Idioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from Moldova, from South America, from the Philippines … We also study English and French at school. We compared them and realized that they vary according to the culture. Learning a language means getting to know each other! Chiara Cardano (1°A) illustrated some of the idioms we tried to compare

Idioms from all over the world - · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

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Page 1: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Idioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from Moldova, from South America, from the Philippines …

We also study English and French at school.

We compared them and realized that they vary according to the culture.

Learning a language means getting to know each other!

Chiara Cardano (1°A) illustrated some of the idioms we tried to compare

Page 2: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

If you play with fire you get burnt

Page 3: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth

Page 4: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

The last straw that breaks the camel’s back

Page 5: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

To know something like the back of your hand

Page 6: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Rome was not built in a day

Page 7: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

A leopard can’t change its spots

Page 8: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Money burns a hole in your pocket

Page 9: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

To have bats in the belfry

Page 10: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

You’re pulling my legs

Page 11: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Cat got your tongue?

Page 12: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

To make a storm in a teacup

Page 13: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

When in Rome do as the Romans do

Page 14: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Out of sight out of mind

Page 15: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

In Spanish we say… 1. Dormir como un lirón

2. El zorro pierde el pelo, pero no las mañas

3. ¿Te comió la lengua el ratón?

4. Si Juegas con fuego, te vas a quemar

5. Tener un agujero en el bolsillo

6. Ahogarse en un vaso de agua

7. La gota que colma el vaso

8. Tomarle el pelo a alguien

9. Les das la mano y te agarran el codo

10. Estar como una cabra / Estar como un cencerro

11. Nacer de pie

12.Conocer como la palma de la mano

13. Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente

14. ¡No se ganó Zamora en una hora!

15. Cuando a Roma fueres, haz lo que vieres / Si a Roma vas, como vieres haz

Page 16: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

In French we say… tu dors à poings fermés

une fois hors la loi, pour toujours hors la loi

donner sa langue au chat

on joue avec le feu et on se brûle les mains

avoir les poches perçées

se perdre dans un verre d’eau

la goutte qui a fait déborder le vase

tu te moques de moi

tu lui donnes la moitié du bras et il te prend le bras entier

avoir des idées farfelues

être né avec une cuillère d'argent dans la bouche

je le connais comme mes poches

loin des yeux, loin du coeur

Rome ne s'est pas construite en un jour

Autre pays, autre coutume

Page 17: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

In Moldova we say… Dormi ca o piatră.---> Dormi come un sasso.

Lupul schimbă părul dar nu vițiul.---> Il lupo cambia il pelo ma non il vizio.

Ai pierdut limba!?!---> Hai perso la lingua?

Ai mînile sparte!?!---> Hai le mani bucate!?!

Dacâ te joci cu focu..riști se te frigi.---> Se giochi con il fuoco rischi di bruciarti.

Te pierzi ca un curcan.---> Ti perdi come un tacchino.

Nu ma innerva..am ajuns apruape la limită.---> Non mi innervosire...sono arrivato al limite.

Page 18: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

And… A da mîna, dar iși ea brațul.---> A dare la mano, si

brende il braccio.

Ai păsari în cap.---> Hai gli uccelli nella testa.

Te ai născut în cămeșă.---> Sei nato in camicia.

Te cunosc ca pe mîna mea.---> Ti conosco come la mia mano.

Ochii care nu se văd, se uită.---> Gli occhi che non si vedono, si perdono.

Lumea nu s-a făcut intr-o singură zi.---> Le persone non sono state create in un solo giorno.

Pretutindeni lumea se schimbă.---> Ovunque le persone sono uguali.

Page 19: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

And we write… 1. Спати як колода2.

2.Вовк міняє шерсть, але не привичку

3. Ніби язик проковтнув

4. Не грайся з вогнем бо попечешся

5. Послідня капля переповнює чашу

6. Робити з мухи слона

7.Терпець рано чи пізно вривається

8. Ви тягнете мою ногу

9. Пусти свиню під стіл вона лізе на стіл

10.Мати кажанів в дзвінниці

11. Родився під щасливою зіркою

12.Знаю як своїх п'ять пальців

13.Очі не бачуть,серце не плаче

14. Рим не будувався за один день

15.В чужий монастир з своїм уставом не ходять

Page 20: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Idioms in Tagalog Tagalog: Itaga mo sa bato (literal: stab it on a rock)

Meaning: Something that cannot be stopped or prevented by anyone the same way something carved in stone cannot be erased.

Tagalog: Matamis ang dila (literal: tongue is sweet) Meaning: Someone who'll tell you compliments that they don't mean just to get you to do what they want you to.

