. P'a,e I l;i{f:F.:'\Bt.:LT 7\EWS RE\'IEW COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED FOR COMING HOLIDAYS .\: 1 t'n:: .,, (;. :):-..; r-: :•: , ::. b.· , >-· .j .:\:c•:: i) .:! .. l. lif !b . .. :- :- '!'·, \ ",\ ,. ·" f .. ,. .... , .. f" •( '• •. ·. '-;;,··- .. ' ...... / ,. ': l), 1' hl'll-1 .. ·:: :- to b.• · · .. Now I>-:;._,: : • !.!:t! .l a.-; .l:l i: 1.:: · .-, .. .•.. ; C\m!:: Wili'""· t'( I' . ·'" . ' )! r . : · .. :: · ,. ,r:: . ·: I J,, _, \\':i: .l:n t•:t! ;: t. :-· F .. ·." :.y., '.'·' of '••! ':: ... :) ]', ! ;.· l::.; (;rrrnbrh's tibrarv I )...I.. : ·: l)!"'!• ' :) . :J t• :. \ . :- .l :- : t ;.,:t '--' :; ·} . : 1 : 1: 1•1m '! [).' .... ''; ,. _ .... l ): · i · :',];' a:;r•.:_.. 6 1:.?. r.> "Amn.:mg l'."n (' .\·. •r1 :··· ... ·f i' :ffy .. .. · :. tug!L::;: ;; n·:: ·. a U1urt'l H t:.!:·: !:::11 bq.;:n at p.m. ::1 l';:.:,!rt :1 Pr\'C!"' tm Room. Recommendations Sought On Water and Sewage Plan i'· .. ,, .. . ·-1:• .. , •· \! ! .T. . :--'' i' :-· :-: !1 :: \'." •: • ; :l'':! ·' \' t ; .\:. \' .·:d : . ' J', '. \'· \',. :I ' I STATE FARM A INSURANCE ® f.'or Insurance CaJI: Don W. Taulelle !l'?Oe F .. dmoM&on Rd nreeo!X'It, l\ltL 2t770 474-5007 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. Far111 Insurance Companl£>s He• me Bloomington, TIL State Farm Greetings and best wishes lor the Holiday Season to each and all. From the staff ol Greenbelt Homes Inc. I I toll. r' j I L ,,_ Q)rcttthrJt II!EEHJElT, 2Cll4 Jews Review ·Preliminary Plan Is Approved for New Commercial Complex by Elaine Skolnik The Prince Georges County Planning Board on December 1 approved with conditions· a preliminary plan for subdivision Volume 41, Number 6 (commercial complex - 220,000 square feet of retail c:ommercial ( GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, December 29, 197i tthd 200,000 square feet of office buildings. The 24-acre com- mNcially zoned tract is located along Greenbelt Road in front of the Goddard Space Village and Hunting Ridge Apartments, just "ast of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway. GHI R fr) R h b •1• GREENBELT LAKE PARK equesrs e a 1 1faf1on ICE SKATING POLICY Subsidy Loolc.s at Boilers by Sid Kastner belt A couple of innovattve suggesttons from the >tafT of Gn•en- . Homes, for financmg and for heatmg, wt>re among the subjecb The GrN•nb(olt Lake is open for J<'(' skating when weather condi a prelimmuy plan of tlw unz.>nNI property to b(o submitted in CJrder for such a r1ght of-way to b(o dedi eated and t3l whethPr it was now incorporated as part of the Green- b(olt East plan. Har:o·; .. P :"·.;·.•. . • .• · '!;, .:· Ba,hcL·:· ·: ,..:,,, ... -. •'· · .. ,., ·' · .:·,: To: G.H.I. MEMBERS dtscussed by the GHI board of directors at its first regular meeting In December. These and others (consultant's report on rehabilita- hon, member complaints) pronded plenty nf rnatenal fnr difTer- mg Vtewpomts !'lCpressed a lively threC' hours. t 10ns arc favorable. In order to pro\'idc 11 activity. lh<' rity dc\'doped guidf'lin£>s thBt should bf' followed. During cold weather, persons lnt£>rt'sted in a'- ,.,.rt:tining the conditions of th(' icf' at thl' IRk(' should call the Gr£>en- bdt Policf' 0Ppartmrnt, 471-.)151. It Js 1mpo:-;:-.:ibiP to c·ontinually tPst ict· thi<"knf•ss ovf'r all of thf• lnkt•, -.;o slo\tmg- will always bP at thP rislc of thf' partll'Ipant. :tft'Hs of skating arP th<' short• 11!11'"· ;llld nw hay around ttw JH'· nin..,ula. Tlw lakt· art·n around th,. dam and -'Pitlway should d<'fimtt•ly IJ 1 a\'t:ldf•d, a-. flJlf'!\ IS tiStJiiJ Th,. Gr('!'nbclt <'1ty Council op- P<>>I'd tho· plan based on the ad ditional traffic burd£>ns that the proposf'd complex would gcnPra•e at lhP nearby Baltimore-Washing- ton Parkway int£>rchangc and the :ntcrscetlon at K£>nilworth and r;rf'cnbclt Roads. Additionally, "ounc1l fPit thPr(' was a nPPd for rP<olving matters of road acc .. ss in to the project· and road spPcitka t '"'" and design. With r('spect to the rf'(jutrf'm<'nt by the Planning Board that Hann- Vf'r Parkway b(o ronstructf'd to 4-· !ant's, Gi•·sc noted that the city, not thP Board. has jurisdiction in thP matter and would. thrrf'forP, 1nsist on all of its rf'Quirements b<>mg met. That portion of Hanov...- Parkway leading to the rommen:ull property IS 11ithin the eity's boun daries. However. thr city will not IX'n('fit from t h(' commercial c<'nter since it is l•l<'Rl<'d outside the r1•y limits. the ; ... ·y ->:" }g, FriUh:l. .. \·:. \\'!1:t1· \\ ho l ;: rently ( '11a:rma:1 u:" Pt; Council. \\.L.." (': .. , :tt! .1 .. r l't' ::1· Vk£> Prt's:d<'n'.> ,f CO<:;. lll l E .. L), ,,., . ··) Lt· :t'r h 1:• P•'L 1 F .. : .\,:,: ::•1::a: ··:.Colli tact of P: '.;ram Pla·;r.J!:g :wd Enmonllt n. rdnrr- W fnr .t:-...::: .... City Staleateat oa a Preposed Ameadment To the General Plan for Prince George's Co. Mr. Chairman. Membf'rs of Maryland-National Cap1tal Park and Plannmg Commission and thf' Prine£> George's County.....I2!.::.tnrt Council: 111•' Gre••nbo•lt l'tty C.runc·ll and Its AJ\'tSory Plann>ng Board hll\'l' receivPd and discus.£>d the proposed Amendment to the <knNal Plan. This 1s, how£>\'er, a \'NY •·xtcnsl\'e documl'nt and tht> amount of limP tor rf'\'i£>w b(otwPf'n thP !ImP plan document wa> n•lf'ased and this public hearing has b(ocn m1nimal. Our mdicatc-.> that th.-ro• an• m.wy aspt'<'ts of thf' plan that ar<> c•au,;,• for concern. \\'\• arc particularly eont·£>rrwd that adoption of thl" plnn will rr,ult :n ,;w,.rplllg do•c1s1ons atlcrttng th•· futun• of th1s l'ounty b•·tng onad" without mmt resido•nts and Pl<·•·tcd utlieHII' r£>ally :h•· tmpal"! of tht• con:•·n:.; of th•· platl. An of Jmpact rPsulttn; !rom adopting th1s plan can bt> <'R.·'Ily st•rn by r<·admg paragraph 9 and pag" Ht wh1ch b('g1ns with the .<tatPm<·nt that: "It b propost•d that th•· highway and mpld transtl rN·ommrndatlons shown in thP Propo,f'd AmPndm<'nl supert'Pdo• all prt·vious plans to these functions." By adopting this plan, therefore, the Outer Beltway or lntNcounty Connector which is presently undergoing a feasibility analysis once again becom('s an entrenched plan and the Baltlmor,._Washington Parkw.1y becomes a possibility for widening to eight lanes when lesser Improvements are now receiving thP mo.st s••r1ous consideration. The plan also providPs for the extensiOn of Kenilworth AvenuP as :1 four to RIX lane major highway from the Beltway to Sandy Spring Road, a proposal the necPssity for which the City Council has qu£>stioned in the past without r('celving satisfactory answers. The City Council has also revirwed the Report of th•• Environmental Study Group of the Citizens Advisory Commlttet•. We urgP your careful review of this Pxtensive report which raises a number of ques- tions relating to how the proposed Gt'neral Amt>ndmcnt drals with cnviranmental· quality matters. Water, energy supplil'S and environ- mental prot£>ction are impOrtant £>l£>ments in any future plans for this County. We applaud that action of the Plan whkh points to thf' need for df'veloping both expandf'd water suppJips and nPw technology for controlling and reducing pPr capita consumption. How<'v<'r, less definitive strategies arc pt1t forth !or t•n•·rgy •·on Sf'rvation and aJternativf's to wa.'ltf' A of thPsf' Issues st•ems to bP warranted and might. f.>r •·xampiP, lt•11d to a different conclusion than trying to bt•<·om<' the ('qual of and :\l<>l1tgomery C'ount11•.s by having 111•; of all new housing in tlw County roqstructed as Ningle family units. Surh horn,ts arc th•· mo•:t energy inelficif'nt, utilizing Pncrgy eonsumption for heating. for transportation, for construction, etc. In looking tn thP fl!tun·. -otlwr housing fonns may be superior. Another concern is the manner in which goals arP sPt forth at t hf' beginning of the docume'nt. They imply a greatt•r <'onc('rtl with the plllllning for growth and developmPnt to IPVPls of 725,000, 900.000 and 1.2 million people than with the quality of liff'. ••xamplf. goals such &s improving the quality of developfuent, the nf't'd to play n role In rt'gional development and the providing of a favombh• dimate for busineBB, industry and agriculture precf'de goal• for th ... ••tlef'live util. lzation of natural and energy resources, the protection of thf' Pnviron m!'nt and the improvement of the quality of nf'ighborhoo<ls. Therefore, we urge extensive, careful and thorQugh consideration of this many-faceted plannlng document prior to any actionR of ap- pronl bell!lr taken. The City Council is also mo.•t distressed to find that municipalities do not exist In this proposal. They are not mentloned. The plan sets up arbitrary communities that ignore the l't'alitif'fl of existing, estab- lished communities- The document even goes so far as to list all members of the Council of GovNnmenl• e_xcept Maryland munidpall- tlea. We can Ms'ure you that Greenb(olt and other municipalities are a part of the future of PrincP George's County and the Ignoring of theae entitles In the General Plan will not makP thPm disappear. With the printed capleR of these comments WI' arf' including copies at our Citizen Advlaory Planning Board report nn thP General Plan Amendment. It makes a number oC.. other co'lll'mPnl.• rorH'('rning the plan which we endorsf' as of conRidcration. The City Council applauds the undertaking of this pffr>rl "to look toward the futtu£> of our County. With due con::idcration 11.1111 full undersl:andlng of the proposals made, we look forward tn the adoption of a comprehensive new plan that will the prPscnt 11nd future citizens of the County WPIJ' and heip,to bring a new quality of lif,. to the County. / f , .. !:t•port = :14 - ('olll'dt••l (;\':\I A Deferral nu·nt Fw•d.; in ft•nplt•, St•t·urity Bank JlurnJun a:tt.l S<·l Looking for Something Special? Tell us - We'll look for you. Anltques. Used Furntlure. Brtc-a-Brac. Crafls HARRIDAN & SOT ANTIQUES 10805 Lanham-Severn Rd. Seabrook. Md 20801 262-5976 Hours: 11-6 datly l'"lll'clt•rl tlmt l97ti [1"11111 Charge·., 19i7 Collections ( 11 month.<) 1 Interest Earned to Date Cert tlkates of Depos.t Savtngs A•·cmmt !'aynll'nt!< to GNMA on Dt•terral Decembel' 20, 19i7 James R. Foster Treasurer 82,2:!6 :l4,0H $305,852 $214.312 2l,l:!:l-l 6g,;otl $305.852 Happy Holiday Season FROM YOUR Greenbelt Feder1l Credit U·nion HAYE LUNCH WITH US BIGGBI SAN-WICHEI IN TOWN ROAST BEEF, HAM, EGG SALAD, CORN BEEF, TURKEY, BOLOGNA, TUNA SALAD, PEPPERLOAF, SALAMI, SWISS & CHEESE. I I I ---------------------------· SOc OFF ON ANY SANDWICH With This Coupon I .I I I ••-••••-••••••• 4---•••••••••• FRESHLY MADE ON OUR OWN HOME-MADE BREADS & ROLLS The Best lesserts - Hot & Cold Drinks TAKE A BREAK WITH US & WE WILL GIVE YOU A BREAK Compliments of , Seabrook Shopping Center 9434 Lanham-Severn Rd. 577-9854 SEABROOK BAKERY &rDELI . -- "ltl:gf• .... tl'd by thP ;-;tntf. W•·n· In ln.o.,t Wf•••k'..; :-.. . ..:ut· of th•· lfe\'if'\1, In September thP :'\faryland-!1: 1 !tonal ('apitnl Park and Plnnnint: Gill has rl't"t'ntly rPquc.,tcd 11 $500,00) 'llb.>tdy from tho· ,.,,.lilly und(•r •lll f'Xist 1ng ( •ommuruty l>t·- \'f'lopmPnl Bloc)< nrnnt ((·nne J Progrum. ll\'1 r a pt•r;nd , J( hr 1 1 . yt·ar."i, 1 11 rPdiJt'l' I ht· amount :hat will Of'(•d to lw lotUlt>d fnr rl'habtiJ"' IRtlorl , .. ,,r 1 : ,,:1 TIJ,. ,.,,'!ll!'.' ho\\'1'\'t·r 1:-> nbJI'd 1 n r ht· rl! th:tt ln\\'('1'-mt·oml' 1 n t;Hf will h·• Pil.\'lllJ.: a di:--prnr'o!"f!•Jfl:lk :--hart· f,". · nvh anprovt·ltlt'lll-. and :-.' fur rtu. and ,,,h,·r ,.,.l·nn ... thro :;tntT h:t" fltl\\ propo..;1•d !hat tl11· :-.IJhsJdy !J,· dJ ... iJur "''d Ill 1 l11· form of Jnt••rp·.t t 1•·1· ln.u1s t" •·l.g- 1 bl•· mPrnbl'rs for tf'hal.Hlltation \\'nr)< 01 1 tht•Jr hunH':;; tht•sp loans would b•· p:lid upon salt• of tlw honw ! ., c·· -l"\1 · :1,11 '.'. Jt lt t ht· rdJ.ti.ttiJ' ' 1•: r• ., ·r· \'.'h ch a of bcnrd an,! 1 ' :nm!rt••,. "l'"'ln'l.... , w:fh ( 'fl .111 I lilt .... it <!11• ·!111t: ·tn :··:-: 11'· t 1 h·H'' r. 1 I ,lr:Jfl;lflli.·,d•• 1: tilt• th· tin tl \'•T··IIJil h l!ltd,. 11;1 :n .:·lltll:try, di:·1·1·!or 1),: 1 - ·tld n1 ... 1 ••;'Jntl'l;; th1· , . ...,.;,·:::!!'! p.trh l)f l't'flcll:. and h ... 111 \\.1, !:! f.t\'1ll' , ·f J't',!l:. 1 IIJI!I , [O!' ,\:I f!}t 1 abo11t :!!1\)0J lkf. :·,, t:L--. po1n! 1. r• ndt!'d, ltn\'.'1'\'t'f, a c.t1llJ!>llHt": 1:-o· fnu:HI ::1 tht•st· an•a:-. shnuld also avotd gatlu•rmg m grnup .... Dll I lw Jt'l'. :-.lo fin•s wrll b•• allo\\'Pd :tt tht> lak .. t·Xt·r·pt tho-;r· prnvid••d by lhf' C'tty, bPt':tiJst• nf th•' of fir('\\'Ofld :tnd daUg'l'l' ft•lm b:·1:"h fir{'s. C',Jmmi..;..;!nn rrcommf'ndf'd that th,. dl'l·dopm1•nt be l:mited : .. f'()i) ·fJll;'lft' ff'('t of tC"tad ('Otr.