips of 1-2 cm long were used as source of explants. In sterilization method, when the runner tips were immersed in sodium hypochlorite solution (1.5%) containing two to three drops of Tween 20 per 100 ml for 20 minutes and 0.1% HgCL2 for 10 minutes gave the maximum aseptic cultures in august, however, in October all the samples were failed to reduce explants ontamination. After surface sterilization apical meristems of 3-5 mm long were isolated and used as explants. To study the effect of various pretreatments on explants browning and survival percentage, different sets of sterilized explants were dipped in three different concentrations of antioxidant solution (1, 1.5 and 2% PVPP) for 1-2 h prior to inoculation with addition of ( )0.2 g/100 ml) PVPP in the MS free hormone medium and ubjecting cultures to an initial ten days cold treatment before transfer the explants to growth chamber, the results indicated that percentage of survival explants when treatment with 1% and 2% PVPP were 20 and 60% respectively in August season. However, when repeated the same experiment in October season, with addition to another set dipped in sterilized distilled water without antioxidant solution as a control, the lowest

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


percentage of browning were observed in the control and 2% PVPP were 100 and 70 % respectively. At multiplication stage results indicated that the highest auxiliary buds were observed when MS medium supplemented with 1 mg / l BA. At rooting stage, it was clear visually that MS medium supplemented with 0.5 g/l activated charcoal and MS medium at full strength gave better results in enhanced the root number and length and shoot number and length per plantlet. Effect of IBA on the root response, the results indicated that IBA with (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 mg/l) observed the lowest root response compared to all other treatments. Because Israeli air force bombed the lab building at the Islamic university in 27-12-2008. We wrote down data visually in rooting stage. This research paper is considered the first published in Gaza strip.

Keywords: Propagation, Strawberry, Fragaria spp., Tissue culture techniques، Benzylaminoburine (BA), Polyvinylpyrollidone (PVPP), Activated charcoal (AC)

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Dientamoeba Fragilis In Gaza Strip: A Neglected Protozoan Parasite

Ms. Basma M. Abu Shammala Dr. Adnan I. Al-Hindi Islamic University of Gaza, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology


Diagnosis of intestinal parasites in Gaza is still a problem, where in hospitals or private laboratories, the direct smear method is the only common method used. The use of staining, antigen detection, serological methods, DNA-based methods are unavailable in routine testing, but have been applied in research (Al-Hindi et al., 2005). Protozoa such as Dientamoeba fragilis remain neglected. D. fragilis is a pathogenic human intestinal protozoan parasite that was first described in the scientific literature in 1918 by Jeeps and Dobell (Johnson et al., 2004). More than 87 years since the discovery of D. fragilis, the amount of scientific knowledge acquired about this organism when compared with other protozoa's pales into insignificance. Because of the lack of a cyst stage, successful diagnosis of D. fragilis is closely associated with the use of permanent stains of feacal smears (Damien et al., 2006). The pathogenicity of D.fradilis has been debated for many years. Today clinical symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and flatulence, which usually disappear with the elimination of the parasite, are reported to be associated with D. fragilis (Yang and Scholten, 1977; Turner, 1985; Spencer et al., 1979; Spencer et al., 1982). Objectives: 1. Detection of D. fragilis by trichrome, among patients attending Al-Nuseirate Refugee Camp Clinic. 2. Determination of the prevalence of D. fragilis among those patients. 3. Association between D. fragilis infection and diarrhoea. Methods This study was carried out in Gaza Strip, where 319 stool specimens were collected from children and adults with age ranges from (1 to 75) years old. Those attending Al-Nussirat clinic, and who were complaining from clinical symptoms, like diarrhoea and abdominal pain. The selection of individuals was based on regular times starting from 8 a.m to 12:30 p.m for three days weekly. Each stool specimen was separated into two portions, one aliquot was preserved with sodium acetate acetic acid formalin (SAF) for staining purposes. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Studies version 12) . Analysis of variables, frequency tables, cross tabulation, T-test, and graphs were carried out. Excel programme was used for the graphics.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Results It was found that 28 of these individuals were infected with Dientamoeba fragilis with a prevalence of (8.8%). The study sample compromised 164 males (51.4%) and 155 females (48.6%) and who reside in one of three localities, city, village or refugee camp. It was observed that the most common character for stool consistency was the softness with a prevalence of (63.3%). It was found that all age groups are susceptible for the infection by D. fragilis but no trend or clear relationship was found between age, sex and the infection. A strong association between D. fragilis and diarrhea was found with statistical significance (P=0.03). Conclusions 1. It was found that 28 individuals attending Al-Nuseirate clinic, Gaza Strip were infected with Dientamoeba fragilis with a prevalence of 8.8%. 2. Stool examination results proved that the prevalence of the other intestinal parasites was (18.2%). 3.The same prevalence with dientamoebiasis was found among males (9.1%) and (8.4%) among females. 4. It was observed that Dientamoeba fragilis commonly detected with watery & mucoid stool sample (28.6%), followed by mucoid & bloody stool sample (23.5%). 5.The patients with D. fragilis infection had high prevalence of diarrhoea (71.4%) compared to the patients with no diarrhoea (28.6%). (p= 0.03). 6. In the present study the detection of 28 cases infected with D. fragilis was proved using trichrome stain, but no case was detected by direct smear or formal-ether sedimentation technique. Also, during the search in the local literature and the annual reports of Ministry of Health no record of D. fragilis was found. This may be due to the lack of knowledge about this protozoan and the inappropriate laboratory techniques which are confined to direct smear in the local hospitals and private laboratories in Gaza. 7.The most frequent symptoms were found to be abdominal pain (96.4%) and diarrhoea (71.4%) in patients with diantamoebiasis and this was statistically significant (p= 0.03). This association between D. fragilis and diarrhoea may represent evidence for the pathogenicity of D. fragilis. 9.In the present study co-infection between D. fragilis and E. histolytica/dispar was (50%) and between D. fragilis and G. lamblia was (7.1%).

Recommendations 1. Dientamoebiasis should be further investigated as part of a proposed strategy to improve the diagnosis of parasites in Gaza. 2. The degree to which diarrhoeas require investigation should be discussed in MoH and associated medial laboratories. 3. The role of trichrome and other staining methods requires clarification.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Thiabendazole For The Treatment Of Infected Children With

Strongyloidiasis In Gaza Strip

Dr. Bassam . F. Al-zain Al-Quds Open University - Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, North Gaza - Gaza strip – Palestine

: [email protected]@ 1999_99_ bassam- Or Mobil : 0597777417 - Tel: 00970-8- 2474421 Fax: 00970-8- 2474422


Background: Thiabendazole is the drug of choice in the treatment of helminthiasis, and has been proven to be highly effective against intestinal parasitic infection especially Strongyloides stercoralis. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of thiobendazole spectrum of single, double and mixed parasitic infections. It was conducted at rural area of north Gaza strip , Palestine . Methods: Three faceal samples from 1600 children were screened for the presence of cysts , trophozoites , eggs or larvae of intestinal parasites. One thousand one hundred fifty nine children infected with at least one protozoan and helminthes were given 25 mg/kg of thiobendazole, twice daily (50mg/kg/day) for 3 consecutive days. Faecal samples were examined after the 1st week and second week following initiation of treatment using fresh and formalin ether-concentration technique. Results: The reduction rate as seen by mean larvae counts two weeks after treatment was 98% for Strongyloidiasis infection . The reduction rate as seen by mean eggs counts was 91.3% for Ascaris lumbricoides , 70% for Trichuris trichura and 40% for Hymenolepis nana infections . No side effects were observed. Hematological values were obtained before and after treatment remained unaffected by thiobendazole . As such Thiobendazole proved to be effective and safe in the treatment of soil- transmitted nematode infections in children of north Gaza strip. Conclusions: Present study further suggests that thiobendazole is highly effective in curing Strongyloides and Ascaris infections despite their occurrence in a highly contaminative environment . Keywords: Strongyloidiasis; Children ; chemotherapy ; Strongyloides stercoralis ; Thiobendazole ; intestinal parasites

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Parasitological Survey For Intestinal Parasites And Ectoparasites In Black Rat (Rattus Rattus) From Two Regions In Gaza Strip,


Ms. Eman S. Abu-Haddaf, Dr. Adnan I. Al-Hindi Islamic University of Gaza, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology

Background Two types of rats are present in Gaza Strip Black rats (Rattus rattus) and brown rats (norvegicus rattus). These rats are widely distributed and causes damage for people in homes. Intestinal parasites and ectoparasites of rats were not investigated before in Gaza Strip.Rodents are a key mammalian group, and are highly successful in many environments throughout the world. They are known to transmit diseases and act as reservoir host for many zoonotic pathogens that pose a health risk to humans and animals. These rodent habitats play an important role in the epidemiology of certain zoonotic diseases (Ambu, 1996). Parasites of rodent could be viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminthes and insects. Endoparasites of rodents play an important role in the zoonotic cycles of many diseases, some of which are more important than others (Mulkit & Cheong, 1971). Objective To study the occurrence of intestinal parasites and ectoparasites of rats in Khan Younis, Jabalia in Gaza Strip. Methods Thirty seven black rats (Rattus rattus) were trapped and examined for the presence of intestinal parasites and ectoparasites. These rats were dissected and examined byusual routine in parasitology (wet mount, staining and identification) in the laboratories of Biology department in the period Jan 2008, May 2009. Results The present study showed that the general prevalence of intestinal parasites of rats (56.8%) & ectoparasites (27.02%). The most isolated types of human parasites were Giardia lamblia, E.histolytica/dispar and Isospora. The most isolated of intestinal round worms of rats Syphacia obvelata & Heligmonoides josephi. cesteodes Hymenolepis diminuta and ectoparasites Xenopsylla cheopis & Polyplax Spinulosa. It is concluded that the black rat was infected with intestinal parasites & ectoparasites where H.diminuta was the most type of isolated cestodes. Black rat was a mechanical carrier for Giardia lamblia, E.histolytica/dispar. It is recommended that: Awareness from the parasitic infections transmitted by black rat in Khan Younis, Jabalia. Protections against rodent in general.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Inhabitants' Knowledge On Mosquito Proliferation And Control In The

Wetland Ecosystem Of Wadi Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine

Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou1; Maged M. Yassin1; Fadel A. Sharif 2; Mohammed R. Al-Agha3; Kamel S. Abu Daher4; Abdel Karim S. Ali5

and Dawi M. Hamad6

1 Department of Biology, Islamic University of Gaza, PALESTINE 2 Department of Medical Technology, Islamic University of Gaza, PALESTINE

3 Department of Environment and Earth Sciences, Islamic University of Gaza, PALESTINE

4 Department of Geography, Islamic University of Gaza, PALESTINE

5 Department of Environmental Studies, Al-Neelain University, SUDAN 6 Department of Zoology, University of Khartoum, SUDAN

Email: [email protected]


The wetland ecosystem of Wadi Gaza is a major source of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Gaza Strip due to its water content that comes from different sources including wastewater. Local inhabitants usually complain from mosquito proliferation and ask the responsible parties for urgent solutions. The escalating situation in the study area promoted the conduction of this study, which aims at documenting the inhabitants' knowledge on mosquito proliferation and control in the wetland ecosystem of Wadi Gaza, Gaza Strip. One hundred and twenty people (N=120) were selected randomly to fill a questionnaire especially designed to conduct the current study. The findings of the study showed that most participants (85.0%) ranked stagnant wastewater as the main cause of mosquito proliferation and the emission of offensive odors that affect the life of Wadi Gaza residents. Of the study population, 72.5% linked mosquito proliferation to many of the prevailing diseases in the area, of which fever, skin rashes and inflammations and itching were a part. To control mosquitoes and to avoid their biting at the personal level, several means with variable scores were reported to include burning mats, light traps, indoor insecticides, mosquito bed nets (Namosiah), window and/or door wire screens, and self-hygiene. Some people limit their outdoor activities

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


after dark during peak mosquito seasons. At the public level, mosquito control means included the spraying of kerosene and pesticides, burning and clearing of vegetation around the wetland ecosystem, and burial and desiccation of stagnant water pools in the area. As far as the use of the biological control agent "Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis" (Bti) is concerned, 57.5% of the participants demonstrated their knowledge on its use and sometimes on its efficacy. Only 20.0% of participants ensured their attendance to different health and environmental awareness campaigns concerning mosquitoes and their associated health problems. Finally, the authors recommend the different parties to coordinate their efforts to further alleviate the problem of mosquito proliferation and to find suitable control methods. The conduction of educational and awareness health programs to all levels of the Palestinian society is highly recommended.

Key words: Mosquito proliferation, mosquito control, wetlands, Wadi Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


On The Occurrence Of Some Carnivores In The Gaza Strip, Palestine

(Mammalia: Carnivora)

Dr. Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou

Department of Biology, Faculty of science, Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine E-mail: [email protected]


The study of carnivores in Palestine represents an opportunity to evaluate a key group of mammals in a key geographic area. The Gaza Strip represents the northern link between the Sinai and the Negev deserts and it is rarely studied for the occurrence of mammals, particularly carnivores. Hence, the current study aims to survey and examine the carnivores of the Gaza Strip through frequent visits to wildlife hunting sites and zoological gardens of the Gaza Strip. A total number of eight carnivore species belonging to four families (Canidae, Felidae, Herpestidae and Mustelidae) was reported here from the Gaza Strip (Canis aureus, Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Felis chaus, Felis margarita, Felis silvestris, Herpestes ichneumon, Vormela peregusna). The situation of carnivores is both unique and highly threatened in this area that is isolated and densely populated by an increasingly impoverished human population.

Key words: Mammals, carnivores, zoological gardens, Gaza Strip,


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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Notes on The Palestinian Mammalian Fauna Acquired by the

Zoological Gardens in the Gaza Strip, Palestine

Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou Department of Biology, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza Strip ،Palestine

E-mail :[email protected]


The Gaza Strip, which is an arid strip of the Palestinian land along the southeastern Mediterranean, harbors a considerable number of mammalian fauna due to its eco-geo-strategic position. Prior to 2006, the establishment of zoological gardens in the Gaza Strip was a sort of imagination due to Israeli constraints. These constraints were nurtured by the total Israeli destruction and demolition of the Rafah and Gaza private zoological gardens in 2004 and 2009 respectively, using heavy tanks and bulldozers. The establishment of many zoological gardens following the Israeli evacuation from the Gaza Strip in late 2005 encouraged wildlife trading. Hence, the current study comes to document the Palestinian mammalian faunistic species acquired by the zoological gardens in the Gaza Strip through frequent visits to Gaza zoological gardens and meetings with local people, wildlife hunters and zoo owners. A total number of 17 Palestinian mammalian species belonging to 12 families and 5 orders was encountered in the zoological gardens throughout the study period. The encountered species represent a good mix of the families and sizes of mammals generally found in other parts of Palestine. Order Carnivora represents 52.94% of the caged mammals, while the orders Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Artiodactyla and Insectivora represent 47.06%. The study documented the first sight of the Greater Egyptian Gerbil Gerbillus pyramidis in the Gaza Strip. Local hunting, tunnel trade and delivery were the lonely sources of the mammals encountered in the zoological gardens. The economic deprivation under the current Israeli blockade and the poor implementation of environmental laws and legislations concerning wildlife protection have made wildlife trading as a common practice. Finally, The author recommends to improving the management process of Gaza zoological gardens under the care of the governmental authorities and the cooperation of the different parties in the Gaza Strip to enhance public ecological awareness to protect and conserve wildlife; especially mammals. Key Words: Mammals, Carnivores, Zoological Gardens, Wildlife Hunting, Tunnel Trade, Gaza Strip, Palestine.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Alterations In Some Hematological And Biochemical Parameters In

Albino Rats Under Aspirin Treatment

1Nehad R. Elyazji, 2Ismail Abdel-Aziz, 3 Abdel Rahiem A. Ashour 1 Department of biology, Faculty of Applied Science, Al-Aqsa University, Gaza –


2 Department of biology, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza – PALESTINE

3 Department of chemistry, Faculty of Applied Science, Al-Aqsa University, Gaza



The present work investigates the effect of daily oral administration of aspirin (324 mg/kg body wt. /day) for 10 weeks on complete blood picture and some biochemical parameters of male albino rats.

Daily oral administration of aspirin provoked a general increase in white blood cells count (WBC), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and blood platelets count (PLT). Whereas, red blood cells count (RBC) and hemoglobin content (Hb) showed a significant decrease. Hematocrit (HCT) values showed a significant decrease in response to the tested aspirin. Also, the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) were significantly decreased compared to the control level.

