I - $2.08 A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL -~ r~" ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ -~~-~c""l \ ~~~- \ r--====-".' ._- .....".. ... fZ.llI A TEAR WILL BRING I THE PAPER EVERT WEEK I BY MAIL L. Artists Here Stage a Show at Neighborhoo Club: Prizes Awarde Grosse P01l1te artls1s are holdll1 their fourth annual art exhlbltlon the Nelghborhood Club "Ith a d spla of 50 entnes by sch-ool chlldren of S Paul school as the feature of the sho Th.e exhlb1tlon wl11 close Saturday Pnzes have been aw:uded as fa lows Edgar Yaeger first pnze -;ti LIfe John S Vogt second pnze J an scape and Grace De Forrest thlJ't j pnze Peollles Others eS'ChlbIt1ng art work ll1clUd~ Jean Lech Rabert J,ohnson Jull "Racz Evelyne Hoetyer Herbert Forrest and Grace Rivard Students of St Paul school recelvd the f01l0'\V1Og pnze~ first pnn L~ 1 herssen second pnze George \ Dvke and thlrd pnze Hope 1 ole) Honorable me ItlOns \\ ere J. \ rde Douglas Allal Geraldl11e Pll'€) Arlll Kramer and An 1a Val 1e nl Iro St Paul school \Vllham Peltz of the Gros,:>c I ') 1 High school received a first prize f hIS water color f1amtmg ('1 t tIE'1 Venettan Scene COURT OF HONOR I The Bov Scout Court ot Ho lor '\ 1 be held on Thursday even1t1g DLcen I ber 17 In the Gabnel Rlchard <;choo It was announced thiS week By Mall $2()()per year, Smgle Coples 5 Cents I II I I * * * * * , "Be a Goodfellow" Donabon to the 'Goodfellow Fund" may be made In advance of the LIons Club drtve to be held In Grosse Pomte next Thursday Reludenb who care to advance theIr donation by matI or m person may do so. by dtrechng same to Alfred Garska at the Grosse Pomte Park MunIcIpal buildIng Are you able to mati ~ yours, now 1 ~ ~CdffilJ~ "Keno" Party at Club In connectIOn WIth the employment and normal buymg pledges s'1gned b) thousands of LIOns and other clt1zens throughout the country a plan to con duct a commumlty sales day m each tommumty has been Initiated !by LlOns Clubs and reports from hundreds of commumtles Indlcate that the mOve ment has been successfully carned out on a large scale Under thiS rplan all of the merchants 1U the commumty put on a store Wide sale at reduced pnces cuttmg pnces all old stock below cost S1l1ce It can be bought for less today Merchants do not buy more merchan dl5e for thiS event but aan to get nd of that whICh they have One commumty reports a 1200 per cent I11crease a.bove ~ea<;onal 6"ams An other commuOlty reports the <;ale of tfn dollar .. worth of merchandIse per (Contmued on Page Four) Community Sales Day Advocated by Lions CHRISTMAS PARTY The Annual N elghiborhood Club Chnstmas Party 'Will be held on ';at urday Decemlber 19th at 8 p In All the children are welcome There 15 ne charge A Keno party will be held at the Neighborhood Club under the auspices of the Grosse p01l1te and Ea<;tern M lchlgan Horticultural SOCIety for the purpose of ra,I<;1l1gmoney to conduct a chtldren s p Cl1lC durmg the year 1912 An ll1Vltatlon ha<; been extended by the '-oclety to all reSident<. to attend Otto Stoll Reports On Activity During Month v,lll be a'\"arc1ed to most of the girls [Or accomphshments of the pa~t fev. months All parents and fnends of the glrlS are cordqally Inv1ted Deeds mortgages and other docu ments totahng 6381 v. ere recorded dur 109 November to the office of Otto Stoll County register of deeds Included m that total were 4213 deeds and 2368 mortgages A total of $3 010 505 95 was mvested 10 mortgage loans dunng the month whllch topped both Seif}tember and October m thiS respect Fees col lected amounted to $887626 * * * THRIFT SHOP Firemen Help As a result of the personal so licitatIOn of resldel1ts of Grosse Pomte Park by the firemen of that \ 111age considerable cloth mg and wcanng garments for men women and children have been collected and the fi.remen will gladly dlstnbute these ar tlc1es of clotll1ng to needy resl dents of GrO'>se POInte Park Those 10 need are asked to call at the firehouse located at Jef ferson and Maryland avenues ~Ji!Ji!!f_~IilI~ ~eil!hb()rh()()d I Club Activitie~ Gro~se pOlOte VIllage pohcemen have be'Cn aSSigned to guard the home of Harold Palmer 281 Umverslty Pla'Ce to guard the five Palmer children and other members of the fam1ly follow mg thI'eats agamst the chtldren a'C'Cord mg to Wl1llam T WeIgand ChIef of the VIllage pohce Two patrolmen were sent to the home late last week after two shot<; were fired mto the chauffeur drtven Palmer sedan at Jefferson avenue and U01vers1ty Pla-ee The younger chtl dren had Just left the car The shots acCOrdlng to the chauffeur BenJamm Benneil:t were fired from a small auto mdblle contalOtng at least two men that raced past on Jefferson avenue Palmer IS the son of the late Thorn as W Palmer UOIted States senator and mtnlster to Spam Palmer IS tn the real estate bus1 nes'S wlth offices tn \he FIrst NatlOmd Bank BUlldmg Mrs Palmer was Wmlfred Corbett daughter of CornelIus Corbett at one tIme dnsil:nct sU'Pe~tn tendent of the Western Union Tele graph Co The Palmer chl1dren are 'Thomas \1:ary Vv'm1fred Richard and Harold Jr Members of the Palmer family have refused to diSCUSSthe case Se'Veral let ters receIVed at the Palmer home have been turned over to Weigand The aId and advlce of DetrOit pollce has been sought WeIgand <,av:!and the letters have been gIVen to the Untted I;)tates po-'ital authontle<; for mvestl gatlOn Village Police Guard Harold Palmer's Home: Children Threatened There wl11 be no furnIture or oy sale 011 Thursday December 10th However the other part of the sho:p WIll be open as usual from 2 to 4 iP m If you have not procured your card of admiSSion you are urged to do so at once The ~hop IS open to Grosse POl.,te 'To'\, n~hlf) res1dents and NeIghborhood Club mem ber's Krapp Bros. Appointed Studebaker Dealer In This Territory Now The a?pomtment of KraiPP Bras Auto Sales oompany at 15103 Kerche val avenue Grosse pomte Park as the Studebaker dealer tn thiS teTfltory was announced thlS week The company formerly han.ctled the HupmOlbl1e hne In addltton to selhng the .complete hne of Studebaker .complete parts and service Will be prOVIded by KrQPP Bras for Studebaker O'W'ners , The 'Company has been 111 It,, present location for the past 13 years durmg WhlCh tlme It was the dealer for the Hupmoblle hne WIlham h Krapp member of the Grosse Pomte Park councli ~s presldent at the Company ['red J Krapp also of Grosse p0111te lS vlce-presldcnrt and F I Krapp IS secretary trea.:;urer * '" * * * '" * * * Staged Tonight II +09 +60 " + 37 -43 County TownshIp $3 16 $0.65 353 1ZS School Gd Roads Health $6 22 $099 $016 791 056 OZ6 Wasrhmgton D C- LilOns Clubs th.roughout the country are pledgmg the1r members to give employment and to resume normal bUYIng wlthlll then means accordmg to a statement r-e celved by Eltot Wadsworth chaIrman of the CommIttee on Co operatIOn WIth National Orgal11zatlons from Arthur B Heaton a member of the Llons Club of Washmgton D C who lOth ated th.e movement On the pnnclple that public btlymg 1<;one of the most powenful forces to help end the dep-ressI0n said Mr Heaton a group of local setvIce clubs 1n WaSlhmgton DC has been pledgmg members to gn e employment and make (Contml1ed on Page Three) Lions Clubs In U. S. To Aid Unemployed: Also Urge Public To Buy Just where every penny of the Grosse Pomte taxpayer s dollar goes IS shown m a statement prepared thts week by Norbert F Denk clerk to Edmund A Ver111er, townshIp supervisor Mr Denk s analysls ot{ the taxrpayer s dollar In Grosse Pomte POlOtS out very clearly that a 'ComlparartJl.vely 101sIgntficanrt amount of the tax dollar goes to defray townshIp expenses and that on the other hand It does for the most part go to the state and county funds and to deiray the cost of the pubhc school system Out ot every tax dollar collected from Grosse Pomters, Mr Denk states JO tus analYSIS approxImately 20 cems goes to the state 20 cents goes to Wayne county and approxImately 46 cents goes to the pubbc school system whl1e approx1mately\ but seven cents goes to the townshIp The balance of the dollar IS approp1'1ated to the Good Roade; fund whIch collects about three cents and the Health fund whlch -eol lects <ll'Pproxlmately one cent Just Where Pennies In Tax Dollar Here Go Told by N. F. Denk 1930 1931 Increase or Decrease over + 30 1930 rate 1930 1931 Increase or Decrease 0\ er+ 1 71 1930 rate The townsht,p supervisor and the tOl}.nshlp board only has cont1"ol of Health Tax ThIS 111 bnef expla1l1s the necessity of the mcrease 10 the tax rate * GROSSI: POIN1E MICHIGAN, THURSDAY DECEMBFR 10 1931 * * * * In The Grosge Pomte HIgh school Glee Ctub contrlbuted to the semester s ac tlvlt1es last [nday and Saturday Wlth the productIOn of the famous MJkado ThIS two aot operetta was com'Pos~d by Arthur Sullivan and the text was wntten by Slr W S Gilbert The play dIrector was Mr A Gruenberg and the musIc director was Mr John Finch The perfotmance was based around the dIfficultIes of the sort of the Mikado 111 hIS love affair The songs were well clone and the audiences seemed pleased as a whole With them The characterrs Ko Ko Edward Ketterer The MIkado Thomas Groehn Kattsha Ellene Beever and. Pooh Bah Roy Kaiser portrayed the r roJ.es espeCially well The cast follows The Mtkado of Japan Thomas Groehn N ankl Poo Inez Hansen Ko Ko Edw F Ketterer Pooh Bah Roy Ka1ser Pish Tush Sidney l\foore Yum Yum Jane Heck endorn PIth Smg Helen Wortley Peep Bo Ilene Beach Kattsha Ellene Beever "Mikado" Presented By High School Glee Club Last Week On Nov 28 the home of Mr and Mrs J M Toohn Grayton road Grosse Pomte was the scene 'Of a party 10 honor of theIr daughter Barbara Ellen who celebflated her tenth blrthcia} The guests mcluded Ann Brown Lenore FIsher Betty Ann Greenmg Joan Flsh er Bett\ B ckey \t[ary Jane Dona van, Joan M llenlbach Mary Moran DIane DubOIS Vlrg1l11a MacDonald Mary Lou Murphy and Mary Jane Flattery who are her classmates at Sacred Heart Academy Mr and Mrs Rlchard H Webber of Lake Shrore road Grosse POlOte Farms are spendmg some time m PlOehurst NC Mrs Harley G HIgbIe left Tuesday WIth her sons, Harley G • Jr, and Hugh. for ,a wmter at Palm Spnngs, Cahf Mr HtgbIe W111JOIn them later mas holtdays III Pille hurst N C \irs Mason will be accol1llpanled by her two daughters t!.:le M1sses Adelaide J uha and MarJone Mason * * Mrs George GtUeapI8 HarrIS of Berk" shIre road, Grosse Pomte Park has' as her house guest, Mrs Chestor Boynton of New York City "'- By D'Oro.thy De9 M\" Harry BeckWIth Mason of Rl vard boulevard Gro&Se Pomte VI1 lage 1 plannmg to spend the Chnst * ~ Mr and Mrs James Thayer Me.. Millan of E"sex boule'Vardi~ Grone POinte Park, who returned JUst recently 'trom a viSit !In New York CIty. have ftS their house guest. Mr McMffian's Sil -ster, Lady Harrmgton of England Lady Harrmgton will make an mdef- IDlb Q stay In the CIty * * , * * *: * * "Revue" '} "'JfflIil~_~rlfolffi!INffi1ffi!!Nro.~ EdmundiTernier Tells The "Goodfellow" Townsh~ Taxpayers of Reasd for Tax Jump j~ In explammg-'1the current year s tov.n Ed -- ship tax rate iir $1694 per $1000 as Itlon sessed valuatiQ.\l as compared W1th $1430 the tax ?'ate last year Edmund C VernIer to~nshlp superViSor In a recent COmn11.1n'kat1onto taxpayers In the townshl'p s{l'ld Th1S mcreas~ -of $2 -64 In the town ShIP ta>.. rate, t may best eX'plam by callmg your at.fentlOn to the mcrease In the s'Ohooi ~x of $1 71 to the In crease of the t.qwnshw tax of 60 cents to the Health l~md of 9 cents and to the mcrease 1tl the state and county tax of 24 cents All together these 10 '"'I creases total t~ $2 64 figure The locre.lse& 10 the vanous taxe::. have been me'nrtable In VIew of the tremendous dect'tease In the amount of ~ real and persoJ}nel property avatlable ~ for taxation wtl11e on the other hand ~ It has been necessary to mamtam ex pend1tures at fo'rmer levels and m some Instances have ~been heaVier The de-erease m personal property subject to ta-xeli made up by taxmg real property 'represents the $4 000 000 000 asg.eg.sed~valuatIon on peI'$OI1oal which was mad4 non t~xable for town- ."hlp pUr'poses i Parttcularly the increase 01£ 60 cents III the townsh~p tax IS the result of approprIatlOns 9£ $16000 for I1:heGrosse Emnte townsh1,!? pollce radlO stahon and of treme1Hlous Increase for Poor fl1nd purposes State .~ IZ HZ * -I< * * * * * * * Residents Active VOL No 6--No 1 * Residents Lead Cast of "Money Box Revue" To Aid W. O. N. P. R. A scmttllatmg melange of an ateur and 'Profe<;slOnal talent has been so effectually mterwoven 1OtOthe \troney Box Revue whIch has Its first and only ~ performance tOOlght Thursday Dec ~ 10th at Orchestra Hall that seats prom ~ Ise to be at a prem~um Ama1eur stars I On nevt Tl i D h 1- h \\hose talents have been aRprecl~ted m ~ 1ursc a) , ece111 e1 I, te DetrOit for years wIll V'e with natlDn "Goodfellow' l"c!ltlOn of the G R 0 SSE ally known profeSSIonals 10 one of the POIl\'TE REVIEV\ WIll be pubhshed and cleverest productwns whH:h has ever 1 heen staged here A chorus of debu WIl contaIn as a ~pecJaI feature the first In- tantes maklOg their first stage appear. stallment of a senes on the "HIstory of Grosse ance w,ll brlOg the bloom of y01lth to Pomte "vv ntten by Fmtan L Henk, of Grosse t he audience' Casts representlOg The Players and I POInte, a long tln1e reSIdent and bUSIness l11an the Theatre Ar' the W1ddy known here, the "HIstory of Gro%e POInte" IS of VItal amateur organ,zatlons of the city w,ll Importance and of tremendous Interest to all <;tage a serles of bnlliantly wntten 'kits Profess'onal SlOgeTS dancers and reSIdents Reader~ of the REVIEW are urged other stars wIll complete an ensemble to be certaIn to obtain a copy of the "Good- which promISes to keop one of the fellow" ec!ltlOn and preserve thIs article, par- most bnlhant audiences m Ithe hlsto~y of Detro't on the qUI Vlve from their tlcularly Upon the completIOn of the pubh- arrival until the closlOg act cation of the senes, the reader wJ11then have A performance whIch was onglOally an authentIC and offiCIal chI analogIcal narra- planned only as a means for ra1SIng funds for the Women s O"gamzatlell tlve of Grosse Pomte ThIS article IS the same for ProhIplbon R~form has rISen above that has been placed m a copper box 111 the the money raISmg Oh)ectIVe and now monument to be dedIcated soon 111 Grosse prom~ses to go down 111 local amuse men. hIStory as on< of the outstandmg POInte Park's "Waterfront Park" events of the season Wlth every pox ,.., lJi!!lilli'lfijJfiilJi!!lilli'lfijJfiilJi!!lj!fNJj;!ffi~j!fNJj;!ffi~Q!iillO!Jl\!~ sold WIth only a few seats remalnmg ~~~ ------ on the lower floor and much of the balcony chspQsed of It IS drefimtely cer tam that socJally the event WIll be nothmg less th~n bnlliant Wtth ti,e lI1SrJJra1lo~ cel"taln to come from such a svmpathetlc aud1.en'Ce the equally bnlhant cast should nse to hetghts even greater than the pr.omlse shown 10 the1r m&lgnlficlenrt rehearsals The cast IS not only rem1111SCent of the social columns Bankmg CIrcles have T",o Intereshng guests arrived Tues their stars 111 the show the JudtClary day to be With Mr and Mrs John W lS represented the great adverttsmg Dyar are Mr and Mrs John D MIller orgamzattons of the C1ty furnish talent of Pasade!1la Cahf They WIll be the nahon Wide brokerage houses have been mceutlve {or a number of soclal func robbed of the1t local partners to bnglht- tlons thiS week Mfls Miller Vias an en up thIS stellar cast But oh what other out of town guest at the lunch .. the femmtne end of that cast repre eon for 18 guesrt:s which Mrs C M sents They may shme as soctal hghts Van Husan gave at her home on Lew but the prommence they have attamed Iston ~ad Wednesday m compliment In phllanthroplc and wetfaJ"le orgamza to Lady Harrmgton of England who twns coupled With the bnlhance they IS vls~t1ng Mr and Mrs James T Mc have dlsplayed for years m the ama M1Han Mrs Harriet N Atterlbury wa-s teur dramatic and mUSIcal worlds blinds hostess at a dmner 10 her home on theIr purely social actlvlhes and en Beverly r'oad Wednesday even111g hon- a..bles the management of the Money ormg the MIllers Box Revue to assure Its audJtence som~ Mrs Fredenck M Alger has planned tlhmg worth the whlle of all s.eekmg a luncheon for the V1sltor Thursday amusement to secure some of the few and 10 the evening Mr and Mrs Dyar remamlng seats for thiS Single per WIll entertam a fervv guests at theJ.f formance home followmg the Money Box Revue Mr Phelp<; Newberry Mrs Henry Mr and Mrs Mtller wdl agam be feted Toy Judge John B Brennall Mrs at a dmner at WhlCh Mr and MrlS Bernhard Stroh Mrs E Kay Ford Mr EdWIn S Bal"oour wtll be hosts FndJay r A Batchelor Mrs W K WillIams at theIr home I~ Grosse Pomte Mark \1r~ Wmmfred SC1"VppSElhs TvIr and mg the calender next IS a luncheon to Mrs Wendall Anderson l\1r Hayward be given by Mrs W HOWie MUir at S Thompson Mrs J Alden Blanch her home Saturday for Mrs MIller ard Mr Charles J LHommedIeu Mr Mrs Russell A Alger has Issued 111 Aldnch Baxter" Mrs Andred Hotch vltatlOn<: for a dmner 10 the evenmg kiSS Mr<l. Nancy Blbc1mv ?v!r Alex and Sunday Dr and Mrs F1"'ed T ander Ruelle III the MISSC", Crowley MUl"phy w111 agam honor the vlsttors Mr F W Overesch Mrs Dean Rob at a luncheon mson Mr W G Larche't 7v{rs Cart * '" * land Larned and many others '\\111 all) Mr and Mr. John B Ford Jr of pear m vanous aots Jefferson avenue. Grosse POInte Park, Brooke: Johns for three ttmes a Zleg ...are giving a tacky party. Fnday even- feld Fomes star and the headhner of Itlg The affair ilS In honor of MISS the present MIchIgan theatre show WIll Betty WIlhams, <laughter of Mr. and be for<:ed to the hnut of hIS dynan11'c Mrs Wood WtIhalll$ of Rivard boule per<;onahty to equal .or outshme the 10 vard, Grosse POInte VIllage, one of the cal talent Mr A L Weeks the noted popullar de.butantes of the season Whtle Players member whose reputation as a It .8 called '8. "tacky" party It really 11 wnter has been tremendously augment a dinner dance and Will be given at ed by hlS sparklmg weekly eXlp,osltlOn111 the Croue Potnte Club connectIOn 'W1th the local News Reel * ". r VIllI be seen a<; Al Weeks Among I 1v;f.r and Mrs Roy Canpenter Man other profeSSIOns who WIll endeavor to SOnt With their daughter MIS'S MarJor1e outdo thelocalamateurVlentwl11 be the an~ son Grant haV'e -closed their coun l\{1<;ses",Lorgme "Lancey Vera Rlchard- tr'! home Mldfields near Rochester .:;on Dorothy Hess Dons Gutow Mar an d have taken a home at 449 Lmcoln Jone Nevitt and Myrtle Platt M1$S read Grosse Pomte for the wmter Mary Tudor, songster of great repute months will blend her beauttful V01ce WIth that of \!frs HotchkISS and the result IS somethmg ,",orih gomg a long way to hear V"flters and dlrectors of vanous skItS lllcll1de Mr Harry Wagstaff GrIbble VIrs Bernard Stroh Mr E A Batche lot" Mr E Kay Ford Mr Ronald Jones Mr A L Weeks Mr- H<j.yward S Thompson and Manan StandIsh Sey mour SI1TIons Will direct the orchestra v,hlch WIll play f.or the first tnne 1n puh (Conttnued on Page Three) I I \ I \ I