· mrrl'inl and tno.ono squnrf• ff'f•t n! t·nmrnt·;ci:\J offil'P bf'CflU!-if' of advr•r··p tmpnc t. SJnf'P tht•n t ho• t r:t I lie mnsultant for the :!ppli h:H ofT,·n"d rH·w tratn\· cnnsJ- tkr.lllons nnd thP dt·vrlopPr h,t"' 111-';l'l't'd lo t·t·rt.1in road imp to\, .. mPnh .and way. lln·· t•d tl/1 !hr•-.r• factors, th1 o.;IHff Plans for Ur.·t>ntwlt Jo:ast lllt'lud,. onP or r \\'•) discoun! dPpartment 'itOf('S, a food storP and ..;mallf'r :-.hop:-;:, nnd t\'iO otficf' build- ing . .;, !00.000 'I'} IJarP (f't•[, l•'ull d•·:;uh of th1s d•·f 1 ·:. rnl program wtuch would som 1 ·- what n·:-:t•mblf• thP prl':-il'llt u·or <"H17.1'!1\ monthly c!Pfl'ITHI program havr• 1\VidPntly not hr••·n workPd ont yd, al'cording to n•pllf".' !rom thP stHJf to r.1r rnh• r. wh., I .. hrJill 1 ;igihllt· ,.,.lfl'rla. and ulluut "IH·I !:r·J r hr Ju·.,graru would bf• t r:msft·rrl'd fror 11 nwrnbt·rs to JllnJOtlll!! tlll'fll· ('hill rman .I 1m t h dr··: cl'!bf'd t ht· prog-ram n.o.; .\ loan wllrt·il \\'tlU!d b·lp to n·p·tir <;IIJ honw:-. nnw, fH'fn:r· •nrlatron f'Oll <'ll·:t..; furtlwr. Wllh1111t ll•l· cluly b·rrdt''!lnf! lnf'rtlhf'J'..; li'lil71('11tllv . .-\ Jnt)(itHI foil :npl f)H' Jt.l"u)(rilm I r,·, .. :..ubmh ... ion lo lht• I'Ollll(,Y) wa" pao.;- !"''<1. With d:n•r 'or· 1\.f:try ('larlu• dr..; ,"it'lltlllg Word \\'!-IS I'Xfll'f'S".I',J by f{ Wh.o \'I,J{'c•d SOn)f' diS.'\H!JSfl\t'!hHl \\!! 1 1 thl' 1'1)1\;·mltant'..; r··rf.lrnt.t:lfl' :tnt/ of (;f-{f':i Olh'I'H t1nt1, <!Jd :-on11• utl:i•r lw:trd ntf'"ll hi·r··. .II· •. -....t•\·r·r:tl of t ht• board . .:t•d tb, ,v ,,·,·n· mtp:·<'''l'd by th" "t·x, 1·!! ·n! t•dtJl':ttiun prot'l'->·." tlwt h:td p!.tl'f' Ht tht• t'cl!'lnl:!lt't' "'' ·.,Jti!l · 0:1 t ht• draft n•pt.ll'l, all I n.••.•· :" :1!111 '·IF·h ... , ... "'O!b t '' 1l1·Jd (II Jln)l...,h ilfl 1 h•• 1'1 petri \c·t ord!llt.:!)', prHpq·;•·d holdiJn; II '.t'.'is.on" on .Janu:tn l tfld tJI ;, t flt) :tt !loll will In• t:d\1';1 Ill! tilt• dJ"IIff fi'JIII/'t dliflf\g :h1· J't' lrlalnllJ)-: P'trl of }),., f'tnht·(l Early 111 th1· utt't'ltnJ:. t !.!I•,·J ('Otlpit· ltHl).!t'd •t'\'t'J'III I ahotr: \\h;J: lht·.\ I 'tiiSJt!r·rr·tl ft) Ut• 1l•·.-tr11 d il.t'.lf'•l· .:.!d ·.tr\h'ltrr:!l .:, ;, , .. , ••.• 111 r lwtr 1:.•mt· whu·l! tht') ll't' 'thii\J! tl) ... ,.,1. '1'!11• fl:'J!!•'- pal 'omplu11t \';a·: .t .1; 1l':\ zar<IPXJst•·d Ill lht· l<.!t'l\, .. 1, :tJtl :il'l' II s!Jtff c·if•ct!Jc'L'I/1 h:t.J do·t i1111 d ,,, !:;... proiJIPrn. •!•· . .-rth.·d fh1• ( •t!IHJ!'il(IOfl'S l't'SJI•J!Jo.;'hT/.:.\' ,t: , . .t\'c !'tJ:•: tllll,\' hotht' Wll':ll!-:, r:•l! Ill tt-rn . .l :tpp!J:tnt't' J.n ·h·· to!- The> Dt·p.trtm• nt w·l! .t:t•·mpt tn a.•: .... l:-.!arw•• a: 1 h•· hl''' dunng- \\'Pt'J' dnv ..... from I p.m 11'11 il dar I< and on holtday'. and from 9 a.m. to dark. Xo :dwt tnj:; \\"Ill O<' alloii"Pd on t h•· lalw aftt•r dark. All ... lllld JlHl'l'/1! .. ""lllild )<('t'p 111 m1ud th1· dang-t·r..; Hl\'oiVt·d :n n··· -"'JHll'h. Parrnt...: ·.Jwnld .11·· ('nmpany young: ,·htldrt'H A ru·r;on whn faJJ-.: through lht• li'fl ts 111 .Jnnr:•'l' of drowning and frPt•zing if "t)' l I ••d ",p' 1''1}">1 ,!"t't'J\' P•Jb!1c Forum on Metro P"l'' 't' I ;,.,lrgt '.'i t'n'TI T.1 ;1: F11rt·r·. a fJH!tf'! pf lr.w·:- Ptl:·f.l''n•t , hr·t!tll ,I 1'. 1 '1) l'1:iJ 1 :1 1'1 ., .. ,, :-nll' h1·n· Pr 1!1··· f :1 1r,rrr·'·: tl'l J•,.·.- !n 1\:l!"l'r'"' -:·} •1'1"1 ··nm- lt•nat.••l]" ·fl In th!l't J':r·:c·rrt•d npti•lf:->. :\I; "" lht• r•·1: ot'Htl pJ PlS ha•.1• ,tfl 1 !1•''·: 0'1 ll\1' f 'llilflf_v's (;l'f't'IIIJt'll ;m.f r:r:•n· iJ \\'t'llttr• ntJ:Itf''L Thr· /ltlf'· 1 1 1 1 'rtl Jntbl!c' fnr11m I'\ fo,· .r 'll'IHI'Y '1. :; :1'l p m .. :t: tht· It·. \'tilt· Af:r.c·Jt!t 'J!'al HI':->Pardt 1 ·,·Jll"'r' :J:tdJ!orl!llH. lllldt!nntllll 1, ,Jl I fH' .\dmJrtJ-...f 1':1! IIIII ,,n tilt· wt·:t .,,J.. of Hc)oltf' t. qu·utt-r 11111,. norlh of tlu· Br·l!wav 1t..; and ll"tll lH'rmit 11 maximum .. 220.000 square fcPt. of rPtad rom. mPrt·tal nnd 200,000 sqw\rfl !f'Pt of ntlit'l' as origmully rf·· qu('st,.d by thf' dl'vrloper. With ro•spPl't to the Grt•l'nbdt noad [(t•uil\vorth A\'t'nUP lion. lh<' MNCPPC Tran,portation D1visio11, whilt· nwarP of thP prot,. IPms at ttw intrrsretinn, thP11· was no anuly:;is unUPrtnk<•n, A spoJtpsmnn for the divi..;iou s:ud I h•lt :! \\'a-: ditlit·tllt to mak1· r:.···:•r ,,,. I' II I,,. :t' fq Lf)l.l.' 'Ullt'h t":\• 1 '1' :r 1\ .. •!lln·: t') nnd from nrl'('/l• h•·!t E:a,t \\'I)Uhl t':ld nP :1' r,,. f( 1 1 tJl\\'clrfh i'lft'ro;f'('1ion .. l'r•·Hl :JtlJlo.; ntt:u·h,·d to t•u· pt.,:, n,)'IJ'd'.: :•p'll'ft\"tl ·dsn l='diJrl,. 1 'I ,.,HI..,!!'Uf'tion of IInnovPr P:t!":{ 1 1\' 'IHIIh .,., a 1 l•m" dJ\'Hit·li rn:tt!w::y frl)m C:ri'Pflbl'lt Rond t,) !h•• l'lllll'nf rdaJ propPrty, 1:,!1 df'(h· t'HIIil'' 1rf tl· .. l!l'f'l":.··nry r ·?ht nf· \\':t)' for Rq:td. f1l H);rPt'nll'nt w:th thP Hif"'l•· , •. .,.\' A1lMin!'.trnt1on or P 1r!c !f) Pono.;trurt nddi tin•utJ width on thr BaJ•imort•. "·ll· Pnrln\':ty f'ff tn nrr·rnhc-lt Road :tnd 11 'It. phl't rf'\'ii'W. ...; ., . Applications Available For State Scholarships S.·nntor Edward T. Conroy ha.' announe••d that the finn! tiling dlltl' for Maryland Stat•' SPhohtrshlp Ap phentions i< F<•bruary 15, 1978. Thi> Y<'ar th•• Scholarship Board l'f'QUir- ••s that t ht• FAF' ( Finanl'ial Aid Form 1 mt"r b•• with thP .Stat•· BtJ.lrd hy January 3n. Th1·· Hlt'ilJI ... 1 hat ! ht· !nrm must bl' -.If''!' Pnn('f'ton, .fpr'!"t')' on 11!' J,u:u:ary 15, 191R. Any '1! who 1:-: a sr•JJ:tlr 111 .r l·nol ,,r ;':-•"t'JII!y .I \'."l' ':til tbP SUit•· nf !.1n : 1 .. ,.::'!•l>:t· : , .tpply. Th•• npp)J. 1"t''n:1 i; an• no•\· H\'!lllabJ, 'I( lht• (:PtdHIIt'l' ()!JilTS Ht thP hlJ:h -.dwoJ:.; and the· l•,imuwial AHJ Of 1 :!'1"; : 1,,, ( • ,:!'').;'1 ..;, Thn I' Jll pr: ·::ttt· ... t ,nt.u·· :h· ,tJ S}'l!l B l:lf'd ! h ,, h•• 1 ht• app!11 \\.hf'n ti: }lng' n::t tllf• :tpplll':tti•l=t (or !ht· ... h:p J!oard, b•· tn \\'1th tn (;Iff'·; S(t':J«Iy JPI!' :->lid of in if·; a ,·,d!:d''llii'lfHt hl'f\t·I'I',J ,\..,. :--:1-;tnnt 1-.f·riJagPI' J\Pnrwl h J\ 1p .11 'I ;lWJ ,JJr,·t·tor· "'H\'IH' \\"diJ·tm" :tri (,·d m a lltJ\'1'] sng-gr.stion tha• !b1· l'nrporntion !no'< into f'l'pl:winr:- rn•st·'l' ,o..;',··;t,·m of lf\0 .SI'PlltPtf' btJi/ t•r plnnr·:. hv ·1 ,-,•ntraltzf'd "wn"''' l'nmpar!tnn int'lflt•rn.tion" J(npst<>in ""ltd that pn•liminary , ... .;. tima!t•, ''Hfkak that Slh'h a o..;yo.;- t"m t·ntdd pav for Jht•lf in ahnnl fonr yP:u·s. in rf'dw·pd fupJ oil cost!-., Rnd f'f'dlH't' mninlt•nnJH'P costs prPsPntly ms•l('i 1 \!Pd wllh a dislrib tltPd )O)'SII'm. ··Jowl!.;: ,;I·l·u .... J,I!I 1! \'. t" •·l··ar \\'dhtttll fllr!lwl' 111\'t·:.:lf,il:rr,n lhr o.;o'll'f'f· c•f lilt· ·,iJnt'k h:tz.trd l'lltJ! l 'Ill! Jw Jlllljl•' n:t·d. il' lh•• •, tl!ll' llll' rl1n'1: 1 1' ( 'l:trl<r· \'11:,·1·d llr·r· f1·•·',·lf: : ! I . ' : ' ' It ' I : I 1 ! I' I ' I ; Ill ', ' I 1 I ' ' I ' , I t 1 1 1 • , ', , • )t 11 fi.,. hoJll(' \' 1' 1 :olt: d• 1Jl!• ',:It Tht· ....,,.,."11d fontm wJ!I llf'I,J .Jann·!:)' 7 :·n p rn., .tt l'r'll';sltnr/ Si'Jll••l" Jh:h JHlfJHr r l:lfll. i;:1111 Tr·rnplt• 11!11, Ho:td. .,. , •. ,.,. p .. ,.,., .... ,. ·r·; dnr'." .,, •' •n·n,·.d·· : n t ,. · 1 .. ,., 1'1 ··' .. · ;. r• 1, '\'• lop• r 1"'11! :1, 'll' t: ,., • • ,. C' 1: · . f•',Hll t 1 •t• conHTlt'l'!';H! !'r' dlf'C'ii: in tht' .lf'Jll'''iJi 1:\f1 h•1\ St·n:t'•J•·i:tl !".·h··Lu·-.!tip :1· ',\f'l! a ... ! ;lt' hnl.tr..-lllp. "\•:,. h 't\'1' ("t;,;J,J ! 11 lh• '•· t t'IJ1'!, 1 •• •r' _\'f'i.IT" lll.lll)' \\ht) :!jlpl,v fn .. tht· :·d ,,r P !q.!.'tl' a·.·:.nd-. :.tnt··.tl w·t'd." ('nnta'l ('onrny'·, o•!k·· t' ._,t;:.' . !111)11 f,ll' .ttl,!·t Jnt•JI'Ill:tllll': Th1" 1:r•n•·ra! propn:-.111, t'(lllitkd \\'Jth a "fll'c'Jfit' l't'<JIH'SI for $!)000 f·l rnrry nut a c·onsultant stud,\', brought many prn and t*OII Hl""g'n ntf'nts. Vtrgmi:l '-fo,·ynd" qw•st inned whl'l fwr sJJ\'It a part it- uiA.I' sys!r·m t.;hnuld lw singli•d 1)111 for spPcial favor wlwn othrr sys- tems were being as w(']l In the forth<'nming rPhnbHitntioll and dirf'ctnr ClarJr,. wa-; wnry nf the 11"11<'1< thnt migh: f'nSIIP. On tlw ollwr hand dirf'do!' Margnret Hogen.'"" fa1·or••d sneh a study ns "ab:-;nlutC'Iy vital" lJPI'I\11-"'' GHT should "plan ahPad of timt• to meet 11 dmllengt• in tlw fn'nrt•;" Instead of what sht• lt•rnu'd GHI'.< "wnml latr Pxcitf'rl n•:u·tirPJ to an HPr viPw wus si1Jlpor tPd by dir1'r·tnrs VlJ!Iinms and N man Wt•yl'i. and also by ( 'harl<'s Srhwnn and Nat :::ihindPrmnn from tlH' floor, liH' lattPr nu·mbrrs how- ever agr<'eing- wilh Moryadns that final d(•ci!>lions should 111)1 bP mnd" haHtily. No nl'lion takPn tJI! the funding rf'qucRt for <'onsult :wt study, p!'nding furthf'r <'nnsitkr::- tion by the boB rd. <Som(' othN detail' of tlw charge deferral program, and of the waste-burning heating Rystem ; !J, il ! '' l'l'dli( I' {Itt i•,l ' \''1' 1 ' 1 't'"Jl('t'l ltl , ph: "t l•v r lw -.;auw lllf'ntb": \', h·: tl·, •·•· Wh h·t l'},,,·u,l r•11rl 1 ""' I•· h·•' 1 1 '•h q,.Hn·. 'tnd t :·pfh' ! •· I' 1\:' '.\'}1rt h 11]''" ... I'!h•' I In ltln' ,, nn prr;J'c•dprf·, lh•· hn·"·1l :H1d TYJ''711\CTI•f' (lf'r•idl•fl In fir-;: (" l 1, \•.l•·rt tJ1" f•tt•l: \''"1'1' IJ1 · fnr,, fqrlll,f'r inP," tlw rrlf'l'l.w• !lJ'I\' h:r"" :n1 jro, pnrtnnt fl" t lw ni!(H't iotl nf how tn rf'fitl''Tl''" .. thf' f:-NMJ\ i-; lif!f•d .. T}w statc-opcratJ·d 1\fnr>·land lloll"'""' F'unrl in tlw prorf'sS of f'nnf'ting- an insurnnC"r progrnm for roonf'ra. five 0.CJ!tlty lonns (P.g., Twin lollnR); regulations for 'tWh n pro gram hrwc been drawn up nnd will become efTcrtlvc during Frbrunry. "If no cnmmcntR art' rf'rf'iVPd''. finch an PQllity insur nnrr program :;:houlrl !1-irl JHP.SPnt mcmb<>rs in r<'flnnnring f'QUit:v loans, and nf'w members to get loans at lntf'rcRt rat!'s pPrhnp·; as low as llrRt mortgagt• inter!'st rates. ' ' I '1 1 p :-:It I' If t',,J' •.. l''t''ltk I : ,, < ·,IIIIH II w11 h 1 rP('om- , 1'/'HI:J'J! opt IIIllS tlll .Janu- .\ foun 1 t op!Jci!J that rou :··1t· 1 " '' .;J !·1· •ar::.•c! forth :1 :h•· \::I , " I I'\''''· \ '1'1 1\·-.1. '•' 01(('1 d"' th• 'd•'Pit··· (:\· l''·"''"rl'lll\' !In· prnpo•, :d !!J!' 1( 1/J.f'J']'• l"'Jlirl f":lli T'1•' • ,.,,.!!lf n: · ·· l-;1· ·c ·•! PIP/''. •IJ'.\IIt!l1/'l, dt•f,\'111\l 1 1}1' 7:! •)!!! [Oil \' 1l! h.· ,t'".\ !:•IJ!•· fr,rm t lw ''11ll'J1 y n,·par•lntl'lil or Prng-rnm Pll!lllllfl'F nnd J•:,·olhltllll' DPVI•]rrpnwnl !lw ( 't11lllf}' Council. \)!"'" '.''11\:!FJl:l'•·h· tl):) o.;n11'!1 of C .. f'Pn· ),,,Jt p,,.,.j (,•J\• \f'ltl'\):!1'!' J·tr'f1P'> K '1'1': '''" tlqf a \\':\\· :•: ! lt•lf 1. H' 1 ! ,,.;!J f' ·.;;r"lt i·11Jy 'l 1 tf ill h:ilf 1 hP llfi.,OTll'd 1•:',\'!!\J' !l!'o\fl' rl \' whir·h 1 1 "l' .,1 '' hnllfltl·tJ'ii'S. Git•;f' raist'' .... :1·: !n 'I· w}wihl•r tl11• -PI·nlninP" Bn·q·d ,,-, · nnt in f'ffrct 1 1 ., i·;P'l'-' :rf ft•,·tiru: thc- :i:••' of !hi" Jl''(IJlf'rh· wit\1 nut thnt propPrty ht•Jn:.,; !!11' o.;rJ!•- jPf't of fhf' prt"JiminHI',\• phn w}wt lwr it Wm!ld br for HOLIDAY REFUSE SCHEDULf. !JtH' to the New Year's tlw will be m;HlP 111 lht• rdusP collection sclwduh·· January 2 Tuesday, January :1 WC'dnesday, January 4 Thursday . .January 5 Friday, January 6 Saturday, January 7 C<o enlll'<'l to>n Mon- Wt'd.-Frt Tlnttk Tul's·-Thurs.-S;II. Tloutl' Pnper collection " Doth routl•s Regular Regular colledions PG Community College Ext. Ctrs. to Hold Registration Tht• Pnnr, <;•·or!_!t-' ... \ '.unm.:n 1 '.dlq.:'· :::.·· 'I·l•r,J h'7!d •I:T·t'lfllj'il: ,fl 1'.1 1 '1•'1 fr•',! h•• -.)III" •: '''fl' ol(:'·o tlUJlil, 1 qj', ..!' ''ll ,f;tllll''!',\ q .\·. H:g-h !--il'lldO!. fi ';(I. .; ::11 p /H. an·l •Ill .hll. 11 ,It H,\(1-.o ,.t 1! Jf1gh li.;:n ·"" :lll p.m :?1 hu11r n·g-i:·dratHIIl l:lf•)rmil- t;oq ·•bon: Cllllr'-'''-" h.-.glllr1 1 T11-!' .Jan. :!1. cn!l :t;)()-"::'.19. Aftl'r Jan. R. ('a/! :;'Hi-fil 1 00 ••\:! Summer Youth Program Tt't'llagt•rs to IH arr• ••llgJbiP In apply for tlw statr's Youth Con.'-'t'r vat,Krn program for t hr• Summt•r. TliPrP will lH' work lnt·a lions throughout tlw statP. for (hnst :HTt•ptrn. The wt>rk J, , '""'Prnt•il with t•t•nlogy and t'llVlf'IITlfllf'llt.\J quality. Tht•rt' will '"' ro•-.idt·nlial and ial l'Hntfb op,•ra- ting, rno.st' la.sting R WC'f'll:..... AppJi rants will Sl'iPl'tf'd nt rHndnm, but lhP numbPr nf posit iPn" I" ltml- tf'd. IniPrPsfl•d studf'nt..;; can , all !000. 9 r, to gd furthl'r 1nformation. -··

