ICOS-INWIRE overview

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ICOS-INWIRE overview. J.-D. Paris, P. Ciais , N. Schneider, C. Gerbig , H. Dolman, D. Papale, T . Vesala , A. Carrara , A. Lindroth , T . Warneke , and all the ICOS -INWIRE contributors. ICOS – Integrated Carbon Observing System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ICOS-INWIRE overviewJ.-D. Paris, P. Ciais, N. Schneider, C. Gerbig, H. Dolman, D. Papale, T. Vesala, A. Carrara, A. Lindroth, T. Warneke, and all the ICOS-INWIRE contributors

ICOS improved sensors, network and interoperability for GMESThe project is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme.


ICOS Integrated Carbon Observing SystemESFRI Research Infrastructure for quantifying and understanding the greenhouse gases budget of Europe and adjacent regionsICOS integrates terrestrial, atmospheric and oceanic observations at various sites into a coherent, high-precision dataset, managed by Thematic Centers.

40 atmospheric stations40 ecosystem stations10 ocean ship-lines

Long-term measurement networks dedicated to GHG:

2ICOS facts & figures13 countries committed at ministerial level, +2 joiningMore than 30 research labs actively involved, 400+ scientistsCentral facilities in France, Italy, Germany; HQ in FinlandCreation of European legal organization ERIC: pre-submission to EC in June

Provide in-situ observations to deliver flux maps at 10 km scale weekly with accuracy > http://www.gmes-atmosphere.eu

Data requirements addressed by ICOS-INWIREParameterTimelinessProvisionGISC require-mentsCO2 & CH4 in-situ concentrations1 month (target) 6 month (threshold)ICOS AtmCO2 in-situ fluxesICOS EcoCO2 & CH4 total columnTCCONGEO Carbon Strategy CO2 & CH4 in-situ concentrationsnear real-time (24h)ICOS AtmCO2 & CH4 in-situ fluxesICOS EcoBoundary layer height1 month (target) 6 month (threshold)ICOS AtmEcosystem ancillary variablesvariousICOS EcoGMES In-Situ Component Data Requirements report 2010GEO Carbon Strategy (2010) report. GEO, Group for Earth Observations Carbon task

Main objectives of ICOS-INWIREAutonomous and robust GHG sensors systemsDevelop and test new sensor systems for GHG flux and concentration measurements in challenging/remote environmentsImproved GHG tracer transport models through Boundary Layer Height datadevelop new software to process LIDAR data operationally, Transmit BLH to data assimilation systems Enhance GHG data provision to GMES Atmosphere and Land modeling communities NRT GHG data products, elaborated delayed-mode products from multiple data sources, including ICOS, TCCON and other networks Convergence with space systems develop a new fastdelivery (one month) data product from 4 European TCCON stations for GMES/MACC-II

Instrument manufacturers

Other observation networks

Copernicus servicesSecured, timely data distributionRobust designsInfrastructureResearch DataICOS-INWIRE in its ecosystemInter-operabilityR&DGEO GCI

Enhanced operational capabilities of ICOS atmospheric networkImproved GHG data processing and distributionAdapted for GMES services, compliant w/GEOSS data architectureNew variables: BLH, total column (GEO Carbon Strategy)Total column integration with in-situ

in-situ CO2, CH4 from 12 atmospheric sites delivered in NRT to GMES (MACC-II).

Enhanced operational capabilities of ICOS eddy covariance networkKey ecosystem variables selection for GMES Land Core Service ElementNRT data transmission and processing schemes optimizationICOS ecosystem database setup to serve GMES users & comply with GEOSS data architecture Definition of metrics to evaluate ecosystem variable assimilation in land surface models


Near real time data -> validation of forecastFinal data -> for re-analysisUntil now experimental service, jitter, lots of trial-and-errorUsers already took up & consider it well established!GHG data for reanalysis and forecast

