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IBRA Apresentação

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Laboratory structured for the realization of chemical, physical and

biological analyses for the agribusiness and environment.

Company specialized in the development of software for the

management of laboratories, attending requirements of ISO/IEC 17025

and GLP, and informatics tools focused in getting better agricultural


Chemical industry orientated to provide services in the areas of

research, development, register and manufacture of fertilizing

products, adjuvant and protective for partners in the agribusiness.

Biological industry orientated to provide services in the areas of

research, development, register and manufacture of biological

fertilizing and biological protective for partners in the agribusiness.

Publicity agency that develops publicity campaigns, marketing

plain, on-line media, off-line or any solution focus in a better

communication with the customer, contributing for the increasing of the

market-share of the company, optimizing investments and surpassing

the expectations of investment return.

History of the Group

First Brand

Our history began in 1976 with the creation

of Microquímica Chemical Industry, where we

develop several technologies and

products, just like the use of micronutrients

chloride ones, chelates, organic boron, growing

regulating, sulphur flowable, seeds nutritional


In 1978 the IBRA laboratory was created, with the vision of

“when products are developed in a quality environment for the

satisfaction of the customer they tend to be similar for the end

what they destine, being the service the only form to increase

value to the product”.

In 1996 the Microquímica was sold to IHARA Bras Group.

After that, IBRA created the companies:

Sira (1996), Bioarts (2001), Arbi (2009) and ag.kiwee (2009)

Group Target

Research, develop and provide

to our partners products and

services with the aim on getting

better productivity with lower



Sow technology


harvest productivity.


Build market and

technological leadership

based in highly loyal

partnerships .


Competence, availability, commitment and ethics.

Patenting technologys and

trademarks used inside and

outside the country.

Trademarks and Patents



Dow AgroSciences

Analytical Service


• Physics

• Chemists

• Biological

Analyzed Materials:• Soil

• Leaf

• Fertilizers

• Substrates

• Correctives

• Soil Conditioner

• Irrigation Water

• Animal Nutrition

• Grain

• Seed

• Industrial Residue

Analytical Service

Fertility Analyses

Results available in the

web site after 48h of the

sample receiving.


Official Quality Programs

(*) Use Sira software – Company of IBRA Group





Use all the official

analytical methodologies

established by the

Institutes of Agriculture

Research in the different regions

of Brazil.

Analysis Importance

The “ chemical handling of the fertility ofthe soil and nutrition of plants ” is theonly practice that allows to bring theobtained production from the one allowedby the genetic potential of the plant. Allothers practices contribute not to dropthe production.

Posts of Sample Collection

Samples are sent to the laboratory

Itapetininga - SP

Analysis Bonus

Partnership Models

Connection with Laboratory

Analytical results are

connected with the software

of nutrition prescription –

Sira Fertilidade

Agronomic Prescription

DRIS Diagnosis

Information Technology - IT

Nutrition & Diseases

Maladies (nom usuel) N NH NO P K Ca Mg S Na Mn Fe Zn B Cu

Oïdium des céréales/graminées d d i d/i d d d

Fusariose des céréales/graminées i d

Fusariose des céréales/gram.-piétin-fonte i d d d

Fusariose des céréales/gram.-piétin-fonte i i d d d

Fusariose du maïs i i d

Fusariose monoliforme du maïs i d d

Flétrissement fusarien de la pdt i d d/i d/i d/i d i d i d

Fusariose du maïs i d

Piétin échaudage des céréales/graminées d i i

Fusariose des céréales d i d/i d

Taches réticulées des graminées d d d d d

Helminthosporiose de l'orge i i d/i

Taches chocolat des graminées d d d d d

Helminthosporiose des céréales d d d d d d d/i d


“Prezados amigos, boa tarde.

Estive consolidando os resultados parciais e verifiquei um aumento na participação no nosso querido IBRA.

Na safra passada, dos 4 Laboratórios selecionados por nossos clientes, o IBRA obteve uma fatia de 78.57% do total das amostras encaminhadas (total de 2973).

Atualmente, estamos com cerca de 2881 amostras e a participação do IBRA é de 93.75%, mesmo com o aumento de outras duas instituições.

Parabéns pelo trabalho bastante respeitado junto aos agricultores.“

Norwaldo Mello

Bunge Fertilizantes S.A.

