long-term finance, $2.4 billion for funds supporting MSMEs and $1.8 billion for trade finance. In fiscal year (FY) 2014 alone, IFC MSME commitments globally were $5.8 billion (decrease 3.2 percent from $6.0 billion in FY2013), $2.1 billion of which was attributed to long-term financing. By the end of calendar year (CY) 2013, IFC’s MSME clients had 29.1 million micro loans outstanding globally (up 27.1 percent from 22.9 million in CY2012), totaling $28.0 billion (up 11.6 percent from $25.1 billion in CY2012). Similarly, IFC’s MSME clients had over 5.4 million small and medium loans outstanding by the end of CY2013 (8.3 percent down from 5.8 million in CY2012), totaling $273.6 billion globally (up 12.2 percent from $243.8 billion in CY2012). MSME Financial Intermediary Portfolio, FY 2014 (as of June 2014) IFC Total Committed Portfolio to MSMEs (percent of Total Portfolio) 1. MSME firm size definitions: IFC’s Global Financial Markets categorized its clients’ sub-borrowers according to the following definitions: (1) microfinance institution: if loan < $10,000 at origination; (2) small enterprise if loan < $100,000 at origination; (3) medium enterprise: if loan < $1 million at origination ($2 million for more advanced countries). 2. The share of committed long term loans to microfinance institutions in MSME committed portfolio increased from 19.9 percent in FY2013 to 20.9 percent in FY2014; small enterprises accounted for 43.0 percent in FY2014 (48.6 percent in FY2013); medium enterprises accounted for 36.1 percent in FY2014 (31.5 percent in FY2013). 3. The committed portfolio in MSME FIs does not include commitments for commercial banking trade finance and collective investment vehicles (funds). 4. Estimated percentage of outstanding loans to women in each loan size category. Data was reported by 54 MFIs and 35 SME FIs. 5. Nonperforming Loan (NPL) = > 90 days past due loans. MSME Loans by Microfinance Institutions IFC was able to survey or extrapolate outreach data from 129 MFIs in 57 countries, 44.2 percent of these clients received advisory services from IFC. MSME Loans by SME Financial Institutions IFC was able to survey or extrapolate outreach data from 214 SME FIs in 80 countries, 41.6 percent of these clients received advisory services from IFC. IFC Committed Portfolio to MSMEs 3 Globally ($ Million) IFC Financing to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Globally Lack of access to financial services is a key barrier to the growth of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs 1 ). IFC is working to develop solutions to close the MSME financing gap, collaborating with 343 financial institutions (FIs) across 91 countries globally. By partnering with many types of financial intermediaries, including microfinance institutions (MFIs), commercial banks, leasing companies, and private equity funds, IFC reaches many more small and medium enterprises (SMEs) than it could directly. IFC offers a wide range of financial products, including loans, equity and risk management solutions, to help FIs scale up and enter the MSME market. As of June 2014, IFC committed a total of $14.5 billion to MSME finance globally 2 , $10.3 billion for WORLD Middle East and North Africa South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Latin Amera and the Caribbean East Asia and the Pacific Europe and Central Asia 8.8% 1.5% 25.4% 13.3% 23.3% 16.6% 11.0% $2,618 Bln $2,405 Bln $1,718 Bln $1,374 Bln $1,138 Bln $907 Bln $159 Bln Outstanding Loan Portfolio Number‘ 000 $ Average Loan Size Number of Loans to women 4 NPL per- cent 5 Micro Loans 19,942,756 16,406,325 823 63.3% 3% Small Loans 936,050 14,971,058 15,994 32.5% 3% Medium Loans 66,373 17,872,249 269,270 6.6% 4% Outstanding Loan Portfolio Number ‘000 $ Average Loan Size Number of Loans to women 4 NPL per- cent 5 Micro Loans 9,154,381 11,599,339 1,267 9.1 % 11% Small Loans 3,038,964 65,149,037 21,438 15.3 % 8% Medium Loans 1,320,347 175,605,457 133,000 12.7% 7% Growth of Committed Portfolio: => -2.1% drop in FY 2014 YOY => 16.2% CAGR since 2000 Micro Enterprise Small Enterprise Medium Enterprise Millions FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 $4,431 $2,165 $3,723 MSME Loans by Type of IFC Clients Globally, CY2013

IFC Financing to Micro, Small, and ... - SME Finance … · 12/22/2014 · IFC MSME commitments globally were $5.8 billion (decrease working to develop solutions to close the MSME

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Page 1: IFC Financing to Micro, Small, and ... - SME Finance … · 12/22/2014 · IFC MSME commitments globally were $5.8 billion (decrease working to develop solutions to close the MSME

long-term finance, $2.4 billion for funds supporting MSMEs and $1.8 billion for trade finance. In fiscal year (FY) 2014 alone, IFC MSME commitments globally were $5.8 billion (decrease 3.2 percent from $6.0 billion in FY2013), $2.1 billion of which was attributed to long-term financing.