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Pr\'C!"' tm Room.

Recommendations Sought On Water and Sewage Plan

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f.'or Insurance CaJI:

Don W. Taulelle !l'?Oe F .. dmoM&on Rd nreeo!X'It, l\ltL 2t770

474-5007 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.

~:.1:" Far111 Insurance Companl£>s He• me Olic~s: Bloomington, TIL

State Farm

Greetings and best wishes lor the Holiday Season

to each and all. From the staff ol

Greenbelt Homes Inc. I ~~~~-.~~ef\~~~ I

• toll. r'

j I L ,,_

Q)rcttthrJt II!EEHJElT, MCYL.~.; 2Cll4

Jews Review ·Preliminary Plan Is Approved for New Commercial Complex

by Elaine Skolnik The Prince Georges County Planning Board on December 1

approved with conditions· a preliminary plan for subdivision

~~~~~~~~~A~N~~~~~E~P:E~N~D~E~N~T~N!~~~S~P~A~P!E!R~~~~~~~~~~~ ~rGre~b~tE~t.furmeriyllie&hromAk~rt. Pro~disa Volume 41, Number 6 (commercial complex - 220,000 square feet of retail c:ommercial

( ~ GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, December 29, 197i tthd 200,000 square feet of office buildings. The 24-acre com-

mNcially zoned tract is located along Greenbelt Road in front of the Goddard Space Village and Hunting Ridge Apartments, just "ast of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway.

GHI R fr) R h b •1• • GREENBELT LAKE PARK equesrs e a 1 1faf1on ICE SKATING POLICY Subsidy • Loolc.s at Boilers

by Sid Kastner

belt A couple of innovattve suggesttons from the >tafT of Gn•en-. Homes, for financmg and for heatmg, wt>re among the subjecb

The GrN•nb(olt Lake is open for J<'(' skating when weather condi

a prelimmuy plan of tlw unz.>nNI property to b(o submitted in CJrder for such a r1ght of-way to b(o dedi eated and t3l whethPr it was now incorporated as part of the Green­b(olt East plan.

Har:o·; .. P :"·.;·.•. . • .• · '!;, .:· _.:__l__'_c.:..:_:f_.::_~~~-_:~~:_"_:c.·:.'':_; -J---....J..-----------+------------=-~~~;--;-;~~;;;~;-----------jr------Ba,hcL·:· ·: ,..:,,, ... -. •'· ~,, · ~, .. ,., ·' · .:·,: To: G.H.I. MEMBERS

dtscussed by the GHI board of directors at its first regular meeting In December. These and others (consultant's report on rehabilita­hon, member complaints) pronded plenty nf rnatenal fnr difTer­mg Vtewpomts !'lCpressed durin.~ a lively threC' hours.

t 10ns arc favorable. In order to pro\'idc 11 whol('s~mc. saf~ activity. lh<' rity dc\'doped guidf'lin£>s thBt should bf' followed. During cold weather, persons lnt£>rt'sted in a'­,.,.rt:tining the conditions of th(' icf' at thl' IRk(' should call the Gr£>en­bdt Policf' 0Ppartmrnt, 471-.)151. It Js 1mpo:-;:-.:ibiP to c·ontinually tPst ict· thi<"knf•ss ovf'r all arPa.~ of thf• lnkt•, -.;o slo\tmg- will always bP at thP rislc of thf' partll'Ipant. Rf~cnmmrndrd :tft'Hs of skating arP th<' short• 11!11'"· ;llld nw hay around ttw JH'· nin..,ula. Tlw lakt· art·n around th,. dam and -'Pitlway should d<'fimtt•ly IJ 1• a\'t:ldf•d, a-. flJlf'!\ W;t~Pr IS tiStJiiJ

Th,. Gr('!'nbclt <'1ty Council op­P<>>I'd tho· plan based on the ad ditional traffic burd£>ns that the proposf'd complex would gcnPra•e at lhP nearby Baltimore-Washing­ton Parkway int£>rchangc and the :ntcrscetlon at K£>nilworth and r;rf'cnbclt Roads. Additionally, "ounc1l fPit thPr(' was a nPPd for rP<olving matters of road acc .. ss in to the project· and road spPcitka t '"'" and design.

With r('spect to the rf'(jutrf'm<'nt by the Planning Board that Hann­Vf'r Parkway b(o ronstructf'd to 4-·

!ant's, Gi•·sc noted that the city, not thP Board. has jurisdiction in thP matter and would. thrrf'forP, 1nsist on all of its rf'Quirements b<>mg met. That portion of Hanov...­Parkway leading to the rommen:ull property IS 11ithin the eity's boun daries. However. thr city will not IX'n('fit from t h(' commercial c<'nter since it is l•l<'Rl<'d outside the r1•y limits.

the t·:~;\'• ; ... ·y ->:" ~r ;··~: ~·:(1 L'~··· }g,

FriUh:l. .. \·:. \\'!1:t1· \\ ho l ;: rently ( '11a:rma:1 u:" Pt; l'nur~:::

Council. \\.L.." (': .. , :tt! .1 .. r l't' ~~: ::1· Vk£> Prt's:d<'n'.> ,f CO<:;.

lll l E .. ~:~ ·.~!.• L), ,,., . ·;·a~.·:: ··) Lt· :t'r • h 1:• P•'L :· 1 ~!.:177.

F .. : .\,:,: ::•1::a: .1\(lll'~-1.':. ··:.Colli

tact :~!t· l'··p.lnmt·n~ of P: '.;ram Pla·;r.J!:g :wd Enmonllt n. rdnrr­mf'll~ a~ 9~)2 ~4 W fnr .t:-...::: .... ~<l!ll'l',

City Staleateat oa a Preposed Ameadment To the General Plan for Prince George's Co.

Mr. Chairman. Membf'rs of th~ Maryland-National Cap1tal Park and Plannmg Commission and thf' Prine£> George's County.....I2!.::.tnrt Council:

111•' Gre••nbo•lt l'tty C.runc·ll and Its AJ\'tSory Plann>ng Board hll\'l' receivPd and discus.£>d the proposed Amendment to the <knNal Plan. This 1s, how£>\'er, a \'NY •·xtcnsl\'e documl'nt and tht> amount of limP tor rf'\'i£>w b(otwPf'n thP !ImP th~ plan document wa> n•lf'ased and this public hearing has b(ocn m1nimal.

Our r~vit•w mdicatc-.> that th.-ro• an• m.wy aspt'<'ts of thf' plan that ar<> c•au,;,• for concern. \\'\• arc particularly eont·£>rrwd that adoption of thl" plnn will rr,ult :n ,;w,.rplllg do•c1s1ons atlcrttng th•· futun• of th1s l'ounty b•·tng onad" without mmt resido•nts and Pl<·•·tcd utlieHII' r£>ally undt·~•tandlng :h•· tmpal"! of tht• con:•·n:.; of th•· platl.

An .-x~mp1t· of th~~ Jmpact rPsulttn; !rom adopting th1s plan can bt> <'R.·'Ily st•rn by r<·admg paragraph 9 and pag" Ht wh1ch b('g1ns with the .<tatPm<·nt that: "It b propost•d that th•· highway and mpld transtl rN·ommrndatlons shown in thP Propo,f'd AmPndm<'nl supert'Pdo• all prt·vious plans r~latcd to these functions."

By adopting this plan, therefore, the Outer Beltway or lntNcounty Connector which is presently undergoing a feasibility analysis once again becom('s an entrenched plan and the Baltlmor,._Washington Parkw.1y becomes a possibility for widening to eight lanes when lesser Improvements are now receiving thP mo.st s••r1ous consideration. The plan also providPs for the extensiOn of Kenilworth AvenuP as :1

four to RIX lane major highway from the Beltway to Sandy Spring Road, a proposal the necPssity for which the City Council has qu£>stioned in the past without r('celving satisfactory answers.

The City Council has also revirwed the Report of th•• Environmental Study Group of the Citizens Advisory Commlttet•. We urgP your careful review of this Pxtensive report which raises a number of ques­tions relating to how the proposed Gt'neral Amt>ndmcnt drals with cnviranmental· quality matters. Water, energy supplil'S and environ­mental prot£>ction are impOrtant £>l£>ments in any future plans for this County. We applaud that action of the Plan whkh points to thf' need for df'veloping both expandf'd water suppJips and nPw technology for controlling and reducing pPr capita consumption.

How<'v<'r, less definitive strategies arc pt1t forth !or t•n•·rgy •·on Sf'rvation and aJternativf's to ~olid wa.'ltf' dispo~al. A rP-f•xaminn~wn

of thPsf' Issues st•ems to bP warranted and might. f.>r •·xampiP, lt•11d to a different conclusion than trying to bt•<·om<' the ('qual of ~'airfax and :\l<>l1tgomery C'ount11•.s by having 111•; of all new housing in tlw County roqstructed as Ningle family units. Surh horn,ts arc th•· mo•:t energy inelficif'nt, utilizing mor~ Pncrgy eonsumption for heating. for transportation, for construction, etc. In looking tn thP fl!tun·. -otlwr housing fonns may be superior.

Another concern is the manner in which goals arP sPt forth at t hf' beginning of the docume'nt. They imply a greatt•r <'onc('rtl with the plllllning for growth and developmPnt to IPVPls of 725,000, 900.000 and 1.2 million people than with the quality of liff'. ~'or ••xamplf. goals such &s improving the quality of developfuent, the nf't'd to play n role In rt'gional development and the providing of a favombh• dimate for busineBB, industry and agriculture precf'de goal• for th ... ••tlef'live util. lzation of natural and energy resources, the protection of thf' Pnviron m!'nt and the improvement of the quality of nf'ighborhoo<ls.

Therefore, we urge extensive, careful and thorQugh consideration of this many-faceted plannlng document prior to any actionR of ap­pronl bell!lr taken.

The City Council is also mo.•t distressed to find that municipalities do not exist In this proposal. They are not mentloned. The plan sets up arbitrary communities that ignore the l't'alitif'fl of existing, estab­lished communities- The document even goes so far as to list all members of the Council of GovNnmenl• e_xcept Maryland munidpall­tlea. We can Ms'ure you that Greenb(olt and other municipalities are a part of the future of PrincP George's County and the Ignoring of theae entitles In the General Plan will not makP thPm disappear.

With the printed capleR of these comments WI' arf' including copies at our Citizen Advlaory Planning Board report nn thP General Plan Amendment. It makes a number oC.. other co'lll'mPnl.• rorH'('rning the plan which we endorsf' as worth~ of conRidcration.

The City Council applauds the undertaking of this pffr>rl "to look toward the futtu£> of our County. With due con::idcration 11.1111 full undersl:andlng of the proposals made, we look forward tn the adoption of a comprehensive new plan that will ~erve the prPscnt 11nd future citizens of the County WPIJ' and heip,to bring a new quality of lif,. to the County. /

f :· , ..

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. --

"ltl:gf• .... tl'd by thP ;-;tntf. W•·n· ~1\'cn

In ln.o.,t Wf•••k'..; :-.. . ..:ut· of th•· ~f'\\'o lfe\'if'\1,

In September thP :'\faryland-!1: 1 !tonal ('apitnl Park and Plnnnint:

Gill has rl't"t'ntly rPquc.,tcd 11

$500,00) 'llb.>tdy from tho· ,.,,.lilly

und(•r •lll f'Xist 1ng ( •ommuruty l>t·­

\'f'lopmPnl Bloc)< nrnnt ((·nne J

Progrum. ll\'1 r a pt•r;nd , J( ~ hr1 1


yt·ar."i, 111 rPdiJt'l' I ht· amount :hat

will Of'(•d to lw lotUlt>d fnr rl'habtiJ"'

IRtlorl , .. ,,r 1: ,,:1 honw~. TIJ,. ,.,,'!ll!'.'

ho\\'1'\'t·r 1:-> nbJI'd in~ 1 n r ht· rl! ~ th:tt ln\\'('1'-mt·oml' fnmll:~'" 1n t;Hf

will h·• Pil.\'lllJ.: a di:--prnr'o!"f!•Jfl:lk :--hart· f,". · nvh ht~nl!• anprovt·ltlt'lll-.

and :-.' fur rtu. and ,,,h,·r ,.,.l·nn ... thro :;tntT h:t" fltl\\ propo..;1•d !hat tl11· :-.IJhsJdy !J,· dJ ... iJur "''d Ill 1 l11· form of Jnt••rp·.t t 1•·1· ln.u1s t" •·l.g- 1bl•· mPrnbl'rs for tf'hal.Hlltation \\'nr)< 011 tht•Jr hunH':;; tht•sp loans would b•· p:lid bad~ upon salt• of tlw honw

! ., c·· -l"\1 · ~ :1,11 '.'. Jt lt t ht· rdJ.ti.ttiJ' ' 1•: r• ., ·r· \'.'h ch lu~ h··~·n :alun!~

'~LIJfl' !llrcHI~h a -~~·ru.; of bcnrd an,! 1 ' :nm!rt••,. "l'"'ln'l...., w:fh ( 'fl .111

I lilt .... it <!11• ·!111t: ·tn :··:-: 11'· t 1 h·H'' r. 1

I ,lr:Jfl;lflli.·,d•• 1: ~o tilt• t~~t·ndJt•.-..;hJ'I

af~··r th· tin tl \'•T··IIJil h l!ltd,. 11;1

't~mt·!tmr· :n .:·lltll:try, di:·1·1·!or 1),:1-·tld \.~',:< ..,,1~.1-:!"t•·d n1 ... 1 ••;'Jntl'l;;

th1· , . ...,.;,·:::!!'! p.trh l)f :1~t· l't'flcll:. and ~! h ... 111 \\.1, !:! f.t\'1ll' , ·f J't',!l:.

If!~~ ''J1'1J~·~~ 1 IIJI!I , [O!' ,\:I f!}t pl~h'l, 1abo11t :!!1\)0J lkf. :·,, t:L--. po1n! 1.

r• ndt!'d, ltn\'.'1'\'t'f, a c.t1llJ!>llHt":

1:-o· fnu:HI ::1 tht•st· an•a:-. ~1::\tPr:--·

shnuld also avotd gatlu•rmg m grnup .... Dll I lw Jt'l'. :-.lo fin•s wrll b•• allo\\'Pd :tt tht> lak .. t·Xt·r·pt tho-;r· prnvid••d by lhf' C'tty, bPt':tiJst• nf th•' ·o~•·tn·J!y of fir('\\'Ofld :tnd daUg'l'l' ft•lm b:·1:"h fir{'s.

C',Jmmi..;..;!nn ~tafT rrcommf'ndf'd that th,. dl'l·dopm1•nt be l:mited : .. 1 ~ 11 f'()i) ·fJll;'lft' ff'('t of tC"tad ('Otr.·

mrrl'inl and tno.ono squnrf• ff'f•t n! t·nmrnt·;ci:\J offil'P sp~l<'f' bf'CflU!-if' of advr•r··p tra'~k tmpnc t. SJnf'P tht•n t ho• t r:t I lie mnsultant for the :!ppli ~"!'tilt h:H ofT,·n"d rH·w tratn\· cnnsJ­tkr.lllons nnd thP dt·vrlopPr h,t"' 111-';l'l't'd lo t·t·rt.1in road imp to\, ..

mPnh .and r1gh~s-of way. lln·· t•d tl/1 !hr•-.r• factors, th1 o.;IHff

Plans for Ur.·t>ntwlt Jo:ast lllt'lud,.

onP or r \\'•) discoun! dPpartment 'itOf('S, a food storP and variou.~

..;mallf'r :-.hop:-;:, nnd t\'iO otficf' build­ing . .;, f':~dt ap~roximatl"!y !00.000 'I'} IJarP (f't•[,

l•'ull d•·:;uh of th1s ('h:trg-~' d•·f1·:.

rnl program wtuch would som 1·­

what n·:-:t•mblf• thP prl':-il'llt ~~ u·or <"H17.1'!1\ monthly char~P c!Pfl'ITHI

program havr• 1\VidPntly not hr••·n workPd ont yd, al'cording to n•pllf".' !rom thP stHJf to qw·~·tion" b~· ht~:u··l r.1r rnh• r. wh., 11~l~r I .. hrJill 1 ;igihllt·

r~· ,.,.lfl'rla. and ulluut "IH·I !:r·J r hr Ju·.,graru would bf• t r:msft·rrl'd fror 11

~PIIIIIJ~ nwrnbt·rs to JllnJOtlll!! tlll'fll· bt·r~. ('hill rman .I 1m ~~nll t h dr··:

cl'!bf'd t ht· prog-ram n.o.; .\ loan wllrt·il \\'tlU!d b·lp to n·p·tir <;IIJ honw:-. nnw, fH'fn:r· •nrlatron f'HJ~t·d f'Oll

strur·~ion <'ll·:t..; furtlwr. Wllh1111t ll•l·

cluly b·rrdt''!lnf! lnf'rtlhf'J'..; li'lil71('11tllv . .-\ Jnt)(itHI foil :npl f)H' Jt.l"u)(rilm I r,·, .. :..ubmh ... ion lo lht• I'Ollll(,Y) wa" pao.;­

!"''<1. With d:n•r 'or· 1\.f:try ('larlu• dr..; ,"it'lltlllg

Word \\'!-IS I'Xfll'f'S".I',J by f{ ~~~·!f<-;•';1 Wh.o \'I,J{'c•d SOn)f' diS.'\H!JSfl\t'!hHl