Page 21: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Idioms from the Philippines Tagalog: Mahirap pa sa daga (literal: poorer than a


Meaning: Extremely poor; probably because mice only rely on scraps, so if you're poorer than a mouse, you are very poor indeed.

Tagalog: Nagsusunog ng kilay (literal: burning eyebrows)

Meaning: Working very hard; usually to catch a deadline or to pass an exam.

Page 22: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Idioms from the Philippines Tagalog: Kumukulo ang dugo (literal: boiling blood)

Meaning: A person who hates somebody alse.

Tagalog: Hampas-lupa

Meaning: A bum person, without any goals in life.

Tagalog: Tulak ang bibig, salita lamang, di tunay sa loob (literal: pushed by the mouth)

Meaning: Insincere words.

Tagalog: Makapal ang bulsa, maraming pera (literal: with a thick pocket)

Meaning: Rich, wealthy, big money.

Page 23: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Idioms in Tagalog Tagalog: Agaw-buhay (literal: life about to be snatched


Meaning: Between life and death.

Tagalog: Balat-sibuyas, maramdamin (literal: onion-skinned)

Meaning: A sensitive person.

Tagalog: Daga sa dibdib, takot (literal: mouse in the chest)

Meaning: Worry, fear.

Page 24: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Idioms in Tagalog Tagalog: Matalas ang utak, matalino (literal: sharp-


Meaning: A bright, intelligent person.

Tagalog: Matalas ang tainga (literal: sharp-eared)

Meaning: one who easily hears the news.

Tagalog: Mababa ang loob, maawiin (literal: low-hearted)

Meaning: A merciful person.

Tagalog: Makapal ang muka, hindi marunung mahiya (literal: dense-faced) Meaning: A shameless person.

Page 25: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

In China we say… 睡相一个日志 shui xiang yi ge ri zhi dormire come

una rivista; dormire come un tronco

Durante la II guerra mondiale un giapponese volle divorziare dalla moglie e come scusa disse che la moglie dormiva con una postura molto vergognosa e quindi lo disonorava; questo fatto fece molto scalpore.

Così i cinesi che hanno sentito questa storia inventarono questo modo di dire per riferirsi a una persona che dorme così profondamente da non sentir nulla.

Page 26: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

And… 狗改不了吃屎 gou gai bu liao chi shi. Il cane non cambia l’abitudine di mangiare escrementi

il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio

Durante l’occupazione del Giappone nella seconda guerra mondiale i cinesi vissero una forte epoca buia, non avendo i beni di prima necessità per la propria famiglia e anche i cani venivano abbandonati. I randagi non trovando cibo cominciarono a nutrirsi di escrementi. Dopo aver scacciato i giapponesi dal suolo cinese i cani randagi continuarono con queste abitudini. Questo modo di dire indica quindi una persona che ha convissuto con una brutta abitudine e non riesce a modificarla

猫把你的舌头吃了 mao ba ni de she tou chi le

Il gatto ti ha mangiato la lingua

Page 27: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

And… 玩火会被火烧 wan huo hui bei huo shao

se giochi col fuoco ti bruci

败家子 bai jia zi

Persona nulla facente, perdi giorno.

Avere le mani bucate

Questo modo di dire si riferisce anche alle persone che non riescono a tenersi i soldi perché li sperperano

眼不见心不烦 yang bu jian xing bu fan

Occhio non vede cuor non duole

Page 28: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

And… 你以为我是笨蛋 ni yi wei wo shi beng dang

Mi stai dicendo che sono un uovo stupido

Mi prendi in giro

Questo modo di dire paragona la persona a un uovo stupido e ci sono due fondamenti

1 un uovo e’ l’inizzio della vita di una gallina, cio’e’ un essere vivente che non si e’ ancora formato e non ha visto niente, con una conoscenza pari a zero

2 non solo ti paragoni a una un uovo ma anche stupido quindi inteligenza pari a -1

Page 29: Idioms from all over the world -   · PDF fileIdioms from all over the world We collected idioms in our classes from students of different nationalities: we are from China, from

Uovo stupido! 你以为我是笨蛋 ni yi wei wo shi beng dang

Mi stai dicendo che sono un uovo stupido: Mi prendi in giro

Questo modo di dire paragona la persona a un uovo stupido per due ragioni: la prima è che l’uovo è l’inizio della vita di una gallina, cioè un essere vivente che non si è ancora formato e non ha visto niente, con una conoscenza pari a zero; la seconda è che non solo ti paragoni a un uovo ma anche stupido quindi di intelligenza pressoché nulla!