By the end of calendar year (CY) 2013, IFC’s MSME clients had 29.1 million micro loans outstanding globally (up 27.1 percent from 22.9 million in CY2012), totaling $28.0 billion (up 11.6 percent from $25.1 billion in CY2012). Similarly, IFC’s MSME clients had over 5.4 million small and medium loans outstanding by the end of CY2013 (8.3 percent down from 5.8 million in CY2012), totaling $273.6 billion globally (up 12.2 percent from $243.8 billion in CY2012).

MSME Financial Intermediary Portfolio, FY 2014 (as of June 2014)

IFC Total Committed Portfolio to MSMEs (percent of Total Portfolio)

1.MSMEfirmsizedefinitions:IFC’sGlobalFinancialMarketscategorizeditsclients’sub-borrowersaccordingtothefollowingdefinitions:(1)microfinanceinstitution: ifloan<$10,000atorigination;(2)smallenterpriseifloan<$100,000atorigination;(3)mediumenterprise:ifloan<$1millionatorigination($2millionformore advancedcountries).

2. TheshareofcommittedlongtermloanstomicrofinanceinstitutionsinMSMEcommittedportfolioincreasedfrom19.9percentinFY2013to20.9percentinFY2014; smallenterprisesaccountedfor43.0percentinFY2014(48.6percentinFY2013);mediumenterprisesaccountedfor36.1percentinFY2014(31.5percentinFY2013).

3. ThecommittedportfolioinMSMEFIsdoesnotincludecommitmentsforcommercialbankingtradefinanceandcollectiveinvestmentvehicles(funds).4.Estimatedpercentageofoutstandingloanstowomenineachloansizecategory.Datawasreportedby54MFIsand35SMEFIs.5. NonperformingLoan(NPL)=>90dayspastdueloans.

MSME Loans by Microfinance Institutions IFC was able to survey or extrapolate outreach data from 129 MFIs in 57 countries, 44.2 percent of these clients received advisory services from IFC.

MSME Loans by SME Financial InstitutionsIFC was able to survey or extrapolate outreach data from 214 SME FIs in 80 countries, 41.6 percent of these clients received advisory services from IFC.

IFC Committed Portfolio to MSMEs3 Globally($Million)

IFC Financing to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Globally

Lack of access to financial services is a key barrier to the growth of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs1). IFC is working to develop solutions to close the MSME financing gap, collaborating with 343 financial institutions (FIs) across 91 countries globally. By partnering with many types of financial intermediaries, including microfinance institutions (MFIs), commercial banks, leasing companies, and private equity funds, IFC reaches many more small and medium enterprises (SMEs) than it could directly.

IFC offers a wide range of financial products, including loans, equity and risk management solutions, to help FIs scale up and enter the MSME market. As of June 2014, IFC committed a total of $14.5 billion to MSME finance globally2, $10.3 billion for


Middle East and North Africa

South Asia

Sub-Saharan Africa

Latin Amera and the Caribbean

East Asia and the Pacific

Europe and Central Asia








$2,618 Bln

$2,405 Bln

$1,718 Bln

$1,374 Bln

$1,138 Bln

$907 Bln

$159 Bln

Outstanding Loan


Average Loan Size

Number of Loans to women4

NPL per-cent5

MicroLoans 19,942,756 16,406,325 823 63.3% 3%

SmallLoans 936,050 14,971,058 15,994 32.5% 3%

MediumLoans 66,373 17,872,249 269,270 6.6% 4%

Outstanding Loan Portfolio


Average Loan Size

Number of Loans to women4

NPL per-cent5

MicroLoans 9,154,381 11,599,339 1,267 9.1% 11%

SmallLoans 3,038,964 65,149,037 21,438 15.3% 8%

MediumLoans 1,320,347 175,605,457 133,000 12.7% 7%

Growth of Committed Portfolio:=> -2.1% drop in FY 2014 YOY

=> 16.2% CAGR since 2000

Micro Enterprise Small Enterprise Medium Enterprise



FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 0










MSME Loans by Type of IFC Clients Globally, CY2013

Page 2: IFC Financing to Micro, Small, and ... - SME Finance … · 12/22/2014 · IFC MSME commitments globally were $5.8 billion (decrease working to develop solutions to close the MSME