\\!!11 thl' 1'1)1\;·mltant'..; r··rf.lrnt.t:lfl'

:tnt/ l'llliiJ:,I·IIIdtll~ of (;f-{f':i Olh'I'H

t1nt1, .~!-. <!Jd :-on11• utl:i•r lw:trd ntf'"ll

hi·r··. .II· •. -....t•\·r·r:tl of t ht• board

. .:t•d tb, ,v ,,·,·n· mtp:·<'''l'd by th" "t·x, 1·!! ·n! t•dtJl':ttiun prot'l'->·." tlwt h:td ~::ltt'/l p!.tl'f' Ht tht• t'cl!'lnl:!lt't' "'' ·.,Jti!l · 0:1 t ht• draft n•pt.ll'l, all I n.••.•· :" ~··.f :1!111 f11rlh~>t' '·IF·h ... , ... "'O!b t '' 1l1·Jd (II Jln)l...,h ilfl 1 h•• 1'1

petri \c·t ord!llt.:!)', Sm·~!i prHpq·;•·d holdiJn; ~Ill' II '.t'.'is.on" on .Janu:tn l tfld tJI ;, t flt) :tt !loll will In• t:d\1';1

Ill! tilt• dJ"IIff fi'JIII/'t dliflf\g :h1· J't'

lrlalnllJ)-: P'trl of }),., f'tnht·(l

Early 111 th1· utt't'ltnJ:. t m· !.!I•,·J

('Otlpit· ltHl).!t'd •t'\'t'J'III I o):n~d.\J!l'' ahotr: \\h;J: lht·.\ I 'tiiSJt!r·rr·tl ft) Ut• 1l•·.-tr11 d il.t'.lf'•l· .:.!d ·.tr\h'ltrr:!l .:, ;, , .. , ••.• 111 r lwtr 1:.•mt· whu·l! tht') ll't' 'thii\J! tl) ... ,.,1. '1'!11• fl:'J!!•'­

pal 'omplu11t \';a·: th~t~ .t .1; 1l':\ ·~~~­zar<IPXJst•·d Ill lht· l<.!t'l\, .. 1, :tJtl :il'l' II s!Jtff c·if•ct!Jc'L'I/1 h:t.J do·t i1111 d ,,,

!:;... ~h, proiJIPrn. Sm·~h •!•· . .-rth.·d fh1• ( •t!IHJ!'il(IOfl'S l't'SJI•J!Jo.;'hT/.:.\' ,t:

, . .t\'c !'tJ:•: tllll,\' hotht' Wll':ll!-:, r:•l! Ill

tt-rn . .l :tpp!J:tnt't' \'.'J:'diJ~. J.n ·h·· to!-

The> P.t'ITt'H~I•HI Dt·p.trtm• nt w·l! .t:t•·mpt tn prt•\·~oJP a.•: .... l:-.!arw•• a:

1 h•· hl''' dunng- \\'Pt'J' dnv ..... from I p.m 11'11 il dar I< and on holtday'. ~Ht. and ~lln. from 9 a.m. to dark. Xo :dwt tnj:; \\"Ill O<' alloii"Pd on t h•· lalw aftt•r dark.

All ... ~<:lltl!'"i lllld JlHl'l'/1! .. ""lllild

)<('t'p 111 m1ud th1· dang-t·r..; Hl\'oiVt·d

:n n··· -"'JHll'h. Parrnt...: ·.Jwnld .11··

('nmpany young: ,·htldrt'H A ru·r;on whn faJJ-.: through lht• li'fl ts 111

.Jnnr:•'l' of drowning and frPt•zing if "t)' l I ••d ",p' 1''1}">1 ,!"t't'J\'

P•Jb!1c Forum on Metro P"l'' 't' I ;,.,lrgt '.'i f'rtll'll.v'~ t'n'TI

tlr~r T.1 ;1: F11rt·r·. a fJH!tf'! pf lr.w·:­Ptl:·f.l''n•t p!:t~l'~,·~·. 'm~; , hr·t!tll ,I 1'.1 '1) l'1:iJ 1

:1 f·r!"ttn:~: 1'1 flt~r'h•·rn ., .. ,,

:-nll' h1·n· Pr 1!1··· f :1 1r,rrr·'·: tl'l J•,.·.­!n 1\:l!"l'r'"' -:·} llo~·dh/f' rl'f~ •1'1"1 ··nm­

lt•nat.••l]" ·fl ~t~·trnr•til alct·frJ'I~.\'t•·.

In th!l't J':r·:c·rrt•d npti•lf:->. :\I; ""

lht• 7~ r•·1: ot'Htl pJ PlS ha•.1• ,tfl 1 !1•''·:

0'1 ll\1' f 'llilflf_v's (;l'f't'IIIJt'll ;m.f r:r:•n· iJ \\'t'llttr• ntJ:Itf''L Thr· /ltlf'·

1111 'rtl Jntbl!c' fnr11m I'\ ~dtt·dukd fo,· .r 'll'IHI'Y '1. :; :1'l p m .. :t: tht· B~ It·. \'tilt· Af:r.c·Jt!t 'J!'al HI':->Pardt 1 ·,·Jll"'r'

:J:tdJ!orl!llH. Th~· lllldt!nntllll 1, ,Jl

I fH' ~1:1111 .\dmJrtJ-...f 1':1! IIIII ]~ltlidJ!!!; ,,n tilt· wt·:t .,,J.. of r· ~ Hc)oltf' t. qu·utt-r 11111,. norlh of tlu· Br·l!wav

illt~ ('lt:u1~;f'd 1t..; rPrommf'rlll:ttio~ 1 : and ll"tll lH'rmit 11 maximum .. ~ 220.000 square fcPt. of rPtad rom. mPrt·tal nnd 200,000 sqw\rfl !f'Pt of ntlit'l' huildmg~. as origmully rf·· qu('st,.d by thf' dl'vrloper.

With ro•spPl't to the Grt•l'nbdt noad [(t•uil\vorth A\'t'nUP in~f'rSPI' lion. lh<' MNCPPC Tran,portation D1visio11, whilt· nwarP of thP prot,. IPms at ttw intrrsretinn, ~:·d thP11·

was no anuly:;is unUPrtnk<•n, A spoJtpsmnn for the divi..;iou s:ud I h•lt :! \\'a-: ditlit·tllt to mak1· r:.···:•r ,,,. I' II I,,. :t' fq Lf)l.l.' 'Ullt'h t":\•

1'1' :r 1\ .. •!lln·: t') nnd from nrl'('/l•

h•·!t E:a,t \\'I)Uhl t':ld nP :1' r,,. f(1 • 1tJl\\'clrfh i'lft'ro;f'('1ion ..

l'r•·Hl :JtlJlo.; ntt:u·h,·d to t•u· pt.,:, fill''~ n,)'IJ'd'.: :•p'll'ft\"tl ·dsn l='diJrl,.

1 'I ,.,HI..,!!'Uf'tion of IInnovPr P:t!":{ 1 1\' 'IHIIh .,., a 1 l•m" dJ\'Hit·li

rn:tt!w::y frl)m C:ri'Pflbl'lt Rond t,)

!h•• l'lllll'nf rdaJ propPrty, 1:,!1 df'(h·

t'HIIil'' 1rf tl· .. l!l'f'l":.··nry r ·?ht nf· \\':t)' for wtd"l1!!'~ Grt'~"l'bl'l~ Rq:td. f1l H);rPt'nll'nt w:th thP Sta~t· Hif"'l•· , •. .,.\' A1lMin!'.trnt1on or i\.lt!ol'l''~ P 1r!c ~~~·n•k'r !f) Pono.;trurt nddi tin•utJ width on thr BaJ•imort•. "·ll· ..;lt:'J/~:~~·1 Pnrln\':ty f'ff ra~np tn nrr·rnhc-lt Road :tnd • 11 'It. phl't rf'\'ii'W.

...; ., .

Applications Available For State Scholarships

S.·nntor Edward T. Conroy ha.' announe••d that the finn! tiling dlltl' for Maryland Stat•' SPhohtrshlp Ap phentions i< F<•bruary 15, 1978. Thi> Y<'ar th•• Scholarship Board l'f'QUir­••s that t ht• FAF' ( Finanl'ial Aid Form 1 mt"r b•• til~d with thP .Stat•· ~d1nhr"h1p BtJ.lrd hy January 3n. Th1·· Hlt'ilJI ... 1 hat ! ht· !nrm must bl' -.If''!' ~~~ Pnn('f'ton, ~~·\~· .fpr'!"t')' on

11!' Hl>u~:r J,u:u:ary 15, 191R.

Any ~~thl• '1! who 1:-: a sr•JJ:tlr 111

l~:g-h .r l·nol ,,r ;':-•"t'JII!y attt·!Hll!l~

.I t·o~J··R•' \'."l' ':til tbP SUit•· nf ~fury

!.1n : 1 .. ,.::'!•l>:t· : , .tpply. Th•• npp)J. 1"t''n:1 i; ~··kaf.!'l':--' an• no•\· H\'!lllabJ, 'I( lht• (:PtdHIIt'l' ()!JilTS Ht thP hlJ:h

-.dwoJ:.; and the· l•,imuwial AHJ Of 1:!'1"; ;t~ : 1,,, ( • ,:!'').;'1 ..;, Thn I' Jll pr: ·::ttt· dJ··~~J. ,~111 ... t ~ ,nt.u·· :h· s,-~Jfl!·

,tJ S}'l!l B l:lf'd f't'qll!''~:;·(!' ! h ,, l~,.::

h•• "''ll~ 1 ht• app!11 ~~~i·m. \\.hf'n ti: }lng' n::t tllf• :tpplll':tti•l=t (or !ht·

~~l.ttP ~chohr ... h:p J!oard, b•· .,Jr,~ tn

\\'1th fl'g;~r·:] tn (;Iff'·; S(t':J«Iy JPI!'

:->lid of t·o.,t-~"·vinsr in if·; fH•·tfln~: ~yskm. a ,·,d!:d''llii'lfHt hl'f\t·I'I',J ,\..,.

:--:1-;tnnt 1-.f·riJagPI' J\Pnrwl h J\ 1p .11 'I

;lWJ ,JJr,·t·tor· "'H\'IH' \\"diJ·tm" n· :tri

(,·d m a lltJ\'1'] sng-gr.stion tha• !b1·

l'nrporntion !no'< into f'l'pl:winr:- tl·~· rn•st·'l' ,o..;',··;t,·m of lf\0 .SI'PlltPtf' btJi/

t•r plnnr·:. hv ·1 ,-,•ntraltzf'd "wn"''' l'nmpar!tnn int'lflt•rn.tion" s~·-.;tr·m

J(npst<>in ""ltd that pn•liminary , ... .;. tima!t•, ''Hfkak that Slh'h a o..;yo.;­

t"m t·ntdd pav for Jht•lf in ahnnl fonr yP:u·s. in rf'dw·pd fupJ oil cost!-.,

Rnd nl~o f'f'dlH't' mninlt•nnJH'P costs prPsPntly ms•l('i 1\!Pd wllh a dislrib tltPd )O)'SII'm.

··Jowl!.;: ,;I·l·u .... J,I!I 1! \'. t" •·l··ar tht~'

\\'dhtttll fllr!lwl' 111\'t·:.:lf,il:rr,n lhr

o.;o'll'f'f· c•f lilt· ·,iJnt'k h:tz.trd l'lltJ! l 'Ill! Jw Jlllljl•' n:t·d. il' lh•• •, tl!ll' ~ llll'

rl1n'1: 11' ( 'l:trl<r· \'11:,·1·d llr·r· f1·•·',·lf: : ! I . ' : ' ' It ' I : I 1 ! I' I ' I ; Ill ', ' I 1 I ' ' I ' ~ , I t • 1 11 • , ', , •

)t 11 fi.,. hoJll(' \' 1' 1:olt: d• 1Jl!• ',:It

Tht· ....,,.,."11d fontm wJ!I 1~,· llf'I,J .Jann·!:)' !~). 7 :·n p rn., .tt l'r'll';sltnr/

Si'Jll••l" Jh:h ~dwol Ul1~lr1 JHlfJHr .~·

r l:lfll. i;:1111 Tr·rnplt• 11!11, Ho:td.

~r .,. , •. ,.,. p .. ,.,., .... ,. ·r·;

~~··•!'l':tlt.J dnr'." .,, •' •n·n,·.d·· : n t h~· ,. lfl'~nr·r·· · 1 .. ,., 1'1 ··' ..

· ;. r• • 1, '\'• lop• r 1"'11! ~' :1, 'll' t: ,., • • ,. • C' 1: ·

. lf~\'" 1 ,\' f•',Hll t 1•t• conHTlt'l'!';H! !'r'

dlf'C'ii: in tht' .lf'Jll'''iJi 1:\f1 h•1\ ~ht· St·n:t'•J•·i:tl !".·h··Lu·-.!tip :1· ',\f'l! a ... ! ;lt' ~Lt~~· ~. hnl.tr..-lllp. "\•:,. h 't\'1'

("t;,;J,J ! 11 lh• '•· t t'IJ1'!, 1•• •r' _\'f'i.IT"

'h~L~ lll.lll)' ~tt:dt·nt-.; \\ht) :!jlpl,v fn ..

tht· ~r·!1a:n. :·d ,,r P !q.!.'tl' a·.·:.nd-.

~; :.tnt··.tl w·t'd." ~~atcd f\mrn~·

('nnta'l ('onrny'·, o•!k·· t' ._,t;:.' . !111)11 f,ll' .ttl,!·t !ona~ Jnt•JI'Ill:tllll':

Th1" 1:r•n•·ra! propn:-.111, t'(lllitkd \\'Jth a "fll'c'Jfit' l't'<JIH'SI for $!)000 f·l

rnrry nut a c·onsultant stud,\', brought many prn and t*OII Hl""g'n

ntf'nts. Dirrctc~r Vtrgmi:l '-fo,·ynd" qw•st inned whl'l fwr sJJ\'It a part it­uiA.I' sys!r·m t.;hnuld lw singli•d 1)111

for spPcial favor wlwn othrr sys­

tems were being eon~i~ered as w(']l In the forth<'nming rPhnbHitntioll ~tudy: and dirf'ctnr ClarJr,. wa-; wnry nf the 11"11<'1< lr:~ili" thnt migh: f'nSIIP. On tlw ollwr hand dirf'do!' Margnret Hogen.'"" fa1·or••d sneh a study ns "ab:-;nlutC'Iy vital" lJPI'I\11-"''

GHT should "plan ahPad of timt• to meet 11 dmllengt• in tlw fn'nrt•;" Instead of what sht• lt•rnu'd GHI'.< "wnml latr Pxcitf'rl n•:u·tirPJ to an

~mPrgf'nr·y". HPr viPw wus si1Jlpor tPd by dir1'r·tnrs VlJ!Iinms and N n· man Wt•yl'i. and also by ( 'harl<'s Srhwnn and Nat :::ihindPrmnn from tlH' floor, liH' lattPr nu·mbrrs how­ever agr<'eing- wilh Moryadns that final d(•ci!>lions should 111)1 bP mnd"

haHtily. No nl'lion wa~ takPn tJI!

the funding rf'qucRt for <'onsult :wt study, p!'nding furthf'r <'nnsitkr::­tion by the boB rd.

<Som(' othN detail' of tlw prop~>·· ~ charge deferral program, and of the waste-burning heating Rystem

; !J, il ~~ ! '' l'l'dli( I' {Itt i•,l '

\''1' 1' 1't'"Jl('t'l ltl ~~~her , >J~:l-ph: "t ~ l•v r lw -.;auw lllf'ntb": \', h·: d~l tl·, •·•· Wh m:..,>..;:n~~ h·t l'},,,·u,l

r•11rl 1""' I•· ,·.,,JI~ h·•' 1•1 '•h q,.Hn·. 'tnd t :·pfh' ! •· I' 1\:' '.\'}1rt h 11]''" ... :1."~ I'!h•' I

In ltln' ,, I!I~Ju'l'! nn prr;J'c•dprf·, lh•· hn·"·1l :H1d TYJ''711\CTI•f' (lf'r•idl•fl In fir-;:

(" l ··~1 1 :, 1, \•.l•·rt tJ1" f•tt•l: \''"1'1' IJ1 · fnr,, r-~~:ng- fqrlll,f'r

inP," tlw rrlf'l'l.w• !lJ'I\' h:r"" :n1 jro,

pnrtnnt h~":1rinrr fl" t lw ni!(H't iotl nf

how tn rf'fitl''Tl''" t~HT h~·~nf•.o..: -~r~,. .. thf' f:-NMJ\ morfc·a~;t• i-; lif!f•d .. T}w

statc-opcratJ·d 1\fnr>·land lloll"'""' F'unrl i~ in tlw prorf'sS of f'nnf'ting­an insurnnC"r progrnm for roonf'ra. five 0.CJ!tlty lonns (P.g., Twin Pint'.~

lollnR); regulations for 'tWh n pro

gram hrwc been drawn up nnd will

become efTcrtlvc during Frbrunry.

197~. "If no ll.tlV<''"~' cnmmcntR art' rf'rf'iVPd''. finch an PQllity insur

nnrr program :;:houlrl !1-irl JHP.SPnt

mcmb<>rs in r<'flnnnring f'QUit:v

loans, and a~Rist nf'w members to

get loans at lntf'rcRt rat!'s pPrhnp·;

as low as llrRt mortgagt• inter!'st


' ' I '1 1 p :-:It I' If ~~ "·

t',,J' •..

l''t''ltk I

: n· ,,

< ·,IIIIH II w11 h 1 hr~··· rP('om­

, 1'/'HI:J'J! opt IIIllS tlll .Janu­.\ foun 1t op!Jci!J that rou

:··1t· 1" '' .;J !·1· •ar::.•c! forth :1 :h•·

\::I , " I I'\''''· \ '1'1 1\·-.1. '•' 01(('1 d"' th• 'd•'Pit··· l'··~~~~·wl S_\',lt·~n (:\·

1~'~1, l''·"''"rl'lll\' !In· nriJ~Ill'tl prnpo•,

:d !!J!' :h~· 1( 1/J.f'J']'• l"'Jlirl f":lli ·0,••tr~

T'1•' • ,.,,.!!lf ·~ n: · ·· l-;1· ·c ·•! PIP/''.

•IJ'.\IIt!l1/'l, dt•f,\'111\l 1 1}1' 7:! •)!!! [Oil

\' 1l! h.· ,t'".\ • !:•IJ!•· fr,rm t lw ''11ll'J1 y

n,·par•lntl'lil or Prng-rnm Pll!lllllfl'F nnd J•:,·olhltllll' DPVI•]rrpnwnl

!lw ( 't11lllf}' Council.


'.''11\:!FJl:l'•·h· tl):) f,T~ o.;n11'!1 of C .. f'Pn· ),,,Jt p,,.,.j (,•J\• \f'ltl'\):!1'!' J·tr'f1P'>

K ~~···' • '1'1': '''" tlqf a ri~ht-nr \\':\\· :•: ! lt•lf 1. H' 1 ! j,,~ ,,.;!J f' ·.;;r"lt i·11Jy

'l 1tf ill h:ilf 1hP llfi.,OTll'd ~mifh

1•:',\'!!\J' !l!'o\fl' rl \' whir·h • 1 1 "l' .,1

'' 1th11~ Cn•~<nlwlt'.•; hnllfltl·tJ'ii'S.

Git•;f' raist'' mlf''>~Hl .... :1·: !n 'I· w}wihl•r tl11• -PI·nlninP" Bn·q·d ,,-, · nnt in f'ffrct nnl\n:r~ 11 ., i·;P'l'-' :rf ft•,·tiru: thc- d1''.'1•lr1plnt"~lt :i:••' ''tl'llll'~

of !hi" ~mith-E\\'~flg' Jl''(IJlf'rh· wit\1 nut thnt propPrty ht•Jn:.,; !!11' o.;rJ!•­

jPf't of fhf' prt"JiminHI',\• phn f~'l

w}wt lwr it Wm!ld br nrcP~·sary for


!JtH' to the upcomin~: New Year's holirla~·. tlw fnllnw1n.•~ chan~····

will be m;HlP 111 lht• rdusP collection sclwduh··

~1onday. January 2

Tuesday, January :1

WC'dnesday, January 4

Thursday . .January 5

Friday, January 6

Saturday, January 7

C<o enlll'<'l to>n

Mon- Wt'd.-Frt Tlnttk

Tul's·-Thurs.-S;II. Tloutl'

Pnper collection " Doth routl•s

Regular collect~

Regular colledions

PG Community College Ext. Ctrs. to Hold Registration

Tht• Pnnr, <;•·or!_!t-' ... \ '.unm.:n ·~

1 '.dlq.:'· :::.·· 'I·l•r,J (',·n~l!·.., Ur~Tct·

·.~l)l h'7!d •I:T·t'lfllj'il: ,fl -;,~·:·:--.ro" :···~:.·I 1'.1 1 '1•'1 fr•',! h•• -.)III" •: '''fl'

ol(:'·o tlUJlil, 1 qj', ..!'

''ll ,f;tllll''!',\ q .\·.

H:g-h !--il'lldO!. fi ';(I.

.; ::11 p /H. an·l •Ill .hll. 11 ,It H,\(1-.o

,.t 1! Jf1gh .~,hot~!, li.;:n ·"" :lll p.m

Fo~· :?1 hu11r n·g-i:·dratHIIl l:lf•)rmil­t;oq ·•bon: Cllllr'-'''-" h.-.glllr1 1 T11-!' .Jan. :!1. cn!l :t;)()-"::'.19. Aftl'r Jan. R. ('a/! :;'Hi-fil100 ••\:! 11~.

Summer Youth Program Tt't'llagt•rs ~,-, to IH arr• ••llgJbiP In

apply for tlw statr's Youth Con.'-'t'r

vat,Krn program for t hr• Summt•r. TliPrP will lH' ~t'\'f'IIIPI'II work lnt·a lions throughout tlw statP. for (hnst

:HTt•ptrn. The wt>rk J, , '""'Prnt•il with t•t•nlogy and t'llVlf'IITlfllf'llt.\J

quality. Tht•rt' will '"' ro•-.idt·nlial and non-re~idf'nl ial l'Hntfb op,•ra­ting, rno.st' la.sting R WC'f'll:..... AppJi rants will b(~ Sl'iPl'tf'd nt rHndnm, but lhP numbPr nf posit iPn" I" ltml­tf'd.

IniPrPsfl•d studf'nt..;; can , all 2~

!000. 9 r, Mon.-~'rl. to gd furthl'r 1nformation.


Page 2: IEW COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED (;rrrnbrh's tibrarv Q)rcttthrJt ... file'IEW COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED (;rrrnbrh's tibrarv Q)rcttthrJt



GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Ref ore and After School Sup' d Childrens' Program

Historical Society Projects Twin Pines Members Adopt New Bylaws

'' nUEI'I;,DI,;'T :\'t:\\ ~I'.U't:H Al.""ltLil \1. ~h.t)J.,Ih.. I'IU·:"IUt:~'J'. 18~9-11;:

Editor I .\lnr,· l.ou \\ IJihtiDIIUU, 47.t-·UNHI .-\uodatr Edilurr "'"bdr• IJarur~~, -l':".j-3.:JJO

Tht• t;r,•t·nbdt Hi;-;L,ri~·;d S,h"<t:t<lt' Hl• t .t: :hi· Grt·•·nbdt L1br 1n· o;1 llt·n·mUt·r t.J. Tht· !ld),,\\'Jng pru~t'{''


Xmas Trt>r Disposal

,.\! trw St~\· :!.., l'!ty l'dlllll .J ntn·t­

;n;.: tht· B•·f Jft' :t:ld .\flt r :-;, huol !'tJp,·n·tsPJ ChilJr~·~J·s PrtJ~Tam was .t :-dlt••iuJ,·d .lgt·nda ltt'lll unJPr cJi~­

~·.:~:-:ion This sub]t't't ~,:; undPr l'UJ1-

sait·ratio:J bt•t :luSt' of intt>rest t•\'­

!!ln'd by citizen..; and community ~roup!-> tt :1 Publu: Information mt't'!lng hdd tlfl Tut·s.. 0l't. :?.J. Thnst· who partit~patPd in tht· st's­S;<lll \'o:ct>d tht· opinion that many < :n·P:Ihf'lh·r ... art• lf1 rwt'd of such :t

~~·r\·i,.,. that would pr.,vidt· supt>r­\'J:-1 •Hl for childrt.•ll of work1ng par­t·'Jt:; •n tn,· Parly murning and lak

,, ,.r,· planrll·J

1 Intt•n·it•w..., W1tti (;rn·nbdt J-H· nnn·rs whtch would bt· part of a !.tpt•J his:vry of Crt•t·nbdt Any ln1g- tim1· Crt>{'Jlbdtt>rs intt>ft>Sh•d in j•artk:pating in thl'~it' tapt> sPssions ;dt•ast• contact Betty Allt•n at tht• l ;rl't·nbt•Jt library. 'i"IH: l.JJ.a•:-, Will Lw ··lan·J in tht• Thgwt'll Room.

~- ld<'ntification of P:u\1 Kasko nt·g-:ltl\'t• . ., and pictures dunutt'd to tht· city by th,• fornit'r Grt•t•nbdt phutugraph<'r. .-\nyon•· abh• to h<'lp 111 tht· idt•ntttictlwu prun·ss cuntud

Jamt'3 U.t'St', l"it~· man.tgt'l' t 171· .'lllti) I

t'!1r~ ... ma:- ~ rt·,•:-. may l.J,· drupp.·.! or! .l! tht' foJknnng: ar•·.~:- !tlr }lick­up by :ht· C:ty Ut•guun~lg J.Inu.lry :l

Golden Age Club Christmas Party

h.1 lllam•bt• t:. lA·•·

.dtt·rnoun h··:trs lt was thought that orH·•· a program v.·.ts Sd in mutwn it would attn.H·t tht• attt'll­

:.un !Uld partlc!pH!Jon ,,f nw~l' r··--­.tlt·n::-..

:!· C'n.•:ttJUJl of a city nltiM'Ulll ht'Ll:---

111!: tht· original Grt•t·nbdt furnitur,· Jnl'tun·s and otht·r matt.•rial.s of tllstorical signifkarllt'. Pt·rsons ha\·· 111g such 1tems <'ontun ;\Is. Allt•n . 1t tht• library. Tht'y can b1: plucPd Oil Utsplay H1 thf' Tu;~\\('ll ru!)Jn llll

til tht• m•.J:-iPllm 1:-; a r'·altty.

.\::~·:- tki 1_\':!lK t!lt· -.t:1r~ of tilt·

!il''' · :n~ f•ll" ::!mu-.:: lll htJUr fur ":wt ot .t qutJrtlm. : :1,. m•·rniJ,•r!"hJj• .~~ T·\·t:J P:llt'." unarumuu~Jy passt•d :t :-l't of bylaw am1·ndml·n~:-; at :t

·'P•·•·•al m•·•·t1ng hl'ld oJ:J Dl'c. H. Th1· pnmary purpus<· of t h•· amPnd · mt•nts was tu lmph•mt•nt a votint~

.... vstPm Hl 1'\.nn Pnu':-; ba:-:t>d on tht· l':HII't·pl ut. ont· mt•Jnllt•r ont' \'Ott·,

a~ \~t·ll a~ \.l makt> po!"stblt• a mad proxy bnl'ot. in addltton. oth<·:· parts uf tht• Bylaw' wen· daritled, tht• t•!('C{HHl dPadlll~'"':-' ',\'f'rt' altf'rPd to conftlrm w1th th<' pubhL·ation :-~.:ht>Jult· nt tlh· Xt•\\ ~ l:t·,·i~w. and tht• t\'.'u :d:t·rna!P pus1tu:ns on thP ;\"umlnathHl..., nnd t:kctwn;-; Com­

nutlt'c wt•rl' t·ltmllln.t••ti

Tlll' ll!lHIIlffiOU.-.. vut~· , .. nut t·om

plt't<'ly unprt•cTJ<·ntPd "' Twin Pi!~t·-.. h1stdry In 197~~. a -..p('cial ntl·t·t:llg was ht'ld at whll'h thP By­Itt\';:-. \\'l'l't· approvPd unarumously .

P!l:iygro!llld uppu:-J:t· \ 't~u: · RiJgt· R"Jdd, l 'ornt·r t)f f~, ..,, ar,·· 1 a!ld !id:..;:d•· l-!caad~. P!aygrtiiJtlti .1

Pl:::t.tt·atl Pl·H ,. aJld f·td~·, Rn.:-t I I:;Jg~· H·~.tJ l't•J!!Pr Par;..,.n..: l.<~' Art·:-t ;d,:an·n~ to CnnJv C.H:•· < ··~\ P;ay~r· ·~!1 I at Jtllll'llnll. tJf t'r,·=--··;·r~· anJ f\;Jgt• Hoad~. Char!t· ..... ~o .... nt· \"tl ;a~·· ,',· l'h.trlt·stoWth• Xur:h Ad·

j~\'t•:J: ~·: Lt~kt· Park s,·n·:,·, rou·l. LHn't·:- .... :y Squurt· . Ju rr'"'~ ...,\'.'iiHF.L:JJ; pool. L.ukt'"idt• XP:-f h . Xt·.lr .. \\ :mmmg- pnoi. ~pnn~h1:· l~ikt· l \,mmu~Jit)' HlJJidu;~. Grt·t·ll

bnu · B··htlld Build:ng ;;ll' ,IJttl

'&·: \\'''"!~ Buildings 77:!~ antJ 77:tn 7~:?tj H:Jd 7X2S: and 7903 and 7~:) t;~, :1 t);d.;.. Bt•t\\'t't'l! Buddin':-.. 7~HI: .10d 7~0J:J, anJ j;jO~I .tlld 7:Jll •\\'IJld ,,,!. t_:,,.t·n · Adjat·t·n: ~'' p:.tn.:r,nu,,J -~=~ 1 'anHlng Tt•rraL·,·

CITY NOTES · Tht 1 .:Prtt>raJ l'rt·w ha ..... 01't'!i tl••llt;.~ .'Hlnh· .-..tr•·pt patdun;:: u.-.. ·.\'t·,Hhl'f'

lH·ttntt...... Onl' day wa~ SJh'Jlt \\'1)rk

1n~ on tht· tlllJ..lH.Vt·<l portion of RHJ);t' Road wht·t't· lht• ht·U\')' rain.:~ ,·:t:t"Pd

..;ornt• •·roswn. Tht; l'Tt•\\' clt·aw·d (<'ll\'l'S 11110 utbt•r dt•briS from <':Itdl buin!ol &nd 1:1omt• timt· was spt•nr ;!I

n·moving t•quipm.-nt from t h,· Rtdgf' Road ('t·ntt·r. prior !n .:" l11· tng torn do\\'n.

.\bo. tht· buliJinl( ··r<'w has bt·••tt dt"auutg and doing somt• t•lt•(·tri('al work at tht• Springhill Lak•· r•·•·r ... &tion building. Plans ar<' bl'ing mudt• ~~ start working in th•• Mu nitlpal Building, r••·llrranging th.· various otftcfl's ...

Tiw park c:n·v. hu:-. bt·t·n oJJt·nH-111g thc h•af vacuum unJ l'hlpper. Som•· plnygrourid ''<luipm<•nt wa.< n·pairt'd and triiSh n•n•JJtal'!<-.< in thl' shopping ct•nter und d'<•Wh..r<· Wt>ff' also rPpairt>d. SomP l'rf'w mcmb<·rs have been wurkinJ{ on th"

.Gn·•·nbriur Purk all Wt't'k.

Tlu• park l'rew did som<· .-l•·arin-: at the Gri'Pnbrlar Park Wh<·n fruzpn or wt't lt•aves prevcntt•d pwk-up by th•· \'aeuum. \\'ork was abo sfarkd nn th•• installation of soet·f'r gcul

{JfJ"!" at North End ~~·ho.,; ~'lnl'·

nwmbt•r!-0 spt•nt on1· day tr1mmin~ th•· ,.,,mmtlnlt)' ('hrl .. !m:t .. · :n•t· Th•· t'J-;TA ,·rr·w p;t·kt·d :ip thr•··· :1•·\·:

W•Jri-<t·zs thr:, wt•f•k Th•· t'f'l'\\' ha ...

b•'Pll contiuuiug WIJrk '"J th·· Of••·"l dJtt·h behinJ Braut•n J.'lt'l<i.

S11nw "trt·t·t patching \\a• dutw, ·wU :? .. , tun . ..; of crushl'd l!m•·slun·· was applied to t ht• Lak1• Pari; trail. Last Friday morning genPrnl crPw

··- membl'rs werP calll·d out at 5 a.m. to apply salt to the icy strpf't,.

The week's papt•r <·ollt·<·titlll tJt·t­

tl'd 7 tons, l .a.o lbs.


Juanm· Ramundu has joi111'd th·· service as a part- time juvenile counselor. Joanne has had exper­ience working ·,for the Prince Georgt-s County Hotlinf.' and is presently employed on a part-tim7' b&llis with Hidden EntT&nce, a crlsi intervention program.

CARES has also gained the srr vices of two additional volunteer counselors, Phyllis Burson, Ph.D.,

• a graduate vr thl' Univ. of C:hicago, and .lamPs ftf'bt'la, M.Th., currently l'nrolh•d in th1• clinil'al psychology doctoral program at AmPrlcan

T!1,· 1 ;r ···nbt·lt (;,J)d,·IJ .-\gt· Club hdd !h Chn:-.~m:i.s party llt'l'. ll

.tt th, Youth ('.·n:,·r t.Jr I-40 ml'm­h,T, :1~:d .:~!It'S~:-.. Pr,·~·!·J:n}.! tilt• tJ, .. ··' ·'·"·" b;:r~·. ~ dlllllt'!', th,· H•'\'. Kcn­·:,·:1: . B::kt·r ••tl.·r,·d •. 1 . pr.ty,·r.

...... p.·, II: r:.tJt· ... t, ... 'o\!'[1' ( h:d of Pt•·

Tht~ 1 )JnTtor~ uf Ht·t·n·atwn ,111d

t ;rt't•nl.JI'it Can·s subs,·qw•ntly (k· il\'t'f•·J a tPport to th•· City C Hm~·il Tht• Nov. 7 Illt'dlllg tuudtt•d on th·· ~:lllJ•T~ !Jr.•·fly and tht·n it \\'.LS tab· ~··J 1:ntil ~o\· :::•\. ~!ary C'l.trkP and l'arul Lt·\·,u::hal. of Gn·t·nbt·lt l'AR-1-:S SfHlkt' 111 favnr nf th•· propo . ..;t·J }JJ'~lJt;:ram l'iarkt• rt>qtlt· .... :t'd lhat th•· c1ty pru\'ldt· somt· stimulu:-. for th•· !>~Upt•rvi~t·J program 111 tht· f,Jrm t~f

ftuHIIIIg- or :-;tatT tJmt· , city stat(' dt•\'ott•J to 1ts ifl\'t':-tlg tt1on.

IA·\'PnthuJ dHI not Jelin·r a formal prt•st•ntatio'l but dal !'itnl•• th;tt St'\'-

\\'lllLtlll l..<lllt·. City .\!anagt·r. .I t~lJ·· .. t ;;,·s,•. C't•Ullt·i:nmn. Charll's :O:dt·,\·;w I )t•J,·.~!:ttl', L•·tJ GnTn · and . \!r ... (;1! \\'•·:th-nf,·!J Eal'h ~llt'~: "!••d\!· br;t•liy t'\:pn·~.-;lng his plt•:J­.. ,Jr•· ill shal'lnJ.: th,· p:trty.

l'1:~• .\ll!i:tgt·r Git'.'\t' annoull:•·d !!It· d.t:,·. I,,'~' IS. for J.:r••tluU-brt>.tl\· :n;.: f,,r !h·· l;rt•t·nbdt howung- !ur ! J:,· ~·ldt·rl~· and t•:xpr.•s·wd tht· \'IPW

th .. : tl \\',Hiid bt• llllt' of thl' LH· ..... t ··ltkrly hntL..;;ng UllJt.'i tfl tht· .tr••.t.

Tht· pr":·ram :ndudt·d C.'hrtstma"i Olii.l'i't' .1:1d .1 ··;r,·cial qu:trt•·t "f I·~d­

:Lt \\'111~-· All II \ld )tJfldl,J. Ht•!t•fl ( )rtrlJ..: .t!td J<"ff ChaJJman, .tl'<:om­p.lllh·d l>y C'laLr•· .lanJb". Soloist·. Wt.•rt· Ht·lt·n Orin~ illi•J r:dna \\.hi!t• ~ft•nlbt•r-.. r lkn JOII!t•d ru singing­

t~~hr.~tmas 'artJ!s. :111d tn makt· th•· jl;ut.\' ·l·omp!t•{l', tht· Urt·t·Jibl'lt Ht't'­,..._,:, "' P··pt. ftirnisht·d :o;antu Claus .\likt- !.u:ulr••gan1 whu with his

J•.lt·k •tiltl a HO' HO' HO! distribu tt·d Sant;t. Claus \'UJII.Jy sut'kPrs to all. It w11s a gala affulr unJ 1'\'t·ry­"n•·.IHid fun.

1 ral "Lnkh 1\'t>y Child" pr<Jgr:uns han• bt>t•n iJI\'t•stigatt·J. It was JHHU

tt·d uut that thP ~.tnlt· pr<,J,:r:tm..; upt•ratP 1111 a l'PtiJtty :md rwt a l'it~·

basis. \';\r!Olls <JIIt'Sl!OilS .trust· :t!'i [11 !Ill'

f,·asrbdrty. co~t~. ujlf'r:ttir:~ stand· .lftb ··h·. of sudt a program. Cuun­' II dt•ciu•·tl that tht' formation of ·' !"flt'l'ial l'itizt·ns cummittt•t• for 111\'t·str~atum wa:-; not Jlt'<'f'."iSHry at pn·s .. nt nor would rt bt• advhmblt· to hirt· ;trt,\'t'lll' with mort· «'Xpt·rti!w untrl mort· c.HJld bt~ df'tt•rmitwd a­bou! strl'h a program. Council jJas;-;,·d a J't·sulution to rt·qut·st tlwt

!-':an •m·•·,t!gat•· th•• f<'a,ibility 11nd all othPr "'l'"l't' of tht• i"UI' that W<'re brought up at tht• publk h•·nr-ing.


Twin Pines Savings & Loan Assn. 6CJ' ANNUAL RATE ON

HOLIDAY SAYINGS flgured from day of deposit



t l{p..;turation of tombstd•a·.-. no\\ in tht> cJty wart•holl.St' Thost· ILL\'-

MOWATT MfMORIAL l'nlted !\iethodiat Chureb

Church S<-huol 9:30·10:30 a.m. :\lornln~: Wonohh• II It.m.

1101.\' C0:\1\Jl':\'IOS ing- knuwlt·Ugt· of how [II tht•sp tomb~toJu•s ~lwuld

,p·stun· t'OlltHcl

( ;it•St•. .\lt'llibtion: ".-\ :\'"" ll••~:innin~t" Thrt•t• motwn prdun·s of histuri

cal signitic·am·t• to t•arly l:rvt'llb•·lt will bl' shown nt th,· su.-it'ty·, twxt I Jte•·· Oilton U. ('unninJ:bam.

I' WI tor JnP<·ting. Intt·rt'stPd 47h'l381 40 RidJ:e Ud. n4-41410 L,ll'gt•d tu 'ttl'lld.

GREENBELT COMMUNITY CHURCH t(~nllt•rl f'hl!rch of t 'hr!Mt'

Nursery proVIded at 2B Hllls1d~

~.... 11 a.m. Worahlp Servtoe and (,'burch Sohoel

Hn. Sh•rry Taylor and Rev. llarry Taylor, eo-pu&on

Children still need an example IF worship of God is to be important •••••••

Let YOUR example lead the W AYII



Bible S&udy for aU ac• (SUD) Swlday Worablp Mid-week Proi(I'IUIJ IWedl

11:411 Ull

11 :no am .t '7:00pm 8:00pm

For bus transportation, eall church otli•··· ~ a.m. - 1 p.m. weekdq•


Holy Cross Lulheran Church 6905 Greenbelt Road

Worship Servtc ... : 8:110 and II :Ill R.m. RELAX AND ENJOY NEXT SEASON'S HOL!DA YS

A";k about our savings certificate plans: I Sunday School: 9:~0 a.m.

Weekday Nunery Srhool: D-11 ::10 a.m. Eel ward 1L Birner, J'utor l'hoaco Mli-M 1 1 .. _____ _

I~S pu annum for a slhoo minimum def"ISit when held ~~~~ one year maturity, ~

7S per &llnum for a $2000 minimum depo1lt when beld aalll one 1MI' maturity.

7~% per annum' for a $4000 minimum depoalt wll.­beJtJ unUI Jour :rear maturlt;r.


Mon.-Thur 9-i

Friday t-t' .., Saturd;1v 9-12

CLQSKD Sat .. Dec· 31 '\Inn .. .Tan. 2



. ~

'if/a"* ad '?ttettdtfl 'iflt4k4 J I ' I i /".,. 4 I I ~~ f i ~~ 1tu. 11"" I 1· . I I 7~ 'ifletae+U ';alldtfl J I I

Carol Leventhal attended the Mary~and Saving1-Share ln1urance Corp"~;ation Univ. ·'~ Association for the Advancement of (Ala Arency of'thto State of Maryland) I tJtt. ~e. s~ & ette. I

r,.._ • ._._._.!I!IIQJIII•••·~~---" • .~ . ..

Behavior Therapy conferenc" held lnlur• each aeoount to uo.ooe.oo In Atianta, Dec. &-11. -------------------


Thursday, December 29, 1977

Police Blotter <Thl' f ollowin~ al'!' hap!M'nin~:"~ from tile P&•t three Wl'l'k&)

At a luncheon me<>ting of thl' American Automobile Association, Mayor Pi!ski and Chief Lane were presented with an award for pede­ltrian safety. The award recognizes eight years without a traffic fatal­icy in the City.

The Annual School Salety Patrol Holiday Party was held recentiy at the Fire House. Chief Lane thank­ed the patrols In attendance and presented each with a gift from the Department for their e1forts in pr()­tecting their claumatea. Relreab­-ts were also served. Chief Lane wu assisted by school patrol officer, c,J. Kenneth Stair. The movie "Snoopy Come Home" was shown, &long with three cartons. Thanks are extended to Mr. Wiedaw of Greenbelt Tobacco Shop for assist­ance with refreshments and to vol­unte<>rs at the Fire House who as­sisted where necessary.

An employee at the Beltway Pia· za reported that as she walked to her car at 9 p.m. one night last week she was approche(.( by a per· aon who attempted to stf'al her purse. When hi' wa.o; unable to aecure it, he grabbed a necklace shr was wearing. Lookouts hav•• been issued and investigation is contin­uing. While on routinr patrol PFC Duprat observed a subjPct who was obviously intoxicatl'd. After offering &sSistance to the man and advising him not to drive his vehicl(' due to his condition, the subjl't't became very disorderly. As a result, he wa.• arrestl'd and chargl'd with disor­derly intoxication and trespassing.

A resident of Lakecrest Drive re­ported that as she approached her residence someone I'Xposl'd himself to her. ·The area was checked but the subject was gone on the arrival ot the officers. Lookouts have been l11ued.