I Residents Revue* *: * * Staged The Goodfellow Ed- -Itlon iirdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930... · 2006-07-15 · formerly han.ctled the HupmOlbl1e hne In

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Page 1: I Residents Revue* *: * * Staged The Goodfellow Ed- -Itlon iirdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930... · 2006-07-15 · formerly han.ctled the HupmOlbl1e hne In



-~ r~" ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ -~~-~c""l\ ~~~-

\ r--====-".' ._- .....".. ...fZ.llI A TEAR WILL BRING ITHE PAPER EVERT WEEK I



Artists Here Stage aShow at NeighborhooClub: Prizes Awarde

Grosse P01l1te artls1s are holdll1their fourth annual art exhlbltlonthe Nelghborhood Club "Ith a d splaof 50 entnes by sch-ool chlldren of SPaul school as the feature of the shoTh.e exhlb1tlon wl11 close Saturday

Pnzes have been aw:uded as falows Edgar Yaeger first pnze -;tiLIfe John S Vogt second pnze J anscape and Grace De Forrest thlJ't

jpnze PeolllesOthers eS'ChlbIt1ng art work ll1clUd~

Jean Lech Rabert J,ohnson Jull"Racz Evelyne Hoetyer HerbertForrest and Grace Rivard

Students of St Paul school recelvdthe f01l0'\V1Og pnze~ first pnn L~1 herssen second pnze George \Dvke and thlrd pnze Hope 1 ole)

Honorable me ItlOns \\ ere J. \ rdeDouglas Allal Geraldl11e Pll'€) ArlllKramer and An 1a Val 1 e nl IroSt Paul school

\Vllham Peltz of the Gros,:>c I ') 1

High school received a first prize fhIS water color f1amtmg ('1 t tIE'1Venettan Scene

COURT OF HONOR IThe Bov Scout Court ot Ho lor '\ 1

be held on Thursday even1t1g DLcen Iber 17 In the Gabnel Rlchard <;chooIt was announced thiS week

By Mall $2 ()()per year, Smgle Coples 5 CentsI



* • *

• * •

* * ,

"Be a Goodfellow"Donabon to the 'Goodfellow

Fund" may be made In advanceof the LIons Club drtve to beheld In Grosse Pomte nextThursday Reludenb who care toadvance theIr donation by matI orm person may do so. by dtrechngsame to Alfred Garska at theGrosse Pomte Park MunIcIpalbuildIng Are you able to mati ~yours, now 1 ~


"Keno" Party at Club

In connectIOn WIth the employmentand normal buymg pledges s'1gned b)thousands of LIOns and other clt1zensthroughout the country a plan to conduct a commumlty sales day m eachtommumty has been Initiated !by LlOnsClubs and reports from hundreds ofcommumtles Indlcate that the mOvement has been successfully carned outon a large scale Under thiS rplan all ofthe merchants 1U the commumty puton a store Wide sale at reduced pncescuttmg pnces all old stock below costS1l1ce It can be bought for less todayMerchants do not buy more merchandl5e for thiS event but aan to get ndof that whICh they have

One commumty reports a 1200 percent I11crease a.bove ~ea<;onal 6"ams Another commuOlty reports the <;ale oftfn dollar .. worth of merchandIse per

(Contmued on Page Four)

Community Sales DayAdvocated by Lions

CHRISTMAS PARTYThe Annual Nelghiborhood Club

Chnstmas Party 'Will be held on ';aturday Decemlber 19th at 8 p In Allthe children are welcome There 15 necharge

A Keno party will be held at theNeighborhood Club under the auspicesof the Grosse p01l1te and Ea<;ternM lchlgan Horticultural SOCIety for thepurpose of ra,I<;1l1gmoney to conduct achtldren s p Cl1lC durmg the year 1912An ll1Vltatlon ha<; been extended by the'-oclety to all reSident<. to attend

Otto Stoll Reports OnActivity During Month

v,lll be a'\"arc1ed to most of the girls[Or accomphshments of the pa~t fev.months All parents and fnends of theglrlS are cordqally Inv1ted

Deeds mortgages and other documents totahng 6381 v. ere recorded dur109 November to the office of OttoStoll County register of deeds Includedm that total were 4213 deeds and 2368mortgages A total of $3 010 505 95 wasmvested 10 mortgage loans dunng themonth whllch topped both Seif}temberand October m thiS respect Fees collected amounted to $887626

* * *


Firemen HelpAs a result of the personal so

licitatIOn of resldel1ts of GrossePomte Park by the firemen ofthat \ 111age considerable clothmg and wcanng garments formen women and children havebeen collected and the fi.remenwill gladly dlstnbute these artlc1es of clotll1ng to needy resldents of GrO'>se POInte ParkThose 10 need are asked to callat the firehouse located at J efferson and Maryland avenues


~eil!hb()rh()()d IClub Activitie~

Gro~se pOlOte VIllage pohcemen havebe'Cn aSSigned to guard the home ofHarold Palmer 281 Umverslty Pla'Ceto guard the five Palmer children andother members of the fam1ly followmg thI'eats agamst the chtldren a'C'Cordmg to Wl1llam T WeIgand ChIef of theVIllage pohce