The concentrations of urea, uric acid, creatinine, calcium and potassium were elevated due to aspirin administration, while serum glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, total proteins, sodium and alkaline phosphatase activities were decreased. Key words: Aspirin, hematological parameters, liver enzymes, kidney function, albino rats.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Prevalence of metabolic syndrome (syndrome-x) and associated sociodemographic risk factors in adults population at the Gaza-Strip

Asmaa Abu Ghali

Al-Azhar University-Gaza Deanship of Postgraduate Studies & Scientific Research

Biology Department M.Sc. Program in Biological Sciences


Background: The Metabolic syndrome has been described as a ‘‘clustering’’ of several risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, and impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes mellitus. A diagnosis of Metabolic syndrome can be made when any three of the following five findings are present: obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, reduced high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, hypertension, and impaired fasting glucose. Objective: This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and its individual components among Palestinian population in Gaza strip, and its associations with demographic factors, socioeconomic factors, family history of selected medical conditions and lifestyle factors in the adult population. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional survey, a sample was selected from the Al-Azhar University of Gaza strip according to stratified random sampling (proportional or quota random sampling). The study sample included 230 individuals (116 males and 114 females) aged 20-65 years. Data were collected by a questionnaire interview and biochemical analysis of venous blood. For all study subjects, serum glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-C, LDL-C. were determined. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and blood pressure were measured. MetS was defined according to guidelines of the NCEP/ ATP III diagnostic criteria. Results: showed that the overall prevalence of MetS was 23% of the study subjects: about 28.1% in women and 18.1% in men (P >0.05). The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome was significantly higher in women (74.1 %) than in men (35.7%) in age groups of 51–65 years, (χ2 =12.2; P=0.007), while it was

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


significantly higher in men (20.0%) than in women (3.6%) in age group of 31-40, (χ2= 46.3; P=0.000). The prevalence of MetS increased with age (χ2= 49.772 ; P<0.05), being the highest (54.5%) in the 51-65 year-old age group. MetS was associated positively with marital status (χ2 =4.403; P=0.036) among men (χ2= 8.526; P=0.014) among women, BMI (χ2 =28.7; P=0.001) among women (χ2 =11.8; P= 0.008) among men and physical activity (χ2 =9.32; P=0.002) that included walking and other sports. Also MetS was negatively associated with the cigarette smoking (χ2 =0.102; P=0.750), household income (χ2 = 0.636; P=0.728), and family history of MetS components (χ2=1.23; P=0.26). Abdominal obesity was found as the most common MetS component in our study (53.1%). While the other components in decreasing order were hypertriglyceridemia (39.1%), low level of HDL-C (35.2%), high FBG levels (20.4%) and hypertension 19.1%. Hypertriglyceridemia was the most common abnormality in men (45.7%), while abdominal obesity was the most common abnormality in women (60.5%). Conclusions: Age, sex, degree of adiposity, physical activity and marital status are the sociodemographic risk factors independently associated with MetS in the Palestinian population at the Gaza strip. For national health awareness and preventive programs, understanding which factors predict MetS is important for determine successful strategic public health planning aiming at decreasing of MetS trends in the Palestinian population at the Gaza strip Keywords: Metabolic syndrome; ATP III criteria; Obesity; Prevalence; Gaza


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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The Palestinian Reptilian Fauna Acquired by the Zoological Gardens in

the Gaza Strip

Dr. Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza [email protected]


The strategic geographical situation of Palestine along with its topography, ecosystem diversity and climatic variations present a suitable environment for the occurrence of reptiles. The escalating establishment of zoological gardens in the Gaza Strip promoted wildlife hunting. Reptiles from both the terrestrial and marine environments were introduced and sold to these zoological gardens. This situation encouraged the conduction of the current study which aims at documenting the various Palestinian reptilian fauna acquired by the zoological gardens in the Gaza Strip. Frequent visits were drawn between November, 2007 and October, 2010 for this purpose and special guidebooks were used to identify such Palestinian reptilian species. A total number of 14 Palestinian reptilian species (4 turtles, 2 lizards and 8 snakes) were determined and listed as live or preserved specimens. Two of the highly threatened global marine turtle species were encountered. They are notably the Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) and the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas). The Palestine Viper (Vipera palaestinae), Syrian Black Snake (Coluber jugularis asianus) and Desert Monitor (Varanus griseus) are the most occurring snake and lizard species in the zoological gardens. In conclusion, zoological gardens are good tools contributing to the knowledge of the Palestinians about their wildlife resources. The hunting of reptiles; particularly marine and terrestrial turtles should be regulated in the Gaza Strip through the implementation of environmental laws and legislations, and the enhancement of ecological awareness. Key Words: Reptilian fauna, Marine turtles, Hunting, Zoological Gardens, Gaza Strip.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Teratogenic effects of Duphaston

Dr. Mayson Louzon, Al-Azhar University

[email protected]


Duphaston is a kind of synthetic hormone, which is similar to progesterone, a naturally occurring sex hormone. Progesterone is the hormone that is responsible for the development of a healthy endometerium that is essential for a pregnancy to occur. It is produced several times during the menstrual cycle. It maintains the womb lining, which makes it useful in helping in the prevention of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion in women who have suffered repetitive miscarriage or who may miscarry. Our aim from this study is to investigate the teratogenic and genotoxicity effects of Duphaston on fetuses of pregnant experimental animals Albino rats. Our result showed teratogenic effects, morphologically and revealed different malformations in the organs of the fetuses, also skeletal malformation is recorded. The most common visceral anomalies recorded in the present study were brain hypoplasia, heart and lung hypoplasia, 30% of the fetuses of treated mothers showed failure of the heart and lung to develop to the normal size and structure (heart and lung hypoplasia). Fetuses taken from such treated mothers have exhibited several skeletal alterations as compared to control ones which recorded a percentage of (100%) to (20%) in control group. Theses changes included delayed ossification of skull bones, stern brae, ribs, vertebrae, long bones and phalanges. The investigation of genotoxicity showed that Duphaston induced chromosomal damages, which were tested by the formation of micronuclei and chromosomal aberrations in mother rat cells. Indiscriminate exposure to sex steroids or any drugs during pregnancy should be Avoided, It is important to make the distinction between natural progesterone that is produced by the body and the synthetic progesterone analogues classified as progestins.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


On the ecology of the Caspian Turtle Mauremys caspica in Wadi Gaza Nature Reserve, Gaza Strip, Palestine

Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou

Department of Biology, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine E-mail: [email protected]


Reptiles are common biodiversity elements in the various Palestinian ecosystems. They comprise such principal categories like lizards, snakes and turtles (tortoises, terrapins and sea turtles). The Caspian Turtle Mauremys caspica inhabits all types of fresh to brackish perennial water bodies of Palestine. The wetland ecosystem of Wadi Gaza is a keystone resource of many wildlife species including the Caspian Turtle. The escalating deterioration of the wetland ecosystem of Wadi Gaza accelerated the conduction of the current study which aims at investigating some ecological aspects associated with the Caspian Turtle in Wadi Gaza Nature Reserve. Frequent field visits and multiple meetings and discussions with local people were good tools for the conduction of the current study.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The findings showed that the Caspian Turtle occurs in the western aquatic to semi-aquatic portion of Wadi Gaza which extends from the Salah Eddin bridge to the Mediterranean. The species was found to thrive in the shallow and highly polluted standing and slow-flowing sewage lagoons and canals in Wadi Gaza. The absence of suitable perennial water bodies in the eastern part of wadi Gaza seems to limit the distribution of the species eastward. The majority of local people were aware about the occurrence of the species in Wadi Gaza and they did not see it elsewhere in the Gaza Strip. The main threats facing the existence of the species in Wadi Gaza as noted by the author or claimed by the local people were (1) the current massive destruction, alteration or burial of the wetland ecosystem of wadi Gaza, (2) the ongoing poaching, netting and killing of the species by children for unclear reasons, (3) turtle collection for use as a pet or zoo animal, (4) reed-harvesting practices, and (5) road kills of the species while crossing roads separating water ponds. The impacts of water pollution on the Caspian Turtle needs more research. The author recommends rehabilitating and improving the total environment of Wadi Gaza Nature Reserve in a sustainable fashion. The enforcement of environmental laws concerning the protection of wildlife species in the Gaza Strip in general and the Wadi Gaza Nature Reserve in particular is of an utmost priority to the Palestinians.