After receiving a citation for IJII!edlng on Ridge Road, a 19 year old resident became very disorder-

Recreation Review Winter Class lnfonnation

Registration for Winter Leisure Time Activities will be held at the Youth Center and Springhill Lake Recreation Center on the following schedule:

Monday, Jan. 9, 7-9 p.m. at the Greenbelt Youth Center - Tuesday, Jan. 10, 7-9 p.m. at the Springhill Lake Recreation Center and Wed­nesday, Jan. 11, 3-ll p.m. at the Greenbelt Youth Center.

Brochures, listing all the activi­ties and programs, are available at both centers.

City's Raaketball Acltloa Boys' and Girls' Club, WOlDen's

and Men's basketball sell80n play has arrivl'd and the Recreation Department is ready to host compe­tition at both city centers. League play, for all teams, begins in Janu­ary with games scheduled for the various age groups throughout thf' wPek and weekends. Spectators arc encouraged. Full schedules are pos~ ted at the centers.

0!M'n Gyms Following is a schedule of other

open gyms in the area: Greenbelt Junior High School, Sundays, 2 p.m . - 6 p.m.; Eleanor Roosevelt Senior High School, Sundays, 6 p.m. · 10 p.m.

RoUer Skating The place 1s Greenbelt Ct>nter

Elf'mentary Sehool for the roller skating program. Held twice a Wf'f'k from 4-5:30 p.m. the Grades 1-3 skate on Wednesdays, with the grades 4-6 on Friday. People who don't have rink skat{•s, can rent them. A nominal fee is chargetf' at the door.

Boys' and (!!riA' C1ub llnlfonn Turn-In

All football and soccer uniforms should be turned in on Tuesday or Thursday, S-10 p.m. at the Youth Center. Basketball uniforms will not be issued to any person hold· ing other uniforms.

thP stolen itPms. ly and very abusive towards the officers. When he was advisf'd he was under arrrst for disorderly con· duct, the subject struck the officer. HI' was subsequently charged and takl'n before the Commissioner who then releasl'd him on personal re­cognizance.

Officer Sappington, aftPr a..sisting a stranded motorist, learned that die subject was wanted by New Jersey authorities for br1'8king and l'llterlng. He was turned over to the Prince George's County Sheriff.• Department to await ••xtradition to New Jersey.

An apartment in the Glen Oaks complex was broken into recently while the resident was away. 1\ television set, stereo, camera e­quipment and two guitars wPre sto­len. Lookouts have been Issued and the Investigation Is continuing.

Chief Lanf', Lt. Zoellner, Lt. Krob, Cpl. Brumley and Mrs. Boone attf'n· ded a mef.'ting at Bowif' State Col­lege outlining the nrw privacy laws which becomP effective on January 1, 1978.


New Bi-County Water Main Greenbelt's Richard Bridge May Traverse Lake Park Honored for Boating Safety

by Linda Orenstein

The Washington Suburban San­itary Commission <WSSCJ plans to construct a water main which will extend from the Potomac Plant on River Road through Montgomery County, including various projects &Dd existing mains, and on into Prince Georges County. It will fol­low the Beltway in Prince George~ County and terminate near Cen­tral Avenue, at which point the. pipeline will hook Into existing wat­er mains. The large 96" pipe coven a distance ot U miles. Accordlnr to John Ritter, Project Manager, · Water and Sewage Design Section, WSSC, this project <known ns W80.Ql In the Greenbelt Area) will bE' a major source of water supply to Prince Georges County and was included in the 1974 Water and Sewage plan. Studies based on cal-

. culations of population growth in-dicate that the main is ncc('ssary to meet present and future water de­mands. The pipes arc needed to bal­ance the system to maintain water pressure both for domestic con­sumption and to insurc adequate water tlow for extinguishing tires.

On October 14, at the River Safe­ty Symposium held in Easton, Pa., Richard B. Bridge of Greenbelt was awarded the August A. Busch "Mi­cbelob Schooner". The trophy, a handcrafted, solid llterling allver yawl encased In a frame, Is award­ed to a perwon who baa made a great contribution to boating ll&le­ty over an extencted period of time. The award was presented by Ra· mone Eaton, retired vice president of tbe American Red ero. and a long-time tr!end of Brl~'a. Th~ American Canoe Association and the Canoe Cruisers Auoclatlon en-dorsed bll nomination which then was r~mmended by the U. S. Coast Guar4 and the American Red Cross.

Bridge, who works tor the Naval Research Laboratory, bas been ac­tively involved in the sport of ca­noeing for more than twenty years, as a participant, organizer and edu­cator, He has taken part in many facets of the sport. both as a rec­reational paddler and canoe paler and as a racer In local, regional and national competitions. Bridge holds certification a.s an International Slalom Expert and has officiated as such at International whitewater races both in the United States and Europe.

Property owners affected by the projf'ct Include Holy Cross Hospit­al. the Agricultural Research Cen­ter, Consolidated Syndicates, Spring­hill Lake Associati'S, Reiner et a! Trustees, and the City of Greenbelt . Thf' section in this ar('a will begin at the new pollee barracks at RA:lute 1 and extend to the Baltimore· Washington Parkway.

WSSC intends to construct the main as close to the Beltway as possible, 'as it provides a direct route and an open area. A tempor­ary 30-ft. easement has been pro­posed for the construction of the main in addition to a 50-tt. eas('­ment. The latter gives WSSC a per· manent right of way to the strip for maintenance of the main. as well as ·for construction purposes.

Bridge's accomplishments as an organizf'r 11nd educator are many. He was a charter member of the CanO(' Cruisers Association of Grea­ter Washington <CCAl, one of the largest and most active canoe clubs in the United States. He held the post of Safety and Education Chair­man in the OCA for many yean. When the job was split into two committees. Bridge retained the po­sition of Education Chairman and became a member of the OCA River Safety Committee He has long been an Instructor for Red Cross BaBic Canoeing cl888es organized by the CCA Education Committee.

State Farm lnsuf'CIIIc.

Ron Borgwardt

474-8400 -'n ... ut. - II •uw­

•ntr ...,...,...lltN. (lolfep I'Wtl, ... .., ..

coa U.& l at U.. Belt-.r)


Pa~ I

City Approves Long-term Lease With Local Jaycees

by Elaine Skolllik The city council on November

28 approved a long term 1eue with the Greenbelt Jaycees for theJr club house behind St. Hlllb'L The leue wu conditioned 011

the Jaycee's repair of the pro­perty which was serioU:.Iy damaged by a ftre on Juq 30, 197$. The Jq­eees approftd the Jeue •

Council also requested that ~e city have the option to cancel the leue on a short-term bub, with the elf:7 paying one-sixtieth of the Jayceetl restoration ~ for each month that ~M 011 tile leue at the time of a sbort-tena cancellation.

Jaycees' President P. J. Painter noted that the club boule wiD be avallable for Ule by Greenbelt etm 1100~ and that the req1181t ot St. Hugh's for use of the faclll1:7 for youth activities has alread;r bee granted.

Painter said the building should be secured within the near future by replacing the roof and I~ windows and a door. Iriterfor worll will bE' accomplished by the JR7-cee.!l.

Painter notl'd that the bulldflll has a lot of "significance, good aDd bad memories." Originall;r ~ structed by the G reenbE'It Athledc Association on government land, the clubhouse was built by vol-­tl.'('rs, using federal govemmeat surplus materials and city maiD­tenance personnel. Over the ye.,.., •·arlous private organizations ·han operated the clubhouae.

Three firea have hit the bulldlq. The Jaycees leased the club­house after the second fire in U. on a month-to-month basil llblce it was considered for the houalq for the elderly project.

PORTER'S UQUORS .. Balto. .... ., ... (nut to KcDoaald'• In Olllllp


We have the Jara-t MJeodaa rJJI. Win• from arolllld &be -e& Special prfca on - ~

Onlllr ....,

A1J;r queatt01111 about wt.. wei--'

After reoeiving a complaint from Greenbriar of the theft of a dish­waaher from an unoccupiod apart­ment, Sgt. Faulconf'r issued look­outs for two subjects. The two

A seminar on the law enforce­ment computf.'r system was held at the Cheverly Cultural Center. This was the first seminar of this typl' rvf.'r held in the State. It was at­tended by Mrs. Boone, Mrs. Scarla­ta, Ms. French and Ms. Coulter. In­formation regarding the capabilities of the system was obtained.

An additional 2(Hoot ea.•ement is being sought through the Lake Park. This alignment of the main through the Lake Park and Parcel 111 would eliminate part of the tree buffer which now exists between the Park and the Beltway. City Council members nrc concerned about damage to the Lake Park, because of its proximity to the Belt­way, with loss ot the tree butror strip, changes in topography, and preservation of the watershed tor the Park. A motion passed at the CJty Council meeting on Nov. 28 to request that tiJe WS.SC investi­gate a right-of-way which would run through the Lake Park and Parcel 1~ but. which would be lo­cated at a distance from the Belt­way so ns to preserve the existing tree growth.

Very nice one bedroom end unit in wooded area at only $10,500.

'subsequently turned themselves In to headquarters and were chargt•d with IZ'rand larceny.

Two automObilo• wrrP reported stolen. One was found to have been rf'pOSSeSS('d Rn'd the othf'r was locatl'd by the ownPr-she had left It at a friend's home.

Four br('aking and pnt<'rings were reported. Three wcrp to apart­ments in Springhill Lake, the fourth was to ~itz Camera Cf'ntPr at Beltway Plaza. Numf.'rous cameras and various camNa equipment, val­ued· at OV'~r $2,000, "'l'r(' .. rPporfcd taken from the camera shop. A purse, clothing, tPh•visinn scts and stf'rP.os Wf'fP takPn from llw apart ments. Invpstigation b ('ontinuin!r and lookouts( haVl' bt>vn i:;suPd for


A report was rf'celved recently of a fire in the basement of an apart· ment on Crescent Road. As the r<'­sult of investigation, the Fire Mar­shal apprehended nn 18 year old resident of the area; hi' has bf'en charged by thP Fire Marshal's of· flee.

PFC Duprat wn, slightly mjured r<>crntly and Car #5 was damaged

. whpn a woman puired our- in front or the police t'ar on Green belt Road. omrrr Ricucri charged II

femak resident of GrPrnbrinr aftrr she fled from thP s<·enP of an ""''' dcnt.in BPltway Plaza.

A connection must be made bt'· twef.'n th<' 96" main and the 42" pipeline that already runs tllrough Greenbelt. The WSSC will require another right of way for this con· nection, which 1 it has proposed to place at thp south cornf'r of tlw Lakf' below the dam.

Thr location of th<' right of way for the water main and any com pen~ation lb be madt' by Wl!;SC to the City an• i"'ucs still bPing ncgo· tiatPd by the two parties. \Villiam WildPr, the Right of Way ar;,.nt for WSSC. statcs that ronstmct ion may begin in the summer of 107R.

Happy Holiday Season. FROM YOUR

Greenbelt ·Federal Credit Union

Two Superb two bedroom redecorated towl¥touse with large

level Yl!rd. ,

Three New on the market is this lovely three bedroom townhouse

with remodeied kitchen and bathroom. Priced at $18,900.


This two. bedroom townhouse features living room, dining area, modern kitchen, w /w carpef, hardwood floors, drapes, and balcon~· Only $33,950.

GREENBELT REALTY SERVICES e MI!Jllber Gallery at Hom• • Eqult;r Adnnoe e N"tlonal Adv~rtlslq e OII&I'IUiteed 841M

1100 Oftlcee Coast to Coast • Profealonal 8alelt 8td ~ Oftlcea Prince George'• Collllt:r • 11'1111 Semoe tlompany

You Get So Much More When You Coli .,. A DIVIiiON OF NYMAN REALTY, INC.·



Page 3: IEW COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED (;rrrnbrh's tibrarv Q)rcttthrJt ... file'IEW COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED (;rrrnbrh's tibrarv Q)rcttthrJt

liHEE\!lh .• \t:\\':-' l\EriEW

1 I I

~ r ~ f


~ Federal.opens its Greenbelt office.

·· .. '.· .. : .... L,. :t • )t• ; • ,. I"'.. :, .... r ,\ O f +, ,;' >• • >' ' \ ~. !'


ld' ~ -~-.·~·-,:~·,·\._;_ "'.i' .. f."• 1 !~ •· •' . , r ("(~!

''l ... ' o.· .... '·'· •. ' ' : .. ''' r I j 11't'

t.> ·' .t'· 1' ; '·(!' , , ' , ·., · • •

Ar<-1 ~:uw H1fL)lJ(jtl l11• "'' f-'t(h1Y _I,HllJdry 1J 197e Lu~, 1JI~t Ft·(it~ldt ~~ u·I·_·L.'',t!lrHf tl~ Gfdrlt_!

01Jt"1fr'y' .

A: L:uy Jid ~ ,,,_.·,\t·J: ._Jft u· .th'd 't·~t<:t qh t • .tr~

er1!'-'Y d ~·unlplt_·; •. ',!:··-If· ,_,t '-)("i'.tnq::- d'HllrJdfl

s.,c,,l:o·~ i,Ln<~.:~. 'l:r · .• c;nf\"r,r·; 9AM-3PM ar•,! 5-8 PM f '"l 1, , •,t'fll''• J•,

··.,:.• ;\; ··~-.:~11~•·''•·' •.. !:. •,:~··.~·.~

;'- . ' ; '~, . "" .. . .. : 7 ' . • .. , .· 1' ,o ' ' '•· I

0 1° '1 t!,

. . • . 8.CJ5


Sav•ngs Certificate Plans I ~ llt 1 1 ' :-.I ( Jll ' ' .' 1

+ '• 1 I ; ! :1 1

:,'Jr ,1 J."l! ~If H r rv 1 , .. ,\ r r t\NNLI,\i Yff I i' I!W.i: 7'•" 8.06" t· y,., 7' .'" 7.79' .! Yr·. 6';''·. 6.98'c ) y, 6' ,., 6.72°o 1 y,

5'•'· 5.92°o .\ f\1u' s, liUU MHIHII!Jifl~

