Ice Lenses at KAN-U, SW Greenland Credit: Karen Alley, University of ColoradoCredit: Babis Charalampidis, GEUS

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  • Slide 1
  • Ice Lenses at KAN-U, SW Greenland Credit: Karen Alley, University of ColoradoCredit: Babis Charalampidis, GEUS
  • Slide 2
  • KAN-U, Spring 2012 Credit: Horst Machguth, DTU
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  • Summer 2012 Runoff Reaches KAN-U 5 km LandSat-7: July 16 th, 2012 KAN-U Runoff had never been witnessed this high on the ice before
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  • Watson River in early May Credit: Karen Alley, Univ. Colorado
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  • Watson River in July 2012 Credit: Marco Tedesco, CUNY
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  • Mapping thick ice lenses with radar KAN-U GPR Transect 5 km
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  • Ground Radar IceBridge Radar Credit: NASA
  • Slide 9
  • Perched Ice Layers across Greenland Perched ice layers 1.5 meters (~5 feet) thick appear along much of Greenlands interior coast Potentially rapid mechanism for increasing Greenlands runoff
  • Slide 10
  • Poster Sessions and Talks C12B-01: Anders Bjrk, et. al, 110 years of local glacier and ice cap changes in Central- and North East Greenland Mon 10:20 10:35 am, Moscone West 3005 C21B-0316: Mike MacFerrin, et. al, Massive Perched Ice Layers in the Shallow Firn of Greenland's Lower Accumulation Area Inhibit Percolation and Enhance Runoff Tues 8 am 12:20 pm, Moscone West Poster Hall C21B-0335: Rick Forster, et. al, Recent results on the Greenland Aquifer from remote sensing and in situ measurements Tues 8 am 12:20 pm, Moscone West Poster Hall C51C-06: Lora Koenig, et. al, Radar Detections of Buried Supraglacial Lakes Across the Greenland Ice Sheet Fri 9:15 9:30 am, Moscone West 3007