Key Words: Caspian Turtle, Wadi Gaza Nature Reserve, Wetlands, Sewage, Gaza Strip.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The Effect Of Azotobacter Chroococcum As Nitrogen Biofertilizer On

The Growth And Yield Of Cucumis Sativus

Tarek Elbashiti1, Basel M. Salhia2 and Abboud Elkichaoui2 1Department of Biotechnology, 2Department of Biology,

Faculty of Science, The Islamic University-Gaza, Palestine


Biofertilizer has been identified as an alternative to chemical fertilizer to increase soil fertility and crop production in sustainable farming. The use of biofertilizer is steadily increased in agriculture and offers an attractive way to replace chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and supplements. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of Azotobacter chroococcum as nitrogen-biofertilizer on growth and yield of Cucumis sativus (cucumber) under greenhouse conditions. The study was done by planting 210 cucumber seeds distributed into seven treatments which were used in our study as follows: control (without treatment), biofertilizer only, organic fertilizer only, chemical fertilizer only, organic fertilizer + biofertilizer, 20% chemical fertilizer + biofertilizer, and biofertilizer, (two dose). After 3 months and through cucumber growth criteria, (shoot length, root length, shoot wet and dry weight, root wet and dry weight, number of leaves, number of branches), yield parameters, mineral content (N%) of cucumber were measured. In the green house experiment, growth parameters of cucumber showed that the productivity of cucumber increased. Seed inoculation with A. chroococcum increased yield about 6%, compared to control. The increase of biofertilizer treated plants in dry root weight were 31%, 18% in wet root weight, 11% in dry whole plant weight, 13% in wet whole plant weight, 14% in whole plant length, 10% in number of branches, 27% in number of leaves over control. The increase in shoot nitrogen percentage was 15% in biofertilizer treated plants, where it was 40% in biofertilizer + 20% chemical over control. The increase in root nitrogen percentage was 18% in biofertilizer treated plants, where it was 22% in biofertilizer + 20% chemical over control. Our results provided a proof of the efficiency of Azotobacter chroococcum as an important biofertilizer in yield of Cucumis sativus (cucumber). Key words: Azotobacter chroococcum, non symbiotic nitrogen fixation, cucumber, biofertilizer, chemical fertilizer.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


التحاليل الطبيةMedical Technology

Page 130: مﻮﻠﻌﻟا ﺔﯿﻠﻛ ﺪﯿﻤﻋ ﺮﻤﺗﺆﻤﻟا ﻡﺎﻅﻨscience.iugaza.edu.ps/Portals/90/Files/publication/...Salman M. Saadeh 10:12 – 10:00 Synthesis of 2-acetylbenzimidazole

م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Antimicrobial Resistance of Enteric Pathogens Isolated from Acute

Gastroenteritis Patients in Gaza strip, Palestine.

nahed saleem & Abdelraouf A. Elmanama [email protected] * [email protected]


The antibiotic resistance of enteropathogenic bacteria has profound clinical implications. Hence, this research was in part an attempt for isolation of enteropathogenic bacteria and determines their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. Samples were collected from acute gastroenteritis patients in Gaza strip, Palestine. This method of investigation is a matched case-control study. A total of 132 stool samples were collected from Palestinian patients with acute diarrhea (gastroenteritis). Among 132 diarrheal patients, 12 (9.1%) of enteropathogenic bacteria were isolated. Salmonella, Campylobacter coli/jejuni, and Aeromonas hydrophilia were isolated in equal numbers from samples 3/12 (25% each), Shigella 2/12 (16.7%), Yersinia enterocolytica 1/12 (8.3%). The two Shigella spp. are Shigella boydii. The antimicrobial profile of twelve isolated enteropathogenic bacteria showed high resistance rates for Campylobacter coli/jejuni (52.4%), followed by Aeromonas hydrophilia (49.2%), Yersinia enterocolytica (42.9%), Shigella (26.2%) and Salmonella spp. (22.2%). Children younger than 5 years old are more susceptible to infectious diarrhea; in addition, diarrhea is more frequent in crowded houses with low room's number, and among peoples living in houses rearing poultry, and pigeons. Findings from this study demonstrated that Campylobacter coli/jejuni, Aeromonas hydrophilia, and Yersinia enterocolytica, which are not screened during routine examinations of stool samples in Palestinian health laboratories in Gaza strip, were significant enteropathogens in the studied patients. Therefore, we recommend improving of laboratories in Gaza strip to increase their ability to isolate all types of enteropathogenic bacteria especially those, which have not isolated routinely in these laboratories, which require special techniques. Keywords: Gastroenteritis, Diarrhea, Enteropathogenic bacteria, Antibiotic resistance, Gaza strip.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Hospital Door Knobs as a Source of Bacterial Infection

Abdelraouf A. Elmanama, Eman M. Qwaider, Fatma M. Hajjaj, Haneen Z.Abu

Rasas, Lobna A. Snuono Presented by: Eman M. Qwaider Email: [email protected]


Nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections are an important focus of infection prevention in all countries, but in developing countries they are a major cause of preventable disease and death. Despite the use of a variety of method and techniques for cleaning and sterilization of environmental surfaces, they still play an important role in transmission of pathogens especially healthcare-associated pathogens including Methicillin Resistant Staphylococci (MRSA), Vancomycin Resistant Entercocci (VRE), Clostridium difficile, Acinetobacter spp and many others. These organisms pose clinically important antimicrobial resistance problems and are among the most common causes of HAIs in intensive care units. Monitoring and evaluation of hospital door knobs is vital procedures for infection control not only because of the possibility that contaminated door knob may dramatically increase the risk of acquiring infections that often results from contact with restroom door handles contaminated by those who don’t wash their hands, gloves, as well as sick people, but also the possibility of cross contamination of many objects and subjects in the hospital environment. In this study, 100 swab samples were collected from door knobs from the different departments of Al-Shifa hospital (including wards, offices, and rest rooms). All samples were transported and processed with two hours of collection. The swabs were cultured on routine microbiological media and incubated for 24 hours before examination and bacterial identification. Antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolated bacteria was also performed according to CLSI guidelines.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The results of this investigation has shown that most of the tested samples contained a variety of pathogenic and nonpathogenic organisms like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) which is 100% resistant to teicoplanin and 96.5% to penicillin and erythromycin, klebsiella pneumonia which exhibited 50% resistance to meropenem, Aeromonas hydrophila which is 100% resistant to teicoplanin , and Serratia marcescens which is 100% resistant to tetracycline and all of them were sensitive to imipenem. These finding are alarming and should be considered by the hospital infection control committees in order to reduce the risks of spread of MDR pathogens from hospital`s doors knobs. Key World: Door knob, Nosocomial infections, MRSA, klebsiella pneumoniae, Aeromonas hydrophila,

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Trends of Intestinal parasites in Gaza Strip during 1998-2007: The use of government health records

Dr. Adnan I. Al-Hindi, Ms. Mervat El-Louh

Islamic University of Gaza, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology

Introduction Knowing the frequency or magnitude of disease in the population is just the beginning of the epidemiologist's search; time, place, and person must be considered to identify possible associations, risk groups, and risk factors. The collection and analysis of this information provides the general framework for an effective disease surveillance system. Objectives Using health records: 1. To evaluate the amount of intestinal parasite infections over a ten year period in Gaza strip. 2. To determine the most common intestinal parasites prevalent during the study period. 3. To identify and explore any trends of infection with intestinal parasites during the study period. Results: In total, the records of 471,688 patients were studied, of which 116,261 (24.6%) recorded infection with intestinal parasites. The following intestinal parasites were recorded: Entamoeba histolytica/dispar, Giardia lamblia, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Strongyloides stercoralis, Enterobius vermicularis, Hymenolepis nana and Taenia saginata. The highest annual prevalence of intestinal parasites by Governerate was 70.7% for Khanyounis (1998), 38.3% for Gaza city (1999), 31.5% for Mid zone and Rafah (1999) and 30.9% for Gaza north (2006) Over the period 1998 – 2007, the proportion of health records positive for parasites ranged from 23.1% to 28.4 %. Individually, the recording of A.lumbricoides and E.vermicularis declined 2000 – 2007, whilst the detection of E.histolytica/dispar and G. lamblia remained more constant. Entamoeba histolytica/dispar showed the highest prevalence (17.4%) in the summer season. Sewer overflow is a common feature in Gaza, especially in winter, and the sandy soil is very absorbent, potentially increasing the level of environmental contamination of infectious organisms such as the resistant eggs of A.lumbricoides. It is concluded the prevalence of intestinal parasites still constitute a health problem and the existence does not changing with time.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Comparison Of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time Of

Flight Mass Spectrometry, Vitek-2 And Id32staph For Species Identification Of Clinical Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Isolated In

Al Shefa Hospital Microbiology Laboratory

N. Al-Laham1, †,*, A. De Bel2, †, F. Abu-Elamreen3, K. Vandoorslaer2, I. Wybo2 and D. Piérard2

1Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Al Azhar university- Gaza, Palestine.