Two patrolmen were sent to thehome late last week after two shot<;were fired mto the chauffeur drtvenPalmer sedan at Jefferson avenue andU01vers1ty Pla-ee The younger chtldren had Just left the car The shotsacCOrdlng to the chauffeur BenJammBenneil:t were fired from a small automdblle contalOtng at least two menthat raced past on Jefferson avenue

Palmer IS the son of the late Thornas W Palmer UOIted States senatorand mtnlster to Spam

Palmer IS tn the real estate bus1nes'S wlth offices tn \he FIrst NatlOmdBank BUlldmg Mrs Palmer wasWmlfred Corbett daughter of CornelIusCorbett at one tIme dnsil:nct sU'Pe~tntendent of the Western Union Telegraph Co The Palmer chl1dren are'Thomas \1:ary Vv'm1fred Richard andHarold Jr

Members of the Palmer family haverefused to diSCUSSthe case Se'Veral letters receIVed at the Palmer home havebeen turned over to Weigand

The aId and advlce of DetrOit pollcehas been sought WeIgand <,av:!and theletters have been gIVen to the UnttedI;)tates po-'ital authontle<; for mvestlgatlOn

Village Police GuardHarold Palmer's Home:

Children Threatened

There wl11 be no furnIture or oy sale011 Thursday December 10th Howeverthe other part of the sho:p WIll be openas usual from 2 to 4 iP m If you havenot procured your card of admiSSionyou are urged to do so at once The~hop IS open to Grosse POl.,te 'To'\, n~hlf)res1dents and NeIghborhood Club member's

Krapp Bros. AppointedStudebaker Dealer In

This Territory NowThe a?pomtment of KraiPP Bras

Auto Sales oompany at 15103 Kercheval avenue Grosse pomte Park as theStudebaker dealer tn thiS teTfltory wasannounced thlS week The companyformerly han.ctled the HupmOlbl1e hne

In addltton to selhng the .completehne of Studebaker .complete parts andservice Will be prOVIded by KrQPP Brasfor Studebaker O'W'ners ,

The 'Company has been 111 It,, presentlocation for the past 13 years durmgWhlCh tlme It was the dealer for theHupmoblle hne

WIlham h Krapp member of theGrosse Pomte Park councli ~s presldentat the Company ['red J Krapp alsoof Grosse p0111te lS vlce-presldcnrt andF I Krapp IS secretary trea.:;urer

* '" * * * '" * * *Staged Tonight





+ 37


County TownshIp$3 16 $0.65353 1ZS

School Gd Roads Health$6 22 $099 $016791 056 OZ6

Wasrhmgton D C - LilOns Clubsth.roughout the country are pledgmgthe1r members to give employment andto resume normal bUYIng wlthlll thenmeans accordmg to a statement r-ecelved by Eltot Wadsworth chaIrmanof the CommIttee on Co operatIOn WIthNational Orgal11zatlons from ArthurB Heaton a member of the LlonsClub of Washmgton D C who lOthated th.e movement

On the pnnclple that public btlymg1<;one of the most powenful forces tohelp end the dep-ressI0n said MrHeaton a group of local setvIce clubs1n WaSlhmgton D C has been pledgmgmembers to gn e employment and make

(Contml1ed on Page Three)

Lions Clubs In U. S. ToAid Unemployed: Also

Urge Public To Buy

Just where every penny of the GrossePomte taxpayer s dollar goes IS shownm a statement prepared thts week byNorbert F Denk clerk to Edmund AVer111er, townshIp supervisor MrDenk s analysls ot{ the taxrpayer s dollarIn Grosse Pomte POlOtS out very clearlythat a 'ComlparartJl.vely 101sIgntficanrtamount of the tax dollar goes to defraytownshIp expenses and that on theother hand It does for the most partgo to the state and county funds andto deiray the cost of the pubhc schoolsystem

Out ot every tax dollar collected fromGrosse Pomters, Mr Denk states JO

tus analYSIS approxImately 20 cemsgoes to the state 20 cents goes toWayne county and approxImately 46cents goes to the pubbc school systemwhl1e approx1mately\ but seven centsgoes to the townshIp The balance ofthe dollar IS approp1'1ated to the GoodRoade; fund whIch collects about threecents and the Health fund whlch -eollects <ll'Pproxlmately one cent

Just Where PenniesIn Tax Dollar HereGo Told by N. F. Denk


Increase orDecrease over + 301930 rate


Increase orDecrease 0\ er+ 1 711930 rate

The townsht,p supervisor and thetOl}.nshlp board only has cont1"ol ofHealth Tax

ThIS 111 bnef expla1l1s the necessityof the mcrease 10 the tax rate



• • *

* * *


The Grosge Pomte HIgh school GleeCtub contrlbuted to the semester s actlvlt1es last [nday and Saturday Wlththe productIOn of the famous MJkadoThIS two aot operetta was com'Pos~dby Arthur Sullivan and the text waswntten by Slr W S Gilbert The playdIrector was Mr A Gruenberg and themusIc director was Mr John FinchThe perfotmance was based around thedIfficultIes of the sort of the Mikado 111

hIS love affair The songs were wellclone and the audiences seemed pleasedas a whole With them The characterrsKo Ko Edward Ketterer The MIkadoThomas Groehn Kattsha Ellene Beeverand. Pooh Bah Roy Kaiser portrayedthe r roJ.es espeCially well

The cast follows The Mtkado ofJapan Thomas Groehn N ankl PooInez Hansen Ko Ko Edw F KettererPooh Bah Roy Ka1ser Pish TushSidney l\foore Yum Yum Jane Heckendorn PIth Smg Helen WortleyPeep Bo Ilene Beach Kattsha ElleneBeever

"Mikado" Presented ByHigh School Glee

Club Last Week

On Nov 28 the home of Mr andMrs J M Toohn Grayton road GrossePomte was the scene 'Of a party 10

honor of theIr daughter Barbara Ellenwho celebflated her tenth blrthcia} Theguests mcluded Ann Brown LenoreFIsher Betty Ann Greenmg Joan Flsher Bett\ B ckey \t[ary Jane Donavan, Joan M llenlbach Mary MoranDIane DubOIS Vlrg1l11a MacDonaldMary Lou Murphy and Mary JaneFlattery who are her classmates atSacred Heart Academy

Mr and Mrs Rlchard H Webber ofLake Shrore road Grosse POlOte Farmsare spendmg some time m PlOehurstN C

Mrs Harley G HIgbIe left TuesdayWIth her sons, Harley G • Jr, and Hugh.for ,a wmter at Palm Spnngs, CahfMr HtgbIe W111JOIn them later

mas holtdays III Pille hurst N C \irsMason will be accol1llpanled by hertwo daughters t!.:le M1sses AdelaideJ uha and MarJone Mason

* * •Mrs George GtUeapI8 HarrIS of Berk"

shIre road, Grosse Pomte Park has' asher house guest, Mrs Chestor Boyntonof New York City

"'-By D'Oro.thy De9

M\" Harry BeckWIth Mason of Rlvard boulevard Gro&Se Pomte VI1lage 1 plannmg to spend the Chnst

* • ~Mr and Mrs James Thayer Me..

Millan of E"sex boule'Vardi~ GronePOinte Park, who returned JUst recently'trom a viSit !In New York CIty. haveftS their house guest. Mr McMffian'sSil -ster, Lady Harrmgton of EnglandLady Harrmgton will make an mdef-IDlbQ stay In the CIty

• * *

,* * *: * *"Revue"


"'JfflIil~_~rlfolffi!INffi1ffi!!Nro.~ EdmundiTernier Tells

The "Goodfellow" Townsh~ Taxpayers ofReasd for Tax Jumpj~

In explammg-'1the current year s tov.n

Ed- - ship tax rate iir $1694 per $1000 as

Itlon sessed valuatiQ.\l as compared W1th$1430 the tax ?'ate last year EdmundC VernIer to~nshlp superViSor In arecent COmn11.1n'kat1onto taxpayers In

the townshl'p s{l'ld

Th1S mcreas~ -of $2 -64 In the townShIP ta>.. rate, t may best eX'plam bycallmg your at.fentlOn to the mcreaseIn the s'Ohooi ~x of $1 71 to the In

crease of the t.qwnshw tax of 60 centsto the Health l~md of 9 cents and tothe mcrease 1tl the state and countytax of 24 cents All together these 10


creases total t~ $2 64 figureThe locre.lse& 10 the vanous taxe::.

have been me'nrtable In VIew of thetremendous dect'tease In the amount of

~ real and persoJ}nel property avatlable~ for taxation wtl11e on the other hand~ It has been necessary to mamtam ex

pend1tures at fo'rmer levels and m someInstances have ~been heaVier

The de-erease m personal propertysubject to ta-xeli made up by taxmgreal property 'represents the $4 000000 000 asg.eg.sed~valuatIon on peI'$OI1oalwhich was mad4 non t~xable for town-."hlp pUr'poses i

Parttcularly the increase 01£ 60 centsIII the townsh~p tax IS the result ofapproprIatlOns 9£ $16000 for I1:heGrosseEmnte townsh1,!? pollce radlO stahonand of treme1Hlous Increase for Poorfl1nd purposes

State.~ IZHZ

* -I< * * * * * * *Residents Active

VOL No 6--No 1


Residents Lead Cast of"Money Box Revue"To Aid W. O. N. P. R.

A scmttllatmg melange of an ateurand 'Profe<;slOnal talent has been soeffectually mterwoven 1OtOthe \troneyBox Revue whIch has Its first and only ~performance tOOlght Thursday Dec ~10th at Orchestra Hall that seats prom ~Ise to be at a prem~um Ama1eur stars I On nevt Tl i D h 1- h\\hose talents have been aRprecl~ted m ~ 1ursc a) , ece111 e1 I, t eDetrOit for years wIll V'e with natlDn "Goodfellow' l"c!ltlOn of the G R 0 SSEally known profeSSIonals 10 one of the POIl\'TE REVIEV\ WIll be pubhshed andcleverest productwns whH:h has ever 1heen staged here A chorus of debu WIl contaIn as a ~pecJaI feature the first In-tantes maklOg their first stage appear. stallment of a senes on the "HIstory of Grosseance w,ll brlOg the bloom of y01lth to Pomte "vv ntten by Fmtan L Henk, of Grosset he audience'

Casts representlOg The Players and I POInte, a long tln1e reSIdent and bUSIness l11anthe Theatre Ar' the W1ddy known here, the "HIstory of Gro%e POInte" IS of VItalamateur organ,zatlons of the city w,ll Importance and of tremendous Interest to all<;tage a serles of bnlliantly wntten'kits Profess'onal SlOgeTS dancers and reSIdents Reader~ of the REVIEW are urgedother stars wIll complete an ensemble to be certaIn to obtain a copy of the "Good-which promISes to keop one of the fellow" ec!ltlOn and preserve thIs article, par-most bnlhant audiences m Ithe hlsto~yof Detro't on the qUI Vlve from their tlcularly Upon the completIOn of the pubh-arrival until the closlOg act cation of the senes, the reader wJ11then have

A performance whIch was onglOally an authentIC and offiCIal chI analogIcal narra-planned only as a means for ra1SIngfunds for the Women s O"gamzatlell tlve of Grosse Pomte ThIS article IS the samefor ProhIplbon R~form has rISen above that has been placed m a copper box 111 thethe money raISmg Oh)ectIVe and now monument to be dedIcated soon 111 Grosseprom~ses to go down 111 local amusemen. hIStory as on< of the outstandmg POInte Park's "Waterfront Park"events of the season Wlth every pox ,.., lJi!!lilli'lfijJfiilJi!!lilli'lfijJfiilJi!!lj!fNJj;!ffi~j!fNJj;!ffi~Q!iillO!Jl\!~sold WIth only a few seats remalnmg ~~~ ------on the lower floor and much of thebalcony chspQsed of It IS drefimtely certam that socJally the event WIll benothmg less th~n bnlliant Wtth ti,elI1SrJJra1lo~ cel"taln to come from sucha svmpathetlc aud1.en'Ce the equallybnlhant cast should nse to hetghtseven greater than the pr.omlse shown10 the1r m&lgnlficlenrt rehearsals

The cast IS not only rem1111SCent ofthe social columns Bankmg CIrcles have T",o Intereshng guests arrived Tuestheir stars 111 the show the JudtClary day to be With Mr and Mrs John WlS represented the great adverttsmg Dyar are Mr and Mrs John D MIllerorgamzattons of the C1ty furnish talent of Pasade!1la Cahf They WIll be thenahon Wide brokerage houses have been mceutlve {or a number of soclal funcrobbed of the1t local partners to bnglht- tlons thiS week Mfls Miller Vias anen up thIS stellar cast But oh what other out of town guest at the lunch ..the femmtne end of that cast repre eon for 18 guesrt:s which Mrs C Msents They may shme as soctal hghts Van Husan gave at her home on Lewbut the prommence they have attamed Iston ~ad Wednesday m complimentIn phllanthroplc and wetfaJ"le orgamza to Lady Harrmgton of England whotwns coupled With the bnlhance they IS vls~t1ng Mr and Mrs James T Mchave dlsplayed for years m the ama M1Han Mrs Harriet N Atterlbury wa-steur dramatic and mUSIcal worlds blinds hostess at a dmner 10 her home ontheIr purely social actlvlhes and en Beverly r'oad Wednesday even111g hon-a..bles the management of the Money ormg the MIllersBox Revue to assure Its audJtence som~ Mrs Fredenck M Alger has plannedtlhmg worth the whlle of all s.eekmg a luncheon for the V1sltor Thursdayamusement to secure some of the few and 10 the evening Mr and Mrs Dyarremamlng seats for thiS Single per WIll entertam a fervv guests at theJ.fformance home followmg the Money Box Revue