Laboratory IncreasingS


















2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



43.984 45.378




Laboratory Pictures

Laboratory Pictures

Laboratory Pictures

Laboratory Pictures

Laboratory Pictures

E-Gov (review):


Animal Surveillance

Vegetal Surveillance

SCGL (*)

Platform SIRA

(*) Control and Management Laboratotial System

Information System

Specialists Systems:


Sira Fertilidade

Sira Fitossanitário

Sira ADM-R

Technologycal Diffusion

Computerized System for Correction and Fertilizing

Prescription of the Soil in the State of São Paulo


Research Integration

Partnership SIRA - PROCAFÉ Foundation

Information System

States Starter






Contract SignatureContractual Formalization of Partnership SIRA - EMBRAPA Soy bean

International Case

Business Partner


Beijing - China

International Case

Support to the Producer

Business Support

Agronomic Advisors (AA)

Area Supervisors (AS)


Increasing Productivities Estivemos no dia 18/04 no município de Santa Cruz do Rio

Pardo, promovendo Dia de Campo na cultura do milho, discutindo variedades

e adubação. No evento compareceram 78 agricultores de pequeno e médio

porte que mostraram muito interesse pelos assuntos abordados.

A propriedade foi a Fazenda Ilha Bela do Sr. Pedro Piovezan, de 70

alqueires. O Sr. Pedro vinha colhendo em anos anteriores 3700 kg/ha e com a

recomendação do nosso representante, Sr. Sérgio, usando o Sira (de seu

próprio computador), elevou a produtividade para 7600 kg/ha.

Dia de Campo realizado em

parceria com a Agroceres, que

também expôs as características

importantes das variedades AG

3010 e 5011.

A adubação foi de 800 kg/alq de

Fosmag 518 com 200 kg de Uréia

em cobertura (a recomendação foi

de 1200 kg/alq).

Technology Diffuser

Cooxupé (Matrix)


Informatization of the Laboratory

and shops for assistance to


Brands for Partners

Brands for Partners

Brands for Partners

Brands for Partners

Brands for Partners

Brands for Partners

Brands for Partners

BIONIVA - Ukraine

Brands for Partners - Agricultural Shops

Brands for Partners

Own Brands

Complete Nutritional Program for Coffee

Leaf Application

Own Brands

Seed Treatment

Leaf and Seed Application

Own Brands

Own Brands

Seed Treatment

Own Brands

Adjuvant Products

Fertilizer – Nutrition & Protection

FertClean ApplicationPipe System

GLÓRIA FARMEspírito Sto. do Pinhal – SP

(1.2 milhões de pés de Café)

Fertilizer – Nutrition & Protection

Evaluation of the

coffee leaf 3 days

after FertClean

application – rust


Evaluation of the

coffee leaf 10 days

after FertClean


Fertilizer – Nutrition & Protection

Equipment for Pulverization

Fertilizer – Nutrition & Protection

Pulverizator for FertClean

Fertilizer – Nutrition & Protection

FertClean Pulverization - BEAN

Fertilizer – Nutrition & Protection

FertClean Application - BEAN

Fertilizer – Nutrition & Protection

Fleet Cars

Biological Nutrition of Plants

Soya Bean Inoculants

Biologic Nutrition - Nitrogen

Biologic Products




Number of cells guarantee

Genetc Control

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

DNA of the nodules of the primary and secondary roots

Biologic Nitrogen Fertilizing

Soya Bean Inoculants

Soya Bean Inoculants

Furrow Application

3 doses x 150 ml

Seed application300 ml / ha

Furrow application

Economic Benefits for Producer


Bigger Productivity


soyaseed(Cobalt & Molybdenum)



International Case

Partner “GLYMAX” - Paraguay

Biological Protection of Plants

Trichoderma lingorum

Biological Fungicide

Product formulated with

Trichoderma lingorum with action of

competitive control against

fitopathogenic funguses.

Funguses Controlled

Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium

cepivorum, Pythium ultimum, Fuisarium

oxysporum, Botrytis cinerea e


Beauveria bassiana

Biological Insecticide

Product formulated with

Beauveria bassiana for effective control

of plagues.

Plagues Controlled

Bemisia tabaci (Mosca

Branca), Lotarips adisi (Trips),

Pulgões varias

espécies,Cochonilhas, Lepidópteros, Grilos.


Paecilomyces lilacinus

Biological Nematicide

Product formulated with

Paecilomyces lilacinus used in the

biological control of nematodes.

Nematodes Controlled

Radopholus sp, Pratylenchus

sp, Meloidogyne sp, Heterodera

sp, Globordera sp, Tylenchus sp, Ditylenchus

sp, Helicotylenchus sp e Rotylenchus sp.