2Department of Microbiology and Infection Control, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Laarbeeklaan 101, 1090 Brussels,

Belgium. 3Department of clinical microbiology, Central laboratory, Al Shefa hospital-

Gaza, Palestinian Ministry of Health, Palestine † Both authors equally contributed


Staphylococcal species, notably, coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS), considered important causative agent of hospital-acquired infections associated with catheters and implanted medical devices. The increasing incidence of CoNS in hospital-acquired infections confirms the need for an accurate and simple identification method of Staphylococcus isolates at the species level. Recently, matrix-assisted laser-desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) was found to be a useful and simple method for the rapid identification of CoNS isolated in a routine clinical microbiology laboratory. In this study we compared MALDI-TOF-MS, ID32STAPH and VITEK-2 (bioMe´rieux, Marcy L’Etoile, France), for the identification of CoNS to the species level. Eighty one clinical isolates of CoNS representing six species that collected from different clinical samples including pus, urine, blood, wound, vaginal and ear swabs were analyzed. All CoNS isolates were tested by catalase, pasturex, coagulase tube test, and nuc and mecA genes. Our results showed correct species identification by MALDI-TOF-MS was obtained in 98.8% (80/81) in comparison to 96.3% and 76.5% correct identification for the VITEK-2 and ID32STAPH respectively. Only one strain was identified by MALDI-TOF-MS at the genus level. In addition, MALDI-TOF-MS identified staphylococcal to subspecies level including

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Staphylococcus hominis subsp. novobiosepticus and subsp. hominis, S. saprophyticus subsp. saprophyticus. Also the single strain of S. auricularis was only identified by MALDI-TOF-MS. There were 60 (74.1%) methicillin resistant CoNS (MR-CoNS) that showed mecA positive and the rest (21, 25.9%) were methicillin sensitive CoNS (MS-CoNS). Using MALDI-TOF technique, we were unable to discriminate between MR-CoNS and MS-CoNS, because the topology of the dendrograms generated by the MALDI Biotyper 2.0 software from the spectra of MR-CoNS and MS-CoNS strains were almost the same. These results confirm the value of MALDI-TOF-MS as simple, accurate, rapid and definitive method for identification of staphylococcus species isolated in clinical microbiology laboratory.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Toxic Effects Of Imidacloprid On Kidney Function And Histological S Tructure In Male Rabbits

Salam Z. Al.Agha1, Maged M. Yassin2 and Naela E. Esleem3

1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Al.Aqsa University, Gaza Strip, Palestine, [email protected]

2 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine, [email protected] 3 The Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine


The chronic effects of imidacloprid (IM) on kidney function and histological structure along with its effect on protein profile were investigated in male rabbits. Experimental animals were orally administrated a dose of 1/10 LD50 IM (17.2 mg/kg body weight) for 8 weeks. Control animals were given distilled water. Animals treated with IM showed significant increase in serum urea and creatinine concentrations compared to controls. The maximum increase in urea was recorded at the 6th

and 7th weeks (48.2±1.9 v 36.4±3.0 and 45.1±2.8 v 36.2±2.4; % difference=32.4 and 24.6; P=0.011 and 0.048, respectively). The maximum increase in creatinine was recorded at the 7th and 8th weeks (1.20±0.06 v 0.89±0.08, and 1.05±0.07 v 0.87±0; % difference=34.8 and 20.7; P=0.025, 0.046, respectively). Total protein, albumin and globulin were significantly decreased compared to controls. The maximum decrease of total protein was recorded at the 3rd and the 6th weeks (4.5±0.29 v 6.2±0.33 and 4.5±0.20 v 5.6±0.26 g/dL; % differences=27.4 and 16.1; P 0.009 and 0.010, respectively). Serum albumin was decreased to the lowest level at the 6th and the 7th weeks (3.1±0.18 v 3.9±0.14 and 3.2±0.18 v 4.1±0.19; % differences=20.5 and 19.5; P 0.021 and 0.020, respectively). Similarly, globulin was decreased to the lowest level at the 6th and the 7th weeks (1.48±0.09 v 2.10±0.12 and 1.50±0.07 v 1.98±0.10; %differences=29.5 and 24.2; P 0.005 and 0.010, respectively). Alterations in the histoarchitecture of the kidneys included marked congestion, tubular cell degeneration and sloughing of epithelial cells. With time progress, rupture of tubules and focal mononuclear leukocyte inflammatory cells infiltrate between tubules were observed. Furthermore, degeneration in the epithelial cells lining the tubules and necrotic of the renal tubule were seen in imidacloprid-treated rabbits. However, there were no histopathological changes in control animals. These findings showed that exposure to IM was deleterious to kidney function and structure in rabbit. Key words: Imidacloprid toxicity, kidney function, histology, rabbit

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Antibacterial, Antifungal and Synergistic Effect of Lawsonia inermis,

Punica granatum and Hibiscus sabariffa

Abdelraouf A. Elmanma, Amany A. Alyazji, Nedaa A. Abu Ganema Medical Technology Department, Islamic University-Gaza, Palestine

Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Abdelraouf A. Elmanama P.O Box 108

Medical Technology Department Islamic University-Gaza

Gaza Strip, PNA Amany A. Alyazji

[email protected] Nedaa A. Abu Ganema

[email protected]


The increased prevalence of antibiotic resistant as a result of their extensive use may render the current antimicrobial agents insufficient to control at least some bacterial infections. This research intended to investigate the antimicrobial and antifungal activity of Lawsonia inermis, Punica granatum, and Hibiscus sabariffa and to examine the synergistic effect obtained from mixing plant extracts with antibiotic. The methanolic extract of Punica granatum showed the highest antibacterial activity especially against Staphylococcus aureus, while, Klebsiella pneumonia and Escherichia coli showed the least sensitivity to the same extract. Association of antibiotics and plant extract showed synergistic antibacterial activity especially with Ciprofloxacin and Erythromycin on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus respectively. The activity of Ketoconazole and Fluconazole drugs was highly increased after mixing with the aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabariffa. The Nystatin antifungal showed higher activity when mixed with plant extract. In conclusion, all tested plants extracts showed potential antimicrobial activity against the tested pathogens. The synergistic effect against fungi was more clear and higher from the effect against bacteria. Keywords: Antimicrobial activity, medicinal plants, Lawsonia inermis, Punica granatum, Hibiscus sabariffa, Synergistic effect, Gaza, Palestine.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Flow Cytometric Analysis of Acute Leukemia Cases in Aseer Area

(Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

Ghada Rayyan2, MSc., Mohammad Shubair3, PhD., Mubarak Asiri4, MBBS, MD FRCPA


Objective: To estimate the occurrence of acute leukemia's in Aseer Area. And to identify the common immunophenotypes of acute leukemia in the area using flow cytometric analysis. Methods: Thirty five patients were included, study was executed during the period from January 2009 to January 2010, peripheral blood and bone marrow samples were collected from patients suspected with acute leukemia. This study is descriptive study and was conducted at the Armed Forces Hospital Program southern region in collaboration with Aseer Central Hospital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Data were analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS 15). Results: The 35 cases of newly diagnosed Acute Leukemia were classified as Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), n=13 representing 37.1% of all cases and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), n=22 representing 62.9%. They were diagnosed according to standard French- American- British (FAB) criteria in addition to immunophenotyping. Most of cases were adults (68.6%). Children less than or equal to 12 years represented (31.4%). The age of patients ranged from one year to 74 years with a mean age of 26.5 years. There were 21 (60%) males and 14 (40%) females. The male to female ratio was 1.5:1. For ALL the most common immunophenotype was Pre-B ALL (63.6%), followed by Pre-T ALL (31.8%), and B-ALL (4.5%).

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


For AML it was found M1/M2 (38.5%), M4/M5 (30.8%), M3 (23.0%), and M0 (7.7%) were detected. Conclusion: Immunophenotypic studies are essential to distinguish acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) from minimally differentiated acute myeloid leukemia (AMLM0) and to classify ALL into immunologic subtypes. Flow cytometry was found to be especially useful in the correct identification of AML M0 and differentiation of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) from AML M1/M2. It is recommended to conduct more research to determine genotypes and phenotypes of different leukemia markers. Keywords: Acute Leukemia, Immunophenotyping, Flow cytometry. Saudi Arabia 1-Senior technologist, The Islamic University, Gaza, Palestine. 2-Professor of Immunology(corresponding author), The Islamic University, Gaza, Palestine. 3-Consultant hematologist and medical director of Armed Forces Hospital, Southern region, Saudi Arabia.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Persistence of anti-hbs antibody in children vaccinated with hepatitis b

vaccine At birth at gaza, palestine.