Regular Savings Accounts 5'•': 5.39°n . D,uly


lrilt'fL'Sit.uflliJULifllil'd di!rly frorn ':,,,. r1f dPpU~It lu dd]' of wrtlldrdw.il·

·~ 't; ···h'l.t ~-'··:,I ~ 1 :t t lrl (":ft't'flt)t•P l'o •

'}•',! 1 , W.l:,•·j f, '' ~~~ln !f.\t•-H; !•,t~:ktfl'j,!f1d

~1 1 t'''')l'(ll'l!'

',.• :'I''

Big Weekly Dot'r Prizes ., "1 • ·<' "· ·: .- ;, "'.::; •·r • :c ,,. ·.:.• ''}~!! G · JY\' ,r .ry. k·• v:11 · :.,t)Jr• (lr•u· flf 1/1',

;, ,', i ·I·' , , ... • t'o',', 'f •·. ··'i!l;+ .• , •.•. f·r r1lli 't~('~Jtnfllrl~J Frtrldy u~~Ll'i 1! 11'1 1~) trlrr)LJLjl'

~ ........ . . ,df.

No transaction is necessary to enter the we~kly door prize drawrr;;s. sorry. cash equ•valency cannot be g•ven on prizes

COme join in on all the funl FREE First Aid Kits. Oven M:tts.

Sponges, and other "freeb1es' fur rveryone.




You can open a free gift when you open or add to an account. Make a deposit of S 100 or more' to a new or ~xisting account and you rnay choose orw of the following qual1ty gifts.

Brunch bag' V:"l 1 ··demm ll1ot..


Pilcher & Tumbl•:r ,,.,

. ~ '

CombinlliOft · Flashlight· Blinker lu1 Lar t'lllf?flJPltt y ,. ·

l .... --- __ ..:.o.a.__ .,.-·-'-~'--'"'""-~''''"'-·''''""'""'"V ~'~' ' --~-----·-·· .,...-----------··_:__·· ______ .....;. _______ ...._ _____ .... __________ .......,_liliiA..;-_;..,.,...........,...-11

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((t) I fi I lu tg tJ • A COOPERATIVE OPEN cOUp



1 Beverage Server _ 1

1 ?i.JR REGULAR DISCOUNT PRICE ................ 17.99 rEA TliRED ITEM REDUCTION ... ....................... 4.00


Iceberg Lettuce 3 hd.. SJ

White Potatoes 20 lb. bag 1.25 ! '.\!.1 Jo'()J·::-.: 1.\ •f'' I

Sunkist lemons ea.Sc "1·:1\'

G~een Cabbage lb. 12c


28-••· btl. 35C \1'.\I.!H>I:J: \\'lliTJ·:. lll•:t'l!H . .'!: ASST. I ''oil rh.

Toilet Tissue 78c .\IAHYI .. \Nt> ('IJH;Jo' I lb. t'llll





lb. 14 Standing Rib Roast lb. FfWZE:'I: l;RADE A

Tom Turkeys !o't 'IJ.Y l 'U<J!(Jo:D 'WHOLE OR HALF' I

Semi-Boneless Hams I' S.D . .\ < 'HOH'~; B~:Jo:F

Jr. Steamship Round I' ;-;,)1.\ <'ll<lll'l·: BEEF

Boneless Chuck Roast I'OH 1\

:,· :'~!ALL E:"\11

1.78 1'"- tt) :!:.? lb.

lb. 63c



lb.97c •:l-Ib:.:. & Downt

Page 5



Open Monday 10-6






Rock Cornish Hens2s to 32-oz.lb. 69C

:,;HA!\'K HALf'

Fres\1 Ham lb. 1.28 SHANK PORTION

Cooked Ham lb. 89c

Butt Portion lb. 99c

·----~~--------------~ SpareRibs lb. 1.16 I SAVE 35c WITH THIS COUPO~ I I I 1 MELLOW RO-'' r 1

lb. 1.17 : ~I~J-S:

,, .. ~.~." , .. "":.':,; 1 Coffee & Grain 1

Chicken Wings lb. 57 c 1 1

__ _ _______ ·----- _______ : ~~verage : I I

: 1-lb. can 3 16 1

I I : •co OP ~::il'dl\··· o •.•.. 2R Jan. 31 I • Lunlt - Ont• pt•r Family 1

!'IU·:~!I<':\1 •!HI', I.I·:A:'I:. Ill', I•'AT•

Ground Round


Ice Cream ALL FLAVORS : ·--5A ve 10;-wiTu ;-11;; c5uPo'N-- ·:


: Corn on the Cob : 1 Blackeye Peas 33c 12-gal. ctn. 1.58 llt<LUIA!':;\:'S (Juarr JHr

1);)~~~,\Pi~~At':,;,\t;~: .~):.: .. "'' T·~" n "1.65 I! . 8 ct. pkg. sac .: t'lll';\; 1\!:'o:t; ~11·:,\T :,;Hi-:1~11' t1H t: w. pl<g-.

S}-rimp Egf! Roll ' SSe •co OP l·:ff····!:v·· p,., .. > .Inn :l• 7' 1 • !.·~··· · tlno '"I !·'1m:ly I

Mayonnaise 1.25 ;'\'Aill:'t 'IJ ASS'!'

Snacf< Crackers 73c


"'"2:3(~! : LimQ Beans : >:h. _J,!! i

,_~,:~~ : 2 .. O·.•• pkg•·l~ 16 . : 9Sc. •co OP l·:•r.·,·tl\'l· DP!'. ~R Jan. 3•

I • Ltmlf - Otll' pPr Fam1IV I 6 oz. pkg. I . I

~ 38c 48c f--~ ~; ;,; ;~; ;H~ ~~~,"~,~--' : !6-o58~ . c_o,:__Ig-a-te_T_o_ot-h-pa-s-te _____ 7. l),__i .o-"8 : Bugles Snaclcs i

8-oz. ccwL

Seal test Dips 58c I :-=.-oz. t't 11.

Sour Cream ' ~ l-(ll'

· ·Skin Care Lotion

AJJ. Blend Oi! ''1·. :.i !-;>til'.··

Peanut Butter. 1;,\I:TII

Rosehips Preserves >: ~ ) ~-: \ f • 'I'

Puffed Wheat

' :l uz. tt. •

Buffered Aspirin SOc . c_ ough Mixture I 30 I 7-o'z. pkg. I • I I.

''0-0P IIlii .-t. btl. VICKS FORMuLA 41 b II 48C /11

PRICESEFFECTIVEDEC.28, 1977-JAN.J, 1978 _;, 'CO OP F.lfedive n.·c. zs ·Tan 31

· We reserve the right to limit sale items to 3 units per C\18tomer. :_ __ : ______ ~:~-:::::::~: .. ~


131 CENTERWAY Open Daily 9-9, Sunday 10-6 r """J "·

Page 4: IEW COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED (;rrrnbrh's tibrarv Q)rcttthrJt ... file'IEW COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED (;rrrnbrh's tibrarv Q)rcttthrJt

Pqell GREENB~LT ~ REVIEW Thursday,·December 29. 197T -

f 1

r ~.









I .. -~- ... .=c. ..... ,

CLASSIFIED ~! ··· 1' f.;r .: lrt \'.'dfd mnumum. lOc t".t<.. h ;tdd::;()nal word. Submtt ad.-..

:n wntn:.g. ltl"nlmpantt•d by ntsh

p,tymt·nt to tht· ~•'''"' Ut•,·ie" of tin· at 15 Parkway bcfurt· 10 p.m. "f tht· TuPsday prt•cpdJng pub!'"" ·.:un or to tht, Twm Pines Savtngs and I..oan otfict• bc!ort> 4 p.m. TUt>S· Jays. Then· is no charge for ad· ,·,·rtismg items that are fownd.

l'ALD\\'ELL'S WASHER SER\': H '1-:. All makes expertly rt>paired. Authorizt>d Wh~rlpool dt>alt>r. GR 4·5515.

PIANO TUNIN(; AND REPAIR r:xpt•rt and Reliable Piano &·rVIL'I' tu UrPcnbelt stnce 1960. 8Pnjamin !::!1-rkufsky 474 6894.


l'ial .. & Sen1Clf' r. xpnt antenna mao w1U

'n<l><ll n.·w·repalr antPDn8 for

Attic or Outdoors



'I11o~fHO;IIE.-TRl'~tPf::T --;;;-d \'< JIC'E LESSONS Prnfl's"inn><l m:lc-.lctan with <h·grt·t·. 174 ,r-,945,

• ~!ARfl·:·sl>oonu: l:ROOli!INGl m~lkt· .}'tlllt" nppoiutmt'llls loday. l',dl ·1'01 :1219.

'f\'J•j':;-\\'HITER Hf.:PAIR- -i-:1.-~.,r;,:: .. •,;c11hrd. and porrablt·. Call 47-1-II,·,~.H

P! :\ :-;ul,l·:ssu;-;s- l'··aboJy <'on '"n·atory t :rndwttt'. BtlgJnru•rs-

.\u\'ancf'd. IH-9222. !' .\ i :,rri Nc ;·~--:I:-n-:-t~-r-,,-lt~, -,.-x-t<-· r.,..io-r-. -~'0

yt·a!~yxp Do m)' own \'t"ork. ('all Bub NPal 776 ~>461.

li[\:\'O-'ffi;;iiiNU~ANP R'RPAlR • l;. l>Hilwl. :?62 :!·HK

l.IUHT HAilLING~ w pil'k·ll(l Tr11 .. k. <'all Mik<• aft~r I :30, 171· ~101.

t11hl" typt•s.

Starter Homes VA ·P'HA au-munl'Y·down loan~. lndudP Bowi~;Lanham art>a In your -rch Cor thl' BEST HOMi: VALUE In PG County. CaD ROBBIE MILBERG at !!411-~ CENTURY 21 Award Rt>al­ty at 28!-MOO.

\'ACUUM C'LEANER REPAIR All brands and typt>s .. Call t•vo•n ings 174-5530.

TYPEWRin~RORADDING MA CHINE $30 & UP. HOWARD'S TYPEWRITER <'0., 5111 BALTI .\tOR~: A\'K. HYATTSVILLE, MD ~77 8333. P~AINT!N(;--Int<'rior, t•Xtl'rlol wallpllp<'ring and lighl enrp~ntr) also. Good nn•(•nbt'lt rt•fprt•J)l't'S, f'X

l·t•llt·nt worl(nwnshtp Frank Go· lllt'Z. l71-3XH.

. \t't'LI.\~<"i-:ifEi>:"\iii- \vllsfu·•· dry••r:-;. drshwa:-;hPrs. garbag(' dis pn-...ab. 1 rw•h t·oJll(HH'tors, f'tc. \\'EA \'I·;H .\I'PL!ANCJ•; JU:PAIR St-:H\' !l'l·:. -,;,~-Jll!l.

HAN:-: to:!\' p[ff/>Ju!KG -~v-Yit::A'i' !Nc; - IIC' llillsidt· Rd .. (;r<'<'ll­hl'll. :~1:i ;,x~7. BnndPd. lil'Pil.""d

.-...mall htlffil' job.s.

i>f(oF'I·:SS!ONAL DOG GROOM IN(; 111 your homt· Pood!Ps avail· ·lbl•· no\O..'. All hn•t•ds nvH.ilnbh• Jan.

1. H4- 09\10.



For Insurance Call:

Don W. Taulelle Bl!OO F..drnonston Rd. ~belt, 1\fd. 20770

474-5007 Like a rood neighbor, ~tate Fapn Is there.

State Jl'- Insurance C.mpanl811 Huru mae-: BJ.omlngtoll, :W.


Summer Jobs Available ~laryland Dt·partm!'!J: of Tralls­

JHlr~auun will hirr apprux1mately ~0(1 l'O!lt•gt• students this summt•r for Jobs ranging from planning and t·uguwertng a'iSJ!-'tant!'i to highway \\'orkers.

To qualJfy, a student must be a Maryland resident and must be rt•

turning to school in the fall. High school seniors who will be starting rollegt> next fall and graduate stu­dents who are eontinuing their study next fall are also eligiblt•.

This Yt·ar the application period has bt't'n shortened. Students can apply Jn pt•rson now through Fri .. January 13 at their nearest Mary land Stat" Employm<'nt Serva't• Ollict•.

Studt•nts may apply fur u JOb Ill the1r own t•ounty or Jn neJghbonng l:ounties. Pn•fer~rtt'(' will bt- gtV('rt

to count)' rt .. !'ldPnt!" for t>ach coun­

ty's jobs. \\'tthtn twu month~ of th1· Jan­

wuy 13 dosll!g dnt<' fur applira twn:-.. studPrtL" wJII bt• notitkd :f ttwy havt• bet•n l'host·n for an in­t<'rvit•w. Thl' dt•partmt>nt plans to JntcrVJl'W thrt•t• studt>nts for t•arh job. Tht• dPpartmt·nt " an .. qunl opportunitY t•mployt•r.


EllpPr1 craf'-D wiD "'~''­.,..._ wtadow ........... .._ Crkal Jobe. wall J)ll&clll.lq, oer­an.Jc tlle. f'le. "-tble llledJ anol •ard dull..._ Call ~vf'Glnp.


FOUND or gtw-away tu good homt• • H wk. old rnult• puppy. 474 ·6029.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! And muny hnppy r~turns' William Fcllf>r T11x :-krVi<-1', IH 7:1.12.

'7:1 r'ORO c;RAN TORINO · 4 dr. pillared h11rdtup, A l', V M. $1325.


J\tlSHKAN TORAH Nurs<'rY St•hooi hns opt•nings for 3 and 4 y~11r-olds "' 11 3~ dny-11 W<'t•k morrllng pro· .:rum. <. 'rt>atJVt' t•xrwru.•nl·t·s. lull· guagt• arts, sci<'tl<'<', musk, rhythms. Phorll' .\Irs. Kit• in 5147-0659.

T~;A<.::HER tlt't>ds nftt>r st·hool cnrt• tor young <'hild. usually 2 1~ to 3· hours. Cnll 474· 1052 after 6 p.m.

Gr~<·nbPlt<·r' !>!r. & M". Ja• ·, 1...(•\\'is an·~· happy gra:ulparf'nt.'i

,"f \\'esley M1chael Young Wt•sll'y. th•• sun of Michal'! and Jo Ellen Young of Idaho Falls. Idaho. was born on Deremb<'r 20 weigh1ng 6 lbs., 10 oz. Ht> has an oldPr brothPr. Brian.

DenniS K. Dill. son of ~tr. anJ Mrs. Floyd W. Dill of 9 Greenway Plact•, has ;,-raduated from lhe Bas<' Radioman's •·ourse at th~ Naval Training Center. Grt>at Lakes, and has been a.-signt>d to Radioman'., School. San Diego. California.

.John BourgPois. son of .Mrs. Mary Ramsay, Cht>rrywood T..rrace. rt•

rPiVt>d a lettH for football from St. Andrew's S<·hool m Tennt•St·•· whPre he is in the eighth gradt•.

Holiday Grectmgs <·omt• from former Gre••nbe!ter Bill Rowland who i,; now Ill Santa F<'. !\:t•w ~!t•X·


Deadline Extended For Breakfast of Champions

Tht• dPudlirw for all appltcatJoll~ for lhP Fiflh Annual "Brt·nkfast of Chnmpwns" hu~ bt>t'll t·xtt>ndt>d t1J

Jarn:ary 7. tJnl!kf' prt'\'1011-" yt•Hr ..... \\'hl'rt• rt·eogrntion hns only bt•f'IJ

g-1\'f'll ft>r ath!f'tlc accomplishmt'llb. thP ntTn1r also will bt• honormx­county yotJlh who havt· wun :-.taft'.

n•gwnal, nntJonal ur Jfltt•rnntwnal chnmpwnshipc-. 111 tht· scholastJL" llftS, St'it'lH"t', Clll"l't'J" t•dtH·a!IOJl and

l"llltural arb. Applll'lltloll!-o for tht> 1~7X "Bn·:d<

fast of Champions," wh1d1 w1Il tw hPltl on Sat., Ft•b. II, art· now 11\'HJI· ublt• Jllld ,:,u, bP obtauJcd by ··nllilll: Wayn<' Flt•t•·ht•r, !\AA 3960: Judy ( 'olbl'rt. 952·379~. ur Rich Scott.

Need Home Improvements?

Call John

8pf'<>lalislP& In CeniDM TUe Ulll

llltcbea Floon. Sl~ Pa&­

loe. Driveway-. Pkl. o-Il ~





An •·xrdknt sturtt·r ·lwnw . '1. br. frumP with rt•'\\" liitdH'Il t meludPs brand llt.'W rang(• & r£'fg), waslwr. dryPr and 3 air cond. Large gnrdrnsidr yard t'Xt,•ruJ.-.; tCJ wood:-:. A 'GIV£-~ A\VAY' nt


...... ot••• OWill'l' must moVl' out of areu anti i:-; ~··lling his :! br. framP townhoU!-'P; has separate dining room; !Jving room; nirPiy dPl'oratPd; $15,500.00 or will considpr· OtTPr. .. ~,.,·····~ Within walking distanc~ of· shopping center -Pxco·ll~nt buy ... 2 br. framP with large kitchen; nicely decorated thruughoul · $17,719.70 - o<'<'. 60 days aft<'r sold.




474-4161 474-4331 474-4244

lASH INC. REALTORS Computerized Multiple listing Service


Ka..'lll Inc. !taYS th.at a Chr.iat.ma.s wish is always werth repeatiq. Happy Holidays, everyone!

REINDEER? It doesn't matter. rain or snow: you'll be coay in this beautiful and well located 2 bedroom (1 large) aU brick colonial .in Carole Highlanch (near Langley Park); quiet ~ecluded. wooded :~rea, full basement, very large rear screened porch. ftreplace. corner lawn: if you are now in an apartmellt, thts homl' will be a delightful step up, and reasonable on the monthly payment; onlv $45,950 on all terms. includine no down

to vet. Call345-2151.

CHRISTMAS BELLS will ring for you in this spacious 4 bl'droom home in Mt Rain1er with full basement and small garaat: already VA :~ppraised at S 38,000; we can put a veteran into this homt' with ab~olutely NO CASH. Also this homl' is tdl'al for renting the upstairs out: do your~elf a favor and see

this nice home~ Call 927-1221.

\'ULE be arruued at what we have to offer in Capitol lle1~ht~. We are completely redecorating this vacant 4 bed­room. 2 bath all brick rambler with hardwood floors. full ba~ement with large L-shaped rer. room It also features otf street parking. laree covered patio. baseboard heat, and com· pletel_,. ehaJn-link fenced lawn. Priced to sell fast at only $42.750 on all t('l'ms. and seller will help with closing costs.

Call :l45-2151.

JO\' TO THI-: WORLD. Wf' have just listed a large 4 bed­room briek Cape Cod in the hard-to-get Lakeside section of Greenbelt. It ft'atun•s a breezeway. garage, full basement with rl't' room, and Jovelv lawn. This section consists of all custom built homes, and pr~sents :~n opportunity seldom seen. St~ it now. pnced to move m thl' 70's. Call 345-2151.

Sl.EI(iH BELLS RIN(i-Our phones will, too, on this very r"nn·n:cntly located and .\,.ery nicf' home in Hyattsville proper, nPar f'Vf'r~·thinjl. 3 bedrooms, sep. dining room. full basemeat. Pnc~d to sell NOW at only $39.750. and seller will pay all allowable l'!o~ine r011ts. Call quirk. 927-1221

