ICT Services Suppliers’ Briefing Thursday, 17 September 2009

ICT Services Suppliers Briefing Thursday, 17 September 2009

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ICT Services Suppliers’ BriefingThursday, 17 September 2009

Page 2: ICT Services Suppliers Briefing Thursday, 17 September 2009

Paul Shoesmith

Delivering the vision – the future approach to accreditation and procurement

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Main findings from focus group events

•Increasing support for managed services

•An amount of standard setting is required to allow the market to compete and drive efficiencies and innovation

•Managed services support delivery of higher quality service

•Collaborative purchasing can improve efficiency

•Minimum standard core provision with option to add modules

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Common messages across consultation

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Features of the desired model

•Develop a service culture so institutions focus on effective use of technology to support teaching and learning

•Raise awareness of the managed service offer, features and benefits

•Drive coherence and reliability of ICT systems through the adoption of open standards

• Increase interoperability between systems to drive efficiency and effectiveness

•Provide institutions with clarity to help them to design, implement and maintain their ICT systems

•Provide institutions with tools to help them deliver value for money from their ICT systems

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Features of the desired model

•Develop the ICT technicians’ role to be more consultative and help institutions embed technology

•Develop stronger education / private sector relationships

•Define appropriate service levels that recognise the need for flexibility of risk and cost

•Create appropriate local choice to maintain innovation and creativity

•Develop a step change in ICT system performance

•Progress towards environmental sustainability

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Next generation services – emerging delivery model

Managed service integratorsManaged service integrators

Core servicesCore servicesInnovation services

Innovation services

Innovation / Pilot


Innovation / Pilot

Projects Infrastructure


Infrastructure ServiceConnectivity


Connectivity ServicesLearning


Learning ServicesData


Data Services

Integrated Services Integrated Services

Schools’ preference – single provider, with clear


Desire from all to have common core platform, but allow for innovation

Integrators capable of integrating all core service


Defined minimum standards and SLAs, flexible for innovation


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Supply chain framework

Purchasing frameworkPurchasing framework

Managed service integrator

Managed service integrator Managed

service integrator

Managed service


Managed service integrator

Managed service integrator

Product A

Product B

Product C




Product Z

Local authorities / LEP / RBC engage with MSI via

common competitive process

MSI provides full catalogue of services via subcontract relationships

New product suppliers allowed onto framework

via accreditation scheme and commercial

relationship with MSI to provide choice to


Customers given comprehensive catalogue of products and services through simplified

supply chain

Product A

Product B

Product C




Product Z

Product A

Product B

Product C



Product Z

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The customer viewpoint

•I no longer worry about whether my ICT will work or not

•I can get access to the data I need to help me with my planning and to target interventions

•I know that I am getting value for money

•I have reduced my spend on energy

•It takes less than a minute to log on at the start of a lesson

•I was able to specify what I needed and to procure it through a single process

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Providing input to the ICT services project

•Focus groups proved invaluable in understanding stakeholder requirements and priorities

•Further rounds of consultation now beginning in order to help inform the best procurement strategy and approach

•Only a limited number of respondents can be consulted via PwC. However, an open opportunity exists for everyone to have their say and provide feedback by participating via the online community at:


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How can you help?

•Indicate your interest and initial views by completing the forms in the delegate packs

•Key areas we would like your views on include:

Scope and structure of emerging ICT services procurement arrangement

The most effective procurement route and approachThe critical success factors to ensure that ICT services

procurement arrangement is a successThe key service cost drivers Service performance levels and the impact they have on


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How can you help?

•A representative sample will then be selected and PwC will make contact during the next working week

•Information provided and used in the project will be treated anonymously

•Participation in the consultation will not give suppliers any competitive advantage in any subsequent procurement process

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What are your immediate thoughts on the proposed scope and structure of the ICT services procurement arrangement?

What will be the biggest challenges or opportunities in delivering the core and or innovation services described in the proposed delivery model?

What are the key success factors in any accreditation of organisations in the supply chain? What industry-led models exist or are there other preferred models we should explore?