Ohood Sarsour Dear Albalah city, Gaza Strip, Palestine.

[email protected]

Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a serious public health problem and major cause of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. The World Health Organization (WHO) strategy for effective control of HBV infection is mass vaccination of neonates and children within the framework of Expanded Program on Immunization. Vaccination with the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) induces protective levels of antibody in majority of vaccines. It has been shown that the levels of anti-HBs antibody do wane after vaccination. Aim : The aim of this study was to evaluate the persistence of anti-HBs antibodies in healthy Gaza children at 14 years after primary vaccination . Materials and Methods: Blood samples were collected from 70 healthy 13-15 years old children who received primary course of Hepatitis B vaccine at 0, 1 and 6 months of age. The sera were tested for anti-HBs, antibody by ELISA technique. Results: At 14 years after primary vaccination 35/70 (50%) of children had protective levels of antibody. All children were negative for HBsAg. Seroprotection rates of antibody similarly expressed in males and females. Conclusion: The results of present study showed that at 14 years after primary vaccination with recombinant HB vaccine, 50 % of the children had protective levels of anti-HBs antibody. Moreover we have demonstrated an anamnestic response to booster vaccination, even in children who had lost anti-HBs antibody that confirms the persistence of an effective immunological memory in vaccines.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Biofertilizers Application on Improving Wheat (Sakha-94 L.)

Resistance to Salinity stress

Galal, H. R. and Elwaleed, E. A. Department of Botany, Faculty of science, south valley University , Egypt

Email: [email protected]


Experiments were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of seaweed liquid fertilizers (SLF) with different doses of Sargassum.dontifolium and Padina.gymnospora on growth and biochemical constituents of wheat (cv.Sakha-94) under different levels of salinity (0, 50, 100, 150 mM) for improving salinity tolerance. The seeds soaked with aqueous extract of seaweeds performed better when compared to the water soaked controls. The obtained data confirmed the absolute superiority of the SLF in inducing the highest degree of the physiological tolerance to salinity which enables the stressed plants of this cultivar to be adapted and keep better performance against all applied levels of salinity.

This performance was reflected by the increase in the photosynthetic activity, growth criteria as well as chemical constituents. The highest stimulatory effect and the maximum enhancement were exerted in plants treated with S.dontifolium extract at the recommended dose (1%).

Protein panding patterns generally showed disappearance of a 34 and 42 KDa protein and induction of 129 and from 3-8 KDa by S. dontifolium treatment, meanwhile certain protein (M wt: 18 KDa)were only induced following treatment with S.dontifolium but not occurring in either the control or P. .gymnospora treatment. Application of both two tested algae increased the intensities of protein bands from 20-32 KDa

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Characterization of Urease-Producing and Calcifying Bacteria Isolated

from Urea Rich Soils

Abdelraouf A. Elmanama, Ala'a R. Agha El-Kurdi, Amal T. Mattar, Mona T. Abo Hasera and Nour I. Abu Taim

Presented by: Nour I Abu Taim


Microorganisms are active in a wide range of mineralization processes and have been involved in the deposition of minerals throughout the history of the Earth. Bacteria from soils, freshwater, and saline habitats have frequently been reported to be able to precipitate calcium carbonate both in natural and in laboratory conditions. Calcium carbonate precipitation is a general phenomenon in the bacterial world, and under suitable conditions, most bacteria are able to precipitate calcite crystals. Microbiologically induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICCP) is composed of a series of complex biochemical reactions, including concomitant participations of microbial urease (urea amidohydrolase; E.C., and high pH. The microbial urease hydrolyzes urea to produce ammonia and carbon dioxide, and the ammonia released into the surroundings subsequently increases the pH, leading to accumulation of insoluble calcium carbonate. Several studies have shown that Microbial Calcite Precipitation can be used to improve the compressive strength of mortar. In this study, we isolated and characterized several strains of Sporosarcina (a known calcite producing bacteria) from locally urea rich soils. The isolated strains were tested for their ability to produce urease enzyme and for their ability to solidify sand. Initial results presented in this article showed promising results. Potential uses of such bacterial strains in the concrete industry are unlimited. This is the first report that characterized new CFB strains isolated for Gaza strip and considered their application for improving the strength of concrete. Keywords: Calcium carbonate precipitation, microbial urease (urea amidohydrolase; E.C., sporosarcina, rich urea soils, Gaza strip.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Assessment of Iron and Growth Status among Adolescents in the Gaza Strip – UNRWA Schools

Osama S AbuNada1§, Mai Ramadan2*, Baker Zabut3*

1Clinical Nutrition Department, Pharmacy College, Al Azhar University – Gaza, Palestine

2Pharmaceutical Department, Pharmacy College, Al Azhar University – Gaza, Palestine

3Biochemistry Department, Faculty of science, Islamic University – Gaza, Palestine

§Corresponding Author *These authors contributed equally to this work

Email addresses: [email protected] Tel: 00970 599 629942 Fax: N/A



Aim: Iron deficiency (ID) especially among children and pregnant still considered a major challenge for health and nutrition sectors of governmental and non-governmental institutes in the Gaza strip. The present study aimed to assess iron nutritional status and its relation to adolescents’ dietary habits and life style in the Gaza Strip (GS). Methods: A cross sectional study had been performed on 276 adolescents aged 12-15 years. Pupils of 7th, 8th and 9th grades were selected randomly. Beside the recording of anthropometric measurements, a questionnaire for collecting information on dietary habits and physical activities was used. . Hb was measured as a general biomarker of general-micronutrient status. Serum iron was also assessed. SPSS version 13 was used for data analysis. Results: The overall prevalence of iron deficiency was 23.6%. ID was more prevalent among females (31.4%) than males (15.9%). The overall anemia among both genders was 34.5%. The overall prevalence of high body mass index was 29%. About 49% of females live in sedentary life style. A statistically significant difference was found between serum iron and animal foods consumption. Conclusions: adolescents were suffered from overweight, obesity and stunting. ID is prevalent among adolescents in Gaza Strip. Serum iron was affected by consumption of animal foods and associated with the lifestyle of adolescents. Key words: serum iron, adolescent, nutritional assessment, Gaza

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


The effects of antioxidants and metal ion chelators on the oxidative

stress generated through amylin aggregation.

Atef Masad1 and David Allsop2 1- Islamic University –Gaza. 2- Lancaster University (UK)


Background: Amyloid deposits derived from a peptide called amylin are found in the pancreas in the vast majority of cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). There is some evidence that pancreatic amylin deposition is associated with oxidative stress and it has also been reported that diabetic patients have defects in antioxidant protection mechanisms and impaired trace element metabolism. However, the mechanism of toxicity of amylin is still not clear. We have recently reported that the human amylin peptide generates hydrogen peroxide in vitro during its aggregation into amyloid fibrils and that this process is greatly stimulated by Cu(II) ions. Aims: to assess the effects of metal ions on amylin toxicity and to test antioxidants and metal ion chelators for their protective effects against the oxidative stress generated through amylin aggregation. Methods: For the study reported here, MTT cell toxicity assays employing RINmf5 cells (one of the widely used insulin secreting cell lines for studying the mechanisms of insulin secretion and molecular events underlying β-cell function and dysfunction) were used. Results: We found that only Cu(II) ions markedly potentiated the cytotoxicity of amylin (P<0.01), and protective effects were found using several synthetic antioxidants and copper ion chelators (carnosine, α-lipoic acid, trientine and thiazolidinediones) as well as with catalase and we also show that vitamin C is ineffective as an antioxidant in our experiments with RINm5F cells.. Conclusion: Our data provide a new rationale and added impetus for the clinical use of antioxidants and copper chelators in T2DM. Key words: Amylin, antioxidants, copper, islet amyloid, type 2 diabetes.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Nutritional Assessment of Zinc among Adolescents and its relation to BMI and Life Style in the Gaza strip

Osama S AbuNada1§, Mai Ramadan2*, Baker Zabut3*

1Clinical Nutrition Department, Pharmacy College, Al Azhar University – Gaza, Palestine

2Pharmaceutical Department, Pharmacy College, Al Azhar University – Gaza, Palestine