MSME Loans by Region, CY2013

Historical Portfolio Composition by Loan Category Globally, CY2004-CY2013

MSME Portfolio Composition by Loan Category Globally, CY2013

Middle East & North Africa (MENA)

South Asia (SA)

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Latin America & the Caribbeans (LAC)

East Asia & the Pacific (EAP)

Europe & Central Asia (ECA)

Middle East & North Africa (MENA)

South Asia (SA)

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Latin America & the Caribbeans (LAC)

East Asia & the Pacific (EAP)

Europe & Central Asia (ECA)










2% 8% 2%

Number of SME Loans by SME FlsNumber of Micro Loans by MFIs

Micro Loans Small Loans Medium Loans

Loan Portfolio of SME FIs













Number of Loans Volume of Loans

Loan Portfolio of MFIs













Number of Loans Volume of Loans

Micro Loans Small Loans Medium Loans

MFI Portfolio Composition: Volume of Loans

Retail Micro Small Medium Corporate

SME FIs Portfolio Composition: Volume of Loans

Retail Micro Small Medium Corporate

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 0%

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Page 3: IFC Financing to Micro, Small, and ... - SME Finance … · 12/22/2014 · IFC MSME commitments globally were $5.8 billion (decrease working to develop solutions to close the MSME

6. ThegraphsbelowdemonstratethegrowthcompositionofIFCMSMEclientportfolio.Thecategoriesaredefinedasfollows:Existedclients(intheportfolioincurrentyear,theyearbeforeandtheyearafter),Newandstayedcompanies(enterstheportfoliofirsttimeincurrentyearandstaysforatleastonemoreyear),Newandexited companies(enteredtheportfoliofirsttimeandonlyonetimeincurrentyear),Exitedcompanies(intheportfoliotheyearbeforeandcurrentyear,butnottheyearafter).

Growth Trends l Volume of the loans grew consistently over time following

the growth in number of IFC clients. Number of MFI clients increased by 14.2 percent in CY2013 which added $1.2 billion to the micro loans portfolio since CY2012. The growth of the Micro loan portfolio was mainly driven by the overall increase in the existing portfolio and adding 39 new MFI clients. While number of SME FI clients increased by 6.5 percent, extending SME loan portfolio by $28.1 billion in dollar terms. Overall SME loan portfolio by MSME clients grew by 12.2% in volume terms, which was mainly attributed to the significant increase in the portfolio of two clients in China with joint SME portfolio of $77 billion and adding 47 new SME clients. Although SME portfolio dropped by 8.3% over year mainly due to the exiting of one of the large clients in Colombia.

l The product structure remains consistent: Micro Loans (69 percent of which are generated by MFIs) represent 9.3 percent of dollar portfolio in CY2013 and grew 13 percent since CY2012; SME Loans (81 percent of which were generated by SMEs) represent 90.7 percent of the entire MSME dollar portfolio and demonstrated improvement by 10.9 percent in dollar terms.

l A total of 215 clients reported in CY2011, CY2012, and CY2013. During this period, the number of MSME loans they provided grew on average by 25 percent and volume increased by 32 percent.

l The growth in both Micro and SME loan portfolio is significantly attributed to the growth of the portfolio of existing clients: existing MFI clients increased their micro loan portfolios by 16.3% and existing SME focused clients increased their SME loan portfolios by 27.7%. The new MFI clients that just entered the portfolio and stayed in the following year increased the Micro loan volume by 68.5% in CY2013 comparing to CY2012, while the new SME focused clients increased SME loan portfolio by 58.4% in CY2013 comparing to CY2012.6

l SME FIs tend to exit the IFC client portfolio more frequently than MFIs.