Enhance interoperability with other GHG networksAssess the compatibility requirements of different GHG atmospheric networks (using high-res. inverse modeling)Network design assessment over Europe, toward maximum reduction of flux uncertaintiesEnsure network compatibility with other networks incl. TCCONValidation of satellite GHG products (ESA-GHG-CCI)Posterior uncertainty (gC m-2 day-1) 14-day avg / 50 km res NEE during July 2007Kadygrov et al., 2013Flux chamber, Hyytil

Interoperability through GEOSS data infrastructure will optimize the discoverability, accessibility and re-use of dataCatalogue of metadataGENESI-DEC, here: collocating ICOS and SCIAMACHY data

http://www.genesi-dec.eu/search/Enhance interoperability with other GHG networks

ICOS-INWIRE contributes to GEOAutomatic, robust, timely in-situ GHG data provision by ICOS to atmosphere and land services in CopernicusContribute to achievement of Task CL-02 Global Carbon Observation and Analysis:Infrastructure (better data and enhanced interoperability)Science and technology (link with space)User engagement (network design, requirements)Contribute to the WMO Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW)GEOSS Common Infrastructure: Enable brokerage solutions for ICOS dataSubmit data to WMO WDCGG -> GEOSS Data CORE

Wrap upICOS is a European Research Infrastructure to measure carbon greenhouse gasesTurning an emerging research infrastructure into an operational environmental data provider is an heavy taskICOS-INWIRE will enhance greenhouse gas data delivery by: Developping more robust, connected sensor systems, Establishing and implementing key methods for data transmission and processing at Thematic Centers, Ensuring interoperabilityICOS-INWIRE seeks to better connect ICOS with its key users in Copernicus, and GEOSSProject just started and will last for 3 years

Thank you

[email protected] research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme ([FP7/2007-2013]) under grant agreement n313169

ICOS improved sensors, network and interoperability for GMESThe project is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme.

Work breakdown: atmosphere and ecosystem strands

ALS300CHM15KCL3120/6/2009, MHD campaignUsing different algorithmsMilroy et al., 2012LIDAR observations of boundary layer

Potential for application to national LIDAR networks put in place by met agenciesEG-Climet, ACTRIS


WP2: Autonomous GHG atmospheric sensor

WP4: Autonomous GHG ecosystem sensor systems

CarboEurope-IPOther research projectsNational networks Month 24: Select atmospheric and ecosystem sensorsMonth 36: Draft of legal status & governance Month 60: Final network assessment stations Implementation PlanMonth 24: Decision on locations of Central facilitiesMonth 36: Expenditure and ressource planMonth 30: Demonstration with few sitesMonth 12: User survey and requirement, data providers, data handling strategy National contributionsCristallisation phaseDesign and construction of the infrastructure

CarboChange; GHG Europe; national programsEcosystems carbon balanceIntegrated up scaling methodsCOCOS, GEOCARBONInternational cooperationNew global datasets; Synthesis; RECCAP MACC-II; GEOLAND2; CARBONESCarbon cycle data assimilation systemESA-GCIExploitation of remote sensing dataICOS, ICOS-INWIRE, InGOS, FixO3Flux towers, ocean and atmospheric infrastructureIAGOSSpace agenciesNew GHG missions, MERLIN, MicroCarb, ... Basic researchOperationalmodels GMESOperationalIn-situ observing system

European carbon projects

ICOS-INWIRE: the Concept

Commissariat l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives-LSCECoordination, atmospheric system design, test, data distribution, link with spaceFranceMax-Planck-GesellschaftAtmospheric system design, boundary layer heightGermanyVU University AmsterdamEcosystem system design, methodologyNetherlandsUniversit degli Studi della TusciaEcosystem system design, data distribution, link with spaceItalyHelsingin YliopistoHeavy-duty, extreme conditions instrument testFinlandFundacin Centro de Estudios Ambientales del MediterrneoHeavy-duty, extreme conditions instrument testSpainUniversity of LundHeavy-duty, extreme conditions instrument testSwedenUniversity of BremenAtmospheric remote sensing, link with space, data provisionGermany

The project consortium