3Biochemistry Department, Faculty of science, Islamic University – Gaza, Palestine

§Corresponding Author *These authors contributed equally to this work

Email address OSN: [email protected] MR: [email protected]

BZ: [email protected]


Background Zinc is one of the most essential micronutrient for physical growth and intellectual development. Zinc deficiency may lead to physical growth depletion and disrupted immune function. Adolescents are one of the most vulnerable groups to nutritional deficiency. Data on nutritional status of zinc among early adolescent in the Gaza strip (GS) are absent. The study aimed to assess zinc nutritional status and it relations to life style among early adolescents in the GS Methods A cross sectional study had been performed on 296 adolescents aged 12-15 years old. Three areas in the GS were chosen randomly. Systematically, pupils of 7th, 8th and 9th grades were selected. Height and weight measures were taken and questionnaires include dietary habit and physical activities of pupils were collected in addition to serum zinc level was measured. Results The overall prevalence of serum zinc deficiency among adolescents was 42.5%. Zinc deficiency was more prevalent among the females (47.7%) than the males (37.2%). The overall prevalence of high body mass index (BMI) was 29%. The overall prevalence of stunting was 7.6%. The stunted males

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


(8.8%) were more prevalent than the females (6.4%). Forty nine percent of the females live in sedentary life style, whereas 55% of the males practiced active and very active life style. The females were less consuming of meat, eggs and milk than the males. Serum zinc level is associated positively with consumption of meat, BMI for age, stunting and physical activities. Conclusions Zinc deficiency is prevalent among adolescents. Serum Zinc level was affected positively by consumption of animal food sources. Zinc deficiency is associated positively with the life style characteristic of adolescents in the GS. Key words: zinc, adolescent, physical activity, the Gaza strip.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Insulin, thyroid stimulating hormone and lipid levels among obese

adult males in gaza governorate.

Al-jedi ,M (master of biological sciences). Shubair, M (professor of medical technology). Yassin, M (professor of human physiology).


Objective: This study aimed to asses the levels of insulin, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), glucose and lipid profile among obese adult males in Gaza Governorate. The relation between such parameters and obesity grades as well as between insulin, TSH and the other parameters were established. Methodology: The study sample comprised 82 obese males aged between 20-40 years. The control group consisted of 82 non-obese individuals matched cases with age. TSH and insulin levels were determined using ELISA technique while lipid profile and glucose assayed by enzymatic methods. Demographic and personal data were collected using questionnaire interview. Data were analyzed using SPSS program. Results: Obesity was significantly related to history of hyperlipidemia, inappropriate weight gain and family history (p<0.05). Getting fatigue quickly, muscle weakness and consumption of marine food, and large quantities of carbohydrates and lipids-rich food were significantly related to obesity. Walking regularly and having active job were also related to obesity. The mean levels of insulin and glucose were significantly increased in cases compared to controls (mean=13.0±13.0 μIU/mL and 91.0±20.2 mg/dl Vs 6.9±8.0 μIU/mL and 83.7±11.2 mg/dl, P=0.000 and 0.005, respectively). In contrast, the mean levels of TSH were lower in cases compared to controls (mean = 1.41±1.23 μIU/mL Vs 1.93±0.98 μIU/mL, P=0.003). The mean levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL were increased in cases compared to controls (mean=187.3±38.5 mg/dl,139.2±63.7mg/dl and119.4±34.8 mg/dl Vs174.9±43.5 mg/dl, 98.9±68.6 mg/dl and 107.9±42.4 mg/dl, respectively), whereas the mean level of HDL was significantly decreased in cases compared to controls (40.1±10.9 mg/dl Vs 47.7±9.6 mg/dl). There were no significant relations between the studied parameters including insulin, TSH,

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and HDL, and different grades of obesity. The increases in the mean levels of insulin throughout the three categories of< 9, 9-18 and >18 μIU/mL were significantly associated with increasing glucose levels (F=5.619, P=0.005). On the other hand, the relation of insulin with other parameters was not significant (P>0.05). There was no significant relation between TSH and other parameters ( P>0.05). Insulin level showed strong positive correlation with glucose level (r=0.470). This correlation was significant (P=0.000). TSH level showed relatively weak negative correlations with total cholesterol and LDL levels (r=-0.233, r=-0.227, respectively). Such correlations were significant with P=0.036 and P=0.041, respectively. Recommendations: We recommend that obese individuals must follow diet and do exercise to reduce weight in order to avoid dangerous diseases. Insulin test is a very important test for obese individuals; this test may predict if the obese person is pre-diabetic or not and frequent monitoring of lipid profile is necessary for obese individuals. Key words: Insulin, thyroid stimulating hormone, obesity, lipids , Gaza Governorate

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Analysis And Evaluation Of The Current Status Of Medical Waste Management To Shifa Hospital In Gaza Strip

محمد كامل نایف شبیر / إعداد الباحث [email protected]:عنوان البرید االلكتروني


The search by selecting the quantities and varieties resulting from Shifa Hospital and the results of the questionnaire showed that the container is limited to the collection of HCW, was also noted that about 70% of the sample confirms the lack of equipment needed to store the HCW, particularly containers and baskets of which are found in sections (sections of patients was also observed that 37.5% of the funds available for waste sharp, and 72.5% do not have the coding system of the funds of the various colors that fit the waste resulting from the departments. lies the transfer of the HCW to the private sector, particularly within the hospital and called the transportation within the hospital. also confirmed all the sample not to clean and wash wheels and vehicles transporting waste and the rate of 100%, 97.5% confirmed the absence of marking or lapping (sign) on the transport containers, and 70% of the sample confirmed that the methods of disposal of hazardous waste is burned in an incinerator at Shifa Hospital, also emphasized the study sample that 95% of liquid wastes resulting from the hospital are disposed of through the sewage network for the municipality of the city. The study's recommendations is the establishment of a central administration for the control system and comprehensive work plan for health care and management. The study provided the adoption of alternative solutions in the treatment of medical waste generated from Shifa Hospital and must be adopted Action Plan that contains the options for HCW in medical waste management and reduction.

Keywords: ( health care waste, collection, transportation, disposal and treatment)

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Determinants of Low Back Pain among Operating Room Nurses in

Gaza Governmental Hospitals

Yousef Aljeesh 1,Samer Al Nawajha 2* 1. Health consultant. Islamic University of Gaza 2. Manager at Nasser



Globally, Low Back Pain (LBP) comprises a significant occupational hazard in nursing profession. This study aimed to identify determinants of LBP among operating room nurses at Governmental hospitals in Gaza governorates. The design of this study is a quantitative, descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional one. To ensure validity of the instrument; face, content and criterion related validity were carried out and to test reliability of the instrument; small scale reliability test and Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient were carried out. The study population consisted of 159 nurses who represented all the target population. The researcher used a self-constructed, self administered questionnaire. In total, 143 respondents completed the questionnaire with a response rate of 89.9%. Different statistical procedures were used for data analysis including cross tabulation, percentages, mean and Chi square test. The results revealed that the overall prevalence of low back pain among operating room nurses was 70.6%. The prevalence of pain was 68.2% among males and 78.8% among females. The highest complaint of low back pain (100.0%) was reported among those who have a long work experience (23 – 36 years). The prevalence of LBP

was 82.8% among those who have body mass index (BMI) more than 30. There were no significant differences between (gender, years of experience

and BMI) and LBP distribution. Prolonged time standing during surgery was the main risk factor for low back pain (67.1%), followed by work

overload (65.0%), lifting and transferring patients (62.9%). The study concluded that work related LBP was high among operating room nurses which might affect work quality, productivity and the quality of nurses life.

