I verbi riflessivi in italiano…

I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the

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Page 1: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the

I verbiriflessivi

in italiano…

Page 2: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the

I verbi riflessivi

In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object

A person does as well asreceives the action…

The subject, the pronoun andthe verb are all in the sameform…

Page 3: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the

• Io mi alzo alle otto di mattina •Lei si sveglia molto presto

• A che ora ti prepari ogni giorno?

• Le mie sorelle si truccano nella loro camera.

• Noi ci corichiamo molto tardi.

• Paolo si lava in bagno.

Per esempio:

I get up at eight in the morning.

She wakes up very early.

At what time do you get ready every day?

My sisters put on makeup in their room.

We go to bed very late.

Paolo washes up in the bathroom.

Page 4: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the

How do you form these verbs?


1. Conjugate the verb as always…

alzo alziamo

alzi alzate

alza alzano

2. Add the reflexive pronouns…

mi ci

ti vi

si si

Page 5: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the


sveglio svegliamo

svegli svegliate

sveglia svegliano

mi ci

ti vi

si si


vesto vestiamo

vesti vestite

veste vestono

mi ci

ti vi

si si

Page 6: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the


addormento addormentiamo

addormenti addormentate

adormenta addormentano

mi ci

ti vi

si si


pettino pettiniamo

pettini pettinate

pettina pettinano

mi ci

ti vi si si

Page 7: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the

Posizione dei Pronomi riflessivi:

1. In front of a conjugated verb:• Mi corico alle dieci di sera.• Mi voglio coricare alle dieci di sera• Mi sto coricando adesso.

2. Attached to a gerund:• Sto coricandomi adesso.• Luisa sta lavandosi i denti.

3. Attached to an infinitive:• Vado a coricarmi adesso• Luisa va a lavarsi i denti.

Page 8: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the

CoricarsiFarsi il bagno





CoricareFare il bagno






Page 9: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the

… un poco di vocabolario

la tovaglia

la docciala vasca da bagno

il diodorante

lo specchio

il trucco

Page 10: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the

Puoi rispondere a queste domande…?

A che ora ti alzi la mattina?

Ti senti bene o male oggi?

Stai preparandoti per andare a scuola adesso?

Vuoi coricarti adesso?

Chi in casa tua si trucca?

Voi, vi lavate le mani prima di mangiare??

Page 11: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the

Come si dice in italiano?

My mother puts my sister to bed early.

I am going to get up early tomorrow.

We have to bathe the dog now.

My sister is combing her hair right now.

My friends want to sit in the library.

I wash the dishes in the kitchen.

Page 12: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 13: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 14: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 15: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 16: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 17: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 18: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 19: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 20: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 21: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 22: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 23: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 24: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 25: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 26: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 27: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 28: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 29: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the
Page 30: I verbi riflessivi in italiano… I verbi riflessivi In the reflexive construction, the subject is also the object A person does as well as receives the