Mr Phelp<; Newberry Mrs Henry Mr and Mrs Mtller wdl agam be fetedToy Judge John B Brennall Mrs at a dmner at WhlCh Mr and MrlSBernhard Stroh Mrs E Kay Ford Mr EdWIn S Bal"oour wtll be hosts FndJayr A Batchelor Mrs W K WillIams at theIr home I~ Grosse Pomte Mark\1r~ Wmmfred SC1"VppSElhs TvIr and mg the calender next IS a luncheon toMrs Wendall Anderson l\1r Hayward be given by Mrs W HOWie MUir atS Thompson Mrs J Alden Blanch her home Saturday for Mrs MIllerard Mr Charles J LHommedIeu Mr Mrs Russell A Alger has Issued 111

Aldnch Baxter" Mrs Andred Hotch vltatlOn<: for a dmner 10 the evenmgkiSS Mr<l. Nancy Blbc1mv ?v!r Alex and Sunday Dr and Mrs F1"'ed Tander Ruelle III the MISSC",Crowley MUl"phy w111 agam honor the vlsttorsMr F W Overesch Mrs Dean Rob at a luncheonmson Mr W G Larche't 7v{rs Cart * '" *land Larned and many others '\\111 all) Mr and Mr. John B Ford Jr ofpear m vanous aots Jefferson avenue. Grosse POInte Park,

Brooke: Johns for three ttmes a Zleg ...are giving a tacky party. Fnday even-feld Fomes star and the headhner of Itlg The affair ilS In honor of MISSthe present MIchIgan theatre show WIll Betty WIlhams, <laughter of Mr. andbe for<:ed to the hnut of hIS dynan11'c Mrs Wood WtIhalll$ of Rivard bouleper<;onahty to equal .or outshme the 10 vard, Grosse POInte VIllage, one of thecal talent Mr A L Weeks the noted popullar de.butantes of the season WhtlePlayers member whose reputation as a It .8 called '8. "tacky" party It really 11

wnter has been tremendously augment a dinner dance and Will be given ated by hlS sparklmg weekly eXlp,osltlOn111 the Croue Potnte ClubconnectIOn 'W1th the local News Reel * ". rVIllI be seen a<; Al Weeks Among I 1v;f.r and Mrs Roy Canpenter Manother profeSSIOns who WIll endeavor to SOnt With their daughter MIS'S MarJor1eoutdo thelocalamateurVlentwl11 be the an~ son Grant haV'e -closed their counl\{1<;ses",Lorgme "Lancey Vera Rlchard- tr'! home Mldfields near Rochester.:;on Dorothy Hess Dons Gutow Mar an d have taken a home at 449 LmcolnJone Nevitt and Myrtle Platt M1$S read Grosse Pomte for the wmterMary Tudor, songster of great repute monthswill blend her beauttful V01ce WIth thatof \!frs HotchkISS and the result ISsomethmg ,",orih gomg a long way tohear

V"flters and dlrectors of vanous skItSlllcll1de Mr Harry Wagstaff GrIbbleVIrs Bernard Stroh Mr E A Batchelot" Mr E Kay Ford Mr Ronald JonesMr A L Weeks Mr- H<j.yward SThompson and Manan StandIsh Seymour SI1TIons Will direct the orchestrav,hlch WIll play f.or the first tnne 1n puh

(Conttnued on Page Three)




Page 2: I Residents Revue* *: * * Staged The Goodfellow Ed- -Itlon iirdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930... · 2006-07-15 · formerly han.ctled the HupmOlbl1e hne In



Meil'Gae 0$43Estal>l.slled 1915-

Ah. k" ... n ...


Your Choice ofElectric Cigar Lighter

or Ash TrayWith the Purchase of



Fxc1u$lve rtghts III Mtchlgan

(RegIstered .BhYSltCian in

2627 Gratiot Ave" at Chene

Successful for n.e&t"ly 50 yea?~ No cuttmg, n.obununfJOf' any other pamful method employed Old and .tub ..bOl'ft cases ;ire particularly dl.Vlte~ CO't'hti J...u-edStoekmg, Seamleu ElastLC HOSiery., Trussi!s andt-R;ut:Ptu,'fe AlJphan-cEli, COYlletll Abdom-1n~l Belh] Wh.",l,ch-aii"Sj. ete




PIctures, PIcture Frames! Lamps, ChIna, Books, Pottery,Baskets, ete


~ Gifts of distinction. . • • to fit any purse

Rea, of Otto E Hm2:, 1429Three~Mlle DrJvi', Gr~l.e Point .. -P.rkTuxedo 2.2228

'l'hursct;y, Dee 10, 1<}31

~~i '" LEG TROUBLES::::::: The .o~called Ineurable sores and ulcel's on the Ie, be"

low the knee can be healed WIth. the


Community Parts, Inc. IKercheval and St, Jean Detroit HI. 16675~_J


I~C~~~~~~~~I':'l:~~~a:,o:~n?;.~~~~~~ts~for Chnstmas GIfts Ivy Greens, Baby Mums, Ferns, Sanseverla,Pnmroses, Cyclamen, Pomesettas, -etcI etc 6 Ii ViLLAG°i;;ab~LOWER SHOP

~ 17012.K».. b~v.1 NI'll'ar~ 5092 bet St Clalr ..nd Notre-Dame~ii!Jii!J1i!Jj


W",tch$&~Ring.-F(l nta:QPens, Silverware-CiIfi'Lin!<".....'Pl!>\;K4t Bliliks - TOI et Sets of the better kind and

~ many Sj>~onal novelties,IGl";osserOi~;;;)J;wekY ShopI .~twtJ,ItRS - r OPTOMETR1ST

i 14342 Jefferson bet, Chalmers and Lakew-oodJ

PhonyCertain types of heada(.he sass II

dOl.'tor~ J.re proof of. braIns If set IInumber of poseurs have been nrollndlately ashlng tbe loan of an aspJrhi.....,.,.Detrmt 'le~%

Llablhtie.-\. Boston girl sa~s she wIll marl~

the 'Lao W10 Pm's her father s debtsWe W.Quld ild'Vise inte"'ested partIes tofiLS!"":find Qut wilo got thE> fllthe-I In<lebt

Lookmg. Baekwal'dThe young. people of today will learn

eventtJ-all~ as all preceding ones havethat a lurlil-present doesfi t look so h01when it has become £i 8hady rfRst-CltneinNatl En(ll11l'~r

V 1.1 ~'Htyletters have been awarded to Nov 1~ Gr Pte 27. ';-Outheastern 0twent). three boyq mecmbers of the Nav 20 Gro'lSe Pte 6 RIver Rouge 0-peat-e.;;.1: IrOotb.all team m the hl"torj ot * * *GIOSS(' Pomte 111gh school In condud By takmg a first place 111thrfe e'Vents109 a gruelmQ; sch.edule With a record MaTjone Rose 10th gTade \"-"bIt theof seven Wln,,"and one loss agamst some Semor Hlgh SWlmlTI1ng meet held Fnof the foremost teams m the state the day a&ternoonItulhon.aJre e1even of 1931 has created a I Th{' thr.c<eeven1.s which MarJone wonstandarn by whIch future grtdde-l'"'l {TIay "!J,. ere 20 yd fref' st) Ie 'ilmt", 116 seegauge theIr performant'M lOUd,> Shoe drvrng and 100 yd rela}

Ten players waged their last battle tIme' 1 m10ute and twenty se-eondisfdf Gros'::e Pomte In the Rwer Rouge Ehzalbeth McGon1~le came second1mblogho They 'lrf' WIlham rarr Ray With nmf" pomt,> whlle Betty GroganShephard Captam (,harles Hanneman and Betty tIa.nna and Vlrgmta LowersClarence 7et~ '"Bon Shephard' we\(' bed for the thtrd place ".lth ::l

GClorge Steverly:nok Jerpme Spamky SCOff' of eight pomtsK1.rl Kamlschke- Jl11llor Kreul and r c,; f

ter ':;;rJlt7Iey Gro",,/... Pomte" 31 32 "wlmlT1mgMemben of UllS y,.ear'Cl ,>-quad who team shoy, q great promise accordmg

WIll return next 'lea-ron are Paul Boc. to Coach Banach The 1e'lm recentlysen Joe- Smith George GhesqU1r.e, WIt .. "tarrted practtoe amI IS ",ud to be 1m",

ham Cha'::e Fdwmd 1.J'eeme, Ra~mond provmg daily rlevcn veterans reHarm" .edward Chase, Edward Wer turned They are W caver TQevpmnet Charles Fmke, Tom"< S,*egles,}u SmIth, KuechnVrJ.ester. WIlson Schaefban Km,lte E<ltBarnc'5 and Tbm Rem er, K Kam1s<:hke R Kam1schk<e, SpIt

'Of the 88 pomts amassed by the z-el~y, Sulhvan and Fmke The- ':tstP011te" eleven a;s agamst 27 by oppo, year"s team won five aJ.1,dlost five ofnents 26 were gal\ne.recl ,~ :J;(ay Shep theu" meets The schedule for thIS Cleahard Thts total gams h1m'!'''the dlstmc son IS as followstlOn of bemg hrgh pomt man Charles December 18 Ford-son-homeFinke runs a close second WIth 20 The .. January 8 Mt Clemells-there~seasbns results fol1oVv January 15 Southeastern-homeOct 2 Grosse Pomte 6 Eastern 0Oct 10 Grosse- Pte, 7 B,trmmgham,O January 29 Wyandotte_homeOct 17 Gr Pte 13 Southwestern 0 Fe,bruary 12 Monroe-thereOct 24 Gtosse pte 0 Mt CleMens 27 1< ebruary 19 Rlver Ro-uge-homeOct 31, Grosse Pomte, 24-, Fernr1~Je, 0 Fehrnary 26 Southeastern League

~ 3 1......~ov 7, Grosse P&mt-e, 6, 'MoofiOe 0 Meet-home


]'Years 10 out of the way places has ClIVe Brook plays the errmg husband.~cqU1r.ed some pleasant hil:tle sa';ragenes, VIvIenne OSjborne as hJ5 loyal wife,one of whl<;.h.l. t'\ brand b's J>elongrrlgi 1u4eftte Comvton a& tbe other womanWIth a Clpllese C1"~ me~nmg I r P{)S~ jind Charles Ruggles as the hen iPeckedsess I, fatUIty adVisor

Of counre cvcrythmg l'i very suave Husband <;. Hohday 1<;; the s-tory ofand r('ako;: of danger to everyone but a ,man who loves two women-his wrfethe- foohsh lady conc~rrted who puts the devoted mother o[ 1m; two Chlld'l"MIn some wOffled hour" betore her hus and another woman an attra<:hve \';0band and herself are free frotTI the tOlls phlshcated woman who'lc pleasant easyi:'he has woven ar01md them! gomg mode of hfe mtngue<; him It 15

GOl1d worh. on the part of JtV1tlg the drama of a hl.tsbanc1 and wife whoPIc-he I \\ho play,:: the dastardly vtllam thlQUgh ctrcnmst'lnce~ fveryol1(' under

M E !>tands are: for.ced to fa-ce Il C'rEnlJ mthetr mat:rted Me


We alsocmake and design Drageriell and Cur-tains for your entire lmme:

, 'Lenox 8219 Open Ev~ry Evening


Fl'9SS,e~O!Bt~))rape~ie Shopr ~ast Jefferson between 'Chahnen and Lakewood

We are- giving this dilJCount sale as. a gift toI you-Come here"nrst before you buy


lMe T.ro -"

At The' Thealerj8lc Mom.y ~~m,'AS HUSBANDS GO'

It "must have been: th'e nnllnbmg of>6teM red WInes whleh cau<;ed ~t1imrg"o E\ppeat pCl'stuble HI Part" and 1m-perr;

l1ble-.Whet) viewed from the '>afe pro'>:!.westS of J;Ju'b:u.qtrer Iowa. smce It cau'iedl..-ueJe Lifi~ard to pronounce youngDw'l> .. al!iIt~'s t~posl"no~s 'dls_~mJ'i.'.Mn oil,\, IS V.. £.~tly COIWlrtCed thaihe ..."ulan't hdve £6\1nd ,t '0 III Pa"sIN'h!ch 1$ o£ cour<le only mdlcat"te"pf >I< >I< *he change wr"\lll:1It by the re!'urlt to 'SOUNDS AND SHADOWS'lane sUI'rdundin~s. where the two Sketches--Mane Dressl.er.."'"n~hfil1d thom .. lves .1Ippmg WIth "Comnromilled"From thf" luMen 9ha9.oms of MarJe J:'rl.1,t "'DImon, Meek mto the qlf$ com/; iDrc'lsler s 'Pa~t we find an early ambl At the Fisherortable rut withm the fir"t half hour tl0n to be- a woman charlOt c1nver m a __,f thelf home comtng f

h ' h I CIY(~'US BC'n Lyon and Ro"e HO!b11 tare eaB'Of 'hove capt<1.weul mien w 1 e ~ h d h.... \ b h h BOt'fi m Coberg, Canada, t e aug ter tured m Comprom "ed the rom ani. ll.-broad Ernmle 51 tes has roug t en" I d h