WANT A <111-'T:' You won't find another like it. A one ol a kind. 3 bedrm end townhouse in thl• 9 court of Southway. that has large addittnn with full bath and walk-in closet, also IMie rha111 hnk fem·t·. Pnd :vard with woods in back.' Owner trau·

fprred and wants fast !ettlement. We also have another of these barsains in Palmer Park, a.3

bedroom masonrv semi-dttarhed rambl~r. vacant: a veteran caa move in with noihinl and pay only about $290.00 a month total. You reallv ~houldn't pay that rent ·any longer. Remember, all thts pro~rty i~ goinl up in value and you only benefit if you

buy.,.omething. Call 927-1221.

CHRISTMA8 PACKAGE-Low priced home in ani~ arN of Seabrook. A 3 btdroom home with sep. din. room, carpetiq, and vacant Cor quick po~session. Prit·!'d right at only S37.ifl. Call 927-1221.

DEAR SANTA: Please bring mt a nice home in a nice, rN· venient area, nur shopping, tranaporl.ation. sch~ls, etc. He. Ho Ho here's just what you need. A y~ry attractive 3 bedr ... ~b1e~ with family room near Capital Plaza. Priced rigbt at only $41,500 and owner will make :vou a dosing cost pre8eat.

Call :!45-:115 I. HO. no. no. WHO WOULDN'T <iO, $-47,950 on this ex­

tremelv attractivf' :1 bt>clro•mt 11.-z bath rambler in Landover Es· tate> ne11r ('ap1tal Plaza It fl'atun·~ carpeting, cent. ajc, full basenll'nt \\'Jth n•c room ~nd bar. :md many l'Xtras. Sl'l' Jt now.

bv c<tllln.~ :!45-21~1.

UAPP\' IIOLIDA \'S will bt·1un i~.bt"autiful :l bedwom. 2 bath Colonial wtth dininl( room. full ba,;ement with rec. room. and manv pxtra~ in attractivf. Lmd•'''"r Hills. A re:tl bargain at onlv S-42.000. all terms. and ><•liN Will add a present toward your ,:loslllg co;ts. Call 927-1221 I'<>r thl' full carol.

If vml want to CURRIER favor. IVES never seen a better way to. do it than: by showing her this absolutely fabulous all brick :J bedroom Colonial in Coile!!!' Park (Berwyn). It feature6 the most beautiful of recreation J'<h>lllS, a nreplace in thP livin3 room: front porch and a back lawn that goes on forever. L~t us show it to ~·ou: wl' promis~ ~·mt'lllon' it. and its mode5t pn<;e .

Cell 345~2151' 'Thl' SEASONS GREETINGS to all oJr young friends, just

,.tting started! Stan out right b_Y owning an absolutely ~u­tiful 2 bedroom frame Greenbelt townhotrSI': many extras lll­

llludini a covered patio, S'xl!5'; and extra appliance5. $111,500 is/the nry reasonable price. and tht winning numb« 346-:1151.

Call 345·2151 .. .



Page 5: IEW COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED (;rrrnbrh's tibrarv Q)rcttthrJt ... file'IEW COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED (;rrrnbrh's tibrarv Q)rcttthrJt


Employers Needed For UM Students Complaints On Melro

L;I\EE'\flEI.T '\EWS RE\"IE\\'

\\~.\1.\ T.\ t·1 ,:\I:ly,lr 1 '!1:-ki in :Ill.-.:\\' r

At the Library Tht• L'n!Vt>r .... J:v ,1[ ~!:tr\':.ln-1 J .. u

Rt>ft•rr..Il St·n'JC£'~ 1.-; :--t'l'klng Pmp: lY­f'f:-i whtl r-an providr par: t:m,._ tf'mpJrary work for ~tUdC'nts: during th~ ~pring, 1978 semt'ster.

"·' Hobin .\Jatanin

:\k:rn otficra!-.: <lY tht·y art· W<~rk Jr:g t., l'•lfTt'('t tilt" pr\llllt•ms on

~hP f ;n·!'T~bd~ btJs-~!etro ImP. but many unh:tppy r:dt·rs ha\·,, a!rt•ady

quit u:-;inc tlw st•n·ict'

~::,· l'••::lplti~1t.:-> \\",IS •·rt'SJHtll:--;l\'t'

Lut ll•': r''~Tnll~lblc." I!H.krship has drop;•ni bt·,·;lthf' jl!'i)plt· .11"1' ;t!Jan

tf,ln :1,1.: pub!Jt' :r.ln . ..;p"r~ .... ay:-: Am~


In h1s ldtt•r td tht• mayor, Tht'll­dorc C. Lutz. \\'MATA (;<'lll'ral :\hnag-er, said that the)' wcrP doin!! ,·\-crything possible to corrt'<'t thf·

prl1bkms. Lutz s.1ys that somt• of thP problem,; can only be corr<'l'tf'd upon completion of th<> :'llt•w Car­r.>IJ:on st.•tion schl'<!ukd for July 1. but adds that "as Pach llt'\\'

segment bt•comt•s oJH'ratwnal \\'" will tf'nd tn t'Xfh'rlf'lH't' I ho~f' prob­lems wh1ch tho• old baby !(Pts wh"n

,h;,i;: .• .:1 d btJ-.t .... l·T·•rti!ng ~~J Lu::~

.tr11i (i,nlgh. L·;t?. :--:tys lf1 h:s J;'!t•·r

that :h1· "'~fdro :--tafT st:vals f('.L,Jy to wnrk With the l·ounty and th. t·itJZl'ns to ,·xaminP tlW!-£' problrm.-.

. l!ld makc all th<' n~n·ssary adjust nH·nts.''

Thf'r£> are no mort' l'Xprt•ss bu~t·.-.;

to datt'.

Th1·rt· w.!l b·· a L •dk PJ-.•·u_..;;:,J,IJ ()/1 Thurs., Jan ;J .lt 10 a.m. 111 tht l 'nnft'rcnce Room (tlr .u.JuJt....; .

Tht· Drnp In StnrJt'." Progra.m cuntinues on Thursdays for agN~

3 5. Tht' activity begins at 2 p.m. in th~ Childten's Program Room.

\\'ork possibilities are not linutt·J. and may includ<> such jobs Rs ,·~··rk typist."'. stor£' clrrks. romputf'r •,·,·h­nicians. carpenters, wait('rs. .t:Jd waitresses.

Acl'ording to Sandy L1:..:. ,-,tlr dmator of th<> job referral ntlll ''· approximately one-third of~·,.. _,,_ dents at the Colleg<' Park < '·m1p>:· nrl'<! some typ<> 0f part t1m•· ··m­ploymrnt to help mfft their -<h•'·'! costs.

Intflrt~stt"'<... ,~mployers :--hntdd . l!l

ta<-t Sandy List at 454-219<1 ,,,. r:.r-4592 for mar<> information.

Genealogical Society Meets "Gf'nrral Rf'sC"art'h in Dub::n .t:!-l

Bclfa .... t .. will bf' the dtsru . ..::-::<~!~ : lil>

at tht' J.tnuary 4 mN·'~Jn~ ,)~ ·h· Prmc(' l;t•orgrs County G,·~:, :1>-,.:.· cal S\h·:··:y by Socif'~Y Pr··· ,;,.!,.

Frf"t~rn:w E . .:\lnrgan. Jr .. \\ i1-• ._,·,:: rrpor: t~:t n•c,•nt Iri·d~ :-,·~· n. ~:

Thtl ~tlC:t·:y w!]l ffiPPt \\', d .J:i:: l

at I..ar~~l. m P.G. C'ommu:!il~· < •,,

1Pgtl StudPnt Aert\'i~:P.· Btl:~<!::·.: Room B. ~forgan i...; :tlt' ~tlt'tt"!y. Sl'-Cond tt'rm prt-.~:dt•rH and 1 t '··: ·

tith•d c..;,.n,·alogl:->t.

Soc:t·:y OlPt-tmg~ .. lrt· •'Jlt•:J '•) :h· public. Tht•rp is a ft·t• for mt·mbt·r

!'hrp. lntt•r(\ .... ~f'd amatt·ur gPnt>:llo· j!Jst~ may <'lli) 89~ 4687 nr wr1tP t<> P.O. B"' Xl9. BowiP. :ltd 2071:>.

E. 1eosevelt Sports Awtrd Ceremoaies Feature "Sacar Ray"

"~111nr Ray" L<·onanl. 1976 Olvm~ pi.· Gold ~f<'dalist and pro(P,.,;i~nal bo ;.·:. ·'l"'k" !o students nnd par •·nt < at EJ.-nnor Roos~vrlt Hig"11 School's fall sports award program ill Dt'<'PmbPr.

L.·o:t:ud urg,•d tht· <~:h:.-~.- .. f•rt· :o-~·r•t '·l \\'nrk hard :f :h,·y , .. i'''' r ~~~

gP! :Lht·ad J:: :-;pnrl" or it!:_\' li•·ld t~f "tldt·av.,:·. Hpt•<tJ:ing of h~s ~ix ]0111!' y(•ars of hard traln~f11.!'. h:-.:

;u:hi~lC bonPs. muscJps, f~tr. T.-0onarrl

told t~lP :-;tudt•nts that hP ft·~t 1t IHhl h<¥'1 1\'P!I 1\'•>r!h the dTnrt. II" 'aid it \\·a~ tilf' only \\'ay t11 IH·com1· "nuntb,·r on,." in his tit·ld. Hl· :--po:<,. of th•• ~ati-.:f:t{'tion of bf'ing- abl1· to

spt an f'XHmplro for n! hf'r yn·l!::~ ywop:r- to f•,llow. "]{t•t·p :t ,·oul

h<'ad". h•· urgPd ttu· athl"t'''· Als(l spc·aking at thr- pn,g-rarn

werP I.A' Roy Andr.-,.on from tlk D.C. DE'partmrnt of Corrt·•·tionc;, Ray Ogdrn, principal, and Drnni.< Curry, \'icf'-prinr-inal and ar!m :. istrator of athletics. ~mard pn·~·lf>ntt•d !l·!lt•r-. and

award_, to thl' following (;n·t>rt

IM>ltPrs: ( 'ro" Country varsity, Rn­!i &•Ia and Gina Bram; junior nu­~ity 1 j.\'.' Jam if• Sindrn and -'''11-nifPr MacQuillan; Foot ball- \'IH·

~lt.\', ~lit"haPI .Jon""· Jo1· ~!land. Scott Pf'!tin. Dnvitl \\'lllston. j.•:. Tom t'•>opt•r. lla\·id Duugh•·nbaugt;, Ro~rt Gardes, Brian Magre; stn tislician, Debra Marshall: and ~pt•dal award to faculty m••mb<'r photographer Jack Steiffrr; Vol l£'yball-\·or,ily, Beth Osbornf'; S()('

-cer-va·· ah':' Tod Cornf'tt. Tom Co­lO<', Bob 13odnf'r. Gary Hibb,, Scot I FitzPnreit•T, T•·d nf'i<'h. Bill Claw son, Cli1,1t Bou,h('!l, Bobby K~nt,

Alex Likowski, Craig Fitzenr<'itPr, Rlki Maeda, Sam Troug. Tim Mill­hollen, Paul FelshPr, Bill HrrtPI. and David Hussey; j.\'., Jeff Ponn. Ponro Houl;. fr('shman tPnm. Eri" Orr, Joey Ross.

The Cross Country !'oaches an nounced that the girls' cross coun­try l<'am had won thE' first trophy tor Roosevelt. Greenbelter Raft &>Ia ijl&ced high In the dl!l'trlct and county boys' cross country events.

Not to be outdone, soccer coach Roti!-rt Dredger, also a Greenbelter, told those present that the soccer junior varsity and freshman· team's 'were Roosevelt's fii'Ht undefeated telllllll. The varsity ti'Bm, playing letiC'IJe soccer tor the first time, alBo did well by coming in third In the le&&'Ue.' Tb~ athletes who earned school

ietten wiU be honored along with tm.e earnlnc letters !or spring llthletk:ll at a banquet at the end

,~ · of Ule .chool year.

.\[rtrn ~·dmmutcrs, m,·Judmg :?.:-\ from t ;n•,·nbt•lt. pPtitionl'd the

ll':tshin~:t•l!l :\fetropo!it:tn Area Tr:tn>it Authonty 1 \\':\lATA • <tat­iltg tht·:r ,erit'\'ancPs f'arly in ~('P·

:~mber. Their C'Ompi:Jinl< ran>;t•d from Ja,·k o( 3<'<'<'SSibi•' phon~s nnd t:nrdiablt· f.1n· ~-~~llf't'tllt!! t·qutpmt>nt ~·· :rudt·qt;.ttt~ .... t·,·urity .1nd to\l ft>" ··•.;lr·· ... ..; !.JtlSI'.'o fr.ml s~.id!llffi Ar­!l .• lry.

t ·.lr"l l".trr .,, no~ hdp. d :o~ ·"'P'':H­·: t.! thP pdll!tlll dr.\ t' . .., t;,J th·1t

..... ,. :•l!flt·d :1 ·.tr p•1.J! .t!:d t\>~Jd:-.

~· :!1:-ww:--:k;, ~··~·llt-adt d ~lit· drJ\'t·

:--:h·· s:l~· . ..; :Jut sht· h.,~ llll[H"t'd :l

.. !;:.:!tt Jmpr.l\"dllt·:n \\'Hh :ft,. :-'t:rnl •.

~l r: bt·t-.111."'•' n! t n·l·,·nt nl<~\'t• tlllly 0 ,tlt•;-. t ~\'it"<' I ",\ l'!'k

'1·:,· (·ort!lll:l!• r .-..t_\ . ..; .... 11. dTi\'t• . ..; t•' ....... t-li!lfll .\rmo~ry t.n ft·:tr nf m:-.-

.,.. t!lt· o'\jlr·· .... ., bu~. .\Jl-ttfu·r t;r. ··nb.·lt . •Hnmutt·r Jt><lll'd ':t ' tr­

:•• '''! b:lt _..;:ty_... : h:lt ..,tJ,• has ht·.lr• i

·!: t: ·h·· ~f,·tro .. ,·n·k,· has :mprnr-

\Lt: .\ml.11-rg qf < ;r,·t•Jtlh·lt. -"fltlk,· :, ,,ttl Ult' .Hid!t·'lct· :lt lhf' l'lt~·· . .., ;.:,J­\ miJ• r :.?~ mt·t"tl!lg. .-\tTnrdtn).! ,,, .\mb•·rg. 1\':IL\TA was not at all r,·:tdlflJ.: td tht· rtd•·rs' r•·qu,·st.-..

.\mb•-r).! -..tid that rtw ldt,·r from

: ht• nt~w baby :~ born."

"'"·uril.l <;,·rry (;,,ngh. a Grl't>nbt'lter who

" lis•> :\\\'~lATA otlicial. said that ll'.lJlY nf : h,· prob!l-ms h;t\'t' bt'('ll .,,,Jn·._i. In .tddr·· .... ..:mg- thf' 't'<'llrJfy

· ~mpl:li:l~ .... < ;,'!J.1!ll :-:.\!d tJnt tht·n· ._,·dl be lWt'!lt~· :-:1\ ll<'W :\tdro Tran.

-.:t t)flirt•rs gr:tdu:tting- m .January .

Hn\\'t•v,•r. t:k •. ,,lfkt·r~ wdl :~tid!­

. !ll!lally p:t~ rul tlw t•\:trndt·d lirll' to

~d\·,·r Spr:n!..! n: Ft·bnnry ;1n.t th•· :o\1 w Carr .. Jlt<•n !"•Hitt' in July .

lio~ugh ...:;ud : ~'.l! ;11' :~t'\\ phPIIt ·" ·;.t·l bt't'n tn~::tl.lt·d .!nd that tl11·r

r.· ~till h.t\"lng problt·m:-: With th•·

: 1r•· n1lln tinn •'<tUipnlt'nt.

t ;oui,.!h f'chot·d Lutz !11 ~:a5:;ng tli tl

'h· pr,,bJt-m \\'ith too f, \\' t''\P:'"~"

bt1. .. 1:._ \\'lb mort• of 11 t·ount.v mattPr ~~n.·,. tht· t"ount~· pay=-- all npPr:l·

:1n11 ''\(H'I\St·~ in t•:<n·ss of that nll·

lr-,·tnl hy :ht• Cart• boXI'S, tht· l"IHI!lly

hIS rnnro• S:ty Ill tht• lll:lttf'r o(

Gough said that gt'nrrally th•· ridership numbPrs are impro\'ing and that ht' t'Xpl'cts thPm to climb highrr as tht' holidays and cold w••ather approach.

Council dirf'Ctf'd the city managrr lo st't up a merting with \\'MATA to discuss the switch·o\'rr from th•· Stadium-Armory to Nt•w Car­rollton when tht' lattrr stMion op•·ns. GrN•nbeit~rs wlil th<>n board .\ldro at th<> Nt'w Carrollton Sta rion Council wants to be c<'rtain that th" probl<'ms no\\' encountrr•'d •t i'tadium-Armory. including '"·

cllrJty. la<"k of phonf'~ and lightJl1 1~. laek of turnstilt·s. would bf' t'lin~·­lllatt•d .tt t ht• lll'W ~tat ion.

Th<' library d.splap for January 1nc!ude Black and White Photo­graphs of Green~lt by Andrea WatPrs of Gr•·<>nb.-!t. Shad.-s of History Cast 1n l'!:1y by Mac<'o Charlt's Jeffri~~. Sr. of RiverdalE': Dt'ccupage by Shirley Menendez ot Olney; and a collection of B<'t'r Cans by Donnie OlvPrson and JOf'y • • Rooney of GrN'nbelt. ·

Thf' branch librarlf's of th't• Pruu·e Gf'org .. ·s County M•·morial Library·

System will b•• c!nsf'd N'f'W Y•-ar's ·

I >ay. Sun .. Jan I. and !>I on .. fllll.

:!. Tllf' admmJstr:ttl\'t' of~Ps ·,\',"

:!I...;" bt· dost•d and t h .. n· \\'ill b,. llt'l

Bookmobill' &rvice.


~ Greenbelt Pizza -Sub Shop ~ w n i HAPPY NEW YEAR , ~ i -n i Call now for your ~oliday needs ~

~ Special of the week ~ i Carton of RC Cola ............................................................... $1.19 ~-i 107 CENTERWAY 474-4998 ~ ~~~~Pee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

we're in your neighborhood with college credit courses

• t'Olll'l"es availablt• at Eleanor . '


... .

Roo~cvelt and ;'\orthwcslt~r·n

lligh Schools in(•hulf·:


Art. nu~inc·:.~. Hata P•·oec·~~in::. E('I)JlUIIIic·~. Engli~h.

Engint•t•rin:: Tedmolog.,-. History. ~lath, Ph~·:ointl

h--- -

j ~l --o, . N , .. - ···: . '.: ')·

'>. ---~

• Ht•gistration at Eleanor Hno!Ot•velt. Jan. I I. 6::~0 - H::~o p.m.

• lh·gistratinn at .\ortlnn·~tern • .fan. 9. 6::JU - H::~o p.m.

• Continuous rq.d~••~tinu al~n at Lal'go Campu~ on

dailv hasi~ · Jan. 9 I hru 17. 1978.


We also ojlt•r Weekend Eduration, 1't>/t•cn1lit Cour . .,,.,.,

and Cou.nies by Net.rspaper

for information ('all

Prince George'H tommunity Collt~g~~

301 Largo Rd., Largo, Md. 20870

An Affinnativt- Action', M/F Emt•loyer , .. ·-··