Key wards: Low back pain, Determinants, Operating room nurses, Gaza hospitals

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Assessment of Awareness, Biochemical and Hematological Parameters Among Pesticides Sellers in Gaza Governorate

Maged M. Yassin1 and Ibrahim H. Lubbad2

1 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine, [email protected]

2 Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, School of Public Health, Palestine, [email protected]


Pesticides sellers are exposed to multiple pesticides such as insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. An exploratory awareness and health study was conducted to assess awareness, biochemical and hematological parameters among pesticides' sellers in Gaza Governorate. A cross section of 26 pesticides sellers were asked to fill in a questionnaire on knowledge, attitudes, practice towards pesticides, and work and health aspects. Biochemical and hematological parameters of 14 pesticides sellers and 14 controls with no history of pesticides exposure were examined. T-test and one-way ANOVA test were applied. The mean age of pesticides’ sellers was 34.3±9.7 years. Eighteen (69.2%) of the sellers admitted that they have no special place for eating and drinking in the shop. All sellers have knowledge about the types and ways of pesticides use, and adverse health effects. Twenty five (96.1%), 24 (92.3%) and 23 (88.5%) knew that pesticides enter the body through mouth, inhalation and skin, respectively. Attitude toward pesticides use and effectiveness of protective gear particularly gloves and mask was positive. Half of the sellers throw the empty pesticide containers in the garbage site or along the street. Protective measures in use was generally poor except for gloves 19 (73.1%) and masks 18 (69.2%). Pesticide sellers who wore gloves and masks had more knowledge on route of pesticides entry than those who did not (P<0.05). Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were significantly increased in pesticide sellers compared to controls. Urea and creatinine were also higher with significant increase for urea (P=0.007). White blood cell count was higher in cases (p=0.047). In contrast, blood platelets and red blood cells were significantly lower in cases (p=0.002 and p=0.027, respectively). In parallel, hemoglobin and hematocrit showed no significant decrease in cases. ALT, AST, urea and creatinine showed successive increase with increase work duration, whereas blood platelets exhibited successive decrease. Conducting of educational extension programs on pesticides alternatives and training courses related to awareness and health impact of pesticides are recommended.

Key words: Awareness, Biochemical and hematological parameters, Pesticides sellers, Gaza Governorate.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Risk Factors of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization in Gaza Governorates: Case–Control Study

By Mohammed Mushtaha [email protected] &

Dr. Ashraf Eljedi [email protected]


Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) is considered the first leading cause of death in the world. Yet, CAD now accounts for nearly 30% of deaths globally (Anderson, 2007). In Palestine, CVDs, principally heart disease, is the first leading cause of death among Palestinians in 2005. According to the Ministry of Health (MOH), about 3.799 persons died from CVD (1.956 males and 1.843 females), with proportion of 36.7% of total deaths, with a rate of 101/100,000 population. Mortality among males was higher than females (51.5% in males Vs 48.5% in females) (Palestine, MOH, 2005).

This study aims to identify risk factors that may lead to CAD in Gaza Governorates, which in turn may contribute to the preparation of preventive programs to decrease mortality and morbidity from CAD. The design of the study is analytical case-control one, which is a practical and economical design for studying risk factors. The researcher interviewed randomly selected 200 participants (100 cases and 100 controls matched for age and gender) from the two Cardiac Catheterization Centers available in Gaza. Subjects of this study were distributed among the five Gaza Governorates. The study found that there are statistically significant differences between cases and controls (P<0.05) concluding that, age above 50 years, lack of physical activity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, high Low Density Lipoprotein, low High Density Lipoprotein , and smoking are risky factors for developing CAD. Similarly, the presence of family history, certain residential areas (Gaza City 43%, North 24%), number of pregnancies regardless of its success or failure, living in extended families for long periods are also risky for CAD. In contrary, marriage twice, was a preventive factor for CAD. On the other hand, Body Mass Index, level of education and income did not show statistically significant differences between cases and controls. Results highlighted some serious issues that need intensive programs such as public encouragement to exercise and to clarify its benefits through awareness programs at various levels. The development of programs to reduce smoking, and encouraging the use of family planning is essential. Clients with the identified risk factors need more attentions and follow up to reduce the chance of the development of CAD.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Incidence of Enteric Pathogens Causing Community Gastroenteritis

among Kindergarten Children in Gaza Governorate

Rohaifa Al- Haddad MSc1, Fouad Ridwan PhD1, Mansour Elyazji PhD2, Nahed Al Laham PhD*3

1Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar university- Gaza, Palestine

2Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Al Aqsa university- Gaza, Palestine

3Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Al Azhar university- Gaza, Palestine


Diarrheal diseases continued to be a common and costly problem. Gastroenteritis considered as one of the leading causes of illness and death in children under five-year old especially in developing countries. The present study conducted to investigate the incidence of different enteric pathogens causing community gastroenteritis among kindergarten children in Gaza governorate. The study was cross sectional case control study and population included both symptomatic (diarrhea) with suspected community gastroenteritis children (cases) and asymptomatic healthy (no diarrhea) children (controls) from both genders from kindergartens distributed in all parts of Gaza governorate. One hundred fifty stool and blood samples were collected, divided into 96 cases and 54 controls. The collected stool samples were investigated for parasitic, viral, and bacterial pathogens using standard microbiological and serological procedures. However, blood collection, testing for complete blood count (CBC), serum iron (SI) and total iron binding capacity test (TIBC) were performed. Out of the 150 study population, the overall percentage of positive stool samples with a known enteric pathogen was 60.6%. The incidence of different enteric pathogens causing community gastroenteritis in diarrheal cases was significantly higher than in non-diarrheal controls (88.5%, versus 11.1%). The most prevalent enteric pathogens isolated were Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia (28%, 26.7% respectively), where they found to be significantly higher than the prevalence of other enteric pathogens.

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Rotavirus was found in 3.1% of diarrheal stool samples but not detected in non-diarrheal stool samples. However, adenovirus types 40 and 41 weren’t detected in all study population. The bacterial enteric pathogens Shigella and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC) had similar rates as rotavirus (3.1%). Meanwhile, Salmonella wasn’t isolated. Mixed infections with more than one pathogen were found in 7.4% of the total studied samples. Age group of 3 years old showed the highest incidence of community gastroenteritis where E. histolytica was the highest causative agent (75%). In age group of 4 years old, also E. histolytica was the highest causative agent (33.3%). Age group of 5 years old showed the highest incidence of G. lamblia (29.9%). Blood parameters results revealed that 21.8% (21/96) of the diarrheal cases and 14.8% (8/54) of non-diarrheal controls were iron deficient with Hemoglobin ≤11 g/dl. In conclusion, the parasitic etiologic agents were found to be the common cause of community gastroenteritis in this population. However, low incidence of viral and bacterial pathogens was detected as causative agents of community gastroenteritis in this population. Key words: Community gastroenteritis; enteropathogens; kindergarten; blood parameters; Gaza

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م2011 غزة – الجامعة اإلسالمية – كلية العلوم – والتنميةالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للعلوم The Fourth International Conference of Science & Development


Recent Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy

Dr Eyad Elkord, Lecturer (Biomedical Science & Immunology), University of Salford &

Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester

There are different traditional therapeutic options available for treating cancer; however many cancer patients develop progressive disease following conventional therapies. Therefore, there is an urgent need for more effective therapies especially for advanced and progressive diseases. Immunotherapy, a new class of treatment, is now considered to be the fourth modality of cancer treatment. It utilises patient’s own immune system to recognise cancer cells and destroy them. Immunotherapy has the potential to offer high specificity plus low toxicity in the management of cancer. Different immunotherapeutic modalities including passive (monoclonal antibodies), active (cancer vaccines) and adoptive cell therapy have been developed and examined in different phases of clinical trials. Immune modulators such as interleukin-2 and anti-CTLA4 mediate tumour regression in metastatic melanoma and renal cell carcinoma patients. Monoclonal antibodies are currently established as a key therapeutic modality for a range of diseases including cancer with the latest approval in March 2011 of Anti-CTLA4 (Yervoy, ipilimumab) for treating patients with late-stage melanoma. T cell-based immunotherapy includes the infusion of natural tumour-specific T cells, T cells transduced with T-cell receptor (TCR) or chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) against a tumour antigen. Adoptive cell therapy of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) following lymphodepletion has shown considerable success in metastatic melanoma, which warrants further efforts to apply this treatment to other cancer types. Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) was approved in April 2010 for the treatment of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic metastatic prostate cancer—the first approval of an antigen-specific dendritic cell-based vaccine for treating cancer, which represents an important milestone in oncology. Vaccines used as monotherapy in cancer have shown only limited success, but there may be potential for a novel strategy of immunotherapy combined with other therapeutic modalities. Combining different immunotherapeutic approaches or with conventional therapies are being trialled to increase response rates and apply to different cancer types. Identifying novel tumour-specific antigens, optimizing the identification, isolation/ modification, and expansion of tumour-specific T cells are all important areas to be considered for improving T cell-based immunotherapy. After many years of tumour immunology research, immunotherapy has achieved impressive results, shown success in patients with metastatic solid cancers, and is currently considered as an attractive modality for treating different cancers that should be further explored and developed. Herein, I discuss current immunotherapeutic modalities and potential strategies for improving the efficacy of immunotherapy for the treatment of cancer patients.