1 1 r h h of a musH;:lan, MI&S D.te':l'<;:er ma e er plcture whtCh l,S shQwmg 'tt the Fl~her\long a o.aprper ltt e renc map w .0 C d br' g1 _" I I fir<;t lJit~bhqapp~arance a.li Up1 at t -e 1he1tre thiS week [he' production

EkS astont$h11l Y oui. UJ. pace tn: Uq IW d> 1 I<1Jge of five l,n 'Church theatnca S which ha"l been adapted to the "creen

td est surroun f ~fS and LU'CIe ~n SLniCC the'n ~he has J?layed Ju<;t about frorr 13. play by rd1th fIttgerald authorglIs,hrn.an, w:h9 .Q O'WS a krw'hwehe

1$ every known and unknown Tofe (In the 'Or IlIteit and several other outstand


"'Of ex=..:tmg to find th¥t seas f,. <1'"'1 l' ~ ~ f r d ~tqge from the chor~,> uo? lUff n-ovcls IS a romantic dram'l 0 Ulll

s~~d Char e-s. ~lngaJ;: °B" C"""hrlee. Featured W1th We;ber and Fields m vers,al appealhat she may m.arry hlm ut iflT e'l _j

h ib d d thetr MUSiC Han 111 New York durcoV'" Ren Lyon v..ho scored such a l)lg hlt~uch a very mcc us

h"'l ;:"lan s~me~ ~red by MaurtOe Barrymore (f'lth€f of III HJ,:l1 ~ Angels plays the roJe of

tOw she JU$t hain t Ceil, 'afJ e to ttr.u:tW it I 1 Ile],f ? John an LIOnel) to have a augh pro S~dney Brock !p'1 of a mtllQnalre ml

t!rs to do 1t \okmg gttt has played all over thts owner and hvmg t\1 a small !town ~o!bet Emmle Sybs has dIfficu1ttes WIth her cottpwy and m London Loves Italy IliIble tli) learn ht" dad s bU'>1I1ess from

tr:ughtlforward young daughter, who re;a.l name LeJla Koerber amon~ most the bottom

c.pfls at the Id~a 'Gl£ her moth({f marry rec~nt work, Anna Chn"'tte rvrtt). and~ 'That' (the E11lnchJm.) ",40 owns BIll ReducIng" D F b kmte W'thopt sham.. tho< Emm.~'s " * • Ollg air an soney make" of them an eS'celtct'it Comtance Bennett s pasts wou1d Netw Picture Now

f~jCh rISe and overwhelm a lady WIth less At United Artists!The good hus.band a-s husbands go sav.otr falre Devoted almost e.xcluslv~lyhrle appearmg to be Uij&us,pectmg has !o portra"-'1nlY la -1vs With thmgs beh111d f

,) R 'Y;-- long the popular exponent 0 makeperrett ~asp of wh~ tts; all ~bout them SInce h~r t:lm -ddn.tt COl1lStance b

,;l cheve auven1:ure on the screen Dougnd meets the ag-o-m"ZmgSItuatIOn nobly ,\.111 carryon the tradltlon when she FaIrbanks at last haSt iaken hiS love of tce by partIclpatmg m reltef work and 'ThIs engme provides full pressur<..rhey Lingard and DerbyshIre d1scuss goes mto Lady Wtth a Past upd-er thnlls out of the realm of fancy and by provtdmg employment £01 many 1t1Jbl'Icatl01'l.to all roam bearl1igs, to the~uctle s VOIce, eacl1 thmktng. of Luctle the dl'rectton of E-dward Hl Gnffith I1to the strange by pMhs of real llife people by the speedrmg up of govern connect1l1g rod bearmgs through conle.rseU and the ImmeUlate ~ssue and Castlna for Los~Squadroll the film H t' fl d d 11 d hf I:'> ~ bv hTS ap,pearance 111 AroundJ the' ment constl:uctlOn proJects e notes nec mg roUiS rt e :n e t elr enttreeth the W1\:rmth of • S.cotch' soaktng deaItng wtth the busmess of stuntmg World In 80 Mmutes WhH:;h tS now the 1endmg of army suppltes to rellerf length to all pIso1:on pms and to allr:to the EnglIshman 0;; vents he be\comes for the mOVie,> conbnues With the ad o;;!lOWng at the U11lt-ed Artists It IS a agencies thru corps area commanders valve Mters ThiS practtce of rtfle dnllfor an ~Ishman) vetibose and all dlbon 00 Robert Arm~trong The lead record of adventures whIch no see" a<; one method of asslstmg In the rellef lUg the connectmg rods proVIdes ane. time the .g:ent}..e, p.arrymg between mg play<eTs lor thiS e:X"CItmgstory writ narlo wrIter spun rfor hIm from Imag"'" ",ork unobstructed pasageway upward to thetil two -men g-oe.s.on ten by DIck Grace ht ......selrf a stunt d h t f th f d t f I""' mahol It IS a recor for t e star s ac The normal 1931 appro.p.rJattons for rtS on ptn or e oree S ream 0 01Rachel C:rothe-r~ play JS mtensel~ dlfa rr1an now lIst R,ch.r' DIX, Joel Me tIll

,,, {l tual experIences on a tnp around the the mIlItary and nonmlhtary actlvIttes ,,-t IS a pra'Cttee common on y on aa.hc, human and possessed of many Crea Enc von Srtrohetm Mary Astor Id hl~h powered expensIve cars

wor of the War Department/' the relport eever h:n.es It 1,S- debvered by a. cr~t-tc Dorcrt:hy Jordon and EriC Lmden _",' _C f h confmues, ,amounted t()- $#5,691,011 J\. fine mesh screen surrounds th.et'Af.L <:last" eaV1~per ect 111 hIS or er Freaks the story of cIrcus SIdeshow ~

d I E "'FlYl'ng Hl'gh" In the last analysts thIS vast sum, ex suchan hne of the 011 pump to removeIVI ua Wllll- M 1"< IS g'Omg ahead at the \f G M• • • 10 Year's Bl'g cept for tllslg'tuficatlt purchases tn for- all but the fi1'lcst parttcles of forelgJ1.i.~tU.dlOS under the direction of Ted "0 bngn couIlitrtcs and for perS9nal savings- mattfr I\nd those remammg 'lre caug t

'TH~ CHEAT' Brownmg dr,t'iector of 'lome of Lon Comedy Feature! out of pay an'd salartes, was ew-ended hy the ml filter '>0 th'lt only pure cle3,lTallulah.. ~ankh~~ wears lovely Chaney s most grote<sque productlOll;, for goods and serVlceS' furn1shed by the ml reaches the bcanug Stll facesothe, a"~ derIVes nluch color kom I h 't W-'Io. F rd I edae beau~tl settIn,g"s ()If a &tory that 11 t e ca., are 'I"" .......e 0 ,. A qU('Cr new kmd of aIrplane- a dumb CivIl populatIOn o~ tJ Umted States There arc two ltlnchons of any' It!

Y Hyali-,.s and Olga Bapla,no"Va mventor ap~ a W3.ttre"g who has a Because of the ~ m~t,~ <l!blhtt to bncant PrlmartJy "S Job IS to ehml

~by .0 "",ans nO\<' but whether ~e Clmrles R"~"les ann R"and Y~ung , b I I h '~I.~ f hI f-'~b \IU-,.. yep' to marry an aVlatot are hllarf- uy c Me y t. ~t '1.1 ~ t e .,h~ t f t b d th filn1fil s the p-T..Qm1ses. that have: been al e tat have lea{{~FJ.groles In: Op.e Hour .., .. ~ u¥ na f' 11e: l'Qll y ~rD'V1 m.ll a o;;n100 1

la4b for her ,IS a ma.tt.er of perSQna1 QUllly1'6$sed together III Flymg Hfgh," prepnatlOl1S ultIma e Y went to t~ o-f otl to eItmmate metal to-metal -COl1~! W~tJ.t" You," the <;hevala:e;ropus Oth~TS whIch IS now showmg-at the Paramount wage earner" tact wrth tts resultmg wear Its secon~

IPTh°1tCh h f in ImpOrt ani roles ate. J~ane.tte Uae... Theatre 111 DetrOIt "The re'P'Ott shows that Congress, as dary pUi'lp--oSle,hartH:tilarl~~ lffinlnrfante eat IS t e stOry 0 a woman Donald, e;,;lI.v'~,e ToIb.1il, A,dJpenne " .' ,."hb bhng~ trOUlhle on herself by si1tn!Ply Ames ",..... J:' lymg Hlfh IS the taHoe adl3.<ptatlotl a re)lef m.easure, ap!p)'"opnated addfJ.~ where hlg-h s-p:!.ed opeJiat1on generatestng ,vh~t .enters hex mm"dat th't;:-1l'lp- 'Cloudy WIth Showers, Thomas of th~ enormously st.ccess,ful BroadlWay botial sums for ~tl~'tt'Xpend1ture heat, ~ to 1:lrssipate t1us heaten,t wdhq.ttt much cOf1-<lecture as t<J Its Mitchell S cOlU"'dy hrt .-.£ the current <>ftage IDl1sIcal cPime-dy The fJTli!;clp,aJ on aFIny l'role~tS ;imo~lJ.~ij:. tc $S3,00Q, fHupmooIle deSIgns 1tS -o~hnS'"and f11

> Y role of Rusty IVause 15 played by tne 000 clurm~ the year 'the o"'eclal funcls >ely result She gambles: and gambtes Brh'ldway <>Ya"on h2<sbeen bought for "" >"Ii' bncatmg systems wlth a greater capatCam 111'"pJte of an a4Gnng: husband's film use same star 'Who made such a hit ~n New \'iere obhgated as Q'ulckly as pOSSIble, lty than IS ordma:nly beheved neces- ,e~s togo~to;vly,,grlwed-hya b.ttmg The Man 1 KI1I~d,' and Ernst Lu. Vorl" tbe ,uhber-faced Bert Lahr, the report notmg that the $25,500,000 .ary-so that a constant supply of fu


ver that Jpses her ten thousand at bltsch prodruct\on fG-r Paramount WJll Amenca's most lm1tated comed1Jan He made avalhble: as an emergency appro Ibncant IS always avatlable at the bearrdq and; tfies to save It by chaucmg fr11htre LW-J1,el&ar;ymore, Nartc/ Car" 1'1 ably supported m a 10n8'"/Sue:cesslon j;Jr1'1ttOn for nver" and hal1bors and mg SUIfaces LIkewtse" rt:hose SJl,tiTeany on entru<S.t d t her m of funny gags by lon$ and anky Char floan control was dtstr1ibuted 1.t once prec-autlOn'> materIally ass <;t Tn qmtkJy

1 m ey eo, roll -and Phdli'ps Holmes lotte Greenwood thrn 151 harbor and flver and floodlOCks los11l1gagam and to save her ------- redUCing l11gh mternal tcmperfature""ame acce'Pj.s a check from Llvmg$ton B k J h d control proJects and~.,t. ~4.l~prer first by providmg a const'lnt 011 filmIcollector (if oTJej>tat art and wo""'o, roo e' 0 ns an Laurel-Hardy Also <Ol1l1el dIrectly et~yed - 'h" .nd seCQl1dly by rapidly dlsSlvatIl1",II. the usoo1 understan<hn" Gang Michigan Hit! George Ba':croft apT" OprIatlOn reached a maxImum of generated heat


Hefure the 9~rg~m IS earned out, her - I:' ft-. lO?66 at one hme, whIle the mdlrect 'WIth length of cat hfe, fr-eed011l~artd mlCilresa mllhon OVel'llJ..S'<bt,and A four s-tar Hol1ywood cast are seen ..IJeatur:es.at ft.lVlera benefits extended to a numlber many from rcparrs and satIsfactory operatIon1t Llvmg~ton acceP$ her." ch.e~? not In Husfband'Cl Hahday" the current -- hmes greater than that dIrectly- depend.ent on proper lubt1"ca..t Llvnlg~tan ...ha'Vm~ spent many screen htt at t~w J.hcht.ga1l theatre RIVIera theatre wnt present two bIg" "'In accordanc.e with the mtent of don motor car owner') 'Can11Ot Ignorec: "'" c features the week siartmg FrIday~ Congress/ the Secretary states, Hno thts 11l Important phase of car care

~~.ffi!li!mIl...@:mffi1ffilJi'llJ@fii!1i!mgJiQffiH"_ C.1"ecrgeB.aocfoft m 'R1Ch Man',q Folly' project has been und.ertalen that did Only the correctly speclfied grader 'Ofl wlfth :ij.o~t'it Am-es, an'Ct FrnnlCes U?e not c-ontnbute dtrectly to the -arite-Irora.. lnlbrtCaht by the man'Ufactur~t $oh01114I !iiU5l~~~~.J'iiI.ffi'~~~ and the second feature tS "Beau Hunks' tmn of tU1"employn'l.ent, attd the f1!ll be used for the varlott! parts of the

Is-tarrtng the two famo-uCl comedlans mfluence' of ...the department has been car Those umts, s'Uch as transmlSS1Q-nA t La.urcl and Hardy exerted to dtvIde aIr work to ~he gr.e'at- J and dl1terent1al, shO"t.dd be k€1Jt at tlfe.' on.a~"ncernen ;:: RIch Man's FoJ!y" has a .cast of co;,t extent practtcable among the max- pro'per level and the grades of od sea-

~'-'Ii great st.renglth and popular~t.Y George UTIUm number of 'WOrkers' sonably changed Inferior brands off~ Bancroft the fQmaus star o:f the PIC~ Reierrmg to h-el3.rmgs conducted by lU1bncants should not be used Always