2,000 4,000



10,000 12,000


16,000 18,000

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013



Volume of Micro Loans by MFIs

Existing Clients New and Stayed Clients

New and Exited Clients Exited Clients







2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013



Volume of SME Loans by SME FIs

Existing Clients New and Stayed Clients

New and Exited Clients Exited Clients









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 0











of M



ns, $




ber o

f Mic

or L


, Tho



Volume and Number of Loans by MSME Focused FIs

Volume of Micro Loans by MSME FIs Volume SME Loans by MSME FIs Number of Micro Loans by MSME FIs Number of SME Loans by MSME FIs

47 87 60 68 72 93 113 129 90 108 155 153 150 175 201 214

Number of MSME clients reportedMicroSME

Page 4: IFC Financing to Micro, Small, and ... - SME Finance … · 12/22/2014 · IFC MSME commitments globally were $5.8 billion (decrease working to develop solutions to close the MSME

Trend Analysis of Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)8

Highlight: IFC and Goldman Sachs Launch Women Entrepreneurs Opportunity Facility (March 2014)

In March 2014, IFC and Goldman Sachs Foundation (“GSF”) launched the Women Entrepreneur Opportunity Facility/Fund (“WEOF” or “Facility”) that aims to reach through a joint investment and advisory platform as many as 100,000 women-owned SMEs globally. IFC’s Banking on Women Program and Goldman Sachs’ 10,000 Women Initiative combined expertise and resources to create the $600mn Women Entrepreneurs Opportunity Facility, exclusively dedicated to financing women-owned small and medium businesses in developing countries. IFC has committed an initial investment of $100mn, along with $32mn of concessional funding from Goldman Sachs Foundation. An additional $468mn will be raised from public and private investors. GSF has allocated an additional $11mn for advisory services. This is an important milestone as part of IFC’s effort to develop women SMEs as an asset class and signal the importance of the women entrepreneur market segment globally.

The Facility is catalytic and first of its kind. It will make investments in financial institutions in emerging markets globally, with a special focus on investment opportunities for financial institutions that develop and promote financial products targeting the women’s market, especially women-owned SMEs. The financing will be in the form of bank credit lines or risk share facilities, and where necessary complemented by performance incentives. The Facility will also provide advisory services to financial institutions enabling them to target and serve women’s markets including women SMEs. The Facility is actively exploring an innovative fund structure with AMC and Goldman Sachs Asset Management department to mobilize greater investment and participation from private sector commercial and impact investors.

7. Thedepositsdataincludesretail,MSMEandothercommercialportfoliodeposits.MicroandSmall/Mediumdepositsclassificationsweredoneinaccordancewith definitionofrelevantloansizenotedinfootnote1.

Loan-Depositanalysisaredoneonthebasisofrepeatedclients,whichmeansthatthedatausedforcomparisonofMicro/SMEloansanddepositsarecomprisedonly ofthoseclientsthatreportedeachofthelast4yearsall4dataseries(Microdeposits,SMEdeposits,MicroLoans,SMELoans).GloballyIFChad72suchclients, 31ofwhichareinIDAcountries.

8.Compoundedannualgrowthrate(CAGR)from30reportingandrepeatedclientsinthe2004-2007period,93reportingandrepeatedclientsinthe2008-2010period, 181reportingandrepeatedclientsinthe2011-2013period,excludinggreenfieldinstitutionsandFIsthatareclosingtheiroperations

MartinHommes|[email protected]|[email protected]

Change in Deposits Volume CY2010-CY20137

Volume of Small/Medium Loans and Deposits by SME FIs Globally ($ Billion)

Volume of Micro Loans and Depositsby MFIs Globally ($ Billion)

Micro Deposits Micro Loans

Micro Deposits Micro Loans

Volume of Micro Loans and Deposits by SME FIs Globally ($ Billion)

Volume of Small/Medium Loans and Deposits by MFIs Globally ($ Billion)

Small/Medium Deposits Small/Medium Loans

Small/Medium Deposits Small/Medium Loans

$4.88 $5.42 $5.67 $5.60

$1.58 $2.12 $2.51 $2.36








2010 2011 2012 2013

$20.41 $22.24 $25.52 $26.74

$7.70 $9.25 $10.76 $11.76


$5 $10





2010 2011 2012 2013

$13.14 $14.16 $16.51 $16.90

$1.10 $1.49 $1.97 $2.54






2010 2011 2012 2013

$52.29 $55.54 $71.20 $77.07

$21.62 $25.96 $30.47 $33.08






2010 2011 2012 2013

CAGR Trend – Micro Loans by MFIs in Globally CAGR Trend – SME Loans by SME FIs Globally













2004-2007 2008-2010 2011-2013

Number of Micro Loans Volume of Micro Loans Number of SME Loans Volume of SME Loans














2004-2007 2008-2010 2011-2013