II ~.Ji!J1!Jmt~Ji!Jilllfi1.rc!J111_ii!J1i!liJli!lillii!J1i!Iillii!lilllllillB!fij!lilllllillB!fij!lillIB!fijii!J1i!IB!fij!lilllllilmt ture has one o:f the strongest character the War PolICIes ComlU1sslOll t~e per consult an authonzed dealer of the carroles he has ever undertaken sonnel of V\hlCh me:ludes six f'bmet }Ott drtve for proper 4tbncatlons All, J Amon, who was formerly located at 15023 officers four sel1al<jrs ~ml fonr'!Ilem- chassIS pomts sprIngs generator bear

K hit '\if I d h t Secretary of War in bers of the House ~fR'epr",ent!l!'ves mgs and other lubrICated JOInt> orI erc eva a "v1aryaIl, W1S es 0 announce the Secretary sa~.tRat "AI1:¥on,;;Tead- bearmgs should he regularl; PlIed andt~ hiS former customers that he is' now located RepOrt Frays Tribute Ing tbe reco,d of tes«mony presented greased as per mstruct!Oll books or

I at 1.1206Mack, near Lakepointe '" I 'Po Citizens' Judgment can not fall to be In1lpressed by tbe card ISsued by the manufactuterutter lack of J1DgOlsm or of m1lltaflstIc Wtth such a hIgh percentage of

j JVIr Amon Will handle the same chOlce A tnbute to the 'calm Judgment of tendency of the Amer,ean people There motor or car part f.,Iures due to Im-r M the people of the Umted States and can be no doubt that In the PW'Ular proper lubncabon we feel that everyI eats and Poultry as before the firmness and eonfideoce WIth w-hlch mInd war IS VIewed In 11s trus perspee- owner shouln determlUe what OIls andr im the~ ha\ e met the eCOllOllUCdepresson bve-as a gran and costly tt~g:edy t~t greases are to be used and how oftent Full line of Grocerie.s, Vegetables and Rake is contamed tn the annual report of carn-es 111 Its wake l1lJustt-ee wa-stage changed-to protect hIS l11ve"tment tf

~Goods. 1 Patnck J Hurlej Secretary of Wax cruelty and human sacrtfice ~ for no other rea"on

to the Presid-ent, released for pubhea The Secretary stated that wltnesses

T] h N ' 0291 tlOn todav j It 1'8" pTarhcularly sIgl1ll.ficant appearmg before Ithe. COmm1SSIon con -~--"----r ~ ,ep .L OJ!l:~ lq;crara 1 and grahfymg , the secretaxy says m 51-dered the poss1bIlity of war only as a Large EngtneerJng Llhrary~ T ---, ~...- ""• . hlS report, that there has be-en no hmt last resort met4Qd of defense '1he Enginc.eIlng SOCletlel:>library 10l of threatened Or actual vwlence, eIther l\ew York city H; the largest strICtly~1KI1ii:lr.tl1i\lr.il1iil1i'ilr.:il1i'i11ii11ii:lrn1~ cl. L th L'f f C englneel'lng library :m Aweriea andt:::~:7="7~~'~";~~P-~I:.I""=="''''='''''''' external or Interval m ongm, md'lcat- eng en 1 e 0 ar probably in the wOlld It contams

~ 1mft'JilI~~~ ,"g a necesSIty for the dlrect employ- By Righ. Lubrication 1GOOOOYolnm'"I """ lJ.j ment of the army The past twelve _

20 pe..;,.c-n'" Dl'scoun+' Sale nOlltlIs were ren~ed unusual hy pro Writes Hupp Co.r ~"( _.. longed and dISastrous economIC and-po-lItlcal dIsturbanlCes throttJgho.ut the The Importance of .proper IUlbricattonworld Our own nahan has !been pass- as an a.td to long Me effictent opera-mg thru a maJOr elCOnQIUICdepreSSIon ttOn and economy tS emphaSIzed by aWlih 'Consequent hardshtp upon ImpOl"'- -current statement from HupJ1tlQbIfetant clements olf our p<il'pulatlon. In spIte headquartcLs hereof thIS the umted front presented by 'A.bout 90 per cent {If engme andOUr people has not ib~en br.oken In a "Other mOV1l1g part troubles may bestn~de tMtanee bf these mamfestatJ'01toS dIrectly traced to up-proper or msuffi~ot bhnd paSSIon whIch under even less Clent luibntatton,' says HupmQbI1eserlOUS condlbons tU the P:3st, have at Ehnllnate the ddiclent or Imp,rpp-ertImes demand<ed the Ut1hzatlOn Off mlh- lubnc<;lnt and ed-ucaJl.e owners to thetary force Radical and suib",exslve ac neceSSIty df (the rIght kmd of lubr1>ca~trvlty has qeen al91°st noneXtstent-or twn at correctly proq;>ortlOned mtervalsat least has been so mvanatbly repudt- and the potentJal use- of any motor car-ated by the calm Ju{}gment of our Cl~- WIll 1Dcrease by leaps and bounds Inhenry-that It has faded utt~rly to addtbon, more satIsfaotIon and real en ..hecome of matter for the 1ttl1nedtate lOyment wIll -e01ll1eto the owner whoconcern of the War Department from WIll thus re~hze fax more from hlS

~ a m1lttary standppmt TQ:ese facts aJ'ie 1l1vestmentindIcatIve of the natlOn.s str~ngth and lE:ngmeers, kUQiWmg the habIts and Girilhnr the Globe

Iof the corufiden.ce of the people In tb,=~r mchnatlOns 01 the maJ9-rtty of dT1vers, The earth is belh.d with more than

I 300 000 mll.s of submarine .sblesr JeadeJ,'"sand their gove1""nment pay partlcu ar attentIon to l~'brl~at!ng over 100000000 ml1es 6f ielep;onecMr Hurley states that the War De systems Take Hupm"bl!~s Century SlX I wlFes, and ~OOOjOOO miles of 1elegraph

vartment hai been oble to rel\der .~r.. a. an example ~~ble~.

~---" ." ¥ ,\ k

Page 3: I Residents Revue* *: * * Staged The Goodfellow Ed- -Itlon iirdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930... · 2006-07-15 · formerly han.ctled the HupmOlbl1e hne In


•=m.. -







__ DBR'~iL~~ .;.-_ __-l..._ _ _ u....

'OJ:::lO==:::IOClOI!:' ==='OJ:lOJ


~~l'1irft_~~~m __!!I.fl;i!II;wr.~'"


Phone LEnox 1162

Order Your

Grosse Pointe Park, Mich.



15121Kercheval Ave.Between Maryland and Lakepointe Avenues

Grosse Pointe Printing Co.


0' al~o a fine display of higher, n

o/':priced cards to choose trom

Fine display of 12assorted cards for





•::l gOld :=

Glfb and Th"l1" Job.One: of the major dIfficultIes of thf

adole$cent girl Is "adJustment to hework hfe -or more p.lamly gettinalong WIth the. boss -Woman s HomComp'1nion

UMOVIO of a MOVie"

It is not pOSSible so far as wecan find out a(;tually to make a realmOvIe of another movIe light wouldbe neces~ary and consequently therom le bemg photographed would notb~ Visible and could not regIster ontne film lIte f:>xpel.t'ii so-v that of -_course. through double e,,:pDsure thp =.-effect of a movie of Ii movIe could andhas been gIven or tl at the same thingmight be done through pen 01 wash ..dra.wtp ..gs. In other words an ad.\ ancedfQrm :of animated cartoons -\"'\ a"'hlngton Star

Orchestra Mu.ieAn orchestlU lS a ban-o. of perform-

el ~ on ,allon,; mstt uments 11KludJng€''ilpeoullJ those of the \iol cl>tSs..ldapLcd fOJ IPnc1('llllg th(' laleet J...mdsof conc<lted mU"l( as s\mplOme8,o,eltmt~ etc Hod the '1CCoU111amment"\ 01 OJ l;'l 1'" 01aLOllU" mml):,t.g.aud the ]Ihl or fOt VIet"'. ng the blIghtlrcou.cet tec1 mUblC for thcatrltal per-[ormance"- dance):, de It f,-, torn-mo-lliv <,Ub'Lwgmshed flOlll the m 11-taty or street bane! of pla~ ers on "mdtn13trument~ and flom a group of soloplaVf>lS fOi r€'udermg (;hambcr musie

Great Pan J. Dead t

Any trIf<mber of the old school whostrolled through Dllenberger "oodS! ona "Y'€'cent C;:aturdav afternoon ~m not -wonder that the sunshine of that ma~Ie grove inspired a literary aunt to reCIte to her SIXyeal old niece the Glf'ekmyth of Apollo and Daphne

Only a member of the old school WIllappreciate- the aunt s chagnn "hen Inth€' height of her f:>nthmlasm gla<::,p1ngn beer} porh a~mg in turn the att!tude of thE' sun god and 1.he growthof lfl~f'l;l 100.1e: blan('he~ and 100-1.'JflOm D lpl1l1€' e: fdll hoclv she 'va" III<;pnel1 b~ the mOf.t tl "gn"lted of ]001".8

from the tlllY pllltosoph 1 and the 1111patient rem 11k

1\ow Aunt Rpss lIlal e upone I '-IntlrauRpollS "\ews

Indtan Ru:e CultivationWhen the emly flU traders extended

theIr actiVIties DQrthward thlOUgh the •then llttlf' known LOUlsiana territoryano entered the (SiOUX thf> ChiPDP\\ aand the (leI" llI.rlon~ they found theIndIans U~1Ug wild rIce in much thesame manuel as the coastal and south =eln Indians used maize writes La.w5

rence \V Pedl'o'ie in the Sclenilfle :<\.merican The rIce fields were mere-.ly shallow lakes and seemed almost -Umltles;;. III extent H-arveliltU:l.g wassimp-Ie A llght canoe was poledthrough the fields, a squaw seated in =the stern \vlih a bIrch bark basket infront of her In her hands she heldt \0 ShOlt clubs As the caODe made alane through the lice, sh-e hookedsh£>8.ves of r1f>estalks with one cluband bent the hp'1.ds ovel the basketwhlle with the otlrer she strnck thegrain [10m thf> h€'ads With it qUIcksharp blow The !Lll"'thod while pam,,-iakingly Slo\v \Y'U!productive, and adeft workE'r ('ould harve'!t several hlmdred pounds In a day

Point Made by HomelyLawyer Was "Chncher"

~ hey stIll tell stoll€a ahout old D n e"\. (holJ:lon the COlOlful "\f'W Lngl tn I1 l.\\ vel Hflo had the reputation of l L

lng one of the lJolU0hel;lt a'-' weJl 1Smost lble j"nq PIs in \ elmont In 1 nthh Nfli 1111 (1.c:e a 'oulhfuJ oppIt''nt la.ddn~ ](>gal aIglllUf'n(s tu d 0

....way the lU1V 10 his s1(1('- by mah-IlL,lemalk'il about Da\es pf'I"-onal appealnnee Ihen Da\ e got up for HIP la'i;t" ord

lGentlemen of the Jury' Jlf' ";Iud Jmpressn elv I admIt that I am nothaf'dsome I have at no tIme beent.ble to tdke 'l'1y prIde m m~ loohs IPc1\- e been (' tlIed homely before nowbnt thanh the LOl d 1 .lm not simple'

J he Jury lesponded at once III hUIc]icnt s favol -I os Angeles r1JD(>~

Qld Fir\>arm LavishlySet Off With Picture. a

The ]avlsbne$~ WIth ""hlCh marrvancient fireai.'IDS wpre adorned Issho'Wn by it recent dCqUlSlilOD of tne:MetrapoUtan Museum of Art say;; anartiCle in the New York Times magazine ThIs Is it gun with it stoekcalved by a German artIst JohannMIcbael Maucher "Who floUlished atthe end of the Seventeenth centuryIn lUaucher s time patrons of the artswerp also frequently lovers o-f the III

chase~ and artists ,ere therefore 1ll..ely tQ take special care in maki'ogtheft" :pa.trOfls" guns Two- men wor1.edon thifil particular gun, Maucher onthE" stock and "[ C Schefl. of G.razabout whom littie Is kn0V{u on thpbarrel

The stock IS of walnut inset WItha series of ivory pla.ques On It:Manahe.tr carvfld a number of ~puitedhuntmg scene'! and ODf> sho\\- lU2,' thebirth of Venus-apparently a favOllie subject with hIm for it appeat'J _On four other guns in foreIgn co11p('tions Np""{t to the lock a stag and aWild ass are shown each with a gro1esque bird s head in front of It Onthe butt are plctmed a boar hunt a _hon and hlS mate a wolf attRci lllgR. hare a hunter seatf'd on a deadboar and blowmg hlS horn stags,hounds pursumg hare~ and foxes eteThose part~ which ale not thusadorned are decoratf'd "lth rlch fohatron

ions Clubs in U. S. ToAid Unemployed: Also

Uurge Public To Buy(Co11!tl11ued from Page One)

urcihases wlthlll the lImIt of theIreans ThIS movement has been 80 suc5sful locally that the LIons Interna-

on at has sent slmllar pledges to all ItS

600 local dubs 111 the Untted StatesReplIes numbered m the hundl eds

aye been recel\ ed :trom LIOns Clubs<ill sectIons of the country and the

edge has been SIgned by thou:,ands ofembers Smce a part -of the pledge JS

o soliCit slmtlar actIOn among othershe movement doe:. not end WIth the10 lS Clubs .lone The pledge readss folloVITS

upon my honor ab a member Qlfhe (msert name of local servu ..e dub)

herebY pledge that VI- hlle we arenerg1l1g from the depreSSIon I '\\111

o the bcst of 1l1} ablhty observe eachnd cvery one of the follOWIng rule~

1 I WIll furmsh employment, whenossl.blc on two d'8.Y~of each week toOe -ur more persons for work outSIdef the ordturry routme for WhlCh Iegularly paY" emplo) ees

'2 I w111 seek the procurement ofslmtlar ple~ge from at least one other

person who IS not affilIated W.1th allY o.fhe serVIce dubs of the CIty

3 ~ 'vVhen feaSIble and economicalI ,

my clrcumstances cDnslde'1"edI WIll purchase drurIflg each week at least twoarticles u~f1.11 to myself and bmdy butnot es<;ent~any mdlsrpensrable

i 14 I l\V111endeavor to comply mspmt andpn letter WIth any and everya-cbon th~t my club might de.tetmmeto take if! the Intereqt o.f reduction ofunemplo¥ment j

j In acjdltton to the -pkdgesj manyLlOUS Cl/ubs have been -cIfcula-tmg smallcards t9 be lelft in stores rwhen !pur..chases ~re made under thE' plan Theseread as) follO;W9.

1To The Manager, Th1~urchase, UQtan mdtspe.n-salble

one, 15 ade m SUPlPort of the alhedserVice c uIbs catnpatgn tq reheve thepresent U1 emiployment an<t tfepresslOn

Situation' \ .... Early to Qed L-1435 I A space )<; left for the s~gttature of The ag~ of discretion IS When you _Re- t the purchaser and the nam~ 9£ Ius get over the idea that sophistIcation _

Iclub , \ ._~_ -J Jconsl~ts In losln~sleep ~~---.",'~".:k"#"r ".,: u ..A c , ;Y~! "b:C~~ ~~." ~l ~~ $?" 2,*#;, .!'.~MOO m:~'{k~~Jd;, ....... ~"L -.-...... ~'!i<-~~)J~~""""':L -,",--'-'-"""<.J..<'W:

'l"liursday nec 10 1931

ILOST-Red PersIan male ootGrayton Road NIagara 2747


Residents Lead Cast of mlttee Mrs Lawrence D Buhl," " vIce-chaIrman, Mrs John WMoney Box Revue Dyar 2nd vIce-ohalrman, Mrs

To Aid W. O. N. P. R. John H Potter, Mrs ELFord,Mrs J B Schlotman, Mrs Ad-

(.olltlnued {rom P1ge One) dlson E Holton, M~s John Be11he 'leveral b1l1hant ~ong'l (;ompng('d l\1oran Mrs r C I(ldner) MISby Arthur 1-1 Vaderubcrg JI These r Ot11~ Yfendel-.sohn \1rs Les<terhave been wntten for thIS Revue " \1011 Mrs }I redenck ] FIshel

Back of all th" actm'y and furn"h "'lIs Anen ShelMn, Mrs Henrymg the energy and en~hus1asm IJa'l '1 :Cwald Mrs C II Heckerbrought about S l{'h a<;toUl'lhmg re l\Irs Chatleq lV1organa, Mrq CsuIts 15' Predel c1 'sweet. Stearns noted 1-IaYl\ard Murphy Mrs J amec.,noto111yfor h1"1 SOCIal anndubact1Vlt1e.,ICummmsky \{1<:;; \Vll111.111 HOr Ius pO$ttlOn at the head of one of the I Gage-, Mrs Albel t Gllffith, 11r ..great llldlistnal estabhshmcnts of M~ch Fredenck \V'lldlDn Mrs J E.-19an but also for hIS ronne'Ct10n<; V>11hI 1\Io01 e \f to;; John W GIllette1mateUt dramatic" vVhcn he W1~ draft lVfl <; lugene Snllth Mrs J 1\1cd for thJI) difficult Job by Ml <; \Vc~<;o1 \\ oolson \1r'i Robel t L 0 BrIenSevbU111 c.halrman of the Money Box I '\1rc: Charleo;; Cro,;,; Mls L MRevul." commIttee of the Woman" Or j Baker "VIn Gordon Bailey, MISgamzatlOl1 for Proh1J:l1tl011 RefOTlli he I P lyons Mr'i P \f Wygentpractically gave up busmcs,; for rthe \11<; A H OtIs lVIrs DeanperIod of the rehearsal" Dayan 1 n gl t IRucker \1r'i SIdney T \1Illerhe has 'been "'orkmg at h <; task ably \T rs Henry Wemaman Mrs Ed1Ss1sted by an orgalllzatlO 1 ha'ihly put ward T Uold, lvfn Jack Pyletogether for thIS one peMormance The l ChaIn.iIan 0.1" productlOn Mrsc10S111gscene of next Thursday 111ghts J Alden Blanchard, prOdUc.tlO11performance wIlllbe the CUlnUll-MIOnof mana gel Nirs Fredenck Stearnsweeks of Int'enSIVe achvlt1es and all who '3 age manager MT C Haywardhave seen the rehearsals are 1.maImOUS vluiphy, dancIng dIrector IVJrsIn theIr expreSSIOn that he w 11feel an Horner BIgelovv , mUSIcal dIrectorph rewarded by the recept OJ the He l\1r'5 Andrew HotchkI-s-'5 MISvue I'> bound to get ( olburn StandIsh Mrs Roy

The Money Box Re\-ue choru:. I'; ( hapm Yri A I Week" ,II J-eeyoung very young but It a be;1Ut ous A.nderson l\fr RIchaI d For,,) thone and IS 'Composed of a group of deb ,II Hay" ard 1 homp~on ,1rntantes ,,,ho ha\-c gIven up ma l} actn I Phdp..., 'e-" hen"\ \tIr \1\ '1\1 Anttles they have ant clpd.ted for} eare, 111der"ono der to do theIr pleparatlOn f.or the '[U...,lldJ C0111l11rt.tee \11'., An\..R 'v '\ B 1 h 1 \\ P llotchkls' 1\1r "eym( UI

nom 'III Arthul Vandenberg\V \\. !\ndel"m \11'> Hom

BIg eIol\Co,tume, vir J Hcr,hhddOrchestra \If r Seymour SlmS IS donatmg hI!:>"en Ices to (ht 0111orchestl a

ChaIrman of pubhclty Mn Jo Bnen VIce chaIrman pub~ly \lrs F Caldwell Walker, WIlham I McGlvenn M,sarles G HIgbIe Mrs Lewl' Ledm Mrs Fredenck M Alger

MI s Joseph FraLer Mrsmel P Caulk111s Mr' Henrydman

Chauman of program comrmtMe; I\rthur Gardnet, vIce

aIrman 'II rs Carlton !VI HlgV[,S r:[,ram H \I"lkel, Mrs

edenck C; Stearns Mr' J BId T r Mrs I:dv.1l1 B Henry,s W Connelly Mrs Rohert

Bnen \llss I ranees Boothrs I ee Anderson Mr' T Wor-n Hunter, Mrs Wm W Ban-n, Mr. Howard F Sm1thChaIrman of box c01Umlt1ee,rs Phelps Newberry, Mrs CDean, Mrs \iValtel 0 BrIggs

~, R D Chffpm, Mrs H ImnmghamOhairman of W'lys and meansmlll1ttee WON P R, M"UC1enS vIooro Jr Mrs FreelIck (' lord Mrq H,ram Walk

Mrs 'IV Ledyard MItchellrs J Vmcent Dwyer, Mr' RoyChapm, Ml s J Alden Blanch

d, Mrs WItter J Peabody.

ev.te Irs a ley Ige 0\\. as Jeen (11 echre-et1l1g the act v bet> of tl e chon ~ :01"d a<;achlCved amaLl1lg results "lIr

1 he el rectors and co mn ttees 1Il CIcharge of the Revue 1l1clude scores ofreSide ltS of Grosse Po lU: and 1,n a;

o11o\vSGeneral Comm.ttee on

recChaIrman ot general commIttee

lifrs V.,TI,.,;:,sonSeybuln V Ice TchaIrman of general commIttee hClMrs Ed'"J1 H Bre" n 2nd vIce 'I'llcha1rman of general commIttee ( hNhs Robt 0 Dernck chaIrman Drof productIOn Mlb John A JrBlanchard productIon manager VaMr I'redenck Sweet Stearns, Botreasurer, Mrs John K BangsJr programmes Mrs Arthur teeGardne. puhhclty, Mrs J J eh,o Brlenj 'eats, Mrs La" rence D bICRuhl hQXes Mrs Phelp, Newher lrry, autographs Mr' :Oldney R 10Small, \Ishers, M,ss Joan NIchols l\flpa.tronesses, Mrs T W1tter Pea- 0'body MChalrluan of tIcket sales com. de

Buti..... Directory na



ALL-AMERICAN SPORT SHOPRadi~ and Spllrfmg G~ods co

Len.191t' 14409'E- Jetfer.on at ChaIm .... I01

I Mi.eellaneoul erI l\fDar

Daniel G. Allor lDCI LSon. Ice & Coal Co.

... _ ilia ........ pm

" KooIo7 ROIId eLP. F_ een


aeneral Carpentl\l' Work pI

I W. Specialize In Repair Work 111

I tr 14 Aidaemeat Niagara-8718 tI Grool. Plllllle F.......... i.... T


tI Interior and 'Exterior Dec~rator IPaperhanain.lIr, Kal.ornmiDl', PamtUll',

"Gt'81mn.1' tAll Work GllaraDtmI 1057 WAYBURN AVE. aI Lati.ll "It De.rolt, Mum.

--; p0I Maryland Electric ~

I (:qatraetiD, aIlcJRepairiq r

LEnox 6284 1881 MU'J'laDcJ a

\. Gro_ Poillte Parkt

IReview Liner.For Rent-Flab

lJPPER FLAT-lIVO rooms and bathheat fur 11<;hed and garage near

(irosst P.omte HIgh School at Oaktreet and Kerche\ al Reasonable In

tQUIr.eat 680 Washmg11:on Road

I For Sale-----FurnitureI.ONTF'ITS oT 8 room house 513

Neff street 5 30 to 7 eve111rIgs

Miscellaneous:JRUERS taken for real oon<s, t.

goodness Ola Fnghsh FrUIt Cake:ldI NIagara 4447

ILost and Found


Page 4: I Residents Revue* *: * * Staged The Goodfellow Ed- -Itlon iirdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930... · 2006-07-15 · formerly han.ctled the HupmOlbl1e hne In

Thursday, Dee 10, 1931;-

___ Ji!li!r~~

CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS ATTENTION ~A genuine $25.00Crane Reproil picture beautifully fra111-edI

will be given to the holder of the lucky number absolutelyFREE every second Saturday Night.



Call Niagara 9817Frank Tickle, Prop.


17018 Kerc;heval Avenuebet. Notre Dame and St. Clair

Neuse the Lamac Process-Shoes resoled are brought back to anginalstyle shape and appearance No nails used-Looks Like New

Village Shoe Repair ShopWe Call for and Deliver •••Best Workmanship ~nd Materials

""l!!.l!.l!Ullm!l.!m!J!l!~!1!l.!!.llmllllmmrumm~mU!lm!.mJ.'J.!m!J.!l.m!J.!tl!l!!L!l!m!L!l!!l!l.!!l!.I!~!l!.l!r~!.J.!I!illrnm!l!.l!m!l!l!!OOJ!l!1!~!l!l.!!1!J!!l!IJ..!ll!J.m.~.J.!m!J!!.l.!1!UIl!!I.!J.!m!l!l!~!I!l!!l!l!liliiTiIiiTi1iiTi1iiTi1iiIiJiilifii1'ilii1iTiiTiTiiTiliiTiTiiliTiiTi1i~iTiTiiTiliiTiTiiTiTiiliTiiIiliiTiliifiIiiTiTi6liilifi~iliJiiliTiifiTiV liTiliiTiIiiliTiiliTiililiiTiTiiTiJiiTiTi~i1iJiiTiJiiTiliifiliil'i1iiTi1iifiliiTiIiiTiTjifiliiTifjiTiTiiTiTii\ir::~ ~a! 5G~ ~~ ~ !I:~!l:i I=i.. ---= --am~ :~... - ..=: ~it! ~~ ~!I; ~i+i ~~~~ ~

i~~ ~•• as== ~~ ~~ ~~ !I:I """ I; ~~ --~ aa

m THE ~~~ !I:~ l-I ~;!t= m~ !I:

i :,(jrosse Pointe Review I* ~!t! !e~ !I:~ !I:

I 'Lions Goodfellow I* ~~ ~~ m~ ~!l!! ~

I Edl-tl-on' II j~ ~~ ~!I: ~~ ~~ !!+!

i== I== ~.. ~INext Thursday, Dec. 17thi~ ~~ ~!Il! ;1=I. :=~ ~IProceeds for Charity for Grosse Pointe Township I~ [ I m~. !B!I: ~Ill..".".'~!I!I!-'•1~l!S¥.l!S¥.'~ !l!!.!!l!l!__ !Il!l!II_!l!l!HH!Il!l!!l!l!m~!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!lLl;J!!l!l!IJ!!l!!l!l!~'~-_IJ!!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!OOl!OOl!l!l!!l!l!~;r;t;l!S¥.~~~.t.,,~l!S¥."":1• U•.""""""-.r.ifj1j-.r."""ifj1jifj1jifj1j~ifj1jifiij,1""""""1)1""":-r~\",,~::":1i1i~~~~~:"":Tor."::::::::r~Tor.ifiijUoF

,~~~~m~~~m~~m~~~~~mmmm~m~~mm~mmm~~mmmm~~~~mmm~~~~mmm~~~!!p':1i1iiTiTiiTiJiiIiTil • II • liTiTiiTiTiililiiIiTiiTiTiili1iiOOiili1iiTiliiTiTiililiiIiTiiTiTiiTiJiiTiTiiliTiili'l'iliiTiTiiTiliiliTiiIiTiiIilii1iTi1 • liTiTiiTiTiililiiTiTiiTiJiiliTiiTiTiiTiliiTiTiiTiTiiTiTiiTiTiiTiIiiraTiiTiTiiTiliiTiJiiliTiiTiTiiTiliiliTiw ('~~ m~ mIi GROSSE POINTE HARDWARE ~~ !I:~ !I:~ mm Santa Claus Headquarters for Grosse Pointe Ii;i ~.. ~

== 1\ I I) I) I~~ !I:~ ~~ ~~ ~m ~i !I:ISaturday December 19th, Santa Claus will visit our II store . . . A FREE Gift to every child visiting II us Saturday, Dec. 19th only.. Santa Claus has ~I for this day opened a Special Kiddies Post Office,I:iwrite him a letter, come in and ITlail it and get I

¥!I: your FREE GIFT. ~i~~, I.:: ~I 16915E. Jefferson bet. Norte Dame and Cadieux I



Grace Church

On Cru$oe JatandThere a"'e now more than WO per

t ...... an Robinson Ct'll&oes 1s

'f. 'i- 'i-

Maunel Komroff's"Coronet"

A Book Review

Mt. Olive Lutheran

(Contl11ued from Page One)penon for every man woman andduld In the commull1ty Another commUOlty s transportaA:lon hnes report a500 per cent 1l1crease on the day of thesale Another commumty reports thatsales mcreased 100 per cent and numerous other communtbes report that theCOml11U111tvsales plattl reacted mu<:hmore favorably on communIty bUS111essth~n had been anticipated

Community Sales DayAdvocated by Lions

To arnve at a clear understandmg ofthe full meanmg and mtent of thts bookreqmres prdbmg for It IS strangelysubtle deep 111 meal1tng perplexed Withtffi'phcatlOns dark wtth portent IttS a cnttclsm a1med at blooded anstoLracy and Its symbols and exponentsThe author seems to be mdulgmg tl1

amused yet dark laughter at the expense of 1'1 etense and those VI, ho arepretenslOus

He traces \\ Ith a qUIetly derlSlve penthe peregrinatIOns of a pair of symbohcbaubles _ a golden coronet and a Sliverwhip Set 111 mohon by greed pridehYPOCrISy and cruelty they pass fromhand to hand among the desce1ldants ofthe French count de Senhs and thenoble RUSSian house of !the BttrmsThey retam thetr full meantng andvalue as symbols of nOible blood regard-less of the gradual rIse of the nerwaristocracies of mtellectual l1Ibthty mtlItary power and material wealth forthe anstocracy of blood manages always to mamtam a certam quahty of"upertonty over these

Komroff s handhng of Napoleon s retreat from Moscow would alone jushfythe, book It expresses the full horrorof that march of death the almostunnal1:ural cold the all envelopmg blizzard that made walkmg Itself a fightthe hundreds who lost thiS fight andfell thetr black hands plercmg thesnow

If thiS book lives It wtll not be entlre1y because It IS a subtly pomtedcntlque of blue~bloodedness by meansof tracmg the dechne of two noblehouses It Will be because It appears soopportunely -at a tUl1e when blood ISdIsregarded when abthty and sad tosay wealth enJoy the gteatest mfl.ueru:eand prestIge It wtll be because Itpomts out so defil1ltely the hollOiWnessof a Utle at a time when the world ISalready suffiCiently convmced to understand and readliy see the truth of sucha contentIOn

Manuel Komroff lays clatm to threeprevIOus novels-The VOice of FtreJuggler s KISS and The Grace of LambsHe has also wntten a number of htstorlcal works and contnbuted to theNew York T~mes hterary supplementCoronet may be found on the shelvesof all the Grosse Pomte hbranes

By VIRGINIA BURGESSThese are l1lghts when a good book,

complemented of course by a roarmgfire and an arm chQtr has lotSgreatestattrClictlOn \{y own <:hot<:e for wtntermght readmg tS a book wtth hlstoncal1"0nnectlOns biography 1S best Butnext best tS a novel WIth real <:ontentand depth If you are of the s.ameopInion allow me to tntroduce you toone of the latter -Manuel Komroff s


Radnor a\ enue (Lmcoln Road) atMack H C Arndt pd.stor 442'5 Radnor NIagara 3023

On Wednesday there wlll ag<l1l1 be anAdvent servtce at 8 P v.r SundayservIces are held at 11 a m and Sunday -;chool at 2 30 untll ChnstmQs Acord1al In'VltatlOn IS extended to all

Do you and ~ours spend SundayPi ofitahly? Do you attend any placeof worshtp ~ Your chJldJren do they attend Btble School ~ If you are lax 111

these matters there 1S a remedyCome to service at the above named

meetmg house you !Wtll be welcome9 4-5 BIble S'Chool £0>1" all ages11 00 \Vorshirp Br-eakmg OIf Bread7 30 Gospel se'tVlceWednesd-ay 7 45 Gospel serVice

Lochmoor Churchof Christ

SundQY Decem'ber 13-9 20 a 111 Church sC'hool Mr Stan

Ie, H Hall supenntendent10 45 a 111 WorshIp ''\1th receptwn

of new mernbers and celebration otHoly Communion ::'ermon subjectThe Unpayalble DebtThe pubhc 15 cordtally 111vlted

mornmg next week for Mornmg DevCltt:lons over WWJ from 8 15 to 8 30Members of Covenant Chotr wtll furmsh the mustc

Me.. iah Lutheran

Presbyterian ChurcliOf the Covenant

Services for Sunday, Dee 13, 1931c.:ervlce -of Holy Commumon and Re

ceptlOn of new members Will be dbserved at the 10 45 M'Orrnng Worshlphour The most unpor1:ant setv1ce ofthe Church IS the Holy Commumonwhich every ChrIstIan should atten-dDo thiS Jesus saId 10 rememJbranrce

\of MeIn the evemng at 7 45 Mr Nickles'S

wlII give the second of the s.enes ofsermons on The Parables and ModernLIfe speakmg on The Sources ofCompassion

1I1USIC PROGRAMM 0 I' n 1 11g _ Prelude Comnml11on'

Gauuod Quartet Rock of AgesBuck Anthem Sanctus GoUtllodPos.tlude Allegro AssaI j Smart

Evenlng- Prelude (a) At Partmg of Day Frysmger (b) MelodYIn Ab West (c) Andante Canta1bl!eTchaIkovsky Solo The Gaud Shepherd MISS Helen Thomas AnthemAnd the Glory of the Lord Handel

Postlude 1U G MerkelThe Rev Valentmo Pal1lzzol1 pasrtor

of the Itahan BaptIst Church, WIll bethe speaker at the 6 30 p m service ofthe Young Married people s Club, htssubject bemg ProtestantIsm III Italy J

• • •Mr NIckless WIll be thellpeaker e"l f

The 11 0 clock morning worshtp atthe Jefferson Avenue Baptist ChurchWIll be conducted 111 the mtereS1 of theJunIOr children The sermon GettmgReady for ChrIstmas Will be addressedhy the Rev Way1and Zrwayer ipnmanIv to thts age group In '1:he conductof the serVice he wtll be aSSisted bythree bo) s and two girls The vestedJ U11l0r Chotr of fifty VOli:eS l,tUrlier thedIrectIOn of Mrs Wlmfred Douglaswill make ItS first Sunday a'PIPearanceat thiS servtce Boy S<:outs WIll act asushers ThiS 1S a part oft a prngraJn mworshIp educatIOn planned tor theJUntor chIldren

Snowmen w1l1 be the subject olf theevenmg s-er010n by Mr Zwayer Thelarge evenlOg congregahons enjoy theopenmg song serVH:e of familiar hymnsled by Lmcoln Igou the special musICI), the chorus chOir and the mspmngthought provoklOg messages whIch are1l1/cluded 111 thiS sixty U1lOutes of evenmg worship

Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church




Southeast corner of K<eroheval and :(.Lakewood avenue" A H A Loeber1434 Lakewood avenue TelephoneLe 10X 2121

The last of the three MId-week Advent SerV1ces WIll take place on thecommg Wednesday, December 16, at8 II> m The Messiah s Mtrrades AccOfldlng to Old Testament Prophe-cyWill be dlSICussed 111 the sermon.

I am the Way to the Father Thtsword -ot Jesus", III be the topIc of thesermon on the commg Sunday Decemlber 13 Services wtll be held aJS fol

Ilows German at 9 a m Enghsh at11 15 a m Sunday School at 10 15a m

The Sunday School IS now busy rehearsmg the program which tS to begiven on Chnstmras Eve BesJdes theregular morning seSSlOns of the s<choolspecial seSSions Wlll be held 1'n the afternoon on the commg two Sundays Inorder to gam more tIme for work onthe Christmas program


• i

above Gtlligan s




Monday N.ght Only $5000 inCash FREE-3 Prizes

Satisfaction GuaranteedHickory 7061-J

'5101 DlarI ....ola ,,_Con_ 01w.,..


114M...Ib_alh, cor. J..... _Madame Paulette


Altering, Hemstitclung, Pleatin.Monograms, Buttona Covel"ed

U ...." NI3 DotNIl

rUES and WED, DEe 15-111-



"This Modern Age"

Elaine Maril ArndtDance Studio

SUN and MON, DEC 13.14-


"The Cisco Kid';

Country Store NIght, $1700 in .. h.,al.o 24 Grocery Prizes FREE.

The Harper MethodShop -




"Range Feud"

rHURS & FRI, DEd 10-11-


The Road to Singapore


Dr. Lawson B. CoulterOsteopathic Physician

1520. Mack Ave. at LakepointeTuxedo 2-0022

Hours 10a m -9 p m.. exceptSaturday and Wednesday

15319 Cast Jefferson nr l\l'othngham

Shampoomg Scalp Treatment Fa(,1al Massage Mal1lcurmg FmgerWavmg and Marcellmg Call Tuxedo 2 3778

Prw-ate and £lass lessons for be-g'mners and advanced cilnldrenand adults 111 Ballet Tap, MU5t

Icat Comedy, Ballroom BeglUinersAcrobrabc Modern GermanTechmque and Charat:ter Danc~

~ tng' 919 BarrIngton RoadlID LEnox 7639

Holdups Are Increasing'lay Safe--Have your home pro-tected for two and one.half centsper hour.

Dawn Patrol R~sidentialPolice

D. A. R. Chapter PlansVarious Activities To

Promote CitizenshipGuests of Fort Pontchartram Chap

ter Daughters of the Amencan RevolutlOn for luncheon and the afternoonat theIr next meetmg Fnday December 18 at Hotel Statler wIll be the'Children who are members and prospectlVe members of Cad111ac SocIetyCh11dren of the Amencan RevolutIon

An especially fine program has beenarranged for the pleasure of both guestsand hostesses Mrs Etta S Wilsonauthonty on ormthology wl11 presenther lecture on Our Fnends the BUcLsIllustrated by large shdes m full colorThis wIll be followed by a mus1cal In

charge oJ Mrs Fredenc L WyckoffOn the hostess commIttee for the da}

are Mrs A J Barnum Mrs L WHoffman Mrs W J S Jury Mn JohnMarshall and Mrs Frankhn B P.eck

Many and vaned are the aotlVtttessoheduled by the Chapter Members areplanmng to brmg to the meetmg theuusual holtday remembrances for theAmerIcan Legton HospItal at BattleCreek The AtllerlCantSm Commtttee IS

cOllecllg flam the home contnhUtlonsof books for the Merchant ManneL1lbrary branch at the Soo and 01hooks games magaZll1'es etc fOl theBo~ s Dub of Detrolt Even the chtldren are dOl11g their bit by maklOgscra-p books and stuffing cuddle toysfor the I eague for Cnppled Children

A group from the Chapter has beenneetl11g every other Tuesday a-fternoonat the Internattonal InstItute to assIstMexican women wtth sewmg and matenals Much-appreciated ThanksgwlOgbaskets were sent to the.ge famlhes and

Ufi1i&~mi@illi[mi@Y@jmmIDi1i&~mi@ij IChnstmas gtfts are now being contrtvedr; for their chtldren Another grouip has

been meetIng regularly With the HIghland Park Women s CltIzenshlp Clubwhtch IS dtrected by M1SS Flora RobmSill execUI1:Ivesecretary of the Amer.1can C1tlzenshlp BureaU m HtghlandPark rhlS grotliP 15 planl1lng a receptlOn and tea for new Amencan CItizenson New Year s Day at the Htg'hlandPark Y W C A

Mrs L W Hoffman has just organlzed a Ch1ldren of the Repulbhe Cluihamong the chIldren of the HoughtonSchool dlstnct Contnbuttol1'l were

1 voted recently for the DetrOIt Htsrtort('al Society and the WaJshmgton Memonat W11ldow to be ded1'Cated next February 111 Central Chnsban Church

MRS E J SAVAGEPress Chairman Fort Pontchartl"al11 Chapter D A R
